#i rly wanna go to art school
m4ggotm0ld · 9 days
chat should I go to collage to be a marine biologist or mortician
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ipxakachi · 10 months
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Guilty Challenge but he also got stuck
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Random but when you post something I always get excited thinking it's a new chapter 😭 I'm literally waiting by my phone for it
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BAHAH IM SORRY ANONS ITS COMING SOON I SWEAR!! but im glad ur looking forward to it!! my damn outline ALONE is 21k words (tho im really happy with it and im excited for yall to read it) and although i still have to finish it + the drawing, HERES PART OF THE WIP IN THE MEANTIME🥹💖(also anon, who cares if u think youre terrible at art... DRAW ANYWAY!!!😤& ILY TOO💖 )
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im definitely gonna write them as adults, and have ideas for some side stories i wanna do!!! the one i mentioned in the wattpad comment would be in writing, because i wanna write about seb and clora finally deciding to have their first kid (along with the process😏😏😏😏) and how sebs breeding kink ass will react to doing the devils tango with clora when its ACTUALLY gonna make a baby LMAO. plus how his overprotective ass will act when he finds out clora is LEGIT pregnant while theyre travelling/on the JOB, rather than just a pregnancy scare like last time BAHA. so yes, overly excited seb will defs be a thing in the future LOL. (though there are things i am just gonna keep in comic form, like their kids and stuff, bc i dont rly have ideas for any sort of epilogue with that. so if ppl wanna know about seb and cloras kids, they can just look at my art once i finally draw and post them ^^)
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IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS TOO and the hairclip would defs be different!! i just havent decided what it would be.... (bro's about go buy her something bedazzled from ardene or claire's or some shit 💀💀LMAO) as for the mascots, the snake for seb would defs still apply bc ive decided its their mascot for the school football team. but for clora no, i dont think bird/raven imagery would be a thing......tho maybe the school mascots can be the snakes AND ravens LMFAO. and then i can have seb look directly into the camera and say "well, clora, looks like we really are The Raven and the Snake."
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@4ever2000lover BAHAHA YOULL SEE YOUR NIECE AND NEPHEW SOON I SWEAR!!! i have the sketches but i plan to finish them + post them once im done the last chap of my fic. but they ARE coming, i promise👀👀(and im rly excited for everyone to see their daughter and her name, bc im so proud of it LMAO. i used up my entire big brain quota for the year on it +the reasoning behind it🧠)
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earwigconsumer · 2 months
helloo first of all i just wanna say ur art is rly cool !! anyways could you maybe say some stuff you know abt kennith since its pretty hard to find accurate information?
Holy fuck I really appreciate that dude. Thank you a lot 🙏🙏🙏
And also I'm not too good with non specific stuff, so I'm just gonna spit out everything I can think of about Kennith
His birthday is October 12th 1968
He is 5'4
Kennith would drink the fuck out of kool-aid
Kennith cannot cook, he would probably burn the house down and he wouldn't care if he burned down with it
He gives himself burns on purpose anyway
Kennith likes rats and cats
He also really likes cats who look like they've gone through shit, like him
He and Stephanie shared makeup
Kennith pissed on a church's bush one time and declared it as his sinful territory
(A lot more under the cut)
Kennith just, breaks into Stephanie's house sometimes through her window. Sometimes to steal milk, borrow shit, or do what ever
Stephanie is fine with that
Kennith is homosexual and aromantic
Kennith and Stephanie got bullied for being friends with each other
He lives in Calumet, Michigan
When drunk Kennith gets extra gay and laughs at everything. Eventually getting really sleepy and incoherent
Kennith is that guy who would wear shorts all year, even in the winter
Kennith normally just throws on tanktops and shorts, switching to pull overs and jeans in the winter. Anything comfy really. Sometimes he dresses really good though, like 20% of the time
80% of the time it's gym shorts, tank tops, and t-shirts
Kennith can swim
Kennith sometimes just breaks into a country accent sometimes
Kennith likes candy
His favorite tastes are smoke, blood, rootbeer, alcohol of any kind, sour candies, and dick I MEAN WHO SAID THAT? WHO SAID THAT??
