#i spent wayyyyy to long trying to color these
yanankim · 2 years
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Wooseok’s ‘꿈’ in Dr. BeBe
↳ for @mina-love
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ladytabletop · 10 months
Do you happen to have any resources regarding accessibility in ttrpg design? About design, colours, phrasing of text or anything else that could be helpful!
I spent wayyyyy too long compiling all this - but it's important, and I appreciate you asking!!
Accessibility is a subject near and dear to my heart, and I will say up front that I'm not sure universal (aka accessible to everyone) design is possible, because people's needs can vary even within the same subset of similar disabilities (such as limited vision or blindness). BUT that doesn't mean we don't try to design for and make our games available to as many people as possible. Mismatch by Kat Holmes is a great read on design for accessibility in general, as is Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez. You might also check out literally anything Alice Wong has ever done.
To start, I recommend this article on the Lenses of Accessibility.
(for reference, this article is about web/graphic design, so I'm going to try and distill the most salient points for game design)
We are going to primarily focus on a few of these lenses:
Images & Icons
More details under the cut.
Why does color matter? Well, for starters, there's a lot of colorblind people out there. Contrast affects readability. Autistic people and people who suffer from occular migraines might be affected by particular vivid colors. There's lots of reasons to consider color and the work it is doing in your piece, but in general you can provide a black and white, high contrast version of your game to help users.
There are tools out there to figure out if your contrast meets certain readability standards, such as this one.
Dyslexia and other visual processing issues can make font choice really important. Plus, some fonts really affect readability. Additionally, line height, justification, and size of text can affect readability.
Best practice would be to provide a plain-text version of your game (and beware of "dyslexia-friendly" fonts which may or may not actually help - sticking to a basic readability font like Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana, is safest). I like this style guide for reference.
Images & Icons
For visually-impaired people, it's important to use alt-text, descriptions, and/or captions to help screenreaders properly translate images. Tons and tons of details that could go into this, but there are better people than me to describe it.
We've talked about this a bit, but there's tons of resources for this. There was recently a great writeup about Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast in terms of layout that I highly recommend.
More of the thing we've already talked about - it really is a combination of all the other lenses that comes down to readability. Audio versions of your game are always a good way to avoid the restrictions of screen readers, but can be expensive to produce.
This is tables. Tables are a nightmare for screenreaders, but including them as images can also be a problem. The short solution is "don't use tables" but that's not necessarily great for seeing people. The section in this blog is really great when talking about options for structure.
Debated on whether to include this, but given how many games are being read as purely digital files, I think it's important to have workable interactive elements that can be navigated through without a mouse. Some of that is going to come down to the programs being used to open your files. But if there are things you can do on your end (such as labeling form fillable fields on an interactive character sheet), they're worth doing!
Please understand that this isn't an exhaustive list. There's tons of resources out there and technology and standards are constantly changing.
It's also is important to note that even doing one of these things is helpful. You might look at this list and go "wow that's too hard" but I promise you, it's worth it. My games do not all have accessible versions! That's something I'm trying to rectify. The biggest part of that for me is thinking about accessibility from the start instead of at the end! But we can start today, and that's better than not starting.
The most important thing to remember are that disabled people are NOT a monolith - needs will differ from person to person. Accessible design makes gaming better for everyone!
