#i showed her how many notes that post has now and she went HOLY SHITBALLS
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fyeahwynonnaearp · 8 years ago
What Just Happened?!?: No Future in the Past (S2E08)
TACOS ARE TASTY! TACOS ARE TASTY! Holy freakin’ balls. My emotions. My feelings. Holy shitballs the angst. Holy backstory.
New-ish Character(s)
By that I mean now we know concrete things about them.
Father Juan Carlo, curiously called Padre by others but he refers to himself as Father: Owns a chop shop, he’s who you call if you need your car towed, and the Chief of the Volunteer Fire brigade.
Robert Svane: A friend of Wyatt Earp who delivered messages between estranged BFFs Doc and Wyatt. 
Sheriff Clootie: A madman, the unhinged Sheriff of Purgatory with three wives and fathered Constance Clootie’s two demon sons that were killed by Wyatt Earp. Oh. He was the one who cursed Wyatt.
Monster(s) of the Week
It’s apparently my feelings because it has been utterly destroyed by this episode and I’m not sure I have made my peace.
Final Thoughts (before I get into it, because oh boy! do I get into it.Some spoilers? IDK at this point I think everyone knows what went on, in general)
Holy storyline and so much information! I watched it live. Watched it again immediately after. Watched it a day later. And then I watched it again and took notes. So much notes that I felt like I was in a vision quest back to my Organic Chemistry class.
This episode gave us a concrete How the Earp Curse Began 101. In Season 1, they did say how and why, but as with Wynonna Earp, things move quickly and people may have missed it. It’s interesting to point out that there may be episode parallels between the seasons. For instance, S1E07 and S2E07 are both major Wynaught episodes; S1E08 and S2E08 are both Wynonna learning more about Earp history (S1E08 she learned Ward wasn’t exactly the heroic Earp heir and S2E08 she learns about the origins of the curse); S1E09 and S2E09 are both written by Alexandra Zarowny (AKA Wayhaught Whisperer) so I think we’re gonna have a major Wayhaught moment this Friday. Of course, it could all be nothing. But, it could be something.
Anyways, what I found interesting in this episode was how it showed us different sides of characters. How the paragon of all things good and moral and just can actually fuck up because she’s only human and can make mistakes. Or, how the evil demon who let’s be honest seduced a young girl in captivity and called it love was once a good man, meek but loyal to his friend. Is it a thing that it’s these two characters? Maybe. And if you follow that road you can come up with so many theories and speculation that it’ll be hard to climb out of the rabbit hole. Did that happen to me? LMFAO OF COURSE! It really is probably nothing and just a coincidence (I suppose we’ll see by the end of the season, I hope).
Continue reading for...well, hopefully, at this point you know what you’re gonna get if you usually read these “What Just Happened” posts. Why do I have no picture? I got lazy. Again.
10 Things That Happened
1. Willa Earp: The bitchiest bitch there is, the bitchiest bitch there was, and the bitchiest bitch there ever will be. And not in the sassy, fierce bitch way. It comes to no surprise that in S1 reaction vids, whenever Willa comes on many shouts of “Willa, you bitch!” are heard. This flashback to a young Waverly just shows the hatred Willa had towards the youngest Earp. Keep in mind: Willa is 8/9 years older than Waverly. When she threw Mr. Rabbit on the pond/lake so that Waverly will fall through the ice, Willa was old enough and capable of understanding death. 
2. “God, I tried so hard, but nobody ever celebrated my birthday, or ordered copies of my school photos, noticed my report cards.” It’s safe to say Waverly was a sad child. Remember her family portrait drawing from S1, where every one was smiling except for her? Now, maybe I’m thinking too much, but something does NOT add up with this statement, unless things are so dark in the Wynonna Earp Universe that even Gus and Curtis neglected Waverly. 
Waverly was 4 when Mama Earp (Wendy Rossie) left (Wynonna 10 and Willa 13). This was around the time Bobo persuaded Waverly to bury the talisman that allowed Revenants to set foot on the Earp homestead. She buried the talisman because she thought “..it would stop Mom and Dad from fighting” (S1E02).
Waverly was 6 when the homestead was attacked and Ward was killed and Willa was taken (Wynonna 12 and Willa 15). 
