#i still wpuld get it tho
g1-skywarp · 2 years
I've been thinking about straight up destroying my brain in favor of not being able to suffer from mental illnesses and specifically prevent me from going through delusions but then I realised that I just straight up reinvented lobotomy
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hayaku14 · 2 years
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I'm excited to see percy again bUT ALSO WHAT THE FUCK????? saved the world twice and they still won't give him letters of recommendations are you fucking kidding me
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
just ordered some suspiciously cheap plants <3
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arolesbianism · 8 months
Ok no real reason I can't make Olivia and Jackie stalien designs is that there's absolutely no reason they'd realistically wear glasses as staliens and that's absolutely unacceptable what is a Jackie without big ol glasses and how the hell would I spice up Olivia's color pallet without glasses I can only design so many more brown staliens before I finally lose it
#rat rambles#oni posting#eternal gales#like even if they both were eyed staliens theyd have absolutely no reason to buy glasses nor the ability to do so as facility workers#the absolute best I could do is say its for fashion but even that would be shaky due to the general social perception around glasses#aka as a more pretentious thing that only rich staliens who have nothing better to do commission#more specifically it gives off the impression of a rich person who doesnt work to the average stalien#which as Ive said before is what makes beats so weird looking to most ppl because shes a broke as shit factory worker#for jackie and olivia itd probably be unapealing even if they did have the option just due to how itd make ppl take them less setiously#its not That big of a thing tho so Maybe theyd be willing to get them anyways but I feel like jackie is sensitive enough that she wouldn't#olivia is a maybe but still a most likely not mostly because she likely wouldn't want to cover up too many sensory hairs with her job#it wouldnt be Too bad but generally for her work youd generally want to have as many upper half of the body hairs available as possible#mostly because otherwise it can be easy for other sensory stuff to muddle the image (mostly smell based)#and that is mostly because of the gassious nature of stalien blood and how generally tricky it is to control stalien bleeding#theres ways around dealing with the active blood but generally they try to work with fresher flesh#oh also the blood itself wpuld probably dirty and rust up a pair of glasses fast so youd have to leave those in your private quarters#anyways I need to sleep Ill imagine that yall are nodding politely as I post this lol
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29121996 · 2 years
im in shambles
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local-diavolo-anon · 2 months
Hi! if you're still willing to take requests for fnaf, may I please have some Sun (and Moon too if you want) x reader headcanons in which the reader has autism and adhd? thank you!
Yes! I absolutely still take request headcanons! And of course you may!
(i will focus on how the two of them will navigate with you your daily life for this)
Daycare attendant x adhd-autistic reader!
Being a robot trained to care after children of all ages, the daycare attendant is aware of what autism and adhd can mean for a person, and what they might need
Their caretaker role always takes priority over pretty much anything else they are doing, and mosre often than not you're the one who they are caring after
Something they learned early on was how white noise and background sounds helped you relax, especially when it was time to sleep
Both of then would alway be eager to join you in anything you do after all, and this wouldn't be any different, whichever is out will lay next to you and will craddle you close to feel the low whir of their internal vents
Sun is very careful, and maybe a little neurotic as well, this leads him to file long mental lists of things about you, like which textures make your toes curl in disgust and which you'd melt for, this both for when he is to cook for you and when/if he choosing fabric for anything
Be it a new piece of clothing in a store or raw fabric to sew something with
Because of how nervous he ALSO is neither of you lacks in stim toys, whichever you might prefer
He probably has and broke more than you ever owned tho, the grip strength of a 6 and a half feet tall robot is pretty strong
And just like you it is not hard to get overwhelmed for an anxious, neurotic robot, so both of you learned what to do when the over is at their limit
Honestly you and the daycare attendant share a lot more than what you initially believed, at least "function" wise
