#i saw a post about sylvies time in portland with matt and couldnt resist
brettsey-two-tts · 2 years
Brettsey Drabbles: “I love coming home to you.”
Matt was used to his routine in Oregon. He would wake up early and start the coffee maker. He’d then take a shower, get dressed for work, go into the kitchen to drink a cup of coffee and then fill up his travel mug to take some to the firehouse, and then either eat a piece of toast or take it with him to eat on the road, depending if he was running late or not.
He’d work on reports before and after the morning briefing, and then calls would come in between. Drills were both spontaneous and planned and his new crew didn’t mind too much. Some inside jokes were established here and there, bringing some much needed relaxation and lighthearted laughs throughout the day.
He’d text Ben and Griffin, asking about their day, every few hours or so. Griffin almost always answered and Ben sometimes answered. Before he left shift, he’d go on a grocery run and ask the boys if they needed anything. Most of the time they’d compile a list and other times, it would be on the fly. Sometimes Matt would forego the grocery trip entirely and just pick up some breakfast or lunch on the way back home.
In March, that routine, the one Matt had been so used to, changed.
As Matt woke up the next morning, at the tail end of his shift, a beaming smile was plastered across his face. He held that same grin as he went into the co-ed bathroom to brush his teeth, as he filled out a few last reports and furlough requests, and as he packed his duffle and carried it to his car parked in front of the firehouse.
He skipped the group text with Ben and Griffin and the grocery run.
He parked his car in front of the Darden’s house and walked up to the front door. His grin grew impossibly wider when he heard faint laughter and then a couple voices. When he opened the door, he heard Griffin and Ben laughing about something on the television in the living room.
“Morning, Matt,” Griffin greeted him with a wide smile.
“Morning,” Ben said with a bit of lightheartedness in his voice right after.
“Morning you two,” Matt replied cheerfully. “Sunday morning cartoons?”
“Of course,” Griffin replied with utmost certainty.
“Ben, did you–” Matt was interjected.
“Yes, Matt. I did my homework and Sylvie is a witness,” Ben replied with some sass, but Matt decided not to press him about it. He looked suspiciously at the boy before he heard his girlfriend chime in from the kitchen.
“It’s true. I am a witness!”
Matt beamed at the sound of her voice and followed it. His eyes lit up when he saw her in a pair of black yoga pants and a gray tank top. Her hair was tied up, almost messily, with some short strands coming loose in some places. The urge in the pit of his stomach carried him to her and loving wrap his arms around her from behind.
“Morning,” Matt greeted her softly.
Sylvie laughed when she felt his lips on the back of her neck, a sensitive spot and one that would elicit more than a laugh if he were more daring. (Ben and Griffin usually exited the room at that point).
“Morning, Babe,” Sylvie replied happily. “How was work?”
“It was good.” He kissed her shoulder and then continued, “Surprisingly quiet. Was everything okay here?”
Sylvie’s bubbly reply made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. “Everything was more than okay. Ben got a B on his pop quiz in Chemistry and we celebrated with some ice cream. Griffin started filling out his college applications. And then we watched some superhero show last night that had way more blood than I thought it would. We went to the grocery store to stock up and we got you some snacks to take to the firehouse. Oh, and I also bought some stuff to make brownies.” She then whispered, “I was hoping Griffin would take it to class tomorrow to give to you know who.”
Ben laughed when he heard Sylvie and poked fun of his brother and his hard crush on his classmate. Griffin painfully grinned and shook his head at him before yelling, “She’s not Voldemort. You can say her name.”
Matt chuckled against Sylvie’s shoulder at that (and the only reason why he got that reference was because they binge watched all eight Harry Potter movies the weekend prior). He hummed happily as he held his girlfriend in his arms and listened to her give him a list of updates on things that happened in the last twenty-four hours.
When she was done, she noticed he was rather quiet, so she asked worriedly, “Everything okay?” She craned her neck a bit to look at him.
He realized he was deep in thought when he heard her and replied with a small nod that turned into a nudge against the side of her neck. He kissed the spot and murmured affectionately, “I love coming home to you.”
When he came to Oregon, his thoughts were always filled of her and her support and encouragement, and her unconditional love. He really couldn’t have moved for the boys without her. Of course, he missed her, but they called and FaceTimed often. There were days when they missed each other like hell, but they voiced their fears and anxiety surrounding their long distance relationship and communicated their feelings to each other without any difficulty.
He was of course very, very happy when she told him she was going to be stay with him for a couple months. The moment she arrived, Matt wore the biggest smile and everyone at the firehouse noticed. They poked fun of him for days, and when Sylvie stopped by to meet everyone and bring them cookies she baked, they told her all kinds of stories about him, embarrassing or otherwise. While laughs were shared between his girlfriend and his new firehouse, Matt took a moment to relish the joy that swelled in his chest, because there wasn’t quite anything like it. He was watching two parts of his lives mold into one without any difficulty or adjustment. He honestly felt so carefree at that moment.
“What time are you leaving for the gym?” he asked.
She hummed in thought as she checked the clock above the kitchen sink. “Foster’s friend is doing a session in thirty minutes, so I should probably start leaving soon.”
Matt’s hands reached underneath her tank top and gently grazed the soft skin of her belly. “Should I wait for you to get back to take a shower?” he teased with a soft feather-like kiss against the spot behind her ear. When he felt her shudder against him, he grinned wildly and excitedly. He didn’t realize a small growl had reverberated in his throat.
She wanted to laugh at his teasing and gently nudged him with her elbow. “Hey, there are kids in the other room.”
And then they heard Ben yell, “And the kids can hear every word!”
Matt nearly choked on his own spit at that and then felt Sylvie’s hand press against his chest as she eased her way out of his arms.
“I’ll be home in an hour,” she informed him. Her eyes hungrily raked him from head to toe before her fingers played with the hem of his white Captain’s polo. There was a bit of darkness in her eyes as she continued lowly and seductively, “We are in a drought, right? We should do our part and save water.” She teasingly bit her bottom lip in anticipation and he stared at it longer than he should have.
He tried to suppress a smirk at her innuendo. “Yes, yes we should.”
She laughed at their playful exchange and kissed him happily on the lips. “Welcome home, Honey.”
He loved this new routine.
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