#i still find it so funny how 8 found his outfit in the locker of some hospital employee
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heyitsspaceace · 1 year ago
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all he had was no memories, a party city costume, borrowed shoes, too much chemistry with his costars and a dream. and he damn well made it work
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boatem-probler · 9 months ago
It's Triple Feature Night in... Tokyo Soul!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / You Are Here! / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
There are THREE days in this report, because I was speeding through them so I could get to the Lizzie Episodes. Also Grian isn't in most of these ones, he's too busy being locked in the basement dungeon.
This report contains mentions of: slavery "jokes", death, violence, blood, stalking, sexual harassment.
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
This Time...
Episode 16 – BUY A TAURTIS!
I’m just gonna cut right to the chase – Sam is doing a full-on master-slave roleplay thing with the Taurtis clones, and it is not played as fetishy at all, even jokingly, it is really just. Slavery. It’s a whole thing. It’s not funny. The whole episode is sort of about it. Sorry.
Anyway, there are now four Taurtises, the new one is Taurissa. And there’s a Taurtis626 in the chat now? Coming back to this later because I think I figured it out. Taurtis00 found a sailor fuku in a barn and changed her name to Taurissa00. Trans rights. Taurtis69 is still Taurtis69, not the one who exploded, a different one. And Taurtis626 just showed up overnight. Everything clear now? Great!
Anyway Taurtis seems to be attracted to Taurissa.
Sam claims to not know where Grian is.
On the way to school, they find Jerry in the park. He’s another Taurtis clone, but sort of wall-eyed. Also he types in a manner that makes it clear he is meant to be stupid in an ableist caricature way.
Sam tries to auction off some of the Taurtis clones at school. Jamberite asks which ones are good for experimenting. I have no idea what is meant to be up with her.
Oh Geode’s smile is even wider now. But at least his eye is back.
Anyway he and Dr. Nurse MD each buy a Taurtis, before Señor Loro comes in to bust things up. Everybody scatters.
Except Nurse MD. Who apparently has DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE?? Señor Loro is talking to him like he’s an alcoholic. Eventually Nurse MD relents.
Anyway. The chupacabra fucking Got Tori. Sam chases him out of the school. Everyone goes back to the classroom to poke Tori’s head with sticks. Señor Loro walks in on this. He tells the class not to tell anyone this happened, because they “don’t have insurance”. He goes off to find a substitute teacher.
Sam and Taurtis decide that Jerry should be the substitute.
Jerry teaches the class about JerryKats. They are made out of Jerry and Cats, apparently.
“This is the most I’ve learned since we’ve been at this school, to be honest.” – Taurtis
Dr. Nurse makes Taurtis put on a sexy nurse outfit. He says he wanted to make Grian wear it. He also says it’s his fetish. Oh god and now Kurokuma’s here WHY. There is a limit to how much of this one guy on the internet can take, you know.
Anyway, basically, the “lesson” is Dr. Nurse MD letting this creepy old man harass Taurtis in front of the class.
After class, they run into Jorje the goat, and attempt to warn him about the chupacabra, but he’s more interested in flirting with Jerry. Señor Loro shows up and “confiscates” Jerry.
Today is swimming day in gym class! Time to see if all those Taurtis clones are still in the pool! They are not!
Episode 18 – TAURTIS IS DEAD!
They all go into the locker room to change. In Taurtis’s locker there is a note. Written by Taurtis. That he doesn’t remember writing. It says:
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Taurtis is freaking the fuck out.
Taurissa claims she can’t get in the pool because she is having a baby.
Igbar is just having a great fucking time swimming.
In Professor Geode’s class, Sam and Taurtis attempt to glean clues from Geode’s behavior to help them figure out if Taurtis is really a clone. Unfortunately, Geode’s behavior is rather erratic, because today is Teacher Inspection Day!
Geode has prepared an entire decoy classroom that he hurries all the students into before Señor Loro shows up. Geode is suddenly wearing a chef’s outfit and pretending to be a teacher called Mr. Dayman. Señor Loro is completely fooled, much to Taurtis’s chagrin.
Then they all go back to Geode’s actual classroom, where Geode confirms that Taurtis is, in fact, a clone. But he’s also constantly backpedaling and trying to deny the existence of clones outright, and Taurtis is clinging onto this.
Geode takes a blood sample from Taurtis by hitting him with a knife.
They run into Jerry after school, who says that “the goat” is dangerous and scary.
Episode 19 – TEACHER CHUPA!
It’s a new day! Taurissa made salmon for everyone. Taurtis tries to eat a cactus. Taurissa explodes. Jerry takes this as a sign that their time has almost come and they’re all doomed. He says their “expiration date” is near, and they need an “antidote” that Professor Geode made. They figure they can ask Geode about it at school.
Outside, Jorje is trying to find Jerry. He’s also wearing a school uniform now. Sam and Taurtis tell him that Jerry expired while Jerry sneaks out the back door.
Jorje is already in the school lobby (lobby? Do schools have lobbies?) when they get there. He’s talking to the chupacabra, who is wearing a suit. He’s the new teacher. Unclear if Jorje recognizes him as the chupacabra, but Señor Loro definitely doesn’t.
The boys go to Geode’s classroom. Geode’s smile, somehow, is Even Wider now. He also disappears mysteriously.
The bell rings, and it’s time for Mr. Chupa’s class! It’s a History class, apparently. Also, the classroom is full of candles and cushions arranged in a wonky circle with a dead-looking bonsai in the middle of it, so I’m sure nothing weird at all will happen in this class.
Mr. Chupa leads the class in a meditation exercise. The meditation is mostly about Goats. Also Sam and Taurtis accidentally tell Jorje where Jerry is hiding.
Episode 20 – DR NURSE MD!
Nurse MD has decided to dedicate this class to teaching his students why they will all be terrible parents. They’re doing the thing where everyone has to take care of an egg, but in pairs, and also they’re encouraged to try to break other people’s eggs.
The eggs are actual Minecraft eggs. You can imagine how this goes.
Taurtis626 explodes at the back of the class and Sam literally Does Not Notice.
Jerry is pretending to be a potted plant.
Dr. Nurse MD literally has to come out into the hallway and GET THEM because none of them noticed Taurtis626 exploding. He just walks up and asks them to explain why his classroom is covered in blood. It's the funniest fucking thing.
They rush to Geode’s class again, where he very slowly tells them about the antidote. Taurtis69 explodes (again). The bell rings and Geode refuses to tell them anything else, because they need to go to gym class.
The gym teacher isn’t there. It turns out that Señor Loro hired Jerry as the replacement gym teacher.
Episode 21 – GEODE’S DUNGEON!
Jerry is having some difficulties controlling the class and fending off Jorje at the same time, so nothing has really been done by the time the bell rings.
Taurtis hurries them along to Geode’s class, because he can “feel his innards bubbling”.
Geode announces that the class is going on a field trip, and will be playing a game on the way there called “don’t get caught by Señor Loro”. They get caught by Señor Loro as soon as they step outside the school. Geode quickly puts on a ginger fake mustache.
Geode takes them to the dump, and tells them whoever digs the most will get a prize! Taurtis is convinced Geode took them to the dump because that’s where the antidote is.
Sam: “I mean, I really doubt he cares, at all.” Taurtis: “We’re his creations, Sam, of course he cares about us!”
Sorry Taurtis but I think I’m with Sam on this one, actually. Sentences I never thought I would say.
Taurtis immediately falls down a hole. At the bottom of the hole are, apparently, “a bunch of heads”. Sam jumps down to see. The heads don’t appear to be from anyone we’ve seen, but they sure are a bunch of heads.
Meanwhile, Igbar finds a “demon sword”.
Dom gets angry about everyone destroying his home, because apparently he lives at the dump now.
Taurtis continues to ask Geode about the antidote. Geode tells him that the antidote is “safe at home” in his vault.
Sam tunnels into Dom’s house, which is inside a hollowed-out trash heap.
