#i saw you also ship with her and didnt know if you were comfy with that so i redid it ✌🏽
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lesbian-serpent-handler · 9 months ago
Ooooh, can I request songs for könig and lucille? Thank you ♡
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alright, reblog game time!
send me a picture of your f/o(s) (max. 3) and I'll assign them a song based on their vibes only.
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leynaeithnea · 6 months ago
Hi :)
here is a lil ask to use whenever you're ready to go insane about love in paradise ( go nuts with your analysis!!! Make it a thousand pages essay!!! Or half a sentence, anything you want love<3 )
YeS YES YES YES THANK YOU AAAH here you go seven pages/3600 words essay :>
TW, for SA/Sxcide mention/discussion, you know the deal with the song
29. Love In Paradise
THE DIVE INTO THE SOUND SCAPE WITH THE CHOIR, the melody, and the clicking clock??? SO GOOD
“It′s been 10 years since I last saw you” YOU DIDNT CHECK ON HIM IN 10 YEARS GIRL
“Remember me, I am the infamous, Odysseus!, Oh, woah-oh, woah-oh” This was the last time she saw him, its been 10 years, she quick minded him right after that, and HASNT SEEN HIM SINCE--- i love how it is sped up and you can visualize her literally diving through his memories in a timelapse
“Let’s see where you′ve been” FINIALLY, but also thE VOCAL PERFORMANCE (this is me like 90% of this saga, im obssessed)
I LOVE the soundscape of the flashbacks, the way that sounds with a mild echo like in big room? just...in his mind?? IDK how to call it but ITS SO GOOD
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” - the first thing that went wrong “Ruthlessness is mercy upon oursel-” BIG THING THAT WENT WRONG
“One wrong move and you’re done for
Anything I-” close call
“Song of past romance I see the” smart way to recall the underworld saga AND bring up the sirens, followed by
“We won’t take more suffering from you”, the way that ody embraced his monster
“Drown in your sorrow and fears” -that didnt go well very long, also, timelaps is slowing down, we’re getting closer to the events that answer where he spent the last years
“Captain? - I have to see her - But we′ll die -I know”, the last moments before he disappeared, making him suffer terribly again at the hands of her father >:)
“Odysseus... where did you go?” she sounds so worrieddddd, her voice tho, pls mother dearest
THE MUSIC, is so coool the island vibes? the dodo do do dodo, the birds and the shore and the....instrument whos name i forgot the tip-tap thing is soo comfy vibesssss, beach island holiday vibes!!
“Morning, sleepyhead, You′ve been resting for a while, I swore that you were dead when you washed up on my isle”.......i need...visuals......i need the most angsty visuals i can get of this, please, i need to see him wash up, more dead then alive and then unconscious for who knows how long, with his stab wound, the concussion from Eurys punch, whatever wounds he got from the lighting hitting his ship AND almost drowning, getting taking care of by her until he wakes up again...
“Did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me though, who’s Penelope?” ........is she hoping that he���ll say his sister or was she just trying to make small talk?
“She′s my wife”, he sounds so tired/distanced from the situation, her reminding him instantly of the one thing he’s holding on to, maybe remembering what just happened, he needs to go back...
and then the “anyways!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN “ANYWAYS” SHE IS HIS LOVE HIS LIGHT HIS REASON YOU DONT ANYWAYS PENELOPE ahem, im vibing so hard to this tho
“I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here” sounds nice, i would 100% fall under her spell, her voice is beatiful
“Just you and me, my dear, my love for life” uh oh where is this going, huh?? huh???? >:) Ma’am, this is not yours
“I’m not your man-” THE JUST A MAN REPHRASING? EXCUSE ME???? this is going so differently compared to Circes there are other ways, he has no interest in her, all he wants is to go back home, hes sacrificed the rest of his crew for that, he. needs. to go. home. (the delivery tho omg so good)
“I′m what you want here, I’m what you need here, Just you and me, my love in paradise, Now ‘til the end of time” he does not need you, he does not want you, this is not paradise for him, get the fuq away from my baby girl odysseus, i know youre lonely on your little island, i know zeus did you wrong, BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU ANY RIGHT TO TAKE CLAIM TO ODYSSEUS; HE IS NOT YOUR MAN
“From here on out, you′re mine, all mine” possissive much, fuck off >:) also thats what he greets him with? thats....not...no. he’s been through so much, he fought in a war he never wanted to go to for ten years, he used a wooden horse to finially end the war because he just needed to go back home, he had to kill a child to choose his family, they were safe on their way home when his best friend got killed, then they almost made it home, but the bag was opened, most of his crew died, his men got turned into pigs and he got another round of the gods playing games with him (see: hermes telling Ody not to refuse circe in homers odyssey when she wants to take him to bed, so he doesnt, he cant refuse the demands of gods), once they finially leave their island with his men back as humans, they have to go through the underworld where EVERY loss he had (which are more than he knew) comes back to haunt him, he learns his family is in danger, theres blood in his palace, all his mercy is harming him, so he embraces the thing he never wanted to be - a monster - and when the sirens come, he kills them, but he has to go further than that, the only way to get home is to sacrifice six of his men, so he does, six more men to haunt his dreams, if thats the price he has to pay he will, but his men turn on him, his trusted brother in law, not only opened the windbag, now he also starts a mutiny, the men he tried to bring home so badly betray him, stab him, bind him to a statue and he can do nothing but watch as they kill the cattle, his doom is sealed, zeus shows up and tells him to either choose himself, or his crew, hes a broken man, how much more has he to go through before he can go home? but he has to home to his family, so he chooses, his last decision he has to make, and he sinks into the ocean, thinking maybe, he can finally close his eyes, he needs to go home but he is so tired of suffering he would welcome an end of it...but then he wakes up, on this peaceful island, with a woman next to him, who suddenly puts claim on him, she wants him IN HER BED??? He needs to go home. he’s alive, he survived zeus and poseidon and aelus and circe and the underoworld and the war and-...he became the monster, he knows what to do, just another face in his nightmares to get home
“Hell no, I could kill you where you stand” he just has to be the monster
“I′m no pet, I’m a married man” HE HAS TO HIGHLIGHT THAT HE IS MARRIED TO HER AH, the fact that he feels like she sees him as a pet? picked up like a stray dog and kept as a pet....he is not that, i also love his electric guitar is in the background together with the ticking clock of the time dive
“Oh handsome, you may try, But last I checked, goddesses can′t die” she doesnt feel threatened by him at all, because she is a goddess, how could a mortal man refuse her? he cant, even if he tries, he has no choice (but also, i hate jorge for dropping this line, just before godgames, ITS LEAVING US NOT KNOWIng WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE)
THEN THE DROP IN THE MUSIC AH its becoming so imposing and threatening AND ITS SO COOL
“Goddess?” terrified, here they go again, another goddess, he is powerless against these forces, it cant be, he needs to get home, how can his luck be so bad?
