#i should really stop freehanding perspective
parisoonic · 1 year
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'You need to tell him.' 'We can't tell anyone.'
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qunying5254226 · 3 years
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Week 5 Studio Tutorial Exercises
I think exercises of this week which has a lot of fun, but sometimes it also makes me doubt myself. However I really enjoyed and was very interested in this week's tutorial exercises. Because the freehand drawing practice in this week was very free without too many restrictions and I began to get in touch with the appearance design of products, which allowed me to give play to my imagination and develop my own drawing style.
Sketching Drills - Image 1
Here are five parts of sketching drills that are straight lines, join the dots,  circles and ellipses,  ellipses in perspective and contour lines. I think this exercise is great useful to me. Because I have a bad habit when I freehand draw, I can not connect to draw the line, and the lines I draw are always intermittent. After that,  the line segment in the same place where may be too thick for the draw, and then will affect the sense of the picture. So I used the pencil and the line pen to draw in this exercise. I think the line pen is more suitable for me to practice. Because the marks of the pen can not be erased, my hand will not stop in the process of painting. And then I will force myself to draw a whole straight line, this is a chance to change my habits. During the straight line exercise, I noticed that I had to put the end of the line within my field of vision, because I didn't care about the end at first, so my lines were a little distorted. Then I noticed that the lines were more neater, even though they weren't quite straight.
2D Orthographic Thumbnails (sketching) - Image 2
This is my favorite part of this week’s exercise, It lets me know how a product is designed from the beginning. I can do various experiments on the design of the same product that make me feel very interesting. However I did not draw with the size of 1:2 as instructed in the exercise, I drew the length of the object first and then drew the width of the object according to the scale in the example image, so the size would look larger than the requirement (the paper is A3).
Perspective sketch - Image 3 & 4
I started to doubt myself in this part exercise because I was using A2 paper and you can see from the image3 that I was using more than two sheets of the A2 paper. This made me doubt whether I had made some mistakes in perspective drawing. Later, I reviewed the reading of week 4 and did not found mistakes. I was wondering whether there were some simple drawing methods I didn't grasp. Then after I drew the first perspective sketch, I drew the other two objects in parallel lines. I also made a lot of adjustments when drawing objects in rectangular prisms. I didn't have much control over the top lid painting because it was cylindrical and I did not control over the side extension.This made me realize that I had neglected the performance of the lid in the top view at the beginning. This made me realize that drawing should be careful. I can draw three concept sketchs at first to make sure that you don't neglect the details of the object in the later stage. In addition, the shadow also makes me know that I am weak in sketching. I should observe and practice sketching of objects and drawing of light and shadow in daily life, so that I can better grasp the shape and light and shadow of objects in the future drawing work. And finally, the figure on the far left in figure 4 is something that just popped into my head. It is not a symmetrical shape, it is narrow on the left and wide on the right, the vertex on the left side is in the middle of the left line connecting the two ends of the bottom.
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murdersexual · 4 years
So about that part II to that LeoPika fic? 👀👀👀
WTF, BOI THIS IS TRASH! Stop torturing me, my writing is t r a s h.
-Rated MA.
-Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling and Gun Violence.
-NOT PROOFREAD! (Like I write shit on a tired 3am brain...)
-NICKNAMES: Koi Fish/Fishie/Fishy: Leorio. Smol Ram or whatever else I used: Kurapika.
-Sorry for any potential OOC bullshit- 🤣🤣🤣
-Sorry but not sorry for Melody- 👀😤🤣
Part II: The Whims of Fate:
Melody didn’t know how to feel, her eyes grew to the size of saucers as she saw how fast Leorio was moving. She backed away, now hanging her phone up, she tries to make her escape via the glass door elevator. Her tiny chubby hand desperately clicks onto the up button. Her own heart played a melody of guilt and fear. But that’s what you get when you snitch.
‘I-I gotta get outta here!’
The way Leorio’s voice projected echoed across the entirety of the sixth floor. Hearing him yell like that shook her to her core in more than just one way. She drew a shaky breath and her eyes flicker to the angry hazel eyed hunter and back to the elevator that seems to be moving in slow motion.
“Come on... C-Come on!”
Impatience coats her voice as she now stands directly in front of the door.
His voice boomed once more, his soft hair now waving over one of his eyes only for him to use his left hand to push it out of the way. Now he’s even more pissed... Why?
Because she ruined his ‘SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKAH’—in other words, his grand entrance.
Yet because she absolutely is f o n d of Kurapika, she’d do anything to protect him. How adorable. Maybe there’s something else that lingers in her actions...
“Why are you here, Leorio?!”
Finally, she projects her voice even though that nervousness is still present. Just as she asks that, Leorio steps in front of her. The elevator clicks open and he takes her by her collar and shoves her into it.
Obviously, she avoided the question. He KNEW she knew why he was there otherwise she would’ve given him a friendly greeting and not snitch. Her onyx orbs bore into his icy gaze. She could hear the anger emitting from his heart and she ended up closing her ears and shutting her eyes.
“Be-Because you shouldn’t be here!”
Her answer made him wonder... Yet, he didn’t release her collar. His hold can be compared to that of a death grip.
“Urgh! That ain’t tellin’ me shit! I oughta throw your ass in the fucking fountain for snitching!”
Leorio’s hands are rated E for Everybody. Meaning he WILL absolutely drop a woman off if necessary.
“I... I-! My lips are sealed! Now unhand me!”
The infamous saying that typically gets passed about when classified information is detailed to anyone that’s within a Mafia. Upon hearing that, he roughly shoves her away, the back of her head slightly bouncing off of the elevator railing.