Sam and Taurtis sneak out of class to break into Geode’s house. They bring Dom with them, because Dom is good at parkour and would therefore, they reason, also be good at breaking and entering. They also pick up Jerry on the way.
Geode’s house is very mad scientist-core, it’s got the beakers, the metal floors, the big test tubes, the whole shebang. The test tubes are each labeled “Test Subject [number] – Failure”. There’s also another container labeled “Samples of Taurtis’s Garbage”.
Taurtis opens up a manhole cover on the floor leading to a basement with At Least One Skull in it. Sam and Dom go down the ladder on the other side of the room. Taurtis is stuck in a cage. They all work to break down the cage door while Sam and Taurtis argue over whose fault this is.
Taurtis: “You know I love jumping down mysterious holes.”
They unlock a door in Geode’s office with a lever from their house that Taurtis had in his pocket. Inside is a block of coal labeled “The Perfect Taurtis”.
They go down a different ladder into a larger basement. There’s a big door with a bunch of levers next to it and a sign reading “Secret Taurtis Gloop Vault – password: 1”. There are also more Taurtis clones, and one Dom clone for some reason? They’re theorizing it was the milk. None of the Taurtis clones are moving, but the Dom clone is. He’s Dom3 according to the chat. They break him out. He and Dom immediately start flirting with each other.
Sam inputs the password into the vault and the door opens, revealing chests full of “Icky, Sticky, Taurtis Gloop”. Taurtis drinks a bottle. Jerry isn’t looking too hot. Geode has arrived to “take care of his children”. They all hide behind various Taurtis clones.
One of the clones apparently wants to take Geode on a date. Geode responds, “Why, of course, Chosen One”. So, that’s a thing that’s happening I guess.
Geode notices the gloop vault has been opened. Everyone bolts. Geode’s house is connected to a train station, so they’re able to hide there while Geode runs past them. Geode yells that he is going to inform his superiors.
Jerry doesn’t feel so good. Taurtis gives him a bottle of goop. Jerry’s head swells up, but nothing else happens. Apparently he was able to hold the explosion in, like a sneeze.
Back at home, Taurtis wonders if he has a number, and figures out by typing in the chat that he is Taurtis2.
Since Pug already covered these episodes in this post, I don't focus too much on what's actually happening moment-to-moment, but more so the little details and the things related to the ongoing Tokyo Soul, uh, "plot". So my "summary" probably won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't either read Pug's summary or watched the episodes yourself.
You know, I had assumed the Star Wars Day Special would have been posted on May the 4th, but no, it was posted on January 19th. Is this like one of those “Christmas in July” things?
Taurtis claims that “Grian used to always make us breakfast”. Not sure when this is meant to have happened, since they rarely eat on screen in either series, from what I’ve seen, and also they’ve been in Tokyo for Exactly One Week by my count, but maybe this is just one of those things where one of these kids will just fully make something up about another one of them.
Grian: “Do you know what he did???” Taurtis: “He’s done a lot of things…”
This is the funniest possible description of Sam to me. He’s done a lot of things.
Grian doesn’t know who Jerry is. He says he heard a bunch of Taurtises talking and then he “kinda went to sleep for a while”. He was there when they rescued a bunch of clones from the pool, so he knows about the clones, but the last time there were more than two Taurtis clones in the house was Yesterday Morning, which sort of implies that Grian has been Depression Napping for at least an entire day. Just thought you guys might want to know that.
Grian also asks if Sam named Jerry that because of “what happened to me”. This Kills The Man.
Grian has a very blasé reaction to being told that Taurtis is dead and the one walking around with them is a clone, but I guess there’s a lot going on in his life.
He also doesn’t really react to hearing that Tori was killed. I guess even if she was a pretty reasonable person they still didn’t do a whole lot in her class.
Taurtis wants to join the Stormtroopers because they’re all clones.
Just wanna point out that they’re learning to use the Force from the chupacabra. How the hell did the chupacabra learn how to use the Force?
Sam lost the egg he was supposed to be taking care of for Dr. Nurse’s class and goes looking around for one to “borrow”, which means we get to see inside Igbar von Squid’s locker! He has emergency breathing helmets, a gun named “Humie Hunter”, some raw fish, and some kind of crystalline thing named “Hyooman Souls”, so that’s interesting.
Okay why does Dr. Nurse suddenly want Geode dead I wasn’t under the impression he was part of this plotline. We’ll see if that actually sticks around past this special I guess.
Dr. Nurse: “Boys, I am trusting you, with all of my idiotic heart.” Taurtis: “There’s your first mistake.”
It’s occurring to me that aside from a couple remarks about not wanting to be in a cramped closet with him, Grian’s venom towards Dr. Nurse is still mostly about his intelligence/teaching skills. Which, like, makes sense since Grian wasn’t there for the whole… nurse outfit thing. But it’s still a little disconcerting to me.
Not sure why Geode is Jabba the Hutt suddenly, but okay. I mean. Star Wars Special is why, but. You know what I mean (I don’t even know what I mean).
Mr. Chupa fully eats a student. Will it last? Vote now on your phones.
Theory: everyone is being pushed by some cosmic force into playing the role of whatever Star Wars character they’re dressed as. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing that’s happened in this town. Definitely wouldn’t be the strangest thing that will ever happen in this town, we haven’t even gotten to Cthulu yet.
Also all the stormtroopers are Taurtis clones. Sam and Grian kill a bunch of them in the process of climbing an AT-AT.
We’ll also have to see if the principal stays dead after the special because they kill him too, because he’s Darth Vader or something.
They shove all the Taurtis clone Stormtroopers into the basement dungeon. They find Taurtis69’s diary in the process, which reveals that he dug the room out himself, and then later on Jerry decorated it. Sam goes inside to see for himself and Grian locks him in. Happy ending!
No Trauma Count This Time Because Pug Already Took Care of That
Something I'm thinking about. Taurtis is unavailable: Grian and Sam fuck around in a superstore for a couple episodes. Grian is unavailable: huge personal revelations. Out-of-story, it feels weirdly like Grian is still being considered as a "guest" character even though he's been on the show for a while now.
In-story though. Taurtis is Important, it's Important that Taurtis is There. But it's not quite as Important that it be the same Taurtis the whole time. In Sam's mind in Yandere High School, and now in the narrative itself in Tokyo Soul, there just has to be someone present who can fit in a Taurtis-shaped outline.
Idk. I'm Chewing On It.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years ago
How about we meet All Might during his young age as a kid (about 6-7), and we spent a lot of time with him and bond, but as sad as it is, he has to go back to Japan, so we don’t see him for a while. Years later, we end up as students in class 1-A, and All Might’s trying to figure out how he finds us so familiar. We’re obviously a fan of him, so we become close friends with Deku, and when we tell him how we met AM, he overhears and everything clicks.
A/N: Hey sweet, thanks for requesting it means a lot! This concept is SoO cUTE✨! I hope you enjoy.
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-Okay so maybe one of your family members or a close friend used to work with AllMight back in the day. Maybe one of his costume designers or something of that sort. But anyways they were pretty close and very cool with him.
-AlL mIgHT owEd thEm OnE fOr SuRE
-And you being a notorious mEgA FaN of the hero and that person fully knowing this was like
-“hEy yAgii...YoU remEmBeR thAt tImE whEn I GoT yOu ouT Of tHaT thIng???? Well my niece is a huge fan of you and won’t stop making me watch your compilation videos….sO I wAs jUsT thInkIng iF yOu could juUst sTop by On hEr biRtHdAy whiCh is NeXt wEek that’ll be great okaythankyoubyedontforgetyouowemelol.”
-Low and behold...The world's greatest hero actually showed up on your birthday….at your birthday….and brought you a gift….JAJSCSJSHXYSHSJGDUSHDHDGSJSJSJ
-“Haha Hi Y/N! A special birdy, whOimnOweveNWiTh, told me it was your birthday so I just had to make it!! Happy 7th Birthday Kid.”
-You just stared at him...with your jaw open in awe….He thought you were broken to be honest.
