#i still ahve a hard time believing
starlightwonders05 · 2 months
I think I’m gonna start using tumbler to share my thoughts and progress as an artist so this will be the start of that. I’ve finally decided how to format my favorite story. I’ve been devoloping that story with my friends for two year now. And we settled on a comic format where its kinda like “everything is not as it seems” where it kinda starts off as sorta normal but i lowkey cant fully do that ofc because our story involves being in a purgatory. So I Geuss its more just like? I don’t really reveal everything at first but just set the tone that this place is kinda important? I started writing the script for the first page and surprisingly its like doing a very detailed roleplay. Honestly? Im more scared of drawing backgrounds then anything lol I’ve been tooo hyper focused on my human skill that I’ve neglected literally everything else lol.
I also am just very scared to be a content creator in general I’ve been putting it off for a very long time I wanted to start a lot younger but I wasn’t confident in my skills but now im confident in my skills im just not sure WHT to do im even confident i can still do something good with the eras where my skills are underdeveloped. I Geuss I’ve just put so much weight on trying to wait for the “right time” to do things and waiting until i get this or that or wait until thie happens. I’ve lowkey been stalling for like two years. I struggle with even taking care of myself on a daily basis so doing art on a daily basis is kinda like hard? I used to go through sketchbooks in like a month lols. But i just have less motivation i have more ideas then ever i just am tired and scared? I just Geus a part of me just deep down feels like.. what if i put myself out there and no one wants to read my story? And love my ocs? I’ve been working so hard on these things for years so what if i show it to the world and no one even cares? I would have wasted my time and just like..i wanna be an artist and i wanna be a creator that people can love i wanna be known for it and do big things because of it and i just deep down feel like its not gonna happen for me. Im not gonna get lucky. And my efforts are for nothing..
I’ve been SO inspired by things like Undertale black butler and just artist creators. I also feel like my efforts arent enough i hear stories of others posting when they are young and slowly getting recognition or just lucking out with connections and i feel like that kind of things wont happen to me. Im black and trans and I was severely neglected as a child. No one really encourged me. No one ever really believed in me. So I barely believed in myself. It took be until my mid teens to learn basic ass things. Because I was academically smart and could speak very intelligently no one believed i needed help. No one helped me. They told me that i was smart and can figure it out myself. That’s devasting to hear. When youre drowning and know that anyone else can do this. Everyone else is better than me. I may like doing art and am passionate about it but i know everyone else is better. They arent as scared. They were encourged. It sucks. Because this has been my life story and i can’t even be good at the one thing im passionate about doing. And I’ve put all my cards into art. I’ve sacrificed a lot. I’ve worked SO hard. But i feel like it’s not enough. I feel like it’s never gonna be enough. Im gonna end up one of those sad lonely people who were so passionate when they were young but gave it up cause it never worked out. And im scared of that. I WANT art to be my thing i want content creation to be my thing i really do but as the days pass it feels like im wasting my time. No ones ever gonna like my stuff. No ones ever gonna see me. No one cares. It feel so suffocating. Doing art has become a very heavy burden on my shoulders. Something that used to save me is now weighing me down. Im not good at anything else. I ahve no other choice. And im very afraid. I dont wanna will this into existence but there’s no denying my fears. They scream at me everyday. I cant help but listen? It try I’ve tried so hard to be positive to keep pushing but i jsut need to get all this off my chest. It’s hard. Im sorry this turned into something this wasn’t supposed to be but i suppose it’s good for me to let it out. No ones really listening anyways.
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waitineedaname · 2 years
would like to know your thoughts on how ritsu's and tsubomi's first meeting went :3? cuz in my heart ritsu was the super ultra mega clingy little brother (before Everything happened) (it'd be kinda funny if the first person he crawled/walked to was mob instead of his mom or dad) and mob was the older brother that would always be happy to make his little brother happy (still is!) so they always spent most of their days together before mob went to kindergarten? i believe it took quite a while for ritsu (very Kid) to move on from the fact his brother won't be able to spend his every waking moment with him? but then mob would want to share good things with the people he loves and both tsubomi and ritsu were A Good Thing and People He Loves so of course he'd want to introduce them to each other?? what did they feel about it ? was ritsu jealous of/bitter about her or was he too young to treat her as a rival? did she ask him if he could float frogs like mob could or was she too bored of that at that point? do you ahve Thoughts about them?
oh this is such a good question!! I've never thought about this point in ritsu and tsubomi's dynamic tbh, like I've thought about how things were once she was an established playmate of theirs (forever thinking about the bit where ritsu is thinking "tsubomi is kind of hard to deal with because she used to leave in the middle of hide and seek") but never how they would've reacted to each other at first
I agree that ritsu was probably a really clingy little brother when they were small. because they're so close in age, I think they were always playing together, like those brothers were the closest of friends, and ritsu definitely threw a tantrum when mob went to school the first time lmao
as for how he'd feel about tsubomi, I think he was probably a little suspicious of her at first? even though he's later considered "popular" he is not a particularly social person, and considering how in all the flashbacks, the only people we see him playing with are his brother and tsubomi, that's probably just how he's always been. so yeah I think he was probably like "who is this new person hanging around us, are you a Threat" but then mob would insist that she's really great and nice and a good friend to play with, and ritsu would be like "well... I guess nii-san knows best..."
I think she probably asked if ritsu could also make things float once, and ritsu was still young and starry eyed because he was like. four. so he would've been like "not yet!!! but someday!!!!! because I'm his little brother!!!" and tsubomi was just like "ok" and then never asked again dslkfjdklsjf
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likemesomesalads · 1 year
uncommon oc questions - all pair ones for my chicken nugget, spicy wings, chicken soup for the soul luca, all impair ones for shay my man shay, and all multiples of 5 for sherry my girlfriend sherry -fingerguns- destroying your blog's layout one ask at a time
U make me ork for it huh gsklghlskjh also putting it under the cut
2: How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Depending on the person trying to make him laugh it's either insanely easy or incredibly hard. no in-between.
4:How easy is it to earn their trust?
Hard. He's haughty and in a position where using him would greatly benefit others so he's quite cautious.
6:Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Laws are... for the betterment of the people...he's maybe..an exception..because he's: a god's herald, a military leader, a very powerful being, and a haughty little bitch.
8: What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Stop: playing around and do silly things with his frineds. Start: getting serious about his training. AND DO BETTER. every time, do better.
10:What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"I'm fine, everything is going great. Of course I enjoy the responsibilities trusted upon me" He still tells those lies.
12:How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
He asks Hugo (his bird companion) to help with it.
14:What animal do they fear most?
Balthazar's roast doggies.
16:What makes their stomach turn?
In a disgust way: probably whatever you can find in a sewer. As in a way of fear...Fire. he's really afraid of fire.
18:What embarrasses them?
Being found in an indignifying state. (like bring drunk or high as a kite)
20:If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
"Romantic love is wanting or rather NEEDING to spend every minute of a day with a person, platonic love is enjoying a persons company without having a need for them nearby constantly and familial love is what one may feel for their parents."
22:How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Oh he's definitely getting posessive. He'd often use his wings to protect the object of his jealousy (his partner most often) or to shut out the unwanted looks towards him from the one he's jelous at.
24: Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
He's. A whore. And the whole court knows that.
26:What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
Flying. hy need anything else if u got wings?
28: Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
To recieve? no. To give? yes.
30: Who do they most regret meeting?
Balthazar tops the list then joko then caudecus...no wait..Kormir actually. He would've been fine if she doesnt tell him the truth. He would ahve been okay not knowing he was a sacrificial lamb and not even a good one.
32: Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Not really. Most people know about all te things he did that he'd find worth mentioning.
34:How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
HA....impossible. everythin always is his fault : )
36:Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
He's seeking fuckbuddies, one night stands...he doesnt really believe he could find love with how hectic his life is so it jsut happens when it does and it surprises him so fucking much.
38:What memory do they revisit the most often?
Usually the time when he got cut in four or one of the many times his gramps cut his feathers short...not good ones.
40:How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
He sees only flaws so... very? he's not gonna admit it though.
42:How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
He has no end goal. Just die when all is done, probably.
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Maybe 2 minutes. Tops. He gets bouncy legs while doing paperwork
3:How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
....Fucking his husband until he cant no more.
5: How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
He's very open minded and gives second chances to everyone...but if u fuck up ur second chance ur gone (unless u r Mozz. Mozz gets unlimited chances because he looks cute when he bats his lashes)
7:What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Risen...talk abourt risen or zhaitan times or finding a body of one or....u get it.
9:Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
He does. He's really creative with it too. It was Fuck this shit!
11:How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
13:What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Red and green..I mean...he is red and green....
15:How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
He neever thinks jsut says whats in his mind. He's brawn not brain. he speaks quite fast and with uhh...idk a pirate accent? he spent most of his life in lion's arch soo...
17:Are they easily embarrassed?
Nope. Unless...Mozz. Mozz knowss what to tell him to embarrass him.
19:What is their favorite number?
21:Why do they get up in the morning? 
To see his hubby uwu. and to fuck him.
23:How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
He becomes very grumpy and quiet.
25: What are their thoughts on marriage?
Yes. he's married.
27: What causes them to feel dread? 
...RIsen..talk about his past...talk about the times he went berserk from anger..he hates that.
29: Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Well..he aint Trahearne...
31:Who are they the most glad to have met?
His hubby, Mozz. Thanks a bunch Velazquez.
33:Could they be considered lazy? 
No, not usually. He's quite the busybee actually.
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
He's supersupportive unless it's murder...Murder is illegal and he's not on board with it.
37:Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
It either sticks or he's gonna ask you like 6 times.
39:How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Easy. He leads a group of ex-courtiers and misfits...he has a spft dpot for flawed individuals.
41:How do they feel about children?
They are cute but thank the pale tree he's a plant and gay.
43:If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Gay, men, MENNNNN. SPECIFICALLY this one *Will Smith pose at Mozz*
5:How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Very. U look bad at her ay and u r no longer trusted.
10:What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"I son't have a crush. I jsut think he's hot."
