#i remember when homestuck merch was in hot topic
minecraft666 · 7 months
head in my hands. it all comes back to homestuck
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canisvesperus · 3 years
Okay yeah uh. So I already know I revisit the past a lot for catharsis purposes. There is comfort in the spots in between. I went to the mall yesterday. Sometimes it feels as if I’m walking among ghosts. I stand in locations I did long ago and I think about how the world was different, and so was I. Seven years ago I stood in that same spot next to someone I used to regard as a friend, whose dad was generous enough to get me that cute beta kids and trolls t-shirt. He was only buying favors, now that I think about it. Even so, I still cherish it and the memory, as difficult as that is. As I looked around, I noticed the empty shelves. Lots of shortages all around, not just in this unassuming Hot Topic.
Shortage or not, nothing appeals to me anymore. I’m not speaking in terms of consumerism. I look at these fandoms, I think of their communities, and I feel nothing, if not slight repulsion. It really sinks in. Is this alienation? Am I just a boomer now? Either very well may be. I see phantom traces of who I was before. I still see old flames here and there. Doctor Who, Ouran, even Invader Zim is still kicking in this store. Like fragments of a irreparable whole. I used to love this culture. Sure, it always had problems. But now I feel like a stranger even among that which I’ve known my whole life. I can’t fit in with the people, nor do I want to. I’m not interested in appearing edgy or different. I just wish I could have what I did before when I was a younger kid and I couldn’t fully appreciate things before they were gone.
I was never the kind of person to let a community ruin the entire medium for me. This isn’t the same situation. I don’t care about merchandise, or if there’s a terrible fandom or lack there of. I’m a Homestuck blog in 2021. That should say something. When I come across the rare chance of finding a spark of comfort and happiness from something, I won’t let it go. For several reasons, I don’t see myself letting this go. I just hate this stagnant empty feeling of walking through a graveyard of a once vibrant, unruly, unparalleled community, and the occasional bastardization by newcomers even worse than the worst of old fandom. I don’t want to be a snob and say it’s not even theirs to tarnish. I simply don’t know how to articulate my feelings. Don’t even get me started on Star Wars because it’s going through that process of rotting as I speak and I’m going to end up feeling the same way.
Remember when they started selling Homestuck merch at Hot Topic?
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yellowshibe · 5 years
i saw the 2015 kinnie tumblr post and i couldn't stop thinking about 2013 homestuck
checking my man kik group chats on my ipad or ipod touch, four or five different rps going on at once. and someone is venting. legitimate chaos ensues when i said hi cause everyone always said hello in character. then going on tumblr and seeing lots and lots of 'upd8' art, guesses about new characters and where the plot was headed, shipping walls updated...everyone was straight or a gay dude until rosemary. lol. pb&j, stridercest, davejohn, davejade, rosejohn, johnvris....gifs edited w sprites over them. new amvs and vines being circulated. jokes about hussie, nic cage, and mlp were everywhere. it was insane around prom season. 'tumblr prom' went on for a week, people asking others to go, but just getting dressed alone in their house in half cosplay and taking selfies alone to post on their reblog of their date's selfies. asks saying can you make that last ask rebloggable? no one knew if the kids were white and caucasian happened and everyone laughed and then wait no that's bad. no one was critical. cons were terrible. good that we all did that, but unsealed paint and unchecked teenagers meant insanity. fandomstuck, keshastuck.....those lyricstuck posts w the audio and then like 8 years of scrolling to get through it. and your mutuals had all reblogged it. everyone spammed, everyone's met their post limit. so many inside jokes that legitimately made no sense. mishacolypse happened?? we didn't fight with other fandoms. i remember art of homestuck being portrayed as younger and stupider than sherlock and doctor who and supernatural and hp. and every time there'd be an update people spamming, THERES AN UPD8?, FUCK IM NOT HOME RN DOMT POST SPOILERS, TAG UPD8 SPOILERS PLS, DOES ANYOJE KNOW WHO THAT CHARACTER IS HAVE WE MET THEM, WHAT IS HUSSIE DOING?, IS THIS GAY?, etc. art would literally spawn minutes later. idk how they did it. i would usually begin to read an upd8, go back to tumblr, refresh, and have my dash spammed with art of any new character or outfit or supposed canon ship or meme included in canon. kylee henke. senor pac-man. ikimaru kinda existed. gummy!!! so many more artists and voice actors contributed to the chaos.....i remember everyone wanted dave to be the main character hahahah. those little sprites w the quadrant pixels in peoples links......don't interact with me if you ship johnkat.....whatever bs.....oh yeah, whatpumpkin store and hot topic selling homestuck merch. what the fuck were we doing! lol. there's more but this is what i can remember rn.....those fucking multi contributor amvs where you'd pick one character to put art and stock text lyrics over a shitty background with some fucking....pussycat dolls song. 🥺🥺 i miss it.
