#i rlly liked drawing all the details :D
greenbetula · 3 months
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a mannequin, a corpse, whatever you want it to be
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malues · 24 days
HAIII!! I was super fixated on LOTS during my exams and it almost cost me. But it helped relieve stress at least :D ANYWAY. I got stuff I wanna say, and it’s nice to have a main creator’s opinion. But pls correct or change my headcannons or anything, I do like accuracy. :p Apologies if this is long (I literally hv no other ppl to talk ab LOTS stuff like this with)
I see Michael and CB always hv sharp teeth when rlly upset, and I interpret CB’s lil bump in his teeth as a fang. Is that a good interpretation to have? I like the idea of those two being an intimidating sharp teeth duo
Semi-related to above, I like to think operators and their patients are very super similar. Like they’re sort of fated to be that patients operator for a reason yk? Like Michael and CB mirror each other a lot in their own way, yet are so opposite. And it seemed that PB was clean and stuff, but his operator wasn’t (rlly cool mirroring). Crown and Sean just compliment each other and get along great. I’m also mostly fixated on Michael’s and CB’s dynamic, Michael and CB being a complete mental mess in their own rights, and little things like Michael likes rabbits and CB bunny ears jokes :> I also like the idea CB holds a form of resentment cuz his friends get chiller operators and he was instead locked up for months.
Also Michael seems like the type to get over-stimulated and lash out, or collapse onto herself. Would she pace around? (If so, I like to think she holds her pinwheel top still cuz it’ll spin from the air yk and it would be more over-stimulating) Does she pen click when frustrated? Does she chew? Or does she mess with her pinwheel pieces>
I also like the idea that CB throws tantrums and is prone to unintentionally lashing out, he’s over-energetic and he can’t help it. Like he lashes out at crown and his operator. Would his lashing out come from stress, fear or anxiety?
I think that’s mostly it. Uhhhh my only complaint is you should’ve made PB cry in episode 1c, I wanna see TEARS lol
Ok thank u! I’m excited for more episodes, livestreams, videos and whatever else u hv planned ^.^
I LOVE ALL UR THOUGHTS!!! ill try to answer these without giving too much away
the fangs/bumps in a characters teeth is less of an actual trait and more of a little thing i draw whenever i feel like itd be funny to show on screen, but more detailed interpretations of that are fine by me!
the relationship between operator and patient is really hard to explain, especially in a general sense. i wouldnt call it fate COMPLETELY but the patient that an operator is assigned isnt COMPLETELY random either if that makes any sense. im happy u noticed the similarities between cb and michael, and we'll get to see a lot more of their relationship as the episodes go on. both of them are very prone to lashing out if in the right context but for their own reasons. the lashouts originate from a lot of mixed emotions, but i think part of it comes from both of them thinking "Why am i stuck with this asshole?"
also i agree that i shouldve made pb cry in 1c. when faeb did those lines i was taken aback cause i didnt expect him to sound like hes on the verge of tears!!!! but i guess it makes sense
thank you for your kind words!! im excited for everyone to see whats next for the show
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fuxuannie · 1 year
If requests are open can I request a Romantic Jing Yuan x Reader where he meets them after the Luofu crisis after centuries of thinking they were dead? Like, Reader went into hiding after being attacked and designated marastruck (When they arent) so it took them a while to come back to the Luofu. Any format, hurt/comfort please! If this isn't your alley or your requests aren't open please delete this! Thank you very much and have a nice day!
↳ pairing : jing yuan x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : in the generals free time, he decides that it's about time to face the person in his memories that he seems to have forgotten.
↳ authors note : hi!! um, i rlly dont wanna do this whole thing in one post sooo.. part two :D? I promise, I PROMISE i'll be writing it within the day and i'm so sorry requester for the inconvenience! if anyone would like to be tagged in the second part, please let me know! ♡
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When JING YUAN imagines his younger years, he has a very vivid and blurry memory of a figure that he believes was once a friend he held dear in his heart.
A bright sunny day, a calm summer breeze and two potential Generals trained side by side. They tirelessly swing their swords, counting together; "9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10,000!"
"A Cloud Knight must never let slip their weapon, nor let slacken their form!"
"Yes, master!"
He can remember someone by his side, answering the same thing at the same time. He turns his head to look at them, seeing the focused expression as they looked at their master and watching it change to one of excitement once their gaze met Jing Yuan's.
"Can you believe it? We're Cloud Knights in training.. not only that, one day, you'll get to be the General!" Their voice, as sweet as a song, would echo in his mind over and over. It was so familiar, yet every time he could almost grasp an idea, it slips through his fingers as he's lost on who exactly this was in his memory.