Final Resources:
Accessibility in InDesign
Accessible Design for Teams
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
disclaimers abt my st + dnd chatacter sheets sets below the cut because it’s A Lot
it’s MY own opinion. i am not interested in the tags if you think a character should be a different class or subclass. ESPECIALLY WHEN I MAKE THE WILL + CLERIC SET. i’ll block if i see this in the tags/comments bc i worked hard on this and i don’t want to see people being an asshole in the tags
i also don’t want to hear it if you think they should be a different race/background/alignment etc. make ur own post if you disagree
i’m using 5e rules/classes/races/etc so no one get on my ass about anything. it’s not timeperiod accurate because it’s a tumblr gifset
i actually rolled stats and then based the build on the ST CHARACTER not on how to correctly/logically build a character of that class which is why some of the builds will look weird/impractical based on the class (esp when i get to robins bc she’s a rogue but not dexterous)
the proficient skills chosen also reflect the st character BUT i’m picking from the allowed skills per class + whatever skills the bg grants. i’m trying to be at least semi accurate to character creation
i also did not add the proficiency bonus on the skill list bc i did not feel like it - a skill is marked proficient if the bubble next to it is colored in
i do include the stat bonuses/skill proficiencies that come with racial traits
i’m not overthinking this more than i have to. i’m not taking into account any of the ability score increases/access to feats for any of the characters. the stats they have is what i rolled + the racial bonus nothing more
i rolled hp myself. it literally was up to chance the roll of the dice and the con modifier i didn’t make anyone have a high or low hp for any specific reason. same goes for armor class i’m basing it off the armor that the class gets in their starting equipment and dex mod it’s nothing special
each set highlights just one class feature and one subclass feature bc if i did all of them it would get way too insane
if a class has a fighting style i picked the one i thought best suits the character for an additional gif
i did not pick feats for anyone bc i would’ve spent wayyyyy too long doing that
the backgrounds i gave everyone are only from the phb and are VERY loose in relation to the chatacter bc some characters i was struggling to pick a bg that fit their character best. some fit rly well some don’t fit that well get over it it’s FINE
this is likely gonna take me a long fucking time sjskshkshsjs
i’ve been playing dnd for 6+ years i know what i’m talking abt
that all being said i do hope u guys enjoy them even if u don’t know a single thing abt dnd i had so much fun making the first set and i’m v excited to make the rest <3
to find all the sets click here!
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tunaaa · 4 years
Hello! I have a birthday on 20th of July. Can I ask scenario about GoM, Kuroko and Kagami (not separated) congratulate me on my birthday? If possible, send it on 20th of July, please.
Birthday | GOM + Kagami
A/N: I’m getting lots of requests these days 🥳🥳🥳 and they’re doing a good job keeping me busy,,,,,,,,N E wayyyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY! I hope you enjoy this and stay safe 💗💗
Pairing: GOM + Kagami x reader
Genre: Fluff
Back to the Masterlist
Hot. It’s so hot. This year’s July was basically hell. All you wanted to do was to huddle up in your room watching anime snacking on some chips and soda. But noooo Kagami and Kuroko insistes to taking you out to the new mall that just opened up. Not that you were complaining, since you still had to buy some stationery for the new school year.
But as revenge, you dragged both of them to almost every store and spent at least an hour in each of them. No gonna lie, Kuroko and Kagami make wonderful models. Kuroko could really pull off an aloof cool kid look while Kagami has more of a delinquent vibe.
Either way you had a hell lot of fun dressing them up. Although you can’t say the same for them. They looked like they just played 17 basketball games within the last 4 hours.
“Umm! Wait!”
You heard Kagami yell as you were about to walk into another store. You looked back at their tired figures. Kagami tried to balance an abnormal amount of bags with kuroko beside him trying to balance two. It was an odd sight.
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
In all honesty you knew they couldn’t handle a full blown shopping trip, nevertheless you were surprised they held out this long. You decide you’ve tortured them enough for today and let them off the hook.
You watched in amusement as Kagami struggled to come up with an excuse to stop you from entering another store. Finally Kuroko spoke up, saving Kagami.
“Let’s get lunch”
He struggled to point his left hand towards Maji Burger.
You swore you saw fire in his eyes. Letting out a sigh, you allowed them to do as they wish and walked to Maji Burgers. You ordered a normal burger set consisting of a burger, medium soda, and medium fries. While Kagami ordered at least 20 different burgers and a large soda. Strangely you never saw Kuroko order but he was already waiting for you guys with a vanilla shake.
“Alright, tell me what’s wrong”
“W-W-What do y-y-you mean”
Kagami started sweating buckets, looking at anywhere but you. They were really suspicious from the beginning. Asking you out randomly, insisting that you should stay longer, and their reaction just proved that they’re hiding something from you.
“Y/n-San, I heard there’s a new arcade that opened up near here. Wanna check it out later?”
Kuroko nodded his head confirming your thoughts. Successfully diverting your attention on the topic, you gobbled up your burger set and finish within record time.
You guys spent the rest of your day at the arcade (mostly at the claw machine, but you didn’t hear it from me). You noticed something wrong when they continuously check the phone, seemingly looking for a notification. You asked them what was wrong, only for them to assure you that there was nothing wrong.
