#i restarted eternal punishment can u tell
nero1forte · 7 months
2018 nero: i hate baofu and i hate katsubao
2024 nero: haha baofu babygirl. katsubao toxic yaoi
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megamanxfanfics · 7 years
S.IV - Ep. 15: Double-Cross my Heart. Hope to Die.
Written by Metal-Man X
--------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE PORT – Launch Pad – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------
Caption: Moments Ago
X runs onward past a series of scaffolding and makes it to the launch pad of the Space Port only to find that there is no Rocket in sight.
X: Huh?
His com-link beeps.  X takes the call.
DOUBLE: (o.s, filtered) Repliforce has already flown off into Space…  
X: What the-..  But I thought…  Double, do me a favor and watch the others for me at the Base.  I’ll go after them, first!
DOUBLE: (o.s, filtered, gasping) Sir!  Reconsider what you’re doing; it’s far too dangerous!
X: We don’t have any other option! I’m leaving you in charge here, Double!
X frantically looks around for a spacecraft.  He finds one further across the apron at a short runway and runs for it.
   -       cut to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.  MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Docking Bay - DAY --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Back at Hunter H.Q., Double is moving a few supply boxes with the rest of the 17th Elite Hunters. They are currently on standby, awaiting further orders to board a ship for the Repliforce Space Port.  Their attention is drawn to Double when he clumsily drops a box on the floor that makes a loud crashing sound.
DOUBLE: (clumsy) Oh, not again...
XANTHE: (annoyed) Hey, watch it!
DOUBLE: (smiling, embarrassed) I'm.. terribly sorry.
A small beep emits from Double’s breastplate. He answers the call on his com-link only to hear the voice of his master, surprisingly.
SIGMA: It's me. /Those Hunters must not be allowed in here. Terminate them!
At the dash, Double’s face goes from curious, to /ominous.
DOUBLE: (scowling, dark) Roger...
Pollux and the others gawk at him, as they think he’s talking to himself.
POLLUX: What a freak.
ELITE HUNTERS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
They all laugh and share a good cackle, as Double clenches his fists.  With his back to them, Double’s body starts glowing and becomes shrouded in a forboding red aura.
JUNO: (concerned, worried) Hey, Double. What's the matter?
He turns and glares at them.
DOUBLE: Hmmeeee/yaaaa/aaa/rrruuaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
His /left hand, then his /right hand transform into stronger gauntlets, as his arms open up into a far more muscular form.  Then, his gut inverts into a muscular well-defined set of abs as his chest broadens out with a strong golden armored plating. At last, he reveals his new wicked face with a grin.  His blood red eyes and their dark metallic outline scare the rest of the Elite Hunters.  
Fully transformed, he now stands before them, at about 6 feet.  His sharp shoulder pads compliment his new horned helmet, while his more muscular arms and legs are a vibrant lavender color.  He is battle-ready, and as far as he is concerned, these fools more than deserve their punishment.
ELITE HUNTERS: (scared, nervous) Aaaahhh!
Alecto, Castor and Pollux all stare at him with their mouths agape as they take a step back.
The fearsome Double runs after them with his left hand out and his right hand back.  He creates a sharp cutting blade from his gauntlet.  Then he chops Pollux in half diagonally, as blood spurts out.
POLLUX: /Aaah.
He turns to his left and cuts down /Aeson and /Juno’s chests diagonally with both hands; just victims of circumstance.
AESON & JUNO: //UUaaahhh!!
He chops Castor’s hand off, who runs away as fast as he can to the nearest Console.
He turns to Xanthe and Zephyr, and quickly slashes them across the chest and back without hesitation.
At last, he destroys Alecto, cutting violently across the chest.
ALECTO: Aaauuugghhh!!!
He notices that Castor made it to a Console, and is patching in to a radio transmission.
CASTOR: This is the Maverick Hunters, 17th Unit. Commander X, please respond!
Double’s shadow covers his back.  He waits for Castor to turn around.
Off screen, Double /kills him as the communicator falls to the ground.  X’s voice can be heard on the other end as Castor dies.
CASTOR: Gaaaaaahhhhh…
X: (o.s, filtered) This is X! What happened? Report!
Double grabs the communicator with a wicked grin and speaks in his calmest, coolest voice.
DOUBLE: Nothing to worry about...
X: No further transmissions unless necessary to carry out the operation!
DOUBLE: Understood...
X: I'm breaking contact.