Kennith doesn't like being touched, unless it's in bed
How ever if he was hugging with genuine love and care he would get really emotional or all flustered have to go be alone for a while and be emotional later
Kennith paints his nails
If kennith were to go to a school dance (he didn't he spend them in his basement with Stephanie)
He would just kinda stand by the punch bowl with his little cup drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it, fill it, drink it again, and fill it
Kennith likes 60s garage rock and psychedelic rock
Kennith has BPD and depression
He steals a lot
He's also really sexual, he into bdsm and guro. Ghost has called him a kinky little shit
He thinks he'd trip in a ball gown
He doesn't have a schedule, he just does shit when he feels like
He'd get annoyed with clueless people and like if he has to repeat himself it pisses him off. He also doesn't like explaining when you're not on the same page as him immediately, he's tolerant with Stephanie doing that though
His favorite color is coral
He has a super unstable sleep schedule
Stephanie apprently carried around Kennith sometimes
He would have a gore and an nsfw blog on tumblr if he were alive now
If being gender-fluid was more known in the 80s he would have been gender-fluid. If he were alive now he would be gender-fluid. Cuz it's the 80s though, he just assumes he's a dude who feels more feminine sometimes
Kennith would refuse therapy because he "doesn't need that shit like that"
Kennith would like beanie babies if he were alive now
He twirls his hair
Sometimes when he didn't wanna be bothered about it, he'd cover up his sh with foundation to make it less noticeable. Most of the time he was too lazy
Kennith has abandonment issues
Kennith shaves
He LOVES milk
He would wear thigh highs
He doesn't know what job he'd have, he'd probably continue with repairing electronics though
Kennith drinks and smokes weed
Kennith's favorite alcoholic thing is champagne
Kennith would have a pet rat
Kennith can scream really loud
He makes self deprecating jokes quite a bit
Kennith would wear a skirt if he wouldn't have gotten the living shit bullied out of him. They would also be flashy and revealing
For Halloween Kennith would dress in all white and say he's sperm
He swears excessively
Kennith is that guy with the magnifying glass and burns ants to death
He's the type to draw dicks on the school white boards/chalk boards
Kennith would like throwing knives
Kennith likes to mess with people for fun (in a silly way)
He also likes joking around with and pranking his friends
Kennith would have loved being a model
Kennith is around 100lbs
His voice claim is YoppyVU, any statement about it not, is a lie. Ghost does that a lot, did you know that?
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home, his parents piss him off. He usually hangs around the gas station Greg works at, Stephanie's house, or the park or something
He'd be the type to die his hair with kool-aid, it would look like shit
Kennith attempted before
Kennith forgets to eat alot. He starves himself but not to a life threatening point, he doesn't focus on it at all. He literally just forgets and doesn't feel like eating
He would have been a theater kid if he didn't think the world hated him
He'd be a bad singer
He's broadcast was in the garage he worked in
Ghost said if you looked up "curly pixie cut" you'd be able to find references for his hair
And also he is cold and reserved to people he is not friends with. He takes a bit to warm up to people
That's not all I know, but I don't wanna write anymore. It's 4 am. I can cite my sources for all of these, btw. And also ignore but don't that jab about Ghost lying a lot
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wachtelspinat · 9 months
Hey ! I’ve been seeing your art going around since your midnight crew stuff and I just recently stubble across your tumblr, thank to your beautiful overwatch art for our beloveds junkers ! I’ve been scrolling through your account and read about your experience of being a former graphic designer who is a doctor now. And damn. I can’t emphasize how much I admire you, especially as someone who is struggling really hard to choose between 2 careers paths ( with one of them being art related ). This is why I was wondering if you would be open to talk about how and why you switched from art to medecine ? Especially because most of the time I feel it happens more the other way around ? ( If it’s too personal just ignore this ask + sorry if you already talked about it before )
hey ! no worries, i don't expect ppl to scroll through my tumblr to find an answer for a question they might have. first of all thanks for your nice words, means a lot <3
i switched from art to medicine because my early 20-something-self was even more anxiety-ridden than my present-self, and being in art school and having to "perform" regularly was a nightmare. i'm talking about a time in which i was so scared of being perceived that i often skipped grocery shopping, just so i could avoid being around people. so like, pitching art related projects to peers and profs was eeh... especially because art is so personal oh my god. i still hate it when someone tries to sneak a peek while i'm drawing, makes me wanna throw my sketchbook and myself off the bridge. anyways so i always felt a 110% inadequate (plus i got a gf during that time who was so good to me and tried to get me out of my funk on multiple occasions (she was and still is an artist and has now a career as a freelancer and i'm rly proud of her) but i couldn't see that because i just compared the two of us all the time and sabotaged any attempt she made for having fun with drawing with her) that i sat down at some point and asked myself if i could do this any longer, and i came to the conclusion that no, it really kills me rn.
