#i still haven't stopped listening to all their songs btw like to this day i still listen to it ehehrhherh
idsb · 9 months
so I haven't really found the words to talk about this yet but I'm finally starting to, so here goes -
I'm finding myself with a very minimal, fringe sort of scattered friends in this town. at best I don't fit in with, nor do I have the desire to fit in with, really, any of the travelers or backpackers or working holiday visa people who inhabit this place (btw; anon who warned me not to go here.... 'bogan' isn't what I'd call it but your read on the vibe was right); at worst I'm finding myself on the borderline of being straight up bullied the way I was in high school - no one outright saying mean things to my face, but that very high school esque cocktail of snarky and condescending side comments, people always going off to talk without me, laughing, and stopping laughing immediately once they're back near me, being rude enough to know it's rude but just the right balance where if I say something about it I'm the one who looks weird. how isolating that is and how it pushes you down and down and down and down inside your head. I think as an adult, once you grow up and find yourself out in the world, and get to choose the people you're around, you forget what that was like. Working in the music industry specifically and knowing only one soul in real life with a "regular" job (hi Jo), I've completely forget what that's like. In the spirit of "emotional maturity", I've probably found a way to tell myself it's all kid shit and I made it seem worse than it all was, etc, and maybe it's just people being people.
Maybe that's true.
Specifically, though, the thing I've found myself being harassed over, the main tension point, is my music taste. I've been put into this twilight zone of a reality where everyone around me straight up hates Taylor Swift (in the year 2023 I genuinely didn't think that existed more than a few fringe rondo's, but apparently all those fringe rondo's live in this town), and the ones who don't say "fuck this bitch" out loud every time her music comes on, are, at their warmest, completely indifferent to the fact that she's even alive. I haven't met one person here who would even say they enjoy 1989 or whatever. I work around 20-25 y/o's mostly, and yet I put on Lorde and Maisie and Sabrina and Backseat Lovers and The 1975 and all the pop stuff I'm aware myself and that age group really like (with a bunch of famous Aussie artists thrown in), and I'm asked if we can stop with all the "weird music" and "play things everyone knows and likes" - another twilight zone thing because I had no fucking idea every girl ever wasn't on this type of pop. I put on classic throwback Fall Out Boy and All Time Low and Paramore or even Halsey's hit songs and I'm asked why everything I listen to is "so depressing". I get fully HARASSED about my music taste by the people I work with every single day. like, multiple times an hour snide comments about "weird people music" and shit like that when I really thought my taste was pretty mainstream. then they all put on either like, the most generic of generic Top 40 radio that I didn't even realize people willingly put on; just thought big labels decided it was gonna be successful so shoved it onto commercials and radio and a bunch of Spotify playlists until they gave up, OR music that I literally would need to be borderline overdosing on cocaine to enjoy - I'm talking blasting dubstep club beats and the like... at 5:30am in a coffee shop. And I haven’t said a word to them about it or been mean about it at all, and I try really hard to be polite to them but it just doesn’t matter how nice I am; they feast on me like a pack of hungry lions anyway. I moved here to be outside, and people only ever want to go to the club. Even people I get along with want to go to the damn club every other night at the least, and I’m weird for not wanting to be anywhere near something other than a bar we can have some drinks and laughs - I didn’t even know people still went to clubs, especially not vagabond travelers in an eco tourism hotspot.
And suddenly I am my high school self all over again; feeling completely fucking normal but not falling in, not able to make myself fit no matter how hard I try. I talk to people and people laugh at what I say when we have to make conversation, because, well. I'm fucking likable and I can chat up anybody. and then, for no real reason, 20 minutes later they remember they're supposed to be bullying me and go back to it. just like how it was for me in high school, where I won the “most talkative” superlative and yet when I walked on stage to graduate half the class shouted at me that I was “scum” (lol).
So anyway. That's all to say, I photographed full-band live music last night for the first time in 3 months. And suddenly, doing that, too, I was back in high school. Living in a normal world that everyone else is at and is aware of, but in my own secret pocket of it I've carved out: a pocket where I fit. where I'm still a loser by the standards of everyone around me, but a loser who is doing something objectively cool and objectively impressive, something I thrive at that no one can talk shit about because I'm GOOD. someone I knew but have nothing in common with came up to me last night and said, “I got that you took pictures but then I saw you on stage and was like OHHHH”. and I might not belong anywhere else, might not get along with anyone else, but the second a camera is in my hand and I'm crawling behind a drum kit and jumping off a stage an artist is playing a show on, and the band who I’m acquainted with is smiling at me and they love it, and everyone sees me doing it... I belong there, and I know I belong there, and no naysayer can do or say a word about it... that's what it's all about. like the loser theater kid who comes alive on a stage in front of people when they perform and no one can argue with it anymore. I remembered why I do what I do last night. How I found it (or maybe how it found me) suddenly makes sense all over again; not some poorly made impulsive choice by a girl who was too influenced by wanting to be around the boy bands she liked, committed too hard and got stuck - which is how I've seen it in adult hindsight. live music is the faction of the world that I am just the perfect puzzle piece for. somehow the most niche thing in the world - and it does seem niche once again when surrounded by people like this - is my only solid ground in this life. I am my truest self when I am running around with a camera while someone's singing; a self that anyone can see and immediately will get it. and that's just how it is.
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moogghost · 1 year
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happy three years to pmtok! it's been almost two whole years since i first got into it and my obsession with the goofy office supplies still shows no sign of stopping any time soon (i was gonna do another quick thing of harlow and coda after the olly and olivia one but alas i have work today so </3)
(i have. a silly mini essay under the cut just about how funny game impacted me personally that's all it is reading it is totally optional <3)
i think i did this last year too i genuinely cannot remember but i probably did but. once again i cannot stress how much of an impact this game managed to have on me (like. literally. speaking system stuff for a brief moment we have a few pmtok introjects that regularly front lmfao). i didn't get into the game until a few months after the first anniversary, and it was only after listening to some of juno song's lyrical covers of the los themes that i actually got invested enough to watch a playthrough (bc fun fact i did not actually own the game. still don't btw i just haven't gotten around to actually getting it now that i have my own money </3). one thing led me to another and then i ended up sketching the design for my scissors/saxen in the middle of my biology class lol
i've grown to genuinely enjoy writing my los and their lore, and seeing my art and character design improve and change since i first made them - and wanting to share them with people who were also fans of the game was what led me to actually try joining discord servers again for fandoms (i didn't do it or try to make friends in this fandom for several months bc i freshly experienced The Horrors in a previous fandom lol), which i'm glad i decided to do - almost all of the people i consider friends to this day are solely bc of that decision to join funny pmtok discord server despite the anxiety attack i was having at the thought of joining a whole fandom server again
so uh yeah! pmtok genuinely is a game that means a lot to me, despite having never gotten a chance to play it personally for myself lol. i genuinely don't think i would be the same person if i hadn't happened to listen to the juno song's cover of the handaconda boss theme bc i was fucking obsessed with that funny hand snake despite not having that much interest in paper mario prior lol
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Scoot..scoot 👀
(ignore if you don't take requests)
Soooooooooo... *Whispers*
A Mercy X gn!reader
General idea: Reader takes up a risky mission not knowing if they'll come back or not, they give Mercy a kiss and promise to come back,
After a year they still haven't come back until she heard knocking and found reader kneeling and asking for her hand in marriage 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
-Mei Mei (^_-)-☆
I hope you love it though! I loved writing it, none of your ideas fail to make me super happy <3 (ALSO SORRY IF IT FEELS RUSHED I TRIED REALLY HARD AT THE END 😭)
Mercy x GN!Reader
"Far Away For Far Too Long."
(Song: Far Away - Nickelback <3)
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Honestly she couldn't tell how long it had been now. She couldn't focus on it anyways, she had work to do, all she knew is she stopped counting after a few months. Everyday she tried to push the worry she still felt deep inside, knowing the possibility came down to that you could have been dead, or hospitalized for God knows how long. She truthfully didn't like both outcomes, especially the first one. For the second one, she'd rather you were in her care rather than someone else. She just couldn't stand it but, after a while she had to push back her worry and grief she felt so she could still work.
That day you left was burned in her mind, it stayed there for the past year. The blue sky was almost nonexistent from the sunlight pouring in and drinking up your figure. She could remember how the beautiful morning light drew the edges of your body perfectly. She could almost swore you were a Greek statue, hand carved and brought to life. She looked into your eyes, a deep sadness laid in them but it was covered with complete love and adoration.
You were wearing your uniform, all suited up and ready to go on a dangerous mission. It involved Talon, that's all she needed to know, she understood immediately as soon as the word Talon fell off your lips. That didn't matter yet, what mattered is you were leaving, soon and you had to say your goodbyes.
You cupped her face with your hand as your thumb traced over her cheek. The soft touch was almost too much, how badly she wanted to come with or keep you in bed all day so you couldn't go. Her eyes were filling with tears slowly, but she tried to suppress the tears so you wouldn't worry about her. You caught on rather quickly though, her silence said it all.
"I'll be back.. I promise you that.." You whispered at her softly, your eyes never leaving hers.
"I know." She grabbed your hand and pushed your hand onto her face a bit more.
