#i should be able to catch up tomorrow lmaoo
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frostmarris · 1 year ago
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12 Days of AkaSaku - Day 3
PeinSaku and a summoning ritual
accidentally summoned a demon but fortunately he's moved on from killing people and is currently enjoying retirement as an incubus
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miekasa · 4 years ago
random boyfriend eren hcs (modern/college au)
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↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern/college au, himbo eren supremacy as per usual, but can you imagine eren, armin, and jean living together in one house bye
↯ notes: this is me once again trying out this headcanon format, also because i have lots of thoughts about eren (being normal) and going to college lmao
↯ more notes: sorry i have to repost this again tumblr is being dumb ://
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Not a frat boy, but definitely lives by the mantra “work hard, party harder.”
Likes going out to frat parties and keggers first year, but calms down as time goes on. Sophomore year is more house parties and occasionally going downtown to clubs. By the time junior year rolls around tho, he and Jean are thee party hosts. Homecoming, Halloween, Pre-Thanksgiving break, you name it, those two have a reason to throw a party for it
But party doesn’t always mean absolute rager. Sometimes it’s just drinking with your friends, playing pong, and absolutely crushing Jean at uno. 
At parties with lots of other people, Eren really doesn’t let people fuck around with you, or any of his friends really. Once almost got into a fight because he watched a guy out his hands on yours and Mikasa’s waists to “move around you.” As if. 
Wears his key necklace around all the time, obviously. So he gives you a necklace with a lock on it, with both of your initials engraved on the back. 
Nobody really notices it at first, since the chains are long and the necklaces are you usually tucked inside your shirts. But one day, ever the observant one, Armin catches a glimpse of yours resting on top of your shirt. Cue squinted eyes looking back and forth between you and Eren before—eureka! “You and Eren have matching necklaces!!!”
Plays sports, not for a scholarship but just for fun. Gets very pouty when you can’t make it to his games; and gets extra pouty if you show up, but you’re not wearing his jersey.
On the flip side, gets very giddy when he sees you in the stands with his jersey on and very ostentatiously scoops you up into a hug after the game is over.
Literally does not know where the library is until you show it to him. Any of them. Help him.
The worst person to study with if he doesn’t have any actual work to do. Will bother you and prefer to gossip than to let you do your work in peace. If you need an actual study buddy, you should try Mikasa.
Drunkenly hits on you a lot. Scratch that, he hits on you regardless, drunk or sober, despite the fact that you’re literally dating him already.
Literally reserves at least two nights of the week to have dinner with Armin bye and you couldn’t even interrupt them if you tried.
Waits for you outside of your classroom if you’ve had an important presentation or something. Not always with anything cheesy or loud, but just to be able to cheer you on and congratulate you after.
Hates the act of going grocery shopping, but loves going with you. Also because you force him to buy things other than Anytizers and Kraft Mac and Cheese.
Steals your hair ties and scrunchies to put his hair up. Does not fucking give them back, and denies having them, even if they’re piling up on his wrist.
Will drive you anywhere and everywhere. He is your personal Uber. Even if you don’t want him to be, he would rather die than let you get into an actual Uber—and if it’s late at night? Forget it, Eren doesn’t care if you’re 45 mins away, he’ll come get you.
After you stabbed him with your pen for drawing in your notebook (with your very pristine notes), he started leaving sticky notes inside of them instead.
They’re all super random, usually incoherent, and sometimes just drawings, and you’d never tell him, but you keep every single one.
Cuts class a lot, but not to the point where he’s failing. Just when he feels like it’s deserved, you know? Like, if he attended lecture for a class all week, he deserved to skip Friday’s lecture. As a treat.
He’s embarrassing. Endearing, but so embarrassing. Like, singing in the middle of the street embarrassing. Asking you to do a TikTok in public embarrassing. Why do you even love him.
Moves off-campus during junior year and rooms with Jean and Armin in three-bedroom house. So, he’s never actually lonely, but he’s a little crybaby and will whine to get to you to come over.
LOVES sleeping over at your place, though. Because you live with Annie and Mikasa, so your place is always clean and always smells good. Plus Mikasa and Annie are usually busy, which means you get more privacy at your place.
Mikasa honestly just starts making breakfast for Eren in the mornings when he does sleep over, and Annie is so unfazed by his presence.
Jumps at the opportunity to join in on your girls wine-night or skincare-routine night. So what if it’s him and three other girls drinking red wine with face masks on and talking about Anne Hathaway movies while playing Monopoly Deal? It leaves him pleasantly buzzed and his skin is absolutely glowing, suck his dick, Connie.
Likely doesn’t understand a thing about your major/program but listens enthusiastically when you talk about it anyways.
His lock screen is the only selfie he’s ever convinced you to take with him. (That’s okay because he has many screenshots of your snaps for safekeeping and blackmailing).
Tries to get you to exercise with him. If you’re into that, then great. If you’re not, it’s okay, he always has time to stop and take a mid-workout thirst trap to send your way. Because he’s annoying like that.
Once accidentally replied to the whole class instead of just the professor on an email asking him to be a g and bump his 89.9 to a 90. Embarrassing. (The prof did raise in the end tho, so maybe he really does have some charm to him).
Has to wear reading glasses when studying for a long time/or at his computer for a long time, and even though he doesn’t like them, you think he looks super cute in them; so he wears them more often than usual. 
Calls you asking for the most obscure school supplies/stationary. “Babe, hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare 4x8 poster board laying around now would you?” 
Mind you this is at, like, 3am, 12 hours before the poster board in question is due. 
Speaking of stationary, is an absolute little shit and steals your good pens. He’s partial to the sparkly ones, if he’s being honest. They make his notes look better, fuck you, Jean. 
“Eren, give me back my purple 0.4mm pen.” “I don’t know what that is, sorry.” “Eren, I can see it in your hand!” 
Brings you snacks while you’re studying. If you’re really trying to crack down and be serious, he won’t even bother you. Just bring the snacks, bring you water and boba, kiss your little forehead and be on his way.
Has a polaroid camera he got as a birthday gift, and uses it to sneak pictures of you whenever you’re not looking. He keeps the good ones hung up on a sponge board in his room.
He has a few.... riskier ones too, but those are for his eyes only.
Loves to pick out your nail color when you get your nails done. Honestly gets a little pouty when you don’t ask him lmaoo
Purposely leaves his clothes around so you can wear them. Isn’t subtle about it in the slightest. Sometimes leaves them with a note: “Please wear this, you’d look cute as fuck. Thank you. —Management.”
(slightly nsfw below)
Is not too proud to ask you for risqué snaps. Not necessarily full nudes, thought he doesn’t object to those.
Will literally give you hickeys out of boredom. Will pull you onto his lap and start kissing your neck because he has nothing better to do. Also because it leads to sex 7/10 times. The other 3 times, it’s because he falls asleep with his head in your neck lmaoo
Might have once fucked you with one of his lectures playing in the background, but you’ll never tell.
He really likes phone sex. He’s shit at being quiet, so he can only really do it when Jean and Armin are out of the house, but there’s something about only being able to hear your moans to get off that really does it for him.
He’s kind of goofy and absentminded sometimes, so sometimes you’ll be mid-sex and he’ll look at you like “Hey, did you finish your assignment, it’s due tomorrow right?”
And honestly, you kinda wanna be upset, but then you start thinking—“Did I finish my assignment?” And then you realize you did and nod and he’s like “Ok, cool,” kisses your forehead and resumes where you left off.
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paypay0315 · 4 years ago
The Space Between (2)
Pairing: Eren Yeager/Reader or Female OC!
Word Count: 1.5K
Series Summary: Harmony was a young girl who just lost her family, she was more of an open wound then most. When she catches the eye of the Eren Jeager her whole life changes and she doesn't realize she might be in love.
Content for this Chapter: enemies, mean eren, mean oc! eren and oc hate each other lmaoo.
“Sweetie you have to run!" A women yells out.
"No mom i'm not leaving you!" The little girl trembles on her two feet.
"You have to or you will get eaten!" The mother yells.
How could this have happened. Why is this happening? How did the Titans get inside the wall?
Too many questions flow through her brain and she doesn't have time to answer any of them.
They both start to see the big bright sky. The roof was torn from their house and there in front of then stands a big titan.
The little girls eyes go wide. Wide enough to come out of her skull.
The titan reaches down grabbing the little girl.
A deep inhale comes from her throat. It was a dream. No a nightmare.
She gets up from her bed and she's all sweaty from all the tossing and turning she was doing last night.
The same nightmare once again.
She hasn't had this nightmare in a while. After that day she had it a lot she couldn't even sleep without seeing the picture of the Titans eating her family. She really hopes she can bring down these nightmares or she will have a hard time here.
She washes her face to try and wipe the memory away but it's no use. It's stuck there and won't go away. Will it ever go away?
The memory sticks to her like glue and she just wishes she had a way to make it stop. But there wasn't. The only thing that could make her happy now was killing the titans and stop her suffering.
Yes, that was the only way.
The first breakfast from Military training. She's not gonna lie and say she isn't a bit excited.
Today's the day she learns how to kill Titans. She will finally get her revenge.
"Hey, that's my bread get your own!" A familiar voice says.
She looks over and sees the person she got into it with yesterday. What was his name again?
Aaron? No
Eren? Yes thats the one.
She looks at him with disgust. She eyes him up and down again to get a better view. He's very scrawny looking, how does he expect to get through this training when he looks like a twig.
She can easily snap him in half. She smirks at the image playing through her head. But it stops when she notices he is eyeing her back.
He stops in front of her and they get in some staring contest.
"What the hell do you want?" she asks him.
"Nothing, but we were sitting here first!" Eren spits. Her eyes immediately turn red.
She puts her hands on the table, "Well now i'm sitting here, go find a different seat" she says picking up her spoon to eat the nice soup in front of her.
He scrunches his eyebrows, "No we were sitting here first, so I think YOU should move" he growled.
She doesn't even say anything back, instead she ignores him like he isn't even there. He waits until she says something but she never does.
"Look, we were-"
He immediately gets knocked over by a figure walking by, and the plate that was once in his hands is now all over her.
Hot soup gets dropped on the clothes she was wearing and the nice hot tea starts to burn on her legs.
Everyone in the Tavern turns in there direction. Some of them even start laughing. Her mouth is wide open shocked at how embarrassing this was for her.
Her first day here and she already has food all over her.
She slowly gets up from her seat feeling the hot tea enter in a place it shouldn't. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" She yells at Eren.
Eren being just as shocked as her stutters out his next words. "L-look i-it wasnt m-my fault, someone ran into me" he stutters out.
Harmony flares her nose and tries her best to keep calm but it's no use. The fire in her eyes immediately burt into flames and she pounces on top of Eren and knocks him down to the floor.
A loud bang can be heard from all the way outside.
"OW!" Eren screams in pain.
She starts hitting him as hard as she can trying to get all the anger out she was feeling at that moment. But before she could finish she was being picked up by someone way stronger than her.
When she got picked up her whole body got shoved into the wall next to her, when she looked up she saw a girl.
She had short black hair and a red scarf around her neck.
"Touch him again, amd see what happens" she warned her.
Harmony was breathing heavy. "What's gonna happen?" She pushes her tongue to her cheek.