Something you complete each other however, is in caring for chores, be them housechores or on the job (if you're an employee at the megaplex)
Your short term memory loss and executive disfunction can make taking care of ir/regular chores hard, in a way or another, and sometimes you forget important or big things
Sun's memory however, being digital, is perfect, and his obsession for order pretty much compensate anything you may have forgotten about or accidentally overlooked
He does not mind it, and actually enjoys doing extra things since it helps him calm down, however he will also help you keep a calendar and/or an agenda if it reassures you
Moon is more of a gremlin and will lean on your gremlin side more than sun
If you like to collect things, whichever those may be, he might "borrow" something from the megaplex' lost and found, or things he found on the streets that he think you might like and bring it to you
Even just a cool enough rock can be something he deems worthy of your attention
Something he just puts those trinkets in your pockets and you will end up finding a hanful of stuff next time you put your hands in there
Moon is also the ones that has more time to listen to you infodump about whatever you're interested at the moment, be it a movie, a tv serie, a cartoon or a videogame
this is also because he will use that knowledhe to make obscure references at random that he knows only you can understand
If you take any tipe of meds, Sun is the one that WILL remind you to take them, the idea of you forgetting a medication, whichever that might be, terrifies him
It actually terrifies them both, Moon however is always left a mental note by Sun to tell him the meds have been taken and he doesn't have to stress over it
Another thing they wpuld probably do, is keep track of your eating and drinking schedule, since you may forget to eat or drink for days at the time if not reminded
That's definitely another thing where their caregiver nature kicks in perfecrly, and they'd both make sure you get a good meal, be it by reminding you, cooking with you, or doing it in your place (they want to feel included, they don't like to be alone, neither of them does)
I covered as many topics as i could here, both because as someone with adhd i'd give a kidney to be in their care, and because i really like to wroite these
i hope these are of your liking!
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milliemuus · 8 months
Possible future stuff (just a snippet ;) ):
Dokutaro: ‘No…no! Impossible! How is my power core destroyed?!’
Kieran: Wait, his colour’s weird, this means, maybe we have a chance now? If so, then…
Ogerpon: *angrily growls while bringing out her cudgel*
Kieran: *puts his hand, blocking Ogerpon* *with rage* No,I’ll take care of this.
*Grabs Dokutaro’s neck while the True Finale starts*
Who are you… To think that could prevail? For all the sins you’ve done, You'll fall on your face and FAIL!!!! Now then! And In The Final hour our HOPE STILL SHINES!! BLINDING THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS… IN THE FINAL… FIGHT!!
You’ll never harm anyone again Like the runt you were, You may have possessed me and and made me harm my family! But when YOU harm my friends?! You're asking for a Kieran smacking! One single KO punch, Will send you sorry runt a-packing!
*Finally, in a fit of rage, Kieran mustered up all his strength, and punched Dokutaro, sending him flying in the air. Finally the second attack is over, but it truly was a Grand Finale*
(v) PV! Pecharunt: And that’s how I got my ass handed by my Kieran.
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: *grimaced* sheesh, I hope you’re alright.
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Now you’re making me feel that I got off easy…
Azure Dive Pecharunt: *curious* Really? What happened?
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Well, let’s just say my Kieran was AN ABSOLUTE SIMP, somehow, his simping was able to shrug off my possession for a short while, but it’s really tiring, ugh, I’m SO TIRED…*internally screaming*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: ohhhh, that sounds really annoying to deal with.
(so, ANOTHER IDEA, AND A SNIPPET OF THE PECHAS. So, you said most of your stuff is inspired by BIS, so another lyrical stuff by Juno Songs (credits to him) for Kieran in the Key Change segment. Also, I changed a few things to fit the context)
(and this could be a sequel’s ending since, the final battle is sort of discussed already)
(so maybe?)
(Also, opportunity for the Pechas to interact :), also if S&S Dipplins Pecharunt confusing you, you can go to @dipplinduo and see the asks, he’s the author of the fanfic)
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'M FINALLY GETTING TO ANSWER BUT I RLLY NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG! I'VE BEEN Listening to the actual BIS soundtrack, and smth funny I've been thinkin abt is a mario-rpg style thing of Project Venus.