15:How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
A bit posh and high class in public. the most potty mouth in private. She says whats on her mind and if she doesnt u can tell by looking at her. U cant rehearse the perfect comeback babe.
20:If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
"romantic is when you dont just wanna fuck, platonic when you dont even wanna fuck and familial is..well that's given isn't it?"
25: What are their thoughts on marriage?
Mayhaps, in the future...Depends on the aprtner too.
30: Who do they most regret meeting?
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
She's supportive until it doesn't blow down to almost killing them...
40:How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
SHe's perfect. she has no flaws. what did u say? too short? i give you too short.
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multitrackdrifting · 2 years
I think one good hug would probably break the average person who doesn't see other people regularly and most of their friends are online.
I think I realized the reality of it all when I met all my internet friends (most of which I met on tumblr) in like 2017. I didn't cry, I don't cry in general really, but it made me realise how lonely life can be and how like yeah you can kind of subsist without ever seeing other people and not going outside much outside of like work or whatever you do but it's probably not for the best to be completely alone
I'm not one to judge how other people live, but at the same time I fully believe that we are not meant to go at this life shit alone no matter how introverted we are at our cores. Maybe we're just too used to be alone that we can't see it, but I stopped looking at the world that way and even if its just once every month or two months when I'm not working or studying, it's still nice to do something with otehrs that you will remember irl
But until those moments come, spending time with friends online is still good too -- but that irl element is still pretty crucial I believe that fully
I'm p lucky cause my irl circle is just my highschool friends I've kept in touch with -- but meeting people as an adult you ahve like what, work, college, and maybe a random person who strikes up a conversation with you
It's hard to meet other people, so if you didn't win that lottery in highschool where you were really social and popular (which I'll admit, I was part of the in-crowd, as cringe as that is to say) maybe developing any adult friendships is like 957x harder than I can begin to comprehend
Even so, I still don't feel that this life should be tackled alone and I hope that everyone finds people that they can trust and feel safe around to spend time with and live life with. For me a lot of my closest friends live across the ocean, and nothing as of yet is really pushing me towards them at the moment so I still have to make sure I keep up with my real life friends too
It's important for your mind to have that physical comfort and presence, even if you're not one for physical affection like hugs and stuff, there is a distinct fulfilment to it that online gets pretty close to, but it cant fully erase that little inkling of longing for some real life comfort, body language & good vibes you know?
But yeah, it's very hard to meet new people. I think I've made like 10 friends tops since I graduated that I still talk to.
Touching grass is good, but doing that with other people is even better.
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jeanhm · 4 months
Cape Reinga and the far north
We have spent two days at Cable Bay the most beautiful location for sunsets since the south island. We travelled up the east cost again seeing some lovely beaches, including one called Piapia, daughter-in-law to be's name. We arrived after a fish and chip supper to a fantastic sunset at Cable Bay. Our accommodation looked straight out over the bay and the following morning we awoke to a stunning sunrise which, sadly, did not mark the beginning of a lovely day as it was mainly dull and cloudy as we headed to the far north to see the light house at Cape Reinga and the place where the Tasman sea meets the Pacific Ocean. The line where the currents join was very clear. This place is sacred to the Maori as this is where they believe the spirits come to start their journey back to Hawaiki, their original Polynesian homeland. We managed to get a walk into the lighthouse before all the bus tours arrived but it was still one of the busiest places we have been.
We then headed to the Giant Sand Dunes. I hadn't heard of these before but they were absolutely huge and there was no way I was going to walk right to the top as every time you reached a ridge thinking the ocean was beyond, there was another set of dunes! We did manage a fair walk up and this is a place where many come to boogie board down the dunes. I found the walk up hard enough without having to lug a board up with me so I am glad we didn't try to hire them on this occasion.
Our last stop for the day was Ninety Mile beach somewhere I ahve always wanted to go. We went to one of the more southerly access points as our car wasn't really up to a long drive down the beach from the north but we did drive onto it and Andy had fun driving in circles round on the sand.
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totouchthcstars · 1 year
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Look who just woke up- is that MATILDA DE ANGELIS? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s DOROTHY GALE from WIZARD OF OZ. I heard they are 22 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, she still give off a/an THE HEELS OF RUBY SLIPPERS BEING TAPPED TOGETHER THREE TIMES; A TINMAN A SCARECROW AND A LION WITH A FEARFUL HEART; BEING SWEPT AWAY BY A TORNADO AND LANDING IN THE LAND OF OZ; A JOURNEY ALONG A YELLOW BRICK ROAD impression. But here, they are working as a STUDENT FOR ACTING. They’re known to be quite COMPASSIONATE & OUTSPOKEN, but have a tendency to be PETULANT & GULLIBLE on their bad days.
Gender/Pronouns : she/her
How long have they been in Sydney : reality, 2 years. However in her fake life, Dorothy thought she was born and raised in Sydney, actually.
Which suburb do they live in? Tba
Personality description : Dorothy is always described as the perfect young woman, kind-good-natured, innocent and caring. She usually gets along with everyone and does not ahve any trouble making friends. She does not wish anyone ill and is told to be clever and resourceful. However, it is also obvious she does not know too much about life outside the farm of her aunt and uncle. And it is often easy, due to her kind nature, to force Dorothy to do things she does not like or want to by making her feel very guilty if she denies to do them.
Memories of their real life : Dorothy does remember everything up to the point when she and Toto managed to return home - living with her aunt and uncle, how the tornado had swept her away. Oz, tinman, the lion and scarecrow. How they all walked down the yellow brickroad, all for a different reason, to find the wizard of Oz that would grant them a wish. How they had to fight the green evil witch. And realizing in the end how much she loves living in Kansas, despite everything.
What was their fake life like : 
Dorothy really had a happy fake life in terms that she actually was no orphan, but had a father and a mother at her side who loved her dearly. On the downside, no farm life. Both of her parents were fabric workers, and they lived in a tiny apartment so it was a miracle that Dorothy was even allowed to have a dog as a pet. A tiny dog, but still.
They both wanted Dorothy to have a better, less hard-working life one day, so, the two parents saved most of her money for Dorothy's education. But it shows quickly that, while Dorothy is clever when it comes to solve problems of daily life, math and science are not for her. However, she is showing talent in arts like music and theatre.
So, even when her father does not believe this would actually help Dorothy to not live a life where money is tight, her talents opened a door to college, and Dorothy had already been part of smaller productions in the local theatre, the sweet young lady there always charming the audience with her play.
Quote: "There's no place like home."
hobbies: playing with Toto, singing, dancing, exploring the farm, hanging out with her friends
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tonyndum-e · 4 years
I just witnessed the best public lobby in the history of public lobbies and lived through 'enemies to best friends' trope so I have to tell you about it
Background: I was playing in the same lobby for at least five games and I was a crewmate every time, i was sussing myself at this point too lmao. I guess most of us were done with tasks so no one had (or wanted) anything else to do and we followed each other to security. There were 4 of us (yellow, orange, white and pink) and 1 impostor left. The party in security went on for like half a minute until pink vented in and out of the same vent, probably on accident. I ran off with someone else to call a meeting. (I'm yellow)
Yellow: it was pink
Yellow: you all saw pink vent in security right, everyone saw it
Orange: yellow vented
Orange: it's yellow
Yellow: howwww i was nowhere near that vent
White: pink vented i saw it
Yellow: see? thx white
Yellow: everyone saw it
Orange: you vented yellow
*we vote and there's a tie between me and pink - orange and pink vote me, white and I vote pink*
*we're all gathered in cafeteria waiting for the button so we're able to call a meeting but impostor calls the reactor and we ran off to the reactor and shut it down, at that time white disappears and orange and I try to get back to cafeteria through upper engine but the door is closed, i get killed by pink there, we lose (i think that's the only time my team lost)*
*on the dropship*
(not even joking, that's the exact same conversation)
*the next game i get crewmate as well and i get sussed by orange again*
*the game after that orange and i do tasks together but on accident, at least i wasn't following orange, idk about him*
Orange: yellow is good
Orange: yellow was with me doing tasks
Yellow: yes orange is fine as well
Some color: finally these two are on the same page
*we manage to bond over that; next round i find orange's body in electrical (shocking) and report it*
Yellow: oh nooo orange my buddy
Yellow: i found orange in electrical noooo
Brown: f in the chat
Pink: f
Yellow: f
Brown: f
Everyone: f
Someone: did u see anyone
Yellow: no lol I'm just here to pay respects
*everyone skips (I don't know what happened after but ik we won the round)*
*a few rounds later i FINALLY get to be impostor with my buddy orange and i legit thought to announce to everyone I'm the impostor right away bcz i was too happy i got the impostor but since my partner was orange i kept it a secret and played it cool*
*orange kills and i find the body, i report it for some reason*
Yellow: storage
Yellow: idk i literally saw no one around there
Orange: skip then?
Yellow: yeah skip
*everyone skips*
*he kills again and report it again lmao somehow I'm lucky with finding bodies, we play it cool without getting sussed AT ALL and we get two crewmates voted off even, orange kills two more and we win*
White: i knew it was yellow
Yellow: lmao but i literally didn't kill anyone
Yellow: orange killed everyone
Orange: yeah lol
Yellow: i was gaining everyone's trust :)
Orange: gg tho
Yellow: yeah gg
*i never get impostor again but a few rounds later there's a meeting and orange keeps saying it's red but we already skipped, orange gets killed the next round and i find him*
Yellow: nooooooo orange died sussing red
Yellow: I'm voting red for orange
Red: that makes zero sense
Pink: oh nooo orange
Brown: for orange!
