#i remember she took my bro to get braids and she said she felt so outta place as a white lady
spartanarcheress · 3 months
My mom was reminiscing how i used to always want her straight hair and she wanted my curly hair and i really want to tell her yeah thats cool but man it wouldve been neat if u put in the effort to learn the best was to take care of my hair rather than just being openly jealous of it and at the same time not discouraging just not wanting to deal with it… shed be like oh lets trade and i wanted to but she really woulda just had a rats nest like she always accused me of having. Like i had to wait til i was an adult to figure how tf to manage it with 0 help from her.
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munsonsfairy · 5 months
I have an ideaaa
how about a Paige x fem!reader wedding/proposal fic or headcanon??
the idea of her draft fit as a wedding outfit omfg 🤭
my peace 🕊️
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omg i love this idea!! i did wedding headcanons if that’s okay!<3
content: fem reader & no physical description of reader or their wedding outfit
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౨ৎ the night before, you and paige spend it by cuddling into each other while sitting on the balcony that overlooks the city.
“my wife, my wife, mine,” she whispers against your neck after every kiss. “not for another day, babe,” you’ve been reminding her since she proposed.
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౨ৎ it takes her 20 minutes to leave your townhouse that night. lots of goodbye kisses have already happened that it took kk & ice to drag her ass out.
“bye my beautiful gorgeous wife!” paige yells out the window as ice drives away. she doesn’t get into the car until you are out of her sight.
౨ৎ instead of reading your vows in front of your wedding guests, the both of you decided to do it before the ceremony. as you walked towards paige, you could see her wavy blonde hair with her front pieces in braids (as always). she was wearing an all white suit. you could tell she was nervous and excited by how much she was fidgeting.
“paige?” when she turned around her blue eyes already had tears in them. she looked at you in awe and almost fell to her knees. “we can’t cry we both have make up on,” you fan both of your both eyes trying to hold it all in.
she laid her head on yours and looked into your eyes. for a moment it felt like it was only the two of you in that garden. “we’re finally doing it. my wife,” you see a tear fall from her eye as she leans in to kiss you.
౨ৎ now the vows!!!!!! 🥹
paige reached into her pocket and took out a folded piece of paper. you could see her shaking, so you squeezed her hand to remind her it’s just you.
she smiled at you and took a deep breath, “ever since i could remember, i was always told, “you’ll know when they’re the one,” and i never understood that. i never felt complete until i saw you. when our eyes met, i knew after 3 seconds that you were the one. i’m blessed with the pleasure to know someone like you.” she looked up at you and saw you tearing up. “bro if you cry, i’ll cry,” she said laughing. “okay okay! no more crying.”
she took another shaky breath, “to be able to love and be loved by you. you are my sunrise and sunset filled with the most beautiful colors. you’re my peace with the world is too loud. your love is my turning page. you are the strongest person i know and i admire to be my best self everyday. i never doubted our love and will always consider myself lucky to love and learn from you. these past four years have been my favorite movie. i promise to love every single detail of you for the rest of my life.”
after you said your vows, paige was walking up to kiss you until you stopped her. “not until we say i do!” she looked at you with shock but kissed your knuckles on both hands. she leaned her forehead on yours once more. “see you at the alter,” then watched as you walked back to the venue’s house.
she didn’t want to take her eyes off of you. just wanted to stand there and admire you.
౨ৎ during the dance, you reserved chick-fil-a as a surprise for paige. she ran to you and grabbed your face to kiss you all over. her and kk were fighting over who was going to be the first to be served. spoiler alert: you got served first since they were too busy bickering. when you were eating your nuggets, paige noticed you had ranch on the corner of your mouth and kissed it off of you.
౨ৎ once your reception was over and almost all of your wedding guests have left, you and paige danced one last dance. your heels were long gone and paige was very tipsy. she held you so close to her chest that you could hear her heartbeat. you felt the breeze against your skin and closed
your eyes. paige was slowly guiding you in a circle while humming the song.
she kisses your head and said, “my wife.”
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tagging: @urantisocialgay because i know you’ve been asking for this (:
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josiesullysblog · 2 years
Just The Way You Are
~AGED UP Neteyam x Vitiligo Na’vi reader
~Angst, Fluff
~Summary-You were a triplet but the only difference between you and them are your skin.
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You were the baby of your family. You were also a triplet, and you had a skin condition. People never directly bullied you because of it, but they always left snarky comments.
Especially, your sisters it felt like they had this hidden animosity towards you. In every trio, there's always a duo you understood this meaning very well. They always left you out saying, “you wouldn't be able to keep up with us anyway!” you spent a lot of time alone.
Your mother took a lot of pride in how you and your sisters looked, “if you expect to mate, you’ll let me do your hair,” you swatted her hand out the way, “let me cut my hair! Then I’ll be able to wear them in braids and I’ll still be pretty!” your mother sucked her teeth, “nonsense!”
You gave up letting the woman have her way, “[Y/n], you already are different,” she paused looking at your skin, “I just want you happy,” she smiled looking at you, “okay.”
“I don't think I could see [Y/n] with a mate,” your oldest sister, Nova, said laughing, “I know that would be so weird!” your other sister, Sage, said looking at you, “why would it be weird?”
In your mind, they just said you were unlovable, that there was no way anyone could love you, “I don’t know it's just your vibe!” you rubbed your eyes fighting off tears, “oh, okay.”
As you got older, the more you felt people stare at you it was like you couldn't even leave your room, you became scared of how other people may judge you.
You knew better than to let other people get the best of you, but you couldn't help it.
“You should definitely come with us,” Sage snickered while looking at you, “yea like everyone is going!” Nova was the next to say, “why? You guys never invite me to places,” they both looked at each other before laughing.
“Omg just come with us already!” they forced you to go laughing the entire way, “here we are!” you put your head down scared someone would see you and stare.
It was like the moment you walked in Neteyam’s eyes bore into you, “who's that?” Lo’ak shrugged, “I don't know,” he stood up heading your way, “omg he’s coming over here!” Sage tried fixing her hair, “do I look okay?” Nova said as she did the same thing.
“Hey!” Neteyam waved at them though his eyes were glued to you, “this is our baby sister [Y/n],” Nova said petting your hair, “hi,” you gave a dry smile before trying to walk away, “omg [Y/n]! He obviously wants to talk why are you trying to leave!” the girl laughed obnoxiously.
Neteyam looked at her funny, “i’m Neteyam!” he had never met someone so gorgeous. “[Y/n],” it came out in a whisper but it was enough to cause the boy to smile.
He wanted to keep talking but your sisters pulled you away, “we’ll talk with you later!” Neteyam sighed as he watched you walk away, “someones gotta crush,” Lo’ak laughed slightly pushing him.
“Shut up,” they both went to sit down but Neteyam couldn't get you out of his mind. “[Y/n]! Remember that time you tripped and your top came off, that was like really embarrassing,” your sister's laugh filled the room. “I remember that,” Sage said, “[Y/n] is so clumsy it's so funny.”
You just sat there looking down, you knew there had to be a reason why they invited you, “what's that all over you?” a kid yanked you causing Nova to laugh, “omg stop! She’s just different,” tears threatened to fall as you yanked your arm back.
“Guys that's not funny,” Neteyam walked over standing in front of you, “bro i’m just saying, no one would want to mate with someone who looks like her,” that was the final straw you turned around and ran. You didn't want to see anybody, you just wanted to lay in bed and never come out.
“Why are you trying to defend her anyway,” Neteyam looked at the boy before connecting his fist with the boy’s face. “Finally some real fun!” Lo’ak laughed while joining in on beating the boy, “don’t look her fucking away again or I swear it’ll be worse.”
Neteyam’s hands went ram into the poor boy, the boy cried while everyone watched in fear, “ok I think that's enough,” Lo’ak’s hand tried reaching for Neteyam but it didn't work, the boy was gone.
“Neteyam, ENOUGH!” Lo’ak yanked the boys apart while looking at the other boy, “dude, dad’s going to kill us.”
Neteyam’s anger then shifted towards your sister, “you two are pieces of shit. Why would you just sit there and let your sister get ripped on.” they both put their heads down. “Let's go.” Neteyam walked off angrily with Lo’ak on his trail.
You cried into your mother's arms explaining what happened, “why do I have to be different?” your mother soothed you, “my beautiful baby, it's okay to be different,” you shook your head, “no, it's not you should've seen the way they made fun of me.”
You felt embarrassed like this was all your fault but it wasn't, “I don't wanna end up alone, mom I wanna be loved,” your mother felt tears roll down, “I wanna have children, and we all be happy but no one wants me.”
“That isn't true [Y/n], I promise you, there is someone who loves you more than you can even fathom.”
You just cuddled into her more, “why’s being different special on everyone else, but bad on me?” you looked at your mother, “why?”
“I don't know,” your mother didn't know how to help you, all she knew was to hug you and pray that one day all your problems would leave.
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You woke up early, you wanted time to think. When you wanted time, you went to the forest it was like your special place. The forest doesn't judge you, it embraced you, and it let you sing, laugh, cry, and all those ugly feelings you just felt so at home.
Neteyam wanted to see you, he needed to see you so he could explain himself. He assumed you heard about how he beat that boy up, and he didn't want to scare you off.
He caught you watching the flowers float in the water, he thought you looked gorgeous when you were just so at peace. No one was around and you could truly be yourself.
He moved a little, alerting you that someone was there. You stood up quickly, “sorry I didn't mean to scare you,” he smiled at you, “it's okay I was leaving anyway.”
“Actually I was hoping you could stay,” you faced him, “why?” he just shrugged, “well, I never see you around I wanted to get to know more about you,” you shook your head, “you're pranking me, and it's not funny.”
“I’m not I swear on everything,” you sighed before sitting back down. Neteyam stood awkwardly before you looked at him, “well done just stand there come sit down with me.”
Neteyam smiled as he sat down, “so, how come no one ever sees you?” you just shrugged, “I don't like leaving my room,” you faced Neteyam, “because every time I do, things like last night happen.”
Neteyam nodded, “thank you,” you said confusing the boy, “for sticking up for me last night, my sisters told me.” When they got home last night, they had apologized saying, “we should've stuck up for you.” It took Neteyam beating some boys up to open their eyes. You didn't think they were being genuine, they only did it because someone else said something.
“You didn't have to,” Neteyam smiled, “I wanted to,” it was your turn to look at him funny, “I just didn't like the way they spoke about you,” he smiled big at you, “this place is beautiful!”
You nodded, “I used to tell myself one day I’d bring my children here,” having children felt like a dream you’d never obtain, “why’d you stop?” you looked in your lap, “no one would want to mate with me.”
Neteyam did. He wanted to love you till his last breath, “what if you met the right man, who worshipped and adored you, what would you do then?” you shrugged, “love him,” Neteyam smiled. He was going to make you understand true love.
“I love your skin,” you looked at him, “it makes you stand out, it's beautiful.” you felt a blush pull up, “you don't have to pity me, “i’m not, it's beautiful [Y/n].”
Neteyam laughed, “what?” you smiled at him, “[Y/n], you know you’re pretty right?” you shook your head, “no, i’m not I'm hideous.”
“No, you're not, your gorgeous,” you stared into his eyes, “are you joking?” he shook his head, “i’m not lying to you.”
“How often do you come here,” you shrugged, “like once a day,” he smiled, “when you come here I want you to think about this moment, just me and you.” you smiled, “okay!”
“And I want to give you something if that's okay,” you nodded, “it's okay,” Neteyam smiled, “it's okay?” you laughed and smiled, “yes!”
Neteyam slotted closer, breaking the gap between you both, you sat there shocked before deepening the kiss. It felt so surreal that you were actually kissing a boy.
You both broke it off, catching your breath, “I would like to do that more with you,” he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “me too.”
Hey guys! Sorry if the ending feels rushed, I’ve been hanging with friends so I haven't been able to write. My holidays are almost over so I won't be able to write as much as I’d like :( but hopefully, you all enjoyed this!!
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (47/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: a lil spice, nothing smutty tho
Summary: Padme begins to spoil you, preparing you for bed, and once you finally settle in, someone knocks at your window.
A/n: ay bros have fun with this i was high on Benadryl when writing...
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 2.4k
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"It's lovely, isn't it?" You showed Padme the string of leather, wrapped around half a blue kyber crystal. You hadn't been able to stop smiling since the moment he placed it in your hand, kissing you and telling you to keep it safe for him.
"It's beautiful," she seemed to be wondering what it was, and what the significance of it was. You could hear those thoughts floating about, so you figured you'd explain it to her.
"It's the crystal from his first saber. Over the years it wore out, and split, but he kept it," you explained, spinning the small piece between your fingers as it hung from your neck. The string had been made long enough so you could wear it under your robes without it being seen. He knew you would probably not like the idea of taking it off just because you had to walk about the temple. "I used to ask him about it when I was younger, he just said it reminded him of his Master..."
"And now it will remind you of yours," she finished for you, pulling you up from the seat and handing you a lovely silk nightgown with a matching robe. You took them thankfully, walking behind the shade and beginning to change.
"He's always been so thoughtful," you you sighed, pulling on the satin fabric to wear it felt like heaven over your skin. The robes you wore were functional, sure, but the instant comfort you felt in this lovely nightdress was sensational. You slid both arms through the robe, tying it around your waist and then stepping out from behind the small dressing barrier. "I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling he gives me."
She chuckled, beckoning you to sit in the chair at her vanity. It seemed ridiculous, the senator doing this for you, instead of the other way around. You were reveling in it, if only for tonight, because that was probably the only time it would last. You sat down, your smile still as vibrant as ever as she untied your hair to brush. She reached for your Padawan braid, ready to undo its restraints, but you stopped her.
"Wait," you grabbed it out of your hand, turning around to provide an explanation for your suddenness. "I can't take this out... I'll hold onto it so it doesn't get in the way."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was so important," she apologized, but you shook her head, again preventing her from running the brush through your hair.
"It's not technically important, but I'm a little particular about the tradition surrounding it."
"Do tell," she said with intrigue, beginning to finally detangle the matted strands, making them shiny and smooth with each stroke.
"Well, the only one to braid or unbraid my hair over the duration of my training is my Master. It's symbolic, and every time he takes it down to redo it, another band is added to mark my progress," you were very modern in all your beliefs, as were most Jedi in your generation, and even a few in the generation before, but this was a tradition you would uphold, even for the sake of it being important because your Master was the same man who loved you so dearly. "After my trials he'll take it down, and award me with all the progress bands."
"I see, I remember Anakin telling me Obi-Wan cut his off after he became a knight."
"It might sound silly to some, and I can understand it, I'm just very sentimental about these things.... ouch," you winced slightly, as she accidently ran the brush too hard through a rough tangle, pulling your head to the side. She giggled, removing the brush before working the hair a bit with her fingers.
"It doesn't sound silly at all. It's a special tradition with someone important to you," she used a wide tooth comb to work out any of the last little catches of hair before she pushed it in front of your shoulders, leaving it to frame your face. She sat down beside you and made you to look in the mirror in order to see her handy work. "How shall we style it tomorrow?"
Your eyes went wide, and you were rather unsure of her meaning, because why would you style it? You had planned on wearing it how you normally did, either back up and away from your face, or down and around your shoulders like it was now,
"It doesn't need to be styled, I'm sure it will be fine the way it is," you suggested, but she waved her hands and set about pulling your hair in different directions to see how it would look.
"Need I remind you, this event is formal, and even you will have to be readied for the occasion," she was treating you how you should suspect a mother might treat you in the odd situation that this was. Jedi didn't go to fancy parties, not by invitation, anyway. They always stood by to watch, as guards of the event. You couldn't help but feel somewhat awkward, sitting next to a literal senator, who had once been Queen of Naboo. She knew more about these things than you ever could, and yet, she would do everything in her power to prepare you.
"Does Obi-Wan know? Because he may not like it," you warned, and for good reason. He was confident by nature, but only because he was confident in his own skin, his own clothes, as a Jedi Master. He wasn't some politician, or some fancy partygoer, so he may feel the way you feel now if he knows of the qualifications of the celebration.
"He will be fine, as will you. I promise, it will be one of the most memorable nights of your lives," she assured you, and you believed she was right, if only because her tone was always so persuasive.
When she had played with your hair enough, she had a nice idea of what the style should look like, however she would have to bring in several more hands tomorrow to help it all come to fruition.
"It's getting late, we should retire for the evening and discuss more preparations tomorrow," she patted your shoulders and backed away, allowing you to stand up and follow her to the connected room that you would be staying in.
It was a lovely room, the decor of it themed to a pretty light teal color. It was soothing, and the view out the window was simply spectacular. The falls of the distant mountain were visible, lit up by the pale moon light. There was a door to a balcony, too, the ledge of it being like a frame surrounding the scenery.
By the time she'd left back to her own room, and you were settled in, you'd been quite tired, the calming atmosphere being so different from back home, but it was a welcome change. You could substitute the city noise from Coruscant with the sounds of nature that lurked here. Instead of humming engines, speeders whizzing by on the highway, you could listen to a waterfall, the rivers overflowing and cascading down the steep mountain.
You laid back in the bed, the sheets being nearly just as silky as the gown and robe you wore, but even more inviting and warm, a small contrast to the chilled air of the room.
Sleep could have taken you right there, except for it didn't, because there were three small taps on the window.
Obi-Wan felt out of place in the large room, unsure of what to do with so much space, especially when there was no one to share it with. He was sure that had you been there, you'd be making yourself at home in the luxurious commodities that surrounded him, and had you been here, he would be far more open to letting himself relax.
He didn't realize how much he would miss having you by his side, you'd been sharing a bed with him since before any confessions were ever made, and just having you there as a comfort was something he had grown used to, someone to lay beside and wrap his arms around when the night grew colder. He tried to pretend he was on a mission, because when he lacked your presence on a mission, it seemed easier to sleep knowing there was a reason why. Now, he felt it was just foolish that he think this way, as Padme had been so kind to provide all of this loveliness and he had nothing he could even complain about.
It was just so... quiet. So dim, and he felt rather lonely in this foreign place, a new room, with no company except for the palace staff popping in earlier to deliver his clothing set for the next day, which he was flabbergasted by in the first place. It wasn't regal, or extremely fancy, but it was a stark difference from what he ever wore, and it seemed like it would call too much attention to him.
He tried to brush all of these intrusive thoughts away, unsure of why they were so persistent in the first place, but then he realized, you were usually there to keep his attention, and thoughts like this never dared enter his mind when you were around, because you lit up his entire existence just by being there.
He had made up his mind to find you, although he didn't know how he would go about it, or if he even would be able to get to you if he did. He didn't really think it through, which is what brought him here, to the gardens beneath your balcony, or at least what he thought was your balcony. He sensed your presence was near, and had only hoped that he wasn't about to climb up to Padme's terrace, as that might be a bit harder to explain.
He was exceptionally skilled, it wasn't hard for him to scale the surrounding ledges to reach where he wanted to go, no, the hard part was getting your attention without making noise. He gently tapped on the glass three times, and saw your figure stir in the bed through the window, but you didn't seem to want to move. He wasn't sure if you were even conscious enough to receive it, but he sent a small message through to your head, pleading with the force that you'd heard him.
'I missed you, my love,' rang through your head, nearly scaring the kriff out of you. You rose to a sit in the luxurious bed, looking over your shoulder through narrow eyes at your Master, and though you were tired, you had missed him, too. It was this time of night that you both usually shared stories of the day, of times you weren't able to be together, or of things you could not say aloud when in public. it was this time of night that he would count off all the ways you'd made him proud, kissing your head and holding your close to him.
