#i suppose the height of siken-sanitization has passed but
amnesiaguy · 9 months
to be honest, reducing siken’s you are jeff to just the “you’re in a car with a beautiful boy” stanza is such a disservice to what is one of my most favorite & beloved fucked up poems. have we no love for the identity fuckery with the twins… “god is the space between two men and the devil is the space between two men”… “don’t leave the room until i come back from the dead for you. i will come back from the dead for you”?? the whole poem is mounting anxiety about the teetering construct of the self that builds into panic by the last stanza, most of it concerned with the blurry line between identities [brother / lover / father / god / etc], and a lot of it is gross! i’m sorry, but if you want the car with the beautiful boy you also have to take the fratricide with the lug wrench and the incest metaphors, you can’t cherry-pick the one bit that isn’t yucky!!!!! it’s a yucky poem and that’s why it’s good!!!!!
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