Double throws the communicator to the ground where his adversaries have finally met their end.
DOUBLE: And now, X will be my next target. Heh heh heh heh...
   -       Fade out -
[Insert Title Card: Double-Cross My Heart.  Hope to Die.]
   -       Fade in –
Caption: Now
In the Control Room, Captain sounds the alarm and intercoms the whole building.
CAPTAIN: (announcing) They’ve left for Outer Space!  Scramble, all Maverick Hunters!
Just then, Zero teleports in to find that Iris is not there. ZERO: ...Iris? Where are you? Iris!  
CAPTAIN: She’s gone, son.
ZERO: She left with them?  No!!
CAPTAIN: What did you think was going to happen?  You killed her brother… After she begged against it, so many times.
ZERO: I didn’t have a choice!
CAPTAIN: You don’t need to tell me that…  You just have to focus on ending this War.  We all do.
He pulls up his microphone and focuses on his announcements again.
CAPTAIN: Maverick Hunters!  Scramble!!
Zero turns his attention to the Halogen screen and can see that X is flying in Space already on a small spacecraft.
ZERO: I’m on my way!  Don’t do this to me, Iris…
He teleports once again.
-cut to-
Iris sits in her seat, heart broken.
IRIS: (frowning) So it's true…?
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) Yes, I'm afraid so.  He's gone, sweety. I'm so sorry.
She gasps and covers her mouth in a silent shriek as tears pour out of her eyes.
IRIS: (whispering, furious) Damn it… I knew he’d do this.
She sniffles as she tries to compose herself.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) I always knew he was trouble.
IRIS: Not now, Skiver. Please…?
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) But you just-… I'm only agreeing with you.
IRIS: I loved him! Okay…? And he betrayed me…  This is so hard for me to proceeess.
She cries again into her hands.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) Don’t fret, sweetheart. I'll take care of him.
IRIS: (soft, scared) No.  It has to be me.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) Huh?
IRIS: When this ship docks, I will be the one to find him.  And I will be the one to end it.. No matter /what.
Her voice /cracks through her sorrow.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (worried) …What are you going to do?
IRIS: This can’t go unpunished.  I'll use my brother's power to give me strength.  And hopefully that will be enough to stop him.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered, gasping)} Huh? ..How!?  You can’t!!  It’s too dangerous.  Let me go after him instead.
She shakes her head and winces.
IRIS: No.  Someone needs to stay behind and restart the Repliforce.  Just in case we… don’t make it.
-cut to-
EXT. SPACE PORT - Terminal Access Point -  DAY
Spiral Pegasus' eyes widen in fear.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (worried, flustered) What the- Iris! Please!!  This is crazy.
IRIS: (o.s, filtered) My brother and I are bound by the same Soul.  We were actually born as one; but then our soul was split apart into two separate entities for fear that we were too powerful, together.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (fascinated, then concerned) Reeally.  /H-huh??
Colonel's dead body begins to /shake.  A small purple orb peers out from his chest plate.  It glows radiantly in the sunset as it slowly rises to the sky.
IRIS: (o.s, filtered) Souls are eternal…  Brother and I will be together again.  I'll become what we were always meant to be.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (speechless, worried) U-u-uh. Iris??
IRIS: (o.s, filtered) I'm afraid this is goodbye, my friend.  Take care of Rex for me.  Don’t let the Repliforce die out.
IRIS: (o.s, filtered) Promise me/.
She /closes communication, ending their conversation abruptly.
Spiral Pegasus looks up at the DNA Soul amongst the sunset worried, but also relieved that she has a plan.  Then, he salutes the dying sun in her honor.
   -       pan to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SPACE PORT – Launch Pad – DAY --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Far to the right, Zero can be seen entering a small spacecraft on the same runway that X was on.
ZERO: This is it.  
He starts up the engine and com-links to X, as he prepares to lift off.
ZERO: X, I’m following your trajectory.
X: (o.s, filtered) Good.  You won’t have any trouble following them in, since we’re in Repliforce ships.
ZERO: That’s good…  Hey, man.  What are we doing?
(o.s, filtered) Just seeing what they’re up to.  At this point, I don’t trust them any more than you do.
Zero sighs, relieved at that thought actually.  For once they’re finally on the same page.
   -       Cut to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. SPACE SHUTTLE – Cockpit – NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X follows the trail of ships towards a massive satellite weapon.
X: (gasping) Oh my God! This is what they were up to all along??
ZERO: (o.s, filtered, alert) What is it?  What’s going on??
