#i still really like that Nihilism tattoo actually
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maximura · 8 months ago
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delusionalbitchinthehouse · 9 months ago
Here I am with summoning headcanons for the first ghouls told through Chain (my beloved). I'm pretty happy about this one, actually !
"Why d'you wear it ?"
Chain blinks slowly, lazily turning their head to look at Phantom, sprawled on the worn rug next to them.
The new kid is cute, they decide, a bit of a lightweight, so they stopped smoking a while ago. His cheeks are flushed purple, big stary eyes glazed over, a sweet little smile never leaving his lips.
Chain almost forgets they were asked a question, until Phantom tugs a bit more insistantly on the heavy chain looped around their waist. They hum.
"'s a lucky charm, stickbug."
Phantom tilts his head with a confused noise, wiggling closer until he can rest his head on Chain's chest. The water ghoul runs fingers adorned with bone tattoos on the skin of the young quint's arm, raising goosebumps in their wake.
"Y'know I was the first water ghoul summoned after the mess Nihil's ghouls were, right ?"
Phantom nods, tail swaying lightly.
"Well," Chain hums, "back then, summonings were messy. And now, with how much damage Nihil's ghouls had done, the Clergy was afraid. Everytime they summoned a ghoul, they found new reasons to be afraid."
Phantom shifts, reaching up to follow the glowing stripes under Chain's jaw with the tip of his fingers.
"Like what ?"
Chain sighs, thinking back to their very first pack.
"Most of them were ancient, powerful ghouls. 'Mega was the first...I mean, you've seen him. He's big. Sure, Earth and Air are taller, but there's that thing 'bout 'Mega, y'know ? Some kind of...aura or shit. Maybe it's the quintessence, dunno. Anyway, he spooked them real good, and Alpha didn't make it better."
Phantom wrinkles his nose.
"Uh oh. Alpha's spookier than Omega."
Chain can't help snorting at that.
"He's got a shit temper and an ego the size of a planet. Fought Omega the second he slid of the altar. Got messy real quick - that's were he got the scars on his cheek and on his stomach, and 'Mega has matching ones on his thigh, burn marks on his ribs too."
With a little gasp, Phantom pushes himself up on his elbows.
"Really ? But they're....really close."
Phantom's surprise is understandable. Omega and Alpha are pratically joined at the hips now, evolving around each other with an ease speaking of intimacy. Chain hums.
"Well, yeah. Suprisingly, once Omega made Alpha eat shit, it didn't take long for them to get along. I guess they just had a rocky start."
That sets Chain off, somehow, and it takes a long while before they can speak again without being interrupted by their own giggles.
"And after that, Air and Earth were summoned. You've seen them. Fucking trees, the both of them. Looming above everyone. Air traumatized the poor summoners by screeching so loudly he made some eardrums burst. And Earth, well. Spat out blood and guts everywhere - not his fault they summoned him right after a successful hunt."
Rolling on top of them, Phantom pushes his forehead against Chain's, pawing at their shoulders absent-mindedly.
"And you ?"
Closing their eyes, they can still picture it perfectly. The dim candle-lit room, the smell of incens and fear, the anxious whispers, the rough stone of the altar under their naked skin. And that familiar clinking sound.
"Well, I was the last of Primo's original ghouls to be summoned. And by that point, the Clergy was rightfully pissing their pants. So, the second I crawled out of the pit, they threatened to chain me if I showed any sign of agression. I guess they didn't expect for me to find their shiny chain really cool."
Phantom blinks at them in disblief.
"You...thought the chain looked cool."
Shrugging, Chain ruffles the quint's hair with a huff.
"Y'sound awfully judgmental. Yes, I thought it looked cool. Hopped off the altar, took it from them, sniffed it a few time and decided it was mine. Been wearing it ever since - and got my name out of it."
They stare at each other for a second before dissolving in another fit of giggles. It feels good, Chain decides, spending time with the newer ghouls, telling them stories of before they were summoned and watching their incredulous reaction.
"You," Phantom pants in between chuckles, "are the least serious ghoul I've ever met."
"Part of my charm."
Phantom laughs again, and Chain doesn't realize they're purring until the quint joins in.
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emeritus-fuckers · 8 months ago
hello hi!! i was wondering if it would be possible to request some young imperator/young nihil relationship hcs(preferably non-angsty)? i am shaking them around i love them so much but there’s such little content
Young Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator relationship headcanons
He/him pronouns used for Papa Nihil. She/her
Honestly, for a brief moment, they were a somewhat happy pair.
Nihil managed to get Imperator to actually have fun and loosed up while she got him to do his goddamn job for once.
They had some issues, as all couples do.
Imperator was not the best with her feeling and emotions back then, mostly due to how she was "raised" by the Director. She was somewhat distant and unsure when it came to romance.
Nihil, on the other hand, would always pour his heart out. He would give his all into his relationship. And then even more.
In a way, they completed each other. Imperator was the (usually) calm one, while Nihil is the one getting into situations because of how passionate he was.
Naturally, their differences in temper and how they were raised can make the relationship difficult, but they would always end up together somehow, unable to leave the other for good.
Admittedly, it was usually Nihil who came back crying and Imperator just would just sigh and cuddle it out with his clingy self.
Nihil is one of the very few people who know Imperator's original name. The one given to her by her parents, rather than the one given by the Director.
He got it tattooed, actually. In a small, decorative font, right over his heart, where she would lay her head at night.
Sister is a cardiophiliac, so she would listen to Nihil's heart to soothe herself to sleep. For a while, it seemed to be the only thing helping her insomnia.
Nihil would always get all blushy whenever she fell asleep on him, too. Giddy and blushy.
(He also cums very quickly with her but that's besides the point.)
They'd sneak out to concerts together.
Nihil is more into softer songs and tunes while Imperator has always been into rock and metal, which inspired Nihil to try making his songs in a more rock-like fashion.
Imperator was the one to design Nihil's Papal paints.
It was also her joke that lead to him choosing white and gold as the colors of his robes.
You see, she made a joke that he'd be the one wearing a wedding gown if they ever got married. And since, as Papa, he would have to be married in his robes, he went with the closest thing he could get.
Yes, these two were thinking of marriage at one point, even if it was mostly either late night sleepy talking or jokes.
Also, I disagree with the sentiment shared in the fandom that Imperator hated Nihil's kids.
I'm gonna fight y'all on slandering my wife like that.
I'd like to think that despite the slight awkwardness and obvious distance, she was actually really fond of them while Nihil and her were a thing.
And even after they broke up, while she wasn't as fond of them anymore (especially Terzo, who looked just like Nihil), she still remained civil to them.
Y'all can fight me on this, by the way.
Sister Imperator did nothing wrong.
Written by Nosferatu.
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ghulehcirice · 1 year ago
Papa Emeritus Headcanons
- I love the idea of Primo having had a secret prime mover whom he had a child with. Not wanting either of them to be used by the ministry like him and his own mother, he had to say goodbye to the love of his life. He wrote a song for her, he listens to it when he needs that comfort.
- No one really knows why this old man loves gardening so much. If you as him he’ll tell you it must have passed down to him from his mother. But that doesn’t explain the area of his garden that no one is allowed in..
- He doesn’t let many people help with the garden, just one or two ghouls to water the plants, and a few siblings of sun to help transporting the fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables to the Ministries Kitchen.
- Primo is one of those stubborn old men, he likes having his freedom. Hardly uses the walker which Sister Imperator insists he uses.
- Primo has a bit of a soft spot for the children of the Ministry just like brothers, he designated a little spot in his garden for any children who may need some quiet time.
- Primo has been know to have another soft spot for some of the trans and non binary siblings of sin. He has a calming tea for dysphoria that he doesn’t distribute via the kitchen, rather he keeps in safe in the greenhouse stored in its walls. He only allows those who need it, the location.
- No matter how scary this man looks, kids fucking love him. No one’s really sure why but if the Papas are attending an event where there are children, most of them will rush for Papa Emeritus II. Not that he seems to mind that much.
- Secondo has a poodle, fight me.
- I’m sorry but if no one else will say it, I will. This motherfucker drips in that “scary trans man” juice.
- He was the entire reason Primo began keeping the tea blend.
- Secondo has had to surgery but still wears his binder. If you don’t remind him to take it off, he will wear it until his nipples fall off.
- Despite all of that work Secondo has Moobs. The amount of times he has had people accidentally run into them is astounding.
- If you’re dating, He treats you like absolute ROYALTY. We all know what a party animal this guy is, but if you asked him to stop he would. This man is WHIPPED (honestly they all are)
- Need I say this again? FRUITY.
- I don’t think anyone will fight me on this one, but there ain’t no way there wasn’t A FEW hookups between him and Omega. Maybe the others if he was feeling extra.
- Many people think Terzo was the first to actually treat the ghouls well but I don’t think that’s true. I like to think they’ve always been treated well but they weren’t really acknowledged by the public until Terzo.
- We all know Terzos rebellious but ive never heard anyone talk about this man probably got so many tattoos !! Secondo has some too, but he likes keeping them a surprise ;)
- Probably has a lot of stupid, small ones. Dates from his many nights drunk and playing truth or dare.
- Can’t tell me this man didn’t try and convince Copia into getting a tattoo when they were younger, eventually he relented and Copia picked. Terzo now has a little rat face on his rib cage.
- Despite how flirty Terzo shows himself to be, he can really be a good shoulder to cry on. Not to mention how good his hugs are.
- Oh rat man. When he first started being groomed for papacy, he was petrified. Sure he had been Employee of the Month many times, and Papa Nihils right hand many moons ago he was scared.
- He knew how beloved the papas before him were, and he couldn’t help but think little old Cardi C would never live up to them.
- No matter how much ~~His Mother~~ Sister Imperator said he deserved this just like they did.
- And thus Copia had to find his place in the ministry once again.
- It was almost refreshing for him at the same time, once he became papa he could shed from what everyone had known him as ever since he stopped wearing a sisters habit and begun wearing a Cardinals Cassock. He would be that shy little kid anymore. He was Papa Emeritus IV.
- The past papas took to him rather quickly, Terzo almost not recognizing Copia from their younger days.
- Primo gave him access to the tea hidden away in the green house, helping to make him a glass as the poor man scrambled to try and help the old man
- Secondo seemed as stoic as he was, but he seen himself in Copia. He gave him a few nudges and shoves without really letting anyone realize it.
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cheese-enjoyer9471 · 9 months ago
Getting to Know You Meme
thank you @russenoire for tagging me!! this took a while :3
01) are you currently in a serious relationship? nah.
02) what was your dream growing up? i think my dream was to be a vet. i've always loved animals since i was a kid, and i would always study animal facts in my free time. that didn't change until i learned about how many vets had to do surgeries to help the animals, and i don't think i have the guts for that.
03) what talent do you wish you had? the talent to actually be able to do whatever i set my mind to.
04) if someone bought you a drink what would it be? A cup of tea brewed from Twinings Earl Grey tea leaves.
05) favorite vegetable? i'm fine with most vegetables, but lettuce is great. i guess you could say i'm just like my first name, 楊 (羊)
07) what zodiac sign are you? uhhehhhhh...i'm 99.9999999% sure I'm an Aquarius.
08) any tattoos and/or piercings? none of the above!!
09) worst habit? wassup gang it's the professional procrastinator here :D
10) what is your favourite sport? badminton.
11) do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude? depends. i'm generally optimistic about others, and pessimistic towards myself. i think the closest thing to describe my view would be optimistic nihilism. nothing has value until you give it value.
12) tell me one weird fact about you. i have a small wing-shaped birthmark on my right shoulder blade.
13) do you have any pets? YEAH!! I LOVE MY DOG!!
14) do you think clowns are cute or scary? depends on the clown.
15) if you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? i believe that i can change whatever i want to change myself.
16) what colour eyes do you have? very very dark brown eyes.
17) ever been arrested? i have not, hope not, and probably will not.
18) bottle or can soda? can. crisp snap can opening is my hobby.
19) if you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? save it.
20) what's your favourite place to hang out at? indoors, preferably somewhere private like home.
21) do you believe in ghosts? probably. i'm curious about their existance.
22) favourite thing to do in your spare time? gaming (?)
23) do you swear a lot? i cannot deny that question.
24) biggest pet peeve? well.
25) in one word, how would you describe yourself? worthless. i have yet to give myself meaning, and i will do anything to grant myself worth in my own eyes.
26) do you believe in/appreciate romance? somewhat.
27) favourite and least favourite food? a single favourite? what's that? if i had to choose, i think it would be tonkatsu. i despise the disgusting school lunch eggs.
28) do you believe in god? to some extent.
29) what makes you happy: listening to music, being in my zone, eating good food, feeling the rain on my skin, and being with those i can be comfortable with.
30) currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Honkai Impact 3rd v4.6 [Unequaled, Unrivaled] (1 HOUR EXTENDED). i will not elaborate.
31) favorite place to spend time: home.
32) favorite lyric: "No one's gonna save you now So you better save yourself" from After the Storm by Kali Uchis
33) recommend a film: euhhhhh. i'm not really a movie person, so i can't think of anything.
34) recommend a book: Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. I am never going to stop yapping about this book for the upcoming three weeks.
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Getz/Gilberto by Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto. it's my all time favourite.
36) recommend a TV show: do animes count? if so, i'd be here for a long while.
37) where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? taiwan, and still am.
38) do you have any pets or animals in your life? how did you find/get them? i used to have a dachshund for a few years. the lil guy used to be my parents prior to my birth, but they entrusted the doggo to one of their friends during my mom's pregnancy. there was a while when the friend had to move homes, so the dachshund came to our home for some time. after that, the dachshund returned to my parents' friend. during 2020, my family bought a shetland sheepdog. he's the silliest floofer ever and i love him.
39) what's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? i don't think i've eaten anything weird, but i can tell you something weird that i drank. i once drank melted chocolate ice cream added with one m&m, a bit of salt and pepper, a bit of sugar, shredded paper, more melted ice cream, a gummy bear that fell on the floor, and a few more ingredients i can't remember. i only took a sip.
40) how did you 'find' fandom? discovered it upon scrolling through wings of fire media.
41) make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. an hourglass, a paper shredder, a calculator, a tray of my accessories, and this very laptop i'm typing on.
42) how do you style your hair? i just tuck some behind my ears, but i let the rest be.
decided to just tag some people, no pressure in joining!!
@aurae-rori @theinsomniacnerd @cnth-rb @cinnimartinez @lala1236 @cloud-player @woahgenshinimpact @aelxr @jazziethejazz
Getting to Know You Meme
tagged by @ygodmyy20! thankee kindly.
01) are you currently in a serious relationship? nope. can't say i miss it.
02) what was your dream growing up? i had a new one every month. the one that stuck around the longest was 'astronaut' until i learned that NASA's manned space program hasn't done much since skylab, outside of testing the limits of human endurance in low earth orbit. still cool! but i'll keep my unnaturally dense bones, thanks.
03) what talent do you wish you had? the talent to work any job i wanted without medication.
04) if someone bought you a drink what would it be? a cocktail of some sort. most likely a gin and tonic, a negroni or a mojito.
05) favorite vegetable? too many to count. easier for me to tell you what i don't like: green beans. if they're only palatable tempura-fried, i don't need them in my life.
06) what was the last book you read? currently working through your brain's not broken, by tamara rosier, ph.d.
07) what zodiac sign are you? virgo. and no, i don't wanna hear about how virgos are hyper-organized control freaks. i am neither of these things.
08) any tattoos and/or piercings? five in a single ear, one in the other. two make up an industrial piercing. i have no tattoos but want one of the kageyama brothers from mp100 someday.
09) worst habit? getting too hung up on the 'right time' to do things.
10) what is your favorite sport? to play? dodgeball. to watch? either figure skating or tennis.
11) do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude? recovering pessimist here. i'm optimistic about some things and nihilistic about others.
12) tell me one weird fact about you. i never learned to ride a bicycle.
13) do you have any pets? no. i love cats and regularly-washed dogs though.
14) do you think clowns are cute or scary? i don't have a strong opinion about clowns, tbh.
15) if you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? nothing. anything i can change is changeable.
16) what color eyes do you have? brown.
17) ever been arrested? nope.
18) bottle or can soda? bottle. though i don't soda very often.
19) if you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? pay off my student loans and save the rest.
20) what's your favorite place to hang out at? a vedanta temple in the foothills here, or a park on a hill with a historic frank lloyd-wright-designed home.
21) do you believe in ghosts? maybe. i know people who can see them.
22) favorite thing to do in your spare time? singing. or learning.
23) do you swear a lot? very much so.
24) biggest pet peeve? how long you got? we could be here all week.
25) in one word, how would you describe yourself? iconoclastic.
26) do you believe in/appreciate romance? *shrug* i believe in and appreciate love, wherever it comes from.
27) favourite and least favourite food? does anyone have a single favorite? anyone? i do not. least favorite food is canned vegetables, except for beets and corn.
28) do you believe in god? i believe in the divine, a Self that we are one with and all have access to. whatever you choose to call that is up to you.