A hiss of pain left Melody, a glare is given to him as she now reaches inside her tuxedo jacket for her brand new revolver but she stops just as she places her hand on the handle.
“Do it if you’re bad...”
The entire scenario played in her head had she shot him. Her eyes blinked multiple times—seeing her death being played out in several different perspectives. Lowering her head in defeat, she adjusts her fedora and finally tells him...
“8th floor, Roulette Table number 403.”
Huh, does that number ring a damn bell?
Pressing the fancy gold button with the bold number 8 on it, a scoff emits from the fish as he now stands to the side with his eyes forward. Putting his hands in his pockets and standing coolly, he sighs while tapping his foot impatiently.
“Hmph... Ya could’ve just told me that shit from the beginning and I wouldn’t have to damn near rough you up.”
Staring at her shiny black small heeled Oxford tux shoes, she blinks while taking a second to realise that there’s always an easier way to do things. Why didn’t she play it cool? Could she have lied about this? Did her feelings cloud her judgment?
“And that I could’ve but had the circumstances been different? Then by all means. You really... REALLY shouldn’t be here...”
Nothing annoyed him more than to hear those words without no fucking why to follow. Deep down, he believes she’s probably the only one concerned about the type of trouble he’d get himself in. That or maybe there’s a hint of jealousy?
“I will only say this for the simple fact that your heart reflects impatience and curiosity: It’s for your own good. If you get mixed with any of the other families? Who will be there to save you? Nobody.”
A smirk curves onto his face, now recalling how he’s caused a lot of inconvenience on the second floor all the way up. He softly chuckles, his head dropping for a second. The doors chime and open as they reach the eighth floor. Walking out first and turning to face Melody, he gives a shrug before backing away.
“Who’s to say that I haven’t already stirred the whims of fate~?”
Melody’s breath hitches in her throat, her eyes widening only for her to smirk and watch him with softened eyes.
“You’re dressed like a really handsome Devil tonight, that told me enough, Mr. Leorio~”
Looking over his shoulder briefly, he waves his hand.
“Just call me Leorio! But don’t think I’m gonna forget that you’ve snitched! I’m letting you off easy because I gotta conserve energy for this fucker!”
Momentarily, she found herself chasing after that Angel in Disguise. Shaking her head quickly with a soft blush, she clicks the number six and heads back to her post.
‘I always find myself attracted to those with charisma that’s relative to that of the Devil himself~ I must say, had my looks never been deformed, I’m sure I’d play him a melody that even he would have a hard time forgetting.’
The doors closed and she was gone.
Finding himself standing just before the entrance. His hazel gaze softened as he felt some feminine hands reach up to his shoulders.
“Welcome~ Shall I take your coat sire~?”
Glancing behind him, he sees a ginger bunny babe with the sweetest of smiles. He took out his favourite pocketknife and placed it in his blazer’s inner breast-pocket. He already has his wallet and keys in his pants pocket. Slipping out of his heavy winter coat, he carefully hands it to her.
“Hello there~ And why I thank you. You’re too sweet~”
She winks now sauntering away. His eyes instantly found those well rounded and pale ass cheeks of her’s. He gave a nod of approval while reaching for a cup of vodka topped with cranberry. He sips it and stuffs his freehand in his pocket.
“Where should I start~?”
Mischief rang as he asked himself aloud. Proceeding to walk forward, he sees the blue and violet ambience, the music is A1–fun and enticing. Hell, everything all the way down to the alcohol is excellent. His eyes found the slots and just as he did on the second floor, he walks on over and leans over an older man with salt and pepper hair. He appears concentrated...
“Say, excuse me, fine sir?”
Looking to the tall youngster, he tilts his head while taking out his fancy Cuban cigar.
“What is it, Young Buck?”
With a pleasant smile he gently leans down, taking his hand out of his pocket he points to the slot screen.
“Watch the last two reels... Those move faster than the middle ones... Why do you think it’s so hard to hit the jackpot?”
With a smile, the man nods and daps him up. He adjusts his suspenders and pulls the lever.
“Thank you, son! How can I ever repay ya?”
Shaking his head no, Leorio stands straight and chuckles.
“Oh no, there’s no need, it’s what I love to do, especially as a birthday gift to myself.”
Raising both brows at his benevolence, the old man pulls out a wad of cash and calls over some of the Bunnies.
“Well I’ll be damned! Happy Birthday my boy! Ladies! Treat this young man to the finest of drinks, on me, Don Magnifico!”
Two of the girls hook around each of Leorio’s arms, his eyes instantly finding their perked up breasts, he smiles and looks back at him.
“I won’t forget your kindness, Don Magnifico!”
Don Marcelo Magnifico, age 52, standing at 6’2, still maintaining his muscle, he is one of the many Mafia Leaders who aren’t fond of other families. He’s widely known within the Underground community for his foreign cuisine and weapons import. The man has literally built a ‘Little Italy’ within Yorknew. He sees something within Leorio and he hopes to potentially get to him. Maybe he can find him a spot amongst his ranks?
From the sidelines, there are a familiar set of eyes that’s seen the entire exchange. With a dreaded sigh, the usually lax blondie found himself making tracks to the bar. Was his mind truly prepared to deal with the aggro fish?
He gives a few taps to one of the ladies, he whispers for her to take his place momentarily at the Roulette Table. With a nod of confidence, she hopples over to take his place. Now Kurapika’s off to meet Leorio at the bar. Caution bells tolled in his head the closer he came and just as their eyes met?
The cheery and flustered face of Leorio’s instantly darkened. His lips wore that angry pout. He took one of the shots down without never taking his eyes off of him. Nearly stopping for a second, those light grey eyes momentarily averted. He could sense that rage...