You leaned forward, brushing her hair out if the way of her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Mark my words.. I'll be back.."
She gripped your hand and she pulled your face back to her, kissing your lips softly yet deeply. Her other hand found it's way to your hair, running her fingers through it and holding your head close. After a bit you both parted for air, but kept your foreheads touching as you both took in the pure comfort of these last few moments together, the last moment together for a whole year.
"I'll hold you to that." She smiled softly.
Currently, she was in her living room, resting after a long day of work. She had the TV on, but she wasn't listening. The background sound was almost too much, despite trying to distract herself. It didn't work though, she was caught up in her thoughts, thinking of you. That smile planted on your face before you left, the soft kiss, everything. She missed you so deeply, it was almost unbearable. Oh how she wanted to feel your touch, see your face, and kiss you again.
In the midst of her thoughts a knock came to her door and she paused. She muted the TV as she had stood up, walking to the door. Her eyes locked on the door handle, hesitating for a long moment before she turned the handle and pulled the door open. Her eyes widened at who she had seen, she nearly dropped to the ground out of shock and pure happiness.
There you stood with flowers, bandages wrapped around your arm that she could see peaking out of what appeared to be a nice suit/dress. You had a few wounds but nothing too terrible, at least not anymore. You had several scars too but those were hidden as well, right now you just wanted to be in Angela's arms, but first you had to do something.
Tears filled her eyes as she smiled at you. "It's been far too long."
"Yet I came back, as promised." You handed her the flowers.
She took them and set them on a shelf next to the door before she wrapped her arms around you. Hiding her face in your neck while she cried. Happy tears mixed with laughter of relief. You instinctively wrapped your arms around her too, holding her close. The moment was like finally achieving your goal you wanted to pursue most of your life. The relief, the happiness, and the overwhelming feeling of love.
You both took a moment to calm down before you let go. You smiled confidently as you took a step forward.
"I have one more thing.." You said as you grabbed a box from your pocket. (Yes the dress has a pocket if you picked that)
She tilted her head before it hit her.
You were suddenly on your knee, a ring sitting in the box. "I know, it's been a long time since you saw me.. But I wanted to make it right. So Angela, what do you say?"
Her eyes poured tears as she nodded quickly. "Yes."
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stormyoceans · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
tagged by cassi @seatawinans and vish @morkofday. thank you both for thinking of me!!!!! 💜💙
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages!
🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
tried not to put only vice versa related songs in this. still ended up finding a way to sneak them in because im biased ;;;;;;
follow by ロス [utsukushii kare/my beautiful man OST]. ABSOLUTE BOP OF ALL TIME i've never skipped this song ONCE since the first time i listened to it. also embarrassed to admit i always (badly) sing the ousama ka? kamisama ka?/suuhai suuhai/bakamitai da part out loud ;;;; bitter always by ロスfrom utsukushii kare: eternal is also really good.
我怎能留下你 (how can i leave you behind) by ezu [history 3: trapped OST]. THIS IS YOUR DAILY REMINDER TO WATCH HISTORY 3: TRAPPED IF YOU HAVEN'T YET (and then come talk to me about it PLEASE). this was the very first QL related song i ever put on repeat for days and it's still one of my most played songs because it's just THAT good (exactly like the show IM JUST SAYING).
ใครคลั่งรักกว่ากัน (madly in love) by jimmy jitaraphol and sea tawinan [our skyy vice versa OST]. LOVE HOW THERE ISN'T A SINGLE VICE VERSA ENJOYER WHO'S NORMAL ABOUT THIS SONG AND I MAKE NO EXCEPTION. i picked this one because i think it's the kind of song that the more you listen to it the more you find yourself humming it absentmindedly throughout the day, but honestly i could have put the entire vice versa OST here. it's another thing about this show that's absolutely incredible and it actually introduced me to a lot of songs i now listen to on the daily (ผ่านตา (everyday) and ข้างกัน (city) by three man down???? เรื่องมหัศจรรย์ (miracle) by sofa???? love by paradox???? INCREDIBLE SHOW STOPPING SPECTACULAR).
ร้อยล้านวิว (million views) by stamp [last twilight pilot trailer]. SHIVERS ALL OVER MY BODY EVERY TIME I LISTEN TO IT. and like im the first person to admit im biased as hell but this is genuinely such a beautiful song!!!! there are no words to express the amount of feelings it evokes in me, and then you read the lyrics and it's like.. emotional devastation to the highest degree but you're somehow glad for it.
หยุดหัวใจ (stop the heart) by three man down [my ride the series OST]. much like the show itself, this song feels like a warm soft blanket on a rainy day. i can't explain why, but every time im sad and listen to this song i instantly feel comforted. it's cheerful and light and it's like it's telling me that things are gonna be okay. the show is now on youtube btw and i highly recommend it!!!!
tagging @puentalay @blmpff @stickymoonsoul @petrichoraline @abstractelysium @clandestinegardenias @vera9 and whoever wants to do it!!!!
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a-moth-to-the-light · 10 months
My Current Top 10 Itzy Songs
Context: I've been a fan since I first saw the Icy dance practice in late 2019, but I became a superfan with the release of Wannabe and haven't looked back since--well, except for a slight moment of hesitation with the release of MITM, but the delightful Crazy In Love album brought me back!!
I'm in the process of designing my dream Itzy comeback, like @nayeonline did! [link to their post] I wanted to share this top ten list first, so y'all have an idea of what kinds of songs I love most from these ladies! See, no matter how much I trash-talk Itzy's music (sorry, Not Shy, I was too mean to you for far too long), I really do love SO MANY of their songs--I only criticize some of their tracks as passionately as I do because the highs of their discography are soooo high for me. So let's talk about them!
1. Nobody Like You
Itzy are rock stars in my heart <3 Anything with them + a guitar brings me sooo much joy! Also, the second verse is SO pretty, it's what drew me to the song right from the day the album sampler was released :)
2. Wannabe
I don't think there's any other choice for my favorite Itzy title track--I'd be surprised if anyone has a favorite other than Wannabe. I really have to do an essay about this era one day...
3. Ting Ting Ting (with Oliver Heldens)
This song is totally just trolling all of us! I HATED it for that during the first few months after it came out, but now I don't mind at all--I'm completely in love with it, and all of its weird production choices! I love when songs make me laugh, because I don't find too many of those out there, and the prechorus in this one always gets at least a giggle out of me (JUST LISTEN FOR THE WEIRD GRUNTING SOUND IN THE INSTRUMENTAL WHAT EVEN IS THAT ITS BEEN THREE YEARS AND I CANT STOP LAUGHING ABOUT IT)
4. Icy
Yes, I'm THAT guy who likes Icy more than Dalla Dalla. I know minimalistic choruses are overdone nowadays, but this basic chorus format is so well-suited to such a charismatic group--they carry the energy of the song so well!
5. Be In Love
What did I say about me when Itzy + guitar? This song makes me soooooooo sentimental.
6. That's a No No
There are tracks I like more than this from the Wannabe album, but I'm sure this is my most-listened track from that comeback--most days, its infectious, chaotic energy is exactly what I need to get by :)
7. #Twenty
(This one and above are in the category of songs I would die for btw!!) Look, I just LOVE mean girl music! This is a song that barely manages to hold itself together--luckily, it has the Itzy members to give it some semblance of being a... something? (Whatever it is, I can't help but sing along, so here we are.)
8. Cherry
Minimalistic choruses for the win! Again, their charisma really gets to shine here.
9. Loco
Look, I know Itzy aren't anywhere near the best vocalists out there, but they sound SO strong on this song! I think it's one of their best vocally, and Itzy really is one of the first groups that comes to mind when I think about my favorite vocalists. So I love this one :)
10. Love Is
Yay, a sentimental coming-of-age movie pop ballad thing! I've heard better examples of this vibe (see: Playing Games by Anna of the North), but this still makes me feel Feelings, so I come back to it quite a bit!
Honorable Mentions: It'z Summer, 24 Hours, 365 (it's become a comfort song lately! so i don't hate it anymore hehe), Domino, Cake (it's CATCHY go away), None of My Business
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omentranslates · 2 years
Villain - chapter 1 english fan translation
Hello, I've translated chapter 1 of the new manga for Teniwoha's song, Villain. This is just a text translation, but the chapter is free to read in its entirety here. Also a warning just in case: this manga may be uncomfortable to read due to how the trans themes are written. I may speak a bit more about this later in another post, but for now I would just like to discourage harsh judgements based just on this chapter. Thank you for reading.
Btw the characters names are Orio Azuru (blue hair) and Midou Renri (blonde hair)
"'I'm sure we'll freak them out just by holding hands.' A boy who doesn't understand his own gender identity, Orio Azuru has fallen in love with the freeest "man" in town, Midou Renri, at least that's how it should've been." -- site description
Orio *narrating*: I'm going to meet him again today. There were no promises made, there's every chance he won't still be there. But still...
A sign that says NO TRESPASSING
Orio: Renri
Orio: Renri....Reeeenri, I'm here.
Orio: OOF *gets the shit smacked out of them*
Renri: Don't 'I'm here' me, asshole. I already told you not to come around here anymore, are you stupid or something? Orio Azuru?
Orio: Wow, you're in a bad mood today! Something happen?
