#i rly hope this is true because it would be so beautiful
bangsinc · 1 year
Can i request a spot x reader Who likes to draw him and lets him stay in their house.
Also you are life saver since you are the only one who is writing spot headcannons ♡
✏️Spot and an artist reader who lets him crash!(Hcs/Drabble)🗯️
I’m so sorry I couldn’t think of something silly for a title.. BUT TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENT! I rly wanna give him love since nobody is rn! He’s so pookie
No warnings, just fluff. Mutual pining! Yay!
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For the majority of the past couple years, Spots been an outcast to society, someone who wouldn’t be welcome anymore no matter what he did or how he hid. A job, something that could have saved him, wasn’t feesable anymore, and he couldn’t find anyplace to live.. that is, until there was you.
You were a complete godsend to this.. creature. A place to stay was more than what he could ask for. He didn’t need to eat, or do much anymore, but he still wanted a sence of community.
He could never repay you, never. The only person that’s ever been kind to him is letting him stay for.. nothing in return. As a way to return the sentiment and ease the overbearing guilt he feels that someone (as amazing and beautiful as you) let him into their home with open arms, he steals things.
Expect little trinkets! Oh? You like video games? That’s crazy because he just came across this one copy of..
He doesn’t crash persay, he lives. He craves the affection and love, so it’s difficult for him to not spend every night in your home. It’s warm, cozy, and best of all you don’t seem to care for what he looks like.
And like.. yknow, maybe you guys cuddle sometimes.
As for your hobby of drawing him, he would consider it the highest honor. You see him as something worth replicating on pen and paper? You want to show it to others too?? Congratulations, you just earned yourself a free model.
Gushes over your work, maybe keeps some of it for himself. Oh, he’s crushing hard. Maybe he’ll even try to draw you! Don’t expect anything.. good though. He was a scientist! Not an artist! But.. it would mean a lot to him if you kept what he gave you. It’s the least you could do, make him a happy little guy.
He may not be expressive, but you can almost see the flattery oozing from him as he eyes your work with the upmost curiosity. You’re so talented!
Little Drabble!
The lights of your bedroom, dim and gentle, reflect upon his pale face. He looks around curiously, his expression as it usually is, unreadable. He looks at you for a moment, the hole on his face narrowing in almost panic.
“T—thanks for letting me stay agai—look, I can’t really repay you or-“ He mumbles, rocking back and fourth on his feet nervously.
Your expression wracked him. The kind, empathetic smile on your face didn’t wane once, even if you both knew there wasn’t any way he could pay you back. You stay quiet, mainly to find the right words to tell him. With every passing second, doubt knawed at him. This was too good to be true.. this was going to end sooner than he hoped. You were going to tell him to get ou—
“That’s okay, don’t worry about it.” You speak, your voice quiet as to not startle him further. The weight of your words pressed on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to catch his breath.
“Really?” He approaches you swiftly, a sence of hope painted his expression, the brush that was his feelings painting a portrait of never ending gratitude.
“Really.” You repeat his words, arms outstretched, your smile never once waning. He can feel his spotted emotions get the better of him and he’s quick to bring you into a hug, his face digging into the crook of your neck.
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sacchxrine05 · 7 months
Yuumori Characters as Disney Princesses (cus I’m bored :))
I’m gonna preface this by saying that some of these you’re just gonna have to trust me on cus I chose them just from pure vibes alone and went from there. I also haven’t re-read/watched Yuumori in a while nor have I watched any Disney movies as of late so again, just trust me bro lmao. I came up with most of these at 2am so sorry in advance.
Also, if someone has already done this, I’m sorry and I hope my choices aren’t just the same lmao.
Liam - Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
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So this one is mostly just cus they both ended up sleeping for a long ass time lmao. Liam was in a coma after the fall for x months and Aurora was cursed to an eternal sleep unless her true love kissed her awake (we won’t talk about the horrors of the original fairytale, I’ve tried to blank that out of my memory tyvm). They’re also both blondes…uh huh. Aurora doesn’t have much personality that I can remember other than being an animal lover and a good singer so…that’s just all I have lmao. I also just think Liam would make a very cute Sleeping Beauty lmao.
Albert - Jasmine
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I did consider giving Albert Rapunzel cus of the whole locked away in a tower thing, but outside of that and having shitty mothers (Mother Gothel wasn’t even Rapunzel’s real mother but still) there isn’t much similarity personality wise? Idk. I picked Jasmine just cus they both come from rich families yet have no patience for other rich people. Jasmine also disguised herself and went into the town/city to pretend she was a normal person and that feels kinda Albert-ish? They’re also both smart and sarcastic so Y’know.
Louis - Cinderella
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This one feels kinda obvious lmao. Both were raised by awful rich people who treated them like a servant, both were orphans and both tended to the upkeep of their homes. I do think Louis has more of a backbone than Cinderella, especially towards the end of Part 1 of the manga. Also again: both are blondes lmao.
Moran - Merida
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So…this one is mostly vibes but also not. I think Moran has a similar wild streak to Merida and accidentally turning a loved one into a bear because he didn’t watch his wording when asking a witch for a spell sounds like something Moran might do? Bear (hah) in mind I haven’t re-read Yuumori in a while so I may be wrong on that. Also I guess bows and arrows were the guns before guns were invented so…so there’s that lmao.
Bonde - Mulan
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Feels like another obvious one? They both disguised their genders to achieve a goal (although I did interpret James to be a trans man whereas Mulan wasn’t rly? Cus she went back to presenting as female after the war so idk). They’re also both pretty outspoken and don’t care for the roles society has put them in as women and actively break that stigma (Mulan by going to war and James by often dressing as men even before he transitioned). Idk I just like this one lmao.
Fred - Snow White
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Again, this is mostly vibes. I’m pretty sure Snow White is the youngest of the Disney Princesses at 14 (Don’t quote me on that cus I could be wrong), so I feel like that parallels Fred being the youngest of the Crime Gang. Snow White also has a connection to animals which can also connect to Fred’s love of cats and nature in general as he does most (all?) of the gardening. I think they’re both pretty quiet and shy and that’s all I really have lmao.
Mycroft - Megara
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Okay, okay, relax, I know Megara isn’t an official Disney Princess (she SHOULD be, but whatever), but she’s the only one I could really see as being similar to Mycroft? Ya’ll are really just gonna have to trust me on this one lmao. I just think they’re both pretty independent and cynical and sarcastic and just…I really don’t know the vibes just fit, I can’t explain it.
Sherlock - Ariel
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OKAY👏HEAR👏ME👏OUT. This is the only one I’m 100% confident on BSJDNKFS. They both have a niche obsession that they collect items from, Ariel with humans and Sherlock with Mysteries/Crime. They both make massive life changes for the man they love (a man which, by the way, they barely knew lmao), Ariel in becoming human and Sherlock by leaving his life, family & friends behind to live with Liam in New York. They also almost died to achieve this, Sherl from leaping off a goddamn bridge to save Liam and Ariel by her deal with Ursula. IT WORKS, I’M TELLING YOU.
That’s all I have, I was gonna do other characters but I just hit a brick wall with it lmao. (I considered John to be either Tiana or Belle, but I’ll leave that up to you 👀)
If you made it this far thank you for listening to my bullshit lmao.