what made me go into the health sector? i don't even know anymore, i think it was a mixture of "i loved biology, esp. the human body in school" and "my mum is an icu nurse and talks a lot about hospitals, maybe i should check it out"... it was not a well thought through decision, which is so funny because studying medicine was a hell of a meatgrinder ride (also my anxiety and self hatred? still there, but now i wasn't judged anymore because of my art but instead being called a dumb idiot collectively with all the other students because nobody likes med students) and for some reason i was able to get through that despite it not being my passion at all, but i couldn't stand up for myself in art school. i don't even know if i could work through it nowadays, but the good thing is i don't have to ask myself this question anymore, because being a doctor pays the bills, and ever since i left art school i was able to just draw without consequence. which is nice to a degree, my artistic output is not tied to the means of generating money. on the other hand... idk, in another life with more confidence and less worries, i'd love to be some sort of character designer T_T
so yeah that's basically it. at some times i cherished my career decisions, at other times i regretted them deeply, worst thing is i know it has a lot to do with personality, but the fact that we can't change who we are with a blink of an eye gives me the framework to think that the path i took was ok. as in. things happened for a reason and maybe i'm just not cut out for that kind of work. you have to be aware of the conditions of a job to decide if you are up for it. because being an artist doesn't end with "just draw". i myself had an unrealistic view of the job back then too. and the fact that i could not seperate between personal aspects and "doing a job here" was crucial.
yeah, idk if this is helpful at all. i think the one thing that is super important here is to have a realistic view on the conditions of work you are about to head into, and i know this is mostly very difficult to aquire. because unless you really work in a sector there is often no way to fully grasp the situations you can find yourself in (this applied for me also in the health sector, which made me fall into a depression a year ago, but what do you do after you spent 6 years of studying :') ). doing internships and just trying to get to know a lot of things really helps. and - idk how old you are, but if you're really young: it's ok to switch careers at some point. it's even ok to do so when you are older (trying to end on a positive note here because it feels like i just said a lot of depressing things... like don't get me wrong i like my job, the conditions are just fucked up, and again my personality prevents me from switching again but it's also not that easy in germany, BUT it's a valid thing to do, being versatile is good! just... make sure you don't end up with a job that you absolutely hate because that kills it all)
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revasserium · 1 year
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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eroswmorals · 6 months
about me :)) (tw: flashing at the bottom i put blinkies there)
Call me Eros (or Sparrow since that's what I go by irl)
My otherkin sideblog is @that-dog-is-so-gender
My weird fan sideblog is @susan-stanleycup lmao I made it to torment my bf
I post my art very inconsistently, but if you wanna see it, it can all be found under the tag #artists on tumblr (no guarantee it'll be good lol especially as you find the older shit)
My original posts are under the tag #eros says shit
Bi and aspec (grayromantic, graysexual, aplspec, afamilial)
Minor 18+ blogs don't follow
DM's are open to mutuals only
I am not in a place where I can donate anything, I am a minor
I'm bilingual and know English and Spanish but English is my first language (I've been going to bilingual schools since I was like 6) so that's fun
DNI if you're younger than 13
DNI homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, terfs, racists, sexists, MAPS (pedophiles. yall cant hide behind an acronym), transracial ppl idk, etc. Bigoted assholes can kindly fuck off, thank you ;)
I support furries and otherkins and therians and all that jazz so if you don't like that ig just deal with it? Touch grass? Doesn't rly matter if you see ppl on the internet just being themselves it's not a personal attack.
