#i sincerely hope i don’t come across as one of THOSE wrestling fans
jj-dyl · 6 months
jey uso being so over is such a double edged sword for me. on the one hand, jey is finally getting the recognition he deserves and i could not be happier genuinely. i remember fighting for my life when people used to say jey could never be a main eventer. and now he’s undeniable.
on the other hand, tho, i feel it’s completely flanderized him as a character. “yeet” is who he is now. he used to have so much depth. he used to be so genuinely exciting and interesting to listen to. the way even the smallest micro expression would build on his character and story. even in ring i feel like he’s a little more watered down than before. and don’t even get me started on the feud with jimmy. it came across much more “lighthearted rivalry” rather than the genuinely emotional feud it should have been.
don’t get me wrong, the “yeet” thing is fun and i still love jey. but idk. i miss pre-summerslam jey uso.
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gloves94 · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 22
Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Cursing?
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It had downright been a foul week.
The First Task of the Triwizard tournament had already occurred.
Thankfully nobody had been injured too badly. Harry had received a scratch from the dragon and had come in first tied with Krum for first place. Fleur had come in last and Cedric, after having some points deducted from having part of his face burnt off by the dragon, came in third. This incident had landed him in the Hospital Room where he was constantly surrounded by hordes of adoring fans, friends and students that were concerned for him.
It was early on a Saturday when Nel decided to pay her friend a visit. Thankfully it seemed like the Hospital Room was vacant with the exception of Madame Pomfrey.
She approached Cedric who was sitting on his bed content with half of his beautiful symmetrical face covered by a bandage that would hopefully heal nicely. “So what’s the verdict Scarface?” She asked crudely as she took a seat on the chair next to his hospital bed.
The older boy looked up from a get-better card he had been reading and smiled at his business associate laughing slightly at what he interpreted to be a joke.
“Madame Pomfrey says it’ll heal nicely, won’t even leave a scratch.”
Of course, it wouldn’t.
Leave it to Cedric to keep his stupidly beautiful face intact after almost having it burnt off. Hell, who knows he could be the only one able to be able to pull off a half-burnt face and look just as handsome.
“You cost me ten galleons,” She sighed crossing her arms over her chest upset.
“You bet on me?” Cedric laughed a little incredulously. “Like a racehorse?”
She didn’t want to think about the stupid bet Malfoy had talked her into.
“Ladies choice,” Draco had said with the mocking tone of a gentleman as they sat in the stands ready to witness the four champions taken on the first task.
Without giving it much thought Nel bet on Cedric. She needed him to win if she wanted to get paid. Also, why would she doubt his abilities?
“You’re not betting on Scarhead?” Malfoy scoffed. “What? No faith in your friend?” He spat out the word friend almost as if it was toxic.
“I’m not going to bet on Harry exactly because he’s my friend!” She huffed irritated. (It wasn’t a complete lie.)
If only Cedric hadn’t slipped towards the end. She should’ve bet on Harry who at least tied with Krum. Then maybe she would’ve been ten galleons richer instead of having to painfully cough them up. At the rate these bets were going she would lose all her money to a brat that didn’t even need it.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” Draco said ostentatiously taking the golden coins from her. It really wasn’t fair.
Come on! He didn’t even need it!
“Don’t talk to me,” She grumbled before leaving and going to check on Cedric at the Hospital Room.
“I’m running a business Diggory,” She said cooly.
Cedric eyed her oddly. She could be so strange sometimes.
“I thought that was you the other day, standing by the door, hiding,” He teased sitting up taller. She avoided his hazel eyes. Nel would’ve never admit it to her business partner but naturally she was concerned for him. I mean who wouldn’t? The golden boy had almost been turned into a roast marshmallow.
“I’ve got a clue for you,” She informed. “About the second task.”
He looked at her attentively. The Second Task of the tournament wouldn’t be until late February and they were barely at the end of November. How had she figured it out so quickly?
“I think it has to do with the Great Lake,” she said scratching her chin seeming deep in thought. Or at least that’s what Nathair had mentioned to her. The adder had said that when creeping around the castle grounds he had seen some men in suits, probably from the Ministry of Magic as well as Dumbledore, Hagrid and others walking around the Black Lake’s perimeter. “Some of the Ministry members were seen walking around it.”
“What? You think they’re going to make us wrestle the Giant Squid now?” His eyes widened slightly at the horrible thought.
“Not sure,” Her brows knitted together. Honestly, she wouldn’t put it past the Ministry of Magic. Her eyes fixing on a random spot on the window above his hospital bed. “What about your clue?” She turned her attention to the large golden egg besides his bed.