Presumably Wynonna was institutionalized or sent to a foster home soon after, but Waverly would have spent the majority of her childhood and schooling years with the McCready’s, who took her in (I think Gus is Mama Earp’s sister? Was that my headcanon/read it in a fic? Or is that actual canon fact?). Wynonna would have been in and out of her life. 
Am I missing something? Yes, I understand that Ward largely neglected Waverly, but it seems that Willa was the direct source of Waverly’s horrible childhood with the Earps (See: Willa tried to fucking murder her!!). Which then should shift the focus to Curtis and Gus McCready. They were the ones who, basically, raised Waverly. As any psychologists and others who work in the medical field will tell you, children are resilient. I understand that Waverly had a traumatic childhood. However, why didn’t her sense of abandonment and neglect (for the lack of a better term/I can’t find words) ‘go away’ after leaving a toxic environment and joining the McCready Family, a presumably healthy and nurturing environment? Is there something more with Gus and Curtis we don’t know about? I mean, obviously, because CURTIS KNEW ABOUT THE STONE WITCH’S SONS!!!! HE WAS THE KEEPER OF THE BONES! HE HAD THE SKULL! WHY?!? ANDRAS, ARE YOU GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS?!?
3. “Mama used to call you her angel.”/”What is my angel’s name?”. Hello, if you regularly read “What Just Happened?!?”, then you know that I’m one of the few(?) who don’t think Waverly is the half-revenant child rumored to exist and I don’t think Bobo is Waverly’s father. The scientist in me is screaming “OCCAM’S RAZOR”. But the writer in me who never really finishes a story because of always thinking of storylines is saying “It’s too convenient. Too many so-called hints. It’s not a big enough surprise or plot twist”. But, let’s talk about this anyways...
First, let’s go back to that magical treehouse in S1, before Bobo tells Waverly she wasn’t an Earp: “I used to watch you girls, and I’d wonder how a man like Ward Earp ended with so much goodness. And then there was the baby. And I used to think about saving her too.” We now know that back when Bobo was Robert Svane, he held on to the idea of “I am a good man” very strongly. He also seemed to be very religious, believed in guardian angels, and was praying while dying. He was loyal to Wyatt Earp; like Ride or Die-level of loyal, so loyal that he rode with Wyatt and died for (or because of) Wyatt. During this scene, I thought it was interesting (Read: weird) that Bobo says “the baby” and “saving her” even though he was talking to Waverly. Is there some reason why he didn’t just address her directly? Why didn’t Bobo say “And then there was you” and “I used to think about saving you too”. 
Second, again in S1E02, Bobo tells a young Waverly “...it had to be an Earp” to bury the talisman. This could be true. Or, it could be a lie he told to explain why he couldn’t be the one to bury it (because he can’t step foot on Earp land).
Third, if Bobo did father Waverly and knew about it, would he really have left her with Ward Earp? Or, wouldn’t he have just taken Waverly after Ward’s death and hid her away like he hid Willa?
4. Father Juan Carlo: It is my burden. My curse. To survive and witness. Never to decide. We finally learn about JC! He was the one who originally trapped The Widows in the crate. In addition, he was one of the seal keepers and has ties to the origins of the Earp Curse. A priest in Purgatory, he was the one who sent a message to Wyatt (and Doc afterwards?) about Sheriff Clootie.
Since JC’s appearance, the Earpers thought he was an angel or a watcher. It’s interesting to find out that he was a man of the cloth. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this episode was the first in which God and religion sort of played a role, or had some type of importance. With JC’s death, there is no more symbolic figure to represent the antithesis of demons (even if JC couldn’t necessarily act in any way). Someone now will fill this role, but who? There are some speculation floating around about angel!Waverly (did it replace the angel!Nicole specs?). One (somewhat major? IDK) reason why I don’t believe Waverly is at all supernatural is based on what Dominique said during an interview at SDCC2017: “Waverly is the muggle you root for”. I also think, story-wise, keeping Waverly human is important in regards to highlighting how strong and capable she is and how, if things were different, she would have been the perfect Earp heir. Waverly made the demon possessing her exhausted! If she was supernatural, the thought automatically becomes “Oh. She fought off Mictian/Mikshun/The Goo because she’s (whatever)”. It is more amazing that human, adorable psycho Waverly was able to fight the possession due to her own strength and goodness and will.