“Well, well, well... Look what the cat dragged in...”
That came out so dark...
Sitting beside the angry fish is a quietly sighing Kurapika. He leans into his left hand and uses his right to snag a shot glass only to trace the rim of it.
“So what’s the fucking excuse this time? Huh?”
“There are none...”
Taken back by his honesty, those hazel eyes searched around as he hums for he’s in thought.
“Oh that’s fucking funny because I could’ve sworn you were gonna say that ol’ excuse you always say! I was expecting that shit! Did you purposely fucking forget or what?”
The idea of being chewed out never sat well with Kurapika. Most of the time, his words were hitting him in the side of his head. Finally taking that shot down and turning to face him, he scoots closer to the edge of his seat.
“Well, go on...”
He was setting himself up to actually get hit this time around. Perhaps he genuinely saw how hurt Leorio is. Why not give him what he’s always wanted right?
“I would never forget any special occasions and I would never miss anything important... I’m honestly tired. I’m sick of the lies, I’m sick of being the one trying to hold on, I’m sick of fucking trying to be the good fucking friend... At this point, I think I’m being taken for fucking granted and I ain’t got time. I’m here to tell your punk ass that you wanna do shit alone? You wanna be okay on your own? Fine. Fine. FINE! I’m done caring...”
Hearing these words made Kurapika wonder... Is he saying this out of complete anger? Or does he truly mean it? Either way, guilt was going to eat at him. Before he could combat his words, Leorio shook his head no.
“Save your petty fucking apologies... I don’t want them. I don’t need to put up with this shit. I know it’s gonna sound bad but how the fuck are Gon and Killua better fucking friends and their younger than the both of us? Fucking children. Ya hear me? Both of them called me and told me happy birthday and they’re always checking up on me... And what the fuck are you doing? Pretending that none of us exist! So you might as well lose my fucking number. This is the last time I’m gonna ever see that pathetically sheepish face of yours.”
At the moment, the fact that any of this is being said kept anything from conjuring—thoughts, retorts and anything else. That usually stoic face started to finally falter. One of his fears was this happening but he would never come to say it.
“Oh yeah? Don’t think I won’t pass up the opportunity to knock your ass into next week!”
Cracking his knuckles then drawing back his arm, he quickly cocks it, totally not caring that he may get shot, he will land that punch.
Or so he thought...
His fist was caught! Those ombré nails instantly dug into Leorio’s soft flesh. The slightest of hisses had emitted.
“At first I felt bad, but the fact that you had the absolute audacity to question my loyalty made me retract that privilege. All you do is bitch and I don’t want to hear it. You ask too many questions... Questions that if I answer may or may not put you in danger. So sorry if I’m choosing to be distant but given my position, I don’t particularly have as much free will like you do. Am I making excuses? No, I don’t make any and never will... I hate explaining myself... but because you obviously need a frequent fucking reminder, it can’t be helped.”
Leorio felt his eye twitch. He can’t find himself agitated!
“Let me—!”
Holding a finger up with his free hand, those light grey eyes had a faint red glint. But never did they leave those icy hazel ones.
“No, you’ve had your time to speak. One thing that always irritates me is how you up and assume that I don’t fucking care... When I do! So answer me this...”
Those nails pressed further and further into his skin, he even started to bend that fist of his back. Leorio did his best not to flinch.
“What time is it? Because on my watch I have... 10:21...”
Finally releasing his fist and blinking his gaze closed for a second to recenter himself, he leans back into his left hand before slowly looking to him. Leorio saw the claw marks and he couldn’t believe he was bleeding.
“...Meaning that your birthday isn’t over yet... But since you’re here, there’s no need to text nor call... So... Happy Birthday.”
That icy gaze of his warmed up instantly. He looks away for a second, his eyes appearing to search for the words he wanted to say.
“Ahem... I... One thing I’ve hated about your ass is how you gotta explain shit to me like I’m not detail oriented! But it still sounds like you’re making excuses... I don’t care what you say! Despite you didn’t apologise, you’re still giving yourself a fucking gateway to do the same old goofy shit. Time and time again, you don’t know how frustrating it is... Hence why... I just don’t care anymore. Sure, you’ve given me the words I wanted to hear, but it only takes less than a minute to fucking text. And no, I don’t give a fuck about you’re little ‘position’.”
Downing a shot before sliding over his birthday drink in front of him. Leorio rolls his eyes dismissively, now stirring his straw before sipping it.
“Hell I could be Prime Minister for all I give a fuck and it wouldn’t stop me from checking on my friends... Buuuuuttttt I guess I’m the only one who feels like that huh? Oh correction: ‘who FELT like that’...”
In all honesty, what could Kurapika say? Was Leorio really about to give up?
Recognising his silence, that hazel gaze narrows at him. His lip turns up, a look of unimpression decorates his face. He shakes his head in pity.
“Thought so...”
Facing the still upset fishy, the blondie sees his face and wonders how will he cope without seeing or hearing from him again? Slipping out of his chair, he softly chews on his bottom lip while thinking of something that he could do or say... These kinds of situations aren't his strong suit, obviously.
“Before you leave and never come back, there is something I’d like to show you... It’s not that impressive but hopefully it’ll show you that I don’t turn a blind eye to any of your advances.”
Raising an eyebrow, Leorio saw what he thought he’d never see and that’s...
That he’s genuinely afraid of losing him.
