#i still want to know if the mushrooms play into the size thing
aaravos-answers · 2 months
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is it just me or are you like huge. i mean super tall. like....uhh...is this how you swallow people? (whatever that means)
Clever starling.
What do you think it means?
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her-power · 1 month
So Called Chaos (Part Four: Modern single dad! e.m x fem reader)
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❤️‍🩹🚨‼️18+ Minors DO NOT interact ‼️🚨❤️‍🩹
Trigger warnings/content warnings: Talk of Grief, Child loss, Death. Panic/Anxiety Disorder. Swearing. Fluff. Super cute friendship scene with Eddie & Robin.
Summary: Full summary on Part One.
Word Count: 4k
Cold, it was so cold. You don’t know what happened; you remember laughing with Sam and then the next thing you see is the crack windshield and hearing the sirens. You don’t even know how they got Lily out, you remember her crying and then silence. 
“I’m here baby.”
“I don’t wanna die.” 
“You won’t.”
“Everything hurts.” 
You turn your face to look at him, but when you do, his face is almost unrecognizable, his skin is blue, and the piece of metal in his stomach seemed to be three sizes too big. 
You scream.
Screaming yourself awake wasn’t uncommon for you, but it had been a while since you had a nightmare like that. Your hands shook as you sit up in bed, turning on the bedside light. You felt the sweat drip down your neck, and you take in three deep breaths. It was four o’clock in the morning. Only hours ago, you were the happiest you had been in a while, but that was now overshadowed but the crippling anxiety you felt in this moment. Pushing the covers off yourself, you go into the bathroom, opening the bathroom mirror to take your lorazepam to settle your nerves. You dry swallow it, gripping the porcelain sink in front of you as you try to settle your breathing. 
It was only a dream. 
Please, I can’t hear your voice right now.
I’m sorry.
You tried to think of making love to Eddie, you tried to think of the way his lips felt against yours, the way he made you laugh.
Nothing worked. 
You felt like screaming, you just wanted to feel peace. Not for those few hours like you did with Eddie, but you wanted the peace to be constant. Everything was so fucking chaotic inside your head; you were almost convincing yourself that the last 48 hours weren’t real. And that you were still locked up in the psychiatric unit, getting woken up every fifteen minutes, pretending to take your pills and your plan to end your life as soon as you walked out those doors. 
You are here, in your childhood home. You have air in your lungs, your breathing is starting to slow down, your hands are less clenched. You are here, you are healing, and you are safe. 
Why do I have to be here and heal?
Why do I have to do it without you two?
Why couldn’t she have stayed a little bit longer?
“My beautiful baby girl.” You whisper, clenching your stomach, your throat burns, and you sob. You curl your legs up to your chest and lay down on the cool bathroom floor. It hurt, it hurt so bad. Your mind was playing tricks on you, you think you’re better off dead. 
No mama! Stop that!
Your eyes snap open and you gasp, sitting up quickly. “I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I don’t mean it.” 
Mama, you don’t need to be sad anymore. I’m with daddy.
“I know.” Your bottom lip trembles. “I know.” 
Go find kitty.
Lily’s lovey. Her all-time favorite stuffed animal that she took everywhere. You get up from your spot in the bathroom and go down into the basement. You sneeze immediately as you approach the back part of the basement, the smell of your parents’ old belongings bringing you back to a spot in your childhood, an overwhelming aroma of dryer sheets permanently stuck to the drywall. You find a box labeled Lilyand open it up, you find her old books, some of her old shoes. You find her coming home outfit and feel the tears immediately fill your eyes. You lift it up, it was a purple onesie, with tiny little mushrooms on it, it also came with a hat. You place it in your lap, and you almost scream in excitement when you find the cat. You pick it up, smiling at the raggedy looking thing. It was an orange and gray tabby looking cat, missing a plastic eye, its whiskers were bent in odd directions, and it’s left ear was practically chewed off from her teething. You take the small newborn outfit, shut the overhead light off and cuddle the cat as you go back upstairs. You go into your bedroom, jump into bed, and immediately fall back to sleep, hugging the cat close to your chest. 
Eddie was in a solemn mood, Robin could tell. He told her that he burnt the letter, he said he just did it on impulse, but he doesn’t regret it. 
“What are you gonna do when Hunter asks about her?” Robin asks gently and Eddie pauses as he’s cutting up Hunter’s strawberries. Hunter was content in his highchair, watching his favorite toddler show. 
“I’ll tell him the truth.” He says, placing the strawberries on the tray. 
“And what’s the truth?” 
Eddie looks at Robin, she had a way of Jedi mind tricking people to get you to think way too hard about things. “You know what the truth is.” 
“I know your truth.” She says, leaning against the counter. “But you need to tell him her truth.”
“I’m not gonna make her out to be a monster if that’s what you’re thinking.” He says, almost snappy. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” 
Robin asks Eddie about you, what steps are you planning to take. “You already slept together, so what happens now?” 
“I don’t know.” Eddie grumbles. “I haven’t talked to her in a few days.” 
Robin sighs. “Is that why you’re grumpy?” 
He whips his head towards her. “I’m not grumpy.” 
“Says the grumpy man.” Robin raises her eyebrows and gently pats him on the shoulder. “Just be careful, this is so new for the both of you and…you’re not the same people. I don’t want you two to strictly form a relationship on trauma bonding.” 
“It’s not like that Robin.” Eddie sighs, turning towards the sink and rinsing off a few dishes. 
“You just reconnected a week ago, man. How do you know that?” 
“I just know…I’ve always known. There’s been this tether there between us since that night in the woods.” Eddie groans. “It sounds crazy, I know it does. But, there’s something there.” 
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Or her for that matter, but…” Robin takes a fist full of his hair in her hand and turns him to look at her, he mutters an ow and laughs. “You’re my best friend, dude. My brother. I can’t stomach the thought of you getting hurt again.” 
Eddie smiles sweetly at her, gently taking her hand out of his hair and squeezing gently. “I’m gonna be fine.” 
“Famous last words.” Robin smirks and Eddie rolls his eyes. “Just don’t let your guard down. That’s all I’m asking.” 
“Yes, mom.” 
Eddie had put Hunter down for his nap not too long after Robin left. He noticed Hunter was coming down with a little cold, his nose wouldn’t stop running and he was a lot more restless and he could hear his soft snores on the monitor. He had a low grade fever and when Eddie called his pediatrician’s office, the on call nurse said to monitor his temperature and to give Tylenol or Motrin to help with his fever. Eddie hated when Hunter would get sick, it always threw him into an immediate panic because he would convince himself he wasn’t breathing or if he gave him too much medicine. It was moments like this he really missed Olivia, and he hated admitting that to himself. She knew what to do, even if it was so hard for her to exist in that moment, she was always super mom. 
“Vapor baths to help with the congestion.” Her voice reaches his ears and he pauses on the page of the book he was reading. 
“Yup. Got it.” 
“I see you burnt my letter. Surprised it took you this long.” 
He doesn’t answer her, his eyes continue to scan over the same sentence in his book over and over again. His palms were getting sweaty. 
“Eddie, pretty soon I’m just gonna be a memory to you. Can you just look at me?” 
His eyes squeeze shut and he mutters a broken. “No.” 
“I’m not gonna be here much longer.” 
“Lucky me.” He mutters and he feels her presence disappear. He looks over his shoulder from the couch and slams his book shut, not bothering to mark his place. He hears the sound of Hunter coughing through the monitor and his soft whimpers. “Da…Da…Da…” 
“I’m coming, duder.” 
He makes his way up the stairs and into Hunter’s nursery. He was curled under his blanket, sniffling and coughing. Eddie places his lips on Hunter’s forehead and is shocked with how much hotter he felt. Hunter turns on his back and lifts his arms up to Eddie who picks him up gently. Even his back felt hot. Hunter rests his head on Eddie’s shoulder as he fishes the drawer one handed for the forehead thermometer. He places it on his forehead and it beeps twice, Eddie knows that’s not a great sign. The window was lit up red: 102.3. 
“Oh buddy.” He says gently, rocking him back and forth. “Let’s get some medicine into you and get you in for an appointment.” 
Hunter replies by sniffling and burying his face more into Eddie’s chest. Eddie had given Hunter some medicine to lower his fever and had called his pediatrician to get him an appointment. The outcome was the flu, on top of an ear infection. Eddie felt so bad for him, he was so uncomfortable and even with the vapor bath he still clung to Eddie like a lifeline. That night, they laid in the couch together. Hunter laid on Eddie’s chest with his pacifier as Bluey played on the screen. His fever had gone down, and Eddie had set up the pack and play in the living room so he could easily get to him if he needed him in the middle of the night. 
Hunter had fallen fast asleep on Eddie’s chest, Eddie let him lay there for awhile, gently rubbing his back, playing with his hair and just admiring his features. He loved this little boy so much. He would move mountains for him. 
Eddie’s phone buzzes on the kitchen table and he carefully places Hunter in the pack and play with his favorite blanket and stuffed animal and stretches out the muscles in his arm as he walks to the kitchen. 
You: Hey, sorry I’ve been MIA. Been in a weird griefy state but I’m okay now. How are you?
Eddie smiles at your message, his heart doing a back flip, excited to hear from you. Don’t apologize, I’m sorry. Been there, it’s not a fun feeling. I’ve been good, Hunter has the flu and an ear infection so I’ve been dealing with that. He’s okay, his fever went down. 
You: Oh no! Kids being sick is the worse. I hope he feels better soon. Do you need anything? 
Eddie: We’re okay! Got some medicine in him. Let’s get together when he feels better?
You: Absolutely. 
Hunter was almost 100 percent the next day, Eddie, however, felt like he got hit by a truck. He was curled on the couch, a blanket around his shoulders, his hoodie was over his head, and he had cold chills going all over his body. Robin had called him, and stated she was gonna come over when she heard the sound of his voice. Hunter was on the floor of the living room playing with his blocks when Robin walked in. 
“You look like death.” She laughs as Eddie turns to her, just having blown his nose. 
“You don’t want to come near me.” He grumbles. 
“If I get sick, it gives me an excuse to stay here and quarantine with you two.”
“This is awful, Robin.” 
“Go take a nap.” 
“I don’t need a nap; I need to lay down in the middle of traffic.” He chuckles at his own joke, but the chuckle turns into uncontrollable coughing and Robin rolls her eyes. 
“Dude. You have a giant bed upstairs.” 
His eyes flick to hers. “I can’t sleep in there.” 
Robin sighs. “Eddie…” 
“Robin, I really can’t. I’ll sleep here, or on Hunter’s floor.” His lip was almost trembling with how cold he was feeling. 
Robin sits on the floor and takes his hand. “Eddie, you need to start taking steps like this. You know that room looks completely different, you know that if you don’t get rest, you’re not gonna be able to function and we know how you are when you can’t function.” 
“It’s not the room itself…I just…I feel like I see her there. Lying there.” He inhales a shaky breath, his eyes well with tears. He was feeling so sick, and his emotions were all over the place, he felt like he was failing at being a dad because he was sick. “I don’t want to see her.” 
“She’s not there, Eddie.” Robin tells him gently. “Not anymore. That’s your space now. I’m not trying to force you to go in there, but you need your rest. This is already kicking your ass, and I know not being able to do the dad thing to your full potential is killing you.” 
“It’s killing me.” He whispers, tears fall down his cheek and Robin pats his face. 
“As soon as your head hits those pillows, you’re gonna pass out. Please. You’re gonna be okay, I know you are.” 
“You believe in me too much.” He mumbles, taking the tissue out of his pocket and blowing his nose. 
“Look at me.” She tells him and he looks at her, his lip quivering. “You can do this, okay?” 
After a few more minutes of pushing, Eddie made his way at the top of the stairs. He hovers by the bedroom door, tightening the blanket around his shoulders, reaching towards the knob. His hand shakes as he turns it and pushes open the door. He keeps his eyes closed and holds his breath. He flicks the light on, a soft amber light illuminates the room and his eyes open. 
It did look different. 
He gazes at the floor; he doesn’t see her; he still wasn’t sure after all this time if he was seeing her. He looks at the bed, a California king, bigger than the one they had together. The comforter was a dark gray color, the pillows were a navy, there was also a body pillow tucked behind the two pillows. He groans, feeling his fever coming back, places a water bottle on the nightstand and pops two cold and flu medicine capsules in his mouth. He pulls back the covers, lays down and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.
Last summer…
He was walking for miles it seemed; the darkness didn’t help, also the warm night was making his skin feel clammy. He couldn’t see straight; he had gone to a bar and had one too many whiskeys. He felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world; he knew Hunter was safe and was being looked after by Robin – but he still felt guilty. He didn’t want to get this drunk. It was a normal day for him, and suddenly he was struck with the overwhelming feeling of grief. There was nothing happening, no anniversary or song that came up – he immediately felt as if her death had just happened. His sneakers scuff against the pavement and the iron gates approaches his vision. He was at the cemetery. 
He used his flashlight on his phone to light his path, the light made everything look foggy, like it was just him and his ghosts. He hadn’t been here in months – but he knew where she was. 
He stops walking, his light illuminating parts of her name on the marble headstone. His hand begins to shake, and he feels a lump form in his throat. “So, we meet again.” He chuckles a little, the silence was deafening. He bites his bottom lip, staring at her name. “I don’t even know why I’m here, you’re not even in there; it’s just your body. Your soul is somewhere else.” He looks up at the sky, the moon was barely visible, it made the stars bright, beautiful. He looks back down at her name. “I loved you; you know.” 
A tear falls down his cheek and he quickly wipes it away, his hands clenching into fists. “I don’t know if it was a romantic love, or I just loved you because it was us, and our son and we were making it work.”
A pain hits his chest. “We were making it work!” He yells, inhaling a sharp breath, not bothering to wipe his tears that started up again. “We were making it work, being a family and you took that away! You took it away!” He sobs, falling to his knees, the phone drops out of his hand, darkening his entire view. “You robbed him of a mother, and you know exactly what that did to me. You knew exactly how desperately I wanted that bond with a mother and how happy I was that my son would have that…you knew, and you did it anyway. Why? WHY, OLIVIA?!” He rips the grass blades with his fingers, his body shaking as he wailed with sobs. “We were your only family…and we loved you…we loved you…”
He doesn’t remember much after but waking up the next morning, lying next to her grave.
He hasn’t been back since. 
Eddie wakes up coughing, his body felt cold, and he realizes he hasn’t felt this sick in a while. Robin had come up the stairs with some soup, and another round of flu medicine. He kept falling asleep, his dreams all over the place. He dreamt of his mother, not seeing her face but her silhouette. It was like she was being incased a beautiful ball of warm light. He dreamt of you, and he how desperately he wanted to hold you again, to touch you. 
His chest clenches, and he wakes up gasping. His palms felt sweaty, his heart began to race, and he clenches the bed sheets below him. He felt like he was going to get sick. He hasn’t had a panic attack in months, and he knows that this vulnerable state he was in was causing it to happen, and everything that has happened since he ran into you. His gasping must’ve alerted Robin, because she’s barreling through the door, staring as Eddie is hunched over, holding his stomach. She climbs into the bed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pulling his head into her chest. “I’m here.” She tells him. “Breathe with me.”
He closes his eyes, and inhales a shaky breath, his hand grips the bottom of her t-shirt. “Where’s…Hunter?”
“Sleeping, it’s almost midnight.” She cups the back of his head, and he glances out the window, seeing darkness and little moonlight. “Slow your breathing down.”
