#i rlly wish i could have captured it better
edenfire · 3 months
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my chimera falin prints are finally here and up in my shop!! the foil turned out beautifully and I'm so so excited to share these with you!! I really hope you like them🥰💗💞🌸
> my shop <
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vigilskeep · 2 months
now that you finished inquisition, what did you think of it? like favorite things, least favorite, etc?
oh man okay
things i love about dragon age inquisition:
capturing the specific feeling of bonding with a group of people you have absolutely nothing in common with because u all had to go through something long and specific together
the maps can be so pretty and in places really calming and lovely to spend time in. it does make me want to explore and i have no explorer’s instinct
i love the war table and judgements i think those are really fun features
i like that approval for many major decisions applies to everyone regardless of who you bring to specific events/quests. it feels a lot less like you have to manage that really hard, as you sometimes do in the other games and also really noticeably to me in something like baldur’s gate 3. it’s irritating when i have to plan ahead and can’t take who i want to hear from
i like how attached you can get to little npcs who wander around
i loveeeee fighting dragons and how beautiful they all are
little puzzles <3
the collectibles are also mostly fine by me i am a magpie by nature. as long as i can find them, obviously, bc if i can’t they suck and this whole game sucks
the templar specialisation is fun and i enjoyed that part of combat a lot. wrath of heaven/spell purge combo is a power trip
i thought my character was pretty :) i defeated u in the end dai character creator. may you be as merciful when we meet in battle once more
i’m not a huge crafter but being able to tint things is rlly nice
blackwall’s romance is good
vivienne is there
they let me briefly tame a dragon at the end there
things i don’t love about dragon age inquisition:
some genuine cruelty in writing the dalish in a way that feels shockingly callous to the real world cultures the writers took inspiration from
never giving the dalish or the rebel mages any kind of voice of their own and making the player do all that work if they care, which i also feel limits my roleplaying creativity
refusing to let you challenge any of the often overwhelmingly conservative views expressed by other characters without receiving only derision and disapproval. inquisition is a game that punishes you at every turn for having your own opinions, in a way that could be interesting if it was willing to truly let you develop complex or antagonistic relationships with those characters, but ends up mostly just feeling mocking when nobody ever even tries to see your side, while simply agreeing with these people always rewards you with content. origins was capable of letting you engage in discussion, and da2 let you form rivalries that mattered; inquisition, despite starring some of the most intentionally controversial characters, does neither
the game engineering conflicts against groups like the freemen of the dales or the avvar that mean nothing to the player and range from vaguely to seriously upsetting in their assumptions about who it’s normal to just start killing en masse. it’s both boring and distressing
odd, for lack of a better word “casting choices”, like having the fantasy impoverished racial minority all be white within the party while the wealthiest and most privileged are characters of colour, or for a more in-world example having the elves express the most distaste towards elves and the mages express the most caution about mages. i don’t know that i quite have the vocabulary to fully discuss why these weird me out, but it all feels... disingenuous? and chosen to forestall criticism based on real world comparisons in a game series that i wish had the nerve to openly confront what it’s talking about if it’s going to try to make any of its conflicts feel relevant
most of the companions, and indeed most of the quests and time spent playing the game, feel disconnected from the main plot. it’s hard to feel any pressure when the game tells you we need to deal with the main plot “right now!” and “get there before corypheus!” when the bulk of the game is doing other things while you’re supposed to be doing that. the majority of companions could be cut without changing anything. and when you finally want to deal with the main plot you just click to start it. it’s not engaging
the game fails to fully expand dialogue for the player character options it provided, particularly notable with its confusing chantry focus when you’ve said for the dozenth time you’re not andrastian
the 2-handed weapon whirlwind ability sound effect is an exercise in creating the worst and most grating sound effect for someone to constantly hear
they didn’t let me romance vivienne
they killed my dragon :(
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melonminnie · 2 years
I was enchanted to meet you
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Agriche household x Cupid! Reader (prologue? Idk idk)
Warning!: Reader enjoys watching people die, Causes it too, Mentions of death (not explicit)
Symptoms <3: Being granted the title of Cupid due to your ability to make people fall in love, You decided to grant the one household who would go into chaos
Authors note: I was rlly bored so take this piece of trash Ty 🫶🫶 I’ll try coming up with better shit next time☹️
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Everyone knew the name when they heard it, It wasn’t foreign nor unknown, The name belonged to one of the most beloved people in the entire empire.
Anyone who was lucky enough, Would be able to get you to grant them one wish, And that one wish, Always had to be love related.
it didn’t matter what kind, As you had never cared as long as it didn’t go over your rules you were fine with it, Being called Cupid knowing you weren’t one.
Infact, If someone just touched your buttons right, You can ruin everyone and everything they’ve loved, Wither it was criticizing how you granting wishes related to such a stupid concept, Or talking about you behind your back, You had eyes and ears everywhere.
You were deemed an angel, Why wouldn’t they tell you some lowly noble was talking shit about you!, Overtime people started to lose interest in you, Which hurt and was quite dissatisfying, Knowing lowly people could throw you away like trash?.
You easily made everyone who you’ve granted a wish too hate each other so much, They’d want to kill each other, And so it went on with each empire that lost interest, They'd no longer exist.
People started calling you a demon, But who cares?, As long as people still know your name your more than happy to let children see their parents kill each other finding their corpses in the morning.
To you it was what they deserved, They had deceived you thrown you away, When all you granted them was love and peace, No one should know about love, No one should learn of it as long as you exist.
Till you heard of the family name that everyone either despised or feared, Deemed they were the most terrifying by what people had heard, You just had to witness this oh so terrifying family.
Then by mere coincidence, You’d met one of their children, Charlotte the girl said that was her name, Honestly you didn’t ask but you could careless.
That was for a few seconds, Till she started screaming about how she was going to make you her toy, Rambling on and on about how her sister would steal the pretty ones.
How she was going to keep you as her toy and her toy only!,That her sister couldn’t even steal you from her even if she wanted too, But compared to you she was tiny, And you were taller then the girl by a lot.
So unless she somehow knew how to capture you, You took her words as mere jokes and walked away leaving the red haired girl mad and causing a tantrum.
You were here for one thing, That was to see the head of the family, As people have told you, You couldn’t possibly ruin someone who hasn’t felt love in his entire life, So how about ruining his life by giving him love?.
If you were known as an angel, You might as well change it to become the devil himself, You wanted to destroy everything and anyone that’s ever felt happiness.
Even if they’ve never felt it, It was your mission to make this place hell on earth.Starting with the agriche family, The family of hell, The people who’d kill anyone and everything if it meant they’d get what they want.
Why not tag along just for once, Just to see how they’d react, Hopefully it will work out the way you want it, Everything works out the way you wanted to.
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afmis · 8 months
Inspired by my last post… the SONGS I’d pick for c!beeduo? SO GOOD ‼️ my c!beeduo playlist was literal genius guys
If I may share some… 😏
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley-
I like to pretend Ghostboo never existed. But if c!beeduo had been portrayed well and cc!beeduo hadn’t been such PUSSIES ‼️ …ghostboo could’ve been SO good. Such a painful arc for them. Like a love triangle 🥰 but it’s two of the same person and their husband 💀 anyways 😭 this song always reminds me of ghostboo. How c!tubbo would’ve just ignored him in favor or missing c!ranboo. While ghostboo felt like he could’ve been better
Lovefool by The Cardigans-
A classic. Obv, after the burger arc. Where c!ranboo immediately jumps to conclusions. Tho I also feel like with the way c!tubbo was written in that arc… ya can’t blame c!ranboo 💀
Francis Forever by Mitski
Mitski is literally c!Tubbo’s artist. Her songs are literally like all in c!Tubbo’s pov. But this one I’d imagine is after c!ranboo’s death, and where he doesn’t know how to go on after
If You Leave by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
I kinda imagine, in my better canon ending. They kinda wistfully parted ways. I think this one captures that ending well (OFC in my ending they got back tg after)
It Will Rain by Bruno Mars
In my perspective, c!Tubbo was written HORRIBLY. I think bc cc!tubbo hated cc!ranboo he didn’t even try with c!beeduo’s relationship 💀 but I imagine, and I rlly wish he was written in this way, that c!Tubbo really did love c!Ranboo. He was just as smitten as canon c!Ranboo was with c!Tubbo. He just wasn’t great at expressing it, and he always thought c!Ranboo could do better. But he was secretly terrified of c!Ranboo leaving, and he didn’t want that. Ofc, “cuz there’ll be no sunshine if I lose you baby” and “if you walk away, everyday it’ll rain”. He would be devastated if c!Ranboo left, not uncaring like c!Tubbo was portrayed
Warning Sign by Coldplay
Like my last one says, I think c!Tubbo was very insecure when it came to c!Beeduo’s relationship. He 100% thought c!Ranboo deserved better and thought c!Ranboo would be better without him. So I think he would’ve let him go. I think this song would show that kinda misery that came with actually LOSING c!ranboo and not having them in his life. He’d be running into c!ranboo’s arms fr 😭
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
I think in the fucked up canon where c!beeduo weren’t meant for each other in the end. They would come to the conclusion that being married wasn’t for the best. So this song would be c!Ranboo leaving bc they know they aren’t what c!Tubbo needs. C!Tubbo would need more than c!Ranboo. Hey, I never said I liked my perspective of canon c!beeduo 💀
The Exit by Conan Gray
Every time I hear this song I remember c!Beeduo and just cry. But I kinda imagine post burger arc, c!Ranboo is just heartbroken and c!Tubbo is unapathethic. They grow apart. c!Tubbo is happier away and living his life. Even months later, c!Ranboo is still left wondering what went wrong with their life and their family and trapped in the past. They haven’t healed, aka “feels like we had matching wounds, but mine’s still black and bruised and yours is perfectly fine”. They’re just sad and heartbroken 😿 c’mon c!tubbo
Save Your Tears by The Weeknd
Every since this song came out, I think around the divorce arc, I’ve immediately thought of c!beeduo. In c!Tubbo’s pov ofc. “You look so happy when I’m not with you. But then you saw me, caught you by surprise . A single teardrop falling from your eyes. I don’t know why I run away. I make you cry when I run away. You could’ve asked me why I broke your heart. You could’ve told me that you fell apart. But you walked past me like I wasn’t there. You just pretended that you didn’t care. “ and “Girl take me back cuz I wanna stay, save your tears for another- I realize that I’m much too late and you deserve someone better. “ I feel like this would either be present burger arc or post. Maybe both. c!Ranboo heartbroken and c!Tubbo realizing and wanting to fix things
Level of Concern by Twenty One Pilots
Present burger arc. “Cause I told you my level of concern, but you walked by like you never heard” I’m act not quite sure for which of them I picked this song for. Maybe c!Ranboo being worried during the whole like. c!Tubbo and c!Quackity partnering thing and c!Tubbo being oblivious/dismissing it. Or c!Tubbo being worried about them and c!Ranboo ignoring his questions due to being angry
Little Talks by Monsters and Men
I think this song fits the change from the happy-go-lucky honeymoon phase where everything is perfect, to the “uh-oh, something’s wrong” start of unraveling and distrust of their relationship. Obv, c!Tubbo is the one who is panicked and feeling unsure, while c!Ranboo is the one who is trying to comfort him
Christmas in June by AJR
This is just bc of the animatic I saw years agon💀 but I feel like it is fitting. GO WATCH THE ANIMATIC THO IT’S SO CUTE, I THINK IT’S CALLED CHRISTMAS IN JUNE. BEEDUO? ANIMATIC? IDK 😭 GO WATCH IT THO
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
This isn’t less of the divorce arc and more of just c!beeduo in general 😭 to where I’d imagine the canon where they wouldn’t end up enemies LMFAO. This song is SOOOOOO c!Tubbo, panicking bc he accepted he’d never have a happy ending and here comes warm, loving c!Ranboo to turn that around. So cute
When He Sees Me (a lot of artists, it’s from the Waitress musical 😭)
c!Tubbo fr. Post L’Manberg, logical and pessimistic c!Tubbo who doesn’t ever see himself finding love. But he does want to be loved and meet the one, he’s just scared because he doesn’t feel like anyone could love him
Love Like You (Steven Universe lol)
I’M SORRRYYY IK THIS ONE IS SO OVERDONE 💀 but this fits c!Tubbo so well. Sorry I love me some c!Tubbo study y’all. Once him and c!Ranboo get “platonically” married, become really close and they rlly start to love each other. c!Tubbo is like holy guacamole. He’s literally the most incredible and kind-hearted person he’s ever met and he’s just too good. Nothing like c!Tubbo. And he’s like what’s he doing with me 😿 (hence the whole “he deserves better I’m so emo” thing)
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith
This song makes me so emotional it’s so beautiful 😭 but I’d like to imagine c!Beeduo as this beautiful, loving, completely smitten relationship. I feel like in the beginning, around like March-June 2021 where they’re like wow this is new I’m like secretly in love with my platonic husband (or after they finally makeout) and we’re staring into each other’s eyes and everything’s so perfect and I’m so happy. This song is what I imagine c!Beeduo’s relationship as. Completely in love, like a dream
Strawberry Blond by Mitski
(Back to the divorce arc again LOL) c!Tubbo being oblivious and happy with his new life selling… burgers. c!Ranboo just smiling through the pain like I’m SO happy for you *ugly sobbing* but he loves c!Tubbo too much so he’ll put up with whatever
Sally’s Song (Nightmare Before Christmas)
I watched this movie for the first time around the c!Beeduo divorce arc. Yeah ik 💀 but when I heard this song I was like HOOOOOOOO THIS IS THEM FR ‼️ naw bc like “I sense there’s something in the wind that feels like tragedy’s at hand. And though I’d like to stand by him, can’t shake this feeling that I have. The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice my feelings for him? When will he see how much he means to me? I think it’s not to be” LITERALLY the whole song is c!Ranboo I’m just not gonna copy and paste the entire thing 😭 in the canon I think c!Ranboo would be the one who’s aware that the burger arc can only lead to bad things, and c!Tubbo’s oblivious (HE WOULD NOT BE BUT 🙄). Alas, c!Ranboo doesn’t want to say anything and silently supporters c!Tubbo’s decision, knowing c!Tubbo is ignoring c!Ranboo’s feelings
I Love You So by The Walters
I would play this song on loop just thinking abt c!Beeduo back then 😭 and every time I hear it I’m like ah. The gays. “You’re saying I’m the one but it’s your actions that speak louder” c!Ranboo seeing c!Tubbo isn’t SHOWING that he loves c!Ranboo. “I’ve got to get away and let you go, I gotta get over… but I love you so” c!Ranboo knowing he needs to leave c!Tubbo but he loves him too much to leave. “I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul, cuz you were cruel and I’m a fool, so please let me go” c!Ranboo eventually building resentment and leaving
Happier by Olivia Rodrigo
“Oh, I hope you’re happy. But not like how you were with me. I’m selfish, I know. I can’t let you go. So find someone great, but don’t find no one better. I hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier. “ c!Ranboo would 100% be the bitter ex-wife who loves c!Tubbo but also wishes him the worst LOL. He’d be like “yeah we’re done and I don’t wanna be with you, I hope whoever you end up with or whatever you end up doing doesn’t make you happy”
Feeling Lonely by boy pablo
“Can’t help it, I just miss you. How did I lose you now again? “ c!Tubbo. After the burger arc, c!Ranboo is bitter, distances himself, starts spending less time in snowchester and with c!tubbo, talks to him less and less until he’s not even there anymore. c!Tubbo finally stops being oblivious and is like “pookie what happened 😕💔” and turns into actual devastation bc he’s actually sad that c!Ranboo’s gone and he lost him
Alr folks 😭 that’s it. I’ll link my sloppy, unfinished (and probably will never be finished) c!beeduo playlist if desired. Y’all can take a look if desired :) if you actually got this far, I commend you. But I probably would’ve as well 💀 I’m desperate for any ounce of c!beeduo I can get. LOVE YOU, BYE!
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5BmmigtYA6GkOfFpaiFMda?si=uzocViyuRSyjK6scrJeKfA&pi=u-hU4qqT47SwqK
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bsaka7 · 1 year
tetrapod's footie(ish) reading list...so far
books i've read this year
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis - yes, i'm aware this is about baseball...but it's also about efficient and effective sports management (and arsene does get a shoutout!). i'm also fully aware this is one of the most popular sports books of all time. well. that's the case for a reason. for me, very helpful for understanding how "empirical" analysis in sports is used and the basic reasoning of how some chunk of it all "works"
The Mixer: The Story of Premier League Tactics, from Route One to False Nines by Michael Cox - insufferable to read about United's successes but really helped give me a base on tactical development even though there's a tonnnnnn i still don't get at all. i wish this book had DIAGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! however, it did give a decent history of the development of the prem and gave me a lot of stuff to look up....and i can sort of get the diagrams in the athletic a little better...
Arsene Wenger: The Biography by Xavier Rivoire - my biggest (unfair bc i got it for lik3 $4) gripe is that this is a bit out of date. it rlly helped me conceptualize how the arsene i met tuning into arsenal and falling stupidly head-over-heels at age 10...became that manager, without being overly intrusive or personal
[Redacted] by [Redacted] - extremely mid autobiography i'm not saying more. the hate of the team this is related to was only intensified by reading this.
[Redacted] by [Redacted] - still mid but better than the other one, if somehow even whinier. good insight to managers and their techniques. also, i really don't understand writing an autobiography in like, the early-latter-third of your playing career? you couldn't wait?
Addicted by Tony Adams and Ian Ridley - i imagine that the fact that this was co-written helped with the cohesion and helped craft it into the deeply personal and compelling narrative that it is. again, really good insight into managers and what they bring to the team, changing team culture, Tony's view on some of the great players he crossed paths with, as well as his own character. his hall of fame video makes me insanely emotional.
Stillness and Speed by Dennis Bergkamp and David Winner - technically this is also a co-write, but it's more of like, a funky interview. really fun, interesting, bringing in the Dutch perspective but a bit heavy on the 2010s Ajax coup/rebuild stuff. I was smiling while reading this though - remarkably amusing!
Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season by Amy Lawrence - okay I just finished this and it was the impetus for writing this post so i didn't like. just start the next footie book. some of these i've read on ebook but this one I waited until I could get a good deal on it because I wanted to hold it in my hands. by god, it was worth it. Lawrence brings such joy and care (and herself!) to her meticulously lived, researched, and organized oral history about such an incredible season, and manages to capture the intangible energy, the relentless drive to win, the co-mingling of personalities that created such iconic connection and success. i think i would have memorized this entire book if it had existed when i was 12.
on the docket
The Numbers Game: Why Everything You Know About Soccer Is Wrong by Chris Anderson and David Sally - I got this from the used book store, so it's probably coming up soon in the rotation...like tomorrow?
The Damned Utd by David Peace - Isa told me to read it, so I will read it!!!!
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics by Jonathan Wilson - I believe there's a newish/er edition of this, but I've just seen it crop up....around so I figure I should read. Maybe this one has some diagrams? I need help with my tactics understanding! if you rec/recommend this please let me know.
Thierry Henry: Lonely at the Top by Philippe Auclaire - cited in Invincible sooooo. Realistically, this, Vieira, Footballeur (Pires), and A Life in Football (Wright - though i'd rather hear him tell it than read it, i think) are all sort of in the same running for what I read on my next biography fix...
whatever YOU tell me to read!!!!! please help me be competent and literate!!!!!!!
at my mom's place...(when will I be home?)
Soccernomics by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski - I have the like, super old version of this book but I'm almost waiting to get back to my nearly destroyed copy (I'm not kidding, I think the cover is probably still brown with dirt), even though there's a 2022 World Cup edition which includes, well, the near-decade that I missed. Probably the single-most influential book I've read, regardless of how much I remember these days.
Soccer in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano - this is probably the book I'm most looking forward to re-reading. There's no way I truly understood it when I read it. I've read a bit of Open Veins of Latin America in college, so I'll be even more interested to really delve into this.