Cedric explained it was just terrible shrieking. Completely undistinguishable noise. He said it didn’t sound like anything he had ever heard before. Both tossed and debated some ideas of what the potential next task could be.
“Whatever it is, I’ll keep doing some research,” she stood up and stuck her hand inside of her book bag. “Here,” She spoke her voice less harsh as she pulled out a card that was lamely hand crafted and a knitted thing that resembled a lemon? Or a ball?
He eyed it curiously as he picked it up and gave it a strong squeeze. “Did you make this?”
“It’s a knit lemon stress ball. It’s enchanted to never explode no matter how hard it is squeezed,” She explained. “Feel better,” She said quietly, ready to run to the opposite side of the room. Embarrassed for showing concern over the Hufflepuff. Specially for Cedric. To him this was probably garbage, his friends and fans had probably gifted him way nicer and more useful presents.
“Thanks, Nel, this is really thoughtful,” He smiled sincerely flashing her the dashing smile that made all the girls around him swoon. She remained silent simply wanting to exit the room as quickly as possible. “Where are you going?”
“Snape has summoned all the Slytherins in the Assembly Room. Merlin knows what kind of vile torture he’s got in mind for us,” she half joked.
Despite having been joking, the Slytherin hadn’t been far off. Snape did have a torturous idea in mind. Ballroom dancing. With him.
“There you are!” Tracey said to her friend the moment she arrived to the large room where all of Slytherin House was gathered. Snape stood in the center of the room looking beyond irritated. Even Mr. Filch was in the room standing by the sides next to an ancient looking record player, holding his dancing partner Mrs. Norris in his arms. “Where were you?” Tracey asked.
“Oh!” Nel shot her a mean glare. “So, I can’t ask where you’ve been, but you can?” She shot before giving her friend the cold shoulder.
Tracey grew silent and looking burdened with guilt turned away from her friend ignoring the stab she had just taken at her. It was true. Tracey had now been sneaking off been missing from everybody’s radar from weeks and nobody seemed to know where she was, what she was doing or who she was with. It even seemed like Tracey had crossed the point of lying after having been caught in one of her lies more than once.
On the other hand, Daphne seemed much too distraught by the current events.
“Isn’t this exciting?” She said in a dreamy tone as she beamed at her friends and clapped her perfectly manicured hands together.
“What is?” The dark eyed girl uttered in a dark tone as she glared at an older Slytherin that had been starring at her from across the room. It also seemed like the audience had been divided into males one side of the room females in the other.
“The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guest gather in the Great Hall for a trivial and rather dull conviviality,” Snape began to explain. His nasal voice echoing off the walls of the large room lulling some younger students to sleep. “As representatives of the host school and Slytherins I expect each and every one of you will represent the House with pride. Foolish behavior will be unacceptable, and I will not tolerate the lot of you acting like a cluster of dunderheads,” He took inhaled a deep breath sounding absolutely drained. “Sadly, the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance and to save yourselves and Slytherin House the grueling humiliation - we will be reviewing the basics of ballroom… dancing,” he scowled almost spitting out the word as if it physically hurt him to say it.
Most of the girls in the room chatted excitedly and turned to gush at their friends. One of those being Daphne who probably already knew what she was going to wear, how she was going to do her hair and make-up and probably even who her date would be. Tracey looked terribly uncomfortable through the meeting keeping her gaze lowered to the wooden floor and Nel had a blank look of confusion on her face. She had a hard time telling her right from left how was she supposed to bloody learn how to ballroom dance and from Snape.
“I am certain the majority of you have had dance lessons before,” He grumbled almost resembling a miserable wet crow. This ball, it almost sounded like he had a personal vendetta against it. Yikes.
Amongst the excited girls was Pansy who felt the need to make an announcement. “I’ve been taking lessons since I was six,” she bragged proudly while keeping her eyes fixed on the prize. A certain blond across the room. Was she secretly hoping to impress him?
Most of the males groaned dreading having to hunt down dates and get their dancing shoes ready.
“Congratulations Parkinson,” Snape said deprecatingly his tone heavily dripping with sarcasm. “I will now proceed to demonstrate the basic footwork with somebody inexperienced who lacks the proper grace required to perform the art of dancing.”
Nel was too busy snickering at the Professor’s sarcastic comment she didn’t realize he called on her. Pansy shot her a triumphant glare, that’s what she got for laughing.
“What?” She looked around the room nervously. She would’ve been a lot braver if he had asked her to slay a dragon or take down a giant squid. Nel had never danced in her life. Maybe that one time when Wool’s Orphanage held a local fundraiser back in London in which the children had to torturously perform a dance to “Jingle Bell Rock”; Even that had been a catastrophe. She winced slightly at the embarrassing memory of accidentally kicking a boombox directly into someone’s face.