So, you know how in BIS the music changes depending on whether you are bowser or the brothers? Esp inside bowser? I wanna make themes based off the inside bowser themes for Kitakami, BB Academy, Area Zero, etc for PV!Kieran, since his POV is technically warped. Like when we first meet him, it's obvs gonna be normal, but it slowly but surely settles in as time goes on because I wanna say there's a side episode of him training (Like Bowser Jrs Journey was a side episode)
I'd love for everyone's Pechas to interact! I'm a bit intimidated even tho I'm mutuals with both dipplinduo (I believe) and I am definitely mutuals with tealmaskmybeloved!
However, I don't think I've heard much abt Azure Dive, but I hella love the name 👀
I wanna find out more abt them, though! I don't see them on my tl much and I get busy, but I'd love if you told me a buncha stuff, if you'd like to! You're definitely not obligated to, by any means!
Also, I'm very sure that PV!Pecha wpuld get the walloping if a lifetime for sure! Maybe not just by Kieran himself, but by Kieran's ancestor, too 😭
In fact, I think that's what I want PVs Mochi Mayhem to be about! Uncovering Pecharunt and Kieran and Carmine's ancestry with Eustace (The Mask Maker) and the sealed curse that Pecharunt has him under! Ooooghh, givin me so many ideas...
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
would u do a yandere joel miller x reader romantic request? he takes them because he thinks he can protect them and keep them safe? they feel less safe with him tho and try escape, idk anything yandere joel wpuld be great!
Metal Chains
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You were in so much pain, you felt cold metal beneath you and around your wrists.
“You shouldn’t have been out there on your own, god knows what would have happened to you.” You heard a deep male voice say as you groaned and slowly opened your eyes.
“Where am I?” You groaned, you remembered trudging through a forest and then everything went blank.
“Somewhere much safer than where you were, that’s for sure.” The man said as you groaned and pulled against the restraints.
“I can’t offer you anything, I can’t shoot, or hunt.” You growled as he just stared at you.
“You’re not here for me to enslave, you’re here so I can protect you.” He muttered, you slowly sat up, still restrained.
“You don’t know who I am, I can fucking handle myself just fine.” You replied, pulling at the restraints before he gripped your wrist roughly.
“Enough!” He shouted, suddenly making you freeze in shock.
“Get off me.” You muttered as he sighed and let you go.
“I’ve survived this hell, alone for a long ass time. I think I can do it without a creepy stranger.” You grumbled, he still just stared at you, void of emotion.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in weeks.” He muttered making you chuckle dryly.
“You do remember we’re in an apocalypse right?” You retorted before he stood up and walked away, back up the stairs, signifying that you were in a basement.
“Don’t fucking walk away!” You screamed at him before he slammed the door.
After about five minutes he came back with a bowl of food and a glass of water.
You would kick him and make the food drop, but you were starving, literally.
“You should be more thankful.” He muttered, handing you the bowl before you cautiously took it and looked down to see it was baked beans.
It was better than tree bark.
You kept silent as you began to eat, it was the most flavour you had tasted in a long time.
The man sat back down and watched you eat.
“What’s your name?” He asked as you glanced behind at him.
“Y/N.” You muttered with a mouthful of food.
“Call me Joel.” He replied as you nodded a little.
He noticed how easily your guard had come down, just with some food.
“You’ve been alone a long time, haven’t you?” He whispered as you finished off the bowl.
“Aren’t we all alone in this?” You muttered, handing the bowl back to him before he held a glass of water out to you.
“Drink, and no. We don’t have to be alone.” He grumbled as you skulled the water.
“Easy, you’ll choke.” Joel continued before you handed the glass back to him.
“You need to prove to me that I can let you roam around here without those restraints. But, even if you do try to escape you’ll die pretty fast. I’ll let you think it over.” He said before leaving again, you were speechless.
After two hours, Joel came back, but this time he was covered in blood.
“Make your decision yet?” He muttered as you looked up at him in fear.
“I’ll stay, I won’t try to escape.” You whispered in response, making him smile.
He grabbed a cloth and began wiping the blood off his face before taking away the restraints on your hands.