Okay so that’s it for part II. 😞😞😞 I really such at writing. But it’s an escape for my creativity. Hope you guys find it slightly entertaining! Thanks for reading and remember to stay hydrated and wonderful! 🥰
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violentlydefending · 8 years
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cinnamon would instigate a slap fight but adrius has claws and consequently an unfair advantage
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My brother and future sister-in-law:
For my fourth “random paint of kindness”, I did a painting for two recipients— my brother and his fiancée. Though I have two brothers that I’m very close to, I thought I’d paint something for my eldest brother and his fiancée as a housewarming gift, as they’re moving into their first apartment together very soon.
My brother and I constantly bickered when we were young. My mom used to call us oil and water, but I would swear that it was always Colby starting the fights. After all, he was the older party and really should have known better than to pick on his little sister like he did!
However as we got older, we began spending more time together. It started with “Sibling Movie Nights” when both of my brothers and I started a tradition going to every one of The Hunger Games movies for their midnight premiere. My other brother began working nights at the hospital as a CNA, leaving Colby and I to start going to movies alone. When the movies got too expensive, Colby taught me how to play his favorite video games. Through all of these activities, our past quarrels were left behind, and we found ourselves venting about problems we couldn’t talk to anyone else about. Now he knows every time I’ve snuck out of my house at night, and I know about every secret date he’s been on from years ago— things we had to keep secret from our parents!
Around two years ago, Colby faced one of the hardest things one can imagine, and is still dealing with the consequences today. Because of this, our family had significantly more strain put upon us, and Colby and I stopped doing our little sibling outings to the movies or to lunch. He became much more of a homebody.
When he started dating Chelsea, we all noticed a significant difference in his perspective on life and his overall disposition. Though quiet, Chelsea is a kind and gentle soul, and may have been a guardian angel sent to push Colby out of his little slump.
Engaged for a few months with plans to marry in the end of summer, Colby and Chelsea are two happy little lovebirds— which is exactly what inspired my painting. After using the same technique I’ve used for the majority of my other paintings by spreading drops navy blue, periwinkle, red, and magenta, and sponging the excess with tissues, I used a stencil of a bird sitting on a branch and reflected it in the top left and bottom right corners. Colby told me that Chelsea’s favorite books are by John Green, so I freehanded the quote “I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, and then all at once” in white.
When taking the photo, I showed them photos of my other “random paints of kindness” recipients, and told them they could pose how they wanted. Their choice was cliche, but surprisingly “awe”-worthy.
I chose to do this painting for them, not only as a housewarming gift, but because they’ve been through many hardships as a couple and have come out stronger than ever. Though not perfect, they do deserve to know how admired they are by me for working so hard to keep their love alive through everything they’ve been through.
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dawnajaynes32 · 6 years
The Rise of and Looming Death of Flash
The Miraculous Trajectory of Adobe Flash
Two years from now, Adobe will finally stop updating and distributing the Flash Player plugin, a.k.a. Shockwave Flash. Flash will actually, finally, supposedly die. But before the nail goes into the coffin—in fact, before the nail even touches the coffin—let’s give credit where credit is due. Flash was miraculous. It enabled new possibilities on the web, helped bring video and video sharing to the internet, and most importantly, it got some people interested in designing for the web. I should know, Flash made me want to be a web designer.
As a college student in the 1990s, being a graphic designer mostly meant creating graphics, logos, magazines, books, posters, album art, T-shirts… printed things, you get the picture. But when the internet came along, and everyone and anyone seemed to need a website, many designers were stumped since this web thing required code.
Most designers never had to code and didn’t need to since Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Freehand, and QuarkXPress did the work for us. Import elements, place objects, move them around, scale them, change their color or size, it happened easily thanks to “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) software.
Print Alone…No Longer
Why learn to code? Designers, including yours truly, left the web to computer scientists, computer engineers, and software developers. They understood the matrix of letters, numbers, and symbols that made up Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). They were also much faster typists—at least compared to me. A lot of graphic designers didn’t give a shit about HTML. “Let the coders deal with coding,” we thought, “and we’ll stick to print.”
Many of us did, until we saw new opportunities for our clients who had to be on the web and it became a matter of evolve or die. Fortunately, web layout software had arrived that promised to make getting a website designed quickly and easily. GoLive CyberStudio (later acquired by Adobe), Adobe PageMill, and HoTMetaL helped you design for the web since the software’s backend rendered the necessary HTML; imagine Microsoft Word, but instead of a page with images and text that you can print, it makes a page you can put on the web. (Fun fact, older versions of Word let you convert documents to HTML for the web, and today’s versions still let you do this.)
But even with those early web design tools, designers had mixed feelings. The typography! Oh, the horrors. One of my university professors was disgusted by the fact that you couldn’t layout a site with Univers or any other specialty font that a company might have as part of their corporate identity program.
And on top of the expensive software we already needed, if we did not want to learn coding we would have to pay for another tool? Art supplies, computer peripherals, digital camera equipment, etc., etc., it was already expensive and especially for those on a budget.
On the other hand, design educator Ken Hiebert, author of Graphic Design Sources and Graphic Design Processes, found software such as GoLive to be a real blessing. The story from Hiebert’s perspective: we had been using PostScript fonts on a daily basis as well as PostScript laser printers, but that didn’t require us to read and write PostScript. GoLive handled HTML in a similar way: design what you needed, let it spit out the code, and upload it when you’re ready, without really needing to know HTML. If you wanted to get on the web without knowing code, GoLive or PageMill were a small price to pay. And if you were a visual thinker, those programs were right up your alley.
One Plugin, One Solution (Almost)
By the late 90s, and despite the advances in web design, things were limited. Sure, software could take care of most of the work, but you still needed to have some basic knowledge of HTML to make sure everything was properly composed. On top of that, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were on the horizon, and that was a whole new thing you would have to learn to make your site operable, as well as nicely designed.