X: They built… another weapon.  And it’s pointed right at Earth!!
ZERO: (o.s, filtered, gasping) Ooh man!  The General has a lot of explaining to do.
X: I’ll say!
X speeds up toward the large satellite complex and docks his ship by an entrance. The rest of the Repliforce ships pass by the Satellite Weapon as they continue their journey to their new Colony.
   -       pan to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. FINAL WEAPON – Entrance – NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X runs into the first corridor to find exposed wires dangling all across the walls.  He charges up and summons his Force Armor when he sees two Giga Death mechaniloids waiting for him along with four beam cannon drones.
X: Hmph!
Draped in white and blue, with gauntlets of black and red, X fearlessly blasts the first Giga Death, which shatters upon being hit.  Residual balls of plasma form around the beam cannons it bypassed, which destroys them too.
The second Giga Death shoots a missile at X, that misses.  It gets blasted with another Plasma Shot, which completely destroys it.
X takes out the remaining beam cannons behind it with level 1 shots, before jumping across a small wiring unit in the middle of the hallway.
On the other side of the unit, X encounters two more Giga Deaths that are accompanied by Beam Cannons. He successfully dodges all of their lasers and missiles, and destroys them in the same fashion as he proceeds to make it to the end of the corridor.
He kick-jumps up a wall and enters a gateway, not knowing what to expect.
X: (v.o, thinking) Okay.  Whatever is waiting for me in there; I’m ready.  Its time to get some answers.
X mentally prepares himself for the conversation of his life, expecting to bump into the General, or possibly a series of Repliforce Soldiers.  But instead, when he enters upon the gateway, he finds his small, portly companion Double waiting for him.
-pan to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. FINAL WEAPON – Battle Room - NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X lands to the ground, confused as he looks at Double and powers down to his normal armor.
X: Huh?  Double!  What…  Why are you here!?
DOUBLE: (cynical, dark) …Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!  The Mavericks, Hunters and Repliforce… Idiots, all of them.  They’re making my job too easy!
X tilts his head and gives Double a cross stare.
X: (scowling) …W… What are you talking about?  Double, what are you saying?!
DOUBLE: (smirking) Think it over in heaven!  Die, X!
X’s eyes widen as Double quickly transforms before him into his fearsome form.
X: (nervous) Ah!
DOUBLE: (eager) I’m so anxious to rip you apart!
X shakes his head, shocked beyond belief as he charges up and summons his Force Armor once again.
X: What have you done, Double?
X blasts him with a fully charged X-Buster, but Double summons up an equally powerful fireball of his own.
DOUBLE: Its time I showed you what I can really do.  /Destroy!!!
He /tosses the blue fireball at X's plasma shot.
His powerball knocks X’s charge shot away, putting his new powers to shame.
X: (surprised, reacting) Whuh?  Oh man..
X narrows his eyes and points an Aiming Laser at him.  Upon firing, the ray pings off of Double's armor hopelessly, doing no damage.
DOUBLE: Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
[RADAR]: Its no good.  Analyzing possible weaknesses.
Double runs over to X with a deadly pink blade emitting from his gauntlet.
DOUBLE: Kiba Slash!!
He announces his deadly attack as he dashes after X.
X far-jumps back to the wall, bounces off of it and air dashes over him as he charges up.  This time he strikes him with a hard charge shot to the back.
DOUBLE: Hoough.
He turns around with a wicked grin.  Then he throws another heavy powerball at X, which knocks him down.
X: Aghh.
DOUBLE: Ha ha ha ha!  You’re gonna get hurt, X!
X narrows his eyes and switches to his Ground Hunter power.  He fires a few stingray shots at Double, but they bounce off his armor, pathetically.
DOUBLE: Ha ha ha ha ha.  You /weakling!!
Double dashes over to X with a pink energy blade, as X back-dashes onto his feet.
Double misses, while X catches his arm, and overhead tosses him onto the ground with a scowl.
X puts his hands on his hips.
X: (annoyed) Wanna try that again?  What’s this all about?
Double gets up and shakes his head with another evil grin.
DOUBLE: You really have no idea, do you??  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
X: No. I don’t. And now you’re wasting my time!!
X charges up as his armor glows red.  As Double runs over to X, he lets out a super-charged Rising Fire uppercut, that seems to have no effect on his armor.
DOUBLE: Hahahaha, Nope!!
Double slices the airborne X in the gut at close range, who falls to the ground, /bleeding at the stomach.