You swept your legs over the bed, walking over to the door and opening it up to him, a sly look upon your face when you saw his reaction to what you were wearing. He didn't feel his cheeks turn red, but you saw it happen before you, and it made you chuckle softly, your stare at him still glazed.
"The door was unlocked, you know," you whispered, and stepped aside, letting him walk in. He was still fully dressed, robed from head to toe, minus his cloak, which he left in his room for the evening.
He came in slowly, but maker help him, he was so enraptured by your appearance, he simply forgot how to use words. He opened his mouth to let them out, but they weren't there to begin with.
You closed the door and looked back at him with a tilt of your head, and he could see the beautiful brushed out strands, not including your braid, which he'd redone for you about a month prior. He stepped closer, ready to let words fail him, as actions spoke louder than words. He set a hand at your waist, the soft material under his calloused hand was such a distinct feeling.
"Obi," you let out under your breath when he gently gripped your side in a subtle squeeze.
He leaned down, brushing his nose against yours, and watched as you closed your eyes. Here you were, tired like an overworked bantha on a farm, and you were ready for him to kiss you. You would never turn away his kisses. His secret language to you that spoke the volumes of his love into your physical being.
He did not waste a second, or even hesitate to grant your wish, collecting your lips in his own in a fervent and fiery way that he hadn't really expressed before. It was borderline aggressive, which he never was, at least he never was with you. It wasn't rough by any means, but far more straight forward, and filled with need that he didn't know how else to demonstrate.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he used both hands to pull you flush against him by your waist. Your little sounds of ecstasy were like music in his mind, and he was determined to make you sing for him, a great chorus of small sounds that he took into his own mouth, the vibration fulfilling a very specific desire within him.
"Jump," he whispered, and you did so, hopping from the ground and wrapping your legs around his hips to elevate yourself. His lips were back on yours, but his focus was where his hands laid on your body. One of his arms now supported you, a hand grazing your ass ever few seconds.
He turned himself, taking a few steps back until he felt the edge of the bed, and sat, keeping you right where you were on his lap, the heat of the moment stayed, though you'd broken apart again, just taking a moment to revel in the luxury. Jedi didn't take vacations, and they most definitely did not use said vacations to sneak into the room of another Jedi to make out with them in the middle of the night. This was a rare occasion, and you wanted to remember the way he looked right now, in this beautiful moment.
He did the same, taking in your moonlit glow, the lovely silk that outlined your body, leaving little to the imagination, gave you an appearance that made him believe that you truly were an angel. One that was sent for him to love and cherish and protect. He would continue to do all of those things, even after you were no longer his Padawan, he would make sacrifices just to keep you by his side.
"Stay with me tonight," you begged, eyes glazed, and lips swollen from his kiss. "Please..."
How could he refuse you? The answer was simple, he couldn't.
"I will."
@spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27 @avenger5-a55emble @amelia-song-pond @kaminanii @the-abyss-of-fandoms @queenofnightdreamland @world-dominating-kitty @mandowhatnow @ella-error505 @annahalo @infinity-witch @beetlejuice-stuff @liueski @solarbxby @sirianisrock @lxdyred @endless-warrior-always-fighter @iloveinej @msjb2002 @shoochi @itsilvermorny @gingerrosecosplay @sebschicken @loversjoy @argentinemango @1-800-vader @house-of-kolchek @marierg @graciexmarvel @ttzamara @truly-madly-nerdy @molieux @majahu @dyzlks @pancakefancake
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sincerelyella · 3 years
Wedding Crashers Prologue - Carry On
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x OC
Song inspiration: Carry On by Ne-Yo
Summary: The TRR gang in an AU where they crash weddings to meet girls. Totally not canon right?
A/N: I was not expecting the great response I got for this AU. Thanks everyone for thinking this was a good idea LOL this isn’t a hilarious outtake from the movie but it’s a prologue that needed to be told. Hope it’s not too boring!
A/N2: Participating in @wackydrabbles this week, prompt will be in bold.
Warnings: Adult language; vulgar language; maybe some rage towards a certain someone.
Words: 879
Thank you @burnsoslow and @alyssalauren for reading through this for me! Love you both!
So you found another bed you'd rather sleep in tonight?
So I gotta lose for what you think is a win tonight?
Tonight is the night that you won’t answer your phone,
As I call you all night long, Well go on and carry on
June 2019
Liam sat in his favorite bar nursing a glass of scotch. It was his birthday and he turned 26; his brother and friends had thrown him a surprise get together. His girlfriend, Hayley, of four years had yet to show up … or answer his calls or text messages.
It had been something he was used to now. His relationship was of convenience and familiarity. They didn’t live together, they did things together sometimes, and when they did do things together, she refused to hang out with his “stupid ass, immature” friends.
Liam lifted the glass to his lips, eyes going up to glance at the door every time someone opened it.
“Looks like you’re enjoying the day,” Drake sat in the stool next to his best friend, signaling the bartender for his usual whiskey.
“I appreciate this,” Liam gave him a smile and took another sip of his drink. “Thank you for remembering.”
“Seems like everyone remembered except the one person you wanted to remember,” Drake nodded his appreciation when his tumbler was placed in front of him.
“Well, can’t really expect much now can I?” Liam tipped his head back and downed his scotch with a hiss.
“You sure this is what you want?” Drake raised his finger in the air and pointed to Liam’s glass for another.
Liam turned to look at Drake. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“This,” he swirled a hand at Liam. “Having some kind of relationship, whatever it is, with someone that just sees you as a convenience? Whenever Hayley wants to see you, or talk to you, is when you hear from her?” Drake sipped his drink with an arched brow and slid Liam’s now full glass toward him.
Liam shrugged. “That’s not what she said,” he paused to sip his drink. “I somehow thought it would be different.”
The two men sat in comfortable silence until a familiar laugh echoed through the bar. They both turned at the same time to see Hayley with her own group of friends. Her blonde hair was in a long braid, she was laughing at something a man said. Liam and Drake’s eyes widened when he leaned down to kiss her softly.
“What the actual fuck?” Drake growled.
Watching the scene unfold, Liam was surprisingly not upset. He felt relief spread through his entire body. His friends didn’t know, but things had been … indifferent with Hayley for about a year. For the first month, Liam was confused and tried to get some answers. Hayley’s explanation was pitiful, but she then confessed that she wanted to have an open relationship and that she still cared for Liam. After that conversation, Liam shut his brain off and just lived life like Hayley was there sometimes, and other times she wasn’t. If she wanted sex, okay, if she wanted to go out to eat, fine. When she didn’t and went MIA, Liam lived his life, no harm no foul. Why he hadn’t just ended things with her infuriated his friends when they learned what was going on.
“Liam!” The voice snapped him out of his thoughts, his brother’s face in front of his. “Go fucking handle that!”
He stood from the stool and wiped his sweaty palms onto his jeans. Liam approached the couple and just watched them for a moment. “Hayley.”
Hayley startled at his voice and her eyes went wide. “L-liam! Hi … uh-”
“This isn’t working for me anymore,” Liam’s voice was even and calm. “Carry on.”
He turned to leave and Hayley quickly grabbed his elbow before he walked away. “Liam, come on. I thought this was working out. Can we talk about this?”
The man with Hayley spoke. “Who is this, Hayles?”
Liam coolly looked down at Hayley’s hand on him and she promptly removed it. “No, we can’t talk about this. Enjoy your evening.” He walked away, ignoring Hayley’s voice behind him.
Leo was waiting at the bar with another glass of scotch for Liam. “Bro, did she really just say ‘I thought this was working out?’”
Liam chuckled and took the glass. “Yeah, she did.”
Max raised his drink in a toast. “Well, to Liam! Happy birthday, and happy single awareness day!” The group laughed and took a drink.
“Hey, I met this really cool guy outside when I got some fresh air,” Leo said excitedly. “I came in to find you dickheads to introduce everyone.”
The group finished their drinks, paid the tab, and headed outside to meet Leo’s new friend. “Guys!” Leo gestured to a tall, muscular man with almond colored hair, his arm wrapped around a gorgeous blonde woman. “This is Chad!” Chad turned to Leo and hugged him like they hadn’t seen each other in years.
“My man!” Chad was charismatic and he got to know each of the men. He turned to the hot woman he was with who whispered something in his ear. Chad nodded understandingly and kissed her goodbye. He watched her walk away for a moment and then turned his dazzling smile towards the group. “She’s amazing isn’t she?”
“Uh, yeah!” Max’s eyes were so wide. “How’d you pull her?”
Chad looked around to make sure no one else was in the area before he dropped his secret. “I crash weddings.”
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Headcanons for bucci gang for a selectively mute fem!s/o speaking for the first time and their first words to them were the words "I love you so much" paired with a pure and genuinely happy smile 💝💗💝💖
This hit a bit too close to home and I cried a bit while writing this.
I'm sorry it took so long, I wanted to take my time on this one. Hopefully you'll like it!
Bucci gang w/ a selectively mute S/O speaking for the first time HC
When you first joined, Bruno insisted to take you to a professional to maybe do something about your mutism.
He felt concerned and a bit defeated when you refused, but he didn't push it. After all, it didn't affect your performances on missions or anything.
"If you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to say anything, amore."
He knew that it hurt you just as much as it hurt him, but again, he would never force you out of your comfort zone.
One night, Bruno stayed in his office to take care of endless paperwork, as usual.
It was around 3 a.m. when he heard a gentle knock on his door.
When you shyly entered and closed the door behind you he was surprised to see you'd still be awake.
He got up and joined you halfway when you had slowly reached out to him. He could read it in your eyes, you had something important to tell him.
Worried, he approached you and held your arm as you said, soft and strained.
"I... Love you... So.. Much, Bruno." You had accompagnied your words with a beautiful yet shy smile and Bruno's eyes widened.
He couldn't contain his gasp as he gripped both your arms tightly.
"Y/N... What... What did you- Did you just-... I'm losing my mind... C-could you say that again?! Oh please God, let me hear it again-"
You were shocked by his reaction.
The usually so calm and composed Bruno Bucciarati was sounding so desperate and in the verge of breaking down.
He softened his eyes on you, but you could see from the way his chest heaved uncontrollably that he was bottling his emotions.
He gently held your face and leaned your forehead against his.
"You are so strong, my Y/N... It must have been so hard for you..."
His hair tingled your face and when you moved some strands behind his ears delicately, he started shaking.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he let out a hearty laugh, his eyes wet and the lump in his throat painful.
"Tesoro mio, I'm so proud of you. I feel so blessed to hear your angelic voice... Just for me... God..."
He held you flush against him and his mind raced with the sound of your voice.
You had found him alone one night, a bottle of wine in front of him.
You knew damn well he would drink his blues away when he thought everyone was asleep and you hoped this would cheer him up a little bit.
You walked up to him and he jumped, startled, only relaxing when he noticed it was just you.
He looked down at his empty glass in silence. What could he say? There was nothing to say.
He knew you wouldn't ask questions and he wouldn’t answer them anyway. You could only silently judge his pathetic, worthless self. Or so he thought.
You carefully snaked you arms around his neck from behind, as gentle as you could be.
"I love you so much... Leone.. Leone..."
His heart almost stopped. He tensed up as his chest started to hurt.
Was he drunk? No, he didn’t even drink that much already, he could hold his liquor way more than that-
He could barely finish saying your name when he turned his head to look at you, a sweet and genuine smile gracing your face.
He stood up so abruptly he almost knocked you and his chair down as he pounced on your smaller form.
He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched your shirt in his fists, desperately clinging onto you as he buried his crying face in your neck. Gosh he couldn't let you see him like this.
But at the same time, he couldn't remember the last time he had been this happy. Or just happy at all.
"You spoke my name... Of all things... You said my name... Gosh your voice is... I don't deserve you..."
Your voice echoed in his mind and for once, he was so extremely grateful to have Moody Blues to replay that exact moment, over and over.
He couldn't get enough of it.
He replayed your words before sleeping, when he woke up, when he felt like drinking...
Giorno was a fairly quiet person himself.
Due to his background he grew to know to stay silent when necessary, so he understood you.
He related to you a lot, never pushed your boundaries to speak up and made it easier for you by asking 'yes or no' questions.
It didn't change the fact that in his eyes, you were a beautiful and strong person, worthy of love and respect.
Still, he wished you would open up to him one day.
You two were just peacefully watching the horizon, the breeze and quietness of the city making the moment very romantic.
"It's a beautiful view, isn't it?"
He did not expect an answer of course, but he still loved to speak to you, as he knew you were always listening.
You looked at him dead in the eyes and you choked a small hesitant gasp, still unsure of yourself.
He leaned down. "What's wrong, amore?"
Upon seeing his soft green eyes, you felt encouraged and spoke up while fidgeting with his blonde braid.
"I love you so much... Giogio..."
His eyes widened and his lips parted, completely taken aback. But upon seeing the adorable, sweet smile you were gifting him, he could hardly control back his actions.
He instantly held your face and brought you in for a passionate and loving kiss that spoke all the words for him.
You had felt his tears streaming on your own face, but he was sure to not show them to you as he immediately held you against him after pulling away.
"So brave... To speak your confession to me like this... My angel..."
Mista was leisurely chilling on the couch, drinking some soda when you sat down next to him.
"Sup babe?"
You tugged on his shirt and he automatically leaned down to your level, not without a little hum of confusion.
Oh, did you want to kiss him? Haha, cute.
But then you gently cupped his ear and leaned your lips towards him.
"I... Love you... so much..." The last words died in a soft whisper.
When you let go of him to see his reaction, he didn't budge a muscle.
He dropped his drink and spilled it all over his pants and the floor. Oh but he didn't even care, he was completely stunned.
He would have been frozen in place till the end of time if you didn't shake him out of it.
"B-babe- oh my god... OH MY GOD HOLY FUCKING- Y/N !!!"
He litterally jumped out of his seat and howled to the whole headquarter.
The Pistols flew out everywhere and cheered with their user who was still jumping and grabbing at his head in pure euphoria.
He couldn't stop laughing and he tackled you down on the couch, holding you tight like you would disappear.
"You are so amazing, Y/N, my baby, oh my god, I love you too-"
He couldn't stop peppering your face with kisses after that.
Spare this boy. He was especially sensitive to your condition.
Why didn't you speak to them? Bucciarati said you could talk, but you didn't?
No matter how many times he was explained the situation, he didn't get it.
He always tried to make you laugh, and joked around. It didn't make you talk, but surely it made you fall for him.
He eventually accepted the silent treatment but still asked you so many questions.
"What's your voice like?" "Do you have an accent?" "Were you always mute?" "What do you scream when you stub your toe?"
One random day you approached him and hugged him very suddenly.
"O-oh- What's going on cutie?"
He had a goofy smile on his face and reciprocated the soft embrace before you backed up a bit, looking into his eyes.
"Narancia... I love you... So.. So much..."
...Was it real? Was this really happening?
He let out an incomprehensible yelp and stuttering sounds of confusion and shock.
"E-eeh.. Whaa-.. Uh... Whu... Ah-..?!"
He cupped his face, covered his mouth, grabbed his head, he didn't know what to do, how to react, he was so shaken and distraught.
He eventually started to sob loudly and his eyes watered freely. He was so moved.
"Your voice, Y/N- your voice..!"
His own voice cracked into a high pitched squeak and he grabbed your shoulders, hanging his head low and broke down completely.
You carefully patted and carressed his arms and back in comfort.
He was so scared it would be the first and last time he ever heard you.
It was so difficult to calm him down.
He actually made a lot of research on selective mutism to understand what it's like, what causes it etc.
He felt concerned that you would have to go through something like this when you were such a good and kind person.
He liked how your silent calm nature contrasted with his own angry one and he was thankful to have someone like you to help him tone down.
You had come up behind him one day after he got extremely frustrated with Narancia.
He was fuming and clearly, whatever you wanted right now, he was not in the mood for it.
You only grabbed his hand gently and rubbed the back of it, sending him a sweet smile.
"I love you... So, so much..."
He flinched and subconsciously clenched your hand. Hard.
What was that? WHAT WAS THAT?
His eyes were wide as saucers and his entire body stopped responding.
"...Y/N?" He called weakly, thinking foolishly that maybe that wasn't really you in front of him.
You sweetly caressed his cheek and he looked like he was going to pass out.
Everytime he tried to form words, they would come in short breaths. He was so overwhelmed, he had such a difficult time processing his emotions.
For the first time, you saw him smile a genuine smile of happiness as he shakily put his hand over yours holding his face, nuzzling into your touch.
"I... I love you too... You are so incredible, you sound so much better than I ever expected."
Trish always tried her best to make you speak.
She knew she shouldn't push you, but she wanted you to feel okay and safe with everyone.
She was a bit shy herself and didn't have the best background for growing up into a loud person.
One day, you went to her and grabbed her attention. When she turned around, and you finally spoke your love to her, so softly, so quietly, she immediately jumped.
"I... I love you Trish... So, so much."
"Wha-... What did you say...?" She is breathless and can't help but cover her mouth in pure shock.
Surely she hallucinated just now, right?
You grin at her dumbfounded expression and her mouth opens and closes as she doesn't even know what to say or where to start.
This is not like she was used to being told she was loved, but from you? This was like a dream!
You noticed the tears brimming in her eyes and she bit her lips before she buried her face in her hands.
You had to take her in your arms and hold her tight while she sobbed.
It's only when you start patting her back gently that she realises this isn't a dream.
She immediataly coils her arms tightly around your neck and stutters, overwhelmed.
"I can't believe it, I can't believe it, I can't believe it-"
You chuckle quietly and she cries even harder when she finally hears your laughing voice.
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay Chapter 19, Traximus
Summary: The Turtles meet a dinosaur
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @selfindulgenz @ilo-artistry @unhealthyobsessions101
Content warnings: swears
Bubble, bubble, bubble went the water as it swelled and displaced. Weapons were drawn, and the katana in Leonardo’s hand felt as foreign as if someone had just given him a book in Chinese and instructed him to read it. The handle was smaller than his odachi, and the blade was shorter, and it was thinner, and its weight was lighter, almost nothing. Still, a weapon was a weapon, even if he naturally navigated toward the back of the crowded group to put a wall of muscle between him and whatever was emerging from the cesspool.
There came two curved horns as long as Leonardo’s arm and as thick as Leo’s at the base, curved forward and angled close together. The gap between then formed an almost triangle shape. First came the horns, and then came an apricot head that rivaled the size of a small car, revealing a third smaller horn on the tip of a muzzle just before heavy, meaty flesh parted to a hard, bony beak. The head shook from size to side, a loud whoosh resulting as the broad frill caught the air. Further still the triceraton revealed himself.
His shoulders were as wide as the frill on his head, and he had a torso that could be mistaken for a brick wall. He was clothed in a red and orange regalia that could have once been a beautiful suit but was now stained with waste and ruin, heavy from the submergence. His nostrils flared to blow away the water that still cascaded along his muscular form, his breaths coming in heavy and labored grunts. Donnie couldn’t help but take notice of many wires hanging loosely around the triceratons shoulders, several of them severed or otherwise damaged; what use could they have once served? The options were limitless!
The triceraton didn't charge, but the clan held their ground. Eyes of an impossibly bright emerald sought something among the group; what that something was was anyone’s guess, but it must have been important. Apparently it was Donnie that held what the alien sought, because when his eyes found the box turtle they stopped searching. His head bowed and the turtles once more braced themselves for a charge. The triceraton lifted his arms up to his horns, arching his fingers downward so they formed an inverted triangle; joined with the angling of his horns, a diamond shape was revealed.
“Awaiting… orders… general Mozar.” He sounded as if he had swallowed a cheese grater.
