#i sound really pathetic and desperate but like i said... i kinda go through it™️ - just wanting to feel love at least - once in a while haha
linonyang · 1 year
hey! i'd really want to know more about your wip "can you tell me how to love?" with jisung please☺️
omg HI MOON!
so, as of now, i have written the reader's monologue HAHA and jisung just showed up in the last edit of my wip 😭 i hope you don't mind me spoiling a part of the reader's rant that gave me the most pain (this is def quite long but i'm okay with spoiling a lot for u <3)
The question is, will the day of someone confessing their love for you even come? You often find this as a rhetorical question. Assuming no has always been the answer. 
It wasn’t fair; it didn’t make you feel you belong somewhere; it gave you much confirmation that you’ll live alone. It was a reality you often denied. You know you deserve someone who’ll give you their whole soul, like your friends to their significant others. You deserve a touching moment of a tear-jerking, heart-warming, and cheesy confession in public. You deserve someone always looking at you with glittering eyes. You deserve an intimate kiss, refreshing hugs, words of affirmation, and much more from someone who devotes you.
Hell, it makes you cry thinking about these. So much for trying to be independent and numb. Are you that undesirable? That unwanted?
No wonder why you went through high school and were often seen as a great friend—unfortunately, it always stopped until there. You never heard your classmates spreading rumors about a certain classmate having a crush on you. Your friends never shook your shoulders and squealed upon the discovery of someone liking you more than a regular classmate or friend. There was never a time when you were the center of a topic like crushes and relationships. You were the one gossiping about a classmate liking another classmate, and you have done nothing else but that.
Your life comprised watching rom-coms, reading romance books, and obsessing over celebrity couples. Love songs, especially the ones that make you squeal, have always been on your playlist. How come you came to a point where your life didn’t reflect your interests? Just because?
Your wishes are too similar to the air hockey game you always play in the arcade. You can never predict if you will score the disc on the side where you’ll finally feel love and be loved or the side where you can be that rich relative of your friends’ children and splurge on books. It was a race, often making you confused about what your life was for.
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