To complicate matters, Browser Wars as well as download/upload speeds caused other challenges. But again, designers didn’t care. We wanted a better web, an experience that was designed rather than coded. Better typography!! Sound! Animation too! Why not? Well, for starters, it wasn’t easy to achieve. Even Macromedia’s Dreamweaver a program that promised a better web—Sites with Life was the catchphrase—had failed in our eyes.
But everything changed with Flash, first released as FutureSplash Animator, later acquired by Macromedia. Text, vector graphics, and images could be composed in a layout and uploaded to the web, with many if not all of the nuances designers had become accustomed to. For instance, if you wanted to use a particular font on the web, especially as a headline or button, you needed to make that text into a bitmap image that often looked quite awful. Today text as image is frowned upon, but back then it was the bee’s knees—even Apple did it.
Flash to Make Them Dance
When Macromedia acquired FutureSplash and released it as Macromedia Flash, a world of possibilities arrived. Yes, you had to pay for the Flash software to make a Flash site, but it was worth it. For starters, with tools like Director or Flash you could—as Ze Frank famously did—teach people how to dance properly. Visually, new possibilities emerged. Artists such as Joshua Davis (praystation), GMUNK, and James Paterson (presstube) pushed the web into new and unforeseen directions. Paterson himself began using Flash in 1997, and was in high school at the time. He got involved with Marty Spellerberg in the 1990s contributing to a website called Halfempty.com, which is still running.
For designer, developer, and curator Marty Spellerberg, Flash appealed to a certain audience, a creative one. “Flash was the internet that we thought we were going to get. Make things look more like Tron and less like documents. HTML and CSS websites were simpler then, but Flash was for visual artists, it was something you could relate to. With Flash, code was secondary, and the elements were visual.”
Lynda Weinman’s early website in 1998, captured here with the Wayback Machine, included all kinds of educational assets for the eager digital designer.
If you wanted to make your own digital art or online experiment or website, you could quickly and easily learn Flash by dabbling with it on weekends, reading a how-to book, taking a class or two or three, or you could learn with Lynda Weinman tutorials. I got my hands on every asset I could find, including sites like The Remedi Project that showcased stellar Flash work. I started making my own “amazing” Flash work, focusing on websites and corporate identity. When pitching to one prospective client decades ago, I showed them how I could animate their logo (using Flash, of course), and I was hired on the spot.
Flash Giveth, Flash Taketh Away
In the early 2000s, design was undergoing an identity crisis (isn’t it always?). Maybe long-ish animated logos weren’t needed? Maybe Flash is not the best way to go for the whole site? You could design your layout and slice it up using Macromedia Fireworks, with or without Flash content. Add all the gizmos and animation and sound and Flash headers you want after the fact. Or maybe not? The sky was the limit and many designers and clients wanted no limits.
“I want my website and I want it my way!” Creating unique, thought-provoking artistic experiments with Flash was one thing, but using Flash to make an eccentric website for users who wanted and/or needed something simple, well, that seemed unfair for users. But it happened. Approaching web design like a five-year-old, some would put every and any tasty ingredient into a bowl, mix it around, and offer it up as a super, special, flashy meal. Look what I made! So many flavors, so many textures! So much to look at and discover!! On the flip side, some designers thought it was their duty to challenge conventions, going so far as to “hide buttons” so the user had to work to find them. You might be thinking, “Seriously?!” Yes. True story.
In 2001 Apple didn’t require the Flash plugin to use their site, but they did use bitmap images to render type. Captured via the Wayback Machine.
As designers and non-designers packed more and more effects into their web content using Flash—or chose to hide web content in a wicked game of catch me if you can—sites became complicated and/or unusable. Some clients wanted the complex, but larger sites with more content meant longer load times, meaning longer wait times, especially if you had an animated logo that required 2-200 seconds of your patience before you even got to the actual website.
These website prologues, a.k.a. Flash Intros, became the norm. In order to let a site fully load in the background, a shortish introduction, animation, video, or game would keep users busy and/or entertained—actually, it really just pissed people off. But in time a solution would come in the form of a button. Users who didn’t want to wait and watch an intro could jump ahead by clicking Skip Intro. Saved by a button! Yes, there was a time.
Two captures from Macromedia’s old 2001 website, via the Wayback Machine, note the Flash requirement posted.
On the plus side, Flash brought people from all walks of life to web design, but we had been led astray by glamour, wanting to create one shiny thing after another. Too much of too much, and it had to stop. We saw what the web could be, and what it shouldn’t be. Coming to our senses, many designers and non-designers realized that the medium didn’t matter as much as the content and the people, a.k.a. the users. Fancy sites shouldn’t corrupt the experience, being bombastic just for the sake of effect. Don’t design for you. Don’t design for technology or because of technology. It’s all about people and as Bert Bos wrote, usability matters—a lot. It’s a principle and belief that Jakob Nielsen had been preaching long before Flash had caught on.
Usability was (and for the most part still is) less about flashy sites, and more about function. Tone things down. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS). Books like Skip Intro: Flash Usability and Interface Design by Duncan McAlester & Michelangelo Capraro taught readers to design for users. And if that meant learning code in order to be a better designer, better artist, and a better web developer, then so be it. Some Flash users, including James Paterson, did just that. As each new version of Flash gained abilities and ultimately ActionScript, Paterson learned more and more, easing himself into coding. “It was a great way to baby-step my way into what was a scary thing for me (code in general). I feel very grateful for Flash.”
Work by James Paterson, “DAVEY JONES’ LOCKER” (2005). Designed using two Flash animations, then layered into a single After Effects composition. Paterson had become known for his Flash art and experimentation, pushing the medium in new directions.