29) what makes you happy: soft fluffy things, palpable texture in weaves and knits, sweet or creamy fruits, singing and/or listening to music, my friends, learning something new.
30) currently listening/the last thing you listened to: hiroko suzuki, 'bara wa utsukushiku chiru'.
31) favorite place to spend time: at home.
32) favorite lyric: 'love is like the scabs from sunburn' from the OP to kenda master ken.
33) recommend a film: at random? good morning, by yasujirō ōzu.
34) recommend a book: oranges are not the only fruit, by jeannette winterson; islands, the universe, home, by gretel ehrlich.
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: uchikubi gokumon doukoukai, 'shufu no michi' (way of the house-husband)
36) recommend a TV show: rose of versailles. soapy as hell, but great if you love historical dramas and anime. it's fairly well-researched too.
37) where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? the pacific north american coast; i'm still here. i've lived in texas and georgia, USA.
38) do you have any pets or animals in your life? how did you find/get them? no pets.
39) what's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? bull penis. 0/10 do not recommend. the most unusual thing i've actually enjoyed is probably fried crickets.
40) how did you 'find' fandom? got obsessed with a story and wanted to share that love with other people. didn't happen until my mid-thirties though with steven universe.
41) make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. a heat gun, a soldering iron that i have never used for actual soldering, the laptop i'm typing this on, the laptop connected to my projector, a plastic mask.
42) how do you style your hair? usually a tall bun. my hair is long enough to sit on and this keeps it out of my way.
as always, no pressure: @yaraneechan @eshithepetty @impmansloot @gumy-shark @sukunekatano
@cheese-enjoyer9471 @sulfurousmirrorscapes @creativenicocorner or anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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copias-thrall · 5 years ago
I believe you answered something semi-recently about the Papas and marriage, but what do you think their weddings would be like? And if you have the time, the ghouls as well!
Apologies for taking so long to get to you! I was not the person who wrote about marriage with the Papas. Does anyone know who that was?
But I can take a crack at their weddings (with some Era 4 Ghouls)!
*mentions of sex; animal sacrifice*
(Young) Papa Nihil: The ceremony takes place  inside a circle of lilies in a meadow that’s surrounded by wilderness. The rest of Nihil’s followers are there as guests. Everyone—including you and Nihil—wear diaphanous garments of crepe and linen in white. As the sun sets, Sister Imperator ties both your hands together and declares you both married. Someone brings a goat into the circle, and Sister Imperator hands you a ritual dagger. As one, you and Nihil bring your tied hands down and plunge the knife into the goat’s neck as an offering to Satan to bless your union. Everyone cheers, and you and Nihil strip so the orgy can start.
Papa I: A simple ceremony in the chapel, the only attendees are close friends and family (there will be a big reception for the congregation later). He wears his vestments and you wear formal ritual robes. His youngest brother performs the marriage rites and Secondo stands up as his best man. Papa III sniffles his way through the marriage scripture, and halfway through Papa I produces a cloth handkerchief to hand to him. He elects for the long service, and at some point Nihil dozes off. The two of you exchange self-written vows professing your love for each other before Papa III tips a chalice of goat’s blood over your heads as a show of asking for Satan’s favor over your marriage. Papa I has the chapel cleared for the ritual consummation, which is brief but pleasurable. After the two of you clean up and change, you join the festivities in honor of your union that are already in full swing.
Papa II: He wants to be married, but hates weddings. He has a lower-ranking officiate do the vows in private with Ghouls as witnesses. In lieu of formal attire, you both wear simple, but expensive silk robes. Instead of a ring, he collars you, then leads you to the ritual altar where anyone who’s interested is invited to watch him consummate his bond with you. It’s not the entire congregation, but the hall is filled, including his family and band Ghouls. Everyone cheers once you’ve both completed, and he invites everyone to the quad to partake in the goat roast. The goats are trussed up shibari-style with little apple gags—courtesy of his youngest brother.
Papa III: Bride. Zilla. Did you think you were going to get much say? Designer everything and flowers galore. He has a list of 20 groomsmen, and you have to remind him that you don’t have enough people in your own party to pair with them; you manage to negotiate down to 5. He hires a wedding planner that he’s constantly fighting with on the phone. She’s a stern woman with an earpiece and is probably the only reason the whole event doesn’t collapse in on itself. A few days before the ceremony, Papa comes to you and has a meltdown because there was a mishap with the coolers at the florist, and now all the boutonnieres will be red instead of blush. You take him into your arms and remind him that as long as you get to marry him, your wedding will be a success. Your words and a little …*ahem* … comfort goes a long way to calming him down. On the day of, Papa is a mess, and you give his groomsmen a stern talking to regarding keeping him focused. He starts tearing up before Nihil even starts the ceremony, and he’s a blubbering mess by the time you get to the vows. The sacrificial blood is actually a really expensive wine that the two of you drink out of a chalice (“Our Dark Lord will know how much of a sacrifice it was to open that bottle, amore”). He elects to have the ritual consummation as part of your wedding night. After the two of you take leave of the reception (that has at that point devolved into drunken shenanigans with fire ghouls setting table covers on fire), Papa III leads you to the altar; he’s covered it with a warm blanket and lit many candles (“For mood lighting, dolce”).
Papa IV: As long as you’re happy, he’s fine with going along with whatever you want. His only request is that you follow the traditional wedding customs of The Church. When you discuss ring bearers, he suggests his ratties—but at your look, he laughs it off. You’re still not sure if he was joking or not. You’re surprised when he commissions formal robes that match his vestments, but you’re happy to color-coordinate with him. The ceremony is an understated affair otherwise, with Primo performing the vows. Nihil and Papa III doze off. Goat’s Blood? Gross, no thank you. You and Copia agreed to cut your palms over His symbol instead. There was some debate about the ritual consummation, and in the end, you compromised with the decision of a privacy screen. For the reception, Copia changes into a fresh white suit so everyone can see how much he adores you.
Aether: He wants to incorporate both of your traditions into the ceremony and is involved in planning the wedding every step of the way. The two of you have a traditional Church wedding, but afterwards you’ll do a Run out into the woods so he can catch you and prove he’s mate material. He adorns your finger with a ring because he doesn’t think biting you would be a good idea, but has you pierce the spade of his tail with a ring since you can’t really bite him with your blunt teeth.
Dew: Til death do you part sounds like a long time, but if it’ll make you happy, ok I guess. You do absolutely all of the planning. He goes out for his bachelor party the night before the ceremony and shows up the next day in rough shape and in a suit that is decidedly not the one you bought for him. He seems impatient throughout, perking up after his vows when he gets to put a claiming bite on you. Like Aether, he lets you pierce his tail, and smiles wickedly when he tells you to Run.
Swiss: He wants the complete experience! The two of you have the most traditional wedding, and he wears a suit so tight it could rival Copia’s. He likes the weight of your ring on his finger, but refuses to bite you (“I don’t want to hurt you or chance infection, babe”). He absolutely smashes cake into your face (he grabs a fistful before it’s even brought out and creams you as you’re accepting congratulations from the Clergy). He’s the first on the dancefloor screaming  for “That Shout song”. A Run? Aren’t you exhausted from dancing? Let’s save the rest of your energy for the wedding night.
Rain: Is a little smushy about marrying you, but isn’t really interested in a Church wedding. The closet thing he can think of to a water ghoul wedding is a baptism. Officiated by Mountain, the two of you exchange vows standing waist-deep in a pool of water in the forest. You dunk each other in turn after your vows, then submerge yourself when you seal it with a kiss. He’s happy to wear your ring on a chain around his neck, and he likes the idea of his bite mark on you—but doesn’t want to scar your skin—so he has Mountain tattoo the pattern of his teeth on your shoulder. He hadn’t even considered a Run, but hey—if you’re offering.
Mountain: He takes you deep into the forest alone—this is something that’s just for the two of you. He finds a shady canopy and instructs you to ruminate on your love and commitment to him while he takes your hands. You’re not sure how long you both stand there, but when you open your eyes, the sun has moved considerably and Mountain is smiling a secret smile at you. He’s mixed up a natural ink, and the two of you tattoo his clan’s symbol for ownership on each other. Afterwards, he has you consummate your union on a patch of soft dirt. A little indignant at being left out, the two of you come back to the dorms to find the other Band Ghouls have thrown you an impromptu reception.
Cirrus & Cumulus: Our girls are a package deal! The three of you have a beach wedding, and they wear versions of white dresses—they love this human custom, but don’t quite get what makes a wedding dress a wedding dress. They’re happy to exchange rings if they come with a jewel, but if you want something pierced, they’re happy to give your ear a new hole for a little bauble. Copia officiates, and the Band Ghouls are there as the wedding party. Dew complains about the sand the whole time, and Cumulus finally threatens to dunk him into the ocean if he doesn’t shut up (Swiss and Mountain end up tossing him in later just to be assholes). There’s a buffet full of goodies, and everyone sits on beach blankets eating and laughing until the sun goes down. If you want to do a Run, they’ll happily chase you … but wouldn’t you rather get back to the bungalow where you can have some fun in front of the fire?
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againstfate · 4 years ago
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Here are some headcanons I vaguely remember from the time I wrote Eren.
Looks identical to his mother, extremely beautiful as he ages. During his trainee days like most teens he is awkward, full of limbs && knees. As he grows, the most prominent feature on Eren is the vivid teal eyes he has. Eventually, he learned to outline them in kohl giving a striking appearance to an already haunting visage. It is only when he has a bit of scruff && very long hair that he looks like Grisha. It makes him physically ill to hear anyone say he looks like his father - at all. His smile is utterly striking, full of teeth && like the sun, as he ages it vanishes altogether. It becomes meek, timid, rarely so but it manifests the love he has for his inner circle.
Prefers tea over coffee, it’s a habit he acquired with Levi’s original squad. Eren also learned what flowers were edible to steam && brew, but the rare indulgence are leaves that are hard to find. He has a bit of a knack for knowing what plants are useful due to the lack of provisions in Wall Maria. Carla taught him how to preserve vegetables && fruits, he even learned to smoke meats for winter preservation. Self reliant, could live comfortably on the land by himself - if given a future, he has no idea what he wants but returning home is the ideal. Wherever home is nowadays.
God Complex, falls easily into the category of looking at himself as the Devil && God. Willing to sacrifice others for his loved ones, will sacrifice his loved ones for others. It’s a moral dilemma that ignited after he merged with the Founding Titan. Sways between calm steadiness but erratic when spited, easily lashes out && becomes violent if his ideals are challenged as he views it his duty to pursue this goal of freeing everyone. Unaware that his own Achille’s heel is love, he cannot obtain it nor deny it. Easily will become obsessive && succumb to it, he is starved for affection. It is a hunger that could easily devour him that or his sanity that is slowly dwindling. They both are in line to destroy him, it starts to show as he ages he is nothing but a crying child screaming for his mother but he is still powerless. 
                                             { Told you it got long! }
Incredibly intelligent, manipulative && deceitful. Many forget that despite failing in the physical training parts, Eren achieved high academic marks. While he appears to be nothing more than a hot head when younger, he is actually quite perspective. When older, Eren starts to read people preying on their weaknesses && emotions to gain the upper hand. His temper simmers but becomes cool, collective, calculating as if waiting for the opportunity to strike. He plays solely on emotional responses, as that is his own weakness.
Still wears the key around his neck, it’s a security blanket, he finds it oddly comforting as it is the only link to home. Eren also has his father’s glasses, he keeps them in his pocket at all times. Even when knowing the truth, he holds onto some naivety that it can’t be right. Through the Founding Titan’s memories, he knows that is simply a lie but deceiving himself lessens the blow on his mental state. Sometimes, he holds the frames really tight as if trying to hold onto the last preservation of home && happiness he had. He hates it, this weakness as it showcases he is nothing but a scared young man. Running && fighting so violently, unaware he is swallowing himself whole. 
Now for something sort of happy because wow, those were dark these are all mostly modern AU’s. He picked up smoking from Zeke, only does so when extremely stressed or angry - the cheapest god awful brand, everyone hates him for it. Simply on the fact it smells bad! To mask it up, he often wears really feminine perfumes or soaps since they’re stronger. Vanilla is his favorite, he will fight anyone who says it’s an inferior scent. He has a pension for drinking && smoking - Carla has fought with him about this, he tries to tone it down for her since he only gives a damn about his mother’s opinion. 
Doesn’t really have a style, he steals most of Armin’s clothes that are left over at his place. Otherwise, his wardrobe is pretty monotone except for a few jeweled rings && friendship bracelets. Prefers boots but in the Spring wears sneakers, he has the oldest pair from when he was a teen he cannot let go of. Wildly long hair he ties up in a bun, if chaotic or doing something terrible he lets it down while laughing even if he is in trouble. Clothes are always handed down, oddly fitting. He swiped one of Zeke’s leathers jackets, never gave it back doesn’t plan to. Few piercings, ears && nose which Carla did not like at all. Matching tattoos with Armin! Stars && sun, aligned together it makes an image of the sky. 
First year med student, burning out really hard. He sleeps between Dina’s house && his mom’s, really has no set place on where he is staying. Gets along well with his father’s first family, but can see there is resentment by Dina sometimes he tries to not impose only visits to see Zeke. Which isn’t the best influence, some of the nihilism has rubbed off on Eren but he also still has that boy like curiosity to the world. Not sure if he wants to be a general practitioner or specialize, really just wanted to be an art major. Only did it for his father, though sometimes he does like knowing in the end his hands will help people - it makes him happy. 
Big laugh, snorts when he can’t stop laughing. It’s thunderous, his entire gut shakes from it - the type that also makes you laugh along because it makes everything feel better. When he’s in a group he’ll instantly wrap his arms around the person that made him laugh to pull them close, it’s a mess of giggles && his wheezing. Extremely affectionate to those in his inner circle, it is his best quality. He shows love through physical touch, hand holding, kissing, hugging, clinging real tight when he hasn’t seen them for long. Regardless of gender, he doesn’t really care - if Eren loves you, it’s passionate even when platonic.
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zevons · 5 years ago
what are your thoughts on the old guard movie!
Hello lovely anon! You've caught me on a lazy Sunday where I've done nothing but vacuum, do laundry, and drink a lot of Aperol mixed with various other liquids. Most of them gin. So I have an enthusiastic answer for you. I wish I was better at Analysis and could give you a more meaningful answer but instead you're going to get my feelings and excitement. But whatever.
The short answer is: I really enjoyed it! I like action films and I like supernatural elements and I like Charlize Theron. So it was very good to me.
The longer answer is: all that PLUS the fact that it felt wildly refreshing to have a ‘cynical old warrior finds new faith in the dark and cruel world by training a bright young talent’ story that revolved around two women, and also I’m always into Greg Rucka heroines so really I never had a chance against this story. I’d not read the comics beforehand (I’ve fallen off the comics bandwagon for the past couple years but this was a nice reminder that hey! I should get back up to date because there’s some really good stuff out there) so when I saw a couple gifsets floating around tumblr I didn’t realise it even was Greg Rucka- then I saw the opening credits and immediately had to pause and look up the details. I’m currently living quite a distance away from my very well-stocked public library and am also what they call,,eeuuuh,,, poor, so in order to read the comics I [redacted] but I will say that I did put my eyeballs on them and found them extremely good. A lot of the changes between the comic and the film I thought were well-chosen- particularly the choice to make Merrick a Pharma Bro in the ilk of Martin Shkreli rather than the tattooed vaguely-muscled dude he is in the original- it read as being a lot more relevant. The movie hit the beat of a pseudo 'for the greater good.....but actually money' villain that I KNEW (netflix notwithstanding...do //they// know??) that I enjoyed in a big way.
Also in terms of the comic- the comedic gold of Andy saying that the invention of sports bras is evidence for humanity being worth saving. Full agree.
So the source material is highly enjoyable. In general I'm a fan of the sort of ~dark age of comics~ stuff that is in fact quietly optimistic about the worth of humanity (call it a sign of the times, but I'm currently quite burned out on nihilism. Is it because I'm genuinely feeling quite nihilistic about everything, particularly at the moment? Maybe so!)  
I'm also a massive sucker for historical AUs so giving me a canon where historical AUs aren't AUs at all but are in fact FACT is absolute catnip. I'm currently being murdered to death by the twin powers of work and the Terror Big Bang but once I've flung myself over those hurdles I'm going to jump head-first into the worst kind of self-indulgent history fic. Can't wait!
The story itself I also found really tight. Was it the most original thing I've ever seen in my life? No. But what is, anyways? I've seen some criticism that it was fairly predictable, which I can understand, but which I don't see as an entirely negative thing. Sometimes you're in the mood for a tropey tale. And this scratched that itch perfectly.