“I’m okay.” He whispers.
“You’re okay.” She says gently, tightening her old on him, entwining their legs together. The pressure from her holding him, the feel of her touch, how safe he felt in that moment, he begins to calm down. He releases his grip on her shirt but keeps his hand there, afraid of fully letting go.
“It’s been a while since you had one of these.” Robin whispers and Eddie nods. “Can I get you anything?” The back of her hand feels his forehead, a motherly gesture that he had grown to love about her. “I think your fever is breaking.”
“I think…I need to stretch my legs.” He says quietly, but he didn’t want to move. He keeps his head on her chest, the sound of her heartbeat was oddly comforting. 
“Take your time.” 
His breathing slows and he carefully sits up away from her. She looks at him with concern and he gives her a silly smile, gently knocking her chin with his knuckles. “I’m okay, Rob.”
“I’ll make you some hot tea, you should probably have another round of medicine.” She tells him, getting off the bed and hovers by the doorway. She looked sleepy, and he couldn’t help the feeling of guilt that overwhelmed him as he looks at her, but he knew she would dismiss it, tell him he was stupid and walk away.
Instead, he says. “Okay, mom.” He chuckles, unzipping his sweatshirt and running his hands over his greasy hair. He had waited for her to go downstairs and carefully gets out of the bed. His body was still sore, but the sleep helped, and he was feeling a lot better. He goes into his hallway closet to get some clean clothes and carefully walks into Hunter’s room. He peeks over the railing and smiles; Hunter was splayed out, his binkie hanging out of his mouth, his favorite blanket was curled at his feet. Eddie gently caresses his head, leaning down to kiss his forehead gently. “I missed you today, little dude.” Hunter stirs a little, and Eddie takes it as a cue to quietly leave the room. 
After showering, he felt more alive and quietly goes down the stairs. Robin was sitting at the kitchen table, a mug in her hand, her long legs were bent under her chin as she swallows back a yawn. Eddie nudges her shoulder. 
“Go home.” He tells her, sitting down across from her. 
She shakes her head. “I will tomorrow, I need to make sure you’re 100%.” Another yawn escapes her.
He sips the tea, the warm liquid soothing his throat. “Robin, you’ve been here almost every day. Vicky must be furious at me.”
Robin smiles. “No, she enjoys her alone time. Plus, she said it gives her time to set up a surprise for me, she knows how nosy I am.” She leans her head back against the chair, closing her eyes.
Eddie smiles at her, and stares at her face. “Thank you…for being here.”
She lifts her head to look at him, her eyes tired, but kind. “Definitely worth the risk of getting sick for getting to hang out with that little boy.”
“No, I mean…for almost two years…since Olivia—” He clears his throat. “You’ve been constant, even when I wasn’t easy to be around.” She looks at his face, hers softening at his kind words. He slides his chair over to her, taking her hand. “You befriended me right off the bat in art class freshman year, and I thought you were so weird, but I realize that you thought I was weird and that’s how we mesh. I had such a crush on you, but I realize now that I think it was because I knew you were totally gay and would never give me a chance.” She laughs and he grins. “I never believed in soulmates, but I think you’re mine. Not in a romantic way obviously, but I don’t think soulmates are based off romance. I think soulmates are two people who just work, can deal with seeing the ugly without running away. You have seen so much of my ugly these last few years, I was certain you’d run away. But I’m glad you stayed. Hunter loves you, and I couldn’t have picked a better person to help me navigate this thing called fatherhood. You’re my person, Robin. And I hope you know how much I appreciate you, and how much I love you.”
“Eddie, COME ON dude.” Robin says, tears springing to her eyes as she gently slaps his face. “You can’t say shit like that to me when I’m on two hours of sleep and I have caffeine coursing through my blood stream.” 
Eddie laughs, pulling her into a tight hug. She hugs him back tightly, and he kisses the top of her head. She lets out a sigh. “You’re my person too.” 
(Taglist - thank you for all your support my beauties, it means the world) @mysticpeachobject @kellsck @eddiesguitarskills @fearless-wretch-insanity @darknesseddiem @amberolivia666 @amandahobblepot @sxdghxstsbxxkshxlf @sariahs-stuff @trixyvixx @h-ness1944 @munsonzgf @ali-r3n
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Octavinelle: When They're Sick
To all my Emetophobes out there...this does reference the thing but isn't described. They got food poisoning, but as someone with emetophobia it won't be heavily in this...at all. This is your warning though that if even slight mentions trigger you, go away. Floyd is probably the worst one of the bunch, so my apologies. I stan the man but we all know he can’t take care of himself.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
Request Information | Masterlist | Au Information
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Octavinelle: When They’re Sick
You’d think that by now the members of Octavinelle would’ve learned that when Jade brought back a new mushroom to cook with, they should let him try it first. Of course Jade knew this, and oftentimes wouldn’t mention it was something new he found. This caused the two people closest to him to get that beautiful thing known as food poisoning. Not the most glamorous of sicknesses, but it was what they got for eating something that Jade made without questioning him more. Misery does love company it would seem.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is honestly mortified at the thought that he’s sick, especially with something like food poisoning. He refuses to accept it even though he clearly has it. He tells himself it’s just a bit of nausea and that’s all. That is until later when he’s chilling in the bathroom and he realizes maybe it wasn’t just nausea. This isn’t going to stop him though, he has too much work to do at the lounge so he’ll put up with it in order to get things done.
Initially he will be refusing any form of help. He is at his most vulnerable and disgusting moment in life and doesn’t want to be seen. He can delete photos of his past, but he can’t delete your memories of what you’ll witness. You’re going to have to force him to let you help him out one way or another because let’s be honest, something like food poisoning is going to put our poor, dear Azul out of commission for a while.
The moment you shine that beautiful bottle of twisted wonderland’s version of pepto in his face he’s grabbing it and hoarding it away. He’s not even going to question it as he pours the serving size into the little cup they give and downs it in one go. He might turn a bit green at the taste but he’ll keep it down in front of you.
Azul will originally be kindly denying any and all food until he’s confident he can keep something down. Even then, it can only be something bland. Unseasoned fish with rice will be his go to in this situation and he’ll thank you for making it. He will be questioning if Jade got to the dish beforehand, so reassure him that the culprit of his downfall didn’t touch it. He’s going to eat super slow and stop a few times to make sure it’s settling in his stomach, but once he knows he can eat he’ll actually eat.
He will be asking to form a contract with you. Something simple, you get whatever you want and in return, you can’t physically speak of what you witnessed. He’s desperate after having you see him that sick and he will be stressing about you possibly making fun of him. He’ll be playing it off cool, but inside he is absolutely dying. Just sign the contract and ask for something simple, like a free soda on Mondays at the lounge. It’ll be less stressful on him even though he has nothing to worry about with you.
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Jade Leech
Jade knows he screwed up the moment he felt his stomach protesting. Honestly it’s not the worst he’s done when experimenting with mushrooms. He’s not hallucinating this time, so that’s a bonus. Still, he hates that disgusting feeling of nausea settling in him and he might become significantly more grouchy and ask to be alone. He’ll find a room away from Floyd while he’s sick just so nobody can interact with him. He’s more moody due to his own failings, and his normal cool demeanor goes away a little bit.
He’s going to try and be nice about it in his own way, mainly when he’s telling you to leave him alone. He won’t out right snap at you, that’s not what he does, but the frown on his face as he tells you that he doesn’t want to have any visitors is enough of a hint. If you nudge him some more and let him know you just want to help by getting him a few things he’ll need, he might let up due to not having the energy to argue back. As long as you make yourself sparse, he’ll allow it. 
Jade has no issues with the medicines you bring him, but he will be reading the bottles thoroughly to make sure it isn’t something that might kill him. He doesn’t often get sick and this is the first time dealing with something like this while on land, so the medication they use is different. You might have to just pour him a shot and hand it to him or else he’ll be spending too long checking over things instead of just taking it. He’ll thank you though, so that’s a bonus.
He’s going to wait until his stomach stops flipping before he eats anything. He’s a firm believer in the BRAT diet after researching it and will only eat the things listed on it. Get him some apple sauce and a cut up banana to start things off. If he’s well enough to eat that means he’s finally getting back to normal. He’ll carry out a conversation with you at this point and not be forcing you out of the room. He might even thank you for helping him out despite his…testy attitude.
Once he’s better he’ll be fully back to normal and probably not discuss the incident too much. He’ll thank you of course, but after that he’ll act like it never happened. It’s probably for the best, he’d rather not have anyone around him when vulnerable like that, so having you take care of him was already something that was hard for him to accept. Easier to forget about it…if not for Floyd always bringing it up.
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Floyd Leech
He is one of the most dramatic people when he’s sick, which is saying something. Unlike the others, he really doesn’t want to be alone. The moment he realizes what Jade did, he’s going to be overly emotional. He’s also not going to be listening to his body until it’s too late, which normally leads him to clinging onto a trash can on his bed with tears in his eyes because he didn’t realize he was about to be sick until five seconds before it happened. It’s also violent…very violent. It’s better to not be in the room and clear out.
If you’re brave enough to help him, you need to have a strong stomach and not have emetophobia. He’s not the one to run to the toilet so you’ll be having to take out a lot of trash bags while he’s sick. He also, for some ungodly reason, wants to cuddle while he’s sick. It’s not suggested, not just for his breath but there’s a chance if he’s curled up with you then he won’t have enough reaction time. So simply tell him to lay down and not get sick everywhere. Plus side is if you do have emetophobia, you can probably string Jade into cleaning up for his brother as long as he’s not sick as well.
He hates medicine, and he’s worse than a child. He wants to feel better, sure, but he doesn’t want to take gross medicine. You’re going to have to pop the medicine into a fridge to make it not taste as bad and then try and convince him that it’ll taste fine. If you lie to him he promises he’ll get you back once he’s better. Really he should be fine with taking medicine if he takes the potion to have legs, but he swears it’s only because he’s used to the other one’s bad taste. Plug his nose and force it down his throat if you have to.
Floyd only has two moods when he has food poisoning: he’s either going to eat whatever he wants and his body will force eject it ten minutes later, or he simply refuses to touch anything. Give him bland foods and monitor how fast he’s eating it. Best to just bring really small plates out for him so he doesn’t try to down it all in one go, if he’s even willing to eat. He’s a difficult patient to please.
Once he’s better, expect the world’s clingiest eel to ever exist. He’ll be wanting to go everywhere with you and thanking you for being such a good nurse. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t sleep for two days because you were making sure he was fine, he’s going to be wanting to spend every minute he has with you now. If you’re really that tired then he will just take a nap with you. Just…good luck getting away from him after he’s recovered. He likes to be taken care of and spoiled; he’ll almost be disappointed he’s better which is probably why he’s hanging around you right after. Anytime you turn and ask him how he’s feeling he gets all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
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dongfuck · 2 years
First Snow - p.js
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pairing: boyf!jisung x fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: very unrealistic food themes (jisung cooks), switch!reader, switch!jisung, unprotected sex, teasing, thigh riding (sorta), slight js!bratty sub, cunnilingus, fingering, degradation, overstimulation, edging, teasing, no pull out, squirting, slight boob play, aftercare
wc: 3.9k
note: this is simply very wholesome for me <3
taglist: @smuchsmut , @nctgirlok297 , @jenojammin , @johnniverse , @matchahyuck , @220513080208 , @ablackbtsstan , @tyongspice1
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You began dating Jisung in mid-May so you’ve never really spent winter with him as a couple. You’ve been anticipating your first snow with Jisung ever since he mentioned the things he wanted to do with you this winter. The both of you are currently seated by the fire in your shared house watching a baking show. Jisung’s really fond of baking shows and you’ve never really know why. Although, you aren’t complaining. You are a big fan of them as much as he is. Suddenly, you felt this urge to look out the window and so you did just that. Twisting your head slightly, you averted your gaze from the TV and that’s when you saw small specks of white falling from above.
Gasping audibly, you ran towards the window and watched the snow in awe. “Jisung!” you called out for your boyfriend who was too focused on the show to notice your enthusiasm. “Yep?” his eyes were still trained on the telly. “Jisung, its snowing!” you turned your body to face him before pointing out the window. Jisung’s eyes widened slightly as he walked to your side to watch the snow with you. “Wow…” a small smile was carved on his pretty lips. Staring at him, you placed a small peck to his right cheek. His eyes moved to to look at you before a hint of red was beginning to form on his cheeks. You smiled slightly at the sight before tugging on his sleeve.
“You wanna go outside?” you waited for a reply from him. He glanced you again and smiled softly. “Why not?” right then, he pulled you out of the living room and to the outside. You looked up a the sky and grinned happily as you tried catching snowflakes with your bare hands. “Wait. Don’t move. Let me picture this.” Jisung pulled out his phone from his right pocket before taking a few pictures of you. You probably spent about half an hour playing outside in the snow before deciding to stop seeing as you would probably freeze to death if you stayed out any longer. You walked back into the house with a cheery feeling blossoming in you. “Go take a shower. I’ll make dinner.” you boyfriend rubbed your back comfortingly. “Really? Thank you, Ji. Just make sure not to burn the kitchen down.” the both of you laughed after he assured you that no flames will be seen tonight.
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You chose to wear a simple sweater paired with some black tights. Putting on some light makeup, you finished off your look with a nude coloured lipstick and a layer of lip gloss. After spraying on your favourite perfume, you stepped out of the room and waited for Jisung to finish showering in the living room. He entered the shower a while after you did so you’re assuming that his dinner is done. About ten minutes later, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs along with a soft singing of EXO-K’s ‘First Snow’. “Hey.” Jisung tapped your shoulder from behind as he flashed his signature gummy smile which you blushed slightly at.
“Let’s eat.” he walked over to your side of the sofa before pulling you towards the dining room. You stared at the food served in utter shock. There were roasted chicken, baked Mac N Cheese, mashed potatoes and mushroom soup. All party-sized. “Woah, Jisung… I appreciate you making dinner for us but isn’t this a little too much for just two people?” you questioned him. “Who said we’re going to be the only ones?” just then, a loud “Surprise!” was heard from behind you as a few of your friends walked out. “What the fuck—” you grinned happily at them as you yelled out, “I missed you guys!” before hugging the one closest to you, which just so happens to be Chenle.
“Hey, hey, hey, no touching please.” Jisung pulled you and Chenle away from each other before gesturing for all of them to take a seat. The lot of you spent most of your time talking rather than eating and before you know it, it’s already half past nine. As you were chatting with the guys, an unexpected question makes both you and Jisung choke on your food. “When are you guys getting married?” Mark asked before shoving a spoonful of Mac N Cheese into his mouth. After you’ve calmed yourself down, you patted Jisung’s back to soothe his coughing. “Hyung… We’re still young…” Jisung cleared his throat. “I mean you never know. Anything can happen.” Mark shrugged before the whole room erupted into a fit of laughter.
Out of the blue, Jeno stood up from his seat and smiled lightly. “I have an announcement to make.” he said. Everyone took glances at each other before their gaze drifted back to Jeno. “I have a girlfriend.” Gasps were heard all around the room since Jeno hadn’t dated anyone for the past two years. “Damn, I really thought you lost your game.” Haechan teased. “Shut the fuck up, Donghyuck.” Jaemin glared at the mentioned boy after receiving an annoying smirk from him. “Oh my God! How long have you been dating her?” you spoke with excitement.
