#i still thneed him
rinnitii · 1 year
im more proud of these ones tbh
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i got possessed while drawing the second one tbh idk how i did it
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miru667 · 4 months
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The whole Once-ler family is working full tilt!
Here's my full piece for the VK Onceler Zine! I was very lucky to get to be a part of it...🥹 I used concept art as my inspiration this time: [link] Keep reading below for my process vid and all my director's commentary!
Thank you for being curious! Here's a video of my WIPs:
Deadlines were TIGHT for this zine! We were given only 2 months (compared to the 6 months I had on the previous onceler zine), so to make sure I could finish on time, I decided to do only base colours and lighting, with almost no shading anywhere. Still, trying to balance all the colours took the longest for me, as you can see in the vid. xP
Also idk if anyone noticed, but for the face I chose to use an already existing onceler doodle: [link] Why? Well, why not! I really liked that doodle and I didn't want it to go to waste. 😆
Things that I enjoyed sneaking in:
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-the golden spiral! Vaguely, at least! At the very least I hope your eyes can follow the order of thneed production, from the fallen tree at the window to the tuft harvesting to the thread spinning, to knitting the thneed and then drawing up plans for bigger and better things, and then ending with him pulling on his iconic glove to show he's going to take control now
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-15 cents, a nail, and a great great great grandfather snail, as well as a tin pail since that's where you're supposed to deposit your payment
-combining things from the 2012 movie and concept art, the 1972 movie, and the 1971 book (e.g. that funny wrench he uses to fix pipes)
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-Miss O'Schmunce-ler! You can see from the vid that I added the bracelet pretty late, because it was a late decision to have a Miss O'Schumunce-ler somewhere. I chose her to be the one picking up the pencil in the end, since she's pretty good with a pencil in the movie hehe. You guys can pretend the arms holding the phone is Miss Funce-ler.
-a thneed, a seed, and a (grickle grass) weed on the floor. The thneed is just the first of many that will soon create a giant pile. The seed lies forgotten in the corner. The weed is foreshadowing the future.
-hinting that Lorax and Once-ler were actually good friends, like they were in the Lorax musical stageplay. 🥺 I kept this part of the script in my mind for this piece:
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This was aftermath Once-ler talking to the Lorax, reminiscing on their good times...and also being stupid and inconsiderate because the Lorax was in fact there all along as his friend, trying to warn him of what was going to happen. 😔
So in my zine piece we're witnessing a peaceful time before all the real biggering really starts. I like to think that in this scene, the Lorax had been sitting on the Once-ler's lap, holding his gloves for him and having a nice chat together with maybe some harmless bickering, but then the Once-ler gets a phone call so he cuts their convo short and rolls his chair over to the window to answer it. Putting business over friendship as usual, of course. Inspo for the lap sitting comes from this fanart by Emi that I love: [link]
What else...the parts that I'm proud of the most are the stool (I spent 2 days just drawing this stool), the curtains, the fact that I was able to include every truffula colour, and the Once-ler's pose. I was close to giving up on that pose because I had no idea how to draw it but I'm glad that I tried again. I wanted to show him at ease during a stage in his life that we never got to see much: the happier and more innocent days of his biggering when he only had a small shop. 😊
That's all, I think! Thanks for reading if you did! Once again it was an honour to be part of this zine!!
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areallysourlemon · 8 months
The Lorax Fangame :D
So as a side project, I'm helping my buddy Zach with his Lorax fangame :D
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here's some of the concept art, sprite retextures, a shop and a room I worked on (title art by Zach)
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Here's some screenshots from the game!
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Zach was awesome enough to suggest that I should have a cameo appearance as a thank you, so my cameo would be a cashier in one of the thneed stores (like Temmie in the Tem shop from Undertale) :D
The game is still in development, however you can play the demo! Please give Zach a lot of support for this, he needs it! you can follow him here
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myshiningdesire · 1 year
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chapter one, the settled plan.
onceler x fem reader
[☁️] / [🍋] the more mature bits are going to come much more later in the series.
lovers to enemies
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his hair was a mess, you’d think he had just woken up from a nap, but he didn’t. his guitar wasn’t anywhere visible, which you found suspicious, due to the fact that he brought it along with him. you had assume that had something to do with the people.
he moved forward, but instead of looking like walking it looked like jelly jiggling around. he had walked until he had come face to face with you. he tilted his head up so he could face you, but to be face to face to your back. “are you alright?” you asked, as you finished washing the last dish, finally turning to look at him.
“no.” his voice had sounded stressed, dry. like he hadn’t drank water in hours. “what’s the matter?” you asked. “the crowd.. I don’t think they liked my thneed.” he said, quietly but loud enough to be considered above a whisper. he had fell into your arms, so you had decided to rest on the bed, as he sulks in your arms.
