#i saw this and went waaaAAHHHHH
thatsnotbuddies · 5 months
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hanny and tanny in the handshake line after game 7
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afterglow || ch 11: lotion (fictober day 2)
fandom: haikyuu!! fic summary: Kageyama has learned a lot of things since befriending Hinata Shouyou. Things about Hinata, things about himself. How to open up. How to be vulnerable. How to love. And Hinata? Hinata learns more about Kageyama than he ever thought he would. Kagehina drabble collection ft. the rest of Karasuno, written for sarahenany. Daily drabbles for Fictober 2022! fictober day 2: "nobody told you about me?" by @fictober-event ch summary: Hinata's hands are dry and cracked due to the nippy weather. Kageyama gives him some lotion to remedy this. entire drabble below. :) find the whole collection: ao3 // tumblr
Hinata winced as he pulled on his uniform blazer, the back of his hands stinging. When he looked down at them, he realized why: “Ugh, my hands are so dry.”
“Have you tried using lotion?” Yamaguchi asked, already dressed and standing by the doorway, ready to leave.
“I don’t have any with me,” Hinata admitted with a pout.
Suga winced sympathetically. “Ouch. I’m sorry, Hinata. I don’t have any on me, either.”
Hinata’s pout deepened. He sighed and buttoned up his blazer, studying his hands as he went. It wasn’t even the good kind of sting—the kind that followed a good spike. The nippy October wind probably wasn’t going to help.
“It is getting colder out,” Daichi said. “I’ll try to bring a bottle tomorrow to keep in the club room.”
“Thank you, Daichi-san,” Hinata said, wondering if he even had any at home. His mother probably did, somewhere—if not, well. He’d be stuck waiting until tomorrow.
Something poked his arm. “Here.”
He blinked at the sound of Kageyama’s voice and then blinked again when he saw what had poked him: a medium-sized bottle of hand cream. “Waaaaahhhhh, you have some!” 
“Why are you surprised?”
Hinata wasn’t sure. Kageyama took that extra step when caring for his own hands—he even clipped and filed his fingernails, whereas Hinata’s were bitten and uneven. Of course he had hand lotion.
“Are you gonna take it or not?” Kageyama asked abruptly.
“Oh! Yes, thank you!”
Their teammates continued getting dressed and filing out of the clubroom, probably ready for a hot bath and a meal. Hinata, anxious for both as well and knowing their captain was waiting for everyone to finish so he could lock up, hurried to snap the cap open and squirt some into his hands.
Except he must’ve squeezed the bottle too hard because a lot more came out than he intended.
Eek! That’s a lot!
“Dumbass. You don’t need that much,” Kageyama said and gave him an unimpressed look.
“Nobody warned you about me?” Hinata said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I always use this much.”
“Right. You and your tiny hands.”
Hinata lifted his gaze to meet Kageyama’s fiercely. “It was a joke, you jerk. I obviously didn’t mean to. And—hey! My hands aren’t tiny!”
“I dunno,” Suga commented, eyeing Hinata’s hands. “They’re a little small…”
“Idiot, give me that,” Kageyama said.
Hinata didn’t get a chance to reply before Kageyama took the bottle back, shoved it under his arm to hold it hands-free, and scooped half the lotion from Hinata’s palm to use for his own hands.
“There,” he said when he was done rubbing it in. “Oi. Don’t just stand there.”
Hinata realized after several seconds that he was staring at Kageyama with his mouth open. He squeaked and slathered it over his fingers and palms, wincing again at the sting. “Ouch…”
“It’s probably going to hurt a little bit because your hands need to heal,” Daichi pointed out.
“You should keep a bottle with you,” Kageyama told him. “You need to keep your skin moisturized.”
Hinata nodded, looking down at his hands as he continued to work the cream into his skin, cheeks traitorously hot. He tried not to think about the way Kageyama’s fingers, long and warm, felt against his palm as he took half the lotion so it wouldn’t go to waste.