Raph’s confusion disturbed the unyielding stance. “Who?”
All eyes gleaned over at Donnie. The box turtle paled at all the attention suddenly on him, his throat drying and a visible drop of sweat dripping down his forehead.
“Dudes this is so weird…” Mikey breathed.
“Woah!” Despite the many shouts of discouragement and several attempts to stop Michelangelo, the box turtle made his way to the front of the group to oggle the still giant. “How can we understand you?! Is there some super cool alien translation device?!”
“Actually Michael, I think he’s just speaking english.” Donatello commented absently.
“Oh.” Michelangelo deflated, “That’s less fun.”
The giant seemed to tolerate Michelangelo’s presence surprisingly well; that is to say, he didn't immediately try to beat the young turtle into a puddle.
“Should we be concerned that he’s not, you know… pummeling us right now?” Raphael asked, his hands still fixed firmly on his tonfa.
“Don’t let your guard down.” Leo whispered to the group, “He still might.”
“I don’t think he will.” Leonardo said, and his eyes were locked on the dinosaur as if seeing something no one else could.
“Excuse me?” With a hand perched on his hip, Leo addressed Leonardo’s words with scrutiny.
“Donnie.” Leonardo said to the box turtle, “Raise your hand…”
Donnie, though confused, raised his hand. The triceraton lowered his strange salute and raised his hand; Donnie leaned curiously to the side, and the dinosaur leaned to the side. Donnie leaned to the other side, and the dinosaur followed, like a baby mimicking its mother.
“Ooookay, things just got a whole lot weirder.” Mikey whistled.
“Guys, you remember that one really red triceraton?” Donnie asked quickly without removing his eyes from the ten foot giant before him. “The one with the lopsided horns?”
“Yeah, the leader.” Leo said just as quick as Donnie, just as urgent.
Donnie didn't answer verbally, but made a point of motioning to the goggles perched on his head, the lopsided lenses glistening.
“Aaaaand sidebar!” Despite being the smallest of all eight gathered, Leonardo was able to wrap his arms around the other mutants and whisk them to the side while Traximus returned to his unsteady salute. “Okay bros; how we feeling ‘bout this?”
“That dino dude’s acting weird…” Mikey said, and made a point of enunciating the last word,
“Yeah, like Mikey weird.” Raph whistled.
“Hey.” Mikey narrowed his eyes.
“And his gears all busted up.” Donnie reported, “He doesn’t have his mask on anymore for one.”
“And why is he playing some twisted version of Simon Says with Donnie?” Raph’s words came with a sharp scoff.
“Maybe he’s friendly?” Michelangelo offered up.
“Unlikely.” Donatello disagreed.
“Well the robot was nice.” Michelangelo pointed out.
“That is a fair point.” Leonardo nodded and agreed.
“And what’s that meant to be, some kinda salute?” Raph lifted his head from the group to look back at the giant. “An’ why does he think Don’s this ‘Mozar’ or whatever?”
Donatello cleared his throat to call everyone’s attention. “I would like to offer a theory if I may?”
“Yeah, shoot.” Raphael said.
“You mentioned something about a mask.” Donatello said, holding one hand over his mouth and nose to resemble a mask, “Like, a cloth mask or an oxygen mask?”
“Uh, oxygen.” Donnie nodded his confirmation.
“Right.” Donatello nodded, and pointed over at the dinosaur. “I see no oxygen tank. If he had one to begin with, it’s gone now, and yet he’s still up and walking.”
“I… don’t remember any oxygen tank.” Leo shook his head.
“That’s because it probably wasn’t an oxygen mask. Not if all five of your dinosaurs were wearing ‘em in a place where there was quite clearly oxygen. That, my dear friends, is a pattern, not a coincidence. If they all had it, chances are it’s some sort of filter, like they’re meant to be breathing something that’s not our air. And if someone from our planet breathes in something that isn’t oxygen…”
“It kills them?” Leo wasn’t following.
“Yes, and no. How about you?” Donatello pointed at Donnie.
“It can cause… delirium, confusion… hallucinations…” Donnie was following perfectly.
“Who’s to say the effects aren’t the same for someone like him?”
“You’re saying he’s deprived of some type of breathing apparatus?” Donnie’s eyes lit up like the skies on the Fourth of July, “It makes sense!”
“And it would explain the confusion.” Leonardo said.
Leo, wanting desperately to get on to a more important subject, urged, “Do you think he’s dangerous?”
“Yes.” Donatello answered confidently, “But he also thinks dear Donald here is his beloved General Mozar, and we should keep it that way.”
“General…” The dinosaur called,. “Awaiting orders…”
“Uh. At ease?” Donnie offered.
The dinosaur stared at him for the longest time, trying to decipher why his bold and brash commander had spoken so strangely before lowering his arms to his side. Donnie cleared his throat and stepped forward away from the group, trying to make himself as big as possible which wasn’t much of a task for the tree-like turtle.
“Remind me of your name and rank again, soldier.” Donnie’s voice slowly gained more confidence and tone, and the dinosaur seemed to be excited by it.
“Major Traximus of the Ygthian fleet, serving our great and powerful Prime Leader.”
“That’s right.” It felt almost fun being in a position of power, and it quickly went to Donnie’s head. “My command for you, Major Traximus, is to help me escort these… diplomats back to their home.”
“Yes Commander Mozar…” Traximus bowed the immensity of his head. “As you command…”
Though one could expect a beast of such immense proportion to lumber at an awkward gait, it was quite the opposite as Traximus walked with such speed and determination. The turtles parted to allow him plenty of space to pass by them. He was a man— or alien— on a mission that would stop for nothing. Glances were exchanged, followed by ‘what else are we gonna do?’ shrugs and curious excitement as the turtles were quick to keep up with the charging titan.
“How’d he get through anyway?” Raph asked; he was the one now holding Splinter, cradling the rat to his chest and still working absently to dry his fur.
“He was the one chasing us back in our world.” Leo said, “Maybe he got through the rift, ended up in the sewers. Lord knows the time rift had ask of us scattered to the winds.”
“Awesome…” Mikey breathed, followed up with, “I told you he was out here!”
“Yeah…” Both Leo and Raph faltered their steps, “You did…”
They made good time getting back to the lair where Yoshi and April were sat together at the living room coffee table assembling a puzzle; it was one activity that Yoshi didn't need help with, since the pieces were so big and obvious, and the old rat took great pride in each success. April, like her turtle brothers, had grown and matured greatly. She had forgone her usual buns in favor of tight braids clinging to her scalp and cascading to just above her shoulders, and she wore a modest yellow jumpsuit and rubber rain boots, perfect for traversing the wet ick of the sewer. One thing was familiar about her, however, and it was that same green coat she had been wearing since her younger adolescent. April looked up when she heard their approach, the smile turning to her mouth hanging open and her eyes bulging.
“Holy Jurassic Park…”
Leonardo took Splinter from Raph’s arm and immediately whisked him away, leaving Raph with his empty arms still out in a cradle, pouting and desperately pawing at the air that had once been his dad. Donnie parted from the group and tried follow Leonardo to the infirmary, but the red eared slider stopped him.
“I got him; you and the guys take care of our little… guest over there.” And Leonardo motioned to Traximus, who was still and awaiting orders.
“Oh. Right.” Donnie watched Leonardo leave like a distressed puppy watching his owner go to work without him. Seeking some guidance, Donnie turned to his brother. “Leo?”
“Maybe we… get him something to eat?” Leo offered.
“What do dinosaurs eat anyway?” Raph huffed; now without anything to hold, he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Nothing that still exists.” Donnie muttered bitterly, and his eyes passed over the orange dinosaur trying to make better sense of the alien presence.
“Well, he is an alien dinosaur.” Michelangelo pointed, “Maybe he eats something different.”
“If it’s alien, it still won’t be on our planet, Michael.” Donatello added.
“Oh.” Michelangelo’s expression deflated.
“But we can still try.” Leo said, arms motioning widely as he called attention to himself, “We need to make his comfortable before we can get anything out of him.”
“Are we sure he even knows anything?” Donatello asked, and he was looking absently at his nails, “Doesn’t look like there’s much happening upstairs.”
It was true that Traximus’ eyes did look remarkably empty, but Donnie wasn’t convinced he was completely gone. The dinosaur could talk, and could obey orders, even if he couldn’t recognize them as not being from his own species. And they had been there for two days now! He didn't know a damn thing about alien triceratops digestion, or how long they could go without food, but he did know a thing or two about empathy. Did this triceraton need food? Maybe. Water? Maybe. Donnie would make sure the creature didn't go without either.
“Major Traximus?”
The triceraton snorted and shook his head as he brought his focus to attention at the call of his commander.
“Would you care to… indulge in… sustenance?” Donnie tried to choose his words carefully, but it was difficult, if not impossible, with knowing next to nothing about who he was meant to be portraying.
Traximus tilted his head to one side, and then the other. “Commander Mozar…?”
“Yes, that’s me.” Donnie gulped, raising his head a little higher and keeping his expression still and serious. With eyes as beady and small as Traximus’, he wasn’t sure the alien could even see him. “You must be hungry soldiers. Follow me to the… dining room and select something to eat.”
Without another word, Donnie turned on his heels and guided the way to the kitchen. Traximus, confusion evident on all of his features, trailed behind with the gaggle of curious turtles following him. They got to the kitchen and he surpassed Donnie, intent on obeying the command and maybe just plain starving as he pulled the fridge door open— more like ripped it off its hinges— and began to dig around inside. The turtles watched in curious awe.
Now that they weren’t in immediate danger of being trampled and crushed by this titan of a creature, it was like they couldn’t stop watching him. Something not human, not yokai, not mutant— something new! You didn't have to be Donnie to see the beauty in this new creature, nor to feel a desperate urge to know more and more about them! Raphael was practically exploding with excitement. He had always wanted to be so close to a dinosaur but now it was happening? He could hardly breathe! The kitchen was barely big enough for them all, but they managed to crowd around in such a way that they all could get a good view of what was happening.
Traximus picked up the gallon of milk first, shaking it a bit and then promptly discarding it. In fact, he discarded all the liquid, tossing drinks behind him and letting them shatter and spill over the floor. Not even Michelangelo cared about the mess made of his precious ingredients— not when it was this beautifully intricate creature doing it! Once all the liquid contents were out of his way, Traximus began a long pattern of selecting food, taking a bite, deciding he didn't like it, and tossing it carelessly. This process continued on until the fridge was almost barren and Michelangelo was finally regretting not intervening sooner. One of the final things left in the fridge, chili peppers, were the next thing Traximus grabbed.
“Wait— maybe you shouldn’t—” Raphael tried a little too late, as Traximus was already shoving a handful into his mouth, stems and seeds and all.
Everyone cringed, even Raph— who had taken on a hot pepper challenge many times again Leo and always somehow lost (he lost because Leo had switched out all of his own peppers for sweet peppers, but Leo would never admit that). They waited for the burn, for the scream, for the desperate scramble to find coolness. Instead, Traximus chomped happily and his mouth began to drool in response to the burning stimuli, his lips curling up as his tongue poked out to lap up all the drool that tried to escape. He dumped the rest of the basket into his mouth and dove back into the fridge in pursuit of more burning delights.
“We have a winner.” Raph said with a satisfied smirk.
Michelangelo’s eyes were firmly fixed on the mess at their feet. “And we have no dinner…”
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Zoro doesn’t flirt
I wrote my first ZoNami story just over a year ago and I wanted to post something around that time again (okay, so I’m actually late. This was originally planned for the 25th) to celebrate the milestone!
Sanji being jealous is a guilty pleasure of mine but I also like him being a total bro and matchmaker. Like yeah, he’ll nudge Zoro in the right direction, but he’ll also make fun of him whilst he does it. Takes his shots where he can get ‘em.
Summary: Roronoa Zoro, the fearsome pirate hunter, bounty of 320,000,000, does not flirt.
Except he totally does, and it takes a guy talk with Sanji of all people for him to admit it. Kinda. Rating: T
This can also be found on AO3 and FFN. 
“It’s adorable, you know,” Sanji trailed off, interrupting the silence in the kitchen. He didn’t turn to look at Zoro, who he knew was at the table behind him, he just carried on drying the dish in his hands. But he knew it would be enough to engage the other man.
There was a brief silence and Sanji wondered for a moment if he was wrong, but then Zoro was grunting at him.
“What was that?” Sanji threw over his shoulder, still not turning. He’d heard Zoro just fine, knew that grunt was for him to elaborate, but he knew it’d get under his skin. He can almost see the scowl that would inevitably be on his face without having to turn around.
“What’s adorable?” Zoro bit out and his tone’s suggesting he knows that whatever Sanji’s about to say is going to piss him off.
Sanji turned then, deciding that he wanted to see Zoro’s face for what he was about to say. His previous thought was right, there’s apprehension but also irritation rolling off of Zoro from the kitchen table where he’s sat.
“Your attempts at flirting with Nami-san.” Sanji’s lips curling into an infuriating smirk.
Zoro’s face went blank and Sanji’s almost disappointed at the lack of expression, felt like he’d been cheated out of his prize for a second before Zoro’s lips are curling downwards to match the deep scowl forming on his face
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zoro said it with such conviction that to the untrained they would believe him, but Sanji did know him.
He could see right through it.
“Oh so your little scene at the table this morning during breakfast wasn’t flirting?”
Zoro looked incredulous. “It was an argument! What kind of idiot are you?”
“Normal people don’t enjoy ‘arguments’-” Sanji made air quotes then and Zoro’s grinding his teeth at being mocked- “or seek them out with the person that is apparently ‘the devil itself’,” Sanji finished.
“I do not enjoy them!” Apparently all Zoro has in his arsenal is denials and it’s all the confirmation Sanji needed. Sanji just wondered how long he’d be able to keep this up before it ended it an all-out brawl.
You can only corner a wild animal for so long…
“Only because you lose all the time, but you love the attention. Everyone can see it.”
Teeth clenched? Check. Knuckles white and gripping his sake? Check. Tense? Check. Silent? Check.
He’d achieved that sooner than expected.
Time to deliver the final blow.
Sanji dramatically sighed and turned to the side, to face away from Zoro. He looked at him from the corner of his eyes as he said:
“Roronoa Zoro, esteemed pirate hunter, whose name brings fear to those that hear it,” he has to resist gagging as he said it, no doubt adding to Zoro’s already inflated ego. It’s all worth it though with his next words, “can’t flirt like a grown man. It’s kind of pathetic really.”
The response is immediate, Zoro’s chair falling back with a clang on the hardwood floor as he shot to his feet, his hands reaching to rest on the hilt of his swords.
“You wanna go, is that it?”
“Running from the conversation like a coward? Poor Nami-san, having to deal with a brute like you,” Sanji goaded, even though he was already pushing away from the counter to take a step towards Zoro. “A brute with no flirting skills or ways to woo a woman.”
“I don’t flirt!”
Before anything could escalate further, the kitchen door’s swinging open and the very person they’re talking about entered. Zoro’s throwing him a foul look which screamed ‘keep your trap shut’. Sanji ignored it as his eyes zeroed in on Nami.
“Nami-san!” Sanji greeted cheerfully as she walked towards him, paying no mind to Zoro at the table or the fight about to break out. From the table, Zoro’s watching her like a hawk.
“Sanji-kun,” Nami greeting back, but left it at that as she stood in front of the fridge, fingers gracefully sliding around the combination lock with practiced ease to reach in and retrieve a drink.
“Nami, grab me one too,” Zoro called over to her just as she was about to close the fridge. Sanji frowned at his lack of manners but Nami beat him to it.
“What’s the magic word?” She teased; the fridge door still cracked open. Only Sanji, Nami and Robin knew the combination and between Sanji and Nami, Zoro had a higher chance of getting a drink relatively easily with her… and he could flirt with her, of course.  
He snorted before firing back, “I’ll remember that when you start barking orders.”
And just like that, it was like Sanji wasn’t even in the room anymore. They were both swept up in their bickering (flirting) that he was now openly watching the scene before him and neither took notice. He wasn’t even subtle about it; he’d put his pan down, his arms crossed and leaned back on the counter to watch the show.
It was an interesting watch.
You could tell a lot more with these two with what was said physically than verbally. And right now it’s screaming in the quiet kitchen. The way Nami’s leaning over Zoro where he’s sat, berating him as he moved the beer just out of her reach, despite her being nice enough to bring it over.
“How old are you?” Nami complained as her fingertips brushed the bottle, then Zoro’s moving it out of reach again.
“Sounds like loser talk right there,” he laughed and it sounded cold and cruel, at least to Sanji’s ears anyway, but his expression held a softness that is normally reserved for her (and Chopper, but that’s a given at this point).
To anyone else that wasn’t on this ship, it’d look like they were genuinely arguing. Both frowning now that Nami’s reclaimed her drink and voices gradually growing louder in their verbal ping pong match, but behind that, you could see Zoro’s eye lighting up as he leaned in as they went back and forth. He was enjoying this and Sanji was instantly reminded of that little boy that wouldn’t leave the girl alone, despite saying he didn’t like her. Except that girl enjoyed it too and gave as good as she got.
And then Zoro brought Sanji’s metaphor to life and actually tugged on Nami’s braid. He wasn’t even keeping up with their conversation anymore, it moved so quickly sometimes, so he’s not sure why Zoro did it. But it brought a blush to Nami’s face that has Zoro smirking in triumph before they’re launching into a new argument, one he does take interest in because she’s giving him shit about his hair and he wanted some of that material for later.
It seemed after all of that, Nami had come out the victor on their verbal spar but Zoro wasn’t one to go down easily. He got up and crowded into her space, something that wasn’t hard as they’d already been leaning into each other, and the atmosphere thickened as the space between their faces started to disappear and even Sanji held his breath- even though he wasn’t directly involved. It looked like he was going to kiss her, the way he was staring her down, his gaze flicking around her face, and despite inwardly thinking about how lame that would be (where’s the candlelight dinner?), he would still begrudgingly admire it because he honestly had no idea where Zoro suddenly got the balls from after all his pussyfooting.
That thought quickly came shattering down, along with the atmosphere, when he instead swiped the drink from her hands and took a long swig, his own drink abandoned next to him on the table. Sanji wanted to groan because honestly, what an idiot, but he stayed silent just so he could see how this played out.
It played out pretty much how Sanji expected.
Nami looked stunned and then in the next moment outraged, probably not at him drinking her drink (he’d seen them share many times before- something he might bring up, actually, when this had finished), but at being one upped. Sanji had seen her face just moments ago, she’d expected something far different from that, and no doubt the embarrassment was washing over her now.
She spluttered a few times, mouth trying to form words until she gave up. When no words appeared, she huffed instead, flicked her braid over her shoulder and turned on her heel to storm out of the kitchen.
Zoro grinned viciously as he watched her leave, his gaze straying much further south than it probably should.
It’s silent in the kitchen after the door closed, Zoro’s gone back to drinking his own drink and ignoring Sanji like their previous conversation hadn’t happened.
As if Zoro’s getting off the hook that easily.
“So… you don’t flirt, huh?”
Zoro doesn’t grace him with a response, at this point what can he say? Can hardly keep denying it after that show, so he settled for glaring at him fiercely instead. Something that didn’t affect Sanji in the slightest. He’d survived his biological brothers growing up, this is nothing.
“It’s…. giving as good as I get.” Zoro finally settled for, but even he doesn’t look convinced at that one.  
Sanji gave him a bland look. “So flirting?”
Zoro’s face is pinched painfully and it’s because he’s boxed into a corner. There’s no way to escape the inevitable and with a tight jaw he’s admitting, “Fine. I’m ‘flirting’.” He added the air quotations sarcastically, half giving in but still being stubborn and Sanji begrudgingly accepted that. Anymore pushing and it really will end in a fight.
