#i spend too much time on tiktok i know. i know this isnt a normal person thing to talk about
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cs300 · 7 months ago
very rare expression of opinion time, but i find it mildly amusing how people are all nostalgic about 2020 drift phonk and saying that recent phonk isn’t as good as that. but. these are the same exact people that in 2020 complained about how drift phonk sucks and how (memphis) phonk is the only true phonk music allowed to exist
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lapdogchase · 1 year ago
this is driving me insane i can't stop thinking about it. i keep seeing posts i know are vagueing that post and it's so insane to me how much it got twisted.
here's the posts that started the discourse. copy pasting for accessibility and to remove urls. these posts are in reference to a screenshot of a tiktok with the caption "Taking my daughter to my laser hair removal appt so she learns about self care and doesn't feel guilty about it when she gets older."
this is fucking ghoulish (in next reblog) the way enforcing harmful and patriarchal beauty standards has gotten rebranded as "self care" and something that is no longer done to please men but now something that is "liberating" and something you do "for you" now is fucking insidious . taking your four year old daughter to watch you get laser hair removal is not "teaching her about self care" it's teaching her that there is something wrong with her from a very young age, and that she'll need to spend the rest of her life getting it fixed . you cannot reframe indoctrinating your own fucking daughter into this as a girlboss self care queen move. this is insane. (next reblog) self care is when you shave your legs… for yourself! self care is when you get a nose job…. for yourself! self care is when you when you spend 200$ on wellness products and diet tips and buy buy buy so much makeup that you need to put on everytime you leave the house or else you are an ugly pig … for yourself! self care is when you buy what the tell you to buy and do what they've always told you to do but don't worry girl. you're doing this for YOU this time . girl slayyy you are so hashtag crushing the patriarchy. i want to kill myself. (next reblog) (screenshot of a comment reading: "I don't get how everyone here claims to support trans people and body autonomy, and then claim that gender affirming care such as laser is furthering the patriarchy. That's literally a TERF talking point. Cis people should be allowed to have gender affirming care too." comment over) it's so over man it's never been more over than it is rn (next reblog) "laser hair removal is gender affirming care and cis people should be able to access it too" ok why is laser hair removal gender affirming care though. why is being completely removed of all of your body hair something that is seen as part of "being female" to the point you're expected to perform or you will be constantly shamed. that is the point i'm getting at here. this shit doesn't exist in a vacuum. patriarchal expectations surrounding womens body hair also hurt trans women and i don't think it's bad to point that out. (next reblog) "beauty standards are bad actually and hurt women" "well trans women are forced to adhere to those beauty standards too . so you're against gender affirming care" what?
okay. this seems very straightforward to me. basically just "you shouldn't teach your daughter that adhering to patriarchal beauty standards is self care because that will mean she internalizes the idea that having body hair is bad, which is fucked up. i don't think body hair should be seen as part of being a woman, it's harmful to cis and trans women, societal standards of womanhood are fucked up". which is a really normal feminism 101 take tbh. when i was 12 and found out what feminism was that was like, the first thing i learned, is that not shaving is a morally neutral action. it's fine. this post is literally just saying "shaving isnt inherently self care and saying it is might be damaging for little kids."
but people got really mad about that for some reason. so then there's this post, from someone else, responding to carson's post.
if you argue for restricting access to laser hair removal (or whatever surgeries) on the grounds of Protecting Women and even "well trans women shouldn't be pressured to have these procedures anyway! :)" I think you should play in traffic
and i see what they're saying. obviously i think people should have bodily autonomy.
but like. that's... not the point carson was making . i've reread the post trying to figure out where it says that and it doesn't. that's just not what the post says. nobody is arguing for restricting access to laser hair removal. people are just saying it's fucked up that women are pressured into getting it.
and then there's another post, also responding to the original posts:
Blonde cis woman who gets peach fuzz you need a microscope to see if she doesn't shave: "Aren't trans women such gender conformists for shaving their body and getting permanent hair removal. They are upholding patriarchal beauty standards entirely by themselves. I don't shave, because I have courage to against the dictates of femininity *sees an unshaven trans woman* Ugh, she isn't even trying.
in the spirit of good faith i won't assume that this person was calling carson a cis woman and rather that this is just a stereotypical type of person they're mad at. but like. who said this ? i reread the posts again just in case. it doesn't say that . it says that the one specific mother in the original tiktok is harming her child by teaching her that following patriarchal rules about womanhood is self care. it says nothing about trans women "upholding patriarchal beauty standards entirely by themselves" and it definitely doesn't shame trans women for not shaving.
okay one more post.