As promised, Daichi brought a bottle of lotion for the club room the following morning for everyone to use when needed. But what Hinata couldn’t get over was that Kageyama also brought an extra bottle—one specifically for Hinata—and told him to apply it regularly.
He appreciated their captain’s kindness along with the rest of the team, but it was Kageyama’s generosity that left him feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
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orbitvenus · 3 years
buying a toy for yourself with iwaizumi at the toy store while your small sibling/cousin (you can choose :>) tags along. you were dragged by said sibling/cousin to the toy store to buy something. while looking after them with your boyfriend iwaizumi, your eyes lingered on a certain toy that reminded you of your childhood. it caught your attention probably because of nostalgia. iwaizumi noticed you staring at the toy and got curious. you felt his stare and knew what he's already thinking so you explained why you suddenly had the urge to get one even though you're already old. he felt his heart soften and he didn't mind what you do or buy as long as it makes you happy. he encouraged you to grab it and you did. your little cousin/sibling comes back with their chosen toy and noticed the item in your hand. they asked why you have one and told them its a secret. they shrugged it off and you went to the cashier to buy it. coming out from the store, iwaizumi saw how you're smiling happily just like your sibling/cousin and let out a chuckle. you asked what's funny and instead of getting an answer he just ruffled your hair, pulled you closer to him and sighed you always manage to make him love you even more.
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note: this is so cheesy waaaaahhhhh I don't know why I chose iwaizumi he came into my mind first
content by @dreamingkita pls do not repost or plagiarize❗
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Hello. You can write about Baby Malius and Baby Idea🥰
Hello sweetie~♡
Babies are on the way then🍼
Have a good day and take care of yourself ~♡
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Idia shroud
• You thought it was going to be a good day till you knew that headmaster Crowley wants you to come to his office! What could it be?
• "Excuse me, can i come in?" You peered from the door as you saw Crowley standing there holding something or someone, you were surprised cause you found ortho also standing there
• "(Y/n) I'm glad to see you! Did you see what happened to nii-san?!" Said ortho almost crying as you moved your gazes from ortho to what the headmaster was holding
• " i idia?!" You gasped as you saw him, he was almost a year old or even few months, he was calm and cute, he looked at you with his golden eyes and reached his hand for you, you took him from headmaster's hand carefully
• "(Y/n)! Can you please take care of him while i and ortho find a way to turn him back?" Asked Crowley knowing you would never reject that
• You of course paid a visit to sam to find some baby stuff cause of course you have nothing like that in your dorm!
• You placed him on the bed surrounding him with as much pillows as you can find tucking him on the bed, he was weirdly cute, even as a baby he's just as calm as he used to be.
• He was quietly watching you as you doing your stuff, doing this or that, he somehow wanted you to carry him but you of course were busy enough to notice that, so he decided to move! He was kicking pillows around him but he went further and fell from the bed!
• At first he was quiet but then his eyes started to tear then it was followed by cries!
• "WAAAAHHHHHH" cried idia as he felt the pain on the place he fall in and once you heard him crying you ditched everything and ran to him, you picked him up from the floor and started patting on his back till he stopped crying yet he kept on sniffing and tears were falling from his eyes
• You thought for a second before searching on the things you brought from sam, you found a pacifier and put it into idia's mouth, he kept on sucking into it while you prepared the bottle for him, but taking the pacifier from idia's mouth was the worst thing you could do now!
• The second you took the pacifier off from his mouth he began to cry even more harder! You hurried and placed the bottle on his mouth, once the bottle ended idia started yawning, you couldn't resist poking his chubby cheeks, it was of course annoying for him but you enjoyed it
• "Excuse me (y/n)! Can we come in?" It was crowly and ortho, allowing them in they saw you holding idia and they went awwwwwww!
• "We couldn't find anything about it! He was making an experiment and this somehow happened! But luckily the effect will be gone at any second so hand me idia kun to return him with ortho to ignihyde!" Said Crowley reaching his hand for you to take idia whom just as seeing Crowley Trying to take him away from you buried his face into your chest and holding onto you tight refusing to go
• "It's ok, headmaster let him stay with me!"