“where is it?” you asked, curiously. if his thneed wasn’t here, you’d expect that somebody bought it, if he hadn’t looked so blue. “I threw it. there’s no point in trying to sell it if nobody’s going to want it.” he huffs in your arms, as you frown along with him, running your fingers through his black hair, hoping to comfort him.
the silence was tense, but still comforting, soon to be broke. “the lorax,” he says. “he thinks I’m ruining the earth.” he finishes, as you sighed. ‘he is technically ruining the earth,’ you thought to yourself. ‘he just cut down a truffula tree with no good purpose, besides for a little accessory called a thneed. lord knows when he’d start cutting them down left and right. one day we just might need to purchase bottled air due to this man.’
you grunted, adjusting your position. “you know, once.” you say, as he hums in response, still sounding dull. “If you are going to cut down the trees, you might need somebody to help replant them. who knows, maybe this’ll help your cause.” you say, leaving him to think.
“I won’t leave the decision to you. starting tomorrow I will start planting more of those pom pom trees.” you say, as you settle down in the bed, as he chuckles at what you called them.
he laid beside you, feeling warm. “I’ll always remember you when I become famous.” he says, smiling, as you laughed slightly. “don’t worry I’ll make sure you do.” you say, as the two of you slowly drift off to sleep, hoping for the best.
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part two is coming soon.
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sorialice · 1 year
Onceler x Reader Fluff (makeup time!!)
Gender Neutral Reader :D
for @arson-n-barf !
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You’re sitting in your room, trying to get ready to go out into Thneedville for some groceries and maybe casual walking around. Sitting on the floor in front of a mirror the Onceler keeps around, your makeup is positioned on your lap or on the floor around you. You start by putting concealer under your eyes, and then-
There’s humming in the distance…
“Hey Y/N!”
“Hey Oncie.”
“Whatcha got there?”
“I’m just putting on my makeup, getting ready to go out today.”
“Oooo can I try, Y/N?”
You’re a bit taken aback by this, but eager to see the Onceler all fancied up. Maybe you can even force him to go to work in a super cute look… with sparkly green eyeshadow? The possibilities are endless…. This is gonna be so silly…
“Yeah, sure. Here. You need help right?”
You reach for a box of makeup you’re not using so you can still get your own done, and shove it towards him. It should have everything he needs.
“Nahhhh how hard could it possibly-”
He sees the box full of makeup and his eyes widen.
“Everything okay, Oncie?”
“I knew there was mascara and uhh… bloosh? But what is all this? I feel like I underestimated the amount of makeup people use…”
He’s even more stupid than I first thought.
You dig through the box and pick up some extra concealer and foundation you got in a free-bie once that looks like it could match his tone.
“Alright, here. This is concealer, and this is foundation. I think we’ll just use a little concealer for you since your skin is pretty clear already.”
“It… isn’t it the same thing?”
The Onceler blushes a little, feeling a bit dumb for not understanding something he thought would be so simple. You apply some concealer to his under eyes and blend it out. You then use a brush to powder his face and put the “bloosh” on his cheeks and nose.
“What color eyeshadow do you want? Any? There’s green like your suit… or pink like a thneed? Orange like the Lorax?
“I would never wanna match that furry meatloaf… Let’s do green.”
You apply a little bit of sparkly green eyeshadow to his lids and back up some to look at it.
“Cute! Okay, you already wear mascara don’t you?”
“Your eyelashes are naturally that curled and dark? That’s so unfair…”
You hold the mascara wand up to his eyelashes, and he scoots away dramatically.
“Woah woah woah woah don’t stick that in my eyes! Are you crazy???”
“It’s not going in your eyes! I do this for myself every morning, calm down you scaredy pants!!”
The Onceler winces a little, but lets you put the mascara on him.
“There, that wasn’t so bad. Do you wanna do the eyeliner yourself then?”
“Eyeliner? You’re gonna put lines in my eyes???”
“NO oh my- alright here. I’ll do it, but you can’t move okay? No moving at all, got that?”
The Onceler does his best to sit still as you put very minimal eyeliner on him.
“Thank goodness that’s over with. Now, do you want pink lipstick, or something crazier? I can also do lip gloss.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Lip gloss is shiny, and, well, a gloss. Lip stick is… a stick? I can layer them if you want.”
“Yes, that would be fine. I think pink is fine.”
You put a peachy pink lipstick on him and some shiny clear gloss with little glitters over top.
“That’s so cute! Oncie, you look adorable!”
You reach over to get some highlighter to put on his inner corners and nose, when suddenly someone busts in.
“Hey beanpole, you-”
It’s the Lorax! His cute fuzzy butt just broke in and is now looking upon a super fabulous Onceler.
“Y/N. What is this.”
“Oh the Onceler just wanted to try some m-”
“No, I see that. I can see that he tried. This is horrendous, kid. Let me show you how it’s done.”
The Lorax grabs some of your makeup with his little orange fist and faces the mirror, putting it all on faster than you knew was possible. He turns around and…
Oh. Oh my.
The Lorax has on a super fierce look. He has bold pink and orange eyeshadow, fading out into a smokey eye. His eyeliner is black and thick, but somehow perfectly symmetrical. His cheeks are perfectly blushed with an orangey pink, his lips perfectly over-lined… He’s… He’s…
(You and the Onceler say this in unison.)