“Bow down now to the immortal Calypso” CALYPSO YOU BITCH LEAVE MY MAN ALONE; but liek The fuQing audacity? to ask him to bow down? you just told him hes the love of your life and now you ask him to bow down???? THE POWER IMBALANce is so stRONG IN THIS ONE I CANT EVEN
“Here to entertain” entertain who? mh?? YOURSELF? with your new “pet”? NO shut up
“But fear not, I bring no pain” Calpyso, come a bit closer so i can punch you, youre KEPEign him on YOUR ISLAND; THE LACK OF ACTion IS WHATS goNNA KILL HIM; NOT YOU HURTING HIM PHYSICALLY; YOU TORTURE HIM IN the WORST WAYS emotionALLY SO GET AWAYYYYYYYYYY FROM PENELOPES MAN
“Cause we′ve got, All we could want here, All we could need here”, the way she keeps approaching him, dancing around him and trying to get close, while he keeps backing away and trying to get away From her is killing me, they have everything they need to survive yes, which means he does not have to do any work, he has NOTHING to distract him from you, all he can do is do what you tell him to because youre a goddess and he’s at your mercy and SUFFER sitting with his own thoughts and all his regret and shame and pain and trauma and yearing to go back home
“Under my spell, we’re stuck in paradise” fuck you. this is not paradise, this is hell :) :) :) RELEASE HIM
“No one can come or go, my island stays unknown” this, might very well be the worst moment for Ody so far, after EVERYTHING he’s been through. He choose his crew to die, it was supposed to be the last decision, it was supposed to be the climatic event before the end, all the expectations and tensions that rose in him getting set so high but instead..... nothing happens, he gets stuck in “paradise”, no monsters to fight,its not violent, theres no external threads to his life, things should be good, and happy and peaceful. its anti-climatic, and stifling because he has no way to release all this tension, its just stagnation, and all this tension getting internalized, it might very well be worse than having something you can fight against, but Calypso is a goddess, he cant harm her, her spell keeps him stuck on the island, he is powerless. His goal, his reason, his hope impossibly out of reach, all in the hand of this goddess, who doesn’t take no as an answer
“no, no” i love how Jorge wrote another “suffering” thing again, where the last syllable of one speaker gets picked up by the other “unknown” “no” becoming “Unknowno,no” its SO GOOD, but also the implications???? the last time we had this a siren wanted to seduce him and lure him into the water, now its a goddess wanting to lure him into loving and staying with her, again, he tries to find excuses and fend her off, his argumentation is a lot weaker than with the sirens though, he doesnt have a way out, all he can do is refuse and pray she listens, also CALYPSO BITCH THERES NO CLEARER WAY HE COULDVE SAID “NO”; LEAVE HIM BE; HE SAID NO FUCKING ACCEPT THAT HE DOES NOT CONSENT
“I don′t belong here”, he doesnt, time passes, he has to tell himself that this isnt where he’s meant to be, he needs to go, he has to leave.
“There’s something wrong here”, how many times do you think he almost gave in? how many times do you think she was lured in by her spell only to shake the spell off again because he kept feeling that something was wrong, never really falling under her spell, never staying under it for long, because its wrong, this isnt where he needs to be, he needs to get home because his family is waiting at home, theyre in danger.
“I won’t be drawn to love in paradise, not ′til the end of time, there is no way” she just has nothing on penelope. and he will never be interested in calypso as seductive as she tries to be, circe failed, calyspo fails even worse (i love these vocal performances man, theyre SO GOOD)
“You′re mine, all mine” Annnnnd she doesnt take no as answer again, shes so possessive I HATE it, how she drowns out Odys “theres no way - youre mine, all mine” she drowns out and swallows up his voice, ignores him, his voice goes unheard...
and we go back to the clock ticking of the time dive of athena
“Seven years, she’s kept you trapped, out of your control, time can take a heavy toll” SEVEN. YEARS. sagnation for SEVEN YEARS. THIS IS TERRIBlE, Athena sounds so sad...and concerned, from what she’s seen, but just...imagine that, he fought in troy for 10 years, now odys been stuck on this island for almost just as long, and before that he had EVERYTHING ELSE happen to him, feeling powerless against outside forces for YEARS, it weights down in him, all he can do is internalize it, because there is no monster he can fight, but himself. and...we can hear the danger motif in the choir.....because...he’s become a danger to himself....
the soundscape shifts again, we go back into a memory, its raining and windy, at the beach
“Odysseus?”, she geninuely sounds concerened, what could make her concerned i wonder....
“All I hear are screams”,...he...he’s broken, a callback to the underworld, he sounds defeated, hopeless, dissociative
“Ody”...Ody......you dare call him ody? you may have known each other for seven years but you DID NOT treat him right, you have no RIGHT to call him that, the last person who called him Ody was Eurylochus before he signed their doom.
“Get away from the ledge”....hes.....on his last rope, its been seven years since he sacrificed his last crew, ten years since he lost polites, eight since he lost most of his crew, twenty years since he last saw his family, she wants to keep him at the island for eternity, he cant leave, theres no way out, so now he’s here, on the cliffs edge staring out into the deepths below, knowing that Poseidon is still out to get him, but behind him is a Goddess that made him suffer just as bad, if not worse, rly is there any way to escape?
“You don′t know what I’ve gone through, You don′t know what I’ve sacrificed, every comrade I long knew, every friend, I saw them die”, its been more than seven years, and they still haunt his every waking and sleeping hour. he sacrificed everything to get back home, and yet it was not enough, now hes stuck here, and all sacrfices were for nothing, and he has nothing to distract him, when the goddess doesnt want his attention, he just....sits at the beach replaying their deaths over and over in his mind. [One translation of the scenes in Homers Odyseey: She found him sitting on the shore, his eyes as ever wet with tears, life’s sweetness ebbing from him in longing for his home, since the Nymph no longer pleased him. He was forced to sleep with her in the hollow cave at night, as she wished though he did not, but by day he sat among rocks or sand, tormenting himself with tears, groans and anguish, gazing with wet eyes at the restless sea] just....for SEVEN years? good gods, homer really said “how much trauma can we fit into this one man”
“And all I hear are screams” .....and all he hears are their screams
“(It will be fine dear)”, it wont, fuck off, not as long as you keep him trapped
“Come back inside, dear” ..............i...come back inside? to do what? remind him that hes stuck with you? force him to-............my rage is endless.
“Let me close my eyes”, hes...so....sooo..so tired. he just wants to close his eyes..and..not open them anymore, doesnt he? He sang to the infant “to close your eyes to spare yourself the view”, he wants to do the same, hes so so tired.....
“I know your life′s been hard”, you have no idea
“I’ll stay inside your heart”,....did you just......did...you really just......use the words his mother said to him in the underworld? ...............
“All I hear are screams!” hes having flashbacks, the ghosts of his past keep haunting him, and shes making it so, so mcuh worse
“(I love you my dear) I love our time here
Life would be so much worse If you had died” YOUR LIFE, the worst part is, she doesnt say this because Ody deserves better, she says this because if he was gone, she would be alone again, and she just wants to have him, own him, have him be hers
“(Just let me close my eyes)”, she doesnt...let him close his eyes, he spents the nights in her bed against his will, and the days, crying at the beach, and when he sleeps he must be haunted by nightmares......theres no rest ever really.
“Please stay from away from harm, Stay in my open arms.......................she..just....made it so so much worse, ALSO JORGE; JORGE WHEN I CATCH YOU JORGE HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU SLAP OPEN ARMS AT US AGAIN WILL POLITES NEVER STOP HAUNTING THE NARRATIVE, Calyspo rly threw “Ody”, “stay inside your heart” and “open arms” at him consecutively, while he was already deep down the trenches.and now......
“(All I hear are-)” what he hears is....
“This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, Whatever we face, we’ll be fine if we′re leading from the heart, No matter the place, we can light up the world here′s how to start Greet the world with open arms, greet the world with open”
Polites, all his opens, and promises, and he cant live up to it, he tried, he tries so HARD to greet the world with open arms, but he cant, but ruthlessness did not help him either, he misses polites, he was the last person he had at sea who TRULY cared for him, hes having a flashback, PTSD so badly as he is standing at the edge of the cliff, i can just see him falling to his knees, crying and then...