Soccer Against the Enemy: How the World's Most Popular Sport Starts and Fuels Revolutions and Keeps Dictators in Power by Simon Kuper - this is more than I can say about some of the other books on this list, but I do remember the chapter about Argentina fairly well.
Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby - I think I got this for my 11th birthday. Obviously slotted for a key reread.
The World is a Ball: The Joy, Madness, and the Meaning of Soccer by John Doyle - I don't remember this one at all except I recognize the cover, so I don't think that means much. Can you tell around what year I first got obsessed (and what was available in the American media market lol)?
i will reiterate my plea for footie-related recs! i'm pretty open and a fairly quick reader...if i can find it, i'll read it.
if you've made it this far... here's a pic of all the books currently in my bed
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fionajames · 10 months
Hey Jamie. How’s the concussion? I hope you’re doing well, sorry I haven’t requested in a bit.
Requesting time!!: can I please have a fluffy/comforting story? Your pick of characters. I just lost a close relative to cancer on Friday and i have nothing to do but be sad so 🤷🏽‍♀️
Thanks, Jamie. - Sha 🫡
icy comfort
hello sha! its better now, only hurts if i hit it rlly (which is sadly, quite often) thats ok, request when ever you want, no pressure!!!
aww im very very very sorry for your lose, my condolences. i know how it feels so if you need to talk to someone, im here <3
i hope this makes you feel better! and ur fav dhole, for extra comfort.
Dhole shuddered yet again as the cold wind attacked his skin, pulling his helmet on to cover his face. The icy breeze howling and harming the Clones had only increased since they’d arrived, and the Coruscant Guard members were on the verge of constant tears from the cold's brittle attitude.
Most of the crew were on this icy planet - including Dhole, Vector, Dice, Bloodshot and Menace. 
Beside him, Bloodshot stood, an arm draped over his brother’s shoulders as the pair and Vector watched Dice and Menace roll around in the snow, play-fighting happily.
This mission was moving as slowly as slow as molasses, and it was annoying all of the troops, especially the ones who were used to the warmth. 
The Coruscant Guard members were on this frightfully freezing planet to capture a Republic Senator gone rouge, but they often forget that, as it had been so long since the briefing.
“Menace, put your helmet on,” Bloodshot ordered firmly as the boy whose skin had turned the same colour as the surrounding terrain turned. “You’ll get frostbite.”
“Yeah?” A voice called from a few metres away and the group burst out laughing as a Clone with light blue and white hair turned to them. “What?”
“Nothin’, Frostbite!” Dice called back, managing to stumble to his feet and reaching a hand out to help Menace up. But as soon as Menace reached to grab his brother’s - and put all of his weight leaning towards him in the process - Dice jerked his hand away, watching with a laugh as Menace collapsed face-first in the snow. 
The group howled with laughter again as they watched Menace raise his head out of the snow with a deadpan glare ahead, snow dripping from his eyelashes and hair as he shook himself. “Dice,” he whined in annoyance, standing up and running a hand through his dripping dark brown hair, tousling it around as snowflakes drifted from his hair and onto his armour. “You meanie.”
“C’mon, Menace,” Bloodshot chuckled as he moved to help his brother up properly, leaving Dhole to cling to Vector childishly. “You did the same thing to him yesterday, twice, in fact.”
Menace pouted but didn’t respond, lightly shoving Dice playfully before pulling his helmet over his face. The group made their way back to the camp, shrugging snow from their shoulders and dragging the white slosh, forming strange patterns.
They were joined by Frostbite and his friend Spider, a clone with shaggy black hair and glittering dark eyes. They were opposites in many ways, but got along well because. 
When they finally reached camp, the sun was beginning to disappear into the snow, in a way so brilliant and beautiful it looked like flames tamed only by the cold. While the others went to their bunks - an early start meant an early stop - Dhole stayed up to watch the sunset.
He settled on a cargo crate just underneath a cliff overhanging, watching the sky tint the snow pink. Dhole marvelled at the beauty, and even though it was harmless, he couldn’t help but think it was dangerous.
The sun - of course - was dangerous with its overwhelming, blistering heat. But the sunset itself was not.
Dhole watched softly as the sun began to seemingly disappear into the snow, staining it pink and the sky orange with waves of purple. It was a sight so beautiful he wished he could experience every day, watch as the sun slipped away and left beauty in its wake.
Something so simple, yet so marvellous.
Something Dhole so rarely got to experience.
And so he watched, as the night grew cold and his skin grew white, blue and pink, determined to watch it through his own eyes and not behind his visor.
“Hey, Vod’ika,” a voice murmured fondly, a Clone settling down to sit beside Dhole. He smiled lightly, knowing who it was without seeing the figure.
“Hello, Bloodshot,” he whispered back, bringing his knees up to the chest to resume his soft nostalgic state. 
After a minute or so of silence, the older spoke up. “What are you thinking about?” Bloodshot’s voice was gentle as he watched Dhole with a worried look.
Dhole bit his lip. He paused. “Do you ever wonder what would happen if the war ended?” The Clone wondered, watching through slight-glossiness as the sun disappeared. Bloodshot tried to hide his flinch at the word ‘if’, as if Dhole had no hope if the war would actually end.
“Not really, kid, no,” Bloodshot replied honestly. He’d always assumed he wouldn’t live to see the end.
“If it does,” Dhole murmured, and Bloodshot turned to him with an eyebrow subconsciously raised in curiosity. “I want to live on a planet like this.”
“Oh yeah?” Bloodshot prompted, and Dhole smiled.
“Yeah,” he whispered wistfully. “In a wooden hut with a clear view of the sunrise and sunset. I want to watch it every day.”
Bloodshot smiled fondly, wrapping an arm around Dhole’s shoulders. “I like that idea, Vod’ika.”
“I’m scared I won’t get that future,” Dhole admitted softly and Bloodshot could have sworn he heard his heart shattered, the shards scattering in his chest. 
“Oh vod’ika,” Bloodshot murmured, turning and pulling his brother into his arms. Dhole squeezed his eyes shut as a tear fell from his eye, sliding down his cheek and rolling onto Bloodshot’s neck. A gust of cold wind blew through his hair, splaying the curly wisps on his cheeks and sticking down from the tears.
“Bloodshot,” Dhole stuttered, desperate to get out his words. “I don’t want to die.”
Bloodshot sucked in a breath as his chest throbbed with the ache of his brother’s words, mourning the sunny, childish boy he’d seen only an hour before.
“I’m going to do everything in my power, to make sure you don’t,” Bloodshot whispered determinedly, wrapping the boy up tighter, clenching his teeth. “Everything.” 
They sat in the cold, snow surrounding them and eventually began to fall around them as the colours of the sunset began to fade away into darkness, the stars above shining brightly. Bloodshot felt his chest ache with sorrow and grief as Dhole’s shook with sobs, his tears turning to ice on the ground. 
Eventually, Dhole calmed down, and Bloodshot comfortingly guided him back to the barracks, where he clambered into his bunk.
Dhole smiled softly. 
“If I do die, I’m glad I was your brother.”
Bloodshot smiled back, and although his chest hurt, so did his face. 
“Me too.”
“Hey, Bloodshot?”
“Yes, Dhole?”
“I didn’t tell you,” he whispered. “That cabin has a bunk for you, you and all our brothers.”
Bloodshot smiled wider, reaching over to ruffle his brother’s curls.
“Thank you, Dhole.”
“Thank you, Bloodshot.”
thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!
take care of urselves!!!!
(And request, pls.)
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
hello! i hope you are still taking requests!
can i request a oneshot with tom hiddleston where him and the reader are a already a couple and they into a pillow & tickle fight then it turns into a smut? (i rlly love fics with fluff to smut) you may use these prompts that i found!
"quit stealing all the pillows!"
"stop that! i'm ticklish!"
"can i kiss you?"
"i want you right now."
"all mine."
i hope this isn't a lot, i just really love your fics and keep writing! 🦋
ahh thank you sm, i’m so glad you enjoy my writing, love! <3
AND OK THIS IS ADORABLE, you and tommy will always help each other wind down after a long day with cuddles and passion. i feel like he’d be super sweet and gentle with you all night and then he’ll start to get super playful and eventually… well you know. ;)
i hope this is what you were hoping for! enjoy! ❤️
staying in [tom hiddleston]
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
summary: tom hiddleston x fem!reader ; you and your loving boyfriend enjoy a relaxing night at home with one another. little did you realize, the night was only just beginning.
warnings: smut (18+), minors DNI, very fluffy, swearing, fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, daddy kink, praise kink
a/n: my dearest apologies for the long wait! i hope you enjoy! requested by: @aestheticallyholland also, keep reading until the end to find my play on words for the title hehe
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The sweet aroma of freshly brewed tea swam through the house as you roamed back and forth in the kitchen. You elevated yourself onto your tippy-toes to retrieve two small cups from the tall cabinet. Seeing how the pair of cups sat neatly on the top shelf away from your reach, you let out a sigh. Of course, you knew who would be the only one tall enough in the house to reach that absurdly high shelving.
“Tom!” you shouted.
“Yes?” he called out from the next room.
“Come help me!” you exclaimed.
Tom was your darling boyfriend that you had met through a mutual friend. You still remember that night your friend dragged both you and Tom to that art museum with them. The both of you grew closer and closer with every conversation or text to where eventually you were inseparable. Even to this day, you smile remembering the day Tom asked you to be his.
“Someone needs rescuing?” Tom quips with a smile, striding into the kitchen. Yup. You had thought to yourself. If anyone would have legs long enough to reach the top shelf, it’s definitely him.
“Absolutely!” you say, playing along. “I don’t know how I’d ever survive if I don’t get my cup of tea right this instance.”
Tom laughs and walks past you to effortlessly pick the two teacups from the cabinet and place them in your hands.
“My lady.” he says with a wink. You giggle.
“Oh, my hero.” you fake a swoon before setting the china cups on the counter. As you being pouring you and your beloved a cup of tea, you feel his body press against your back gently.
His long arms snake around your waist to pull you closer into him. You feel his lips press into your neck, pecking kisses all over your skin.
“The movie is starting, you know.” Tom informs you. You hum slightly, feeling his lips form a smile in the nape of your neck.
“Well, you wanted tea, mister.” you laughed, turning to present him with his cup. “Ta-da!” you exclaim, making Tom chuckle.
“Oh, what would I do without you?” he sighs, taking the cup into his hands before leaning down to press a kiss into your forehead. You smile before going to reach for you own cup.
“Hm, I don’t know. Brew your own tea?” you joke, taking a small sip. “Needs more honey.” you say, turning around and placing the cup onto the surface. Tom rolls his eyes dramatically, setting his cup on the counter.
“And I need your company.” he states slyly. Before you could question what he meant, Tom scoops you into his arms causing a squeal to escape your lips.
“Thomas!” you giggle as he starts carrying you bridal style into the living room. “You wanted tea!”
“Yes but I’m afraid I’ll go crazy if you spend another second away from me.” Tom laughs, placing you down onto the couch. He then quickly crawls on top of you to press open mouthed kisses into your neck once more.
“I was only gone for ten minutes!” you claim.
“Exactly.” he laughs. “You’re incredibly slow.”
“Hey!” you say, grabbing a pillow to playfully wack Tom in the side with. He turns to look at you with a devilish smile.
“Oh, you’ll regret that!” he exclaims before lunging at you to tickle you, causing you to burst out into tears of laughter.
“Tom! Stop that! I’m ticklish!” you laugh uncontrollably, trying to push him off you.
“Don’t mess with the God of Mischief, darling!” he says, before attacking your neck again with nips and pecks, his hands still mercilessly tickling at your sides.
Hooking your legs around his slim waist, you jump and pounce on Tom, sending him onto his back. You pin his arms above his head, looking into his crystal blue orbs.
“Or what?” you tease, raising an eyebrow. Tom stare deeply into your eyes, taking note of how stunning you appeared above him. Tom allows his head to fall back ontoo the couch, letting him lay completely under your touch.
After a moment of breath, Tom begins to grin. You watch as his piercing eyes rake over your form.
“What is it?” you ask softly. Tom brings his gaze back to your eyes and sighs joyfully.
“You’re just so beautiful.” he whispers, causing you to blush. “Can I kiss you?” he asks, looking up at you with pleading eyes. You couldn’t bare to resist him any longer.
With your grip still locked on Tom’s wrists, you bow your head to connect your lips with his. As the kiss deepens, you feel him slip his tongue into your mouth, making you moan in pleasurable surprise.
Tom begins to slowly sit up, allowing you to slide further into his lap. You move your hands from his wrists to cup his face while his arms drop to his side. You then feel Tom’s hands slither up your legs to caress your thighs, making you squirm. When the kiss breaks, his eyes are immediately connected with yours.
“Already writhing under my touch, Y/N?” he questions quietly. You blush, looking away in embarrassment.
“No, darling. You know better.” he corrects you, brings his fingers under your chin to lead your face back to in front of his. “Never be ashamed of the pleasure I give you.” he says before bringing you into another kiss. This one was shorter. You disconnected from his lips quickly to speak, still tasting him on your tongue.
“Tommy…” you whisper, your voice almost cracking.
“Hm?” he hums.
“T-the movie.” Is all you could trust yourself to say. You feel him groan against your skin, his hands traveling up your spine to rub soothing circles over your back.
“That can wait. I want you right now.” he insisted. His suggestive words go right to your core as you begin to feel yourself become wet. One of his hands then slowly drop to the bottom of your shirt. He takes the fabric and slowly begins to move it upwards.
“May I?” Tom asks kindly.
“Please.” you whisper, lifting your arms to allow him to undress you. Tom gently discards your shirt onto the floor before removing his own, revealing his broad shoulders and long torso.
You place your hands on Tom’s chest to feel his bare skin against yours, allowing you to feel closer to him. You then press small kisses across his chest while you sneak your hand down to undo Tom’s belt. Though he was swift to stop you.
“Ah, ah. Ladies first, my love.” he tells you as he grabs your hands to halt their movements. He lifts you up slightly to place you flat onto your back on the couch. You sigh in pleasure as you feel Tom kiss his way from your neck down to your clothed breasts.
Both his hands travel up your stomach to knead your breasts through your bra. You groan, relishing in your boyfriend’s praising touch. One of his hands snake towards the back of your bra, skillfully unclasping the straps. Once the lacy fabric falls, Tom’s eyes roamed all over you body with want and hunger. He took note of how the cool air hit your nipples, causing them to harden for him. Tom hums in appreciation, gently pawing at your tits.
“You’re so stunning.” he says in pure awe. He lowers his head down to capture one of your firm nipples into his hot mouth. He sucks on it gently, making you arch your back into his mouth. Your head falls back as he returns the same attention to your other nipple. You weave your fingers through Tom’s light and wavy locks, giving them a tug every so often. His warm and wet tongue felt heavenly in comparison to the chilled room. His teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, making you buck your hips up into him. You were absolutely craving that friction.
“P-please Tom, I need more.” you whisper. Tom glances at you before giving you a devious smile.
“As you wish.” he says simply before sinking down the couch further towards your burning heat. His hands follow, gently caressing down your bare tummy to the band of the pair of sweatpants you had worn for the night in. 
Tom then hooks his fingers in the hem of your pants before looking up at you for your approval with his puppy dog eyes. Although this was not the first time you and Tom had been intimate with one another, you still felt safe and comforted whenever Tom asked your permission for anything and everything. You soften your eyes and give him a soft nod. Tom’s smile grows impossibly wider before he places one last final kiss on your stomach right bellow your belly button.
He removes both your pants and panties in one swift movement, tossing them near by your shirt. Tom takes in the sight of your glistening pussy, ready to be touched. He brings his thumb down onto your sensitive clit, rubbing small circles into your body. You moan out in ecstasy upon feeling his fingers finally touch your needy body.
“Mmm.” Tom practically growls, admiring the sight of your bare cunt. “All mine.” he whispers. With no further warning, Tom dives into your warmth, devouring your dripping pussy.
“Oh, fuck!” you mewl out, arching your back off the couch. This spurs on Tom, his clever tongue beginning to work faster.
You pull at his hair, causing him to moan into your pussy. He ate you like a man starved, his talented tongue licking up every last drop of your sweet juice. You grind yourself onto face, his hands giving your thighs a gentle squeeze before he lifts up his head once again.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and make a mess of my face, Y/N?” he asks in that delicious british accent of his. “Do you want my fingers?” he questions.
“Yes! Yes please, may I please take your fingers into my pussy?” you moan out. Tom smiles against you before pushing a single digit into you. Your moans echo through the house as Tom quickens his pace. He’s quick to find your sweet spots, causing you to push yourself further down onto his fingers.
“You are hugging me so tightly, Darling. I think I ought to stretch you out.” he whispers sinfully before adding in another finger. Once they settle deep inside you he scissors his fingers inside of you ever so slightly.
“Thank you!” you cry. “Your fingers feel amazing, daddy.” you say. Tom grins, his fingers starting to pump in and out of you. He hits your g spot perfectly, making you impossibly wetter.
“I can feel how close you’re growing.” he claims, looking up into your eyes with darkness. “Go ahead, love, cum for me. Show me how much you love my fingers.”
“Yes, daddy! I’m cumming!” you moan. With that, the coil in your stomach snapped with intense pleasure, the wave of your orgasm rushing over you completely.
Tom’s fingers slowed to let you ride out your high. Once his fingers stilled, he pressed one last kiss to your clit before slipping his soaked digits from your sopping pussy.
“Look at this mess you’ve made.” Tom says with a devilish smile. “Go ahead, my girl. Clean it up.” he tells you before bringing his dripping fingers to your mouth. You open obediently, moaning once you taste yourself on the thickness of his fingers.
Your tongue swipes and rolls around his fingers as you made sure to suck on them for good measure. Tom watched you intently, his teeth bared and mouth slightly open while he sighed deeply.
“Fuck, I love you.” he said breathlessly before bringing your face in to kiss him. His tongue slips into your mouth, tasting all of you at once. Once this kiss broke, he immediately brought his lips down to your breasts.
“May I make you feel even better?” he pleads with a gentle tone, his eyes asking you for permission to bed you. “Please, Y/N, let me take you.” he whispers into your ear while his hands continued to massage your sides and hips.
As he sucked marks and hickies into your skin you moaned slightly at the sensation of his talented mouth.
“Oh, Tom! Yes! You make it feel so good.” you whisper, your head dizzy with euphoria. Tom stops to glance up at your eyes with a smile.
“Please, I need you.” you nod with a whine.
“Don't worry, my dear. I'm here to keep you happy." he reassures you with a sweet tone. After pecking one last kiss onto your belly, Tom sits up onto his knees to unfasten his belt buckle. The sound of metal clanking filled the room as you continued to watch him.
Once Tom dropped his jeans along with his boxers, you witnessed his hard cock spring into action and bob up and down obscenely. You could feel yourself practically salivating over the delicious sight of his twitching member. You could spot a small pearl of precum leaking from his red and angry tip. Tom must've caught you staring because he chuckled to himself, snapping you out of your daydreaming.
“See something you like, love?” he leases, his voice smooth and deep. You nod eagerly, sitting up to allow yourself a better view of your godly boyfriend.
“Mm, yes sir.” you hum, giving him a wink. “This view just might be even better than that plump backside of yours.” you teased, making Tom scoff with a smile.
“What a tease.” he laughs before, hooking his hands on each of your thighs to yank you closer to him. Your wet entrance pressed against the tip of his cock, causing you to moan out from the sudden contact.
“Do you want me, Y/N?” he asks, placing his hands on either side of your head to position himself above you.
“Always.” you say truthfully.
“Show me.” he requests.
After a brief pause, you give him a mischievous smirk. You quickly wrap your legs around his waist and pushed your heels into his lower back, forcing his cock to slide inside of you.
You and Tom both throw your heads back in a moan, flooding in the passion you had for one another. Tom pulled your body closer to his so he was completely flush against you, his cock nestled deep inside your pussy. He could feel you pulsing around him, begging him to move.
“You are perfection, fuck!” Tom moaned out as he pulled out completely only to slam back inside you. Your back arches off the couch due to the snap in his hips.
