#i should fucking sleep lol but the 2:30 am thoughts r rly coming for me
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kuiinncedes Ā· 7 months ago
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sstarkiid Ā· 8 years ago
do all of the lovesick asks bitch. expose urself
wow, ok.
read more thing bc this is long and embarrassing
1: Do you have a current crush?
Two actually but who's counting
2: How long has your crush lasted?
Uhh a few months n then the other one is weird i can't answer that lmao
3: 5 songs that you have associated with your crush?
I'mā€¦ā€¦..not that sappy I can give u like one
Ice prince : Runaways by ATL
Space boy : Stars by Fun.
4: Do you think they've ever liked you back?
I mean. It's very likely.
5: Will you ever reveal your feelings to them?
Yea probably
6: Whatā€™s holding you back from making a move?
It's not that I haven't made a move but like. I am Fear.
7: Are you frightened by your feelings for them?
A lil
8: Do you think they could ever love you?
Maybe???? but iā€™m kind of an optimist
9: Do you love them?
Lol next question
10: Have you ever had a crush on someone you really shouldn't?
11: Do you think anyone currently has a crush on you
12: Ever had a crush on what you thought was a platonic friend?
Hi Jared
13: What would you do if your crush revealed they felt the same?
I'd probably need a second to process it but like probably hug ā€˜em idfk
14: Has your crush ever hurt you?
15: Have they made you cry by breaking your heart?
16: Why do you like them?
Ice prince is fun to tease idk we go back n forth a lot but he's also a softie n listen he's dramatic enough to keep up w/ me
Space boy tells u like it is and he seems kinda scary or not,, nice at first maybe but he's actually also soft !!
They're also both hot as hell oh my god
17: Do you think you'll ever get over them?
I mean. If I had to I would but... Ā I don't WANT TO.
18: Do you have 1 specific song that is strongly associated with a certain memory or interaction with them?
Mmm not really?? Not yet?? It'll happen dw
19: The moment you knew you had feelings for them?
We both got scared of the firework finale on the 4th and I squeaked and he like held onto me n it was really funny n cute n I was just like ā€œok this is a thing now greatā€
Uhh I was doing the typical girl thing where I send screenshots of a conversation to a friend only the friend is his sister soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..i blame her itā€™s literally all her fault
20: What would they have to do for you to stop liking them?
Murder someone probably
Or y'know
Something equally as shitty n illegal
21: Have you ever fallen asleep with them?
Yea. Both. Napping is cool.
22: Held their hand?
Mmhm! Both but like that's not that weird
23: Kissed their cheek?
Yup. Both.
24: Kissed them on the lips?
Yeah. Both. Actually.
25: Gone down on them/ they've gone down on you?
26: Had sex with them?
27: Where on your body have they touched you?
This isā€¦. A weird question I don't like it
28: Does their touch set your skin on fire?
Ice prince.
29: Do you get butterflies when they touch you?
Ok maybe
30: Do they make you smile like no one else can?
Y e a
31: Does their presence calm you?
32: Does it make you go crazy being around them and not 'being with' them?
Notā€¦ until recently but---
33: Are you friends with your crush?
Both of ā€˜em!
34: Have you always been friends?
Uhh I guess w/ Ice prince yes but not the other one
35: Last thing they messaged you about?
One was abt a dog, other one was abt coming over to hang out
36: Best phone call with them?
Hands down any call when I've been driving so I make my brother talk to them instead those are always fun
37: Last time you hung out with them?
I. I literally started answering this in one of their houses.
38: Ever been drunk together?
39: Fondest memory of them?
The fireworks show n then probs a few days ago when we just drove around n talked abt stuff
40: Ever made a mistake with them?
Mistake??????????? i donā€™t make those
41: Regretted not making a move?
Every day of my life but also I have literally kissed both of them so which is the truth
42: If you could go back in time to that moment, what would you do?
Nothing ā€˜cause I'm a big baby
43: Do you think that would change your current relationship with them?
44: If you could get a 100% honest answer from them, what 3 questions would you ask?
Ice prince
Do u. Actually wanna date or am I just the most gullible person ever
.......................so how do you feel about polyamory
Do u actually hate the puns or do u secretly enjoy them I need to know.
Space boy
Are you aware that you can literally text me for anything at any time?? Bc u should be
Were you ever afraid to talk to me?
Will you promise to talk to me before doing stupid shit so that at the very least i can tell u that ur an idiot,,, but like. affectionately.
45: Did they wish you Happy Birthday on your birthday?
My birthday is in like another month and I didn't know either of them really last year so they better
46: Have they ever tried to make a move?
Idk tbh
47: If so why did you miss it?
ā€˜Cause I'm clueless as hell
48: Have they ever been infatuated with a friend of yours?
Don't think so
49: Are they single?
Lol yeah they're definitely single
50: Where were you when you felt the most for them?
IT'S ALWAYS WHEN THEY'RE SLEEPING they both just look so cute n peaceful n I get all mushy n wanna protect them but I'm weak as hell so
51: Any specific place you associate with them?
Mmmm not really
52: Films that make you think about them?
Disney films in general
Marvel movies for Ice prince bc NERD
53: Have you picked up a habit because of them?
I don't think so but it's also not unlikely
54: What was your first impression of them?
Ice prince seemed antisocial and idk abt space boy we were like 5 yrs old technically so who knows man
55: Has it altered since then?
56: Do you remember the first thing you talked about?
Probably musicals bc I can't shut up ever and he was confused
And uhhh no unless u mean like when we started hanging out bc it was candy
57: First time they touched you?