“For about a month now.”
“And you just told us now?!”
“What’s her name?” Renjun asked as he sipped on his juice. “Kwon Sera. We met at the clinic I work at.” he said proudly. “Do you have a picture of her?” Chenle looked just as excited as everyone in the room. “Yeah, I do actually. Here’s a picture of us together.” he then pulled out his phone from his back pocket and began scrolling through his photos before finally picking one to show. “Dang, she’s pretty.” complimented Haechan. “Hey. She’s Jeno’s.” you said sternly. “I know, I know. Chill woman.” Haechan replied. After a few rounds of questions and answers, you guys were settled in a circle in the living room.
A game of Never Have I Ever was played.
“Never have I ever… peed and it got all over the place.” All of the boys closed a finger and you cringed visibly. “Disgusting.” you shivered dramatically. “It’s natural!” Haechan defended himself. “Maybe for you!” you continued. “Never have I ever not shower for a whole week.” Jisung interrupted the two of you. Chenle was the only one who had his second finger closed and you all turned to look at him with disbelief. “What? I’m saving water!” Chenle shrugged at the rest of you. “Please tell me you showered before you came here.” Jaemin looked at him expectantly. “What do you think I am? Of course I showered!” Chenle rolled his eyes playfully.
“Okay, um… Never have I ever… kissed a person of the same gender.” A few of you closed a finger. Specifically Jaemin, you, and Haechan. “You have?!” Jisung yelled in shock when he noticed you have a finger closed. “I was 17, okay! It was an accident anyways.” you reassured your boyfriend. “I hope it was.” Jisung placed a firm hand on your right thigh. “Mine wasn’t.” Haechan smiled smugly. “No one’s talking to you.” almost everyone in the room snapped at him with a playful glare. “Fine! Jesus, why is everyone against me today.” he shook his head side to side. “My turn! Never have I ever… wished for someone’s downfall.” Chenle smiled happily. Yours, Haechan’s, and Renjun’s finger were closed. “I know y’all aren’t that nice.” Renjun glared at the rest. “Too bad, we are.” Jaemin smiled innocently. “Mark, you’re quiet. Why don’t you give it a go.” Jeno nudged his friend’s shoulder. “Um… Never have I ever, got rejected.” Jaemin unfortunately, had his finger closed.
You guys looked at him in shock. Why would anyone reject someone as charming as Jaemin? “Before you ask, yes, I’ve been rejected before. It was in 10th grade. I had a crush on this girl that was in the class next to mine. We’ve never really spoken to each other before but I finally decided to confess to her. That’s when she laughed in my face and told me how much of a joke I was thinking that someone so out of my league would accept me before taking off. It hurt. Bad. But i’m over it.” Jaemin placed an upside-down smile on his face as his gaze drifted to you. “Damn it, Mark why you gotta ask something like that.” it was faintly heard but you were sure it came from Jeno. “Jaemin… I’m so sorry.” you bit your lower lip gently as the feeling of guilt began rising in you.
“Don’t be. I-It wasn’t your fault…” he fiddled with his finger nervously. “Okay um why don’t we continue the game. I don’t want this to ruin the mood.” Jaemin added. “Right. Who wants to go next?” Mark said. A few minutes passed and it was time for the boys to go home. “Thank you for tonight. We had loads of fun. We’ll see you on Christmas?” Jeno represented the boys to speak. “Thank you for coming too. Definitely looking forward to Christmas. Jisung grinned at them as he slid an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“Happy holidays, lovebirds.”
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You sat down at the edge of the bed before laying your back on it. Sighing, you heard the door to your room being opened and closed. “God, I’m so tired. Jisung joined you on the bed by laying down next to you. “So am I.” you twisted your head slightly to look at the boy beside you just to see him with his eyes closed and arms spread out. The edge of your lips curved into a small smile at the sight before you went over to him and hugged him by the waist. His body twitched slightly in shock but calmed down afterwards when he realised it was just you.
“You’re freezing.” Jisung wrapped his arms around your body as he hugged you tight. “Jisung…” you said into his chest before you felt him him against you. “I miss spending time with you like this. Just the two of us.” you can hear a soft laugh coming from the man above you. “Have I not spent enough time with you sweetheart?” Jisung caressed the top of your head slowly. “It’s not that… It’s just that we’ve been really busy lately and when we do spend time together, it’s mostly spent with friends or family. It’s like we don’t have time for each other anymore.” you confessed. It’s not like you weren’t telling the truth or anything.
There was a sigh heard from Jisung and you knew he couldn’t help but agree. “I’m trying, sweetheart. I really am. And I’m sorry you feel that way.” his voice was a hushed whisper but it was still loud enough for your ears. “But I think I know a way I can make it up to you.” you lifted your head to meet his eyes before furrowing your brows at his statement. “What do you mean?” A subtle smirk crawled its way up Jisung’s face and only then you knew what he meant by ‘making up to you’ “Sung!” you hit his shoulder lightly and laughed along with him. “What? What were you thinking?” he teased. “Ugh, shut up.” you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“But I mean like… Don’t you want to? his gaze changed and in a blink of an eye, he was already on top of you. “Jisung…” you said nervously. “Please?” he asked with a soft gaze. Biting your lower lip softly, you nodded slowly before pulling him into a loving kiss. His right hand moved under your sweater as the other roamed your upper body. Without you noticing, he had unclasped your bra and began massaging your breasts. “Fuck.” you pulled away from the kiss for air before staring into his eyes. Pulling his top over his head, you grazed his bare chest gently and placed wet kisses to his toned abs. “Now that’s just unfair, innit?” Jisung reached the hem of your sweater before taking it off of you as you giggled quietly. Subconsciously, your hand that was on his body reached the zipper of his pants.
“Want me to take it off?” you said teasingly as you played with the hem of his boxers. “Please do.” Jisung physically shivered when you traced the print of his dick on his red boxers. “And why should I listen to you?” you looked up to meet his eyes innocently and the way his brown hair hung from his face has you squirming under him. “‘Cause if you don’t I’m gonna blow your brains off.” his eyes opened and he’d almost intimidate you if it wasn’t for the fact that this was Jisung you’re talking about. “Are you now? You’re a big boy now aren’t you?” you smiled softly with a pat of his head. You were suspicious of why he wasn’t replying or biting back but that’s when you noticed him grinding his crotch on the bed.
The sight was hot, to be completely honest. But you wouldn’t admit that to him so you simply pinched his chin and made him look at you in the eye. “You think I wouldn’t notice you whoring in front of me?” you raised a brow in anticipation. “Don’t care.” he continued his movements once again and that’s when you lost it. Taking advantage of his daze, you quickly flipped him over so you were on top. “Hey— What the fuck??” Jisung tried to get a hold of you but his attempts only went so far before he had his arms pinned above his head. “You don’t know what you’re doing.” he sounded as if he was warning you but you couldn’t care less.
“Oh, but I do.” not wanting to hear any more of his whines and complaints, you sealed your lips with his in a heated kiss. You could feel his tongue prodding at your sealed lips but you aren’t the one to give in without a fight. Parting your lips slightly, you allowed his tongue to barely fit in you before you sucked on the pink muscle desperately. Though it wasn’t visible to the human eye, you were sure he was loving every single second of it. He tried to wiggle his tongue out of you but you were sucking on it so hard that he couldn’t help but comply. Unconsciously, your hands that were holding him up began loosening and without you noticing, he’s already got his hands wrapped around waist firmly.
You moaned into the kiss as you pressed your hips closer to his crotch to gain some sort of friction between your bodies. Jisung seemed to notice this when he began rocking your hips on his as strings of curses and groans left his mouth. “Shit I-I’m not gonna f-fucking cum like this.” he released the kiss with a string of saliva connecting the both of you as his eyes shut and yours trailed to where your bodies were meeting. “Fuck I need to taste you.” Jisung’s eyes snapped open before he frantically tried to take off your tights which didn’t seem to come off. Giggling slightly, you ran a hand through his hair and got off him slowly. “It’s not the easiest to take off.” you shimmied out of the clothing and got back on the bed without breaking eye contact.
Wanting to tease him a little more, you sat down on his upper thigh right next to his obvious bulge (on his boxers) with your bare pussy before starting to rock your hips at a slow pace. “Mmh Y/n… Y/n, please… Please let me—” you rolled your eyes and took a finger to his lips to shut up. “You do what I say.” your tone was warning and adamant and he seemed to give up but you knew it was all pretend. He was gonna pounce on you sooner or later. But for now, you just wanna enjoy being the one in control. It’s not a very common occurrence you know. Moving your hips faster, you leaned your body towards Jisung a little more and held his shoulders for support. “Fuck, Sung…” you whimpered out. It didn’t take long for you to finally cum on him, leaving stains of white on his favourite pair of underwear.
“You should’ve did that in my mouth.” said Jisung as he gaped at the sight in front of him. “Stop it or I actually might.” you looked at him with lustful eyes and he seemed to read your mind. “Try me.” you muttered a small ‘fuck you’ to him before aligning your aching pussy to his awaiting lips. “Let’s see if you can take me.” you bit your lower lip softly. “Oh please, like it’s my first time.” he smirked before placing a quick peck on your lips (those lips) and devouring you whole. His lips sucked on your clit as he teased his fingers around your hole. Throwing your head back, you took your right hand and gripped his hair as hard as you could when you felt him enter two fingers into you. “Yeah, right there.” you were trying your absolute hardest to keep your noises in but unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy. In fact, you saw that as an advantage to piss Jisung off a little more.
“Fuck— Is that the best you c-can do? I can do that on my o-own.” you rolled your eyes in annoyance and after the little push you gave him, you heard him scoff under you before working both his mouth and fingers to the absolute fullest. “Fucking hell, Jisung!” once again, you came into his mouth without a warning but he didn’t seem to be stopping his movements. “Sung, s-stop…” you attempted to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. Not even a little bit. His tongue licked a long stripe across your swollen pussy and you felt like you were gonna pass out at that moment. Who knew Jisung could be this cruel? Right as you were at the brink on your second orgasm, your boyfriend seemed to notice it because he immediately lets go of your heat with a delicious ‘pop!’
He didn’t seem—or just pretended not—to notice the glare you gave him before stripping off his last item of clothing and having you under him. “I think it’s my turn to have some fun.” Jisung gave a small peck to your lips as he stroked his dick to warm him up with his saliva. Teasing your clit with the tip of his cock, he smirked when a whine escaped your throat, “Just fuck me already.” you threw your head back in slight annoyance after having to wait for what feels like a decade. “As you wish.” gripping your shoulder for support, Jisung slowly slid himself into you halfway with a shaky moan. “Fuck…” he bit his lip in frustration as he pulled out all the way (to which you moaned incredibly loud at) before fucking back into you, this time with more confidence.
Sighing desperately, Jisung slowly started to move in and out of you easily. Your chest heaved up and down with the feeling of your boyfriend’s cock fitting inside you so well. When the base of his length kissed your entrance, you unintentionally clenched hardly against him. “Shit— Don’t do that.” he said warningly with a glare sent to you. “Do what? This?” you squeezed him once again and you could feel him twitch inside of you. He had his eyes shut and to torture him a little more, you moved your hips on his length with teasing glint in your eyes. His breathing was beginning to get heavier and unsteady and you couldn’t help but let out a desperate moan at the sight.
At that. Jisung snapped his eyes opened and leaned forward so his lips could meet your ear and whisper, “You’re getting on my nerves.” before ruthlessly rutting his hips into you without a care for the world. He lifted his head to meet your eyes and you saw the way his sweat dripped from his forehead to your chest and rolled down to where he was completely ruining you. You let out a dragged moan at the euphoric feeling and you felt like you could cum anytime soon. Right then, Jisung pulled out of you abruptly before you looked at him with furrowed brows. “Excuse me, what the actual fuck?” you said with your voice slightly raised.
“I wanna see something.” he took his right hand and used it to massage your wet heat with his pre-cum before plunging his middle and ring finger into you. His hand movements were just as merciless as his thrusts from earlier and this time you felt something different bubbling inside you. It’s a mixture of wanting to pee and wanting to orgasm. You screamed loudly when his fingers abused that spot inside you and right then, hot liquid started flowing out of you. Did you just pee? Or is it something else? “I needed this.” you heard Jisung mutter under his breath and just a few moments later after he pulled his fingers away from you in a split second, you felt like you just gave birth. You’d squirted all over your boyfriend, yourself, and the sheets and you couldn’t have felt more embarrassed than this. “That was a good one, baby.”
He didn’t give you time to gather yourself before another question left his mouth, “Wanna try another one?” he raised his eyebrows. “Hell no.” you shook your head side to side with droopy eyes. “Awh, you can’t get tired already. I haven’t even had my fun yet.” he pouted mockingly. “Can you just let me… catch my breath for a second?” you said between heavy breaths. “Not a chance.” and there it was again. The feeling of being stuffed to the brim as he thrusted into you with the speed of 10 thrusts/s. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you could feel your fourth orgasm reaching its peak. A string of curses and groans left both of your throats and within a few seconds you both came at the exact same time with a long moan.
Laying down next to you, Jisung wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. “We should do this more often.” he rubbed circles onto your backside to which you clenched against him as a reply. “You— You never really learn your—” before he could finish whatever he was trying to say, you quickly lifted your head and pecked him on to the cheek with a smile. “Merry Christmas, Jisung.” you hugged him tightly. “It’s still earl—” once again you clenched against him tighter than before to shut him up. “M-Merry Christmas, Y/n.”
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jisung I swear—
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apollodarling-writes · 9 months
That one fic about Levi talking about how small Levi’s dick probably is. Us teasing him about it. We know he’s obsessed. Our own personal devotee. Our little worshipper. So we decide to see what we would be getting into. Coming into his office and pulling him out from his desk and taking him over to a couch or something. He is baffled because wtf is happening? We go from not talking to him or threatening him to pulling his cock out? Anyway. We just want to peek. We unbuckle his pants and tell him to take it out. He does of course- he’s sweating at this point mumbling. We see that he is shaking and twitching. Much to our dismay even though it was expected. He is small. So we just touch around his legs and pelvis. Rubbing his cheek and telling him that his cock is so tiny he really thought we would give our first time to him. So we kiss his cheek and walk away leaving him to sob. “Come back to me when you grow a cock then we can talk about a relationship.” *wink*
I know that was pretty descriptive but I really REALLY wanted an in detail played out story of that…. Thank you 🙏🏻
reader making fun of levi's size
cws : degradation, virgin reader mentions, blue-balling,
there were plenty of thoughts swirling through your head these days-- one in particular being how small levi really is. you'd discussed the subjects with a few willing friends, the lot of you coming up with different answers. thus, you'd taken it upon yourself to figure it out. it wasn't a secret that the runt had a small cock. hell, even the man himself had alluded to it.
even if you were mean to him about it, you knew he'd still pine after you like a bitch in heat, so you knew there was no real risk with it. maybe if he liked being degraded, he'd get a hard-on, but that would at the very least allow you to see him at full size. the harder the better.
you think hard about how you should go about this, various plotlines going through your head, but in the end, you decide to free-ball it. you stalk over to levi's office in the dead of night, creaking open the door and announcing your arrival.