X: Auuughhhh…. Fffff/uck…
DOUBLE: Ooh.  It sounds like someone is having a bad night.
[RADAR]: Try the Double Cyclone, X.  Wind seems to be his weakness.
X: Hmph..
X slowly picks himself up and shifts his Force Armor into a dark green aura.
DOUBLE: Hehehehehehh.  Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
X narrows his eyes.
X: What’s so /funny!?
He lets out a /cyclone from both hands.
One cyclone hits Double at his underarmor, just below the chest.
DOUBLE: /Agh…  Huurr/Agh!!
His affected stomach suddenly bubbles up into two blobs, which escape from his body and manifest themselves into two golden drones, with their own A.I.
X: (scared) What the..?
DOUBLE: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!  My internal defenses are strong, X!  Anything you dish out at me, I’ll give back to you, DOUBLE!!
X: What!?
Suddenly the two golden drones float above him and fire green energy blasts at him, while Double himself, dashes with another Kiba Slash.
The surprised, X charges up and blasts the two drones, while Double takes another slice at X’s chest.
X: (hurt) Haaaauuuughhh!!!!
Double makes /swings and /kicks to capitalize on X's pain.
DOUBLE: /Yes!  /Yes!!  I /love it.  I /knew you wouldn’t be able to /hold your /own.
X shakes his head and cringes as he blocks the hits and charges up.  Forgetting about his own pain, he /shoots a super powered Double Cyclone at close range, which whirlwinds direcly against Double’s pink underbelly and knocks him down.
DOUBLE: /OOOOuugh.  Ha ha ha ha ha.  Keep it coming!
Yet again, more blobs emit from his body and create 5 more golden drones, while Double gets up and keels over in pain.  Two of the drones turn into disc-like buzz saws, while three others float, independently and fire at him at random.
DOUBLE: You’re only hurting yourself, X.
X looks around worried.
X: (v.o, thinking) Damn.  He’s right.  I’d better end this sooner than later.
X far jumps back and blasts a Plasma Shot at three of the drones.  He points to Double with an accusing glare, while two of the buzz saw drones continue to ricochet around the room.
X: Ya know, it’s a shame that you hid all this power from me.  We could’ve done a lot of good with it.  You must’ve let the others get to you.  And the power must’ve gotten to your head.
DOUBLE: Hee hee hee hee hee…
Double stands upright, ready to battle again.
X: Is that your end goal, then?  Did you want to take over the Elite Unit as your own??
DOUBLE: HA HA HA HA HA!  God Damn, you’re such a fool.
X scowls and charges up.
X: Enlighten me then!!!
He fires another Plasma shot at Double.  Double parries it with a powerball of his own.  The collective explosion damages him as it destroys the two buzz-saw drones near him.
DOUBLE: Aggh.  I killed your stupid, Elite Unit.  And I’d gladly do it again.
X makes a hardened grimace.
X: Those were good people…  
DOUBLE: (glaring) Not to me…  They deserved it.
X twitches.
X: Hmph.  Aeson, Juno, Alecto, Castor, Pollux.. Xanthe and Zephyr!  They’re all gone.  Maybe they were right to not like you, after all…
Double grits his teeth through a grimace.
DOUBLE: Heheheh! That’s fine by me.  Once I'm done here, you’re all gonna be dead anyway!
He dashes after him with another Kiba Slash.
X clenches his fist and shakes his head as his armor becomes darker.
X: Damn it Double, I /TRUSTED YOU!!!!!!
In a raging fit of emotion, X’s Force Armor transforms into his Ultimate Armor as he /catches Double's fist.  Draped in dark blue, purple, black and gold, X is surrounded by a purple aura as he glares at Double, his sworn enemy.
X crushes Double's hand with a dark, fearless glare.
DOUBLE: Aaaaaaghaaaa!!  SSo there’s that.. Ultimate Power you were so… afraid of.  It’s about time you gave me your all!
He backs away in pain as he shakes his hand out.
X: (irate) Shut up!!!!
X dashes over to Double and /punches him hard in the face.
DOUBLE: /Aeghh.
Double high jumps away and pulls at all of his power to create a large /crescent shaped blast.
DOUBLE: Rrrrr/AGH!!!!!
The blast is so large, it reaches all the way to the ceiling of the room.
X: (focused, defiant) HMPH!
X easily creates Nova Energy around his body and uses his back-jet thrusters to launch himself directly through Double’s crescent blast.