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billfarrah · 2 years
Why do you think Simon finally agreed to be Wille's secret? What pushed him to make that decision? I have many incoherent thoughts about it... and just wondering what you think because your analysis are always beautiful and on point 😊
Thank you ❤️
Lisa touched upon this in her live and I can’t remember exactly what she said, but I do remember her saying that his decision had an element of “fuck it, who cares, let’s just do this,” due to the events that had transpired over the season, as well as being correlated to Sara’s betrayal and his newfound understanding of Wille’s position. I’m gonna try to break it down into individual points so this stays coherent:
1. Simon finally begins to understand the pressure Wille is under and why he denied the video. Throughout the first 4 episodes, we see Simon asking Wille for space and to leave him alone, and as of episode 4, we see Wille officially accept Simon’s position, and notably this happens right after Simon tells Wille that he can’t accept his.
Wille: You’re the one who can’t accept me, my position, my family.
Simon: No, maybe I can’t.
Here I think it dawns on Simon in a way that he’s lost sight of his empathy for Wille. At the end of season 1, we see Simon heartbroken but still sensitive toward Wille, allowing him to hug him before he leaves for Christmas break. However, things began to change when they get back; Simon is still heartbroken and his anger has started to surface. He still doesn’t understand why Wille denied the video and he doesn’t try to understand. What’s poetic is that he is supposedly trying to do what’s best for himself, but in reality he’s not doing that - he’s running away from his true feelings and his true nature. There are a few moments in the season where Simon sees the pressure Wille is facing - him almost being forced out of Hillerska most notably - but it rly clicks in when Wille shows up at his house and explains his situation. Which leads me to my next point.
2. Simon finally understands his own inability to compromise. When Wille reveals to Simon he’d be willing to give up the crown for him, Simon realizes just how much Wille would sacrifice in order to be with him (because he understands the stakes of what giving up the crown for Wille - letting his entire family down), and he realizes he’d never been willing to do the same. I also think it’s important that Simon heard Marcus say he was willing to wait for Simon to be ready - if Marcus can wait for me, why can’t I wait for Wille? He really started to question what was worth sacrificing. Clearly being apart from Wille wasn’t doing him any good - in fact, it was essentially breaking him. He utterly failed at falling in love with someone else and ended up hurting not only Marcus and Wille in the process, but also himself. His heart and body yearned for him and all he was doing was denying himself. Think back to Wille’s line in season 1: “What if I just want to be with him and not say anything?” Maybe Simon realized that the secret was worth it, as long as he got to be with Wille, because he’d already tried living without him and it made him miserable.
3. Sara’s betrayal. This one cut deep and I think it made Simon question everything he’s ever known about himself and the people in his life. If he can’t even trust Sara, his beloved sister, who the hell can he trust? What is even the point of any of this? I think after everything that went down with Wille and where they were as of episode 6, Simon realized that he could trust Wille, and because of that certainty, he was willing to do whatever it took to keep Wille in his life, and if he had to compromise, then fuck it, he was willing to do so. He loves Wille and wants to be with him; fuck all the rest. His word choice is very important in his speech to Wille; he is no longer referring to himself as a secret, but their relationship, indicating that they are now officially equals and they’re finally in it together.
I hope you like my answer. I still think it’s incoherent and some people may disagree with me, and I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on why Simon changed his mind. I personally thought it was a beautiful character progression, rather than a regression. It’s the beauty of Simon finally doing the one thing he refused to do just because he loved Wille so much he’d rather compromise that than be without him, and the beauty of Wille showing him he doesn’t have to, nor does Wille want him to sacrifice it.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
OK just got done talking to a friend and apparently the new TWSB adaptation(webtoon s2) is cutting out, condensing, and rearranging things a lot... (I alr noticed they removed some imo rly CRUCIAL important scenes from the 1st ep alone... and from what i hear there's more of that coming ㅠㅠ)
...So I need to readjust my expectations bc I was hoping it would be more faithful... NOW THAT IVE LOWERED MY EXPECTATIONS I THINK I'LL BE FINE...🥲 I'LL JUST APPRECIATE THE BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGS AND THINK OF IT AS AN ART BOOK/ ILLUSTRATED COMPANION TO THE NOVEL INSTEAD OF A TRUE ADAPTATION... THE NOVEL WILL ALWAYS STILL BE THERE... i already think the visuals are stunning and they make me really happy TT❤️‍🔥 it'll be worth for that alone... I'll try not to cry too much about what's left out because I have faith that the scenes that are left in will be drawn well at least. 🛐 I rly do think the new artist gives the drawings the proper Drama and weight that was missing from s1...
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shenyaanigans · 2 years
10 films i love
ty for the tag, @aerogadyne !!!!
Promare. so not to be cringe and make this my number one, but i just. absolutely adore everything about promare: it's funny, the art style is really fun, JYB and Billie Kametz (rest in peace) are there. i think the way it makes very clear, and remains quite adamant, that it is a visual story first and foremost is really fun. I LOVE the opening section, i actually think from a storytelling perspective it's so fascinatingly well done. you can see how it was inspired by the F&F series, how sure, there's a ton of pyrotechnics and shit that's there just to look cool, but there is a genuine heart underneath it that's really sweet and propels the story every single time i watch it. galo and lio are also just. such great protagonists. i adore them both so so much, great watch, 10/10
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. One of my favorite live action films, this movie really speaks to me. I adore multiverse travel and I've toyed around with the idea of being able to exist in many universes all at once for a story, but I honestly wasn't sure it could be done. Seeing it done on screen so beautifully, so masterfully, and so coherently was just. Mwah. the symbolism was beautiful, the characters were so funny, and the tale of intergenerational wounds (what we inflict on our children is often a different version of what was inflicted on us) is poignant and thoughtfully portrayed and just. yeah. from what i understand, michelle yeoh really took this film over the top with her performance and notes to the directors, and i love how collaborative the space was. here's hoping it gets the recognition it deserves.
Looper. This movie fucks. this movie is everything i want in a sci-fi thriller, because it has so much soul. the way the movie really puts to task the idea of the masculine hero. there's a scene in this movie that just lives with me forever, because it's a scene that feels like it would belong in a gritty realistic action film, and yet it is so so sad. there's no cool music, there isn't a good reason for what happens other than it's procedure, and it physically hurts to watch. on top of that emily blunt is there and i am in love with her.
Knives Out/Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. i'm putting them together not because they're the same film but because they scratch an itch of fun storytelling within a tried and true genre. i am so compelled by stories that have such eye for detail, and i've always been particularly interested in mystery stories. i also am obsessed with the camera technique they used for Knives Out. it's beautiful and i love it so so much.
The Truman Show. also a really really cool movie, i'm obsessed with the way this semi-predicted the sensationalization of people's lives, and the parasocial relationships we now have with people we feel like we "know". moreover, i rly rly like the commentary on art and the idea of caricaturing the self and how that ultimately makes the world around you a caricature, too.
The Adjustment Bureau. one of the first movies i ever really really loved, because i was super obsessed with the idea of trying to go against forces larger than you to be with the person you love (for some strange reason. who knows what that could be. 🌈) i got so interested in how this movie worked, i watched it over and over for years, until i could quote it by rote, and then i read the screenplay because i was desperate to know how it worked. i wouldn't say this is the best movie in the world; far from it. it has this beautiful, interesting premise, but it doesn't take any risks: david and elise are a straight cis white couple with no real barriers other than unforeseen hands saying that they can't. i think there's so much potential here, though, and it's the thing that i was so interested in for so so so long.