• "But-" didn't have a chance to continue talking idia returned to his normal size still hugging you tight! You couldn't handle the weight was on you so you took idia and fell to the ground!
• "Nii-san you're back!!!"
• "Eh.....(y/n) what are you doing here?.....(y/n)???"
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Malleus draconia
• You heard knocks on the door, allowing the person in there dashed lilia holding holding you from your arm dragging you with him to diasomania
• "Lilia-san! What happened?"
• "Soon you will know!"
• Opening the door, you saw a crib where lilia bent and carefully carried a baby! He slowly walked towards you not to wake him up and handed him to you who gave lilia the (what is this?) Look .
• "I did that once! I won't do it more than this, take care of him and if you need any help tell me, all what he needs is around you in the room, be careful and good bye!" Said lilia leaving
• "Wait! Who's that baby?"
• ".....Don't you know who? Look at him close and you will know!" Said lilia leaving you dumbfounded
• You looked at the baby in your arms, these horns are familiar....
• "MALLEUS!" You forgot that he's a baby and he will wake up from any sound not shouting! And of course he woke up in a bad mood!
• He slowly opened his eyes that directly met yours but soon...thoes eyes were full of tears!
• "Waaaaahhhhh"
• Shouted malleus at your face rising his arms to the air but it wasn't only that as he breathe green firs into your face burning you're forehair and leaving your face ash black!
• You looked everywhere for something to calm him down as you found a string shaped rattle, you started shaking it in front of his face till his cries calmed down.
• Placing him back to the crib you looked around for anything can help as lilia said but most things are burned or has some ashes on them even on the wall!
• You couldn't find any powder baby milk for him, shall you just take him with you out? But he's asleep peacefully there, you decided to leave him asleep and run to sam's shop, but as soon as you left, malleus woke up!
• He firstly looked around him but it was dark and calm, he supported himself with the crib bars to stand, he looked for you but you weren't there, he was completely alone!
• You brought the milk and went back to diasomania, you were close to the dorm when you saw green fire and smoke coming out the room where baby malleus was.
• You ran to the room and saw him, he was standing on the crib and crying fiercely, green fire were everywhere, all you could do was running there and carrying baby malleus out of the room
• You covered him with your jacket and took him to somewhere peaceful away from the fire, he was still crying in your chest holding into you tight.
• Diasomani students ran to put down the fire as lilia ran to you with a smile.
• "Oh wow! I'm glad you could keep it up!"
• "Lilia san, how could you keep all of this up back then?"
• Lilia didn't answer, he just patted your head and gave you a soft closed eye smile remembering those days.
• After the fire was out you gave baby malleus a bath and prepared the bottle to him, you put him back to the crib so he can finally sleep and you too!
• Just as you placed your head on the pillow you saw malleus moving again on the crib, you went to check on him to see him reaching his hand to you (don't leave me alone again) you smiled and carried baby malleus with you, you slept with his small head rested on your chest you went on a slumber
~2 hours later ~
• "Lilia-sama shouldn't we wake him up? He's back normal now!" Whispered sebek
• "Fufufuf no! Leave them for abit!"said lilia recording the moment and taking as many pictures as he can to embarrass mallus with them when he wakes up
• "But lilia-sama!.....but she seems that she can't breathe !!!!"
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selfshippy · 4 years
Tell me about Silver and how that went for ya :3c
oh GOSH;;;
this is just super dumb but 👉🏼👈🏼 like!!! i.
even before i Played gsc, when i saw silver i was already like "dang he cute!!"
but like... meetinf him in game jost made me like /)/////(\ bc like!!! idk the way he jost Pushes u and constantly Calls everyone weak makes me feel Intimidated and i. Highkey enjoy being intimidated HDKDKSKJDKSJDJXKCJDK
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shantalangel · 3 years
Stories written on the wall of one of the rooms in the game Armikrog.