Why was it all so hard to remember? As if his mind was refusing to recall all the important details, he could clearly remember their form, their voice and their clothes but.. he thinks that if he tried to look in their face, it would be nothing but a blur. A familiar blur, but unrecognizable nonetheless.
He racks his brain to think of another memory, but an all too familiar ache in his heart would appear when he tried. Was it due to his masters presence in most of them? Or was it something about these memories that brought along such a wave of sadness? The General was unsure of he answer, but he forced his mind to recall the events of that day.
"Heed this oath, as clouds that cover the heavens.. will the Knights protect the Xianzhou. Draw!"
"Yes, master!"
As the young man raises his blade, his eyes fall upon the crowd and can see them again. Amidst the people, they stood there with clear joy in their aura, even if their face was impossible to see, he could tell they were smiling from ear to ear at his moment. Jing Yuan's eyes sparkle at the sight, before looking up at his sword with determination in his heart.
"As clouds that cover the heavens, will the Knights protect the Xianzhou!"
There it is again. Another time in his life, one that he holds dear to him, they were there. It seems like everytime he thought of his years as a young Cloud Knight, their blurry face was in each and every memory. A part of him viewed it as something a little haunting, but a majority of his senses felt it was oddly.. bittersweet. Something about all of this, there must be a reason.. right?
And though unconciously, a memory came to mind. One that he believes he buried deep into his conciousness, as he feels a shiver through his body at the thought.
"H-he doesn't recognize us."
He sees them tightly grip their sword, yet a clear hesitation within their stance. Then he realizes the Mara-struck Cloud Knight that stands infront of them, it seems like they have to attack in order to protect themselves, but the way their hands shake makes the action nearly impossible. He sees how they take a few step back, disappearing from his peripheral vision as he was to focus on the danger that poses a threat ahead.
Before it could strike, Jingliu strikes it down with no remorse nor regret evident on her face. Her back is turned to Jing Yuan, who's expression is filled with conflicted emotions. "To become stricken with mara is to be a long-life species. If I too become stricken in times hereafter, you both must not hold back.
There's silence, before Jing Yuan opens his hesitant lips.
"Yes, master."
But his voice being the lone one to answer confuses him, he turns his back and he could feel his heart drop at the realization that they were no longer by his side.
His eyes widen, scanning around the rubble and flames that surround them, yet nothing is there. Nothing but your sword on the ground, and a pool of blood surrounding it. He opens his mouth, but no name escapes his lips to call for. More panic seems to seep into his reality when his Master tells him its too late, that they need to assist the others before people meet a fate similar to theirs, as he tries to call for a name he doesn't know. It's right there, it's right there at the moment he just needs to remember it!-
There it is. The answer he'd been looking for, the name of who he's forgotten for so many years. Your name. Your name that was once deemed unforgettable by his tongue, with how naturally it would be recited at his every waking moment.
Now everything seemed a little clearer, how each and every memory made sense as your face began to appear in place of the blurry expression in each and every one of his thoughts. How he could see your smiles at your best, your tears at your worse and your anger when it would take over all your other emotions. You.. you were the person that meant everything to him. So why, why did he forget you? How could he have forgotten the person who gave him a purpose, who without, he wouldn't be who he is today?
And yet as his mind returns to that day, the day he returns back to the Alliance with nothing but your sword in hand and a heart full of regrets.. he knew the answer. Because it was much easier to forget, rather than to live life with a heart with too many words to say yet the person who was supposed to hear it no longer being around.
He knew that every day he'd blame himself for the loss of your life, that he'd spend his life visiting a gravestone that held no corpse. Because no matter how long he'd search the rubble caused by the attack, there was no corpse. Which only proved further his worse fear, that you had joined the fate of the master you both once trained under. Yet of the three, one remained. One remained to live with the guilt of surviving, and being the reasons both were no longer around.
One soul he failed to protect, the other he killed in order to do so.
How cruel the galaxy was to bring such weight upon one mans shoulder to bear alone. No shoulder to cry on, family to confide in or friends to share a drink with. He was a General, and had priorities to focus on before his own feelings.
Speaking of which, one of the many Cloud Knights had burst into his office with exhaustion in their lungs and an aching pain all over their body. "General." The Knight called out, bowing respectfully as Jing Yuan snaps out of the daze he was in for a long while. "We've caught a suspicious person just outside the main center, many suggest you will decide on the fate of this suspect." He explained, in which Jing Yuan nods his head and stands from his desk. "Well.. alright then. I suppose I could do so."