X’s glowing body rams against Double and tackles him to the ground, creating an instantaneous explosion in mid-air.
When the dust clears, X stands above Double with one foot on his chest.  With both men panting, it is clear that Double has been defeated.
X: (concerned) Double!
He spits out some blood at X’s boot.
DOUBLE: …Damn!  …How could I lose to a weakling like you…
X: (unfazed) Double, tell me! Why did you do this?
He takes his foot off of him to let him speak.
DOUBLE: …Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha! You’re so naive, X!  I was sent as a spy from the very beginning to keep an eye on you!
X cricks his neck and narrows his eyes, provoked.
X: …Double!  I… I trusted you!
DOUBLE: Ha ha ha ha! That naiveness may be your fatal flaw!  Goodbye, X!  See you in the afterlife!
X: Double!!
With that, Double’s core ruptures into a violent explosion, forcing X to jump back and watch his enemy die.
X blinks and takes in the moment in silence.  Then, he simply takes out a sub-tank from his compartment belt and restores his energy by placing it into his chest piece.  After an exasperated sigh, he powers back down into his white and blue Force Armor.  Then, he looks to the gate at the end of the room, with a clenched fist.
-pan to-
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. FINAL WEAPON – Corridors - NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X walks out of the gate and carefully drops down to a lower corridor, where he faces a large Death Guardian shield mechaniloid. At a corridor below that, another awaits him.
X jumps off-screen, as we see Iris enter the corridor from another door.  She makes her way towards the gate, holding the purple DNA Soul of her brother.
   -       Pan to –
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.  FINAL WEAPON – Battle Room - NIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris enters the room and drops down with her brother’s soul clutched tightly in her hands.
She looks at the exploded rubble of the foreign reploid with confusion.
IRIS: Huh?
But then, none of that matters, once he enters.  
At the other end of the room, Zero drops down from the gateway and runs over to her with a guilty, apologetic look on his face.
She slowly walks towards him with an unforgiving stare.
ZERO: Iris!
IRIS: So you fought with my brother...
ZERO: I'm sorry...
IRIS: Then it's over. Everything...
ZERO: Wait Iris! Listen to me!
IRIS: Good bye, Zero...
ZERO: Iris!
Iris raises her brother’s DNA Soul high.  The DNA Soul, suddenly reforms itself into a diamond, which emits dark electricity directly into her.
ZERO: (frightened) IRIS!!!
IRIS: Stay with me, brother...
A large purple aura of power surrounds her body and slowly creates a protective winged Ride Armor around her. Her purple armored plating is pronounced by her demon-like wings, as an ominous helmet covers her face.  She now looks like an evil, winged knight with a powerful buster in her right hand.  She is unrecognizable.  The purple diamond lowers itself into Iris' new chest core.
IRIS: Okay, I'll do it.
ZERO: (whispering) Nooo…
Iris dashes after Zero with her buster out.
ZERO: Ahhh!
Zero far-jumps back against the wall.
ZERO: Get back!  Don’t do this!!
He pulls out his purple saber and guards his face.
IRIS: Forgive me, Zero!
She charges up and attacks Zero with her buster.  A heavy purple beam of power is directed at him.
He jumps up the wall and repeatedly kick-jumps away from it as she guides her buster toward him.
ZERO: No!!
He air-dashes away from her and runs away on the other side before turning around.  He holds his saber up in a defensive stance.
ZERO: Iris. Please!!  Don’t make me use this.
IRIS: And did you do the same for me?  After I repeatedly told you not to fight my brother??
ZERO: He wouldn’t give me a choice! He-
IRIS: You KILLED Him, Zero!  He's dead!!  And he’s never coming back.
She dashes after Zero and shoves him to the ground clutching him at his neck.
Zero is choking as he stares at her new face.
ZERO: I-I'm..ckkk..S-s..s
IRIS: Don’t!
She slams his head to the ground and back-dashes far away from him, charging her beam buster once again.
IRIS: It'll be easier this way…
She fires her blaster at him as he lays down in defeat.  He allows the purple blast to take him as he is flung far across to the other wall, near Double's broken remains.
ZERO: Gghh-gg-uugghhh… Oh man…  Is this it? Is this… how I finally…  …What the fuck is this?
His attention is drawn to Double's horrid, broken face.
ZERO: Who is this…?
He turns to Iris who is headed for him again.  Then he rises to his feet.
IRIS: (crying) Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!