It was even more suspicious when they insisted on walking you home at 5 pm. The sun was still shining, far from sunset.
As you guys walk up the stairs towards your apartment, you eye them up and down trying to find a clue to their actions. Slowly you unlocked your door and opened it.
You let out a startled scream. Calming down, you surveyed your living room. Balloons of all different colors and messages everywhere, a big banner hanging from the ceiling, a pile of wrapped gifts at the corner of the room, but what caught your eye was the 6 layer (fav. flavor) cake on the coffee table. It was super extravagant, i think we all know was in charge of the cake.
“Oh...right. It’s my birthday today”
“Stupid, even forgot her birthday”
Aomine snarky comments from the side.
“Shapdaup, I thought it was next week”
A dark red blush covered your face. Suddenly you felt a hand patting you on the head, you lifted your head and saw Akashi in front of you.
Before he could say anything, Murasakibara and Midorima started fighting over the cake.
“Alright alright, let’s cut the cake”
You were worried about what you were gonna do with the leftover cake, but with the team effort between Murasakibara, Aomine and Kagami they finished every last crumb and was still hungry. Foreseeing that this would happen, Akashi ordered 2 large pizzas. After everyone was kinda full (it was virtually impossible), you decided to open your presents.
Kise got you a pair of earrings (if you don’t have ear holes, you can always replace it with a necklace or any other jewelry). Midorima got you a lucky item based on your star sign. Kuroko got you basketball keychains. Murasakibara got you his favorite snack, maiubou, not that you were expecting anything else. Kagami and Aomine got you (fav. animal) plushies (somehow without killing each other). You were surprised, you thought they would give you a basketball. Akashi’s present really took the cake. Even you had no idea you wanted this, he already knew.
After unwrapping the gifts, everyone decided to play some board games. As expected, it did not end well. Kagami and Aomine’s rivalry was difficult enough to handle, but Midorima and Murasakibara arguing took it to another level. Only Akashi and Kuroko played the game seriously, while you and Kise tried to calm everyone down.
After what seems like forever, game time finally ended with Akashi winning everything. You looked at the clock and it was 9 pm already. 4 hours of partying had drained any energy you had left.
And that’s how your birthday ended this year, passed out in the living room with your friends.
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cosmomoore · 4 years
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I mustered up enough motivation to get this girl out of storage and sew this bra and pair of tights for her.
The bra was made from a pattern I found a few years ago (believe it or not I think this fabric was cut out...two years ago or so lol).
I had only used it once previously and didn’t care for how the seams were finished so I lined this one and it was so much easier to sew and I think it turned out better. The bow is a little large in hindsight, but I can’t find my thin ribbon. This one came from a random bit of notions I have laying around, so I just went for it.
The tights fabric was given to me by @hellodollstuff​ I’m pretty sure, thank you!! I soaked it and washed it really good so hopefully it won’t stain. 
I am also baking a low-carb cheesecake (the crust is made with coconut flour and it is sweetened with stevia). It has been a while since I have made a cheesecake... Unfortunately I left my springform at my parents house when I moved out so it is probably long gone now... I am just baking it in a square pan lined with parchment paper. I’m not trying to win any awards, so I figured I would just scoop it out haha
I had to go out for groceries and Wal-Mart was out of hand mixers, despite saying they were in stock in the app... I checked Target’s app and it said they had them in stock (albeit at more than twice the price due to it being Kitchen Aid brand - it was 30% off though (price matched to Target.com) and was that minty color I love so much) so I went and checked.
There were none one the shelf, but I checked the price checker and it said they had one. So I asked an employee and they were literally about to stock the only one they had lol
So since a) I have wanted a hand mixer since before the pandemic hit, b) it was the only one they had, and c) it is one of my favorite colors I went ahead and picked it up. I don’t know how I have made it this long into adulthood without one. Thankfully I had a little bit left on a giftcard so that brought the price down even more.
I almost forgot, I spent wayyyyy too much time today muxing an English fandub of the Animal Crossing movie into a 1080p file I found online.
I had no idea there was a fandub of it and it is actually pretty cute. XD They did a fantastic job for it being fan made. 
What made it so hard to mux together (hell, I’m not even sure if I am using that right) was the fandub was in two parts (here and here) so I had to re-time the second part and then merge the two audio tracks together. It sounds much easier than it was lol, thank goodness for free software.