"By the way.. General, I hope that this isn't prying too much but.. you seemed a little lost for a few moments. Is everything alright?"
A smile forms upon his lips as he interlocks his fingers behind his back.
"Just remembering an old friend, is all."
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
This one could get a bit chaotic but papercut going on a road trip? (And maybe some Pony trying to convince Darry to let him go??) Your headcanons keep me alive, i live and breathe papercut, so please keep up the good work or else I will die 💖
papercut road trip?? aw yeaaa baybeeee comin right up 🤵🏽‍♀️🍜
•it was def a spontaneous idea from curly, he was thinking one night and just wanted to drive somewhere, nowhere in particular just go around, he told tim and tim wasnt gonna fight him on it, if thats what curly wants thats his life, all he can hope is that he comes back in one piece (monkey d. luffy refrence⁉️)
•ik when he brought up the idea to pony it took a bit of convincing, not THAT much, but he still had to do it cause like, just a RANDOM road trip?????? pony joked that curly was trynna kill him, but curly did say they’d prolly pass the country side and he could take some pics as a remembrance so pony was down
•not gonna lie, ion know HOW, ponys ass is gonna convince darry to go, pony might be 18/19 but he is PUSHING his freedom here, ill tell u what tho it took a team effort from tim and buck (somehow), and darry probably slapped an airtag on pony or somethin so he knew where he was
•they were not taking curlys car, ill tell u that much, if u drove that thing for more than an hour i promise u theyre so dead before they even get to the 10th block out of ponys neighborhood, REGARDLESS OF HOW, pony kissed darry n soda goodbye (YES thats important to know)
•SKIPPING BORING DETAILS SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GET THE ON THE ROADTRIP, but they r STACKED w literally just snacks, no actual food, just chips, candy, juice and some water, lord help these two, they gonna crash on the highway🤦🏽‍♀️
•wether its a camcorder or just a regular ole camera, ponys documenting this, he also has a journal to write down his thoughts and draw, hes a man of many talents
•for every stop, when he can, he calls darry to let him know hes alive, even sends over post cards from the different places he’s at, stocks up on small lil knickknacks too!!curly also called to check in w tim and angela and pony made him send over letters too (curly HATESSSS writing letters)
•would it REALLY b papercut if i didnt say that one of em got them lost??? curly def cant read a map for shit and fucked up while pony was driving, that argument had ppl in other cars looking over
•they would take turns on who was driving but honestly just never let curly behind the wheel, be nearly missed an exit and pretty much drifted in the highway, curly would do WONDERS in a racing game, he did a “emergency” stop and almost catapulted pony out his seat when he was sleeping, hes such a lil asshole
•sometimes tho, they would just pull over completley and get in the back seat just to sleep, they had a blanket and like one pillow but its ok the one of em would just lay on the other, they had some pretty nice talks in there and pony wrote about it in his journal
•when they get to the country side, i could see pony having one of those nature books and finding what he could just to cross em off, hes a nerd like that, curly was way too fascinated by the insects to rlly make fun of him for too long
•took some good nature pics too, some silly ones as well, curly took some too!!
•one of em touched poison ivy, whoops
•how have i gone this long without mentioning that curly would def b the one blasting music, hes not the passenger princess, hes the passenger pain in the ass (pony doesnt wanna admit but video evidence proves other wise, he was singing too)
•pony is a pretty good driver i aint gonna lie, but maybe a lil too good, his eyes will NOT be leaving that road, curlys just gotta feed pony himself from the passenger
•they didnt pack enough clothes, they were def clothes shopping as they went, whoever car they took is a MESS by now
•at some point pony got sunburnt and curly was laughing at him bc it wasnt even all over his body, the sunburn just covered parts that his clothes didnt cover, had to make a stop at a gas station for sunscreen and aloe vera (if we r assuming curly packed enough money)
•they dont rlly go home for a while, they got too homesick
i need to stop here before i get anymore ideas,,,
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ashwii · 1 year
Thanks for answering! Could you go into how you paint? It's always the trickiest part for me
Hehe sure thing! I even recorded some of it, bc for me personally, i learn a lot easier when it's visualized like that, aha.
So first off, we'll start off with our base!
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Personally, I like a lot of gradients and color variations to start off with, but these can be solid base colors of you prefer :3. From this, ALL layers are gonna be merged down into one, no separate layers here yet :D
Going forward, I have a video done here kinda showing what I do :DD. I'll explain below the video in more detail what I do
First the base shadiws and highlights — for the shadows I'll usually pick from the color wheel (a darker, more saturated tone, plus I'll also shift the hue some) and draw right on the canvas. For the base highlights, i'll almost always use a bright orange on whatever adjustment layer makes your color nice and bright and glowy (for PTS it's Luminosity, and for CSP and Procreate I usually use an Add layer).