You rubbed your wrists before you acted quickly and pushed him away from you, you darted towards the stairs hearing him yell out.
You barely made it up the stairs before blood covered arms wrapped around you, causing you to scream.
He manhandled you back down stairs and to the metal bed where he threw you down and restrained you again.
“Try that again and it’ll be your blood all over me.” He growled as you panted.
“Fuck you.” You muttered before he slapped you across the face, you kept your face turned away from him.
“Looks like you’ve got more thinking to do.”
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bookcub · 1 year
i have come to terms with the fact that i will read the narrow road between desires by patrick rothfuss because who am i kidding but honestly, i feel so . . .dejected about it
like i have so many mixed feelings. i am okay waiting longer/never getting doors of stone but i will always have a part of me that is disappointed. not to mention, the broken promise from rothfuss of not releasing the first chapter from over a year ago is still quite upsetting to think of honestly. so to get another book, one that we already have a version of actually, with no word on dos, is a total letdown in my opinion.
another aspect is that i did not care for the lighting tree and it made me reevaluate how i see bast, whose head i did not like being in at all. there are sooo many characters i would rather see (denna, wil, sim, devi, fela, mola, tempi, elodin, vashet, kilvin etc) that getting a reworking of basts story will not excite me.
and ofc i am an advocate for not reading books one doesnt like but i know i will regret not getting thos book, not reading it (i may dnf if i really dont like it), and not engaging with the fandom about new material. so i am going to buy and read it because i wpuld regret not doing it more than actually doing it.
anyone else having mixed feelings or maybe just total delight or total disappointment?
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final-boy · 9 months
haissgisheishue sorry this is so random but I remember you made this fnaf au like a year ago in the summer I think?? And it was something along the lines of Michael going outside instead of Charlie and he gets killed by William and I think he possessed foxy I can’t find the actual art so I don’t know for sure BUT. Im curious to hear more about that au. Like give us the lore behind it WHAT HAPPENED (if that’s ok with you ofc)
Dead Mike AU!! Cuz i never gave it like an actual name lmfoaidnsakll ill be honest i never ended up developing it a BUNCH but basically what would have been like the first chapter or so if it were a fic wpuld be (with like the BIGGEST of help from @/peariandpine figuring half of it out with me lmfao :
- Party of 83 happens like canon, Mike is bullying his little brother and CCs head is crushed - this au would also be going off the idea of CC being the protag of fnaf4 so hed be in the hospital
- this causes a bigger rift between Michael and his dad ofc and i wanna say the fourth night is when the catalyst of it all happened
- Michael, after another fight with his dad refuses to go to the hospital alongside him after work , preferring to just go on his own later > Charlie gives him his jacket
- William leaves the hospital more annoyed and amgry than he was before because he had still expected Michael to come at some point anyway AND because thru his preexisting jealousy of Henry is angry at the man for trying to console him - he takes it as an insult esp since Henry has never lost a child and has two (sammys here btw lol) perfectly alive, healthy kids
- as hes going home, stewing in that anger and jealousy he sees who he thinks is Charlie walking alongside the road and begins to pull over already thinking of killing the girl only to be met with Michael
> he demands Michael get inside the car, Micheal refuses and William steps out to try and get him in - some nasty words are exchanged and William gets,,violent
- Michael panics and runs into the nearby woods , getring slowed down by the jacket snagging, eventually throwing it off to the side
- unfortunately, for him he hesitates upon coming across a river and that gives William more than enough time to catch up
- William, again just absolutely angry and hopped on adrenaline (and a lot of his own self hatred bubbling to the surface) starts taking his frustrations out on Michael - hes not thinking clearly at all and with Michael looking SO MUCH like him it really is not helping him out until...Michael goes silent after Williams dunked his head in the water
- Michaels not responding and now Williams starting to come back to reality and begins to panic, realizing exactly what hes just done - Charlies death, while it still would have been a very on the spot thing, would not have been as messily executed and , in Williams mind, would have had a purpose
- he then tries to convince himself that this is okay actually because michael killed his other son so really this was punishment.....only for CC to Live in this version
- Michael here would actually be taking a page from Andrews book and attach himself to Williams soul instead of any one specific animatronic - since Foxy has always been his favorite tho he does tend to mess eith it more when in Freddys and manifests himself throigh its image when messing with William