Honestly the only plot point I take umbrage with is Andy becoming mortal-for-good (apparently), but really just mostly because 'depowered' is a long-time least-favourite trope of mine. I thought the way it was handled in the film was quite good, actually- the whole scene with the pharmacist! Andy trying to figure what the heck she needs to patch herself up because she's never had to do it before! What is a band-aid! Very good. But the trope will just irk me incessantly so I can't get over it as quickly as all that. But otherwise every beat hit me riiight in the id. Found family, immortality, let's not-get-exploited-by-big-business, been-through-the-wringer kind of stuff: gaahhh. I also looooooooooved everyone's interactions with each other. Catch me crying in the club about the way Andy was so concerned about Booker coming back after he got half-blown up during the raid on the church. CATCH ME FLINGING MYSELF OUT OF THE WINDOW OF MY REMOTE WIZARD'S TOWER ABOUT THE WAY JOE NEEDED NICKY TO BE OKAY IN THE VAN SEQUENCE. There's a limited number of people in the world who could possibly understand what is it to go through this! So they gotta stick together! Even after Booker’s betrayal, he’s still a part of that group and they work with him! It makes his judgement so harsh, as well. Particularly since he's already the most susceptible of the bunch. Joe and Nicky have each other, and Andy's been through actual hell and forced herself to deal with it, but Booker's already borderline unable to handle the pain of his own condition. And so his punishment of isolation is basically the worst thing they could have given him. Oof. (I dig it.)
Also I've for sure rambled about this to friends before- movies NEED to realise that the sure-fire way to make me ship a heterosexual relationship is to Drop Hints but not actually show anything concrete, hence I think Andy/Booker is a gr9 ship. Andy in general is my little black dress for this canon. Andy/Booker, Andy/Nile, Andy/QuYNH??????? THANKS I'LL TAKE THE LOT. The airplane fight sequence would have been a sexual awakening if I hadn't already been so awakened by Keira Knightley pretending to drop the pirate medallion overboard circa 2003. (I'm required by boat-funkin lesbian contract to mention Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl in everything I do. Sorry.) 
This is all disconnected garble with no deeper meaning whatsoever, but that's sort of my thing these days, so I'm at peace with it. Anyways. In conclusion, I'm rewatching the movie with some friends in about 15 minutes, so yeah, I liked it. <3333333333
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nikccs · 5 years ago
          *+ .˚ₓ hello new friends ! i’m mini from the 6ix . i’m here to cause trouble 😈 , with my new kid nikoo , neeks , neekeekee , nikoochu . i would’ve been here earlier but #theweedhittoostrong sOoOoOoOO  . . .   like this ( i’ll come love u ) and let’s brainstorm , send each other muse posts , make each other scream and discuss what we’re gonna do to             S  P  I  C  E 🔥  things up around here !  let me know if u prefer discord ! [ 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 !#0644 ]
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do  my  eyes  deceive  me  ,  or  did  i  just  see  ( NIKOO MARTINEZ )  getting  out  of  the  car  in  hunnington  ?  i  guess  (  SHE’S )  living  around  (  DENALI HILL )  ,  which  i  could've  guessed  .  hopefully  they  can  keep  their  (  -  SELFISH & -  CYNICAL )  shit  to  theirselves  ,  and  focus  on  being  ( +  AMBITIOUS  &  +  CONNECTED )  to  avoid  any  problems  .  and  for  the  love  of  god  ,  lets  hope  they  don't  talk  about  the  ( HIDDEN  )  thing  . 
Full Name: nikoo [ knee - coo ] martinez
Nickname(s): neeks , keeks , neekeekee , nikoochu , kiko , 
Age: 22
Height: 5′2 ft
Date of Birth: january 25th 1997
Zodiac sign: aquarius 
Hogwarts house: slytherin
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a cross on her wrist , latin saying down her spine saying ‘ex nihilo nihil fit . camino largo, paso corto.’ ( nothing comes nothing . long road , short road )
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american 
A LITTLE HISTORY !  [  tw  * abandonment , violence , sexual abuse ]
          nikoo doesn’t know who her parents were . her memory of them becoming a blur with each passing day. from what she could remember , was being left at a random sidewalk at the AGE OF FOUR with the clothes on her back , under pouring rain in miami , florida  . luckily she was standing in front of a home with nice people who said nikoo kept repeating she was waiting for their parents . . . well , her parents never showed up and CPS showed up to put nikoo into the system . 
          you would expect she would end up with a family that loved her bc she was a baby still - - - WRONG !   every family she was placed with found some kind of fault , or their homes would be raided for maltreatment [ think of those horrible ppl that take in kids just for the paycheck ] , nikoo could tell you the many horrible stories from the homes she’s been in . AT SIXTEEN nikoo was at her last foster home , months before . she was left home alone with her fosterr dad , and her usually technique of ignoring him didn’t work . . . and well , things happen 
          DAYS LATER , neeks packed a bag in the middle of the night and left her foster home . she never went back . as in , she became a runaway from the state . living on streets , the couches of strangers . the streets became her home , and eventually at EIGHTEEN , she was living in an apartment with some other people who had nowhere to be . throughout the years , neeks met a guy when she decided to do a CO - OP program through high school in a car garage . so the man treated nikoo like his own . teaching her about parts - - - even involving her in his side business - - - stealing car parts from cars and selling them , specifically high end sports cars . that hustle was covered through the garage . 
          the garage eventually was raided but before that could even happen nikoo discovered a different way to make money . she is hell of resourceful , believing in survival of the fittest and the idea of looking out for yourself . she abandoned the man that helped her out , letting him go down along with his business - - - and nikoo started scamming the people she’s met through dating apps . whether it’s them giving her money , clothes , or paying for something . basically she’s a  SUGAR BABY  without really giving much sugar . that , and she works as a cam girl to earn even more money ( her savings are WILDD )
          the good thing about her past is that she actually excelled in school ! nikoo got her degree in mechanical engineering , along with a songwriting and record diploma . random i know , but she got it , what can i tell you . though she keeps that a secret . technically her whole presence in north carolina is a secret . she lives with her ‘sugar daddy’ in DENALI HILL , whomst she claims is her uncle - - - twice removed bc they look nothing alike . she’s been iin north carolina only for a few years and tells herself it’s just a stepping stone . 
          if you’re rich , or somewhat profitable , nikoo will find some way to use you . she’s a kiss ass without coming out to be a kiss ass . you know , she’s just slick about it . she loves to be tested mentally . like if you’re willing to tango , she’s all about it . settling for less is not in her mentality , she wants more , and the best of things because she’s never had it growing up .
          she’s a straight up hustler ok , if there’s anything she can do for money , she’ll do it . she doesn’t like talking much about herself , and if she does , most things she’ll say about herself are lies . she lives a manageable double ( triple ) life , along with working on her masters online , she currently interns at TESLA . and ofc , she loves cars . one day she plans to put together her own custom car . she writes songs on the sides , not for herself , but for other artists and she’s pretty notable . she’s signed with a publishing house so she gets paid to do that too KDFJGHDFKJGH
          to the rest of the world she’s just a mr stewart’s neice from texas , who is staying with him until she gets her feet on the ground with her ‘ modelling gig ‘ . it’s funny because she prefers people to think she was stupid than to actually figure out she’s smart , and also hella promiscuous . unless you’re one of her clients , or paying her for something , she has no interest in you . neeks prefers to be alone . choosing to stay to herself . she’s still the life of the party though , cos you know . . . she can take money out yo pockets , steal that louis wallet , probably hack your account if she wanted too . bitch is smart with computers . 
          if she’s friends with someone , again , they know what she chooses to tell them . but neeks is pretty laid back , chill . kinda hanging personality , though she dresses like she’s about to hit the club every night , rolling up in a nice ass tesla that’s probably paid for by her ‘ favourite uncle ‘ . she’s flightly af . bc of her clients , she doesn’t do relationships , she doesn’t even like to be touched unless she’s aware it’s coming . if you touch her without her knowing , like hugs , or even trying to scare her , she will. . . . maybe , cut you .  
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adamrevi3ws · 5 years ago
When I first heard that they were making a Joker solo movie, I was frankly annoyed. In my opinion, Joker is possibly one of the most overrated and overused fictional antagonists of all time, being stretched so thin that the character essentially feels like a blank slate often used for nihilism, contrarianism, social critique, and cheap horror. The more I heard about the movie the more I internally groaned, with its extremely loose take on the comics come off as nothing more than a movie made by the type of idiot (or wannabe school shooter) who saw Heath Ledger’s performance in The Dark Knight as something far deeper than it actually was, you know, the “this says a lot about society” type schtick, and decided to make a movie entirely off that premise (these fears are becoming more and more real seeing the director’s recent comments complaining about cancel culture or whatnot). However, I am not entirely just a grumpy old man comic book nerd. I have a soft spot for superhero movies that try to be something a bit more than the hollow yet spotless cash cows of the marvel model, whether they excel (like Logan) or fail (like Batman v Superman). It looked like a clear-cut Scorsese clone, and I generally enjoy those (see: I Tonya), so I decided to give it a try.
And, well, it’s….something…
I’ll start out with the good. The directing, or at least the cinematography, is phenomenal. I love this movie’s version of Gotham City. Time period aside, it seems completely different from what we’re used to, and I dig it. I came in thinking it’d be a knockoff of New York, but no, it was much better, being this neverending disgusting concrete and brick dystopia, that felt like an exaggeration of everything negative and ugly about a city, as Gotham should be. In addition to its great capture of the setting, this movie is filmed in a way that feels the complete opposite of your standard superhero flick, and I am EXTREMELY open to more cape films looking like this. I love it.
Another highlight is that Joaquin Phoenix, of course, is the best of the best. While I have some issues with his characterization itself (which I will detail later), he is one of those actors where I will have extreme difficulty differentiating the character from the actor himself. I think one of the biggest highlights of his portrayal is his movement. Despite being written as far as possible from the character in the comics, Phoenix moves exactly like a weird live action cartoon character to both a funny and terrifying extent. I don’t think this movie honestly deserves that many Oscar nods, but I wouldn’t be unhappy if he got a nomination.
But that’s honestly all the best parts of the film.
There are two issues with this movie that have been pointed out by other critics, and frankly they’re kind of right.
The first is that this movie touches a bunch of social issues but doesn’t really have a message. Frankly, I don’t need Joker to be some sort of social critique. Everything IS political, but the character of The Joker shouldn’t be some sort of political icon. While he may occasionally bounce on social issues or his origin might reflect Gotham’s extreme income inequality (which has been a social issue integral to the setting, not the character), he’s always been chaotic evil, not lawful evil, and doing otherwise just feels awkward and unnecessary. While its exploration of social issues isn’t nearly as cringeworthy as I feared (although there is ONE quote at a pivotal moment made it difficult for me to take the movie seriously), its social critique just doesn’t really go anywhere? There’s a bunch of plot threads and elements that try to say something but never really pay off or properly connect to the rest of the overall character arc? Like I said earlier, there was a point where I couldn’t take the movie seriously anymore, and even though that was mainly due to a certain quote, it also coincided with when the movie’s take on social issues became even more heavy-handed. It felt like the movie was trying to say so much, but without saying anything at all? Although it was nowhere near as fake deep as I feared, it just felt unfocused and unnecessary.
The second critique that I agree with is that this movie has been marketed as a normal guy being driven to snap by “”society”” [FAKE DEEP INTENSIFIES] it never feels like he was a normal guy, to begin with? Despite Phoenix’s phenomenal acting, the character progression is frankly a bit too subtle and possibly nonexistent. I genuinely hoped that this movie would take The Killing Joke’s plot of a Gotham everyman snapping after “one bad day,” but that never happened? I genuinely thought by the end of the movie, he’d finally be as devious and diabolical as the Joker we know in his many incarnations, but at the end he’s just the same sad and weird character as he was in the beginning, except a lot more okay with killing people. For a movie that acts like it’s about being someone being driven to the edge, it’s just about a messed up person going through a lot of depressing things, and maybe expressing their messed up side a little more.
I think the last thing to address with this movie is all the fears of it encouraging incels and school shooters. Although I don’t know how provocative I consider it, I think the best way I can describe it is like Fight Club or Taxi Driver, except without the parts that clarify that the messed up main characters are in fact wrong in what they’re doing. That being said, it is in no means far-right propaganda, so I think while its criticism is valid, it might be a bit overblown. Another apt comparison would be to Tyler, the Creator’s first few albums. It’s obviously extremely disturbing and people will definitely take the wrong message from it, but it’s still decently art if interpreted in a certain angle and doesn’t reeeally need to be censored, but that’s just my flawed opinion.
Overall, Joker is nowhere near as bad as I thought it’d be but all the hype and critical acclaim is almost entirely unnecessary. It’s similar to Venom as in it’s probably the best execution we can get  to a frankly horrendous concept. I’d also like to note that some may find this movie is EXTREMELY depressing and disturbing in general, so I wouldn’t exactly recommend it to everyone even if I liked it.
Seven “damaged” tattoos out of ten. Did Joker say a lot about society at the end? Not really.
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imaginetale · 6 years ago
Pls tell me about your genderswap skellies like what you have for names, what theyre like, ect bc while i love my bone boys, man if my gay ass dont LIKE SOME LADIES-
Buckle in everyone, its gonna be a long post
Also, quick disclaimer - while I won’t be writing anything but gender neutral and het reader characters, you all are free to do so with my ladies!
I’m still working on everyone’s personalities, but I can give you guys the basics, as well as my designs for them! Keep in mind, theses designs are very sketchy and some are on lined paper, not to mention that this is what they would wear underground, I haven’t yet drawn their topside fashions, but as I feel it’s important to the characters personalities, I will say what kind of things they would wear topside. Let’s get started with the one who started this.
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Tinta! Aka lady Ink!
She’s bubbly and hyper and pretty much socially inept. Her back story is similar to that of canon! Ink, save for two things. One, she ends up regaining her SOUL (like the Ink I write) and, two, instead of getting “tattoos” from falling through the code, her bones splintered, leaving scars once she finally got them healed. She still suffers from phantom pain but usually hides when she gets a pain episode so others don’t worry. Whereas Ink has memory problems, she is rather intelligent but comes off as ditzy due to her poor social skills. She almost always wears fully covering clothing because she’s self conscious of her scars, but she loves Decora Kei fashion and will wear it if she can find a way to cover herself completely.
Side note, Tinta was designed for my own genderswaped self ship, and while I don’t mind her being shipped apart from that ship, please don’t ship her with Error, genderswaped or otherwise, as i am really squicked by that particular ship.
During the time that I made Tinta, @nighttimepixels started making her Lilytale ladies and I was inspired to make more than just Tinta, so I ended up starting with Underswap. Aside from Tinta, these ladies have the most development
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This is Muffin. She is training to become a royal guard and wants to look adorable doing it. She actually wears full armor under her magical girl inspired outfit. She looks like she’s just goofing around, but when push comes to shove, she’s dead serious. She’s who you face during genocide and she’s just as tough as canon Sans, maybe moreso since she’s been actively training. She also uses her cute looks to manipulate others into doing what she wants and into underestimating her so she can use it into getting the upper hand if need be. She’s still a kind caring monster, she’s just not naive. She believes in others to a point, but if you pass that point, she knows there’s nothing more kindness can do. When she gets topside, she still loves dressing like a magical girl, but she leans more into general Lolita fashion and anything super cutesty, although she does like to secretly try out biker esque fashion.
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Then there’s Honey Bun, or Bunny, as Muffin calls her. She is a nervous bundle of anxiety and self esteem issues. She pushes herself to the point of breaking to try to both not worry her sister and impress her. She attaches herself to the fallen human because she relates to them, seeing as she’s mute most of the time if her sister isn’t around. Even in the genocide route, she believes that the human can be a better person if they just try a little harder. She’s a worrywart obsessed with those huge twisty lollipops, which she sucks on when she’s nervous. Her fashion sense consists of comfy, easy to wear clothes like sweaters and sweats, but when she goes out, she just wears a lot of maxi dresses
Also, shes the only one with a canon sexuality. She’s bi!
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Solena is like Sans but less nihilism and and depression. Instead she has intense paranoia and trust issues. I’ll admit from this characters till horrortale, I need to work on my ladies personalities. Topside, Solena, or Sunny, wears punny t-shirts and skorts, with toches of casual hipster fashion, dispite not really knowing what a hippster is. She just likes the look.
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This gal is Papagina, or Poppy. Yeah, that’s all I got for her, she needs some work, sorry. I see her wearing super summery clothing 95% percent of the year, and mixing it with rock chic for the other 5%.
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Scratch is a bad girl with a heart of gold but will vehemently deny it if its pointed out. She’s protective of her sister but will take every chance she can to tease and mock her. But only she’s aloud to do that, anyone else talks shit gets hit. She’s also extremely good with kids and teaches the kids in Snowdin how to fend off bigger meaner monsters. She actually has a secret desire to be a mother of a lot of kids, but will again deny it wholeheartedly. She and her sister become their Frisks legal guardian, as well as their universe’s Chara and Asriel (All of my versions of all universes have Chara and Asriel come back, because kindly screw canon they get happy endings now) because the King and Queen need some serious therapy before they can take care of their kids again. She’s super active as a PTA parent because of this. Topside, she wears biker chic and Hot Topic, as well as some punk mixed in
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This is Slash and she holds the award for the MOST FRICKEN REDESIGNS WTF. I could not get her look down for the life of me. ANYWAY, she is Captain of the royal guard and only those with a death wish try her. She’s fiercely protective of the monsters she deems worthy of her presence, and this includes her sister, even if she busts Scratch’s chops every time she sees her. But, again, only she is allowed to do so, lest you become the next human shiskabob. On the surface she wears preppy clothes and tailored suits and, occasionally, rocker chic.