Red: idiots
*we all vote red and we win after getting one more impostor out*
Orange: yeahhh, thank you
Epilogue: the last round I did in the lobby, i got killed in electrical and orange found me, they got the right impostor and orange wrote 'avenged' on dropship and i thanked him. I also thanked everyone for being awesome and that that lobby was the coolest one I've ever stumbled upon and that I was sorry I had to go. Everyone was so sweet and it was an emotional goodbye but damnnn it was such a fun experience. And yeah, I really spent like 20 rounds in the same lobby and got impostor only once. I didn't know that was possible lol. Anyways, if i had any talent in drawing comics i would make a comic out of this story bcz it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and it's 100% true but I still can't believe it.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
okay i’ve been thinking about dating frat harry and it’s still a new relationship. you’ve just decided to be exclusive but you’ve already been spending all your free time together. he’s already head over heels for you and you’re feeling the same he just doesn’t realize. anyways you guys are alone at the frat which is so rare so ofc like the boy he is he’s taking advantage and fucking you everywhere he can 😌 he starts off like “hey baby, you ever fuck on a washing machine?” by the time you make it to the kitchen you’ve already cum harder than you ever had and you bet your ass he’s not done with you. he’d take you while you’re sitting on the counter, and then again bent over the island before he’s dragging you to the living room and making you sit on him and he’d be GONE at this point, talking so much shit “you’re so good to me baby, so fucking sweet. cmon, fuck me baby. wanna see you cum again, then i’m fucking you on the pool table downstairs. gonna make you squirt. oh you like that? wanna make a mess for me? go on then baby, make a fuckin mess on my cock.” and you’d ride him hard, just quick sharp bounces that have you gasping and whining. he’d wrap his hand around your throat and press his forehead to yours “open your eyes, open your fucking eyes. there you go, look at me baby. wanna see you fall apart again.” you wouldn’t be able to make any more noises, mouth just hanging open and he’d pull back smirking before he spits on your tongue making you clench down on him hard while you’re cumming. he’d have to grip your hips and start moving you himself, chasing his own orgasm and he’d be so pusey drunk just saying everything “oh my god baby, oh my god. gonna make me stuff this little pussy, gonna cum! let me cum in you, please. please baby, i love you. fuck your pussys so good.” he’d hide his face in your shoulder while he buries himself deep and cums. you’d both just sit there for a minute calming down and panting. your head resting on his shoulder while he rubs your back before standing while still holding you and carrying you to his room. after you’re all cleaned up and settled in bed cuddling you’d start giggling “what’s funny baby?” “you said you love me. 😌” he’d get all red and huff which would make you laugh more “i can’t believe i fucked you so good you said ‘i love you’ for the first time. it’s okay harry, i’ve almost said it a few times too.” and now he’s all 🥹“yeah? you love me?” “and your cock, can’t forget about my favorite. 😋”
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Sorry to bother I am new in the ikemen fandom :) and was wondering since I saw them in your masterlist if you coulkd describe to me Faust and Charles character, i am asking hoping to not bother you of course becasue they ahve yet to be released in the english version but I am writing a sotry invoving vlad and I would like to know them too Thank you Have a nice day :)
Heya, welcome to the fandom! I had noticed you in my notifications already, haha! Never worry about being a bother. I'm always happy to answer questions. 😊😊😊
Fairly speaking, everything I know about Charles and Faust is second-hand as well. There are blogs like @cirillafionariannon that translates Japanese routes that haven't been released yet in English, and blogs like @dear-mrs-otome who posts snippets of content involving them with some hilarious additions. If you don't mind spoilers I recommend that you take a look there to observe for yourself!
As for what my interpretation of their characters are, see below the cut:
Faust: Brains over heart, but still very sensitive despite his tough exterior. He is very logical and analytical and will always choose his mind over his heart, even if it lowkey breaks him a little. Doesn't like to admit that he gets affected by emotions as well, but just look at how he treats Charles and you know that he cares a lot even if he says not. Sarcastic to his bone, this man has no reservations to spit out his thoughts and to have his judgement ready. Very much the type to say: "I can't help how you feel, but I can help you see the truth."
In which I mean to say that he will choose being 'right' over keeping peace. Hard facts matter a lot to him in that regard, even if they're a bitter pill to swallow. I specifically don't say 'truth' in his case because Faust doesn't care for the truth, he cares for the reality. The truth is bendable in his opinion and everyone has their own 'truth', hence facts.
Charles: I wouldn't say that Charles is the opposite of Faust, but from a first glance he would be. Where Faust is the cat you rather leave alone Charles is the young puppy that can't get enough of your attention! Charles is affable and friendly and willing to befriend anyone, but this mostly stems out of his own issues and his own self-worth. Where Charles seems like a guy who wears his heart on his sleeves he actually denies them more than Faust does. Where Faust just doesn't want to give emotions his time, Charles is suppressing them like a world champion: Stepford Smiler. Charles would definitely choose peace over facts and truths and as such he will conceal anything he believes will break the bubble.
Just like Faust, Charles is observant and analytical, but he employs it in a different way. Where Faust is clinical and sharp Charles chooses to employ his skills to control the situation and maintain the general mood. No one is allowed to be upset within his world, because upset means tears and tears breaks his heart, which means he failed. Intensely loyal once he grows attached to someone Charles will go to lengths beyond his reach to ensure their happiness, even if that means killing his own heart. Charles lives for others and receives his happiness from others as well.
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the---hermit · 2 years
I need your tips on how to come up with a research title. Also extra tips or maybe encouragement on conducting any type of research. Thanks!
I should start by saying that I am presonally terrible at picking titles, thankfully I was helped by my professor to pick the thesis title (but I still ahve to settle down on chapter titles and I totally feel you cause it's a nightmare job). Keep in mind that your title should not only present what your work is all about, it should also be interesting enough for people to read it. Honestly what I normally is try to come up with a list of key workds that describe my work, as well as main themes, and then I just try a good combination until something makes sense. I am aware that this part of my answer could be better, but this is all I have got for now, I have to learn a lot more about coming up with titles.
With the second part of this I should be a bit better. So I understand that conducting any type of research can be VERY intimidating. It's not something you do a lot, it sounds very serious and if you are anything like me you are constantly doubting you have the skill to do it. But researches are fun, I try to see them as little adventures, you are looking into something you don't know much about to learn more and to understand and these things are exciting. Many times conduction a research can make you one of the few experts on a subject and that it also so cool. Few things are as thrilling as that moment in which all you have read starts to take form, and you understand things that were unknown to you, and you reason on all that stuff. And at the end of it you get to sit down and write something to show people all the work you have done and your thoughts and ideas (and in a small part you become a bit like the people who wrote the stuff you had to read and study for your reaseach so things come back full circle!). It's so satisfying to put to words your reseach, it can be hard, but finally all your work comes to reality in a bunch of words and sentences, and it's beautiful. If you doubt yourself about this work you have to do or feel unmotivated think of this, think of how exciting these works can be, and you have all the skills to do it, because to conduct a research you just need to have a subject and then read as much as you can on the subject. Then it's all a matter of putting things together and write everything down. You can totally do it, believe in yourself and most importantly try to have fun while working on this reseach okay?
I really hope you'll find a good title and are proud of your research, I'd love to have updates once you are done! A while back someone who asked me for some advice told me all about their project and how it went and it was lovely (do not feel pressured tho!). Good luck with everything!
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lia-jones · 3 years
Growing Together - Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Proof Is In the Brownie
Author's note:
Hello beautiful people! It's been such a long time since I have posted, and I'm truly sorry for the no-show, but things ahve been hectic at work and I really couldn't get myself in the right headspace to write, but now we're hopefully rolling! I struggled a lot deciding whether I should write this chapter or not. It doesn't feel like my usual narrative, some of you will find it unusual, and still I had to get it out of my head. If you can, leave me a comment or an ask with your opinion!
So, without further ado, let's get to it!
“Oh God.” I croaked, looking around. “I think we took this thing way too far.”
Victor lifted his head from my shoulder, disheveled hair still covered with flour.
“You think?” He frowned. “We destroyed the kitchen.”
Feeding Instructions
“Andy, will you come here for a second?” I heard Victor call from the hallway.
“Yeah.” I stopped beside the aquarium, running my fingers through my wet hair.
“This is how much you give him.” He showed me a small plastic spoon with lobster pellet food. “Twice a day. Once in the morning, once in the evening. No more than that.”
Here we go.
“Are you also instructing me on how many times I should feed our son, or is it just the lobster?”
“You forget you fed him, and then you feed him more than necessary.” He dropped the food into the aquarium. “He’s getting fatter, his exoskeleton doesn’t even get a chance to harden.” He paused, staring at the aquarium. “Maybe I should make you a sheet to keep track of his feeding.”
“For the last time, Victor, I am not overfeeding the lobster! I am perfectly able to remember if I have fed him or not, I’m not senile.” I walked back to our room, starting to feel annoyed.
“This from the person who forgot her phone inside the refrigerator.” I heard him follow me.
“That is different, I was getting a yogurt for Owen and I was holding the phone...”
“I would buy you some memory supplements, but you’ll probably forget to take them.” He mocked me.
“You know, if you are so worried about the lobster, don’t go.” I turned to him. “Stay and feed him yourself.”
“You know I can’t do that. I need to make sure everything is running smoothly before the inauguration.” He held me by the waist.
“Right.” I leaned my head against his chest with a heavy sigh. ”And I need to stay behind to look after LCG and help Goldman if he needs me.”
“It’s only for two weeks.” He pressed his chin on top of my head. “Then you’ll meet me in Paris, and we can make up for the lost time.”
I wrapped my arms tightly around him, like somehow my embrace could force him to stay. Although traveling was a big part of Victor’s job, since we got Owen he used to avoid it as much as he could, and I got used to having him with us all the time. I knew LFG France was a big project that demanded a lot of his attention, especially during the first months, and he had no choice but to go, yet I still resented the fact that I would have to endure two weeks without his warmth, sleeping alone in a cold bed.
“In the meantime, will you please try not to kill our pet?” He broke our embrace, pecking me in the forehead. “Twice a day. No more, no less.”
“Oh, for the love of-”
“Nevermind, I’ll just ask Owen.”
And with that, my husband left me alone in our bedroom, probably to avoid the insults I was about to throw at him.
A Brownie a Day Keeps the Sadness Away
“You’re leaving tomorrow?” Owen poked his eggs. “But I have to go to school today, I won’t have any time to be with you before we leave.”
“We have tonight.” Victor smiled at his son.