"hey, captain." you purr, tugging your lips into a pout. you swing your hips a bit more than usual as you stride over to his desk, feeling his curious, yet hopeful eyes roam your form. you push his chair back, sinking to your knees in front of him and placing your head on his thigh, looking up at him through your lashes. "can i?"
your tongue darts out to wet your lips as you trail a finger over his growing bulge, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the area. he shakily breathes his consent, a smirk tugging at your lips as you lean up just enough to ghost your lips over his, palming his clothed cock. "you'll be a good boy f'me, won't you?'
levi eagerly nods his head, rutting his erection against your palm as he whimpers and begs for you to do something. "you poor thing." you mockingly pout.
you slowly unbuckle his jeans, tugging it down just enough for his undergarments to peek through. you lick a long stripe up the disappointing bulge, trying to appear interested. "be a good boy 'n show me."
he reaches down with shaking fingers avoiding your gaze as he mumbles something about being smaller than what you'd like. he fumbles with the waistband of his undergarments, pulling them down so that his cock springs out. you pout, trailing a finger down his thigh and around his pelvis-- everywhere but where he ached for you most. he whimpers out a plea and you promptly ignore it.
you lean forward, your chest brushing against his mushroom-tip as the pads of your fingers brush against his cheek. "you poor thing." you coo.
"did you really think i would give you my first time when you're so small?" your lips curl into a smirk as your lashes flutter, glancing down at the beads of precum leaking from his tip. "bet you get off on this, hm?"
levi's eyes well up with tears, his cock twitching at your words. "talk to me when you grow a cock, pretty boy. then we can talk about a relationship."
you stand up, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, winking back at him as you stride out of his office.
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sunthyme · 8 months
Happy Black History Month!! It's time. For probably my favourite set of designs! However, please please please read about Hestia in specific, I want to make sure I handled her correctly and if not, please let me know and I'll remove her! Tyty so much for liking these, I'm so happy to continue.
Now for...
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First up is
💰Azul Ashengrotto💰
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay Asexual
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I really love how he came out omg.
- Firstly, he's Hispanic. Duh. His name is literally Azul, I don't make the rules. I'm thinking Hondurian or Guatemalan and I'd love to hear what you think too.
- Made him plus-sized because GOD we need more body diversity and I think that he would have eventually come to terms that weight is simply a number and that number alone doesn't mean you're healthy or unhealthy, y'know? He exercises and whatnot and is very good at taking care of his body.
- Autistic, his special interest is THE GRIND(tm). His capitalistic ass could rant about business building forever.
- I gave him fins as ears cause I gave all the mer fins for funsies. More for aesthetic than anything else and I figure it's a general trait of most mer (I'll talk about the exceptions later lol)
- I loved how pretty his eyelashes were so I added some teardrops to the ends for some flavour. He still wears glasses, again too lazy lol.
Onto the twins!
🍄Jade Leech🍄
(he/him) - Bi-curious Asexual
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- I brought back the og concept earrings and piercings cause I thought they looked neat. I also gave them both earrings for simplicity's sake and because I headcanon that Azul gave them each a pair for their birthday.
- Longer hair because Imma be so fr, if the twins share similar expressions, I can't tell them apart lmaooo 😭😭😭. Also, felt it suited his personality more.
- Had a punk phase and while he outgrew it, he kept the piercings anyways.
- He and Floyd have matching tattoos on their biceps, Floyd's being a shrimp with sunglasses and Jade's being his favourite type of mushroom (hen/chicken of the woods).
- Also, autistic. Who's surprised at this point? Not me. This little guy and his mushrooms. 'Little guy' being like 6'5' lol.
🐋Floyd Leech🐋
(he/she/it) Unlabelled Gender - Pansexual
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- He's not actually a fan of piercings but got them because Jade wanted to match.
- She has larger teeth that actually interfere with its speech and got bullied for that when he was younger, meaning all three of the Octotrio were friends kinda by default as the 'weird' kids.
- I think he has bipolar disorder and is ADHD, both are rather obvious from his character in-game.
Onto my ocs,
🎲Hestia Benoit🎲
Third Year - (she/her) Transfem - Sapphic
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Okay, first is the topic of the og character. So she draws reference to the Boogeyman from Nightmare Before Christmas which was a very controversial character because Tim Burton sucks. Hate him. I wanted to hopefully reclaim the character, though it isn't necessarily my place and if anyone has a problem with that, absolutely let me know and I will remove her. The original character took heavy inspiration from black culture, specifically New Orleans and I wanted to properly represent that with Hestia. I hope I did her justice and please please please let me know if she is offence in any way. 🩷🩷🩷
- She's the older sister of the triplets and a really good one, caring a ton about them. Her favourite thing to do is spoil her younger siblings.
- She also has crazy good luck and wins any bets she makes. If you play any game of luck with her, she'll win. She's a part of the Boardgame Club and infuriates Azul whenever they play something luck-based.
💍Konane Alohi💍
(they/he/she) Genderfluid - Panromantic Demisexual
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- Konane is twisted from Tamatoa from Moana! They're indigenous Hawaiian and I will be researching more into the culture as I render them out more fully.
- I gave them the bioluminiscens that Tamatoa has though I think it would only be visible in low lighting, such as in the Octavinelle dorm.
- LOVES shiny thing, obvi. Vil keeps trying to convince her to join Pomefiore but he's like, "I get paid here and can afford more stuff so pass."
- Gets along great with Cater, they constantly do collabs on their social media.
⚓️Josephina Killian⚓️
First Year - (she/they) Demi-girl - Bi-asexual
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- Twisted from, you guessed it, Captain Hook!
- I kept as much as I could from the og design and that includes the eyebags, this girlie doesn't sleep. She's only conscious from the 30mg of caffeine she drinks in the morning.
- She and Samantha met at orientation and have been inseparable since, with Sammy always following her around.
And speaking of Samantha,
🦭Samantha Chief🦭
First Year - (she/her) Transfem - Pan-asexual
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- Twisted from Smee! I gave her albinism so her hair is also white naturally.
- Because of her albinism, she avoids outdoor activities for the most part. She is part of the Swimming Club (which idk if that even exists but it does now lmao).
- SHE'S A SELKIE OMG. Sorry, same up with that on the spot lol but now she is. Very shy around people because it's her first time on land so the other mer of the dorm kinda look out for her.
That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all in part four!! 🩷🩷🩷
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Ttsbc glamor, I have a few different questions about it because it's something very cool
What is the weakest type of species that has glamor? I know it changes depending on the person, like Tango glamor being weaker compared to the average blazeborn, but on average, who has the weakest glamor?
Can you change the speed at how fast you can shoot glamor out of your hands? We know it can be shot as fast lighting bullets to play tag, and they can be normal bullets.
Can you change the size of the bullet of glamor you shoot (I'm going to assume you can but still)
Can you slowly release glamor, so it's like a trail? Kinda like when Disney Channel will take the magic wand and draw micky mouses head, then it will show up ?? (Or like produce fireworks type of design in the air using glamor?
Can you shoot glamor using other body parts besides your hands? (For example, your eyes or your toes?)
When glamor releases from the hand outwards, does that glamor slowly fade as it goes through the air, or does it stay the same strength until it hits impact with something? Also, what happens once the bolt of glamor hits something? Does it hit the object and splat, then fade, or does it hit like a bullet, and the impact will slow it down, then it fades out?
Does glamor leave marks? Like, I think you said it can leave bruises and stuff, but do the bruises look a little different than normal? (If your glamor malfunctions and you try and shoot it out, can you bruise your fingers?)
When you use glamor to hide body parts that don't want to be seen does it fade from top to bottem, bottem to top, fades everything at the same time or does it not fade at all and it just disappears like it was never there?
Why does the under city only have glamor and the over city doesn't? I know that the under city finds it important but what did they do for it to happen??
One last question about glamor (hopefully) if a human is holding a hybrid/mutant hand, can that human use their glamor?
I hope these questions made sense (I tend to get sidetracked while writing asks this long), but I wish you well, and I hope you have an amazing day/night/eve!
(One last extra question!)
Did the old main lab scientist from the under city work with the over city? Like the under city does the experiments to keep over city out of trouble and the over city gives them the stuff they need to do the bio technology and they trade out information??
Questions questions questions...
I took awhile to answer this because I wanted to think about it and make sure the answers all lined up and made sense! If I'm vague anywhere keep in mind I do still plan to expand on some of these worldbuildy bits in the stories themselves so I don't wanna spoil everything! 😆
There isn't just one specific subspecies that's much weaker than others, it's more that there's certain subspecies who are particularly good with glamor (blaze-borns, voidwalkers, mushroom mutants) and everyone else hangs around an average. Some subspecies have special skills to do with glamor that are unique to them though! Blaze-borns manipulated fire, avians and butterfly hybrids manipulating weight, that sort of thing...also keep in mind because glamor can't pass through inorganic material people like Doc or Cleo who have large parts of their bodies replaced with augmentations can't use glamor very well!
I mean, I'm sure they could change the density of the glamor bullet and therefore change the speed!
Yes, if you're skilled enough with glamor (like Grian) you can most certainly manipulate the size/affect/color of your glamor! But that's a skill that's on the upper end of glamor ability, Grian is uniquely very very talented with the stuff!
Again, if you're talented enough, have enough glamor, and you've practiced that particular skill, sure you could!
Yes! Once more, it's a talent + practice scenario! It's easiest to use glamor with your hands or fingertips because...I mean, that's where you'd be the most coordinated, but if you wanted to fire from another part of your body you could if you had enough glamor and practiced that specific skill!
Depends on the shooter and what they were trying to do! Grian's bullets as Cute Guy make impact like paintballs! Again though it's the talent + skill + practice scenario, glamor is very versatile and malleable if you've got enough of it and practice a lot!
If a glamor bullet strikes someone it'll leave a bruise like a paintball would! It's the same as any old bruise, the size and how bad it is depends on how powerful the glamor bullet!
It's like heat haze on tarmac! That's my favorite way of describing it in the stories anyway. I also often say that it's like fog growing denser and then turning clear. So basically the haze of glamor, which is tinted the persons natural glamor color, fogs over whatever they want to hide and then fades away, and the thing they wanted to hide won't be visible anymore!
They just have it! They didn't do anything, they've just always had it as long as anyone can remember! It's a trait unique to hybrids/mutants!
Nope! Humans can't use glamor! Hybrids can use their glamor to affect humans, see Jimmy concealing Scott when they went to the under-city together or Grian shooting human criminals with glamor bullets to knock them out, but humans cannot use glamor, no matter what!
No problem! It's neat to try and pick apart the power system a bit, and I want to make it clear that glamor is also something of a catch-all term for powers in the under-city. Tango being able to light things on fire is considered glamor. Shelby's glowing mushroom cap is considered glamor. Voidwalkers purple particles are considered glamor. It's not something that has a super solid set of rules because everyone learns to manipulate it in their own way to suit their needs!
The example I've given before is athletics...if you train super super super hard at a sport, you're going to get quite skilled at it, but you'll always be held back by your physical capabilities. By talent + practice + skill I mean that you need to be born with the capacity for highly skilled glamor usage, you need to practice those particular things to get good at them, and then you need to hone the skills over time! Grian's glamor bullets are a great example. He can manipulate them to kill or stun, he can change their size, density, and color, and he can fire them off in pretty quick succession. He needed to start out with having the glamor capacity to do that, but he also needed to practice and hone that skill!
As for that little bonus questions, I don't wanna confirm or deny anything to do with any relationships between the over-city and under-city in any capacity beyond what we've already seen, it's all spoiler territory and I promise we'll get into that as the AU continues to grow! I've got big plans! 😉
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cosmic-spider · 10 months
Rottmnt four kings au x fem reader
A new world?
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(So I’m going to make it seem that the reader is more of a southern and country style thigh there home in a more forest area. So sorry if some of you don’t like it like that.)
It was another day as you were taking care of your dogs and chickens out side of your house.You had to take care of your self since you’re mom had to go of the to another city for work for a month since she was a nurse.
Plus you had a job as animator and voice actor at home. Even if you were barely in your second year of high school that you took online at home.
Even if you we’re stuck home doing all the chores in the house at the time. You just playing video games and watching childhood movies in my spare time.
After a bit you went outside to go fill up the chickens water tanks and give them there food. As you finished giving the chickens there food you got reader to go inside. Until you see one of the chickens run off into the woods.
You ran after the chicken which only scared it more as it then ran to the area of a small river that led up to a grain pipe that was sticking out of the ground that had a lot of plants all over it.
You then caught up to it from a distance and not scare it away again. The chicken that jumped on top of the side of the tube then you slowly got closer to the chicken.The chicken then jumper over the old pipe as it saw you approaching. You then tried to get the chicken the second it was still on the pipe.
But the chicken got away last second and you ended up on top of the pipe spreed out on top of it as you grunted in pain from hitting the pipe in the process. A second later the tube slowly started to glow a light blue from under you.
Before you could question what was happening the tube then sucked you in as you were then transported into a type of tube systems that were in “the sky”!?
The next thing you know you were now shot out of another pipe from a wall this time. As you were shot out you hit a bunch of giant mushroom the size of a two story house.
That sent you in so many diferente detections in a short and fast amount of time then landed on another that broke your fall. As you rolled of it and landed on the ground on your back.
You got off the ground and rubbed your head from the fall. Then looked around as you saw that you were now In a area made of only mushrooms of different sizes and colors. From regular little small ones to ones as big as houses.
What….the? What is this place?
You then looked all around the area until her eyes landed on a blue mushroom that was at the hight of her knees. She then goes over to the mushroom holding her right arm out to touch it.
But before she got the chance to a creature that looked to have a mushroom for a head or hat jumped out from behind the blue mushroom.
Do not touch that mushroom you will die!
The creature yelled out as it waved its hands as a warning to you. You stumble back in fear at the sudden creatures appearance as you fall on the ground.
Oh sorry. This one is perfectly safe.
The creature told you at hugged the mushroom then got on the ground and helped up.
Wow your a human and is new to here are you?
Umm yeah I’m human….and who or we’ll what are you?
You said as you brushed you’re self of from the fall. Then slowly tack a few steps back a bit scared.
Oh I’m a toad and my name is toad. Ironic isn’t it? Sorry about the scare from earlier.
Oh it’s ok I’m just a bit shaken up from being launched out from the pipe.
You said as you take a few deep breaths to calm your self a bit.
Well is there anyway to get me how since the last I saw the pipe I got out of it kinda got destroyed from how old it was.
Well I’m not the best at the pipes out here. But I’m always up fro helping someone. So if you want I can take you to someone that can help you. If you want?
The creature now named toad told you starting off a bit sad not being able to help you right away. But then looked at you with a smile giving you a answer on how he would help.
Yes please I would appreciate it if you could take me to someone to help me!
You said happy knowing that there could be someone to help you.
Ok then in that case I’ll take you to my home the mushroom kingdom!
the toad told you then started to run away and jump on top of a few big mushrooms. Oh Wait for me!
you yelled out as you ran after the small mushroom guy. Climbing, running, and jumping over big mushrooms of many different sizes heights and colors. Until after a good fifteen minutes that felt like a hour of fallowing the toad. You both stop on one mushroom as you start to catch you breath then you looked up and saw a bunch of rounded hills and the biggest one on top of them all having a White castle with a red roof.
I know it looks grate right? But let’s get going it going to get dark in a few hours. So we need to get you to the prince before dark.
the toad said as he slid down a stem of a mushroom then got on the ground and ran of to the defection of the kingdom.
so the start of this love battle how will the prince react to a human in his kingdom.