I block freely and if I don't like your vibe I'm gonna do that
All the extra stuff is under the keep reading thing bc it's long and painful to read. If you don't wanna read it some of the fandoms I'm in are specified in the tags <2
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All the shit I like:
Stuff I watch - Helluva Boss - Brandon Rogers - DEADPOOL MOVIES!!!!!! AGHJAKJHGFCDFGHJ - X-Men '97 - The New Mutants (the movie sucked but it has a special place in my heart, ok? I love Rahne Sinclair) - Supernatural (I'm on season 9 rn) - Good Omens - Dead Boy Detectives
Musicals I like: - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) - RHPS - Cabaret (1998) - Falsettos - West Side Story - Beetlejuice - Addams Family - Prolly more I forgot to list but those are my faves
Music I like (not including musicals): - Remo Drive - Mitski - Fall Out Boy - NOAHFINNCE - MCR - boygenius - IDKHBTFM - Jack Stauber - The Amazing Devil - Queen - Billy Joel - Green Day - Tom Petty
Hobbies ig - Sewing - Drawing - Making kandi (although my bf does it better he's the bead master he taught me his ways and I am but a lowly bead wench compared to his bead mastery) - Building shit - I write a little bit of poetry and I'm proud of it but I don't show people it often and it's shitty but oh well - Flower arranging (god I'm just pulling things out of my ass atp) - Sobbing into my pillow over the full moon episode - Makeup - Fashion design - Idk being a furry? Drawing them? Wearing my dino mask is fun I like to bite things with it it's very nice
Characters I kin (not in a fictionkin way but I do support y'all) - Crowley (Good Omens) - Stolas (Helluva Boss) - Blitz (Helluva Boss) - Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Castiel (Supernatura) - Deadpool (All media. He's my babygirl)
I'm like always adding to this lol
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celestie0 · 4 months
i’m kind of obsessed with kickoff reader. i wanna know more about her. aside from films, what are her hobbies? does she bake? does she like to cook? what inspired her to pursue film? did she used to make silly little films when she was younger? (and if yes, is it uploaded to an obscure corner of youtube where only Gojo can find one fateful night and never stopped making fun of her for it?)
- maybe i am kickoff Gojo
omg 👁️ kickoff gojo what r u doin here…u r not alowed out of ur cage go back to google docs
thanks for being interested in readerrr :””) oof aside from films n the photog i think she is DEF a HUGE baker n tbh i can see her having a side hustle of being like a food content creator or something where she makes aesthetic baking vids bc she’s got that film background 😭 maybe she has a secret instagram accnt that’s actually very popular 👀…..but she’s too shy to share 🤣
i think she knows how to cook 🤔 she’s not like pro level chef or anything, but she isn’t surviving off instant ramen either haha. most days of the week she just pulls stuff together w whatever her n mina have in the fridge but then every other friday she’ll go all out n make pasta from scratch or sear some lobster or sumn hahah. she is perfectly mediocre at cooking. and although she is known to be a bit more tomboyish w her style, she loves to wear a cute apron every now n then (。・ω・。)
omg inspiration for film is a greaaatttt question!!! i kinda want to explore that in main storyline now!!! i think when she was younger, she was a bit more of a quiet kid and was always the english teachers’ fave student bc she was really emotionally intelligent n had great vocabulary and in general a great eye for art n literature, so that academic praise kinda got her into writing stories n watching films, she studied a lot of old hollywood classics n from there she became really interested in film as a whole. i think it became a form of expression for her, since she had kind of a whacky childhood (will uncover more of this in later chaps) i like to think before she applied to college, she wanted to be an english major n become an english teacher but she knew deep down that film was what she really wanted to do and even though her family was reluctant, she went ahead n applied as a film major anyway (btw utokyo is hard to get into for film bc they only have a few spots for their program which is one of the best in the nation so i think she did well for herself :) it’s also why she wants to get into utokyo’s film masters specifically!!)