It’s about everything happened before the game, P’s parents life, how they met and how she appeared.
Reading sequence:
The Blank Miner. Part 1
The Blank Miner. Part 2
Tools, Weapons, Food, Plants, Medicine, Magic and Pets
A Meeting in the Woods
Punishment and Crime. Part 1
Punishment and Crime. Part 2
Punishment and Crime. Part 3
Punishment and Crime. Part 3
Meva and I spent many weeks trying to come up with an experiment that would give us clear results to our hypothesis.
Many other experiments were conducted, most of them mundane. I will not bore you with the details, but I will bore you with the results. We found that most living bodies could go without a soul for some amount of time. It may only be a few seconds, but none of the bodies could survive without a soul for longer than two minutes under normal room conditions. We tried a soul transfer in the winter on a hibernating hamstel, and its body survived after four minutes without a soul, but most did not survive that long of an ordeal. There were problems with the bodies we were using in that the stopped heart removed the ability to deliver oxygen to the subject’s brain. So some soul transfers were successful, but the brain damage of the body was often so great that the spird was incapable of flight, had no memory, or died some time later. We hated being the cause of these spird’s deaths, so we tried to return their souls to their bodies within two minutes.
The Disintegration of Specimen X
Specimen X was lost when we unhooked the claw from the spird’s body midway through a transfer. The body went transparent, then vanished completely. It was unclear what happened to the spird’s soul, but we could hear it chirping in the air around us even after the body was disposed. This was strange, since the spird’s soul was not attached to a body’s vocal chords, and yet both Meva and I could hear it. Specimen X’s chirping went more and more distant before it went silent, never to be heard again. It was unclear to us if the body was disintegrated by choice of the purple fuzz-ball, or because of the disconnect of the soul transfer machine. This brings us to Specimen Y.
The Disintegration of Specimen Y
During the soul transfer of Specimen Y, I prodded the purple fuzz-ball with a stick, and everything in the room came to a stop. The lamp in the room remained lit, but it went dim. For a moment, I experienced what Specimen Y was feeling, and at the same time I could see his body splitting from his soul. I felt my heart beating in my chest, then saw my body from Specimen Y’s point of view. I felt terrified. My body looked like a giant, poking the purple fuzz-ball with a stick and standing across from my little spird’s body. The room went bright white, and I was slammed back into my Tzurk body. Meva and I were flung across the room, our bodies pressed against the wall by an unseen force. When the room went back to normal, Specimen Y’s body was gone, as was the rock his soul was supposed to be cast into. The stick was still in my hand, but it made chirping sounds. The stick chirped for several days, but faded as the days went on, until the voice died entirely.
The Visit
We were eating breakfast when the cabin was shaken. It stopped. An intermittent hum came from the backyard. We rushed out to find a space ship covered in stars floating just above the ground.
It was half the size of our cabin. We walked around it. I put my hand on the hull. It was cool to the touch, and the ship moved even under the slightest pressure of my hand like a balloon.
"I wonder if it has a door?" I said.
Just then, as if by coincidence, the edge of a door appeared, then it disappeared again. Meva saw it too.
We tried to find the edge of the door with our fingers, but the remained smooth aside from two large gashes to the left of where the door was.
"I wonder if someone is inside."
Again the edge of the door appeared, opening only slightly, but enough to allow sound to escape from the ship’s interior.
"WAAAaaahhH!" a cry came from inside. Not the cry of something big but of something small.
"That sounded like a child!" Meva gasped. "We have to get in!"
As if moved by her demand, the hatch opened wide, a small set of stairs extending to the ground. The cry came louder now that the hatch was open. We couldn't see inside because white lights flooded from inside. Meva was halfway up the stairs before I grabbed her arm.
"Meva! We don't know if it's safe!"
"WaaaaahhhhH!" came the baby cry again.
There was fire in Meva's eyes. "Someone needs us! We'll find out if it's safe later!"