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fairy-verse · 10 months
I don't know if my inbox just straight up ate this ask, or if I accidentally deleted it, but luckily I'm smart and save all the questions in a word document when I answer them, so hah! I still got it.
If you want more in-depth descriptions of the different races, then please send individual asks for them.
evethepoptwist asked:
What do season fairies work for like what do they harvesting for, what do they make for their own little inventions and crafts, or how do they take care of animals by their own ways, depending on each seasons other than singing, dancing, laughter, etc. And can you tell us more about trolls, flower people, and mushroom people, and what do they do for the living? Since we barely know these guys other than talking so much about season fairies and the big folks
It is important to remember that the fairies mostly just create and work for the fun of it. Once they’ve made anything they require to survive for the seasons they do not belong to, then they’re free to just craft and create things that they love. They will harvest whatever food they can find within their respective season, and oftentimes trade with each other should they desire anything that belongs to the other seasons.
The animals care for themselves, but some fairies will take extra care in aiding them through life to ensure their survival, though it all depends on how much they love said animal. Most of the time, they will simply flutter around them and bring them as much luck as possible. Fairies possess an extra amount of luck compared to other beings, after all!
The trolls are night-dwelling creatures that hide in caves, holes, and makeshift homes that they create out of fallen trees, moss, sticks, and mud. Sunlight will turn them to stone, which is a painful process that cannot be undone. They prefer deer, moose, and rabbits as food, but have acquired a taste for humans, too. Fairies are mostly seen as tasty sweets to them. They have been known to create clothes and weapons, and they can speak to each other, though this is through grunts and growls. Most of the time, they fight amongst themselves and prefer solitude to companionship.
The flower people were born from the magic of the Luna tree on the Isle of Luna, and from said tree, they are granted immortality. They rarely leave the island, as what often happens to those that do so, is that they fall in love and will inevitably be cursed with heartache for eternity. They are the same size as fairies, and legend has it that they’re all blessed with the ability to communicate and manipulate the nature around them. No one fully knows what they do on the island, as no one has been able to cross the mist surrounding it.
The mushroom people are essentially just mushrooms with stumpy legs and arms that wander the forest floors. They will squeak, though no one yet knows if this is a form of communication or not. Sometimes, they may sit for hours and days without doing anything. They are popular pets among the fairies, especially the spring and autumn fairies.
There are also:
The Stonemen will appear as boulders, rubble, and mountains when asleep. The sleeping sisters are believed to be Stonemen who fell into a deep slumber many hundred years ago, and some think they will cause havoc once they awake again. This theory hasn’t yet been confirmed. Stonemen in general are peaceful and stationary, though when awake, they have been observed to find pleasure in watching fairies play together.
The small people/monsters look just like the big folk, only the size of fairies. They live in holed out trees and tiny houses on the forest floor. There are not that many of them on Fairy Island, as they’re not native there. They’ll live simple lives, preparing for winter, sewing clothes, creating fun projects they can play with, and sometimes even trading with fairies.
Gnomes are odd winter creatures that have their eyes hidden by pointy hats in the colour of either, red, blue, or green. They live in holes in the ground, though said homes look very cozy, often with a fireplace, a place for a kitchen, a big bed for the whole family, and such. They only come out once the snow lays thickly on the ground, and then they’ll collect sticks, frozen berries, and other trinkets they can find on the ground. Very little is known about them, though they’ll sometimes trade with the winter fairies.
Monster fairies can often be found close to Big Folk villages, and sometimes even in them. They like to settle within their attics for warmth, though there are still those who prefer to live in the forest away from them. Most can be found in Willoway Forest, though there are those who live in the Singing and Kval hills. They often steal food and clothes from the Big Folk. These fairies are the ones that look like variants of Papyrus, Toriel, Asgore, Temmie, esc…
Human fairies/Fae are in small numbers and can only be found within Ink’s domain, as he is the father of their race. They have blacked-out eyes and silvery blue wings, and they should never, under any circumstance, be trusted to make a deal with. Luckily, it’s difficult and extremely rare to ever meet with any of them.
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latibulater · 3 months
The Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Careers in Science
gonna start a new reblog chain every two episodes so they dont become too long. this one is a doozy to me. SO much of s7 is scraped from this one episode
I can't stop imaging the implications of Venture Industries going from being a fairly sized cutting-edge company that had over 2000 employees just on the Gargantua 1 (so way more on earth), to having absolutely zero staff and their main HQ building in NY closing (to become the impossible building (and then impossible industries crashing when he goes evil (and tHEN VENTECH CRASHING [literally!!!] after JJ dies (i just think that scraper is cursed))))
I love how Brock is in sweats and a beanie. He saw those dorky spacesuits and said absolutely fucking not
Also, the opening conversation between Brock and Baldavich is SO funnnnnnny. This woman hasn't had sex in 6 years at least and is getting off on guiding a rocket into a space station.
okay i dont care about bud as a character but he'd be a great inciting incident imagine if he had interpreted the Morse and opened the machine and saw Jonas - and THAT was why Rusty and Brock were called up to the Gargantua 1 during this episode
we know Bud was the paperboy on Gargantua 1, so he has essentially been on that space station since Jonas died, for the past twenty whole years. Not straight, literally, but still, jesus. Mentally at least. I'm actually surprised he wasn't able to remember Morse code and decipher the blinks of the Problem Machine. i imagine it was incredibly traumatic and that why he hasn't led a life in any other way, he's still a paperboy twenty years later.
Bud thinking Brock is dr. venture is hilarious it reminds me of fullmetal alchemist. if we want to be gay, he COULD
what is WITH brock's shorts over his sweatpants wtf on earth. so superman
Doc never even took the pills before he hit his head on the console after the gravity was turned back on. i TRULY think he was talking to Jonas' consciousness. the conversation between them is so funny. "youre a hallucination" "fine maybe. but even if im a hallucination im still your dad. what did you do to my space station"
the way hank and dean get so mad and upset when they think doc is dead its actually very touching and sad when you think about how at this point theyre still being endlessly cloned
"you were just flipping switch. think! cmon tiny wonder, you helped me build this thing." "i was just a kid i just wanted to play cowboys and indians, who lets a ten year old help build a space station anyways!"
hank and dean thinking brock is wrestling the phantom space man, and then fucking the phantom space man, they just took it on the chin and assumed immediately Brock would have sex with a man
"oh rusty you don't need diet pills, you just need to figure some things out. remember lad, the solution was in you all the time." either rusty is hallucinating jonas saying that or the man's bodiless head really is trying to encourage his son.
either way it speaks a lot to their relationship. i feel like verbally jonas was very upbeat and forceful optimism, and it was his actions endangering rusty and lack of emotional care that really traumatized rusty as a child
"he has a huge mushroom, does he have a smurf living in it!" i laughed
"you already took it! in the lap! from...not! me!" laughed so much
rusty's childhood toys gunking up the gargantua 1 console. there is a metaphor living in here somewhere
the way bud talks is so old fashioned even for the show. he's got to be the same age as rusty yet he talks like professor impossible or even more anachronistically. maybe baldavich has only been there for 6 years, but bud has been manning the station for multiple tours on end and has only old media to entertain himself with
i love the little zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu-zhuuuuu music its only in the very early episodes
"oh man whats it like being a giant liar"
the suit pee dripping....SO GROSS yet as an animator lover i appreciate it
overall i really do love this episode. first one without racism, thank god above. the joke of baldavich being super ugly is lame, but its tamer than in its always sunny in philadelphia with the way dee is treated like a bird.
i seriously am trying to wrap my head around what it would be like if jonas had actually been recovered in season one. so much character development not done, so much just hasn't happened yet would it even matter? would it be better for jonas jr to be born after jonas comes back to life or after?
tiny bit off track, but i keep picturing an alternate universe where rusty and jj are born at the same time and jonas is still disabled but more interested in science but stuck at home whereas rusty is terrified but able bodied and expected to follow their father everywhere. rusty being a big brother.........
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 116 - Tilly in the Network
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 Episode 5 - Saints of Imperfection
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This episode picks up exactly where engineering left off, with May pulling Sylvia Tilly into the Spore Network, and Michael is kinda doing this thing of burying herself into her work to distract from her sadness about the situation. It's very Vulcan of her, and I can't wait to see how it tears her up.
Meanwhile, Discovery has come across Spock's shuttle, however Spock isn't responding, and Discovery are left with no choice but to open fire before the shuttle can enter a nebula through which Discovery can't follow. They successfully immobilise the SHuttle, and bring it aboard, but to everyone's surprise, Spock isn't on Board: Georgiou is.
Now, last season I didn't like a lot of what they did with Georgiou after leaving her universe, they were a few interesting moments towards the end, but I didn't like that she her comeuppance so bringing her into the main universe in the end kinda felt unjustified. I'm still holding out for some villainous downfall this season, and here specifically, putting her right next to Pike who has built up as very much archetype of the paragon Starfleet Captain, when she is very much the prime example of what I imagine most Terran Captains are like (Granted, my sample size is very limited for them), should be a really interesting point of contrast.
Also the music that plays when she enters, is just perfect. I don't feel like I highlight soundtracks enough on these, but I love Evil Georgiou's theme.
Georgiou is still pretending to be our Universe's Georgiou, but Pike apparently has history with her. Georgiou's current mission for Section 31 is to hunt down Spock. Unfortunately Section 31 ties Pike's hands, and Georgiou is allowed to go free.
Last time Section 31 showed up, a few episodes ago, a couple of you pointed out to me they're they shadowy Group Enterprise too, I don't they were given a name back there, but if this is the same group, they seem be at least slightly more publicly known by know, both Michael and Pike recognise the Section 31 Badge that Georgiou has, whereas in Enterprise they seemed to exist entirely outside of Starfleet's knowledge minus a few people. I kinda wanna know what caused that shift.
The Engineering team manage to confirm that Tilly isn't and indeed is in the Spore Network. Sylvia is rightfully pissed at May for bringing her here, however she is willing to listen to her out. Unfortunately she wants her to kill some sort of creature that entered the Spore Network when Discovery started making it's jumps, and is currently destroying the world of the Network.
Meanwhile on Discovery, as Georgiou leaves, Section 31 drops off an official Liaison, in the form of Ash Tyler. Pike confronts Michael about how different Georgiou is acting from how he remembers her, and that conversation gets put off, Michael and Ash have a small catch up, but nothing really happens immediately and Ash leaves to report to the Bridge.
Paul's plan to rescue Tilly is to jump Discovery into the network, essentially use the ship as a gateway between the real world world and mushroom world. There are a few risks involved, it's been previously established that the mycelium in the network eat normal matter, so the crew would only have an hour to find and extract Sylvia, and there is a risk crew members could just end up like the crew of the Glen if they're in the wrong place when the jump happens.
Pike approves of the Plan, and he gives a really good No Man Left Behind speech, and everyone gets ready to go, and the side of the ship sinks into the network, and Paul and Michael get to searching. Sylvia and May board the Discovery too, although she takes a path to the Armoury to deal with the creature, although they quickly meet up, and Tilly explains the situation
I love that the Monster remains completely unseen until just now, when we find out he is Hugh Culbur, somehow corrupted by the something. Which obviously leaves Paul in a state of conflict. He thought he lost his partner, and he's been grieving really hard since midway through last season, and now he has a chance to save him, but May is still desperate to get Sylvia and by extension the others to kill him. Honestly I was expecting the monster somehow be related to the Tartigrade, so the idea that he's Hugh was a shock, and a twist that I love, even if it's undoing the most impactful death of Season 1.
Meanwhile on the bridge, things are going bad, the Mycelium are still eating away at the Hull, and the Bridge is Starting to fall into the Network, meaning the bridge crew have less space to work. Tyler however calls in some assistance from Section 31, with hidden communicator. A section 31 ship, apparently capable of disguising itself as an asteroid appears out of nowhere, and starts physically towing Discovery out of the Network's space
This little sequence with Section 31 is beautiful, it really showcases how much further ahead they are than everyone else tech-wise.
Meanwhile, Paul trying to convince Hugh that he's real is heartbreaking, he pulls through, and Tilly convinces May to stand down. They rush back to the cube and... Heartbreakingly Hugh is unable to crossover. This scene breaks my heart. Paul had so so much hope, and it just got ripped away from him, and AAAA! I am crying. Fortunately, Sylvia manages to think of a plan to use the Cocoon that dragged her in to create a new body for Hugh on the other side. With that, Paul completes the jump out of the Network, and everything is calm. The team spend time watching the cocoon, waiting, until May fufills her side of the promise, and Hugh is saved.
After this Mission, Pike and the Section 31 leader, Leland have a conversation with the Admiral. Who, one forces them to put their differences aside and work together, and two gives us new information about the Signals. The sites with the Signals have something called Tachyon Radiation, which I'm assuming is the Star Trek equivalent of Artron energy because Leland immediately connects it's presence to Time Travel, although Pike also says could indicate a number of other things, namely Cloaking Devices and Transporters. A Mystery to think about, I can think multiple ways all three of these could be involved with whatever the Red Angels are, Spock is still the best lead.
This episode was a fun conclusion to the May and Tilly Arc, I had fun with it, the rescue mission itself was great, and seeing Section 31 in Action. I still have enough to go on to narrow down my theory on the Red Angels are, and the end of this one kinda widened up the possibilities to it could be anything now. This episode was fun!
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thatonebirdwrites · 5 months
As I write ficlets here, I dump them in my Books of Destiny. Newest chapter is the idea for the Fallout AU. I wanted to keep Kara feeling alien, and the best way to do that is for her to be a vault dweller who ventures into the wastelands for the first time. This puts Lena as a wastelander (secretly with the Railroad but working as a scavenger). I'm mixing the plots of Fallout 3 and 4 because I liked Fallout 3's plot better, but I prefer Fallout 4's setting and factions. (Have played these games dozens of times.) What is the Fallout Universe?
If Fusion Power was invented and became commonplace in the 1950s, where even cars are run on fusion, only for a nuclear war to break out. Two hundred years after the War, the character leaves their vault knowing little to nothing about the wasteland. It's a dark satire with ridiculous elements. As a fun easter egg, in Fallout 3, you can find Bethseda's offices. Yes, they put their offices in the game.
Year 2278, May 12 - 200 Years After the War
Two days after leaving the vault, Kara realized that the world did not fit what the overseer had described. In fact, everything she'd been told about the world seemed to be terribly wrong.
The giant cockroaches and mosquitoes? They weren't supposed to be that big! When she saw the furless mongrel dogs and cows with two heads, she quickly realized that the Vault's biology book was utterly useless for this wasteland. The land itself mostly dried grass, vine-drenched trees, and over-sized, glowing mushrooms.
How was Kara supposed to find a clean source of water and better foodstuff to replace their lost stores? The wasteland looked so inhospitable, and nearly all the water sources held far too much radioactivity. Her Geiger counter kept bouncing up to warn her away from the more dangerous areas -- her vault suit didn't quite protect against the radiation, she should have worn a hazmat suit -- but in other areas that did harbor life, none matched her biology vaultbooks. So she had no idea what was edible.
Up ahead, Kara sighted three figures. She darted behind a rock. Last thing she needed was a fight. The last one with that creepy, fur-less and rabid dog had nearly gotten her killed. Her arm still ached from the dog's claws. She'd had to use three stimpacks before the injury began to slowly repair itself.
So she huddled behind a rock and watched the approach of humans. The first she'd seen since leaving the vault. She had a knife with her, canned food and water, and some tech from the vault. The gun she'd found in a rundown shack yesterday was out of ammo. Not that she was any good at it. Shooting wasn't part of the vault curriculum.