The girls eyes flare at her, warning her to back down or something bad will happen but Harmony wasn't having any of it. She wanted the girl to do something.
"Guys please let's all talk this through" a boy with blonde hair said right beside her.
"Mikasa stay outta this" Eren stands up quickly.
Mikasa was her name.
The two started to get in a little argument about how he couldn't handle himself and all Harmony wanted to do was beat his brains in.
She did the only thing she could think of.
When she looked over to her plate she saw the beans that she didn't touch sitting there. She immediately grabbed some in her hands and threw it right towards Erens face and it hit him.
His mouth becomes wide and she throws more food landing it right in his mouth. "Oh that's it you stupid bitch!" he yells and grabs Mikasas plate and throws it towards her, luckily Harmony has good reflexes and dodged it making it hit the boy behind her.
"What the hell!" The boys yells and now he starts to throw food from his plate.
"FOOD FIGHT!" Another boy yells out and immediately the whole crowd starts to go wild and starts throwing food at one abother.
Beans, corn, soup. It was going everywhere.
Eventually Harmony and Eren got closer and started throwing food again at eachother.
They didn't even realize how loud they were being. There commander came bursting through the door and when he saw the ruckus that was created he didn't want to kill a living person but at that moment he did.
"QUIET!!" Is all they hear before everyone stops and looks over at the man standing by the door. It was the man she saw yesterday when she came to register.
"Who is responsible for this?!" He yells out. And eveyome points there fingers to Harmony and Eren.
They were screwed.
They sat there in the wooden chairs in the small room their commander put them in. They've been in there for a while because they could start to smell the beans that were all over them. And the soup on their clothes.
Their commander walks through the door and they sit up right. "So..... one of you gonna tell me what happened?" He walks slowly towards them standing right in front of them.
They both gulp. "She started it!" Eren blurted out.
"I did not!"
"Did too, you threw food on me which caused everyone to start this!"
"SHUT UP!" The man screamed and they both turned their heads to look at him and they almost pissed their pants.
He looked pretty serious.
"I don't care which one of you started it, everyone pointed at you so therefore BOTH of you are at fault" he hissed.
"So therefore you need to punished" he says and they both sigh.
"Starting tomorrow you will now have more duties to do then the other cadets AND you will clean all the food on the ground from the tavern." he says.
They both sigh in defeat. "Sir please don't, that's gonna take forever" Eren whines.
"It's your mess so you pick it up. It better be all cleaned up by the end of the month or the both of you will be kicked out and never be able to return" their eyes go wide when he says that.
"Now you may both go to your rooms and have a goodnight" with that he walks out the room and silence starts to fill the air.
She doesn't want to get up, what she really wants to do is smash his face in.
She starts to hear his deep breathes and eventually Eren gets up from his seat and slams the door behind him.
She finally can let go of the breath she held in for so long.
This was not a good start to her Training. She can't believe she let someone like Eren Yeager get to her like that.
She huffs and roughly gets up from her seat as well and slams the door. She will never let something like that happen again.
She won't let Eren ruin this for her.
She walks to her room and tries her best to forget about today.
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mint-yooxgi · 5 years ago
All Consuming - Yandere!Powers!Jimin X Powers!Reader
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Yandere!AU - Part of the Yandere!BTS X Reader Series
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Semi-Smut (Mentions of Masturbation)
Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Words: 12,780
Warning: Minor assault. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Damn this turned out way longer than expected, but it’s finally here! Yay! After how many months of me saying it’ll be posted soon over and over again lmaoo. My apologies about that, life got crazy and I was severely demotivated to write this story for the longest time. Anyways, I'm glad it’s done now, though I think the first half is a bit slow to start. Hopefully it lives up to everyone’s expectations! Loosely inspired by X-Men. As always, I do not believe Jimin, nor any member of BTS would act like this. This is just my interpretation of the archetype. Feedback is greatly appreciated, enjoy!
Another day, another summer that has come and gone within the blink of an eye. This year in particular has gone by quicker than all the rest, and you’re not sure why. You’re just glad to be back at the academy and away from your brother.
A sigh slips past your lips as you stare up at the large stone building, standing almost castle-like in appearance. You watch as hundreds of students mill around you, some returning for another year, while others take in the grand sight before them for the first time. You can hear all their thoughts in your mind, jumbled over one another as their emotions over power you for the time being.
The first day is always the hardest.
Closing your eyes for a brief moment, you focus on casting out all the unwanted voices from your head, something which you learned to do last year, and worked hard to perfect over the summer. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you manage to find peace and quiet within your mind once more. 
Being able to read minds can be tough, especially when some thoughts others have just simply demand to be heard. The whole reason you came to this school in the first place is to better understand yourself and your powers. So far, it’s been pretty helpful, and you’ve made some good friends along the way. You can’t help but think of the academy as a second home.
“It’s good to be back,” a small smile tugs at your lips as you begin to make your way inside the building.
Turning a few corners, you allow your feet to take you to the room you’ve been staying in during all your previous years here at the academy. You can faintly hear shouts coming from other rooms as people move in, or see their friends for the first time in what feels like ages.
Opening the door to your room, you take a quick look around. Everything appears to have been left exactly in the same spot as before, only now, a thin layer of dust resides on all the shelves. Your father will be by later to drop off all your other things that you’ll need for the year, like spare sheets, towels, and most importantly, your clothes.
Moving over to the shared bathroom, you give a soft knock before opening the door. Giving a quick look around as you flick on the lights, you notice the door to the adjacent room closed. However, in the next moment, it’s flinging open to reveal Jihyo, your roommate for the past two years.
“Oh my goodness, (Y/n)! Is that you?” She squeals, tackling you in a hug and nearly sending the both of you crashing to the floor. 
“Hey, Jihyo,” you chuckle, hugging her back as you steady yourself on your feet.
“Oops, sorry,” she giggles, “I must have got too excited to see you again.”
“It’s been, what? Three or four months?” You smile, quirking a brow as you pull away from her to look into her eyes.
“Seems like forever ago!” She smiles back, eyes crinkling at the sides. “How’ve you been? How was your summer?”
“Not too bad. Though, I wish I didn’t have to spend so much time with Harold,” you roll your eyes slightly, noticing that she shoots a sympathetic look in your direction. “I swear he can do no wrong by our parents.”
“Hey, well, at least you don’t have to see him now for a couple of months,” she says, you nodding along with her statement.
“Yeah, at least,” you sigh, lip quirking slightly. “Anyways, how was your summer? Any big splashes?”
“Will you stop with the water puns?” She rolls hers eyes, exasperated as you simply grin in response. “No, not really, though I did make a wave crash into my cousin at the beach cause she called me a tramp.”
The casual shrug of her shoulders as she says this sends you into a fit of laughter, “remind me not to get on your bad side.”
“Hun, it’s been how many years and I still put up with your water-based puns,” she nudges your shoulder. “You couldn’t get on my bad side even if you tried.”
“You put too much faith in me,” you grin, shaking your head slightly as you cross your arms in front of your chest. “One day you’ll get sick of my puns and leave me for someone more fluid with their words.”
“(Y/n), I swear to god,” a look flashes through Jihyo’s eyes and you jump back into your room before she can smack you. A large smile is on your face as a few giggles slip out, watching her shake her head at you. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know,” your voice singsongs, a slight tilt to your head. “Love you, too.”
Before you two can continue your conversation, a knock sounds at your door. Moving over to see who it is, Jihyo casually leans against the side of the bathroom doorframe with her arms crossed. Opening your room door, you’re greeted by your father and brother, both holding two of your bags.
“Hi sweetie! Guess who wanted to tag along to say goodbye one last time!” Your father cheerfully greets you, stepping past you and into your room.
“Oh, hi there, Jihyo,” Harold greets her with a smile, noticing her presence as he steps into your room after your father.
“Hello,” she greets back politely, shooting you a look once both their backs are turned. Your eyes plead for her to stay, but she only sends you an apologetic look. “I’ll leave you all to it then, since you’ll probably want to talk with (Y/n).”
With a final polite smile, she closes the bathroom door in order to retreat into her room, leaving you alone with your dad and brother. You nearly sigh at her thoughts of good luck aimed towards you.
“I think this was everything you wanted me to bring for you,” you father smiles, placing your bags near your bed.
“It should be,” you smile back. “Thanks for bringing this stuff.”
“Of course! If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to phone,” you dad says.
“Well, we won’t keep you for too long then,” Harold says.
“That’s okay,” you reassure him. “Did you want to stay? We could grab dinner and I could show you guys the new west wing of the school if you wanted?”
“Maybe another time, we should probably get back home soon, before the traffic gets really bad,” Harold frowns slightly, along with your father.
“Your brother’s right,” you father sighs. “Maybe we can all come visit you soon though, and stay for the whole day. I do have to drive him back to his university early tomorrow morning anyways.”
“Alright,” you smile, somewhat sadly. “Thanks for bringing my stuff.”
“Of course, sweetie,” your father smiles, pulling you in for a hug. “We’ll talk with you later, okay?”
“Okay, dad,” you mumble into his chest before pulling away.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Harold jokes, pulling you into a hug of his own.
“No promises,” you tease, hugging him back briefly.
Waving a final goodbye, you close your door behind them as they leave. Once the door is closed, you find yourself letting out a sigh.
“You okay?” Jihyo’s voice manages to pull you out of your thoughts.
You turn to look at her, a hint of sadness in your eyes, “yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m used to them not spending time with me anyways. Harold’s more important than I am. Always.”
“(Y/n), you know that’s not true,” she crosses her arms while sending you a firm look. You can practically feel her sympathy radiating off of her before her thoughts even reach you.
“You’re thinking too loudly,” you state, turning around to pull one of your suitcases onto your bed to start unpacking.
You hear her sigh before her mood is shifting to become her usual cheerful self, “well, why don’t we grab food after you’re done unpacking then?”
“Sounds good,” you shoot a smile at her from over your shoulder. “Feel free to keep me company in the mean time.”
“Sure!” She chirps. “Here, why don’t I dust your room while you unpack?”
“That’d be a big help, thanks,” you reply, already opening the drawers to your dresser to start placing your clothes into.
The two of you move around your room soon after, working around each other as you talk about your summers. It feels nice catching up with one of your closest friends, and having her help you clean your room makes the time fly by.
Soon enough, the two of you have finished, and are ready to make your way down to the mess hall in order to grab some dinner. You’re excited to see if any of your other friends have made it back today, or if they’ll be here tomorrow.
Stepping into the mess hall, it seems a little busier than normal at this time of year. Usually, most people move back to the dorms in the upcoming days, but it looks like more moved back early this year. That, and there seems to be a new guy sitting with the most popular group of students.
Your eyes narrow slightly as you walk past, hearing the curious thoughts of the students surrounding the mystery new guy. You manage to catch his eye briefly before turning your attention back to Jihyo. However, a new thought sticks out among the rest - cute.
Seeing as how Jihyo is standing right next to you, you’re assuming she’s caught this new guy’s attention. A subtle smirk pulls at your lips.
“Hey, sounds like the new guy thinks you’re cute,” you nudge her as you step in line to place your orders.
“Shut up, he was totally staring at you,” she responds, nudging you back.
“Who is he, anyways?” You inquire, interest peaked considering the amount of fuss he’s created so far.
