#i roll up and then cash in for cool drugs or a fancy dinner
dumpsterposs · 3 years
Not quite dumpster diving, but here are some coins I found in a coinstar return slot!
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I've got a good collection going already, and these will be right at home in my jars of other coins!
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srry-not-srry · 7 years
another skam fic yikes
i wrote a shameless au! for skam because i literally couldn’t stop myself. going to post on Ao3 soon, but had to unleash my ~shame~ on the tumblr world first. i hate me more than you hate me. 
Shameless Au!Skam 
Isak - 23
Noora -18
Jonas - 16
Eva - 11
Lea & Liam (twins) - 5
Chris Schistad is the neighborhood drug dealer shamelessly into Isak
William is his best friend and shamelessly into Noora
both are same age as Isak were in his class and were friendly but not friends all from same neighborhood
Isak was hot to trot in high school had big dreams to go to acting school in NYC but obvi has to take care of his fam
Sana & Eskild + Vilde are V and Kev but they aren’t in love or married they are just roommates and neighbors
Even has bored rich Steve/Jimmy who falls shamelessly in love with Isak
basically everyone is in love with Isak
Title: Tell Me You Love Me, Make It Hurt
“Isaaak, he’s back!” Magnus sings, voice bright and sunny and loud in Isak’s ear suddenly.
“Jesus fuck!” Isak hisses as the bacon grease spills over the side of the pan and singes his fingers. He drops it immediately on the hot stove, and brings his fingers to his mouth. Magnus laughs, hard and loud, from where he’s appeared, leaning against the wall. “Fuck you,” Isak says, rushing to run his hands under the cool water from the sink.
“Think he’ll ask you out again?”
Isak rolls his eyes. “I hope not.” 
“Whatever! If I had a fancy fucker slipping me hunnies every time I took his order I’d find out what else he wants.”
“Yeah?” Isak teases. “You’d go out with a dude just for some cash?”
“Gotta feed the children somehow.” Magnus grins.
Isak rolls his eyes again but he turns to watch the tall, lean man slink into the diner. He looks every inch like he doesn’t belong there. As if he’s gotten lost on the wrong side of town and has randomly decided to step in some shitty diner for a bite to eat. It’s been three weeks, and Even has come in religiously every Tuesday and Friday for bitter coffee, undercooked steak, and a slice of lemon meringue pie. Isak runs damp hands through his hair in an attempt to contain his wiry curls. He straightens his apron and grabs a notepad off the stack behind the counter before heading over.
“Go get em tiger,” Magnus whispers.
“Fuck you,” Isak replies.
Even doesn’t look up from examining the menu as Isak approaches, pulling the pen from where it’s been tucked behind his ear.
“Gonna try something new this week?” Isak asks. Even draws his eyes up and looks the boy up and down, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. His eyes dance, almost as if Even is flirting with Isak, as if he finds him attractive. Isak curses himself in his head because he knows he isn’t. How could he be? Isak knows how he looks: greasy apron wrapped around his waist, stained with food spills and old, hair probably wild and gross from his eight hour shift with another two still on the clock. His jeans are hand-me-downs or something, he doesn’t remember, but he knows he paid less than ten dollars for them. His shoes worn sneakers, holes beginning to form where the cloth meets the rubber. Even doesn’t belong here, nor should he be looking at Isak like that: hands twitching and eyes hinting at thoughts of lust. Isak can see his car parked haphazardly on the curb through the window, a shiny black Porsche that reeks of money. He’s frankly surprised the thing hasn’t been stolen. Or that Even hasn’t been mugged at least. He isn’t subtle with his clearly designer jeans, flashy gold watch, and expensive sunglasses. Even looks like he belongs shirtless on some yacht in the Caribbean. Not here, flirting with Isak on the wrong side of Chicago.
“Hmm, don’t know if I’m feeling that adventurous just yet.”
“So the usual?” Isak asks, pen poised to write on his small notepad even though he already has Even’s order memorized.
“Do you have any suggestions?” Even asks coyly, flitting his eyes over Isak’s body. Honestly, Isak inwardly groans because Even’s voice can make anything sound sexy.