“It’s no use, it’s not enough time.” The boy pouted. “And I’ll be too sad to enjoy it anyway.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at my five-year-old drama. Victor gave me a knowing look.
“Well, that being the case, I may as well return the tickets I bought to the Insectopia exhibition.” Victor spoke casually, his eyes on his phone.
Owen dropped his fork and looked at his father, his sweet brown eyes sparkling.
“We are going to see Insectopia today?”
Victor got up from the table calmly, retrieving an orange cardboard box from the fridge.
“We were, but since you are so depressed, you may not want to do it. I even bought your favorite brownies from Hungry Hippo, but I understand if you lost your appetite.”
“I can have brownies for breakfast?!?” Owen’s eyes opened so wide I thought they were going to pop out.
“Finish your eggs first.” Victor took three more plates from the cupboard, serving us all brownies. Owen took his fork again, eating his eggs in a rush.
“Done!” He announced after what felt like 10 seconds. “I want a brownie please!”
“God, Owen, did you even chew your food?!?” I looked at my son’s plate, surprised to see it empty. But I don’t think he even heard me, already busy cutting his brownie.
“Hmmm, these are sooo goood!” Owen closed his eyes as he took a bite of his brownie. “The best brownies ever, better than all other brownies! Not even Dad can make brownies this good!”
My husband’s face fell.
“My brownies are not this good?”
“No, these are so much better!” Owen replied with his mouth full of chocolate.
Victor gave me an inquisitive look. I sipped my coffee, pretending not to notice.
“Hmm.” He frowned, cutting a piece of his brownie with the fork and bringing it to his mouth. After a moment, his frown deepened. “They are. But how?”
Playing My Brownies Right
As usual, we drove Owen to school and headed to LFG Tower to work. On a regular day, Victor and I would spend our commute time talking about our daily affairs, clients we would meet, who would cook dinner or pick Owen up. But since it was his last day at home before he flew to Paris, all of that seemed irrelevant. The whole day just felt a bit sad for me.
“I wish you could take the day off for us to spend some time together. It’s been ages since we had some time for ourselves.”
“Some other time.” He sighed. “I need to get some last-minute affairs in order before I leave.”
“Can’t you take some time and have Goldman do it?” I complained. “You’ve been working non-stop.”
“I should take care of some things myself.”
“Funny, back when I was publishing my study, you were such a firm believer in delegating.” I squinted at him.
“Different situations.”
“Because I’m me and you’re you?”
There was a moment of silence, and I smiled thinking Victor was mulling over my astonishing comeback. Turns out, he wasn’t even listening.
“Do you think those brownies are better than mine?”
“That is your main concern right now!?”
“Well, are they?” He insisted.
“Ok, consider this a lesson of tough love.” I turned to him. “Yes, they are. Happy Hippo’s brownies are vastly superior to yours. And that’s ok. You don’t have to be good at everything. Someone can’t be good at everything.”
“I beg to differ.” He frowned, watching the road. “My whole life, I worked hard to achieve perfection, and I have reached it. I believe that with consistent effort and dedication, one can be good at anything.”
I stifled a laugh.
“Not brownies, though.”
“Don’t think I can’t tell you are mocking me.”
“Oh no, I’m going to lose brownie points.” I poked him.
“Will you back off?” He poked back. “I have plenty to do today, I don’t want to catch moronitis from you.”
“You know, if you were so good at everything, I’m sure you would have no trouble delegating your tasks to Goldman and spending the day with me.” I gave him a daring look. “In fact, I bet you can’t.”
“You bet?” He smiled mischievously at me. There was nothing Victor loved more than a good challenge. Unfortunately for him, I was well aware of that.
“Want to make it official?”
“It depends. What are the terms of this bet?”
“For today, until Owen arrives from school, if I dare you to do something, you’ll need to do it, and you need to do it perfectly. If I win, you’ll have to admit you are not good at everything. Also, you can’t nag me about anything for a whole month. Not about lobster food, not about the mess I make in the bathroom, nothing.”
“Fair enough. So if I win, you’ll have to always agree with what I say and act accordingly for a month. During that time, what I say goes, and you can’t go against it. And you will have to acknowledge my prowess as well.”
“I always have to agree? So I can never tell you that you’re wrong?” I frowned.
“Not for thirty days, you can’t.”
“Not even if you are talking your way into sleeping on the couch?”
“That won’t happen because you’ll always agree with me.” He smiled. “See? It’s a foolproof plan.”
“You have to win first.” I dared.
“I’m confident about my chances.” Keeping a cautious eye on the road, he pressed the screen of his phone. “And to show you I mean it, I will complete the first challenge.”
“You’re taking the day off?” I smiled, surprised to see my teasing work so well.
“I was already planning to, you idiot.” He pretended to be angry, although I could see him suppressing a smile. “I only had a short meeting to attend and then I would whisk you away from the office for some time for two. Sadly, you had to act childishly and ruin the surprise.”
Awww, soft Victor. I leaned against his bicep, my heart filled with love for this man. It almost made me feel bad for planning to make his day a living hell. Almost.
Put Your Mouth Where Your Brownie Is
“A supermarket? That’s your idea of time for two?”
“It’s been a while since we’ve had a quiet day at home, just the two of us.” Victor replied, filling our cart with several items. “And cooking together seems like a nice activity.”
“Well, since you’ll be gone for so long, I thought we could use some more…” I batted my eyelids at him. “... intimate time.”
“Fear not, I will not leave my wife unsatisfied.” He smiled.
That smile was enough to leave me a babbling horny mess. Get it together, Andrea.
It wasn’t until we stopped by the dairy fridge that I paid close attention to the contents of our cart: chocolate, sugar, flour, and a stick of unsalted butter Victor had just put there.
“We’re going to bake brownies.” My good mood was gone at that exact second. We were supposed to be taking time for us, how could he even think about brownies?
“We are going to try and recreate that recipe, perhaps even improve it.”
“Well, don’t use that butter then. Use this one instead.” I retrieved a stick of regular butter from the fridge.
“I will not use cheap butter to bake.” He put the salted butter in its original place. “It alters the consistency and flavor. It belongs on warm bread, not brownies.”
I could say I was disappointed that Victor was more concerned about his pride than the short time we had to be together before his trip. I could even say that it upset me how condescending he would sound sometimes, always telling me how to do things, like I was Owen’s age. All of these were true, but that wasn’t what was bothering me the most. Victor would leave soon, and we wouldn’t see each other for two weeks, and I knew I would be a needy insecure mess during the time he would be away, barely able to sleep on that giant bed by myself, missing his loving whispers in the morning, his huge sweaty body making love to me. To add insult to injury, this distance didn’t seem to affect Victor at all. He was cool as a cucumber, like this long trip away from his family was just another Tuesday.
I felt entitled to some pettiness.
“You know what? Forget about the old bet.” I took the stick of butter and placed it again in our cart. “Let’s make a new one. Same consequences, different challenge.”
“What do you have in mind?” He came closer, looking me in the eye.
“Simple.” I stared back defiantly. “The best brownie wins.”
All is Fair in Love and Brownies
The terms were pretty straightforward: we had fifteen minutes to prepare the batter, after which we would put both trays in the oven, simultaneously, and bake them for the exact same time. If we couldn’t decide on which brownie was the best, Owen would have the final say. The winner would have absolute power over the household for a month, and could not be defied during that time, unless in dire circumstances.
We placed the ingredients on the counter, along with the bowls and pans we would need. Victor started the timer on his phone.
“Ready?” He glanced at me.
“Let’s get this party started.” I smiled.
It was showtime.
Victor and I loved cooking together, but our cooking methods couldn’t be more different. I was more of a messy cooker, leaving eggshells on the counter, and flour everywhere, and most times my clothes would also become victims of my culinary endeavors, while Victor was methodical and clean, neatly arranging his ingredients on the counter, carefully measuring each one of them. Surprisingly, we worked pretty well together: Victor quickly embraced my spontaneous side and I obviously benefited immensely from his methodic one. Side by side, as competitors, not so much. That became clear when I grabbed the flour and placed it absentmindedly on the counter, the bag still open.
“Close the bag after you use it.” Victor paused his mixing to close the flour bag. “Clumsy as you are, you’ll spill flour all over the counter.”
“So what?” I shrugged, busy mixing my batter. “It’s just flour, we’ll clean it afterward.”
“Have you noticed how filthy your side of the counter is? How can you work in such chaos?” He scolded. “Eggshells everywhere, flour and sugar on the floor…” He wiped my forehead. “How did you even get flour on your face?”
And there he was again, talking to me like I was five. Oh boy.
“I’m sorry, is my mess making you uncomfortable?”
“Just stay on your side of the counter, I don’t want to get stains on my shirt.”
That was enough. If Victor was so adamant about treating me like a child, I would act like one.
“Oops!” I tilted the sugar jar over the counter, sugar spilling all over Victor’s side. “You are right, I can be really messy.”
“What’s the matter with you?” He quickly grabbed a cloth. “Are you trying to aggravate me on purpose?”
“Maybe I am.” I shrugged. “I mean, I’m sure a perfect man like you must be prepared to deal with all challenges life throws at him, including a messy wife.”
“A little sugar isn’t going to stop me, if that's what you think.” He gave me a smug look, returning to his work. “I’ll still win.”
“Is that so?” I paused my mixing, wondering what I could do to get him pissed.
“Easy now, don’t go doing things you might regret.” Victor raised an eyebrow at me, like he somehow had read my mind.
“I think my batter is ready. Tell me what you think.” I grabbed the spoon I was using to mix and whipped it towards Victor, a bunch of brownie batter landing on his neck and face. “Yummy, right?”
Victor paused, his eyes closed, taking a deep breath as he wiped the chocolate from his face. For a moment I thought he would just scream at me and storm away. I had something quite different.
“Not quite ready yet.” He took the flour bag and dumped it all over me. “It needs more flour."
“Are you sure?” I gave him a defying look, after wiping some of the flour off me. “Have another taste.”
And I did the unthinkable. I took my mixing bowl and poured it all over his shirt and pants.
“For the record,” Victor said after recovering from the initial shock, “you were the one who started this.”