“I’m not sure, but give me ten minutes and I’ll let you know,” she answers, looking around the mess hall to see if she can spot anyone else she might know to tell her what’s going on. “Order my usual from last year, I’ll meet you at our spot in a few.”
With that, she leaves you standing in line, off to talk with a few of her friends to update her on the new guy. You watch her walk up to Eric, your friend that you both made last year from your history of mutations class. A slight chuckle escapes your lips as you see them greet each other, almost immediately jumping into a conversation as they not so subtly eye the new guy.
Turning your attention back to the front, you realize that you’re next to order. Placing your orders, you patiently wait for your food to be made, standing off to the side as you quickly check your phone.
Scrolling through your notifications, you’re currently zoned out to the world around you. What you don’t expect though, is to feel a slight bump on your back, followed by a small ‘oof’.
Turning around, you’re met with the apologetic face of the new guy.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” he says, a nervous look crossing his features.
“No worries,” you smile at him, “no harm done.”
“I’m Jimin, by the way,” he introduces himself, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “The new guy. Or at least one of them.”
“There’s more than one of you?” You quirk a brow questioningly, curious to know of the other new students that have joined the academy this year.
“Well, I’m actually not so sure, but I’d assume so,” he begins to say. “I mean, big school, there are bound to be a few new students every year, right? Unless I’m the only one, then that’d be weird, too, right? Oh god, I’m rambling again, I’m so sorry, I need to stop, oh my god.”
You let out a small chuckle, “it’s alright. I get it, don’t worry. We were all in your shoes at some point or other, being the new kid and all.”
You can practically hear his thoughts running wild just by looking at his face, but at your words, he seems to calm down slightly, even going so far as to breathe a small sigh of relief.
“Thanks,” the corners of his lips twitch upwards. “Anyways, I should probably get going, still got a lot to explore and everything.”
“Well, if you need a tour guide-“ 
He cuts you off before you can continue, eyes widening slightly, “oh, no, that’s okay, I wouldn’t want to trouble you! Thanks though. I’ll see you around.”
With a final smile and a small wave, he’s heading off to join the group of people you saw him with when you walked into the mess hall. You simply smile to yourself, shaking your head slightly as you turn around, hearing your name get called to alert you that your food is ready. You weren’t even going to offer yourself as a tour guide, just wanting to point him in the direction of the campus lead tours they host every year for new students. You let out a small chuckle.
Grabbing the two containers, you make your way over to your usual spot where Jihyo and Eric are already sitting and waiting for you. Placing the two containers down, Jihyo grabs hers, thanking you shortly after.
“So, we saw you talking to the new guy,” she wiggles her brows suggestively at you.
“Yeah, he seems nice,” comes your reply, taking a bite of your food shortly afterwards.
“I was just telling Jihyo here that apparently he comes from the prestigious Park family that practically sits at the head of every governmental council powers are involved in,” Eric tells you, causing you to tilt your head slightly in curiosity. “Apparently, he comes from a family of powerful powers.”
“Has he expressed his gene yet?” You ask, turning to catch one final look at Jimin as he exits the mess hall.
“Apparently not,” Jihyo replies. “That’s why his parents sent him to this academy, in order to assess his skills and find out what kind of mutation he has.”
“So, you’re telling me, he could be just a regular human?” Your brow furrows in confusion, momentarily halting your eating.
“I mean, it’s possible,” Eric replies. “Mutation of a mutation, in some twisted way.”
“Woah,” Jihyo gasps.
“That’s pretty cool though, if you think about it,” you say, continuing to eat in the next moment. “Human or not, that’s still pretty neat.”
“Poor guy, though,” Jihyo adds, causing you and Eric to both look at her. “To have that kind of family, the expectations are probably really high, and considering he hasn’t expressed his gene yet… I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of pressure he must be under.”
“Yeah, fair enough,” Eric nods.
“You never know, maybe he has expressed it, but just no one knows yet,” you shrug, finishing off your dinner.
“That’s true,” Jihyo nods. “Either way, he’s cute and from what (Y/n) says, he seems nice enough. Considering he’s already in with the popular crowd must mean something.”
“Yeah, that he’s part of a major family,” Eric grumbles.
“Careful, Ric, your jealousy is showing,” you tease, watching as he crosses his arms in the next moment.
“I’m not jealous,” he pouts, though his thoughts suggest otherwise.
“Uh-huh, sure you’re not,” Jihyo gets in on the teasing. “It’s okay, we still love you.”
“Yeah,” you nod along reassuringly. “Besides, who else would be able to put up with you.”
“Hey!” He whines, causing both you and Jihyo to burst out laughing.
“We’re only kidding,” she grins, you nodding along with her.
“Yeah, yeah,” he huffs. “You guys would be lost without me.”
At this point, the three of you stand up, seeing as you and Jihyo are finished eating, and make your way out of the mess hall after throwing away your trash. The three of you continue to bicker and tease each other back and forth all the way back to the dorms, smiles never leaving your faces. You’re glad to be back, and glad to see your friends once more.
The next few days are spent with Jihyo and Eric, talking about the upcoming school year, getting resettled into the dorms, as well as catching up with some of your other friends. You’ve just gotten your schedule for the year, and it looks like you have half your classes with Jihyo, and the other half with Eric. Luckily, you all have the same lunch period and free time.
You haven’t run into the new guy, Jimin, lately, so you’re assuming he’s been hanging around with the popular kids all this time. They usually don’t reappear or show up until the first day of classes anyways.
The night before classes start, you’re just heading back to your room with Jihyo when you notice the room across from you still vacant. You send her a questioning look, since it’d odd to not have all the dorm rooms filled, especially the once across from yours considering it’s one of the biggest on this floor.
“Maybe whoever is moving in is late this year cause they’re on vacation?” Jihyo suggests.
“Maybe,” you shrug. “Or maybe there’s an actual empty room for once.”
“That’s true,” she nods.
The two of you enter your room at this, letting the door fall shut behind you. With a sigh, you plop onto your bed while Jihyo sits in your desk chair, spinning around to face you.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to tell you something!” She says, an excited look crossing her face, of which you nod for her to continue. “Apparently, that new kid, Jimin or whatever, has been asking about you.”
“Really now?” You quirk a brow. “Why the hell would he be doing that, it’s not like we talked for longer than a few minutes.”
“He probably thinks you’re cute!” Jihyo winks. “I told you he was staring at you that night in the mess hall.”
“Doesn’t mean he thinks I’m cute,” you joke with a slight roll of your eyes.
“Still, don’t be surprised if he finds you to ask you out sometime soon,” she wiggles her brows suggestively.
“Jihyo, it’s only the beginning of the year, I doubt anything like that is going to happen so soon,” you huff.
“So, you’d like it if he asked you out?” She smirks, and you can hear her raunchy thoughts teasing you.
“Well, maybe, but I hardly know him,” you reply, throwing one of your pillows at her since she’s started chuckling at you. “Oh, shut up, it’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” She teases.
You let out a sigh, “Jihyo.”
“(Y/n),” she mirrors the exasperation in your tone, looking at you expectantly.
“I talked to him for five minutes, it means nothing!” You defend yourself.
“Mmhmm,” she hums, “sure it doesn’t.”
“It’s not like I like him like that, I don’t know him,” you repeat. “The semester hasn’t even begun, so all I can do is just take it day by day.”
“Fair enough,” she nods at you, leaning back deeper into your chair.
With that, the two of you move on to another topic, talking late into the night until Jihyo retreats to her room to sleep. You bid her a goodnight and that you’ll see her tomorrow for class. Once you’ve finished getting ready for bed, you climb under the covers, thinking about what tomorrow will bring. You can’t wait to see who else is in your classes, and you hope that the semester goes by quickly.
The next morning, you groggily pull yourself out of bed. You silently curse yourself for staying up so late last night as you get ready for the day. A soft knock on your door manages to pull you from your thoughts. Opening your door reveals both Eric and Jihyo standing in the hallway with smiles on their faces.
“Ready for breakfast?” Eric asks.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you reply with a smile, stepping into the hallway with your bag and shutting the door behind you.
The three of you make your way to the mess hall, talking amongst yourselves. Once you’ve all grabbed food, you’re sitting in your usual spot.
“Don’t look now, but it looks like someone is staring at you,” Jihyo nudges your arm while motioning across the hall with her head.
Your brow furrows as you look up from your food and over to where Jihyo has directed your attention. You do your best to drown out the voices of all the students in the hall, both in your head and not, as your gaze zeroes in on Jimin. Once he notices he’s been caught staring, he looks away quickly, and you swear you hear a loud ‘shit’ in your head as he looks away, embarrassed. 
“I told you he’s interested in you!” Jihyo squeals.
“Wait, what?” This time it’s Eric’s brow that furrows in confusion. “Who are you talking about?”
With that, he turns around to see if he can catch a glimpse of whoever was staring at you.
“Jihyo insists that the new guy, Jimin, has a thing for me,” you huff, clearly amused as you lean back in your chair.
“Maybe he does,” Eric shrugs, turning back around to face you. “You never know. You could always do some snooping you know.”
“You know I would never willingly read someone’s thoughts, that’s an invasion of privacy,” you respond, eyes narrowing slightly at him for even suggesting that.
“Okay, okay,” he raises his hands in defence. “My bad.”
“Anyways, we should get to class,” Jihyo says, collecting her things and standing up.
You simply nod your head in agreement, standing up with her and gathering your own things, “see you later, Ric.”
He sends the two of you a final wave goodbye as you make your way out of the mess hall and towards your first class of the day. The whole time, you can feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of your head, causing a shiver to run down your spine. You wonder if it was Jimin who returned to staring at you. You shake your head in order to clear your thoughts. You have more important things to worry about right now.
The first few classes you have pass by fairly quickly for you, and before you know it, it’s lunchtime. Both you and Jihyo meet Eric in the mess hall once more to eat. The three of you joke around, and you double check your bag to make sure you have everything you need for your next class. With a loud sigh, you realize you forgot your textbook.
“I forgot the fucking textbook,” you voice your thoughts to your friends. “I have to run back to my room to grab it quickly, but I’ll meet you in class, okay Ric?”
“Yeah, for sure,” he nods at you as you stand up.
“Save me a seat, will you?” You grin, tossing your bag over your shoulder and seeing him nod out of the corner of your eyes.
“See you soon,” he calls before turning back to talk with Jihyo.
Walking quickly, you weave your way through the halls of the school and back to your dorm room. Once you unlock your door, you grab the textbook you forgot earlier and head off to class. Checking your phone for the time, you see you still have a few minutes to spare, so you no longer have to rush as much as you were before.
Just as you reach the classroom, you manage to bump into someone coming out from the class. You let out a small ‘oof’ before apologizing for not watching where you’re going.
A chuckle reaches your ears, “it’s alright, I wasn’t watching where I was walking either.”
“Oh, Jimin,” you shoot him a polite smile, hearing his thoughts of amusement run through his head, “are you in this class, too?”
“Yep,” he returns your smile, eyes forming little crescents. You can’t help but let out a small chuckle at his happy thoughts of actually knowing another person in his class.
“Anyways, I’m going to head inside now,” you say, stepping around him without another word. You notice his eyes following you even after you walk over to Eric who has so graciously saved you a seat.