“How much longer till your luck runs out? How much longer till the show goes south? How much longer till we all fall down?”, he hears eurys warning, how much longer till his liuck runs out? his luck has run out, for years now, and hes still stuck, everything has turned bad, the show went south, they all fell down and yet.....
“Waiting..waaiting” his mom....said shed stay inside his heart, he took too long, its been twenty years since he left home, how many other people are waiting for him while is stuck on the island? all these voices are just...inside his head all the time and cant shake them off.
“ooohooooh...ohhh” THE VOCAL PERFORMANCE JORGE- JORGE-... hes just screaming, trying to drown out the voices in his head as he’s breaking down....he wants to let go, he cant let go, he needs to get back home, his family is in danger, theres no one who could help him, the only one, who might have been able to do something, his ally, left him ten years ago, when he defied her, but she is a goddess, if she has any mercy left...maybe...jsut maybe...she could help him...but she wouldnt really listen to him would she? how often has he prayed to her in those years? or has he refused to call out for her in fear of facing more rejection? but...he cant do this any longer, this is ...the very last thing he can do....and so he calls out for her.
“Athena!”, praying that what has been broken can be amended. at least with her.
“He needs my help” and his cry gets heard......athena voice breaks, when she sees how far her friend has fallen.
.....and she decides to do something about it
Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I was worried about this song, how Jorge would choose to tackle the whole situation with calypso, while sticking to his “sfw” rule, AND I DID NOT GET DISAPPOINTeD QUITe on the cONtrary IM OBSSESED WITH IT
also the way polites is in one ear, Eury in the other and his mother all around him? the two sides that Ody had back then, polites more positive, and eury as more devil and both are gone and then his mother is just ALL AROUND HIM
typing this up took a couple of days, but if you will excuse me, imma go cry in a corner now
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crowkingwrites · 7 years ago
Ship It
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Request:  If your request are open can you do another ramsay bolton where they are in high school and he is popular and he slowly falls for shy reader but he won't admit it because he is dating someone else but they hookup with each other at a party and she finds out she is pregnant with his baby and in the end they get together. I really love your writings they are amazing and your an amazing writer. Thanks
Author’s Notes: Totally didnt intend this one to be this long, but here we are.
Written for: @bittenwolf45
Words: 4973 //  [Ao3 Link]
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“Ms. Y/N, can you read the next paragraph out loud?” the history teacher asked you. When you shifted in your seat, you locked eyes with him again. Ramsay Bolton was among the rich and popular at North Westeros High School. He chewed at the eraser on the end of his pencil, waiting to hear you speak like the rest of the class. You enjoyed history. It was the only class you shared with him, and it was your favorite subject.
You read aloud a summary of a battle long ago. A civil war within a single house that almost destroyed everything. It was sad how a family can break apart and kill each other for power, but that was history. You’ve seen worse at home where your stepsiblings would argue with each parent. Civil war wasn’t foreign in your life. It was relatable.
The school bell rang for the day and everyone was out of their seats within seconds. You understood. History seemed bland to everyone else. It was boring. Who wanted to listen to a bunch of words dead men said? You packed up your things slowly, taking care to keep everything in neat order. You almost left the classroom when your teacher called your name.
“Sorry, Mr. Cayce. Is something wrong?”
“No, no. I only wanted to give you something,” Mr. Edgar Cayce handed over a pamphlet and an application to you. “There’s an internship program at the museum downtown. One of my past students is in charge there. I recommended you and showed her your last two papers. I think you should apply. It would open some doors for you.”
You smiled softly. “Thank you, Mr. Cayce. That’s really thoughtful of you. I’ll think about it.” You tucked the pamphlet and application between your folder and notebook and ducked your way out of the classroom. The next thing you saw was a redheaded girl kissing Ramsay’s cheek. She played with his fingers and they walked off together. His eyes lingered on you for a moment and then back to his girlfriend.
You couldn’t say it stung you. Ramsay and his girlfriend had been going out with each other for months. You were used to seeing them together. It was hard to swallow. You daydreamed so many times over the idea of you kissing his cheek and playing with his fingers. You also daydreamed of other thoughts that made your cheeks warm.
None of your naughty thoughts were known to the world. You only had one friend you were attached to. And even he didn’t know about your quiet crush on Ramsay.
“So, are you going to do it?” “I don’t know. There’s just a lot of people, you know?” you sighed. “What if I mess up something?”
“You won’t,” David reached his hand over to touch yours. “This is something you really love. Working at the museum for the summer? Getting out of your horrid house? Surrounded by artifacts and other people like you? It’s perfect for you. I think I know what’s really wrong here.”
“You’re scared, honey,” David only called you honey when he dropped any kind of truth on you. The first time you brought Crocs? Honey. When you thought Santa Claus was real at 15? Honey. When you thought that RuPaul’s Drag Race was a show only for gays? Hoooonnnnnney. Ru Paul’s Drag Race is for everyone.
David picked up his phone and opened Facebook. His newsfeed with buzzing with LGBTQA articles, friends posting selfies of themselves, and people haring inks of cute kitten videos. His friends number was upwards of 250 people. You frowned. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
“You’re so scared of rejection that you miss out on everything! I mean, look at—
“We’ve had this conversation before.”
“And the point still stands,” David firmly spoke. “This is perfect for you. Take it, damn you. I mean, fuck, if Ms. Reyes handed me an internship for Vogue, you best believe I would not be here moping to my best friend about it.”
“I guess you’re right. It would be really cool,” you half-smiled. The idea of spending all summer in a museum with people like you. Away from people screaming. Away from everyone who didn’t matter. That was perfect. “Could you help me pick out an outfit for the interview?”
“Interview? Are you getting paid?” David’s eyes lit up like Christmas. His flat brown hair seemed to have static electricity running through it. His glasses reflected like a Japanese anime character ready to make a stand.
“No, there’s a couple rounds of interviews to get a place in the program,” you explained, almost laughing. “I wanna look my best.”
David’s smile turn to sheer horrific glee. “I watched Devil Wears Prada 79 times. I am prepared for this.”
The flats you borrowed from David’s sister went perfectly with the green dress that David picked from your closet. Your hair was loose in curls around you, and David forced you in his bathroom to wear makeup. It certainly wasn’t your comfort zone, but at least your feet were comfy.
After receiving instructions from front desk information, you found yourself in the waiting room of Anna Nguyen, PhD. The room was mostly empty save for Anna’s assistant at her desk and Ramsay sitting in one of the few chairs by the office. You found yourself unable to breathe for a moment. Your head filled with questions.
Was what he doing here? Is he wearing an Armani suit? Does he even like history? What was he doing here? Did Mr. Cayce give him an application too? Is he that smart? What was he doing here?
Why was he here?
You quietly made your way over to one seat over from Ramsay. You took out your resume and recommendation letters and read over everything. You heard something shift and a voice.
“Hey, it’s you,” Ramsay said. “Y/N? We have History together.” Your mouth ran dry. You cleared your throat before you said anything.
“I guess you’re here for the internship?” He asked you. You nodded your head. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Not much for talking, hm? You’re probably smarter than me, but I’ll still get a place in the program. Don’t think you’re better than me.”
“I don’t.”
“I don’t think I’m better than you.” You explained. “But why are you here? You don’t like history.”
“You’re wrong.” Ramsay shot at you. “I do. Mr. Cayce wanted me to be here. He gave me the app.” Your questions were being slowly answered.
“I didn’t know. I thought I was the only one.”
“Well, you weren’t, Miss Perfect.”
“I’m not perfect.”
“Do you have straight A’s?”