*Horrortale starts here, mentions of death and cannibalism*
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This is Pumpkin,and She’s not exactly a fan of killing humans for food and unlike every one around her, never really got used to it. The guilt still eats at her. She’s got a box in her room full of tiny bits of the bones of her victims, that she promises herself that if they ever do make it to the surface, she’ll give her victims a proper burial. Her necklace contains the hand bones of her first victim, which she wears so she can remind herself of what she’s done and what everything important to her has cost. The ghost of her first victim still haunts her, but he’s actually become more of a friend than a poltergeist. Topside, she wears casual, nondescript clothing, still wearing her necklace underneath until she can forgive herself for what she had to do.
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This is Candy. Candy never actually killed any humans while underground, although she did eat them. She tries to be kind to all the humans she.meets, because she knows what fate entails for them. They should have a friend who stays with them before they die, right? She usually ended up as the one who distracted the humans as Pumpkin killed them as quickly and as painlessly as she could. She tends to make her own clothes even on the surface.
And even though I won’t be writing her, have a genderswaped swapfell sans, or as I like to call her, Cupcake
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pussyboie-blog · 6 years ago
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hello  gays  &  gays  !  ever  seen  a  goth  KING  make  classical  music  ?  have  u  ever  been  in  the  process  of  making  a  muse  &  they  turned  out  to  be  eons  more  emo™  than  what  you  ever  had  in  mind  for  them  ?  do  u  love  cinnamon  rolls  that  can  cut  ?  mr  rome  right  here  is  ALL  THREE  ,  homeboy  just  scored  a  hat - trick  ladies  and  gents  !!!!   ─ ─ ─        what’s  up  nerds  ,  i’m  KERO  and  i  love  t*ddies  u__u  here  with  who  may  as  well  be  foxcroft’s  punching  bag  ,  my  actual  son  &  my stars  。゚(TヮT)゚ﻭ  no  more  rambling  ,  enjoy  the  intro  &  have  his  PINTEREST  BOARD !  d*scord  is  the  way  to  go  &  where  i’m  a  tad  more  accessible  right  now  and  overall  tbh  ,  but ims  are  an  option  too  !!!  I Just Think  He  ( d*scord )  Is  Neat  .  JPG  @  𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐎. #7261
❛          /          ♡          I     :     APPLICATION     。
⦗  𝙆𝙀𝙍𝙊 , 𝙏𝙒𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙔 , 𝙎𝙃𝙀/𝙃𝙀𝙍 , 𝙂𝙈𝙏  ⦘ ⇸ have you seen  𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐘𝐔𝐍  walking around foxcroft?  you know, the  𝐶𝐼𝑆𝑀𝐴𝐿𝐸 𝐽𝐸𝑂𝑁 𝐽𝐸𝑂𝑁𝐺𝐺𝑈𝐾  lookalike?  apparently the  𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 - 𝐎𝐍𝐄  year old  𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶 𝑃𝑅𝑂𝐷𝑈𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 & 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑁𝐺  major is really  + 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖  , but also kinda  - 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓  . i hope i don’t get on  𝑯𝑰𝑺  bad side.
❛          /          ♡          II     :     THROWING IT BACK     。
𝐓𝐖 :     domestic abuse , poverty , hinted depression .
rome byun hasn’t had the prettiest of lives, akin more to a tasteless joke or a bad dream. born in the borough of brooklyn: poor, with nowhere to drop dead  &  his only salvation a mother that got the soul beat out of heart by a man that didn’t love her, a stranger in the eyes of a kid that refused to acknowledge a monster as his father. the ticking bomb that was the repressed anger swallowed thorough the years turned the flimsy kid into a man throwing punches at the horror living in their house. far too young, with a lip split in two  &  body beat until he couldn’t anymore. but it’s okay mom, he’s far away now, forever. no more dry blood  &  purple blotches blemishing your skin.
life was spent in a multitude of badly paid jobs and alone. a mother that had to work as much as him to make it through another month  &  no time for friends. he didn’t need them, they won’t put food on the table, right ?  his only comfort was music, the soothing medicine that calmed his aching, blue heart and nights wasted on nightmares. for as long as he remembers, he gave up many things to further drown himself in that little magic, not quite recalling when did he create his first beat, his first melody. he was enamoured, mouth watering then feeling like sand against his palate with the thirst to explore deeper into it.
❛          /          ♡          III     :     NO PRINTER JUST FAX     。
to make it clear, the day he fought the rat and got his ass beat senseless the cops got called, now the bastard  ( read: his father )  is in jail  &  has a restraining order for rome and his mum so who’s the real winner.
bitch is empty. EMPTY !!!!  has a hard time getting attached to people, rarely happens, and same with passions / hobbies. can’t sort out his feelings at all. drake created the line “i only love my bed and my momma” SOLELY  for rome, champagne papi said so.
don’t really know why but he radiates  BIG DUMBASS ENERGY  . think of usagi  &  goku. maybe naruto ?  stupid sandwich. i also relate red roses to him a lot, dial god and ask him why, because i don’t know a single thing my guy !
to expand on his emptiness:   there’s this sense of loneliness that has always been with him, a gaping hole inside him he doesn’t know how to fill up. sometimes he uses sex as a coping mechanism. it only makes him feel even more empty afterwards but at least he nutted (✧ω✧)
aside from music and the occassional sex, reading poetry is a strong way he has to cope and simply clear his mind. relax. goes second after music. likely to always carry one of the poetry books he has with him.
with so many jobs while simultaneously attempting to have decent grades in school, he has grown used to not sleeping much and lowkey became a night owl. nighttime slowly became a safe haven.
emo goth that likes tattoos but hasn’t really gotten any so far. always stares for far too long at people that has them. also likes polaroids, taking the train and fast food.
somehow clingy but in a subtle way ???  if you’re close enough he’ll probably let you play with his hair or do his make up or paint his nails, or he will hold onto the sleeve of your sweater or stand close or feed you. GOOD DOMESTIC SHIT. has a very lowkey of taking care of people too.
get used to this with me because i am: dumb but i almost forgot something  REALLY  important: weird that he’s majoring in MP&E on this institution but his reason is exactly that, because it’s unusual and he wants to expand his limits. he’s interested in all kinds of music and while he’s fluent in more modern, popular styles, this is something new for him and he’s THRIVING. thank you that was my ted talk.
❛          /          ♡          IV     :     PERSONALITY     。
rome is really sweet and soft, a good person at heart, but the circumstances he had to grow in didn’t give him much room to grow outside of himself, so it has resulted in him being extremely closed off. he has an extremely hard time when it comes to opening up, letting others in, anything remotely related to feelings. he feels truly empty and believes he cannot truly love anyone other than his mum. but when he finally lets the walls down and allows himself to love someone  ( be it romantically or platonically )  he loves like no other, goes fully in.
overall an extreme introvert and a bit deadpan, looks like he’s always on this neutral, impassive emotional state. well - mannered and respectful by default. his more animated side shows when he’s interested in something, like music. his sense of humour scratches nihilism, the kinda Life Has No Meaning , Hope That Truck Runs Me Over type of humour. kind of a pacifist too, doesn’t like to fight but will if he has reached his limit.
❛          /          ♡          V     :     WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE     。
some plot ideas i’d like to have but like, you know, just throwing these in here so i don’t forget and in case someone fits in here. your ideas ?  VALID.
𝟎𝟎𝟏  :  𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤.    /    in summary, someone who has been in his life since he was really young, actively or not. a neighbor, someone from his school, an old friend. lots of room !!!  they aren’t really close though, probably has seen him from a distance, or used to be in his life but not anymore. damn !
𝟎𝟎𝟐  :  𝑐𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑠𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔.    /    yeah. text - book  fuck buddies, friends with benefits, hit it and quit it. what mentioned before, somebody he nuts with when he’s feeling extra empty. hesitant about having two of these since he doesn’t have a high libido or is too into rawing, but still possible !
𝟎𝟎𝟑  :  𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠.    /    lord forgive me for i’m selective as fuck with this one. rome needs a best friend and he needs it  BADLY  . it has to be someone he can be comfortable be, someone he can trust completely and someone that’ll understand him and be there for him. kid has a lot of inner demons. i think someone that’s the opposite of him could be good, but it really depends. if you can see it working, let me know !!  just yeah, selective because rome is. well. rome.
me ?  missing something ?  LIKELY !!!  but in conclusion:  i love my son. revolting how long this got, so THANK U for reading this far, you have my whole heart and one titty. mwah (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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surveys-at-your-service · 6 years ago
Survey #162
“in catholic school, vicious as roman rule, i got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black, and i held my tongue as she told me, ‘son, fear is the heart of love,’ so i never went back.”
Has a rainy day ever ruined your plans? I'm guessing at some point. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? HAHAHAHA NO I'd lose my fucking mind. What is something that you find utterly boring? TV in most cases. It's honestly really difficult for me to get into shows and be consistently entertained by them. What noise/sound can put you to sleep? Rain. When you are upset, do you tend to shut others out? It depends. Sometimes I seek comfort in others, other times I isolate. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? Recently. Does the sight of blood gross you out? Nope. Do you like red roses, or do you prefer another color? No preference, really. What is something you like to eat that is red? Strawberries. Have you ever gone through a red light? No. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? No. When was the last time you were near the ocean? A couple months ago. What is your favorite eye color in the opposite sex? Bright blue. During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 was born of Satan himself. Have you ever seen a bluejay in person? Yeah, but now they give me a somewhat uncomfortable vibe, all the while thinking they're beautiful. Jason's nickname was "J Bird" by his father, and I collected feathers when I found them outside. Have you ever consumed a blue-colored drink? Mountain Dew Voltage is actually holy water. Is there anything you recycle, or should recycle? Ugh, we did recycle cans, but don't now.  Mom got tired of going to do it. However, we do keep plastic bags for cleaning up a mess the dogs might make, and I also use it when changing Roman's litter. Do you like leaves better in the summer/spring, or in the fall? Is ANYONE going to answer with other than fall??? What is your favorite aspect of life? Just. Experiencing it, experiencing the emotions, feeling alive and real and valid even with how incredibly fleeting we are in the eternal universe. I really can't stand nihilism. Like make a DIFFERENCE, because enough of those change the world. When was the last time you were purposely amongst nature? Not since going out on that walk like... forever ago. I can't do this heat, but here, I don't really. Have anywhere to go. What do you think of global warming & the greenhouse effect? If you don't believe in them, honestly, just don't talk to me. Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yessss, apple-flavored. <3 Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? Hmmm, that I personally know? I'm not sure. Who makes you smile the most often? Sara and Mark can do it at a snap of the finger. Magicians. How do you express your happiness? I become very vocally affectionate and obsessively express love for others, care more than ever at cheering others up, and I smile, laugh, and talk more. Has someone helped you out in a big way, recently? I don't know about /big/ way recently. Do you like to sing? I think I'm starting to??? I don't like my voice, but. It feels good to do. Where is somewhere that holds fond memories for you? This fishing spot deep in the woods that Dad and I would go to a lot to catch mostly striper. I loved that it was in the core of nature. Sometimes I would just stop fishing to explore. Do you like to watch the setting/rising sun? Always when I get the opportunity. Do you know of anyone who is going down the wrong track? Shit, most people I know. Most people I was friends with. Have you ever encountered a black widow? I believe so? Pretty positive at least once. They're so pretty to me, buuut not touchin'. What scares you, more than anything else? Losing those that mean most to me. I fear them leaving me in life by choice more than them dying, possibly. If there was no afterlife, could you handle it? Uh, I have to???? I wouldn't be aware of anything????? When in life did you feel the most care-free? Obviously as a child. Are you well-hydrated? Do you like water? Technically, no. I drink about two bottles a day I'd say, but that's not actually enough. I'm not a big fan of water, but. I do it for my health. Has an animal ever peed on you? Lol Venus did once when she was chilling on me for a long time, and some rodents I've had probably have. What would make a cool substitute color for the sun? Let her be p i n k. Which do you prefer: purple or pink? Can you guess??? What is your favorite color of the sunset/sunrise? *screams in pink* Is purple a good color for a car? Yaaaas. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? Purple. The green ones usually aren't firm enough for my taste. What color is your birthstone? Purple. Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? Barely toasted. Do you prefer guitar or piano music? Guitar if it's electric, but otherwise usually piano. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? I don't believe so. Have you ever wished you’d been born someplace else? Yup. I'd far rather prefer to have not been born here. Have you ever had, or wanted, a pet ferret? Wanted. What’s a habit you find gross? Smoking. What’s the worst tattoo you’ve ever seen? This girl got her boyfriend's name a c r o s s  h e r  f a c e. What’s your favorite name ever? Alessandra. Think of how you used to be 3 years ago: how do you feel about who you were back then? Depressed as fuck. What’s the strangest fortune you’ve ever gotten from a fortune cookie? None come to mind. Do people ever force you to eat? Biiiitch you ain't gotta force me lmao. Is there a TV show you’ve wanted to start watching but never gotten around to? When I actually watched TV, uh... I'm not sure. When’s the last time you felt pressured to do something you didn’t really want to do? Not sure. Who was the last person to mess with your feelings? Mini. When was the last time you were in denial about something? What about? Boy, so many "I dunno"-type answers lol. I'm not really one for denial. Is there any certain style of architecture you really enjoy? GOTHIC. What was the last thing you gave up on? Colleen. 110% done with her ass. How easy is it for you to talk to someone else about your feelings? IT'S HARD. If you watch Parks and Recreation, who is your favorite character? Don't watch. Do you like watching documentaries? About animals, yes. What’s the last DIY project you did, if any? If you can’t remember, what’s something you’d be interested in doing? I've never done one. I suppose I'd like some Halloween ones I've seen. When’s the last time you had a problem that nobody could help you with? Recently. Friendship stuff. Do you have any siblings you absolutely despise? Why do you despise them? No. How many times a week do you shower? Is this a healthy thing for you? Four, usually. It's good for me. How many times a day do you eat a full meal? Is this a healthy thing to you?  Like... maybe only once. Or none. What’s your favorite movie? Why do you like this movie so much? The Lion King. Who doesn't love it??? What’s your favorite genre of movies? Why is this?  Horror. They just give me adrenaline, and I think about what if that actually happened. How many times a day do you say I love you? Who to usually? Always before bed to Sara. Sometimes multiple times a day to her. Always to Mom if she's leaving to go somewhere for a while. Do you prefer hoodies or jackets? Why do you prefer this choice? Hoodies. Just more comfy to me. Have you ever contemplated suicide before? Ever attempted it before? Contemplated a million times. Attempted once. Do knives scare you? Is it from watching scary movies? Yes, and no. They have horrifying potential to cause serious pain and warrant torture. Then I was running to slit my throat the night of the breakup, but Mom had to physically stop me, so I'm just. Uncomfortable around them. What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? MTV. Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house and what kind? No. Do you remember when some of the Walmarts had a McDonald’s in them? Both the two in my area still do. When was the last time you were stung by a bee and what kind was it? Early spring, maybe? It was a bumblebee. Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? Yes. Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? HAHAHAHA IT'LL NEVER END. Have you ever had someone sympathetically lie to make you feel better? Probably. Do you know anyone who has their septum pierced and does it look painful? Yes, and for me personally, yes, because I have thick cartilage. Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain and did it seem romantic at the time? Yeah, and I guess. When was the last time you listened to a genre of you music you despise? A couple days ago in the car. "IDFC" by Blackbear came on and I love that song okay. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? No. Does your ex still think about you? Probably not. Honestly, who is the last person to tell you that they love you? Sara. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? More like literally all night with a few pauses. What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Black. Have you ever been to an auto show? When I was very young because our family friend invited us to one. I was too young to stay home alone. Do you know anyone who still doesn’t have a smart phone? Maybe. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Have you ever had an x-ray? Yes. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? Honey ham, but I can't eat it anymore. What letter does your surname begin with? "D." Did you have a New Years kiss this year? No. Do you prefer to eat carrots raw or cooked? I hate carrots so much. What was the first video game you remember playing? Spyro. What is your favorite flavor of Skittles? Red. Have you ever met a famous political figure? No. What’s your go-to website when you’re really bored? I guess Facebook if it's been some hours since I looked. What is your favorite chocolate bar? The Reeses one made of little rectangles. But if you mean like, a *traditional* bar, Milky Way. What is your least favorite Sour Patch Kids color? Orange. Have you ever seen the movie Matilda? Yesss, adore it. Are you allergic to nuts or diary products? No. Do you have trust issues? "Pistanthrophobia: fear of trusting people due to past experience and relationships gone wrong." Do you think age matters in relationships? In romantic ones, yes it does if one is a juvenile. I can't find anything morally wrong with adults and big gaps, but they creep me out regardless. Has anyone ever called the cops on you? No. Have you ever had your nails so long that they curved down at the ends?