-He just stood there awkwardly with a gift box in his hand with a wide smile.
-Your parents were standing off to the side with a video camera like “...Say something lol”
-You stood up slowly from your chair, and walked to his frame. With out a single word from either party, you stuck out your small index finger and poked his torso. Jumping back you shouted
-Yeah you totally crawled up in a ball and cried.
-His heart was aching. I mean he seen thousand of kids freak out over him and pretty much do the same thing but you were so precious?? Like your birthday party alone was just your close family, and a small birthday cake but you seemed so happy with just that. And when you saw him it looked as if your life was complete. It was so pure and he just adored you.
-He kneeled down in front of you and opened the gift box that had been in his hand. Taking out the gift he gently handed it to you.
-It was a small brown teddy bear that wore a similar outfit to his current hero costume.
-”I got you Something, I hope you like it. It’s your own personal AllMight so when i can’t be here with you, he will. He’s just as strong as me too, although I'd like to say I’m better looking but shh don’t tell him I said that.” softly spoke, giving you a quick wink
-When you looked up at him with your big puffy, soft eyes and laughed, HE MELTED
-”haha It’s okay I-I won’t tell him.”
-Once you broke out of your shell a bit, he got you to talking about anything and everything. Like hearing you talk was so cuuteee. You were so passionate about everything you talked about, you even asked his opinions and views on a lot of stuff as well.
-Which he was so surprised you did, Most kids your age he met were kind of bratty and changed topic every two seconds and only talked about school and how they were going to “kill all the bad guys” but you, you talked about world problems and different pop culture. Heck you even gave him a few pointers on how to be a better hero.
-Yagi liked you a whole lot.
-He only planned to stay for one hour and then go back to Japan immediately but that game plan was out the door so quickly. He ended up staying that whole night and like a few days more.
-He “needed a vacation anyways.”
-The next few days He took you to the Zoo, and a little amusement park. He 100 percent let you ride on his back and he flew around the sky. “dOnT TeLl yOur pArEnTs okAy?”
-It was so much fun and you guys really bonded, He honestly did not regret coming to meet you one bit and hoped to see you again one day.
-And It happened sooner than he thought?? Right after he left to go to Japan, he was back in America, due to some hero reasons and every night he was there he stopped by to eat dinner or just to give you a little gift he found.
-It felt like he never left for a while, you had a new best friend.
-That was until one night he stopped by, his smile seemingly dimmer than usual, he kneeled to you.
-”Hey Young Y/N. My hero work is done here for a while, and I’m needed back in japan. I’m not sure when I'll be able to come back so I'm giving you a goodbye for now,okay? Stay bright and plus ultra!” he pinched your cheek then flew away
-That was the saddest day of your life. Your hero left and you knew in your heart you’d 8/10 probably won’t be able to see him again. It really stung and you carried the teddy bear everywhere for years, it was the closest thing you had to the hero.
-Years later when you were in junior high just about to go to one of the hero schools in America, you found out AllMight was going to be a teacher at the one in Japan, YOU FLIPPed oUt.
-*frantically applies for UA and drops every other school*
-You HAD to go and you DID go. It was such a blessing you gotta accept i swear you were on tippy toes.
- You met Deku actually at the entrance exams, and met back up when school started.
During lunch that day, you guys were sitting in the courtyard talking about your shared liking about AllMight and of course you told him about when he came to your birthday party and all.
-”Yeah and that’s how I met AllMight. I saw him in the hall earlier and waved but he kind of just looked at me funny. I guess he forgot who I was...haha. But i still have the bear he gave me. It’s in my bag, I’m such a dork but I carry it around everywhere still.” pulling out the bear you showed it to Deku.
-To your unknown knowledge, AllMight was actually standing off to the side listening to the whole conversation. He was originally coming to steal Deku away so he could talk to him but decided to tune in to your little chat.
-Although Guilty, He was the utmost excited when the memories of you came flooding back and glad to see you doing so well even after all these years. It looked as if he would have not one, but two students to spoil for now on.
-Instead of ruining the moment you were having with Izuku, he decided to leave a small note in your locker.
-” I do indeed remember you. Glad to see you’re doing well even after all these years. Come by my office to catch up and bring mini All Might with you. :)
-An old friend”
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oohfluffy · 5 years ago
Group: EXO
Member: Kim Jongin
Theme: Fluff | Dancer!AU | Dormmmate!AU
Word Count: 2,889
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❀Chapter 6: A Trick or A Treat? ❀
"Yes, my love. We're gonna have a maid and butler café for Halloween."
You blinked as Joohyuk grins at you.
"I can't believe this!" Tiffany shrieked as she stomps her feet.
"You're annoyed too, unni--" Tiffany cuts you off with a pout.
"Why didn't they tell us sooner? I could've rented something cuter than the costume they bought."
You face-palmed yourself with a sigh.
"Can I see the costume?" You asked politely at your manager, Jongdae, the brother of Minseok, as he was passing by the counter.
He smiled at you and you feel like melting.
"So cute."
"Please wait for a second, I'll get it for you." Jongdae said as he took off back to the office.
After a few seconds, he came back with a black suit cover. He gently pushed it towards you.
"Here's one of the maid outfits you'll be wearing. I hope you like it."
You nodded with a sheepish smile and took the suit cover. You felt your friends look over your shoulders with an excited aura raging out of them.
You slowly opened the zipper and prayed that the costume won't be too revealing.
"Ooh! I'm so excited! Will it be like the ones in animes?! Kyah!" Tiffany said as she giggled behind you.
"Can you stop?" Joohyuk chuckled.
You finally shrugged the outfit off of the cover. Your eyes shined like diamonds in awe.
"Daebak." You mumbled.
"What? Is it okay? Does it look appealing?" Jongdae interrogated you as he observed all your reactions.
"This is AMAZING, manager-nim!" Tiffany shouted as she jumped up and down like a child.
"This will definitely suit you, Lin! Hahaha! Can't wait to see you in this!" Joohyuk laughed as he sees you in shock.
"Bring it on, buddy."
The maid costume is not that bad. It is not totally a dress since you have white long-sleeved polo inside, a black cloth skirt-jumper for the outside that ends above the knee and a cute red bow on the collar. It wasn't that revealing as you prayed but the fabric of the jumper seems the type that shows off your figure.
If you'll rate it, it'll be 8/10.
"Well, goodluck tonight, my crew!" Jongdae said with his cat smile as he walked back to the office with the costume.
"Okay guys. Let's get back to work!"
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
It's already 5:30 in the afternoon and you were all preparing for tonight. The café was closed earlier at 3:00pm for the transformation of the place from the cute and warm café to the scary and thrilling café. It was a nice idea from Jongdae though.
"Are you all done with the costume?" Asked by your head pastry chef, Dara.
"Yes!" All of you answered. Dara looked at all of you with a grin.
"Then it's time for the make-up transformation!"
"W-what? What make-up?" You asked nervously at her. Dara spotted you and pointed at you.
"Let's start with you, darling Lin!"
"Wait! What does--"
"I'm gonna make you a very horrifyingly gorgeous vampire maid!"
After that, all you heard was Joohyuk's and Tiffany's evil laughs.
It was truly Halloween. Everyone was a monster.
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
"Dude, why are we coming here again?" Kai asked Sehun as they walked towards the MinBaozi Café.
"Noona texted me to come. They actually have halloween surprises for costumers. I was curious too." Sehun replied as he reached for the glass door of the café.
"This is news for me. Was it about curiosity only or because you want to see my--" Kai was cut off by a scream that made him step back.
"Shit. What was that, man?!" Kai shouted as he pushed Sehun. Sehun just laughed as he sees the café full of ghosts decorations.
"It was a surprise, dude. I'm glad one of us got surprised." Sehun says as he went to the counter to order. Kai gulped as he hurriedly followed Sehun like a lost puppy.
"What do you want to order, sir?" A hoarse voice of a dead butler (Joohyuk in his costume as a butler) asked. Sehun bit his lip as he scanned the menu at the top but then looked back at Kai.