Renri: Do I have to beat it into you again til you remember?
Orio: Oh yeah, I brought you Big Burger as a present!
Orio: Even with you being you, this abandoned building isn't really where you live, right? Haven't you just taken it for yourself since the utilities still work sometimes?
Orio: Well that's why I thought I'd bring you a little something!
Renri: I already told you I don't need shit like this, if you're trying to farm gratitude you're out of luck.
Orio: Aren't you eating right up, though....?
Renri: What the hell is your goal here?
Orio: Goal? No, it's nothing like that.
Orio: Y'know how when you wanna talk with your friends so you walk across the classroom to see them? It's the same thing.
Renri: ....seriously? Look, I dunno much about school but it seems like you just have way too much time on your hands.
Both: Oh
Orio: Nice try!
Orio: Anyways, yeah. Hanging out with you is fun. Is that so wrong?
Orio: Oh, that so!? Even though you're always asleep on that sofa no matter when I show up?
Orio *narrating*: I like him.
Orio *narrating*: That day, I didn't feel like going straight home. But I didn't have anywhere else I'd rather be either. So I ended up turning some unfamiliar corners in my search for a place I could be alone.
Orio *narrating*: It didn't hit me right away what that colorful substance on the ground was. I was totally alone, there wouldn't be help coming. There could be demons or maybe even snakes back there. But I just wanted a distraction, so I figured anything would do.
Orio *narrating*: Those were my thoughts when I opened the door to see a beast most horrible, most fearsome and beautiful.
Orio *narrating*: I'm glad I came here (You shouldn't have come here)
Renri: ----Hellooo? Orio Azuru?
Renri: If you're just gonna sit there and space out then go home already. I wanna take a shower.
Orio: Sorry, sorry! Then how about I tell you about something interesting that happened at school today!
Renri: No I wanted you to leave.
Orio: Ah come on, you don't have to pay attention, think of it like listening to the radio.
Orio *narrating*: He kicked me in the head the moment we met, but it doesn't seem like he actually hates talking to me. He's actually got a much more calm personality than you'd expect, and the more I've bothered him, I've been able to get to know him, little by little.
Orio *narrating*: Like how he's a dropout with no parents, how he's got relatives he doesn't want to go home to so he's repurposed this abandoned apartment, how he made a lot of enemies teasing the local delinquent groups.
Orio *narrating*: How he was injured when we met, and how he got whoever did it back three times over later.
Orio *narrating*: He'd be so cool if he could just be quiet, but he ruins it with that violent and immature nature of his. Even so...
Renri: So, that injury. You get it in a fight?
Orio: No way.
Renri: Ah, ok.
Orio *narrating*: He's also way sharper than you'd expect. He always seems to know what lines not to cross to keep things comfortable. Well...maybe he just doesn't care that much, but-
Orio: If you're done, I'll collect the trash.
Renri: Hey wait, I'm not done yet.
*the flashback starts here*
Classmate: You're kinda weird, huh.
Classmate: If you're joking, it's not funny. So knock it off.
Classmate: What are you even saying, people are gonna think you're gross.
Orio: Sorry, I was joking.
Orio: I'll turn my everything into a joke. So please don't make me out to be the villain.
Orio: What exactly....am I?
*the flashback ends here*
Orio: Ah....
Orio: ....sorry. My hand slipp-
Renri: You didn't get a concussion when you got hit, right? It'd be trouble if you collapsed on the way home.
Orio: Huh, what? Why are you scarier when you're trying to be nice to me!?
Renri: HUH??
Orio: Just kidding!
Orio: ....just kidding.
Orio *narrating*: 'Go home for today,' he said. Makes it sound like there’ll be a tomorrow.
Orio *narrating*: There were no promises made, there's every chance I'll open that door and he'll be gone. When that happens, I guess I'll stop coming here.
Orio *narrating*: Even though thinking that always makes me scared to open the door, for some reason, you're always there.
Orio *narrating*: I do understand. That I can't ask for more than right now. But still, I'll definitely go see him tomorrow too.
Orio *narrating*: I love him. And I'm ok with just that.
Orio: I stayed for a long time today, what time is it? Huh? No way, I left my phone?
Orio: Renri's in the shower? I guess there's no need to knock since we're both guys so.....
Orio *narrating*: I love him. But there was never a "him."
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smoosnoom · 2 years
my dear moon smoosnoom,
u r a poet, u r an artist of the word, u’ll become unstoppable if u stop doubting urself.
i love the way u build tension. in ur works i can feel this thick electrified air. i can't even believe u were never in love bc u can write stuff like that. u r pure talent.
“It doesn’t make him a terrible person. Probably. Hopefully.” it doesn’t my sweet child 🫂
“Will, however, isn’t about to ruin this for himself, even if he feels on fire, for – unrelated reasons.” unrelated. sure.
“this is great, it really is, but breathing is also pretty nice, on occasion.” not when u r kis- [GUNSHOT]
“It’s a little Not Platonic” i cuddled with my friends a lot when i was 16. but i also kissed my friends a lot, so it probably doesn't count.
“He barely resists a shiver.” he's stronger than me because i couldn't resist
“lips brushing against Will’s skin” okay This is definitely not platonic
“Will thinks all the time” can’t relate 😔🙏🏻 my head is empty like 70% of time. it’s just the word love and elevator music out there
“so he’s not – dead, or something” it’s so funny 😭😭😭
“he strokes a thumb into Will’s side, shirt rumpling under the circular motion” and will still haven't shivered?? hes a soldier
it’s started with “Will could – do a lot of things, actually, but he’s sensible and respectable and he’s not thinking about doing anything at all” and when “yeah, I have thought about us kissing several times” and it’s ended with “A lot. I’ve thought about kissing you a lot»
“and it’s now that the bashfulness seems to hit him, when he’s met with Will’s bewildered stare.” it's just such a beautiful phrase im mesmerized
“smarter than he’s given credit for” mike has rocks in his brain, but all the answers r written on those rocks.
“like they often are, but it’s harder to deny it, because there’s nowhere to escape” will is oblivious one 🙏🏻
““I didn’t say that,” he mumbles, face on fire.” - u didn’t have 2 🫡
“Mike’s hand grips onto his arm just a little tighter” okay i didn't say anything the first time, but now i can't be silent. who doesn't want to touch those arms? im not even into buff guys but still
“Will thinks he might die if he never gets to have this again” now me too
““You should kiss me again,” […] “Now, preferably. Immediately.”” - i swear it’s me every time after i read ur fics
u r slowly making tame impala one of my favorite bands. i add every single one of their songs to my playlist.
and “shut up my mums calling” such a great song. ur music taste is as good as ur writing skills.
hmmm midnights. okay. i already mentioned “snow on the beach” but u r also “sweet nothing”. i listened to it a lot when i was writing u a poem :)
atp i don't even know if i should mention that i daily anon. i feel like im ready to reveal my identity just so i don't have to repeat it every time.
i hope u r having a great day whenever you read this (i hope all of ur days r great 🤍)
my lovely daily anon,
u are the sole reason for half my brain melting away in the mornings because How dare u drop this entire thing in my askbox and render me useless . what the Helll
at this point in my life ive stopped questioning how u Know things about me . im assuming i just . mentioned it somewhere sometime ago and u have the memory of an elephant Yes ive never been in love and it is crazy how u know that !!!!
will my insecure stringbean soup 🫶
definitely irrelevant reasons !!!!
oh my god 😭 granted ive also cuddled and kisses my friends (On The Cheek btw .) but i also don't have the best sense for what is platonic or not so Um .
actually this is a great time to mention . how do ppl resists shivers bc i just can't help it It is out of my control yk . how do people have the willpower like that
the word love and elevator music 😭 mine is the jeapordy theme and an empty google doc </3
HELGLRP thank u so much . i wasn't trying to be funny i think . idont remember writing it if we are being 100% real rn
"he still hasn't shivered" 😭😭 i fully laughed oh my god
yeyeys the progression of him admitting his feelings !!! u are the Ideal reader actually im putting u in a glass case and onto my bookshelf . where U belong
imjust imagining a big boulder with the word HOMOSEXUALITY written on it in paint
"u didn't have 2" OHHHMY YOD u get it u get it
HETNTLFF UR SO REA LLL like . im not into Anyone like that but he would make a good stress ball i personally think .
mailing u a smooch rn 😚 using express mail it'll be there in a day ok don't worry
YAYYYYA I CHEERED im so happy u liked the music !!!!! that means the worlddd to me actually it rly rly does !!!!! thank u for even listening to it 🫶🫶
also m3ans the world 2 me bc u also have splendid music taste 🫡 ive liked everything u have shown me so far
sweet nothing ☹️ ill sob ohh my god thank u
my eyes and ears R so wide open it's crazy . what if u revealed ur super duper secret confidential hidden identity that would be ssoooo crazy and wild and im definitely not begging even a little 🙂
also i thinki have a pretty good handle on being able to tell if its u or not . u talk a certain way i think
it's always a good day when i hear from U !!!! i hope the non-university days are treating u well 🤍
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starlightnavis · 2 years
TLDR: if you have watched movies but haven't played persona 3, YOU ABSOLUTELY SHOULD!! specifically fes. portable sacrificed a lot (I really hope they do a remake that combines the two but for now fes is the best way to play it)
I need to dump my thoughts of persona 3's end (of the journey anyway) SO here u are
there WILL be spoilers
honestly if you have watched the movies but haven't played the game, you definitely should!! if you have a way to play fes or can emulate it, I highly recommend it.
anyway, the end of the game hits WAY harder than in the movies, for multiple reasons:
1. the social links. you spend so much time working on social links, and at the end, you can walk around and find those social links. they tell you how it's going for them, how you've helped them, etc (and then there's tanaka lmao) and like, the movies don't do that, for obvious reasons. of course, the movies focus on makoto's bond with SEES so it still hurts, but seeing everyone thank him for his help just makes the death much sadder.
