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Calm down, Peeta
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“If I could’ve just hated him in the arena, we all wouldn’t be in this mess now. He’d be dead, and I’d be a happy little victor all by myself.”
Ouch, Katniss. Happy little victor? She never realized the horror show that awaited her. It it weren’t for this innocent little teenage star-crossed lovers charade, she would certainly endure years upon years of forced prostitution in the Capitol. Peeta being Peeta and charming his way into their hearts, revealing his feelings, putting the star-crossed lovers angle out there, and then winning Katniss over to the point where she refused to go back without him all helped to maintain their innocence. Even if Katniss had managed to kill him in the end like he wanted, I don’t think the Capitol peeps would have wanted to tarnish their memory, or dead Peeta’s beloved girl. I mean I could be wrong, but I feel like Peeta saved her from Finnick’s fate whether he was alive or dead.
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My thoughts that no one asked for:
My favourite everlark quotes cause I rewatched all the movies.
7) [gale] "No, you won her over. You gave everything for her." Mockingjay pt.2
6) [Katniss] "you're favourite colour is orange. [...] You always sleep with your window open. You're a painter. You're a baker. You never take your tea with sugar. *Deep breath* you're right, i can't do this." Mockingjay pt.2
5) [Peeta] "They say you love me too." [Katniss] "They say that's why Snow hurted you. To hurt me." Mockingjay pt.2
4) [Peeta] "you're still trying to protect me. Real or not real?" [Katniss] "Real." Mockingjay pt.2
3) [Peeta] "you love me. Real or not real?" [Katniss] "Real." Mockingjay pt.2
2) [Katniss] "And you?" [Peeta] "Nobody needs me." [Katniss] "I do. I need you." Catching Fire
1) [Katniss] " Will you Stay with me?" [Peeta] "Yeah. Always." Catching Fire
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That should have been my quickest series but somehow I managed to finish it only now ;) I don’t know why but this one was the hardest to draw. I already draw Katniss on her wedding day (with primroses) so I used the same design for her. Peeta wearing the waistcoat is the praise to his father’s wedding suit. I think that day was not only happy but also pretty sad for both of them. So many people who should be there for them but… yeah. I know many people think that Katniss and Peeta never married officially (just toasted) but I like to think that they actually had small ceremony and celebration with close friends. Maybe I just love to think about future Katniss as Katniss Mellark haha. Anyways, I hope you like my take on Katniss and Peeta’s wedding photo ;) and I will upload this series all together tomorrow ;)
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Pretty those who only saw the movies. I gotta be honest they literally butchered his character in the movies
No but seriously who wasn’t Team Peeta? That is genuinely mind boggling to me. HOW?????
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No but seriously who wasn’t Team Peeta? That is genuinely mind boggling to me. HOW?????
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i know i use the word iconic a lot in relation to harry james potter but i feel it bears repeating here
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To people who followed me for one specific fandom, I am so so sorry
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I wish Ron Weasley was real.
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ginny: i wish i didn't have to stand on my tippy toes to kiss harry sometimes
hermione: ron has to lift me off the ground everytime WE kiss
hermione: not that i'm complaining
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*Ben Barnes looking like a human version of cinnamon roll*
HOLLYWOOD: I'm gonna make this man the biggest murdering psychopath
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Harry saw that burn coming from a mile away
more incorrect quotes
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George MacKay:
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George MacKay:
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This movie showed so much better relation between Hamlet and Gertrude. And George as hamlet 😍😍😍
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Come hither, my dear Hamlet, sit by me. Queen Gertrude and Prince Hamlet in Ophelia (2018)
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just realized that Ron Weasley and James Potter are the most hated characters by slytherin stans cause they’re the same person.
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