And I'm 99% certain I made him high five me before we ever spoke bc I'm a nuisance
58: Have they ever lied to you?
Not that I know of
59: What are their eyes like?
Ohhhhh my GOD
really......clear?? thatā€™s not like. a good way to describe em but u know when u look up at the sky and itā€™s like. wow there are no clouds!! n then u feel the breeze and itā€™s kinda cold but itā€™s not unpleasant itā€™s?? p nice??? like. that.
cool as FRICK like what the hell iā€™m actually jealous theyā€™re a rly pretty nice shade n then suddenly itā€™s!!! different!!!! and itā€™s like!!!!!!!!!!!!! a surprise a v good surprise which is fitting u just gotta look a lil and heā€™s full of lil surprises
60: What are you most attracted to about them?
well,, for one theyā€™re both hot as hell, so. that. in general.
if u know anything abt me iā€™m a sucker for pretty eyes
i also like theĀ ā€œsoft but pretends to not beā€ because i think itā€™s cute theyā€™re also really good to cuddle with
61: Can you see a future with them?
well i canā€™t see one withoutĀ ā€˜em so somethingā€™s gotta give here right?
62: Have you sabotaged things between you two?
i freaking hope not
63: Why? What were you afraid of achieving? Love? Happiness? Content? Disappointment?
why does this thing assume you said yes to the above question thatā€™s kinda rude
64: Could they make you happy?
already do
65: Do you dream about them?
if weā€™re friends and you havenā€™t appeared in one of my dreams and done smth weird or random are we actually friends??
side note does daydreaming count LOL
66: What's something that only you two do?
i donā€™t think iĀ ā€œgently bullyā€ anyone nearly as much as i do ice prince also the only one who actually can cuddle w/ me properly in the summer iā€™m js
uuuummmm go on random drives in the middle of the night so tht zoe can make out w/ ppl instead of texting our sorry asses
67: Does liking them make you feel vulnerable?
you. have. no idea.
68: Have they ever given you anything?
food has definitely been exchanged and shared. iā€™ve stolen sweaters. uh.
69: Have they ever used you?
.........not that iā€™m aware of??
70: Have they abused and manipulated you due to your feelings for them?
71: Have you ever spent quite literally all day and night thinking about them?
thatā€™s......a bit much i might be pathetic and somewhat desperate but like i do kinda have a life
72: Have you ever accidentally nearly walked into moving traffic cause you were thinking about them?
no but iā€™ve walked into walls because i was tired and thinking abt stuff so thatā€™s a thing i probably have done
73: Ever worn anything knowing it would draw their attention to you?
YEAH LMAO I DO THAT ALL THE TIME IN GENERAL i like attention fight me
74: Have they ever made you feel so safe and content everything else slips away?
y e ah
75: Ever held you so close you could feel their heartbeat?
76: Truthfully do you think you belong together right now?
[taylor swiftā€™s you belong with me playing in the distance]
77: Have they ever seen you completely vulnerable?
um. no.
78: Do you trust them?
i would trust all of my friends with my life
79: When you see them what feelings are strongest?
i just get?? really happy n i turn into a little kid i swear to god how does he put up with me
n he makes me feel really calm n content n just. good. u know.
80: Are they in love or interested in someone else?
d e a r l o r d i h o p e n o t
81: If they asked you to kiss them, would you?
in a heartbeat
82: Will they be in your life a year from now?
83: A moment where you so nearly gave into your feelings for them and did something about it?
i have literally kissed both of them and not because of dares what kind of,,
84: Do they know you have feelings for them?
iā€™m not exactly,,, subtle
85: Do you have a favourite picture with them?
no but i have favorite pictures of them
86: Your ideal date with them?
hey. concept. a double date. but like. instead of 2 couples itā€™s just me w/ both of them wow
87: What's their name?
itā€™s rly obvious that iā€™m talking about porter and connor fuck you
88: Have you ever been in their room?
iā€™ve been in connorā€™s but porter n i mostly chill other places
89: Shared a secret with them?
yeah but itā€™s not a secret if i tell the internet now is it?
90: Have they ever made you a promise and broken it?
donā€™t think so
91: Have they ever disappointed you?
92: Whats the most problematic thing about them, which you overlook due to your feelings for them?
uh. idk. porterā€™s kinda closed off to other people at first i guess that could be problematic. iā€™m patient w/ that shit so it doesnā€™t bug me as much idk
general relationships or lack thereof w/ other ppl tbh for both of them i thinkĀ 
93: Have you ever had to compete for their affection?
94: For as long as they're in your life could you handle just being friends?
thatā€™s what i do with p much everyone else but another way to approach this is if u couldnā€™t be together would u shut them out and the answer is no?? bc thatā€™s kinda shitty
so yes
95: Ever looked for a sign to make a move?
every?? single second of every day but once again i have literally kissed both of them uh
96: What's standing in your way from being with them?
general anxiety
a single conversation
97: Would you let them use you for sex?
this implies that,, they donā€™t care abt me and only themselves n theyā€™re not really?? like that so?? it wouldnā€™t happen like that??
realistically knowing myself i wanna say no but i probably would which is Not Good i know
98: Ever had a bad feeling about them that's screaming for you to get out while you still can?
no. like. literally the opposite. wtf
99: If you could go back in time, would you avoid ever meeting them?
100: You have 1 wish about them, what would you wish for?
that porter finds someone who makes him feel warm n fuzzy on the inside even if itā€™s not me
n for connor that one day everything is stable and everything is ok
anyway hey jared U SUCK
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