Two of the humans were dressed in leather coats, black pants with knee pads, and a hard helmet. A giant, hulking robot walked next to them, but a human voice emanated from it. It looked like one of the power armors Kara had seen in the textbooks from the war.
One of the humans looked like a woman. She held a device in her hand and moved it back and forth over the ground. Her skin was sun-burned, her black hair tied back in a loose ponytail, but her eyes were so, so green. As green as the tree drawings in Kara's vault textbooks. She was gorgeous.
The trio walked closer, and their voices drifted over the broken trees and shattered road. "Jack, are you certain this was the coordinates? Because I'm not picking up any signals." Even the woman's voice sounded beautiful.
"We've been over this, Lena. The triangulation pinpointed the crash to this location," Jack said, his deeper voice held an accent Kara didn't recognize. "We simply need to cover more area."
"Perhaps we should split up?" The power armor person said. Their voice was a low alto. "Cover more ground?"
"Bloody hell, Sam, we'd be easy pickings for any enemy then," Jack said with a dramatic flourish of his hand.
"You would be fine, Sam," Lena said with a roll of her eyes. "You got the power armor. Besides, the idea isn't feasible. I have the scanner. Without it, you're looking for a cap in a lake."
Kara blinked as their words filtered through her. Wait. A crash? She'd seen lots of crashes since leaving the Vault. In fact, one had been still smoking. It resembled the Vertibirds from her textbooks of the war. She'd passed by it yesterday when she'd sighted the giant cockroach and almost fell off a cliff in her eagerness to escape it.
Without thinking it through, she darted to her feet. "Hey! I saw a crash!"
And soon found herself facing three weapons -- a flamethrower in Sam's hands, a hunting rifle in Jack's, and a laser gun in Lena's.
Kara threw up her hands. "Please don't shoot! I don't mean any harm. I just heard you talking about a crash, and I saw one."
Lena lowered her weapon first. One eyebrow rose as her gaze swept over Kara. "You're wearing a vault jumpsuit."
"Yes?" Kara looked down at the blue and yellow suit. The number 101 was emblazoned across the front. Was it a bad thing to be a vault-dweller? She wondered if maybe she should have lied. Too late now. "I left it two days ago."
"Wait, you're a vault dweller?" Jack slid the rifle over his shoulder and grinned. "Our luck is in! Can you take us to it?"
Kara lowered her hands, confused. "Why?"
"Most vaults are powered by fusion," Lena explained, "and we're low on fusion cores. Is your power still functioning?"
Kara shifted uneasily back toward her rock. "I'm not sure." She'd left the vault intact, meaning her family was still there. Leading these people to it just for them to take the vault's power? That would put them all in danger.
"What do you mean you're not sure?" Sam asked. She had lowered her weapon, but her voice was still intimidating due to the power armor. "Come on, you just left it, didn't you?"
"I can take you to the crash," Kara said, firmly. Alex and the others relied on her mission to find a better water source. Leading strangers there to steal power was not part of the mission. "And maybe we can negotiate if you help me find a clean source of water."
"Now see here," Jack started to say, but Lena held up her hand to stop him.
"Negotiate we definitely can. So what's your name?" With a smile, Lena stepped in front of the others and held out her hand to Kara. "I'm Lena, this is Jack, and that's Sam."
"Kara from Vault 111." Kara shook Lena's hand with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you."
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unenvs3000w24 · 8 months
My relationship with nature
My relationship with nature is a supremely positive one. I think our connection to nature is part of being human and it’s inside all of us. As kids, we’re encouraged to play in and explore the outdoors, keeping our little minds open to what the world has to offer outside of our bubble of “home”. Nature is a home to many, and in a way, to all of us. The forests are rich with communication between plants and animals that none of us are privy to. We come from nature and so it is in our bodies to want to connect with the outdoors. It can be so hard to do so in our world of school and work that doesn’t encourage us to spend time outside. As a person who doesn’t own a car, it makes it even more difficult to live in urban areas and still spend a lot of time in nature. Growing up in downtown Toronto doesn’t exactly encourage one to spend a lot of time in nature. While it certainly made me into a person who likes to walk everywhere, hiking trails and forests are not easily accessible on foot. I spent most of my childhood at the park by my house, learning how to interact with nature. It’s so important to spend a great deal of your time in nature during those formative years.
My partner’s family has a house in Collingwood where I’ve been able to really have fun doing things outside. They’ve taken me skiing and on some amazing hikes. One trail that we’ve been on a couple times goes through these caves that you have to climb down into and through and can be quite challenging, especially since we do it in the winter.
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Cave hike in Collingwood.
Whenever I get the privilege to be out in a forest, I’m immediately drawn to the moss. Something about the vibrant green against its background that is so striking to me. It makes me want to shrink down in size and live in a patch of squishy moss. Especially in the winter, it’s shocking how alive moss still appears even when everything else has lost its colour.
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Happy moss in the winter :)
I hope to one day get into foraging, specifically for mushrooms but also medicinal plants. I don’t have the time or resources to get into it at this point in my life but one day I will. Seeing a funky, colourful mushroom while on a walk brings me so much joy and I can imagine if I was also able to identify the species and the benefits of it, it would be even more exciting. One summer in high school, I worked at a nature camp that was fully outdoors, rain or shine, in High Park. It was an amazing experience and really did make me appreciate how awesome nature can be. I learned which plants are edible and not, which ones have healing properties, and which ones can be used to do “tattoos” on the kids. And thus, nature as a whole has provided a “sense of place” for me. It’s been there for me when I need a place to escape to and I know it will have a large space in my future.
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Me in my "place"
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tmarshconnors · 2 years
100 questions Q&A about me
Now, I thought it would be a good activity to do 100 questions Q&A about me so I searched on Google "100 Questions For Your Get To Know Me Tag"
Are you a morning or night person? Night. I hate mornings.
Are you afraid of the dark? No. Never have been.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Introvert.
Are you double-jointed? No.
Are you left or right-handed? Right-handed.
Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? Tidy. I am pretty much OCD if something isn't in the right place.
Are you on time or always late? On-time. I am normally early by about 10 mins or so.
Are you ticklish? Ticklish.
Can you curl your tongue? Yes.
Can you ice skate? No.
Can you wiggle your ears? No.
Coffee or tea? Tea.
Cookies, cake or doughnuts? Cake.
Did you ever participate in a talent show? No.
Did you go to prom? No.
Did you like school? No.
Do you believe in ghosts? No.
Do you bite your nails? Yes.
Do you consider yourself a good cook? No.
Do you enjoy dancing? No.
Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? No.
Do you forgive easily? No
Do you have a nickname? Yes. I have two. Apple and Phoenix
Do you have any allergies? No
Do you have any phobias? No
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? No
Do you have children? No
Do you have pets? No
Do you have siblings? No
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs
Do you prefer Mac or a PC? Mac
Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Mountains
Do you prefer to bathe or shower? Shower
Do you sing in the shower? No
Do you smoke? No
Do you speak any different languages? No
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Yes
Do you still watch cartoons? No
Do you/have you played any sports? No, I don't play sports anymore but I use to play Golf.
Does your name have a special meaning? No
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes. I had my appendix out a few years ago.
Have you ever been on a diet? No
Have you ever been to a concert? Yes
Have you ever gone camping? Yes
Have you ever met any celebrities? No
Have you ever skipped class? Yes
Have you ever won something? Yes
Have you had braces? No
How are you feeling right now? Tired
How tall are you? 5.6
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? Another custom Xbox controller
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Japan
Were you ever a scout or a brownie? Scout
What city were you born in? Chichester 
What did you last eat? Corn flakes
What did you want to be when you were younger? Fireman
What do you do on a typical Friday night? Gaming
What is one food that you refuse to eat? Squash
What is one item on your bucket list? Visit Japan
What is one item you can’t live without? My glasses
What is your shoe size? 7
What movie have you watched repeatedly? The Great Escape
What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Apple
What should you be doing right now? Going to bed it's (5.10am)
What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? Read a few books.
What’s one of your pet peeves? Gate Lice
What’s the last song you listened to? Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme
What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? One of my leather jackets
What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? My iPhone
What’s your best physical feature? My eyes
What’s your Chinese sign? Roster
What’s your current obsession? Battered Mushrooms
What’s your dream car? 911 GT3 RS - Porsche
What’s your favourite animal? Don't have one
What’s your favourite book? Don't have one
What’s your favourite colour? Blood Red
What’s your favourite dessert? Raspberry Cheesecake
What’s your favourite drink? Lemonade with ice.
What’s your favourite food? Anything spicy
What’s your favourite foreign food? Chilli Chicken
What’s your favourite gadget? Currently, it's my Macbook Pro
What’s your favourite hobby? Gaming
What’s your favourite movie? Lost In Translation
What’s your favourite restaurant? Don't have one
What’s your favourite sandwich? BLT
What’s your favourite season? Winter
What’s your favourite series? House Of Cards (US)
What’s your favourite snack? Chocolate Digestive Biscuits
What’s your favourite sport to watch? Hockey
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? A full English or egg on toast
What’s your full name? TMarsh-Connors
What’s your longest relationship so far? Eight Years and 2 months
What’s your lucky number? 7
What’s your star sign? Pisces
When is your birthday? 4th March 1993
Which city did you grow up in? Arundel
Which city do you live in now? Littlehampton
Who do you miss right now? My girlfriend
Who is your celebrity crush? Don't have one
Who’s your favourite fictional character? Frank Underwood.
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paragonrobits · 11 months
random snippet i might consider as making a feature of an adventure time/SU crossover I've been thinking about expanding upon:
Peridot squinted, delicately holding up a reader, or at least something that she said was for measuring levels of magic.
The human boy that acted like a dog and moved like a bear tilted his head, watching it solemnly. His head tilted to one side almost exactly like a dog, and again it struck Steven that his new friend moved in ways that reminded him of the Gems, too.
The boy, Finn, had a strangely reserved way of moving, alternating between sudden bursts of energy and careful, measured movements. The whole time he was watching everything around him, and it gave Steven the impression Finn was silently weighing things up and working out if they were threats or not. More than once he'd seen Finn warily sizing things up and Steven had realized in those moments that Finn was preparing to fight, no matter how seemingly harmless the situation really was.
He tensed up whenever they were around people; given how dense cities tended to be, Steven had found himself edging nearer to Finn just to make him feel more comfortable, and true enough Finn had slowly acclimatized to it. But it left Steven wondering: what had Finn lived through to make him so unfamiliar with the idea of lots of humans together in one place? It seemed strangely exotic to Finn, or at least Steven had interpreted it as such.
It was about as the strange nostalgia he noticed in Finn when the radio had played rock music from about a few decades ago, or how he had seem inexplicably on the verge of tears when he smelled bubblegum candy, or fixated on little bulldogs like he was waiting for them to recognize him.
"Just thinking about home," he had replied shortly, when Steven worked up the nerve to ask.
Secrets; the boy had lots and lots of them. Steven had been in his dreams once. It had left him with even more questions and nightmares and he wasn't sure he wanted to know more.
(Steven still dreamed of some... thing. A skeleton, patchy bits of flesh still clinging on, holding a single finger to its teeth and whispering for silence. And in its eye sockets, pools of blackness with a single green mote of light, staring at him from the other side of an unimaginable abyss. The end is already here, his dreams said, and he didn't know what it meant or why those little green lights left him shaking and sickly, or why looking at a mushroom later that day gave him an awful since of... not foreboding, exactly. But inevitability.)
"Odd," Peridot said, aloud. "That can't be right..."
Finn tilted his head. A few more stray hairs, so pale in color they were nearly white and strangely ghostly, flickered out from beneath the furry hood he wore. "What is?"
Peridot paused. Finn spoke clearly enough, but the common language of Steven's area was clearly not his first, or even second language, and people usually needed a moment to parse the fast, harsh barks he spoke in. "I'm reading a LOT of magic off you. Last I checked, humans don't have magic in them, so I don't know what's causing it."
"Let me see," said Pearl, sidling over. She and Finn shared a very brief glance. On Pearl's side, it was cordial wariness, and from Finn, there was an evident desire to duel her. "Hmm. I see. Okay, there's a lot of magical energy bound up into your body, which might explain a few things... hmm. There's a lot of it incorporated directly into your organic make-up, and from... your mind, I think?"
"Soul energy," Finn said.
Pearl considered this. "Hrm. Not dissimilar from the natural charge of magic Gems build up, but I've never heard of anything happening with a human."
(Inside, Finn thought of a blue comet, falling from the sky. The equal and opposite to a green comet, heralding death.)
Out loud, Finn just shrugged.
"Hrm," Pearl said again, frowning slightly and indicating she didn't entirely believe him. Finn shrugged again, giving a convincing performance that the inside of his skull was empty space. "Ah! A lot of it is coming from that thing you're carrying. I... oh. Peridot! Look at this, please!"
Peridot leaned over. "What is it? Oh. OH. Ohhh, that is... rather concerning, actually."
Steven peeked at the reader. It was currently outlining the weapon Finn carried, which was so intensely radiant with magical energies that the screen was having difficulty rendering it. "That's... not supposed to happen, is it?"
Peridot shook her head. "That thing is packing more magic than Gem weapons! Which are made FROM magic! What IS that thing?"
Finn awkwardly extended the weapon in question for inspection. "Please be careful with it," he said, more seriously than anyone there had ever seen him. It was an axe; a double-headed axe about the same size as an electric guitar. It was the most unusual weapon Steven had seen, and he wasn't sure it was entirely artificial, or had at least been made by human or Gem. It was strangely organic, made of a red substance not quite crystalline and not quite like dried blood, but some inbetween thing. Not plastic or metal nor stone, as if someone had taken a huge chunk of solidified blood and roughly carved it into shape. It shone like metal, and it was faintly pulsing like a heartbeat. It had apparently been modified to function as a guitar, too, with a complex arrangement of strings and some alterations to the head for sound design.
Finn refused to let it go. It beat, and he breathed it. It beat, and he breathed out.
(He felt the heartbeat of the Abadeer axe.
He closed his eyes.
He thought of teal eyes, dark hair reaching the ground; he thought of a monstrous smile hiding the kindest soul he'd ever known.)
Aloud he said, "I borrowed it, from one of my best friends in the world." His gaze turned imploring. "Please. Be careful with it."
Pearl moved as if to take it, and then she stopped. Her hand wavered, and then lowered itself.
Later, she told Steven; in that moment, she saw a shadow of the same loss she knew, and suddenly she had thought that taking it even for a short time would have been like abandoning a memory of Rose.
Both of them saw Finn breath out a sigh of relief, his apparently instinctive wariness completely dropping. He hugged it to himself, his gaze distant and fixed on a memory.
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jgmartin · 1 year
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I'm a government employee. 
My name isn’t important. All you need to worry about is what I have to say. 
I work at a compound known as the Facility. Within it, we perform research on things the public would find… unappetizing. Officially, we’re listed under Experimental Weapons Development, but lately, our umbrella has spread much wider.
Suffice it to say that there are things out there that go bump in the night. Things, both legendary and mundane, that exert their influence upon us and defy explanation. My job is to interview individuals who believe they’ve encountered such entities and determine if their accounts are fact or fiction. What my job is not to do, however, is share those interviews. 
In this case, though, I don’t think I have a choice. 