“Professor, as a concerned student-“ She began with persuasion. “I think you should select a more prepared, even a more eloquent partner. Everybody heard what Parkinson said, she’s practically been dancing her whole life-“
He silenced her with a deathly glare that commanded her up to her feet. She let out an exhausting sigh as the loud sniggers were heard around the room as she approached the professor. Embarrassed she rubbed her arm standing next to the Potions Master feeling both extremely awkward and small standing next to him with all eyes fixed on the two of them.
“As I said. If an unskillful, inelegant person like Saintday can be taught to dance, so can anybody in this room.”
‘Geez, alright, take it easy with the compliments,’ she thought resenting his comments. Again, the majority of the room laughed. This was humiliating.
“Silence,” Snape snapped his loud voice echoing the newly found silence in the room. “The House of Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the Wizard World for nearly a millennium and I will not have you sullying that name in the course of a single evening.” He paused before stretching out a pale hand. “Ms. Saintday,” he bowed his head slightly.
The quiet laughing in the room made her cringe as she took the professor’s hand.
That had been absolutely mortifying.
“I’m never going to let you live that down!” Theodore laughed loudly as they excited the Assembly Room. The four Slytherins walked together as they exited the room and the Gryffindors went in.
“Even if you deny it I know you’re one of Snape’s favorites. Private lessons with him and now a personal ballroom lesson?” He teased in reference of the private meetings Saintday had with the professor in order to improve the weak control she had over her volatile emotions.
“I will kill you,” She cursed. Laughing, Theo excused himself and said he was going to catch up on some Transfigurations homework.
“My dress should be arriving soon,” They overheard a loud voice bragging as the three girls attempted to walk away from its source. “It’s made out of the only the finest silk. Imported. Cost a fortune. Initially daddy opposed but once mother convinced him I just had to have it – well he caved. Obviously, his little girl has to have the best of the best. Wouldn’t you agree Daphne?”
“I’m excited to see your dress!” Daphne responded unaffectedly. Above all things came art, beauty, design and fashion.
“I might be the best dressed, of course after you,” Pansy added eyeing Daphne with some resentful bitterness. She turned to look at Millicent hoping her best friend would have her back, but instead she seemed distraught, probably also distressed about what she’d wear to the dance or who her date would be.
“I’ll say,” Pansy cleared her throat. “I can’t wait to see what rags you pull out of the rubbish bin Saintday. That is if you even manage to get a date for the ball. With that disgraceful footwork and graceless poise, I doubt it,” She laughed obnoxiously with her friend.
Nel was ready to lunge at her Tracey and Daphne held her back. “Shut up Parkinson nobody cares about you or your stupid dress you irrelevant twit!”  She shouted at her. Pansy gasped and began rambling about who was really relevant and who wasn’t.  
“Don’t listen to her Nel,” Daphne said looking over her shoulder as they walked away from the other two Slytherins and descended into the dungeon. “She’s just looking to get a reaction out of you.”
The irritated Slytherin was about to respond went something vibrantly orange phased through her a loud cackling laughter followed. Oh no.
“Oi there, if it isn’t Slytherin’s Spotted Cod,” He levitated before the three girls with a broad Cheshire grin that meant the poltergeist was – as per usual - up to no good.
“Spotted… Cod?” Tracey repeated the nickname with confusion. Nel gave her a look not to ask.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten Dots,” Peeves leaned in dangerously close looking at her eye to eye. Of course, Nel knew what he was referring to. He was referring to that time he showed her the secret passageway out of the Defense Against the Dark Art’s Office. She had been hoping he had forgotten but of course, Peeves never forgets.
“You know Peeves, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” She said running a hand through her hair nervously.
His ghastly face instantly shifted to a scowl. “We had a deal,” He growled out becoming more agitated.
“I don’t have time for this,” She admitted sincerely. She really didn’t. In between her work, lessons with Snape, helping Cedric with the tasks, finding a dress and somehow convincing Ellar to ask her to be his date for the Yule Ball, Nel really had her hands full. For once she just wanted to have a perfectly ordinary night. She tried to sidestep the ghost, her two friends following behind, but Peeves once again phased through her.
“You owe me!” He shrieked loudly as the poltergeist began throwing a terrible tantrum. The pipes in the ceiling above them burst soaking them. Some of the armor figures in the dungeon all bent in unnatural ways and cold water rained down on them. Daphne spit out a mouthful of water and glared at the poltergeist with great distaste.
“Alright,” Nel ceded to her side of the bargain. “Alright,” She raised her hands in a truce. “You got me. I’ll do as you wish,” she let out a frustrated breath.