"Order for me, hyung. I'll greet my sister." Sehun said as he hands his wallet to Kai and quickly went away.
"Yah! Oh Sehun! Dude! Aish seriously." Kai called hopelessly and faced the dead butler.
"I'll order Cappuccino and Oreo Latte with 2 slices of oreo cheesecake." Kai ordered as he fished out money from Sehun's wallet.
"Was he really that excited to greet his sister?" Kai muttered irritatedly as he took the order number and sat grumpily on the chair beside the window.
Sehun got a text from Tiffany saying, "Let's meet at the kitchen, Lin will come too!".
Knowing you're with his sister, he easily went to the kitchen with Dara's consent.
"Thank you, noona." Sehun bowed and continued his way to the kitchen. Dara just smiled mysteriously at him. (Idk if theres one)
The kitchen was dim lit but that didn't stop him seeing the silhouettes of 2 persons on the corner.
"Noona? Lin?" Sehun asked hesitantly as he walked towards them. The 2 silhouettes didn't move but their heads were slowly turning to him in a creepy way. Sehun's eyes widened as he backed away but stopped.
"Is this the surprise you're saying, noona? Okay, I'm surprised. Be thankful that I came--"
"Dongsaeng! You came!" Sehun heard Tiffany on the door and turned to her. Tiffany was wearing the maid outfit with blood all over her clothes and face but her hair was still in their curly state as usual.
"W-why are you there?" Sehun stuttered saying as he looked back at the corner, ready to point where they were supposed to be.
But there was no one on the corner.
"What? I was on the locker area after I got your text. I told you we'll be meeting here, right?" Tiffany said as she opened her phone and started texting.
"I-I thought you were already here since I saw 2 persons here earlier. But..." Sehun looked back again. "... they're gone."
"What are you saying? Come on. Lin's waiting at the counter." Tiffany said as she turned her back and walked out. Sehun quickly went after her not before looking around like a confused dog.
"Who the hell was that?" He mumbled as he closed the door.
Sehun's ears caught Kai's shout as he went towards the counter to meet you. His eyes travelled to the guy who stood up and strolled towards him.
"What was that, dude? That was so not cool." Sehun chuckled as he waved at you. He didn't know if it was you or not, but he just felt it.
"There was a freaking hand beside mine, dude!" Kai complained like a kid.
"Why didn't you hold it then?" Sehun joked.
"It has no arm, dude! Just a cut hand! It was so cold!" Kai stomped his feet like a kid, again.
"Oh. I feel bad for you." Sehun blankly said.
"I'll find a seat with no creepy hands around." Kai said and started walking but stopped when he remembered greeting you. His eyes searched for you and found a maid cleaning the counters.
Kai walked towards you and stopped in front of you.
"Yah, Kai-" Sehun interrupted but got cut off by Kai.
"Lin, we see each other again." Kai greeted you with a smirk. You grinned, your fake fangs showing, and turned to him. His eyes widened at the sight of you.
"She's so freaking breathtaking." Kai thought as his eyes travelled your wild dark eyes, red lips with a fake drops of blood on your chin, fangs and your sexy maid outfit that hugged your curves perfectly.
"Hi, Kai-ssi."
"You look great, Lin." Sehun smiled as he took in your appearance, moving closer to where Kai was to get a closer look at you. You really looked like a vampire princess rather than a maid.
"Thanks, Sehun. I hope you enjoyed our surprises for you two." You grinned and gave them candies stocked in a cute little pumpkin on the counter.
Kai took them and inspected them like they have a micro-bomb inside.
"Yeah. Did you like it, Sehun?"
"Surpri- HOLY SHEET. I thought I was really seeing ghosts!" Sehun said in relief. You laughed at his face.
"They were only my other crew members who agreed to that. Don't worry, I'll never fool you again." You said with a smile as you looked towards Sehun.
"Thank you, vamp princess." Sehun replied with fake formality as he bowed to you. You giggled as you threw a candy at him.
"Another nickname for me, huh?"
You turned to Kai, your smile turning into a frown. Kai looked so down as he put the candies on his pockets.
"Didn't you like it, Kai?" You asked, concerned at why does he look so sad and grumpy.
"No. I really don't like it." Kai said then walked out of the café. You looked at Sehun, asking why was Kai like that.
"I don't know. Maybe because I left him earlier? Or because of the hand? I'll ask him later. I'll just get our orders and run after that guy. We'll be back!" Sehun said as he went back to the cashier and get their orders before walking out of the door to find Kai.
"What was that, buddy?"
You almost jumped in fright as Joohyuk whispered at you.
"I really don't know. Kai walked out. He really looked upset though." You bit your lip in worry.
"Why are you even worrying about him? I thought you didn't like that devil?"
"Yeah but he's still a friend." You pouted.
"Ooh. A friend~ Maybe he got jealous since you and Sehun were like lovey-dovey earlier. I was watching~" Joohyuk said and walked back to the cashier.
"Jealous? As if." You muttered as you continued cleaning the counter.
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
"What's up, dude?"
Sehun sat beside Kai on the side walk as his best friend stayed silent.
"Yeah that will convince me, son."
"Shut up."
Sehun sighed as he scratched the nape of his neck.
"Tell me you're not jealous of me."
"I am." Kai firmly said. Sehun looked at him as if his best friend was crazy.
"What? That was--"
"You know how sensitive I am when it comes to what's mine, right?"
Kai reach out his hand towards Sehun.
"My food, bro."
Sehun chuckled as he pushed Kai's order to him. Kai smirked and took a sip on his latte.
"You almost gave me a heart attack, Kai. I won't hit on your girlfriend, dude. Trust me." Sehun said with no uncertainty in his voice. Kai looked at him and nodded.
"If you do though, expect your apartment on fire." Kai threatened seriously.
"So funny, dude." Sehun rolled his eyes.
"Hey! I was trying to be serious even just for a while!" Kai whined at his younger companion like his the younger one. Sehun shrugged, but his lips curling into a smile.
"Come on, your vampire princess is waiting with my crazy vampire sister." Sehun stood up, followed by Kai.
"Yep. Her vampire prince is coming!" Kai said with a smile.
Sehun laughed at him and continued walking back towards the café.
But as he turned his back on his best friend, he can feel his smile faltering and melting like ice.
"Why do I feel like taking back my promise?"
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
"Thank you, everyone for the hard work! Happy Halloween!"
You all started cleaning the café as you closed the place. Sehun and Kai were waiting outside.
"So, did Kai tell you anything earlier?" Joohyuk asked as he pulled the chairs together. You shook your head and continued sweeping the floor.
"No he didn't. He just said that we'll go home together. I don't know what is his problem and I don't intend to know it."
"I bet." Joohyuk replied sarcastically. You just rolled your eyes and dusted your pants. You changed your outfit from your costume back to your normal clothes and washed your face earlier before cleaning up.
"I'll lock the place up, guys. I can see two bodyguards impatiently walking bak and forth outside." Jongdae said as he picked the keys on the counter. You looked at him and waved your hands.
"No, no, it's really okay--"
"THANK YOU, MANAGER-NIM!" Tiffany squealed in delight as she finished wiping the windows and bowed in gratitude to Jongdae, who's chuckling.
"It's nothing. I know you're all exhausted and deserves a nice sleep. See you guys tomorrow!"
You went back to the locker area and put back the cleaning materials. You got your bag with Tiffany and went out. Joohyuk was already outside talking to the other 2 guys.
"What is the real deal between you and Jongin?" Tiffany suddenly asked as you two were walking to the door.
"There's no deal, unnie."
"Yeah like I'll believe that when he totally claimed himself as your boyfriend?" Tiffany said in a 'duh' voice.
"You said it. He was a self-proclaimed boyfriend."
You pushed the glass door open and looked at the boys.
"Let's all go home now!" Tiffany said as she hugged you before going to her brother.
"Goodnight, vampire princess~" Sehun said without looking at you as he went to his car with his sister. You waved at them as the black car, you've always admired--
"H-HYUK! My dream car..."