“Juan Carlo thinks Wynonna’s special”
I think this came up a few times in the past. We know JC had to tell/suggest the Order to work with Wynonna. Ewan replies along the lines of not wanting to babysit another Earp heir. Plus, why Wynonna? Why now, to interfere and have the heir go through a vision quest to see the past? How is Wynonna different from previous Earp heirs?
Juan Carlo: I was granted immortality like your friend, Doc, along with a few other perks. And some burdens...I’m not allowed to interfere...But, at this point, I’m no longer afraid of the consequences.
What exactly were the consequences? It couldn’t just be death, because--that’s boring. We do find out that he has a fatal case of gangrene. I think JC definitely knew Constance was dead and that either way he will die because his disease returned(?) and immortality is off the table.
5. Ewan and the Order: Wynonna, the seals, these aren’t our fight. The Order has been tasked to protect the Ghost River Triangle from demons. Period. It’s not the first time we wondered, then where the hell have you guys been?!? So far, all we know is they hunted and killed everyone who was possessed/infected by Mictian/Mikshun. With their connection to JC, it seems that their purpose is to protect the Triangle from demons trying to get in. They are completely separated from the Earp curse and Clootie demon. So, who formed the Order and who gave them the task and are they completely human?
Ewan: Any word from Black Badge lately?
How did Ewan know about Black Badge? Did he know it’s gone from the Triangle/Purgatory and was taunting Dolls? Is there a connection between BBD and the Order?
6. Doc Holliday, Robert Svane, and Wyatt Earp. The original (love) triangle. The (original) Ghost River Triangle ship. 
Doc: I have made my peace with Wyatt. Now you can go to Hell. Robert: For Wyatt, I would. I would ride to Hell and back for him if need be. Used to be you would too.
Let me just get this out of the way, Wyatt Earp definitely is the reason why Doc and Robert became the 170-something year old gunslinger and sociopathic revenant in a fuzzy coat we all know. Doc may have been suffering from tuberculosis since he was 14-years-old and may have made a deal with Clootie (which something about it confused me which I will get into later) to prolong his life, but he was put in a well because Wyatt killed Constance’s sons. Robert was shot by Peacemaker because he was traveling with Wyatt and was used as a human shield by Sheriff Clootie and being Ride or Die (in his case Ride and Die), he sacrificed himself, letting Wyatt shoot through him. However, he didn’t know that just condemned him to Hell because of the curse put on Wyatt.
Wyatt Earp, the problematic BFF.
7. Robert Svane and Wynonna Earp. What is their connection?
Wynonna: How can you see me? Robert: I suppose because I’m dying. Though I’ve caught glimpses of you my entire life.
Words (and hallucinations) of a dying man? I don’t think so. Robert does acknowledge that maybe it’s a dying thing, but that does not explain why he has seen Wynonna, or glimpses of her, his entire life. Does this mean Wynonna does more vision quests? If so, then why would it bring her back to Robert?
8. Vision Quest: I have ears, let me hear. I have eyes, let me see. I claim my birthright, I claim my history. A glimpse of the past. Cool. Cool cool cool. But did Wynonna’s actions affect the timeline?!? From what JC said and from the words of the ritual, she was there merely to observe and watch. But when Robert and Wynonna were both dying, they were able to interact and physically touch. Did Wynonna affect the timeline in anyway through the vision quest? It is possible.
**In the vision quest/past, Robert rang the bell; the bell rang in the past and in the present.**
VISION QUEST DID EFFECT TIMELINE: In the cold open of this episode, Wynonna asks Waverly who pulled her out of the ice and the answer was “You did”. But Wynonna has no recollection of it happening and Waverly, to me, looked confused as to why Wynonna even asked. Now maybe my theoretical physics is rusty (Read: non-existent) and my understanding of time-space continuum is through various sci-fi media and Hermione’s Time Turner, but I think Wynonna doesn’t remember because in the past she might have been the one to pull Waverly out but it will not be her past. Confused? I think I confused myself too.
Time, as we’ve seen, is a tricky thing when you’re the Earp Heir and when wielding Peacemaker (Remember Hypnos?), which itself is a tricky maybe sentient big-ass gun. 