THEN I DO SOME MESSY BLENDING OUT, nothing pretty yet, just getting some of the colors blended out hehe
Afterwards, the drawing usually looks like this :0 very messy lol
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NEXT !!! PAINTING TIME !!! As show in the video, it's allllll about color picking and going over what you've already done. For a lot of it I use a softer brush, letting the colors blend together more softly, and then for other portions I'll use a harder pen for where I want more of the color that I picked to show through. Sometimes I'll draw over the line art all together if I don't think it's needed, or i"ll draw the line art back in after painting over it if I want those lines still :0
And there's just a looooot of drawing over and painting over. The 20 seconds you saw of painting and blending usually goes on for like 3-6 hours, depending on the drawing XD.
After ALLLL of that, I get smth like this
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AND this was pretty much just working on leo. Now to work on the background elements >:3c same progress, just for the atmosphere and not the character!
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YAY NOW THAT'S DONE !! Now all the paintings done soooooo
Color correction and final touches >:3c no more painting, now there's just a bunch of fun glowy layers we add on top of this heheheeh
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I hope that helped some djejwjww. Tbh, the way I learn the most is if an artist im trying to learn from straight up just streams what they’re doing, but I don't rlly know anywhere i could stream or who would be interested ;w; but I hope this helps enough anyway!
If there are any other questions, I'll be happy to answer! Ive said before I rlly like playing art teacher heheheheh <33
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snail-clops · 1 month
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elendiraaaaaaaaaa my girl :3
finally got this posted after putting off finishing it for ages >.<
alt version and a small explanation of details under the cut !! :3
first of all we got a version without the blood and im also gonna use this as an example to explain some acspects !! :D
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The pattern of her coat is inspired by the weird fun cross hatching effect applied to her coat in panels of her during her first appearence seen below !! I rlly wanted to emulate it but it also felt a bit much for my eyes to do the whole thing so instead i just did parts which i think looks rlly pretty in the end !! :D
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secondly !! the thing in her chest is one of her own nails !! referencing her death and also bc i didnt know how to draw her with her head being damaged like the official art for the song that inspired this so i decided that i'd do a nail thru the chest instead !! :3c
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tysm for taking the time to read this if ya did !!! <3<3<3
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nigelgraz · 3 months
hello! i have been following you for a while now and i want to tell you that im in love your illustrations and your drawing style! (literally, im in love with your men, specially alucard) 💞💞💞 and I wanted to ask since I’ve been wanting to draw lately, do you have any advice for those of us who are just starting to learn?
have a nice day :) ♡
Hii!! Thank you so much for the kind words snd support, it makes me so happy to know you like my work this much🥹❤️❤️
My advice would be to try to find a balance between drawing fun self indulgent things AND all the boring difficult subjects and studies that might be less enjoyable and engaging to do but will help your foundation and painting skills a ton in the long run! For examples i used to pretty much only draw heads in 3/4 angle with a white background when i was starting out bc it was my comfort zone and i was pretty good at it, but i realized i was rlly lacking in all the other aspects like anatomy and backgrounds and lighting and wasn't learning anything new! Always make time to do anatomy, lighting, shading and color thoery studies and if they were too boring for you, try to combine the studies with subjects and characters you like :) personally i'm still lacking in Anatomy but i've been doing some anatomy studies with my favorite characters as the models lately and it's way more fun and motivating.
Another thing is to always look at a ton of art by different skilled artists and analyze and study their work and try to find the purpose behind their color choices and brush strokes, how they stylize features, how they draw some parts of a painting very detailed and leave the rest with minimum rendering to draw the attention to the focal point, etc. Doing this makes you see things with a fresh pair of eyes and you can even spot your own mistakes and correct them instead of repeating them over and over because you don't have any other point of reference other than your own work. I've definitely been there :'D
These are the tips that would've helped me a lot when i started properly painting, i hope they can help you too! Good luck and i hope you have fun drawing❤️
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dream-buns · 1 year
Is it ok to ask what inspired you to draw pixel art compared to other styles? When I see your pixel art it's so amazing the colors and all the little details and the animation, you're so skilled!
thank you so much!!! and of course, i'd be happy to answer :D i draw in other styles as well but i rlly do have a soft spot for pixel art. very specifically "girly" pixel art from the early 2000s internet which i grew up with. it's not an art style i see very often these days, so i try my best to emulate it in my art because it's something i want keep alive.