"Yeah, it's Sehun's."
You pouted as the window went down and you saw Tiffany waving at you as they passed by the three of you left. You waved back still with a pout.
"Tss. Sulking because of a car?"
You rolled your eyes at the familiar deep and annoying voice and started walking.
"Joohyuk, will you be going home with us?" You asked your best friend as you stopped on a stop light.
"I'll be stopping over at the drugstore to buy my mom's medicine. She's been getting too many body aches this week." Joohyuk replied.
"Oh. Isn't that on the other street? I'll come--"
"It's okay, I can go by myself. And you can still catch up before your gate gets locked. It's only 10 minutes before 9." Joohyuk said, winking at you.
"Ah okay then."
As Joohyuk finally left, the two of you were left in silence. Your breathings were the only sounds you can hear. You grabbed the opportunity to ask Kai about earlier.
"Kai, why--"
Your cheeks reddened at the sudden warmth you felt around your hand. His fingers wrapped gently around yours, perfectly giving your cold hand warmth. You saw Kai on your peripheral view, smiling to himself.
"Y-yah. Why are you holding my hand?" You tried to tug away your hand but his grip was like a steel, not hurting you but like he never wanted to let go.
"I'd be happier if this is the cold hand you made me hold earlier at the café."
If your cheeks can get any redder, it already did. You feel like exploding like a bubble.
Kai suddenly stopped when you got to your dorm. You looked at him, not that surprised to find that he was already staring at you.
He was looking into your eyes like he's uncovering every chapters of your life and reading them like he wanted to know everything about you. He stared into the windows of your soul.
Slowly, his eyes went downwards until they stopped on your still reddish plump lips.
Your eyes widened, recognizing this scene in many K-dramas you've watched in your life.
"I really like your lips."
Kai leaned towards you until your noses touch. You kept your eyes opened as his stayed glued on your lips.
"Oh my ghad what do to?!" You thought as your braincells were probably running around your brain, barely functioning.
"It makes me want to claim it as mine."
You opened your mouth to speak but you can't seem to form appropriate words to scold him.
"Will you give me a trick? Or a treat?" Kai whispered seductively as his eyes went back to your own. You just felt yourself gulping.
"Do you two have any intentions of sleeping outside? I can't--"
You snapped your head towards the loud voice at the gate and saw your aunt with her mouth forming an 'o'. Your cheeks burned again as if you were slapped numerous of times today.
"Oops. Was I interrupting something?" She innocently asked as she struggled stopping her smile to appear.
You quickly moved away from Kai's hold and walked inside the house as calmly as possible or you'll surely make a fool out of yourself.
"Sorry to break your moment, Kai-ssi. I didn't know you like my niece." Your aunt giggled as she locked the gate after Kai got in. Kai chuckled as he put his shoes back on the rack.
"I was glad you appeared tho. I swear I would've gotten a big bruise on my stomach if I continued."
Your aunt laughed.
"You know my niece well, Kai."
❀ Ch.7 
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coeurdastronaute · 6 years ago
Essays in Existentialism: Nerd 8
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Previously on Nerd
Once again, the school was full of students again. The rain was intermittent and the chill in the air made everyone want to run inside despite the fact that they were running towards classes and teachers again. The stately brick building, ancient for its ninety or so years, half updated, and half reticent of a John Hughes movie, it welcomed the returning students for the second half the year.
The week and a half that Lexa spent with her family had been lovely and needed, though it came at quite an inopportune time. Normally, she would relish the chance to get out of town and travel, as her parents were always busy with work. But now they were trying and coming back to life, which meant a trip across the world to Iceland for the holidays. It meant, however, that Lexa was just getting somewhere with Clarke, just starting to feel comfortable, just starting to hope and feel and want, and going away was a pause on it.
Walking back into the halls and weaving her way toward her locker, Lexa felt weird, like time hadn’t passed there, but she was different. It was an eerie feeling she couldn’t quite place, but didn’t want to spend too much time trying. Instead, she twisted the dial on her locker and wondered if she’d see Clarke before lunch.
“Hey, stranger.”
Lexa smiled slightly as she finished digging her book out of her locker and turned to find a smiling girl with pretty blue eyes and a dimple on one cheek. Leaning against the locker next to Lexa’s, Clarke grinned and held her books, her bag slung on a shoulder, her hair perfectly wavy and dreamy.
For a moment, Lexa gulped again, though she was relieved.
She couldn’t really help it. Not when Clarke was there, in her baggy sweater, with barely any makeup and lips that did that.
“Hey. How are you?”
“I’m surviving. How was your trip?”
“Long,” Lexa sighed, closing her locker and leaning against it. “It was a lot of fun, but weird. We haven’t had a family vacation since Aden… Maybe we needed it.”
“Did you get lots of footage?”
“Yeah. I’m going to try to put it together for my parents.”
“I can’t wait to see it,” Clarke promised, leaning near Lexa, their shoulders touching. “The pictures looked amazing. It made me almost want to hike a glacier.”
The adventurer just shrugged and shuffled her feet slightly. They’d texted nearly the entirety of winter break, and now, Lexa wasn’t sure how much of it still applied. It was a weird thing, to be able to text someone random thoughts and string together a conversation, but it was hard to figure out how to be the same in person.
“How about you? Good time with the family?”
“It actually wasn’t terrible.” The bell interrupted their reunion and Clarke grumbled slightly. “Walk me to class?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
Without thinking about it, Lexa held out her hand and reached for Clarke’s books. She looked at her arm and wondered how it happened, how it could betray and embarrass her like that, and more importantly, how she was going to recover from it.
The panic lasted just an instant though, because Clarke took Lexa’s hand and held it in her own, not thinking twice about the action.
“You have track after school, don’t you?” Clarke asked, adjusting her hand slightly, tugging the hand a little and keeping it tight in her own.
“Do you want to hang out after?”
“Um,” Lexa furrowed and went through a mental checklist, hoping that nothing would put up a red flag. She definitely wanted to hang out with Clarke, and she definitely wanted to keep holding her hand, even if that meant never going to class again. “I have a tutoring session with Gus. Getting ready for his SAT next month.”
“Okay, maybe another day.”
“After tutoring?” Clarke asked, pausing in front of her classroom.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t be for long, but we could… I don’t know… Just hang out. Even for a little bit. That’d be nice.”
“It would.” Clarke waited for more, watching Lexa debate how to do it. “Or we could hang out now.”
“Now?” Lexa cocked her head, confused but still smiling.
Clarke looked around at the hall as it began to clear before the second bell. She tugged on Lexa’s hand and met some resistance. No one else really noticed that they were lingering. Everyone was still feeling a certain freedom, or loss of it, as the winter break ended and the grind began again.
“Just one time.”
“I have calculus,” she furrowed.
“Haven’t you ever skipped before?” Naturally, Clarke was met with a shake of a head and a look of moderate panic. “Do you want to skip once in your life?”
“I’ve never thought about it.”
“You’ve got about a minute to decide.”
“Can we do that?” Lexa wondered. “Just leave?”
“It’s the first day back. You know we’re not going to go over anything important.”
“Are you actually serious?”
“Yeah. I could use a day off.”
“We just had like twelve days.”
“I spent most of them with family and hanging out with my dad or working. I’m kind of over taking care of people and paying attention.”
Clarke said things like that so succinctly, so purposefully, that it reminded Lea of the words she’d read once that said something about being brave and quiet, so that no one else sees or realizes you’re suffering. No one would guess Clarke suffered so much under such heavy burdens. No one would guess that she had them to begin with, and Lexa was learning Clarke liked it that way, to keep things to herself.
But she caught herself saying those things, and Clarke cleared her throat and put her hand on her hip, taunting and waiting.
“I have to be back in time for practice,” Lexa finally gave in.
“You won’t regret it,” Clarke squealed and kissed Lexa’s cheek before tugging her toward the door as the bell rang again and the halls were completely empty.
“I hate the mall,” Lexa grimaced as she hopped out of Clarke’s truck and stared up at the monstrosity that was the Edgewood Mall.