2. the little details!! after ryoji told SEES about the fall and Nyx, flyers started showing up everywhere, and as the battle got closer, they started growing in numbers and more people started talking about the cult. the music also changed (the songs are really damn good btw) and it just felt.... sad. in the playable days in march, everyone says he looks tired, and once you go back to the dorm, the music just... stops, completely, because makoto just wants to go to bed. yes, in the movies, he looks tired, but you don't get the same details you do in the game.
3. ITS JUST FUN. I had a lot of fun. which is also why coming to the end was sad. running around and talking to everyone, all the silly moments, the silly responses (never forget 'groovy'). it's all just very fun. the Nyx battle was SO ANNOYING but SO COOL!!
anyway. even though I knew how the story ended, it still made me sad to actually play through it and with all the little details I just. it was so sad. so damn sad. please play persona 3.
and also listen to the music its really damn good!!
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About me
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Hello everyone! I am Sebastian, and this is my Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage Witch fan blog
Above this text is a picture I drew of Sabrina, I hope you like it
I've noticed there aren't many fans of this show, especially on this site, and if I'm being honest I understand, the show isn't as good as the other Sabrina Teenage Witch shows (at least from what I have heard because I haven't watched any other Sabrina shows).
But I'm also quite surprised by this because Tumblr has also showed love and interest in other media that isn't considered good such as The Lorax (2012), though I guess the Lorax was a lot more popular that this show and definitely made more money
Anyways so I've come to answer some questions that you may have about me and this blog, if you have anymore questions comment them and I'll answer them in another post
Here is the Q&A
Q: why did you start this blog?
A: I want to find other people who are interested in this particular show, and also introduce people to it so we can start our own little fanbase
Q: why do you like this show in particular?
A: this is for many reasons, I remember watching it a lot on Pop as a kid, Pop is this british TV channel that often shows cartoons for kids, it showed a lot of well known shows such as My Little Pony and Pokémon, but it also showed lesser known shows such as Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch. I was about 7 when I first saw it, I think the first episode I saw was the Valentines day episode with all of those evil roses, I wasn't obsessed with the show or anything but I liked it and would gladly watch it if it was on
Then after I grew up and stopped watching TV channels like Pop, I sort of just forgot about SSOATW, I actually did forget about most of the episodes I watched with only a few select scenes lingering in my mind (an example was this scene of Shinji yelling at Sabrina, though since he literally does this in every episode I don't know specifically which episode its from)
That was until a few months ago when I saw an account on TikTok (I'm not exactly the biggest TikTok person btw, I just use it when I'm bored), this account posted songs from TV shows and movies and was basically one of those "nostalgic memories unlocked" type accounts, and one of the videos they had posted was the intro song to SSOATW, I was like "Hey I remember this show!" And I listened to the intro, the intro was surprisingly a tune and I liked it
I searched up the longer version of the intro on YouTube to listen to, and thats when I found that the entire series could be watched for free on YouTube, long story short I decided to watch it and yeah, its not the best thing in the world, and you could blame it on my nostalgia, but I actually enjoyed most of it, I really like the character Shinji, he is so cartoonishly mean to the other characters and is emo, and I'm a bit surprised he hasn't become one of those "Tumblr sexymen"
I also really like the style of the Witch World, yeah certain parts of it look like an old PS1 game, but I love the outfits of the Witch characters and the architecture of the school, and I honestly wish that they showed more of the creatures in the witch world, the only ones that really get much attention are the trolls, who I admit are sometimes funny but I found creatures such as the Ice Giant more interesting
Is the animation good? Nope. Is the writing good? It can vary. Is the story interesting? Sometimes. Are the characters interesting? They can vary. Is the intro song a bop? Hell yes.
So overall I don't really understand why I like Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch so much, considering how mediocre it is (its not as bad as some other shows but still, not on Avatar The Last Airbender type level), but at least I'm having fun! 👍
Q: what will you be posting on this blog?
A: mainly fanart, reviews on certain episodes and the occasional fan fiction, mainly about Shinji because he's my favourite (not that I don't like the other characters too, I just find Shinji to be the most interesting)
Q: who is your favourite character?
A: well you've probably already guessed its Shinji, I just think he's really funny, I wish the show had delved more into his relationship with his mother (who is the main villain of the show) and made him less of a one note bully/rival character, but I guess thats sort of the appeal of him, he's stupid and acts all tough, and while he does have potential in magic his cockiness often gets the better of him
Q: who's your least favourite character?
A: I don't really hate anyone from SSOATW (at least not like soul crushingly hate), but one character I dislike is Jim, he didn't do anything that annoyed me, but thats the thing, he hasn't done anything in the show to make me feel anything! He has zero personality and is just the generic love interest guy, I don't get why Sabrina wants to be with him so badly. According to fans of other Sabrina shows, Harvey is actually Sabrina's love interest in the other shows, I would've liked that better, because yeah, Harvey's a nerd but he's got a personality, and there's nothing wrong with being a nerd!
This is honestly a problem I have with a lot of the other human world characters too, Sabrina's best friend Jesse has more personality than Jim, but there isn't really much we learn about her other than the fact she's Sabrina's best friend and is one of the only humans who knows she's a witch. Sabrina's aunts are quite fun but we don't know much about them either other than they're also witches, they own a bakery and they take care of Sabrina. Amy and Harvey are probably the more interesting characters in the human world, with Amy yeah she's the stereotypical mean girl and can be annoying at times, but at least she has personality and actually makes me laugh sometimes
Q: how do you think the show could've been improved?
A: there are many aspects in which the show could've been improved. One is the animation, but I'm not a master in animation so I don't exactly know how they could've improved it. Meanwhile I do know how to write and I have been writing stories since I was a toddler. First of all we need to make the human worlds characters more interesting, either give Jim an actual personality (maybe he's really shy, or he acts over confident to cover up the fact he is shy, or he's friends with Harvey because he's also a nerd and shares his nerdy interests) or get rid of Jim and make Harvey the love interest.
With Jesse, we could hear more about her interests, in the episode with the ice giant she directed the school play, maybe we could show more about her interest in theatre, maybe she aspires to write theatrical productions when she grows up. With Amy we could make her a bit more like Cleo from Monster High (at least in G1), still one of popular diva girls and has a bit of an attitude but still cares about her friends, she partook in the school play Jesse directed, maybe she and Jesse are also quite good friends because Amy aspires to be an actress when she grows up which connects to Jesse's interests in theatre.
When it comes to Sabrina's aunts we could learn more about their backstories before Sabrina was born, we could learn about their lives in the Witch World, maybe one of them used to be terrible at magic and was bullied about it, maybe one of them was very good at magic and was at the top of every class but because of this more pressure was put on them and they were met by jealousy from their peers.
In the witch world we don't have as much problems when it comes to the characters not being interesting, but there are still things we can take a look at. For example in the ice giant episode we learn that Sabrina and Ambrose are cousins, I wish the show had delved deeper into their relationship, and maybe Sabrina's relationship with her other aunt and uncle (wait, does Sabrina have many aunts or maybe Zelda or Hilda is secretly Ambrose's mom? I doubt it but its an interesting concept)
We also learn that Ambrose sort of has issues with his parents seeing as they sort of traumatized him as a child when they threatened to feed him to the ice giant when he didn't eat his food, these issues with his parents are never brought up again
Speaking of parents, like I mentioned before I wish we learned about Shinji's relationship with his mother Enchantra more, yeah we know he's a mommas boy and despite claiming to be his "Own Warlock" he follows nearly everything she says a lot of the time, we also see she doesn't really treat him that nicely which maybe lead to the psychological issues that causes him to literally belittle everyone around for no reason other than to feel superior, maybe this is his way of coping with his mom always asserting her superiority over him.
In the episode chariots of fear Shinji actually learns to work with Sabrina during the 10,000 steps trial Enchantra sends them on, yeah he bickers with her during it but it was cool to see them work together and it could've led to him getting some character development, and I also wish we could've seen more of his opinions on his mom wanting him and Sabrina to get married despite the fact they don't like each other
Lets talk Zanda and Wanda, I think they're twin sisters? I'm not entirely sure, they might be twins but they could also be best friends who happen to have similar names. I wish they had gotten more fleshed out characters, they seem to be one of those "opposites attract" type of friendship, seeing as Zanda is red, tomboyish and more wild while Wanda is blue, feminine and more chill, and I like that sort of thing. I wish we could've seen how their differences affect their friendship and how they manage to get along so well despite being so different, but hey its not like they're as bad as the human world characters.