Your Name (Kimi no Namae Wa). not to be basic but this movie made me cry a lot. i'm such a sucker for body swap shenanigans in general, on top of time travel, but i rly rly rly liked the idea of two people connecting in spite of space and time and everything to do their damndest to save each other and everyone they loved. just because they cared. i always found that to be so powerful and meaningful.
The Invitation. this is a movie i have mixed feelings about because it was an interesting film and had a lot of really lovely motifs regarding grief, but it was also a film i watched with someone who is no longer in my life. but the music in it is really melancholic and beautiful, and i rly do think it's such a massively good take on how grief is powerful to eat up not just you, but everyone around you, too.
Gone Girl. brooooo this movie was so so so good, i loved it so much, although the first time i saw it i was not a fan because i was sixteen and i had to watch the cunnilingus scene with my dad right next to me. but the second time i watched it i was alone and also 22 and so it was rly good. i just love the bait and switch. i love the evil woman. i love everything about it. fantastic.
probably does not count but the Sense8 movie was bananas and cool and beautiful and i am so sad that show did not get the five seasons it deserved, it was a really, REALLY good idea. it fucked some stuff up, but this show was so queer and unapologetic about it, and i enjoyed just how much of the show was driven by love. i rly rly did.
anyways sorry this is long and full of my rambles, but even doing this list has put into perspective just how much of the same stuff i like LOL. anywho!!! i figure i'll tag... @caffernnn, @suhmayzooka, @relationshipcrimes, @futuresoon, @kavehandtea, @honeydots, @cawfka, @floodedlungs and anyone else who might be interested!! have fun, i want to see your favorite movies if you're up for sharing <3
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slytherinshua · 1 year
How long does it usually take you to write fics ? I feel like whenever I try to write one it takes months to even get an idea 😭 Do you have any tips on how to work on motivations ? It’s like I’ve had writer’s block for the last 2 years.
anon 😭 i feel honored that you wanted to ask me for advice 😭 so i'll try my best 😭 for me it really depends on the fic. usually if i get an idea for a fic or i get a request that i really really like, i'll rush to write the fic immediately. sometimes i'll finish a fic in one or two sittings (a couple hours of writing probably depending on the length), and sometimes i'll write a bit for the fic and then sort of abandon it because i've lost motivation. i have around 50 or more unfinished fics in my drafts, some of which will probably never get finished??
writer's block rly is the worst and whenever i'm struggling with it even for a day, it feels like weeks of not being able to write. sometimes its because none of the ideas i have are inspiring me, and i guess sometimes its just cause the words aren't coming out easily. but when this happens i try to think of something to small to write, like a timestamp for example. the task of writing a couple hundred words vs a couple thousand is a lot more doable when you're already struggling with writing. so i would definitely suggest starting small.
for inspiration or ideas for fics, i get a lot of them just by looking at pictures of who i'm writing for. if i really really want to write a soobin fic for example, but i don't have an idea, i'll almost always go to pinterest and just look. a lot of the time an idea will come from just looking at a particular photo.
another thing that helps is trying to write a new trope or au. having the loose plot or basis of a fic can help you think of how to write it. lets say i found this picture on pinterest of soobin:
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and this picture gave me the idea to write a royalty au for him. so now we know we're going to do a royal setting. the next thing i would think about is whether i want it to be modern or more medieval, and for now i'm going to pick medieval. so let's say soobin is the personal guard for the princess (y/n) and we'll add in forbidden love as a trope to add conflict. so now we have the basis of the fic and the setting the trope to include etc etc, so now we can start writing.
using this process is really really helpful for me. start out with a photo, find an idea you like based on that photo and build it up from there. it can be really simple and small as well, it doesn't have to be as complicated as an entire royalty au with soobin lol
another thing i will say is the fics i post are so varied. for example yesterday i posted 3 fics: jeonghan, woojin, and sejun.
the jeonghan fic was from a request i had gotten recently and i only just started writing it and finished it in one sitting. it was a shorter fic and was just short and fluffy.
the woojin fic wasn't from a request, it was just something i wanted to write for myself. it ended up being longer and even though i started and finished it in one sitting, there was ideas i pulled from a lot of different places. the basis of the fic was inspired by woojin's song purple sky, the beginning part was slightly inspired by true beauty, and the ending came to me while writing. i think once you start writing, the fic can sometimes just come to you and flow easily until you finish it.
lastly the sejun fic was from an old request. like months old request if i remember correctly. it was half written and i had kinda abandoned it for a while, waiting for when i would get motivation to write it again. and sometimes you just have to wait until you are ready to write a certain fic again. sometimes trying to force out the words doesn't work and you end up with a result that you really hate and are frustrated with (this has happened to me a lot).
i know this was really long, but i hope it helped you even just a bit (idk whether i was actually giving solid advice or just bullshitting my way through this????) but ig the main takeaways are:
it's normal for some fics to take a long time to finish, it really just depends on the fic
start out small when you are struggling with writer's block as you are more likely to end up with a fic you are happy with (and finishing a fic and being proud of what you've written can snowball into more writing motivation!!)
if you are struggling for inspiration, try to find ideas from photos or just anything around you
it might seem like all these blogs are so active and have no problem producing fic after fic *cough yena/fairyhaos how tf do u do it cough*, but we all have our struggles and we ALL experience writer's block and have to overcome it. so don't give up and power through it, anon 🫶
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hello hello!!
Ahhh that's so exciting and so sweet that you and your stand partner are bestieess!!!! Also I laughed so hard when you wrote about getting dopamine from external validation because if that doesn't summarize every performer ever than i don't know what does 😂😂
Yes, yes, yes!! The way you said it was so well put!! I typically say that during rehearsal "we get lost in sauce" 😂 but you said if far more eloquently. I think that's what I miss the most about performaning, apart from being surrounded by other creative people. The fact that everyone is there trying to create something so beautiful and trying to convey emotions in a way that goes beyond words is something so magical. Uggghhh now I'm gonna start looking up local theatres to see what productions they're doing to see if i want to audition.
Honestly everyone crying is just a testament to how well written and enthralling this story was!!!! I (and I'm sure everyone else who read it) was so captivated by the story from beginning to end! When i tell you i LOVED the scene with the kids i truly mean LOVED. 1 - i thought it was the hottest thing ever that Agatha enjoys interacting with kids (and honestly kept thinking about Agatha with kiddos cause i just know she has such a soft spot for them) and 2 - experiences like that are just so transformative for children!!! I still remember the very first musical I saw in person and how amazed i was by it and immediately knew it was something i wanted to do.
Ahhh i feel like my asks just keep getting longer and longer!! They're starting to feel like letters at this point 😂 So sorry 🥴 but i saw THAT THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEQUEL!!! And it's going to have CARMEN IN IT?!?!?!?!! I'm sooo excited!!!!!! I completely forgot i had said something about Agatha conducting an opera, but oh my goddddd i want her to conduct an opera so badlyyyyyy. Needless to say, i am very, very excited!!!!!!