 Omg no. Do you always wear flip flops no matter what the weather is? Is this??????? A direct attack????????? Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty feet? No, but it'd creep me the fuck out. If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? I want one. Who would you consider your favorite stand-up comedian? Living, not sure. Actually, probably Gabriel Iglesias. Would you say you’re too experienced or too inexperienced for your age? The latter. What is your favorite neon color? Ever buy nail polish that color? Pink. I don't paint my nails. Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? No. Would you ever consider yourself over-dramatic? Not usually, but I can be. How often do you text people? Who do you text the most? Everyday, and Sara. What would you consider your second choice as a dream career? I really don't know. Both my dream jobs aren't obtainable for me, but uh. I guess something involving art. What is the longest amount of time you’ve played video games consecutively? Ha, definitely when a new WoW expansion came out. Can't remember if I played WoD or Legion longer in one go. Do you ever use cheats when you play video games? The kind that makes shit easier, no. Aesthetic changes, sure. Does your family go 'all out’ during the holidays? No. What’s your favorite kind of lunch meat to put on a sandwich? Ham, when I ate meat. When will you next see the person you love or are in love with? OCTOBER 3RD. Do you have anything that’s limited edition?
 Maybe? How well can you handle vulgar things (i.e. gore, disturbing images, etc)?
 I have a pretty high tolerance. But not so much at like disgusting medical issues. Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? I'm most likely marrying a girl. And I'm a girl, so. Who was the last male you hung out with? My dad! Who is your favorite person to text? Sara. She texts just like she talks, so I actually have interesting and more "real" conversations with her. What’s one nickname your family calls you? Just "Britt," really. Has anyone ever mistaken you for being gay/lesbian/bi? I had a therapist once who thought I was gay in middle school, so before I realized I was bi. Explain why you last threw up? A medicine I was on REALLY didn't like me. Ever kissed your best friend's significant other? That would be me. :'D But if you don't count Sara, no. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? Nooope. Would you ever want to ride in a canoe? I'd love to!!! Gay marriage: love is love or a horrible stand against God? Fuck any "loving" god who thinks consensual, sincere love is evil. Honestly. I will never be able to fathom how I was once against it. Do people tell you that you have an accent? No. Have you ever had an eating disorder? No. Do you prefer road trips or traveling on an airplane? Road triiiips! Do you enjoy tanning? Not at all. Have you ever seen The Breakfast Club and what’s your opinion of it? I didn't get the hype at all. Have you ever touched a dead body? Dead pets. Which of the seven deadly sins do you commit the most? Sloth. Did you have a Furby when you were younger? Yes. Demonic creatures. What part of your body are you self-conscious about? Everything???? But my stomach more than anything. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah. Have you ever been drunk at school or work? Nah. Have you finished school yet? I'm resuming college in January. What is your favorite kind of fruit juice? Mango and peach. Have you ever used a muscle stimulator before? Did it hurt? No. Have you ever done anything dangerous enough to have risked your life? Overdosing. Other things that we don't really think about too, like driving. Do you consider yourself egotistical? Do people call you egotistical? Not at all. I don't think anyone has? What gives you anxiety? So much, but I'll try to list those I can think of. Socializing (especially with those I don't know well), deciding the appropriate amount of eye contact when talking, making phone calls, driving, public speaking, being beside 18-wheelers, talking about things I'm really really passionate about, asking for things, awkward silences, answering the door for anyone (like when pizza is delivered and such), most men making even the slightest move that could be seen as flirting, and the list goes on and on. Could you ever be a medical guinea pig? Fuck that. Whats your favorite letter of the alphabet? "Z," maybe. Or "x." Whats your favorite Disney movie? TLK. "Finding Nemo" is right behind it. Have you ever handled a snake? Plenty of times. Could you ever be a living organ donor? For my mom, Dad, Sara, or my sisters, yes. Mom only has one kidney so I'd give up one of mine in a heartbeat if the last one was going. Have you ever contemplated suing someone? No. Have you ever drawn on a sleeping or inebriated person? No. Is it acceptable or unacceptable to smack a child as form of discipline? Fuck no. What’s your favorite way to dress? I feel most like myself in a gothic or metalhead look. What movie/game/etc. helps you calm down? My best bet of calming down via media is watch Mark. Probably go to old favorites. No movie is guaranteed to help me. Playing Silent Hill can soothe me, though. Ironically. Primarily the second. I think its the subtle ambiance and the steady footsteps that just relax me a bit. BUT SH2 also has my favorite soundtrack, so the actual music in it just does it for me. Do you believe in auras? I think I might? The concept is very interesting and some people really are talented at picking up the vibes of others. Animals are especially talented at that. What instrument do you wish you could master? Guitar. What do you put on hotdogs? When I ate them, ketchup and mustard. Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it? Guacamole is fucking disgusting. Have you ever legitimately saved a person's life? No. What's your favorite book genre? Tbh, if I was to start reading again, I almost feel like it'd be something like teen/young adult romance???? Or fantasy, idk. Actually why not both. Do dogs like you? No joke, I've never had a dog be wary of me for more than a minute or so when first meeting me, rarely even that. Even when I go to others' houses and they have a usually uncertain dog, it's always pointed out that it's strange how (s)he takes to me so quickly.
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emeritus-fuckers · 2 years ago
“Tattoo” ♡ Old Papa Nihil x female!Reader (smut)
With special dedication to @copias-fluffy-asscheeks.
CW: 18+ content, this is honestly very self-indulgent. nihil and reader have a big age gap (reader is regarded as young). dick sucking. bit of masturbation (reader). vagina fingering. dick riding. very slight dacryphilia if you squint. nihil is a fucking simp but it's okay because i'm a simp too. reader has a big tattoo. reader is wearing a skirt, i dunno if that's a warning but just in case. bad seven inches of satanic panic jokes, puns and references. i am very bad writing actual smut. this is porn equivalent of slow burn, i swear. this took way more time and effort than it should.
Taglist: @firefirevampire @ouijaboardemo @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess
You relaxed against Nihil's chest, watching his fingers press buttons on his typing machine, text appearing letter by letter. You didn't pay any mind to what words he was forming, you enjoyed the sounds surrounding you. His slow, steady heartbeat on one side and the incredibly satysfying clicking of the machine as he worked. It was soothing, yes, but also incredibly boring. You wanted his attention to be on you, not the boring paperwork he had to do for his ex.
Were you jealous of Sister Imperator? Maybe a little bit. Although Nihil assured you many times that you were now the only one for him, he did spend half a century pining for her. And sometime it would get in your head, making you wonder if the few months you two shared together could, in any way, compare to the years with her.
It was, in a way, your insecurities that made you do something a bit over a month ago. Something that you wanted to show him tonight. You were originally going to wait until he was done working, but you craved his attention. You wanted his eyes on you, not the paper. You wanted his fingers on your skin, maybe inside you, just as long as they touched you and not the machine.
"Papa...?" you called out quietly and he looked down at you, his eyes softening as a loving smile took over his lips. He'd always look at you like this, like a child looking at the most adorable little pet. He just loved you so much, even seeing you was enough to make his heart melt.
"What's on your mind, my dear?" He asked, his hands leaving the typing machine to wrap around your waist, one of his thumbs stroking your hip as he leaned in closer to you. Nihil was a tall man, almost 190 centimiters tall, so he towered over most people, especially when he stood straight (which he rarely did, his posture became a bit more hunched over the years). And since you were curled up on his lap, you seemed really small compared to him, something he found absolutely adorable.
One of his hands moved to stroke your cheek. He could hear the love songs play in the back of his mind when he saw you. He wanted to take out his saxophone to play for you or sing to you. Anything to see you smile or hear you make the smallest noise for him. In his eyes, you could never to anything wrong. You could murder the whole world's population, and this man would still look at you like at the most perfect of beings.
"You've been working for so long now..." You pouted playfully, slowly dragging your finger from his collar and down his chest, stopping around his belly button before you moved around in his lap a bit so you could whisper directly to his ear. "Can't you please take a small break with me? I wanna show you something."
You got off his lap, giggling a bit at his disappointed expression when he could no longer feel you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to give him a kiss on the cheek before carefully helping him stand up. Once he stood, you sat down on the edge of his desk and began to slowly lift up your skirt, uncovering the colorful ink that covered the skin of your outer thigh.
Papa Nihil's brows slowly raised like your skirt did. And so did the corners of his mouth as he smiled widely, realizing what the picture on your skin was. And oh, how honored he was to see it! How delighted!
By the time the cover album of Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic you got tattooed on your thigh was uncovered, his hand was already on your knee and slowly moving up, with your permission of course. He hesitated a bit before his fingertips got to the ink, but when you gave him a small nod, he gently graced the lines on colorful ink, his mind running wild with adoration and just a few little perverted fantasies.
He wanted to fuck you right here, right now. On his desk, right on top of his paperwork.
He wanted to hold onto your body so hard his fingers would leave bruises on your skin so they'd match your tattoo.
He wanted to...
"Papa?" You calling out to him got his mind to abandon his imaginations and focus on the real deal in front of him again. He didn't realize when his hand made its way to your ass, but he didn't mind. And neither did you, considering your little smile when he squeezed your butt and pulled you just a bit closer so you'd feel his own Seven Inches of Satanic Panic through his papal robes.
"What's on your mind, my darling?" He asked, clearly excited to feel you up a little. He loved the way your plush body felt under his hands, how soft you were to the touch.
"Do you like it?" You asked with a cute little innocent pout, looking up at him in the oh so adorable way that he adored so much. He could just look at you for hours, for days even. If he were to die right here, right now, right on this spot, he would die a happy man because you would be the last view before his death.
"I love it, my sweet." He assured happily, his hands gripping your cheeks to pull you into a sweet kiss, his hand soon enough leaving your face so he could once again touch the masterpiece on the canvas that was your soft skin.
He slowly moved his kisses to the corner of your lips, then your chin, jaw and then neck. And then he started pulling on the collar of your shirt, very clearly informing you that he needed more of you. And you were always ready to give him more. To give him everything you had to offer.
And so you slowly moved away, holding his hand and pulling him to the bedroom, the sound of your steps accompanied only by the quiet squeaking on the wheels of his oxygen tank. The entire time, his gaze kept going back to your thigh as the material of your skirt moved with each of your steps, a bit of colortful ink showing.
Finally, you reached your goal he sat down on the edge of the bed, with you slowly kneeling between his legs, giggling quietly as you hid your head under his robes and moved his pants and underwear down his legs.
His hand found the back of your head even through his robes, which he was frantically trying to take off. He liked how playful you were, but he also enjoyed watching you choke on his own Seven Inches of Satanic Panic.
There was just something so special, so beautiful about seeing you go down on him.
Just like Holy Mary.
He needed a hit from his oxygen machine when he first felt your hot, wet mouth around his cock. He hoped you'd start sucking right away, but you were young and you loved to tease the old man you managed to date. So of course you moved your head back slowly. You knew exactly where the vein on the underside of his cock was and you traced it with the tip of your tounge pressed tightly against it as you moved back, stopping when only his tip was left tightly held between your lips as you gently sucked him like a sweet little lollipop.
He whined softly, and you knew that whine well. You decided to show him mercy this once and got your mouth off his dick for a little bit and helped him remove his mitre and then his robes. He could take them off himself, yes, but he was old and it would take time. And neither of you wanted to waste it. No, no, time was definitely too precious for him.
He pulled you into another kiss, one much to heated and passionate for a man his age, yet he seemed completely unbothered by how fast and rough it was. Only at first, of course. Once you both broke the kiss, he needed his oxygen tank again. You let him get his breathing back to normal, giving a few soft kisses to his collar bone. You knew he would relax if you did that.
His free hand stroked your hair, giving you a subtle sign to get on your knees again. And you did, kneeling in front of him and looking up at the man as he put the mask away for a bit to observe you with a small, love-struck smile. It was endearing, the way he looked at you. It didn't matter if you were completely ruined and exhausted after riding his dick, he would always look at you like a child your look at a Christmas tree. Completely in love, his heart going crazy with adoration for you.
Anyone else would hear wedding bells, maybe even choirs of angels. Nihil didn't hear those. Well, maybe he heard the bells, but they were quiet and in the background. Instead, seeing you like this, kissing the tip of his cock, made him hear all your love confessions to him. All your pretty moans. They created their own symphony in his ears. A symphony that would soon enough be replaced by a different song, one that you'd sing while riding him. And while he took great pride in his own songs, he knew damn well they could never go against your sweet tunes.
Nihil's grip on your hair tightened as you gave him a long, playful lick, all the way from his balls to the tip, which you took in your mouth again, teasing it with your tongue. You could already taste a few drops of his salty precum, making you hum quietly. You couldn't help yourself, you were too wet and too horny not to touch yourself through your underwear. You knew he didn't mind, he could always encourage you to please yourself while pleasing him.
His fingers moved against your scalp as you slowly made your way to deepthroat him. Nihil was big, he knew he was. There was a reason the seven inches between his legs often made girls experience some (satanic) panic back when he was younger and much more sexually active.
He remembered your first time together, how he needed to hold your hips and slowly help you lower yourself until you took him all the way inside. He remembered wiping away your precious tears as you took your time getting used to the painful yet pleasurable stretch your poor pussy had to endure. You would still need time, of course, but not as much as the first time.
You let out a choked whimper, bringing him back from his memories to look at you, a few stray tears running down your cheeks. He gently stroked your cheek, observing you choke on his cock oh so prettily.
"You're doing really well darling. You're making Papa very happy..." he said quietly as you briefly looked up at him through your lashes, your eyes so adorably tearful. He loved how you looked with him inside your mouth. Your saliva dripping from your lips, accompanied by the lewd sucking noises. You didn't bob your head, he didn't like that. He used to when he was younger, but right now he was a man in his early 100s, his tastes and preferences have mellowed down by now. He was fully content with you just gently sucking while you kept him in his mouth.
He leaned back a bit, supporting himself with his free arm, his other hand still in your hair. He relaxed completely, enjoying the feeling of your mouth around his cock and the cute noises you made as you slowly moved your fingers inside yourself. You didn't intend to make yourself cum, no, you just needed a bit of stimulation, considering how wet you already were.
His hand pulled on your hair harder, making you whimper against his cock, the vibrations of your throat giving him a new wave of pleasure. He bucked his hips, making you gag a bit, but you knew exactly what that meant. He wouldn't do that unless he was close. Really close. So close in fact, he was losing control. So you weren't mad, you just accepted it, letting him make a few frantic thrusts into your mouth before his watery semen spilled into your mouth. You swallowed some of it, but quickly stood up and handed him the mask of his oxygen tank, holding it against his face until he took a few deep breaths. You gave him a few minutes before he was ready to hold it himself.
"Are you okay?" You asked, gently holding his cheeks and looking into his eyes to make sure he was fine. You knew how much an orgasm would take out of him. It took good fifteen minutes before his breathing was fine again and he was looking at you with the same lovestruck smile he always had when he saw your adorable face. This could mean that either everything was fine or that you've completely lost him. "Talk to me, Papa. Do you wanna stop now? Do you need to rest?"
He took one more big breath before putting the mask away and pulling you into a kiss. A short one, not as passionate as before, since he was still getting himself together. A sweet, brief kiss he used to thank you for how good you made him feel. He didn't mind the taste his seed left in your mouth, he was too old and too in love with you to care. In a way, he was honored to taste himself on your tounge. To know you had no shame in using your young mouth to please an old man like him.
Nihil pulled you into his lap, his arms (surprisingly buff for his age, it was clear he used to work out when he was younger) wrapping around you again. One of his hands moved your skirt up again, stroking the tattoo. It was gorgeous, a beautiful way for you to show you were his. A sweet way for him to claim you.
"Let me please you now, okay sweetheart? Let Papa please you." He whispered needily. He wasn't asking to please you, he was demanding. And who were you to deny him that? You couldn't do that to him, not when he needed it so much. So you whispered out an 'okay' before you got off his lap.
The elderly satanic pope moved back to rest against the headboard of the bed. You rearranged the pillows for him, making sure they would seperate him from the hard wood so he wouldn't get hurt. And once you were sure everything was okay (the pillows arranged properly, his oxygen tank close to you both so he could use him as soon as needed), you moved back to his lap, letting him take his time undressing you. This time there was no rush, no need to hurry this time.
He lazily kissed your neck. At this point he didn't care about how smudged facepaint was getting, he just wanted you now. His hands were shaking as he undressed you. Nihil didn't bite, not at his age. But he adored marking you with the black and white paint and dark red and purple hickeys all over your neck.
You lazily wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands explored your body, even though they already knew it so well. His fingers slowly moved down your chest, giving a playful pinch to one of your nipples, saving the cute little mewl you let out in his memory.
While he knew you'd take him to your mouth at your own pace, he also knew just how eager you were please him and start jumping on his cock, even if it hurt. Honestly, he once considered if perhaps you were a bit masochistic with just how eager you were to take the painful stretch of his cock inside you. And while Nihil absolutely loved that tendency, he didn't like seeing you cry unless you cried tears of pleasure. Which is why he'd always take charge when it came to you riding him. Just to make sure those were happy tears. After all, you both knew there would be tears.