“The chocolate cake is my favorite.”
“So, I’ll have the usual except with the cake this time.” Even winks. Isak tries to control the nervousness pooling in his stomach and hopes he isn’t blushing. Though he knows that his cheeks and the tips of his ears are probably on fire. Isak turns to rush into the kitchen to avoid that heavy stare and hopefully get this stupid crush under control. “Isak?” Even calls to his quickly retreating figure.
“You look cute today.” Oh god.
Magnus won’t quit bugging him and it’s honestly starting to irritate Isak beyond words. He’s tempted to tell Madhi, who’s the main diner coo even though they all pitch in at times, about Magnus’ failed hookup attempt this past weekend just to throw him off his back. Though he swore would never mention cat-tongue girl again to anyone.
“Dude, honestly he so wants you. You need to say yes.”
“God, this again? He only asked that one time.”
“You rejected him so hardcore. I was sure he’d be scarred for life! He’s probably still working up the courage. No wonder he comes back every week!”
“Shut up,” Isak hisses. “Or I’ll tell every one of your tables what you say about them behind their back.”
Magnus goes white. “You wouldn’t.”
“I fucking would!”
“God, would you two quit,” Madhi groans at them. “You’re stinking up my kitchen with your annoying commentary. Magnus, leave Isak alone. He’s had enough on his plate this week. Isak, that Even dude stares at you with bedroom eyes and has watched your ass every time you walk through the room. Stop pretending like you don’t know.” He huffs, turning back to rotating the steaks on the grill. Isak and Magnus shut up.
Or rather, they move to the prep room. Isak attempting to finish some of his chore list and stock inventory so he’s not stuck here past shift end. He has to pick the kids up from school today because Noora has graduation practice, and Jonas has a soccer match. God, he can’t believe the year is almost over. Maybe when summer comes he’ll finally catch a break or a breath. Noora has been hinting to him about getting a GDE. Isak swears he finds one of those goddamn posters for the classes lying somewhere around the house at least once a day. He doesn’t want to tell her that he’s been saving up money on the side for it, because he knows she’ll get excited and it probably won’t work out. Jonas has needed to get his wisdom teeth out for months and the twins are growing out of their clothes faster than he can buy them from the second-hand shop on the corner. He doesn’t have the time or the money to enroll to get some dumb degree. But he can’t help the thrill of want that spikes through his body every time he doesn’t catch himself in time and he’s daydreaming of the future. Always the same: New York City, his siblings comfortable and happy and clean with endless food in their bellies, and him on stage, acting his fucking heart out. He always shakes himself before it can go further that that, no use dreaming of things that will never happen.
“You okay dude?” Magnus asks cautiously. “Didn’t know you had shit going on this week.”
Isak sighs, and rubs his forehead. He can feel the beginnings of a killer headache around the edges of his temples. “Yeah. I just, Liam’s been sick this week and my fucking dad showed up randomly on Tuesday night and crashed on the couch. Threw up all over the fucking rug. Jonas cleaned it up. But the kids were so happy to see him, so I couldn’t bring myself to yell at him or kick him out.”
“Shit. He still there?”
“Nah, Noora screamed at him soon as I took the kids to school and threw him out.”
“Sorry bro.”
“It’s fine. Just another typical week in the Valtersen show.”
Magnus bit out a laugh, though Isak could tell he was trying to lighten the mood for his sake. He’s not complaining, he’s not. It’s just sometimes he wishes his head wouldn’t ache so much or his feet or his back from these ten-hour shifts and he wishes he didn’t have to constantly worry about how they would find the money to pay for the washing machine that will inevitably fail them any day now. Magnus gets it though. He just bailed his brother out of jail last week for those cocaine charges. Fuck, he’s still doing community service hours the judge gave him instead of juvie for that stunt with the Lexus he pulled last year. They all get it, or they wouldn’t work here. Or live in dingy houses in some grungy neighborhood on the east side of the train tracks. Isak’s life isn’t any harder than the rest of theirs. So maybe he gets why Magnus is pushing the Even thing. Everybody has found some rich fucker to take them on a doubt once in their lives. It’s usually some cheap flirting, cheesy hookup lines, a nice dinner and then a long fuck, and then their fancy car peals out of the neighborhood so fast you’d think they were running from the cops. Point is, the bored rich dudes usually don’t stick around except for one small peak into the hard-knock life to ease their curiosity. Isak has tried being rude to Even. Indicating he’s not interested. Yet here he is every fucking Tuesday and Friday ordering his medium-rare steak and shitty coffee. Magnus thinks it’s more. Some Sugar Daddy bullshit scenario. Isak doesn’t know. He doesn’t care. He wishes Magnus would give it up. He’s not going to be somebody’s fucking charity case.