“Yes, but—
“Then you’re perfect.” He replied with a huff. You knew Ramsay was hard to get along with. He wasn’t popular because everyone liked him. He was popular because everyone feared him. You still liked him anyways. He never bullied you, but this conversation wasn’t going well. You heard the assistant call your name. She gestured you to go inside the office for the interview. You nodded and left Ramsay behind.
“Hey, Perfect,” Ramsay called out to you. You turned to him one more time before entering. He winked. “Good luck in there.”
You thought about that for the rest of the day. On the way home, your eyes glazed over. In your bedroom, you stared at your personal journal. Trying to figure what to say. The words played over and over. His wink. That small smile. Someone had to know. You couldn’t keep these thoughts to yourself.
“What?” David said at lunch that next Monday louder than you wanted.
“Keep your voice down,” you whispered.
“I didn’t even know you liked people! Ramsay tho?” David nodded, tucking his finger under his chin. “I can see it. I ship it.”
“What? No. He has a girlfriend. It’s fine.”
“Still ship it.” David reaffirmed.
“He didn’t like me very much during the conversation we had.”
“Did he smile at you?” David asked.
“Yes,” you answered. “And he winked at me.”
David dropped his water bottle like a mic. “Ship it.”
When you received the email that you made it into the next round of interviews, you were ecstatic. This time you showed up in a pink blazer with a white blouse underneath. Your black slacks complimented your short heels, but what you liked the most was the statement necklace David nabbed from another friend for you. You swore that your closet was anything David could get his hands on.
You showed up holding your phone in your hands. You scrolled through every note you took from social media about group interviews. Your breathing matched your heart. Both seemed to be going fast. Group interviews were never your thing, and will never be your thing.
“You alright?” Ramsay asked. You looked up to see the Bolton with a button up shirt and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You it your lip. You considered lying for a moment, but you were terrible at lying. Why would you lie? It was written all over your face. This was not fine.
“No,” you said in the smallest voice. Your downcast eyes found the floor much more comforting to look at than your crush. “Is it the group interview? You have nothing to worry about,” Ramsay said casually. “They only do this to make good candidates nervous. You’ll be fine.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re perfect,” Ramsay gave you another small smile. “You’ll be measured against your peers, that’s me, and they’ll see how good you are.”
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m still getting a place in the program. Don’t worry about that.” His cockiness was on full display. He eyed other candidates as they filed into the room. Both of you took a seat next to each other. Ramsay leaned over to you. “Put it away. You’ll look distracted. If you’re still nervous, remember that you have the highest GPA of everyone in this room.”
“What? That’s so dumb. Why would I—
“You do. I already did the research. You have the highest GPA out of everyone in this room.” Ramsay finished his thought. He leaned back as the group interview started. Dr. Anna was there, but it was the Program Director that led the interview. Three other candidates introduced themselves while you and Ramsay were last. They shot easy questions at first. Why do you want to be in this program? What draws you to history?
But then came the more difficult questions. Why should they pick you? What do you have to bring to the table? You answered your best until you remembered what Ramsay told you.
“Ms. Y/N, what are your biggest weaknesses?” the Program Director asked you. Everyone’s head turned towards you.
“I believe my biggest weaknesses are my shyness and how introverted I am.” You watched two of the interviewers lean forward. “I may be quiet, but it’s something I’d like to work on. If I was offered a place here, I would be in good company. Learn and teach from thoe around me and create new friendships.”
You almost wanted to slap your momma that was such a good answer. You watched Ramsay’s smile grow because of you.
“Mr. Bolton, what are your strengths?”
“I know more about that painting to the left than you do,” Ramsay’s quick tongue earned a heated response.
“Do you?” The Director challenged. Ramsay leaned forward.
“The Arnolfini Portrait was painted by Jan van Eyck in the 1430’s. It’s a double full length portrait depicting an Italian merchant and his soon to be bride.” “You can’t prove that his bride.”
“I can.” Ramsay smiled. “Erwin Panofsky and other accredited art historians regarded this as a unique form of marriage contract, recorded as a painting. It was one of the first portraits done entirely in oils and highly regarded for its perspective. Of course, that’s only a copy. The original is in London. Any questions?”
You watched the Director frown and crumble up paper on the spot. You thought you could hear him say ‘that little shit’ under his breath. After the group interview was finished, you waited around for Ramsay who spoke with the art historian. He looked at you and did another double take. He excused himself, walking towards you.
“You know, you’re not the nicest guy at school—or ever,” you shot a look at the Director whose sour face could not be wiped from his face.
“I’m not. Why do you bring it up?”
“Why are you helping me?” you asked. Your hands fiddled with your phone. “Don’t you want a place for yourself?”
“Of course I do, do you think I’m an idiot?”
“No, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Ramsay blankly stared at you for a moment before rolling his eyes.
“This program leads to promising futures. I would rather make my alliances now,” Ramsay explained. You narrowed your eyes.
“Wha-I-Is this some kind of medieval time war game? A game of thrones? Or something?” you blurted out.
“It’s principle. I help you now. You’ll help me later.”
The words made sense, but it certainly didn’t help your feelings. You would still watch him from afar. As soon as the bell rang, Ramsay was in his girlfriend’s arms. Your stomach didn’t forgive you whenever you watched. It felt like torture every single time.
You didn’t know much about her. Only that she was just as popular, an average student, and her hair was kissed by fire. She was a fiery one. And wild. No wonder Ramsay liked her so much. And you were…the exact opposite. Quiet, unpopular, cautious, nervous. The words flowed through your head. You couldn’t hold a candle next to her.
You turned to go to your own lockers. You couldn’t watch them together anymore. Not when you and Ramsay had grown so much closer than you ever expected.
The reviewing process for the museum summer program was underway and it was only a matter of days until you found out whether or not you had a place in it or not. You decided to distract yourself in the school library going over your notes for your next history test. Your eyes almost glazed over until he sat down in front of you.
“Why are you always dressed like this?” Ramsay asked.
“What do you mean?” you replied, looking up from your notes. Ramsay gestured to your outfit. Another t-shirt and jeans. It was easy. No real thought into it.
“This. Why don’t you wear your other clothes to school?”
“The interview clothes?”
“Yeah,” Ramsay scoffed. “Don’t you want to impress some guy you like?” You felt your heart skip a beat. Heat rushed to your cheeks.
“W-well, it’s just looking good isn’t that important. I would rather study.”
“Rather study,” Ramsay mocked. “High school isn’t life or death, you know. You should wear your other clothes. You’re prettier in them.”
Ramsay got up from the seat and looked towards the library entrance. His girlfriend entered and waved him over. He nodded and then looked back to you.
“Stop studying. You’ll be fine. Remember? You’re perfect.” Ramsay tapped the table twice and left. Your mind was reeling. He thought you were pretty. Well, he thought you were pretty in your ‘other’ clothes. Did he like you? No, he has a girlfriend. He likes her. He called you perfect again. Was he being sarcastic? The questions and answers spiraled in your head so much that when you were in history you almost wrote Ramsay’s name instead of the correct answer on the test.
But you tried it.
The next day you wore your ‘other’ clothes to school. You did your hair. You even put a little more makeup on. Just to see. Yes, more people looked your way, and the attention was a bit much. You noticed Ramsay’s friend looking at you longer than you were comfortable with.
It was almost lunch and you carefully put your English notebook away when you felt a close presence behind you.
“See? Much better,” Ramsay smiled. You looked around for a moment, catching Ramsay’s girlfriend eye. She was seething.
“What are you doing?” you asked. Ramsay finished texting on his phone and his attention turned back to you. “You and I are going to Mr. Cayce’s classroom.”