The room is cramped, dimly lit, and smells vaguely of stale piss and black mold. A light hangs above the table between us, rocking back and forth and doing a poor job illuminating much of anything. Still, I can see the man's gaunt face and the fields on my clipboard. 
It's enough. It will do. 
I ask the man to tell me his story, and it begins. 
“It happened at the cabin,” he says. He’s twenty-something, with a long nose and five o’clock shadow. When he reaches for his cigarette, his hand shakes like a 1950’s pickup truck. “Not my cabin,” he adds. “It belonged to Emily, but she invited us up. The three of us.”
My pen scratches across my clipboard. FOUR INDIVIDUALS. “For leisure, I’ll assume?”
He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Yeah, I guess.” A laugh escapes his lips. It’s short. Awkward. “Why else do people go to cabins? We just wanted to get drunk, stoned, forget our problems for the weekend. You know, like normal people do.”
“Of course,” I say, marking down his response. His eyes dart toward the cameras in the corner of the room, and his tongue slips across his lips. They’re chapped,  cracked and bleeding. He looks worse than a mess. He looks like a disaster.
“The cameras,” he says. “What’s the deal with them? You said you weren’t a cop.”
“I’m not,” I reassure him. “The cameras are for my own records. Events— encounters with the paranormal, they’re tricky things. Sometimes we catch items in recordings we’d otherwise miss in person.”
He stares at me a while. His lip curls in, his teeth gnawing at it. It’s a look I’ve seen before, the sort of look where he’s wondering if maybe he’s being played. He’s wondering if this is a sting operation, and he’s taking the bait and I’m going to have him thrown into a psych ward, or worse.
“It’s better if you tell me everything,” I say, placing my clipboard on the desk between us. “I’m not here to have you put away, only to get some answers.”
A moment of dead air hangs between us, and it’s the sort of moment I recognize. He’s weighing the situation. Sizing me up. He’s wondering if he’s comfortable talking about something this batshit insane to a total stranger. 
But then he takes a breath, followed by a deep drag, and he ashes his cigarette.
“Sure,” he says. He taps on a finger on the desk. Gathers his thoughts. “It happened late at night. The four of us had been drinking in the cabin, doing mushrooms, but we all slept outside in tents since the place was full of spiders. Hardly ever got used.” 
“Why’s that?” I check a box labeled INTOXICATED. 
He shrugs. “Bad memories, I think?”
I tilt my head to the side, inviting him to continue.
“The cabin belonged to Emily’s mom," he explains. "She passed away when Em was a little girl, and the place has been a mausoleum ever since. Em thinks it has bad mojo.”
“What do you think?”
“What do I think?” He tastes the question. “I think that... ” He trails off, his eyes losing focus, gazing at the splintered wooden table between us. Suddenly, he seems far away. There’s an emptiness to his expression. A disconnect. I wonder if he’s thinking of legends and nightmares. 
I wonder if he’s thinking of Jagged Janice. 
“Is everything alright?” I ask.
He blinks, then nods. 
My pen scratches across my clipboard. SUBJECT APPEARS TRAUMATIZED. AVOIDANT.
“What’s that?” he asks. “What are you writing?” He leans forward, his thin frame eclipsing the table as he narrows his eyes on my form. I pull it away. 
“It’s private.”
“How come?”
“Your knowledge of my notes could influence your account. I’d prefer it if such biases were avoided.”
His face creases, jaw clenches. 
“Now,” I say. “Please continue.”
He looks angry as he sits back in his chair. Pissed. He’s gnawing at his lips again, and his finger’s tapping the table like a gatling gun. There’s no doubt in my mind that this guy’s been through a lot, but I need to make sure he’s telling the truth, and in order to do that, he can’t know anything. Nothing at all. 
“Fine,” he says at length. “We’ll do it your way.”
Yes, we always do. 
“Like I said, we were drinking in the cabin. Swapping old war stories from high-school. Talking about stupid pranks we’d pull, or places we’d tag, or teachers we hated. We reflected. Pretty soon though, we got drunk enough that stuff went deeper. We stopped talking about all the silly surface bullshit, and we started talking about the stuff that really meant something to us— the things that set our souls on fire.”
“That’s a poetic turn of phrase. Are you a writer?”
He shrugs. 
“Let me rephrase. Would you describe yourself as having an active imagination?”
The man studies me, gears turning in his head. Again, he’s wondering if I’m goading him into an admission of insanity. He’s wondering if I’m calculating what amount of antipsychotics it would take to counterbalance his paranoia, and what size straightjacket would best fit his scarecrow frame. 
But I’m not doing any of that. 
The truth is, I don’t care if he’s insane or perfectly lucid. I don’t give a damn about him at all. All I care about is whether or not he’s seen Jagged Janice, and that he isn’t another liar. 
“My imagination isn’t anything special,” he says at length. “Now, can I tell my fucking story, or are you going to keep interrupting?”
I smile. "Sure. Go ahead." 
He takes a breath, spares a half-second to glare at me. “The four of us are drinking in Em’s cabin and she starts to get… low. Like, depressed. She’s usually a pretty upbeat person so I ask her what’s up, and she says she’s just been feeling a bit haunted since coming back to the cabin.”
I lift an eyebrow.
“Her brother…” The man sighs, shakes his head as though determining how best to phrase his next words. “Her brother died at the cabin. Drowned to death in the ocean a hundred yards from the front door. Emily watched it happen.”
“She watched her brother drown?”
He nods. “She was three years old. She didn’t understand what was happening, not really. There wasn’t anything she could do.”
“I see.” It’s a sad story, but not really what I came here for. Worse still, nothing yet matches the Jagged Janice legend. “Anything else?”
The man looks up at me, and disbelief swims in his eyes. “Anything else?” he mutters. “No, asshole. That’s it. She watched her brother die and it made her feel like shit.”
“I’m not here for Emily’s story, I’m here for yours. You’ll excuse me if I forget to feign empathy for a woman I’ve never met.” I check a box labeled CONFRONTATIONAL and rest my pen on my clipboard. “Now then, you said you were drinking. Talking. What happened after that?”
His jaw is set. Clenched. He looks like he wants to slug me in the face and honestly, I wouldn’t blame him, but instead he takes a drag on his cigarette and leans back in his chair. 
“We drink and talk until our eyes get droopy,” he says. “And then we go to bed. It’s like any night, I guess. Up until a point.”
There’s an implication in his words, but I’ll deal with it later. For now I need more details. I need to understand the setting of the Event as clearly as I can. “The police report,” I say, glancing down at my copy of the document, “mentions the incident occurred inside of the cabin. Is that right?”
“That’s right.”
“Can you describe it for me? The layout?”
He scratches the back of his head, brows furrowed. There’s a picture being painted in his mind, colored by memories. “It's a tee-shaped cabin. Capital T. There’s two bedrooms on either side of the T, and at the very top center is a bathroom. The bottom of the T is the living area and kitchen, then the front door.”
“Simple enough.” I make a quick sketch of it on my form. “According to the report, the Event occurred in the washroom. I’d like you to talk about that.”
His eyes narrow, and his mouth twitches. He sucks in on his cigarette like it’s the last drag he’ll ever have. Slow. Long. He burns it down to the filter, eyes bloodshot, and then he drops it into the ashtray. “You got any more of these?”
“Sure.” I reach inside my jacket and pull out a pack, tossing it to him. The man catches it and flips it open. His hands are shaking. They’re shaking so hard that he can hardly light the smoke after he slips it into his mouth.
“Let me,” I offer. 
“No,” he says. “I’ve got it.” The lighter strikes, and a flame dances to life. He hovers it below his dart until an ember glows. Then the man leans back, takes a deep drag, and blows out a storm cloud. “You’re the real deal, huh?”
“I’m sorry?”
“The real deal. You actually believe me, don’t you?”
“Maybe,” I say. Truthfully I’m still making up my mind. “You said the four of you quit drinking to go to sleep. Back in your tents, I presume. What happened after that?”
He ashes the cigarette. “Nature calls. I gotta take a shit, so I get up and head to the cabin. When I unzip the tent though, I can’t see the dirt in front of me. It’s that dark outside. Pitch black.”
“No moon?”
He shrugs. “Wasn’t looking for one. All I know is I’ve got to take a shit, and I’m not about to use the outhouse— it smells worse than death. So I make my way to the cabin. Once I get inside though, this weird feeling comes over me.”
“Weird feeling?”
“Like I’m being watched.”
“The place feels empty. Lonely. It’s just me, the bugs, and the light from my phone. The light’s making shadows out of everything— the dusty fridge, the cluttered shelves, and the messy counters. There’s a thousand shapes all around me, shifting with every step I take and this feeling of, I don’t know.... Dread? comes over me. Like I’m not safe.”
The man pauses. Sweat beads down his forehead. “Sorry,” he says. “I just haven’t thought about it in this much detail since the night it happened.”
“Don’t worry,” I tell him. “Events are messy things, and more often than not, they leave scars.”
“Take your time.”
He gives himself a minute. Catches his breath. “Like I said, I don’t feel safe in there, but I’m drunk enough that it doesn’t faze me. I’ve still got a buzz going from earlier in the night, you know? I think to myself, I came to take a shit and some spooky shadows aren’t gonna stop me.” He chuckles to himself, shakes his head. “But a few seconds later, I’m in the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I figure, why take the chance?”
He’s nervous. Jittery. His leg’s bouncing up and down and shaking the table. It’s beginning to affect my ability to write. “Would you like a glass of water?” I ask.
“I’m fine.”
“Humor me.” I grab the jug and pour him a cup, sliding it across the table. He eyes it for a moment, and then grips the glass, bringing it to his lips and downing it in one swig. I pour him another. 
“So,” he says, wiping his lips. “I’m about to unbuckle and do my business when I see movement. It’s in the top corner of the bathroom— in one of those little toilet windows, like the type that’s clouded on the bottom for privacy, or whatever, but clear on the top to let in light.”
“I’ve seen those. Is that where you witnessed the Event?”
“That’s where I saw the smile.”
Jagged Janice. “Describe it.”
“Honestly I…” He sounds suddenly hesitant. Worried. “I’d rather not describe the smile, if we could. Wouldn’t it be better to just talk about the Event instead?”
“The smile is part of the Event,” I remind him. “It’s important that we get as many details as possible, no matter how uncomfortable your memories may be.”
He looks down, and his eyes drift out of focus. “The smile is just a row of teeth. But the teeth are too big and too sharp to belong to a human, and there are just… so many of them.”
I check my notes, consulting descriptions of Jagged Janice listed in old email chains from the early 2000’s. “I’d like to hear  more about these teeth.”
“The teeth are important. Describe them, please.”
The man is uncomfortable. He’s shifting in his seat like quicksand, and when he talks his voice cracks but he gives me what I want. “The teeth are jagged,” he says. “Serrated, almost. Their length is all over the place. Some barely break her gums, others stretch down, cutting through her lips.” His fingers move again. They’re tapping on the metal table. Tap. Tap. Tap. 
“When I see the smile, my heart starts pounding. I’m frozen there, standing in the dark bathroom with just the light from my phone. My mind’s reeling, but I know that whoever that smile belongs to, I don’t want them seeing me, so I hold my phone up against my chest. Tight as I can. I smother the light.”
“The light,” I say. “Did the woman showcase an adverse reaction to it?” Janice, according to her legend, loathes light. 
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “Or, I don’t know? I can’t remember small details.” He pauses, and reaches for his glass of water before taking another gulp.”At that point my body’s mostly just adrenaline. There’s a storm of it coursing through me and screaming at me to run or scream or fight this bitch or just do something. Anything. But I can’t. I just stand there, staring at her inhuman teeth, at her horrible, twisted smile with my phone clutched to my chest like a crucifix.
“Then the smile begins to fall away, lowering itself until it’s just a blur behind the foggy part of the window. In its place are two eyes.” The man takes a breath, shuddering, trembling. “They’re wide, angled all wrong and they’re leaking this… black fluid. They dart around the washroom as if looking for something.
“I stay still. Still as I can, like I’m fucking paralyzed. There’s no light in the room, none except the bits of moon framing the monster in the window, so I let myself meld into the darkness. I don’t move an inch, and I pray to god the creature can’t see me there.”
He shivers, reaches for his cigarette and takes a drag. 
“Then I hear the tapping on the window. Tap. Tap. Tap. It’s followed by this chattering sound, and it takes me a second but I realize it’s her teeth gnashing together, open and shut, open and shut, over and over again. I don’t want to look at her. I don’t. But part of me can’t stop myself, and I glance up and see her eyes staring back at me. Two tiny black dots in a sea of white. My breathing stops. My pulse races. Dribbles of piss run down my leg. It’s just the two of us now, watching one another.”
I lean forward, my interest piqued. Much of his description could have been pulled from the Jagged Janice legend itself. The small black pupils. The rows of inhuman teeth. I check off the features on my clipboard as he goes. “What does she do?” I ask. “When you lock eyes with her?”
He swallows. “She speaks.”
“What does she say?”
“She says,” he stammers. “I see you.”
I write the words down and circle them three times. They’re not familiar to me. “Describe her voice to me. Did she sound old? Young?”
“Her voice was quiet. Hard to hear. The words sounded like they’d been pulled out of a woodchipper. Their pronunciation was broken and unnatural, like they’d been cut up by those… teeth.”
“Curious,” I mutter. 
“Her fingers reach up, and she taps the glass again. Tap. Tap. Tap. I chance another look, and all I can see is her terrible, serrated smile in the window. It’s making me feel nauseous. I’ve never been that scared, you know? I close my eyes, wanting the feeling to go away for just a second, but when I open them again the smile’s gone. It’s just me, alone in the bathroom.”
He puts his face in his hands and lets the armor fall away. His shoulders quake with silent sobs. I give him a minute, then another. 
“Is that all?” I ask. 
No response. It becomes apparent that his account has reached its conclusion.
Disappointing to say the least.  
“A harrowing experience,” I say, giving my form a final swipe with my pen. With a sigh, I stand up from my chair, reaching out to shake his hand. “On behalf of the Facility, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to share it with me.” 
The man’s sobs taper off. He blinks up at me, with red, puffy eyes and when he speaks his voice is barely there at all. “It’s not over,” he says. “There’s more.”
My heart thrums as I pull back my handshake. A smile slips across my face as I sit back down in my chair, centering my clipboard in front of me. “Something else occurred?”
“Yeah,” he says, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “The next few hours turned into a nightmare.”
I click my pen, skin prickling with goosebumps. “You don’t say?” Now it’s my turn to take a breath, to center myself and calm my nerves. “How very unfortunate.”
“Yeah, you could say that,” he says, sarcasm thick in his voice.
“Please continue, then.”
“It… It takes me ten minutes before I can muster the courage to crack the bathroom door. When I do, I do it gently. Quietly. You can hardly even hear the shitty hinges creak, that’s how careful I am. I peek out of the crack, looking for the smiling woman, terrified that I’m going to see her standing in the living area waiting for me, but I don’t. 
“There’s nobody else in the cabin. It’s just me. So I step out, moving across the hardwood floor. It creaks and groans with every step I take and each time that it does, my heart skips a beat and I expect to see her jump out of the darkness. I’m seeing that smile everywhere now. In every shadow. In every window. I want to shout and scream— I want to call out to my friends in the tent and beg them to pull me out of this horror, but they’re beyond the cabin door. Out there at the far end of the yard. They’re a world away.”