I really can’t tell who threw what next, but the next thing I know is we were in full battle mode, ingredients flying everywhere. Victor got a clear advantage when he remembered he had some eggs close by. Thankfully, I was quick to react and managed to avoid being bombarded by opening the fridge door and hiding behind it. And that’s when I saw it. The can of whipped cream I had bought to garnish the other brownies, and that Victor had refused to use because food in a can is unacceptable. Well, I would put it to good use now. I emerged from behind my improvised shelter, shaking the can vigorously.
“Now, if you’re smart,” I pointed the nozzle at him, “you’ll admit defeat and walk away.”
“If you were smart”, he walked confidently towards me, “you’d know it takes a lot more than whipped cream for me to fold.” Before I could react, he grabbed both my wrists and made me twirl, holding my arms behind my back, the can forgotten on the floor. “Now admit defeat.” He whispered in my ear, from behind me.
“Oh, bite me.” I scoffed.
He didn’t waste a second. He took my earlobe in his mouth and bit it hard.
I gave him a daring look.
Bigger Brownies to Bake
My defiance was like a trigger in Victor’s mind. He didn’t give me any time to think or react, turning me effortlessly in his arms, his mouth taking mine in a passionate kiss. And just like that, our food fight turned into a steamy make-out session.
Yes, the kitchen was a mess, and Victor would be leaving soon, but none of the things that bothered us before seemed to matter at that moment, as we focused solely on each other and the way we felt, the world a blurry notion in the back of our minds. We simply gave in to our lust, kissing, touching, teasing, hands ripping clothes apart and throwing them on the ground. Victor was far from cold, despite popular belief, he was a very intense man, and loving him was just as intense. Every time we gave in to our feelings like this, it was like being swallowed by a gigantic yet pleasurable wave, only hoping we would come out whole in the end. We made love right then and there, on our kitchen island, too entranced to think of anything else. It was only when we came down from our high, landing in each other’s arms with a wide grin on our faces, that we minded the real world again.
“Oh God.” I croaked, looking around. “I think we took this thing way too far.”
Victor lifted his head from my shoulder, his hair covered with flour.
“You think?” He frowned. “We destroyed the kitchen.”
Our eyes met for a second before we both burst into laughter. Problems like a dirty kitchen seem so silly when we’re happy.
“Will you tell me why you have been so moody with me lately?” He pulled me closer to his chest.
“I haven’t…” I started defending myself, but gave up when I noticed him glaring at me. “I have been moody, yes, you are right.” I sighed. “I know this is stupid and you’ll probably make fun of me, but the idea of having you away for so long… it’s unsettling.”
“Idiot, it’s only for a few weeks.” He chuckled. “Before you know it, you’ll be taking the jet to meet me.”
“See? And that infuriates me too!” I pushed away from his arms. “Here I am, pouring my heart out, and you laugh! Like this is a joke, like there is no reason for me to be feeling that way, especially when it’s clear you won’t-”
He pressed his lips against mine, and as usual, my thoughts evaded me completely. His kiss was sweet and soothing, taking away all my anxiety. He took my face in his hands and broke the kiss to look into my eyes, his voice with a sweeter yet vulnerable tone now.
“You are usually so good at reading me.” He smiled. “How can you think I don’t care?”
His eyes were filled with such honesty that I began to question my reasoning as well. That man did nothing but love me, deeply, every day. How could I possibly question that? I watched as he lifted my wrist, holding the red ruby charm between these fingers.
“I carry your heart with me.” He whispered.
“I carry it in my heart.” I returned.
“I may not say much, but my word is biding. You never need to worry about these things, you have the answer to them already. Here.” He pointed at my bracelet. “Here.” He took my left hand, kissing my ring finger. “And hopefully, here.” His hand rested on my chest. “Even when this gets you in trouble.” He tapped my forehead with a smile. “I give all these reminders and still you forget? You are in dire need of those memory supplements.”
“Damn it.” I shook my head. “You won.”
“No, the terms were that the best brownie would win. We didn’t get to bake them.”
“You wanted to prove to me that you are perfect.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “And you did. You are absolutely perfect. At least for me.”
“Well, that being the case…” He came closer, brushing his lips against mine. “I think we have a tie.”
The kitchen was pristine clean when Owen came from school, and our little adventure became our secret, a private joke we shared in our moments of intimacy. Another proof that, even in chaos and uncertainty, we would always find each other.
This project has been going for a year now (it started in February 2020) and it won't be over any time soon, so I would like to ask you, as much as possible, for your support, because we still have a very long way to go. So, if you enjoy the work, don't forget to comment and reblog. It gives it traction and enables other people to learn about it, and for me to get more excited about what I do.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
can you do a sub!iida x dom!gn reader fic with confessions, phone sex, or mutual masturbation?
Ooooo 👀 spicy 🌶
I’m not experienced with Gender neutral BUT ILL TRY MY BEST! Letsss gooooo!
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
🤍🌶🤍🌶 💙🌶🤍🌶🤍🌶 💙🌶🤍🌶🤍
(Credit to Artist: if you know pelase let me know, /my friend sent me this to use it doesn’t not belong to her)
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“Iida~” I called his name looking for him.
I stuck my head into his open room door finding him completely ready but looking a bit lost. He turned his head to look at me, a bit surprised actually.
“Oh, hello (l/n), do you need something?” He asked fully turning to me.
“Yes sir, Momo said something about grocery shopping? And then said it would be you and I this week, you know...since Deku is on house arrest.” I poked my pointer fingers together and smiled.
“Right, well,” he turned back to his room and sighed, “that’s everything, well go then.”
I gave a single nod with a hum of confirmation, and with that we started our way out and off of campus.
After getting the groceries, I basically forced Iida to take lunch with me, which he did with little fighting.
“Are you okay?” I asked Iida sipping on my drink, “you’ve been.... antsy? All day.”
“Yes,” he sighed and pushed his glasses up, “I’m well.”
“Hmm,” I hummed, “You’re lying, what is it? And don’t say nothing! Because I will-
“I love you-” you started to choke on your drink and Iida got up already helping you. He stood on your side helping you stand , on hand holding your hand the other on your back, your friend hand was covering the lower half of your face after you recovered. One, you were embarrassed he just saw that, two, BLUSHING, the man just screamed he loved you and you choked, what a loser.
“I” I coughed and tried to clear my throat, “Iida.”
I let out a deep breath and nodded, “wanna elaborate a bit more? I’m sure you had a speech or something before I started choking.” You gave a sheepish laugh hoping you’d get time to come up with something.
“I did, but when I look at you, my thoughts....” he paused and looked away red painting itself on his cheeks, “my thoughts .... my words won’t come out.”
“Iida,” I took a breath calming the burning in my throat, “You should probably know.... that, I don’t exactly like you....” I sigehd ad he let go of my hand, I smield, “I love you.”
I took him by surprise and hugged his chest, he let out a sound as I hit his chest with my own body. He didn’t answer or say anything back, he just stood there, arms to his sides, this boy is sHOOK.
“Iida?” I stepped back to look at him.
His face was red and he didn’t look at me, I looked around his face, I put my palms flat against his chest, “I guess we should head back and talk about this huh?”
The walk back to the dorms was quiet, I’d managed to take hold of Iida’s hand. So each of our free hands were holding half of the many bags.
As we got closer to campus the sidewalk emptied and sun was reaching its peak, apparently Iida didn’t want a crowd because being alone was enough to get him to say what he wanted to say. He stopped us and let go off my hand facing me, he started his speech.
“I found myself livening you not because of who you are or what you look like, it’s the things you do, how you treat others and yourself. Your responsible and respectfuleven when your not acting it. You strive to be your best, and you gave me words of encouragement when I needed them most. You never seem to lose yourself or focus of what you want no matter what happens to or around you. When you know something is for the best, you make sure it’s done. When you speak your words are followed by your actions and not left empty. I’ve seen you control a crowd and lead a group. Your a real hero and a real leader. I respect that about you, I like that no matter what comes, no matter what happened You’re never afraid to take charge and lead those who need help and guidance. A true hero should know what to do to put those around them at peace, and in my darkest moments, in you, in your words and actions I’m able to find peace. So I ask, if you would, would you let me hold onto that space forever?”
🌶Content Warning🌶
A few months have passed, and no one believed that Iida, would’ve been one to be in a relationship with how serious he is. It shocked more to find out, that I was the one who he confessed to, and returned his feeling.
But if they knew what he was really like, he’d never live it down.
“Tenyaaaa~” I cooed into his ear, I was knelt behind him, pulling his back against my chest.
I brought one of my arms around his hip to start strolling his cock, I tilted my head to the right, and brought my left land up to his throat, I squeezed gently and pushed his head back so it sat against my shoulder and neck. His hair was soft, but sticking to his forehead, tears were streaming down his face.
“Aww, crying already?” I kissed his neck and grazed my teeth along his shoulder, “We just started.”
My right hand tugged at the silver ring on his cock, keeping him from coming, I watched his shoulder shiver, and jerking foreward, no use to the fact I’d tied his arms behind his back. I ran my finger tips of the red hot under skin of his cock tracing a prominent vein. It was pulsing, I started to stroke him using my full hand while I started to suck on his neck biting and breaking the skin, I stopped my movements as he started to thrust his hips up into my hand with pained grunt, I ran my thumb over his tip smearing the slight Precum over the head. He started to let out chocked sobs as I took a tighter hold and gave slow jerks, his breath turned into quick pants as he pathetically started to hump my hand, I smirked against his neck and tightened my hold on his throat, “Are you gonna cum for me?”
The tears started to fall as his hips made short quick thrusts into my hands, “Please, please please.” He pelased “yes, PELASE.”
The tears were covering his face as his hips didn’t slow he was chasing his release, “Cum baby, I’ll let you.”
He started to thrust she’d run to my hand and I watched as his jaw clenched bad his struggled to breath from forcing his hips up into my hand, I wasn’t holding his throat tight enough to choke him. “I can’t,” he let out a loud choked cry, I pouted and kissed his neck, pumping him gently, he leaned against me, panting hips still rutting, but also trying to move back.