And so his fingers moved down to your clit and slowly coating them in your juices before he allowed himself to shove his fingers inside you. Oddly enough, his hands weren't shaking anymore, as if the sexual motions completely fixed his health, giving back some of the youthful vigor he thought he's lost over the years. And yet here it was, back in him. Not all of it, of course. But just enough to make you feel good. Really good.
You were really eager to take him inside, he knew. He knew damn well. But he wanted you to relax. To make sure you'd reach your peak more than once. And he had long, skilled fingers.
He knew exactly how to tickle you internally.
And tickle you internally he did. It had no reason to feel that good, after all it was just his fingers. But Papa Nihil knew what he was doing. And he's proven it to you many times. He knew exactly how tu use his fingers. Where to move them, where to gently rub your walls, where and just how hard to press his fingertips against your walls... With just two fingers, this man made you squirm and whimper on top of him. All the noises and expressions you made... they warmed his old heart. He would remember and cherish all of it.
While he rarely masturbated, he fantasized about you all the time. If only you'd seen just how much he adored you, how he'd zone out like a teenager with a crush, all other thoughts completely absent as his brain replayed the beautiful movie that was your relationship, all the scenes with the most gorgeous actress - you.
He's randomly sit down somewhere and just remember your smiles, your little giggles. Your moans and whimpers. The expression of utter delight you'd have everytime you came, no matter if on his hand or his cock. How you'd throw your head back. He loved it all, he memorized it all.
And he'll remember this time, too. He's remember how you clinged to him,hiding your face in his shoulder, so adorably embarrassed with how loud you were despite being pleased only by his fingers. It was so cute that you'd hide your face, your blush, everytime. He loved that about you. Was it because you were so young and barely experienced? He was your what, second? Maybe third sexual partner? And not to mention the previous ones were nowhere near as good as he was. He did have more than eighty years of experience, after all.
You could feel his experience right now. And he could see you feeling his experience with how much you squirme With how many times you whimpered out his title, begging for more. And then, eventually, with how you came all over his hand with a small whine.
He patted your back with the hand that you didn't cover in cum as you whined softly into his shoulder. You were clearly upset with how easily he got to make you finish. You hated how it took him no effort to push you over the edge of pleasure. And he wasn't even malicious about it, no. He was still like a really old lovestruck puppy. An oddly cute old lovestruck puppy.
However, what's most important is that while he pleased you with his fingers, his cock got hard again.
And in your post-orgasmic high, you wanted it. You wanted him inside you, right now. And the pleading whimper combined with how you desperately moved your hips made it clear to him. And what kind of partner would he be if he refused?
He helped you move your body so his dick would easily slide into your warm and waiting cunt. Even if it hurt from both the stretch and overstimulation, you tried to move right away. You wanted to move right away. It felt so good, you could take a bit of pain for it! It was worth it! You wanted to ride his dick, and he wanted you to ride his dick, too! He should let you do that, right? Right?
Wrong, apparently. Because he cared about you too much to make you move right away. Because he hated to see you in pain.
"Papaa... Please..." you whined. You wanted him inside you, why wouldn't he let you get him inside you?
"Hey now, I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" He asked softly, stroking your cheek. You looked into his eyes with the saddest pout imaginable, hoping to use it against him. He would always give in to your pouts, surely he'll give in this time as well?
Somehow, he didn't. Because he cared too much about you to ever let you hurt yourself like this. And maybe, just maybe your pathetic little whines turned him on and made him even harder. You just looked so incredibly sweet, trying to move around to take him inside you, how you begged him to just fuck you instead of messing around like this.
But he kept you still, his loving gaze seemingly oblivious to your pleas. But he knew perfectly well what you needed, but he needed you to be good and calm down for him. He even offered you a huff from his oxygen tank to calm you down, but you refused with one last pleading whimper.
"There, there." He patted the top of your head with a small chuckle. "Papa needs you to calm down before you get your fun, alright?"
You nodded with a small pout, resting your forehead against his shoulder as you moved back down on his lap. He hugged you tightly, giving gentle kisses to your neck and cheek until your breathing was calm, he gave you a sweet kiss on the lips and held your face in his large hands, looking into your eyes. If a human's pupil could be heart-shaped, Nihil's eyes would constantly have hearts in them whenever you were around. Especially right now. The adoration this man held for you was leaking out with every moment he spent in your presence. Everyone could see it. The gentle ways he caressed your face and kissed you... They made it all clear.
And you loved him just as much in your young, energetic ways that he could barely keep up with. This, however... This, you both understood. A loving, intimate moment between the two of you. Nothing more, nothing less. Just you and him together.
"Good girl, my lovely, my sweet..." he muttered, kissing the top of your head. He stroked your back before gently patting your ass, giving you permission to finally ride him. You happily kissed his cheek, raising your hips again and letting him guide your body to the sweet pleasure his dick promised you. And you loved these promises it made because it would always keep them deep inside you as your fleshy walls squeezed it. "Doing so well for Papa..."
You both took a minute when you managed to fit all seven inches of his Satanic panic inside you. You had time to adjust how his size seemed to bully your tight cunt and he had time to get a puff from his oxygen machine. He was fine, but the incredible feeling of your body accepting him so eagerly, of your body craving more of him... it always knocked the air out of his old lungs. And you were always so sweet and quick to hand him the oxygen mask... How could he ever not love you?
He gave you a clear sign when he was ready, putting the mask away again and tightly holding onto your hips instead. And you responded right away, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. You've had enough experience by now to know exactly when to break the kiss so that he would catch his breath on his own. And you knew just how much time to take before moving.
You followed a rhythm he set, guiding your hips up and down as his gaze flickered between your expression and your very core. There was just something in seeing his cock disappear inside you that he loved. He loved the wet, squelching noises and all your moans, mixed with his own, as you moved your hips with the bit of help he was offering.
Nihil knew exactly what you needed. How hard you needed to slam yourself onto him and at what pace. When to tighten his grip and help you out just a little bit more so you'd have at least a tiny bit of rest before becoming more in charge and letting him slam against all the sensitive spots inside you on your own conditions. And he'd accept all the conditions, as long as he got to be inside your hot, tight insides. He loved this feeling. He loved how your body seemed to almost glow in the faint light of his bedroom as your body became more and more covered in sweat. Sweat that he embraced without hesitation as he pulled you into another hot kiss and pressed your chests together. His arms, surprisingly strong for a man his age, rocked your hips against him as you made out so you could concentrate on his lips while still getting the pleasure he was offering.
He smiled at the sweet 'I love you's muttered between your little moans. He could see how good you felt having your g-spot attacked repeatedly, over and over. He could see the hot tears that smeared your make-up and that he gently kissed away as you mewled quietly.
Of course, you weren't the only one losing your mind in pleasure. He was losing his, too. Or maybe he's lost it already all those months ago when you nervously confessed your feelings for the old satanic pope. Or maybe even when he first met you, a cute little assistant assigned to him by Sister Imperator to make sure he was doing his work properly. A cute little assistant who cared about him so much...
A cute little assistant riding his dick now.
He glanced down at your tattoo again, with a small chuckle between his own quiet groans. Trusting in your ability to ride him on your own, he moved one of his hands to stroke the glorious work of art on your skin. You were already a masterpiece to him, but now? Now he wished he was a few decades younger so he could properly fuck your brains out.
Fortunately for him, you were doing completely fine on your own. He knew you were close, even in his own slightly hazy state he could easily feel how your body reacted to him. The more frantic squeezes of your walls and how your moans and whines were now louder and more high pitched. And he loved that. He wanted to hear more of it.
"That's a good girl!" He praised, squeezing your hip. You were just so cute... He couldn't help himself but to press his lips against yours, both of you getting lost in the kiss as your orgasms kept building up impatiently, just waiting to break free as the feeling in your stomachs kept growing, struggling to stay inside your bodies and threatening to snap.
And snap it did.
You cried out into his mouth, and if he could, he would eagerly swallow the sound you made as you came, your juices flowing out onto his cock, a bit of it spilling and coating his balls as well as you kept moving up and down, albeit way more sloppily and with an even bigger need for his help. And he helped you to the best of his abilities, once again thrusting into you a few times before your juices mixed with his seed, his face burried in your shoulder as he tried to get his breathing in check again.
You quickly handed him the oxygen mask and watched him breathe until you were sure he was fine again. You gave him one last little kiss before slowly getting off of him with the intention to clean up, but he held your hand and gently pulled you back onto his lap to wrap his arms around you and press you into his chest again. He didn't care about the mess, he just wanted to feel you close to him for a bit longer.
And so here you were again, sitting on his lap again, resting against his chest and listening to his heartbeat, embraced not only by him, but also by his almost overwhelming love for you. And that was nice. Actually no, it wasn't nice...
... it was perfect.
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vaguely-concerned · 7 years ago
Overwatch fic - I hope that I don’t fall in love with you
PG-13, Hanzo Shimada/Jesse McCree, 7400 words, young McHanzo.  Jesse and Hanzo are stuck in an airport overnight because of a snowstorm - drinks and shenanigans ensue.
On AO3
Outside the huge windows the snowstorm kept howling like the tantrum of some weather god whose idea of creativity stopped at ‘just turn the dial up as far as it will go and call it a day’, a shifting wall of white rushing by behind the glass.
Inside the airport it was quiet, though, like the snow had settled in here too and was dampening all sound. Everyone moved with the weary yet unflappable tranquility of people who had accepted the truth that they were stuck here until the forces of fate and air traffic control saw fit to release them. Even the baby that was invariably crying somewhere in the distance sounded like it was mostly phoning it in for the look of the thing at this point. With the darkness pressing in on the airport it felt like being trapped in a high-tech cave of glass and concrete, the lights kept low and lulling.
Jesse was aching for a smoke, but the lady behind the bar had that ‘overworked and ready to commit murder with a cocktail strainer’ look about her and he wasn’t ready to stand outside in the roaring gale again until the bourbon had properly thawed out his bones. So instead he fiddled with the corner of the coaster and idly kicked his heels against the leg of the bar stool, keeping half an eye on the holo-set in the corner showing some kind of soccer game and otherwise watching the slow trickle of his fellow waylaid travelers flowing past.
He glanced away from a thrilling 0-0 draw — Jesse wasn’t big into sports that didn’t involve horses at the best of times, and found that having to watch grown men aim for and fail to hit such a big target for ninety minutes straight was like sandpaper over his soul — to see Hanzo Shimada standing in the middle of the terminal, glaring at the flight information display screen. Jesse felt an instinctive twinge of amusement; there was no mistaking him, no other man could have so eloquently stared at a defenseless piece of technology like it had personally offended him and his entire family back several generations.
Hanzo looked no different than he had when they parted ways twelve hours ago, job well done and encrypted info on illegal weapons technology duly exchanged. Even in everyday clothes — well, what passed for it for him, anyway — he seemed… sharper than the people around him, like he’d been carved out of the world differently. Jesse leaned his cheek in his palm and took the opportunity to watch him without having to think about being watched back. Yeah, no, there really was nothing the clothes could do to hide the broad shoulders or the way he moved like he knew precisely where every part of his body was at all times. You could stick a hoodie on a wolf, but it wouldn’t make its teeth any blunter.
With his hair down and a look of peevish outrage on his face he looked younger and infinitely less forbidding, though, like said wolf caught using the drawstrings as a chew toy.
After a while he seemed to spot Jesse and stood for a moment completely still, as if making up his mind about how to react. Jesse decided to leave the choice to him and pretended he hadn’t seen him, instead taking a sip of his drink.
A minute or so later there was the sound of Hanzo clearing his throat, and Jesse glanced up to find him standing close by, snow melting on the shoulders of his coat.
“Oh. Hey there.”
“Hello again,” Hanzo said, letting his bag fall to the ground with a thump and the tiniest hint of clanking metal — Jesse tried to keep out of his mind how many lethal weapons he could keep stowed in there, security be damned. Not that he needed them to be the deadliest guy in the airport. Any airport.
“We keep meetin’,” Jesse agreed, tilting his head to the side. “You having a drink?”
“Why,” Hanzo asked, sitting down on the bar stool next to Jesse, “are you buying?”
Jesse let out a surprised huff of laughter — now there was a tone he’d never heard from him before. If he didn’t know any better he’d say that that was a touch of playfulness.
“Sure,” he said. “If the next round’s yours.”
“Of course. Have they said anything over the intercom?”
Jesse shrugged. “Nothin’ encouraging.”
Hanzo gave a dissatisfied grunt and ordered a drink after a perfunctory scan of the list. He checked his phone while he waited, his brows drawn together irritably.
“Good luck with that, the only forecast you’re likely to get is ‘disappointment with a chance of confused meteorologists’,” Jesse told him. At Hanzo’s surprised blink he added: “Checked it before. You know you’re fucked when they ain’t even had the time to give the storm a name before it hits. We’re right on the outskirts of it as it passes, though, so with a bit of luck we’ll be good to go before noon tomorrow.”
That same impenetrable blinking for a few seconds and then Hanzo gave a breath of laughter and put the phone down, accepting his Old Fashioned with a short ‘Thank you’ when the lady handed it to him. “I see.”
“Guess we’re stuck here at least overnight, huh,” Jesse said.
“It would appear so,” Hanzo sighed, running a hand through his hair to push it away from his face — it fell sleekly over his shoulder and down his back. His cheeks and the tip of his nose were still pink from the cold outside.  
Strangely enough the confirmation that they were indeed trapped seemed to calm him down more than anything. He took a sip of his drink and wrinkled his nose, though it didn’t stop him from going in for another straight after.  
Hanzo shrugged the coat off and rolled up his sleeves, the tattoo clearly visible on his left forearm. Jesse found himself wrapped up in the design, tracing the interlocking patterns with his eyes when Hanzo wasn’t looking — he’d been trying to get a better look ever since that first time he’d noticed it, when it had been way too dark to make out details and a smear of blood had obscured parts of it. Now that he could study it freely he decided the design suited the man, stark and bold and wound tightly in on itself in ways that didn’t look entirely comfortable.
Eventually Hanzo seemed to sense Jesse’s gaze on him and raised an eyebrow, glass halfway to his lips.     
Jesse tore his eyes away and cleared his throat, leaning his elbows on the table. “You gonna get in trouble with your folks over this?”
“We were already runnin’ kinda late before. Can’t imagine they’ll be happy with this little delay.”
“I… may have some explaining to do when I get back.” He stared into thin air, as if contemplating this, then grimaced and knocked the rest of his drink back in one go, waving for another even as he swallowed.
“Whoa,” Jesse said, equal parts impressed, perturbed and feeling his throat burn in sympathy.
Hanzo gave an acknowledging shrug and started in on the new drink with infinitesimally more restraint, sipping it like a man on a grim quest to escape the dingy shallows of sobriety. “It has been… a long day. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you have no one back home to answer to?”
Jesse made an indifferent sound. “Sure, but so long as I get the job done they don’t care much one way or the other how I get there. Would probably start askin’ around for me if I didn’t turn up in a week or so, though. At least I’d like to think so.”
“...an interesting way to run things.”
“I’m a bit of a special case,” Jesse admitted, shrugging. “And I’ve earned it, too. We’re not all charmingly free spirited mavericks like me, though, believe it or not; some of the guys actually do numbers and spreadsheets and shit.”
“Thank heavens,” Hanzo said, “I am not sure the world is big enough for more than one of you.”
When Jesse looked at him there was a smile playing on Hanzo’s lips even as his eyes were drawn and weary, a disarmingly charming expression just from how pleased he looked at his own joke.
“You know, like in your movies? ‘This town isn’t big enough for the both of us’? Dramatic duels at dawn?” He made the most deadpan finger gun Jesse had ever seen and lifted his eyebrows.
“Yeah, I, uh, I thought I caught your reference there,” Jesse chuckled, swirling his drink around in his glass. “You have watched a few Westerns in your time, then? You been holdin’ out on me?”
Hanzo gave a grunt and took a sip of his drink. “None that did not involve assless chaps and only the R-rated kind of riding. No horses involved, though.”
It was a near thing that Jesse didn’t snort bourbon through his nose. Hanzo’s smile widened almost imperceptibly.
If you’d asked Jesse before tonight about Hanzo Shimada’s defining qualities, his sense of humor would not necessarily have come up. The aloofness might, as well as the way he walked and talked like he knew, in a disinterested, blasé sort of way, exactly the most efficient way to kill anyone he set his eyes on if needed — the sparkling repartee, not so much. Jesse had always felt that slinging jokes in his direction was like appealing to a vaguely condescending brick wall. Well, more fool him; one on one and devoid of any business to discuss the guy could be hilarious, not even unintentionally, in a way that careened merrily between the sharply observed and the delightfully mean, though the worst of the nihilism eased once he started in on the third drink.
“So you’re telling me,” Jesse said, squinting at Hanzo’s face, “that you had to stay in character as a delivery boy for a month before the guy finally let you in?”
“It was the only way to get close enough to him,” Hanzo shrugged. “A deeply paranoid man. Rightfully so, of course, he had made some powerful enemies through his stupidity and greed.”
“Wow, Mr. Shimada, tell us how you really feel.”