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to my understanding the art style was pioneered by girls in the early 2000s who taught themselves how to make pixel art to make "dolls" or cute graphics for their blogs, basically just to have fun on the internet! You've Got Kat made a lovely video related to this covering the history of internet pixel dress up dolls specifically (mostly in the West iirc) if anyone is interested!
i think that pretty much led to all those beautiful vibrant visuals you see in flash games and all the other girly game sites. the korean pixel art scene especially was craazy (i think Maplestory's popularity especially had a hand in it), once ppl realized girls played games and used the internet (LOL), big sites like yahoo korea started busting out the dress up games and pixel stickers/emotes. it was a glorious time tbh!!
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it stands out to me because prior to the internet, the girlies never had "cute and girly" pixel art made so specifically For Them in video games, or at least very rarely did they have something like that. and the girly pixel art would continue on and end by the era of girly NDS games, which is also a style of pixel art i love. but yeah!! i just love how unapologetically cute and vibrant and girly it is, and it reminds me of a wonderful time in my life and on the internet ^^
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skyberia · 11 months
wait re: your tags on that last post, I also rlly love that detail abt your lines, especially in the goro you posted sept 5. but do you have a favorite piece that you’ve posted recently/favorite example of that?
brother it means the world 2 me that someone else not only noticed it but also liked it ngl. thank you!!!!
for that goro piece in particular i quite liked the pink/magenta bits around the tie and kind of outlining the 'wings' around his arm :')
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and one i'm really quite proud of is from that one akeshu piece i did a few months back-- specifically the epaulettes (took me forever but they ended up Really good) and the warmer tones outlining both their faces !
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as for other examples in recent pieces, while working on that astarion drawing i got really excited about the greyish bits around his eyes, and the red on the edges of his palm
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and for a more obvious one the kinda cyanish blue around the bottom bit of his eyes in my most recent drawing :D (honestly all of the cool tones there but that blue in particular i really like)
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luvuwite · 6 months
What are some tips you keep in mind when designing a character :0? I rlly enjoy how you designed Angela and Satan, along with the others!!
HMMM WELL!!! when coming with designs, i would absolutely encourage using references on Pinterest for clothing, and then using Google as another source. You can also look up “anime outfits” since typically anime’s encourage pretty fire designs…. sometimes.
Angela probably needs another update for her design, I want her to portray “black swan” orrr innocent “white swan” image. I have a few ideas but IDK i jsut need to grind on it. Satan (Mother ((is another name for her. Please don’t be weird LOL it’s just one of many names!) was actually helped designed by my good friend!! He was a HUGE help of her new design. I came out with a few ideas, and he basically helped me come to a conclusion for a design and lined it for me while i colored!! He was amazing :)
I will say!! Advice for designs is to make something on their own style. Try thinking of their personality and how THEY would want to dress, not just bc you think it looks pretty. If the character doesn’t like a certain style, then they prolly wouldn’t be wearing it!!
Also!! Try not to under do it, and try not to over do it. You wanna try finding a middle ground where something on the character is memorable, like a certain accessory or outfit, but don’t shove the character with 4729389282 different things because it can strain a viewers eye and make it hard to look at it! Minor details on outfits that are all crowded are more better for illustrations!! Which feel free to do that if you’re interested in that stuff :D but try not crowding the OC with too much if it’s gonna be something you’re going to be animating, since it can get tedious very quickly! but again!!! It’s up to you :) It’s your character! If you’re okay with all that stuff then there shouldn’t be an issue with it!! (this is more advice if you’re gonna be going to the industry/working with a team, or gonna be animating complex designs frame by frame!)
AND FINALLY make sure it’s a design you’re happy with! If you make a design and you hate it, youre not gonna want to draw the character anymore. Make sure you’re doing this because you enjoy it!! Not because it’s a chore :D
SORRY FOR THE BLOCK OF TEXT,,, hope this helps!!!
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tscamver · 2 months
do u mind if you give me some rendering tips, helpful art facts or something? Because I drew so many lucs andd I wanna draw it on device but I do NOT know how to render. At all :'D
omg thanks sm for asking!!! ill try my best to give u my tips and stuff when i draw :))
i find it very helpful when i start sketching out my artwork, i tend to draw it rlly small on the canvas so i dont stress too much on the details of the sketch and i zoom it out later on where i do another sketch over it <3
I dont do lineart, i just sketch and go straight to coloring/shading etc. cus i can always fix it up with rendering later and i also try to not focus too much on the characters outfit details cus im lazy and also cus when i zoom out and as long as it looks like how its supposed to look, then im happy
For rendering, i usually merge all my layers together and paint over it or you can always just add a new layer on top of everything and paint on that layer!