I hope you are having a fantastic start to you week!! ❤️🥰
- paganini anon
Hi Paganini Anon! 💜
Ah yes. Jerry, my stand partner is an icon and I’m determined to become his best friend. I already have a plan for our next rehearsal 😌🤞🏻
Hahah I actually enjoy the phrase “lost in the sauce” a lot more than what I said!! It’s so true! I think it’s incredible that you’re in theater, and I completely get what you’re saying. I’m rooting for you and pls keep me updated (if you want to) on if you end up auditioning for anything!!!! I’m sure you’ll do great and it sounds like it would be so much fun!! The fine arts are such an incredible gift and my biggest regret is going so long without performing.
Thank you so much omg 😭 I am a very emotional person (I blame my Pisces moon, my therapist says otherwise tho), and I think it’s clear in my writing that I enjoy angst. I’ve always appreciated your support and anons on here, I go “ooo” whenever I see I have one!! They make my day 😌 I’m rly truly sooooooo glad you liked Agatha with the kids!!!! I added so many little details in, it always makes me excited to see what people enjoy and what they can relate to. And that’s so sweet 😭 it’s so incredible how one experience can help shape your entire life!!
No pls I love the asks! It’s fun- and I love writing letters! One of my friends from college and I would write each other letters back when the pandemic first hit and it was so fun. Yes!! I’m like… 1/4 of the way through writing the first chapter!! Yes yes yes it will have Carmen!!! It’s one of my absolute favorite operas. I remembered your ask and I was like oh wow that would be an interesting idea, could I do that? And then I brainstormed and decided I wanted to keep writing haha. Agatha is going to be on one while she’s conducting in the sequel and it’s going to be very entertaining to read. I’m so glad you’re excited!!!!! 💜✨
Ah thank you! It’s been a bit busy and the cold weather is making it hard for me to focus on things, but I am trying my best. I hope you’re having a good week too, thank you sm for the ask. I always love getting them!! ✨
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into-the-loidverse · 2 years
hey, I don't usually reach out to artists like this but I want to thank you for those culturally appropriate masa redesigns. I was a fan of his for a while and admittedly always found those designs he made to be extremely questionable (especially the GANESHA designs... if you have to TELL your audience what real-world God the character is supposed to be then you really messed up when designing them). Like you said, it goes to show that he did enough research to know what they were supposed to look like, but chose to go against it and hypersexualize the designs anyway because horny. Your redesigns proved that he not only could have done better from a cultural standpoint but that these characters would have still been beautiful even if they were wearing more than a yard of fabric lol. Masa has been doing this stuff for a VERY long time and I'm truly surprised that nobody said anything before. I really hope he learns something from this mess but from the way he's been reacting... well, I sort of doubt it. U dont have to respond to this, its just something i wanted to get off my chest, hope u have a good holiday mate
haha anon thank u so much !!!!!!!!!!!! i rly do appreciate this 😆😆💜💜 [long rant below oops soz anon]
oh yeah i definitely agree !!!! ive always had an issue and been pretty vocal [on insta] about his design choices in general bc…. this is a personal ick but i just hate hornybait art [esp from men] bc 90% of the time it looks uncanny that i dont understand how its hot…. this is especially seen in masas newer art - his clothing is vacuum sucked booby pocket that looks plasticky / nonsensical and the faces r just … yknow ? [doesnt help his woman anatomy hasnt improved much w the boobs being super high 2 the collarbone that it makes everything look off - and i always excused it bc i think it was when he drew the soap lagoon tribute image ? he said how he knows his artstyle is not how it was during onibi series and wishes 2 not return 2 it + the art is not the biggest priority over music which makes sense ! idk his art is always the best when not sexualised [or at least u cannot tell at 1st glance] like his avicii tribute / cappuccino pv or literally anything non human like guns / skulls etc]
edit: i just remembered the existence of patriot balalaika [hate that song sm as a russian immigrant] and i lied that song is the *best* researched song bc there is no sexualisation and it bases it true on the life of a war zone - WHICH FUCKING SUCKS that out of all songs it is that gets proper treatment .... what the fuck i get the dude likes military stuff but boooooooo so uninteresting [props 2 him removing the pv tho !]
im very happy that my redesigns served its purpose !! it was honestly quite easy after looking at multiple pictures + articles / blogs about said topic…. his la catrina is the best one only because it matched a cheap outfit i saw while researching so yknow thats something… his defence 4 ganesha also pretty much confirms what u said w hypersexualisation:
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funny thing is during this whole situation i wrote an essay about fetishisation of women in comics 4 uni and he fits all the criteria of that so yay…. go cishet men 🥳🥳/s
i am so sorry anon 4 the long rant 😭😭 i too wish u a happy holiday !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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School of Good and Evil (movie) spoilers ahead :)
Okay so I just watched The School for Good and Evil and I actually liked it more than I thought I would. I didn't rly like the main couple together but skateboard they're better in the books? Tetris seems like he'd be a cool teammate and a cool character but I don't really like him being in a relationship tbh. I thought the two main girls were both really awesome characters, and the story impressed me/ exceeded my admittedly low expectations for on the nose good/evil and on screen adaptations. I really enjoyed the movie and thought the lessons and all was really cool and the stakes were higher than I expected as well.
What I really liked was that even though the most literal interpretation was that love=The Good Emotion, but that the story doesn't necessarily place love as more morally pure or correct than any other emotion. The personified chaos has love for personified evil- but that didn't make her any less of a victim or make the evil guy any less of an objectively terrible person. In other words, love can cause pain just as any emotion can, similar to what we see with Tetris's supposedly good and pure intentions of slaying Greg the corpse bird.
However I want really a fan of evil having a physical manifestation in the form of "ugly" traits for hopefully obvious reasons. Not to mention many of the actions by the more "beautiful" group could also be classified as evil, Evil Guy said so himself, so why wouldn't they change as well? Am I missing something? Was it meant to show that both groups were equally good and evil the whole time and that placing the more conventionally attractive people on a pedestal was a type of double meaning or something? That does seem to be part of the lesson, according to one of my favorite lines "I don't believe anyone is good or evil, because people are complicated" holy shit that is just the best line ever ajajxbbchfhe
I'd like to read the book as well, and I'm hoping for some dual pov and Agatha angst. Shit like "as Tetris evaporated, Agatha stood there, feeling like a true witch" holy shit I WOULD DIE I loved pretty much all of the characters <22
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moonsluvr · 3 years
— on repeat.
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synopsis: short enhypen scenarios as my fav songs <3
pairing: ot7!enhypen x gn!reader
word count: 900+ (116 exactly for each hehe)
genre: fluff, pining/crushing, friends to .. idk u tell me
warnings: implied mental problems in jungwons (not stated), mentions of kissing, may be a lil angsty ?
authors note: i had to “misinterpret” some lyrics SO HARD because my whole playlist is sad but i wanted to write fluff so i yes i am aware the scenarios may not represent the song/lyrics. i didn't rly go word for word, it's more like taking inspiration.