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morwytch · 8 years
Kita Questionaire
1: What is your character’s full name? Kita Viktoria Koji 
2: What is their birth? December 1 
3: What is/are your character’s favorite show(s)? he doesn't watch TV much, but when he does watch, he likes ghostbusters, and X files. 
4: What kind of drug(s) does your character do? He doesn't have time for any of that. 
5: Favorite brand when it comes to shoes? He wears converse most of the time 
6: Where does your OC buy most of their clothes? Who pays for them? He gets them anywhere he can find what he likes cheaply. He pays for them. 
7: Can your character cook anything well? If so, what? He's the best cook in His family. He cannot, for the life of him, cook Mexican however. Tortillas, BROKEN! Sauce splattered, meat sauce, crispy. 
8: Would your character sacrifice a friend for $10,000,000 It's a tempting offer for him. Very tempting.... 
9: What song does your character always sing in the shower? In the dark of the night from Anastasia. 
10: As a child, what did your OC wanna be when they grew up? He just wanted to be on one of those paranormal shows. He loved that shit. 
11: Favorite kind of alcohol? Straight vodka. If he wants to get drunk he'll do it as fast as he can. 
12: Who is/are your OC’s best friend(s)? Yosuke. He's his homie with the bus. 
13: Favorite store? Hot topic. 
14: Favorite book? Peregrine's home for peculiar children. 
15: Most visited website(s)? Tumblr. (How meta) 
16: If your OC was a character from King of the Hill who would they be? I don't know I've never watched it and analyzed but maybe pocket sand guy 
17: Propane or charcoal? Charcoal 
18: Favorite troll from Homestuck? The captors. 
19: Has your character ever complained about how Invader Zim got canceled? Meh. 
20: Nintendo or Sony? Nintendo 
21: Favorite video game(s)? Casual games, usually. 
22: What’s the password they use for everything? Concern1cus 
23: What was their email in the 6th grade? PolterSpookyGiest666. He was unnecessarily edgy. That phase lasted years. 
24: Does your character tan or burn? Burns like a hot cheeto covered in wasabi and ghost peppers. 
25: What invisible illness does your OC live with? Asthma, chronic headaches, and the occasional petit mal seizure. 
26: If charged by a swarm of wild animals, what wild animal would scare your character the most? The Platypus. Jesus fuck, the platypus. 
27: Everybody Loves Raymond comes on but the batteries in the remote are dead. Does your character watch ELR or get up and change it? He gets up and turns the TV. 
28: What was their favorite disney show as a kid? Peter Pan. 
29: If your character is LGBT+, when and how did they realize? Around the swim team, He found himself slightly interested in females like the occasional "yeah she looks nice I guess" but a hot guy came around and he was all "👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit" and he was like 17. 
30: Who are your OC’s celebrity crushes? Ken Hirai. Hot damn swoon sign him the fuck up he hot. 
31: How does your character want to die? How do they actually die? He wants to go out peacefully, without regrets. I'm still figuring out the how he actually will die. 
32: How does your OC deal with having a crush on someone? He Internalizes the fuck outta that and hopes they make the first move. He'll try but it usually ends up like "uh.. um.. y-you're.. um.., I.. uh;;;;; " 
33: Did your OC cry at the end of Balto? a big resounding YES. 
34: What Bands does your character own merch to? He has a few bracelets from a few scattered bands. He loses them too much so nobody knows. :/ 
35: Emo, scene, goth, or punk? Goth. 
36: Does your OC use words or fists to argue? Words 
37: Did your OC read the book The Secret? Did it change their lives? He has. He's.. yet to see the effects. 
38: Did you character get deeper into My Little Pony than they let on? Much. Much deeper. 
39: Spotify or Pandora? Spotify. 
40: Do they pay for music or download it off the web? downloaaaaad. 
41: iPhone or Android? Android. 
42: Most used emoji? 😪 
43: Do they get lost on IMDB for hours looking up random movie trivia? No. 
44: Remember when Donnie Darko was about to jerk off in his therapists office that was fucked up What? I mean jerking it in a therapists is pretty fucked up. 
45: Does your character think Elijah Wood’s is hot?
 To him, he's soso. 46: Does your character believe in the Illuminati Well he's not American so, maybe if he knew that was a thing, probably. 
47: What do you think youtube would recommend your character watch? Relaxing music, creepy pastas, sad pastas, occasional hypnosis. 
48: Your OC stops at a gas station to buy a drink. What did they buy? He get caffeinated water. Boi needa stay up 
49: Does your character have an enemy/rival? Nope 
50: What kind of blog would/does your character have?(ie: food, aesthetic, SJW, porn, b&w, anime, etc..) Aesthetic and stress posts.
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