People when a transfem lets out so much as the slightest hint that societal standards have harmed her in a way that makes body hair a source of anxiety because of how she'll be treated by people and that has maybe caused her some dysphoria at some point in her life: "You are directly responsible for the patriarchy and should be ashamed of promoting it. Clearly you know nothing about real women's struggles despite being part of a subset of woman that is under a disproportionate amount of scrutiny for this sort of thing." People when a transmasc expresses a desire to get more body hair when he goes on t because of his own dysphoria: "yeah that's awesome bro you go get that manly manly body hair!"
first of all. really obsessed with the society people made up in their heads to get mad at where everyone loves trans men and supports our medical and transition decisions. this doesn't happen. like straight up society at large is not throwing parties for trans men who transition. overwhelmingly even in queer spaces it's discouraged. if i had a nickel for every joke from a cis queer woman abt how testosterone turns trans guys into Big Scary Men and Why would anyone choose to be a man and etc etc etc. it's a lot! i've heard it a lot!
but anyway. yes obviously transfems are harmed by societal standards about body hair. both from dysphoria and threat of violence and discrimination. but, like. when did carson say all that stuff about "real women's struggles". point me to the place in the post where trans women were blamed for cisheteropatriarchal beauty standards. where was it stated that trans women getting laser hair removal is them being responsible for the patriarchy. where does it say that in the post.
if i didn't know these posts were about carson's post i would probably not be able to figure it out because they're just so far removed from the actual point being made and it's so baffling to me. isn't it exhausting to take everything in bad faith. isn't it tiring to twist someone's words just to get mad at the version of them u made up in ur head. aren't you tired. isn't there something better to be doing
honestly fucking insane that carson said "i dont think women, cis or trans, should have to shave or get lazer hair removal to be respected and/or seen as women" and people went "wow i cant believe this person said that trans women shouldnt be able to get lazer hair removal" like What the fuck are you talking about . that's literally just not what carson said.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years ago
Yes yes good for them!! The happy couple <33 I havent played minecraft in a while but i used to play it constantly before shit went down with an ex bff of mine, then i just stopped playing since I had no one to play it with. But I really enjoyed playing it when I used to spend every day on it with my crappy laptop. I need to play it again. Genshin impact is so much fun though!! If you decide to try it and stick with it I'd like to know since it does have co op. I grew up with pokemon so i've played it for a long ass time, theres a new game coming out but i also reccomend getting legends arceus as its addicting !! Really addicting and adds a new twist to the game that isnt collecting 8 gym badges and becoming the champion. ooohhh, that sounds interesting I should definately look into the book. I remember being a book worm up until like high school, I was reading a lot of the time as its the only thing I could do as I didnt get a phone until freshman year of high school. There's a series I started but I havent finished quite yet. But one thing I remember in high school I borrowed a book from a friend(they later let me keep the book), it's a book meant for little kids to read but I enjoyed it despite the fact I tend to read novels than books like it, and I even remember the teacher's aide telling me that I could read a more higher up book than that, i didnt really pay any mind to it i just enjoyed reading the book as a sort of break from what I normally read. I remember reading the harry potter series in like one school year back in middle school, while only reading the books at school and on the way home from school, never at home(it was my first time reading them.) The theory just appeared in my head on the topic of sweet home and it just sort of made sense to me, especially with how the series showed that not all monsters are bad so there had to of been a reason why not all of em are bad. Yea, but I think Stupid Cool is now my favorite Dawn song, i love it way too much at this very moment. I dont really listen to Jessi so I dont really know any of her songs. OH! Another solo artist I like is Alexa, especially her song bomb. Two more groups I like are KARD and OMEGA X. And I agree TXT's songs are BOPS, i actually have 4 of their albums as well. I dont really care for grammar in casual talk tbh, like it makes no sense to be grammically correct with everything when you're just talking in a normal conversation (like if the grammar is very bad then i'd be a bit annoyed but i typically dont give af about grammar unless its in writing.)
Awh!1 I try to play alone but I always end up getting bored T-T I think that's why I'm also bored on Stardew Valley, I'm going to try and convince a friend of mine to start playing on it with me so we can make a farm together haha! Awwh! I grew up watching the Pokemon show and playing a couple of games, I remember playing it on the DS whenever we would go on road trips 😭😂
Honestly, its a series I recommend a lot! My penpal suggested it to me and I've been hooked!!! It's such a good series, it's fantasy too which is nice because it's not normally a genre that I tend to read. I tend to read a lot of smut now, on my kindle mostly haha.It's so sweet that you have some good memories of reading 🥺🥺 Harry potter is for sure one of my favourite series. I have a Felix Felicis bottle tattooed on my arm haha I'm working on getting some more book related ones
I love the theory so much, I had to send it to my friend so that she could look into it as well! She loves it!
ALEXA!! I love her! I followed her on Tiktok and I've been in love ever since!!! There's so many people and groups that I love!!! T-T
Same here!!! I don't tend to focus on spelling and grammar unless I'm writing for you guys on here but other than that I'm spelling stuff wrong all of the time.