“You know what to do!” he cackled manically before backflipping out of scene. She rubbed her temples in great frustration at what she would have to do. Daphne and Tracey didn’t seem to question his motives. Both simply stood very still.
“Is this water…” Tracey spoke after a moment. “Clean?” She wondered out loud.
“I don’t want to know,” Daphne pivoted on her heel as she rushed inside of the Common Room sounding almost as if she was going to vomit. “Same,” The brunette followed with repulsion.  
After a rather disgusting Saturday morning Daphne and Nel decided to head to Hogsmeade for the day to go dress shopping. Tracey had excused herself with a blatant lie that neither of the two bothered calling out. Daphne already knew what she was wearing to the ball. She actually had a tailor personally make it for her over the summer holiday and she was praying it still fit her. Being a good friend, she offered to go dress shopping with Nel for fun... Nel doubted that Cloelia would bother in sending her an outfit, let alone a fine dress for the ball, but then again who knew maybe if Ellar was her date?
“Do you think he’s going to ask you?” Daphne asked in the carriage to Hogsmeade. “I don’t know,” The other girl babbled with excitement.
“I mean- we have been talking a little more and more each time, the other day he held my hand in the Great Hall.”
“Really?” Daphne enthused back with the same enthusiasm  
“Well, kind of- it was more of a pat,” She admitted the reality. “But- never say never, right?” She laughed lightly as they arrived at the Wizard village.
Distraught looking at the snow that was beginning to fall Daphne pulled Nell out of her daydream. “Look!” She hissed in a loud whisper. “There he is!” She discretely pointed at the wizard whom the two had just been talking about. Speak of the Devil…
Ellar was wearing a dark blue coat and appeared to be window shopping for something outside of Zonko’s. He was with some of his Beauxbaton school mates who were all laughing at a particular prank toy.
“Go talk to him!” She urged her friend nudging her forward.
“Are you nuts?” The other shot back looking down at the gray jumper she was wearing and dark jeans. Definitely not as presentable as she wished she’d be.
“I can’t talk to him now – He’ll think I’m asking him to the dance!”
“That’s the point!” Daphne struggled as she snaked her arm under her friend’s and dragged her forward the two bickering back and forth until they stood in front of the group of French students. “Just smile!” She advised with a sharp hiss through her clenched teeth.
“Bonjour,” Daphne greeted politely in poor French. Although Nel doubted any of them even heard or listened, most were probably distracted by her smile and glowing cheeks.
“H-Hi Ellar,” Nel stammered not even remembering to greet him in the French she had been practicing so hard to impress him.
“Daphne, is it?” Ellar greeted taking her hand in his and leaning in to kiss her face three times on each side like the French did. “Elowen,” He turned his attention to her and did the same.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“We came dress shopping. You know, for the Yule Ball,” She edged on the topic anxiously. Dancing on the heels of her feet, lightly swaying forward hoping he’d take the initiative to ask her.
“I see,” He acknowledged and wiped the edge of his nose. “I’m sure you’ll look very beautiful,” His lips stretched into a thin smile. “The both of you,” He added also acknowledging Daphne. With that he bid them goodbye before walking into Zonko’s with his friends.
Daphne brought a hand to her temple when she saw her friend literally pressing her face against the window shop’s glass starring at the back of the French boy’s dark wavy-haired head.
“Ugh..” She groaned out painfully. “Why didn’t he ask me?” She cried out dramatically.
Daphne rolled her eyes and peeled her desperate looking friend off the glass. “Maybe it wasn’t obvious enough.”
“I think it was pretty,” she touched the tip of her nose. “On spot.”
“Just ask him yourself next time you see him,” Daphne advised.
“But I want him to ask me. Not the other way around!” Nel cried back childishly. Daphne tried to convince her it wasn’t a big deal if she did the asking. Easy for her to say. Everybody would probably be dying to go to the ball with the prettiest Slytherin.
Again, Daphne shook her head as the two walked into a large pink and teal shop that was named Gladrags Wizardwear “245 years dressing the Elegant Wizard” a sign outside of the shop read.
“What about this one?” Daphne immediately rushed to a beautifully sleek plum colored dress evening gown. Nel almost had a heart attack when looking at the price tag. “How about we look in the discount section?” She coughed awkwardly already feeling her wallet stinging from the unnecessary expense of wearing a dress.
“Nel,” Daphne held onto her hand, stopping her in the spot and giving her a knowing look. “This is a once in a lifetime event. We are never going to live another Yule Ball,” She said melodramatically sounding as if it was a life or death situation. “I know you’re careful with your spending, but don’t you for once want to treat yourself?” She insisted.