Two towns over from their school and everything familiar, Lexa only knew the rival area because of track meets or soccer games, and once, an academic decathlon tournament, though she never left the hotel or the school. There wasn’t much in the sleepy suburb, but it had the benefit of being forty five minutes away from any adult that would notice them.
“Yes, but do you hate it when it’s empty on a Monday?”
“I don’t know. Probably.”
Clarke rolled her eyes and grabbed Lexa’s hand again, tugging her along once again into the great unknown. The clouds trudged along while the rain stopped, but neither pulled down their hoods until they made it inside.
“Have I steered you wrong yet?”
“Not yet.”
“So trust me.”
There wasn’t really an option to it, and in all fairness, Lexa did trust Clarke. She just wanted to spend time near her because near her, time seemed to stop stressing her out, and the minutes were just… happier.
And so Lexa followed, still vaguely aware that she should technically be leaving first period and heading to Physics. Instead, she felt Clarke’s hand and pulled down her hood as they walked into the near empty mall.
“What are we going to do first?” Lexa wondered out loud.
“I have decided to dress you.”
“You don’t like how I dress?”
For a second, Lexa paused and looked down at her coat, and beneath that, the simple shirt and jeans she was wearing. It did the job, and it kept her dressed. She never really considered clothes often.
“I do. I’ve just kind of always wanted to see you in a few different outfits.”
“No funny business, Griffin.”
“Scouts honor,” Clarke promised.
The joy was contagious, as much as she wanted to resist, Lexa followed into a store and held out her arms as new items were added to them. When she asked Clarke if this was her idea of a good time, she got a smile and shrug, and she decided this was what she had to do now. To her credit, Clarke mulled over everything she picked, carefully pairing together things, continually shuffling Lexa’s arms, occasionally standing closer.
At least once, Lexa looked down at Clarke and smiled, distracted by the way her eyes looked, and how she bit her lip when she debated a choice. Lexa liked the debating part. She liked the lip part too. She liked the biting part even more for some reason.
The first few outfits were met with excitement. And to her own credit, Lexa found it to be tolerable because she got to see Clarke light up and fret over her, adjusting her clothes and smiling at the results.
The fourth outfit though.
“This is what you like?” Lexa furrowed, tugging at the collar of the shirt, buttoned the whole way up to her chin.
“I have a thing for well put together types.”
“I kind of like it.”
The part that Lexa missed, while she looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted the roll of the sleeves, was the look Clarke gave her from her spot in a chair, happy to watch the spinning and enjoyment on Lexa’s face.
“You look good.”
“Yeah?” Lexa asked, oddly hopeful.
“You always look good.”
“Like you don’t know how cute you are,” Clarke scoffed.
“I don’t-- um… well. Sometimes I-- I mean I don’t usually think about it.”
With a final look at herself in the mirror, Lexa blushed and went to tug on her old clothes in the dressing room, making a note of what she might like to wear in the future.
“That was way more fun than even I anticipated,” Clarke held out her hand as Lexa walked out of the dressing room. “Next up, date number two.”
“We’re having multiple dates in one day?”
At eleven in the morning, the selection of movies wasn’t the best. Just beginning to show within the hour, Lexa agonized over which of her two options would be the best before finally deciding on a cartoon feature meant for much younger audiences. But it felt like a good choice because she liked the director and thought it was going to be absolutely beautiful.
“I don’t think this is a very balanced diet you’ve got here,” Clarke chided as she stole a twizzler from the pack in Lexa’s lap as they lazed on the mildly uncomfortable chairs.
“You have to have snacks for a movie.”
They settled fairly close, smiling and happy and alone, so very alone in the movie that they hoped no one else might show up. Lexa wasn’t sure what to do, and so she was grateful for the candy and the quiet. Clarke was just too cute and too nice, and she smelled good. Lexa always forgot how she smelled. And how warm she felt. And that little crackling feeling deep in her own chest when Clarke laughed and was close. Lexa forgot these things until they were back.
Clarke slid her arm around Lexa’s bicep and sighed with her cheek on her shoulder.
“You’re like an escape, you know?” Clarke whispered. “Thank you for ditching with me today. I promise I won’t make a habit of it.”
“Are you okay? I mean… with everything?”
“I am.”
“Are you sure?”
“Not really.”
Lexa couldn’t help but smile at the honesty. It was the charm Clarke had to her, that she just said things, she was in the moment. And each moment was occupied by this constant dialectical problem, where she really was happy, and she really was sad, and she really was all of it, blown back and forth by a breeze and whatever thoughts her brain decided to pick up.
“It’s all going to be okay,” Lexa offered, feeling as if she had to say, as if she had something that Clarke needed. Rarely were those words actually comforting, but she wanted to try, and she wasn’t sure how they came out of her mouth.
“I don’t know about that.”
“Yeah, but you still just kind of have to live anyway.”
“My dad isn’t getting any better. It was a long break,” Clarke confessed. “And now SATs and work and school. It’s just a lot.”
“Yeah. It’s always a lot.”
“I like this though,” she smiled, referencing them together.
“Not to be, you know, that person, but, um. What exactly are we?”
“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”
“I don’t like to assume.”
Lexa felt her heart beating very quickly. Her palms felt sweaty and she wiped them against the thigh of her pants. She just wanted to look like she wasn’t dreading the answer. She didn’t want to think it was all in her head.
“For a genius, you’re kind of dumb.”
“Yeah,” Lexa nodded earnestly. “I get that a lot.”
“What do you think we should be?”
“Um, friends, friends that--- kiss?” she attempted before really thinking about it. “I don’t know how to do this. I guess I just kind of want to be on your team, if that makes sense. Kiss and root for you.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
“Okay, cool.”
Somehow Lexa let herself look at Clarke. It was a mistake because she was so pretty, and the lights were just starting to dim in time for the movie to start. It might have only been the second time Lexa leaned forward first, but she did, turning her body slightly. She really liked the kissing part.
Clarke tasted better than she smelled and she smelled so good. Gentle and warm, her lips moved against Lexa’s, and both forgot how to breathe. It didn’t matter that the noise from the previews started. It didn’t matter that they were the only ones, minus the usher who walked in to do a count and paused for a moment before hurrying back down the ramp.
“You and me, huh?” Clarke finally whispered when they separated.
Lexa just smiled and nodded, her cheeks painfully pink and her heart all but stopping completely.
“I promise, it’ll be well worth it,” Clarke swore, tugging Lexa toward the old truck that waited in the parking lot.
“I’m sure it will be, but I have to run very far today and ice cream isn’t the best pre-practice snack,” Lexa complained half-heartedly.
“You’re a pre practice snack.”
“Is this still flirting? Does this still happen?”
“Oh yeah,” Clarke nodded standing very close, pressing her girlfriend against her truck. “All of the time. If anything even more often.”
“Fantastic,” Lexa beamed.
The rain was just a drizzle, but the chill had somewhat worn off. While they should have been in sixth period, instead they were fresh out of a day bumming around the mall, locked away from the real world. Clarke leaned up and kissed Lexa’s smile because it was there and because she could.
“Will you just tell me how to do all of this?”
“All of what?” Clarke smiled.
Sheepishly, Lexa gulped before looking at Clarke’s lips again and then back to her eyes. Both were incredibly difficult things to face.
“It’s not that hard. You’re doing great. But you’d do even better if you bought me my favorite ice cream.”
“Fine, but I’m only getting a little bit.”
“You say that now, until you try it.”
With another innocent kiss, Clarke pushed forward and freed herself before hopping into the cab of her truck.
Winter break had been a lot for her to handle. It’d been a lot of her mother, and it’d been a lot of her father. She worked just to get away from the misery and the nagging thought that it might have been the last holiday together as a family. Clarke decided she needed something good, and she needed to escape. Lexa was both of those things and more. She was real and honest, and she didn’t sugar coat anything. She said what she thought and she did what she wanted.