“You can’t?” I asked and nuzzle against his neck, “I know you can baby.” I bit into his shoulder one more time as I let go of him completely.
I licked my top lip, I stood up and moved tot he door of the bed and started to pull off the clothes I was wearing, my poor submissive boy just doesn’t know how to disobey. “I’ll show you you can.”
I stripped down to nothing and straddled his sitting form. I reached behind him freeing his hands front he simple knot, “Keep your hands where I can see them.”
He nodded, his eyes still teary, it was feeding my sadistic side, “such a perfect boy, being so submissive.” I praised him, his eyes closed as he gave a weak smile.
I pulled his head back.
I felt my abdomen aching at the desire to have him fill me up. I licked my top lip and looked down between us, his cock was pulsing, it was twitching, smacking against his abdomen every now and then. I took it in hand and started to guide it to my entrance, it took some time and stretching but I got it. Before I even got him to bottom ow he was whining and groaning out loud. His hips shoving up in a fast and sloppy pace, I bit my bottom lip watching his eyes force close as his mouth fell open in a silent scream. His thrusts were uneven, but so so hard, I tried to breath but it came out in sounding like stuffers with his his hips were bruising my thighs.
“You ready time come baby?” I asked and started to touch myself, he tired or open his eyes, but they were forced closed when I dropped all my weight on his hips stilling him and taking him all completely.
I watched as he struggled to swallow, the ache deep inside me was slowly fading away at the feeling of my walls clenching around him, trying to shove him out just to pull him back in. I moved my hips against him, his hips thrusting up immediately at the feeling of me pulling off of him. He let out a gasp as I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him further into the bed.
“Baby, I’d you wanna come, you ahve to be still.” The look of his eyes was almost painful, but he nodded.
“I will, please, please let me cum.” His begging was satisfying.
I let my hand drift down against San touched myself spreading my legs further, “Watch me get off on your cock and I might let you cum inside.” I winked at him, “every time you close your eyes, I’ll ahve to restart so you don’t miss anything.”
He nodded, “okay, I will, I promise, I’m a good boy.”
The tears in his eyes, the blush on his cheeks and chest, his pulsing cock, his hands clenching the bed sheets, the way his abdomen muscles become more prominent from the flexing of wanting to force out an orgasm.
I felt a burning in my most sensitive area and put my fingers to work to relieve the tension I was feeling. I started to moan out and make shadow as I start to move how snapped down on Tenya’s cock making sure to keep eyes contact, I kept my eyes half lidded and mouth open, with pants and an occasional moan, I felt his cock tat itching inside me and I started to move my hips faster chasing my release, my thighs were burning, but it felt so good having him buried this deep inside, I started to bounce on his cock, he started to grunt and thrust his hips up again. I let him, I started to move my hips harder against his “fuck, Iida,” I gasped, “Your cock is so hard and hot.” I started to pant and move faster on his cock, the tears started to fall from him again as I felt him twitching inside me a lot more.
“Come on Baby, just thrust a little harder and I’ll let you come.” I said and propped myself up, I looked down at his cock and stopped my hips movement, I watched as his hips shoved up and his cock disappeared, I started to touch myself faster putting more pressure, I started to moan out his name and move my finger faster, I felt the burning sensation in my stomach building up, my thighs started to shake, and a strange feeling filling my legs and stomach, “Come one baby, make me cum.”
He nodded, “I will, I want to be your good boy.” His hips never stilled, and his hands never moved from the sheets, I could see his thigh muscles flexing, a slight falter form tiring himself out form thrusting from below.
I shoved my hips forwards and reached my free hand down to use the little clasp on the cock ring, “Cum inside for me baby.”
“Yes! I will! Please! Let me cull inside you! Just for you!” His submissive tone had my inside clenching tighter around him, I let it loose and immediately shoved my hips down on him leaving no space to move, I came feeling the liquid pour out, it made my inside feel like they were burning, it matched the feeling of my most sensitive areas neglected feeling, I shoved my thighs together and came screaming his name, even with no space between us he kept trying to thrust as he let out broken versions of my name leave his mouth.
I panted as he finally stilled breathing heavy and eyes closed.
I hummed mailing down at his tired face, his cock was still twitching and the squirts of his seed were still forcing their ways deeper into my cavern. I let out a few heavy breaths before laying down on his chest wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his bruised neck and chest.
“You really are a good boy Tenya.” I kissed the under side of his jaw, his breath still uneven.
“Only for you,” his eyes barely opened a she looked at me, I smiled and placed my hand on his jaw making him look at me as I kissed his lips one more time before I rested my head on his chest. A few minutes passed as his finally softened cock started to pull out, with a pop, I felt the hod seed start to deep out and pool at my tights that were still in straddling position.
I gave a slightly laugh and looked ya the boy was sleeping under me, “Such a good boy.”
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I had a better confession but Tumblr went “Thunk” and it didn’t save, I apologize. Also I remembered it was mutual masturbation after I finshed, so I apologize for that too 😓
But I hope you enjoy it! Also! I don’t think I’m to good at writing NSFW, this was my first try, I apologize! I’ll eh to do better!
Thank you for the request! Much love to everyone! Once again! I’m sorry it took long, but even more important!
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
just read ch. 272
and tsukishima is a whore that was a whore move (he is one of my absolute faves I'm just very upset with what he's done these recent chapters) boy's gotta make those braincells work a little!!! it's frustrating bc it feels like we were close to The Big Break from him and koito but no, they just went right back to where they were before and that makes me so very sad. this is kinda light-hearted, kinda serious I'm in a bit of a shock rn tbh I hope ur having a good day hdhdjdhsj sorry for rambling so much
..it was what we should ahve expect of him if he were placed in this situation. Tsukishima NEVER decided to leave Tsurumi’s side and so of course he would kill whoever were to oppose to Tsurumi.
From the backlash Tsukishima is receiving I get the feeling that after Tsukishima spared Tanigaki there was a part of the fandom who started to believe Tsukishima would never again attempt to harm one of the ‘good guys’.
So let’s look back a little at the whole scene with Tanigaki.
Tsukishima let Tanigaki live because Koito managed to persuade him this would be no harm to Tsurumi’s cause and would bring no gain to them.
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It’s noteworthy back then Tsukishima has pointed the harm of letting Tanigaki go.
He had threaten Koito into saying faithful. If he were to let Tanigaki escape Koito could leave as well.
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At this Koito said he wouldn’t leave, that even if they were to let Tanigaki go, he would still remain on Tsurumi’s side, albeith this time he wouldn’t do it blindly.
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Long story short, both of them decided that, for the time, they were still aligned with Tsurumi. Koito though decided he would draw a line at how far he would go for Tsurumi.
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I think the idea is that Koito refuses to harm someone for no good reason.
As in Tanigaki means no harm to their cause and letting him live would cause no harm so they should let him go.
The same though, wouldn’t apply if Tanigaki were to mean harm, for example siding with Hijikata. In that case killing him would be okay.
In fact we see they have no problems remaining behind a door in silence when Tsurumi psychologically tormented Asirpa and then attempted to strangle Sofia.
What Tsurumi is doing benefit their cause so they excuse it.
Who cares if Sofia dies, she’s a Russian revolutionary, she can die.
Who cares if Asirpa remains psychologically scarred and traumatized, she’s just a girl.
Their goal is more important, they’re expendable.
Then Ariko came in, trying to save Asirpa and even pointed his gun at Tsurumi and demanded the skins.
Of course they’ll side with Tsurumi, of course they’ll shoot to protect him because Ariko is a threat to their goal.
They had just heard Tsurumi’s cause is something they approve! Those aren’t the faces of who would betray Tsurumi, those are the faces of who would die for him and his goal.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if Noda will have the light in Tsukishima’s eyes appear in this scene in the volume version.
Anyway they probably would have killed Ariko even without this revelation, because this was what was expected of them, but after this revelation... it was kind of a given.
I’ve hoped as well we won’t come to this... but this is the most logical development, as much as I hate it.
Anime and manga has deluded us into thinking that people can turn page easily, that Koito and Tsukishima could just leave Tsurumi because he’s a ‘big bad’.
But Tsurumi isn’t the ‘big bad’ from their perspective, he’s just a man fighting for their cause and they are soldiers, used to kill who oppose to their boss.
We love Ariko. We’re grief striken for Ariko.
But for them he’s just another enemy in the list of people they’ve killed for their goal. His life isn’t more relevant than the one of the guards they attacked and killed in Abashiri.
They are rebels.
They have lost sight of the fact the Army serves to protect people from foreign threats, not to pursue personal targets.
So the worst part of all this is that what Tsukishima did was predictable, it fit perfectly with his arc, with the kind of person Tsukishima is, a soldier, with how Tsukishima has ultimately agreed with Tsurumi’s goal.
And the light in his eyes is clearly not because he has murdered Ariko, no, I’m sure he had felt no joy in it, the light in his eyes is because he has finally found back his hope, his faith in his cause.
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He’s among the many characters fighting for a place in which they can be, for happiness.
It’s Tsukishima. It could be anyone else, even Sugimoto killing Shiraishi should Shiraishi betray him, because Noda has said if this were to happen Sugimoto wouldn’t hesitate in killing Shiraishi and it would hurt, it would hurt even more but this is the kind of people we’re dealing with.
Although they aren’t monsters who enjoy killing, as some like to paint them, they don’t also hesitate to kill who gets in their way.
There’s no good here, there’s no people with high morals, even Asirpa said she would kill if it’s to protect Sugimoto and I really pray she would never get to that point.
This is a tale of our world, a tale were Ogata is completely right, everyone can kill everyone else PROVIDED THE RIGHT MOTIVATION.
Tsukishima, sadly, had the right motivation and did it and broke my heart and crushed my hope but it’s not that he went OOC, it’s that the story served him the right setting, when I was hoping the story would refrain to do so.
And a side of me is afraid, afraid because it’s clear Noda isn’t going to make things easy for my poor boys.
He’ll serve them on a silver platter situations that will push them to do terrible things. And I’m not sure any of them will manage to refuse taking a bite.