Magnus cuts him another sly look. “You should give him your number.”
“Ugh.” Isak groans and goes to refill everyone’s water glass, even the customers that aren’t in his section.
((This is just a snippet of the first part)) 
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January 23rd, 2018
***Please read the disclaimer statement at the end of this post.***
**Trigger warning: sexual assault.**
This weekend turned bad for me...
One minute I felt like I was on top of the world, partying and networking. But now, I just feel so low.
My body hurts. My head hurts. I know I probably should’ve slowed my roll, but I just didn’t wanted to fit in and be cool. So I drank and smoked and snorted as much as the people around me.
The main low point was the sex. I wasn’t planning to have sex at all this weekend...it just kind of...happened. It’s hard to say no when I’m really messed up on alcohol and drugs. I thought I was just going on this business trip to take photos and to network with other models and agencies...I was wrong.
This guy Antonio was showing a lot of interest in me. Emilio told him that I was only 14, that I was fresh pussy—a virgin. Antonio paid Emilio $1,000 in exchange for taking my ‘virginity’ in his hotel room. He pushed me around and told me not to make a sound while he shoved himself into me. It was horrible.
Throughout the weekend, Emilio sold my “virginity” to four different men, each paying $1,000 and each believing that I was 14 years old. One of the men was old enough to be my grandpa—at least in his 60s. It turned my stomach the way he called me “little girl.”
For each encounter, Emilio gave me $400. He told me he was keeping the rest to cover hotel and travel expenses, as well as my phone bill and “other management fees.”
Yesterday, Emilio told me that he wanted a taste of me for himself. He told me that if we took pictures while we had sex, that I could make even more money.
I was out of it on alcohol and coke, and I was running out of money. I needed more cash for cocaine, so I agreed that we could photograph ourselves having sex.
He set up the scene in our hotel room...he hired some guy he knew to shoot scenes and take photos. What I didn’t know at the time was that Emilio intended for more than just him to have sex with me for the photo and video shoot. He invited Antonio and two other men to join him. I’m sure that he included them to make more money off me behind my back.
I don’t even want to describe what happened to me during that shoot. All I can say is that today I feel so, so low. I could die. This is the first time that none of this has felt worth it to me.
The fancy dinners and parties, the designer clothes...it doesn’t seem worth it if I have to feel pain like this after a night out. Especially if I’m not getting paid my fair share for it.
For last night’s shoot, Emilio gave me $600. I’m guessing that he profited far more off the shoot, especially considering that he included so many other men whom I’m sure paid to be involved.
I tried to text Kameron and Selina about it, but they didn’t respond to me. Right now, I feel truly alone for be first time since I first met Kam at the mall...
Disclaimer: This blog is a work of fiction, created to raise awareness of the horrifying reality of domestic sex trafficking of minors and forced prostitution in the United States. The accounts here are entirely a work of fiction, and any similarity to real people or events is coincidental. This blog was created by a social work student for the purpose of a media presentation in a course focusing on human trafficking issues.