PLS THE OLD SILLY FILMS IS 100% ACCURATE i mean she has her short films on youtube now n they’ve done decent w views but yea i can see her having older videos that are parodies or i imagine she made a horror film when she was in middle school n looking back on it now it’s so corny n not scary at all 💀🤣 gojo would 100% tease tf outta her for that HAHAHAHA
DAMN I WROTE AN ESSAY IM SORRY i just don’t get many questions ab reader so i indulged a little bit haha tysm bb for the ask!!! (🤨 unless u rly are kickoff gojo, then in that case GET BACK TO CH10 I NEEDTO FINISH EDITING YOU)
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1chi-nii-s4n · 6 months
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this year's birthday post, i drew my favorite little guy as...... a little itty bitty child,,,, (aaaaa hoping this post gets me out of redesign hell ;; this au has legit been rotting in my head since 2016-2017 but i kept redesigning things and going “i’ll improve my art and come back” and now I haven’t posted any of it!!!! damn!!!!!! but maybe this year will be the one,,,,,)
(basic rundown of the au if you’re curious :3c, it’s undertale but a e s t h e t i c™️。 sounds simple, and it is!!! wait what’s that?
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51 page wip lore doc?!?!?!?! i've never seen that a day in my life ! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ) (also also also!!! i keep yapping sorry ;; if you wanna ask questions abt the au my asks are open !! i'll try my best to answer without giving away too much : D, i'm rly excited to be working on something in this fandom, i've legit been here since i was in middle school and im so frickin hyped to finally share what i've been cookin :3,,, im rly nervous but im a big strong guy i can do this!!!! i believe)
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thesoftestcowboy · 7 months
thoughts on the colors red, blue, green, and yellow? any comments on the shapes triangle, square, or circle?? rhombus
first of all i gotta tell you that im enjoying this ask twice as much cause i got multiple spam asks since yesterday and did not expect an actual question... anyway. im gonna answer this 200% in earnest, as it should be, obviously (yes i actually did write this out, strap in ig)
red: listen i know everyones favorite color seems to be blue for some reason but red is RIGHT THERE. i heard somewhere that not all languages differentiate the same colors as english (and other european languages), but the first color after light/dark there will be a word for is usually red. idk if thats true but seems plausible, cause yknow whats red? fuckin berries to eat, also blood (either concerning or also to eat, ig). cavepeople knew red was important business. also its pretty and you use it to make pink.
blue: not to imply that blue isnt also good. its got a range. looks very fresh. i do like a teal-ish blue but others are cool also. its really rare in nature ig? but if it does occur its looks rly good! (im saying this rn cause my desktop wallpaper has blue flowers lmao) also if i had a cent for every time i had dreams with intense, seemingly really significant blue night skies, i'd have 2 cents, which isnt much but weird etc etc.
green: ok i like green but, unpopular opinion time, i want neither a green couch nor a green kitchen. i want a pink couch and a blue kitchen. that being said green fucks and is part of some iconic things, such as HES GEEN, and also my favorite song green soop by dooboo, which references the fact that soups can be green (@geminyde)
yellow: finally yellow is super underappreciated. im kinda mad that yellow doesnt suit me super well in clothes cause theres so many cool yellow things id want on a shirt. people only ever think of bright neon yellow but it also had SHADES.
now, the shapes. people at art school will try to convince you that these have some deeper meaning and even a gender (??) cause some guy whose name i forgot claimed they do and thats bs. heres the actual truth about them. triangle pointy. also an instrument! theyre really flexible cause they can have wildly different angles and like?? thats different from squares, which are literally all the same, except for size ig? but thats nice it gives them a sense of stability. theyre ol reliable. ever wonder why they had town squares but never town triangles? well,
anyway the circle is most definitely the princess of shapes. you might think its really basic compared to like uhh a trapezoid or whatever cause you learn about it in kindergarten, but its so fucked up it has ZERO angles?? but then if you wanna render it its got a huge amount of angles/into infinity instead? you can calculate any shapes area with basic maths basically but ohh noo not the circle. its soo special. we love that for him but you gotta be honest.
ngl i had to look up what a rhombus is and its just idk a Raute ig. its a rectangle who wants to be special. which is fine we all need some attention sometime but like, its a rectangle on its side. its doing its own thing. i think it should have a different english name tho tbh. rhombus reminds me of the name rhonda and that has a different vibe. idk if that one was also a question or just an addition tbh but there u go
so thats it thanks for asking like comment subscribe
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258punkweight · 8 months
when i was in 5th grade i took hip hop dance classes. it was fun for a bit but then i got sick of it. it was too much for my lungs among other things. the last day i went there and didn't feel like participating, my mom asked if i didn't wanna do it anymore and i said i didn't. for some reason this made her rly mad. like more mad than i'd ever seen her
she drove rly fast on the way home. i was scared. i don't remember what she said. other than that i wouldn't be able to transfer to the middle school i wanted to go to, cause it had more of a focus on art-type stuff. i cried. i felt bad even tho it wasn't my fault. i don't understand why she acted like that when she was sober enough to drive
a few years ago i asked her about it and she didn't remember.