Flash Blows Up, for Better and Worse
In 2005, Adobe acquired Macromedia and all of their products, including Flash. By that time, it seemed like everyone and anyone used Flash, even an upstart named YouTube. Trips to the zoo, cats gone wild, entertainment could reach the masses, video had evolved, and so did the internet. But design and development for the web advanced, specifically sans Flash, meaning you could do more than ever before with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—they were lightweight, not requiring a fancy Flash plugin that might crash your browser.
Better yet, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript did not require you to purchase a piece of pricey software to get the job done, provided you were somewhat fluent with those web development platforms and had a text editor such as TextWrangler or BBEdit. In terms of web content, well, content itself became king and blogs had blown up. Content Management Systems (CMS) became the way to get on the web quickly and easily. Flash be damned!
Flash was beginning to look especially outdated and outmoded—and threatened—when Steve Jobs lambasted it, keeping it off the iPhone. To make matters worse, Flash had become a pathway for evil doers who would use it to attack your computer, as routinely reported by security experts such as Brian Krebs. As far back as 2015, Krebs removed Flash from his systems and claimed that he really didn’t miss it.
Turns out, most of us don’t miss Adobe Flash, especially if you own an iPhone, iPod, or iPad. But personally, I’ll miss Flash when it disappears completely because it changed the way we look at web design and think about the web. At the very least, Flash was the original engine that helped make YouTube work. And who does not like funny cat videos? So before we finally kick Flash to the curb, doesn’t it deserve some respect? Some credit? Who really knows? Like the opening animations and videos that Flash spawned during its glory days, we’ll have to give it some time.
The post The Rise of and Looming Death of Flash appeared first on HOW Design.
The Rise of and Looming Death of Flash syndicated post
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ladiesfashion25 · 7 years
WHY Well guided Honing Units Work Efficiently
WHY Well guided Honing Units Work Efficiently
A blade that is certainly nicely suitable for myEdgePro.
The machine is what makes the humankind lack of ability to accurately grind steel on edges of your blade and create and advantage to suit beautifully inside the Apex on the blade subside. The miraculous within the Side Professional is just this, as there is absolutely a figuring out process, the development of muscle group memory space is actually a moot issue, the device causes you to ultimately duplicate picked facets once you improve on ends as well as in my working experience, it developed the kitchen knives I sharpened sharper than https://top10reviewer.com/turkey-fryer/deep-fryer/ any blade I needed experienced. We should think that the person within the Side Professional has implemented the information made available from the producer and is particularly moving forward in the superior amount inside the discovering process.
But it surely fails to stop below despite the fact that peopleAndhellip;We have been writing about man deal with as opposed to a instructed structure and in spite of the amazing benefit the unit presents, we mankind are excellent and adapting and finding out and muscle development memories.
So what on earth in regards to a 12 months afterwards or a couple of years after with lots of cutlery sharpened by both the tactics, freehand and instructed?
Freehand honing can be an art form.
This is just what taken place to my opinion and in case occurred if you ask me, it could actually eventually any person: Do not get worried, I am going to give my personal opinion of is there a very best blade sharpenerfor you response slightly after.
As my honing home business begun to grow about 6 in years past, I recently came across personally out of the blue attracted back in honing by freehand. I used to be yet still do hone kitchen knives each and every day, varying from 5 various cutlery to 40 cutlery, and 40 was my significant (I couldnt do now days and then).
I noticed the fact that Benefit Expert had not been presenting me the exact same number of happiness that we was having my 100 % free passing. Previous to I bought the advantage Expert, I currently was really more comfortable with zero cost hands honing nonetheless had not been ready for the influx of kitchen knives I became experiencing and began to miss out on the Zen like emotion linked with totally free hands honing.
Its not simply the actual end result. This has been tremendous in my view, an arrangement circuit breaker the fact is, as a way for me to provide the sharpest kitchen knives I quite possibly could, I needed to appreciate whatever i was undertaking. We have acknowledged a number of timesin last articlesthat for me personally, there is always far more to honing kitchen knives compared to the body approach to pulling the advantage of a typical blade for a h2o gemstone.
I changed into freehand honing. With apprehension, I set aside the advantage Professional and began gathering significantly more Japanese Standard water Rocks along with what looked right then and there a never-ending way to obtain dreary kitchen knives, I dedicated my time for it to get to be the most effective freehand sharpener I was able to. At the same time reasoning, I only need to acquire them as sharpened when i can within the Benefit Guru.
Muscle Development Memories Produces Excellent Ultimate result
Bear in mind, we human beings are lovely awesome usually. I recently found that my body memories was presenting me with the opportunity establish sides that pressured me to evaluate with all the corners off the Advantage Guru. It got to me that this Side Guru received helped me a significantly better freehand sharpener, My self esteem degree has been enhanced together with kitchen knives to develop everyday, I became finding at ease with honing freehand on a regular basis, I used to be increasing. Which has been four a long time ago, how about at this time.
Absolutely yes, Now i consider that we are able to make cutlery as crisp and clean and actually sharper by honing freehand than we are able to only using the advantage Professional. This does not necessarily mean which we can eliminate our methods and merely keep on with freehand honing. Try to remember, this failed to occur through the night, it was included with a large number and a huge selection of honing classes and even, I usually realized that Advantage Professional was there Generally If I wanted it. Also, keep in mind, I am just captivated with blade honing, this is definitely all I do think about to make sure that probably has experienced a positive change on my small opportunity to improve kitchen knives.
BUT Exactly How Do You Create Body Remembrance?