Elowen didn’t want to look into her persuasive grey green eyes. She knew that if she did, she would cave. Daphne wasn’t wrong, she had been hoarding her savings like a dragon sitting atop a small fortune. But then again, she had been very careless about it even losing some of it to Malfoy in stupid and unnecessary bets. Maybe, just maybe Daphne was right, and she deserved to allow herself one nice treat.
“Don’t you want to feel like a dream? Have all eyes on you for one magical night?”
It was too tempting. Her greedy eyes looked at the expensive dresses in the shop and she wondered just how easy yet unnecessary it would be to swipe one of them or trade the tag with something in clearance. She didn’t want to be the only girl wearing a uniform at the ball. Specially not if she was planning on attending with Ellar Lestrange. The young man would probably show up looking like a dreamy prince from a faraway land and she would look- well… Like what she really was – a nobody.
She couldn’t help but think of Pansy’s cruel taunts and her and Millicent’s loud laughter. Insecurity also pricking at her side to buy the damn dress.
“Just imagine,” Daphne continued to press. “You, Ellar, the night… It’ll be like a fairy-tale!”
Daphne painted a very tempting image of what the night would be like. Magical.
She was right. She had to do it. This was completely a necessary expense. She was going to dazzle not just Ellar Lestrange, but everybody that ever looked down at her during this night. Even Parkinson and Bullstrode.
“Let’s do it,” She quickly caved before she changed her mind. “Really?” Daphne’s eyes went wide and she squeezed her friend’s hand tightly as she jumped squealing eager to begin shopping before beginning to ramble about the jewelry, she would lend her and how they were going to do their hair and make-up and shoes- of course you couldn’t forget the shoes.
Nel’s head was still spinning from having spent such an unreal amount of money on a dress she would probably only wear once. The girls had returned to the Common Room where they left the dress before Daphne asked her to come to the Courtyard with her to paint since Theodore and Tracey were nowhere to be found.
“Let me get this straight,” Nel said sounding terribly bored as she stood next to Daphne holding a tray of acrylic paints as the girl painted a canvas with the school’s Courtyard. “You’re painting what exactly? Haven’t you painted the same Courtyard at least a dozen times before?”
Daphne looked at her as if she was insane. “Well,” She began her artistic digest. “It’s never really the same is it? No matter how many times I paint it my mood is never the same, the light is never the same. It’s always a different season or a different perspective. Even if to you it’s the same dull courtyard it never is to me. In a way life can be like that too. Like the way a day is always different from the night before or the day to come, or the way two thumbprints or even two loves are never really the same.”  Daphne got a dreamy look on her face before realizing she had perhaps gotten too carried away in her passionate artistic declaration. Regardless she didn’t apologize for her boldness. Nel starred at her friend in awe and her eyes scanned the same Courtyard she had been in hundreds of times before. Daphne was… well, right. She had never taken the time to romanticize her day in such a manner, but then again who did?
“Like- take a look, what looks different?” She encouraged.
“The First-Years are playing gobstones by the entrance, Diggory is out of the Hospital surrounded a lot of Hufflepuffs – typical. Malfoy is climbing up the courtyard’s tree-“ Her eyes narrowed on the silvery blonde that was suspiciously climbing up that tree he had been up in a couple of weeks ago. However, she found it odd that he was alone.
“That’s weird,” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as he appeared to be carving something into its bark.
Putting the paints on a tall stool next to her friend she approached the tree with a mistrustful attitude. Daphne smiled a little and shook her head. No day was the same as the last. Who knew, maybe today she’d paint the ancient tree being set on fire by Nel Saintday.
Autumn leaves crunched under her feet as she approached the oak tree. Upon closer inspection she saw Draco up on the tree eating a green apple with one hand and indeed carving something into the bark with his wand in his right hand.
“I didn’t take you as a vandal,” She said loudly startling him so much he almost fell down “Then again, why would I be surprised?” “Stars, Saintday, don’t sneak up on me!” He snapped rudely before hopping down with a crouch before gracefully dusting any invisible dirt off himself.  
“Why are you vandalizing the tree?” She asked her newest friend. If that’s what they were.
“Why are you sneaking up on me?” He shot back defensively crossing his arms over his chest. “Geez, I was just making conversation,” She raised her eyebrows before walking away from the hostile Slytherin. “I figured bothering you would be more entertaining than watching Daphne paint.”
“So, Greengrass and Nott. I take it they’re going to the Yule Ball together,” He commented changing the topic.
“Yeah,” Nel scratched her cheek. “Seems like it.”
They hadn’t really talked about it but judging by how close the two seemed it made sense.