I’m sad, I’m heartbroken, Ariko was awesome because he managed to make the right choice despite how hard it was and he definitely didn’t deserve this, Ariko was a good person trying to do something good even when Shiraishi said they didn’t know if they could trust him, even if Ariko actually knew nobody trusted him. He did the right thing because it was the right thing, because he was the sort who would help people in need regardless.
Such a person deserved to live, I wanted him to live. We need people like him.
This though, mattered little to who killed him and that chose that pursuing their goal was THE RIGHT THING. And whoever got in the way had to die.
Selfishness versus selflessness.
GK world is cruel and I want to cry because it’s the same as ours, because our world too has plenty of people who would sacrifice someone like Ariko.
And this, this is the worst thing.
Sorry for the depressing answer and thank you for your ask.
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misterbitches · 3 years
hi! this is long as shit i’m sorry. i hope it makes sense. i ahve adhd and like 5 million learning disorders so this is just word vomit cos there’s so many words in my brain. my b.
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i’ve had such a tough day so thank you for replying and sharing! @yeedak​ 
i was thinking about what i wrote and i meant to clarify that as well. some cases are fine for both parties and it’s not like you weren’t consenting and it seems like you were happy! same with my friend who was dating a 20 yr old. if they’re happy you know i’ll clown on ‘em but yea. so for anyone that sees these posts your relationship with your partner who is older or whatever. i’m some dumb girl on the internet okay. ill side eye older ppl tho
i think a lot of people feel the same way you do now (me included.) it feels really good at the time but alter we can see the dynamics playing out. i’m 29 now and i think aging is just such a huge process. it’s wild how you at 31 are a totally different person, right?
and the US racism is probably some of the worst ever in its iteration because of slavery which started from europe etc but USA is so fucking unique bc of columbus bringing slaves here and displacing indigenous peoples or hispanola and because america is so influential the way it views race, particularly with black people as objects, has so deeply permeated into the current historical psyche globally. it’s fascinating to track how necessary anti blackness is to the flourishing of america but also the world at this point. also want to point out how fuckign scary sinophobia is here especially for covid. one is a straight historical line (black ppl + the US) and the other had to be manufactured and to continue to exploit the non-white americans and keep antiblackness in tact.i could go on about this all day. the pain of this place is immense.yet as bad as it is here, this is still the only place i truly feel safe as a black person. because of the unique experience we have in america and through the diaspora especially because we are veyr much ocncentrated here. it would be nice to like move to norway and have some alleviation financially or get free healthcare it’s just not feasible if no one looks like me. it’s fucking tough. 
i hope you don’t hate it here though and people treat you with respect. but as you know being a woman and jewish and an immigrant....shit is tough. the USA is a hellhole. :( america is so deeply tainted and desperately bad because it was founded on strife and blood and there’s no way to reverse that and what this country did in turn when it gained enough power and could capitalize off of the colonial forefathers. this is why we hsould all luv revolution!!!
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boy oh boy oh BOY OH BOYYYYYYYY. well wlecome to the world of BL lmao especially as an adult with some obviously deep perspective just given your background. it is a fucking mess and it’s a hard mess to like but it pulls you in. i approach it like i do with soap operas since these are essentially telenovelas, you know? just like the drama at a billion. but the tricky part of that is like....what parts of it do we understand for critiquing? because so many of the shows are so bad at being like good pieces of things to look at just production wise and story wise. but i feel like these shows ask us to take them seriously, so why shouldn’t we take the content seriously? and this is being primarily peddled to young girls. 
i bring this up often but i read this thing about yaoi and the interest younger women/girls have in BL and its fascination with pederasty essentially. this component i think is key when we talk about who gets affected by these things the most. society in general is bad 4 girls bla bla we know lmao but in “more sexually conservative” societies it may be harder for these girls to feel safe even expressing normal emotions romantically and sexually and particularly with guys. some people hypothesized, and i think i agree with this hypothesis, that they can live through the casualness of BL. they don’t feel threatened because they can put themselves into the shoes of the other character. oftentimes, the more feminine or the younger. this was in conjunction with the age gap aspect (they say pederasty as well because there’s unethical age gaps that r gross and that is indeed what we would at least call a touch of sexual abuse if people dont feel like calling it an obsession with youth and power and uhhh young ppl and perhaps kids) where maybe girls could see themselves in these situations as the person being saved, loved, taken care of, and sadly also sexually active and penetrated. 
i think that’s just one aspect of it but i do think there’s validity in who gravitates towards it. i cannot imagine seeing this stuff and not getting enough information as a young kid, i sure as fuck know i didn’t!, and seeing these things and you look at it with 0 critique because you’re young and you may have no interest in it or you simply cannot understand what is wrong. no one is teaching you these things and these shows confirm it. and it is wild how intrinsic patriarchy is to BL although in its existence it also can’t be in line with patriarchy given the nature of two [cis] men!
it begs the question about the replacement aspect. is it just so girls can put themselves in these characters shoes? if so then that means we believe that gender is so interchangeable within our relationships and interactions and that doesn’t seem right. there’s more to lgbtq+ than just existing; it’s finding ways to communicate, finding a family, safety, your people, being a free person. there’s a lot to gain and a lot a lot to lose. and a gay man is also not a woman because those are also two distinct experiences.  especially in societies that have a more hidden aspect to sexuality (idk how to word this bc the BL industry would NEVER survive in america but in a way there’s a more “progressive” look at homosexuality but it’s still fucked up because we live in a Society, you know? at the same time look at what we are doing to trans kids. literally waging war so it’s bonkers how we all collectively have some real progress happening but at the same time not at all. the concept of ‘ladyboys’ and the frequency we see trans people in thai shows is wild and something that we absolutely do not see here in the US. still, none of these groups feel safe or are getting better material conditions in either place. we just show the ways we can try and tolerate oppression witout eliminating it imo)
to me it is clear: it’s money. which most things exist to make money so. but also who is the audience for these shows? and they have to market towards them. all that said all hope is not lost there are some decent shows. it’s just like regular media on TV though where it’s so fucking saturated as an industry that it’s literally sifting through garbage. and there are some days when you can handle the trash and others where it really fucking hurts to watch the violence, the rape, the manipulation, the violations, the stupid messaging. i have never seen more people trying to do mental gymnastics and seeing if things were “technically rape” than in teh BL fandom and that is so fucking sad.
i came into these shows at 28 with almost 0 clue of what as media BL was like esp as media that countries can use as soft power with the revenue. but i realize like...i’m 29 now and so many people don’t have a sizeable, though not huge, amount of life experience. and i wonder for people on the internet who are usually searching for something if they spend so much time on it like what a 15 year old girl thinks. what a 20 year old girl thinks. 
it is incredibly problematic and so awful but there’s also some rewards. if you haven’t i would definitely watch i told sunsset about you which i don’t think i’m going to finish and i doubt i’ll watch the second installment (watch this be a lie) but when i say some fucking impeccable storytelling and art? phew. now that is a fucking piece of media that works. it takes from moonlight heavily and you can see like...the artistic dedication is there and the story makes its world and sets up its stakes extremely well. 
i think because this is marketed towards much younger people too they know they dont have to try as hard. but they SHOULD because then you can have a fucking masterpiece like that. i think even this prolific gay thai filmmaker (who is like solidly against the government) who is so respected (and who i like a lot! if u wanna know i can tell u lmao but the films are very uhhhhhhhh “artsy”) would like i told sunset about you. i wish more people had budget like that and also just cared about the stories. it’s the fucking magic of art to figure out what you can do but there is very little incentive honestly. idk i am very pessimistic. there are days when it’s really a great pick me up and distraction but it is never a place i would love for to feel seen or heard but i’m more of the mind of i never trust the mainstream until they prove me wrong ;) 
or i never trust the mainstream and i still buy into it anyway and then cry when i don’t like what i see adn i yell “BOO GET OFF THE STAGE!” when an old man won’t leave a teenager alone
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borntobethequeen · 3 years
Okay imma keep doing rant about this show every week bc tbh i have nothing better to do.
I would like to make a disclaimer I am NOT a stan of any of these groups (I know iKON the most tho bc i watched WIN, but thats about it) so I’m trying to be as objective about this as possible
The Boyz:
- i was kinda struggling to watch this group performance and behind the scenes stuff bc, drowning and struggling under water is one of my biggest trigger so it was kinda hard for me.
- their performance was great to a certain degree but kinda also all over the place
- I LOVE THE CONCEPT. The POV concept was so smart KUDOS TO YOU GUYS
- the set design is good at first but everything move so fat that i was struggling to keep up...
- there’s white walker and then fire and then throne and snow and drowning... i was so confused
- with that being said their ending is the best out of the three we watch... it was such a clean ending that for a moment I forgot everything I don’t like about it
- yuni’s score: 7.5/10 (their first performance for me is so much better... IM REALLY SORRY)
- I CANT BELIEVE THEY RANK THE LOWEST?? I was smiling the whole time during their last performance... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN??
- their reaction kinda break my heart but dang the bounce back FAST.
-the whole behind the scenes segment IS WHOLESOME, their phone calls are hilarious
- i was hoping they save love scenario for later performance.... like a secret weapon but i guess they need something to stand uup among the other
- their stage design just meh (i read about the mistreatment and all so i understand, but im being objective here)
- they have the strongest opening out of the three performance
- not the biggest fan of ‘killing me” but the way they make it a musical type of performance made me love it...
- im amaze that they still shine with such a minimum stage setting (good job)
- their ending kinda all over the place BUT i think they want it that way (not a big fan tho)
- yuni’s score: 8.5/10
- their behind the scenes segment is the most enjoyable (lol awkward eunkwang)
- yes i agree with jinwhan ikon their performance was THE best during the face-to-face episode.
