#i shouldve mentioned that ๐Ÿง๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๐Ÿง๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚
dozyrogue ยท 4 months
I brought it up and now I can't not think about it so I'm going to Yap some more,, block me now
I don't understand how people can't tell the difference that is adding tommy to a fic an suddenly tubbo is not a well thought out character instead he will always ever be tommys side kick.
Maybe I'm crazy lol
Like think of it this way, you're watching an anime or a show where yes we have an enticing main character but we get a couple episodes about the side characters. These episodes about the side characters can be really different and fun and they put details into that side character they really flesh them out.
But then we get back to the main story and suddenly all the fleshing out of the character that was created in the side episodes is completely deleted and this side character is now ........ empty. Or the only drive they have is around the mc.
The moment tommy is added into a fic suddenly tubbo doesnt get to have his own thoughts outside of being the tommy support squad. Same goes for ranboo.
And if you tell me that you don't recognize this or you've never seen this before either, you were the luckiest person alive oooorr YOUR JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM.
And actually I think it's even worse if it's like a qsmp based fic because qtubbo is very fleshed out and the total opposite of how most write tubbo. A lot of people still write him as the calm chaos that's only ever evolving around and for tommy. Which iss fine but not fine, iiiii-
Qtubbo, been to jail for a consering amount of crimes, is a boy kisser, created multiple basically sentient machines, im gonna say he created or was apart of some secret order. Literally evil scientist, epic builder. When on multiple death rampages, literally fucked with a fed organization for funnies.
Now don't get me wrong ctubbo is also very good character. But the only people who get it are other ctubbo fans who pay attention to him.
but dude it was so hard having to fight tooth and nail defending him because he was only EVER seen as tommys sidekick or his best friend. HES SO MUCH MOOORRE
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