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jungwon ᝰ washing machine heart — mitski
“baby, will you kiss me already, and toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart?”
every night you feel alone is another night he’ll make sure you aren’t. it’s another night he’ll hold you tight, and tell you he’s there for you, just like he always will be. he knows your tired feet have been walking for far too long, and he wants nothing more than to be the calm in your storm. it’s all too easy to melt into his warmth that seems endless. it is endless, when all he has to do is smile for your world to flip upside down for the better. you haven’t always been strong, but he’s made up his mind to stay by your side regardless. he’ll be strong for you when you can’t.
heeseung ᝰ boyfriend, girlfriend — carwash
“pretty and prettier you get in every way, every day.”
what was supposed to be a movie marathon has now turned into a sleepover. neither of you wanted to part ways for the night, even as the clock strikes past midnight. you play the next movie, even though your eyelids close on their own. it’s okay, you don’t need to watch it. it’s just an excuse to have him by your side, anyways. he stares at you, but when he sees your tired state, a pang of guilt hits his chest at the thought of you staying up for him. you snuggle closer into his arms to get comfortable, allowing yourself to fall into slumber. his guilt fades away, happy you find peace next to him.
jay ᝰ august — taylor swift
“but i can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away into a moment in time.”
he swipes through his phone, admiring every photo. they’re all he has at this moment, during these cold months. he can’t help but miss the way he had you in the past, the way he could hold you, the way he could kiss you. the way he could call you his. his phone ringing cuts the air as he finally removes himself from his melancholic thoughts. photos of you are replaced by your contact followed by a “<3” flashing on his screen. you’re probably calling to remind him you’ll be with him soon. all he had to do was make it through another winter before you’ll be his again, just like you were in the past.
jake ᝰ affection — between friends
“you're saying what you want right to me, no filter on your mouth.”
he wonders when you’ve become so honest. your words slur into each other to the point he can’t comprehend what you’re saying anymore. instead, he decides to track your lips. this was a mistake, it would seem, because now he can’t get the thought of kissing you out of his head. you say something about how good he looks at this moment, and his heart picks up. you flash him your friendly smile as he returns it softly, still wondering what intentions lie beneath such an innocent smile. just to clear up his confusion, would it be appropriate to lean in and taste your true feelings? you lick your lips, and he hopes you taste him.
sunghoon ᝰ stargazing — the neighborhood
“i can feel your heart beating with mine, underneath the stars looking for a sign”
the stars dance amongst each other in the cold night, and he pulls you closer when he sees you start to shiver. his body heat transfers to you, and through your body like electricity. the drums known as your pulse speeds up. you don’t notice how he’s become a drum himself against you. such a breeze acts almost like a universal force, pulling two beautiful stars closer than they ever dared to be before. you stare at the sky, and you see beautiful freckles decorating an otherwise blank canvas. he stares at the sky and sees a dark night. you’re a better sight to him, anyways. he turns to stare at you. he sees his future.
sunoo ᝰ talk to you — ricky montgomery
“you’re in my head more often than i want, more often than i want to tell you.”
from his desk, he can hear your friends and you chatting away as if the whole world was only in that very room. he raises his head from the notebook lying in front of him, and his eyes catch you immediately. he takes notice of every habit you have while talking to your friends. from the way you nudge your friend on the shoulder when they say something that embarasses you, to the way you throw your head back in laughter when they say something funny. it’s not his first time noticing these things. his eyes return back to his notebook, continuing the messy sketches he takes of you, each portraying his favorite expressions you carry.
ni-ki ᝰ ok — between friends
“i think we should stay up, can we stay the same?”
he peeks out from his pillow fort to look for you, only to see you doing the same. when you raise your nerf gun at the sight of him, he quickly buries himself in the pillows again. from inside the thick blankets and his oh-so strong fortress, he can only faintly hear your muffled laughter. like a siren’s song, your laughter draws him towards ‘danger.’ unable to resist any longer, he pulls the pillows away from himself, looking you straight in the eyes as you aim at him. you shoot him right at his chest, and he makes no moves to dodge it. he’s not too sure how much longer he can be just your friend.
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TAGLIST: @giyyuzz @zederaya @levisrealrealwaifu @jakeyuni @beibybtch @vbxrin @soobin-chois @linoragi @rubysluvbot @lil-iva @hiqhkey @jungwonerz @torruuu @ilandsghost (bolded accs couldn't be tagged!)
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strangerfigs · 2 years
ik people were mad at finn for saying that he thinks Will’s love for mike is beautiful but like it seriously is, like it’s literally selfless, and it’s tragic (currently) but honestly, yeah that is beautiful! Like, Mike literally makes him feel like is not a mistake, too? 😭 Like, honestly if it was reciprocated, we would all think this was beautiful, and as much as it just seems like a plot devise atm, we really don’t know how it concludes yet, and I just, like, literally it’s so selfless, and despite Will thinking he rather just pull the bandaid off, he knows that he will always need him - he will always need him in his life, and that won’t change, and idk - man, that is beautiful. It really is. It’s so wholesome and true, and like literally just such (?) a better love confession than Mike’s to El’s - like Will’s was about how Mike made him feel, was about Mike himself, needing him, and literally how Mike has made him feel as though he can keep going like what the actual fuck, that is SO beautiful? I rly hope Mike finds out, regardless of mike’s sexuality because it really was so beautiful and deserves to be more than a plot devise - and I just hope that their friendship is strong next season, and that Mike realizes that, even if it’s just a friend, he will always need Will too. Because GOD I honestly can’t get over how beautiful Will’s love for him is - like he literally almost convinces me to give Mike a break. Cuz like. Man. He made him not feel like a mistake, and he will always need him. 🥹 and that type of love is beautiful. Just loving the person as they are, and feeling accepted by them. That’s everything! God. They’d be so beautiful if Mike would just open his goddamn eyes — I stg.
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steelycunt · 2 years
I don’t rly care about canon so in my head Lyall and Hope are alive after the whole first war thing. Remus comes to his parents home to just lie in bed for a few months. L by that stage had kinda begrudgingly accepted s but now is full of ire about the traitor thing but ALSO betraying his son and has no nice words. Hope tho sits quietly with it then is like. No. No I can’t believe it’s true. That beautiful boy who got excited to decorate butterfly cakes with me? No, there’s some mistake.
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it's sooo funny i actually never thought about how lyall would react after it all. would undo ALL sirius' hard work and also probably put further strain on his relationship with remus because now its as though lyall was justified in his reservations all along and remus was stupid and naive and like. your boyfriend is in prison for mass murder so how do you fight that. i always imagine hope as dead by then but also ur soo right if she wasnt she'd have a much harder time accepting that they were wrong about him. this child who was soo sweet and so good to her son and bought her flowers on her birthday. and you're saying he did what?
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
Hii I love ur writing !!! Can u plss write a fic where percy and annabeth are skinny dipping in the camp lake and calypso or someone walks in on them and gets jealous?? Thanku so much !!
hii, thank you so much<3 i couldn’t really find a way to have someone actually get jealous, like it didn’t make a lot of sense to me BUT i still hope you like this bc i actually think it turned out rly cute🥺
“percy,” annabeth hissed as he stripped off his shirt. she looked around even though it was the middle of the night and the cleaning harpies were nowhere to be seen. “you can’t be serious.”
“come on, beth,” he smiled, kicking his shoes off. “live a little.”
“live a little?” she scoffed. “i have enough excitement in my life, i don’t need to skinny dip at camp, thank you. what if we get caught?”
“by who?” he asked, slipping his sweatpants off and leaving him in boxers. annabeth hated to admit it, but she could already feel her resolve waning. he was right, there was no one around. percy stepped closer to her, hands finding the hem of her shirt. she let him slide it over her head.