- this drives William ro try and get Michael back somehow, whichever way he possibly can to absolve himself of this, to put things back together again,,,
- this au would have also led to Charlie, Sammy, Liz, and to a smaller extent Evan, trying to find Michael after his "disappreance "
- this would also just be a huge more psychological horror on Williams end tbh 😭 i dont think ALL of the things happening and supernatural occurences would be because of Mike - Will is severely paranoid, hes not in the right state of mind at all, and i think hes kinda managed to create his own personal agony monster
For awhile i was considering having Mike possibly not have even possessed ANYTHING and would have left it as purely Williams own descent to madness
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thecraziness · 3 months
u should write hcs about the greasers playing super smash bros cuz i liked ur hcs ab them playing mario kart 😭
i was actually thinking about this lmao
the outsiders playing smash bros
again each guy has their fave characters
tho def more variation bc there are SO MANY SMASH BROS
pony= link, samus (bc its cool)
he likes experimenting bc there's so many
johnny uses ice climber twins or ness
like pony he experiments
tho pony complains a lot
"i hate this character can we quit"
darry is captain falcon
everyone hates him
*screen* "FALCON PUNCH"
*the gang* FRCIK YOU DARRY
darry also likes meta knight
everyone hates both characters
soda is sonic, yoshi
twobit is kirby or king k rool
he thinks its funny its not
steve= steve or pikachu
brother loves spamming taht down b button
and he normally wins
"SUDDEN DEATH" steve: *spams down b*
dally-snake or one of the fighters
doesnt really like smash too much tbh
"if i wanted to beat someone up i would do it in real life"
guys remember how i said they wpuld sweae in mario kart?
multiply it by 10 and u have the swearing in smash
they all hate the battlefields where it moves
yk how i said steve wins a lot
he does
but its also a bit of a tossup
cuz its easyYYYY to lose
lotsa random battlefields
dally=still a rage quitter
funny? yes
yea fighting happens a lot
do not be there if u value ur safety
hope u enjoy? sorry this took so longgg
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
Honestly, Alphys would be ecstatic about how strong Blue is, (one of the strongest in the multiverse!). She wpuld also be upset he felt the need to hide it tho, even if she understands the reasons why once the resets are explained
I can absolutely see her just being so proud of him. He literally achieved what she never could have dreamed for herself, and still gets to keep his morals that she tried so hard to protect for him. She feels more bad for underestimating him than she does the fact he didn’t tell her, cuz in the end she understands why.
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mangoposts · 6 months
In july i was in egypt, got a drink from starbucks(no more Starbucks tho boycott😜) anyways i told them my name “natalie”, and they were so confused they got like 4 workers to try and identify my name, then one if them was like “ah ah okay okay go next line go stay pick up” whatever the fuck he said, so i went to wait for my drink, after like 5 mins a girl started yelling “nutella” then “natural” TURNS OUT SHE WAS TRYNNA SPELL NATALIE I WAS SO CONFUSED, PPL STARTED LAUGHING AT ME FOR SOME REASON LIKE HOW TF WPULD I KNOW THAT NATURAL IS SUPPOSED TO BE ME😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Omg😭😭😭😭😭😭 This is why mobile orders are ON TOPPPPP people always pronounce my name wrong for some reason it’s literally the easiest name to pronounce but they still get it wrong
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Ngl if what you think it’s true about Sam mindset about marriage, then i got to say it’s almost sounds like Sam actually don’t want to settle down or that he is scared to do that. Because:… before 40 no ? Seriously? Alright. I get that by now he might not want to and i obviously understand that Kat as well doesn’t want to. I mean she is 23 i think. So she is really young still and marriage is a serious thing. But I doubt that Kat would like to wait to 40 to finally get married. I feel like closer to being 30 she will want it more … i just think that she would like to have a dream weeding every young person have. So i feel like Kat probably would like to get married when she turns 30 or smth closer to it
+ ngl. She has been giving “hints” that she wpuld like to be engaged already. I mean that caption under that one photo. Her video “what will happen in 2023” and her video cover. She might say she don’t want to settle NOW, but it’s clear that she would like to make some steps for that. And i just know that it either gonna end up later in a big fight with possibility of Sam making compromise and doing it for her or in the worst scenario Kat gonna end things with him because she would be done waiting for Sam to make more serious steps … especially if she’s gonna be 30 or 30+ by time
i mean, there's nothing wrong with waiting to settle down, especially when sam had made his entire life about working. so even if he did want to get married, he would have to change a lot around just to have time to do any of that. and i don't see him doing that as of rn.