“And Davis?” He walked towards her, the way he seemed to swagger pompously as he took another bite from his apple. Nel shrugged in a disinterested response. Sad that she had no clue who her best friend intended on attending to the dance with.  
“And you?”
She gave him a blank look before shrugging in an exaggerated manner. She wanted to go with Ellar Lestrange. She wanted him to ask her, but as of now nothing was official. “How on bloody hell am I supposed to know? They just told us about the stupid dance today,” this time she was the one who raised her guard at the invasive question. He probably wanted to make fun of her just like Pansy had earlier in the day.
“Wouldn’t put it past you to take Professor Snape. You two really swept the dance floor today,” he laughed at the dance lesson they had had earlier that day.
Alright. This conversation was over. Glowering, Nel turned around to return to Daphne. She wasn’t going to stand there just so he could take jabs and make fun of her all afternoon long.
“I’ve got a proposition for you Saintday,” He called as he continued to enjoy himself.  
“I’m not playing any more games with you Malfoy,” She called over her shoulder as she began to walk away from him. “You always cheat.”
That wasn’t a complete lie. The boy had known he would befriend Viktor Krum at the World Cup before he gambled that they would sit together. Last time when gambling during the First Task, well, that had just been sheer dumb luck. Although she wouldn’t put it past him to fix the game in some type of way.
“Come on, I’m offering you a chance to redeem yourself and make up for your loses,” he dangled the offer. It sounded like the kind of thing gambling addicts told themselves. What was one more bet. One more shot to make up for what had been lost. She had already lost some money to him and spent a ridiculous sum of money on a dress. Maybe it wouldn’t have seemed like a lot to him, but Nel cherished every knut and galleon that she worked for. Unlike him, allowing money to slip through her fingers and down the drain wasn’t a luxury she could afford to have.
“How about this,” He proposed sinking a hand into his pocket almost as if he was hiding something. The other still held half an eaten apple, he appeared to be thoughtfully chewing it when he spotted Cedric Diggory across the Courtyard surrounded by other Hufflepuffs.
“I bet you don’t have it in you to ask Diggory to be your escort to the Yule Ball.” She looked at him incredulously. “I’ll give you five, no ten galleons if you do it.”
Alright, so it wasn’t a gamble. It was more of a dare than a bet.
Her eyes turned to also look at the Hogwarts’ Champion who was enjoying his day out. She contemplated the dare for a moment. Malfoy didn’t know her, and Cedric were well acquainted. She could use this to her advantage just like he had previously done with Krum. She had to laugh at his ridiculous offer, “And why would I do that for five- no, ten galleons?” Odds were that Cedric would most likely say no. But the gamble wasn’t if he said yes or no, it was if she dared put herself through that.
“If you’re lucky and he says yes, you get to go with Hogwarts’ second best.”
“Second best?” She laughed. If anything, Cedric was Hogwarts most eligible date to the Yule Ball. She could’ve bet that at least a dozen of girls had asked him already.
“However, if he says no,” He leaned in closer and carelessly tossed his unfinished green apple over his shoulder. “You’ll just have to settle for the best of the best,” he flashed her a self-important smile. “Who then? Krum?” She asked genuinely curious not aware she was she taking a stab at his swollen ego.
“Me. Saintday. I’m talking about me,” He said in an annoyed tone when he realized she wasn’t well aware he was Hogwarts finest. “Obviously.”
She gave him a funny look. There was no way. An unexpected feeling of nervousness flooded her stomach. She let out a edgy laugh completely taken aback by what he was suggesting. “Are you asking me to the Yule Ball?”
He stood awkwardly and let out a weak laugh and a dramatic scoff.
“All I’m saying is, to make up for your rejection, I’ll put myself through the martyrdom of escorting you to the ball,” He combed a hand though his hair. “I mean, since no one else will,” he just had to add with snide.
Of course, he was going to be a rude arse, even about this. She shot him a foul look and hit his arm harder than she intended to. As if she couldn’t find a date to the ball. “How gracious of you,” She drawled out sarcastically. “I didn’t know the great Draco Malfoy could be so generous with his time.”
She looked at him hard, with a cross look, “If you’re asking me just say so,” she dared him.
“I’m not,“ he spoke quickly in a defensive tone. She took a moment sizing him up and just what his true intentions were. Why couldn’t he just bloody admit it if he was asking her to the Ball?
“Make it twenty and you’ve got yourself a deal,” She stretched out a hand. “Deal,” Both shook on it. “And no-“ She pulled him in still holding onto his hand tightly. “I am not going to the Yule Ball with you.
With that she marched towards Cedric and the other Hufflepuff Sixth and Seventh Years. She stood before them putting on a brave face and combing her hair back as she appeared to be more confident.