The Onceler grabs the fluffy pumpkin butt and squeezes him.
“Oh I didn’t think you could get any cuter! Oh this is so unexpected but so so perfect.”
“Yeah and I didn’t think you could get any more annoying. Put me down, I demand you!”
You stand back and giggle at these two now very sparkly and beautiful guys.
alright that’s it! hope that’s all you wanted it to be 😻😻
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hatterofthelabyrinth · 3 months
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H-hey family! You guys were right, I was…less right. Thneed didn’t work out. S-so, uh, any chance I could get my old room back? (assuming Brett and Chett didn’t ransack the place…) …helloooooo? Anyone home?
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(It’s almost never this quiet. Even when my brothers are out, I can at least hear uncle Ubb watching his shows.) Mom? You home? “Oh don’t tease me Grisellda, that was years ago!” Mom?
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“Oh please, you do it every time you get drunk!” “I don’t spout fairy tales every time I get drunk! Just…on occasion.” “It’s every time.” “Lies and slander.” “Where did you even get the idea of a ‘Goblin King’ anyway? That was your favourite when we were kids.” “Oh, I don’t know. Must have been something I read in my youth.” “I can see where Once gets his imagination from.” “I assure you, he gets that irrational dream-chasing from his father’s side. I was nothing like him when I was his age.”
“Pfft.” “I wasn’t!” “So you never left home to chase after a fantasy of a gold digger?” “Oh you hush your mouth. I returned to my senses. My Oncie is probably still out in the wilds trying to make another silly invention! I swear, that boy never learns!” “At least he’s doing it away from us this time. Remember the breakfast incident?” “Ugh, don’t remind me. If it wasn’t for the mule I would have kicked him out right then and there.”
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(Hey, that fire only started because Chett started messing with the eggs. That wasn’t even my fault that time!)
“Who knows what that kid will do when he comes back. Isa, you’re not gonna let him in easily, are you?” “Weeeellll, if he remembers to share his income, I’ll think about it.” “Oh no, please no, I don’t wanna see another invention again in my life. Girl, you know he’ll come right back home and start working on another project as soon as he gets an idea in his head. We got lucky his newest mania episode involved him leaving. If that boy comes back I’m going to ban him from touching another wrench if it’s the last thing I do!” (aaand that’s why I work in the old car.)
“Calm down Grisel. …Maybe I’ll just wish him away.”
“Oh ha-ha, very funny.”
“Oh dear goblins, fae and creatures alike. I beseech you, should my child ever walk through my doors again,”
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alienstarzz · 1 month
୨୧┆Alien Onceler Au update or smth idk.
He now has a new design/concept sheet. I still hate this what In the world is bro doing.
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Here's some information about this au so far:
This au centers around the intergalactic alien creature named "Space-ler." Later nicknamed "Star-ler."
Of course, he was the inventor of the thneed. Made millions from it. The lorax trying to stop him multiple times.. bla bla bla...
(Btw in this, au truffulas do not produce air at all. They live off of Stardust pollens.)
Here are a few things that caught my eye from @articskele reblog of my previous post!
(Answered from top to bottom.)
Yea alien Viktor :3
I don't play any kirby games, I didn't know that lol
The truffula flower can be made into tea— however, aliens can not drink or eat anything at all. They have no organs. No form of digesting their foods. They are only pure bone, skin/meat, and hair. ^_^ if you were to cut them open. You would only see bones. If you would like to see something like that, I would be more than happy to draw it!
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He could be a mix of a shark and alien. I'm the one mainly in charge of the alien features and everything. He's part of the shark ones. I might have to ask him a few things abt his sona :3 I'm not sure how to answer this
I was actually going to add some sort of biology in this au, I'm studying a few things abt it, so if I find smth, I consider interesting, I can add it into the au or add it as a fun fact!
Yes, unless if you're closer to the sun or have a star nearby you, you have no form of light. But aliens don't need light. Picture this. You can see the person in front of you, but only... "White outlines?" You can't see their colors, just a shade of black with outlines of what they look like. I'm not sure if this makes sense.
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This is going to be a bit disturbing. But, if a dead astronaut is found in an abandoned space shuttle, aliens can use the dead body and "harvest" it to wear the skin. When space-ler wanted to do this, he was scared at first, so he asked his brothers to do it for him.
The glowing blood is actually a cool idea! I may consider using that :3
Their are aliens with curly antennas. When I first used to make alien ocs a year ago around June, my art style was very different. Around April, I changed my art style to look like a cartoon! My art style was inspired by invader zim, Panty and Stocking, and Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja! Which explains why my art style is blocky and stuff 😭
Nightcore? I love nightcore pls link it or idk
I will check out the color pallettes!! Thank you so much!
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Thank you for these wonderful questions :3 it gave me a few more ideas for this au and it was fun to answer them ^_^
I have a few ideas for the story to this au, or well space-lers overall backstory ? Ig??