You looked back at her. She was still seething. You almost thought she was on fire. “Your girlfriend doesn’t seem to be too happy.”
“She doesn’t matter,” Ramsay shrugged. “Don’t worry. She’s not mad at you. She’s mad with me, and frankly it’s getting fucking annoying.” Ramsay said that last sentence particularly louder. Both of you looked her way. She rolled her eyes and walked off with their mutual friends.
The walk to Mr. Cayce’s classroom was quiet. Until, Ramsay’s hand brushed by yours. You wanted to say something or mumble some sort of apology. When you glanced at him, he seemed too satisfied with himself. As if he did it on purpose. What game was he playing at? You were going to protest his mockery with your anger when you reached Mr. Cayce’s door.
He smiled wide and welcomed you both inside. He placed his hands on his hips. “Congrats to both of you! You made it.”
You felt like you could fly. You felt a sad weight lift off your chest and joy fill it in its place. Your summer would be spent around art, statues, artifacts, and anything you could get your hands on. You would be in the company of other people who did what you wanted to do for a living. You wouldn’t be stuck in your house listening to another argument or hiding away from the tension. In your glee, you squealed and hugged Ramsay much tighter than you planned to.
You blinked and realized you were holding your crush and that his face was inches from yours. Heat rushed to your cheeks again and you let go, mumbling a short ‘sorry’. You watched Ramsay’s face go from confusion to a secret satisfaction in seconds. He was enjoying your embarrassment.
“Thank you, Mr. Cayce,” Ramsay spoke for the both of you. “What do we need to do now?”
“Keep your grades up for the rest of the year,” Mr. Cayce explained. “I’ll get more information to you when it becomes relevant. And celebrate! Both of you did so well!”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Ramsay smirked. “We’ll celebrate.” He winked at you. When you told David about it, he almost fell to the floor.
“I can’t believe he said that.” David was beside himself. “He’s so into you.”
“He makes fun of me. He knows I like him a lot and he makes fun of me for it.”
“So, Ramsay’s a little mean. He’s still into you.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“He told you that you were pretty.” “He says I’m pretty in these clothes.”
“He called you perfect.”
“He’s mocking when he says that.”
“I still ship it,” David said while sipping away at his cool drink. He stopped and then he started to hit you repeatedly. “There’s a party! It’s at some fucker’s house! He’s gonna be there! We have to go!”
“What? No!” you reacted. “I don’t like parties. There’s so many people. And there’s gonna be drunk people—
“He said you two were gonna celebrate! This is it! It’s your chance!”
“I have no chance with him.” David was having none of your negativity (as best friends usually do). Before you knew it, you were at the house party in another outfit David put you in. Only this time, it wasn’t for an interview. Your thigh highs showed off your legs while your new crop top (that David may or may not have cut in the car) showed more skin you’ve ever shown in your life.
David led you into the house party. Loud music played while everyone’s conversation with each other were louder. Red solo cups were filled with a mixture of alcohol and punch. A few girls looked your way and commented on your outfit.
“Y/N? Wow! You look so good!” one of them shouted. “Total queen bee right now!” You smiled and nodded. Sometimes you forgot how nice girls were. As you continued through the party, you noticed more smoke clouds, couples kissing in secret, and someone dressed as a banana? You shook your head and kept going.
David pushed you towards Ramsay and his friends. You watched him chug down another beer. Ramsay took one look at you and spit out half of his beer. His eyes were wide as a hungry dog watching dinner be made.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, but you heard him. “Y/N?”
“Hi,” you waved.
“You’re here,” Ramsay looked down your shirt. “In that.” You nodded. Silence feel between both of you. David rolled his eyes. He couldn’t hold his tongue anymore.
“Have fun with your dick appointment,” David said and left without another word.
“Dick appointment?” Ramsay laughed. He looked back to you and bit his lip. “You wearing that for me?”
“No,” you said in your smallest voice. This couldn’t be anymore mortifying. Ramsay’s smile grew wicked.
“No,” he shook his head. “You’re wearing that for me.”
“Y/N,” he teased. You could smell his hoppy breath. “Am I the dick appointment?”
You bit your lip as a response. What else could you say? Ramsay’s mouth salivated like a dog. You watched him lick his lips and his eyes set on you.
“I knew it,” he said as he grabbed you. He pushed through people to get you into a small bedroom. Ramsay barricaded the door and turned to you. “You have no idea what I wanna do to you.”
You felt Ramsay’s hand run up your thigh. His fingers found their way inside your panties. They moved back and forth along your pussy. His mouth found yours not long after. Your mind raced. This is what you dreamed about. What you always wanted was now a reality. You’ve never done anything like this before.
Your hands ran through his hair, kissing him back. You couldn’t have enough. He tasted exactly like the beer he chugged and the junk food he shoved into his mouth, but who cares? In this one moment, he was yours. You opened your mouth and moaned. Ramsay’s fingers went inside of you and you moaned more from pleasure than from pain.
You found yourself in a tangle with him. Both of you were panting and sweating. Ramsay pressed himself against you as he thrusted inside of you. He was rough. He held your hands above your head and kept going. You had him. He was all over you with no sign of stopping.
Each second with him grew more intense. He buried himself in your neck. Your hands held him close, but you wanted him closer and closer. You heard the bedframe moving and the music disappear. All you heard was him grunting. All you could feel was him. His arms around your body. His mouth on yours.
He was so horrible to everyone, but he felt so wonderful. He groaned your name loud and your felt warmth between your legs. He lifted himself off of you and sat on the bed. You started to hear the loud music again. His eyes focused in the dark. As did yours. Then the shameful realization came to you.
“You cheated on her with me, didn’t you?” you asked. Your stomach churned when he didn’t answer you. You dressed yourself and set off without another word. David caught you storming out the party.
“What happened?” David asked, grabbing you. He saw your teary eyes and shaky breath.
“I just wanna go home.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Please just take me home,” you said. You couldn’t sleep for the next couple of days. You watched Ramsay hold her hand. Ramsay kiss her on the lips. All while you knew exactly what both of you did together. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak or look at Ramsay.
But he was insistent on speaking with you. He left several notes in your locker when texting wouldn’t work. He stared at you during history class. Whenever you saw him coming towards you, you avoided him. Suddenly, spending the summer with him at the museum didn’t sound wonderful anymore. If he could do that to his girlfriend, he could do that with you.
Three weeks went by just like that. Avoiding him. Not looking at him. Pretending like he didn’t exist. At first, you thought you were sick. You skipped a day and thought your nausea would go away. Then, it was the fatigue. You barely could keep awake in history class anymore. Your body felt sluggish as if you had to drag yourself to do everything. You thought it was weird that your period didn’t come.
Your period didn’t come.
“I’m so scared,” you told David. He waited with you in his bathroom, trying to keep you calm. The seconds felt like forever.
“It’s fine. You’re going to be fine,” David rubbed your back in circles. It felt comforting, but it couldn’t solve the current issue. “This could all be stress. I mean, isn’t your stepsister suing your dad for something?”
“Yeah, for rent, and he’s countersuing.”
“See? Stress. You have a lot on your plate. It could be nothing.” David tried reassuring you, but the seconds were up. The results of the pregnancy test could change your life. Your stomach flipped and turned. Your chest felt tight. You held the small item in your hands and saw the two blue lines.
It was positive.
Everything was a blur. The room had to be spinning. This couldn’t be happening. You had plans. You wanted to go to college. You wanted so much more. Monday came around, and you felt the same. Sluggish, shitty, and trying your best. When you approached your locker for the first class of the day, you saw Ramsay. He watched you not too far away.