Most importantly, however, Lexa was normal, and she was the vacation Clarke allowed herself from real life, even if it was in tiny doses at a a time.
“I definitely liked making out in the movie,” Lexa decided as she put on her seatbelt.
“Me too.”
“But I’m guessing I wouldn’t be too successful if it were a movie you wanted to watch.”
Again, Lexa blushed slightly, the tips of her ears growing red as she tucked stray hair behind them.
“Maybe,” she shrugged.
With just over an hour left in their freedom before Lexa was due back for practice and Clarke was due back for work, they drove toward ice cream and Clarke felt this ease about her. She wasn’t sure how, but she knew she made the right decision to put her chips down on Lexa Woods.
Clarke wasn’t sure what made her take a second look at the car across the lot from them as they pulled into the small mom and pop ice cream shop she’d grown up going to, nor was she certain how her brain put the pieces of information together.
“Okay, I might have lied,” Lexa decided. “I think I want rocky road.”
But Clarke didn’t move when they parked, but rather squinted at the familiar car and furrowed as her brain worked in overtime. Lexa said something about ice cream and running and how she was excited to tell her sister she ditched.
“Hey, you okay?”
Still, silence.
Lexa tried to follow Clarke’s glance and stared at the car.
She only half heard it. Instead, Clarke watched it happen, right there in the gas station parking lot across the street. Her mother got out of the car and Clarke hated that the windshield wiper did its job and put everything into clear viewing.
“What’s wrong?” Lexa tried again. “Who is that?”
Clarke just watched as the women she knew for her entire life got out of her car and hugged the man who got out of the passenger side. Up until that moment, it was just a dread that existed deep in her gut; it was unconfirmed. And then the women, the stranger, she smiled, happy and big and in the middle of a laugh, and she kissed the vaguely familiar man.
“That’s my mother,” Clarke muttered through grit teeth.
Unsure of what to do and the fact that this was very bad, Lexa looked between the mother and the daughter a few times before attempting to see some kind of resemblance.
“I just wanted ice cream.”
Neither moved, neither breathed, it felt like. Instead, they watched the display of giddy love happening between Clarke’s mother and a man that was distinctly not her father. Clarke sat in the driver’s seat even more defeated than normal. Nothing made sense, because she was certain there was no way her life could get worse, and then the universe decided to put a little more shit on top.
Lexa shifted only to take Clarke’s hand in her own and hold it there while the clandestine lovers said their goodbyes.
“It’s going to be okay,” Lexa whispered.
There wasn’t an answer to be had.
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dialoversotaka · 7 years ago
DL Character Meme
Hey guys! Another DL tag game, yay! Thanks for tagging me, ma’ bros @vampiretsuki and @mythicamagic (i feel so loved, srsly)! Anyway, here we go:
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ayato 2. Subaru 3. Shin 4. Carla 5. Reiji 6. Ruki 7. Yuma 8. Kou 9. Shuu 10. Azusa
1. Number 5 (Reiji) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend? Wooah, that’s so crazy! Tbh, idk if Reiji would listen to my opinions... anyway, I’d reccommend respectable, but stylish clothes, I think they suit him well
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Subaru) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react? I’d start to laugh and cringe at the same time, then I’d make him go out and start listening to ‘’The Sound of Silence’’ trying to make sense of what just happenned and be traumatized for life
3. Number 7 (Yuma) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go? Idk how Yuma thinks very well, so idk a good way for me to convince him... my strategy is usually sweet talk first, and if that doesn't work, threatening is right after, but it wouldn’t work on Yuma since i wouldn’t make him afraid haha
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ruki) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it? I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t ask for anything sexual, but i’m too lazy and doing chores is a pain in the ass for me! But I guess it’s better to put up with it if I don’t want to get punished
5. Number 4 (Carla) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react? ...There’s just NO WAY he’d do it, srsly! What about his pride as a Founder King? I mean, I wouldn’t tease him for it, but I’d sure think there’s something rlly wrong with him that day, thinking like ‘’His Endzeit must be affecting him deeply, not only phiscally but also mentally...’’
6. Number 9 (Shuu) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it? Oh... i must be very special for Shuu if he gets up to bake a cake for me... I guess I would? But before i’d say ‘’...If you put something inside on purpose and i don’t feel good, i’ll make you my butler until i feel better, you hear me?!’’
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond? Kou, I like you, but I wouldn’t, srry! I’d let you have my room and I’d even clean up yours so you could go back to it, I’d even sleep in the dungeons but i wouldn’t share, srry babe
8. Number 1 (Ayato) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do? Ayato, my dear husbando, sometimes you go off the edge! But i don’t think he’d listen if i complained anyway, so i’d let it go till a certain extent, and then when i exploded... well, let’s just say that he would be handling a throwing tantrum Kanato, haha...
9. Number 10 (Azusa) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do? Aww man! How can I say no to cutie Azusa? I’d go once, but more than that I don’t think I would... it’s too embarassing and i don’t like cats so much
10. Number 4 (Carla) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do? I’d be rlly suspicious and still think that the Endzeit’s effects were too strong that day, so i’d say there’s no problem and then wait till he was asleep to get the hell outta there and sleep somewhere else (i’m cunning and kinda deceiving when i feel threatened)
11. Number 3 (Shin) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them? I’d laugh (srry), but then i’d say that he needs to start doing some flexibility exercises every day and gradually he’d be able to pursue his dream
12. Number 7 (Yuma) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say? I’d thank him for the effort and say that it’s good, but that it doesn’t look like me so much and say ‘’if you want to try again some other time, just ask me and i’ll do it with joy ok? Don’t be sad! I took 1 year to draw bearable things to the eye and 3 years to get a good looking Foxy OC, so don’t lose hope ok!’’
13. Number 5 (Reiji) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond? i’d say like ‘’...Wow, Reiji... i mean, i knew you didn’t like me and eventually wanted to kill me, but i didn’t know you wanted to do so in such a horrible way... If you don’t want me here just say so, you stupid four-eyed pidgeon!’’ and then i’d get rlly mad and lock myself in my room till i got calmer...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ruki) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do? I guess we’d stay in a rlly akward silence and i’d try not to make eye contact with him until he gets annoyed by it and maybe we start having a normal conversation? I hope it would turn out like this, srsly
15. Number 2 (Subaru) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action? I guess I’d point it out like ‘’oooh, so you wanted to play with me just so you could freely touch me, ya punk? Who d’ya think you are?!’’ just to see his tsundere reaction and enjoy how cute it’d be haha (srry, I’m S, i can’t control it)
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shin) standing in it. How do you react? ‘’...Wtf??’’
17. Number 1 (Ayato) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do? ‘’Accidentally’’, yeah right! Me knowing Ayato, that’d probably be on purpose and he wouldn’t quit unless it was troublesome, so i’d do my best to piss him off and make him find the key. I mean, unless he wants to spend an afternoon with tantrum Kanato, I’d suggest he found it the quicker he could
18. Number 10 (Azusa) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react? Oooh man... I’d be so heartbroken to have to turn him down since I love Ayato... but of course, i’d do it gently and explain to him as calmly as i could, choosing well my words, but i’d feel guilty after... aaah, srry Azusa!
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how? I’d say ‘’how tf did you lose it, srsly?’’ but after i’d help him find it and if we couldn’t, i’d go and buy him a new one
20. Number 5 (Reiji) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it? Ohoho, I don’t even want to think what it’d be like... it’d end up badly for sure, but still be funny
21. Number 7 (Yuma) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shin) a strip tease. What happens? Shin would be sooo pissed haha and i would laugh and cringe (laugh cuz it’d be funny and cringe cuz i don’t like yaoi, just by imagining it i get nauseated)
22. Number 6 (Ruki) and number 2 (Subaru) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why? Idk! I don’t have such a great imagination for things like this... i’d have to see it happen to have a conclusion (srry)
23. Number 1 (Ayato) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Shuu) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do? That is just so predictable, Ayato ruining things haha! I guess Shuu’s most prized possession is his violin? We wouldn’t be able to cover it up, I think he’d find out and we’d be DEAD
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Carla) and number 10 (Azusa) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now? ...I’d have no idea of what happened, but i’d scream and think the worse scenarios... probably kill myself if they didn’t explain it either
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Shuu), number 6 (Ruki) and number 3 (Shin). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together? Haha, i thin they’d be fighting and nagging about everything the other does and i’d find it funny till it begins to annoy me and shout “STOP FIGHTING, GODDAMNIT!”