This au will contain topics such as suicide, family issues, and neglect. I will ALWAYS add a warning before posting abt him if they contain these!
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whatiwishfanfiction · 2 months
Chapter 7 (The Wrath of Nature) is up. Excerpt below:
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(This specific scene was one of the main reasons I wanted to rewrite the movie).
"If you meant no harm, then why did you put my bed in a river?!"
"I didn't mean harm, my touch was light, a gentle breeze, for the softest flight. I merely meant to float you away, to a land of dreams, to another day."
"ARE YOU STUPID?!" Once-ler exploded. "I FIND THAT VERY HARD TO BELIEVE! OF COURSE THAT WAS A DANGEROUS IDEA! And you're telling me you didn't know there was a waterfall there when you're supposed to be the all-knowing Guardian of the Forest?!"
The Lorax was speechless, caught in his lies. "Remember your promise, I'll hold you to it now. In the river you swore and made a vow."
"I said that because you were threatening my life. Do you really think you've accomplished anything?"
"Hear this important plea, loud and clear," said the Lorax. 'Everyone needs the trees that are here! 'We need the wood,' the voices cry, 'To live and stay, or else we'll die.'"
Once-ler felt a speck of pity when he realized the Lorax really was that dumb. In his simple mind he’d really thought his plan to blackmail Once-ler into a promise was going to guarantee the safety of his sacred Truffula Trees. Typical fey creature.
"Okay, that's it." Once-ler finally grabbed the Lorax by the scruff of his neck. "You've manipulated and tricked me. You've tried to kill me. Let's have this out once and for all. I refuse to be bullied out of this forest. If you can actually give me a logical explanation for why I shouldn't cut down the trees, then I'll stop. How bad can this really be, huh?"
"Fine, have it your way, we'll talk, indeed," the Lorax said. "But know I'm earnest, and please take heed."
Once-ler dropped the Lorax onto a stump, where he stood up straight and cleared his throat. He said in a meaningful voice:
"You think you can chop down whatever you please. But everyone here needs the trees."
"That's too vague," said Once-ler at once. "You have to explain what problem it causes, so we can figure out how to solve it."
"Well," said the Lorax, "my feathered friends have all made nest, in the trees they decided they liked best. You can't impose upon their tweets, and come and steal their cozy retreats."
"Okay," said Once-ler. "Then I just won't cut those ones down."
"Oh, great excuse, I'm sure you know best, but how will you tell which ones have nests?"
"I promise to use my binoculars every time."
The Lorax considered this. "Well, my dear sir, even if that part might be alright, what about the fruit in which Barbaloots delight? This fare is their favorite sweet, juicy treat. They aren't the type of bears that just eat meat."
"Wait," said Once-ler. "There are a bunch of other trees around here that have fruit. So they won't be affected."
The Lorax sighed. "Beyond that, other things are at hand. Trees create fresh air for the rest of the land. Through leaves so frugal, they drink the air, and give it life, don't you even care?"
"Okaaaaay," Once-ler considered. "But counterpoint: there are still lots of other trees and plants around here to contribute to photosynthesis."
"I'm afraid I haven't been explaining this right," the Lorax said frustratedly. "Because the Truffula Trees are a special type. It takes hundreds of years for them to grow. Why waste them on cheap products, I don't know!"
Unfortunately, the insult only distracted Once-ler from his strongest argument.
"Hey, my product is NOT cheap! I put tons of effort into developing it. The Thneed actually took lots of research, and I had to fight and sacrifice a lot—"
"Alright, alright, you're getting offended! This conversation should really be ended. I'm just saying don't waste ancient trees. I don't see why it's so hard to agree…"
(Read the rest on Ao3).
It was really hard not to make the Lorax seem like a psychotic jerk here. I decided to make him into more of an unpredictable fae creature who will show more depth and have his say later.
I wanna try my best to steelman both sides in this, because the movie accidentally made Once-ler the most sympathetic by far. (Though even he didn't go far enough). Gonna give the Lorax his due soon.
The argument was important for me to include here, because the Lorax had no arguments in the movie and only relied on manipulative music.
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leowo-leuwu · 5 months
Ok, I would like to use my profile to present some of my things, as I do some things involving the universe of The Lorax. I have an AU, but I'm going to focus on my oc outside of this AU, which would be a representation of me on a certain way.
Introducing Layla
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Layla is a 21-year-old girl who has lived practically her entire life in an orphanage. Her parents died when she was still a baby, so she never really knew them.
At the age of 18, she was able to receive the billion-dollar inheritance that her parents left her before they died. Her father owned a canned food company that was very famous in this universe while her mother was a renowned lawyer. However, she only found out about it when she turned 18 and came into possession of her family's fortune.
As soon as she got the money, she wanted to fulfill her dream of seeing the world beyond the orphanage, building a trailer with the help of a car manufacturing company. After traveling through several places, Layla decides to visit the Truffula Forest, making it her final trip, as it would become her new home.