“Yes! Thank you, daddy!” you cry. “Oh, yes, p-please make me cum, daddy, please.” you babbled on, his body driving you near insanity.
“Shh, shh, relax. I’ll get you there, it’s alright.” he whispered before leaning down to gently kiss a tear that had fallen down your cheek. “Now be a good girl and let the whole neighborhood know exactly who is making you feel this damn good.”
With that, Tom set a merciless pace of harsh thrusts against your softness. The sound of skin slapping skin flooded the room, quickly followed by Tom’s grunts and your moans.
“Fuck, Tom, feels so good! Please don’t stop!” you moan, wrapping your arms around his strong neck for leverage.
“Believe me baby, I wouldn’t dream of it.” he grunted, hips still rolling deep into you. You could feel every ridge and vein rubbing inside your walls, hitting places inside of you that you didn’t even know existed.
Your nails dug into his broad shoulders, making him hiss into your ear in bliss. His thrusts began to falter, signaling that he was getting close. You pull yourself closer to Tom, wrapping your legs around his strong hips even tighter.
Tom settles from his hands down to rest on his forearms, connecting his chest with your own. You could feel his rapid heartbeat against your sweaty chest as he lowered his head to kiss you.
You bring one of your hands to tangle into his dark blonde locks, deepening the kiss. You both moan into each other’s mouths, adoring the feeling of being so deeply connected to each other. With one particularly hard thrust, you scream in ecstasy when his dick ruts into your g spot. Tom smirks into your neck, knowing he just found the spot. His thrusts quicken, being sure to hit that spot deep inside you every time.
“Fuck! Oh fuck, daddy, I’m close!” you cry. “Please let me cum, I’ve been such a good girl for you, daddy!” your filthy words fill Tom’s ears, making him growl.
“Not yet, darling. Hold on just a little longer.” he gasps, his thrusts becoming sloppier. You knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
“T-Tom, please!” You feel yourself tighten around him, making Tom moan and give one last sharp thrust before spilling inside you.
“Fuck yes, Y/N, cum!” he moans, his cock stilled in your pussy. You scream, the coil in your tummy snaps, making your orgasm flood over his cock. You could feel Tom’s warm seed fill you up, making you gasp in pleasure. Once the room fell still again, so did Tom. He gently lowered himself onto you, careful not to crush you with his weight. You hugged him close to your bare front, rubbing his shoulders and back to soothe the red marks you had clawed into him. The two of you panted in the now silent room, recovering from your highs. You feel Tom begin to move to remove his now softening cock from your pussy. You quickly cease his movement by stopping his hips with your hand.
“Wait, please.” you whisper. Tom stops, afraid he hurt you, his worried eyes snapping to meet yours.
“Are you okay? Have I hurt you?” he asks, frantic. You place your hand on his cheek to calm his nerves.
“Shh, I’m okay... I just… miss you being this close.” you say, hugging him once more. “Can we stay like this just a little longer? Please, just stay inside me tonight.” you ask tiredly, certain you were already drifting off.
Tom smiles, and presses a lingering kiss into your temple before resting to cuddle you with his cock nestled inside you.
“Anything for you, my love. I’ll stay in tonight.”
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twonderland · 4 years
are the orders open? I would like to ask for a little imagines of the leaders of the houses reacting to discovering that daring is Crewel's niece
Ooooh shoot 😂 ♥️🖤🤍♥️🖤🤍
Dorm Leaders request
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♥️ You have been partners for some time now, he likes your sense of style and thinks of you like someone elegant and with good taste, also really clever, something that captured his attention. You specially had ability for potion class , memorizing everything really fast and even sometimes exempting some tests for too many extra point you got in practices
♥️ You study together, some of the students in NRC think that you two are so powerful ! It’s even intimidating sometimes ...
♥️ Until one day in potion class Divus got to your place while you where mixing some herbs and weird stuff in the cauldron, it seemed to be that something was not right ...
“OMG (y/n) what did I taught you ? The fly wings go after the gnomes nails, not before !!! Bad puppie ! “
“UUGH UNCLE !! I know it, I just didn’t want it to have such a fluid consistency, I wanted to try - blah blah blah”
Meanwhile you two were discussing Riddle that was, as always, next to you was like “wait wHAT”
♥️ After that incident he was kinda nervous, -how should I approach her now ? How didn’t I noticed ???? OMG I ALWAS CASUAL AROUND HER MEANWHILE HER UNCLE WAS PRESENT- all this thoughts crossed his mind but didn’t say anything. You were no fool and noticed it, also proceed to clarify that yes you were his niece but there was no reason he should treat you differently, after that....he relaxed.... kind of 😂
♥️ Even if he knew that there shouldn’t be any difference in your relationship, he still gets kinda nervous around his teacher, not because you are in fact his niece, but because he wants to have a good impression with Divus
♥️ Fun fact : Divus already knew you two were dating but is pretty chill about it, actually really happy that his niece is dating someone so gentle and well mannered as Riddle ☺️
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🦁 This one right here , he’s a person + lion = wich means he has some really acute senses such as smell and as weird as it sounds he kinda ... felt like your smell was kind of similar to Divus ...
🦁 This kept bugging his mind for some time now until he bluntly asked you “hey herbivore, if you have done something with that old bicolor man it’s better if you tell me now or else you are gonna face the consequences” ... to what you answered really confused that you didn’t have any idea of what was he talking about, and he also was being a jerk
🦁 “WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT??” “well I don’t now herbivore, maybe because hIS SCENT IS ALL OVER YOU !” “Ugh, Leona! How could you say that , he’s my UNCLE “
... 😳
Leona feels rlly stupid rn
🦁 Ashamed and confused, Leona couldn’t even process what was happening “u-uncle?”.
OK LET ME EXPLAIN, have you ever heard of how animals recognize their babies because they have a certain smell that makes them “part or the pack” ? Well, that’s what happened here 😂
🦁 Right after this happened everything made sense, your smell that was similar to Divus’s, your good fashion sense, etc. he apologized while holding you from behind, burying his face in the crook of your neck so you wouldn’t be able to notice the blush on his cheeks
🦁 Lets just say that the atmosphere of the next classes with Divus were strange, Leona is a confident young man, but this situation took him unprepared so he tries to avoid eye contact with his teacher, just give the big cat some days and he will come to his usual self 😂
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🐙 He has knew it all this time 😂
🐙 no, but seriously, since the moment he met you Azul started to investigate your past, likes, abilities, after all you were the only girl in NRC and a possible client, he had the eel brothers on your back ...
🐙 The reason he has never come to talk or ask about it is because he doesn’t see the point in it, not to be rude, but he doesn’t care who your parents or relatives are, Azul likes you no matter what and if you are his profesor niece, then that’s no big deal
“ASHEGRONTTO-SAN is it really necessary for you to sing throughout the WHOLE class ??? BAD PUPPIE , STAY STAY !!!!”
🐙 poor baby just wants to be good bf material and impress your uncle 🥺❤️
🐙 -is it possible to sign a contract with myself so I can become the perfect bf? - he thinks, while you are watching his serious face and somehow you feel like you know what’s he’s thinking “.....Azul, stop” 😐
🐙 You talk with him, making sure he understands that he’s in fact the perfect boyfriend. He feels more confident now that he knows he’s doing just great but that doesn’t stop him to win your uncle’s approval 😂 COME ON HE’S AZUL ! Actually, Divues comes to like him even more after he starts to doing favors such as helping him to care some papers, making sure the ingredients for the potions are in order, etc.
He’s as always really sly 😅
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👑 OK
👑 Now , this is a power couple 😂
👑 SERIOUSLY like, imagine Divus’s niece walking through the corridor in high heels next to Vil FUCKING Schoenheit going to potion class just to excempt like a boss
👑 He ... suspected something when he saw you two interacting, Vil is someone really observant and actually noticed that you have some similar mannerisms to Divus Crewel, such as rising your voice when something is well done, specially potions, your fashion aesthetic, cof cof hair color cof cof Your way of speaking and laughing, your ability in potions in general, etc.
👑 The moment he asked was smooth yet he felt kinda nervous since the very thought of it was possible but nevertheless kinda awkward “darling ... is professor Divus .. a relative of yours ? “ you stoped for a sec, remembering that you never really told him about your blood relation with Divus but also noticing your bf amazing intuition
👑 “Y-yeah, he’s my uncle actually” “....I see” he’s a little bit silent, thinking about why wouldn’t you have told him earlier ? Maybe you still don’t trust him that much... he had a thousand thoughts but before he could get depressed about it you said “He’s my relative, but I never thought it was something really important to mention, after all I’m another student and I can assure you that he has never had preference for me just for being his niece !”
👑 He... actually didn’t thought about that last part, he knows you are someone brilliant and doesn’t need the help of preference of your professor even if he’s your uncle, watching the worry on your eyes he showed you a gentle smile and pated your head “ I could never think of you that way, you are perfect without any help”
👑 I think Vil would be one of the most chill bf if he knew Divus was your uncle, he gets nervous when your professor is present but is good hiding it, outside of that Vil doesn’t change his attitude towards you or Divus
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☀️ This sunshine never noticed it 😂😂😂
☀️ One day he was doing schoolwork with Jamil and his friend told him “ Kalim, have you taught about what will you give to professor Divus for his birthday ? “Mm? Well... not actually, but I can think about something ! Help me Jamil ☺️” “ok, remember that making Divus happy will also make (y/n) happy” he’s not understanding what is his friend saying rn “umm... but why would that make (y/n) happy ? The present will be for the professor” “well I believe that seeing his bf giving a present to his uncle would be a good detail”
☀️ her what now?
☀️”W-WAIT A SECOND JAMIL WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” “I said that it would be nice if you gave a present to- “ “NOT ABOUT THE PRESENT ! Is Divus (y/n)‘s uncle ?!” ...”I thought you already knew 🤨”
☀️ Jamil has this info since the day you started dating Kalim, of course he had to knew who was romancing his master, looked for info and walla ! Look 👏🏻at 👏🏻that 👏🏻 you are Divus’s niece 😂
☀️ As I said before, it was Divus’s birthday, the day started quite normal, you two attended class when suddenly Kalim went as fast as he could to your place “(y/n) ! I WILL MAKE YOU HAPPYJUST WATCH !” You are like ...
“... uh hu .. what is happeni-“ but before you finished your sentence sunshine boy went as fast as wind again to Divus “PROFESSOR ! Happy Birthday ! I wish you have an amazing day and that this presents please you !” Confusion was clear on the teacher’s face, one second before he could even start to ask the young man what was he talking about a strong rumbling and also the sound of what it could be a stampede could be heard from the classroom
☀️ “THREE ELEPHANTS, FOURTEEN CAMELS AND SOME PEACOCKS !! Oh ! And some dancers !! The perfect present to enlighten a soul isn’t t it ? Gyahahaha ~ ! “
Meanwhile Divus had his mouth agape from the impression while he sees all his presents arriving from a window, you are in the back trying to understand the whole scenario
☀️ long story short, the “presents” dissapeared , Divus was ... happy that his little pup thought about his birthday but was also really shocked, and well, you and your bf had to talk about this .... event. Kalim got the idea but sometimes still wants to impress your uncle
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💀 Chill when he’s alone, anxiety attack when you are present 😂
💀 That was at least the first reactions he had when he met you, it’s just that your are so fancy and gorgeous... actually Idia sometimes finds himself wondering how could he get a bae that’s so WOW
💀 Idia being Idia wich means staying in his room 24/7 gave him LOTS of time to make theories about everything and anything, one of those was you. The investigation begun because he just wanted to know more about his gurl ☺️❤️ but ended pretty chaotic 😂
💀 Imagine walking throughout the corridor and when you walk pass Idia’s door you hear a what it seems to be a high pitch scream followed by other strange “human” noises
💀 YUP he discovered it 😂
💀 The next day he found out you approached him naturally, it was morning and just wanted to give your bf a nice and cute greeting ☺️💖 but when you are just some steps from him, Idia flinched... you thought it was normal since he is easily scared when he’s outside his room, but when it’s you he’s most likely to be relaxed 🤔
💀 It took him all day to ask you about your connection with Divus, it impressed you that he was actually pretty certain that you were his niece he had a whole document with photos and all that proved his point 😂
💀 Overall he listened to you carefully, Idia is a good boyfriend, let’s you speak and say everything you need to explain, you were astonished when he gave you a proud smile when you finished your story, telling you how amazing your bloodline is and that he is really lucky to have such a beautiful and brilliant girlfriend 🖤
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🐉 Mal is also pretty chill about it, being the most relaxed out of all the dorm leaders
🐉 He himself has his family in NRC too, Lilia for example *you are my dad ! ~ Boogi Woogie Woggie* srry 😂
🐉 So he understands the feeling of having around relatives in school, Malleus gets interested in you even more after you bring Divus into the conversation, he admires all his professors since he a good boy ☺️💖
🐉 Also, being Divus’s niece means you have some similar traits to him which is true at some extent, he asks you about your likes for potions and Malleus listens carefully, with a tender smile on his face. He is fascinated by your aura and all the stories you narrate about Divus and you
🐉 Everything went smoothly until the next day after you have talked about your relation with Divus, you were reading a recipe to make a potion in classroom, waiting for Malleus to arrive. He was pretty puntual to all his classes, so it was kind of weird he took his time that day. The minutes passed and you began to worry about what could have happened to your bf, was he alright ? Where was he?
🐉 “Professor Divus” it was his voice, looking up from the book you saw him handling your uncle a giant green gem with a straight face
“I hope our relationship develops placidly and for the good of our beloved (y/n) we could get along well”
The entire class was like 👁 👄 👁
- What on earth just happened ?!- you thought, Divus was struggling to carry the beautiful gem, while Mall some seconds ago was holding it like it was a piece of paper. You didn’t want to embarrass or trouble your bf with more questions since all the class was watching him confused and amazed, making the atmosphere weirder than it already was
🐉 You waited until class was over to ask him what on earth happened, he told you about how dragons give a little piece of their treasures in a form of “alliance” with the beings that they think are trust worthy, and Divus being your relative... well, he wanted to get closer to him
🐉 You thank him and give him a bear hug, he couldn't be any more sweeter 💕
Thanks for your request
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killuababie · 4 years
hi i love ur writing! keep being amazing ily!! i have a request and this may be cliche af but manager reader being saved by some creepy guys?? i dont rlly mind what teams u do 👉👈
Pairing: Johzenji x Fem!Manager, Nekoma x Fem!Manager.
Summary: Teams saving their manager from creepy guys.
Type: Planotic headcanons, slight angst.
A/N: I’m glad you like reading my work!! 
It was during one of their official matches, the inter-high matches.The old manager still being the manager, you stood along the crowd cheering your lovely team.
You were having your best life that’s just when you noticed an ominous presence creeping up behind you before you felt an arm brushed against your butt.
The guy was pressing up against you while whispering loathsome words into your ear.
Oh no your alarms were going off, this definitely was one of the worst scenarios. 
You tried to shift around but the other guy had you blocked.
You wished to run but your legs seemed to be frozen.
The team happened to see you and they were more than just enraged by the expression you wore. 
Fortunately the game was had almost ended, it did not take more than 2 service aces for them to finish win the game.
Without wasting any another moment, they bolted towards the bleachers at the speed of light.
Before you could realise what was happening a loud thud was heard. It was Terushima who punched the guy so hard making him fall against the handrail.
Terushima was stopped by this Kazuma and Takeharu before he could break the guy’s jaw while rest of the team managed to capture the other guys who were the accomplices.
Misaki had you wrapped in her arms, whispering pure words of assurance while taking you away.
The pigs were turned in to the authorities.
The team handled you extremely gently for that day and assured your safety. You were definitely glad they came to save you.
Also, after that day Terushima and Bobata made sure to drink their respect women juice all the time. They wouldnt wish for any other girl to be in the same position you were in.
You being an early riser, were one of the few people who reached school before time.
It hasn't even been five minutes since you entered the school but unfortunately malice found it's disastrous way.
Two guys had pushed you against the locker and we're asking for your number as they tried to feel you up.
They did not budge despite your pleas, at this point your were fighting your tears which were threatening to come out.
Fortunately, Nekoma (they literally always are together) saw you upon stepping into the school.
They are known for being fast and swift, it didn't even a second take a second for Yamamoto and Kuroo to yank these guys off you.
Yaku was already hugging you while taking you away from that place, telling you words of comfort and assuring you rest of the teammates would take of those guys.
Kenma was definitely a shy guy except in cases like this, he stood up against them asking the guys about their classes etc before taking them to the principal's office.
Kuroo and Kenma made sure the guys got detention whereas Yamamoto made sure they didn't run away.
Fukunaka offered you water and some candies. Lev and Inouka we're giving their best trying to cheer you up but ended up getting yelled at by Yaku.
Their small banter made you feel a bit more relieved, actually alot more better.
Kuroo, Kenma and Yamamoto soon joined your group before y'all had a group hug and they promised you that they'll always be there for you to protect you
Now, they always make you tag along with them no matter what.
Each and every member loves you sm and would never want anything bad to happened to you :(
Taglist: @ize-is-here @roohale
〘If you want to be added to the taglist then please send in an ask!〙
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midnightlie · 4 years
you're one of my favorite kl writers!! honestly i wish i could write them the way you do; you just capture their voices so well and so flawlessly. whenever you post wips of the flight crew au, it always makes my day so much better! so anyways, don't listen to the haters bc they're just jealous that they don't have your talent
thank u im so glad u like my writing 💗 i try my best not to let that stuff get to me but when i sat down today to try and write all i could think abt was me posting something new and ppl just telling me that im bad at writing kl again lol but rlly, thank u so much, that means a lot to me
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Upon rereading tgcf, one of the biggest complaints I have is how lackluster all the extra chapters were. literally none of them were good and all contained rlly gross and harmful sentiments (like the amnesia one which.. yea.. or all the things implying xl should get pregnant for hc thus equating gay relationships with hetero ones and playing into the wife thing and just GOD I HATE MXTX) 
There were a lot of little plot points i wish that had been further elaborated on more in the extras as opposed to hualian being ... like that. I had enough. Like mdzs had actaully good extras (minus the incense burners) that were nice side stories that elaborated more on the characters. Like the hook one with the juniors was so cute and i loved seeing them grow more. Or the lotus pod extras omg.. im such a lotus pod extra stan. those were so cute and gave us a lot of good insight into just how lovestruck lwj was during the times when he didn’t see wwx. mxtx should've stuck to those sorta extras in tgcf but NOOO. SO I have a list of so many other more interesting things those chapters couldve been spent on like:
A resolution on He Xuan’s revenge and his character arc. Bc its implied He Xuan is still hanging out and watching over sqx and that taking revenge didn’t fully satisfy him bc ok.. yea shi wudu is dead but he xuans family will never come back. Now what does he have to live for?? i wish we couldve seen a look into his life during the entire ordeal. like a chapter from his perspective while he was posing as Ming Yi  and maybe a look at a conversation btw he xuan and the real ming yi or a chapter after SQX was banished to see what he’s doing now. Also what did he xuan owe hua cheng money for anyways?? Like ik not every little thing has to be explained but I Want to Know. PLEASE more goth boyfriend content now I just wanna see him :,((
a better resolution of yin yu and quan yizhens storyline. im still mad abt how that plot point was split btw books 3 and 5  when it was rlly out of place and  there were other more pressing plot matters and it just rlly deserved more time. Also i thought yin yu died!?!?!? but apparently one of the extras says he’s alive and man... i;m not reading any more of the extras to see that, give me a full yin yu and quan yizhen chapter.. fuck.
a day in the life of the guoshi fangxin or general hua PLEASE especially like one where hua cheng was SO CLOSE to meeting xie lian but had no clue that xie lian was there at the time but the two did smth that inadvertantly helped the other and they still were connected even though they hadnt met omg pls that’d be so nice. like imagine Hua cheng catching a glimpse of the guoshi in public in yong’an while he’s trying to follow some lead that points to xie lian or maybe following a lead to capture qi rong bc he said he knew qi rong was a part of the yong’an stuff and originally thought the guoshi was one of qi rongs pawns. like can you IMAGINE him getting so close. but at the last second he did smth small that impacted xie lian. like they bumped into eachother on the street or smth. god i’d go crazy
OR vice versa.. like a day in the life of the young ghost king hua cheng. Like again, one of my biggest issues was that hua cheng just knew everything and its never really explained how he got all of that info. like yes he’s been alive very long and has eyes and ppl working for him everywhere but like... how did he build that network?? I’d love to see a chapter of young ghost king hua cheng travelling around trying to learn as much as he can abt the world and how it can help bring him to xie lian. and the two maybe are in the same kingdom for a bit and they don’t meet exactly but hua cheng stops some fight or something and helps xie lian indirectly or maybe xie lian is performing on the street in some costume and hua cheng doesn’t recognize him and smiles and gives him a coin or smth. idk i’m just dying for any sorta extra chapter or fic like that. i’m honestly so tempted to write my own but i cant write
also!! we’ve seen how xie lian picks up people down on their luck near him and show them kindness (like banyue, lang ying, xiao ying, he tried to with san lang but we know how that ended lmao) so i’d love to see another little vignette of him doing that on his travels and how every person he meets teaches him smth about life and being a good person and idk, i just think it’d be rlly sweet. i love this facet of his character and feel like we didn’t see enough of it towards the end.