Perhaps, pre-vision quest, Waverly really was pulled out of the ice by Wynonna; Wynonna still haven’t told Robert the whole “Waverly” thing. However, because Peacemaker and its relationship with time and how it affects the Heir tends to get screwed up (Hello accelerated pregnancy!), Wynonna experienced/remembers her past as it happened post-vision quest. That may explain why Waverly suddenly/finally remembers it was Bobo who pulled her out when she revisits the pond/lake at the end of the episode (or was that only revealed to the audience?). Would this then change the dynamic between Bobo and Wynonna, now that he’s back? Because he really should now have realized that his ‘guardian angel’ was Wynonna (why didn’t he in S1 and he really wanted Wynonna dead or maybe this is a new thing cuz because Andras & Co.  basically scrapped their original S2?)
Or is this just the crackiest of all crack speculations? Because I’m cool with that.
VISION QUEST DID NOT EFFECT TIMELINE: Meaning nothing changed and Waverly just how the fuck did she know?! that it was directly because of Wynonna that Bobo saved her from the water. This just brings a whole other set of problems and gets dark and gloomy when you stop and think about it.
Wynonna gives Bobo the name “Waverly” as his angel. That means Bobo was able to befriend and pose as Waverly’s imaginary friend because he knew her name. Bobo was able to trick young Waverly into burying the talisman so that The Seven could come and attack the homestead causing Wynonna to accidentally shoot and kill Ward while Willa is taken as insurance. Bobo was then able to basically groom Willa, attempt to cross the barrier, Willa opening the gate, causing other demons to enter including Mictian/Mikshun, etc.
In short, by giving Bobo Waverly’s name, yes it may have saved the youngest Earp when she fell into the ice, but it lead to the series of events which ultimately brought all these things to happen; meaning, Wynonna may have manufactured her own destiny/fate like a super intense, accidental self-fulfilling prophecy. And I don’t think Wynonna even thought about the consequences of giving Waverly’s name, all she heard was Robert’s promise of never hurting his angel.
Isn’t that really fucking sad?
9. The Wedding Ring & Doc and his immortality (my confusion). 
Throughout S1, Doc’s overarching story is his thirst for revenge against the Stone Witch, Constance Clootie: She pushed him, leaving him stuck, alive forever at the bottom of a well because his best friend Wyatt Earp killed her two sons. But, at some points during S1 and S2, Doc mentions making a ‘deal with the devil’. Assuming, the deal he made was with Constance to cure him of his tuberculosis, which is also why he and Wyatt had a falling out. But he also sometimes says he was cursed ‘to live and live and live’. Yet, in this episode we find out what makes his ring special.
Constance Clootie: The ring you want? The one that heals the dying and delays death interminably is also my seal. 
Getting the fact that the ring is a seal out of the way, it apparently heals and pretty much gives immortality. Which begs the question, did Doc’s initial deal with Constance just gave him his health and then was just cursed with immortality?
Also, Constance told Juan Carlo and Robert “Hide your seal on a holy site and they’ll keep [Sheriff Clootie] locked away forever”, but she kept hers on Doc. In a well. That well was not a holy site. And Doc has since been moving around, sure he sort of lives in Shorty’s (a holy site), but still. Is it a plot hole or just a ‘the wedding ring is special okay? leave it alone’ thing?
10. “Once you look, you can’t unsee the result”, or the that seems like such a specific and purposeful statement and I’d like the Nicole Haught backstory for context please, AKA Wayhaught angst. Nicole, you done fucked up. I’m sure you’ve read others’ posts about it, so I won’t go on and on. Basically, Nicole Haught messed up. Perhaps she was overeager and so sure that Waverly is of course biologically an Earp and that sociopathic revenant is screwing with her, see I knew the results would be--oh shit. Was she wrong to open the mail? Yes. Did she mean to keep the results from Waverly? Of course not. She brought it with her. She planned to give it Waverly. But when she saw how Waverly is struggling to distract herself and could see how much the result would destroy her? Well, here’s when she acted like the majority of hetero-, male love interests and did something wrong to protect the one they love. Also, this show is full of people deciding for someone else in the name of protection and love. This is a theme throughout every relationship (friendship, familial, romantic, etc) in Wynonna Earp. But, I think this trope/pattern will disappear when everyone is on the same page and when they all work on their communication skills.
Nicole: Like it or not you guys are all kind of in this together...You Earps are a party that’s tough to crash. It’s hard not to feel like an outsider, even for me...All I’m saying is I remember what it feels like to be new.