I also add like a noise effect on all my works so it looks decent and gets some texture thing lol (opacity 15-20%)
im not the best at explaining , i can always try to do art tuts if you guys want some as well :) i use ibispaint to do my art btw! Also heres a speedpaint, so you can see my process! hope this helps, much love!!! 🩷
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hornsketch · 1 year
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hey there! ive finally made an art blog! im going to try post more just… stuff, as usually i reserve my art posts for either special occaisions or specifically public-oriented works, and it kinda bums me out to not just have a place to dump my art anymore, so here you go!
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(more details and helpful info below!)
who are you?
in hopes of providing some relevant lenses to view my work through, ill give some personal details here. if these lenses dont suit your interpretation of the work, thats alright! view as you please, though i do still think these will always be important context in said viewings.
my name is zelda (she/her) and im a queer jewish 20something who struggles quite a bit with illness both physical and mental.
ive always been kind of enthralled by impressionism and what it really means to use suggestion and spirit as a stronger tool than portrayal and form.
i have a particular draw to fantasy and magical aesthetics, especially the world-building within.
i am a serial overthinker, and tend to see alot of meaning and symbolism in things that plainly do not have them.
while yes i am jewish, my relation to faith is complicated. if you see me type “god” im using it in a turn of phrase with no meaning. if you see me type out “g-d” i am being religious. yes i know thats not how its supposed to work. its meaningful to me.
what will you post?
as previously mentioned, here im trying to make a concerted effort to post a broader variety of things with a wide selection in quality and topic, so unfortunately here the only real uniting theme is going to have to be that i made it. still! to help navigate the space, listed below will be a list of tags i will try to keep to, all of which this post will also be tagged as, since i know tumblr search can be finicky.
#the self and the other
these will be about me, my friends and loved ones, or possibly both
#differing mediums
these pertain to other works or universes, as well as fan content
#harsh tones
this is gonna be the rough stuff. topics will be tagged as needed.
#jaunty doodles
funny business. shenanigans, even.
listen this blog is for a wide breadth of content, so please if you do not want to, or otherwise should not be seeing mild to moderate nsfw content (i dont rlly plan on posting straight up porn here) block this tag.
wait— is there anywhere you do post more direct nsfw?
maybe, yeah. but before any of that i would like to set some ground rules. these are my spaces for me to share my work for others to see. if you arent a fan of what i post, ill make no attempts to dissuade you from that. your discomfort is your right. I would however request that you dont make your discomfort an issue i am epxected to remedy. ill have no harsh feelings if you arent a fan of my less safe for work content, or even anything it may tangentially relate to, and need to take the necessary steps to curate your experience in those regards. i will be far less than happy if people cant behave because i post content that is not to their personal tastes, within reason.
all of that being said, yes, if you are an adult fan of my other work, feel free to check out @shinyspadetiptail
do you take commissions?
yeah, usually. im not really at the point where i have to close and open them for availability reasons, so shoot me a dm and ill usually be able to give you a response pretty quick on.
price tends to vary by project, and i always set $20 per hour of canvas time as my baseline, but generally simpler stuff like limited detail icons and emojis run in the $20-$30 range, while fully detailed halfbodies tend to run in the $40-$50 range, and fully done fullbodies range more $70-$80. aside from that, backgrounds are a little too context dependent to put a full price estimate on and extra characters can and will cost extra.
usually whatll happen is after laying out the basic price range we’ll talk, and ill thumbnail until we have smth we can agree on, and once weve got an idea of what were going for ill give an estimate that ill try to stick close to, barring any major changes or complications. from then on ill try to send updates whenever i work, and then when im relatively close to finished ill ask for the payment either through paypal or cashapp, after which ill send on the finished piece and any expected variations. in some cases, this may be changed, and payment may be done half at the start, and half when relatively close to completion.
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crucifiedkiss · 2 days
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𓈒⠀⠀⁺⠀𝜗 crucifiedkiss ╱ william b. x gn! reader 𝜚
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ꨄ︎ hcs dating will ⏤ ﹙i wanna be yours﹚ 🪽 ˖ ׁ ⁩
  ಲ ͏ㅤ ׅㅤㅤcw: wills season not specified (?), fluff, mentions of s1 events, kissing ('kiss attack'), and i think thats all ??ㅤ✿𝅼
( 。>﹏<) "first stuff written pls enjoy !!!" ⏤ c.k. と
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𝜗୧ ּ݂⠀💌 dating will byers would include ﹗
   ⏤  playing d&d with him, even after all these years and after all his friends have 'grown out of playing d&d'. u can never grow out of fun !!! if u dont know how to play d&d, he would be rlly patient with trying to teach u ! he doesnt want to be mean or anything (unlike some ppl ...) ! pls listen to him yap about d&d he will literally love u even more !! certified yapperton i swear (/pos !! he is silly !!)