Nel didn’t even want to go to the Yule Ball with Diggory or with Malfoy. Her narrow tunnel vision made her obsess over the Beauxbaton student. She had a feeling that Cedric would say no and then she would just take Malfoy’s money, blow him off and be twenty galleons richer. Who did the slimy git think he was? His words stung her just like Pansy’s had earlier ‘if you even manage to get a date for the ball.’ Maybe she wasn’t the most popular girl in school, or the most pleasant person in Slytherin House but she still wanted to be asked to go to the dance.
“Diggory,” She cleared her throat. “A word,” She pulled at her sweater’s neck hoping he wouldn’t note how bright her ears were.  
His friends all hooted and howl at the request already expecting Elowen to be another girl shooting her shot at going to the ball with Cedric. Nearby bystanders ogled as the two walked to an empty spot in the courtyard. Even Daphne watched from a distance wondering just what had happened since her friend left her side.
Draco watched from underneath the oak tree’s comfortable shade with a smug smirk on his face. There was absolutely no way that Diggory would ever agree to go to the Yule Ball with Elowen. Of course, he had perfectly calculated the outcome of this gamble as he usually did.
He saw her say something to Cedric, her lips moving and body language shifting uncomfortably as she dropped the bomb. Diggory was silent for a moment before speaking.
With that the two walked away from each other.
Elowen walked back with flushed cheeks and her eyes wide in surprise. Draco couldn’t tell if the source of the color was from anger or embarrassment.
“I demand my twenty galleons,” She stuck a handout and looked at him angrily. Still wearing a smug smile Draco pulled out a coin pouch and handed it to her. “We’ll have a good time,” he said genuinely looking forward to the ball.
Eyes turned into slits she almost tossed the velvet coin purse back at him. She didn’t want to go to the ball with him, or with Cedric or with anybody else. This whole thing had been a stupid idea. One that wasn’t even worth twenty galleons.
Malfoy’s plan went down the drain with three simple words: “He said yes.” She said upset.
“You don’t look too happy about it,” He said dryly nothing how disappointed she seemed at the news.
“Of course not!” She snapped. “I didn’t want to go with him or with you! And now I have to go with him!” She screamed. “This is all your fault!” She accused him before retreating back to the inside of the castle. “And for the record!” She stood before again turning to give her a piece of her mind. “I don’t need you to be my pity date. I can get a date whenever I want and with whomever I want. If today wasn’t proof enough for you!” She spat angrily before finally leaving.
Draco tossed his head back and his hid face for a frustrated moment. How could he have majorly messed this up?
AN: *evil laughter*
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theseventhhex · 6 years
Talos Interview
Eoin French
One listen to Talos’ brilliant debut, ‘Wild Alee’, and his architecture background begins to make perfect sense. The music is grand and soaring, perpetually reaching skyward while remaining firmly grounded with foundations dug deep into the soil. Some songs are bright and airy, full of natural light, while others lend an eerie and imposing atmosphere, all shadowy corners and mirrored hallways. Blending elements of electronic pop and soulful R&B with hypnotizing synthscapes and haunting vocals, each track offers its own vivid sense of space, conjuring up an immersive journey. Now, French prepares a deluxe reissue of ‘Wild Alee’ complete with a four-track bonus EP titled ‘Then There Was War’. French’s music is a magnificent musical creation that’s simultaneously fragile and powerful, transparent and reflective, revealing and protective, a house of glass and steel. Sturdy enough to weather even the most turbulent of storms, these are the songs of a master craftsman, painstakingly assembled from the heart and built to last a lifetime… We talk to Eoin about personal gestures, the impetus of Iceland and exercise…
TSH: You underwent some complex emotions and scenarios in the lead-up to the release of ‘Wild Alee’. Can you sum up your feelings having revisited this release?
Eoin: It’s funny because revisiting this album and getting to re-release it with BMG as well as making an EP in the midst of it all has allowed me to look at this collection of songs with a set of fresh eyes. I suppose I never really realised how large an undertaking it was at the time. When I look back at the time span of working on ‘Wild Alee’ and the things that happened in between - it all feels very close to home. During the course of making these songs such large and personal moments occurred in my personal life. It’s been quite a heavy project.
TSH: Has it been quite cathartic in ways to be so open and frank with stark representations from your personal life?
Eoin: Totally. I feel it’s completely necessary to share your music, even though it can leave you exposed in a way. Nonetheless, listeners aren’t stupid and they can get the sense straightaway when you’re not being honest with your music. However, if you’re sincere with your work, then it will surely come across in a positive way and hopefully others can find something from it.
TSH: Have you found your lyrical stance changing in particular ways?