ALSO hua cheng only seems to respect one heavenly official besides xie lian and thats yushi huang.. i assume thats mostly bc she was the only one to help xie lian and let him use the rain master hat to bring water to yong’an. I was thinking maybe when he was a new supreme he had run into trouble and maybe was picked up by the rain master and helped him heal and in return he promised to help protect her village from harm in the future. Like i know a heavenly official wouldn’t cooperate with a ghost like that but yushi huang is different and doesn’t really care about the heavens so i think she would protect him if he could do something to benefit her village. ik this is kinda far fetched but when he first became a supreme I’m sure a bunch of ppl probably tried to mess with him and didn’t rlly believe him to be undefeatable bc he hadn’t proved himself yet also i doubt all his power came overnight. he had to learn how to use it once he escaped the kiln. and some group probably thought they could weaken him somehow. I’m thinking maybe a rlly well formed group of ghosts actually caught him off guard once and he had to retreat and was picked up by the rain master and stayed with her and learned from her a bit. i think it’d be a cool concept also i just rlly want more yushi huang content and i’m on their friendship agenda bc he rlly did seem to actually respect her when she first appeared and i think it’d be cool if the two had some history together.
Also idrc if this was addressed I couldve missed it But!! Did xie lian ever tell Hua cheng that the reason he got the curse shackles and was banished again in the first place wasnt bc jun wu wanted to punish him, but because he requested it. And specifically requested it bc he felt guilty abt letting wu ming take the human face disease and disperse for his sake. So he took the shackles and descended to atone for that?? Bc I dont recall hua cheng learning that bc his soul was already dispersed at that point so it didnt follow him and xie lian didnt say anything so uhhh... someone should tell hua cheng that. Like I dont think xie lian rlly said how much hua cheng meant to him and didnt show him he was loved in grand ways. Like xie lian did always care for bc in other ways but I think if hua cheng learned abt this on screen it wouldve been such a great moment and I'm rlly surprised mxtx didnt address this iirc!?!? Like imagine jun wu telling Hua cheng this in the kiln bc xie lian wouldnt say it himself. Imagine how cool that would be.
Also a small thing adding into the whole young ghost king Hua cheng stuff. Its implied and p much stated that hua cheng isnt his real name. That he likely doesnt have a real name bc his parents died? (It's not clear. I'm still mad at mxtx for not making his childhood clearer). So I'd like to see when and why hua cheng chose that name for himself. The new tgcf ending song kinda hints at its meaning with the lyrics "for you I'd fill a city of flowers" as xie lian is the flower wielding martial god so it's probably inspired by that. Also xie lian saved hua cheng from leaping off the city walls but I'd love to hear him say it bc the implication of his name didnt dawn on me for quite a bit and I dont know if everyone made the connection. Again I sure as hell didnt. So itd be cool to see a chapter that takes place in his past after just ascending as a supreme
Overall I rlly think tgcf had a lot more potential to be even better and a lot of that comes down to fleshing out the side characters and letting hualian have more of a storyline independent of one another. like i know the appeal and message of tgcf is that through love, people can overcome anything, but fuck man. i just wanna see what these two (mostly hua cheng) where like in the absence of each others presence. Part of what I really liked abt mdzs is that we got to see that longing develop btw wangxian when the two weren’t together and how they thought about each other and did things in thei others spirit bc they knew the other wouldve done the same thing. but whatever, mxtx was too consumed by her own unhealthy idea of what devotion and true love looks like but still. i rlly think the extras couldve helped the story be better rather than be fujoshi fuel that i try to bleach from my mind -_-
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tragedynatural · 3 years
Hey I know you posted it like a month ago but I would love a detailed song-by song reasoning/annotations for your Sam/jake mix. If you have time it would be great to hear your thoughts!
anon i've never jumped so hard at the chance to explain my totally normal thought process in depth before. thank you! yes of course! i will try to be as brief as possible! but probably not!
the first caveat i have to give you is that this mix was based mostly on a concept where cold oak lasts for ~2 weeks. so there's time for complicated relationships and despair to set in and a lot of this won't match the like..two days? it takes in the show. also this tracklist might be different from the post. i was editing.
we must be killers (mikky ekko) - "children of the wild ones" - references demon blood and my loose interpretation of what it might feel like to have these burgeoning powers, and then the "killer" refrain is because imo a key part of boyking4boyking is about how they both Know one of them is going to die, probably by the other's hand. also i'm compelled by similarities i see between jake and sam and both have spent their adult lives (hunting, military) being trained to kill. and i think neither of them want to do that, and in this situation they're forced to consider killing their peers..oof. thinking about jake's face when he has to kill ava, thinking about how sam and jake have been in situations where they've needed to kill someone in order to ensure the safety of someone else (in the logic of spn universe's approach to hunting & military)
like real people do (hozier) - this is abt that sense of knowing i was talking about. in the 2 week cold oak au jake and sam both find out from azazel early on how things are supposed to go. and they spend a week not killing each other! but they don't know each other very well and each fears that the other will snap first. "i will not ask why you were creeping / in some sad way i already know" - a sense of like, scorpion-and-frog anticipation that the other's going to turn on you but wanting to prolong the peace before it happens. also this dynamic is a product of a horrible time for them, they know that they probably won't both make it out - the "kiss like real people do" refrain is about an idle wish of like, what would it have been like if we were normal?
damn these vampires (the mountain goats) - i just like this song i think. this was rlly about the atmosphere, capturing the sense of being changed against your will that jake is reckoning with for the first time and sam is still struggling with. also, you know, there's a little bit of a defiant feel to this song. "scream when captured... let this whole town hear your knuckles crack." at this point they think maybe they can refuse to play along with azazel, and that it might be possible to get out anyway.
our time is short (gang of youths) - look, you know, rn they've been here for a ~week? they're not sure if they're ever making it out. the other kids died in the first couple days so it's just jake and sam and i think they're going through 'last 2 people on earth' feelings at warp speed. this is .... a moment of feeling good b/c they know it won't last very long, and there's a bit of last hurrah energy. "so let's drink the best wine now..before lightning strikes us down" etc.
another place (bastille) - the jake/sam connection is a genuine feeling but it's also very much....a foxhole thing to quote bobby. they like each other genuinely but both are aware this is the result of an extraordinary situation. even if they were both getting out alive...they live completely different lives. this song is about, don't make this more than it is because even though maybe we'd both want it to be, it's not attainable.
heavy in your arms (florence + the machine) - "who is the betrayer? / who's the killer in the crowd?" is absolutely my concept for the 2 week cold oak. sam and jake being plagued by dreams from yellow-eyes, and they don't want to suspect or betray the other but. well. they'll be stuck here forever. this is both of them wondering who'll crack first. also "heavy in your arms" is a little foreshadowing for when jake stabs sam and holds him while he bleeds out. thanks!
as the world caves in (matt maltese) - look. they're going to nuke each other up boys till old satan stands impressed...on their final night alive it's YOUUU that i lie with.... this is last few days of peace before Inevitable Conflict as the tension hits a peak. it's about "i like you and i care for you and i know eventually one of us is going to kill the other but i can't be the person to pick up the knife first. so every night i sleep across the fire from you and hope you fall asleep before i do." and azazel is there.
no one would riot for less (bright eyes) - "everything is eclipsed / by the shape of destiny" - the fact that the lives of the special children have been counting down to this moment! their hopes, dreams, personal morals, affections for others are eclipsed by fate baby! inescapable! the whole "little soldier" section is again about how both of them have been made into weapons to fight for various causes, and now they're being. pitted against each other. "love me now / hell is coming" and "help me out / hell is coming / could you do it now / hell is here" is obviously about them knowing shit is going to go down soon and also this sense of like. just kill me if you're going to. don't prolong the inevitable.
have to explode (the mountain goats) - similar theme here, feeling like you're counting down to the inevitable - "the stage is set / someone's going to do something someone else will regret" sam and jake are pieces in a plan that's been in motion for years and everyone's just waiting for them to buckle down and play the role. "the fuse will have to run out sometime / something here will eventually have to explode" - dean only finds sam once sam's been stabbed and jake has 'won'. if no victor emerges they stay here until one does, and they know that they can't hold out forever.
tusk (fleetwood mac) - i put this on every playlist sorry about me! also it's, okay, jake wakes up in the night to see sam stuck in a nightmare and he knows the demon's visiting both of them. what's it saying to him, he thinks, what's sam going to do? this is about creeping dread, and this sense that the person you're with maybe knows something you don't. that they're planning to betray you, that they already have. and musically the frantic melody and vocalization just ups the tension.
bite the hand (boygenius) - jake's pov. sam is the one who pushes for a truce and holding out for another option out of cold oak, and jake is on board. at first. but as time kicks on he realizes that there's no other option whereas sam is still a little bit in denial. so the "i can't love you how you want me to / i'll bite the hand that feeds me / you want what i can't give to you / who do you think you are / who do you think i am / maybe i'm afraid of you" - is about him doing a heel turn where he realizes like, i can't do this (stay indefinitely here to find a dubiously-real other way out for a guy i just met) and sam can't do it either, and one of us is going to snap, and i'm afraid it'll be sam first.
i bet on losing dogs (mitski) - sam's perspective on ^ - he does know how it's going to end but he can't quite. give up on hoping that it won't. he doesn't kill jake when he has the chance. he must know jake'll kill him if he's not dead or knocked unconscious, but he hopes. that he won't. anyway. and he's wrong. he knows he'll be wrong, i think he can sense that jake is doing a heel turn but also, they're getting played by azazel who's planting seeds of doubt and they're stuck in this depressing place alone, and sam's not sure how much he can trust himself. he's betting on losing dogs.
samson (regina spektor) - "you are my sweetest downfall / i loved you first" - jake's pov on a guy he genuinely likes who he knows he's going to kill. before the fight & the cemetery they cared for each other. "we couldn't bring the columns down / we couldn't destroy a single one" - in the end trying to hold out against azazel does nothing, the gate opens, the apocalypse happens. it's futile. and the story never mentions jake or cold oak again - i think the fact that sam tried to like, help & protect the special kids & then had to watch andy, ava, and lily die, & then jake tried to kill him, & he had to kill jake is like. pretty fucked up. those are the last people like him on this earth man he was 23!
heaven or hell (digital daggers) - vibes! also: "i’ve got the same deep wounds as you / my love can double as a weapon too" - jake and sam's similarities are so key to me. either one of them could have been the person to turn first. i'm anti-trying to make jake into a bad guy for stabbing sam! he wanted to go home! "show me the side no one else sees / turn it back on me" - what's it like for sam to be around other special kids? does he feel more normal or less than he does with dean? thinking about that "it doesn't matter if we believe it only matters that they do" scene- SO interesting! what a cool moment of jake and sam connecting on a level of both being leaders, both knowing what a lose-lose situation looks like, both knowing how to keep the hope alive, and do what has to be done. of course this is also the trait that leads to jake killing sam / sam killing jake. they're the same.
old college try (the mountain goats) - this is specifically like, night before jake stabs sam. he knows he's going to kill sam by now. "i want to say i'm sorry for stuff i haven't done yet / things will shortly get completely out of hand" - jake thinking about this last like, goodbye. and "i will walk down to the end with you / if you will come all the way down with me" - seeing it through till the end, sam has a burgeoning sense of something wrong.
it seemed the better way (leonard cohen)- again i literally just put this one on everything i can. also you know, it's jake thinking about listening to azazel and killing sam. it seemed like the better way then, but now, when azazel's threatened his family and he realizes he can't get out of it, it's too late to go back in time and do it differently. he has to obey azazel + play along. "i better hold my tongue / i better take my place / lift this glass of blood / try to say the grace". yes i know this is about religion i'm not trying to make light of the song i just think. i'm squinting okay.
don't let me be misunderstood (nina simone) - LISTEN! JAKE'S INTENTIONS ARE GOOD. this is like, meeting in the cemetery and sam is alive and they both know what's passed between them and what can never be and where it has to go now, and jake's thinking "just remember that i'm not evil. just remember i have a family that i wanted to come back to like you, don't let where this went eclipse the fact that you cared about me, that you know i'm a good person." it's also me holding a large stick and pointing it at everyone in supernatural so that they remember that he did nothing wrong.
say goodbye (fleetwood mac) - okay bear with me. in my version. of cold oak jake doesn't get killed by sam. he kills azazel and sam and dean let him go. this is a retrospective on the whole thing for both of them. "i let you slip away / there was nothing I could do / that was so long ago, yeah / still I often think of you" and "so don't let it get you down / just a time within a time / just a scheme within a scheme / a little world within a world / yes, a dream, just a dream" are the thesis lyrics for this song. cold oak's done, azazel's nuked, back to the real world now. it's a bitter way to say goodbye to a person you cared about after they killed you/you killed them, even though you both sort of. expected it to go that direction. by this point i was just like IT FEELS RIGHT (adds to playlist).
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gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Bare Necessities | JJK
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“When you ask your boyfriend for a relaxing vacation you don’t exactly expect him to take you to Disneyland out of all places. Luckily, Jungkook knows just how to get you to relax — being needy is definitely not the way. Or is it…”
This is part of the BTS Smut Club summer collaboration; Setback. ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff ›› Rating: 18+ explicit sex ›› Pairing: JJK x Reader ›› Word Count: 11.8k Warnings Include: Mentions of anxiety and being stressed, plus a talk about consent. Sexual content: sex, blowjob, deepthroating, handjob, ruined orgasm, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, riding, barebacking (wrap it up guys! they are taking precautions), creampie, minor cumplay, dirty talk, switch!Jk. A/N: These tags make it sound so nasty lol, it’s rlly sweet I promise :((
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Normally, you ease your feelings of anxiety by finding a way to tightly hold on to your boyfriend. Now, as you sit in the car stuck in the worst traffic you’ve ever been in, you have to opt for holding his hand. Jungkook lets you play with his fingers, only pulling away to shift gears.
His hand is warm, and his soft voice accompanies the gentle tunes that the radio is playing right now. You wish you could relax, but you’re already so on edge that every little shock of the car makes you want to yelp.
“Can’t you just tell me where we are going?” you whine for the sixth time. To be precise, you’d asked for a relaxing vacation. Jungkook keeping the destination a surprise was not relaxing. Nor was the fact that he’d forgotten his phone charger and that you were now stuck in traffic because you had to go back home and get it. “Please Jungkook.”
He sighs deeply, fingers squeezing yours. “We’re going to Disneyland.”
Abruptly, you drop his hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t  think I heard you right. Did you say Disneyland?”
He smiles, a sight that you adore more than anything. However, right now as you ponder over the thought of having to spend your relaxing vacation in Disneyland, you don’t find yourself returning the gesture.
“Yeah, Disneyland, that’s what I said.”
You zip your mouth shut, pursing your lips and opting to stare out the window. Jungkook knows you. He should know you’re not a fan of theme parks or anything crowded like that. On the contrary, you hate it. You said relaxing, not seriously nerve wracking, but you don’t know how to tell him this without coming across as a total bitch.
He must’ve spent a lot of money to get the tickets, and from how excited he was the entire morning you know that he’s hyped about going. You just wish you’d feel the same.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, grabbing your hand and jostling it.
You shake your head. “Nothing, just keep your eyes on the car in front of you please.”
It’s not that Jungkook can’t drive. It has more to do with the fact that you’re stuck in traffic and Jungkook’s attention span seems to be shortening by the minute.
The last time the two of you got stuck in traffic was about two years ago, when you’d barely started dating officially. He’d taken you out to meet his brother and somehow you’d ended up spending half your day on the road. The other half was spent on the side of the road because he’s hit the car in front of him when he’d stopped paying attention.
You’ve been dating for a little over two years now — two years and two months, to be precise — happily so. Jungkook means everything to you, even if he’s put you through some seriously scream-worthy situations. Though, if he hadn’t crashed his car that day he might not have asked you to be his girlfriend so early on. Truth it, you‘d do almost anything for Jungkook. However, you’re already in a bad mood today and you’re not sure if you’re willing to go to Disneyland for him.
Even if you’re glad for every second you get to spend with him, you’re bummed you’re going to have to share that with thousands of other people. He could’ve probably rented a secluded cabin somewhere for half the price.
“You’re upset.” Jungkook doesn’t phrase this as a question — he doesn’t have to. He takes a proper hold of your hand, fingers encasing yours completely. “Talk to me.”
You sigh. “What part of me asking for a relaxing vacation did you not understand?”
“What?” Jungkook looks at you briefly, this time with wide, concerned eyes. Upon the sight you feel the guilt settle in your chest.
“Kook, sweetheart, theme parks and relaxing don’t exactly go hand in hand in my mind.” You choose your words carefully, if anything you don’t  want to upset him. You‘re not mad, you’re just…stressed.
“Oh.” He falls silent, lips parted as traffic finally starts clearing up again. Jungkook drives in silence, eyes forward on the road with both hands on the wheel now. You know he’s mauling over his thoughts, not sure what to say.
Neither are you to be honest. You already feel so guilty for saying anything in the first place that you’re not sure if you can mend the impact of your words. He’s hurt and you want to comfort him, tell him it’s okay. However, it’s not okay, you’re not excited to go to Disneyland and you wish you could do something about it but you can’t.
You find yourself sitting curled up in the passenger seat, stomach twisting anxiously as Jungkook takes you to the planned destination. The mere thought of having to stand in line, go through masses of people to get food, and be surrounded by screaming kids and crowds the entire time was not helping your emotions. It’s not that you’re especially anxious in social settings, it’s just that you’re tired and this is your first weekend off in months. You just want to be along with your boyfriend, sleep, eat, relax, and maybe have sex — definitely cuddle.
After what feels like an eternity in awkward silence, Jungkook finally turns onto the parking lot. Not that it means you’ve arrived. No, it takes him at least thirty minutes to find the one free spot among the mass of cars.
Jungkook parks the car, taking a deep breath. “Do you want me to drive back home?” He gives you the same concerned look, a pout threatening to form on his lips. “I’m sorry that I didn’t think this through. If you want to go back and spend the weekend at home that’s fine with me too.”
You shake your head immediately, turning towards him and taking his hand from where it’s still grasping the wheel. “No, Kook. It’s just that I’m stressed and I — You spent a lot of money on this, and I know you meant well. So lets just go and try to make the best of it. Yeah?”
Jungkook’s eyes light up again at your words, nodding excitedly and exiting the car. Once you meet him by the trunk he catches you off guard with a bone-crushing hug. His arms wrap around your waist and you’re easily lifted off the ground. You squeal, but return the hug and giggle into his shoulder. Even now, when you truly feel like shit, Jungkook is able to alleviate your mood just a little.
Being with Jungkook didn’t come easy. At first you didn’t think you were compatible in the slightest. You never thought you’d ended up dating a highly energised boy with a strange combination of passions for working out, video games, and singing — in that order. Even if Jungkook is good at everything he does, there’s one thing that made him defy all odds and capture your heart. It’s the way he makes you feel at ease. All you need is a simple smile, or a good look at those big, sparkly eyes and you feel like you’ll be able to get through the day.