Hanzo made a little face that clearly said ‘Eh, what can you do, there’s no helping some people’. It was the kind of expression that held the ennui and world weariness of a much older man — Jesse suspected Hanzo had been born with it already preprogrammed into him. “If he had been as willing to learn to cook for himself after divorcing his wife as he was setting up diabolical and deadly security systems… I might have had a lot more trouble. He used his last words to complain he had not ordered pepperoni.”
Jesse had a vivid, inexorable mental image of Hanzo dressed up as a pizza boy scowling daggers under the cap; he had to rest a hand over his mouth before he made a sound he might regret, though Hanzo picked up on it anyway.  
“I am glad you seem to find it funny. I did not see the humor in it at the time.”
“I can see how you wouldn’t,” Jesse said, strangled. Pushing his luck he asked: “You keep the uniform, at least?”
Hanzo grimaced into his drink. “Perhaps you and Genji should get together some time and create your own comedy act. He asked me the exact same thing when I got back.”
“I knew that kid was alright,” Jesse beamed. “Good instincts.”
“Apart from having to endure your comedy it was a temporary indignity only and the job went smoothly from there. I did get a commendation from my employer several times,” he added, as if he’d only just remembered. “Had to all but fight off a promotion before I left.”
“Well then, at least you know you got a job waitin’ for you if this industry goes tits up in these peaceful Overwatch times. More than you can say for some of us. Ain’t got too many marketable skills outside of… this whole deal,” Jesse said, catching himself before saying ‘shootin’ people in the head’ as the bartender passed by on her way to another customer.
Hanzo made an unconvinced sound in his nose. “Oh, I would not be so sure of that. One does a lot of people watching in our line of business. You develop a knack for working people out, which is usually half the battle. Take that one,” he said, gesturing discreetly in the direction of a corner table with a lone businessman whose only crime, as far as Jesse could tell, lay in a supremely bland taste in ties.
“What about him? You find his fashion sense personally offensive?”
“Obviously, but beyond that he is clearly having an affair.”
Jesse squinted at the guy, finding that despite looking gracelessly and resignedly middle aged there was no lipstick on his collar, literal or figurative. “Oh, clearly.”
Hanzo, taking this as a challenge, held his head higher and appraised the man as a renowned art critic might the results of a ‘Watercolors For Complete Beginners’ course. “Hm. The first thing he did after sitting down was remove his wedding ring. Two phones, two separate credit cards, which — oh, how embarrassing, he still mixes up on occasion, so this fling might be a recent development…”
The guy sat there mortified while the server reset the card machine; Hanzo rested his chin in a studiously dispassionate palm and kept going.
“Generally surreptitious and flighty manner, so perhaps very recent at that, could be he is not entirely sure his new flame will show up — a newly bought and expensive if, hm, inadvisable outfit, a rather sad attempt at styling what remains of his hair, but I suppose there is something to be said for the nobility of doing what you can with what you have…”
Jesse bumped their shoulders together, chuckling despite himself at the sheer unfiltered disdain. “Okay, Sherlock, I get it. You can stop showin’ off.”
Hanzo shrugged and abandoned the theatrical thinking posture, sitting up straighter again. “Of course most cases are not quite so blatantly, pathetically obvious.”
“You really don’t like this guy, do you.”
A stiffening of his back, almost unnoticeable if you weren’t paying attention — perhaps he thought no one was. “I dislike disloyalty. If you have made the decision to devote yourself to something or someone, you stay true to it.”
“Well, I dunno. I’ve seen too many people stay loyal to their own misery. To bad places, or bad times, or bad people. Sometimes you gotta know when to fold ‘em and walk away, y’know?”
Hanzo glanced at him with sharp, dark eyes from behind the curtain of his hair, something written nakedly in his expression that Jesse didn’t know how to read.
“Not that goin’ behind the back of someone you’ve promised the whole ‘to have and to hold’ thing to isn’t a certifiably shitty move, it ain’t the way a man oughta treat his partner,” Jesse clarified, holding his hands up in easy concession and leaning back to show he didn’t mean to make an argument out of it. “Just sayin’ that there are some things that loyalty doesn’t… well. You see enough shit, it makes you wonder.”
The corner of Jesse’s mouth wanted to twitch up — he’d known the man for almost a year now, and those little ‘hm’s still remained completely opaque to him.
Hanzo touched his arm and tilted his head towards their new friend with the bland tie. “Ah. Observe.”
The guy was still fiddling with his two credit cards when a woman — slightly younger than him and looking excitedly nervous in high heels — came over to his table, and in his rush to hide them away he almost ended up putting his mouth on her nose when she went in for a chaste kiss.
Hanzo gave a little ‘ta-dah’ wave with such withering sarcasm that it was a miracle the guy didn’t collapse on the spot. “See? He may be unfaithful, but he respects his wife and her intelligence enough to go out of his way to hide it. Touching, in its own way. Perhaps there is something to salvage there yet.”
Shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter, Jesse brought his glass to his mouth but had to put it down again before he spilled booze all over himself. “You’re a cynical, cynical man, Mr. Shimada.”
“As cynical as any man who endeavours to see the world clearly.”
Jesse nudged his knee against Hanzo’s under the bar, inclining his glass towards him. “What’s that thing ‘bout how… behind every cynic there’s a disappointed idealist or whatever? Is there really no romance in your soul, sir?”
Hanzo quirked a strange little grin — he glanced at Jesse out of the corner of his eye and held out his glass too. “An odd question to ask a man who studies swordsmanship in this day and age.”
Jesse tipped his head to the side in acknowledgement and touched their glasses together with a clink, taking a sip. In his precise, certain way Hanzo pushed his hair away from his face, still that look about him like he was entertaining some private amusement.
“Such incisive commentary is enough to have me worryin’ what you see when you look at me,” Jesse said, meaning it as a joke. “Starting to think I’ll have to plant some red herring backstories to keep you off my trail. On an unrelated note — I ever tell you ‘bout how I was found as a baby by a circus elephant and was raised by a happy triad  of clowns, knife throwers and fire eaters? The good ol’ ‘secretly a Russian princess all along’ ditty? How I got this scar?”
“You,” Hanzo said, the slightest slur to his words now when he didn’t watch it, “are… strange, mostly.”
When he finished laughing Jesse said: “Yeah, I’ve been reliably informed.”
Hanzo pursed his lips thoughtfully, looking at him with what seemed like honest curiosity. “It does not trouble you, then.”
“If it did I’d be nothin’ but troubled all the livelong day,” Jesse said. “Lotta effort, low payoff. Not like I’m ever gonna pass as anything but what I am for any length of time anyway. Might as well work with it.”
Hanzo smiled, his cheeks flushed with the booze and dark hair loosely gathered over one shoulder. He looked different when he smiled for real, almost surprised, like his face had just received an unexpected but not unwelcome visitor.  
Jesse found himself smiling back.
“You, uh, you hungry?” Jesse asked after a while, without quite knowing why. “‘Cause I could murder a burger right about now.”
Hanzo blinked slowly at him. “...it is nearly two in the morning.”
“It sure is,” Jesse agreed. “You can have some of my fries, if you’d like,” he added, in the name of sweetening the pot.
After a moment of deliberation Hanzo shrugged. “Who am I to refuse such a deal. Lead the way,” he said, hopping down from the bar stool and gathering up his things.
 After they finished eating they drifted aimlessly through the terminal for a while before settling down on a bench in an isolated corner, Jesse giving up on what remained of the ketchup splotch on the thigh of his jeans and tossing the paper napkin in the trash. He felt full and warm and oddly at peace with the world at large, and not just because of the booze or the fact that he’d gotten to see Hanzo Shimada — a man whose name was whispered with fear and deference in certain parts of the underworld — make fun of his smoking habit by way of creative application of a french fry not ten minutes ago. The image of Hanzo holding the fry between his fingers like a cigarette and giving a bad imitation of Jesse’s drawl would keep him warm on cold and lonely nights.
Their conversation had petered out to become a comfortable lull, and when Jesse glanced over at him Hanzo was glaring intensely at the opposite wall — almost, Jesse noted, like someone desperately fighting to keep their eyes open.
“Y’know,” Jesse ventured, having observed this internal battle for a while and taking pity, “you can have a snooze if you’d like. I’ll keep a lookout for any questionable characters headin’ our way.”
“When life gives you jetlag, make a night shift, right?” Jesse said, waving at what he felt sure were the impressive dark circles under his eyes. “I’m not gonna be sleepin’ anytime soon anyway.”
Hanzo blinked in consideration for a while, then gave a ‘fair enough’ head tilt and leaned back. If he was anything like Jesse he probably had the chip with the data they’d traded somewhere on him, close to the skin, but he made a loop with the shoulder strap of his bag anyway and hooked his foot into it. Then he settled into perfect stillness with uncanny immediacy, arms folded over his chest and a look on his face like he was preparing to offer Mr. Sandman an offer he couldn’t refuse — since Hanzo’s eyes were closed anyway Jesse allowed himself a grin.
He rooted around in his bag to fish out the holovid, booting it up and navigating his way to the giant trove of video files he’d downloaded — extremely illegally — when he was eleven and had kept around and up to date ever since for occasions such as this. His logic had always been that should the war break out again he’d better be able to watch every decent Western ever made before the nuclear winter finished him off.
Hanzo drifted off quickly, if the way his breathing changed to be calmer and deeper was any indication, though he still looked stiff and tensed up. Occasionally he would let out a small, hilariously dainty sniffle as he shifted; Jesse was delighted to learn that even while far off in Dreamland he managed to look faintly peeved.
Jesse started the movie and let his brain slide into the comforting groove of the familiar plot. Sinking down on the bench he settled in, crossing his legs at the ankles and stretching out as much as politeness allowed.
When the first movie ended he put on the next one, whistling to himself under his breath as the title screen flashed to life. In his sleep Hanzo slid down the bench until his temple rested on Jesse’s shoulder — for a couple of mad, serene moments Jesse’s body acted like this was the most natural thing in the world. In fact it decided to just sit there for a while, smiling faintly down at the top of Hanzo’s head. They were close enough now that he could smell him, warm and clean and strangely graceful even after what must’ve been a couple of days of travel and half a night in the airport bar. Maybe the mystical mumbo-jumbo the Shimadas shrouded themselves in wasn’t all smoke and mirrors after all and the man was actually magic. It was either that or a really well picked aftershave.  
(Jesse might’ve had more to drink than he’d thought at this point, he recognized absently.)
…wait a fucking second.
Jesse’s brain felt a slow, indomitable wash of horror as it realized that what his body had meant to do was pull Hanzo in closer where he’d lie more comfortably and securely against his side before turning back to the movie.
Jesse stared into the middle distance for a long time. At one point an elderly lady walked up to him and asked him in hushed tones if he was feeling well.
“Never better, ma’am,” he said hoarsely, realizing too late that he’d sort of leaned back into Hanzo’s weight as if to seek out something sure and steady under her mild, concerned gaze.
She patted his knee. “I get like that myself,” she said wisely. “Put away enough gin beforehand and you’ll sleep through most of the flight anyway. I’m sure your young man won’t mind if he knows you get that worked up about it.”
Jesse made a strangled sound in his throat and nodded, smiling a fixed, manic smile.
As she winked at him and walked away Hanzo sighed in his sleep and turned his face further into Jesse’s shoulder — a soft, trusting gesture that had Jesse dizzy because...well, you wouldn’t know it to look at him, would you, that there could be that kind of easy sweetness in him. Normally you got the impression that he was the kind of man whose most pressing reason, at any moment, not to stab you to death was the potential dry cleaning bill, and nothing about that could prepare you for this.
Some locks of hair had fallen into his face, silky over sharp features. Jesse kept very still and watched him.  
You deserve better, Jesse thought nonsensically, out of the blue, Hanzo’s face as he talked about loyalty flashing through his mind. Was loyalty really the word for it when you gave them everything and they seemed all too happy to take it and give nothing back?
He wasn’t sure how much time passed before Hanzo gave a low sleepy sound and seemed to come awake. As he stirred he tilted away; Jesse hurriedly inched away before Hanzo’s eyes blinked open, desperately trying to pretend that his side didn’t suddenly feel very cold and lonely. He crossed his legs at the ankles and sank back against the bench, staring fixedly at the holovid as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
With a grunt Hanzo sat up, rubbing at his neck with a pained expression.
“Welcome back,” Jesse said, hoping his grin seemed natural enough to hide the fact that everything inside him was currently one long incoherent scream.
Hanzo smiled slightly and rolled his shoulder, working out the stiffness. “Thank you. Happy to be here.”
The scream in Jesse’s head rose to a violent crescendo at the easy sarcasm. Hanzo glanced down at the holovid for a second with an unreadable expression, then squinted at the big hologram clock over by the entrance, moving his neck like he was smoothing out a crick. He looked over at Jesse. “Hm. It is still only four.”
Jesse’s heart gave a thrill at the barest indication of a raised eyebrow, the invitation slyly offered and easily ignored if unwanted. “Ah, the night is still young, then. You up for another round, Mr. Shimada?”
“‘Hanzo’ is fine,” he said, getting to his feet in one mesmerizingly sure, fluid movement. “And absolutely. I have nowhere else to be.”
 The bartender seemed both amused and unimpressed to see them again, but she acquiesced readily enough when Jesse grinned and told her to leave the bottle.
“Promised to buy you a drink, right?” Jesse said, waving Hanzo off when he started to say something and pushing a glass towards him. He felt sure he needed to be much drunker if he were to survive the night in this state.
Hanzo tasted the admittedly dirt cheap bourbon and wrinkled his nose. “...interesting,” he said, with the very faintest veneer of politeness the human voice could bestow to cover up the disgust.
“A free drink is a free drink, ain’t it?”
Jesse noted that Hanzo’s expressions changed after a few drinks — normally he looked like he meant to constantly school them even if the results were varying, any flicker of emotion the result of a momentary slip-up and immediately, angrily squashed, but tonight that mask had definitely fallen off somewhere along the way. It looked good on him, that new unrestrained expressiveness. Now that he knew the signs to look for Jesse was pretty sure he could start to pick up on them in a sober Hanzo too. “An excellent point. I apologize for my brashness before, keep it coming.”
“You got it, friend,” Jesse said and topped up his drink.
The nap seemed to have given Hanzo a second wind. There was more of a swagger to him now, a tiny lift of his chin. They talked shop for a while, in a vague and euphemistic dance to avoid saying anything that’d have someone in the bar calling the cops on them, then somehow ended up derailed enough that they were talking about the history of their respective countries in the eighteen seventies the next time Jesse checked in with himself and realized he was having fun. In his surprise he ended up stuttering to a halt; when Hanzo gave him a questioning look he floundered for something to say.
“Y’know, I keep meanin’ to ask,” Jesse said, hoping it covered for his momentary distraction and current existential horror at how charmed he was by Hanzo explaining, in his sardonic, clipped manner, the finer details of the military reforms of the Meiji restoration. “What’s the deal with the sword ‘n the bow ‘n stuff? Not that you’re not pulling it off like nobody’s business, but isn’t it a little… old fashioned?”
Hanzo wrinkled his brow thoughtfully, tapping his fingers against his glass. He looked Jesse over from boots to hat and back again; Jesse fought the urge to squirm under the inspection. “...was that a serious question?”
That private half-smile from before returned, something brightening in his eyes. “Apparently it was. Hm. I suppose it is a little old fashioned, at that. But you never know — perhaps there is still a future for anachronisms.” He blinked slowly — well, he did have a few drinks under his belt at this point too, built like a brick shithouse though he was. “It is also a smidge quieter and more discreet than the hand cannon you carry around.”
“I’ll not sit here and listen to you besmirch my gun just ‘cause your taste skews more medieval,” Jesse announced. “Peacekeeper’s served me plenty well through the years, thank you very much.”
“I am sure it has. And I am even more sure that my ‘medieval tastes’ would still have you beat every time.”
“Would it, now?”
“In fact I am perfectly willing to put money on it,” Hanzo said, leaning forward, a glint in his eye that made Inner Jesse whimper. “Any contest, at any time.”
“Oh ho ho,” Jesse said, casually pushing his hat back on his head as his heart raced against his ribs, “you better believe that all that stands between you, an empty wallet and complete humiliation in this very moment is the laws of this land frowning on firin’ guns in public places.”
Hanzo gave a faux-haughty huff, eyes glittering. “A pitiful excuse.”
Jesse felt the grin bright on his face and leaned forward too. “Hey, gimme a time, place, and somewhere to dump the evidence and we’ll see ‘bout that.”
“That can be arrang — ” Hanzo stopped, a frown appearing on his brow.
“What’s up?” Jesse asked after a while, realizing suddenly how close their faces were now.
“I just had a strange feeling that — ”
Hanzo’s phone called out shrilly, a dozen times or so in quick succession. With the air of someone stepping up to the scaffold and giving the hangman a meaningful look to get it over with already he checked it.
After a few moments he picked up his drink, finished it in one go, poured himself another and then leaned forward to rest his forehead against the bar, the image of a beaten man.  
“Uh…” Jesse said, tentatively resting a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder. “You okay?”