i don't know for certain why sam jokes about waiting a long time to settle down. it could be the reason i gave, of not wanting to end his youth so soon, or it could just be that to him there's no point in settling down earlier than that. maybe he wants to wait bc he doesn't want to have kids super young. maybe he feels like marriage is a huge step that in general he just isn't ready for. and that in itself is enough of a reason to not get married.
there is no perfect or set time you have to get married in. my parents dated for 10 years and then got married, but waited another 10 to have kids. in the end, it's whatever works well for each couple.
and as for kat wanting to settle down, idk. i think she's a bit too young and naive to do that rn. 23 is super young to get married, at least personally to me. i didn't even start feeling like an adult until 25ish, so i can't imagine someone really wanting to settle down that early in life (even tho technically that's what my mom did). but i can understand why she could possibly want that next step.
but realistically, if kat really wants to get married, that's a conversation her and sam have to have on their own terms. they can't get married strictly bc fans want them to or society thinks it's weird they have dated so long but aren't engaged. i don't exactly see sam wandering off to be with someone else, so it's clear to me they are both committed to one another and that is a good indicator that they could work in a marriage. but there are a lot of moving parts that they would have to really talk about.
in the end i hope things just work out for them regardless. even if it's something that could upset fans; if it's healthier for sam and kat, they should do that.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
*the other doctor comes in and actually thinks the machine is kinda cool, but is designed like a torture device he asks about everything it does to her*
Dr. Bob/new doctor: *assesses after introducing himself* I have parts that can help make it more conductive so the electricity will stay within the machine instead of shocking you. However, Id need to do a test with one part, a limb would be safest, to see if itd be safe since it is a different metals. It does still have titanium and osmium in there tho. It may react poorly to the machine but also may help. But today, I can of course get it loosened up at your skin and get it waterproof.
*Greta listens carefully*
Dr. Bob: If you want the part, I can get it installed today, but make sure you keep the old part. It may need to be reinstalled. Id say a week with the new part wpuld need to pass to label it a success. Ive never had to think of both a human half and robot half in the same body, so im not saying for sure weather the part will work, but it should.
Greta: is there anything you can do for this part? *she shows him the machine entertwined to her soul n her chest*
Dr.Bob: May I *he asks for permission to touch to which Greta agrees*
*He assess what can be done*
Dr.Bob: I can loosen the grip its got on your soul and take the *a wire name* out, connecting it to your spine, however, i cant completely seperate it. When I do that, it will partially disconnect it from being linked to your blood pressure, therefore it wont be a concern to you.
Dr Bob: Ant questions, objections, concerns?
*a bunch more science talk, Greta understands most of it having lived eith the machine, but not all*
Greta: I havent got any.
Dr.Bob: great, i will get the stuff i need
*waterproofer, the part, and tools to loosen it*
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g0om · 1 year
also after hanung out shw told me abt s pwrty they had and i wish i went bc its a staple party in my ex friendgroup where we get rly drunk nextnto a channel near us and even tho she basically described thst they had an orgy i still think i wpuld have loved to get drunk in a groip but she said thes didnr invite me bc they thought i woildnt go
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