- the costume = beautiful
- im so in love with their midsection ❤️❤️ (the rap and the dancing part
- they are my favorite performance as of now
-yuni’s score: 9/10
Honorable mention moments:
- ateez praying for both them and ikon (cuties)
- sf9 angry at chani for suggesting killing me to ikon (lol)
- stray kids = stressed kids
- ateez’s phone benner (i need to learn about them, they are such a cuties)
-TBZ BIGASS CHANGING ROOM (for some reason i keep laughing everytime i see the way they sit... like 12 siblings in a small sofa, cuties)
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
JL confronts Marinette
From bio!dad Strange au, where they made her kryptonian to keep her alive. This is post-Hawkmoth (debating using a random and revamping Gabriel altogether tbh)
“Don’t.” Marinette was tired of heroes, tired of being one. She had to handle hawkmoth’s fallout, keeping so many secret identities (hers, JL, miraculus team, her gotham family’s) and she just wanted to sleep.
Flash found her first, but Superman grabbed her and put her in the air for a ‘talk’.
“Don’t what?” She knew superman wasnt a detective. She knew he was a reporter though and she could see baiting and needling just under the surface. He’s an interrigator then, she decided.
“Don’t come in and try to fix what the miraculous team already handled. Paris was abbadonned by your league.”
She figured this was about Ladybug. Paris is always going off the the miraculous holders and ladybugs were always deemed the defacto leaders. She liked that Daesuqa (Talia) took over leading long term missions for the most part, handled meetings and politics so her and Chat and the others could be more like the teens they are in theory.
And everyone knew Marinette was Chat Noir’s favorite after she got how many akumatized people to release their akuma on their own? And that she supplied mirauclous users with kwami food (though it was common for many other civilians). It was common knowledge to all, but Hawkmoth apparently, that if Chat or his miraculous team or the entire team was needed, you went to Marinette.
Superman furrowed his brow at that though. “I didn’t know there was an active team here.”
So it wasn’t about the miraculous or years of magic terrorism her city endured?
“Been here for years. Hawkmoth’s sentencing is in a few hours.”
She hoped it was the kwami’s choice. Tikki murmured that people were surprised by what they could live through, and she is thw kwami of life. Tikki would make him wish he was dead routinely. He deserved it for regualrly slaughtering the city.
“No, that’s...” superman shook his head. “I came here to talk to you about...” he gestures to her then. She didn’t get it until she realized she was floating on her own.
When did he let her go?
“I know you’re Princess.”
Marinette’s blood stopped then. No. He can’t. They can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Chloe changed my handle to Princess of Paris a few years ago but indont think heroes can stalk teens for that.”
Good, play into that. Distract until someone you trust can come. She hit an alert on her phone while he wasnt looking.
Pegasus should be here soon.
“I know you know it only as the Chimera project.”
Wrong. It was the surgery that kept her alive.
“And i know you’ve been poisoning yourself to stay hidden.”
Antidotes came from venom. It was fone to ise the stickers, they kept her human. The crystals were for emergencies only.
“What I don’t get is why.”
Why would she want him to kidnap, or abduct her? Take her from her family? Her life?
Don’t show that you’re who he thinks, anvocie whispered. Keep being the Paris Marinette from social media. The savage who snarled Weredad into submission.
“I really think you have the wrong girl. Its listed under my file as a volunteer flyer that i’m a flying meta, like most of the flyers.” Good, keep it up.
“And superman, if I had to guess why some girl that i look like would supress their powers, its becuase this is France and until the Miraculous team came clean about some being meta, you were imprisoned on suspicions of being meta, even infants were, are in the rest of France. Paris is the only place you arent imprisoned for it.”
Superman paled at that. “I. I wasn’t aware.”
“why would you be?”
Superman did respond to that.
“And if this Princess of yours is still hiding, she might be protecting her loved ones. Or maybe she thinks you’d steal her away from her life and home? Everyone knows about the fortress of solitude and i dont think anyone besides you would like living there, especially so far from people.”
Marinette watched him process. As long as Red Robin didnt see her, didnt confirm her identity, she was in the clear.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’m needed to finish filling out a report on the final battle.”
That had superman’s attention.
“Final battle.”
“Yes, we just took down Hawkmoth a week ago.”
“He already has his trial, in a week.” Disbelief. Not worng either.
“It took the citizens of paris a week to finish voting. Finally tallies come in tonight if we try him as humans or if the kwami—gods of various concepts—are the ones to try him for his crimes. Afterall, he enslaved one kwami and abused another.”
Superman was not doing well, far too pale. Shock? No, they sent so many videos before the JL banned them.
Guilt. Regret, too. Probably.
“Now can you put me down somewhere? I’m not out as a meta and indont plan on being out anytime soon. Any supporting the miraculous teams do have their enemies too, and i dont want to be targetted.”
Superman nodded. Numb? Possible.
She let hersef be taken down.
Pegasus was there, Flash on his way. Another person who could make her.
She had to move fast.
“I hope I cleared things up?”
Superman nodded.
Max was ready to fight, glaring at the blue boyscout.
“Ready to go Miss DC?”
Marinette nodded, letting him guide her to the portal.
Flash didnt make it in, but he didnt see her face either. She’s take the narrow victory.
They exited in the Paris Grande Hotel. The Mayor had Batman and Red Robin with him. Crap.
“Is this...”
“Our civilian contact, Miss DC,” Pegasus stated almost too professionally. Great, now Red would know they know each other as friends. batman too.
“Batman, Red Robin, correct?”
“Yes. We, we just found your heroes videos and came to help. I see we’re too late too.”
Marientte nodded, avioding eye contact with Red. She wasnt sure if he learned to act infront of Batman yet, and wasnt risking it.
“I heard you came up with many of the emergency procedures and built the comms system with Pegasus.”
“As a flyer, yes. As Miss DC I just make sure the team stays fed and Chat doesnt forget to sleep.”
Batman shot Red Robin a look as he said, “I know the feeling.”
Marinette didnt fight the smile then. Yes, that was her Hero Stalker Tim alright.
“Would you two be interested in helping the league develop a better system to sort incoming messages?”
Pegasus moved first. “If we do, Miss DC is to be left alone. Her mother is very atrict about her not getting involved in science, and refuses to believe that her daughter has been actively helping the miraculous team.”
Batman turned his attention to Marinette then. “Is that so?”
Marinette nodded. “My birth father and her left on... terms i never got the jist of. He and his friends teach me in secret. Mama,” not maman, she forced herself to say, “she said something about it being destructive and dangerous, so she wants me to stick to the arts instead.”
Batman nodded. “Experiments can be, but that doesnt undercut the good you’ve done. I’ll tell the league you will work off-site should you accept.”
Marinette nodded along. “I can help where Pegasus gets stuck, and be contacted through him but otherwise would prefer not to be contacted by the League. I’m a civilian, and no offense, but there ahve been leaks before.”
“Understandable. The league thanks you for your help, and apoligizes for what you went through.”
Marinette could feel the hole Red Robin was burning into her. He earings. And the fox miraculous. Shit. He knew.
Marinette wanted to punch the league in their face collectively.
“All May i go now, i have a meeting to get to.”
“Of course.”
Pegasus opened the portal and escorted her out.
They both waited five minites, Max feeding Kaalki, for the call.
“So why didnt you tell me?” Tim was pissed.
“Media blackout. Any time i tried to call it was blocked.”
Tim swore. “Alfred!”
“You are so lucky Pegasus doesnt know anything about gotham.”
“He’s there?”
“I work with him alot.”
“So when you visited Gotham...”
“French government would know. Not hard to connect the dots of girl leaves to see gotham fmaily and suddenly the league shows up after banning all of Paris from contact.”
“I. When did it happen?”
“Before Chrismas. I would have had Nonna tell you but she didnt know either until after the fact and they said if she told anyone itd be me going to jail for her.”
“That’s. What hellscape do you live in?”
“I died so many times i don’t even know now.” She stopped keeping track after she got into the eighties. That wasn’t even a full year into being Ladybug.
“That’s not comforting.”
“Please tell me that you’re not outing me to Bats. I just got two leaguers off my tail.”
“I won’t tell him, but if the new Robin does i’m not stopping him.”
She almost forgot Talia’s son was a Robin. She didnt see him in uniform yet—as Damian (not wayne but damian who was mourning lost family, damian who didnt know how to talk to people his age). She knows he’s a bit thick with social cues, and his detective skills need work in her opinion but he’s skeptical and has good insticts. He might make her as Marinette if he’s there.
“Is he...”
“He’s with the Titans now, but theyre debating coming here to yell at the league.”
“Videoing it?”
“Obviously. Want a copy?”
“Ill make popcorn before watching.”
“Rkc are doing well by the way—stopped a human trafficking ring and i think they took the victims.”
“Harley’s working with them,” marientte got he update earlier. “Hood and zsasz took out the lower and mid tier that woudlnt snitch. The case should be smooth sailing—the sirens put out a blanket hit on anyone trying to touch the witnesses.”
“So managing two teams this whole time,” red murmured, almost... bitter, or disapointed in something—no someone. Himself?
“Just tweaking things. Daesuqa handles most the team since she found me and Chat. Apparently she was compatible enough to do a lot of the non-fighting work. I still did battle strategy and all but,” Marinette shrugged.
“She focused in survival aspects here, and long term stability for Gotham. Daesuqa has handled most of non-kwami work here outside of kwami and candidates,” Max added. “On top of her work as a student and designer and inventor.”
Red Robin groaned. “When do you sleep?”
Marinette hummed. “I have meds to make me. And angry family to make me take them.”
“Her... what are we calling him now?” Mac was asking about Felix, adiren’s gremlin cousin who’s mom isntryign to adopt her. Also a fellow reverse theif and possessive friend.
“Uh, gremlin.”
“Her gremlin calls to let is know if she does get rest on the weekends and we trade off on weekdays.”
Red robin hummed into the phone. “So staying to the shadows?”
Trixx and Tikki looked up at Marinette at that. tikki wanted her to be the Ladybug, the be seen and everywhere and she...
Trixx knew why Marinette liked the shadows and background. Trix understood that bit.
“Yeah, i’ll still play in between and have some kwami things for life now.” She and Chat were working out gaurdian duties still.
She wasnt interested in the JL.
@emeraldpuffguide @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @mystery-5-5 @weird-pale-blonde-person @dast218
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