More information about her personality
Layla is ambivert, generally lazy, being more lively when it is something she is interested in doing. She loves playing guitar at campfire circles, gardening, painting and card games.
She can be a bit nosy, especially if she notices that someone close to her is sad, she will bother the person until they are happy.
Her favorite colors are red, black and green.
Her favorite food is Chicken Stroganoff.
Relationship with Once-ler in her history
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I decided to say that they end up meeting on the same day that Once-ler arrives in the forest because I thought it would be an interesting dynamic. The first impression between the two is not exactly good, Once-ler finds her annoying for being nosy and Layla finds him annoying for being a bit grumpy. As the days go by, the two get closer, getting to know each other better.
Layla sees him as a good friend until one day when they sit next to the river to watch the stars, they end up talking about life. The view of each other changes, growing a feeling of passion.
Random informations
Layla was created in May 2023 and initially used my real name, but I decided to change it.
She loves striped clothes, so her wardrobe is very striped.
Your Trailer cost a lot because it was assembled from scratch. Inside it has all the rooms of a house, even having a little clutter room to put things you don't use as much.
In this universe Once-ler doesn't "become" the Greed-ler, so yes, a happy ending for everyone.
She is Lorax's best friend, having several philosophical conversations with him in the middle of the night.
Her hair is natural red.
She doesn't like Once-ler's family because of the idea of deforestation and because Once-ler's mother looked at her the wrong way when she saw her for the first time.
She has a stuffed pink bunny that was given to her by her mother when she was a baby, and she still takes care of it.
Once-ler likes to teach Layla how to knit, even though she is terrible at it.
She helps Once-ler sell the Thneeds in the city.
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becki-here · 7 months
Today I’m going to talk about my thoughts and headcanons about 7212
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The main idea
I didn’t come up with something very original, I just wanted to shove them in somewhere together just to see how it would work. So I thought about some AU where the Оnce-ler 72 is the big boss in his big Thneed company and the Once-ler 12 is somebody like his main assistant or even right hand.
And at first, before the main plot, the 12 was very inspired by 72’s inventions, and he wanted to be a part of all this. So he rose from the very bottom of the company to the top until 72 himself noticed him.
And 72 did not take him seriously at first but then changed his mind, because saw his potential and something between them happened.
I was thinking about what 72 could teach 12, what to show him, how to influence, what ideas to convey, what conflicts would arise, because they are very different at some points and have big age gap, so I guess they would have disagreements but also very interesting interaction. (I guess that here the 12 is 20-25 and the 72 is around 40, I'm not sure about this).
About the Once-ler 12
I imagine the situations when the 12 has some troubles or feels disappointed in himself, 72 just silently help him or comfort him, because 72 feels like he’s not that good with words (that’s why he has 12 here, 12 deals with the press, journalists and everything related to the face and reputation of the company).
Also, I have a headcanon here that the 12 just likes men that are older than him so he REALLY likes the 72, I mean he would simply melt in 72 hands, well that's how he looks to me.
About the Once-ler 72
I want to really try to base the 72 on his version from The Lorax (1972). And in the movie I can see him as a clever, a bit sarcastic, greedy but silly man. He is still a bit emotional, he easily becomes happy or annoyed and expresses his feelings. Although I think that during the working process he is mostly calm and serious about things that happen. Because he is the CEO of his company, he just has to be like this, he needs to keep everything under control. So he needs to resist himself.
BUT with the 12, he feels like he can behave freely and genuinely too. Because the 12 reminds him of himself in his youth, all enthusiastic and sincere, so he feels better when he spends time with the 12.
Thank you for your attention!
It's not that much, but I'm going to work on it and hope I can develop these ideas and write a fanfic or do some other content.
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cottondo · 1 year
CHAPTER 2. | butterfly milk
Your body was laying halfway off of the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable, or natural position, but it felt right at the time. You press the phone up closer to your ear with an increasing smile as you listen to your friend on the other end.
"Aww, Y/N, it's beautiful here! You'd love it. I just know it," onceler beams into the phone.
A soft giggle escapes your chest, a lightness in your cheeks as you hear his voice. "I'll have to come visit you sooner than expected then, huh?" You smirk into the phone.
It's been a few days since you've heard from him, and, no lie, you really missed his voice. It was hard to believe that it had already been a month since he's left.
Being bored was an understatement. Most of your free time was spent with Oncie. Living without him was pretty lame. Who else were you supposed to stuff your cheeks full of marshmallows with? Or sing stupid songs about birds when you both couldn't sleep at night? Nobody.
"Sure! I'm think the Lorax wouldn't mind! I've already told him about you. Well, mentioned you, really."
You glance out the window of your bedroom and notice the dusky sky. Your brows furrow slightly. "Just couldn't keep my name to yourself, could you, oncie?"
"Psh, nah. I just had to prove that I wasn't a complete loner." He laughs. "He thinks I am."
Wow. What an ass.
You roll your eyes and sit up straight. "Thanks, I'm feelin' the love." You snort back. He chuckles into the speaker, and you can hear a few things moving around in the background. He was probably cooking.