Veralupa I think is one of the better witch world characters alongside Ambrose and Shinji, she's half witch half werewolf and I think she's very charming! I like how she and Sabrina have a special bond because they seem to be the only 2 half witches in school, she's funny, kindhearted and has a quick temper, she's definitely in my top 5 favourites. My only problem is that I wish we could hear about her struggles of being half werewolf half witch, maybe the witch side and werewolf sides of her family don't get along and she's sort of stuck in the middle because of that. But like Zanda and Wanda, she's 100% not as bad as some of the human world characters
I think Enchantra is an entertaining villain but I wish they could've explained her motive better, like how does Shinji and Sabrina getting married make it so she can combine their powers and steal it from them? How does she even know that them getting married will do this?
Finally it comes to Sabrina, I like Sabrina, I think her being half witch half human is interesting, I like seeing her relationships with the other characters, I think her voice actress does quite a good job and I think her design (both in her human clothes and witch clothes) is adorable. But I wish she was given more flaws, it seems like Sabrina is absolutely perfect in both worlds. In the Witch World she's top of her classes in magic, everyone at Witch school is her friend (except Shinji, but that doesn't really count because no one at Witch school really likes Shinji), she's always able to escape any and all dangers without any lasting consequences, in the Human world everyone also wants to be her friend (even the mean girl rival/frenemy Amy is her friend in a way and isn't as mean to her as Shinji), she doesn't seem to do bad at Human school, her Aunts take good care of her, she lives in a cool bakery, the guy she likes probably likes her back, she rides a cool pink scooter, and everything always seems to go her way
Its not like Sabrina is insufferable or anything because like I said before I like Sabrina, but I wish she was given more flaws than just "being clumsy and awkward". Many people would probably describe her as a Mary Sue type character. The show often describes that Sabrina struggles with being half human half witch, but thats only really brought up in one episode where Sabrina expresses frustration of having to go to multiple hours of Witch school and then another multiple hours of Human school which would obviously leave her exhausted, but like Ambrose's parent issues, this is never brought up again. I wish we could see how Sabrina is frustrated feeling like she can never spend time on herself or her hobbies because by the time she's finished with Witch and and Human school at the end of the day she's too tired to do anything but sleep, making her feel like she doesn't have any real purpose, but no the show sort of just glosses over this
One last thing I'd like to comment on about the show is the magic. I get it, its just a kids show and not many kids really think about the magic system when watching a show about witches and warlocks, but the magic system in this show makes zero sense. Its the type of magic thats only acknowledged when its convenient, and then in a later episode when that same type of magic could be useful in a situation its completely ignored! I also wish that there were different types of magic that the characters could succeed and struggle with (for example maybe Sabrina could be excellent with wand magic but is absolutely terrible at spoken spells)
Q: who are you as a person
A: hi I am Sebastian, I am good at art, writing and other such things. I have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I love Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage Witch, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Gorillaz, Minecraft, Sonic The Hedgehog, Monster High and Resident Evil (Though obviously I will mainly post about Sabrina). I love goth, emo and scene kid fashion and music (I often draw this type of style too). My favourite Holiday is Halloween. I am from England (yeah the place where we drink tea and eat crumpets and stuff 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧☕☕☕☕). And my favourite colour is green
Q: are you a boy or girl?
A: I am a boy, I know my name Sebastian is primarily a male name but people have gotten confused about my gender before (I assume this is because I present more feminine interests) so I want to make it clear I am male
Q: how old are you?
A: I'm not comfortable sharing my age but when it comes to people interacting with my blog I'd say its not completely inappropriate for kids, but not exactly for little little kids, I do swear sometimes and on very rare occasions talk about inappropriate subjects (though I never go into graphic details or post anything surrounding these subjects entirely)
So yeah, that's about everything I can think of, if you decide to stick around I hope you enjoy! And if you don't thats fine, I hope you have a nice day
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 4 months
The silly new series: Earworms on a plane
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An announcement to my unfortunate followers! To change it up a bit from always posting about my latest hyperfixation, the tv show 9-1-1, I'll start a new series of posts. (No worries anyone who followed me to see my unhinged 9-1-1 posts! I'll still post that stuff, too. You can't make me stop.) Anyway. I figured, I love music, I am ancient compared to many of you, I am from Finland, my taste in music reflects my ADHD brain (= it's quite random) ... So I feel like it would be fun to share my favorite music with you all! I'll tag and call these song recs Earworms on a plane... Because in my private inner world, the 'earworms' are more like snakes. They're intense. Often I can't hear myself over their hissing.
The reason why I want to share this stuff with you is that so much of the music, of what I love, and find inspiring... is something many of you may never have even heard. So I'd like to educate you all 😉, you know, to fight this common mindset that the Swifts of this world, the super popular artists, are all there is, and that music has "best before" dates. No, there's so much cool stuff in the world of music, and modern pop in english is just the surface ☝️🧐 Hear the roar of this dinosaur 🦖!
So I'll try to focus on reccing the music that I feel is these days forgotten, undiscovered, not that mainstream... You know, the stuff which is likely to slip the spotlights, or maybe already had it's moment, and is now kinda lost. Maybe because it's just too quirky, or old, or foreign or rough to be mainstream. Yep, I'll try to rec some awkward stuff, too. There may not be any autotune 😳 You get the gist. The idea is provide variety, to inspire curiosity, and hopefully... discovery!
I may translate some of it, if it's in finnish - but not always, because I'm lazy and also... because I'm a firm believer in the idea that the language of music is universal. Sometimes it's fun and interesting to not understand the lyrics! Really, trust me if you haven't already explored foreign music - there's a strange magic to be found in listening to music in a language which is totally incomprehensible to you.
And some of the songs I like and share may already be outrageously popular, maybe you're already tired of the stuff, we'll see! I may just share it because I'm hypnotized by it, too. I don't like setting too many limits on myself, so who knows where all of this goes.
My goal, btw, is to rec one random song daily. I don't know what you guys like, who knows, you may not like any of these song recs! But I hope you're curious anyway and check them out, even if it's to promptly cringe away. Let's get started. The song I've been listening to a lot lately has been this song, so I'll just share it.
CMX - Sivu paholaisen päiväkirjasta
The reason why I adore this song... is that it sounds dangerous and that tickles my brain! How cool is that mood! The title of the song, Sivu Paholaisen Päiväkirjasta, translated from finnish, is "A page out of the Devil's diary" and I feel like this really fits the mood of this song rec series 😉 After all, I want to seduce you guys, to check out something new, alien, sometimes maybe even a bit scary! 🤪 So here be dragons!
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thegirlsgirlsstuff · 4 months
I tapped on your window on your darkest night The shape of you was jagged and weak There was nowhere for me to stay But I stayed anyway
okay so even the comment section is perfect for this song like you could spend days in that section but, i read one that said
look how taylor says she tapped on the window, it couldve been knocked on the door, but no she went with tapped on th window, and w all know nothing taylor does is just a coincidence, so this person's theory was that she knew what she was getting herself into, when we knock on a door we have no idea on whats on the other side of the door, but when she tapped on a window she knew exactly what was going on n she decided to go in anyway and i just love that you know, like these little things are what make taylor swift taylor swift
And if I would've known How many pieces you had crumbled into I might've let them lay
And if I would've known How sharp the pieces were you'd crumbled into I might've let them lay
so th first para is in the starting of the song, implying she never knew how long the process of fixing actually was going to be and the second para is at the end of the song, saying she never realised how painful that process was going to be, mind blowing right??? There's more.
You fire off missiles 'cause you hate yourself But do you know you're demolishing me? And then you squeeze my hand as I'm about to leave
Is it insensitive for me to say Get your shit together? So I can love you Is it really your anxiety That stops you from giving me everything? Or do you just not want to?
look, again someone said in the comments section (thats comment section is bomb btw, its like 100s of literary students have convened and are dissecting th song and giving their opinions on it, its really beautiful imo) that this song could be our one half-broken, battered and tired self saying these exact lines to our other, want to be better but cannot because of so many excuses and doesnt it make perfect sense?
so this song can be about two people being in a relationship but it can also be about us, trying to be better but failing and it still makes perfect sense.
I used to always be super confused when someone asked which ts song to first listen to but now i am damn sure that it *has* to be renegade, even tho it is a collab, i think its the most lyrical song by taylor and aaron dessner and justin vernon.
anyway, that is it, it became much longer than i originally intended it to be, but i really really really like renegade, do listen to it if you haven't already!
love you always byee
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dianight · 1 year
Today I got asked about my "touhou playlist" (which is more like 15~ different ones, but anyway). It was the Shibayan Records one, although they don't have all their stuff on their youtube channel.
I was explaining how I first heard of them on a bloodborne pvp video from years ago and I found it pretty quickly since I remember the title, but like the main point is that I realized that I haven't really used youtube in months.
Like occasionally I'll click on links or just answer questions on my videos but not really check youtube as I used to do a while ago.
Made some posts about it in april/may/june, maybe more but you know how reliable tumblr search is, about how unmanageable it was becoming.
Like it used to be a thing that you click not recommended on a channel or a video and you'd never see that channel again and you'd barely see any videos related to the one you marked. But now I'll get the same videos or extremely similar ones all the time, and no amount of clicking not interested or hide channel or watching other types of video (to be fair I haven't bothered to try in months, but I did try for a little too long) will make it any better.