She charges another blast, but Zero jumps right into her armor, as she misses the blast.
ZERO: Iris!  I won’t kill you. But you have to stop!!
He is forced to raise his saber to her. First he strikes her in the head.  Then, the shoulder and chest.
Instead of making any scratches or dents into her armor, his saber is deflected as special floating mines emit from her body and explode in his face.  He falls to the ground hard.
ZERO: Auughh. What the-… (v.o, thinking) I have to get that Armor off of her.
Iris fires another blast at him, but Zero jumps away and dashes around her.
ZERO: Baby. Please! Listen to me-
IRIS: DON'T Call me that!!!
She is so upset, she exposes her diamond core, which floats directly above Zero and lets out a secondary beam of dark energy.
ZERO: (struck) Aaugghh! There's.. More going on here!  I just Know it!!!  You just have to /LISTEN!!
He powers through his pain and rises against her unrelenting beam.  His saber becomes engulfed in flames as he pushes an uppercut against her beam and at last, /strikes the diamond core.
IRIS: Aagh..
Zero analyzes the situation as she slowly recovers.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) That core is the key.  If I can just destroy that…  Maybe it'll get that armor off her.
IRIS: How dare you!!?
She charges after Zero, who bats her away with saber slashes that only create a swarm of floating mines in the room.
ZERO: Stop it, honey!  Look around you. What are we doing??
She exposes her diamond core once again and fires two blasts at the same time; one horizontal and one vertical.  
ZERO: Nnnnoooooo!!!
He shouts as he evades the blasts and strikes the diamond once again with a spinning slash.
ZERO: The Mavericks are killing us, Iris. They always have been. Starting with Magma Dragoon's attack on the Sky Lagoon.
IRIS: Dragoon was sent with our platoon to investigate Mavericks. Not the other way around.
Zero shakes his head.
ZERO: No no no! He brought the Mavericks to the Sky Lagoon and brought the whole thing to the ground. He wanted to create mass confusion and cause a rift amongst our factions knowing that it would inevitably lead to War.  It was all a preconceived effort to goad us into fighting him.
She makes an annoyed scowl through her faceplate and shakes her head.
IRIS: I don’t care anymore! The damage is done.  This is your fault, Zero.  It didn’t have to end like this.
ZERO: It doesn’t have to end!!  I didn’t want this!!!
IRIS: Yes you did.  I saw that eagerness in your eyes every time you wanted to take out my Army. My Navy.  My Airforce!! …It’s too late…  I can’t.
She arms herself once again.
He grits his teeth in anger as he defiantly /pulls out his saber again.
ZERO: Then /WHY did you stand by my side the whole time, huh!?  Why did you lay with me in bed on those nights pretending like nothing ever happened?  
He dashes around her beams once again and carefully slashes at her diamond core, while taking damage in the process.
IRIS: I loved you, you idiot.  I tried to stop you, but I couldn’t. Even now I can’t….
She rushes over to Zero with a charged set of beams.  Her buster, pressed against his chest, and her core directly under his feet, Zero can tell that it’s now or never.
ZERO: (forced) NO!!!!
He slams a charged fist into the ground and lets off his Giga Attack, which completely ruptures her Diamond Core.
Her floating Diamond Core explodes above her armored frame.  A bright white light covers the room and settles.  At last, Zero has won, leaving only her original feminine frame injured on the ground.  But it feels like he has lost.
With her eyes closed, she lies still on the floor.  Zero quickly runs to her.
ZERO: Iris!  Iris..
She opens her eyes and slowly turns her head to him.
IRIS: (softly) Zero...
He kneels down to her and gently places his hand on her head.
ZERO: Hang in there, Iris.
IRIS: Please... stay away from Repliforce... Let's live together.. in a world where only Reploids exist.
Zero hesitates and carefully chooses his words.
ZERO: (soft, regretful) Iris, there's no world just for Reploids. It's only a fantasy.
IRIS: Yes... I know... But I wanted to believe it!
She holds up her hand.
IRIS: ... I wanted to live in a world where only Reploids exist...... with you.
She struggles to reach out to his broad chest until he cups her hand into both of his.
ZERO: (tender, worried) ...Iris!
She looks at him with the same worry in her eyes for a short moment.  Then, suddenly she makes the sweetest smile, with that twinkle in her eyes that he fell for in the first place.  With a light sigh, and a weak brow, Zero notices that she is fading. At last, her eyes close as she lets her body go limp.  With a turned head and a peaceful face, it is clear that Iris has died.