You had to tell him.
Quickly thinking of something, you wrote down a meeting time and place on a piece of notebook paper. You approached him saying nothing and handed him the note.
“You’re acknowledging me now? What’s this?” Ramsay took the paper and unfolded it. “What is it?”
“We’ll talk later. That time. That place. Ok?”
“We can’t talk now? Because that’s what we’re doing, we’re talking now.”
“Ramsay, I don’t have the time. I have to go to class.”
“No, you really don’t. Talk to me. Now.” Ramsay waited for you to say something. All you could manage was sigh and close your eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Ramsay.”
Ramsay blinked. He stood there, almost unfazed. “You’re what?”
“I’m pregnant. With your child. It’s yours.” Your vision started to blur. Your face felt wet. Ramsay looked around and took you aside. The bell rung and the hallway was nearly empty of everyone save for a few tardy students.
“You’re serious?” Ramsay’s hands fell on your shoulders. You nodded, trying to keep tears back. Ramsay let out a long and slow exhale.
“I’m sorry,” you said through the tears. “I can get rid of it. I’m not asking for anything.”
“Oh shut up,” Ramsay kissed your forehead, almost smiling. “This…changes a lot of things, but we can do this, alright? Stop crying.”
“You didn’t think I would let you do this on your own, did you?” Ramsay tucked his finger under your chin.
“What about—
“We broke up. Three weeks ago. She found out from one of her friends. Took a picture of us going up the stairs. She wasn’t too happy. I didn’t really care.”
“You don’t care about a lot of things, do you?” you felt anger coursing through your veins. You wanted to slap him. Of course he didn’t care. You let your hand fly until he caught it.
“I care about you, Miss Perfect,” Ramsay said in your face. “I don’t regret what we did that night.” You looked down at your belly and then back to him. “Not even now?”
“Not even now,” Ramsay took your hand. “Are we doing this or not?”
The summer went by and so did the internship. When fall came, you opted out of going back to school with David and Ramsay. You entered into an online school where you could finish your high school degree. It was easier. Less people.
David was more than happy to help you in every way possible. He wanted to throw you a wonderfully big baby shower. That is, until you were thrown out of the house. Your father wouldn’t tolerate or deal with ‘baby drama’. David and his family took you in.
When Ramsay found out, his heart broke for you and his anger grew against your father. Ramsay moved you in with him and his family. Roose thought you were kind, but naïve. Walda, Ramsay’s stepmother, loved having you around. They were uch nicer and more forgiving than your own family.
When the day finally came, you pushed for hours. You cursed and screamed at Ramsay at first which frightened him. He’d never seen you like that. That day, he made an important mental note to never ever piss you off. You both heard the cries of your little baby girl. She had your eyes, but she barely opened them.
Ramsay and you laid back in the bed, looking down at her and reflecting on the past nine months. Both of you heard a high-pitched squeal to see David. He held an armful of balloons, a teddy bear, and flowers.
“Hi David,” Ramsay greeted. David still squeaked, looking at both you. Ramsay rolled his eyes. “What is it?”
David smiled and like a cute fangirl, he squealed, “I ship it.”
Taglist:  @angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09@disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @i-theredqueen @sleepylunarwolf@trashpandabarnes @loki-0fasgard @boltonblade
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thefandomships-imagines · 8 years ago
hi. ❤️ could i get a avengers, x men and suicide squad ship? 5'9, inverted triangle body shape, brown hair with bangs, heterochromia ( blue eyes, left one’s mixed with hazel ), baby face, dimples. slytherin. isfj. bi-curious. at first, i’m shy, quiet and reserved. usually playful, dirty minded and fun around friends. a perfectionist, control freak, slight clean freak. stubborn, jealous, emotional, punctual, impulsive, selfish, socially awkward. if i’m annoyed or impatient, i can say something mean or witty which later on i may regret. i put on a mask of confidence, but i’m really not due to my body insecurities and the small gap between my front teeth. when i’m hurt, i turn petty and may complain. when i’m nervous, i talk a lot. hate crying in front of people. don’t like to be forced into stuff or being compared to somebody. i don’t like to ask people for help. i can’t fall asleep without music. dislike romance. i stress over little things, like - make a big deal out of nothing. nervous whenever i do something out of my comfort zone. hopefully, one day i’ll find my true calling, but right now i’m thinking about becoming an actress. motherly towards kids. fashion is my passion, as well as reading and role playing on tumblr. after finishing high school, i want to travel the world. overprotective over my mom and lil’ sis, knowing my mom is a single parent. daddy issues. bad at cooking. spontaneous road trips with loud music on is life. prefers tea over coffee. dress to impress. thank you so much!
Note: Gifs or characters are not mine! I just get them off of tumblr or google, if you see one that’s yours and isnt credited, please contact me and i’ll fix that :)
Hello lovely! 
I ship you with Bruce Banner!
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You strike me as a person that spends a lot of time in their ‘shell’, and isn’t very comfortably with others very quickly due to your reserved nature and said ‘ mask’ you tend to wear in front of people you don’t know very well.  It takes some time in order to get comfortable with others and that’s okay, and if there’s someone that understands that it’s Bruce, the only one who could see trough the confident banter next to Wanda Maximoff. It’s one of the things that made him interested in you from the moment he met you.  He is not the most extraverted person himself, not really going with playful conversation like the rest of the group tries to do.  It wasn’t until you two had both stayed behin while the rest went out into town that you realised that you had more in common than you thought. You got into conversation and somehow he immediately felt comfortable around you and started opening up to you bit by bit. This encouraged you to, unawarely, do the same. He kind of dragged you out of your shell and you started hanging out together more and more, which your friend Wanda did not take long to notice.  How you got together: Stupidly, Bruce had confided in his friend Tony about talking to you and about how comfortable you made him feel. Big mistake. Because if Tony smells drama, a way to draw his friend out of his comfort zone or both, he loooves to exploit it. One of the things bruce told him was that he did not understand how insecure you felt sometimes. When Tony asked why, the answer was that he found you absolutely breathtaking. You were beautiful, unique and you made him feel accepted and made him laugh. You’re honest, protective and smart. In short : he sounded like a lovesick puppy.  And since Tony knew Wanda was your friend, he went to her. Turned out she shipped it too and together, the unusual duo concocted a plan…… Bruce would NEVER hurt you, or make you feel small in a bad way. He respects you immensly and understands about 9/10 of the time. You’re the only one allowed completely into his mind, and hopes you trust him excactly the same. You’re also the only one allowed to tease him. Ever. 
I ship you with Havoc!
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Alex seems like a real asshole at first, and he probably was when he was younger. Tough from the moment that Charles and Erik went to fetch him out of jail, he changed completely. When you joined the group, it took time to get used to him . A LOT of time. Actually, he used to think of you as a little rude, and had trouble reading you so he didn’t usually make contact with you. This was the biggest problem in the beginning, not being able to get a read off each other causes a lot of fights and snarky comments, making the rest of the group unhappy with you seeming like enemies more than comrades. He began to feel more like understanding what you were about after spotting you in your free time. The way you were with your little sister, the bond you had reminded him of his own little brother. He saw how protective you were over her, for example when you got in trouble with a couple of jerks and you got them to fuck off. It made him want to be a better person for his own family.