“So, now that we’ve established you are flirting- don’t give me that look shithead, you are, and you know it-” Sanji pointed his finger as him but Zoro didn’t give anything other than a sour expression so he continued- “what’re you going to do about it?”
There’s a long pause and it’s because Zoro’s currently warring between continuing the stubborn streak and giving in.
For once, he picked the right direction, because they both knew Sanji would keep going until he gave anyway.
“I can’t believe I’m talking to you about this,” Zoro muttered and sighed, running his hand through his hair trying to stall. “I have a plan; I’m doing things at my own pace.”
“Any chance this plan happens before we find One Piece?”
“I don’t want to rush anything.”
“Strange, you’re not normally such a coward. If anything, you rush in like a moron.”
“You can stand there and pretend all you like but you’re no different, pervert.”
Sanji rolled his eyes in response. But then, a thought came to mind, something that Zoro had said just before was bothering him and it sounded far too vague. “Hang on, just to be thorough, what exactly is your plan?”
Zoro shrugged as he responded, “Wait for the right moment.”
What an idiot. Truly. Nami must have done something in her past life to be stuck with him. He’d pray for her.
“That’s not a plan!”
“I don’t plan anything normally and it turns out alright,” Zoro said simply.
“You can’t just fight and stumble your way through this, you idiot!”
Zoro turned to him then, placing his empty drink to the side. “Alright then self-proclaimed ladies’ man, what plan do you have? Huh?”
Sanji opened his mouth to respond but Zoro interrupted-
“I swear, if you say candlelight dinner.”
Sanji’s shoulders sagged and Zoro’s laughing nastily.
“Oh, not so easy is it? And you call yourself a lady’s man, really is all hot wind in the end, huh?”
As much as Sanji knew how to get under Zoro’s skin, it unfortunately worked the other way around and Zoro’s comment has Sanji biting down his temper, his leg begging him to stop holding back. So instead, he chose to ignore that, be the bigger man. And maybe soothed himself with the thought of hiding one of Zoro’s weights later.
Sanji pushed away from the counter to distract himself, walking through the kitchen to open the fridge. He could hear Zoro playing with his drink behind his back, even though it’s empty and then Sanji’s grabbing another drink before walking over to the table. He placed it down in front of Zoro but doesn’t let go as he reached for it.
Zoro raised an eyebrow at the gesture.
“I don’t know what you’re really worried about and don’t deny that you’re not, but Nami’s interested.” Then he’s releasing the drink for Zoro to take.
Zoro’s gave him a sharp look. “She say something?”
Sanji took a step back to lean on the counter in the dining room. “She doesn’t have to. When you have people skills, you can see these sorts of things. Maybe add it to your to do list, along with playing with your swords.”
Zoro snorted then and for the first time since he entered the kitchen, it’s not in anger, or annoyance but in amusement and Sanji’s chuckling as well. Maybe not at his own words but at this situation. He never would have put money on his evening ending up like this.
They’re back in silence again but that’s fine, because Sanji’s pretty sure he’s got his point across. Zoro had half-heartedly admitted he was flirting and that he was going to do something about it. Good enough.
But then Zoro surprised him by speaking, offering up information that wasn’t asked for.
“I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
Sanji’s almost speechless and his face is flabbergasted by Zoro’s quiet words. Something that he quickly got under control because if Zoro saw it, he would get cagey instantly and that would be the end. He’d never be able to touch on this again.
For a second, he hesitated, unsure what to say. He didn’t think Zoro was capable of doubting himself. He was normally such a smug bastard. This didn’t sit right with Sanji and its then that he found the words.
“I didn’t realise Perona was around, maybe it was those two years you spent with her. You sound like you already lost. How depressing.” It’s tough love but he’s sure that’s what’s needed. Then again, he wasn’t sure it was possible for him to give Zoro anything else.
Zoro said nothing and that doesn’t seem like a good thing either. He dug deep for the next one, “You can’t move forward if you don’t move at all.”
“You get that from a fortune cookie?”
Snark is better than silence, even if it does piss him off. “Seemed to work, what does that say about you?”
They’re glaring at each other now and they’re just about to tip over the edge when a weird look crossed Zoro’s face.
“Wait, why are you sticking your nose in anyway? You’re nosey at the best of times but this is a step too far for you.”
Oh shit. Time’s up. Play it cool.
“Like you said, I’m being nosey.”
Zoro’s eyes narrowed. “Bullshit-” and cruel smirk crossed Zoro’s face as he leaned back- “you’re pushing too hard and don’t think I don’t see your twitching leg. You’re holding yourself back.”
“I care about Nami-san and, unfortunately, you’re a part of that now.” Good save, Sanji, go with that. He mentally clapped himself on the back.
“Kinda sounds like you care about me too.”
“Don’t push your luck.” Sanji pointed a finger at him threateningly but it did nothing other than add to the infuriating expression on Zoro’s face. It’s superiority and it grinds Sanji.
“What other explanation would you like to give it? Why not just talk to Nami if it’s for her.”
God damn it. What a prick. He refused to say anything and that’s all Zoro really needed to hear as he chuckled and finished the last of his second drink.
“It’s painful to watch you two dance around each other,” is all Sanji supplied. It basically confirmed what Zoro said but he’s not saying anything other than that. He refused.
“That bad?” Zoro grimaced.
Sanji smirked. “There’s currently a betting pool.”
Zoro groaned loudly, head tipped back. “Fucking course there is. Meddling idiots, the lot of you.”
“She won’t say no. Well, as long as you ask like an adult and not pull on her hair like a child.” Sanji shook his head. “You literally did it earlier too, where did you pick this up from?”
“Got her attention, didn’t it?” Zoro looked far more satisfied than he deserved to look.
“I don’t want to badmouth Nami-san, but she normally has such exquisite taste, so I really wonder what happened here.” Sanji’s hand wafting in Zoro’s direction.
“Seriously though, stop hanging around. I know you’re worried about your friendship but give Nami some more credit-” Sanji paused, mulling over whether to say anything further, was this going too far? Ah, screw it, he got this far- “She won’t say no.”
Zoro gave him an assessing look, like he was trying to see if the other man was messing with him before he nodded, “Got it.” He stood from his seat then, apparently done with the conversation once and for all.  
Sanji stopped him before he could turn to leave, “Let’s agree to never do this again.”
And just because Sanji’s an absolute shit that cannot resist, “Unless, of course, you need advice about sex because you look hopeless in that department.”
“You piece of shit!”
And his time was truly up then, something that Sanji welcomed because he was actually starting to feel friendlytowards the moss head.
“What do we have here? Bro bonding and I wasn’t invited?!”
Both Zoro and Sanji whipped their heads towards the new voice, stopping dead in their tracks and gaped. Because there stood Franky in the doorway of the kitchen, one hand on his hip and the other lifting his glasses, like he couldn’t believe the sight in front of him.
How either of them missed him they weren’t sure, nor did they know just how long he’d been standing there… or what he’d heard.
“We are not bonding!”
“What’s wrong with you.”
Sorry to ZoSan shippers, no hate whatsoever, but in my eyes, they have such brotherly sibling energy. I’d wanted to write this for a while.  
As always, forgive any errors.
Happy new year everyone!
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britbritwrites · 4 years
Todoroki meeting his Black S/O for the first time
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-The first time Todoroki met you, you were the new student in school and chile, lemme tell you something
-When you walked into class, he was like “Wow! Who is that girl? Must be new here, whoever she is, she’s gorgeous!”
-You were wearing your hair in purple braids and they were tied up in pigtails
-Your dark brown skin was glowing near the sun rays in the window
-(Because you had that melanin glow going on and you have a DAMN good skin care routine!)
-He was SPRUNG!
-That boy was mesmerized by your beauty
-He wanted to talk to you for the first time and wanted to get to know you but he was too shy to at the time
-At first, every time he was around you, he’d be a blushing mess but he would hide it by giving you the cold shoulder
-When you would try to speak to him, he’d turn around and ignore you
-You thought he was rude af and you’d think he had something against you 
-You’d thought he didn’t like you or something so you didn’t bother with him or waste your time trying to get him to talk to you
-But in reality, he really liked you and didn’t know how he was gonna to talk to you
-But seeing how well you got along with his classmates
-(Except for Bakugo and Mineta ESPECIALLY!)
-And how friendly and how much of a fun person you were, he’d thought “Hm, maybe I should try to talk to her”
-He went to Midoriya for help with the whole situation he’s having
-“All you have to do is take deep breaths, walk up to her with a smile and say ‘Hi, I’m Shoto Todoroki’ Trust me, she’s a nice girl and I’m positive it’ll go well, I’m rooting for you!”
-He practiced saying this in the mirror of his room for a few hours until he finally felt that he was confident enough to speak to you finally
-The next day, in class, your seat was usually next to him and while class was waiting for Mr. Aizawa, He walked up to you, taking deep breaths and did a small yet friendly smile.
-You looked up and saw that he finally said a word to you after all this time you thought he didn’t like you but here he was
-“Well, look who decided to come and finally speak to me” You chuckled. “Glad you’re not acting all cold with me this time”
-He slightly blushed but didn’t look down, you thought it was so cute
-Matter of fact, you thought he was hella cute
-“Um uh, yeah I am. I…. I….” At that point he felt that he was gonna fall apart but he remembered Midoriya’s advice.
-He took another deep breath
-You can do this Shoto, you can do this!
-“Um? You good, bro? You sick? You need to go to Recovery girl or something?” You let out a small chuckle.
-“Huh? Oh no, what I want to say is….. I really like your hair, it looks nice”
-“For real? Aww thanks! That’s sweet!”
“What are they called exactly?”
-“They’re called braids but this isn’t my natural hair color, I dyed it actually”
-“Oh okay, Well. Um…. Hi, I’m Shoto Todoroki, but… most people call me Todoroki, it’s really a pleasure to meet you”
-“Sup Todoroki! I’m (Y/N) (L/N)! But most people call me by my first name”
-“Hi (Y/N)”
-He finally did it! He finally had the confidence to have a little introduction and conversation with you
-He felt real proud of himself that day
-“You know, when I tried to talk to you, I thought you must have had something against me or something. You deadass didn’t wanna speak to me like I did something to you”
-“Oh, I’m very sorry about that, that was really rude of me. For that, I apologize for the way I ignored you when you were just trying to make friends”
-You laughed and said, “Oh it’s alright! I mean, I used to get that way too when meeting new people but look at me now, just being a social butterfly and interacting with anyone I see. Well, not everyone but you get what I mean”
-Todoroki sighed in relief, he was actually pretty happy that this was going pretty better than he expected
-Midoriya saw all of this and let me tell you something, he was SO proud of him that day and he even gestured him a two thumbs up. He cried too but from tears of joy
-As time went on, you and Todoroki became total besties
-Y’all would talk and text each other more than y’all do your classmates, even though you were good friends with most of them
-But y’all were more closer with each other
-Y’all would hang out on the weekends if y’all weren’t busy
-And y’all would even have some deep conversations with each other about your fears, hopes, dreams, future and other things you wouldn’t tell your other friends.
-He was always there for you when you needed him
-And you always turned to him when you needed someone to talk to about your personal problems
-Like if you’re feeling insecure about something or don’t feel that you’re good enough
-He’d make you feel better by listing many things of why you’re such a beautiful person, inside and out
-The boy is just a total sweetheart and doesn’t ever wanna hear you tear yourself down like that
-It just breaks his poor heart
-Eventually, you started to have romantic feelings for him but you didn’t tell him yet because you didn’t think he’d feel that way about you other than just a great friend.
-Little did YOU know, he always loved you from the first time he saw you but he wouldn’t tell you for the same reason as yours
-Y’all kinda didn’t wanna ruin your friendship so y’all kept those feelings to yourselves for a while
-Well, that is until later when y’all are hanging out one night of y’all were having one of those deep conversations
-He got so caught up in the moment of the conversation that he straight said with his whole chest,
-“I love you”
-Yep! He was the first one to say to say those special 3 words to you
-At first he felt embarrassed and wanted to leave
-But you stopped him and admitted to him that you had feelings for him too
-He was absolutely OVER THE MOON about it!
-He held you in embrace and even began to shed a tear at one point because he was so happy
-He didn’t say anything
-All he knows is that you loved him the same way he always loved you
-And he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you
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vintagedolan · 4 years
Gone in the Night - Part 6
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Schedule & Info || Masterlist
Summary: Panic has set in, and the little girl who terrified the trio may just be the key to everything
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, a lil spooky
In collaboration with: @babeygray @gothlydolan @dolansficsandpics @baby-grayson @333dolans  @dolanissues @blackpinkdolan​ and @fangdolan 
Tags: @brockdolan @livelaughlolobelle @grxysgxrl @guiltydols @graydolan12 @evergreendolan
“Go, go, Grayson, fucking go!” Ethan yelled, pushing his brother’s back through the doorway. Grayson grabbed onto Y/N, dragging her with him as the three of them hurtled into a new hallway and slammed the door shut behind them. The laughter faded behind them, but the eerie feeling remained as they caught their breath, holding onto each other.
“This is insane. Bro, we’ve gotta get out of here. We need to get downstairs, if we have any chance of finding an actual fucking door out of here before she comes back.”
When had they even gone upstairs? Y/N couldn’t remember, but she didn’t hesitate to head for the large staircase that seemed to appear before them, right on Grayson’s heels as they followed Ethan’s advice, scurrying down the stairs into a narrow hallway. It seemed to have withstood a bit less carnage than the other parts of the house, old portraits framing the walls, though there was still rotting carpet beneath their feet. She felt like the eyes of the painted figures were following her as she walked, and she had no shame in stepping a bit closer to Grayson as they moved. The boys tried each door handle they passed, unsurprised to find them locked.  
“How long have we even been in here? I don’t even remember which way the front door is. I mean, we-”
“Shut the fuck up.” Ethan cut him off.
“Bro, don’t-”
“No, shut the fuck up, listen. I think I hear something.” 
Ethan held up his hand to his twin in an effort to keep him quiet, tilting his ear to the side. Y/N moved with him, trying to pick up on whatever he was hearing.
“Is that… wind?” She asked, looking back at them. Sure, there had been plenty of drafts running through the walls of the old house, the cold spots when they turned the corners, and even the wind before. But this was different, louder than before and much, much closer. 
“If it’s that loud, there’s gotta be at least a window in there. Which means-”
“Outside!” Both the boys spoke at the same time, turning to her with wide eyes. It was the first real sign they’d seen of an escape in hours, and just the thought was enough to have everyone’s nerves buzzing. 
Grayson reached for the handle first, and on instinct her hand shot out to grab his arm. 
His hand moved on top of her and he turned back to her, brows furrowed. 
“It’s my turn to open a door. You all tried the last ones, it’s my turn.” 
With the inner workings of the house that they’d discovered so far, there was no telling what was going to happen when, and if, the door even opened. The last few they’d tried down the dingy hallway had been locked, but she had a gut feeling about this one, and so too did the boys it seemed. 
“No.” Grayson’s tone was stiff. “Too dangerous. That girl could be in there.”
“Oh but it’s not too dangerous for you to open it?”
He didn’t have a rebuttal, but he was still in front of her enough to effectively block her. 
“Grayson, just let me do it. I’ll check it out and you guys can wait out here in case we need to go back out, or our phones start acting stupid again or something.”
“If you think I’m letting you go through there by yourself, you’re insane.” He shifted then, moving to block her path even more. The protective tenor in his voice was new, and if she wasn’t trying to convince him of something, it probably would have been flattering. 
“Will somebody just open the damn door so we can get the fuck outta here?” Ethan huffed from behind both of them.
She capitalized on Grayson’s momentary distraction and slid past him to open the door, surprised when the handle actually turned. She looked around for anything dangerous, anything that could pop out at her or the boys. But it was eerily still, only the dingy decor left over from a decade passed there to greet her as she stepped inside.
“The wind stopped,” Ethan mumbled, peeking through the doorway. Grayson was one step behind her, hovering a bit as she made her way into the space, which was filled with an abundance of furniture; an old desk, a few dressers, two couches and a fireplace to the left with small figurines with beady eyes atop a wooden mantle.
“Maybe there's another clue in here. We should start looking in all these drawers.” 
Ethan pulled a harmonica off the mantle with a sly grin.
“Yo Beethoven, can you play this too? Maybe it’s the secret,” he wiggled his fingers in the air and threw Grayson the small rectangle. He caught it with an eye roll.
“Can you be serious for two fucking seconds Ethan? Some of us are actually trying to get out of here.”
“Oh and I’m not? You don’t think I’m going fucking crazy too?”
In any other instance, she may have interfered, or at least thought about it. But the boy’s jeers didn’t meet her ears. Instead, she focused on what she had found, in the left corner of the room. Hidden in the shadows above was a loft of sorts, in decent shape it seemed apart from the short ladder that only had one wrung left. 
The bickering continued, somehow evolving to something involving her name.
Both boys turned to her with wide eyes, looking more like twins than she’d ever realized.
“I think we need to get up there. Can you all boost me?”
Their eyes somehow got wider as they looked up at the loft and then back at her.
“Boost you? You think we’re just gonna send you up there by yourself?” Grayson’s voice was incredulous, amazed she’d even suggested it. 
“You got a better idea?”
“Uh how about you, I don’t know, not getting attacked by a little demon girl while we’re down here being useless? Besides, we don’t even know if there’s a clue up there.” Ethan mused.
“Well there sure as hell isn’t one down here. Just let me see what’s up there, and if anything happens I’ll just come to the edge and… I dunno, jump?” 
“Jump,” Ethan scoffed, at the same time that Grayson said “I’ll catch you.”
Still reluctant, but seeing no other option, the boys moved beside her, squatting down and moving to lift her with her standing in their cupped hands. She hoisted herself up, needing the help of them pushing her feet up to get a leg over and gain her bearings. 
“You good?” Grayson called, breathing out a relief when she responded, standing up and dusting off her pants.
“See anything? Any clues?”
“Not yet,” she mumbled, but something caught her eye. To the right, pushed back against the wall stood something tall, covered by a white sheet. She reached for it on instinct, coughing in the dust that rained down around her as she pulled it down, revealing an antique mirror. The reflection was crystal clear, untouched by time or the elements, golden frame still shiny. 
And in the reflection stood a girl.
She was young, 7 at the oldest, in a simple blue dress, a matching ribbon tied nicely at the end of her braided brown hair. Y/N didn’t have to think - she knew it was the same girl that they’d heard in the last room, but she didn’t feel threatened by her. If anything, her maternal instincts took over, and she wanted to help her in any way that she could. 
“Do you want to go?” Her voice was small, tinkling like bells. 
“Do I want to go where?
Below, Grayson stopped chewing his lip, perking an ear up towards the direction that Y/N had disappeared out of view.
“Y/N? You say something?”
“I want you to go with me. I need to show you something,” the girl spoke again, turning to look over her shoulder. It was only then that Y/N realized that the mirror was no longer showing any of the room around her, but instead, a new hallway. It was normal, a spitting image of what the house looked like 100 years ago, with its pristine walls and its colorful carpets. 
“I can’t go with you, I can’t leave my friends here,” she said.
“Y/N? Hey, who are you talking to? Come over here where we can see you!” Grayson was truly beginning to panic now, and Ethan was just as worried, unsure of what to do but stand close to his brother. 
“If you go with me, I’ll bring you back. And I’ll show you how to get out. I promise. But you have to go with me. You have to see.”
“Y/N! Talk to me dammit!” Grayson’s voice was dangerously loud now.