Now lets hope that you’ll get through three days in giant-playground hell.
It comes to no surprise to you that Jungkook managed to scrounge up enough money and get you a room in the most expensive hotel on the premise. It’s all soft pinks, blues and whites and you want to glare at him for even daring to spend this much money on you. What got into his pretty little head. There was no need for him to break the bank on a simple holiday. Sadly, your boyfriend is incapable of doing things half-assed.
“Come on.” Jungkook grabs your hand again, something that comforts you a little as you move through the people who stand in the lobby. It luckily didn’t take too long for him to get the key, and now you’re finally on your way to the room.
Due to the horrific traffic, you’ve lost most of your first day already and you just want to get into bed and snuggle up to him. If anything that might make you feel better about this entire situation. You want to cuddle with him and sleep in really late, order breakfast in bed. Maybe you can make this trip a little more relaxing that way.
You gasp when Jungkook gentlemanly opens the door for you. It’s massive, a four post bed standing against the wall — it even has little pink drapes. “Jungkook!” you gasp, both in surprise and slight annoyance.
“I know, it’s so pretty,” he states, ushering you inside.
Once there, he cups your face in his hands and kisses you. His lips are soft with the texture of his cherry lip balm, and you can’t help but smile a little. He seems eager, leaving the suitcase aside and holding you close as he smooths his lips over yours. Jungkook is warm, and you’re eased by the press of his chest against yours. The fabric of his thin sweater is supple beneath your fingers where your hands slide up his sides.
A tiny moans comes from you as he traces the seam of your lips with his tongue. You part them eagerly, meeting him in the middle with a deep sigh. Within seconds your lost in him, kissing in the middle of the room with your arms wrapped around his narrow waist. It’s romantic, the way he loves you like this. Jungkook is physical, more so than vocal or emotional, he speaks with his body and right now all he’s saying is that he loves you.
It’s when he tries to guide you to the bed that you stop. “Jungkook,” you whisper.
He looks at you with those big eyes that make you want to kiss all over his face.
“Can we just cuddle tonight?” You know Jungkook, how he thinks, feels, needs. He was probably already planning on having sex with you in that gigantic bed tonight — that, or he was trying to make up for ruining your ‘relaxing’ vacation. Regardless, you’re way too tightly strung to have sex right now. Maybe once you feel a little more calm.
He pouts a little as you step away to open the suitcase on the bed. You know it won’t last, his pouting, because he knows that you only say no when you mean it. Right now you’re not going to give in to his cute little face.
Jungkook watches your eyes move as you unpack some of your toiletries and set them down in the bathroom. He’s half naked when you get back, sweater discarded on a large chair by the window. His abs flex as he stretches and you throw him the shirt he usually wears to bed — you’re not going to let yourself get wooed by his body. Even if he looks delectable beneath his clothing, he knows as well as you do that cuddles come first.
He remains shirtless as he follows you into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you take off your makeup. There’s a slight hum in his chest as he nuzzles you hair, only to kiss down and and gently mouth at your neck. The feeling of his lips is tantalising, they’re so soft and supple. He knows exactly where to touch you, your shoulders leaning into his ministrations.
“Jungkook,” you try again, but he doesn’t seem to mind your ingenuine protest. He keeps kissing up and down your neck, tongue trailing your skin as he sucks lightly — it’s not firm enough to leave a mark, but it feels good still. So good that you can feel your body relax in his grasp. “Jungkook, stop,” you giggle as his kisses turn more into little nips.
He chuckles against your skin, setting you more upright again as he meets your gaze in the mirror. “Are you sure you don’t want serious stress-relief tonight?”
You playfully roll your eyes, turning to face him and holding him by the waist. Jungkook is always especially warm there, huggable and pliable. “Only if stress-relief means cuddles.”
“But baby,” he whines softly. “Isn’t sex like…a bare necessity?”
Stunned, you snort at his words. Even if you won’t deny that it’s a little funny, you can’t believe he just made a Disney pun about sex. He got you pretty good there. Sadly, his grade A joke doesn’t get him any further with you.
“You know what’s also a bare necessity?” you say before giving him a soft peck. “Having a relaxing shower with your girlfriend without getting handsy.”
Jungkook stares at you.
You grip his bare waist more firmly. “I’m just tired, and stressed, and all I want right now is to hold my boyfriend — for him to tell me it’s all going to be okay. Can we just do that for tonight?”
He nods now. It’s probably the excitement, or the guilt he must’ve been feeling. His eyes have changed, his posture straightening up. You can’t blame him for not realising how stressed you actually were, you’ve been hiding it pretty well. But when he pulls you into a hug you’re relieved he’s as understanding as he is.
Despite Jungkook’s incessant ability to whine to get his way, he will quit when you’re being serious. He knows you well enough, doesn’t walk on eggshells around you like lot of people do. Just because you get anxious easily doesn’t mean that you’re to be treated like a sensitive child. On the contrary, you want to live life to the fullest, and Jungkook’s helping you do that.
It’s nice, the way he kisses you gently as he undresses you further.
“Can you keep it in your pants?” you ask as you turn the water on. The shower is large, but you know you won’t be needing much room. As always, Jungkook likes to stick as closely by your side as humanly possible.
He raises his eyebrows. “Do you think I have no self-restraint?”
Mimicking him, you raise yours too.
“Okay, okay, fine,” he sighs. “I promise, no frisky business. Now please get in the shower I’m going to freeze.” He shivers audibly and visibly, the hairs on his arms standing up in the cold bathroom.
The water on the other hand is warm, and you immediately feel your muscles relax as you get under the stream. Jungkook follows you, pressing himself tightly against your back as you let the water cascade down your bodies. You hand him the soap, letting him lather you up slowly and thoroughly. He massages the knots in your back and shoulders, thumbs digging into the muscles that are still aching from the long car ride.
He knows not only you, but your body, and you let out a satisfied little moan as he rubs the back of your neck. In response, he chuckles, kissing your temple and continuing his massage.
“Kook, if you want you can massage me properly later. Let me wash your hair before we shrivel up.” You motion for him to turn around as you fetch his shampoo from the sink. It smells like orange and cloves, a calming scent that now reminds you of him. He’s always preferred more natural scents over the ones that are usually used in things like men’s deodorant. It’s not something he’ll admit to, but he often steals your deodorant because he thinks it smells better.
His hair is soft, a strawberry blonde now from where he’d dyed it cherry pink on a whim weeks ago. When he’d come home with his new hair your pillow cases had already been weeping, but you’d surprisingly grown to love it. For all the years you’ve known him, his hair colour has ranged mainly between dark, chocolate brown and black. Seeing him with pink was like a breath of fresh air, and blonde is doing just as well.
It takes a lot of care, to keep his hair soft despite the bleaching. So you thoroughly massage the strands and rinse them out. He loves it when you wash his hair, it calms him as much as it calms you. He’s grown silent beneath your touch and you’re afraid he might just fall asleep on you. Driving for over six hours definitely wore him out.
Jungkook silently returns the favour, turning you around and washing your hair with care. He even goes as far as to put conditioner in and brush out all the little knots. There’s a comfort in the silence between the two of you and you find your bad mood clearing up more and more.
Once clean, Jungkook insists on drying you off, and you giggle as he wraps you into this huge, pink, fluffy towel. “Are you feeling a little better?” he asks when you sit wrapped up on the closed toilet. Another little quirk of your boyfriend is that he has to completely dry his hair before he goes to bed, so you watch him quickly take the blowdryer and turn his hair into a mess. You get a good look of his back muscles as he does so.
“A little,” you hum. You’re still stressed — mentally at least. Your body however is ready for snuggles and sleep. “I’m going to get dressed, don’t overheat your hair.” When you pass him, you press a stray kiss into the cusp of his shoulder that now smells like oranges and cloves.
As usual, you wear on of Jungkook’s oversized t-shirts to bed. The fact that he wears tighter shirts to bed than he does when he goes outside has always been a mystery to you. Just another one of those little things you learnt to love about him. His shirt is huge on you, the white material soft and lightly scented from a recent wash.
Your heart flutters a little when he exits the large bathroom, his hair all fluffy and soft. It makes him look a lot younger than he is, though many people often take him to be older. Luckily, you’re aware that he usually acts younger, his pouting and whining attesting to that. You love him no less because of it, if anything it makes you love him more.
Jungkook is very attuned to the people around him, he’s observing and caring. Depending on the situation he can be more serious, or childish — definitely one of his strong suits. The one thing about Jungkook that you wish would change is how hard he could be on himself. Something that shines through now as he stares as you sitting on the edge of the large, canopy bed.
There’s an awkwardness in his steps as he pulls his shirt over his head, a hesitation to join you on the bed. You grasp his hand, pulling him to stand in front of you so you can look up at him.
“Jungkook, tell me what’s on your mind.” There’s callouses on his fingers that are rough against your palm as you hold his hands tightly, slightly swinging from side to side.
He sighs, shoulders drooping. “I’m sorry.” There’s a little waver in his voice that you know all too well.
You stand up quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him close. He sinks into you, arms hugging you tightly around your waist — so tight you can barely breath for a moment. The slight nuzzle of his nose into your still damp hair hides the shakiness of his breath as he tried to hold himself in.
“It’s okay Jungkook,” you say as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles, “I just thought that coming here would make you feel better, because you’ve been so stressed the past months. I completely overlooked the fact that you wanted something actually relaxing. I just wanted to make you feel happy and I fucked up.”
You shake your head, cupping his cheeks. “Look at me.” He casts his eyes up and you’re glad to find them void of tears. “You didn’t fuck up. You tried your best, I know you did this for me and I should’ve been more appreciative. Lets just go out tomorrow and see how it goes.” You kiss his cheek, smiling gently at him.
Luckily, he eases up, returning your hug once more before catching you off guard by throwing you onto the large bed. You almost scream when you bounce on the soft mattress.
“If you throw me around one more time jungkook! I swear to God I will smack you!”
He laughs at your dramatic state, pulling the sheets from under you and quickly settling under them. Jungkook holds you as close as possible. Luckily for both of you, the air-conditioning in this room is good and you can comfortably settle into each other’s sides without sweating buckets. Not that that ever stops him, but it’s not something you’re particularly fond of.
His nose is pressed into your hair as you lay your head on his chest, right over where you can hear his heartbeat. He wraps his arms around you, fingers settling on your waist to make sure you can’t escape in the middle of the night. Sleeping like this is routine for you, even if you haven’t moved in together. Your apartment is usually your choice of home, and recently there’s been unfinished talks of the two of you living together — mostly in the form of fleeting comments and little jokes. But you really do think about moving in with him.
“Babe?” Jungkook whispers.
“Tomorrow, can you promise to give me control over the tickets and stuff? We can get a map and mark all the attractions we want to see first. We can get fast-passes and try to skip as many of the long lines as possible. Just let me take care of everything, okay? I promise I’ll look after you.” His voice is muffled by your hair and you seek out his hand to intertwine your fingers.
Giving Jungkook the control over the trip has you a little uneasy, only because you’re normally the one making sure everything runs smoothly. But, if you want to relax this might be the way to go about it. “Okay, I think I can do that.”
He tightens his fingers around yours, shifting into a more comfortable position. “If at any point you feel tired or stressed, we can just go back to the room. I want you to have fun, I don’t want this to drain you even more.”
You nod, pressing a small kiss to the skin just above his collar. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He settles into you, holds you and protects you from whatever may come. Like this you feel safest. Now you can relax and hope for sleep to find you. Nothing heals you more than being in Jungkook’s arms and you hope it’ll be enough to make you properly enjoy the next few days.
The next morning you wake to an empty bed and you stretch your fingers over the spot where Jungkook was supposed to be. Waking up alone wasn’t how you planned to start this day. “Kookie,” you whine, still half asleep. There’s no reply that follows, and you turn onto your back with a huff. It’s not until his soft grunts reach your ear that you realise what’s going on. “Jungkook,” you deadpan. “Are you really doing sit-ups right now?”
“Yes.” His answer is short, the exertion clear in his voice.
You find him lying on the floor by the foot of the bed, exercising his stomach muscles — truly an unnecessary practice at this moment. His abs are great, they will not disappear if he decides to cut this nonsense and sleep in with you for once. “We’re on a holiday, can’t you like…rest for once?”
Jungkook collapses onto the floor, cheat heaving after completing his reps. He gives you a stern look. “I’ve explained you before that if I want to maintain strength and muscle mass I wi—“
“Yeah, yeah.” You wave him off, sitting up. “Just go shower, it’s already 9am.”
He laughs, bending over the bed on his way to come kiss you. His chest is covered in a thin sheen of sweat and you try to push him off when he starts kissing down your neck teasingly. He chuckles into your skin, your fingers trailing up his bare sides out of habit.
You know where this is going. After dating Jungkook for this long you know what makes him tick — post workout sex definitely being on his list of needs. It’s something you certainly had to get used to. With a hand carding through his hair you turn to kiss him him softly.
He pouts. “But—“
“Oh please,” you chuckle. “I love you, I love having sex with you. You know that. But I’d rather not wear let you wear out before the day has even started.”
With a sigh, he plops down beside you. “But you’re going to be tired tonight, no?”
“Most likely.”
An exasperated groan leaves his lips as he gets up from the bed to go shower. He gives you one doe-eyed look, a playful one that contradicts his previous actions — he’s not usually this cute in bed.
You chuckle again. “If all you wanted on this vacation was to have sex with me, you should’ve gone for a resort. We could’ve had sex all day long. You’re the one who chose to spend money on a theme park — money that I refuse to let go to waste.” As much as you still weren’t looking forward to being amongst a mass of people and noise, you know you’ll feel guilty afterwards if you don’t go. Maybe you can take Jungkook upon his ‘stress-relief’ offer tomorrow. You’re certain he has some tricks up his sleeve.
He narrows his eyes at you, knowing very well that you have a solid point. If anything he can decide to jerk off in the shower because you’re not caving to him right now. It’s the price he’ll have to pay for taking you to Disneyland. Not that he would ever actually get mad at you for saying no. He’s no stranger to the fact that his sex drive is much higher than yours. You’ve never taken his pouting and slight begging as any sort of pressure, he never intends it as such. It’s just what he does, with everything.
Jungkook showers while you braid your hair in the bathroom and you have to keep wiping the mirror to make sure you can properly see yourself. The room is filled with the sounds of Jungkook singing Bare Necessities way too perfectly in tune even with the water pelting down on him. He showers quickly, and dries off only to meet you fiddling with the backpack in the bedroom.
“Stop that,” he says, pressing his warm chest into your back. The bag is taken out of your hands. “This is mine for today. You get to carry around your phone and your wallet. That’s it.”
You want to object, but you know what you agreed to the night before. Still, you’re stressed. You wonder if this is a good idea — you wish you could just snuggle back into bed with him again. Maybe you should’ve let him keep kissing you.
“Hey.” He turns you around, brushing his lips over the tip of your nose. “It’s going to be okay. What was it that Timon said? Hakuna Matata?”
“I think it was Pumbaa who said that.” Your voice is a mumble that dies into his kiss. His lips are indulgent, sliding over yours in a practiced manner. It’s a gentle kiss, one that comes with his hands smoothing down your back and your eyes fluttering closed.
Jungkook giggles into your lips when you stumble back a little, and he holds you from falling. “I’m pretty sure it was Timon.”
“Was not!” you exclaim, narrowing your eyes.
The discussion goes on for a while, he isn’t sure enough of his statement to pull out his phone and google it. Jungkook gets dressed, you put on your makeup, and you’re out of the door still low key squabbling about who exactly said Hakuna Matata first. Truly, you’re certain that you’re right, but you let Jungkook argue with pursed lips and wide eyes just because it’s cute.
Once outside you’re immediately hit with a mass of people. There’s a gigantic line in front of the park that makes you want to crawl back into bed. You should’ve left earlier, before the lines. This was a sign of how long of a day today would be, and you haven’t even had breakfast yet.
Jungkook takes your hand, interlacing your fingers and pulling you close to his side. He’s wearing an oversized t-shirt and those loose, dark grey pants he’s been wearing a lot lately. They have those little pockets and belts on the legs that look really good on him. Though, you’re still impartial to his tight, ripped skinny jeans.
In line, you don’t talk much, you’re a little overwhelmed with the amount of people and Jungkook tries to reassure you that it’ll be calmer inside the park. Maybe you do have a bit of an issue with crowds, or it’s just because you’re already stressed. Whatever it may be, having your boyfriend by your side makes you feel a little more secure. He seems to be holding himself back a for your sake, normally he’d be jumping up and down in a situation like that. After all, he’s still a kid at heart.
The crowd does disperse a lot inside, and you walk around freely near the entrance area in search of some food. You opt for donuts and some hot chocolate, walking further down to find a calm place to sit. You’re amazed at how beautiful the park is — all bright colours and pretty building and you stop to stare at the big castle marking the centre. It’s tall, and you wonder if you can go up to the top.
Jungkook chuckles as you stop, hand still clasped around yours. “We can go there if you want.”
You look up at him. “We can ?”
He nods, both his hot chocolate and your bag of donuts in one hand. “Yeah, I think you can take the stairs to the top. Would probably be a good workout for your cute butt.”
“Jungkook!” you scowl. “We’re in public!”
He’s laughing, bright smile showing bunny teeth that earned him one of the nicknames you use for him — sparingly so. He doesn’t always like being called ‘bunny’, especially around his friends. It’s cute that he lets you call him that sometimes, it’s something that just sort of slipped in.
The same way that Jungkook manages to easily slip you off to one side of the park after you’ve finished eating your breakfast. You immediately find yourself standing in line for an attraction. It quickly becomes clear why he chose this one. The Buzz-Lightyear themed ride features a shooting aspect and boy foes he do a little victory wiggle when he beats you.
You‘re not sure if he intentionally chose this, but you find yourself way more focused on the ride than your stressed out feelings when you go for a rematch. With all your power and ability you try to do better, but Jungkook still beats you by far. So, he gets to choose the next ride. Conveniently, his choice is right next door.
With a gleeful grin he pulls you towards the dark building housing some sort of rollercoaster. Space…something? You’re not sure because as soon as you’re inside the dark passage way for the line he pulls you into his chest and kisses you. It’s full of smiles and lingering touches and you find yourself seeking support on his shoulders as he stands against the wall. Both your arms circle around his neck as he lightly sucks on your bottom lip. There’s tingles running up your spine as he parts your lips with his, a soft groan tumbling from his throat.
You’re soon interrupted by the sound of people coming through the hall you’re currently hiding in. Jungkook parts from you, quickly turning to guide you forward as if you weren’t just starting to make out right there. With flushed cheeks you reach the end of the line and Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear about almost getting caught just now.
Where he seems unbothered, you feel a little more uneasy about it. Though, you’re not sure if the pounding of your heart is because Jungkook kissed you out of nowhere like that, or wether it is because people almost caught you. The feeling of his lips on yours lingers and he gives you a knowing look, leaning in to peck your lips a few times in quick succession.
You find these — you’re not even sure what to call Jungkook catching you off guard like that almost every other place you go to. Kissing him like that feels a little risky, but you can’t deny that you struggle to focus on anything else but him when he kisses you. Like the way he folds his fingers over your hips, or how he slides them into your hair. The warm feeling of his lips and the slight tease of his tongue against yours. It’s toe-curling.
“Jungkook,” you chuckle as he kisses you by the carousel. “There’s kids here, stop this.” His hand hovers dangerously low on your back and you shove him with your shoulder. The laugh he lets out fills your chest with warmth and you make sure he doesn’t stray too far from your side.
By now you’re certain the shape of his fingers is moulded between yours. He makes sure to keep holding hands when you’re walking around at all times. It’s comforting as you follow him around the park. Luckily, you’ve already gotten to see the one attraction you marked on the map, the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
Now, you find yourself joining the line to the Teacups even if you’d just eaten a bunch of snacks. Jungkook pulls you to lean against his chest as you wait in the shade. You toy with one of his bracelets as he places his hands over your stomach, kissing the top of your head.