I know. I am guilty of saying that Nicole was jealous of Rosita. But I don’t think Nicole was jealous in a sense that “Oh, is Waverly interested in her romantically?”. Nicole was jealous of how easy it was for Rosita to get along with Waverly and essentially, become one of the gang/part of Team Earp. It is clear that she still struggles with belonging, being included. Yes, she’s in a relationship with Waverly. But while Nicole wants to be (well) all in, I think Waverly wants to keep Nicole separate, not just for protection (initially with the whole BBD un-deputizing), but because Waverly wants something that’s just hers and relatively untainted by the Earp curse and all that it entails. 
It also didn’t help when Rosita said, “...it’ll show Wynonna that we’re here for her, right?” Because with Rosita’s connection with Doc, she is a part of that we. In contrast to when Nicole talks about Wynonna’s pregnancy, “...you guys are all kind of in this together”. She acknowledges that she has no part to play and when she did ‘mommy-sit’ in the last episode, Waverly called her asking for “a favor”. With Wynonna’s pregnancy now being a huge aspect of the group dynamics and ties them all together, Nicole is again in the periphery. Hopefully she becomes more and more integrated within the group, separate from the title of “Waverly’s girlfriend”. I do think it will happen because Kat mentions many in SDCC2017 interviews that the baby brings everyone together and changes their perspective on what’s truly important. 
Discussion & (hopefully not-problematic) Discourse
1. “OMG. Rosita & Waverly are definitely gonna fuck. Waverly is gonna cheat on Nicole. What is their ship name gon--”.  Hello. Please calm down. Pause. I get it. Hot people are hot together BUT---
Now, as you may or may not notice this, I like to keep this blog hate-free and as problem-free as possible. Ship who you want! You’re into Earpcest? You do you, just know that I am slightly judging you, but hey! I’m not gonna kink-shame. You ship Rosita and Waverly and their ship name is pretty: Roserly. Well, it is a pretty ship name. You low-key ship Wynonna and Nicole? Sure! Why not? That has angst-fest written all over it (haha! Wynaught? Why not? Get it. Do you get it? Do you--I’m guessing you do). While yes, I do have a bias towards Wayhaught (if you read my tags, you’ll know they’re my OTP of all OTPs), saying Waverly will cheat on Nicole and fuck Rosita is out-of-character and wouldn’t add anything to the storyline. Wayhaught is shaping up to be actual!relationship with problems that adding a third person (with her own relationship issues to deal with) would make the narrative/storytelling seem “drama for the sake of drama”.
Waverly would never cheat. Waverly and Champ were together for a long time and it’s canon that he was an unfaithful boyfriend. You’re telling me that Waverly Earp, voted the “Nicest Person” in Purgatory, would cheat on Nicole Haught  based on attraction/Rosita is hot? Meanwhile, Waverly Earp, who had immediate attraction-at-first-dimpled-smile with Nicole Haught, waited (at least) a few months before breaking up with her longtime cheating-douchebag of a boyfriend. And then, she didn’t even jump Nicole the moment after breaking up with Champ. Plus, Waverly did say, “Rosie’s so much fun. I’m really happy for her and Doc”. This is my plea: Please Let Waverly Have A Friend 2K17-18. Chrissy probably decided to leave after the whole poisoning thing and kidnapping Waverly debacle. I want Waverly to have a friend.
There’s such thing as too many love triangles. There are people who say “Oh. But Emily Andras and love triangles and Lost Girl”. You’re using a previous show as an example as to why a show runner would put love triangles. You get a love triangle. You’re in a love triangle! NO! PLEASE DEAR GOD NO! If anything, that would be why a show runner would be against having a love triangle. Case and point: In an interview, Emily Andras mentioned being against the old love triangle thing, because she has already done it in Lost Girl. But Wynonna and Dolls and Doc! you say...if you think Wyndolliday is a conventional, same old love triangle then please, you must go back and rewatch Lost Girl or think back to the horrible days of Team Jacob/Team Edward. In Wyndolliday, there’s a lack of “I hate you because we love the same girl”. Each man respects the other’s relationship with Wynonna and have an agreement to continue supporting her and to be there for her. This is why there are whispers of “Stop being a coward Andras and just have a polyamorous relationship”. 