“this is a bad idea,” she tried again. but still she took off her shoes, and then percy’s fingers were in the waistband of her shorts. the warm july air wrapped around them, but annabeth still had goosebumps all over her skin. she was pretty sure that had more to do with percy taking off her clothes than the barely there chill of the wind.
it was their last summer there as campers, seeing as they would be turning 18 that year and then heading off to new rome for the fall. that was the reason percy had suggested skinny dipping. let’s go out with a bang, he’d said. annabeth hated that it wasn’t the worst idea he could’ve had.
his palms pressed against her bare waist and she shivered. percy leaned down to kiss her, which was a poor distraction for the way his fingers reached for the clasp of her bralette two seconds later. despite the several times he’s done this, he still struggled a little when it came to unhooking it, making annabeth giggle.
“don’t laugh at me,” he huffed. “it’s hard.”
“mhm,” she hummed. “very hard.”
the straps of her bra were then being slid down her arms and she glanced around again, still worried that someone would see them. “we’ll be fine, beth,” he promised.
“if we get caught, i’m blaming you,” she said. and then their underwear joined the pile of clothing on the dock. and maybe they should’ve climbed down the ladder or tried to slip in quietly, so they didn’t draw any attention to themselves, but percy had other plans. he grabbed her hand and didn’t think twice before jumping into the water, pulling her in with him.
their hands never broke, even when they surfaced. “percy!” she scolded, but she couldn’t help her laughter. “we’re so loud.”
“who cares?” he said, bringing her closer. “we’ve saved the world twice, and we’ve been to hell and back. we deserve some fun. who’s gonna stop us?”
“chiron? the harpies?” she shot back, only half serious. he was right again. they deserved some fun and even if they did get caught, it wasn’t likely that they’d get in trouble.
“yeah, whatever,” he shrugged. and then his hand slipped from hers, and he smiled that stupid, troublemaker grin she was so in love with. his fingertips touched her shoulder. “tag!” he said before swimming off, which was completely unfair given that he could control every drop of water around them.
“hey!” she protested, chasing him. they went back and forth for a while, and thankfully, percy seemed to not use his advantage of being the son of poseidon.
except once, when he was chasing her and then suddenly, despite her arms and legs propelling her forward, she stopped moving completely. within seconds, percy’s arm was around her waist. “tag,” he whispered, holding her close and turning her to face him.
“you cheated!” she replied.
“oh well,” was all he said before leaning in and kissing her. annabeth hummed indignantly but wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. percy must’ve used the water to keep them afloat and still because both of them had stopped treading water, only focused on each other.
it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes before they heard, “well, well, well.”
annabeth snapped away, anxiety settling in immediately, only to dissipate a few seconds later. on the dock stood piper, her hands on her hips and a knowing smile on her face. “what do we have here?” she asked playfully. she bent down, and held up annabeth’s bra by the strap. “pretty incriminating, if you ask me.”
“what are you doing up so late, mclean?” percy asked, a light smile on his face.
“i could ask you the same,” piper said, dropping the garment back to the ground. “i was awake earlier, though, when i saw you guys sneaking away. at first, i left it alone. but then i got curious so i started looking for you.
“and you guys are very loud,” piper continued, a laugh bubbling out of her throat. “so it didn’t take long to find you.”
annabeth glared at percy. “told you we were too loud!”
“oh hush, it’s just piper,” he said back.
“it could’ve been someone else, though,” annabeth grumbled.
“i’m a little jealous i’ve never thought about this,” piper said, eyes flitting all around the lake. “i’ll have to bring jason out here one night.”
“no way, mclean,” percy said. “this is my turf, find your own.”
piper wrinkled her nose. “you suck,” she said. “and yes i will be bringing him out here unless you want chiron to know that you were out here tonight.”
“i hate you,” percy said.
“yeah, yeah,” piper shrugged. “i’ll see you both in the morning. please don’t have too much fun in there, we all like to swim in that lake, you know.”
annabeth’s cheeks flushed as she tucked her face into percy’s neck. “goodnight, piper,” she called, the finality in her voice making it clear this conversation was over.
“night night,” piper said sweetly before leaving them alone.
for a moment, percy just held annabeth close, his hands running over her back. “told you we’d get caught,” she mumbled finally, making him laugh.
“could’ve been worse,” he said, which was definitely true. “do you wanna get out?”
annabeth lifted her head up from his neck and looked at him. his wet hair was pushed back and his skin glowed silver under the moonlight. like always, he was beautiful and she didn’t want this moment to end just yet.
“in a little bit,” she answered before leaning in and kissing him again. percy didn’t seem to have any issues with that, only pulling her closer.
if u saw any typos no u didnt<3
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lcandothisallday · 3 years
okay so i’m rly insecure about my gums because whenever i laugh really hard i feel like that’s all people see so whenever i do, i always cover my mouth out of habit and everyone always tell me they don’t even notice it and that my gums are fine but i imagine jack noticing that i always cover my mouth when i laugh and at first thinking it’s cute but then starting to wonder if there’s actually a reason why and then i tell him and he’s like “that’s ridiculous and not even true” or something like that 🥺 id still want laser gum surgery though lmaooo
first, I wanna say I hope you overcome your insecurity🥺🤍 its a lot easier said than done but trust me, most of our biggest insecurities are things only we individually hyper fixate on while others don't even notice! that being said, this is an incredibly soft concept😭💖 I too cover my mouth out of habit when laughing and I think jack would be so encouraging about letting loose around him because he genuinely doesn't see all the bad things you see in yourself. he would softly pull your hands down, “you've got a beautiful smile, mammas. don’t hide it, especially from me.”
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oreosmama · 4 years
I love your yandere headcanons! I was wondering if you could do yandere headcanons for Ushijima from Haikyuu; they could be an extension of that one Ushijima scenario you did where he’s kidnapped the reader!
Yandere Ushijima Headcanons
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*GIF not mine*
A/N: Goddamnit, I know this could be better, but I’m glad you’ve liked the others so far! This one’s a bit rambly, but I rly hope it was what you’re looking for. Enjoy! (Side note: Farmer Ushijima is canon, dang nabbit 😤)
Word count: 1236
I know y’all ain’t surprised, but Ushijima’s kind of oblivious as to how to go about all of this after he finds out he’s in love.
Just gonna say, he totally brought you up to the team, talking about how he likes you a lot and stuff. Shirabu’s like “ask her on a date” and Tendou’s like “bro just kidnap her.”
So he kidnaps you.
The only reason Ushijima would have to go as far as kidnapping you is if he’s truly whipped. We’re talking like “kill everyone around you” whipped. 
He doesn’t really murder people, of course. That’s too much time spent away from you and volleyball.
And yeah sure, you’re right up there with volleyball when it comes to priorities in his life, but Ushijima really hates to compare. There are times where he’ll leave you locked up in the apartment while he goes out to play a game, but there are also times where he will skip practice just to hold you in his arms a bit longer. 
Let’s see, how do I say this…? He thinks you’re okay with this.
Honestly! We’ve all seen how Ushijima handles Oikawa. He strongly believes Oikawa would be happier at Shiratorizawa, so of course he believes that as soon as you live in his home, you’re happy as a clam. 
‘Cause let’s be honest-- as the love of your life, Ushijima knows what’s best for you.