   ⏤  trying to help him overcome his crush on mike. he slowly falls out of liking him the longer he is in a relationship with u, but he will never forget liking mike just as much as he does you right now. could u blame him, rlly? still stays friends with mike – he couldnt just leave him like that :( !!
   ⏤  expecting him to be rlly hesitant at the beginning of the relationship. he isnt rlly meaning to be like that, but hes just a lil nervous. after a few weeks i would say, he'll be that normal cheery lil guy :3 he is rlly sweet i swear he just doesnt have any idea what to do in a relationship, seeing how many found him weird (which makes me sob lowk !!). cant blame the lil man☹
   ⏤  a bunch of compliments !!! whether it is towards will himself or to u, he loves them sm ^^ being called zombie boy when younger rlly impacted how he views himself at times, confidence of course dropping ! any and all compliments r absolutely amazing honestly :) !! say his face is shaped nice, say his clothing style is cool, say his hair is especially bowl-cuttish (/j), say his moles/beauty marks r cute – ANYTHING !!! 😭 responds with a cheeky smile and returning the compliment (but in a more playful way cause compliments just make him happy immediately :3)
   ⏤  play fighting at the most random times !! i like to think he is kinda childish, wanting to escape whats all happened, so he ends up being rlly silly and goofy !! when done with play fighting, u two out of breath, u both just break into a fit of laughter that leaves u both dying for air once more. he misses the feeling of being young again, before he got kidnapped and all that disgusting stuff, so just doing all this dumb stuff with u rlly blossoms smth in him that just gives him so much joy ^_^
   ⏤  random kiss attacks to express love :) just smothering eachothers faces in big smooches is such a nice way to show love according to him, to which he isnt wrong !! happy giggles leave him when u do it, and vice versa !! playfully tries pushing u away, knowing that he realistically doesnt want u to stop, and why would he ?? he needs that affection !!!
   ⏤  gift giving !! will is the type of guy to say "this reminded me of u" and its literally like, a chip or smth. i think he personally collects rocks, so he gives u the rlly rlly pretty ones !! gives u the sparkly ones especially ^_^ !! loves giving rlly anything tho :3 stickers, card games/cards, etc. !! if he can show someone affection, he will show someone affection ❗❗ the gifts either consist of his favorite color or urs .. or both !!
   ⏤  u protecting will and will protecting u ^_^ usually u protecting will as a few still bully him, but its ok !! he doesnt even listen to what the person may be saying when he sees u standing up for him ! its such a sweet thing and he cant even bite back that loving smile :) when someone is talking bad about u, he talks BACK !!! have u seen how sassy that man is ?? WOULD win the argument !!! ugh !! he is eating !!
   ⏤  him drawing/painting u !!! :) u want it detailed ? ok !! cartoony ? sure !! learns how to do any artstyle u like and draws u in it !! on many occasions the art takes a while as its a style he is unfamiliar with, but hes trying his best !! tell him his art is rlly good pls he will go to sleep possibly the happiest man (can u tell he is rlly passionate about his art ...) :3 literally loves making art for u !! once more: gift giving !!!
   ⏤  him CHERISHING any beauty marks u have !!! since he has moles himself, i think he would just love urs just as much :) if u have any, he is absolutely loving them. hes drawing on them with his fingers (and sometimes markers) ... anything !! (extra: if u have tattoos, absolutely colors them in if not already – calls u a coloring book :3)
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owiett · 23 days
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look who's back after abandoning his account for 4 whole years... What the hell ..!!
i'm owl!! i'm a 21 y/o queer furry artist, ive got an associates in art and an early-20s life crisis B) while i figure out what im gonna do with my life, i want to get back into posting online!! i havent really found anywhere i like since dA died so i might as well come back here LOL
i'm mainly a digital artist who sometimes dabbles w/ traditional media! also im not deleting any old posts cuz i cant RLLY be bothered, so if u see something cringe eeerm.. oh well!
more info about me!!!:
art!!! mainly OC art, both furry & nonfurry OCs!!
stuff im up to!!!
birds!! im an amateur bird watcher HEHE
generally positive things!!! :D
B4 U INTERACT: i am an adult!! while i WILL NOT be posting graphic NSFW things, my art and/or yapping will likely at some point involve adult topics. if i think it needs to be tagged, it will be!!