It had been forever since I watched it the first time, so I enjoyed watching it again while I was sewing. :D
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singingcookie · 5 years
Drops of Jupiter Ch. 12 WIP
I’m a good chunk of the way into chapter 12 rn so I’m gonna go ahead and share the first 1k or so words of this chapter. I have a lot of conjecture going into this chapter so I’m more than nervous than I’d like to be but. I’m going to press through it anyways!!
I still have a good chunk of the story to get through but hopefully writing it goes fast enough during my free time. Please enjoy!
It’s been about ten minutes since their baffling stranger bounded away, leaving the two girls alone in the lobby. For the first couple of minutes they were racking their brains to try and remember if they had an inkling of a Pro or sidekick that looked similar to the man they had met. Unfortunately, they ended up coming up empty and thus resorted to sitting for the rest of their wait for someone to come down and begin their orientation.
Of course, Ochako herself is still left stewing over this conundrum. If he worked for the Pussycats, that should mean he’s more rescue-based. And that should mean that he should be more than recognizable to her. She put so much research into rescue work, it’s hard for her to believe someone slipped through the cracks.
That’s when the light bulb goes off in her head that she does know of someone who might know better than her in this regard. She pulls out her phone and opens her messages with Deku. She’s about to just start in with her question when she remembers how anxious he seemed this morning and thinks better of immediately asking for his encyclopedic knowledge of Heroes, typing out a kinder message instead.
Hey, I’m sure you’re busy since Endeavor Hero Agency is wayyyyy closer than the Pussycats’ but hope you managed to calm down on your train ride!  You’ll do great you know. And when you do have a sec I have a question for you. No rush though
She reads it over a couple of times before she sends it, reminding herself that he probably is busy. And her own phone is muted, so she probably won’t here anything back until later. Especially since it would make a terrible impression if she spent the duration of her time with the Pussycats checking her phone. She absolutely can’t have that!
Ochako tucks her phone away again, before placing her hands in her lap, tapping out a sort of rhythm as she takes a more in depth look at the lobby. She noticed the interior when she had first arrived but she had been so focused on their “escort” that she hardly paid it much mind at all.
It’s cozier than she would have thought. The chairs in the lobby weren’t the stiff and uncomfortable sort, surprisingly plush. The floor was the sort of linoleum she’s used to seeing in the few agencies she’s visited, but rather than the stereotypical black or white, the colors in this room are all incredibly warm and inviting. And—while she’s hardly about to get up and look to know for sure—it seems as though some of the cat pictures she’s noticed around the walls actually have the Pussycats themselves in them.
If that’s the case, do all of the employees have pictures like this? Or is it to match their namesake? Wait, is that a dog in that picture behind the front desk where their secretary is shuffling her papers? Are they pictures of the employees and their pets? That’s so cute…!
She’s actually contemplating standing up to go look for herself when there’s a smooth voice that runs through her head. Her hand instinctively flies to her hair as the words reverberate, Welcome in, you two! So sorry for the delay!
When Ochako looks up, she sees Mandalay approaching them from the walkway that the man had disappeared into not too long ago. She’s not donning her Hero costume, but instead wearing casual wear that reminds her of the few times she and the other Pussycats had visited the dorms, usually accompanied by her nephew. She has a muted smile on her face as she approaches, speaking aloud this time, “We were having a last minute meeting, so it took a bit longer to come down than I would have liked.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble,” Kendou replies instantly as the two of them stand up. “It’s pretty nice down here anyways.”
“Thank you.” Her brown eyes scan the room while one of her hands reaches up to rest on her short hair, saying, “Pixie-bob’s always been particular about making sure the agency’s kept as homey as possible. She feels like it makes everyone feel welcome, so I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”
“Speaking of…” Ochako pauses to look toward where Mandalay appeared from. She’s mildly surprised not to see three heads peeking around the corner. “Where’re the others? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of you on your own before.”
Mandalay explains that with her and a couple of the others needing to stay at the agency for their orientation, Pixie-Bob and Tiger are picking up the slack to go out on patrol. It was part of what they covered during their brief meeting. “As for Ragdoll, you’ll see her once we head upstairs. She’s getting all of your paperwork ready to fill out.”