All right, let’s do a lil recap: Ushijima falls for you, kidnaps you, and keeps you in his apartment without ever allowing you to leave. 
In the first week you’re in his home, you’re free to roam wherever, but the doors and windows are heavily locked up. 
By the second week you’re in his house, you’re tied up in your own room, shackled to the bed and only allowed to travel as far as your personal bathroom. After ten failed escape-attempts, Ushijima almost lost his cool, so he figured keeping you in one place would keep his mind at ease. 
This is a known fact, but yandere Ushijima is possessive af. Before he kidnapped you, he would almost explode at the way you interacted with other people. God, you used to act like you didn’t know you were his. It pissed him off so much. 
Speaking of, let’s talk about punishments. 
… yeah🤷‍♀️
Goddamn, it’s true. He makes you count them out loud and everything because he just loves the way your voice rises in pitch the longer it drags on. 
He’s not cruel, though. Part of him is human and does realize that you’ll need time for recovery, so he keeps lotion on hand just for that occasion. You’re still squirming across his lap while he does so, but after one last *WHAM* to dat ass, you know to keep still. 
Yeah, so uh… you can’t sit for a few days after that, and holy hot damn does that shit leave marks. 
There are times where Ushijima just passes you through the halls in his apartment and he’ll just stop you with his hands on your hips and lift up his shirt that he makes you wear. Slowly, he’ll run his fingers over the large, hand-shaped splotches of purple, red, and blue, allowing a small smile to grow on his face. 
“I like seeing my marks on you, beautiful.”
When you’re especially rowdy, Ushijima has no qualms about tying you to his bed and leaving you there for a few days. At nights, he’ll curl up around you and go to sleep, hugging you like his favorite pillow. In the mornings, he’s not afraid to get naked in front of you, changing without a care in the world while you curse yourself for actually being attracted to such a horrible person. 
Most days, Ushijima likes to feed you by hand. I’m serious, y’all. He googled it online and found that “feeding each other food is a sign of love and trust.” 
After that, he’ll track you down in the house and straddle you right in the middle of your chest so you can’t move. There’s a plate of food in one hand and chopsticks in the other, and he’ll just hold out a bite of food to you and be like “Open.”
Part of him likes the idea that this is what normal couples do, but deep down Ushijima knows he loves this because he likes when you have to depend on him for even the most basic things. Little stuff like that makes him feel like he’s the one giving your life purpose. 
And shit, does he like that you might believe your life revolves around him. It’s all about reciprocity with this dude. 
Umm okay, lemme just switch this back to headcanons for a sec: 
He doesn’t seem it, but Ushijima’s a very physical lover. Hand-holding, hugging, kissing, you name it. More than anything, he’s just addicted to the feeling of you against him. 
He doesn’t tell you he loves you often. Some days, he won’t even talk to you, maybe just little greetings when he comes home from school and such. 
If you ever accidentally hurt yourself in the house, Ushijima won’t go bonkers like you might hope. Instead, he just shakes his head and takes you to the bathroom, silently grumbling that you should be more careful while he helps you wrap the injury. 
If I’m honest, I do think Ushijima is the type of guy to force himself on you. Yep, you read right. While it doesn’t happen often because his libido isn’t that wild, if he wants you, he gets you. Of course, there are days where you’re more whiny and wanting than others, but the days that you’re not, he’ll just chalk up to you being as silent in bed as he is.
Holy fuck, could you imagine those grunts??
He’s not the most sexually demanding of all yanderes, but he still has needs like any other guy his age. Ushijima will never use sex as a punishment, though. I really don’t think he’s not the type that’ll “fuck you into submission.” That’s for more horny yanderes. 
Instead, I think Ushijima treasures the time he does it with you. With this one, it’s “making love,” honey. Like I said earlier, he’s very physical with you. Of course, it’ll be rough and hard, but you are still the love of his life. His cum dumpster? Maybe some days, but his beautiful lover all the same. 
With sex, it’s either for stress relief or wanting to feel you. Really, it probably only happens like once a month, tho. 
Ushijima doesn’t ask for much in return when he shows you his love. The rules with him are quite simple. 
1. If he wants to touch you, let him.
2. Don’t escape. He will find you.
This big boi just wants to love you and only you, and he expects you to feel the same. Really though, he understands if it’ll take you some time. 
Just… don’t test his patience too much, yeah? You’ve gotta start a family soon so the kids can tend to the farm🤠
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gladiates · 4 years
56 french-language film recs!
I wanted to find some movies I can watch to improve my French, so I looked for films available on Kanopy (which is rly cool--if you live in the US, you can stream some movies for free if your library or school subscribes to it!) All of the following films are on Kanopy, and I imagine you can also find many of them on p*racy sites (totally not endorsing that at all no sir!). I’ve listed each film’s title along with its year and score on IMDB. I only included movies with at least 1,000 IMDB ratings and an average of at least 7/10 so they’re all reasonably acclaimed! I also included a short summary of each from IMDB as well. List below the cut because it’s long!
Cleo From 5 to 7 (1962, 7.9 from ~17.0k votes): Cleo, a singer and hypochondriac, becomes increasingly worried that she might have cancer while awaiting test results from her doctor.
The Rules of the Game (1939, 8.0 from ~26.6k votes): A bourgeois life in France at the onset of World War II, as the rich and their poor servants meet up at a French chateau.
Breathless (1960. 7.8 from ~73.1k votes): A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy.
The 400 Blows (1959, 8.1 from 105.1k votes): A young boy, left without attention, delves into a life of petty crime.
Purple Noon (1960, 7.8 from 14.2k votes): Tom Ripley is a talented mimic, moocher, forger and all-around criminal improviser; but there's more to Tom Ripley than even he can guess.
The Return of Martin Guerre (1982, 7.4 from ~4.0k votes): In medieval France, some villagers challenge a man's claim of identity when he (as he says) returns home from some time in the army.
Last Year at Marienbad (1961, 7.8 from ~20.3 votes): In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.
The Wages of Fear (1953, 8.1 from ~54.5k votes): In a decrepit South American village, four men are hired to transport an urgent nitroglycerine shipment without the equipment that would make it safe.
Tell No One (2006, 7.5 from ~50.7k votes): An accidental discovery near a doctor's estate stirs up some painful memories eight years after his wife's hideous murder, and now, things are bound to take a turn for the unexpected. Does the good doctor know more than he's letting on?
Queen Margot (1994, 7.4 from 16.3k votes): Young Queen Margot finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage amidst a religious war between Catholics and Protestants. She hopes to escape with a new lover, but finds herself imprisoned by her powerful and ruthless family.
Un Flic (1972, 7.1 from ~8.2k votes): After a shaky first heist, a group of thieves plan an even more elaborate and risky second heist.
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday (1953, 7.5 from ~16.8k votes): Monsieur Hulot comes to a beachside hotel for a vacation and accidentally, but good-naturedly, causes havoc.
La Haine (1995, 8.1 from ~150.0k votes): 24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot.
Alphaville (1965, 7.1 from 22.9k votes): A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler.
Tomboy (2011, 7.4 from 18.4k votes): A family moves into a new neighborhood, and a 10-year-old named Laure deliberately presents as a boy named Mikhael to the neighborhood children.