Someone suddenly pulls your boyfriend’s shirt, making both of you look down to find a little boy standing next to you with a Mickey Mouse shaped lollipop in his hands. “Don’t you know she has cooties?” the kid exclaims with wide eyes.
Both you and Jungkook laugh at the comment. “Well,” Jungkook starts, pecking your cheek. “I’m not afraid of her cooties.”
You step on his toe in warning, worried that he’s going to make this weird somehow. “Jungk—“
“Why not?” the kid questions as the mom takes his hand and shoots you an apologetic look. Both of you wave it off.
“I’ll tell you a secret.” Jungkook lets go of you to get on his hunches in front of the boy. “She’s my girlfriend, and I love her very much.”
You blush as his words as if he doesn’t tell you he loves you every single day. Yet, it’s still strange to hear it come out of his mouth like this to a stranger.
The boy stares at him in awe, little eyes wide and confused. “So you ‘re like Aladdin and princess Jasmine?!”
Jungkook smiles wide with a nod. “Yes, exactly like that. And one day,  you will find your princess too.”
At his words the kid immediately scrunches up his nose. “Ew, no! I don’t want a girlfriend!”
The conversation is sadly interrupted by the line moving on, and you find yourself laughing until your stomach hurts as Jungkook does his best to make your teacup spin as fast as possible. Both of you stumble over yourself when you exit, holding onto the rails and eachother white painful check from how wide you’re smiling.
Later, you find yourself slowly climbing up the countless flights of stairs in the castle. You said you wanted this, but the burning in your legs makes you regret your decision. Jungkook on the other hand seems fine, and you curse yourself for not going to the gym with him more often. The pain is worth it though, from the top balcony you can look out over the entire park.
Jungkook is holding you tightly to him and you turn to look up at him and seek out his lips. They’re sweet, and he seems a little taken aback that you’re the one kissing him this time. He responds with a small gasp followed by a sigh, one hand coming up to cup your cheek as the other rests over yours on the balustrade. This time however, the kiss lasts longer, both of you forgetting that you’re not alone. His tongue slips past your lips and you meet him halfway, kissing him with a slight smile. Your toes curl at the feeling, so full in your chest. Jungkook dips a little deeper, nose brushing against yours while you trail a hand up his back.
The second you hear someone clear their throat you stop, cheeks turning red and hiding your face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. He  apologises under his breath, nosing into your hair while both of you calm down a little. Your chest is pressed against his and you force your stomach to stop fluttering in excitement.
“We should probably go back downstairs,” Jungkook whispers in your ear.
You nod, following him down the stairs and finding yourself in a shop trying on various weird headbands. Most of them have Mickey Mouse ears in various colours, but you opt for the ones that are a plain black, checking yourself out in the mirror.
Jungkook has briefly left your side to go check out the t-shirts. His sudden whisper in your ear scares the living day-light out of you. “Please fuck me with those Mickey Ears on.”
You whirl around, relieved to see that nobody is near but you smack him in the chest anyways.
“Hey!” he yelps, rubbing his harmed peck.
“Jungkook! We’re in public, you need to stop trying to rile me up!” you squeal.
He frowns, stepping closer. “Is it working?” There’s a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows that indicates he’s joking but you still shoot him a glare. “Well, I for one think that I’ll be thinking about that kiss just now for a few days.”
Quickly, you cover his mouth with your hand. “Stop it!” It’s half-hearted, because you laugh while doing so. It’s the lick he gives to your palm that makes you retreat. You wipe his own spit on his shirt with a scowl.
Jungkook ends up buying you the ears, saying that they do actually look cute on you — not that you don’t believe him. It’s just that now you’re actually thinking about having sex with him while wearing them, which is not much of a pleasing thought. He really knows how to get you just annoyed enough to pout at him but never annoyed enough to get you angry. A magic line.
“So, where to now?” he asks, munching on a cookie.
“I know that it’s not here, but I want to go in that hotel thing.” You remember seeing it on the map when you were eating breakfast, and it looked really fun. Normally, you’re not one to go for scary rides, but that one looked interesting. That said, Jungkook will pull you to do anything so you’re gradually being forced out of your roller-coaster fear. He just needs to stop joking about taking you bungee jumping.
Eventually, Jungkook manages to navigate you back to the entrance and towards the other park where that ‘hotel thing’ is. Well, it doesn’t appear to be what you thought it’d be. You quickly find yourself holding onto your boyfriend’s arm as you are shoved into a tiny room with a bunch of other people.
“Don’t worry, it’s just part of the show,” Jungkook whispers into your ear as he strokes his fingers up and down your back. Meanwhile, your eyes can’t stop eyeing the screen on which an eerie video starts playing. It’s upon the loud crashing sound of thunder that you jump and Jungkook has to shield you from whatever is happening. Once you enter the next waiting aree, he’s laughing about it. Sadly, your heart Is still pounding and it takes him a few seconds to realise that you’re actually terrified.
His laughter quickly dies then, and he spends five minutes hugging you and trying to make sure you’re okay — even asking if you want to leave. To this, you shake your head. You’re determined to stay because you didn’t just go through all of that to just walk out. Jungkook holds your hand, all the way into the elevator.
He doesn’t let go once the ride goes up, and you squeeze his fingers when the ride suddenly free-falls thirteen stories. Your stomach lurches and tingles with the drop, a scream being forced out of your lungs followed by ecstatic laughter when the ride goes back up.
Once you exit, you’re giddy, adrenaline rushing through your veins. Jungkook follows you, catching you around the waist and crashing his lips to yousr for what seems like the hundredth time that day. However, this time it’s different. His lips are demanding, forceful on yours and you let him slip his tongue into your mouth to seek control. The way he suddenly moans into you has a shiver running up your spine.
His blonde hair is soft as you grip it, Jungkook not stopping. He keeps kissing you, swallowing all the little sounds you make as he nibbles and sucks on your bottom lip. Your fingers dig into the back of his neck, scratching lightly over his scalp. Your heart pounds and you feel like your floating. Both of you part with swollen lips and flushed cheeks — one look between the two of you is enough to know.
“Hotel room?” Jungkook asks, wiping a little smudge of lip balm from under your bottom lip. His are stained with the tint, and inviting sight.
You stare heaving chest, no longer paying attention to whoever might have just seen you make out with him. “Yeah.”
Now he’s excited, smile beaming and making butterflies erupt in your stomach. Jungkook and you all but sprint to the hotel room, rushing through the crowds, laughing and kissing on your way there. You stumble into the room, making out well before you get the door open.
Jungkook’s tongue slides into your mouth again and you keen, fingers digging into his shoulders. The door is shut, and the adrenaline finally starts to dissipate from your veins. Your heart steadies, the kiss slows, until the two of you are just lazily making out in the middle of the room. There’s little timid moans coming from his throat and you muffle them as you keep the kiss going. The same floating feeling appears again, gentle and steady as he holds you.
Kissing Jungkook has always been amazing. It’s something he does very passionately and tenderly. He’s able to tailor his kiss to the moment and right now, his kiss this is all you need to finally let the last bit of worry slip from your fingers. You realise — as he stops kissing you — that aside from your little breakdown in the Hollywood Tower Hotel, you’ve been having an amazing day. It’s been all smiles and laughter and just pure enjoyment. You haven’t even thought about work, or anything worrisome ever since you entered the park.
Is Jungkook’s strategy working?
He’s panting against your lips, forehead resting on yours. It seems as if words are lingering on his tongue but he’s unsure of how to say them — hesitating. He brushes his nose against yours.
“You okay?” you ask.
Jungkook nods. “Yeah, I just — I want to make sure you’re feeling okay.”
You frown, leaning back a little. “Yeah, I’m great, why are you asking all of a sudden?”
A sigh leaves his lips, fingers tightening around your waist. “I feel bad about whining for sex, and I don’t know if you want to right now or if I’m still overstepping.”
“Overstepping?” you repeat. “Jungkook, you were never overstepping baby.” You touch his cheek, making sure he keeps his gaze on you. With your hand in his you pull him to sit down on the bed. “Don’t worry about such things, I know you’d never to anything to pressure me. You stopped playing and whining as soon as I said I was serious. All is good bun.”
The same pout you are mentioning appears on his lips, slightly jutting out as his eyes widen in concern. “I just feel bad.”
“Well,” you say, swinging a leg over his and settling in his lap. “You don’t have to. I trust you to respect my boundaries but if you’re really worried about overstepping we can always be more explicit with consent.”
Your fingers trace the collar of his white t-shirt, his hands settling firmly on your waist as you rest on his thighs. Jungkook awaits your words with parted lips, cheeks still tinted a slight pink. Every word you said was truthful, you didn’t think he would feel this way about his own actions. In your eyes, Jungkook’s soft begging is just a cute quirk, not a manipulative trick. Hell, he whines even when you do give in to him.
There is one solid way to make your point however. You slowly trail one hand down his chest to grip the waistband of his pants through his shirt. “Do you want me to suck you off, baby?”
His eyes widen, eyebrows raising to disappear under his light fringe. “Are you being serious?”
You let out a chuckle, breath fanning over his cheek as you lean in to his ear. “Very serious. I think you deserve a reward for taking care of me so well today.” Your fingers settle tighter around his waistband, fingers pushing the fabric of his shirt deeper. “But only if you want to.”
“Yes, please,” he begs almost, eyes fluttering closed as you place a soft kiss on his earlobe. Immediately, he turns more pliant upon you peppering soft kisses down his jawline and neck, soft sighs emanating through the room. The faint scent of orange and cloves still lingers on his skin from his showers, but it’s mixed with the faint smell of sweat and his perfume. It’s familiar, and almost comforting. He presses your chest to his, a tempered moan breaking his resolve as you properly settle over his crotch.
It’s never taken a lot of work to get him going, he’s as eager as always. Eager to please, and to be pleased. Jungkook is never static, never the same, and tonight you can feel his willingness to give you some of the reigns.
“Will you undress for me?” you ask, kissing back up to his cheek.
Jungkook looks at you, still coming back from wherever his mind had wandered as you kissed him. He shakes himself, licking his lips. “Wait, when you’ll give me a blowjob, do you mean…” he trails his words, too shy to speak what he’s thinking.
This is why you never worried about Jungkook crossing boundaries — you had a really long and hard talk about it when the two of you became more serious. Both of you were completely transparent about what you liked and disliked and neither of you ever went past that. When Jungkook gives you a doe-eyed look you know what he’s asking, and you’re willing to give it to him.
“Yeah, I do. So undress for me and lay back on the bed.”
Now he gives an eager nod as you slide off his lap. You turn your back on him, walking over to the suitcase to retrieve some stuff in cause you’d need it. It’s never certain how things are going to play out for the two of you, but you’re happy to see that Jungkook has listened to your request.
He’s sitting against the mass of pillows by the headboard, only wearing his boxers that fit snugly around his hips. There’s no denying his obvious arousal already straining against the light blue fabric. It gives you a sudden surge of pride, knowing that you can turn him on so easily.
The way his expectant gaze falls upon you makes you grow even bolder. You unbutton your jeans, slowly sliding them down your legs as he watches, no words spoken. There’s no rule for that, but you quickly learnt with him that he likes being obedient from time to time. It’s something you’d originally been hesitant about, but after one try you’d definitely learnt to love it.
Once you have discarded your jeans, you crawl over the bed, sliding your hand up his bake leg. You whisper his name, kissing up his stomach. He hums in reply, closing his eyes and throwing his head back as you keep going up and up and up until you reach his collarbone. There, you slightly sink in your teeth. “I said, undress. That means everything.”
He blushes all the way down to his chest as you speak softly into his skin. Under you, he shifts, quickly getting rid of his boxers and laying down more properly.
“Good, now relax for me baby.” With a hand on his chest you reassure him. You kiss back down his chest, mouth hovering briefly over his nipple to flick your tongue at it and watch him arch his back into it. The little gasp he lets out is like music to your ears.
By the time you’re done lavishing your mouth over his torso he is fully hard and waiting for your with squirming hips. You press him down, and he whines in the back of his throat as your fingers brush so close to where he needs you. Though, he knows you won’t go down on him until he lays still, so he obliges with your gesture.
“Please,” he begs as you suck on the skin right under his hip-bone. He marks so easily there, you can never resist to nibble a little firmer.
“You ready?” you ask, tracing a pattern with your tongue right beside the base of his member that lays hard on his stomach.
He nods again, eyes shut tightly, head buried in the pillows. “Yeah, please just — fuck.” He groans loudly, fist coming up between his teeth to stifle his sounds as soon as you put your tongue on him.
You lick up from base to tip, savouring the salty taste of him as you curve to tease right under the crown. It drives him insane — he’s very sensitive. The second you wrap your lips around his tip he bucks his hips into your mouth and you have to give him a warning pinch at his side. He stills with a whispered apology, trying to control his breathing as you put your mouth back on him.
He is hot, twitching as you swirl your tongue around him. Jungkook whines — a gorgeous sound that you know you’ll hear a lot more of tonight. There’s nothing that makes him come faster than your mouth sinking down on his cock and sucking hard. He loves it. This is why most of the time, blowjobs are reserved for quickies — or a very long drawn out session that has him coming more than once. Tonight, it’s the latter.
You sink down, hand steadying him as you stretch your jaw to accommodate his length. With your tongue flattened at the underside, you hollow out your cheeks and start a tight rhythm that has him moaning loudly before you even manage to take him all the way. His sounds are like a symphony, sweet and drawn out. You’re spurred on by it, taking a deep breath before letting him slip into your throat.
Jungkook’s the one who chokes, hand coming up to your hair to hold you down. You breathe steadily as you let him, looking up to find him still with eyes closed. To grab his attention you touch him, hand sliding up his stomach to brush over a nipple.
“Babe — shit.” His words die as soon as he sees you looking up at him with glazed-over eyes and his cock stuffed in your mouth.
You chuckle, vibrations sending him into a frenzy. There’s no need to draw this out, you know he won’t last long. So you set up a steady bobbing, lips closed tightly around him as you watch him intently. His eyes are set on you, unable to look away as you make sure to flick your tongue over his slit every time.
The second his stomach starts to tighten under your hand you know to choose for pace over depth. Tonight, giving him head is only a means to a further play, one of which the thought alone could arouse him.
That’s the other reason he’s already bowing off the bed in pleasure. He grumbles, hand sliding from your hair and whining that he’s close.
You slide off with an obscene pop, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his tip. The sight of him so lost is enough to make you want to touch yourself, but you know that you’ll get your fill. It’s just a little more waiting.
With a tight grip you stroke him just right, short little bursts right over his tip. He moans, back arching off the bed again and then, you stop.
Jungkook trashes, blonde hair sticking to his forehead, lips pulled into a tight line as he hovers on the edge.
“More,” he whimpers as he sinks back into the mattress, breathing ragged.
You follow his guidance, wrapping your hand back around him to take him that little bit further — giving him that extra push until he —
Jungkook’s hand flies up to your wrist, stopping you mid motion as he twitches. You stare, his cock jumps once, twice, until cum starts to dribble from his tip. His entire body shivers, fingers almost bruising around your wrist as he moans softly.
As he comes down from his ruined high you straighten up, sliding your absolutely soaked panties down your legs and sitting over his lap. Jungkook’s eyes snap open the second he feels you over him. His hands immediately flying up to your thighs, fingers digging in.
“Wait,” he pants, trembling as you wrap your fingers around the base of his member again.
You soothe him, stroking him once to get him to whimper with overstimulation. There’s a little pool of cum on his stomach and you trail a finger through it, spreading it over his skin.
“Fuck,” he whispers as you stroke him again. After his peak he remains half-hard. Ever since you accidentally ruined his orgasm once, he’s gotten more and more into it.
With a small kiss to his chest, you meet his eyes briefly and shift up to position him at your entrance. “You ready?”
Jungkook whines again, fingers digging deeper into your thighs. There’s going to be bruises tomorrow, but you can’t care. Each little movement of your hand causes him to twitch and brush against your core as he’s slowly growing fully hard again.
“Words Jungkook.”
“Yes — fuck — yes, please.”
There’s nothing else you need to hear, finally letting him slip inside. You’re so wet and aroused you barely feel the stretch of him as the head breaches you easily. Jungkook shivers, thighs trembling as you sink down slowly. This is still one of the first times you have sex without a condom, and you’re still not prepared for the feeling. It’s like you can feel ever little ridge and vein as he presses against your walls. You have to hold yourself steady on his chest. Getting an IUD was the best decision you ever made.
Jungkook trashes violently, stomach muscles tightening as he hisses when you clench down on him. You can’t help it, it feels so, so good. It’ s divine and you feel your entire body quivering as you sit up. He slides even deeper, a choked moan coming from you as he hits all the right spots.
“Wait,” he croaks when you go to move, fingers tight on your waist to keep you to him. “I feel like I’m going to come already — just please wait.”
You listen to his words, spreading your thighs to rest comfortably. He slides so deep you have to control your own pelvic muscles, but you manage to relax a little as he waits for his sensitivity to pass. His chest heaves so beautifully, muscles straining and covered in sweat. Jungkook trembles, hands attempting to hold you as still as possible.
There’s nothing that could’ve prepared you for how good this would feel, and having him still bask in the pleasure-pain of overstimulation under you is only adding to your arousal. You don’t think either of you are going to last long this way. With deep breaths you try to control yourself a little, hands soothingly rubbing his sides.
His breathing slowly evens out, and you draw a hesitant circle with your hips. He groans, but doesn’t stop you. You don’t move much, just a gentle back and forth of your hips that is enough to make both of you moan loudly. He’s so hard — you can feel every inch of him inside of you — it’s too good.
You take his hands from your waist, interlacing your fingers. This you use to steady yourself, hands leaning on his as you slowly start to move more and more. The slide is smooth, the friction just right, and at the angle you have he brushes over the bundle of nerves inside of you every time you sink down.
There’s something intimate about this moment that makes your heart swell. The way you’re holding hands, how his eyes keep skimming your body only to settle back onto yours. His pupils are dilated, almost completely black as he holds your gaze. Every single time you bottom out he falters a little, lips parting with a gasp.
“More,” he groans, straining his neck.
Sliding your thighs close to his body, you lift yourself until only the tip of him is inside. Then, you slam down, ass smacking against his thighs as you do so. You repeat, picking up a slow, hard pace that has him groaning deeper and deeper.
There’s a change in him, the locking of his jaw, the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Jungkook’s brows furrow as he closes his eyes, grumbling something under his breath as you try your best to keep your rhythm despite the burning of your thighs. You’re growing tired even as your pleasure keeps building. You try to focus on him, the way he reacts to you, in order to stave off your own impending peak.
Jungkook lets go of one of your hands, gripping your ass firmly instead. He zones in on where he can see his dick disappearing between your folds, your thighs shaking from exertion. There’s an ease in pressure as he helps lift you — guiding you into a more smooth rhythm that has you almost collapsing forward. He knows the angles, knows where you like it best — more so than you do.
“Kook,” you whine.
“Can we switch?” he asks, voice deeper than before.
It’s not unusual for Jungkook to take a sudden change like this. To go from being absolutely wrecked underneath you, to fucking you hard in a few seconds. “You want to top?”
He gives you a firm look. It has you almost whimpering. “You feel so good bare like this,” he says. “I want to make you come.” His voice has morphed into a deep drawl, ruined from moaning and whining. You can feel the vibrations go straight to your core and when you clench you find yourself pathetically whimpering at the sensation.
You’re close, too close almost, and you know he must be too. The way he twitches inside of you is a tell-tale sign. There’s no way he couldn’t be, with how good it feels to have each other like this — intimate in the dirtiest way possible.
“Okay,” you breathe, taking your last bit of strength to slide off him slowly. Both of you hiss loudly when he slips out, cock slapping down onto his stomach. It’s wet, your juices having dripped all over him and your thighs.
