#i started crying halfway through writing this and i was reading the rots novelization so fuck off ok
ritiual · 2 years
@wsteros said: “i know what you’re capable of— for better or worse.”
together, they were a jedi hammer that had crushed separatist infestations on scores of worlds. they had been heroes of the galaxy, no fear held within their hearts, the saviors depended upon for peace when in times of turmoil— complementary halves of one warrior, together. together, they had been unstoppable. [they had once been brothers, obi-wan being the closest thing to a father anakin ever had.] but on mustafar, they stand apart— there is no kenobi and skywalker, there is only the betrayal of family and brotherhood. they are enemies on this battlefield, not brothers. for old times' sake, anakin had given his former master a choice— get out of my way or die by my hand. [retire, go someplace far away, peace is finally here with my new empire.] the offer had been swatted away, synonymous with a master swatting its dog across the nose. there may be peace in the galaxy, but there would never be peace amongst them. brothers no more, their lightsabers ignited in sync, a battle to the death rising.
“then you recognize this is a mistake. walk away, obi-wan. this is your final warning.” with a voice deeper than stygian obsidian, a step is taken forward, minimizing the space between them. only the damage they had done to each other remained between them. there is no mercy for them— there is only death that lingers across the horizon.
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“are you too blind to see it, or do you simply not want to? you have already lost, brother. you lost the moment you came here— you lost the moment you stepped off that ship. my empire has brought peace to the galaxy, and will continue to do so. you can rest now, get a good night's sleep.” [you will die here obi-wan, by my hand, if you stay. do not make me do this. walk away.]
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aceofwhump · 5 years
Babe thank you x30000 for recommending SG-1 to me!!!! I watched the first ep and am halfway through the second one and I am in a blissful state. Daniel is such a smol hurt puppy who needs to be cuddled... Do you have any favorite fics with Daniel in them??
You are so very welcome!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!! And I couldn’t agree more about Daniel lol. He’s my favorite, my first whumpee, and one of the reasons I got my degree in history. Daniel means the world to me. I love him. 
Do I have fic recs? YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I DO!!!! This got really long so if you don’t mind I’m just gonna post the links. Trust me. They’re all great :D
Don’t Mess With Danny
Bullies and Women Oh the Life of a Geek
Surrogate Father
The Barista (this one is not whumpy but read it anyway okay. it’s the best)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines
Don’t Go Away
A Change of Orders
Counting to Ten
Tumbling Down
The Bridge
Could it be Forever
Drifting on the Wind as Light as a Feather
Fire in the Belly
Trees Are Crying Leaves Into The Darkness
No Evil
The Stuff of Legends
Lost In Translation
The Perfect Recipe
Celebrate Me Home
No Man Left Behind
What Dreams May Come
Solitudes Redux
Up Canada Creek Without a Paddle
The Thorn Beast
ALSO I am going to recommend some of the Stargate novels that are super whumpy and SO GOOD:
STARGATE SG-1: Hall of the Two Truths By Susannah Parker Sinard
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After suffering a brutal attack off-world, each member of SG-1 finds themselves stranded alone in the Ancient Egyptian afterlife — and on a journey through the Book of the Dead.
With reality shifting around them, Colonel O’Neill, Dr. Daniel Jackson, Major Carter and Teal’c must each navigate a treacherous path toward final judgment in the Hall of the Two Truths. On the way, they will be tested to their mental and physical limits by their past mistakes, their greatest fears and their deepest desires…
In this classic SG-1 adventure, the team must dig deep to survive. Their only hope of escape lies in finding each other, but in this place where nothing and no one is what it seems, who do they trust and what do they dare to believe?
STARGATE SG-1: Four Dragons By Diana Dru Botsford
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It was meant to be a soft mission, something to ease Doctor Daniel Jackson back into things after his time among the Ancients — after all, what could possibly go wrong on a simple survey of ancient Chinese ruins? As it turns out, a whole lot.
After accidentally activating a Goa’uld transport ring, Daniel finds himself the prisoner of Lord Yu, the capricious Goa’uld System Lord. Meanwhile, SG1’s efforts to rescue their friend are hampered by a representative of the Chinese government with an agenda of his own to follow — and a deep secret to hide.
But Colonel Jack O’Neill is in no mood for delay. He’ll go to any lengths to get Daniel back — even if it means ignoring protocol and taking matters into his own hands.
STARGATE SG-1: The Barque of Heaven By Suzanne Wood
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Millennia ago, at the height of his power, the System Lord Ra decreed that any Goa’uld wishing to serve him must endure a great trial. Victory meant power and prestige, defeat brought banishment and death.
On a routine expedition to an abandoned Goa’uld world, SG-1 inadvertently initiate Ra’s ancient trial – and once begun, the trial cannot be halted. Relying on Dr. Daniel Jackson’s vast wealth of knowledge, Colonel O’Neill must lead his team from planet to planet, completing each task in the allotted time. There is no rest, no respite. To stop means being trapped forever in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, and to fail means death.