“And your phone,” I ask. “You never thought to use that to call for help?”
“Yeah, sure,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I’m on a backwater island off the coast of rural BC. I’ve got great cell service out there.” He shakes his head. “I couldn’t get a cell signal if I climbed to the top of the tallest tree. My phone was a glorified flashlight.”
A fair point. 
“Since I can’t call for help, I psyche myself up. I’ve got my hand on the front doorknob, and I’m ready to fling the door open and scream bloody murder, run to my friends and tell them we need to start the truck now because there’s a fucking monster on the island and.... And that’s when I hear it.”
His fingers thrum the metal desk. Tap. Tap. Tap. 
“In the window next to the front door, I see a long arm in a frayed sleeve, with crooked fingers playing against the glass. They’re drumming a rhythm. Something… awful. It’s noise masquerading as song.”
“Then I hear her again. I see you, she says in a gravely, guttural voice. The tapping gets faster. Heavier. I pull away from the window, from the door, and fall back into the shadows of the cabin. She must be twelve feet tall because her head cranes down into the window frame, all the way from the top of it. Her eyes are gleaming in the moonlight, darting around and swiveling again in ways they shouldn’t be able to. She’s searching again. For something— me maybe. I don’t know.”
The man finishes his cigarette and slips a fresh one out of the pack. He lights it, trembling, and sucks in on the nicotine. His expression softens. “Then she’s gone,” he says. 
“Gone?” I ask, disappointed. “Again?” There’s nothing in the Jagged Janice mythology that indicates her vanishing and reappearing at regular intervals.
“Gone,” he confirms. “I’m alone. Time passes. Minutes, maybe hours. I don’t know. I just sit there in the living room, my ears and eyes straining for any sound, any movement, anything at all. I’m shaking and breathing in short bursts, terrified if I breathe too heavily she’ll hear me. I wonder to myself how long it's been. How long there’s still to go until the sun rises, and somebody wakes up and comes to check on me or use the washroom. I think about using my phone to check the time, but the idea of its blacklight giving me away terrifies me, so I don’t. I just sit there and wait.”
“How long do you wait? Until morning?”
He laughs. Takes another drag. “Fuck no,” he says. “It takes a while, but eventually I get calmer, or maybe too scared to keep sitting there doing nothing. Maybe I just need to reassure myself that this nightmare has an ending. I don’t know.” He gnaws at his fingernail. “I’m fucking quivering as I pull my phone outta my pocket. Shaking like a leaf. I turn it on, and my home screen lights up my face like I’m about to tell a campfire story.”
“What time is it?”
“3:34 a.m. Two hours from sunrise, at that time of year.” The man sighs, running a hand along his jaw. “It’s too long for me. I can’t do it, you know? I decide I need to do something now before that woman comes back because I have this horrible feeling that the next time she shows up she’s going to be inside the cabin. She’s going to find me. So I tell myself to make a run for it. Wake up my friends. It’s easy, I think. I’ll open my mouth and fucking scream my lungs out, and that way even if she gets in my way then at least everybody on the island will wake up, and maybe I’ll get out of there in one piece. So I do it, I open my mouth and I scream.
“But nothing happens,” he says quietly. His expression darkens. Tears slip from the corners of his eyes, and his lip trembles all over again. “No sound comes out. Instead, a hand that’s long and crooked wraps itself around my mouth. It pulls my head back, and I smell rot and decay and seaweed, and a voice whispers in my ear like a lawn mower. I see you.”
Janice. I lean forward, gazing at him expectantly. “How did you get away?”
He wipes at his eyes, choking back the last of his sobs. “No idea. I blacked out. When I woke up I wasn’t in the cabin anymore, I was in a hospital bed surrounded by my friends.”
“Same ones from the cabin?”
“That’s right.”
I check a box on my form labeled SURVIVOR. Then I chew on the back of my pen for a second before checking a second box: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS AFFECTED.
“And what do these friends say? Anything useful?”
“They tell me it’s all their fault,” he says. “Em mumbles about how we should never have come out to the cabin in the first place. Steve and Haily are blaming themselves for letting me get exceptionally drunk.” He cracks a bittersweet smile. “Everybody wants a share of the guilt.”
My eyes drift down to the man’s file. “You said the island was remote. I’ll assume the hospital wasn’t local to it?”
“No,” he says. “It was off the island. An hour or so inland. I must have been out for a day at least though, because I don’t remember ever travelling there.”
“Interesting.” A recurring aspect of the Janice mythology is a sense of mild amnesia and the presence of minor to severe bite wounds. “What did the hospital treat you for?”
He clears his throat. “A mild concussion. And water in my lungs.”
“Water in your lungs?” I shake my head, dropping my pencil. Perhaps I should be happy the young man survived whatever terror visited him that night, but so many pieces of his story don’t match the mythology at all. “You’re certain? Water in your lungs?”
“That’s right,” he says. “The doctors didn’t understand it either. I never even got a chance to take a dip in the ocean, let alone drown in it.”
“Okay, let me get this straight. So your friends pop by, leave you some get-well cards and you get discharged a couple of days later.” I lean back in my chair, folding my arms. “Does that  about sum things up?”
The man looks away, rubbing his arm. “Not exactly,” he says darkly. “Before they leave, I tell them about the smiling woman. I ask them if they’ve seen a tall woman with razor sharp teeth lurking around the island. Steve and Hailey look at eachother like I must have hit my head harder than anybody thought. The look in their eyes… It's like they’re terrified I’ve given myself brain damage. Steve squeezes my arm and apologizes over and over for doing shots with me. Says he should’ve gone easy for the first night. Hailey agrees. Says I drove them all the way out there, so they should have let me get some sleep.”
“And your other friend?” I ask. “Emily?”
“She’s standing back. Staring at me, and her eyes are filled with… I don’t know. Regret? But it’s different from Steve and Hailey. She doesn’t look like she feels sorry for me. She looks like she really blames herself for all of this. I say her name, Emily. Ask her if she’s seen the woman because I get the sense that she has.”
I slide my pen down my clipboard and circle a word that says WITNESS before annotating it with a small question mark. “How does she respond?”
“She leaves,” he says with a sigh. “I don’t think she wants to talk about the woman— at least, not in front of Hailey and Steve. Pretty soon everybody leaves. It’s just me again, in some tiny hospital on the outskirts of nowhere. The only company I’ve got is the apple tree outside my window and the shitty TV. I sleep pretty uneasily that night. Tossing and turning. I wake up at one point to the sound of tapping, and I stare out my window horrified, expecting to see that woman again, but it’s just the apple tree. It’s branches are brushing against the glass. 
“I wonder to myself if this is just my life from now on. If everytime I hear the faintest sound at night, I’m going to wake up in cold sweats thinking that woman’s come back for me. Then the door creaks open. My body goes into full-blown panic, my breath hitches in my chest, my muscles tighten, and it’s like that night all over again, with the smiling woman where I can’t move an inch for fear.
“But it’s just Emily,” he says, chuckling in disbelief. “She pauses in the doorway and asks me if she can come in. I tell her that of course she can, and she does, not bothering to turn on the lights. When she gets to my bedside, I can see her face more clearly by the light of the window. She looks rough. Her eyes have these heavy bags, and her cheeks are all red and splotchy from crying. She’s wiping snot on her sleeve and telling me sorry, over and over.”
“Sorry for what? Inviting you out to the cabin?” I say, doing my best not to roll my eyes. I’ve never seen a group of friends with such a guilty conscience. 
“No,” the man says. “She says she’s sorry for not warning me about the woman. She says she thought the woman was gone, otherwise she’d never have come back to that place.”
“What?” I snap forward, eyes latching onto his. “She told you she knew about the woman?”
He nods. “She said the circumstances of her brother’s death were different than she’d originally told us. He didn’t drown— not accidentally. He was murdered. A woman attacked them on the beach, a woman with a terrible smile and this tangle of black, messy hair that covered her face. She dragged Em’s brother backward through the sand, muffling his screams with her hand, and then held him under the surf. She kept him there until he stopped moving. Then, she let the tide take him away.”
“Disturbing,” I say. “And she never brought this up to her parents?”
"She did. Her father told her it was just her imagination. He said that her brother had fallen into the ocean and gotten swept away, and it was already hard enough to deal with without Emily adding to it. So Emily just buried the memory. Moved on."
The man looks up at me, his expression despondent. “That’s when we hear it,” he says. "In the hospital room. A tapping. Tap. Tap. Tap. It comes from the window to my right, the one with the old apple tree.”
“The woman?”
“I don’t look. I tell Emily not to look either. I tell her to focus on me, to ignore the sound. I don’t know what she saw as a little girl, down by the ocean, but I know I don’t want her to see what I saw in that cabin." He shudders. "I don’t want her to see that smile." 
“Does she listen to you?”
He grips a fistful of his hair, closes his eyes. “No,” he says quietly. “She looks, and when she does, she screams. She screams so loudly that the lights come on down the hall, and Inurse bursts in and pulls Emily away, calls a patrol car the night nurse call out and start running. Emily rushes toward the window, I catch sight of it from the corner of my eye because I still refuse to look at that pane of glass, but I hear Emily beating against it with her fists. Clawing at it with her nails. Then the her to drive her home.”
The man takes a breath. He puts his face in his hands and rubs his eyes. “I text her an hour later. Just to make sure that she’s okay and—”
“—Yes,” I say, cutting him off. I glance at the folder on my desk labeled CORRESPONDENCE, then down at the watch on my wrist. It’s three in the morning, and I’m jet-lagged. The meat of the man’s story appears to have run its course. “If the texts are everything that’s left then I can read them on my own.” I rise from the desk and offer my hand to shake. He gives it a weak, reluctant squeeze, avoiding my eyes. Then he leaves the room without another word. 
I sigh, sitting back down in the steel chair. Another long day. Another dead end. I adjust my glasses and pull out the text logs. There’s only a handful of message receipts. The chance is slim, but the possibility that there’s something in there about Jagged Janice entices me too much to set them aside for tomorrow.
I begin to read.
As I do, I make note of the timestamps. Words do a good job of painting a picture, but time and location lend context to everything. 
01:34 Dorian: are you okay?
02:12 Emily: Not really
02:12 Dorian: did you see her?
02:45 Dorian: em, im sorry. that was a stupid text 
02:45 Emily: It's fine. 
02:46 Dorian: im guessing you dont feel like talking
02:46 Emily: Actually, it might be good for me
02:47 Dorian: yeah? okay. me too
02:47 Dorian: i never got a chance to tell you earlier, but i cant imagine how horrible it must have felt to see what happened to your brother and have your dad not believe you?? thats fucked
02:55 Emily: It's fine. We were never close anyway. 
02:55 Dorian: sorry to hear. did you ever tell your mom? I mean, before she passed?
02:56 Emily: No. Mom was already dying by then and dad would've killed me
02:56 Dorian: fuck. im an asshole. how could I forget something like that? sorry agajn
02:57 Emily: You're not an asshole. You're right that I would have told her about Jonas if I could have
02:59 Emily: By then she was so hopped up on painkillers though that I hardly even recognized her
03:00 Dorian: the meds must have been pretty heavy. thats a lot to deal with for a four year old kid. 
03:01 Emily: Yeah, her esophageal cancer was bad. She was in a lot of pain near the end and rarely in a good mood. Pretty sure dad was having an affair at the time too. Fuckin prick
03:01 Dorian: im sorry. thats a shitty memory to bring up
03:03 Emily: Dont be. I think I repressed a lot of old memories of her which probably isnt healthy
03:05 Emily: Honesrly, if it wasn't for you, I'd probably think I was going crazy right now 
03:05 Dorian: why?
03:06 Emily: I saw her too.
03:06 Dorian: the smiling woman? 
03:07 Dorian: em?
03:34 Emily: My mother
03:34 Emily: I see my mother
I stare at the last word in stunned silence. Her mother? Could she actually have been the origin of the legend? I rub a hand along my jaw, considering what I've heard of Emily's history. She had only been four years old at the time of her brother's death when she had witnessed a crazed woman drag him into the sea, a woman who she couldn’t identify because black hair obscured her face. 
Could that woman have been her own mother? It doesn’t seem terribly likely. But it doesn’t seem impossible either. Children often reframe moments of terror in a bid to understand the incomprehensible. 
I reach for my briefcase, unclasping the latches on the front and pulling out my laptop. I take a breath and then open up the database software. Emily’s easy enough to find. Her last name is plastered everywhere across her social media, so I plug that in. The search function isn't the fastest, but it does the trick. It takes thirty seconds for the tiny, rotating hourglass to stop spinning, and when it does I see her.
I swallow, my hands shaking on the keyboard. 
Had I finally found Jagged Janice? I pour myself a glass of water, finishing it in two giant swigs. It does little to calm my nerves. Still, it's one piece of the puzzle solved, but really it just creates more questions. It doesn’t explain several aspects of the man’s story. The water in the lungs, for instance. Or the vanishing. Certain pieces of his encounter don’t add up, at least not compared against the original legend. 
There’s a knock on the door. 
Three sharp raps with a knuckle. I get up to answer it, thinking maybe the man’s forgotten his phone or wants to give me back my pack of smokes. When I open the door though, there’s nobody. 
I raise an eyebrow and head back to my laptop. I need to discover the source for these changes, these departures from the Jagged Janice mythology. This time I bring up my web browser, navigating to one of my preferred resources on urban legends. The website's a bit corny, but it's proven accurate, and its community aspect has been invaluable in my research.
After some scrolling, I bring up the Jagged Janice article. People can leave anecdotal encounters beneath the main text, and sometimes they do. Usually, they’re all bullshit.
One of them catches my eye, however. It mentions seeing the serrated smile, the tapping fingers, and… that they found their infant child dead with water in its lungs. I shake my head. A coincidence, that’s all. I keep scrolling. More keywords jump out at me. 
“... there and then gone.”
“... voice like a meat grinder.”
“... to the sea with you.”
I pause. Those were the words Emily said, words she remembered when she witnessed her brother being pulled into the ocean. To the sea with you. My mind spins, but a picture is forming. The guttural, difficult to understand voice. The drowned brother. The words.
“I see you.”
No. She was never saying those words, not really. She was saying to the sea with you. The man misheard, or perhaps he couldn’t properly understand because of Janice’s damaged voice. In his panic he likely defaulted to the simplest sounding phrase. 
My heart races, I reach for my phone to make a call, to tell my boss what I’ve found. It wasn’t long ago the Facility had an incident with a Man with a Red Notepad, one in which we learned the core principle of all legends and one which cost many people their lives: that legends evolve. 
If the Jagged Janice legend has evolved, we need to allocate additional resources to locating it and neutralizing it. I continue to scroll, noticing many of the anecdotes have been posted in the last week. Several, in the last few days. If even half of them are true, it'd imply highly increased activity on Janice's part.
I hear another knock at the door—three soft raps. I curse, kicking off from my desk and storming to the door, phone still pressed to my face waiting for my boss to pick up. Once more, I swing it open, and once more, I look down a cold, empty hallway.
I slam the door shut and stalk back to the table. My phone continues to ring, and my boss continues to ignore my call. It's really not like her, but I tell myself to relax. She's probably sleeping. According to my watch, it’s late as hell— 3:34 in the morning to be precise. That makes me an asshole, maybe, but this discovery is too big, too dangerous to ignore. Janice is out there, and she’s on the move. 
Three more knocks ring out. These are softer than before. More gentle.  
Almost taps.
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