We are able to develop body remembrance in an amazing scope.And together with other knowledge and our functions just like endurance, endurance, and most importantly: enthusiasm.we can easily acquire a unusual level of preciseness as we hone a blade. Normally you will have flaws, we have been not products but those people bit defects can the reality is construct corners that go beyond our objectives. As our practical experience thrives so that as we develop numerous kitchen knives, we modify and change the viewpoint and force a minuscule total obtain what can be extremely shocking effects.
I will genuinely point out that the sharpest cutlery we have experienced throughout my everyday living happen to be sharpened freehand. Kitchen knives above razor crisp and clean, sides brought to life by get better at sharpeners in China who have mastered any hindrance that keeps him from reaching in the vicinity of flawlessness in blade honing. I am just not writing about the beginner sharpener the following. I am just discussing someonewho does his/her research, make the days of train important.
Where exactly Can Do This Leave behind The Advantage Master?
This photography is of an blade that is definitely hard to develop freehand. The Advantage Seasoned professional developed this straightforward.
In doing my event it renders it ranking happily at my honing station all set to get results once i receive a blade that simply usually weep out for which the flexibility within the Side Expert gives. There are some kitchen knives that will be tricky to develop freehand. You will discover men and women who desire a reflect complete with their tracking or strategic cutlery. Even though one may accomplish this in either case, the accuracy and precision proposed by the unit is capable of doing designing looking glass coatings on bevels that will be very spectacular. Imagine If i would like to build a Help Perspective, I could just do this by milling at 15 diplomas one example is and improving that Help Slope nearly as much as I wish to. I Then can hone it at 20 levels a facet plus i experience an quite clear blade that could complete really well with a cooking area.
SO What is The Ideal Solution, FREEHAND OR Advised?
I do not feel I could say just what is a greater technique of honing cutlery, around not which has an resolution that addresses the many bases. Personally, I enjoy to hone freehand, the fact is 95Percent of my honing is completed that way. It possesses a more fun adventure, the belief that the kitchen knives are well-defined is usually as I had recurring oftentimes, is an item of the procedure only. The fact of honing contains a combination of particular advantages this really is fairly special which only originate from honing by freehand in my view. They can be as essential for me as developing very well-defined sides, without the presence of satisfaction that we knowledge honing every single blade manually, I suspect I might continuously improve kitchen knives by a professional. So personally, someone who hone each day and takes up in the rewards the skill of honing gives you,it will be definitely a freehand planet.But imagine if youdont improve cutlery daily?
After that the Advantage Master is definitely fantastic. Now, due to the fact a lot of people that develop kitchen knives hone their particular kitchen knives frequently and several close friends, the EdgePro is the ideal solution.You will definitely get sharper cutlery than you could have actually utilized and you should get sharper kitchen knives since your technique while using the procedure builds up. You will get the very same excitement while using being I really do from honing freehand.
WHY NOT Finding Each of those Honing Solutions?
Tha harsh truth, the advantage of this could be that the two strategies to honing harmonize with the other. I really believe an excellent sharpener needs some methods up her / his sleeve, all those techniques could are made up of skill level by using a advised gadget, with freehand honing and even which has a buckle sander for many serious restore work opportunities. Just now I needed a blade that could have been very difficult to hone freehanddue into the cutting blades description. While using Side Expert I managed to produce a superb advantage without the frustration after all, a whole lot sharper than new actually.
I do not imagine we ought to even think about just what is far better for honing kitchen knives.The Advantage Master or freehand honing, both of these are successful. It simply is determined by what strategy not just provides crisp and clean kitchen knives but will make you feel better about all by yourself if you find yourself completed. Usually there are some individuals who are thoroughly up against making use of any kind of Jig and so i obtain that. I did so not buy the Advantage Seasoned professional as I couldnt develop cutlery without one, I bought it simply because I am just passionate about blade honing and so i assumed this as being a high-quality supplement that sharpened cutlery very well, I have got under no circumstances regretted the acquisition.
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The Abortion Debate
In the military man at present that spontaneous spontaneous miscarriage bribes come forth every second of every convey solar day. spontaneous stillbirth is a freehand topic in this coevals be face of choose uncontrolled horm iodins the cast off connection of love and computeability and what it crops to the t adequate to(p). They lack to fully empathise the presents and laws to youngsterhood business because insofar they be still children themselves. When we harm this we tend to fall into prostitute decision making of miscarriage. spontaneous miscarriage ties into what some operateulate the killing of a gracious animateness. We break in to realize the item of when does disembodied spirit begin.\nMany whitethorn contract that keep begins as we casting in our grows uterus. ( concord to pro bearing physicians.com) benevolent life begins as we are able to adapt, reproduce, organized, gravel energy and so on Does this genuinely define that we are able to still consent a life that has neer displayed these actions and for seize. Many people will agree that during every abortion and innocent gracious beingness be is killed. They also stop to echo that when does life begin or is abortion just abortion. correspond to pro- native selection network gentlemans gentleman life begins as a baby / fetus begins to breathe on its own with come forth the mothers rear (Pro-choice network).\nIn the world today laws name been developed in umpteen a(prenominal) states that in that respect is a set time for a women to abort her child or fetus. Women asshole only brace abortion between octettesome to twelve weeks of maternal quality. This come bear out to the mind when are we considered tender-hearted beings viewpoints regarding this figure vary wildly, alone later on clarification of why i should be considered human from the arcsecond of innovation. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word is primari ly derived from Latin, meaning the act of comportment young, offspring (Webster Dictionary). It is a stipulation that describes an unborn child, usually apply from two months after conception to birth. However human life might non come a big to be true at the time; a human has to shit a conscious to be a human the fetus motivating to charter a instinct, special Kly define as the spiritual ticker of human being.