Ah yes...paperwork. Always the largest bane of starting a new internship and work study.
The first couple of times were easy: a simple stamp of approval on a document to return to the school. Over time though, especially with internships starting to last for longer time frames, the paperwork graduated from one page to three. She expects with this internship—being that it’s supposed to last to graduation and potentially further—it will have exploded into a full blown packet. Probably chock full of rules, waivers, and other such things in preparation for what’s to come.
Kendou hums in thought before she speaks again, “I would’ve figured that Pixie-Bob would be the go-to for new interns. She’s so energetic…”
“She’s good for students new to interning—winding them up and getting them excited for patrols.” Mandalay closes her eyes in the grin she gives thereafter, her hand settling upon her opposite arm as she muses, “But it’s not very helpful during the more serious orientations.”
Considering it like that, Ochako has to agree that the logic definitely makes sense. The juxtaposition of Pixie-Bob’s energy with the dull chore of filling out paperwork—she could hardly imagine the woman toning herself down enough for that following an over the top greeting.
“Anyway, shall we?” Mandalay moves to gesture from where she came from before, entreating them to join her as she begins to lead the way. She explains the itinerary of how their day will go as they make their way inward toward the building’s elevators.
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themarketess · 6 years
Causebox January 2019 Review
Hello Everyone!
It’s Friday, and normally I wouldn’t post a review, but I am sooooooo far behind that I feel like this will help me catch up. So I apologize for rushing things, but this box was well worth the wait. This was Causebox’s LARGEST BOX YET and it did not disappoint!
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I mean, just look at it! This box was JAM PACKED, and I couldn’t be happier about it!
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First up, let’s talk about this amazing eye shadow palette. All the colors are neutrals, which are the only colors I use so this is PERFECT.  Each color actually has a fun name like smart, compassionate, etc. to help give your eye color a mood.
Also, I spent wayyyyy too much time trying to take this photo so that I nor the background behind me would show up in the mirror.
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This is a Brazilian hair mask. I’ve never tried any sort of hair mask before, but it has always been on my to-do list so this is awesome.
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Of course we have the provided magazine, which as you can see matches the box PERFECTLY.
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Oh, yeah and the package included this great makeup brush to go along with the eye shadow (or, at least, that’s what I will be using it for!).
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OMG. Look at this gorgeous scarf. I was so excited to receive this gray one. I saw a preview that there were three different versions included in the boxes, and this is the one that I hoped for out of the three! I’m a neutrals girl just because they go with so many things.
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I’m on the road a lot for work, which means that I work out of my car and tote bags are my life. Seriously. The bag I was using was about to fall apart, and it would not stand up at all, which I really need because if they can stand on their own, then I can easily reach in and grab stuff. This bag checks all of my boxes, and I’m excited to take it on the road with me.
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The last item is this gorgeous wood grain swell bottle for hot/cold beverages. It keeps stuff hot AND cold for long periods of time, and to tell you the truth I haven’t stopped using it since I got it!
I’ve tried bottles like this before in the past, and my biggest issue is that ice cubes wouldn’t fit past the bottleneck, but this one holds LOTS of ice to keep my tea nice and cool. I love that the inside is stainless steel, and this thing is DURABLE. It’s already taken a beating from me (sorry bottle!) and it has held up wonderfully.
I am completely blown away by this box. It has some really big ticket items in it, and everything is high quality - and it is all stuff that I will USE! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this, and I can’t wait for the next one.
~The Marketess
*Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with this company. This is not a professional recommendation but rather a personal opinion.
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Just Tito || Task
Just over 1000 words on Tito’s first day of kindergarten. A glimpse of what his life looked like before the streets became his home.
"Ignacio Alonzo Julio Fredrico de Tito! You're going to be late and I will not be writing you a note on your first day of school!"
A young boy with an unruly mop of hair, scrambled out of his room, tiny backpack bouncing behind him as he only had it barely on one shoulder, "Ai, I'm here, I'm here, okay? I gotta look good for the first day." He pouted slightly as he jumped up into his seat, too small to comfortably sit easily without a bounce to help him out.
His abuela gave him a look, though there was humor in her eyes as she scooped his breakfast onto his plate. His mother was busy trying to get herself ready for her own day while dealing with his newest sibling, Valeria, being fussy before her nap. A taller boy with glasses looked across the table at the young one, rolling his eyes as he shoveled food into his mouth quickly and swallowed, "I don't want to be late for my first day back either, so there's that too."