“Damn, looks like you have a thing for literally running into guys who like you,” Eric teases once you sit down.
“Shut up, I wasn’t paying attention,” you nudge his arm slightly before pulling out your supplies for the class.
Eric only hums in response, eyes twinkling in amusement, to which you roll your own. You barely know Jimin, it’s not like that at all.
Meanwhile, Jimin stands outside in the hallway for a few more moments, thinking over the past two interactions he’s had with you. You’ve definitely caught his eye, especially since you didn’t throw yourself at him the first chance you saw him, or talked to him for that matter. You actually treated him like a person, not some prodigal son from the Park family.
He begins to make his way to the snack area to grab the drink he originally came out to get, thinking over what he felt when he touched you. He could feel the slight guilt and annoyance that comes with bumping into someone, but once you saw it was him, your feelings shifted. He could sense the curiosity and slight nervousness in you, as well as intrigue. Just like the first time he bumped into you, though this time, you got shy. 
Entering the classroom once more after he’s gotten his drink, a smile tugs at his lips. Maybe you like him like he’s starting to like you. He doesn’t know much about you, and you don’t know much about him, but you don’t seem to hold any high expectations of him. He doesn’t even know what kind of powers you possess, and he doesn’t want to be rude and just straight up ask you. He hates it when people do that to him, and he hates it even more that he has to lie every time.
Jimin, although coming from a powerful family of Powers, has what his parents consider a ‘weak’ power. He’s able to feel and understand a person’s emotions when touching them. Everything they feel, he feels, if he’s touching them, that is. However, his family doesn’t consider being an empath anything extraordinary, so he’s been told to hide what he is, to be ashamed.
This is why he hates when people expect so much of him, or are only friends with him cause of his name. His family is nothing special, just a bunch of entitled Powers who think they’re better than everyone else. He only really has one real friend, and that’s Taehyung, who luckily, also goes to this academy. This is also why he likes you so much already. He knows you won’t treat him any different than anyone else just because of his family name.
He’s used to it by now, though, so he’s able to play along with the people who only give him attention due to his name. It does get tiring, pretending all the time, but that’s why he’s so intrigued with you. He feels as if he’ll never need to pretend with you, as crazy as that sounds. What he does know, is that he wants to get closer to you, and maybe, just maybe, take you out sometime. The first step, is becoming your friend.
“Took you long enough,” Taehyung jokes once Jimin returns to his seat before the start of class, successfully pulling the aforementioned boy out of his thoughts. “Saw you ran into that girl that’s caught your eye, how’d that go?”
Jimin lets out a small sigh at the suggestive wiggle of Taehyung’s eyebrows, “I’ve only just met her, Tae. We just happened to bump into each other again.”
“Right, and that’s the reason you haven’t taken your eyes off of her since you’ve sat down,” Taehyung nudges him with his elbow.
At this, Jimin’s eyes widen. He hadn’t noticed he’d been staring at you, for his gaze naturally drifted towards where you’re sitting with your one guy friend. Well, he only hopes he’s just a friend.
“Do you know anything about her?” Jimin inquires, sitting up straighter as he watches you laugh at something the boy beside you has said.
“Just the same as you, that her name is (Y/n), and she’s been going to this academy for a few years,” Taehyung shrugs. “I know the guy that’s sitting beside her is Eric, he’s in one of my morning classes.”
Jimin simply hums in response, attention now being drawn to the front at the arrival of the professor. His mind begins to wander again as the professor introduces their course content for the semester. He has one more class after this, and he hopes that it’s also with you, so he can get another chance to talk with you, and try and become closer with you. He’s just in the middle of wondering what powers you possess when the prof’s words manage to pull him out of his thoughts.
“There will be a final assignment this term, of which you will work in pairs and give a presentation on what you’ve researched at the end of the semester,” at the shifting and murmurs starting up in the room, the professor continues, “I will be picking your partners, so you should all look forward to working with someone new. The sooner you know your partner and your topic, the better, hence why I will be assigning the groups before the end of class. I expect a topic to be chosen by Monday next week, that way you have the weekend to discuss with your partner what you’d like to work on from the approved topics. Have two backups ready incase you don’t get your first choice.”
You let out a sigh as you jot down ‘Monday, topic due’ for this class. You wonder who your partner will be, and unfortunately, you don’t think you’ll be lucky enough to get partnered with Eric.
Since the start of class, you’ve been zoning out everyone’s thoughts, wanting to not only practice this skill, but also not have to listen to everyone thinking at once. You’re glad you learned this technique last year, now, you only need to perfect it.
Soon enough, it nears the end of class and the prof starts calling out the partners for the final assignment. They explained that the final is worth eighty percent of your entire grade, the other twenty percent on attendance and participation. This only causes your anxiety to skyrocket, hating that your mark weighs heavily on one thing only. You just hope you get paired with someone decent and who doesn’t slack off.
“Eric and Taehyung,” they call, followed by, “(Y/n) and Jimin.”
At this, some heads turn to face you while some turn to face Jimin. You glance over to see he’s already staring at you with a smile on his face, so you send him one back. At least it’s someone you’ve actually met before, albeit briefly.
Class ends shortly after the last names are called, and you notice Jimin and his friend heading towards you and Eric.
“Hey,” Jimin greets you once they’re close enough.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here,” you joke, and you notice his friend grinning at your response.
“I’m Taehyung, by the way, and I believe you’re my partner,” he says, turning to look at Eric beside you.
“I’m Eric, nice to meet you,” Eric nods in greeting.
The two of them start to talk about class and the project, Eric calling an ‘I’ll see you next class’ over his shoulder as he walks down the hall with Taehyung.
“Damn, they really hit it off,” you laugh, gathering the last of your things and slinging your bag over your shoulder.
“No kidding,” Jimin replies, letting out a huff of amusement. “So, partners?”
“Well, yeah,” you grin, “we kind of have to be.”
“True, true,” he hums as the two of you make your way out into the hall. “What’s your next class?”
“I’ve got practical training with Eric, what about you?” You reply, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes.
“History of mutations, upper year one,” he tells you, to which you nod.
“I have that in the mornings with Jihyo,” you say.
“Here, how about we exchange numbers so we can talk about this assignment more when we’re both free,” he suggests, and you don’t need to hear his thoughts to see the hope shining in his eyes.
You giggle, “sure.”
Stepping to the side of the hallway, you both input your numbers into the other’s phone. Checking the time on your phone once you get it back, your eyes widen slightly. You’ve only got three minutes to get to class now, so you wave goodbye to Jimin and head on your way.
Jimin watches your form disappear around the corner with a sigh. He was hoping that you two would have the last class of the day together as well, but it looks like luck isn’t on his side. Oh well, at least he has your number now.
That night, you receive a text from Jimin asking you if you’re free Saturday to possibly discuss the project in full. You agree without question, letting him know that the sooner you get this done, the better.
Saturday comes and you end up meeting Jimin in the little café by the school gardens. It’s a beautiful day so you both decide to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine before the weather takes a turn for the worse.
Luckily, the two of you manage to decide on a topic pretty quickly, and choosing your two backups is a breeze. So far, the two of you have been sitting by the rose bushes for almost two hours now, falling into a natural conversation after deciding on what you’ll do for your project.
The whole time, Jimin watches you speak with a twinkle in his eyes. He can tell you’re not afraid of being honest with him and actually talking to him instead of trying to impress him like so many others. He enjoys getting to know you, and he likes how you listen to what he has to say, and actually respond to it instead of just agreeing with everything like so many others.
While you’ve been talking, you’ve also been working hard to maintain your silence in your head, making sure not to allow any stray thoughts from anyone into your mind. You’re pretty proud of yourself, so far, you’ve been able to maintain it and not give yourself a headache. Granted, there aren’t too many people around thinking loudly, which you couldn’t be more grateful for.
From what you’ve observed of Jimin so far, you can tell he’s a bit more reserved than he wants people to think. This only makes you think he’s hiding something, but his business is his own and he seems like a decent guy, so it can’t be anything bad. Maybe he’s just a shy person underneath everything. Either way, you enjoy spending time with him.
Currently, he’s nodding along intently to everything you have to say, eyes trailing over your face occasionally. He enjoys watching you, noting all the little quirks you have when you tell a story. He can’t even help himself when his eyes begin to drift towards your lips, wondering how they’d feel against his own, and if it’d be too early to make a move. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t register the small shift in your voice.
“Oh, hi Jimin!” A voice interrupts you mid-sentence as you’re telling Jimin about your first year at the academy.
He turns his head, and you notice his eyes droop slightly in recognition, though his fake smile fools the girl easily enough, “oh, hi Sharen.”
“I saw you sitting by the roses and I just knew I had to come say hello,” she giggles, twirling a strand of her hair with her finger.
Checking your phone for the time, you shift uncomfortably. Sharen is one of the most popular Powers of the school. She has the ability to control plants, of which you were envious of in first year, before you got to know how rude she is to everyone who doesn’t have an elemental power.
“Oh shit, it’s getting late,” you say, your chair making a small scraping noise as you push it back to stand up. “I better get going.”
“No, wait, (Y/n),” Jimin goes to stop you, but Sharen gets in his way.
“It was nice talking with you, let me know when you’re free to work more on the project,” you shoot him a tight smile before rushing off, not wanting to remain under her scrutinizing gaze any longer.
Jimin hardly gets to watch you leave as Sharen steps into his line of vision once more, going on and on about something he really doesn’t care about. He sits back in his chair, defeated, but also irritated at Sharen for interrupting such a nice time he was having with you. Now, he zones her out, thinking about you, and how this evening could have went instead.
Maybe he could have invited you back to his dorm to watch a movie, getting to know each other more. He was hoping to at least graze your arm and get a sense of how you feel around him, but it looks like that will have to wait for a while longer. Even though he’s only known you for about a week, he can tell he’s starting to fall, and fall hard.
Instead, in order to keep up the appearance he’s created for himself, he watches Sharen, now in your spot ramble on about how powerful and in control of her powers she is. He nearly rolls his eyes at this, for he couldn’t care less. He hears enough of this shit at home.
Using the same strategy you just did, he checks his phone, but instead, he acts like he’s gotten a text from his parents. He goes to leave, but Sharen grabs his arm and he hates how he can suddenly feel her emotions. She’s disappointed, but also curious, not to mention interested in him. That much is clear even without him being an empath.
“You know, I’m here for you Jimin,” she says, attempting to be sincere but coming across as fake as she is to everyone else. “If you ever need somebody, for any reason, anything at all, I’m here.”
He nearly shivers in disgust at the shift in emotions he feels come from her, as well as the double meaning of her words. He’d rather stick a thorn in palm of his hand, and then set it on fire.
Still, he politely thanks her before taking off back to his dorm room for the evening. Appearances are everything, or so he’s been conditioned to believe. If you can’t make friends of your enemies, you’ll never be able to get far in this life.
The next month passes by fairly quickly, and before you know it, midterms have arrived. Luckily for you, both you and Jimin managed to get your first topic choice for your project, so you’re grateful for that. You’ve been meeting every Saturday for an hour or two to discuss the project and do some research on your topic, and you’ve both grown closer during this time.