If I go to youtube dot com, out of 50 videos (or things I can click on, rather) we get:
9 Vtuber clips
6 Video game OST
10 Touhou music videos
4 Souls related videos
5 Playlists with random songs
3 Touhou animations
1 Blue Archive video
7 Vtuber VODs
1 Video game "essay" (despective)
1 Madoka video
3 Video game funny video
And it's interesting because looking at it on list form it might look fine but many of those videos I'd simply click not interested and move on, and over time I'd get less of them and the ones I'd get would be more relevant.
To elaborate, in order: Out of those 9 vtuber clips, I only watch clips/streams of 1 of them. I know hololive tends to have that effect where you constantly get recommended stuff with others that you don't watch, but I used to get Marine/Kanata/Towa-sama videos almost exclusively and when I got others I'd click not recommended. At some point it straight up stopped working.
Out of 6 video games OSTs, 2 of them are from some time 1+ year ago, 2 of them I've clicked before on not interested and the other 2 are a limbus video (4-48 OST) and the other is on one of my playlists. Which should be enough to NOT put it there, because I've already watched it and it feels like a random "we know you watch this" kind of thing.
Btw I use an extention that hides a lot of shit I don't want to see.
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And I still get some of them somehow.
Out of 10 touhou music videos, only 3 of them are ones I'd listen to (because I've done so before, they are in one of my playlists (!!!)). The others are genres that I don't like as much so once again I'd click not recommended and still get them. It used to be a way to find new groups or new songs digging through the related videos, you can't really do that anymore.
Out of 4 souls related videos, two of them are Zullie videos despite not having watched her in a long time, even showing me one for armored core (not interested at all) and the other two are speedrun related, so very ambivalent. I've definitely tried to hide those kind of videos before but I used to link some of them to teach certain things, so I don't know.
The playlists are infuriating, because they are randomly generated. It'll be 15 touhou songs in a row and suddenly you get a random song that you listened to 3 years ago. And they are meant to not show up.
The touhou animations are also annoying because I'd rather not see them, like either I've seen them at some point in the past 10 years or they are from last week with 12 views and it's like. Fuck yourself youtube, just throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks.
Blue archive shit I'd rather not see, always clicked on not interested/don't recommend. [Relevant for later]
Out of 7 vtuber VODs, only 1 of them is relevant (Selen starting in a few minutes). Even if I don't watch these days, it'd make sense to get that recommendation. The other six are from one I've never watched, and streams from anytime from yesterday all the way up to two years ago (¿). Once again throwing shit and see what sticks.
Random 2 hours and a half video about Outer Wilds. Fantastic game, irrelevant to this post. [Relevant for later]
Madoka video from last time I search for the full ending song. Okay.
3 funny videos from people who I've watched in the past few years.
If I refresh the page it'll be like 45 different videos and 5 of the previous ones. And no matter if I click not interested in most of them, I still get the same shit.
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"Tell us why"
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So so very useful.
I can click not interested, refresh the page and get videos from the same channel. Do it again and again. Took 7 videos until I got no Zullie videos. It should take 1, 2 at most if it's from another game.
And the more videos you click not interested on, the more random videos youtube will try to squeeze in. If I see an unrelated video from the past 2 weeks, you can be almost certain that it's just a wild guess to see if you click on it.
AND every so often, youtube will add videos from [white youtube that spawned under a rock with millions of followers] or random "themes" that appear to be popular at the moment. There was a period of time where, having never watched a single blue archive video, I could not fucking stop getting them recommended. Same shit with Oshi no Ko related videos, like I'm even reading the manga, but that kind of thing pissed me off because I am 100%, unequivocally not interested and YET!!! I kept getting the same video for like several weeks.
Anyway. My youtube shortcut is my own channel for management reasons, but I don't think I'll ever use youtube as I used to. It's not even fun, or like entertaining anymore. Too much work.
Hope it dies soon.
0 notes
Hi! Can I request a matchup? I can make mistakes while writing and sorry for that, English is not my first language 🥲
Im 18 years old, my zodiac sign is Scorpio, rising is Aries and moon sign is Leo.
I'm an INTP.
As my characteristic; I'm funny, I don't like to stay cold unless the situation needs it.
I am a problem solver, my friends always asks for my opinions if they can't decide.
I really like to learn literally anything and everything but I love history and art especially.
My hobbies are drawing, visiting museums and art galleries, shopping and reading.
Still I'm a bit lazy and a procrastinator. I always deliver my tasks at the last minute.
I'm so creative, I can say that it's a bit too much. My brain doesn't stop for a second even 🤣
I'm calm under the pressure, I always think logically but I don't forget about my feelings. I think I have a good balance about it.
As my bad traits, I'm a bit weird. I don't think it's bad actually but still it's not good either. I like to search the weirdest infos,songs, books etc.
I can lose my temper a little too quickly but I am not vocal about it, I dont like to make noises while I'm angry, sad or overly happy.
But when I have someone I cherish -which is pretty rare- I can make them feel like they are the most important person of the world. I can't say it to their faces but I am comfortable while texting or when I don't look at their eyes directly. Nobody gets bored around me because I have interest for nearly everything and I'm okay with any suggestion they will come with.
I don't like to talk about my problems but I am a good listener. I don't listen only but can help them to find the solution as well.
I guess that will be last, I'm not a jealous person and I like to give my all courage to them when I feel like they need it.
Thanks for accepting ❤️ if you don't, it's not a problem. Have a nice day
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.7K
A/n: Tysm honey, and here you go :>
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I match you with...
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Ryuunosuke Akutagawa!
So the main reason I matched you with him was because you have the same interests and likes (It's not like other characters don't enjoy it, but it's not as mush as Akutagawa does). Akutagawa is really into art (any type of it, but mostly drawing since he's a pro at it), so he would definitely enjoy going to art galleries, like you do. Sure, he's more comfortable with spending time with his s/o at home, but I can definitely see him going to museums, art galleries and book stores. BTW you have my respect if you get him to go shopping with you lol. He will be really helpful tho, you know what I mean if you've watched BSD Wan; and if you haven't? Well, I assure you, you won't be having any trouble carrying all the bags. Rashoumoun will take care of it.
Akutagawa needs encouragement, A LOT. The man has literally Zero confidence and self steam due to abandonment issues (All Dazai's fault tbh) so it would mean a lot and also really helpful if you encourage him over doing stuff. I mean he cares about your opinion a lot cause you and Gin are the most important people to him; so it would definitely make him feel better.
Becoming his s/o takes a lot of effort. Akutagawa has his guard on, and even won't open up to his sister about some stuff; so he needs someone who he can interact with without having to worry about them telling others or thinking lowly of them. It would take you a lot of time to reach that level where he trusts you enough to show his feelings toward you. I mean it will take him a long time to even realize them and accept them... Overall, patience is the key.
I think he would ask your opinion about almost anything since you don't seem to mind it and as I said before, you and your opinion are important to him. He just wants everything- especially himself- to be perfect in your eyes; so your opinion matters to him more than you think.
Please assure him that he's perfect the way he is and doesn't need to change anything :")
If he ever talked to you about Dazai... Just know that the man trusts you with his life. literally. Ooh and never bring Dazai up unless he really wants to talk about it. It reminds him all his insecurities.
Akutagawa is not one to talk much tbh. Even if he's that comfortable around you. His love language is Acts of service and he tries to show your value to him by doing meaningful things.
It would be nice to hear you adore him though, the man would furiously blush while having butterflies in his stomach when hearing you saying how much he means to you or how much deeply you're in love with him. Doesn't matter if you do it over text or without making eye contact, But if you do it while looking into his eyes, The man would melt.
Do I need to say that this man literally memorizes everything you say. Even the most random things or the things that you've only said once is always on his mind.
You seem like you can get along with a lot of people, and it would mean a lot to him if Gin is considered as those people as well <3 Gin is his most important. You two dating will never happen if you have any problem with Gin or the other way around. Don't worry tho, she's a sweetheart, and so are you :)
You can make your partner feel like he's the most important in the world? Please do it to him. The man needs it so much ngl.
He wouldn't think you're weird, or he will find it adorable if he does. I mean he's weird in a way himself lol.
Him closing his eyes when feeling your fingers gently caressing his cheeks while he's the little spoon which is really, really rare cause he thinks you'd think of him as weak when you have to take care of him; but he didn't argue with you about it that day cuz ROUGH DAY AT WORK-
tysm for participating, and hope you like it <3
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
tagged by @howdydowdy (thankss!!! <3)
fave colour: green
currently reading: don't actually have a currently reading so I'm gonna do 'last book' instead lol: persuasion by jane austen! I started it at the beginning of the year, stopped reading it, and then picked it back up a few weeks ago pfft... really enjoyed it though!
last song: according to spotify it was moonlight by seohyun lol though over the last couple days I've mostly been listening to muse's new album lol
last series: I think it was stranger things season 4 vol 2??? I honestly haven't watched a lot of series recently, mainly been watching films... speaking of films...
last movie: see how they run (watched it at my local cinema a few days ago) it was alright, definitely not as a good as the trailer suggested but still fun nonetheless lol
currently working on: in terms of art I'm still desperately trying to piece together a big artwork reflecting the last 2 years of my life but... I'm struggling lol (which feels strangely fitting given that has been my perpetual mood for the 2 years pfft...) in terms of writing though I'm still working on my gay fantasy story, and also trying to think of a cool premise for a short horror story??? idk, I feel like simultaneously my brain has too much and too little in it all at once pfft...
share 10 different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people 🎥🎬📺
• merlin (from merlin)
• jim jimenez (from our flag means death)
• meng yao (from the untamed)
• martha jones (from doctor who)
• castiel (from supernatural)
• yusuf al-kaysani (from the old guard)
• anne elliot (from persuasion (the BOOK VERSION!!))