Where you barely have any strength left, Jungkook helps you roll over and finally pull your shirt and bra off your body. You find yourself on your back, nestles comfortably against the pillows as he kisses you. That is what you missed, that little thing you needed to feel complete. His mouth, warm and familiar, kissing you deeply as one of his hands massages your thigh. A pathetic little sound comes out of your mouth as Jungkook reaches between you to grab himself and tease your folds with his tip. He keeps kissing you all the while he does so.
“Jungkook,” you moan, nails digging into his back and legs wrapping around his waist. “Just — yes.”
He slides home in one smooth trust, bottoming out and pausing with his hips pressed flush to yours. Your open-mouthed kiss has a soothing feeling that makes your mind swim easily. The way he feels inside of you, the slight stretch, it’s even better at this angle. That, combined with his tongue languidly gliding across yours — you’re seeing stars already. Little tingles dance over you skin.
“I love you,” Jungkook whispers against your mouth.
“I love you too.”
It’s as if he’s spurred on by the affection — suddenly moving with a new-found vigour. He goes steady, smooth and shallow. He makes absolutely sure to hit all the spots you need him to, circling his hips every time he bottom out. He doesn’t falter when you start clenching down on him not when his own moans start to pick up. Even when you whine his name he keeps on steadily. All he is focussed on right now is making the two of you come.
That delicious feeling pools in your stomach, climbing and climbing until it’s strung so tight you have to beg him for that little extra push. “Please, Jungkook.” You slip a hand between your bodies, fingers seeking out your clit.
“No,” he almost growls where his head is hidden in the crook of your neck.
Withdrawing your hand immediately, you close your eyes tightly. He feels amazing, rubbing against your walls. Jungkook laps up the side of your neck, licking and sucking at random intervals. One of his hands finds yours, fingers intertwining beside your head. Your heart fluttering easily at the gesture.
Like this, you feel more connected than you ever have. With his face buried in your shoulder, hips and chest sliding against yours as both of you moan in chorus.
There’s a heavy feeling in your chest, one that adds to the one inside your core as you run your fingers through his hair.
He leans up to look at you, eyes heavy-lidded with pleasure and lips red from kissing you. “I want you to come like this — fuck.” There it is, your own little crux. Like overstimulation for Jungkook, dirty talk is the one thing that will send you straight over the edge. “Want you to come from my cock only. Can you do that for me baby?”
You nod quickly, fingers brushing his cheek. “Kiss me.”
He does, lips moulding over yours as he increases his speed more and more. Your hand that isn’t intertwined with his, scratches down his back, coming to grab at his ass to spur him on. He presses his hips flush to yours, rolling motions making you feel his length entirely. How snug he is inside of you, the pressure of it — you can feel yourself tumbling towards your orgasm fast.
Jungkook keeps rutting into you, trying to hold himself back for you. You can feel it in the flex of his muscles, hear it in his strangled moans that are drowned out on your tongue. “Fuck, I’m so close,” he groans. “Come for me.” The consistent drag of his cock against your walls combined with those words falling so naturally from his lips are enough to send you over the edge.
You can’t even warn him on time. With a silent scream you fall apart around him, body shuddering as he presses his chest to yours. Jungkook holds you, grounds you, fucking you steadily through your orgasm.
The stars behind your eyes slowly disappear as Jungkook’s moans peak and he comes with a grunt inside your still twitching core. His hand tightens almost painfully around yours as he does so. You moan as soon as you feel him come — the sensation of him cum filling you up entirely new. It’s warm, and as he rides out his high you’re almost sent into overstimulation yourself.
He stops right as you whimper, still lodged deep inside of you — as is his cum. “Fuck.”
You let out a giddy sound, a wonderful feeling spreading through your body as you stroke his sweaty hair. Jungkook’s still half lying over you, legs tangled as he softens inside of you. “Baby,” you whisper, pressing your lips to the top of his head.
“Just a little longer,” he mumbles into your chest, mouth grazing your nipple. There’s no urgency, no purpose behind the gesture — Jungkook just gently kisses and sucks at your chest and neck as you both come down. It’s warm, snug, and you feel so full everywhere. Your fingers tremble, still holding his hand tightly over your other side.
He reaches his free hand down between your legs, spreading your sensitive folds where you’re still connected and sliding his fingers through the mess he finds there. There’s a gentle warning before he pulls out slowly. You hiss at the feeling — whimpering as soon as his cum starts to dribble out of you. Jungkook can’t stop looking at it, entranced by the sight of your pussy dripping with him.
“Fuck, this is so hot,” he mumbles, fingers sliding over your folds to collect the mess and gently press it back inside of you. “We should’ve done this sooner.” In between the look of pure captivation and lust, there’s a sense of fondness as Jungkook gently toys with the mess between your legs. You’re still sensitive, and he’s wary of it, only slightly pressing inside of you.
You let him, basking in the feeling of him enjoying you so much. There’s love in his movement, care in his touch that smears over your thighs. “Kookie,” you whisper, grazing between his shoulders.
He looks up at you, eyes slowly softening as you both withdraw the veils of pleasure. “You okay?”
“I am. I just want to go clean up. ’S that okay?” You caress his cheek, stroking the smooth curve of his cheekbone. As he leans in to kiss your palm you smile, knowing that this is where you want to be for the rest of your life — in Jungkook’s arms.
Slowly, he helps you up, body tired from the entire day. As much as you both loved this new feeling — Jungkook coming inside of you — he still helps you diligently rinse yourself in the shower. You’ll probably get used to it, especially if he’s going to run you a bath every time you have sex now.
You find yourself sitting between his legs, head resting against his shoulder as he rubs soothing circles on your stomach. It’s peaceful, no words need to be said but you speak them anyways — because you want to. “I love you so much.”
As if startled by your confession, he stops his motions, taking a few beats to answer you. “I love you to. But — and don’t get me wrong — why are you saying it like that?”
To your own surprise, your throat constricts as you sit in the tub with him. He was so attentive, making sure that all your needs are met before he even considered sitting down with you. You’re certain not a lot of guys would do the same — you are lucky with him. He is one of a kind and you wish you could hold on to him forever. “Nevermind,” you whisper, holding the tears that sting in the corners of your eyes. From this angle, you’re sure he can’t see.
His lips glide over your shoulder. “No, it’s okay, you can tell me.”
A deep breath reveals how unsteady you are, and Jungkook looks up in concern at the tremble. “I just love you — a lot, and I want us to last. I want to have you in my life for a very long time.” You speak so silently you fear he might not have heard. “I think you are the most beautiful, gentle, and fun person I have ever had the chance of being with and you know me so well. You’re always here to take care of me. I enjoyed myself so much today, I didn’t even think about anything bad the entire time we were out. And I don’t want to loose that happiness you give me — I don’t want to lose you.” You’re rambling and Jungkook’s awfully silent, lips and nose pressed into your shoulder as he listens to your words. “Can you just…stay with me?”
“Where else would I go?” he asks, wavering voice giving away his emotions.
You shrug. “I don’t know. Away?”
He shakes his head, kissing your cheek. “I’m not going anywhere babe, I promise.” Jungkook cradles you closer, folding you against him as you lean to press your forehead to his temple. He lets you, fingers slipping between yours where they are home like you are home with him.
You don’t cry despite the lump in your throat, because you feel too happy to cry — too safe. The feeling of loving him — being loved by him — it’s overwhelming you so suddenly. It’s settled deep in your chest and you find yourself craving him closer even like this. “Move in with me?”
“Okay,” he answers, so easily that you’re stunned.
“Are you serious?” You ask wide-eyed, twisting to look at him properly.
Jungkook nods with sparkling eyes. “Yeah, I’ll talk to my landlord when we get back. I’ve been meaning to ask but I wasn’t sure if you were…ready to take that step yet.”
You shake your head at him vigorously, almost slipping in the tub when you lean up to kiss him. “I can’t wait to wake up next to you every day,” you mumble against his mouth.
His lips stretch into a smile, even feeling it is more than enough to make your heart flutter. “Me too.”
© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
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coolgirl · 5 years
Hey what's Jason's relationship with nocturna? It's the first time I've heard of her😣 and nothing on her wikia mentioned anything about Jason. She seems interesting character and I would like to know more about her.
okay I went. A little insane. Here's a retelling of her pre crisis arc, long as hell  
(this part covers Batman #529 / Detective Comics #363 / Batman #530) ok for some context: it’s pre crisis, meaning this Jason was also a circus boy. He has recently lost his parents, and was taken by Bruce, but isn’t dealing with the loss well, finding himself missing his past life. PLUS Bruce isn’t allowing him to be his partner, and that has him sad as well. 
SO he wants to go back to the circus, since hes lonely and directionless etc.
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NOW. ENTER NATALIA KNIGHT! Shes a villain, think.. Catwoman meets Poison Ivy? She’s a thief, but seduces men to do the stealing mostly. 
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Her backstory is basically that she was an orphan living in the streets, and met who will then become his adoptive parent Charles Knight when she was 12. When she’s already an adult, Charles gets killed, and she finds out he had big money bags bc he was a criminal. and she said. awn man i like being rich. well. time to do crimes.
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she’s rlly into the night and the stars (she was the head of the observatory, which Bruce was funding through his company or w/e)
anyways. she gets away, Jason helps bruce find her (but! bruce wouldnt le him help which rlly hurt jason), and as her and her partner anton are getting away (again) batman catches up to them, but only manages to bring anton to justice, while Nocturna escapes in like. one of those giant balloons idk whats the name
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the issue ends with Nocturna/Natalia sending Bruce money for the maintenance of the observatory and with Jason deciding to leave
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NOW onto the next part. So in this issue we have Jason escaping home, Bruce going to court against Natalia’s partner Anton, and Natalia just vibing around, and she happens to find Jason running away from home, and they have a conversation in which she tries to convince him to go back home.
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but Jason. well.
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So Bruce gets back home and Alfred tells him about Jason running away, and bruce, in real bruce fashion, is all like ughg i shouldve listened to him.. well lets go get him. and alfred is like. sir. do i have to remind u u arent his legal guardian yet. u have no right to decide where he stays.
so bruce is like ugh fine. i’ll go patrol then. which he does, and turns out Nocturna was trying to help Anton escape, and well it fails, and she gets captured too. 
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and that’s that for Natalia… for now ;)
NOW. this isn’t relevant for Natalia & Jason but again some context. Covers um  covers fuck a bunch of issues. SO. what happens in this time
jason goes back to the circus but is deeply unhappy
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he’s still doing detective work. hasnt seen bruce or alfred in a while
alfred visits
case stuff case stuff case stuff it was the clown all along
Jason ends up helping Bruce, since they were both working the same case separately, and they make up
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NOW. a lot of shit happens not relevant to nocturna. Jason isnt robin for a while, then he uses Dicks costume, then bruce gets mad at him for that bc its not his costume, so jason uses his own costume, then dick gives him the robin costume, so jason becomes robin. um stuff stuff happens and all it matters is the panel below.
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her comeback arc kinda starts in batman #374, where this lady is like hold on.. bruce wayne isnt jasons legal guardian wtf, is he even fit to have a kid?
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so she starts digging around, asking questions 
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and shes like yea this is real fishy, give me that kid
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so bruce and jason try to behave like uh yes no robin and batman business. let that kid be a kid.
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but welp.
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and so.. Jason is taken away :( and both of them are heartbroken :( 
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but u know what! bruce wayne is one stubborn fucker! and he will fight to have the legal guardianship!
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and even if they’re not living together anyomre they’re still the dynamic duo in a way, which like. lol. this lady took this kid away bc she was worried about him but he still ran away.. tch tch tch.
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they’re both rlly depressed about the situation
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NOW. SHES BACK. look at this epic cover
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shes now parterning w a dude named nightshade or smth, and he like. rlly wants to hit that, but shes like um pause ⏸️✋my love is the night. the dude, like every other man, is like so im not getting anything from this? fuck u, and leaves. shes like whatevers, ugh how annoying i dont have a partner again & anton is still in prison… &  while shes again chilling she finds out about Bruce trying to legally adopt jason & recognizes jason from the time they talked
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& goes to visit him
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and theres also this dude, whos not rlly relevant for now, will try to stop bruce from adopting jason which will be relevant later hehe (there's a whole subplot with him and bullock but like it's not rlly relevant to Jason n Natalia) (shrug emoji)
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and so. Bruce finds out..
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and so the cover becomes a reality, Bruce and Natalia WILL fight in a chuck n cheese parking lot to become Jason’s parent.. and Natalia may try to pull a reverse card on Bruce
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and well. Bruce rlly has no chance now does he? and turns out Jason wants this to happen since hes convinced he can unreveal Natalia’s secrets from the inside
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and a lil sweet moment between father & son
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and then a moment with Amanda, who, in my opinion, did nothing wrong ever
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meanwhile Anton comes back, tells Nocturna he killed the dude that was bothering her, and she gets PISSSSEDD OFF shes like u TARNISHED the night by SPILLING BLOOD, u absolute BEAST, Bruce gets there, some weird stuff happens that aged rlly poorly, then Nocturna stabs Anton to save Bruce, turns out she knows hes batman, again shes like marry me to have our son (Jason) and hes like no! and leaves. While Bruce tries to find Anton, Jason is like ive HAD IT i wanna go out, but Natalia stops him
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then the next morning Amanda gets her head straight and talks to Jason
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but well Jason is hellbent on exposing Natalia from the inside or w/e, and eventually she gets the custody, even if Amanda tries to convince him and the judge Bruce is a better choice (since she noticed Jason clearly favors him and was in pain when he wasnt at the wayne manor)
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and everyone is coddling Bruce which im adding bc its cute and i miss this relationship Bruce had with Vicki and Julia 
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MEANWHILE, at the knight house. mad hatter is a a weird creepy rat bastard n tries to get control of Natalia & get the information of her brain or smth. Batman gets there & we get a Batman vs Controlled nocturna fight and then Robin also arrives and its Batman & Robin vs Nocturna, but B tells Jason to focus on getting Mad Hatter, which he does and then gets Nocturna back to normal whatever, and she again asks Bruce to marry her, which hes again like no thank u! the issue ends with this page which is rlly sweet imo
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next up Anton is back but it doesnt matter rlly. a woman is tending to him, n because shes blind hes like. im batman. yeah. and she believes it. 
AND then Jason is formally adopted by Natalia
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Jason is still trying to find proof that shes evil, and they share a moment. 
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but jason is like. gotta fight crime! and so Natalia is like well i tried. wanna go be robin a bit?
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Batman & Robin go after mad hatter, and then Nocturna joins them bc shes epic
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and takes jay home bc its a school night smh
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Natalia & Jason spend some time together but Jason still doesn’t warm up to Natalia which like. makes sense since shes a villain and all that, but she tries nevertheless
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and then everyones most hated bitch comes back (Yes, anton) n he attacks Natalia, and then Jason when he hears the ruckus and goes to help
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but gets a chop
but! Bruce was just on his way to visit them so 
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fight fight bruce gets shot in the head n gets amnesia and thinks the dude anton shot & killed was him
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Anton swaps their costumes n makes Bruce believe that Anton is batman not him? or smth
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afterwards Jason blames himself
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and him & Natalia team up to find Bruce which includes.. carrying a corpse around
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for three days (well. nights) anton just runs around stealing n shit dressed as batman, n bruce is. literally chilling on a rooftop. alfred is losing his mind bc !? jason hasnt contacted him!? about what happened!? but Julia comes home and comforts him
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gotham is a lil in chaos with gordon vicki vale n bullock being suspicious, and the girl who was helping anton finds the stuff he stole and realizes hes not batman.
on the fourth night Jason n Natalia find Anton
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n they fight him
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but Anton gets the upper hand w Nocturna so Jason jumps in to defend her
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and then Nocturna defends Jason bc thats his baby
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but Anton doesnt get like. killed w that ofc, and hes like fuck u i’ll kill u one day but when the kid isnt here and after batman has fallen, bye (throws jason from building)
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and Natalia reagroup n well.. some things are said
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bc like even if Nocturna is helping shes a villain.. right? (thinking emoji)
meanwhile Bruce finally got his mind back. not important. who cares. the lady who was helping Anton goes to the police to tell them about Anton/fake batman dun dun dun. but Anton finds out and knocks out the policeman who went w the girl (Tina!) to check for proof n shit.
and guess whos back! amanda!
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back to new dynamic duo
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so Jason the little rascal (can i say hes a rascal when hes doing the hero thing n trying to expose a criminal?) goes looking for proof that Natalia is Nocturna n stuff, and finds some stolen things
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1. singsonging.. hes such a little shit lmaoo, 2. she was worried… pause…
anyways. they have a confrontation 
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in which Natalia swears shes reformed, but Jason doesnt buy it, and is like. im gonna get gordon! and Natalia is like.. do what u think is best
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but. he can’t do it..
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n hes like. well shes not bad anymore.. i wish i could go back to bruce without sending her to prison which… please development..  n natalia DOES want his love..
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AND THEN! BRUCE IS BACK! and he teams up with Nocturna to find Anton, but its just their luck Amanda sees them
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they do sm stuff not relevant and then Bruce is like go back to ur son now, and Natalia is like.. OUR son :)
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well whatever whatever they get Anton, Bruce goes back to being Batman, they clear his reputation, Jason goes back to the manor since Amanda saw Natalia, etc
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(he munches he crunches) also im gonna add this that isnt relevant bc its just so funny, buenos dias alfred
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anyways stuff hapens, like idk 14 issues without nocturna, the most important bit that happened is that selina is back. which she was gone. yeah. but shes back and around.
ANYWAYS! 15 issues later! shes back! some dudes entered her old observatory n were vandalizing and she was like hold up
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meanwhile we have Jason calling amanda bc he well.. misses his mom and as much as he loves bruce and hes his dad its not the same for some reason
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jason in every universe: i miss my mom i want my mom :(
at school Jason overheards some kids talking about Natalia in the observatory
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Jason goes looking for Natalia n turns out Bullock was also trying to see what was happening in the observatory, so they kinda team up for two whole panels to find her
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but Jason is like im not telling u shit.. n goes w Natalia on his own
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google always taking pics
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n they share a moment ;_____;
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n theyre reunited.. now ur gonna have to excuse me bc i didnt download the high quality of the next tec issues n all the download links are sadly broken
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but… what about natalia?
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then bullock finds them
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well bullock lets her go n while retelling the stuff to gordon he has.. a theory
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meanwhile Nocturna.. well Nocturna is back at it again, taking charge of a band of thieves.. sigh. 
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anyways, they talk, theres something weird happening w the sky that may mean the world is ending or smth, and they make up AND make out
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n they have a talk thats basically like. what now? should we be together? well depends if ur still gonna steal. i need funds to get the observatory back in track (HELLO BRUCE IS RICH HE COULD PAY IT..) and hes like oh so ur gonna be a thief again.. and shes like well havent u noticed im only stealing from corrupt rich politicians!? (QUEEN) n theres this gorgeous shot
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n then they go their separate ways bc its fucking batman
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anyways. Selina was also investigating the group of thieves (that were like black masks old gang but he was sent to prison so Nocturna took over etc) and she sees Nocturna leaving and follows her to the Observatory but.. Jason is there too
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Selina wants her GOOOONE she needs to clear her name but Jason is like. over my dead body
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n well ……. the girls are fightinggggggggggggggggggggggggg
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but Bruce intercepts
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n now Batman n Catwoman fight and its like the girls are fightingggggg… 2! but doesnt matter look at them
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and then Selina gets struck by lightning
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n then theres a earthquake bc god what a damn comic, and the observatory collapses, and Natalia is trapped inside
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anyways Selina is in the hospital, Anton is still killing people and knows where she is and is trying to get to her, and this little scene happens with Jason n B
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n while Bruce stays with Selina Jason goes to find Natalia which is so funny like. she went to Natalia, his mom, when Bruce told him to go home and well– we al know that story.
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n now its a race to get to Natalia before Anton gets to her
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n its rlly sad bc like Natalia is ready to die
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but both Bruce n Jason are trying to reach her
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and here comes Jason!
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AND LIKE. the fact she wants to live after all bc of Jason rlly makes me emotional not gonna lie! not gonna lie!
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and no offense but a mother’s love………………………………….. no thoughts head empty
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first of all i hate anton so fucking much. secondly here comes batdad..