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autumn-flick · 7 years
202 Things ABOUT ME
Quiz here; http://autumnflick.deviantart.com/art/2-202-things-about-yourself-15472843
Your real name: Piper (false) Age: Twelve - Eighteen Height: 5′2″ Natural hair colour: Dark brown Eye colour: Blue with central heterochromia (yellow) Skin color: So white could be Snow White Glasses/contacts?: Glasses, blind AF without them Piercings: I had my ears pierced once, until there was a blood clot in my ear. Tattoos: Not yet, I plan on getting a few Braces: Yes. T-T - bottom and top, they’ve really improved my face, tho. Mannerisms: According to my mom, I mumble. I have a deepish voice? It sounds different in my head. Other distinctive markings: Two birthmarks, a mole on my left temple (hidden by hair, thank gosh), and various scars on my arms and legs FAVOURITE Colour: Red or purple, I can never decide. Band: Who has just one favorite band??? Hidden Citizens or Skillet Video game: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, yo! Movie: Assassin’s Creed OR Captain America; the Winter Soldier OR Star Wars; The Force Awakens! Book: The Bible Food: ... Cheezits, apples, pretzels or... chocolate Game on a cell phone: Pocket Frogs CD: N/A Flower: NIGHTSHADE Scent: Man cologne. Animal: Arabian horse... or... wolf Comic book: N/A Cereal: Chex Website: dA Cartoon: Rick and Morty DO YOU Play an instrument?: I can play a couple of notes on the ukulele Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: Probably Like to sing?: Love to sing Have a job?: Sorta? Have a cell phone?: No, don’t need or want one Like to play sports?: Ehhh, no Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: NO [forever crying] Have a crush on someone?: Yes, but he’s fictional and would kill me Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: No. Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: NO Have any special talents/skills?: Probs, not, I’m a lameo. However, I can sign language Exercise daily?: I jiggle my foot a lot. Like school?: Hate it, yo. CAN YOU Sing the alphabet backwards?: NO Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Yes? Is this even important? Speak any other languages?: I am almost fluent in SIGN LANGUAGE, know a bit of spanish, german and french Go a day without food?: Probably not, I’m fat AF Remember your dreams: ALL THE TIME Read music, not just tabs?: Errr, no Roll your tongue?: Yeppers Eat a whole pizza?: Probably. HAVE YOU EVER Won something in the lottery?: No [so sad] Snuck out of the house?: No Lied to get out of trouble?: YEs [oops] Had a computer crash?: YES, who hasn’t? Gotten lost in your city?: Err, no, I am great with directions Seen a shooting star?: NO [so alone] Been to any other countries?: NO [so stuck], however, I hope to go to England next year Had a serious surgery?: Tonsils? Stolen something important to someone else?: NO [I’m so nice] Solved a rubiks cube?: Nah Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yes, I am a lazy mofo Cried over a girl?: Yes, my best friend. Cried over a boy?: All the boys who reject me Kissed a random stranger?: Heh, no, I could get hepatitis c Hugged a random stranger?: NO Been in a fist fight?: Not yet, I’m waiting for it to happen Been arrested?: No Done drugs?: NO Had alcohol?: YEAH BOI Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: Yeppers Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: It sounds fun, but also tiresome, so, no. Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: Nah, I bet it’s gross Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: NO Swore at your parents?: Kinda... Kicked a guy where it hurts?: I want to. Been to a casino?: Yep. Ran over an animal and killed it?: Yes [poor sweet creature] Broken a bone?: NO, I’m careful Gotten stitches?: No... I don’t believe so
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: Hell nah. Made homemade muffins?: NO Bitten someone?: YES Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: NEVER GOING THERE Burped in someone’s face?: OF COURSE WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU Brushed your teeth: A couple days ago, I know, I’m horrible. Cried: Five days ago, I believed, I was rejected Went to the bathroom: Not too long ago Saw a movie in a theatre: Errr, when I saw beauty and the Beast, a week or two after it came out Read a book: Lol, in a very long time Had a snow day: Wot? You have those? Had a party: NEVER Went to a doctor: When I had bronchitis... like, a month or so ago. Tripped in front of someone: Can’t recall Went to the grocery store: A week ago. Got sick: A few months ago, yo Got cursed: IDK Called someone: I don’t, people call me. DO YOU PREFER Fruit/vegetables: Fruit Black/white: White Lights on/lights off: With what?? Lights on? TV/movie: TV Body spray/lotion: Lotion Cash/cheque: Cash Pillows/blankets: Oi... blankets Headache/stomach ache: Headache Paint/charcoal: Paint Chinese food/Mexican food: Mexican Food Summer/winter: Summer Snow/rain: Rain Fog/misty: Misty Rock/rap: Rock Meat/vegetarian: MEAT ALL THE WAY Chocolate/vanilla: Either or Sprinkles/icing: Icing Cake/pie: Cake Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries Ocean/swimming pool: Swimming pool Cookies/muffins: COOKIES, I am the cookie monster Wallet/pocket: Wallet Window/door: Errr... WINDOW Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: WHO? Pink/purple: Purple Cat/dog: Dog, of course. Tho I would be a cat if I was an animal Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short sleeve boi. Pants/shorts: SHORTS Winter break/spring break: WINTER Spring/autumn: AUTUMN Clouds/clear sky: CLOUDS Moon/mars: Moon Questions/Answers: Questions, so I can answer them War/Peace: WAR BITCH (lol, no) LOVE AND ALL THAT CRAP Do you believe in love?: Duh?? Love is a choice? What's the most important kind of love for you?: Huh... puppy love, lol. No, the kind of love you have for your best friend Have you ever been in love?: Not really. Been close to love?: Yes If you have, with who?: My crush, Sam Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: Yep. AFTER he pointed it out Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: Yes? Are you in a relationship?: NO If so, for how long?: NO Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: Of course, but it might not always be romantic love What is your idea of the best date?: Ugh, going to dinner at a fancy place and then going to the beach at night where we sing together and dance with one another in the waves What was your first kiss like?: It was a dare and I was like.. eight or something. Very bland How old were you when you got your first kiss?: Six through eight (mind you, I was dared to kiss my neighbor boy, Dylan.) Do you think love is worth nothing?: Wait, what? Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: Ugh... I dunno If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: NO. [sad, cry] Have you ever been dumped?: Yeah, sorta Have you ever dumped someone?: NO, I’m too wimpy. I... Am: Fat Want: to be skinny Need: to find a mate Love: writing? Evil dudes. MUSIC Hate: politics and people Feel: dull Did: eat? Miss: Sam Am annoyed by: Humans, people, barking Would rather: die Am tired of: humans Will always: love music MISCELLANEOUS What is your favourite genre of music?: Who has just one favorite? What time is it now?: 9:02 AM as I typed this How much money do you have right now?: IDK, sixty dollas Are you hungry right now?: Yes, but I don’t need to eat What are you doing right now?: Writing this/finishing up a character Do you like parades?: NO, too man humans Do you like the moon?: Yes What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Finish my character If you could have any magical power what would it be?: The gift of flight. Or to control my own mind. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE Funny?: I do Cool?: No Pretty?: NO Sarcastic?: Yes, everyone knows this Lazy?: Yep Hyper?: NO Friendly?: Ehh, sorta Evil?: Of course Unforgettable?: NO Smart?: NO Strong?: NO Talented?: NO Dorky?: YeAh BOI WHAT COMES TO MIND WITH THE WORD High: low Lonely: alone Pen: pencil Flower: petal Window: door Psycho: me Brain freeze: wot Strange: Doctor Sassy: Lauren Suffering: dogs Art: mine WOULD YOU EVER Sky dive?: MAYBE Run away?: I debated it, but probably not Curse at a teacher?: NO [I’m very nice and evil] Not take a shower for a week?: GROSSS NO Ask someone out?: Hell no Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: Yeah Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: I think I would Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Yeah! Sounds like fun, so long as I am not alone. Go scuba diving?: Ehhh... I dunno Write a book?: I already have, and it sucks. Assemble a computer?: No, not smart enough for that. Become a rock star?: Hell no [horrible stage fright] Have a long-distance relationship?: Yes Marry someone you don't know?: To save the world, yeah LAST QUESTIONS ( FINALLY ) - ARRGHHHH... What kind of computer do you have?: acer... What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): IDK Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: Family only How many posters do you have in your room?: zoro Who else should take this quiz?: Anyone who wants
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