You’ve caught some of his stray thoughts around you when he begins to think too loudly, and even though you do your best to block him out, it doesn’t work. Some thoughts just want to be heard, not to mention the ones that people want you to hear. Though, you doubt he wants you to hear him thinking about kissing you, or even giving you a lingering hug. It’s just a simple crush, at least, that’s what you tell yourself.
He hasn’t made any type of move yet, so you can safely say you’re not leading him on. Nor have you given him false hope, for you’ve never really talked about relationships before, and you’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible. Besides, you can tell Sharen has the hots for him, and the last thing you need is to become the target for her incessant bullying by ‘getting in her way.’
Speaking of Sharen, she seems to always appear wherever you and Jimin are working. Whether it be the garden café on the last few nicer days of the season, the library, or even the mess hall, she has a habit of showing up either in the middle of your research sessions, or near the end. One time she even turned up right at the beginning and you couldn’t even get any work done. 
She always has a way of getting into your head, and every time, you can hear her spewing insults and laughing at you. It’s getting quite tiresome, honestly, having to deal with her throwing herself at Jimin, and acting like a child. It doesn’t take a telepath like you to know how uncomfortable he is when she shows up. Unfortunately, she cannot take a hint.
Jimin, for one, could not be happier about spending more time with you. He knows all this time spent with one another is only making what he feels for you stronger. He really wants to ask you what your power is, since he still doesn’t know, but he holds off ever time. He’ll wait until you’re ready, he doesn’t want to push your trust.
However, every time Sharen comes along he gets closer and closer to blowing his facade. She makes him so irritable, and he hates being able to feel her attraction to him grow every time she touches him. He swears that she’s become obsessed.
The final straw for him is when she follows him back to his dorm room one evening despite the fact that he’s told her he has an important call with his parents. He sent a text to Taehyung while heading back to his room just in case, using the pretence of texting his parents to make sure Sharen didn’t suspect anything.
Once he gets to his room, he tells her, somewhat through gritted teeth, that he needs to be alone now. He opens his door only to be pushed into his room by her, and he shudders at the lust he feels seeping through her skin.
“Okay, I’m going to be level with you,” she begins, holding his wrists in her hands as she pins him to the wall, “I’ve had my eyes on you since the minute you walked into this goddamn academy, and for some reason, you’ve ignored every single fucking advance I’ve made. I want you, but you don’t want me. Why is that?”
He figures it’s a rhetorical question, but he answers anyways, “I’m sorry, Sharen, I don’t like you in that way. I think you’re a nice girl, but-“
“But what?” She nearly shrieks, grip tightening on his wrists. “Am I not good enough for you? For the mighty Park,” the way she spits his family’s name makes him cringe.
“No, that’s not it,” he shakes his head, counting the seconds that tick by the longer she has him in her hold.
“Then what is it? Huh?” She tilts her head, eyes wide. “Don’t tell me someone else has caught your eye, I’m the hottest piece of ass in this place.” He remains quiet, and he can feel her anger and jealousy before they flash in her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for that bitch, what was her name again…” she takes a moment to think, which only causes Jimin’s own anger to flare, “oh yeah, (Y/n). That good for nothing, bitch.”
“She’s better than you,” he snaps, eyes narrow as he glares at her.
“Excuse me,” she seethes, face contorting in anger.
“You heard me,” he spits back. “Now, get off of me.”
“I don’t think so,” she smirks, stepping closer to his body and pushing him further into the wall.
“You’re going to loosen your grip and let go of him slowly while backing away,” a deep voice breaks through the tension in the room.
Turning his head, Jimin nods in thanks to Taehyung as he uses his hypnotic voice on Sharen. Her eyes glaze over and she does what she’s been told. 
“Thanks man,” Jimin says, rubbing his now red wrists to ease some of the pain in them. “I had a feeling she was going to try something.”
“Come on, let’s go tell the dean,” Taehyung motions down the hallway with his head, turning to Sharen in the next moment to instruct her what to do next while he still has her in a trance. “You’re going to come with us and tell the dean what you’ve done, and what you’ve said here tonight.”
Almost robotically, she nods her head, slowly walking out of the room and leading the way to the dean’s office. The two boys follow behind her, silently conversing with each other the whole way about what they’re going to do once they reach the office. Jimin already has a plan in mind, and he just hopes he can pull it off.
About a week ago, he remembers you saying something about the room across from yours remaining vacant for the school year. If he plays his cards right, he’s hoping to be able to move rooms. That way, he can be closer to you.
The next morning, you’re awoken to the sounds of something being moved outside your dorm room. Groggily getting out of bed to see what the commotion is all about, you open your door. It takes a moment to register that the door to the room across from yours is open, and a figure can be seen moving stuff around on the inside while some suitcases still reside in the hallway.
“Oh, good morning (Y/n),” Jimin says, shooting you a smile once he sees you standing in your doorway looking at him through sleepy eyes.
“Jimin? Is that you? What’s going on?” You rub your eyes, thinking you’re still dreaming, considering you swear you’ve heard Jimin’s voice in your head echoing the word beautiful a few times.
“You would not believe the night I’ve had,” he chuckles, grabbing his last few suitcases and rolling them into his new room.
“I really can’t even try and guess what could have possibly happened,” you say through a yawn. “What made you change rooms?”
“Well,” he pauses, taking a moment to look down the hallway to make sure no one is eavesdropping. “Sharen assaulted me last night.”
At his words, your eyes fling open, “oh my god, are you okay?”
“Fine, now, thank you,” he smiles faintly at your concern. “Luckily, it was only her grabbing my wrists and acting intimidating. Also lucky I sent a text to my friend Taehyung that she was giving me bad vibes and to come rescue me.”
“Lucky indeed,” you nod. “Still, why the sudden change of rooms?”
“Well, I felt uncomfortable staying in a room where she knows is located, considering what she did last night,” he says, and you nod once more in understanding.
“Yeah, that’s true,” you agree, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you lean against the doorframe. “Do you need any help unpacking?”
“Oh, no! I couldn’t possibly bother you any more than I have,” he replies, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind keeping you some company,” you smile reassuringly at him. “Especially after the night you’ve had.”
“Only if you want to,” he replies, a blush rising to his cheeks as he thinks about you finally being in his room, even if it’s one he hasn’t even slept in himself yet.
“Sure, let me put on a sweater first,” you send him another smile before retreating back into your room to grab the aforementioned item of clothing. Not even a minute later, you’re exiting your dorm room and crossing the threshold into his. “Did you want me to close the door?”
“It’s up to you,” he replies, placing books on his desk. He wants you to decide what you’re most comfortable with, though he’d prefer it if you closed the door.
It’s like you read his thoughts, for he hears the soft click of the door closing in the next moment. He smirks to himself. Finally, he’s alone with you in his room.
You opted to close the door to give him some privacy from anyone who could walk down the hallway. You figure he probably doesn’t want people snooping in his business, considering the night he’s had. You also make sure to put your mind barrier up before anything else, just in case he has some stray thoughts. You don’t want to invade his privacy.
“Well, at least this’ll make it easier for when we want to work on our assignment,” you joke, successfully lightening the mood as you hear him let out a laugh.
“For sure,” he smiles. “Just so you know, you’re welcome in my room anytime.”
“Thanks,” you reply with a smile of your own. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
With that you offer to help him unpack once more, but he insists you simply keep him company. Sighing while shaking your head, you climb onto his unmade bed and sit against the wall. The two of you continue to make conversation with each other as he unpacks, and before you know it, it’s lunchtime.
Jimin suggests getting lunch together, but you politely decline. After all, you have some assignments you need to get done for tomorrow, plus you want to take a nap. You’re still tired from being woken up so early this morning. However, you fail to see the small pout that resides on his lips as you exit his room to retreat back into your own.
The next month flies by just as the previous one did, during which time the whole school found out about Sharen assaulting Jimin. Needless to say, she’s no longer in with the popular crowd. You’ve grown closer to Jimin still, but you’ve noticed his thoughts have become more prominent every time you’re with him, and they always seem to concern you. You do your best to block them out, but it’s as if he wants everyone to hear them. There’s no way he knows about your powers, at least, you don’t think so. However, you can never know for sure.
It’s currently Friday afternoon, and you’re sitting in your class which you share with both Eric and Jimin. You, as usual, sit beside Eric for the class, and the two of you are discussing plans for next weekend, seeing as it will be Jihyo’s birthday. 
Jimin cannot help but glare at Eric as he makes you laugh once more, gripping his pencil so hard that it snaps. He’s been finding that he grows jealous easily over you lately, and he knows he should ask you out soon, before it gets out of hand. He can’t help the dark thoughts that crawl into his mind, especially at night, whispering that only he should be able to have you to himself. Nobody else deserves you, and no one else understands him like you do. You’re the only one for him, the only person he can envision a happy future with.
“Woah, dude, are you okay?” Taehyung’s voice manages to pull Jimin out of his ever consuming thoughts about you.
“Fine,” Jimin clears his throat, grabbing a new pencil out of his bag as he tosses the now broken one away.
“You don’t seem fine,” his best friend quirks a brow, gaze drifting in the direction Jimin’s is in to see what has his attention. “Ah, I see. Trouble in paradise?”
“I’m not in the mood to be teased right now, Taehyung,” Jimin says, clearly irritated.
“What? She reject you?” Taehyung muses, and that thought alone nearly sets Jimin off, yet he manages to remain calm. His emotions are all over the place lately, and he has a feeling he knows why.
You’ve been subtly pulling away from Jimin since the beginning of the week. He doesn’t know what he’s done wrong, and he can’t figure out why you’ve been avoiding him. It doesn’t help that you’ve been hanging around with your friends more than usual. Only he deserves your attention, and now that you’re barely giving him any, he wants it all. 
You’re scheduled to finish up the final touches on your project tomorrow with him, and he just hopes you don’t rush out. He wants to know what he did so he can fix it. He wants you.
The next twenty-four hours feel like absolute agony to him, for they pass by extremely slow. You’re supposed to come to his room around six to finish up the project, and he can hardly wait. He grabbed some food earlier just incase you’re hungry when you come over. Even if it’s in the smallest ways, he wants you to know that he’s thinking of you, that he can provide for you and take care of you.
At long last, a knock sounds at his door at six o’clock, and he practically springs off of his bed to let you into his room. Just like the first time he saw you, you manage to take his breath away. You’re so beautiful, and soon, you’ll be all his.
“Hey, you ready to finish this monster?” You smirk, stepping into his room with your laptop held in your arms.
“More than you could ever believe,” he responds, and he smiles as he hears you laugh.
“Oh, come on, I can’t be that horrible to work with, can I?” You tease, and he tenses slightly as the door falls shut. 
Is that what you think? Is that the reason you’ve been avoiding him? Do you think he’ll want nothing to do with you once you’ve finished this assignment? To him, the idea is preposterous, but doubt starts to cloud his mind. He would never let you go again if he got the option, but he needs to make you his first, and let you know that he’ll always want you. You, and only you.
“Of course not!” He replies, eyes wide. “You’ve been the best partner I could have hoped for!”
“Phew,” you wipe imaginary sweat off of your forehead in mock relief, “and here I was, worried for nothing.”
The two of you share a laugh, smiles on both your faces until Jimin breaks the small silence that’s settled over the two of you.
