#i said before i dont like when people potray them like kids
aka-indulgence · 4 years
What are some skellies u don’t simp for but still like?
A lot of the Papyruses! And swap Sanses! Like, I like swap Papyruses and I would date them, but it's not like when I look at Sanses and go "oohoohooo" but I still like swap paps(plural) a lot ouo
And then there's the recent development of mayhaps having a crush with Papyrus in general... UF!Papyrus definitely, and the others currently is... o//u//o
And then like with UF!Paps im starting to like SF!Sans......
I like swap!sans but haven't gotten the romantic feelings, but being good friends with him sounds like a good time :>
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Proffesional fuyumi self projectionst coming in.
This is 100% my brain always being on fuyumi n reis reletionship back burner. As I said before, Fuyumi being the only girl does put more responsibility on her then her brothers, we pretend we dont see it but we all know daughters are usually treated much more as care takers then boys would ever be expected to be.
I see fuyumi as someone whos empathic and family oriented to a fault. She tries to keep her family together and she deeply regrets not being able to help shouto. Rn shes the central cog keeping the family together.
Before it would have been rei n her effotts to protect shouto n to survive (n maybe struggling to love) enji. So Fuyumi would be support for Rei in my eyes. People tend to potray Touya as mamas boy a lot but to me rn he seems like he was a lot more focused on enji, shouto n natsu. I belive Fuyumi would be the one by her mothers side. Rei did her best to protect shouto n i can just see fuyumi being the kid to take up the emotional support role for Rei. Because Fuyumi cares and empathisies deeply and is oriented on helping her family. I can see her following Rei around, comforting her and letting her cry it out, listening to her mothers worries or just hugging her while she cried. I can see Fuyumi trying to take up some of that care taker role with her brothers, so rei would have less of a burden, so she could rest a bit at least.
I think this would introduce a brand new way the whole enji touya sho sittuation influenced a family member because fuyumis scars would nit be easily seen, might even been congradulated and praised. But she would have been far far too young to take up such an emotional burden, to have taken that up on her shoulders. It would have resulted in ingrained feeling of responsibility and guilt to fail to meet that responsibility. She would start her life as emotional support to a person who should have been her emotional support and she could have well continued on that path, putting her own needs second to 'what is the best for the family'.
I know theres like 0 chance of any of this getting confirmed and i probably put more thought into it then hori did already but thats what i headcanon for fuyumi n her place in this whole messed up story
Fuyumi is a tragic character when you think about her seriously. I know I’ve called her a boring character myself in the past (but I think that’s mostly because Hori fails at writing interesting female characters) but her role in the family is probably one of the only reasons it managed to stay a functional family after Rei left.
At 13 she took on the role of the caretaker for Natsuo and Shouto (well, when he was allowed around them) and as you said, that would have been such a huge burder for her to take on. Not to mention she would have not only been dealing with the trauma of losing her mother, she also lost her older brother permanently (...or well, she thought :p) too and would have been dealing with that grief as well.
She’s probably the one who had to stay strong for Natsuo and Shouto while they were growing up and unlike them, or Natsuo, who had her, she probably had no one she could rely on and the person she was supposed to be able to do so was a deadbeat dad who liked to beat up her younger brother. Fuyumi’s also smart, she probably knew what was going on but also knew she was powerless to stop it (or maybe even worse, she feared being treated like Rei if she tried and that alone would cause her to have guilt... Fuyumi is such an interesting character to explore when you think about the implications of her role and Horikoshi is really sleeping on a goldmine).
I agree with you that Fuyumi was probably the momma’s girl out of the siblings, her closeness to Rei in the scenes we see them together really suggest as such. I wonder if Rei’s attitude towards Endeavor also impacted how Fuyumi thought about him too.
...Fuyumi really is an easy character to project onto, huh.
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