She pulled me up into the bright light. I stumbled on the steps, and then we were inside. Meva tripped over something beyond the door, and she gasped. We stood there for a moment, waiting for our eyes to adjust to the light. From inside the craft, it was hard to make out any sounds beyond the hum of engines and the crying.
Finally, through squinted eyes we saw what Meva had tripped on. Two beings lay on the floor together, arm in arm. I would have thought they were asleep, but their faces were gaunt, their skin already stretching around the shape of their skulls, eyeballs dried and sunken. Meva covered her face.
I knew what had killed them. I had seen it before in the mines. When a miner was being punished for something particularly terrible, he would have his rations taken away. These were the effects of starvation.
Again, the crying. This time Meva stepped over the corpses and went in search of the source.
"What if it is a trap? That cry could be a universal distress signal to attract victims! Maybe this is not a ship! Maybe it is a living entity and it hopes to kill and eat us?!"
"You have a great imagination, Tzurk." Meva called over her shoulder.
I followed.
We passed a small room that caught my attention. Wires traced their way around the ceiling, walls, and floor. They came together at a power grid covered in little crystals inserted into gaps. The crystals were a dull greenish color.
In a small chamber, Meva found a baby in a padded pod, chained to a console. The room was filled with the stench of feces. When Meva lifted the child from her bed, it was easy to see that the smell was coming from her overflowing diaper. Even its pod was smeared with it.
"Tzurk, quickly, give me your robe!" Meva said.
Meva removed the dirty wrapping and tossed them back into the pod. Taking my robe, she gently wrapped the child. Though sullied, the child seemed comforted by its new found freedom from the soggy diaper. Her cries sputtered to a stop.
Meva rocked the girl in her arms, singing softly. The baby watched her with wide eyes. The little thing spoke, "P." She burped a green bubble. I popped the bubble, and a small crystal fell from it, landing on the floor. It looked just like the crystals I had seen inserted into the grid, except this one was bright green.
The baby nuzzled her head into Meva's arms, her eyes closing in exhaustion. Meva looked around the room.
"She hasn’t been changed her for days." Meva observed.
It didn't make sense that the two beings on the stairs starved to death while the child seemed to be so well fed. I turned the crystal over in my hand, trying to understand. Then it came to me.
"They starved themselves to feed the child!" I said, "The crystals come from her! They power the ship. She was their only chance for their survival. After they died, the ship ran out of power, and drifted into our backyard."
Meva smiled, “She found us, Tzurk! We could not ... she found us. You did see where the ship landed, right?"
I shook my head.
"... on the female baby garden. She will be OUR child!"
I saw the look of renewed hope in Meva's eyes. Though I doubted any cosmic will was bent on bringing us this female child, I did not want to hurt Meva’s feelings. Whatever the cause of this coincidence, it was a good thing for Meva's heart to have a child in her arms… a child that needed her.
We took P off the ship and brought her into the house. That night, she slept between us, and we could hear her breathing. I put my hand on Meva’s hip, and she put her hand on the baby’s back. Just before we drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep, I heard Meva say, "You're safe now, P. I love you." A giggle. A burp. POP! A crystal clatters on the floor.
The Signal
There were several mornings that Meva dreamt the same thing. She saw P being born in the center of a planet, hundreds of thousands of years ago. The dream was strange enough, but its recurrence was troubling.
Another oddity was P's diet. It was non-existent. Again and again, Meva tried to get P to eat something, but she would just laugh until she burped up a green bubble. In the corner of the cabin lay a burlap sack half full of green crystals.
"She is not eating, Tzurk. And she doesn't even seem hungry!" Meva said.
It was quite the puzzle. We had both seen her waste inside the ship, so she had to eat something, or at least be capable of it. Meva held P close, and the little green baby smiled, wrinkled her nose, then burped until a huge green bubble formed in the air! I popped it, and it revealed a slightly larger green crystal, about the size of an egg. I picked up the crystal and examined it.