“Hey, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to stay and watch a movie or something after we’re finished?” he asks, suddenly nervous you’ll say no. “You know, as a sort of celebration for completing the assignment?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod, a soft smile gracing your features. “Sounds good to me.”
“Great!” Comes out a little bit too enthusiastically, which has him clearing his throat in the next moment, “shall we, then?”
“We shall,” you reply with a nod, and in the next moment, the two of you are sitting around his desk finishing off the final touches of your presentation.
About an hour passes by and you lean back in your chair, stretching your arms above your head as you let out a groan. Jimin can’t help but glance down at the small piece of skin that gets revealed to him near your stomach when you do this. He licks his lips and swallows hard.
“Well, that should do it!” You grin, letting your hands fall to your lap as you turn your gaze to him.
“I’m so glad we’re done!” He mirrors your grin.
“Ugh, an I ever tired,” you groan, standing up from your chair only to flop on top of his bed.
“Me too,” he says, joining you on the bed.
He lays on his side, staring at your figure as your chest rises and falls with every breath you take. So badly he wants to reach over and cup your cheek with his hand, leaning over to kiss you to celebrate a job well done. He settles on memorizing your features for now.
“You got any snacks, I’m starving,” you say, sitting up in order to shift your position to leaning against the wall.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he shakes his head, seemingly distracted.
Standing up, he pops open his mini-fridge as well as a small cupboard filled with various foods and drinks. He notices your expression of awe and can’t help but smile. A warmth fills his chest at knowing he’s made you speechless, in a good way. Of which he hopes to do many times tonight, and throughout the rest of your lives.
“Are those what I think they are?” You gasp, hopping off the bed to pull out a familiar red package which contains your favourite snacks from when you were a kid. Your eyes sparkle with nostalgia as you rip open the package, “gosh, I haven’t had these since I was a kid. My parents would always take me and my brother to the cottage in the summer and would buy these for us for the car ride.”
“You have a brother?” He inquires, face reflecting the surprise he feels. In all the weeks you’ve been getting to know each other, you’ve not once mentioned having a brother.
Immediately, your expression falls, “yeah.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I guess that might be a tender subject for you, given that you haven’t mentioned him before,” Jimin says, face showing clear concern for you at how sad you look all of a sudden. He lets the door to the fridge fall shut.
“No, it’s okay,” you shake your head, lips twitching upwards briefly. “It’s not like he’s dead.”
You take a seat on the edge of his bed, snacks still held in your hand. You lean forwards slightly, staring at the floor.
“What happened?” He sits beside you, close, but not too close. “If you’re okay with telling me, of course.”
“I haven’t heard from him or my parents since they dropped my off here at school,” you begin, biting your lower lip. “Ever since they found out I had powers, they’ve treated me differently. They’re nice enough to my face and for appearances sake, but they always treat him better. He’s the normal one in a normal family. He got into a good school, kept good grades, always did what they wanted him to. They always cared more about him than me, and he knows it. He knows he’s better than me.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you know that’s not true,” he places a gentle hand on your shoulder in comfort, and he’s hit with a wave of emotions. Sadness, anger, bitterness, resentment.
“It is, though. He’s told me so himself,” you chuckle humourlessly as tears dot your vision. You don’t know why you’re getting so worked up over your family all of a sudden. Maybe it’s because you’ve kept it all bottled up inside since you’ve been dropped off at school this year. You continue, “my parents thought I was crazy when I was a child. So much so that they shamed me for the power I developed, and I don’t like having it. I’m not normal to them, I’m a mistake.”
“You are not a mistake,” his voice is soft, comforting, as his hand draws small circles on your back. He can feel your sadness growing with each passing second, and he’ll do anything to cheer you up, but he doesn’t know how. “You’re one of the smartest people I know. You’re beautiful and caring, both inside and out. I’m glad I met you, for I feel like you’re the only one who truly knows me, and sees me for who I am. You’re special, and you shouldn’t let anyone take that away from you.”
You send him a weak smile, “thanks Jimin, thats very sweet of you.”
“And hey, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he takes a deep breath, “I’ve known my power since I was eight, but my parents were so ashamed it wasn’t a power like theirs that they shamed me into hiding it from others. People expect so much from me because of my family, but I’m just me. Just like you’re just you, and you shouldn’t change a goddamn thing about yourself because to me, you’re perfect.”
“Jimin, I’m so sorry,” you meet his gaze, and he can sense the slight shift in your emotions at his words. “Your parents are wrong. I’m sure your power is wonderful no matter what it is.”
“Empathy,” a small smile tugs at his lips. “I’m an empath.”
“That’s perfect,” you smile at him, and his heart soars. “How does it-“
“Work?” He finishes for you, and at seeing your curious nod, he continues, “through touch. When I touch someone, I can feel exactly what they’re feeling.”
“Oh,” you say, glancing at where his hand is, now touching your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, it was more for comfort than wanting to know what you were feeling,” he assures you, and you nod slowly.
You meet his gaze once more, “thank you for sharing that with me.”
“Thank you for telling me about your brother,” he replies, staring deeply into your eyes.
He can feel your emotions changing, the sadness becoming drowned out by a feeling of comfort and calm, but also, nervousness. He wants to pry deeper, to know everything you’re feeling in this moment, but he dwells at the surface, not wanting to overstep his boundaries at the moment. The two of you have just shared an intimate, emotional experience with each other, and he doesn’t want to ruin it.
His heart nearly beats out of his chest when he notices you glance down at his lips. He can feel the curiosity growing in you, the spark of interest, and he cannot let this opportunity go to waste. This is his chance, and he takes it.
Slowly, so as not to scare you away, he trails his hand to your lower back, shifting closer to you ever so slightly. He begins to lean in, and he can feel the anticipation building within you. Your eyes flutter closed.
The moment his lips meet yours, it feels as if fireworks are igniting within his entire body. The feeling of your lips against his feels so natural, so right, that he never wants it to end. He pulls you closer, bringing his other hand up to cup your cheek gently, stroking his thumb over your skin. This is all he’s ever dreamed of, and more.
Deepening the kiss, he hears the snack bag in your hands fall to the floor, pushing you back onto his bed as he settles on top of you. His heart races in his chest and he has to pull away to catch his breath. Staring deeply into your eyes, he smiles, diving in for another kiss, much more heated this time around.
The two of you lay there for a few minutes, simply letting your lips explore the other. He can’t help but smirk at the gasp you let out when you feel him bite down on your neck, nibbling softly on the skin. He wants to mark you all over tonight, and make sure that when everyone sees the marks he’s left on you, they know that you’re his.
He pulls away, and he can sense some hesitance on your part, reluctance swirling beneath the surface of your skin that’s come on so suddenly. He parts from your body when he feels your hands on his chest pushing him off of you, confusion evident on his face.
Rolling onto his side, concern crosses his features as he watches you get up from his bed. Immediately, he sits up, thinking he’s done something to upset you when all he wants is for you to be back in his arms.
“(Y/n), I-“
“I should really go,” you cut him off before he can say anything else. “It’s late. Goodnight.” 
With that, you’re grabbing your laptop and exiting his room without a single glance back at him. 
To say Jimin is stunned would be an understatement. He thought things were going well between the two of you and that opening up to each other was a sign you trusted one another. He thought you were making progress, he thought you were finally becoming his.
A groan of frustration escapes his lips as he falls back onto his pillow. For a fleeting minute, you were his, laying beneath him, letting out the cutest sounds for him, and only him. Yet something, something scared you away.
Maybe he moved too fast at first, or was expecting too much from you. God, he’d never force you into anything like that. Never in a million years; he’d hate himself if that ever happened. He just hopes that you know that.
Letting out a sigh, he stares at his ceiling. Sleep won’t come easily to him tonight, not with these thoughts of you racing through his head, and most certainly not when only minutes ago he had you in his bed, beneath him, kissing you.
He closes his eyes, recalling the soft feel of your lips against his, the way you tasted. How he wishes it could have lasted longer, that he could have shown you exactly how he feels for you. So badly he wants you to know that you’re the only one for him, the only one he loves, the only one he’ll ever love.
He lets his mind wander, allowing for images of how the night could have went to fill his mind and take over his senses until the only thing he can think of, is you.
Meanwhile, you quickly get ready for bed once you’re back in your own room, making sure to double check the lock on your door before sliding underneath the covers. Your eyes are wide open as you stare at your ceiling, recalling exactly the moment that made you hightail and book it out of Jimin’s room.
Your mental block was up, but it began to slip the longer Jimin kissed you, causing you to lose your grip on reality. Just as you were getting ready to let the barricade drop, seeing as you trusted him, a wave of possessive thoughts entered your mind.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. The darkness you felt surrounding his thoughts scared you. Never have you heard, or felt, anything like it before. You worried for yourself and what he might have done once he actually got you to himself. You’re not even dating, and he’s having these kinds of thoughts where just a glimpse at them has you running away.
Now, you’re pulled out of your own thoughts about the matter when you hear your name being whispered in your mind. It sounds like Jimin, and you have no idea how he’s managed to penetrate your walls.
You concentrate, focussing on strengthening your mental blockade, and it works for a few minutes until another call of your name breaks through. Furrowing your brow, you wonder how he’s managing to do such a thing, for you know he’s not a telepath, and you’re pretty sure he doesn’t know that you’re one.
With each passing moment, you can feel his thoughts getting louder, getting stronger, and you are horrified all the same. Your eyes are wide open as you can hear his thoughts clear as day, ringing through your head, painting a vivid portrait of what he’s imagining.
Doing you best to block out the images, your heart pounds. One second you see yourself beneath him with your arms around his shoulders and your legs wrapped around his waist as he rolls his hips into yours. The next, your hands are bound to the bed frame as he eats you out, a blindfold covering your eyes. Soon, another image of you riding him slowly, sensually, fills your mind, his praises following shortly after.
You can hear each and every thought he has during these moments, overcome with the need to make you his. To show the world that you belong to him, and only him. A shudder of disgust runs down your spine as you hear him think about how he’ll be able to feel your pleasure through touching you during these times, only increasing his own pleasure at the same time.
His thoughts demand to be heard, to be seen, and no matter how hard you try to block them out, you can’t.
You can tell he’s come after a few minutes, for the vivid images have finally stopped, and now he’s thinking about basking in your afterglow. Luckily, you’re able to block him out now, but the damage has been done.
His thoughts screamed his love for you, but what you felt was not love. It is obsession, a need to possess you and keep you all to himself. You need to keep away from him, before this situation becomes worse than it already is. And to think, all of this was just because you were nice to him and treated him like a regular person.
Finally, you manage to get some sleep, but your dreams are filled with nightmares of Jimin always chasing you and never being able to let you go. To say you don’t sleep well would be an understatement.
For the entire week, you manage to avoid him. Rushing off when you see him approaching you in the hallways, and ignoring his calls. Even the students have started whispering about it, wondering why anyone could ever ignore Park Jimin, the nicest guy in school. However, you know the truth, that beneath that facade is a dark monster lurking beneath the surface, waiting to strike.
To Jimin, that week feels like an eternity of agony. He doesn’t understand why you’re avoiding him, and it drives him crazy. Every time he sees you giving your attention to someone who is not him, someone undeserving of you, it causes his blood to boil. That should be him you’re giving all your attention to, not anyone else.