She wanted to run to the edge, to look down at her friends and tell them what she was doing, but it would be no use. They’d just try to stop her, and she knew deep down that the girl wouldn’t trust anyone but her. 
“Okay. Show me.”
“You must stay quiet.”
The girl reached her hand out, and suddenly Y/N was falling. 
It was split second of limbo, and then she was on her feet again, only this time the floor below her didn’t creak, and the carpet was soft beneath her sneakers. It didn’t smell putrid anymore, but instead the remnants of a meal cooked in the kitchen warmed her nose. 
“Charlotte! Come quickly darling.” A voice called out, and to her disbelief Y/N realized she was in the mirror, in a different time, or dimension, or universe. She had no choice but to follow the young girl - Charlotte, it seemed - through the corridors until they made it to a living room of sorts, where a piano sat in the corner. It was vaguely familiar to her, but she didn’t have long to analyze it.
“That’s Papa.” Charlotte spoke out, pointing over to a chair on the other side of the room. Within it sat a tall man with a full face, a nicely groomed beard adorning his chin, and a warm smile.
If it wasn’t for the outfit, Y/N wouldn’t have been able to place him. But the ghost of it was there in his features, and her stomach tightened as she recognized the vest top, with the stripes and the white shirt beneath it. 
She was staring right at the man who’d gotten them into this mess - the one with the tickets - only it was a version of him tucked away in time, however many years ago.
“You had to see that he means well. All he ever wanted was to be entertained. That’s why he brings people here. Why he always has.” 
Y/N looked then, at the other people in the room. She’d hardly noticed them before, but as she scanned them over she caught up on details, snippets of conversation. A man with a large sword he was prepared to swallow, a pianist with sheet music tucked under his elbow. Another man who swore to be a vampire - the kind who could turn into a bat, in particular - and a woman who could tell you any line of any book without having to open the front cover. An artist with paint smudges on her hands, who swore her paintings could come to life.
The clues. She began to piece it together slowly, looking down at Charlotte. 
“Papa is a good person. Please don’t think too harshly of him, it’s all he knows how to do.”
“Charlotte. I’d like to go back now.”
Suddenly, every set of eyes in the room were on her. She’d spoken, and that had been a terrible mistake. She knew she had to run, but she didn’t know where to go, how to get back to the mirror she’d come from. They were chasing her, no doubt, and she didn’t have the guts to look back. 
“Grayson! Ethan!” She screamed their names, a faint hope that maybe, somewhere, they could hear her.
Little did she know that the boys back in her own time had managed to drag an old table into the room, giving Grayson just enough leverage to get up to the loft, where he tried to ignore the tears prickling in his eyes at the realization that she was no longer there with him. 
She ran as fast as her feet would take her, trying to retrace her steps as best she could remember. Somehow, her ears registered the sound of an odd melody, a harsh tune played out by an unfamiliar instrument.
A harmonica. 
Thank god for Ethan Dolan’s foolish nature.
She sprinted towards the sound, relieved to find a familiar enough door to barrel through. She didn’t care that someone was in there - all she cared about was getting back up to the loft and back to the mirror, the portal, whatever it was. To her relief the frame stood tall and still where she’d last seen it and she threw herself at it without a hesitation.
And then, she was in Grayson’s arms. 
“Woah, woah, what the fuck? Hey, you’re okay, it’s okay, where the fuck did you just come from?” The string of disbeliefs continued to fall from his lips but all she could do was cling to his neck and bury her face in his chest. 
“I was - and there was - and - oh god, Grayson, we’ve gotta get outta here. You’ve gotta get me out of here.”
“Okay, hey, you’re safe now, I’ve got you. Just breathe, I’m right here,” he said, holding her tighter to him, beyond relieved to have her back in his sights. In the back of her mind as she started to process that she was safe again, she ran through what she had seen, what she’d told herself to remember. The one person whose clue they hadn’t run into yet.
The woman with the paint on her hands.
“The portraits. We’ve gotta go to the portraits.”
check out part 7 tomorrow, posted by @dolanissues !
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I”m gonna do two imagines at once because I figured these two can go hand in hand
The reader face-riding Erik and Erik holding the reader’s hips down and overstimulating her/ Erik telling the reader “lemme dig in that pussy one time”
This shit here... WHEW!
Nasty smut per usual.
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“Happy birthday you fine ass Sagittarius.”
Y/N’s boyfriend, Ace, was gliding his tongue like the black mamba snake along her exposed neck. He had just taken her to a fancy dinner and now they were headed back their place to finish the night off just right. Ace looked over at his woman dressed in a satin mini dress colored sage. Her braided hair was twisted up into a bun and her skin shimmered from all the body glow she had put on.
“Thank you, Baby,” Y/N squeezed Ace’s hand, interlacing her tiny fingers with his long slender ones, “Now, are you gonna tell me who you’ve been texting all night talking about it’s a surprise?! I am fucking dying over here.”
“What I tell you? Save that begging shit for later.” Ace looked at Y/N with sly eyes, “Sexy ass.”
Y/N wanted to savor this moment as much as she could while her man was home from the military. He would be leaving again in about a couple of weeks. She pouts like a baby, folding her arms over her 36 C cup breasts. Tiny whimpers escaping her mouth, Ace adjusts himself in his seat, trying his best not to react to her seducing sounds. He’d missed every ounce of her. Every curve, every noise she made, the way she smelled, how soft her skin was. Being away and seeing all that death, Ace had to keep a positive image of Y/N in his brain.
They both pulled up to a gated community. This is where they both live. A big house built from the ground up. An accomplishment he happily came back to when he could. Pulling up in one of the spots of their three-car garage, Ace turns off the car, not yet getting out as his phone was in his hands again. Y/N had her Pink Whitney Amsterdam Vodka bottle resting in her lap ready to be opened. Ace was driving her crazy!!! She wanted some of that good dick. She just knew he would beat her pussy up like he’d been locked away in jail for 30+years. She needed a hurting on her good pussy.
“Wassup, E,” Ace acknowledged the man on the other line with a grin, “You here already? Where? I didn’t see you when I pulled up.
E? She looked behind her out of the rearview window, spotting a blacked-out G Wagon flashing its hazards to gain their attention. She turns back around in her seat, side-eyeing Ace. What was this nigga up to? He’d already bought her all the things she wanted, taken her out to eat, what else could he have in store for her? Y/N unbuckled her seat belt, turning towards Ace while he talked on the phone.
“Nah, I think she’ll remember you, bruh. Y/N got a good memory... yeah, shes giving me a look right now,” Ace laughs at Y/N’s annoyed expression, “Just come over to the house, let's make this reunion happen.”
Ace hung up his phone, pocketing it before taking his keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car. Y/N waited as he came around to her side, opening her door and grabbing the 24k gold and red roses he purchased from THE. MILLION. ROSES out of her hand with the bottle of Amsterdam Vodka. since Ace’s sports car was so low she had to duck while getting out. Y/N reaches out her soft manicured hand for Ace to grab, but it wasn’t Ace’s hand that took hold. She could feel a thicker, more solid hand grab hers, fingers covered in rings, very sturdy and overpowering her rather tiny one. Startled by the unfamiliar texture, Y/N placed her doe-eyes on a man standing at 6’3, braided-back dreads, black T-shirt on with a denim jacket, black ripped jeans and a pair of Vans on his feet. Gold around his neck, wrist, and fingers, even in his teeth when he smiled down at her.
Ace stood back, hands in his black and red plaid jacket pockets, watching the scene in front of him. Y/N was pulled from her seat, her hand reaching behind her to fix her mini dress since her ass was too much for it. Ace told her it was two sizes too small but she didn’t care. Now that she’s standing in front of E, she felt exposed.
“Wassup, birthday girl,” He spoke softly.
“E...Erik?” She finally recognized him. It’s been at least a few years since she saw him. He had a curly fro the last time they’d seen each other.
“It’s been a while I know,” his eyes trailed down her frame, “Still looking good I see.”
Y/N, perplexed that Erik so openly gave her a compliment in front of her man, looked over at Ace to see if he would correct his boy. To her surprise, Ace has this coy smile spread across his full lips.
“Can we go inside? It’s getting chilly out here,” Y/N tried to revert the topic of discussion. Ace hands Erik her roses and vodka while he leads the way to his front entrance.
“After you, ma” The gesture was simple but so...tantalizing. A shiver spread throughout her body at the thought of Erik checking out her ass as it swayed in her tight mini dress. The way her legs looked in her heels didn’t help situations either. Ace held the door opened for her, allowing her to walk past. Ace slaps her ass hard as hell, Y/N giving him a shy look before turning towards both men. Erik was smiling wide and dangerous at Ace before turning his hard, intoxicating eyes onto Y/N’s body. That entire moment made her ankles buckle a little and she hoped that she didn’t look crazy.
“Can I get comfortable before we have some drinks?” She rested her plush bottom on the grey velvet ottoman in their shared living room, taking off her heels. She flexed her toes, resting the shoes next to the love seat.
“Oh Nah, keep that dress on, girl.” Ace instructed her.
Y/N looked over at Erik who was helping himself to some Hennessy that Ace has at his living room mini bar. He had his denim jacket off at this point, all those muscles in his arms...his almond skin looked beautiful....
She froze.
Now she was beginning to think that Ace must have known how attracted to Erik she was. She had eyes, her man's friend is sexy as hell. It just overwhelmed her seeing him like this. More muscles, hair in those sexy dreads, gold in his mouth...
“Hey,” Ace’s lips were on her cheek, trailing down to her neck. Y/N took her hand, rubbing it against the shiny black waves in his hair. She placed her lips against the chocolate skin of his cheek before teasing him with her jeweled tongue.
“Mm,” Ace lifts her up, making her straddle him while he rested on the grey velvet love seat. Drink in his hand, he sipped while his other hand moved slowly over her arched back and ass. Y/N felt so nervous doing this in front of Erik. Erik was seated on the edge of the ottoman right next to them both, drinking out of his glass with those eyes on her face and only her face. She wrapped her arms around Ace while his soft lips attacked her protruding cleavage. Y/N held Erik’s gaze but it was a challenge with the way those whiskey-colored eyes surveyed her.
“Damn, shit don’t make no sense how much I missed you. Tell her Erik, my ass was going crazy.”
Erik smiles, “you had this nigga fantasizing about you. Every fucking day. And every fucking night. Couldn’t get this nigga to shut up.”
“Awww, babe,” Y/N grabs Ace’s chin, “Daddy, I missed you too.”
Erik made a sound at that, causing Ace to laugh and Y/N to blush profusely. What Erik didn’t tell her was how Ace shared all of their wild sex stories with him. Ace would tell Erik how bomb Y/N’s pussy is. Straight wet wet and nice and tight like she did kegel exercises. He even disclosed that she had a major head game too, jaws strong as a bitch.
She can suck a golf ball through a water hose that’s how he described it.
“Damn, bro. She got it like that? Just the thought of it is making my dick hard,” Erik said, laughing.
Another thing Y/N didn’t know but Erik and Ace did, was that she would be fulfilling her man's deepest, darkest fantasy. Give the birthday girl a real treat. From talks about how his girl put it down to Erik spotting Ace from time to time admiring nude photos of Y/N, he was thinking about fucking his friend's girl. He never told Ace, but now he didn’t need to. Ace hit him up about a week ago before Erik came home from a JSOC mission that he wanted Erik to fuck his girl in front of him.
“Say, bro, would you like to hit Y/N?” Ace had asked.
Erik was in disbelief on FaceTime with Ace. He couldn’t believe that he asked him that so openly, even though his brain was saying hell yeah I want that puss.
“Are you for real? Man, you are crazy, nigga.”
Ace’s look said it all.
“You are for real, Huh? Okay,” he said, letting Ace know he was game.
And Erik was down for whatever. Clearly, Y/N was too with the way she looked at him with those come fuck me, Daddy eyes. He’d fuck her real good too. That nigga Ace was in for a show. This fine bitch Y/N was about to give that pussy up.
“Are you having a good time, baby?” Ace asked Y/N, looking from her to Erik.
“Yes, this is really nice. I feel like a princess,” she stated, satisfied with the outcome of the night.
“It’s cuz you are a princess.” Ace said, praising her.
“You want some of your vodka, Y/N?” Erik asks. Y/N nods her head at him, watching Erik get up to retrieve her bottle and make her a nice cup of it. Ace whispers happy birthday in her ear, bringing his lips to hers and sucking on her bottom lip. She could taste the Hennessy on his warm wet tongue and feel the icy grill on his lower teeth. Right then and there she wanted his tongue dancing around her pussy.
“Daddy,” she moans.
“Yeah, girl?”
“I need you to fuck me now. I want your dick inside of me. Fuck me please.”
Y/N tried to be discreet and whisper that but Erik heard it all loud and clear while making her drink. He walked back over to the horny couple, standing behind Ace and handing Y/N her glass over the back of the couch.
“Thank you, E,” she takes a nice sip, eyelids fluttering from Ace’s slick tongue on her neck and his hand rubbing her juicy, hard clit through her satin thong. Y/N ground her pussy roughly against his hand, nonverbally urging him to plunge his fingers deep inside of her little pussy.
“Mmm,” Y/N moaned while stroking the back of Ace’s head. Ever so gently, while Erik stood there behind the love seat, lustfully gazing at Y/N and loving the sounds she made, Ace caressed her face and brought her lips to his once more, and gave her a nice sloppy kiss.
“I told my boy you have some good pussy, baby girl,” Ace whispered, informing Y/N that Erik knew of some of their sexcursions.
“Oh, really? And why would you do that, Daddy?”
That seductive look in her eyes said it all. Ace placed Y/N on the couch, adjusting his dick in his dark-wash denim jeans. He sat his empty glass on the black and silver coffee table. Y/N’s pussy was extremely wet and warm. The moisture probably made itself visible through her panties. Erik came over to seat himself next to Y/N while Ace was on her other side. Both men refilled their glasses, Ace reaching between Y/N’s legs to see exactly how wet his woman was.
“Damn,” Erik says, licking the liquor from his bottom lip, “that shit wet wet just like you said, Ace.”
Y/N lets out an airy sigh, face hot from the way Erik leaned forward with his elbows to see it all. He was seeing everything. The way Ace rubbed her wet satin thong, how the exposed skin of her pussy lips shined like she’d been oiled down.
“I told E how good your pussy tastes,” Ace whispered. “He wants to eat it for you.”
“E?” She asks timidly. Oh, it was written all over her face. That sexy helpless look on her face. E wants to eat my tight little pussy, Daddy, that’s what she looked like she wanted to say. Drink almost slipping from her hand, Erik takes it, placing it on the coffee table next to his. He swallows spit before biting his lip, preparing his taste buds for her pussy. Erik and Ace shared a look, both mischievous men smirking.
“Hey, bro,” Ace finally pulled Y/N’s soaking wet thong to the side. Erik let out a hiss, the sound causing Y/N’s toes to curl, “You wanna taste this pussy? I told you it was good. Come and get this pussy.” Inviting Erik to join in.
Without saying another word, Erik was bending over Y/N’s lap in a single bound and attacked her pussy like a flesh-eating piranha. Y/N was semi-naked and it wasn’t enough for Erik at all. He wanted to see her fully naked while he stared up from between her legs. Ace sat back on the ottoman, one hand palming his erection while the other held his glass of Henny. His voyeurism kink was finally going to come to life in front of him. Y/N looked overwhelmed by the way Erik licked her. She was squirming and shaking, looking from Ace to Erik with a bewildering look in her eyes. The soft-sounding moans that escaped her mouth seemed to grab hold of Erik’s dick because now he wanted to yank his jeans off and plunge into her tasty pussy. Erik sopped her pussy like it was a full course meal. This nigga was really eating it up and Ace couldn’t help the grunts that escaped his mouth.
“Take this shit off,” Erik demanded Y/N. Y/N timidly lifted her dress over her belly and up past her tits.
“Don’t be shy, listen to Kill,” Ace had his hands down his pants now.
“Kill?” She asked with a perplexed expression. Y/N felt Erik’s lips on her neck, his hands helping her the rest of the way with that dress. She was finally fully naked, her big juicy nipples all poked out and ready to be sucked up.
“Kill wants some of that pussy.” Ace reminded Y/N. She could feel Kill against her inner thigh. He was much thicker than Ace but they were around the same length. She wasn’t used to being stuffed and bottomed-out at the same time.
“Yo, this couch ain't doing it for me. Can we take this shit to the bed?” Erik asked while running his fingers between her pussy lips. He sounded so desperate and it made her bite her lip. She couldn’t believe she was going through with this. This was a surprise alright.
“Take it wherever you want, bro, as long as I get to watch the way you fuck her.”
That was enough for Erik. He picks Y/N up, throwing her over his shoulder. The action was rough and the way he slapped her ass didn’t help make it any less rough. Ace was following behind Erik, telling him where the master bedroom was on the second level. Finally there, Erik takes a naked Y/N and laid her softly on her back on the large bed. Ace made himself comfortable in a chair facing the head of the bed, the sound of his belt and zipper loud in Y/N’s ears. Erik was taking off his clothes.
“Happy birthday, you know you special,” Erik told her with a low seductive voice. Shirt off, she took in his defined body littered with scars. Now, he was working on his jeans, pulling those down nice and slow so she could watch his dick bob out at her. Once the long, and fat pole was free from its confines, Y/N gasped, mouth hanging open and ready for a dick in it. His dick in it.
Ace gave his right hand a workout by stroking his dick. He planned on cumming all over himself tonight. Erik returned to the bed, Ace witnessing the helpless look on his girl's face as Erik pulled her legs apart roughly, his face disappearing between her legs. It was as if she had no control over her reaction to the way Erik ate her pussy. That pretty face of hers contorted with pleasure.
“FUCK. Ace forgot to mention how sweet this pussy is,” Erik was eating that little pussy better than Ace. It didn’t make him feel jealous, it made his dick harder and heavier in his hand. All he wanted his woman to do was cum on his homeboy's face. Erik breathes hard on her clit and then started kissing all around her glazed pussy. He was licking and kissing everything but her clit.
He brought his face up to Y/N’s, kissing her lips, “what you want me to do, princess?”
Without stuttering, she said, “I want you to suck my clit, Erik!!!”
Finally, Erik began sucking it. He would move away and then come back to it. Move away and then come back to it, and that shit felt so damn good! He started licking it with long strokes, and she could feel his tongue working it’s way around the lips of her pussy and then dart in and out of it with expert precision. Erik worked his way back to her “trigger” and ran his tongue down each side of her clit and tickled it underneath. Erik didn’t miss a spot and Y/N enjoyed every bit of it. Erik swirled his tongue around the hood of her clit and Y/N started rocking her hips back and forth as he started pushing down harder with his mouth. He didn’t come up for air once, and the pressure and rhythm of his tongue on her clit was almost poetic!
Y/N never knew there were so many ways to suck a pussy before this moment on her birthday. Just when she thought it was over, Erik enclosed his whole mouth around her clit and started sucking it lightly, as he blew on it with his warm breath. He kept glancing up at her pretty face; she could tell he was getting off by the way she was moaning and driving that pussy into his face. He placed deep French kisses on her clit and sucking on it until Y/N was ready to cum. The stimulation was toe-curling, and as she thought she would fly off the bed but Ace was by her side now, keeping her legs open with his dick all out and slick with pre-cum next to her mouth. Erik was in the zone, he wasn’t about to turn the pussy loose for Ace to get a taste.
“Damn, homie, you sucking it like it’s your pussy...stay still baby, let him have it. This nigga Kill is hungry I see.”