When you got back, he acted completely differently than how he had seen you with your family. Your wall was back up and that was something he did understand. After all, he was the one that tore everything apart, landed in jail, all because he acted differenly, to not be vulnerable. He kept notincing more layers of yours after that. The way you spoke so indifferently and playfully to Raven and Banshee, wheres you were much more considerate of ‘Bozo’ aka Hank. The way ‘the claws’ came out when you were pissed, and the way you sat by yourself, buried in a book pretending to read while half-sulking later.  He started admiring you, though you never picked up on that and just kept doing so until Hank, while annoyed wih Alex,  uncharacteristically told him ‘to stop being a little bitch and do something other than swooning from afar, if he’s so tough’. So thats what he did. At first you really didnt understand why the hell he was interested in you and you actually thought it was a joke. Luckily that didn’t last very long. Alex is now the most attentive and protective guy you could wish for, though you’d never even thought of him being an option. 
Suicide Squad:
I ship you with Rick Flag! 
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Rick, after all that happened was broken, lightly said. He didn’t know what to do with himself after the battle. Sure, he’d go home, shower, eat and sleep, but his visions of the world and of right and wrong were twisted up. Almost as if he’d lost his purpose. Good guys had turned out to be bad and a firebreathing-god gangster had sacrificed himself to save the rest, his family he had called it. So he just pretended to have moved on. The baddies went back to jail and he went back to work.
Rick and you hadn’t been on good or bad terms. You just accepted the fact that you co-existed. Sometimes you dares joke with each other. You see, Rick automatically hated criminals and didn’t hate figures associated with the law in a good way. The thing is, you were neither.  Well, you didn’t have a record, though your reputation was…..interesting. Which is why you got in the team, you were granted full immunity for the future. To be honest you would have done it for free, since you kinda do live on this planet and rather not have it detroyed. You weren’t as overpowered as your late friend El Diablo or as crazy as Harley, but damnit if you weren’t a badass.  Knives were your thing, and at your thing, you were the best. Granted, being about 5 times as agile and 3 times as fast as the average human also helped. And all while looking slayin’. Yeah, let’s pass the spandex. So, after the battle you simply returned to your old life as well, occasionally standing by on a A.R.G.U.S. mission, which is, after a couple of months, where you saw Rick again.  When you saw him, you almost flinched. He seemed so lost. Dark bags under his eyes, abviously thinner, paler than ever and he barely opened his mouth. Mr. gruffypants certainly didn’t deserve this.  When Rick saw you after a couple of months, his reaction was more the opposite of yours. He was slowly recovering from all his emotional damage, and now, he felt guilty. Very guilty as he looked at you. He was moving on but he felt wrong looking at another person, and finding that he enjoyed watching the way their outfit hugged their curves. He did not speak to you that night. 
Fastforward three weeks. A group of agents  were chasing an installment of the Triads. Yay, which meant you were called out of your comfy bed again since annoying you was easier that getting Boomerang, who would try to escape….. In the meanwhile, the guilt had been another factor combined in crushing Rick’s mental condition. The chase was going nowehere, well, apart from four killed and two wounded at your side, It was safe to say it was a shitty night.  When your team lost track of said Triads at 3 o’clock in the moring shit hit the fan. You had to call it in to Walker, who was not amused. Ambulances and coroners where called in an you were making sure everyone that needed it got help. You were not that much of a villain. All were accounted for, except your brusque Captain. Damnit.  When you finally did find him, you did not know excacty what to do. He was huddled against the wall of an abandoned building, your silly little superiour.  Slowly, you approached him, sliding against the wall next to him.  You didn’t say anything. Neither did he. 
You awoke to a car honking. Great, you thought. Six in the moring, in an abandoned builing, half asleep with Flags’ head on my lap…. FLAGS’ HEAD ON MY LAP. Shit. He did look cute, relaxed.  After about an hour he started to stir.  ‘I haven’t slept this long since months.’ he smiled.  ‘Great.’ you deadpanned. ‘I’m oficially functional as a plushie.’ 
You might be an odd couple, and you might not have been a ‘good guy’, but you were Captain Rick Flag’s salvation. And now, whichever idiot tries to mess with you  hasn’t just got a knife-wielding superhuman after them, but also a very pissed of Rick Flag.  The rest of the squad loved to tease you guys about it all. And that’s all fun and games until there’s another knife stuck in the wall at A.R.G.U.S. headquarters, which, lightly said, makes Walker, not amused.
Hope ya liked them all :3
WELL THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A RIDE. 1560 WORDS HELP.  Extra elaborate because IM OFICCIALLY BACK *cheers*. Let’s just hope i wont have any forced hiatusus anytime soon again (@.@) Also, thanks for sending me a message and being so sweet! 
I might be a lil rusty so if you find any silly errors made by me please send in something so le me can fix it :D
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deafinatlyafan · 8 years ago
"I'm just saying a dog would help with Anxiety's depression and I would love to have one to pet too." Any ship
(Could be seen as Nightmare part 2)
Tw: dog, nervous Prince. Mentions dog abuse
(I wanted to make this fluff but idk how well I did.)
Morlaity woke up gruggedly and looked around. He was in the coms room laying on top of Romam.
He looked up to his boyfriend and smiled. Why was he so dang cute?! How was he ever so lucky to have him?
 Morliaty slowly turned so he could lean on his side and look up at his partner watching him sleep peacfully as he was drooling.
He was getting impatient and leaned up to kiss Prince on his nose. That made Roman groan sleepingly . Morlaity smiled before quickly putting his head by Romans head.
“Did you just kiss my nose?” Roman groaned.
“Yeah?” Morality suddenly felt nervous was this too far?
“Don’t worry, I loved it. It was just unexpected.” Roman said streaching.
“Well then, Morning handsome!” Morality giggled.
“Morning Second Most Handsomest Person!” Prince teased. Morality moved to give him a kiss.
“You know you drool in your sleep right?” Morality asked. Roman blushed.
“Shut up.” He said as he tried to get up.
“No, dont leave me! You’re too warm!” Morality whined putting his head on Romams chest and hugging him tighter.
“Morality, you’re on top, I can’t move unless you move first.” Roman pointed out.
“Oh then I wont move.” Morality said smiling as he put his head on Romans chest.
 Roman sighed but put his hand on Morlaitys head to play with his hair.
“I swear you’re like an energetic cat.”
“Except I’m not as energetic as a cat.” Morality started  thinking about dogs, knowing that he had to talk to Roman about it.
“No, you’re right. You’re more energetic.” Roman said. Morality lightly slapped Romans arm.
“How dare you. Now I definatley wont get up for a long time.”
“Hon, I love you, but I need to pee. I promise after I pee we can go right back to snuggling.”
“But I dont wanna move.” Morlaity complained.
“Do you wan’t me to pee on you?” Roman asked.
‘I’d rather a dog peed on me’ Morality thought.
“Nooooo.” He repied.
“Then you’re going to have to move.” Roman said.
Morlaity sighed, but had an idea.
“Fine, but only if you agree to consider getting a dog.” Morlaity said.
“Wha-” Roman was obviosuly surprised by this.
“I’m just saying, a dog would help with Anxiety’s depression and I would love to have one to pet too.” Morality said, he wanted to say more but he stayed quiet. The last time he asked about a dog was with Brianna and she got upset.
“Wait, are you serious?” Romam asked. Morality was getting nervous.
“Y-yeah. Is it too soon? I dont know how relationships are supost to work and I dont want kids just yet -not that I dont want kids, I do-but I don’t think we’re there yet-and I want a dog more than I want a kid at the moment does that make me a horrible person? Crap-I’m so sorry I-”
Morlaity was starting to shake as Roman moved to sit up.
“Hey, hey babe, its okay. Theres nothing wrong with wanting a dog or kids. I’m just surprised you brought it up. I can think of getting a dog. A dog would be a nice addition to the family.”