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n Jason tries to help Natalia escape and then get back to Bruce who is getting his ass kinda kicked
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guess whos coming in that helicopter.. selina freaking kyle.. the legend.. and she helps Bruce with Anton. 
I REALLY DONT GET THIS TBH LIKE. he puts her into the giant balloon so she can get away but like shes hurt buddy shes gonna die up there.. 
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and. shes gone.
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n Jason is absolutely devastated
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n like. Bruce. as always. is like ok champ i see u got it in control, lmk when u wanna go home
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And thats. pretty much it. Natalia is gone. 
However Jason still grieves her, and when Bruce and Selina are trying to get back together and... hes not a big fan of their relationship.. at all. But bruce tries to pair them up so they can become at least friends, since he loves them both and doesnt want to like. pick between his son and his lover
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and they make a fine team, even if Jason grieving Natalia and how Selina doesnt want to take her place is brought up a couple times :(
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and it gives it a bittersweet ending to the arc
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and well. thats it. thats the Jason and Natalia dynamic.
Natalia reappers later post crisis but well w/o her connection to Jason.. and i really dont wanna talk about the version of her that appears in batwoman comics LOL.  
conclusion: natalia was a bad lady, who at first wanted to use jason to get money from bruce, but then she had a change of heart, and development and became a kind of anti hero? well not antihero just.. she was trying her best man. i wish she hadnt disappeared like she couldve stayed relevant to jasons story without having to be romantically with bruce? bc if u read her comics u can see that she was killed off/voided for batcat to comeback which... typical batcat! anyways. i think she genuinely loved and cared for jason and that jason loved her and cared for her right back :( 
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jayda-starrjones · 4 years
My Top 10 Favourite Animes (So Far)
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I've loved nana since I was 10, it was my first anime. I'll prolly love it forever, it makes me cry and I just feels so real and nostalgic idk the aesthetic of this anime is my most favourite thing in the world. It's about two 20 year old girls who are polar opposites but have the same name meeting on a train to tokyo; and their worlds end up colliding. With Nana Osaki, the punk singer in a band trying to make it big and Nana Komaru, the girly romantic, it ends up being a story of young adults trying to figure out their lives. It's emotional and real, with emotional and real characters.
I'm also a nana osaki kinnie
2. Devilman Crybaby
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First of all: I LOVE ryo. His character depth is EXQUISITE. Second of all: I loved loved LOOOOVED the ending. It hurts but it's realistic and makes sense. It's complex... I enjoy complexity 😌✋ The plot is introduced as childhood friends trying to save the world from "devils," but I think it's REALLY a story about love and the complexity of it; how if you're greedy and narrow minded then you'll fuck up love for yourself. If you've seen the entire show then you know why.
I'm also in love with the shot of ryo pulling out his gun and shooting the devils at the sabbath party in episode 1
3. Ouran Highschool Host Club
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The characters are S O endearing. Except for Renge, she annoys me 💀 but honestly this anime is just really fun to follow. It's a girl who joins the host club as a boy in order to pay off her debt to the boys from the host club, while also making great friends with them in the process. The characters have a good dynamic and they work well with each other, especially cause they're all quite different from each other. IDK MAN I JUST REALLY ENJOYED THIS ANIME OK
4. Danganronpa
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Ok so tbhhh I don't really know if this one counts cause I love the games, not diggin the anime, but I think it's referred to as an anime so whatever lmfao. Again, the characters? Great, amazing, tasty. Like I'm being fed a full course meal with a bunch of different shit in it. Danganronpa is so diverse with it's characters, like some of them are kinda out there lmao. Yes, yes, I am also a Toko kinnie 😌✋ I enjoy the story of the main games and the antagonists are MMMM M W A H CHEFS KISS. The style of it is pretty cool too. It's about kids who wake up in a school only to find of they're being held hostage there unless they kill the others to be set free, if they can also escape the Phoenix Wright style court trial without being caught.
Side note: the games were supposed to be a LOT darker than they already are, like sickeningly dark, I almost wish they were what they were going to be just so i could see how they would have turned out.
5. Black Butler
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I am enchanted by the dark plot. I started watching Black Butler when I was like 13 and fell in love with it's universe. It's dark, cold, fun and thrilling. Did I mention dark? It's about a boy who makes a deal with a demon just so he can survive the trauma that was sprung onto him. Ciel is crafted as a kid who hasn't been able to heal, and probably never will. The manga is better than the anime, a lot better; but the series is SO good. This is wack to think about for me but this anime actually got me through some hard times. Not in the most healthy way, but It helped me grow a THICK ass skin because I would relate to the feeling of loneliness and revel in the only other feeling I had in me; rage. I used to kin Ciel so hard bruh
6. Beastars
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This anime gives me like a sorrowful depression afterward lmao like I can't put my finger on it but every time I've gone through it and binged it it's made me like sad, even tho it's not very sad?? I still love it tho. I love the idea of a wolf falling for a rabbit and having to fight his instincts just to be with her. Also, if you're an ARMY, legoshi has Namjoon's eyes. CAN'T EXPLAIN IT HE JUST DOES MK
7. Attack On Titan
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K ya it's a popular anime everyone likes BUUUUUUT it has a nice big place in my heart so it's going on this list. The development between characters throughout the anime and manga is intense. I didn't expect where the story is to this day; I don't think anyone did lmao also? When I first started reading the manga it was cause I needed to finish where the anime left off cause I couldn't wait any longer lol THE MANGA?? GIVES ME LIKE CHILLS?? Idk the manga is scary to read sometimes lol again, I can't place it, but sometimes it's so gritty I can hear the screams in my head and feel the ambiance and death in the air. I like an angry ambitious story 🤷‍♀️
8. Yuri On Ice
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GREAT love story. I also love yuri plisetsky a lot. The anime is really pretty and conveys a warm feeling. The pacing is really good as well. It moves pretty fast, considering it has like what, 12 episodes? I also loved the ending because like :') yurios debut dudes :') did u see the tears :'))))))
9. Death Note
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Ok so I recently rewatched this anime for probably the 4th time with a friend and realized that the pacing isn't too bad but sometimes it feels slow. Nonetheless, I love it a lot. A killer and a detective working together to capture that same killer is fun to follow. It has a really nice aesthetic and I think it's clever with various things handled in the anime. It's very entertaining, I love playing it in the background while I'm painting. Also, I have a death note 🤪
10. Cowboy Bebop
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This anime is different from most animes I get attached to, mostly because it loosely follows a plot but REALLY i think you could prolly tune into any episode and grasp what's going on. It's JUST space shananagins dude. Again, beautiful aesthetic. Cute characters. I love how cyborg man has a bonsai room like cmon that's such a cute character detail.
VERY Honourable Mentions
One Punch Man
K but one punch man is so funny wtf and it's very quirky and fun. Just the thought of a low budget superhero who isn't recognized as a superhero & can only kill bad guys with one punch & hates it is kinda funny idk man, mf does his deed of the day and then panics cause he needs to make it to the supermarket on time for the sale that's going on lmao
Soul Eater
Of course, great characters, great plot. Really good animation style. Funny with a dark aesthetic ♡
Your Lie In April
Okay hear me out. I haven't actually finished it yet. I just know that the characters have so much depth that I've been sucked in. I also don't think I've ever seen an anime THIS beautiful. Like really, this anime blows me away with how beautiful it is sometimes. It makes me rlly sad for some reason tho. Pretty music romance that'll remind you of your childhood mmmm
My Future Diary
mmmm taystey yandere
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enduringsea · 3 years
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( rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to! put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! no skipping! ) / tagged by @yellowcrumpet​ ╭( ・ㅂ・)و )))
Thanks for the tag! I LOVE these things-- I don’t rlly have a playlist either though, just a mess of music files on a device I haven’t updated so I’ll be checking my YouTube history too lol. There’s a uhhh.... pattern to be found, mainly relating to Code Vein or other OCs.... which isn’t surprising ._. ;; I made it a separate post bc I knew this was going to get long and rambly with lyric snippets and crying about fictional characters, sorry :D
1. Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor don’t go / you’re half of me now / but i’m hardly stood proud / i said it, almost oh i’ve been low / but damn it i bet it don’t show / it was heaven a moment ago oh i can’t seem to let myself leave you / but i can’t breathe anymore This one gives me Loubeth vibes ok, partially bad end route ;-; While Elizabeth is a very strong person, her friends are the most prominent reason she tries to do anything at all & isn’t living day-to-day in a monotonous grind to survive without a solid purpose other than ‘help random ppl bc it’s the right thing to do’. If she loses them, it’d ruin her & hammers into her head how everything she’s ever done has been a failure. She suffered a major betrayal by her boss before the Collapse, she was unable to fully participate in proj. queen despite her incredible test results, she failed to defeat Cruz and take her blood during Operation Queenslayer, and if she fails to protect the people she’s finally found meaning with? She’d break down completely & destroy herself to save them. She’s always had some level of abandonment issues, and without her family around it’s so much worse, even if it isn’t the most obvious because she’s generally seen as very well put together-- I really can’t express how much it would hurt her to lose Louis, Yakumo, and the others. She’s just not one to show just how bad it can truly get for her mentally and emotionally-- she’s resilient as hell, she’s been through hell repeatedly and survived it all, so it’s easy for others to assume she’s fine all things considered. It makes her feel weak and ashamed of herself if she shows any level of vulnerability, so she doesn’t; she swallows it down and is afraid of disappointing those who look up to her as a fighter and friend-- of course, no one at Home Base would blame her for being vulnerable, they all have their moments, Bethy just sets herself to such a high standard it’s difficult for her to talk about her own suffering in spite of how well-versed she is in getting her thoughts and feelings across otherwise. Louis is the one most keen to how deeply she’s hurting, but he doesn’t understand just how deeply until she finally does fall apart. The final swell of the song and its desperate lyrics really relays the pain they both feel-- Louis too would not fare well if something happened to Elizabeth, because he blames himself she was even involved in Operation Queenslayer for a long time, I honestly did so bad in explaining coherently, this song just has so much emotion and hurt behind it adklfjdfdff </3
2. Looking Out For You - Joy Again this is a love song for a girl who will never know it’s about her she's beaming that smile / all the while i’m all tripped up on my own throat i guess there is no hope This song reminds me of Elizabeth & my friend’s character Takashi Fujioka, who gets-- vERY...FRIENDZONED, for lack of a better word, by Elizabeth in his story, it’s really summed up best as tragic (;﹏;) Before the Collapse they were hitting it off, then the Collapse happened, they were separated, he lost his sisters, Mido happened, he was experimented on + became a revenant, etc, etc; years have passed since then & she’s gotten her life together as much as one can in a world like Vein, but for Takashi it’s like no time has passed at all. Elizabeth is subtly older in appearance, she’s been working w Lou & Co. for a long time; Loubeth blatantly have a connection, & rather than bringing up his feelings + making it awkward bc he values their friendships, he just kinda. chokes on them & does his best to help out the team. It doesn’t help he can’t even be jealous bc Louis is a really solid friend to him too, IT’S JUST A MESS OF A SITUATION & the death of what could have been if things were different.
3. Closer - Teagan And Sara ( no lengthy explanation for this one thank goodness, I’ve just been watching BoJack Horseman again and I really like some of the songs they add in, I like listening to this one on loop when mindlessly coloring something )
4. Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo  all I did was try my best / this the kind of thanks I get? they say these are the golden years / but I wish I could disappear ego crush is so severe / god, it's brutal out here I have it on a playlist for Elizabeth somewhere, not all of it applies to her but it reflects some of her struggles she has both before & after the collapse. She’s-- always kind of been a mess while under immense pressure + has serious self image issues, this song hits that side of her well. She’s been held to humanly impossible standards by both herself and her family bc frankly? She can reach them, she’s NOT exactly human. She was born into her position as a hunter & intends to keep it for as long as she lives (like revenants, her kind is very much ‘either gets killed or lives 5ever), even if some days she really feels how heavy the burden can be. She didn’t have a normal childhood and she’s fine with it for the most part, but it alienates her from most of her peers-- she never got to date anyone, never had a close group of friends, never went to parties that weren’t formals, etc., while she feels a little childish about it, she does envy ‘normal’ and understands the pressure she’s lived under her entire life has caused damage-- she has been exploited for her abilities, there’s just not much she can do about it but to keep going, rlly.
5. Freaks - Surf Curse  don't kill me / just help me run away from everyone  i need a place to stay / where i can cover up my face don't cry / i am just a freak / i am just a freak UhhhHHH this song really makes me think of Oliver Collins :D;; thank TikTok for showing it to me. It makes me think of how scared he was, of both the world and the revenants who captured him. The song’s use of the word ‘parasites’ really makes me think of Revenants and the BOR parasites XD I’m hoping when I poke my video editor again, I can record some Oliver footage to make a short video to this song. Oliver deserves so much better, I wish you could save him, but that’s what AUs are for, hahah.... The second half of the lyrics make me think of the AU I have where he lives and has to grapple with the guilt of surviving and the things he did to other revenants to get by too.
6. All Eyes On Me - Bo Burnham you say the ocean’s rising / like i give a shit you say the whole world’s ending / honey it already did you’re not gonna slow it / heaven knows you tried got it? good / now get inside I haven’t seen the Netflix special yet but I’ve had this song on repeat since my move started. The lyrics hit too hard & resonate with my existential dread, covid exhaustion, and extreme burnout in my 20s, but bc I have Damage I can also relate it to CV ._. ‘you’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. got it? good now get inside’ makes me think of--;; the bad end route again, and Elizabeth’s desperation to keep her found family together. It’s not like her to completely stop caring about an issue, but in the moment she realizes what’s being taken from her? She doesn’t want to save all of revenant-kind if it means she’s going to wind up alone all over again, her world is effectively over if she’s forced to be alone again. The MC frenzying means the only immediately identifiable hope she had of saving everyone else is gone, so why not just go home? If they’re all doomed, she wants to at least be together for a little while longer, it’s fine if they use her blood to survive & everyone else in the mist is out of luck, it’s soul-crushing bc I’ve never had her in a situation where she’s been this reckless, despondent/hopeless, and thinking irrationally where it’d impact more than herself-- especially when she’s normally goal-oriented, organized, meticulous, so on so forth: she’s not one to act without thinking something through first, but that last breath of light just got sucker-punched out of her. All she wants is home, comfort, and family, and ultimately in the bad end route she does manage to preserve their lives, maintain the mist, and supply blood beads, but her own condition leaves her on the throne-- it’s a mix of the bad, neutral, and true ending rlly ldkfjdf BUT YEAH enough rambling on that :D;; This song’s really good and touches a lot of different thoughts and ideas both in real life and my ocs, kind of embarrassing--;; thank u bo burnham for ruining me with this beautiful song
7. Yellow - Coldplay look at the stars / look how they shine for you / and everything you do your skin / oh yeah, your skin and bones / turn in to something beautiful do you know / for you I'd bleed myself dry Does this song make me think about JackEva? Yes. Yes it does. Star / night sky symbolism? Bam. Sappy lyrics about love and finding the person you’re with absolutely mesmerizing and worth dying for? BAM. If JackEva were capable of using their own blood to save each other, I can see it-- hJNGn they just care about each other so much, Jack cries for her even though they both knew that eventually one of them would succumb to their duty, and if the roles were reversed I can see Eva doing the same, I adore them beyond human language. On my CV RP blog, my Jack’s not shippable bc-- Eva, my friend even have them looking after his nephew (an oc--) at one point. I should seriously drop some headcanons down eventually....
8. Louder Than Thunder - The Devil Wears Prada  are we meant to be empty-handed? / i know i could, i could be better i don't think i deserve it / selflessness, find your way into my heart all stars could be brighter / all hearts could be warmer 
LMFAO throwback to my middle school playlist, I’m old-- I’ve applied this song to a lot of things back in the day, but I really connect it to Loubeth now, especially Louis. Lou & Bethy are both functional idiots who are too hard on themselves & have trouble recognizing their worth beyond what they can do for others. They’re trying to be better-- to make up for what they perceived wrongs they’ve done, but it’s hard, they don’t believe they’re worthy of the love and support the other gives, but they still yearn for that sense of security. After Louis’ memories are returned, he finally understands the guilt he’s felt since he became a revenant and it really skews his self-perception; he blames himself for so many things & Elizabeth, who has always been able to kill when necessary, sets it straight-- “It’s not your fault”, and it takes Louis some time to properly absorb that message. He thinks she’s just trying to comfort him, which she is tbh, but she’s not wrong: “It’s not your fault you couldn’t kill someone. It was never your job to kill anyone.” It’s up to people like her to do those sort of things-- Elizabeth may not have been present when Cruz frenzied, but if she had been? It would have been over before it started, that’s something she has regrets over, even if nothing could have been done since she was already on the field. Actually, she’s actually really quite angry that security failed to monitor Cruz properly and has a few select words for the ones there who could have actually done something before it got out of hand-- civilians and doctors are exempt from her shtlist bc they’re not meant to be killers (so don’t worry Artorias, she’s not ready to bite your head off!), but they had to have some kinda security detail rite o-q??? They’re probably hiding from her wrath-- BUT ANYWAY, she insists she’ll never blame Louis for not being able to do something as serious as killing another person. He was a normal human being who cared about his friend, not a failure, and he couldn’t have been expected to do something that shouldn’t have fallen on his shoulders in the first place. As many times as it takes, she’ll reaffirm that it wasn’t his fault, she’s not angry, he’s always done his best and her opinion of him hasn’t changed. He’s a good person and she loves him through all the hurt, though she doesn’t drop the word ‘love’ for a long time. It just-- takes Louis a while to accept she views him as someone worthy of the love and respect she has for him. It’s kind of ironic she’s so adamant on Louis not blaming himself considering she’s the one privately blaming herself for-- wow there’s too much to unpack, she feels guilty she was even born?? im so broken over these two. I love them and yet they SUFFER... 
9. What I’ve Done - Linkin Park i'll face myself / to cross out what i’ve become erase myself / and let go of what i’ve done today this ends / i'm forgiving what i’ve done
I have Louis Amamiya brainrot and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks that this song fits him super well & it needs to become an AMV dsjfkldsfd. I’m a near life-long Linkin Park fan and this fits with Lou so well thematically. As much as I’ve gone on about Louis’ guilt, he does steel himself to keep going forward in spite of it and make things right, for everyone. Maybe it wasn’t really his fault, but at the end of the day his inability to kill Cruz in that moment left a disaster in its wake that got a countless number of people killed-- the MC included with Karen and Aurora. He doesn’t want to run away from the truth, doesn’t want to make excuses, he wants to take responsibility for it and he’ll work himself to death if it means things will be better-- it’s both admirable he’s got a strong resolve and VERY concerning with how willing he is to die for the cause, please don’t overdo it, Lou, you’ll break mine and Bethy’s hearts ._.;; It won’t always be easy, there are moments the grief gnaws at him, but in the end he does overcome it (and uh. as in the bad ending, we know he can actually do it this time). I know we can’t see everything, but I would have loved deeper character interactions, especially with Louis with an emphasis on grieving + forgiving himself properly-- but this song really is nice with the whole ‘I’m going to face my mistakes head on, forgive myself, and keep moving forward’. It’s what Louis deserves: self forgiveness and a damn break ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
10. Call of Silence - Hiroyuki Sawano you will know you're reborn tonight / must be rough but i’ll stay by your side even if my body's bleached to the bones / i don't want go through that ever again so cry no more / oh my beloved ngl idk if those are the correct lyrics, buuuuuuut....... im a weenie and am internally weeping abt loubeth after midnight, what else is new lmfao- i’ll at least try to be brief :D I also used to really like Attack on Titan when I was in high school, I dropped the anime years ago because I was waiting for s2 and never got back to it once it started airing again, I thought I’d finish it once the anime was complete since I eventually caught up with the manga, such a good series BUT ANYWAY-- I think it’s a really pretty song and Loubeth fit with the tender lyrics. IT’S LATE, idk what to say about them other than what I’ve said already dsklfjdslf im sorry I really ramble a LOT and I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had the chance to >w>;;
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