Your presentation is in a few days’ time, which worries you. You know you have to practice in order to get a good mark, and you’ll have to make sure you both have your facts down. At least after this, you can avoid him for good.
The whole time you practise the presentation with him in the library the night before the presentation, you expect him to confront you about what happened in his room the last time the two of you saw each other. As much as it pains him though, he’s decided to let you approach the subject first. He doesn’t want to push you away, nor make you run away from him again. If you go back to ignoring him after your presentation, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do.
Soon enough, your presentation comes and goes, and the two of you end up getting the best mark in the class, of which you could not be happier about. You notice Jimin still looking gloomy, and he scowls when he sees you hug Eric out of happiness. He’s getting tired of waiting for you to go to him. No matter, he has a plan in mind, and in order to set it in motion, he’ll need to make a few calls.
That evening, a knock on your door pulls you out of the notes you’re currently reviewing. Standing up, you stretch briefly before moving over to see who could be at your door at this time of night. Opening your door reveals Jimin standing there with his jaw clenched, clearly not happy.
“I need to talk to you,” he says, not even giving you a chance to respond before barging into your room.
“Jimin, what the hell, you can’t just barge into my room like this,” you say, crossing your arms in front of your chest as the door falls shut.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” He cuts straight to the point, turning around to face you, eyes dark as he meets your gaze.
“I haven’t been avoiding you,” comes your reply, but your voice is a little too tense for your statement to be true.
“Yes, you have,” he counters, mirroring your stance. “I was worried about you, so I did some digging. Normally I don’t like using my status to do these things but you left me no choice.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Your brow furrows.
“You’re a telepath,” he states, and you’re caught off guard.
“Excuse me?” 
“I looked into you, found out everything I could,” he says, taking a step towards you to close the distance between your bodies, only for you to take a step back yourself. “I know where you were born, where you grew up, everything about your family, even your power which you hide from everyone. But now? Now I understand why you’ve been avoiding me. Well, partially. While doing my research I happened to find out that you’ve been practicing mental blocks, so I looked into it. Turns out, if you experience high emotions, or if another person in close range experiences high emotions, it can penetrate that defence occasionally.”
“What are you implying here?” You frown, taking another step back as he takes another forwards.
“You know exactly what I’m getting at,” he smirks as your back hits the wall. “Obviously, despite your mental block, you’ve overheard some of my thoughts about you, though I don’t know why you don’t like them. I don’t like playing this card, but I’m a fairly desirable man with a powerful family, and I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. I only want for you to become mine.”
“What makes you think I’ll agree,” you reply, eyes narrowed slightly at him. “I don’t care about any of that.”
“That’s exactly why I love you,” he hums, amused. “I knew you were going to say that, and I also knew you wouldn’t agree willingly. So, I made some more calls. Turns out I’m getting to that age where my parents think it’s best for me to get engaged, and who better to have as a daughter-in-law to my parents than a simple girl who came from a regular family. Humbles the Park family in the public eye while simultaneously keeping up appearances. Shows we’re not so narrow-minded about Powers. Besides, it’s the least they can do for me after the hell they’ve subjected me to.”
“I will never marry you, you’re delusional,” you say, leaning your head as far away from him as you can as he presses himself against you, successfully pinning you to the wall.
“See, that’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” his grin turns sinister. “Your parents have already agreed to the arrangement, and there’s going to be an announcement in the morning about our engagement. Who’s going to believe you, anyways? Everyone knows me as the kind son and heir of the Park family. You’re mine, whether you like it or not.”
“I can’t believe you,” you swallow the lump that’s in your throat.
“No, no, don’t be scared, baby,” he coos, bringing his hand up to stroke your cheek. “I would never hurt you, I love you too much.”
“You really expect me to love you after all of this? Forcing me into a marriage I don’t want?” You seethe, pushing him off of you and causing him to stumble back a few paces.
“You’ll warm up to it eventually,” he chuckles, “and in time, you’ll be consumed by my love just as I’ve been consumed by you. Now, let’s go to bed, we’ve got a big day tomorrow. After all, soon the whole world is going to know that you’re going to be my wife.”
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lauwrite1225 · 4 years ago
Somebody to die for.
Finan x OC; The Old Guard inspired Alternative Universe
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Summary : Victoria’s life is rather simple until she has a car accident from which she ends up miraculously unscathed. A series of weird events animates her daily life, everything seemingly bringing her to a strange man. Until this very man knocks at her door.
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A/N : It’s Finan Friday again my dudes! I hope you all are fine! This chapter signs the REAL beginning of the story, hope you will like it ;)
Warnings : none! For once! Won’t last I fear lmaoo
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Chapter 4 : I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me
Victoria wakes up suddenly, a frightened scream escaping her. She is sweaty and panting, her hands resting on her chest as she stares at the darkness surrounding her. Soon enough, the obscurity is broken when the door of her bedroom opens, letting in the light from the corridor. Finan is standing in the doorway but she can't read his expression as she sits up on her bed. 
“Are ya alright?” He asks, walking carefully towards her. 
She nods quickly, catching her breath in slow inhales and exhales again, but she's still shaking. He sits on the edge of her bed, his worried eyes studying her face and his hand rubbing her back. 
“I'm alright.” She whispers. “It was just a dream.” 
Finan suddenly stops his movement, making her look at him, his eyebrows furrowed.  “D'ya still have dreams?”
“After I met you it stopped.” She explains, rubbing her face and then letting her hands slide in her hair. “But I was back in the forest, where you died. You were still here, but I was staring at that young monk.” Finan's fingers tense against the fabric of her shirt, but she doesn't pay attention to it. “It was just like for you. I felt him die.” 
Victoria sighs, confused and still shocked. Finan's palm leaves her back and she turns her head to him. “Is it the first time ya've been dreamin' of him?”
She shakes her head. “No… No it isn't.” She stands up, walking to her desk to search for a paper. She feels Finan's gaze on her before she hears him walking behind her. “When I started to dream about you, I drew you.” She explains, pointing at a portrait of Finan. He takes it delicately while she keeps looking for the others. “Here!” 
She grabs her drawing of the young monk and hands it to Finan. His face falls and he mutters something inaudible.
“I think I've seen him through your memories.” She continues, ignoring the way he retreats, his eyes still fixed on the paper, until his calves hit her bed and he sits on it. “Do you know him?” She asks, crouching in front of him to try to meet his eyes.
Finan's jaw clenches and she squeezes his knee, calling him softly, but he is desperately captivated by the young man from her dreams. His reaction however is enough for her to understand that he isn't a stranger to him.
“Finan, if I've been dreaming of him, maybe that means he isn't dead. Maybe he is like us.” She says, a hopeful and reassuring smile growing on her lips. 
She thought the news would have pleased him, especially after being lonely for a millennium. And it seems that this monk is someone he used to know, one more reason for Victoria to think that he should be happy. But there's not even the shadow of a smile on his face. Instead, he exhales slowly, putting the drawing beside him onto the blanket.
“I know.”
Vicky blinks, confused. “What do you mean, you know?” 
“I know him and I know he is alive.” He says emotionless, avoiding her gaze. 
She stands on her feet, her eyes wide open. She can't believe he has been lying to her and it's a strange feeling that boils in her chest, made of confusion, anger and betrayal. Finan looks up to her and is about to speak but she slaps him across the face. She's as surprised as he is about her action but she can't find the will to apologize while he rubs his cheek.
“You lied to me!” She shouts at him, her voice breaking in disbelief. “You said we were the only ones! You said you've been alone for all this time.”
“It's more complicated than ya think.” He grumbles.
Victoria scoffs. “It's no reason to lie to me! I trusted you!” Finan's jaw twitches but he says nothing, which upsets her even more. But she tries to calm down, wanting to know the truth. “How many are we?”
He hesitates, his fingers drumming on his thigh. “With ya, five.” 
“Fucking five!” She rolls her eyes and walks to her desk to take her two last drawings, handing them to the Irishman. His face darkens even more and she notices how hardly he swallows as he takes in the two men. “Is it them?” 
He nods, and even though she can see the emotions in his eyes, the way tears are threatening to roll on his cheeks, she can only feel anger. She pinches the bridge of her nose, walking in circles around her bedroom. “I can explain ya.” Finan eventually whispers, making her halt.
“I don’t want to hear your explanations.” She says sharply and he stares at her with as much surprise as when she slapped him. She sighs, rubbing her eyes now. “Just… Just leave.” However, Finan doesn’t leave, still fixated on her. “Fucking leave!” She shouts and he finally stands up. 
It’s only when she hears the door of her flat closing that she allows herself to fall on her bed. She feels so betrayed, even though she knows him for a short time, she has accepted that he would be the only forever she would ever know. The only constant when all the people she knows will disappear one by one. But everything was a lie. Well at least one part, but Victoria is blinded by anger. However, she does regret kicking him out of her flat as a hundred questions are rising in her mind and only he could answer them.
She feels that way for the rest of the week, having a thousand questions about the three other immortals, but too proud to accept Finan's excuses and ask him about them. Finan, on the other hand, does try to talk to her, sending her texts and calling her. And she just ignores him.
“Why don't you answer?” Rebecca asks her when they are taking their lunch break together in a small park, Vicky having declined the Irishman's call with a long sigh. 
“It’s nothing important.” She replies before taking a mouthful of her salad. “Is it still okay for dinner on saturday?”
Becca nods. “Yes, I’ll drive you if you want.”
“Oh, that would be great.” She smiles, grabbing her bottle of water.
“When are you planning on getting a new car, by the way?” Rebecca asks her. 
Vicky chokes with her water and coughs a little. “Hum yeah… Soon? I guess? I've got to see.”
Her friend narrows her eyes while Victoria averts hers. “You're really weird these days, Vicky.” She says with a more serious tone.
“What do you mean?”
“I don't know, you're always busy, and when you dare spend time with me, it seems like you'd rather be somewhere else.” She explains, resting her chin on her palm. And suddenly, a mischievous smile spreads on her lips. “Or someone else.” 
Vicky rolls her eyes, Rebecca definitely won't let go of that. She should have known better that after a week of not mentioning it she would return to the attack. “There’s no one, Becca.”
“Sure.” She smirks, pretending to look at something further in the park. “Well, when there will be someone, I would love to hear about that someone.”
“You’ll be the first to know.” Vicky grins exaggeratedly. 
Saturday comes earlier than she expected, and for the last two days, Finan stopped texting her. She can’t tell if she’s happy about it or not, she may still be angry at him, he is the only one able to answer her questions, and especially those about the three other men. So as she drives Rebecca’s car towards her parents’ house she makes a note to herself that she’ll have to text him tomorrow. But in fact she won’t have to do it because her phone rings, and she barely has the time to recognize Finan’s number until Rebecca grabs it.
“Oh my god, no Becca, don’t answer!” She says but her friend just wiggles her eyebrows and presses on the green button. 
“Hello?” She smirks innocently while Victoria is mouthing her insults. She can barely hear Finan’s voice through the phone. “Oh, no Vicky is driving right now, she can’t answer. But she’ll be very glad to see you later, I’m sure.” She grins at her, Vicky giving her a threatening glare. “She’ll be at home at 10.”
