#i spent so much time on that dumb theme customizing how the filters n everything appears i'm soooooo mad what the fuck
pinkfey · 2 years
tumblr overwrote my oc page and i'm being so brave about it
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Stay with Me | BNHA
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request:  Hi! Can I request a scenario where Bakugou thought that reader was starting to lose interest, but in reality reader is just really busy and doesn’t realize she’s treating baku differently and Bakugou confronting her about it then it ends with some fluff fluff. 💖 p.s luv ur work
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anime | character:  bnha | bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 1949
themes/warnings: soft!bakugou, insecure bakugou,  college AU
a/n: sorry for not posting a fic in such a long time, I’ve been SO busy. so anyway, okay I kinda went little off-track and ended up writing the way it is shown below but i hope you’ll still enjoy reading this, though i have to say I’m not really fond of how it turned out. this fic has not been beta-ed so pardon me if you find any cringey error.
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The city of Musutafu moved as sluggishly as possible for a city of its size and caliber. It was one of those days when the moon was mostly hidden behind the clouds.
Kirishima let his eyes roam the street outside. The inhabitants of the boulevard were constantly on the move despite being a Saturday; it was a startling contrast to the cafe they sat in where a comfortable nonchalance clung to every aspect of the little business.
The slow, sleepy music playing from the speakers.
The casual yet practiced movements of the baristas as they prepared the orders. 
The lazy, idling manners in the way the customers brought their cups to their lips. Carrying every bit of thoughtlessness and indifference in their actions.
Well, almost everyone but them.
A perplexed frown pinched between Kirishima’s brows as he turned his gaze away from the window beside them.
Bakugou Katsuki had been sulking at the window ever since he plopped into the seat across him. 
He had been sitting in brooding silence for what felt like fifteen minutes and the expression on his face hadn’t changed. If there were any at all, it was only that his scowl grew bigger.
“As much as I like hanging out with you, I have to say this is getting a little…weird.” 
Kirishima briefly flitted to the counter to see curious eyes on them, “My colleagues are starting to think we’re dating.”
Tonight was the fourth time Bakugou had come to find him right as he was knocking off from his part-time job this week. 
“Who gives a fuck about what they think?” Bakugou muttered gruffly,  finally looking away from the outside.  
Kirishima had known him ever since they met in middle school to know the scowl on Bakugou’s face was…well, his default expression. 
Long enough for him to tell at one glance that the scowl he’d been seeing on Bakugou’s face was different. This one seemed to come right out from the depth of his fierce vermilion eyes — Bakugou was upset.
And it was about you.
No matter how hard Bakugou tried to hide how much he was a sucker for you, Kirishima could always tell. 
Even though they had matured into college students, Bakugou was still the same stubborn guy who wasn’t the most comfortable displaying his affections openly.
Mere mentions of you would soften the scowl on his face, and the rough edge in his voice. It was easy for anyone else to miss the difference but it was obvious to Kirishima. 
His grumpy complaints about how clingy and touchy you are were one of their common topics in their conversations. The annoyance scowling in his eyes when he did was always subtly soft and warm. 
But something changed, as Bakugou had mentioned, in the recent two weeks.
Nights in his dormitory room were spent alone. He was so used to falling asleep and waking up, to the sight of you curling up right next to him.
The last time he saw you were from afar, watching you rushing off to somewhere. 
Dates with you, even as simple as a meal in the cafeteria was scarce. 
Your replies to his texts were late and sometimes curt. The usual ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ from you, if you didn’t spend the night with him, were no longer…usual. 
Sometimes his messages to you would be left hanging for days before you replied.
The tone when Bakugou was telling him about all these strange distances between them was nonchalant, but the scowl on his face told Kirishima a different story.
Kirishima tried to think of something to say, but all he could think of in the end was the same thing he’d been saying ever since Bakugou shared this with him.
“Stop worrying man, she’s probably just busy?”
Bakugou’s face carried a carefully blanked expression as he raised his eyes to meet Kirishima’s.
“…Or maybe she’s losing interest in me.” 
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His arm was tucked between his pillow and his head as his other held his phone to his face. Vermilion eyes stared blankly at the quiet chatroom he shared with you, particularly fixated on your last reply to him.
Two days ago.
The gloom hung over his gaze these days were like the dreary seasons of dull, gray monsoons. 
The hopeful morning sun filtering into his room through the wooden window blinds above him was a startling contrast, and so was the lively laughter ringing out from the basketball court somewhere near the dormitory blocks. 
Probably some idiots shoving snow at each others’ faces, Bakugou thought seethingly as he clicked his tongue in annoyance at a particular spike of volume in the ruckus downstairs. 
It was Saturday and the morning was already—
His eyes flitted to the time written in the corner of his screen.
— halfway to noon.
A quiet sigh left him.
Like on Saturdays, he should be on the way to meet you for your usual brunch. Except things weren’t quite ‘usual’ anymore.
Bakugou released another sigh as he let his phone fall away from his face along with his raised arm, landing on the bed under him with a muffled ‘plop’.