ZERO: Iris! Iris! .... Iris...
He desperately cradles her body into his arms.  He presses his head closer to hers, trying to cope with this.  
ZERO: (sad) Iriis…
He shakes her by the shoulders three times, but to no avail.  She is not waking up.
ZERO: (grieving) Irriiiis….
He puts his head against her forehead again, with tightly closed eyes.
ZERO: Irris!
Not being able to take it anymore, Zero finally lets it all out.
He rises to his feet, still holding her in his arms.
ZERO: (wincing, cringing)
Nooo!! This isn't happening!! There's no reason for me to go on! What... WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOORRRRRRR????!!!!
- Freeze Frame.  Grainy Effect-
As Zero holds her in his arms, we pan out from him and Iris.
- Fade to Black -
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setsunatama3 · 5 years
Chapter one: Exile
AN/ so people have been telling me to fix these chapters. However had they bothered to read on, they would have probably found more AN’s. Where I described my frustrations with fanfiction.net and the issues  have been having with missing text with my chapter posts. Rather than reading on they post rude comments. And i have taken note and have fixed chapter one will see if i can fix this ongoing issue I am having with the other chapters. if you can't handle that then take note that i post under the same pen name on deviant art and archive of our own. Due note that i am also inspired by the following works 
An old fox’s new trick
Remnant's Maelstrom Shinobi
Shattered world
Naruto the huntsman
 and so many other rwby crossover fanfiction. So please stop saying that I am ripping off  so and so’s story cause that's just not true and your really being rather facetious with remarks like that. For my story I wanted a naruto that not by any deus ex machina caused in the middle of battle to end up in remnant. But by the results of his own actions and choices. I see naruto as someone who moves forward always staying true to his word. While he has regrets he chose to move on with his life seeing this as a chance to start over. Kinda why I take a small dig at OFNT naruto for being a hermit for a few years in chapter two. Anyway i accept all criticism and take it with stride. How ever i write for me not you really so any who don’t like my work let me know and for the love of god log in with a username so we can start a dialogue. And so i can see where your coming from and so i can message you in return. If you can’t then please leave something so i can message you. Would prefer that over anything.
-edited 10/11/2019- 
Chapter one: Exile
While lost in thought, the vast forest of Konoha Naruto reminisced about his life. He was the toad sage of Mount Myōboku, the savior of the 4th shinobi war, child of prophecy, the 7th Hokage, 2nd sage of six paths, inheritor of the chakra of Ashura, husband of Hinata and Hanabi Hyūga- Uzumaki husband of Ino Yamanaka-Uzumaki father of Boruto Himawari Inojin and Chinami all now passed, Jinchūriki of all nine bijū, and finally the founder of the new Uzushiogakure. 
Naruto honestly could not believe that in the years he served his nation and the shinobi alliance that this would happen.that all his sacrifices would be in vain. Still, he couldn't help but think that in some way by restarting his clans' village, it would all be worth it in the end as with Uzu, the strongest village allied with Konoha and Kumo the world could be safe in his absence.
"Quit moping brat, it isn't like you!" Kurama snarled. “You know I hate it when you do that. After all, you can't change the past, only keep moving forward.”
"Oh, shut it, you overgrown hairball!" Naruto pouted with his arms crossed. "Anyway, since when were you mister optimism."
"Ha! I could say the same about you since when did you brood like the Uchiha?!" Kurama chortled in laughter, curling up into a small ball and yawning next to Naruto.
"What! I don't brood like Sasuke," Naruto huffed. "Just thought that the other kage would understand why I went against the alliance this time."
"The four of the five kage of today are mostly politicians," Kurama said with disdain in his voice. "They only look out for their own interest, and they fear you. Even the good ones do," he said with a sigh. 
"Lord seventh," a soft voice called out. "it's time."
Naruto opened his eyes to see Sarada bowing. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help," Sarada said morosely. While looking down in shame at what her clan would have to do. 
"Don't worry, its not your clan's fault nor is this yours." Naruto expressed with a grin as he stood up. "If Sasuke were still here, he would have said I was just too stupid to see what the aftermath of my actions, I just did what I thought was right. I saved those people from cruel and unjust punishment. And I did upset the balance by restarting uzu with them to give them a second chance."
"I'm going with you!" Sarada said with determination in her mismatched eyes. "Papa said when he gave me his eyes and power to look out for you no matter what." With one hand on her hip, she said. "besides, I'm just like you now eternally young and immortal. the chakra you and papa gave me to save my life did this; it just cost him more." Sarada explained.