Haha! They’re fighting. Wayhaught is going to break up and Waverly is gonna fuck Rosita. Ok. If you think relationships are all heart-eyes and make outs and snuggling, what Disney Happily Ever After did you step out of? Really. I want to know because life is hard and I want my three wishes from a genie and spontaneously break out into song, complete with back-up singers and dancers.
Relationships are a lot of work. Why do you think the divorce rate is 50% and climbing? There will be fights and disagreements and arguments...and that’s just how two people, who decide to share their lives with each other (in any capacity), will be able to grow and mature. And for the love of all things holy and unholy, please stop saying Nicole Haught is toxic!!! We do terrible things for people we love. Nicole’s character is defined by the need to protect and yes! she has a bit of a hero-complex. But doing terrible things for people we love is not the same as doing terrible things TO people we love. By saying Nicole is toxic, I think it’s belittling and diminishing the actions of actual abusers (am I making sense?). By saying abusive relationship! and toxic!, it chips away what an abusive relationship and being toxic means. Calling relationships that are not abusive abusive and calling non-toxic characters/people toxic, it starts to make the words abusive and toxic meaningless and that’s NOT something that should happen. Did that make sense? Or, am I just opening up myself to hate?
PS. I personally think that if Wayhaught break-up, Nicole will be the one to have a relationship with Rosita, not Waverly (if Rosita is not heterosexual). Based on this episode, Nicole admitted to feeling left out and this seems to be something that she continues to struggle with. If anything, feeling like outsiders is something Rosita and Nicole would bond over and could become a foundation for a relationship (whether it be a friendship or more). Speaking of friendship, as much as I love the Wynaught BrOTP, I want to see a Rosita and Nicole friendship because I want to see who Nicole is outside of the Earp “Inner Circle”. I want to see Rosita and Nicole drinking and complaining about Wynonna. Do I want to see this because I just want it to be a catalyst to jealous!Waverly? Kind of...YES! Okay?! Why do I want to see jealous Waverly? Because if Waverly was ready to blow someone’s head off with a shotgun for almost sleeping with her chronic-cheater boyfriend, what would she do to someone flirting with Nicole? How would she act?
2. Speaking of the youngest Earp; Waverly “I really should have a therapist because I have major abandonment issues, haven’t you noticed?” Earp. At 4, her mother left without any explanation. At 6, she is witness to one sister shooting and killing their dad and the other sister taken, believed dead. Prior, her father never remembered her birthday and she wasn’t included in the height chart and her oldest sibling tried to murder her, repeatedly. She then lived with the McCready’s but her remaining sister is not a constant presence. Even leaving her at age 18 to go travel the world, while she’s stays in Purgatory. Her high school boyfriend constantly cheats on her. Her Uncle Curtis who raised her and basically was her father dies when she’s 21 and the man who gave her a job and was like family also dies. 
I need Waverly to talk to somebody. Please. Because I need her to be okay.
3. The sadistic part of me wants Waverly to be an Earp, biologically. Unless it has been definitively stated, which it hasn’t, the question of Waverly’s lineage is still unanswered. To be honest, when Bobo told Waverly she wasn’t even an Earp, my reaction was “How the fuck would you know?”. Anyways, being biologically an Earp would go hand in hand with the show’s theme of Found Family. 
Let’s be real. Sometimes, families just suck and are horrible to each other. No huge hidden family secrets. No conspiracies. Your family just happens to be the one you are born in and just because you share blood/DNA, it doesn’t mean you automatically care and love each other. 
Thus, the reason for Ward being a neglectful father and Willa having so much anger and hatred towards Waverly would be...none; there is no reason. And how heartbreaking and awful would that be? Maybe it’s because Waverly looks very much like their mother and Ward couldn’t look at the youngest Earp without being reminded by his wife that left him. Maybe because Willa was jealous that Mama called Waverly ‘her angel’ while Daddy kept forcing her to practice her shooting...
While I do appreciate it if Waverly’s origin/lineage is that she’s adopted (because there’s not many adoption stories, that I know of), I just think there’s something honest and dark and real about being hated by the people that are supposed to love you unconditionally.
As usual, I’m open to discussion, thoughts, opinions, corrections, etc. I honestly didn’t do a good job editing, so there could be mistakes.
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unpretty · 8 years ago
It's so cute that your mom calls you Peanut! My mom calls me Twinkie lol xP
Mom nicknames are WEIRD irl she also calls me katiebug and katieroo all the time and i have no idea where she got any of these
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