"Hey, don't be like that! You know you're still being thought about." He teases back.
"Yeah, well . . I definitely miss you around here. 'Wish you'd come back sooner." You sink into your pillows, letting out a little sigh in turn.
Things just weren't the same without your best friend. Of course, it didn't help that you liked him. Maybe a bit more than you should have liked him, for someone who was supposed to be just your best friend.
It was kinda hard not to like him, though.
Onceler was fun, though sometimes a bit artless, but he knew how to make you laugh, and always put you in a good mood. Most nights, at his house, the two of you would sit by the fire in the backyard and he'd play his guitar.
Nobody really understood him like you did. And that's why he stuck around with you for so long, you were sure of it.
"I know, I'm sorry. But hey! Just think about all the money I'll be making once it really takes off!" He's grinning, you just know it.
You bite back the worry in your voice.
"I'm excited for you,"
It's not like it wasn't a good invention- - it was just . . different. His family shunned him for it, people laughed at him, and nobody really understood the purpose of a Thneed. It didn't really need to be brought into the world, you supposed.
"Thanks. It's gonna be great. But hey, listen. You really should come visit when you're free! It gets kinda lonely over here sometimes." Onceler says, "I mean, the Barbarloots are pretty good company, but they've been over staying their welcome." You can hear him bite back some annoyance in his tone.
You smile, nodding as if he could see you.
"Hell yeah, I'd be down." What was that feeling in your chest? Was that your heart pounding?
"I'll start packing tonight." You laugh.
  A few pots and pans clang around on the other end of the phone, and you cringe a little.
"Wait— really? I'm not actually lonely, you don't have t—"
"Uh, duh, yea I do. I'll head out tomorrow, so you're not an outcast anymore." You sneer. There's a playful smirk on your face, but it's not like he could see it. "I know you miss my company." It was a little hard to hold back the flirting sometimes. Naturally, you were just good at it.
"That's a little harsh. I've been fine on my own. It's nice!" Onceler retorts. "It's just me and the Thneed. Can't get any better than that."
You know damn well that was a lie. Man's been alone for too long, most of his life, and there was no way he could avoid that lie any longer.
You smile, teasing him back. "Uhuh, yeah. You're loosin' it, twiggy."
"Alllright." He puts an end to that teasing, and huffs into the phone. "Just call when you're leaving. I'll give you the address."
You kick your feet up, body hanging halfway off of the bed again. "Okay."
time skip
  When you got in the car to start your drive, you didn't expect it to have so many views. It was a long drive, a freaking troop, to get there.
You've heard stories as a kid about the Truffula Forest. It was known around most places, as the prettiest forest in the world. They say the scent of a tuft is sweeter than butterfly milk.
You can remember when you'd beg your mom to stay up and tell you all of the stories and fairytales of the one called the Lorax. A guardian of the forest, saver of trees. Endless tales of Swamee swans, and singing fish. Their harmonies would echo throughout the hills, and they'd swim through the crystal clear lakes.
So when you remembered the stories, you imagined it being as beautiful as they all said it would be. But seeing it for yourself? You couldn't even explain how amazing the views were. The hills went on for miles. There was a sweetness in the air, and it was light and floral.
Creeks and rivers streamed through bright grass, and in them, the notorious fish, and above high, in the Truffula trees, were the Swamee swans.
Some Barbarloots laze around, while others, climb trees and avoid your vehicle. They peer down at you with curiosity, noses sniffing around your new scent.
You jumped out of the car with wide eyes, pep in your step.
This was it. The place of your dreams- - the spot you'd been longing for to see, hear, and smell.
This was definitely the place.
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greenbirdtrash · 1 year
"LORAX: THE MUSICAL": Once-ler guide
Decided to make a quick comparison chart for those who are still confused about multiple versions of the same stageplay, it's actually very easy to tell them apart, because only two of them have very noticeable visual differences. Hope this will be useful. As for now, there's three versions of the same musical: 2015-2017 (The OG, starring Simon Paisley Day), 2018-2019 (Starring Steven Epp) and 2021 (aka Covid version, aka electric boogaloo, starring Jamael Westman). Let's take a look on their pre-fame eras:
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2015-17: - dark green hat - fluffy long hair
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2018-19: - bright green hat - shorter, less fluffy hair (also seem to be a slightly different tone of green?) - bright green pants
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2021: - no hat - short curly hair - cozy, "casual" outfit style
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Not that complicated, right? Now that we got aquainted with the main trio, i'm gonna talk more about the 2015-17 and 2021 versions, because 2015-17 and 2018-19 are absolutely the same in their axe-hacker and fame era clothing, except the tiny details i already mentioned above. So..
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Most of the photos and videos that i post (or the ones you could possibly find on the internet) are featuring him. He was the first one, after all. Also, the OG blorbo had dark pants at some point, which was for test and promotional purposes, i guess. His "default" pre-fame look includes dark emerald tailcoat (the same one which is used for 2018-19 version), bright green neckerchief, brown striped suspenders, some kind of a vintage fedora and long striped fingerless gloves.