• nadia vulvokov (from russian doll)
• porsche pachara kittisawat (from kinnporsche)
• robin buckley (from stranger things)
tagging (yes I'm actually tagging people whaaaat????)
@abnerskrill @zelvuska @sylvasa @dollopheadsandclotpoles @micamicster @asimplestrawberry @reddoll123 @platypusplayhere @all-or-nothing-baby @snackles-and-plaidalecki (no pressure to do this btw lol also anyone I haven't tagged, feel free to do this if you see it & just say I tagged you lol...)
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poltoreveur · 3 years
Save Your Tears
Pairing : James Potter x Reader
Summary : James couldn't able to make up his mind whether or not he wants to stay or to run away from the entire relationship. You made the conscious decision to ended it all.
Warning : Angst, Swearing/Cursing, Underage Drinking.
Words count : 2,7k+
A/N : I've been listening to the weeknd all week and I got an idea while listening to this song. Btw, this is actually the THIRD time I tried rewriting this fic, I hate tumblr for not saving. Not read proof. After the second time, I got upset and just winged it.
The gif is mine.
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The party was packed with students, all from each of the houses.
They were all laughing and having a great time with one another. Everybody certainly had their own thing and another to talk to ━ some were flirting and others were trying to make small talk with, but then there was James.
He noticed his friends had already have their own company and left the party moments ago.
It left him by himself but it wasn't like it was the first time, that it had ever happened.
James couldn't really remember what they were there for.
It was not like they had a quidditch game, that wouldn't explain the fact that everybody was practically there.
As his thoughts led him nowhere, instead he let his loneliness take charge and whisk him away to the bar, as he finally gotten himself a drink for the first time that night.
But then, he just stood there - with nobody but a cup full of firewhisky in his hand. Despite the drink being the thing he absolutely love, it seem like it couldn't save him this time. Even with his reputation as a drinker, he only had a sip of his drink so far.
As much as he couldn't refuse not going to a party this massive, he still couldn't bring himself to enjoy it.
He didn't wanted to be there.
His enthusiasm already left him body ages ago.
It was replaced with the feeling of heat as he felt his body tensing up. It all came rushing to him when he couldn't find anything else to stare at but you.
I saw you dancing in a crowded room. You look so happy when I'm not with you.
He kept on eyeing you from across the room.
You had came in to the party with your friends, having the time of your life, laughing and joking since the moment you entered the room.
It was the first time he saw you enjoying yourself in quite a while.
Your attention was so easily distracted that you failed to notice his fiery gaze on your back, watching your every movement.
You felt your body suddenly colliding with another on someone's back, you smiled once they turned around to see the seventh grade student that you've been talking to recently.
You've known him for quite a few weeks, when the two of you had ran into each other during one of his study sessions in the library.
He wasn't that terrible looking if you had to admit to yourself, and he certainly was a decent guy at first glance.
And as the time goes, the two of you started hanging around each other much more often.
You didn't really thought of much of the relationship you had with him until there were days he started to flirt with you.
And you couldn't deny it, you absolutely love the attention he was giving in to you. And at times, you would flirt back to him, trying to tease him a little.
As you noticed that your friends had paired up with some of his, you felt his hands reached down to your waist. You didn't mind it as you surely enjoyed it and lean your body back against his.
In a way, you knew that he wasn't really that interested in you. Your mind slowly realize that he probably had some other intentions than just dancing. And you were quickly proven right as you felt his hand slither down your sides again.
Though, you didn't like the idea of being taken advantage of, you certainly didn't objected to the idea of having sex with him for the night.
You let your mind take charge of your body rather than your conscious and it quickly turn heated when you felt him kissing your neck up his way to your jaw.
You couldn't deny it, you were certainly enjoying it.
As you turned around to face him and hooking your arms around his shoulder, you finally saw the eyes that was staring at you from the moment you walked into the party.
But then you saw me, caught you by surprise.
His gaze was still fixated on you, even when you already caught him red handed.
But then you soon came to realize, that you haven't seen his face this clearly for a long time.
It had been a while, it seem like you had almost forgotten how he looked like.
With all your attention suddenly averted to him, from where he had stand, the light from the room slowly showed the broad of his facial structure.
You hadn't realized how much you really do enjoy looking at him.
From where you were standing, the light had seem to bring out of his features than you had noticeably ignored before.
His face was lit only by the beam of light circular in the room. With that, you could see that he was building himself a sharper jawline than before and his face was becoming more structured somehow.
You started to wonder if it had anything to do with the two of you or you really couldn't care less to pay attention even back then at the time you were together.
Ever since the two of you parted in your own ways, you tried your best trying to avoid him at all cost.
Finding the longest way possible to get to class. Making yourself the last person to enter and first person to leave.
Even went out of your way by pushing those people who are ever close with him and avoiding the same crowd altogether.
During the time, you felt more like yourself, having your own crowd and being associated by who you are and not just James Potter's girlfriend.
Cutting off the people that surrounds him was quite easy and relieving to say the least. But his friends, couldn't stand the idea ━ mostly, Remus.
He had kept on insisting and trying to get the two of you back by saying how the we should 'sit down and have a nice conversation together.' Which you had replied by laughing in his face and promptly walking away.
But here you are again.
Finally looking at him, after weeks has passed that you seem to forgotten how his eyes may even look, you didn't know if it was from rage, the heat of the room or looking at you with someone else.
A single teardrop falling from your eye.
"You alright?"
If it wasn't for the boy to speak up, interrupting your thoughts ━ you wouldn't have even noticed the tear that was already rolling down onto your cheeks.
"Oh, yeah, 'm alright."
You look back at him, he was gripping his drink as tight as he can but his face showed a different type of emotions.
It was desperation.
You didn't know from where, and you certainly didn't stop to think if you had cause it because, how could you.
"I need to go for a moment, if you don't mind."
You excuse yourself from the senior you were dancing with, which in that moment, you didn't want to admit that his name got washed away in your mind.
I don't know why I run away.
The breakup wasn't entirely your decisions.
Though it was you who ended things off, it still wasn't your full decision to do so.
And now anger.
Anger was filling up your body from the thought of your relationship with James.
You started to think back to the night of the break up. How much there were lots of screaming and fighting, but funny was that it wasn't from your part.
You were absolutely baffled and disgusted on how you have learned to love someone as a monster like him in this world.
Not even back then you would give a thought to slap him or shout at him or even hit him no matter what anger you were building up.
But this time, you wanted to scream.
You wanted to shout at his face.
Screaming in the top of your lungs and asked him, how. How could he made you feel like that.
To make you feel as if being with you as a struggle, a problem between the choice to stay or just to end the entire relationship off.
But you knew since the moment he told you, that whatever comes next, it wasn't even your choice.
You could've asked me why I broke your heart. You could've told me that you fell apart.
That night, he kept on pushing you, edging you, trying to make you think that he wasn't there to stay. He wasn't gonna be there.
From his choices, from the moment he started to push his ways with you ━ everything that you did that night, is because it was everything he wanted to do but couldn't bring himself to do so.
But that night, it wasn't the only thing that was already handled off without you.
The thing you felt most absolutely disgusted from him was his reaction. It was the only you didn't hope for and the thing that you didn't expected from his was, relived.
The emotion plastered across his face and if someone could truly die out of a broken heart, yours was that moment right there.
You couldn't even stop to question him.
You couldn't bring yourself to ask him, why.
Because even though that question was drumming in your head, that question was already long answered when he is going back and forth between his two options.
To stay or to leave.
Funny how it was the only thing that was running through his mind during the relationship.
You couldn't stay.
Not in the relationship, not at the party.
But you walked past me like I wasn't there. And just pretended like you didn't care.
You knew this awful painful night had to end.
You couldn't stand there with the thought of hurting and breaking in your head while he was glaring at you from across the room.
The tear was already dried up from the moment you started reminiscing back to what you were.
It was quite a while before your body could function properly without breaking down in the near sight of him.
You needed to leave.
Your throat had felt so much more drier than before you were quickly hit with the wave of emotions.
But you held it against yourself.
You told yourself that you couldn't bring yourself to do so, not after the damage he had caused you.
As you tried walking pass him, trying to get to the nearest exit, something stopped you from doing so.
You heard his voice called out over the loud sound of the room, the first word you heard from ever since, as you tried quickly walk pass him.
Take me back 'cause I wanna stay.
The question 'why' started going through your mind again. And come to think of it, you knew it was stupid for you to question why he did it.
No matter how and technicality that it was you who broke it off, but it was his conscious idea to make you drive away and leave him.
You still wanted to scream at him.