Eoin: I think so. The first record was just me documenting my thoughts, working with others and making sure it would sound as professional as it could be. ‘Wild Alee’ consisted of no nervousness and it was super-impulsive. The record is utterly reflective of my thoughts during a given time and I’m so proud of the hard work we all put in. Even now, my gestures are still blisteringly personal. Although, I guess I am kind of looking at broader subjects these days. I mean there’s a general feeling of helplessness that surrounds us, which intrigues me from a writer’s perspective. After all, it’s really hard to shy away from the absurdity around you.
TSH: How vital is producer Ross Dowling bearing in mind the programmed drums within your music?
Eoin: Yeah, it’s just a testament to how good Ross is at programming and mixing electronic drums. Ross is able to conjure up this really unique style and feel. I’ve never quite come across someone who can do quite what he can, he just knows how to make everything feel so roomy and distinct.
TSH: Did you outline certain aims to make the record sound spacious in several parts?
Eoin: Well, the album felt like a bedroom record and Ross often talked about making the album sound expensive, which I think we managed to do, even though it didn’t cost us a lot to make. What we were able to do in the mix and the production of it makes it feel like it’s on a larger scale. The completed record resulted in us forming a record that sounds spacious and expansive.
TSH: What was at the core of your framework with a track like ‘Kansas’?
Eoin: ‘Kansas’ was one of the songs that started as a series of beats and it felt very experimental overall. ‘Kansas’ came together through two songs and we kind of messed around with what became the ending. The end was originally going to be something else entirely, as was the actual beat too. I like how this song is quite aggressive, yet it still has a sense of darkness laced with hope on the other side. With this one I wanted to make something that was in your face. ‘Wild Alee’ was more beautiful and it builds, but I wanted something more instant and unforeseen with this song.
TSH: What sort of sentiment does a track ‘Voices’ carry?
Eoin: ‘Voices’ really does speak of something very simple in that we’re all pretty preoccupied with everything else going on around us. A lot of the time we just forget to enjoy stuff and live. Too often people are just doing 9-5 shit they don’t enjoy and are caught up in struggles. In ways the song touches on feeling free and not feeling shackled or suffocated from life in general. Personally, I feel privileged being able to do what I want to do, and on some level maybe this song is a celebration of that.
TSH: Visiting Iceland throughout the year is also very inspiring for you?
Eoin: Absolutely. I have amazing friends out in Iceland so not only do I travel to record and work but I also travel to see these generous individuals. I primarily go to Iceland because everybody is better than me out there, haha! So I go there to learn a lot. I work in Greenhouse studios and I’m often in the company of Valgeir Sigurðsson, who is one of the best producers on the planet. More than anything, Iceland is a place that makes me create in a certain way and I love that.
TSH: Do you and your brother still share hip-hop music with each other?
Eoin: You know, it’s strange, neither of us really listen to hip-hop much these days. I guess we were all amazed with Childish Gambino’s ‘This is America’ video, which is a jaw-dropping masterpiece. However, the last hip-hop record that I really liked was ‘Yeezus’. I thought that album was amazing and an absolutely genius piece of work with stunning production.
TSH: Do you still wrestle with the idea of spirituality?
Eoin: Having a strong sense of faith is such a tricky thing, I suppose in a way we’re like the last generation to come out of a ‘Catholic Ireland’. We kind of were the bridging point to someone who would go to mass every week to realising how corrupt and negative that kind of stuff was to our society. It’s tough to find positivity, but I find a lot of spirituality in what I do - it’s therapeutic and I love it.
TSH: What was it like to support A Perfect Circle on tour recently?
Eoin: Absolutely incredible! Their touring gear was insane and the biggest set up we’ve seen so far to date. We were tentative going into those shows because they have a very different sound to us and their audience would therefore be different too. Nonetheless, we really worked on tailoring our set to make it something that felt appropriate within this given setting. It’s important to be aware of who you are playing for and I reckon we made some new fans from those shows. Everything really worked out well.
TSH: Are you still into physical activities when you’re away from your musical duties?
Eoin: Yeah, I like to take part in exercise and physical activities. I haven’t trained in a while but I’m really into jujitsu, which I find really helps to keep me centred. I love the training aspect of MMA, it’s so good for your head and it’s very humbling.
TSH: What is your biggest drive with your music as you look ahead?
Eoin: My primary thing is to always attempt to top my last body of work. I feel you can only make what is in you at a given moment in time and you have to remain true to that. I’m the type of person that gets bored of staying in one lane so I love the excitement of newness. It’s all about challenging myself and to keep improving in order to be a better songwriter, producer and live player. So long as I’m exploring new ground, I’ll be happy.
Talos - “Kansas”
Kansas - Single
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