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skiasurveys · 5 years ago
How many bank accounts do you have? Technically 2.
Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? yes or lying, even if i am not.
How old are you? 23 Do you attend church regularly? I used to when I was younger but now i dont have the time, and church isnt too much my thing. Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? Yes always a Queen song lol
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? 8-9 am What kind of car do you drive? 2007 G5 Pontiac   What kind of car would you like to have?
I want a Nissan  Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? yes but theyre rly expensive for cheap tasting food
If so, what’s your favorite thing to eat from there? blizzards usually 
How old did you turn on your last birthday? 23 Ever felt like falling apart? always Have you ever been in an ambulance? Nope Do you tend to worry a lot? always. im a fucking worry wort, annoying af. How old were you when you lost your first tooth? Not sure ahhaa maybe 5? Do you remember your first time on the internet? yes lol I think it was barbie games or something Which website do you email from? gmail Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? sure, its nice when people think of you 
Do you get angry with people easily? it always depends on what they did. Do a lot of people dislike you or is it the other way around? Im not sure tbh. I feel like most people like me. or dont have an opinion. Have you ever had the flu? yes What about strep throat? I dont think so Have you ever been to a psychologist? sure, but i need to go back What’s the worst part about school? how most of it is useless haha Do you normally have a lot of homework, if you’re still in school? In college I usually do
When was your last vacation? a while ago Would you ever consider going on a cruise? no and for sure not now What did you last buy from the store?
food Would you say you enjoy being single or in a relationship more? depends tbh. there are perks for both. I do like being with someone bc i like people 
Do you try to stay busy a lot? i try 
Do you lie a lot? no i try not to but sometimes i lie to protect others  Do you still act childish most of the time? i can haha
Did you ever enjoy gym class? sometimes What is your biggest insecurity? my body and money Have you ever painted a room alone? no Speaking of which, when did you last paint your room? I cant paint my room b/c its a room im renting What’s for dinner tonight? didnt eat anything, left overs Do you ever drink alcohol? yes when I have the money Have you ever had a terrible hangover? not usually. I hardly get them no matter how hard i drink which i am blessed for hahahah Do you ever get migraines? yes ;-; What was the last thing you plugged into an outlet? my laptop charger Do people consider you to be a funny person? I think so Do you have any bad habits? nail biting  Do you like children? yes What is your favorite snack? candy  Do you own any gaming systems?
i own them all pretty much. Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Nintendo DS, N64, Game cube, etc lmfao How old were your parents when they had you? 28  Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? 6.5 years Do you trashtalk people a lot? I used too but now I try to only say postive things. But sometimes, I need to vent or rant. What is the most amusing thing on the internet, in your opinion? tiktok<-- omg same. i am addicted.  Does the future excite you or scare you? I am kind of scared right now. Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? Yeah. I usually see my family whenever I can. How often do you shower? Every day but I dont always wash my hair. What would you say is your favorite genre of music? Classic rock. Do you need to clean your bedroom? yeah a better cleaning
What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? who knows man. survive Do you enjoy Chinese food? yes too much
What is your favorite movie from the nineties? The Lion King Which decade were you born in? 90s Are you good at giving advice to people? I try to 
How many huge secrets do you have? a few.. How many people know these secrets? no one
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice Do you ever floss?
i should... Have you ever been in a long-term relationship? yes Ever considered suicide? yeah If so, did you try to commit suicide? no Is there anyone out there who makes you feel completely useless? yeah. Do you like texting or calling people more? Texting
What’s your favorite band? Queen Do you have a lot of friends? no
Have you ever painted something and been impressed by it? yes Would you rather go out to eat or stay in? depends tbh some days i want to chill  When did you last babysit, if ever? Back in July
Do you have any younger siblings? yeah Have you ever thought of someone as useless?
No. Have you ever considered bleaching your hair? yup
Do you drink vitamin water? yeah
Are there any old movies you absolutely love? Yes a fewwww Have you ever had a Big Mac before?
yes Do you think you attract the opposite sex at a reasonable rate? no Where is your favorite place to travel? Banff  What is your goal for the next few months? stay alive haha Can you count to ten in another language other than your own? no
Do you own a lot of shoes? yes Have you ever played on a sports team before? yes baseball and volley ball If you have, what was that sport and when? Baseball was 2-4th grade haha ad Volley was 6-8 grade Have you ever filed a lawsuit on someone? no Do you think you’re a good singer? i wish
Would you rather wear jeans or sweatpants? jeans Do you think you have a good sense of style? yes Do you enjoy reading often? nah
Have you ever had a deadly illness? swine flu Ever had food-poisoning before? yes its awful Where did you last eat dinner at? home
Have you ever shot a gun before? yes
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