“My feeling was right,” Hanzo murmured, holding out the phone without lifting his head. “My brother is indeed disgracing himself and our entire family as we speak.”
“What, your Genji sense was tinglin’? You felt a great disturbance in the Force?”
Hanzo gave a mirthless bark of laughter. Jesse stared at the bared line of his neck, stumbling over the fact that he could barely remember ever wanting anything as much as he wanted to brush his lips there, to hear a breath of real laughter in response. The physical contact before had woken something inside him that had slumbered for a long time; he couldn’t remember ever longing for anyone to just… touch him before. It was easily the third most pathetic he’d felt in his entire life, sitting there yearning for what was likely one of the most dangerous men in the world to rest a hand on his shoulder, even for a few seconds.   
He felt vaguely that his brain had broken or something.
Taking the phone he glanced down at the screen, then flinched back like he’d been stung by a wasp.  
“Dear lord,” Jesse said, tilting the phone and then his head to try to make more sense of the image, morbidly fascinated. “The hell’s he doin’ with that lobster? How would that thing even fit down the front of his… huh. Well.”
Hanzo just whimpered, burying his fingers in his hair. “Keep going.”
Jesse flipped through the next few and whistled under his breath. “Well, someone’s havin’ more fun than us tonight, at least. Didn’t even know they made drinks with that many colors. Who’s the young lady with the… ”
“I have absolutely no idea.”  
“Fair enough, that’s — whoa there,” Jesse said, hurriedly skipping one. “Don’t mean to be rude or anythin’, but that’s, uh, that’s more of your brother than I ever needed to see.”
“I know the feeling,” Hanzo said. “For what it is worth I think he sent that one by mistake. My name must be close to one of the girls he is… dating in his contact list, it would not be the first time.”
“‘One of’, huh. One of those situations.”
“Enough of ‘those’ to fill an entire four act comedy of errors.”
Helpless against the depths of resigned despair in Hanzo’s voice Jesse chuckled. “Sounded like you saw this comin’, somehow.”
“It is a special instinct I have developed,” Hanzo told the tabletop earnestly. “I can feel Genji shaming every single one of our ancestors from half a world away.”
Jesse snorted, squinting to make out an image distorted by blurred lights and excessive photo filters and deciding it might be a nightclub actively, literally on fire.
“Of course it is partly a matter of always being prepared to expect it,” Hanzo continued vaguely, sitting up. “Statistically I usually turn out to be right. Mathematics. You know how it is.”
“Least he’s kept his pants on in this one,” Jesse said philosophically, flicking through the last few messages to find that Genji had gone the extra mile by making a holo gif so the nipple tassels could have their full, animated effect.
“Sometimes,” Hanzo said, in a way that suggested he wouldn’t have done so sober, “it feels like he does it specifically to spite me. To get a rise out of me, rubbing it in my face just to show me that he can. Which is naturally ludicrous because I doubt he has ever thought that deeply about anything in his entire life, but it does not stop it from being… annoying.”  
Jesse put the phone down, intrigued by the minefield stretching out before them. “Is there anything in those,” he waved towards the phone, “that you’d actually want, though?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Hanzo snapped, though Jesse didn’t take it personally as the ire was clearly not actually directed at him as much as the very concept of the question. “It’s pathetic. But he stands free to do anything he wants and chooses to squander it on…”
He stopped himself, looking down at his hands tightly curled on the bar. With deliberate movements he unfurled his fingers, though the tension still ran through them like piano wires — some part of Jesse, having already barrelled through the first stages of grief and resting now in depressed acceptance, recognized that his hands were extremely nice, strong and sure and well shaped. He wished he could have managed to dwell in the tranquil valleys of denial at least until boarding his flight, but there you were. “No matter.”
“Hey,” Jesse said. “He’s just bein’ young and dumb. When’s the last time you saw each other?”
Hanzo shrugged. “Weeks ago. Half a month or so, maybe. Why?”
“You call him in all that time?”
“No. I doubt he would pick up if he knew it was me.”
“Maybe he wanted to get your attention somehow and thought actin’ like a dumbass was the way to go about it,” Jesse offered. At Hanzo’s blank, uncomprehending stare he quickly added: “Hey, what do I know, though, I’m just some random idiot with a neat hat.”
Hanzo, in a very un-Hanzo move, looked unsure. He fiddled with the edge of his sleeve, staring into the middle distance.
“I never know why he does what he does,” he said finally. “We… do not speak much anymore.”
“You used to?
Hanzo shrugged again, a tight, constrained little gesture. “Some. More. When we were boys. Before — hm.”
Jesse nodded, watching him out of the corner of his eye — he’d ducked his head again, as if going into hiding behind his hair, shutting himself off. There was an ache in Jesse’s chest, some puzzle pieces falling into place and making a pretty sad picture in his head. It seemed weird now that he’d found the guy so inscrutable and overbearing in the beginning. Considering where — who — he came from, it was maybe a wonder he had any urge left to connect to anyone else at all.
“Should I…” Hanzo furrowed his brow as if doing complicated calculations in his head and looked up. “...answer him?”
“Why not? What’s the worst that can happen?”
“You saw the nipple tassels, why would you underestimate him like this,” Hanzo said immediately, but he was tapping something out on his phone with a thoughtful expression. “I — would asking him to stay safe count as nagging, do you think?”
“Just like that? Shouldn’t think so.”
Hanzo made an absent-minded sound of gratitude and kept writing. There was something horribly endearing about the way he picked each character like he was setting down important messages in stone that people would see and judge for generations to come.
For a while Hanzo stared down at his finished message, a doubtful downward curl to his mouth. Finally he mumbled: “Perhaps I should not encourage…”
“Hey,” Jesse said, touching Hanzo’s shoulder. “Don’t think about it too hard. Just send it.”
“Is that your professional opinion?” Hanzo said sardonically, though there was a grin lurking in his voice.
“As someone who ain’t never thought too hard about anythin’ in my entire life,” Jesse agreed, bringing his free hand to rest over his heart, “you’d be surprised how often it works out.”
Hanzo chuckled, letting his head fall to one side. After a moment he pressed ‘send’ and put the phone face down on the table, giving a small sigh. “There.”
“And would you look at that, the world didn’t even end,” Jesse beamed, snickering when Hanzo aimed a cheerful kick at his shin.
He had his hand on Hanzo’s shoulder and Hanzo wasn’t shaking him off, wasn’t even acting like it was strange, just looked at him with eyes that were tired and soft with booze and still warmed by a small, rueful smile.
There was a chime of longing in Jesse’s chest, at first unbearably gentle like a bell struck by butterfly wings, but deepening, a call that couldn’t be silenced because it rang through his bones.
Fuck, Jesse thought, giving Hanzo’s shoulder a squeeze before pulling his hand back. I am so screwed. Twenty years of nothin’ and then I just had to go for the gangster ninja assassin. Sure. Splendid. Why wouldn’t I do that. Completely in character, if nothin’ else.
Hanzo’s phone buzzed again, only twice this time; he snorted as he checked it but wrote an answer before sliding it into his pocket. He turned back to Jesse. “My brother apologizes for accidentally mentally scarring us both. You do not have siblings, do you?”
“Not that I’m aware. I’ve known some of the boys long enough that it’s kinda the same thing, I guess.”
“It is, as they say, a mixed blessing,” Hanzo said. “On the one hand I have been in a constant state of worry for close to twenty years now, on the other… actually no, there is no other hand. That’s it.”  
Jesse grinned into his drink. “Sounds like maybe I dodged a bullet there.”
“...I would not go that far.” There was a quiet, fond lilt to his voice Jesse had never heard before.
Maybe — maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad. It wasn’t as though he’d ever act on it, Jesse told himself. Just because he knew it was there didn’t mean he’d have to do anything about it. It could just… stay a background thing. A, what was the word. No, a less embarrassing word than that. A crush, perhaps. His heart could do its whole newfound pitter-patter tap dance routine now and then, backstage where no one could see it, and otherwise he’d keep it under wraps and act like the goddamn professional he’d been scrambling to pretend to be all these years. Topsy-turvy with the booze and the low lights as he felt he wasn’t dumb or mad enough to think that Hanzo would welcome any advances with anything but, at best and simultaneously worst, pity. This was not a knife edge he was eager to test his throat against.
And yet… even as he thought it the part of him that was always watching itself and was wise to his particular brand of bullshit braced itself for the inevitable hurt.
He did a mental shrug. Oh well. In for a penny, in for a pound. Anything that was worth doing was worth doing with panache and gusto, even if that thing was crashing and burning. “Can I interest you in more of the house’s finest damn disgusting swill, Mr. Shimada?”
“Mr. McCree,” Hanzo said, “I thought you would never ask.”   
 When the storm ended Jesse didn’t even notice for a while. It was first when Hanzo glanced over his shoulder to the windows and gave a small sound that he realized how light it was out, and that the low but constant howl of the storm had faded somewhere along the way.
Hanzo got up and stood by the huge windows, arms loosely crossed over his chest.
“It would seem the worst has passed,” he said, black hair outlined by the sharp clean light of the dawn. He glanced over as Jesse came up next to him. In the distance they were clearing the runways for snow at a fervent pace, though the inside of the airport had only just started to move out of its torpor. Soon it would be a real mayhem as people scurried to their new gates — but for now it was quiet.
“Seems that way,” Jesse lied blithely, watching his profile, the curl of his mouth.
They paid for their drinks — Jesse hissing between his teeth because well, he’d known it was gonna smart but he’d been trying to keep it out of his mind — and wandered off again, drifting idly through the terminal. Jesse was still tipsy enough that everything felt light and warm, all the sharp edges worn off the world. Hanzo was muttering something under his breath about the architect’s taste in dramatic floor tiles and looking enchantingly snippy while doing it.  
Then the departure board updated and Jesse gave a grunt as his phone buzzed with the alert too. “Well, that’s me, I guess. Better get a move on. Thanks for the company, by the way,” he added, reaching out a hand before he could think better of it. “Saved me from being that weird guy getting shitfaced alone in a corner. It was fun.”
Hanzo blinked at him in surprise.
“Y’know, fun?” Jesse prompted. “Surely you’ve encountered the concept before?”
“Hah. McCree,” Hanzo said, taking Jesse’s outstretched hand and shaking it — you could sense the strength in his fingers even under such a controlled, careful gesture. He was grinning. “I… hm. We will keep in touch.”
“You better, we got a bet to settle now,” Jesse said, feeling mildly delirious. “Come at me whenever you’re ready for a taste of humility, I’m always ready to defend my gun’s honor.”
A couple of hours later he sat sleepless and hungover in the window row, leaning his head back against the seat as he replayed Hanzo’s startled laugh in his head again and again.  
Part of the Scoundrels and Thieves ‘verse, which can be found here!
I would like to thank @callmesherly for helping me with what kind of drink Hanzo might go for if sake was off the table, and to @solivar and @bananamilk for lending their expertise on cowboy innuendo for Hanzo trolling Jesse! On another note — ‘leaving the bottle’ does not seem to actually be a Thing outside of movies and/or very special circumstances in most places, so let’s just assume that the bartender heard our two wonderful boys talking ~*inconspicuously*~ and was smart enough to go ‘haha I’m *not* getting paid enough to argue with international crime syndicates, if this weird kid with the hat believes the shit he sees in movies I’m not gonna be the one who corrects him’. (They did not finish that bottle by themselves, btw, the dialogue would have ended up a lot less coherent otherwise lol)
Also feel free to imagine, years down the line, Sombra finding Jesse’s old… holovid account or whatever they call it and just rubbing her hands together because surely there’s some embarrassing porn in there, there must be, he’s been updating this playlist all through his teens and young adulthood… only to find that no, it really is just every Western ever made, regardless of quality or merit, scrupulously organized like literally nothing else in his life has ever been. Which is, of course, also deeply embarrassing, but in a way that’s hard to exploit because he has exactly no shame about it and he always has at least one backup squirreled away so she can’t even threaten to delete it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lastly: There might be nothing funnier to me than the idea of Hanzo doing the social stealth part of the whole ninja bit. Entirely competent (because he would never allow himself to be anything less) but also wearing the most long-suffering FML face once the dupe’s back is turned? — yes good. Title is from a Tom Waits song because I am incorrigible and none of you can stop me.
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onimiman · 7 years ago
I Should Have Seen This Coming...
After reading various articles and watching several videos that have been revolving around themes such as nihilism and cynicism that have been interpreted to be core traits in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it strikes me that this is something I should have seen coming around the time I heard that Rian Johnson had been the one to not only direct this film but also single-handedly write it, and it makes me wonder why, in retrospect, Lucasfilm thought this guy was a great choice to direct a Star Wars movie beyond the mere visuals.
I remember back when The Force Awakens was announced and a director had yet to be hired, so certain names were floated around, like Joss Whedon, Guillermo del Toro, etc.; you know, directors who would make sense to direct a Star Wars movie, what with their prior experiences in the sci-fi/fantasy genres. But two particular names that were floated around for potential directors for TFA were David Fincher and, of course, Rian Johnson, and these were names that struck me as odd considering their bodies of work.
Granted, between Fincher and Johnson, the latter still makes more sense to direct a Star Wars film (and I still stand by that even after the debacle that is TLJ), but I’ll get into why Johnson shouldn’t have been involved in TLJ in the first place. But for now, let’s get into why Fincher would have been an, if not terrible then, inappropriate choice for a Star Wars film. Now David Fincher is no stranger to sci-fi; his directorial debut, Alien 3, demonstrates that even when his efforts were hampered by studio executives from crafting a story worthy of the Alien franchise, he knew how to direct a film like that. And the thing was, no matter what you think about Alien 3′s quality, that film is, through and through, a bleak, nihilistic film that very much captures the spirit and tone of Ridley Scott’s masterpiece and then some. Then, when you look at several of Fincher’s other works (namely, his adaptations of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl), the themes of nihilism and pessimism continue to pepper his work, as these core traits are things that Fincher carries from his own personality and worldview into his craft. So I bring all this up about Fincher because when I heard that people (if not Disney/Lucasfilm execs, then people in general) were thinking about him as a possible contender to direct TFA because of his technical skills and experience, I thought, “No, the views that he brings into his work would be totally contrary to what Star Wars is about, which is about, among other things, persistent hope and heroism even in the face of the bleakest of times.” 
Then we get to Rian Johnson. Now the works from Johnson I have seen were his episodes of Breaking Bad (Fly, Fifty-One [the episode where Heisenberg and co. pull the train robbery], and Ozymandias [the episode where Hank dies and Walter’s life completely falls apart) and his 2012 film Looper. Now the commonality between all of these works, and which brings a connection between him and Fincher beyond being potential directors for TFA, are themes such as nihilism, brutality, and pessimism, especially in areas where things fall apart. And also like Fincher’s Alien 3, Johnson’s Looper is a science-fiction film that incorporates such dour, depressing themes into its story, and imo, how he incorporated those themes into Looper, and especially in his episodes of Breaking Bad (which, of course, he didn’t write) worked well for that film and definitely those episodes.
However, it was because of Looper that made me wonder why he would be considered an appropriate candidate to direct TFA, and it really got me scratching my head once he actually got the job of writing and directing TLJ. I thought, “Well, this’ll be a departure from how he would do things.” But then the movie comes out, and when themes like failure and, yes, nihilism are brought up by fans on sites like this and YouTube, it becomes more apparent to me that Johnson was a mistake to write and direct a Star Wars movie. How he incorporates the themes he wishes to discuss are so out of line with what Star Wars is actually about and it certainly makes the characters included in this movie act OOC from how they were previously established in the prior films (I’m looking at you, Luke).
Quite frankly, outside of someone like David Fincher, it would be like if one decided to hire an arthouse director to direct a superhero action movie. I can’t imagine someone like Paul Thomas Anderson, who made such dramatic films like 2012′s The Master and 2002′s Punch Drunk Love, to direct an Avengers movie (which is interesting since he has professed to actually liking superhero/sci-fi action films, yet never directs them). Or how about David Lynch, an arthouse director who’s made movies like Eraserhead and Blue Velvet, direct a Star Wars fil...
Wait... he was considered to direct Return of the Jedi?
So I think the conclusion to be made here is this: In spite of the success of TLJ on both the commercial and (professionally) critical sides, if Lucasfilm and Disney hope to have Star Wars continue to be a long-lasting franchise, they must be careful with who they write and direct their films for the future, because a nihilistic pessimist like Rian Johnson would be so inappropriate to the point that they could damage the franchise, as Johnson has done with TLJ. And I speak as a nihilistic pessimist myself, and there are places that can explore such themes in fiction (i.e. Watchmen); hell, I could even see a Star Wars movie working with that PROVIDED THAT IT RECEIVES THE PROPER FOCUS. What do I mean by this? Well, pessimism and nilihism could work in a film focusing on, say, the criminal element of SW, like Jabba the Hutt or Boba Fett; a side element, if you will. But to have this sort of realism in the main saga of Star Wars, where bright, optimistic characters like Luke Skywalker are faced with bleak and grim situations yet soldier through them scarred but alive on both a physical and emotional level, is not productive to the main Star Wars saga.   
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