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During his character development he switches to round glasses and striped jacket (in the end of the first act and in the axe-hacker scene), and then into a full green pinstripe suit with a tie and vest underneath. Also, in his "fame era" he switches to a different, more "formal" hairstyle.
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Now that everything is clear with the OG one, let's switch to 2021 version.
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Oh boy, things are very different here. I still can't figure out the weird casual/formal outfit mix he has on during his early business days (he switches to a green jacket and differnet pants, but keeps his hoodie underneath for some reason), but unlike 2015-17 version, he seems to change into that kind of outfit after his family arrives to the valley, while OG Once-ler only switches his tailcoat to jacket during the lorax park and axe-hacker scenes. Later on, during his top fame era, he can be spotted in full-formal style, wearing dark blue (or black?) jacket with green stripes, green gloves (probably the same ones that 2015-2019 versions have on during their fame phase), bright green shirt and a striped green tie. He gets a different pair of shoes and aviator glasses (for the thneed 2.0 scene) as well. It seems like with the 2021 version, designers decided to give him something more "modern-looking" in all eras. Well, good for him. Good for him.
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Despite all the differences, they still have some things in common, which are: fingerless gloves, watch and pocket square on the left side (present in all versions), striped socks and green hair..Obviously, the overall "green" aesthetic as well.
Thanks for reading//
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 1 month
Scott and Greedler Arguement, except if Scott actually had the balls to stand up against him:
(Tw swear words—)
Scott: well maybe if you aren't such a damn SCROOGE , we could still enacted the replanting project and have more supplies for the thneeds!
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Greedler: oh YOU'RE calling ME GREEDY?
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Scott: Yes I am!
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Greedler: well maybe if you weren't such a BITCH BOY maybe I WOULD have considered the project!
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(Then they made out)
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myshiningdesire · 1 year
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༘♡ ⋆。༉‧₊˚.
╰┈➤ (quick a/n!! : im sorry for the wait, I hope the wait was worth it tho!!)
it was then when your life had arose from its darkness, finally becoming great again. you or your boyfriend no longer had to worry about operating any business, as that was now long in the past.
you were glad you were able to finally able to spend some quality time with your boyfriend, along with a few barbaloots and a few other animals, who you insisted could come too, along with the lorax.
your boyfriend was busy cooking pancakes, preparing breakfast for the hungry load in his home. he was flipping pancakes around, letting the tiny barbaloot try and catch it on the plate he held, as you rested on you and your boyfriend’s shared bed, talking with the lorax.
all was calm and well, before a rumble shook up the house, as everybody rushed outside to see what was happening. “what is going on?” you asked, peering out the window with your boyfriend. “I don’t know..” he said as he headed outside, with you trailing behind.
you all watched as dozens of people marching over the hill, charging towards your guy’s house. you watched as all the animals started to run away, hiding away.
“oh no.. that’s alot of people.” the onceler said, cowering in fear.
you, your boyfriend and the lorax look closer to see that they’re all holding your boyfriends creation. the thneed. using it in a variety of different ways, either that or they were holding stacks of cash. you three had been put in a state of shock, watching as they march closer.
“ everybody needs a thneed! a fine thing that all people need! the thneed is good, the thneed is great! let’s hope we’re not too late!” the crowd chants as they march closer.
you watched as the crowd starting going ballistic, waving their money around in hopes of getting a thneed. while your boyfriend was still shocked, but still able to react as he gets carried up by the crowd, taking their stacks of money and waving it around, showing it off to you and the lorax. “aww yea! in business baby!” he cheers.
then in a blink of an eye, your boyfriend suddenly had a rotary phone in hand, calling his parents. “mom! I told you I was gonna be a success! you need to bring the whole family here right now! we’re gonna be rich!” he shouted, before looking at you and the lorax, mainly the lorax’s salty look.
“what? I’m gonna need all the help I can get.”
before you knew it, you were getting introduced to all of his family. their huge rv was parked right infront of your guy’s cottage, but soon then it morphed into what you’d call a house, as it had everything a house had on the inside, but it just didn’t look like a house from the outside.
“what a dump!” your boyfriends great aunt, grizelda yelled the second she’d stepped outside. just then the onceler turned around to face her. “hey great aunt grizelda!”
after his aunt had exited their rv, his chaotic twin brothers were next to step out. brett and chet were what you think their names were, as you’ve never really formally met them, so you don’t know much.
“hey chet! check this out!” the other twin yelled as he tried to throw one of the barbaloots. “no!” you yelled, running over to catch it.