my stances on the following:
sexual content: in art, suggestive poses OR artistic nudity may appear. explicit sexual content will not. outside of art, there will be NO sexual content of any nature!
gore: i may draw semi-realistic & cartoony blood/wounds but i dont intend to get particularly detailed. i will otherwise not post about yucky stuff like that!
substances: i may talk about booze/weed & include it in art but it is NOT a focus ^_^
otherwise no sensitive content should appear i think! yay!
be smart abt following me, ESPECIALLY if u are a minor. nsfw topics will be tagged so i dont mind if u follow, but keep in mind that im an adult!!! >:L (furthermore, if i follow u & that makes u uncomfortable for whatever reason, u can ask me to unfollow & i will do so w/ no questions asked, or u can block/softblock me XP)
thats all 4 NOW........ o_O
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
Hello dear Seraphina. Thank you for all your best wishes :-) I'm looking forward to my retirement I'm all honesty. It's time to spend some time on myself, and on my dear husband, of course.... When I go retire my daughter will be visiting us for the summer... I'm very thankful for the internet to be able to so easily keep in touch with her, but I won't deny I miss her.
As for you dear girl, don't think like that... It might seem hopeless but you mustn't lose hope. When you do that's when they win.... You're a clever woman, and quick and skillful on your feet... You know... If you're planning to leave town, I can provide you some additional financial support.
One condition though. That Kylar is bad news. Trust me on this please... I know. I know I must sound like a prude old bat screeching in your ear but please believe me. I know.
If you stay away from him I'll provide you with 300 dollars a month. The details we can discuss in private messaging. I'll be waiting on your reply.
Ps. I love your drawing :-) you have a lot of potential and it's very characterful.... I hope you'll be able to pursue developing your skills in art in the future... I believe in you :-)
-Camille M.
of course!! ♪(´▽`) time 4 urself & family sounds wonderful!!! also, u have a daughter?1 how old is she!!! actually- nvm that! u seem like a great mum 。゚(TヮT) ik i dont know u that well, but w/ the way u give me advice? tha prospect of keeping in touch w her even when ur far away?? mmm... ur a gem </3
u r just too kind !!! umm i rlly appreciate ur offer but i'm fine financially <33 u don't sound like an old bat, i truly appreciate ur concerns but i have everything under control ^.^ things w/ kylar are good!! not just saying that bcoz he found my acc, i'm being honest ^^ we r working on it— he wants 2 keep me safe like u want me 2 be safe & idk. i won't delve into it rn
Ps. thannnkieesss :D he was so excited 2 see the drawing he practically cried in class xD... he has big feelings that r rlly . overwhelming & i get that bcoz i do 2. i will send you more drawingz as i make them :D!!
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yuspne · 1 year
words cannot describe how nostalgic and warm ur art is… love the goroken sibling dynamic though! care 2 share any hcs u have for them ? ^_^
hiiiiiiiii tysm !!!  im rlly glad you asked hehe . taps mic ,. okay so i have like 1 billion of these but unfortunately im hella busy w college atm and dont rlly have time to list em all but here are some i have at the top of my head rn :D
their moms are sisters + shido father ,,, popular hc actually and i freaking love it
idc in my head they grew up together but got separated when mamakechi died and reunite  when both are 18 (p5 tl) (that one swings drawing of mine is based on this)
im a huge goroken + futaba siblingnism truther . liek helllooo they are so real !!! (wakaba and mamakechi yuri and that one bald fuck who Unfortunatelly is their father)
i dont talk about this one much bc it has a lotta gaps and isnt rlly a hc but it works the best for my physical appearance hcs explanation so . sees siblings au . basically p3 tl but add goro there and u get the fuck u brothers . i will probly yap on this once i have time to actually think bout details and stuff ! So . appearances, idk they are twins to me !!! here are two old twt screenshots with some details :3
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both of them cant cook they are losers ‼️
cuz they look the samr they love impersonating each other like for example imagine shadow ops hqs . someone calls for goro but instead of goro comes ken and the person who called for him has no idea its not actually goro because ken copies goros speech style and everything ,,, or they could also do this with their unis just for funsies (and only koromaru can tell them apart at first glance when they are in this fuck u brothers mode)
  they have featherman watching sessions where they just randomly decide to rewatch all the seasons + movies once every three months or so (this is goroken + futaba) 
Okay thats all for neow ! i kinda suck at putting my thoughts into words so uh my apologies and thank u for reading :DDD
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