“So we should get one?” Morlaity asked excited.
“Well, this is Thomas’s house so-”
“I actually talked to him about it and hes cool with it! Only Logan seems to be agaisnt it, but he has said he is open to it if we can care for him-or her.”
“I think Its a  great idea.” Roman said hugging Morality closer.
They talked about it for a week, being sure to involve the others. Roman told Morality he found this a big step, but was ready to do it, he just wanted to talk to the others as well.
He also did studies with Logan on what kind of breed could work best and how to care for dogs. The night they planned to get the dog Roman was planning to stay up all night. He was watching vidoes on how to help if they were anxious dogs, alhough he saw it at least twelve times already.
“Roman you need sleep.” Morality had woken up from a dream he didnt remember. He didnt like that his partner was still up.
“But I need everything to go perfecrly Morlaity. What if they’re scared of me when we meet? I dont want them to fear me!” Roman was obviously distresses. Morality leaned towards his boyfriend and kissed his neck.
“I’m sure they will love you. You did more research than i did, and i did alot of it. Come on Roman, our new puppy wouldn’t want you to meet him while you were tired.”
“I know, but-”
“Its okay, I’m nervous too,” Morality admitted, putting his arm around Roman and rested his head on Romans shoulder. “but we need sleep. I’m going to have a hard time sleeping, can you snuggle with me?”
“Did you have another nightmare?” Roman asked frowning.
“I don’t know, I’m tired snd want a hug from my boyfriend.” Morality knew if he gave Roman a job like this it would help Roman sleep better. Roman looked hesitant.
“Just one more time-”
“Babe, you’ve watched it twenty times before I slept. I promise if you forget anything, I, Logan and Thomas will be there to remind you.”
Thomas and Logan had agreed to come. Anxiety didnt want to go for reasons unknown to them, but they respected it.
Roman was still hesitant but he put the laptop away. Deeming this a victory Morality laid down turning so his back was facing Romans.
“Can-can you hug me this time?” Roman sounded nervous. Morality turned to face Roman.
“Sure, you okay?” Morlaoty asked.
“Just nervous. I’m worried our dog wont like me.” Roman admitted.
“Dont worry we will get a dog that loves you! Its okay i can hug you, its been a while! Come here.” Morality beckoned Roman closer. Roman felt hesitant, not used to being the little spoon, but obeyed.
Morality out his arm around Roman.
“This good?” He asked.
“Can you- do you mind putting your leg around me?” Roman asked. Morality proceeded to put his leg over Romans hips.
“This good?” Morlaoty asked.
“You okay?” Roman asked, nervous he was making Morality do something he didnt want.
“Yup, this is great. I love being the big spoon, just wanted to be sure you were comfy before I fell asleep” Morality.
“Yeah, this is good .” Prince said.
“The snuggle is real!” Morlaoty let out a giggle as he said jt. Roman was quiet for a second.
“Did you just make a snuggling pun?”
They were at the pet store and Morality was too excited.
“Aww Roman look at them!” Morality was pointing at a couple Cocker Spaniels.
“Aww I wish I could adopt all of you!!” Morality cooed. Normally Roman would find his enthusiasm cute, but he was very nervous.
“They said they sometimes had puppies that out grew their spaces so they had to move them to the back. Do you want to-” Morality raced to the back before Logan could finish his sentence.
“Why wont Morality listen for once.” Logan sighed. Thomas followef Morality “to make sure he didnt play with any animals he shouldn’t.” Roman just nodded his head, looking around.
“Hey you okay?” Logan asked. Roman turned his attention to Logan.
“Yeah, why?” Roman flinched at his voice. It was cracking.
“You know, if you didnt want a dog Mortality would be okay with that right? He’d feel worse if he thought you felt forced to get a dog.” Logan said.
“No no, I love dogs, I’m just-I’m nervous, I want Morality to be happy, but I’m nervous the dog wont like me.” Roman murmured towards the end.
“Oh, well dogs are easy to please and love their owners for life.” Logan said.
“Or hate them for life.” Roman muttered.
“Do you not want a dog or-” Logan was very confused.
“I do, I’m just-I’m just nervous, this is a very big step for me. I wasn’t this nervous with Morality moving into my room because he was basically living there, but this is big for me. I’m happy about it though, i really am. Just, what if Morality finds someone better?”
“I dont see how the two correspond each other; Nevertheless-and I can’t foresee the future- however, I can tell Morality loves you a lot. You know how he felt for Brianna-”
“Exactly! What if he just saw me and liked me because I was the first guy in his sight?” Roman asked.
“If you had let me finished I would have said "how he felt for Brianna is nothing compared to how he feels for you.” Morality fell harder for you. Trust me. I was there.“ Logan turned to look at something and Roman looked in his direction. He see Morality excitedly waving the others over as Thomas smiled.
"He loves you, Roman. This is not platonic.” Logan walked towards Morality.
“You have to see her, she’s so cute I think shes the one! I want to see what you think though.” Morality was basically jumping as he dragged Roman to the end. He was surprised to see an enthusiastic Staffordshire Bull Terrier. He was trying to lick Moralitys hand through the kennel. He felt… something- an interest in her.
“Do you want to see her?” The worker asked smiling, leaning on the kennel. Morality looked up at Roman.
“Yeah, yes please.” Roman answered.
The worker took a key out and put it to the kennel, twisting it. The bull stayed in the kennel even after the door opened but still shook her tail.
“We call her Shadow. Her last owners called her nightmare. Its okay, you can come here Shadow.”
“Why did they call her that?” Thomas asked.
“They thought she was "too much of a sweetheart” and wanted a tough dog. So they just threw her back here, we call her shadow since we didnt want to connect her to her other name.“ The worker roller their eyes when she talked about the owners.
Morality winches a little but smiled sadly at Shadow.
"How old is she?” Roman asked softly putting his hand out for Shadow to sniff. She started licking Romans hand and went up to his leg and pressed against it.
“Wow she likes you already! It took us weeks before she was comfortable enough to come up to us! As for her age,” they took a hesitant breath in, “we can’t be sure but the vets put her around two to three years old.” The owner said.
“She’s so young!” Morality said putting his hand out. Thomas and Logan stayed back letting the couple get to know the dog.
Shadow sniffled Morlaity’s hand again and licked it before putting her head on his hand.
“What do you call a frozen dog?” Morality said smiling. The worker looked confused.
“He’s about to make a pun.” Roman explained.
The worker nodded their head and let out an “ah.”
“I don’t know what do you call them?” They asked curious.
“A pupsicle!” Morality grinned. The worker and Roman laughed. Shadow was still waging her tail in excitement.
It had been a couple weeks since they took Shadow in when they decided it was time for a group movie. Morality and Roman were snuggling on the side of the couch (Thomas at the other end of it, ) while Anxiety was sitting on the floor. Logan sat is the single couch. Shadow had just entered the coms room.
Shadow had gotten used to Anxiety quickly and often snuggled with him if Roman and Morality wanted the space. Everybody thought she was heading for Anxiety, but they were surprised when she jumped on the couch, near where Roman was at.
“Hey shadow!” Roman said as she jumped inbetweeb Thomas and Roman (though right behind Anxity.) She turned around and around until she was happy and laid down. Her paw was on Anxietys head, her butt was touching Thomas leg, and she rested her head on Romans lap. Roman heart leapt.
“Hey don’t take my boyfriend away from me! You already have everyone in the house falling for you.” Morality teased petting her head.
“Don’t worry, she can’t take your place.” Roman said putting his arm around Morality before kissing him. Morality grinned.
This was the best day yet.
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