“hey once. who’s this lady?” one of them asked, referring to you as the onceler chuckled awkwardly as you held the barbaloot in your arms. “she’s just my—assistant.”
you stood there, heartbroken, still holding the barbaloot in your hands, as his twin brothers gather around you, greeting you, as you return the greetings.
next to come out was his mother, the one who you despised most out of all his family. “there he is! there’s my big suddenly successful son!” she says, kissing him on the cheek. “we always knew you’d make it, oncie.” she says, as your boyfriend seemed skeptical. she turned to his family, earning their stares back. “right?” she says, referring to what she just said. the family responds with smiles and congratulations and little displays of affection. a man, lanky like your boyfriend came out of the rv, trapping your boyfriend in a hug. “hey! I love this guy!” he said.
as he was still in the man’s grasp, he turned to his mom. “but you always said I wouldn’t amount to anything remember?” he asked her, as she chuckled awkwardly.
“oh hush your mouth, I was just trying to motivate you.” it was like she was just trying to avoid that topic.
“I’m really glad you clarified that, because it actually hurt my feelings for a really long time.” he said, as he broke free from the mans hug.
you rolled your eyes, heading back inside the cottage, declaring that you could no longer handle another second out there, as your boyfriend watched you go, following after you.
“hey y/n!” he said, gaining no response, as you kept on stalking toward the bed, laying down in it and covering yourself with the blanket. “what’s gotten you so sad?” he asked, taking a seat beside you.
you responded with a grunt, which your boyfriend responded with a sigh. “you don’t need to know. It’s not like you care.” you say sarcastically as your boyfriend frowns. “but I do care! just tell me what’s gotten you so sad and I’ll do anything to cheer you up.”
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sorialice · 1 year
Onceler x Reader Fluff!! (rainy day)
neutral pronouns :D
for @pinkystarwberry !! hope it turns out alright <3
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ignore this i got it off google i have no clue who to credit ^^
You woke up to the sound of rain pattering on the windows of the Onceler’s wagon. You’d been staying with him every now and then after coming across him singing and dancing with a bunch of… barbaloots in the truffula forest? It was a strange sight for sure, as you had just been taking a walk that day only to witness such a beautiful scene. The truffula forest of course, not the Onceler! You didn’t have any feelings for him at all… Back then at least. The two of you had started dating after many weeks spent together supporting his thneed business. It hadn’t gone anywhere yet, but you were sure it would eventually. Probably. Sure hope it doesn’t go overboard and cause massive destruction to this beautiful forest!
Turning to face the interior of the wagon, you rubbed your eyes and stretched. The Onceler was probably already in town advertising his invention.
But it’s raining, isn’t it? So he wouldn’t be out… Does that mean?
Suddenly you catch the scent of something sweet in the air. Is that…
“Good morning Y/N! I made pancakes. Way too many actually. How many do you want? There’s gotta be tons leftover I won’t be able to finish.”
The Onceler was standing by his little makeshift stovetop, flipping pancakes and humming a silly tune. He was still wearing his blue and yellow bunny pajama set, but with an apron over top. You hadn’t noticed it before, but the apron was covered in little pink hearts.
“I didn’t realize you’d be home. Usually you aren’t back until a few hours after I’ve woken up. Maybe i’ll have… P/P/N?” (preferred pancake number. i don’t judge, i won’t pick for you! also can be pee-pee-nut if you prefer.)
The Onceler handed you a plate and flipped your pancakes across the room into a graceful stack on top. He then picked up an already pancaked plate and walked over, sitting beside you on the bed. The rain was coming down harder now. It must have been around noon, but it was still as dark out as it would be in the middle of the night. You noticed a flash out of the corner of your eye, and suddenly…
The thunder surprised you, and you screamed a little, jumping from your place on the comfy orangey-red sheets. Onceler was startled too, but not nearly as much. You fell back into his arms, knocking your pancakes all over the place.
“Oh no… I’m so sorry Oncie. The two bites I had were really good…”
“Don’t worry about it Y/N! I did tell you I made tons.”
The Onceler sliced a piece with his fork and put it up to your mouth. You were hesitant and a little embarrassed, but ate it. CRASH BANG OH ITS MORE THUNDER HOW TERRIBLE!! You jumped a little again, this time closer the Onceler, and nuzzled your head into his chest. He reached for a blanket and wrapped it around you both. You looked up into his pretty blue eyes, and he planted a kiss on your forehead.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I’m here. The storm should calm down soon.”
He sliced another portion of his pancakes and fed them to you, stroking your hair and giving you occasional kisses anywhere he could reach. The two of you spent the rest of the evening cuddling, eating pancakes, and listening to the rain.
hope that was okay for my first fic! boy am i glad the onceler is real and i actually just made up the miserable life i’m living. i’m so glad i’m getting the physical contact i need! i love being healthy!! KEEP THE REQUESTS COMING I NEED IT
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sallufix · 2 years
Onceler misses advertising his Thneeds😔 it makes him feel alive again, now da billboards and ads do the talkin. He still needs to pay his swear jar though. ANYWAYS!! I am like a decade late to @tophattrio and stuff so i hope no one else has made this yet?? Idk but its just really fun drawin these goobers aghh expect more of em soon
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+ sum tophat guyz doodles (TOWAW is my OC btw, juzt clarifying ☠️☠️)
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