Victory is their only option in this terrible test of endurance – an ordeal that will try their will, their ingenuity, and above all their bonds of friendship…
STARGATE SG-1: Siren Song By Holly Scott & Jaimie Duncan
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Bounty-hunter Aris Boch once more has his sights on SG-1. But this time Boch isn’t interested in trading them for cash. He needs the unique talents of Dr. Daniel Jackson – and he’ll do anything to get them.
Colonel Jack O’Neill and his team are taken to Boch’s ravaged home-world and handed over to the insane Goa’uld, Sebek. Obsessed with opening a mysterious subterranean vault, Sebek demands that Jackson translate the arcane writing on the doors. When Jackson refuses, the Goa’uld resorts to devastating measures to ensure his cooperation.
With the vault exerting an increasingly malign influence, Sebek compels Jackson and O’Neill toward a horror that threatens both their sanity and their lives. Meanwhile, Carter and Teal’c struggle to persuade the starving people of Aris Boch’s world to risk everything they have to save SG-1 – and free their desolate world of the Goa’uld forever.
STARGATE SG-1: Hostile Ground By Sally Malcolm & Laura Harper
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“Teal’c, how far?”
The colonel’s words were clipped, each one bitten off like a curse as he knelt next to Daniel in the mud. Sam couldn’t see what he was doing, didn’t dare take her eyes off the rain-sodden tree line, but she could smell the antiseptic and heard Daniel hiss in a sharp breath.
“We are now less than a kilometer from the Stargate,” Teal’c said. He crouched next to her, staff weapon raised and his arm brushing against hers, making the most of the scant cover they shared – a fallen tree, rotting in the incessant rain. It wouldn’t do much against a staff blast but it was better than nothing. She glanced up at the heavy sky, the clouds hiding a multitude of dangers. If those gliders came back…
Breathing hard, breathing through pain, Daniel said, “I’m okay. I can make it.”
“Damn right you can.” The colonel’s growl made it an order as he ripped open another field dressing. Sam heard Daniel’s shout of pain as the colonel pressed the bandage onto the wound. She didn’t know how badly he was injured, but it had to be serious for the colonel to risk stopping their breakneck flight to the Stargate.
Movement – a fleeting shadow back in the tree line. She wiped rain from her face and eyes, squinting through the curtain of water that slanted across the open ground between SG-1 and the edge of the forest. Yes, there it was again, a glint of gold amid the trees. “Sir,” she said, finger itchy on the trigger, “you might want to hurry that up.”
“What do you think I’m doing, Carter?”
She ignored his sharp tone. “Teal’c, do you see them? Two-o’clock.”
“I do.” He shifted his position, taking aim.
“Sir?” she risked a glance over her shoulder. Daniel was ashen, his jacket torn and dark with blood where the staff blast had hit, just above the hip and below his tac vest. She glimpsed a white compression bandage through the torn fabric. He grimaced as he moved, trying to stand.
The colonel put a restraining hand on his shoulder and looked over at Sam. She knew that look, the flat uncompromising expression that shut everything down. It meant they were in trouble. “Daniel and I are gonna head for the gate,” he said, starting to pack away the med-kit with quick, efficient movements. “You and Teal’c hold them here as long as you can, then come after us.” He stuffed his gear back into his vest and tugged the bill of his cap lower. “Don’t leave it too long, Major.”
She understood. If they were too slow getting back to the gate, there was a real danger they’d be outflanked. “Yes sir. Good luck.”
His only reply was a curt nod before he turned to Daniel. “Ready?”
“Sure,” Daniel said, teeth gritted. “How hard can it be?”
“Attaboy,” the colonel said as he helped Daniel to his feet. “We might have to run.”
Daniel nodded, turning from ashen to milky, but determined as ever. “Let’s go.”
Sam looked away, back to the enemy hiding in the trees, but not before she’d seen the bloom of scarlet on Daniel’s dressing. She swallowed a hard knot of anxiety. It would be difficult enough to make it to the gate carrying a wound like that, let alone with a platoon of Jaffa on their heels.
“The enemy is moving,” Teal’c murmured as several Jaffa emerged from the trees, keeping low as they scanned the scrubby clearing. Sam ducked behind their cover, not wanting to give away their position. “Go now, O’Neill,” Teal’c said softly. “We will cover your retreat and hold this position as long as possible.”
“Counting on it,” the colonel said.
With Daniel’s arm looped over his shoulder, he headed out into the sparse woodland that ran all the way back to the Stargate. Sam winced at their slow, awkward pace. At that rate, they’d never reach the gate before the Jaffa.
A squall of rain blew into her face and she had to turn away, squeezing her eyes shut. When she looked back, Daniel and the colonel were gone, the rain at least helping to hide them from the advancing Jaffa, even if it did make the muddy ground slick and treacherous under foot. Wiping her face on her sleeve, she squirmed around and shivered as a trickle of rain slid down her neck and under her collar. “Daniel’s moving pretty slow,” she whispered, taking a bead on one of the Jaffa and switching her weapon to single shot. “Do you think they’ll make it in time?” Even through the rain, she knew she’d hit her target. But not yet, let them come out a little further from the cover of the trees.
“It is possible,” Teal’c said, “that one of us will need to precede them to the Stargate and hold it against the Jaffa.”
“Yeah,” Sam said, a beat of fear kicking in her chest, “that’s what I figured.”
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