Out of everything, he made you an option.
Even in the relationship you were almost disposable, easily abandoned in his eyes.
You kept on walking, ignoring his calls for you but of course, your terms of avoidance had to stop sooner or later.
"Fucking Merlin, would you please just stop already."
You didn't, you still kept your pace as you walk pass him and was heading for the door.
"I swear to- fuck. Won't you just stop it?"
"I did, James. I stop it."
"I stop the relationship that you were so confused to even continue or keep fighting for."
You too tired for another argument.
Seeing him tonight was already draining your energy.
But not for James, he surprisingly stunned.
He had never seen you with such anger, even in the relationship or with other people, you never let yourself to implode and scream at them, no matter what mistake they did you wrong.
But every person has their limit. And James coherently proved yours.
"Fucking hell, just- please, just listen."
"What do you want? Wasn't driving me away enough? Do you want me to feel bad as well for your sorrows?"
Her words really did pain him.
But in a way, he knew he deserves it ━ after everything he had made go through.
"But can we just-"
"Fuck James, I don't want to talk about it."
His lips slowly connect with each other again, sealing himself from saying another word.
He let go of your arm that he didn't even knew he was clenching on to and slowly let his hand down.
"You can't do this to me."
She stated as she slowly turn her body to face him.
"You can't make me feel like this and just come running back for me, that's not how this works."
His thoughts of what he wanted to say to you, quickly vanishes from his mind.
The pain.
Is this what you have felt back then?
Forcing you to do something that he could've done on his own but didn't have the guts do it himself.
He was stringing you along the relationship ━ dragging you to this long, unwanted emotional battle with his demons.
He kept on pushing the better part of the relationship, making you think that he would've always stay.
But there was a point where he didn't think that he deserves you. It built up a conscious in him, saying to leave, even though he wants to stay.
I said some things that I should never say. I broke your heart like someone did to mine.
"I can't stand it, and I don't want to listen."
"Why James, why? Couldn't you at-least give me a reason why? It's the best you can do after driving me to absolute madness these few weeks."
"You know the answer, please don't make me say it."
"I want to hear it ━ say it to me."
"I can't-"
"James Fleamont Potter, you fucking say it right now or, or."
You sigh, you know you can't stand this. You couldn't do this anymore. The argument was getting old and the fights now have nothing to meet its goal.
"We need to break up."
And now you won't love me for a second time.
I realize that I'm much too late and you deserve someone better.
"Don't make me do this the second time, please."
You plead as you stare at him.
As he reach back to his conscious, he could see the tears those were starting to form in your eyes.
Though it pains him to see you sad, your eyes were remarkably beautiful with the gloss of tears over it.
"I can't-"
He started, trying to find the ways to stop you from leaving like the first time but he only could mumbled and trip over his own words and he started to get angry at himself this time.
"I can't- I, I- this isn't fair! You can't! Tell you wouldn't do this, please don't, I-"
You voice sounded softer as you called out to his name and brush your hand on his shoulder.
He look back at you, seeing that the gloss in your eyes have fallen down from your cheeks all the way to the bottom of your jaw.
Save your tears for another day.
He couldn't stand seeing you like this.
'No, no, no.'
As his hand tried to reach for your face, you reluctantly move away and stop him from doing so.
He didn't want you to cry.
All the things that had happen for the last few minutes had been even more harder for him than it has for the last few weeks.
He knew he still loved you a lot, and maybe in a different, you still love him as well.
As you lowered his hand down, pushing it away, you gave him a weak smile before promptly leaving the room.
Even if he did drove you to it, James feels regret for breaking your heart.
When he realizes he made a grave mistake by letting her go, he tried attempting to rekindle the relationship you both once had but there was never a perfect time to do so.
Now, seeing that you're no longer interested in a relationship with him, really broke him.
It wasn't like you weren't hurting either, but it pains him the most that he will never get a chance to find someone who loves him like you did.
Furiously, he finally gulped down the drink he was holding for the past hour.
It burns his throat as he drank it with anger and smashes the glass onto the wall, causing everybody to look over at his direction.
He wishes that you walk back into the room and leap into his arms again like you use to.
But he knew he couldn't wait for something to happen, the universe just doesn't work like that.
Now, it was already way too late.
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em-writes-posts · 3 years
Can u do karl Jacobs fluff were he feels bad that he hasn't been spending enough time w his girlfriend so he plans a cute date and just spoils her
Oh. My. God This is sooooo cute OMG!
This is my first time doing a story that isn't my idea so if get a little excited/carried away with this I am sorry lol anyway here You go and I hope you enjoy! (THANKYOU FOR FOLLOWING IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME THXS💛)
Go look at my description post to see what I write and who I write for thankyou!!!💙💙💙
☆the song reminds me off this and if the song ends by the time your done listen to this one I highly recommend☆
Your P.O.V
I was downstairs scrolling through Instagram, liking all my friends photos and looking at them with their boyfriends/girlfriends seeing them spending time with them, having fun and just overall getting what I wasn't from my boyfriend.
Me and Karl have been in a relationship for around a 2 years now. He is so kind, caring, sweet and soooo hard working. At the start or our relationship he couldn't get enough of me, he was following me about everywhere and giving hugs and kisses every 0.5 seconds WHICH I LOVE BTW but rn I miss him every 0.5 seconds. I just miss him.
"KARLLLL!!!" I shouted upstairs to him,
No answer...
"KARLLLLLL!!!!" I shouted even louder this time.
Still no fricken answer....
I gave up and just went upstairs and see him myself.
I walked up the stairs and I could here him on his computer at the end of the hall. So I walked up to his door and knocked gently
"Karl?" I said loud enough so he could hear me with his headset on.
"Yea?" He said through his door.
"Can I come in?" I said.
"Ehhhh.... ONE SECOND!" He shouted through the door.
You heard a loud bang and you were about to ask him if he was ok but then the door swung open.
He looked at you and said he said, 'what?'
'I've been calling your name like 500 times, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me?' You said happily.
'Emmm... I can't really I have quite a but of stuff yo finish up on Y/N. And then I have to do something away from that but I'll do it tomorrow yeah?'
Then you snapped...
'WHOA Y/N WHAT IS ALL THIS SHOUTING FOR? PLEASE... Don't shout at me your scaring me..."
'... look in sorry for snapping but I came here to talk to you about us and if you wanted to watch a mov-'
'wait.... what do you mean talk about us?' He said looking worried.
'I just think we hav-'
'Haven't been spending enough time with each other,' he said looking to the ground 'I am making it up to you now I was planning on taking you to y/f/r (your/favourite/restaurant) but this happened...'
You stared at him with tears in your eyes and you hadn't noticed he was all dressed up and looking incredibly cute may I add. I feel really bad.
'OMG KARL- FUCK- I'M SUCH AN IDIOT- I'M REALLY SORRY-' He cut me off with a hug...
'I should be the one who's sorry y/n/n I really haven't been paying attention to you lately I'm so sorry...' he said trailing off.
'Look, you go get ready and I will spoil you for the rest of the day-'
Karl I really don't deserve that after all thi-'
'No you do this is what i want, now go get ready I'll wait for you downstairs.'
You go put on this outfit:
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And these shoes:
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(Why are the pics so big and if you dont like it you can think off a different one)
*10 mins later*
'All right I'm ready to go!' You shouted while walking down the stairs.
*insert karl giggle*
'You are sooooo cute!'
'You look adourable too!'
*after the dinner and in the car ride home*
'Thankyou so much karl, I'm really sorry about tonight I really didn't know-'
'Y/N,' he cut you off, 'it's alright-'
'Karl sorry for interrupting but you missed the turn to go home...'
'I know!' He said happily, 'we have one more stop!'
'Okkkkk...' 😑
*15 mins later you arrive at a forest*
'Karl where are we???'
'I used to come here as a kid, I just need help with the blankets please!'
*you walked for around 30mins*
You gasped at what you saw when you reached the clearing in the trees
A lake that looked like it held a thousand stories and secrets to tell, the willow trees that hang over the water like bats, all the lily pads covering the water surface like a green blanket, the incredibly beautiful white flowers that sat upon them and the magnificent sunset just poking through the trees cascading over the water making it shine all different colours. The beams of light reflecting all around the place with a light blow of wind making everything look like a fairytale.
'Karl.... I- Why- this I so beautiful OMG.... no wonder you loved coming here'
You turned around and saw that he had lay our the blankets already.
I know right it is my favourite place to be- besides with you of course! I found this when I was out exploring one day and I just go here sometimes if your not around to just relax from everything you know... Now come sit I got monstersssss!'
You giggled and went to sit down and Karl handed you a monster.
'So this is where you disappear of to sometimes huh?'
'I can see why... it truly is amazing...'
'Normally there is the wee squirrel that is around here sometimes but he doesn't seem to be here now,' he said while looking around, 'anyway yea I called him Jerry!' He said with a cute smile on his face.
'Awww that's so cute!'
You and Karl finished your monsters and started to cuddle.
'I love you and im sorry' he said.
'I love you too karl. Im sorry as well, agree to talk about our feeling now so tjis wont hapoen again?'
'Agreed' he said with a goofy smile.
Then he kissed you....
*sorry if it's really crappy*
😑 have a great day!
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