She then hangs up, visibly satisfied by her move but Victoria definitely doesn’t have the same opinion. “Why the hell did you do that? It could have been anyone else!” She shouts, raising a hand toward her phone in an annoyed fashion.
Rebecca simply chuckles, looking at the road again. “I recognized the number, you’ve been ignoring all his calls.”
“Indeed, and maybe there’s a reason for that!” She grumbles, trying to remain focused on her driving. 
“What’s that reason?” She asks curiously, something she maybe should have asked before.
Vicky rolls her eyes. “It’s complicated.”
“So, it’s the guy you’ve been seeing for the past weeks?”  She tilts her head.
“Christ, you’re really obsessed Becca.” She sighs, glancing at her quickly only to see her mischievous smile. 
When they finally arrive at her parents’ house Vicky is happy to notice her brother’s car while Rebecca’s face falls. The blond grins widely, she’ll have her revenge tonight after all. Since childhood, Rebecca has always had a thing for her older brother, Charles, and since she knew it, Victoria loves to tease her with that. As they walk to the front door, her best friend harasses her with questions about whether or not she knew Charles was here, and she just shrugs. And of course, it has to be him that opens the door and Rebecca can’t look more uncomfortable than when he leans to kiss her cheek after hugging Vicky. 
Charles is two years older than Victoria, and like she likes to call him, the intelligent one, while she is the weird one. For two years he’s been studying in Edinburgh and coming back home only occasionally, and usually without a warning. Obviously, with both Rebecca and Charles at home for dinner Vicky is far from being the center of the discussion, which doesn’t displease her as it gives her the opportunity to slip away to the kitchen when she receives a text from Finan. She can’t help but smile at his message saying that he suspects her not being consensual about their meeting later and that if she wants, they can cancel. Vicky hesitates a moment before answering. Maybe she can still be upset at him and see him to have answers. She’s yearning to know what made him lie to her, and who those men are and if maybe she could meet them too. So she texts back that they still should meet tonight anyway.
“Holy shit, the parents won’t stop with their questions.” Charles complains as he enters the kitchen with a pile of plates. 
Victoria slides her phone in her pocket and grins at him while opening the dishwasher. “That’s the problem when you’re the intelligent one.”
He laughs, his golden locks shaking. He puts the plates in the machine and leans against the counter once it’s closed. “Rebecca hasn’t changed a bit.” He says softly, with a shy smile.
Victoria raises an eyebrow at her brother, wondering what he truly meant by this comment but her mother shouts at them to bring the dessert before she can ask. During the whole rest of the dinner she keeps staring between her brother and best friend, trying to catch something that would betray him, but Charles is clearly better than Becca at hiding feelings. This new distraction makes her forget all about the past strange days she has been through, and she feels like a teenage girl desperate to learn every gossip around. But when dinner ends it makes her awkwardly sad, Finan’s warning about the fact that one day she’ll have to leave everything behind coming back to her mind. So, as if she’s just learned the date of her death, which ironically could never happen in fact, she decides to enjoy every moment with her family and close friends to have no regrets. 
That’s how she ends up talking of their future summer holidays with Rebecca in the car while she drives back to London. She checks destinations on her phone, both of them debating on which is better between Greece and Sicilia. Time goes quicker and soon enough Rebecca stops in front of her building with a teasing grin. 
“Have a good night.” She winks.
“Fuck off.” She replies after pulling her tongue out and leaving the car. 
She looks around until she finds Finan leaning against a wall, as usual, his hood covering his face. She steps toward him and he straightens, an apologetic smile shadowing on his lips. Before he could say a word, Vicky speaks. 
“I’m still mad at you.” She declares crossing her arms over her chest.
“It has the merit of bein’ clear.” He tilts his head, his mouth forming a straight line. 
She ignores his remark and continues. “But I still have many questions. The first being why you lied to me?”
Even in the darkness of the night, just a few lampposts lighting the area, she can see how his eyes suddenly seem lost in what she supposes are memories of long gone days. “It’s a complicated story.”
“As if there’s anything simple with you?” She wryly asks and he chuckles while nodding.
“Right.” He sinks his hands in his pockets and briefly looks up, his gaze hovering over the window of her flat. “Maybe I could explain ya inside?”
“Yeah, I’m freezing.” She admits before walking to her building’s door, Finan following her. 
They climb the stairs quickly, glad to feel the warmth of the inside. She searches her keys in her pocket when they reach her floor but when she stretches her arm out to open the door and push the key into the lock something is wrong.
Noticing her hesitance, Finan steps behind her, leaning slightly above her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“The door is open.” She says and then shakes her head. “I must have forgotten to lock it correctly.” 
She ignores Finan’s furrowed eyebrows as he looks at her and pushes the door open. She steps in her flat, and she has an unpleasant feeling of a stanger’s presence growing in her chest. She first thinks she’s being paranoid, but when she reaches her kitchen and finds herself face to face with a man pointing a gun at her she realizes she wasn’t.
A/N: Don’t kill me for this end :(((
Tag :​ @for-bebbanburg​ ​ @naps4bats​ ​ @osferth​ ​ @maggiescarborough​ ​ @finansarms​ ​ @dumbledoreisnotmyhubby​
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ener-chi · 5 years ago
First day of school: ✔
It was actually a really good day!! I woke up, cooked breakfast, stretched, did some tai chi, then managed to do some meditation and energy work between classes as well.
The entire day, Strix and Trixie were fluttering around me, or sitting on my shoulders, the entire time. They were making little comments here and there, but for the most part they were just complaining about how bored they were lmaoo
They are really high-energy pixies, and they like to have attention and to play; I’m certain that hanging around me is probably a little bit boring compared to being with the fae. 
Anyways, I promised that I’d play with and hang out with them this evening and I did. We went to some blank space in the astral, and then we played “catch me if you can” which basically was just me chasing them and catching them. It was some nice practice with bending astral physics, which is very useful in astral fighting. 
I also got to spend some time with them, and I got to know them a lot better. My astral vision has been really good lately, but it was excellent today, and I was able to see them pretty well. They’re both pixies, so they’re very small, maybe like a foot tall. Trixie glows purple, and I’ve been able to get more of her personality; she’s more snarky, sassy, and kind of edgy a little bit lmaoo she’s very entertaining. Strix glows green, and she has more of a bubbly personality; she’s also more energetic that Trixie is.
Anyways, we were talking, and we had a good conversation that I thought I’d share:
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Pretty interesting. I’ve been learning a lottt from them. 
Also, I spent some more time in my astral place. Just a quick aside, but Trixie and Strix and pissed that I wouldn’t let them come with me lolol. ANYWAYS I went and I forgot that my koi fish spirit guide has his own space in my astral place now. I visited it and wowww
It’s a beautiful zen garden, very green, bamboo, moss-covered stones, a stone bridge with a small stream running underneath. It has such a good vibe. It was really cool to see it. Then I realized that my current astral place doesn’t match my energy, and that that needed to change. So I changed my astral place to something that fits my style more. It has a campfire and that was such a good decisionnn if I feel that my focus is slipping, I can put my hands up to it and focus on the warmth it gives off to pull me back.
But yeah!! Lots of good spirituality stuff going on right now.
Now to the boring life stuff, my classes are going well. All of my classes except for one are all just like basic 101 classes, so they should be pretty easy, but I’m not going to let myself become complacent, and I’m going to work hard!
Something funny that happened today was in my Philosophy 101 class. My professor was talking about “epistemology and metaphysics” which is what the class is about, and this is what he said:
“If you go to the bookstore and go to the metaphysical section, what will you find? Books about crystals, chakras, astral planes, and all of that stuff. But that’s not what real metaphysical stuff is about. Do you know what philosophers call that stuff? Crap.”
As he said that, I just kind of looked at the 2 pixies that were sitting on either side of my shoulders and just chuckled to myself. I used to have the same mindset that he does, and look how far I’ve come lol.
Also... as I was leaving my chemistry class, some girl waited for me and asked me if this was my first chem class. We ended up talking all the way to our cars, and by “we” it was actually mostly her, she talked my ear off 😂😂 But the fact that she basically just walked up to me and started talking to me really floored me. That’s never really happened before; historically, people never really came up to talk to me, because I do kind of have a resting bitch face lol but I also give off some unapproachable vibes (which I’ve been trying to change!!) But it just never happened before, and I’m still just genuinely so confused as to why
Anyways, that’s it for now. I have to wake up early tomorrow (unfortunately) but I’m excited to see what the rest of my classes are like. I hope everyone has a good night.
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izzy-b-hands · 3 years ago
Dying at the idea of Stede's kids visiting the ship.
"It's fine, they'll be perfectly safe," Stede says as his son goes flying up with a rope he untied, while Buttons tries to catch him by the ankle.
"Yeah, we'll keep the weapons and all that out of the way, don't you worry," Ed smiles and then it freezes awkwardly on his face as Stede's daughter walks by with a sword on her hip, a gun in each hand, and Jim is walking beside her explaining all the ways to hide throwing knives on oneself.
I can't decide if Mary would be like okay they're still alive so in theory the kids will also be fine, or if she'd like. Quietly ask the first person she sees other than them (for humor purposes, let's say Izzy) to keep an eye on the kids.
Which is peak dilemma for Izzy because fuck you I'm a pirate not a fucking babysitter! But also he knows of the Shenanigans on this ship so like. Fuck, I guess I can maybe try and watch them, I suppose! But Mr. Grumpy Ass gets a little sentimental when Stede tells the kids how Izzy is a damn good duelist and once pinned him to the mast. Should have seen it, kiddos! Stuck there for...well really too long it was very painful but what a feat, eh? Go on, ask him about it!
And he might not ever want kids, but a compliment is a compliment and they're immediately like holy shit that is such a big cool badass Pirate Thing pls tell us more but also thanks for not killing our dad and while the latter bit might make him roll his eyes, the former has him puffed up like a prideful peacock because yeah! That was a cool badass Pirate Thing! Want more gory pirate stories? And of course they do regardless of the nightmares it might give them later.
The only thing I haven't figured out for fic purposes is if it would make sense to sail a short trip (or in theory short I suppose, if the weather cooperates) with the kids, or stay at the nearest dock so Mary can at least know where they are and keep an eye on the ship from a distance
Either way they're definitely leaving with souvenirs. Their own sewn pirate flags, at least one sword or knife (that they've been shown how to wield of course), and a promise that once they're older they can come back and get a pirate sort of tattoo (that's definitely an Ed promise and Stede might raise a brow but Ed's like look. If it's in a hidden spot and they really do want one in a few years, are you gonna be able to say no? What if you have some yourself by then, hmmm?)
I just love this balance of blended and found family that's healthy and gets talked about and worked out kindly and respectfully among the adults involved. Stede maybe can't go back home and visit, but he can sneak close to a private dock and have the kids come visit them, as well as have Mary and Doug over for dinner (which Doug doesn't bat an eye at because he's just like. My impression is he's the chillest dude. He cannot be flustered. So if there's cannon fire in the distance or a storm rocking the ship sending plates flying he's just like 'oh! We needed the moisture, I'm glad it's finally raining!' even as his plate goes crashing into the wall.)
Eventually I'm gonna write a full fic for this, but for now I just wanna get the ideas down. If I didn't have early work training tomorrow I'd stay up and do it now, but I can't do that and make work anymore lmaoo, too old now.
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