26. Number 9 (Shuu) and number 4 (Carla) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal? I think Shuu wouldn’t care so much apart from the Endzeit and i bet Carla would be outraged haha it’d be funny, but i’d ask if Reiji or Ruki could help in some way
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Reiji), number 7 (Yuma), and number 10 (Azusa). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage? Reiji wins of course, the rest goes bankrupt and Idk if Yuma would rage... i think noone would rage, it’s just a game rlly
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Subaru). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do? It’s a possible scenario haha, I bet Subaru would get pissed and they start fighting, but i’d say ‘’calm down for a second and listen!’’ and i’d suggest we rest for a bit and try to find ourselves the right way by analyzing the map well and then keep going once we’re sure of the way
29. Number 1 (Ayato) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react? He’d be angry if i got honest and said it wasn’t... ideal, but to keep practicing so he could be the best!
30. Number 1 (Ayato) and number 2 (Subaru) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond? Aaah why do you have to divide me like that?? I mean, it wouldn’t be bad to marry Succhan, but my #1 is Ayato! But if he liked me for who I am and not bcz i’m food, i’d have no problem on accepting it
I tag: @shadyraisincookie @soranokiku @tabooneko and @firstbloodkingdl 
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mymarvelobsessions · 8 years ago
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
summary: Peter Parker x reader. It’s Y/N’s first day at Midtown High, after being home schooled her whole life. She meets an old friend and a new one. Can’t be that hard right?
word count: 1650
warnings: none :)
a/n: This is a collab with my friend @barnesvogue xx
“Remember, if anyone comes too close,  just hit ‘em like I taught you, alright?”
 Bucky stared at you, waiting for a sign that you understood.
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, dad.”
“Or just tell them your dad is the Winter Soldier.”, Steve mumbled.
Bucky’s eyes shot to Steve. “You’re not going to  support me on this one?”
Steve smiled faintly. “It’s High School, Buck, she’ll be fine.”
“Yes, I will be. And if I may remind you, it was you, who said I needed to go to High School because ‘it’s a valueable life experience’.” You got up. 
“Where are you going?” Bucky dropped his bread. 
“I need to get ready!”, you whined. “And don’t give me any of that ‘you’re beautiful bla bla’, just trying to make a good impression.”
“'Cause you’re beautiful just the way you are…”, Steve hummed.
Chuckling, you raced up the stairs.
Twenty minutes later, you were ready to go. You had chosen your favourite outfit and put on some light makeup. 
When you came back down, Steve and Bucky were still eating. “How long do you two grandpas need for breakfast?” 
Bucky glared at you and even Steve looked a bit offended. Bucky set down his knife and fork, he had moved on from the bread and was now eating scrambled egg. “Well darling, Thor finally sent us his workout plan and Clint gave us a meal plan to go along with it.”
You raised one eyebrow.
“We’re just trying to get back in shape.”, Steve mumbled, blushing.
Your eyes went wide and your mouth fell open. “What?” You burst out laughing. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard all day!”
“It’s not even 8 a.m.”, Bucky said.
“Exactly!” You walked over to your parents and squatted down between them. You squeezed them together as best as you could. “You don’t need to get back in shape. I love you, even if you got a bit chubby!”
Bucky looked like he was going to kill you. That look would’ve sent anyone else running. But not you. You pinched his cheek. “You know I’m just kidding.” You stood back up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to school.” 
“I’ll drive you.”, Steve and Bucky said in unision.
You gave a deep breath and walked to the big steps of Midtown High. Of course you were nervous after being homeschooled your whole life. Kids were rushing inside.
You figured you would hurry because you needed time to find your locker. You took the slip of paper from your pocket and read.
Barnes-Rogers, Y/N Locker: Locker 427
You folded the paper and put it back inside your pocket. “427…” You mumbled as you walked around the halls. People were talking with each other. You caught a few words about a Homecoming dance in a week.
You finally came across your locker in between a couple of boys. You pushed your way through and entered the code. Inside was empty and a bit dusty. You took out the books in your bag and kept the ones you needed.
You were just about to go to your first class when a hand stopped you. Your brunette father’s warning suddenly rang in your mind. You quickly gripped their wrist and yanked it. “Hey!” You heard a female voice yell.
You turned your head and looked at the person. It was a girl, with curly dark brown hair and chesnut coloured skin. She looked familiar. “MJ?” You said in confusion. Her eyes looked sleepy but she smiled at you.
“Y/N.” She adressed as she let go of you. “Um, sorry about that.” You apologized awkwardly. “Yeah no problem. You couldn’t hear me.” Michelle shrugged. “It’s been a while.” She smirked. “Yeah… I didn’t know you went here.”You stammered. Michelle Jones was your neighbour until you had to move away.
She had always intimidated you, but she was harmless. Just another typical, sarcastic teen. “Well, I came here about a year ago.” She said while the two of you started walking. You chuckled to yourself at the memory of you two drawing things on the sidewalk with chalk.
Just then, a shoulder bumped into yours which caused you to fall down on your bum. “I-I’m so sorry!” You heard a boy’s stammer. So much for a first day. You opened your eyes to MJ and a brunette male. MJ looked like she was about to laugh while the other kid had a look of pure horror on his face. He let out a hand and you gladly took to help yourself up.
The boy was blushing with embarrassment. “I’m really sorry about that! I should have looked where I was going.” He stuttered, gripping his bag’s strap so hard that his knuckles almost turned white. “No! No it’s fine!” You reassured as you shook off some dust. A few other people were snickering. “I’ll leave you two here.” Michelle whispered in your ear. “No, I don’t know where-” But she already dashed off. “I-I’m Parker Peter.” He smiled sheepishly. Then a wave of realization hit him. “I meant Peter Parker.” He lightly chuckled. He blushed even more.
“I’m Y/N.” You held out your hand and he shaked it. “Are you new here?” He asked. “Uh, yeah. Do you know where Mr. Harrison’s calculus class is?” You told him, not taking your eyes off the slip of paper. “Oh, yeah! That’s my first class too!” He exclaimed. “Um, do you want me to walk you? If you want.” Peter bit his lip. You thought about it. Couldn’t hurt right? “Sure.” You smiled as the two of you began walking to the class.
Five hours later:
This had been a truly stupid idea. Bucky admitted that himself. Not to Steve though. No, he would never. 
“Rock, paper, scissors.” Steve looked down at their hands. “Damn it! I lost again!”
Bucky chuckled. “I spy with my little- Y/N!” He pointed outside the window. “Who is that guy?!”
Steve’s gaze shot to where Bucky was pointing. “It’s the spideyboy!”, he exclaimed.
Bucky threw open the car door. “I’m going to kill that-”
Steve grapped his arm. “Don’t make a scene. You’ll just embarass her!”
Bucky swallowed hard. “You are right. I will wait until he is somewhere less public.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Steve rolled his eyes.
The day ended with you hanging out with Peter. Michelle had gone off somewhere which left you with him as your guide. You found out he was super smart and funny too. You also found out he had a mega huge crush on a senior girl, Liz Allan. The both of you walked out of the school together. Peter had laughed at something you said. “Maybe we should hang out more.” He laughed while you agreed. “Yeah.” You shifted your stance so you were facing him. “Well I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Peter smile got even bigger. “Yes, of course!” He practically burst. He’s such a dork.
“That’s great then.” You started walking away. “Bye!” He gave a wave. “Bye!” He called out. You looked back and saw him do what looked like a victory dance. You rolled your eyes and took a turn. Time to teach your super soldier parents a lesson about stalking their teenage children.
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