Full Moon in Paris (1984, 7.4 from 3.8k votes): Louise, a young woman, who recently finished her studies in arts, is working as a interior decorator trainee. Playing the game of seduction, her life becomes more and more complicated.
Bob the Gambler (1956, 7.7k from 10.8k votes): After losing big, an aging gambler decides to assemble a team to rob a casino.
La Chinoise (1967, 7.1 from ~6.2k votes): A small group of French students are studying Mao, trying to find out their position in the world and how to change the world to a Maoistic community using terrorism.
The Innocents (2016, 7.3 from ~9.6k votes): 1945. Mathilde is a French Red Cross doctor working on a mission to help the French survivors of the German camps. While she works in Poland, she is asked for help by a nun. In her convent, several nuns are pregnant.
Germinal (1993, 7.1 from ~4.7k votes): In mid-nineteenth-century northern France, a coal mining town's workers are exploited by the mine's owner. One day, they decide to go on strike, and the authorities repress them.
BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017, 7.4 from ~13.4k votes): Members of the advocacy group ACT UP Paris demand action by the government and pharmaceutical companies to combat the AIDS epidemic in the early 1990s.
Touchez Pas Au Grisbi (1954, 7.8 from ~6.7k votes): An aging, world-weary gangster is double-crossed and forced out of retirement when his best friend is kidnapped and their stash of eight stolen gold bars demanded as ransom.
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels (1975, 7.8 from ~7.4k votes): A lonely widowed housewife does her daily chores, takes care of her apartment where she lives with her teenage son, and turns the occasional trick to make ends meet. However, something happens that changes her safe routine.
Port of Shadows (1938, 7.8 from ~8.2k votes): A military deserter finds love and trouble (and a small dog) in a smoky French port city.
Lumumba (2000, 7.2 from ~1.8k votes): The true story of controversial leader of independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba.
Three Colors: Blue (1993, 7.9 from ~89.6k votes): A woman struggles to find a way to live her life after the death of her husband and child.
The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967, 7.7 from ~8.4k votes): Two sisters leave their small seaside town of Rochefort in search of romance. Hired as carnival singers, one falls for an American musician, while the other must search for her ideal partner.
The Brand New Testament (2015, 7.1 from ~29.8k votes): Did you know that God is alive and lives in Brussels with his daughter?
La Rafle (2010, 7.1 from ~8.2k votes): A faithful retelling of the 1942 "Vel' d'Hiv Roundup" and the events surrounding it.
Diabolique (1955, 8.0 from ~61.4k votes): The wife and mistress of a loathed school principal plan to murder him with what they believe is the perfect alibi.
OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies (2006, 7.1 from ~18.5k votes): Secret agent OSS 117 foils Nazis, beds local beauties, and brings peace to the Middle East.
Mon Oncle (1958, 7.8 from ~18.8k votes): Monsieur Hulot visits the technology-driven world of his sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, but he can't quite fit into the surroundings.
A Man Escaped (1956, 8.3 from ~19.1k votes): A captured French Resistance fighter during WWII engineers a daunting escape from a Nazi prison in France.
The Well-Digger's Daughter (2011, 7.0 from ~3.6k votes): In 1930s southern France, a father is torn between his sense of honor and his deep love for his daughter when she gets in trouble with the wealthy son of a shopkeeper.
Weekend (1967, 7.2 from ~13k votes): A surreal tale of a married couple going on a road trip to visit the wife's parents with the intention of killing them for the inheritance.
Claire's Knee (1970, 7.6 from ~9.0k votes): On lakeside summer holiday, a conflicted older man is dared to have a flirt with two beautiful teenage stepsisters despite his betrothal to a diplomat's daughter and the fact that the girls have boyfriends.
Shoot the Piano Player (1960, 7.5 from ~17.5k votes): Charlie is approached by his crook brother Chico, who is chased by two gangsters. Charlie helps him to escape, but he upsets the criminals, so when his brother Fido is kidnapped, Charlie has to take an attitude with tragic consequences.
My Night at Maud's (1969, 7.9 from ~10.8k votes): The rigid principles of a devout Catholic man are challenged during a one-night stay with Maud, a divorced woman with an outsize personality.
Eyes Without a Face (1960, 7.7 from ~27.5k votes): A surgeon causes an accident which leaves his daughter disfigured, and goes to extremes to give her a new face.
Three Colors: Red (1994, 8.1 from ~90.4k votes): A model discovers a retired judge is keen on invading people's privacy.
The Grocer's Son (2007, 7.0 from ~2.3k votes): Antoine moves home to help his mom drive the mobile grocery, when his dad's hospitalized. He brings Claire along, hoping she'll become more than a friend. He drives around Provence's countryside, selling mainly to old people.
Pickpocket (1959, ~7.7 from 19.6k votes): Michel is released from jail after serving a sentence for thievery. His mother dies and he resorts to pickpocketing as a means of surviva
La Collectionneuse (1967, 7.5 from ~6.6k votes): A womanizing art dealer and a painter find the serenity of their Riviera vacation disturbed by a third guest, a vivacious bohemian woman known for her long list of male conquests.
Code Unknown (2000, 7.2 from ~11.9k votes): A young man harasses a homeless woman, another man protests, the police arrest both and the woman has to leave the country. What were their various story-lines leading up to this event?
Children of Paradise (1945, 8.4 from ~18.2k votes): The theatrical life of a beautiful courtesan and the four men who love her.
The Last Metro (1980, 7.4 from ~12.5k votes): In occupied Paris, an actress married to a Jewish theater owner must keep him hidden from the Nazis while doing both of their jobs.
Danton (1983, 7.5 from ~6.4k votes): In 1793, as the Terror begins in France, Georges Danton, a champion-of-the-people, returns to clash against Maximilien Robespierre and his extremist party.
Orpheus (1950, 8.0 from ~10.5k votes): A poet in love with Death follows his unhappy wife into the underworld.
Lacombe, Lucien (1974, 7.7 from ~6.5k votes): In 1944, an 18-year old boy from small-town France, collaborates with the Nazi-regime and subsequently falls in love with a Jewish gir
L'Atalante (1934, 7.8 from ~14.4k votes): Newly married couple Juliette and a ship captain Jean struggle through marriage as they travel on the L'atalante along with the captain's first mate Le père Jules and a cabin boy.
Le Million (1931, 7.4 from ~3.1k votes): An impoverished painter and his rival engage in a race across Paris to recover a jacket concealing a winning lottery ticket.
La bête humaine (1938, 7.6 from ~6.8k votes): In this classic adaptation of Emile Zola's novel, a tortured train engineer falls in love with a troubled married woman who has helped her husband commit a murder.
Black Girl (1966, 7.4 from ~3.5k votes): A black girl from Senegal becomes a servant in France.
Out 1 (1971, 7.8 from ~1.1k votes): Following the May 1968 civil unrest in France, a deaf-mute and a con artist simultaneously stumble upon the remnants of a secret society.
Les Misérables, Part 1 (1934, 8.2 from ~1.5k votes): The lives of numerous people over the course of 20 years in 19th century France, weaved together by the story of an ex-convict named Jean Valjean on the run from an obsessive police inspector, who pursues him for only a minor offense.
Beau Travail (1999, 7.4 from ~8.5k votes): This film focuses on an ex-Foreign Legion officer as he recalls his once glorious life, leading troops in Djibouti.
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