His forehead ridged with a scowl. Just how did he fuck things up?
His memories sifted through the times he called you names and how you would still smile back at him like he was your whole world as if he didn’t just call you an idiot, a nerd, or a moron. 
A bitter taste of guilt entered his mouth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that you knew he was feeling affectionate when he did?
Perhaps you’ve grown sick of him? And realized that you didn’t need a shitty boyfriend who called you insulting names or would shrug off your affections as if they were annoyances.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth as a frustrated hiss slipped from him.
Shit, maybe he did fuck up afterall. Fucked up big time.
And he was probably going to lose you. Everything that made you…you.
The way you smiled at him with a loving, bright glint in your eyes as if he was the one who put the stars in the sky.
The sweet kisses you love to plant on his lips and forehead.
How your hand would hold onto his — small but warm with your love.
Bakugou felt his throat swell with the presence of forming tears as his heart twinged in his chest.
The idea of losing all that spurred a rush of panic in him.
Bakugou shot off his bed, put on the nearest shirt and jeans he could grab, and hurried out of his room.
The first place Bakugou thought to look for you was your dormitory but his worst fear made him hesitate at your door, with a hand hovering over its handle. 
In fact, he’d thought about doing this for the past two weeks but the wisps of doubts whispering nasty things wouldn’t let him.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth.
What if there was someone else— 
Bakugou shoved the unfinished thought aside; it was unbearable to even think about that possibility. 
His scowling gaze snapped to his hesitating hand and his lips instantly curled into a sneer to a spark of irritation within.
What was with him? He was starting to remind himself of Deku, hesitating outside doors with twiddling thumbs like a wimp.
He was Bakugou Katsuki and he should be announcing his arrival by bursting through one.
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Man, you thought you could finally enjoy a good night’s sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
But no…nope. 
The heater just had to break down at an ungodly hour when you were still trudging through the last thesis for your project and you could find no other alternative places to work on them. 
Bakugou came across your mind but again, it was crazy late or more accurately, early to budge into your boyfriend’s room.
Like every other night, you’d been tirelessly working on it so you could finally submit the project you’d been assigned since two weeks ago.
It was the infamous final year project you’ve dreaded ever since you heard about it from your senior — dubbed as ‘the project from hell’.
And indeed, it was a project from hell. It seemed to suck out your very soul. The exhaustion weighing you down like lead ran bone deep, that even lifting your head off your pillow was such a struggle.
With a broken heater sitting uselessly in your room, you’d spent the whole night wrapped in your blanket, with the lingering winter chill prickling at your skin. 
So you couldn’t help sighing at the sudden warmth enveloping your body after spending the night shivering away under your blanket at the mercy of the dropping temperature.
Your arms found their way around the heat source.
You didn’t see the tender curl of his lips when you sighed blissfully and nuzzled into his chest or the softening glint in the usual fierce edge held in his vermilion eyes.
It was like nestling inside a warm cocoon that…
— awareness seeping into your groggy senses pried your eyes open.  
What or rather who greeted you lifted you right out of your morning grogginess and struck you with an overwhelming barrage of emotions.
“…Ka-Katsuki!” You missed him so much.
Along with how the shadows and sunlight filtering in from behind you fell across and highlighted his chiseled profile, there was something about the way his intense eyes looked down at you with his head leaning against an arm. 
This sight gave your heart a fluttery squeeze.
You weren’t sure why Bakugou looked so strikingly handsome like this — maybe it was because you haven’t seen him for awhile?
“When did you come in here?” Words started pouring out of your mouth. 
You’ve always wanted to vent and rant about the dumb project to Bakugou so there was too much you wanted to say, 
“Oh my god, you’ve no idea how much busy I was these few weeks-” but the brooding look that hadn’t left Bakugou stopped you.”…Katsuki?”
You’d never seen Bakugou look this down before, and it didn’t sit right with you.
You hesitated but asked anyway.“…What’s wrong?” 
The cloud that fell over his eyes told you that something was definitely wrong.
“…I’m sorry, (Name).”
You grew concerned as you tried to understand his unreadable demeanor. “What’s this about— ”
“Are you losing interest in me?”
Your next breath was caught in your throat at his strange question and the only thing you could do was blurt out a —“What?”
You watch him exhale carefully with a bewildered look. 
Bakugou didn’t even care how he looked to you now.
“Look, I know I’m a huge fuck-up as a boyfriend and you probably think I don’t care about our relationship cause I act like I don’t.”
There was so much to say, so much guilt brimming inside him. 
“But shit, I do care.”
He was desperate. 
He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t. He loved you but he was an idiot for not showing that to you. 
So he needed to let you know now.
His hand on your waist pulled you up to him and his eyes were pinned on yours.
Your mouth opened, then snapped close at the silent, blazing gleam in his gaze.
Your voice had fled at the way he stared at you. 
Longing and heavy with remorse.
“Stay with me,” His lips brushed lightly across yours as his voice cracked with an aching need.” …please.”
He kissed you and the world fell away.
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