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tauforged · 9 months
Hi I gotta ask, how did you get a lab tech job at an aquarium? I am a lab tech in a hospital, and I’m rly not a fan of the environment/people, but it has always been my dream to work at an aquarium. Do you need a specific degree/expertise?
depends on the institution and what lab exactly you’re going for. i personally don’t have any schooling or a degree of any kind (rather, i dropped out of art school after a semester and a half in 2018 LOOOL) but i happen to have several years of hands-on experience as aquatics department head at a pet store beforehand, and years of hobbyist experience before then, and so between that and a passion for the field i caught some attention and got the position. if you’re looking to be in one of the bet labs, i’d say you probably wanna have some degree of veterinary experience, but something like a water quality lab could be a bit more lenient as long as whoever you’re working with is willing to take the time to train you. i’m very lucky that my supervisor is a wonderful person who saw potential in me despite me not having the most impressive qualifications on paper, and i’m eternally grateful that she was willing to hire me on despite me having absolutely 0 lab experience and needing a good amount of guidance and advice for the first month or so before i started getting the hang of things. every situation is different - some places will help pay for relevant schooling if needed, some don’t require schooling at all. i know a lot of places, my own workplace included, are working to make the field more accessible and in the process of establishing more robust outreach programs to really make it less intimidating to get into, so i’d say chances are getting better and better if you’re willing to put yourself out there!
as general advice, i’ll always recommend looking into what sort of volunteering/internship programs your local zoos/aquariums/museums offer!! they can be a good way to get your feet wet and see what it’s like to work in a certain department without immediately diving into a full time job, and i know at my facility were always happy to get the help whenever possible. most of my coworkers either started off as volunteers or interns or transferred from another department at the same place, so it happens a decent amount. while i personally didn’t have the fortitude to stay in the customer service side of things for very long (so much respect for everyone who does. you’re braver than every US marine 🫡) my prior employment ended up being a decent factor as well, since i already knew the building and general goings-on. i say go for it! believe in yourself!! you’ll never know what opportunities are out there unless you look :3
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kurjakani · 10 months
kaniiii how is art school going?? I'm seriously considering going into fine arts once I finish my degree or at least get a more formal/complete education online in the meantime
hi!!! :) oh man im rly exited for you!!!! I can personally say that I am having an amazing time, but art school experiences are deeeply. based on the school, your own attitude towards what you wanna do, how you wanna do it, the classmates you happen to get etc...
Most of all thee most important thing for me has definetly been to just, spend a big chunk of time just focusing on doing art instead of worrying about other stuff (tho i am working on the side, i have been p successful at focusing on art during the classes) for hours on end.
If you do fr apply to sm schools. I do recommend looking into them p well, to make sure their spaces etc & teaching style is smth that calls to you & would work well for u... There's gonna be a lot of differences between diff countries etc, but eg ive heard that an another school here has rly like, dry spaces compared to my school (everyone draws on the walls and leaves their stuff everywhere which to me is great and makes me feel at home). It just rly depends on what you need and what would work for you.
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freeuselandonorris · 8 months
for the ask game: 1, 19, 20!
heyyyy thank you for asking! 🫶
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
ooooh bloody hell. let's see. 1. being an only child in a single parent household. it's made me very happy with my own company (sometimes to a fault) and very close with my mum. also probably contributed to why my inner fantasy life is so active lmao 2. having a period of very poor mental health through my teenage years/early 20s. i basically lost the years between 13-23. it's made me very careful about looking after myself now i'm older and it forced me to have to understand myself more. it's also made me more keenly aware of not wasting more time. 3. art school. i went to a fairly prestigious art school in london and it really opened my eyes to class (i'm northern and working class) - it was the first time i'd really come across PROPERLY priveleged people (a close friend was the daughter of a tory mp and i was later a bridesmaid at her wedding at westminster palace lmao, weirdest day of my life) and realised just how much the world was skewed to their success. also made me realise i like making art but i hate the art world and most art people. still wanna write an art school AU one day.