With sorrow in his heart, "I'm sorry," Naruto said as expressed guilt. As he hugged her. 
Sarada let out a long sigh "don't be, just like you, he lived as a shinobi should and died as a father would. For their child." Sarada said as she tried to comfort the elder Uzumaki.
"We should head to the meeting." Sarada asked, taking note of the time. "do you have a marker in the land of iron?"
Naruto nodded his head and replied. "We will talk about you coming later. I can't exactly let come with me and punish you too."
Smiling Sarada said. "and what are you going to do to stop me from following you tie me up?" while flashing her Sharingan at him. 
"I just might and give you a spanking while I am at it," Naruto teased.
A sputtering Sarada smashed him into the ground, screaming, "pervert!"
 -Later Land of iron five kage summit -
"We the five Kage are here to discuss the accused Naruto Uzumaki for the charges as follows:
For the charge of crimes against humanity 
The destabilization of the world economy 
Threats of force and violence 
Allowing terrorist to start a hidden village under your name 
Violating international policy 
For these crimes, we shall put it to a vote on the punishment of banishment," The Tsuchikage announced to the tribunal.
"I the Hokage vote not guilty said the youngest of the kage Itachi Uchiha." 
"I the Raikage vote not guilty said the grandson of Aye Ay."
"I the Mizukage vote guilty said a portly man with balding blue hair."
"I the Kazekage vote guilty said a woman of auburn hair."
"I the Tsuchikage vote guilty said a pasty looking bald man."
"With a three to two vote, we the five kage of the alliance with this sentence one Naruto Uzumaki to banishment to another world." the Kazekage said with a tone of what seemed like remorse. "So Naruto Uzumaki, what say you." 
The tension in the room from the silence alone was palpable. Then Naruto spoke, "I'll go … under a few stipulations of my own---"
An outraged Mizukage railed out, " how dare you to make demands of us!" Before Naruto could even finish his sentence.
Then a sudden violent and thick killing intent flooded the room as the doors were blown off their hinges. "NO! HOW DARE YOU! "Kurama roared as he prowled through the room as if on the hunt.
"You make demands of him! And expect him to not make a bargain of his own." Kurama growled out with two glowing red eyes.
"Ehem… as I was saying my stipulations are simple, and for most of them, u really have no choice." Naruto interrupted with a straight face. "first, the alliance will now officially recognize Uzu as a hidden village, and anyone from Uzu caught violating any international laws must be dealt with on an individual basis. Second, the Biju will be allowed to come with me if they choose."
"This is nonsense; the Uchiha can subjugate the Biju, and we still have some of the Sealing arts of old! that should be plenty to control what should be our property in any way." The Kazekage dismissed out of hand until the same killing intent as before resumed with more bloodlust than ever felt before. And she fainted into a pile of her own filth.
"YOU DARE TO PUT US IN CHAINS ONCE MORE!!" Kurama bellowed now the size of an ox. With all of his tails loose and thrashing about. Damaging the room and shaking the building to its very foundations.
Naruto was about to try and calm down Kurama when Sarada stepped in, saying with a glare to the remaining kage, "my clan has been forbidden from ever doing such a thing and what remains of your old seals will not work on them anyway."
"T-the council accepts the stated terms." The once prideful Mizukage squealed out.
"Ha, cowards!" chortled Kurama as he stalked out of the room.
"My final demand is that Itachi's eyes be preserved by my clan in the event of a need for I to return outside of his lifetime." naruto concluded.
That is easily the most agreeable term, yet stated the rest of the council. "With that, this meeting is now adjourned, Naruto Uzumaki. You will have 72 hours to have your affairs in order." the Raikage sullenly stated.
"Then we shall go see to the rest of the Biju and see if they wish to come," Naruto stated as he left the room, followed by Sarada and Itachi.
The rest of the day was a solemn affair as they traveled by to Konoha then to mount Myōboku, where naruto then asked the other Biju if they would follow him into exile. To his surprise, they all agreed. And the toads insisted that he keep their contract on the that maybe one day they would see each other again.not only that, but they would serve Konoha and Uzu so long as the toads lived.
With that, they had a going-away celebration for naruto that lasted 48 hours in Uzu. As for an Uzumaki, the family is everything, and to an Uzumaki, the village is family.
Note edited as of 10/11/19
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