Right when Ace said that, Y/N shouted at the top of her lungs in between chocked up moans, “This is your pussy!! This is your pussy!!” Erupting all over Erik’s face. As she rested her head back against the pillows, Erik finally let Ace join in as they both leaned forward and started slurping and feasting on what Y/N could rightly say was both of their pussy.
“Daddy,” she looked into Ace’s eyes then over into Erik’s, “Daddy.” She called both of them niggas Daddy.
“Damn, E, got your whole mouth on her clit.” Ace watched Erik back at it again with the sucking and slurping.
“Look at the way you making her pussy cream, bro,” Ace scoops up some of that cream, placing his finger in his mouth, “Fuck, this slutty little pussy is leaking.”
Ace goes back to his seat, rubbing Y/N’s juices on his dick. Erik lifted up her body, making her sit on his face. She could feel him running his tongue up and down her swollen pussy. He had his big biceps holding her in place while he overstimulated her clit with a back and forth motion of his sharp tongue and a little pulling and nibbling action of his plush lips. She was grinding all sexy on his mouth, her eyes watching Ace standing directly in front of her now, jerking his long dick. His slit was open and a long string of pre-cum spilled out and to the bed. Y/N had nowhere to run while Erik worked her sensitive clit into yet another orgasm.
“Daddy, Erik,” she cried, her arms shaking while her cum spilled and spilled into Erik’s mouth. He licked her clean, giving her pussy gentle kisses before pulling her off of him.
“You ready for me, Y/N?” He looked at her, his face shiny with her juices, “you ready for me to fuck that little pussy while your man buss a nut to it?”
Y/N got into doggie style position. She opened her pussy lips wide and said, “Here, Daddy, fuck this juicy pussy.”
“Shit,” Erik moaned.
“Keep that slutty little pussy open just like that baby girl,” Ace encourages. Erik takes a condom from his jeans pocket, opening it and rolling it over his dick. Secured, getting behind Y/N, he placed her body at an angle so that Ace could see how Erik was going to fuck her. Her shoulders and face were pressed into the bed, everything else up and to the ceiling. Erik reaches up under Y/N, rubbing her swollen clit.
“Lemme dig in this pussy one time,” Erik whispered. If only he could take Ace’s words literally. With the pussy Y/N had, once wouldn’t be enough. Erik thought he only needed one round of sex with this bad bitch to satisfy his fantasy...
“Fuck me, Daddy,” She cries, backing her twat into his meat.
“Yes! Call me Daddy,” Erik said, taking his enormously impressive dick, attempting to push it inside of Y/N’s pussy.
“Ace, yo,” Erik stops for a moment, looking over at his friend, “Yo, she hella tight, bruh,” He laughs.
“Told you, Bro.”
“Erik beat Y/N’s clit with his dick before trying to get in her shit again. The condom was a bitch tryna get all up inside of her.
“Take the condom off, fuck her raw,” Ace said with finality, “She feels sooooo much better that way anyway.” Ace didn’t understand the mistake in his words. Y/N had some good pussy...
“Please,” she begged.
Erik let out a satisfying moan at the way she begged for it raw. Shit, he liked this little one. Erik takes off the condom, rubbing her wetness over his dick some more before trying again. The minute he pushed himself inside successfully, was the moment he knew he was never going back. She literally swallowed him. Sucked him in like a vacuum. Ace’s words weren’t enough to explain how good this pussy was.
“Damn, baby girl, you giving up that juicy pussy to the homie?” Ace came to stand in front of her, bringing his dick to her mouth.
“That’s right, suck my big dick, baby, suck me good.”
“Damn right, I’m gonna suck it,” Y/N said with her mouth full of dick. Ace gripped her braids in his hand, popping her mouth off.
“Here,” he said, stuffing her mouth again with dick.
Erik was taking long, deliberate strokes. He feared if he picked up the pace, he would cum quick and he didn’t want that right now. She was so damn tight and warm around him.
“I love this sloppy pussy!” Erik has his lip between his teeth, fucking Y/N with no hands.
“Damn...Ace...look at her throwing it back on me, look at all this ass on my dick, bro.” Erik moaned.
Y/N found an easy rhythm to suck Ace while Erik tortures her pussy.
“She wetting you’re shit up man, I see them jaws you were talking about, mmm,” Erik had the best view, her little pussy wrapped around him and her mouth on Ace’s dick.
“Come get you some,” Ace slips out of Y/N’s mouth, stepping back to sit down and jerk his wet dick. Her spit gave him the best lubricant while he stroked. Even though he just wanted to sit back and watch Erik fuck his girl, it was damn hard. He’d always wanted to know what she looked like getting fucked. Ace decided to sit back and enjoy the rest of the moment for now so Erik could have all the fun he wanted. Erik was in front of Y/N now, his soaking wet dick mixed with her cream all over him and his pubic hair.
“Keep your mouth wide open. You ready for all of this?” Erik swinging his wet dick in front of her face had her slobbering.
“Yes, Daddy.” She gave him that innocent look with those big eyes.
“Gimme Some,” Erik whispers, grabbing her hair with one hand, and her chin with the other while his dick pressed between her lips and into her mouth.
“Suck that dick,” Erik grunted, thrusting his hips forward, causing Y/N’s head to push back. Erik started pulling his dick all the way out and thrusting all the way back in.
“She working your shit, E? Using them tight jaws on her?” Ace said, stroking his dick. Ace watched his girl swallow Erik’s dick, making his friend's eyes flutter shut.
“Goddamn, Bitch! Take it...yeah...take it deep.” Erik reached behind Y/N, slapping her ass hard. Her ass thrust up into the air, basically letting him know that she wanted that. Erik slapped her ass again, Y/N moaning around his dick. She popped her mouth off, a string of spit falling to her tits.
“Spank me again, Daddy.” She asked in a child-like voice.
“You like it when I pop that big ass?” Erik said, both of his hands came down in unison on her cheeks, “Yeah, you like that,” he thrusts his dick back into her mouth, making her gag.
“If you stay in her mouth too long she’ll have your ass cumming,” Ace joked. He was ready to buss a nut himself but he wanted to witness Erik back inside of Y/N’s slit.
“Same thing for that pussy,” Erik joked back. He slipped out of Y/N’s mouth, laying her on her back and putting her legs over his shoulders. Erik rested his arms behind her thighs to elevate her even more, her ass hanging over the edge of the bed, Erik’s toned hips angled perfectly over her body. His dick slipped inside with ease this time, even though she gripped him so tightly. He pistoned in and out to the tip of his dick down to his balls. Her body was bouncing against the damn bed. Erik was on his hands, looking down at her. She had her hands up, grabbing his wrists, her toes curled. Erik has to look down at the way his dick was murdering her pussy.
“Damn, Daddy, it’s so thick.”
Erik’s eyes rolled shut. He brought his mouth down to suck on her pretty chocolate nipples.
“It’s too big for my pussy,” She announced, “I thought my pussy could handle it.”
Ace felt his balls swell up, his hand shaking around his erection. Ropes of cum shot out and on his jeans, a look of disbelief on his face. He couldn’t believe how much cum spilled from him. That cum was begging to be freed.
“Daddy, let-let me lick it up,” Y/N wanted to taste him again. Ace groans, getting up to allow Y/N to taste the rest of himself off his dick. She took him deep into her mouth, sucking him dry while Erik held her thighs back with his hands.
“How’s That mouth?” Erik asked while deep in her pussy.
“Fucking amazing,” Ace said while holding Y/N’s head with both hands, “how’s that tight little pussy?”
“Goddam, she’s tight as fuck,” Erik panted.
Erik picked up the pace, Y/N’s mouth popping off Ace’s dick to let out a sharp moan. He was bold in her pussy. He really wanted this.
“Erik, homie, you going crazy with it. Beating that pussy up.” Ace was jerking his dick again, smacking Y/N’s face with it.
“Bruh,” Erik slips out of her good puss, “I was about to buss in your bitch.”
Ace’s dick jumped at that.
“Flip your pretty ass over,” Erik demanded. Y/N lifts up, flipping her ass over. Erik pressed her down yet again, making sure her ass was up in the air.
“Get that shit,” Ace was ready to watch Erik fuck her ass up from the back. Erik spread her cheeks open, his dick so deep she felt it in her abdomen. He was so deep if you looked at her belly you’d probably see his dick digging in her guts.
“You’re fucking me so good, Erik,” she panted.
“Giving this pussy up, huh?” The loud clapping sounds from her ass on him made Ace grunt.
“Pound that fat puss, E, give this bitch what she wants!” Ace yells.
“Look at this pussy, you can see it gripping my shit,” Erik said. Ace came behind, a load groan escaping his mouth. She was so wet. She dripped to the bed, pussy fitting tight around Erik. Her pussy was loving him.
“There’s enough for you, Daddy!! Take me please!!!” She whined so sexily beneath him. All soft and delicate like a little. Erik was about to cum, his fingers sinking into her flesh. She was looking back at him with those pretty ass eyes. Erik was caught up in them, giving her more of him like he wasn’t already filling her up.
“Oh, fuck,” she let her mouth hang open, her hands coming back to grab her own ass.
“I’ma cum on your dick, Daddy. Your making my pussy cum so good!!!”
She squeezed his ass. Erik almost fell from behind her with how she had him.
“Gimme you’re arms! Now!” Erik barked out. She reached behind her, her eyes falling on Ace’s dick, then to Erik’s intense sweaty face. She felt him beat her down. Her stomach tightened again, cumming on him yet again.
“Fuck!!!!” Ace yells, cumming on the bed. He was so overwhelmed by how good Erik fucked her.
“Damn! This good pussy...ima cum all over this fat butt!!!”
Erik pulled out, cumming on Y/N’s back and ass. She reached behind her, taking his cum on her fingers and bringing it to her mouth. She sucked it all off before lifting up to suck the rest off of his dick. She grabbed hold of Ace’s dick, jerking his while sucking Erik’s. The sounds coming from them both had her ready to take both dicks at the same time.
“Ace, are you gonna get in my pussy?”
She pouted while Erik massages her nipples.
“You know ima get in that pussy, baby.” He reassured her.
“You were such a good fucking girl for me,” Erik praises her. He leans down, kissing her lips softly. Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest. It felt so good kissing him. Her eyes connected with Erik’s, looking at him with a desperate need for his lips again.
“Mm,” Erik slipped away, laying flat on his back with his fist around his dick. Y/N was sucking Ace off now, Erik focused on the way she took her time to suck it. It was like art. His eyebrows knitted together, jaw growing tight. Damn, he was hooked and it was just one fuck.
Lemme dig in that pussy one time.
He lied. There was no way he could leave here with just one taste.
“You staying the night, E?” She asked softly with Ace’s dick in her hand, face all covered in spit. She was fucking killing him.
Erik looked up at Ace, his friend shrugging his shoulders.
“You wanna stay the night?” Ace asked.
“If that’s cool with you, yeah,” Erik slowly stroked his dick. Y/N had an expectant look in her eyes.
“Please? Stay,” she grabbed Erik’s dick, causing him to close his eyes and cover her hand with his, stroking his dick with her.
“Okay.” He allowed her to stroke him fully. His dick was like steel.
@tgigoldie​ @soufcakmistress​ @chefjessypooh​ @chaneajoyyy​ @pananegra​ @theblulife​ @becincere​ @blaqwidow91​ @fish-outta-watah​ @moonlight-night-sky​ @eyeknowmywrites​  @crowngold​ @njadakillthiscookie​ @blktinkerbell​ @luvanxi​ @sheisexcellent1​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​  @brandithecrystalgem​ @dababydababydababydababy​ @soulfulbeauty19​ @btitannaaa​ @sunkissedebony97​ @youngblackndgifted​ @harleycativy​ @rbhp​ @thee-germanpeach​ @thadelightfulone​ @bugngiz​
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merakiaes · 4 years
Forgive And Forget - Mario Martinez
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Pairing: Mario Martinez x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: You know the drill by now. This isn’t proofread so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Please let me know what you think!
Wordcount: 2733
Summary: You and Mario have a fight that ends up with you breaking up. He’s determined to fix things before he leaves for college. 
”Come on, (Y/N)! I’m sorry for what I said, okay? Please let me in so we can talk! I love you, mi amor!” There was a pause, but then came his voice again. “We can fix this, right? We’ve been together for six years, it can’t end like this. Please let me in!”
You squeezed your burning eyes shut at the sounds of Mario’s desperate cries, your forehead pressed against your arms where you sat on the stairs right by the front door.
This had been going on pretty much non-stop for two days straight now, ever since you had fought at Spooky’s party and you had run home crying and a broken six-year-long relationship.
Per the instructions of your father and brother, you had turned off your phone in order to be able to ignore his texts and calls, and in the end, he had really gone all out and came over to your house. 
When your family wouldn’t let him in, per the request of you,  he had opted with yelling out for you outside your house like the absolute idiot he was and always had been.
Your family told you to ignore him and focus on moving on, but it was hard. You had been together for six entire years and you were the loves of each other’s lives. At least he was yours. You had been convinced the feeling was reciprocated but now you weren’t so sure anymore.
“Does he ever stop crying?” Your brother’s voice reached your ears as he emerged from the living room, causing you to look up from your arms.
You watched as he walked into the hall with only a pair of baseball shorts hanging from his hips, his hands ruffling his wet hair with a towel. The entire room started smelling of AXE once he got closer, the smell of the soap he had used in the shower he had seemingly just gotten out of.
You could only hum in response, too depressed to even open your lips. Sniffling, you lowered your cheek back down onto your arm, staring into the wall of the staircase as Mario’s cries kept coming from outside.
“Jesus, your boy’s got problems, sis.” Your brother scoffed. “Don’t worry, I’ll send him off. Again.”
Without another word, he tossed his towel to a chair standing off to the side and walked over to the front door with two long strides, unlocking it and throwing it open to walk outside and disappear from your line of sight.  
“Yo, asshole!” You could hear your brother call. “You got to stop this. She doesn’t want to talk to you so leave her alone.”
“I can’t just leave her alone. I leave for college tomorrow and- and-“ Mario was talking in a normal speaking tone now, having stopped yelling when your brother had come outside.
You couldn’t see his face, but you could just imagine the sadness between his beautiful brown eyes, and that picture only made your heart break even more, the painful feeling only intensifying as you processed his words. He would, in fact, be leaving the next day.
“And, and.” Your brother mimicked him in a rude tone, not taking his shit even for a second. “You’re a mess, bro. Go home.”
“Please, I have to apologize.” Mario pleaded, and you could imagine your brother nodding his head to that as he answered.
“Yeah, you do.”
“So you’ll let me in?” Mario’s voice was hopeful, but once again, your brother showed him no mercy, breaking his hope down just as quickly as it got there.
“No.” He denied. “Solve your own problems and stop yelling outside of our house, or we’ll call the cops and have them make you.” He threatened, but Mario didn’t give up.
“Come on, man. Help a brother out. I just need to talk to her.”
“Look, what you did was fucked up and the only reason I’m not beating you to a pulp right now is because my sister loves your pathetic ass but you’re really pushing your luck right now.”
“Come on, how am I supposed to apologize if I can’t get to her?”
“Figure it out yourself. Have fun at college, asshole.” Your brother spat, and you could hear the faint sound of his feet pattering across the stone path leading up to your door now, indicating that he was on his way back.
But he stopped himself, his voice now closer than before as he called out. “And stop crying and grow a pair, man. You’re making a fool out of yourself. It’s embarrassing to listen to.”
When he returned inside, your first instinct was to tell him off for being rude to Mario and lecture him about the fact that showing emotion doesn’t determine a man’s masculinity. 
But you caught yourself last minute, as he turned to look at you, the furious expression on his face reminding you that, right now, he didn’t deserve to be defended.
Your brother read you like an open book as his eyes met yours, sensing the hurt and conflict in your head.
“You don’t need that piece of shit.” He told you as he locked the front door again. “He’s immature and  wouldn’t recognize the love of a good woman if he got it handed to him on a labeled silver platter.”
His words brought a pathetic cry from your lips and you had to strain yourself really hard in order to not break out into tears right then and there.
“Isn’t that exactly how I’ve been giving it to him, though?” You questioned in a whisper, your lip wobbling, and your brother nodded, giving you a look.
“Yeah, my point exactly. He’s an idiot.” He declared. “You’re worth much better.”
“Your brother is right, mija.” Your father agreed as he stepped through the doorway of the kitchen. “I know it’s easier said than done but try not to think about it. No boy is worth your tears.”
He approached you where you sat and you raised your head from your arms once again, allowing your dad to wipe the hot tears from your cheeks. But they never stopped coming.
Your dad sat down beside you and took you into his arms and your brother snorted in agreement, raising a hand to the curtain covering the window of the door and casting a distasteful glance outside. “Especially not Luigi out there.”
You sniffled, using the hem of your sleeve to wipe your nose. “Is he gone?” You asked in a small voice and he nodded after looking around some more.
“Yeah, seems like he finally got the hint. Piece of shit.” He muttered, before dropping the curtain and turning back to you. “Do you want to watch a movie? Eat some ice cream? Mom bought some Ben & Jerry’s yesterday.”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in sadness, remembering you and Mario had been eating Ben & Jerry’s together just an hour before your fight. You never thought such small things would be able to hurt so much.
Shaking your head, you stood up from beside your father on shaky legs, giving your brother an apologetic look. “I think I’m just going to head to bed. I’m not really feeling it tonight.” You confessed.
He looked angry, but he nodded his head, understanding. “I got you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You nodded in return and after saying goodnight to them and your mother in the kitchen, you headed back upstairs to get ready for bed. You washed your face and braided your hair, and was in the middle of brushing your teeth when you heard a loud thud from inside your room.
You froze at the sound, panic instantly filling your body. You knew your entire family was home so the risk of someone breaking into your house at this exact moment wasn’t very big, but it could never be ruled out in the neighborhood you lived in.
Calling out your brother’s name through a mouthful of toothpaste foam, you got no response. And not when you called out to your parents either.
As the suspicion was growing stronger in the pit of your stomach, you quickly spit out the toothpaste and washed off your toothbrush, putting it back in its cup, before silently heading for your room, your heart beating violently in your chest.
You could practically hear your pulse in your ears, afraid that someone had gotten into the house, only to enter your room and find your boyfriend pushing himself off the floor underneath your open window.
Your body instantly relaxed when seeing the familiar mop of curly black hair, but the relief quickly turned into anger, your feet steering you into the room hastily.
“What the hell, Mario?!” You exclaimed, closing your bedroom door behind you to not alert your parents. “How hard is it for you to take a hint? I don’t want to see you anymore!”
Mario finally managed to get off the floor, having been tangled in your long curtains and held his hands out in defense, almost as if expecting you to jump at him or something.
“Please let me explain.” He pleaded, which only made the anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach grow stronger.
“There’s nothing to explain!” You yelled at him. “You fucking asked me for a guilt free pass for college, that’s unforgivable. It’s over!”
“No, no, please don’t say that.” He pleaded, taking a step closer to you. “I was drunk. I didn’t mean it.”
For each step closer that he took, you took two backward, the heartbreak that you had been trying so hard to push away for the past two days resurfacing when you took in Mario’s messy appearance; bloodshot eyes rimmed with wet tears, dark circles and his hair a mess, looking as if he hadn’t slept for days. But then again, you hadn’t either, and you doubted that you looked any better than he did.
“Well, you know what they say, right?” You let out a dry laugh, swallowing as you felt a fresh set of hot tears starting to poke at your eyes. “Drunk words are sober thoughts. And if that’s what you’re thinking about when you’re drunk with me, I don’t even want to imagine what you would be capable of when drunk without me.”