It reminded me of something we had once found in the mine. We had found a crystal similar in shape and size, but it was blue. After discovering it, Jockson Reckson was noticeably excited. He ripped it from my hands and examined it in the light of one of our headlamps. He said it was K-tonium. He said something about selling it and buying a new house. He slipped it into his pocket, and we never saw it again.
Could these little green crystals be similar?
That evening, we were sitting on the front porch, enjoying the cool mountain air. Meva was teasing P with a little straw doll she'd made, and P was giggling, as usual. I examined the crystal. Where was a low hum, not from the crystal, but from beyond the trees, from the valley road. What I saw was like a boot to the stomach.
Three military hover pods stopped on the road. Scores of soldiers poured from them and disappearing into the trees between us.
"How did they find us?" Meva cried.
I looked down at the green crystal in my hand. P was emitting a source of power that would show up on the radar of every military vehicle across the country. How could I be so stupid? They were not coming for us. They were coming for her!
We ran back into the cabin. I dug out the sock with The Abominate's finger. Even if I managed to kill some of the soldiers, I would never stop all of them. Escape was our only option.
"Quick, Meva. To the ship!"
We ran out the back door, just as soldiers reached the front of the cabin.
"Open the hatch!" I yelled at the ship, and it obeyed.
Meva scrambled in with P, but then I remembered something. The soul transfer device was still inside the cabin. I nodded to send Meva into the ship as I ran back to the cabin.
"Close hatch!" I yelled over my shoulder, and the ship obeyed.
Inside the cabin, the front door groaned against its rusty hinges as the soldiers pounded the other side. I saw shadows pass the side windows. They’re going around the back! I fell onto my belly in front of the bed, and pulled the device out. I was nearly back outside when the front door gave, bursting inwards. Darts bit into the doorframe around me, and I slammed the back door closed on them.
Soldiers came around the sides of the cabin.
"Open!" I screamed at the ship as darts pinged off the ship’s doorframe.
I dove inside before the stairs even had time to extend. I shouted for the hatch to close, and not a moment too soon. BOOM! A concussion bomb made the ship reel.
Meva was thrown against the wall, her arms shielding P. I held up the device for her to see, and she nodded. Another concussion hit the ship, throwing me to the floor.
"They're shelling us!" she yelled.
We ran into the control room together, but none of the controls made any sense.
Meva was in despair, "How do we take off?"
Suddenly I remembered the green crystal in my pocket. It was a bright green, like the sun casting through a new spring leaf. Power! The ship needed power. I raced down the hall and into the room with the grid. I tore out a dull green crystal and threw it aside. I inserted the new bright green crystal in its place. A voice from overhead said, "P-tonium accepted. 12 percent charge."
Instantly the ship turned on an unseen pivot and shot upwards, pressing us into the floor. The whole room rumbled and shook as we gained speed.
From where I lay on the floor, I could see Meva, but I could not get up to be with her. She was pinned to the wall, clutching little P in her hands, straining against the pressure. She tried to hide the fear on her face.
All went silent. We had pierced the atmosphere. The resistance was gone, and the vacuum of space enveloped us.
Meva and I scrambled into the control room. The knobs, levers and buttons were a complete cipher.
"Does anything look familiar to you?" said Meva.
"I'm a miner, Meva. Not an astronaut."
"Don't worry, Tzurk." Meva said, "We are a family now. I would rather be here with you and P than back in my father's palace. Though hurling through space, I can say that in this moment, I am complete."
I laughed and my heart great stronger.
I said, "You are Armikrog! That is what I shall call you from now on."
Meva's face contorted, "That's a horrible sounding word! What does it mean?"
"A wrinkled man of the Wanati desert tribe was sold into slavery, and worked with our mining crew. Whenever his hammer fell on walls that were too hard to be chipped, he would shout 'ARMIKROG' at the rock. That's you. The immovable rock!"
Meva shook her head and laughed. "Never call me that ugly name!"
"Okay" I said, then mumbled under my breath, "... Armikrog."
"I heard that!"
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