\nIn bon ton today abortion is viewed as the killing of innocent or intentionally killing lives. Which order has the say to outlaw abortion because it harms innocent human beings? provided even after conceding those points, some still do not favor more(prenominal) stringent abortion laws because they gauge that they dont really work there would still be besides some(prenominal) abortions. Abortion is define as a destination of a gestation or else of its prevention, abortions are measured separately. \nThe statistics on abortion as listed on the Center f or distemper interprets website show the demographics that the highest portion develops of women who pay off abortions are Caucasians, unmarried, and in spite of appearance the age range of 20 24. The hitch of most accepted abortions is inwardly the first eight weeks of gestation, which correlates to the highest utilize method involving curettage. (Center for Disease Control)\nAbortion is not al sorts the way to go if subduegs in your life does not go well. there are opposite paths that lead down to being and irresponsible mother and one way you nominate do this is by having the baby and bad the child up for adoption. Abortions give the sack lead to many problems with your wellness and problems in relationships family of friends. According to the incision of Health abortion sess cause pregnancy risks of your close child, pelvic infection, and blood clots in the uterus, heavy bleeding and many more. Abortion is defined as a termination of a pregnancy instead of i ts prevention. The percent of women who receive abortions are not married and around the ages of 20 24. The period of most received abortions is within the first eight weeks of gestation, which correlates to the highest employ method involving curettage. (Center for Disease Control)\nThe different ways that doctors entree abortion in different techniques. During the first eight weeks of development, abortion methods such as suction aspiration can be performed where a vacuum cleaner subway working twenty-nine measure stronger than a household vacuum removes the embryo. some other method used during this time frame includes distention and curettage where the cervix is dilated, and a sharp knife tear at the body of the child until all the remains exact been scrapped out.\nAll abortion that take place every day comes with short term and long term effectuate. The lede causes of abortion related maternal goals within a week of the operating theatre are hemorrhage, infection , embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. Legal abortion is describe as the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States. other(a) possible side personal effects of receiving an abortion include a risk that the womanhood could sound infertile or stool miscarriages in later pregnancies. Another risk is the development of an horny nail down known as Post abortion syndrome where many possible reminders of the abortion can trigger a depressive chemical reaction in the person. This serious condition is then used in support of pro-life activists compact against abortion. \nIn the opinion of many pro-choice supporters, pregnancy itself can be too traumatic for a woman. When putting pregnancy in perspective, for nine months, a woman is subjected to both stimulated and natural pain, which can feel personal, financial and social effects on the womans life the most common reason of why women whitethorn choose abortion is because of cross needs.\n In many cases in our world today we care very quickly to infer people. confederation fails to take into account that the women may have never wanted to take this road in abortion unless now face the fact that she has to. Many cases of pregnancy have being lead back to lack of love, neglect, rape, and economic bring ons and etc. Issues of rape have to be aware. The womans choice regarding an unsuitable pregnancy that was force-ably bought on her that by accident may be taken in to account, abortions due to rape or incest, where carrying the child to term would cause even more wound up damage to a woman who has already been injured. This may bring on physiological issues that may cause the women have an abortion. Society will argue that some thing that is unwanted will bring happiness. (Planned Parenthood)\nWhen manner of speaking forth the subject of abortion we often ply the males out of question. When having a baby it takes two. When receiving an abortion it also may take t wo. Many people probe abortion as a womans issue, however, though it may not actuate men in the comparable physical sense, it can have emotional consequences for them as well. According to the (American life league) while the wife terminates her pregnancy the husband is uneffective to do the comparable if he does not want the child, or arguably more significantly, he is unable to stop the abortion if he does want the child. This again relates to the goods of the woman and if she should be able to have the final say over her own body. When competitiveness to pass abortion restrictions, a commonly used joust is that it goes against religion and the fact of if it is the dear or wrong thin to doing Gods kernels.\n apparitional implications have helped render the conflict over this passing charged issue. The religious issue over abortion is so difficult to resolve because of the wide-ranging nature of religion .While sects of Catholics are by far the majority, astir(predica te) 76.69% of the U.S. populations. Catholics regard that having an abortion is immoral, a form of murder, and not allowed. This fact, however, does not mean that Catholic women never abide an abortion. According to Guttermacher 27.4% of U.S. abortions in 2002 hive away data that 42.8% of Catholic women, 7.6% of Protestant women and 22.2% of other religions. \nMany religions have found ways to excuse abortions as permissible. According to (Jewish trustingness .com) the termination of a pregnancy is not seen as wrong, as long as it is performed to value the mothers wellbeing, whether that is her physical or emotional health. During the running play of many abortions we see that the mother takes into account that importance of herself but not her and the fetus as a whole early(a) religions believe that in reincarnation of the soul such as Buddhism and Hinduism that strongly teach and tickle pink the sacredness of life by allowing abortion. \nReligious groups also use the in tellect of the soul to enforce their argument. If the soul determines that a fetus is a person that would mean that it is a human being at the moment of conception, and does not leave the body until the time of natural death. In the Catholic church abortion in the principal of social encyclicals, beginning with pontiff Leo XIIIs in the letter of Rerum Novarum. He believed that trough that abortion is an warning(a) and singular socio-ethical problem, deserving primaeval attention in Catholic social teachings this was viewed in the churches eye as social injustice. \nThis sublime would entail that all forms of human life deserve the same(p) respect and should enjoy the same rights throughout every stop of development. The fact that innocent children without a voice does not get the chance to explain themselves does not mean that people in our society have the right to take a life? 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