Mario looked at you with pleading eyes. “I know it’s not an excuse but I wasn’t thinking straight. The boys got me so riled up about you finding someone else with me being gone and I just let it get to my head. It was wrong and I’m sorry.”
You glared through your tears. “I wouldn’t do that and you know it!” You snapped. “You know how much I love you. Hearing you ask that question, knowing that you’re thinking about being intimate with other girls, it- it fucking hurt.”
You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore and you didn’t try to either, letting out a cry and watching through blurry vision as fresh tears started falling down his cheeks too.
“I know, baby. I know.” He agreed. “And I’m sorry. I know I don’t deserve your trust or your forgiveness but I’ll do anything to earn it back. Yell at me, hit me, anything. Just… please, forgive m-“
Before you could stop yourself, your hand flew out and struck him right across the face, cutting him short as a sharp slapping sounded through the room.
Your eyes widened as soon as you realized what you had done, your hand coming to cover your mouth as you gasped. “Oh my God, Mario, I’m so sorry!” You quickly apologized, wasting no time in cradling his face in your hands.
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling from the pain. “No, I deserved that. I’m glad you got it out of your system.” He objected but still leaned into your touch, drunk from the feeling of your skin against his after having been without you for two entire days.
He opened his eyes and raised his hand to lay them on top of yours, looking into your eyes. 
“I really am sorry.” He sniffled. “I need you to know that just the thought of being with someone else makes me sick to my stomach. You’re the only one for me. I want to marry you and grow old with you. I… I want you to have my babies, one day. I want to live the rest of my life with you and only you, (Y/N). No one else.”
You took a shaky breath, coming down from your angry high. “Do you really mean that?” You asked, feeling the tears drop down from your chin.
He nodded, carefully taking a step closer to you now that you weren’t yelling at him anymore. 
“I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.” He mumbled. “I don’t want to leave with us on bad terms. When I come home for the holidays I want to be able to come home to you. You own my heart, mi amor. You’ve owned it since we first met.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you attempted to stop crying. Removing your hands from his face and forcing him to let go of you in the process, you moved over to the bed and sat down, pulling your knees up against your chest.
You lowered your forehead onto your knees and took a deep breath, all too aware of Mario’s eyes following your every move.
“You have to work on your confidence if this is going to work, Mario.” You said, your voice coming out slightly muffled with your head being covered by your arms. “You can’t just do stuff like that every time you get insecure about yourself and worry that I’m going to leave you.”
He was at your side within the next 0.1 second, sinking down on the bed next to you and placing a hand on your arm. You turned your head to the side at the feeling of his touch, allowing your eyes to meet his.
“I know, I know.” He agreed eagerly. “I’m going to get plenty of time to work on myself when I’m away, and I’ll come back a better man for you.”
A small laugh left your lips and your lips tugged into a watery smile. “You’re already the best.”
He shook his head. “I’m really not. But you make me the best version of myself.” He carefully grabbed your arms, forcing you to drop your legs over the edge of the bed and sit up straight.
“I love you, mi amor. So much.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against yours and cradling your jaw in his hand, while the other landed on your thighs.
You looked into his eyes for a moment, sniffling, before slowly leaning your head up to press your lips against his.
He wasted no time in responding, moving his hand from your thigh to the back of your head, his entire body reacting and lowering you down on the bed. Your lips parted and your tongues fought for dominance for a good half-minute, before you pulled apart, out of breath.
Your foreheads connected again, and you closed your eyes, taking in the feeling of the touch of his skin against yours, the warmth of his hands and the smell of his cologne. 
“I love you, too.” You answered, and when hearing the words he had been yearning to hear you speak for two entire days, he buried his face into your neck, smiling into your skin.
After all the crying you had done since the fight, you fell asleep not long after that, in Mario’s arms. But Mario laid awake, staring into the ceiling and thinking about everything that had gone down. 
He didn’t deserve your forgiveness after the stunt he had pulled, and yet you had given it to him with little to no protest. He didn’t deserve your love, and yet you had been there to give it to him every day for six years straight.
He didn’t know what he had done to deserve someone as good as you but he sure as hell wasn’t going to mess it up again. True to his word, you were his one and only, and he was never going to let you go.  
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Hii! I feel like shit rn bc my boyfriend just broke up with me. I was wondering if you could write a bakugo x fem reader where class 1A is having a sleepover and the reader randomly gets a phone call. when she answers it it’s her boyfriend and he breaks up with her. so the whole night is basically just trying to cheer her up after that. and bakugo tells her that her ex was a dick and that she could do better/deserves better. just some baku fluff (Maybe her and baku start to date?) I totally understand if you can’t write this 🖤
Ofc, I’ll write a fic for you baby! I hope this makes you feel better and don't forget that there will always be people who will support you and love you no matter what! Just know that you deserve better <33333
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: none
Y/b/n: your bf’s name (but you can say jerk if you want to)
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As every Friday night, class 1-A was having a slumber party in the common room. Everyone was gathered to eat junk food, tell stupid horror stories and have a pillow fight, even Bakugou was hyped for the pillow fight.  Bakugou, who managed to turn an innocent pillow fight into a real battle every time because of his contestant and ambitious character, was planning to do the same today. Everyone was sitting in the common room, it was crowded bc of some snacks, blankets, pillows and other unnecessary stuff.  Momo was trying to braid your hair, but you were so excited, you wanted to have a pillow fight and team up with Bakugou, he was very fast and had a strategy that’ll both lead you to victory. “Enough of this boring stuff!” Bakugou roared and pointed towards his pillow, “Let’s fight!” his sadistic smirk was sending shivers down your spine but it was somehow funny. Just when you were about to join him, your phone rang and everyone looked at you. “Sorry guys!” You muted your phone and turned towards Momo and whispered. “It’s y/b/n.” Momo gave a curious look towards your phone and whispered back “It can be an important thing, you should call back.” You nodded and when you were about to call y/b/n, your phone started to buzz in your hand. It was him, you had a weird feeling in your stomach but you ignored it “I’ll be right back, don't you guys dare have a pillow fight without me!” Mina gave a thumbs up and Kaminari whined “It’s your boyfriend isnt it? Arrgh why am i so single?!” Jirou snorted and replied “Because you are stupid.” Sero snickered and Kaminari pouted.
You went out of the dorm and sat on the stairs. It was a little cold and it caused you to tremble. You took a deep breath and answered the call. “Hey babe, what’s up?” When you heard a sigh coming from the other side of the line, you knew something was wrong. “Y/n, I can't do this anymore.” Your breath hitched in your throat and you tried to reply with a shaky voice. “W-what do you mean?” He was trying to be patient with you but you weren't having any of that. “Tell me!” He sighed again and started to talk with a stern voice “I don't want a relationship anymore, it feels like I don't have any freedom.” His reason for the break up made you even angrier, you weren't a controlling or possesive person, your relationship with your boyfriend was a healthy and happy one. “Are you cheating on me y/b/n? I never did stuff to restrict your freedom, im not a super jelaous or possessive person either! So you should give me a better reason than this!” When you didn't get any response, tears started to gather in your eyes. “No Y/n, I'm not cheating on you. I just don't want to date someone, it doesn't make me feel happy.” You started to shout “So you are throwing me away because you got bored! This is your reason?!” When he was about to reply, you hung up on his face and sat there with tears in your eyes. You wanted to sob loudly but didn't want to alarm or worry your classmates, just when you were about to get up, the door of the dorm opened.
Bakugou wasn’t a patient person so when you left to answer the call from your bf, he got pissed. “Why are we waiting hah?” Kirishima sighed and patted his shoulder “What if it's an important call?” Bakugou growled and got up from the floor “I can't wait for someone’s lovey-dovey shit!” Then started to walk towards the exit, he opened the door and saw you sitting with your head between your hands. “Oi L/n! You are making us wait-” just when he was about to burst, he heard Y/n’s silent sobs and realized that she was shaking. Bakugou could look like a mean person but he actually cared about his friends, so he started to walk towards her and waited. “O-oh Bakugou! I’m sorry, I’ll be there in a minute.” When she didn't turn to face him, Bakugou tched and sat next to her. “Why r u cryin?” He mumbled and she looked at him with a confused expression “Huh?” He was embarrassed bc he wasn't the perfect person for comforting, so he started to look somewhere else and shouted “I said why are you crying, dumbass!” Then she sniffled and started to play with her fingers “My boyfriend just broke up with me, he told me that he wasn't happy but... I gave my all, just for him.” When Y/n started to cry again, Bakugou felt mad, how can someone dump her when she gave everything she could? He remembered the times that she was going out on dates with her bf, that guy looked happy, so why he was being such an ass? Bakugou took a deep breath “Because he is a good damn extra and a jerk.” Y/n stopped sniffling and looked at him, she was listening to him so he continued. “I thought you were stronger than this, is this really gonna make you cry?” Normally someone would get angry or offended at his words but he was trying to comfort her and Y/n understood Bakugou’s intention, so she smiled. “No, I'm not weak. You are right Bakuogu, thank you.” Then she got up and gave him a small smile “Wanna team up with me for the pillow fight?” Normally his competitive personality wouldn't let him but since she was having a hard time Bakugou smirked “You better give your all!” She nodded and ran inside.
Your back was pressed against Bakugou’s, both of you were taking this pillow fight seriously so the others did the same. “Aaaaah!” You let out a battle cry and hit Mina with all your might, she backed away with wide eyes “Geez Y/n, I'm not a villain!” Bakugou let out a sadistic laugh “You scared raccoon eyes?” Then Kirishima charged at him and they started to wrestle on the ground, after taking care of Mina, you realised that Kirishima managed to knock the pillow out of Bakugou’s hand and he was blocking Kirishima’s hits with his arms, you quickly grabbed the pillow and shouted “Bakugou, catch!” You threw the pillow towards him and he gave Kirishima a sadistic smirk. Kirishima’s eyes widened “Uh-oh.” Now Bakugou was in advantage and you started to laugh but felt someone’s presence behind you “Todoroki!” You immediately dodged his pillow and swung yours at his face “You need to do better than that L/n.” Then you started to run around with Todoroki while laughing like a little toddler. Bakugou’s eyes fell on you and he sighed, “You are relieved that she’s happy now, huh?” Kirishima’s words made him scowl and he started to hit his friend “What do you mean shitty hair?!” Kirishima pushed Bakugou and managed to escape while shouting teasing words like ‘aww you actually care’ or ‘you are a great friend bro!’ oooor ‘softie’
After the pillow fight, most of your friends gave up bc of Bakugo and you. Then everyone started to get into their sleeping bags or layed on their mattresses, your eyes fell on Bakugou, he was getting ready to sleep. He usually slept early so you knew he was tired but decided to give a shot. You slowly approached him “Hey Bakugou, do you have a minute?” His eyes found your form and he had a stoic expression on his face, he wasn't scowling or growling. He nodded and got up but his eyes met with Kaminari and Sero’s they were grinning like stupid hyenas. He gave them a horrifying look and that shut them up. Then the both of you walked towards the kitchen, and you gave him a thankful smile. “Thank you so much for tonight Bakugou. If you wouldn't have come outside, I don't know if I could managed to handle my emotions.” He huffed and tried to look anywhere but you, he never got a sincere ‘thanks’ the only people who knew about his soft side was Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. You couldn't control your happiness and gave him a quick hug, that caught him off guard and he tensed “S-sorry!” Actually, the real reason I wanted to talk with you is that... Uh, I know you like spicy food so wanna go grab some spicy fried chicken tomorrow?” He wasn't experienced when it came to doing stuff with people other than his squad so he felt nervous but he wasn't going to hide like a little boy so he nodded “Sure, whatever...” He answered like he didn't care but actually he was panicking.
After your conversation with Bakugou, the two of you left the dorms to have some spicy food and after that you started to chat about regular stuff like training, his hobbies and you told him that you love the arcade and even he had a calm expression on his face, you noticed the glint in his eyes when he heard the word ‘Arcade’. He huffed and mumbled “Guess we need to go to the arcade, what a pain...” But you grinned and decided to tease him, bc you knew that he wanted to go too. “You aren't gonna back away right? Bc I'm so good at those games!” His eyes widened “HAAAAH?! Are you underestimating me?!” You started to laugh and tugged at his coat “Ofc not! Come on, let's go!” He tched but didn't yank his arm, he let you tug on it and his expression softened.
And that's how you started to date Katsuki Bakugou, you guys were regularly going to the arcade to let out some stress, having spicy food competitions and going out for morning runs together. He always looked so calm and unaffected but, the butterflies in his stomach told him otherwise. You were funny, thoughtful, calming to be with, beautiful (but he calls you ugly, what a tsundere). You balanced him and he was relieved to have you in his life... Like every morning, you were jumping trying to stretch your muscles while waiting for him to come and join you for the regular morning run. When the door of the dorm opened, your eyes sparkled with happiness. “Good morning Katsu!” The nickname still made him blush, but he successfully managed to hide the pink dust on his cheeks and huffed. “Morning, dumbass.” You chuckled and pecked his cheek, his cheeks got warmer and he covered his face “What are you doing dumbass, it was weird! What if someone sees us?!” You chuckled and poked his cheeks “Its called affection, Katsu!” He grabbed both of your wrists and looked into your eyes, you were giving him the most beautiful smile. He tched and turned his cheek towards you, you gave him a confused look and he growled “What are you waiting for dumbass? Do it again..” He mumbled and you giggled, after showering him with a lot of kisses he was running like a god damn horse. His blood was pumping, he felt like his heart was about to get out of his chest but it wasn't because of running, it was the kisses... Then you managed to keep up with him and quickly pecked his cheek “Catch me if you can Katsu!” You speeded up and giggled, now his face was as red as Kirishima’s hair. “Come here!” He shouted and you laughed, your break up with your ex wasn’t a bad thing after all... You found someone who cared for you and loved you, even if he was bad at showing it, Bakugou Katsuki was the best boyfriend ever...
A/n: I hope you liked it baby! When I saw ur ask I immediately sat down and started to write it so I’m really sorry if its a mess <3
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Empires on the Horizon IV
Jason is a CEO: Part IV
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff 
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new beginnings
look fragile
like glass
but when grabbed
like diamonds
“Good morning Mr Grace,” Grover Underwood smiled from his usual spot behind the coffee machine.
“Morning, how are you?”
“Much happier for seeing you less like someone kicked your puppy,” He gave Jason a knowing look.
“There are some things the brain cannot hide, matters of the heart are often one of them.”
He didn’t really have any reply to that, so he gave the man an awkward smile and shrugged.
“Your usual then?”
“Yes please, and an iced coffee for Hazel.”
“Ah where is the darling this morning?”
“She’s coming into the office later, something about needing to go home first? She must have stayed at a friend’s place.”
Grover raised a dark brow, “Mhmm and where is your driver this morning? I noticed you drove yourself in today.”
“Uh I think Frank took the day off,” He frowned trying to piece the conversation he’d had with his friend in his sleep-deprived brain.
“Oh interesting,” Grover’s chocolate brown eyes twinkled in amusement, but before Jason could question him a warm cup was being shoved into his hand and he was being ushered away to wait for the iced coffee.
Collapsing into a chair, he pushed his glasses up his nose and wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck. Winter was beautiful but gods it was cold. He glanced around the café taking in the familiar forest green walls and dark wood floors. There was no sun streaming through the windows today so the gold accents on the tables were dulled and dark, like hidden bronze. He traced his fingers around the edge of his cup, losing himself in the motion, in the feeling of heat on his cold fingers, in the small gusts of wind against his cheeks as the door opened and closed, in the noise of a bustling store, in the–
“Hello Jason,”
“Luke,” He took a deep breath, “Fuck off.”
“Aw don’t be like that,” He sniggered.
“Please Luke, I don’t have the energy for this right now,” Exhaustion was a thousand-ton weight on his bones.
“That’s your problem Jason you never wanted to take things head on. It was always let’s wait for this, let’s get their opinion first, let’s just give it a couple weeks. You could have had the world begging at your fingertips if you just went for what you wanted.”
“Are you done?”
Luke’s responding laugh was malicious, “You are so-“
“Leave.” His voice was stone.
His ex-boyfriend scoffed, “Pathetic.”
Jason watched as the face he had been so in love with sneered at him, the scar running down a pale cheek twisting into malice. His soul ached for what could have been, it burned for what now was. It always surprised him how drained he felt after every interaction with Luke- like crashing down from a potent high. Being with Luke was a high, was euphoria and hope and sin. What the fuck went wrong? 
His phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Talk to me,”
“Why do you insist on answering the phone like you’re some sort of mafia boss?” His sister grumbled.
“Hello to you too Thalia,”
“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve set you up on a date tonight. Six-thirty at Sun and Songs.”
He groaned, “No. I am not in the mood.”
“Jason Grace,” She started; he could feel a rant coming on, “You cannot stop living your life because you have a wanker of an ex-boyfriend. You have been in a slump since Luke and it is affecting you in ways you’re too scared to admit.”
“It is not affecting me,” He was tired of having this fight, “I literally dated Piper for like three months.”
“Mhm and were you happy? Did you put all you could into the relationship?” She didn’t wait for his response, “No, you may have been a little happier, but you weren’t you. So you will go on this date tonight and in five years when we’re planning your wedding you better be thanking me in your speech.”
“Gods Thals,” He snorted, “We haven’t even gone on the date yet and you’re already planning a wedding?”
“Wait does that mean you agree to it?” She squealed through the phone.
“Yes loser,” He held in a laugh, “I’ll go on the date. But if it doesn’t work out you drop all of this. No more setting me up, no more interfering.”
“Yes sir. Now, how work’s going?”
“Besides the fact that Project Hestia is on hold because of this stupid contract everything is good.”
“Isn’t your fancy lawyer lady sorting it out?” She muttered.
“Reyna is a great lawyer and you know it.”
“Yea but she’s also my ex-girlfriend so I get to be a little resentful.”
He snorted at that, “Of course, and how are you?”
“I’m good. The Conservatory is still standing so I can’t be doing too many things wrong.”
“Didn’t you guys get cheetah cubs this weekend?”
“Oh Jase!” His sister cried, “They are just the absolute cutest things. Did you know cheetahs are so shy that some conservationists and wild-life biologists recommend giving them emotional support puppies?”
“So what you guys got puppies and cubs?”
“We haven’t got the puppies yet; they’re only arriving this week.”
“Well send me pictures when they’re together, maybe I’ll have them framed and hung around the office as a morale booster.”
She laughed, the sound crackly through the speaker, “Will do little bro. Listen I have to go but call me tomorrow to tell me about the date.”
“Wait!” He yelled, ignoring the weird looks from the café patrons as he walked out, “What’s her name?”
Jason was nervous. That was the only explanation for his shaky hands and the zoo of creatures in his stomach. He had gotten to Suns and Songs fifteen minutes early with a lavender and daisy bouquet in hand. The restaurant his sister had reserved was nothing short of incredible. Dark maroon draped over each table, and opulent candelabras sat in the center, lit only if the table was occupied. Glass and crystal chandeliers swung slowly from the high wooden beams, catching on the light and making a kaleidoscope of the room. Even the way the air smelt was decadent here. Like wood smoke and perfume, some hint of chocolate, maybe. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he wanted to bottle the scent and bathe himself in it. Trying not to be suspicious he took another deep breath in; it calmed his nerves if nothing else.
“Mr Grace?” someone put a soft hand on his shoulder, “Your guest,”
He thanked the waitress, getting up to greet his date and pull out her chair. He tried to muffle his gasp when he finally turned to her. She was stunning. Midnight skin contrasting elegantly with the pastel yellow dress she wore. Braids intertwined with glittering strands; it cast a pale silver halo around her head. Small hoop earrings glinted as she moved, and the bracelets at her wrist clinked gently when they shook hands.