19. favourite thing about the day?
when i'm having a good head period and can manage it, my morning routine is the best. i get up and make my lil coffee (V60 4 lyf) and then sit down and write for an hour - i like writing first thing before my brain is knackered from Life - and listen to lauren laverne's 6music show, then i read for however long i have left before work. sometimes i'll burn incense or a nice candle. for a while i was doing morning pages too although i find them a drain long-term. it's just my time, yknow? i try not to look at my phone or anything.
i'm going to be moving to a partly office-based job again and not being able to do my morning routine on those days is the thing i'm most upset about.
20. favourite things about the night?
i'm the kind of person who has a brain that is constantly chewing on to-do lists and anxiety spiralling about All The Things I Must Do and i like feeling like i am mostly done with the day's tasks by evening (even though i find it hard to stop percolating them or adding more sometimes). recently i've got into the habit of listening to shaun keaveny's daily grind podcast on my headphones while i cook my dinner which is a rly nice way to mark the end of the workday, although i guess that's evening more than night.
i like that the night can be either end of the spectrum - it can be the time for extreme cosiness, feeling safe and protected and sleepy, or it can be the time for excess and sleaze. when all the hidden things come out to play!
from questions i think it would be fun to be asked!
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
how do you draw so well, or rather, do you have any advice for new people trying out drawing?
THIS IS SO. like im blushign looking around my empty room twirling my hair im... not the best person to ask for art advice because i'm. ok listen. my secret to drawing is that i dont give a fuck. i RARELY get in that mood of augh my art is bad because i just don't think abt it!! do i think my art is good?? not...really, if i really think about it. but you know MY SECRET?? i dont stress about it! drawing itself is fun!! that's why all my stuff is messy lol i dont worry about my end result. sometimes it can happen but for the most part i just go for it and i have fun!!! im like is it legible? great *post* idk if that makes sense but... what im trying to say is...draw UGLY. u need to not be afraid of drawing ugly. DRAW UGLY. DRAW UGLY. DRAW UGLY. DRAWING UGLY IS THE BEST. u NEED to LIKE THE PROCESS rather than stress about the end result!! go CRAZY with it. grab ur pencil and just start. if u pay attention in my doodles u can see in the corners small curves because i move the pencil so fast and im not careful at all lol (sometimes i go back to clean them out though bc its like THIS IS TOO MUCH). once u stop trying to make everything cute/pretty art is so much easier and fun!! that's what i do anyway... idk if it's helpful for everyone, especially since i dont do this professionally and it's rly my hobbie but!! DRAWING UGLY 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
school is not important. be whatever u wanna be. if u wanna be a dog. WOOF. you know?
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rainyrindou · 5 months
Venus!! I heard you've been watching wind breaker so I want to hear your opinions! What do you think of it so far? Who are you fav characters? Do you think you'll read the manga? 🎤
HI so i’ve only watched three episodes bc crunchy’s got the rest behind a paywall 😭😭 BUT OMFG it’s so gorg i love the art style!! i like when an anime art style is flexible enough to where the characters have facial variety and don’t just look like the same character copy pasted a million times with different hair lol yknow what i mean. i think it’s rly fun how much you can see certain character’s teeth when they smile (togame 👀)
and it’s so funny and silly it genuinely made me laugh quite a few times and i know that fades away as animes go on…but it hooks me. i love to laugh. sakura is so funny 😭 i love the plot too like omg how cool a little gang school! i love the graffiti all over the place!
as for characters i literally started watching for kiryu….like how i started reading tr for sanzu…the pink hair just gets to me. but sakura is so cool like actually i’m so excited to see him fight more. and fucking HAYATO SUO look i saw him and i was like ugh he’s cute but i don’t wanna like him BUT I CANT HELP IT HES SO FUNNY N CUTE I LOVE HIS PERSONALITY HE HAS CAPTIVATED ME. RRRAHHHH
yes i think i will read the manga. cool art style n cool plot n very drawable characters…i must read methinks.
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