"Yeah 'cause Rico's a nerd who likes books and math and all of that stuff." A grin was shot across the table at Rico, one that had a couple toothless gaps and made the word "math" have a little extra lisp on the end of it.
Nerd was something his dad called Rico sometimes. He figured it was an okay word if his dad used it. The boy tried not to think about how his dad wasn't here right now. How he was missing his first day of school. How he didn't really know where he was or what he was doing. Papi would turn up soon and then he'd have all the stories about school to tell him, he'd remember everything and save them all just for him. He'd make dramatic retellings for everyone about all the friends he made and the people who loved him there.
"Whatever, Nacho." The grin turned into a scowl as he shoved a few forkfuls of breakfast in his mouth before dropping off the chair.
"Rico…Ignacio..." Their mother warned and shot both of them a look as she kept Valeria on her hip. "If you spent half as much time walking as the two of you do running your mouths you'd be half way to school by now. Now, give me and your abuela a kiss and get going, chicos."
Little Ignacio and his older brother did as their mother wished and started their way down the few blocks in the Bronx to their school. Rico was in middle school, while Ignacio was starting his first day of kindergarten. The little curly haired boy bounded up the steps, a bit grin on his face as he looked at the outside of the new experience he was about to have.
"Careful, Nacho, you may actually look like you like school or somethin'." Rico smirked down at his younger brother and ruffled this dark mop of hair. "I'll meet you out here after the last bell, alright?"
Ignacio nodded with a grin, tugging at his backpack straps before tilting his chin up, puffing his chest out and walking into his school building and finding his way to his kindergarten classroom.
He looked around, all the colors and shapes were pretty cool. He put his backpack where all the other bags were being kept and took a seat in an empty chair at a shared table with a couple other kids while they waited for their teacher lady to get started.
"Hey, you. What's your name?" A boy with short, buzzed, blonde hair asked him as he put his chin on his hand.
Ignacio puffed his chest out and very matter of factly and without much of a stumble recited his full name, because that's what people did right? His mom called him his full name all the time. "Ignacio Julio Alonzo Fredrico de Tito."
The boy furrowed his brows and looked at him funny before bursting into giggles, "You got a long name, kid." He rubbed his head, "The only name I can say right is probably Tito. So I'll call you Tito, okay?"
Tito. Tito was cool. He thought it sounded a lot cooler than Ignacio. No one ever spelled it right or said it right. Tito though was good. And this kid liked Tito so he should go with it right? He wanted to make friends. "Yeah, I'm Tito." He grinned and nodded, accepting the new name and beginning to already wear it proudly before starting to learn everyone's names. Even if he didn't get everyone's name, the teacher made them play a memorizing name game to help and the newly dubbed Tito introduced himself as such, even when the teacher insisted on calling him Ignacio the first few times.
Once it was time for dismissal, Tito ran out of his class, waving goodbye to his new classmates and friends as he spotted his brother waiting for him out by the entrance.
"Enjoy your first day, Ignacio?" Rico smirked at his beaming brother who immediately scowled at the name, rejecting it completely.
"I'm not Ignacio anymore." He said in a matter of fact tone, adjusting his backpack straps as they began to walk home.
"Oh no?"
"Nope. I'm Tito. My new friends say so."
"You're still Ignacio to me."
"No, I'm Tito." He made karate moves with his hands and bounced around on the sidewalk. "Tito is cooler than Ignacio, and wayyyyy cooler than Rico."
Rico snorted, "You know, I could be called Tito too. I have the name too."
"No, I had the name first. It's mine." Tito pouted up at him, "You can't have everything just because you're older, Rico."
"Alright, alright, I won't take 'your' name." He laughed and ruffled his younger brother's hair. "You know mamá and abuela aren't gonna go for this."
"Yeah, I know. But if they said it it would just make it less cool so like I don't need them to say it. They shouldn't say it. It would sound embarrassing from them." He stuck his tongue out and made a face to which Rico could only laugh. He was his short, kid, brother, but that only meant he had to fit a giant personality into a tiny body. It was never a dull moment with Ignacio Alonzo Julio Fredrico de Tito.
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