“Hi, Jason Grace,” He smiled.
“Zoe Nightshade.” She flashed beautiful white teeth.
He handed her the flowers, “You look unbelievable.” He truly was in awe of her.
“Thank you,” Her smile was soft, but her voice was crisp and direct, “And these are gorgeous.”
“Would you like to order drinks?”
They scanned the menu quickly; Zoe ordered a cocktail he hadn’t heard of and he ordered the first thing he saw that didn’t have tequila in it.
“So,” He asked, and then cringed at himself internally. Starting any conversation with so was bound to make it awkward.
He cleared his throat, “How do you know Thalia?”
“We work together at the Conservatory. I moved here a couple months ago because I got transferred from the wildlife center in Germany.”
Jason didn’t know what but something about her voice made his insides melt. She said everything so undiplomatically– like if it wasn’t a fact it wasn’t worth uttering.
“Oh that’s cool. What do you do?”
“I’m a veterinarian. You?”
“Well I was a structural engineer but somehow over the years I got roped into being a town and regional planner.”
She frowned, tilting her head assessingly, “You did not finish your engineering degree?”
“Oh no I finished and got my masters in structural but then I started my company and I realised I needed other qualifications to run it the way I wanted to so I had to go back and get a degree in urban and regional planning. By the end I felt like I had been studying since the dawn of time.”
She laughed at that, and a look of surprise crossed her face, as if it was as unexpected to her as it was to him. “I know how you feel. I love animals and I’m passionate about my work but when I was done studying, I vowed never to go back. Studying for seven years after school and then trying to do it all over again feels like a one-way ticket to the end of the road.”
He mirrored her smile, “How did you get into veterinary sciences anyway?”
“My father was always busy, and my sisters were… interested in anything that could make them more beautiful, or richer. So I was pretty alone for most of my childhood. At some stage I convinced my father to get me a dog, Ladon. We were inseparable. But he got hurt when this man,“ She said it with such disgust he almost flinched. “This man hurt him. Kicked Little Ladon out the way when he was just trying to say hello. We had to take him to the vet, and I remember them being so sweet and kind to my dog and I knew I wanted to be exactly like that when I grew up.”
“Any chance you know where this man is so we can kick his ass?”
She laughed, raspy and bursting, “Don’t worry little eleven-year-old me kicked Mr Alcides as hard as I could in the shins.”
“Good,” he nodded with conviction, “He deserved more but you found your passion so there is some balance.”
She hid her grin behind a sip from her drink.
“Sir, ma’am,” Their waitress stepped to their table, “Would you like to order?”
Hours later, cheeks flushed from the liquor, laughing over Thalia’s antics and their shared need for structure, they finally decided to call the dinner to an end.
“The focaccia was to die for,” Zoe groaned, patting her stomach.
“Honestly, I may have to marry the pasta.” He sighed contentedly.
She giggled, and he knew it was a rare thing for her because her face caught that surprised look again.
“Want to grab dessert?”
“Oh gods no,” She shook her head in alarm, and then frowned as the realisation of what that meant washed through her.
“I had a really great time tonight,” He started softly.
“Do you want to walk to the park? We can stop and have gelato?” Her dark eyes were full of nervous hope.
He blinked at her, a little shocked she wanted to continue the date, “I thought you didn’t want dessert?” He teased.
“Maybe the walk will burn off some of these calories and i’ll have space for a little ice-cream.” She scunched her nose.
He knew the gelato was just an excuse, so with a grin that lit up his whole face he grabbed her hand and nodded, “Let’s do it Miss Nightshade.”
Her face glowed with relief and enthusiasm as they tucked their chairs in and exited the restaurant.
“Tell me about your family. How come you weren’t interested in the rich side of life like your sisters?”
“I guess being the youngest kind of made it all seem pointless. I had seen what happened when their vanity became malicious and I didn’t ever want to turn into something I couldn’t recognise. I went to stay with my Aunt Diana through high school. She owned a bird sanctuary. That’s where I interned in my college years.”
“Wow,” He looked down to her, awe evident in his face, “And it didn’t bother you to be so far away from your father and sisters?”
“Honestly, I’m not even sure they noticed when I left.” She shrugged, “It was a long time ago. I really only see them for family functions now.”
“And your aunt?”
“She still has the bird sanctuary, but she mostly works in the background now. My cousins, Bianca and Phoebe, run it full time.”
“Do you miss it? Were you guys close?”
“Much closer than my sisters and I. I do miss them, but I definitely can’t say I miss the sanctuary. Some of those birds were evil.”
Just then a loud squawk came from above them. She scowled at the sky, “I’m talking about you Auretta.”
He tried to hold in a laugh but Zoe stuck out her tongue childishly and they both bent over in laughter.
“Maybe we shouldn’t hurl insults while we’re out in the open.” He managed to gasp.
“Good thing the gelato shop is right there.” She grinned, grabbing his hand and sprinting towards the small, illuminated store at the end of the cobbled street. Her dress shimmered, moved like rays of light. She looked like a star.
“Come on,” She yelled, tugging at his hand harder.
‘Alright, alright,” He snapped out of his admiration and let her lead him into the shop.
“Hi, what can I get you?”
“Want to share?”
“Sure, you choose,” He waved a hand towards the abundance of flavours behind the glass.
“Please can we have one scoop of chocolate, one scoop of vanilla and,” Her brow furrowed as she scanned the tags, “And one scoop of cookie crumble.”
“Why did I think you were a sorbet girl?”
“Sorbet in the summer, anything else for the rest of the year.” She said matter of factly.
He nodded solemnly, “Yes makes sense.”
She swatted his arm, grabbing the cone from the lady with a thank you, “Gods I feel like a teenager again,”
“I know what you mean,” Her excitement was infectious.
“I have to ask,” She swallowed a chunk of cookie crumble, “What on earth were you thinking when you decided to eat a stapler?”
Jason groaned, “Why did Thalia tell you that? She swore she wouldn’t tell anyone and if asked I would say I fell off my bike or something.”
Zoe giggled, “Come on, spill.”
“Okay, first of all I was two,” He sighed, embarrassment heating his cheeks, “And it was shiny, and it made a cool clicking noise, and I wanted to know what it tasted like.”
“I can just picture a little Jason crawling onto the kitchen counter and trying to bite down on a stapler.” She teased.
“Yes well now I have this scar,” He pointed to his upper lip, rolling his eyes.
“Battle scars. Very worthy.”
He shoved at her shoulder lightly and they dissolved into laughter once more.
It was almost midnight by the time he had dropped her off at home and stepped into his apartment. He looked at his phone to see a couple work messages, and something from Hazel– things he could reply to in the morning he decided, tugging off his tie and discarding his clothes as he walked to his room. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow, his phone still glaringly bright and open on the chat with his sister.
You were right. We’re going on a second date.
Grover is like some other worldy deity that spews life lessons every time they meet and i am so here for it! Anyway what y’all saying??? How are we feeling?
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
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anomitafics · 4 years
When The Heart Beats || [4]
"So... Why don't you three tell us more about yourselves?... If it's alright, that is." (Y/N) smiled at the three making them look at each other as if having their own quiet conversation.
After a couple of seconds, Levi made a small, almost unnoticeable nod making Isabel smile widely facing their team Captain.
"We aren't really as bad as everyone thought you know!" the strawberry haired female exclaimed proudly making (Y/N) chuckle at her giddiness.
"I doubt you even were in the first place." she simply said resting her chin on her hand.
"Well about that..." Farlan started, his fingers fumbling with the hem of his vest.
"Don't misunderstand... We were in fact, some shitty underthugs. Stealing was our everyday shit of an excuse of living. We stole those 3D Maneuver shits from the shitty Military Police so that stealing can be more easier." Levi interrupted making Isabel and Farlan's gazes fall on their hands in guilt, he however, paid no mind to this, his gaze stuck at his captain's black orbs.
"Well... If I were in your position, I'm might've been the same." she answered looking at his as well after placing both of her hands on Farlan's and Isabel's hair ruffling it in the process.
"So don't feel guilty! It's all behind us now right? And after all, you three are here now because of those experiences that made you recodnized. The only thing you have to do now is to live your new lives never looking back to those crimes, cuz' you don't need it to survive here don't you!"
Wrong. In order to climb themselves into the cruel chains of the world, in order to survive the privilege of even seeing the skies, in order to escape the clutches of the past... a crime must be committed.
In the end, crime will always be the answer for people like them.
Levi scoffed at the woman's innocence of the world beyond those threats from the titans.
Will she be able to say those things if she knew?
Yet it made the male think, what if he did fight from the clutches of crime, what if he looked for another way to help them survive, to help them live? Those questions continued to linger at the back of his mind, unanswered.
This was the only way...
"....so I hope you three remember to keep this a secret alright?" (Y/N)'s chirp made Levi abandon his thoughts again, taking a sip from his already cooling tea.
He watched Farlan's and Isabel's smiling faces as they nodded their heads enthusiastically.
The two seemed to have already trusted the female making him question himself to why was he still doubtful up until now that the only thing the woman did was to do them good.
Taking his last sip, he thought of an answer. It was merely because he was dubious of how (Y/N) was acting with such kindness, it made him question: what was the reason behind it all?
Living for years in the underground with no one to trust but themselves and even kindness was considered a weakness made Levi very confused and doubtful of (Y/N)'s actions.
Standing up with the rest of the Squad, Levi gave a final look at the woman infront of him, searching her eyes for any malice, yet just like before, it only gives off that of the purest look he could get.
"We'll be off then Captain!" Isabel exclaimed saluting in the process, making Farlan and Sairam salute with her. Levi didn't.
Giving them her Salute, the woman said sheepishly, "In private, you could always call me (Y/N)."
"Captain..." Sairam sighed and was about to contradict but the woman placed a finger on his lips.
"Don't listen to him, I'm the Captain here." she winked.
Calling her by her name made Levi more disgusted than calling her Captain. Silently taking an oath to never call her by her name he watched as Farlan gazed at the female with a small smile on his stupid face.
Levi knew that the male had something for their Captain and he took a mental note to beat that something the fuck outta him later.
"We'll be leaving then, thank you for tonight." Farlan murmured making the [c] haired girl nod.
"I'll be escorting Isabel to the Female's dorm the--" (Y/N) started making Levi interrupt her with a click of his tongue.
"No need, we'll be the ones to escort her." he plainly said. They had to have a little meeting first before anything else.
"Make sure you do then. Good night!" she said smiling as the rest of the squad dispersed through the door.
Walking quickly, Levi lead his small group to the barracks, Isabel celebrating internally as she thought that she were to be sleeping with them tonight.
"Who would've thought (Y/N)'s such a cool Captain!" Isabel exclaimed as she raised her handkerchief to the air her gaze continually tracing the embroidered masterpiece.
"You're already calling her by her name now?" a chuckling Farlan asked as he looked at his own personalized gift as well.
"She told us to do so didn't she? And besiiideees she's in the same age as ours!" the strawberry haired female slurred.
"Well, Levi bro? Wadd'ya think about her?" Isabel asked as Farlan focused on the awaited answer from the onyx haired male.
"I'm still..."--reaching the barracks he quietly opened the door, conscious of the other sleeping soldiers from the other rooms--"doubtful."
"Really? Well I guess we shouldn't really trust that easily!" Isabel stated, completely contradicting her words from earlier.
The strawberry haired female had always been too fond of her Levi-bro since the day he and Farlan had rescued her, the two grew so close that Isabel saw Levi as a great brother figure.
The onyx haired male in return, was extremely protective toward Isabel, even willing to kill some people who had harmed her and cut her hair back in the days when they were still lived in the underground. That's why Isabel tended to take any criticism Levi sends to her very seriously, showing how much Levi's opinion mattered to her.
"After all what she've done for us Levi?" the blonde asked calmly making Isabel scratch her head. She couldn't help but agree with Farlan.
"You've got your own opinions, leave mine alone." the charcoal haired male stated crossing his arms as he stared at his two friends.
Not Isabel nor Farlan can look at the stoic male in front of them making Levi start again.
"...anyway we shouldn't forget why the hell we're here." this made their gazes meet his again.
"Yeah well... When are we going to look for that document?" Farlan asked making Isabel nod along side him.
"We'll need to get a grasp of Erwin's daily schedule in order to know when we can rummage his office." Levi stated in a hushed voice, careful to not anyone hear of their conversation.
Wary of their surroundings, Farlan roamed his vision around the room as Isabel checked if the door was locked. Once again getting in their rightful places near Levi, the onyx haired male continued:
"...I'm thinking of using that Captain for this plan." making Farlan's eyes widened slightly but then laughing at his own shock shortly.
Same old 'don't give a fuck' Levi.
"...and how are we going to do that?" Farlan questioned.
"Not only her but also that damned Four-eyes." Levi said as he spitted the nickname like a curse.
"You mean--?!" Isabel almost shouted but was interrupted by Farlan's hand on her mouth silencing her, after she calmed down her eyes were still widened in distress.
"You mean that crazy one?!" she whisper shouted making Levi nod.
"She tried giving you some candy in order to make you talk about us right?" Levi questioned an eyebrow raised.
"How'd you...?" Isabel almost cried feeling guilty as if she had betrayed her own bro.
"Doesn't matter, but the plan is you accept her damned candies and get close to her in order to ask for Erwin's schedule." Levi sternly commanded making an almost teary Isabel nod.
"And you,"-- he pointed the blonde--" you get something out of that Captain, I don't care how'd you do it. I ain't doing that job even if it means pissing my pants." Levi stated not failing to notice the blonde's light blush.
"Now we'll escort you to your dorm, it's late, you all need to get some sleep." he said as he pushed the strawberry haired female forward, now left with Farlan at his side he tapped his shoulder getting the blonde's attention.
"And do something about that stupid blush on your damned cheek,"--now starting to head out off the barracks following Isabel closely behind he continued.--"we aren't here for some shitty romance, don't get too attached."
Farlan's eyes widened as he stared at Levi's back, following shortly behind and as soon as Isabel noticed that she had left the two of them far behind, she quickly run back to the comfort of her two friends.
"Why are you two walking so slow! Someone will see us!" Isabel exclaimed.
"We'll only get seen because of your loudness." Levi murmured making Isabel punch him at his shoulder.
Getting passed the stables, Levi noticed some movement making his movements halt as his eyes slimmed, Farlan and Isabel noticed this making them stop from walking as well.
"You guys go, I'll just check that out."
He can't have anyone following them, and if it heard anything from their discussion, he's surely prepared to kill, they've made it so far out of that hell and he can't have anyone ruining anything.
With Farlan and Isabel long gone, Levi made gentle strides headed to the stables. But then a familiar pair of side braids met his eyes.
Helping her horse out of the stables (Y/N) quickly mounted it as she held the reigns tightly, feeling the gentle night breeze hitting her soft cheek she exhaled deeply petting her horse on it's sides.
Levi watched the female's back with a relieved expresion.
It was just her.
Just her? Levi was surprised at how he had felt just now. He was relieved because it was just her? If it happened a few moments ago maybe he had thought of her as suspicious. Did the handkerchiefs? The dinner? Sairam? His friends' opinions? Did it all affected how he viewed her?
He wasn't as doubtful as before, yet he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
He watched as her horse galloped into the thick forest along with her, sighing softly he proceeded to walk to the same path as Farlan and Isabel took.
Not long after he saw Farlan's nearing figure, the blomde nodded as if to let Levi know that Isabel was safely escorted back.
Now walking side by side the two males gazed at the moon illuminating their surroundings.
"Who would've thought robbers and murderers can be soldiers?" he murmured laughing, makimg Levi smirk at the question.
It was, after all, very ironic.
"Let's show 'em what those what they call 'underthugs' are capable of when it comes to making those titans shit their guts out. " Levi's talkative side had now started to kick in making Farlan relieved that his friend still had not changed after everything that have had happened.
Levi becomes really talkative at night, when everyone's asleep, when everyone couldn't hear his loads of shit talks.
Eyes widening as if he had remembered something Farlan asked:
"What was that thing at the stables by the way?"
"It was the Captain, taking her horse with her to watch her shit in the forest."
Ah, and here comes the shit talk.
When The Heart Beats Masterlist   <----------CHAPTERS HERE!
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
Lake Party
Words: 1.9k
Chapter Warnings: Angst, underaged drinking, flirting, kissing, catcalling
After you went inside you got straight to work,  you decided that you would choose the bathing suit for Dean,  and the outfit for Sam,  because Sammy never really liked when you wore two pieces,  he didn't like to flaunt you, even though sometimes you wish he would. First you set your clothes out once you had that all ready, you go to work on your makeup and hair,  for makeup you went with a very light peach the was shimmery for eyeshadow.  You put on some eyeliner and mascara,  then a lip gloss.  For hair you did two French braids.  When you were done with that you slipped on your bathing suit and dress along with a nice pair of flats.
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Once you were ready you grabbed your phone and bag and headed down stairs hoping to eat a little of that pie before you left.  Once you made it downstairs your mom was hugging Jake with tears in her eyes,  once she released him she saw Dean and gave him a strange look,  but soon that look turned into one of understanding.  She smiled at him and welcomed him in.  You got everybody a piece of pie,  while you were sitting down eating you phone rang.  You grabbed it and looked at the caller.  It was Sam.  "Hold on I gotta take this.  Meet you outside? " Dean nodded and headed for the door while you made your way into the kitchen to talk to Sam.  It wasn't much he just wanted to know if you needed a ride there,  which you didn't.  What you didn't know was how your mother stopped Dean just before he followed Jake outside.
~Deans POV~
(y/n) 's mom stopped me just before I was outside, "hey Dean,  isn't it? " She asked.  "Yes ma'am? " I replied turning around to face her.  "My baby has been through so much,  all that I ask is that you take care of her. " She cocked an eyebrow at me,  at first I didn't know what I should say,  just then I saw (y/n)  walking out of the kitchen looking pleased and happy,  before I could stop myself I looked back to her mother,  "Yes ma'am I will,  I promise. " She looked pleased with my answer and backed off,  just then (y/n)  came and stood by me,  "you promise what? " She looked up to me,  with what looked like hope in her eyes.  Before I could do anything her mom came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek,  "I presume your staying with Jake tonight? " She asked both of us,  (y/n)  nodded and said,  "if you don't mind... " Her mother nodded and waved us off her doorstep,  "remember sweetheart don't do anything I wouldn't! " He mom hollered at her,  before we reached the car,  she blushed hard and looked down in embarrassment causing me to chuckle.
~Your POV~
Smooth mom,  real smooth.  At that exact moment you wanted the earth to open and swallow you whole,  but when Dean chuckled,  it made you realize he didn't take it seriously,  making you a little sad,  but you smiled nonetheless.  You hopped in the car,  and Dean went around to the drivers side,  Jake looked back at you,  "Nice job not looking like trash. " You put your hand on your chest in mock hurt,  as both boys snickered amongst themselves, you leaned up and hit the both in the shoulder,  then you all started laughing again. 
  "But in all honesty (y/n), " Dean started,  "you look amazing. " He looked at you through the mirror with that smirk that make your knees weak, and that gaze that's so intense it's hard to look away,  but you managed mumbling a small "thanks." Before looking back out the window.
~Time Skip to the Party~
As you got out of the car,  you looked up hoping to spot Sam,  when you didn't,  you figured he show up sooner or later.  Jake walked over to his group of friends,  and started talking with them,  leaving you and Dean.  
"Do you want to grab something drink? " You asked him nodding your head towards the table holding various types of beer,  whiskey,  and soda. "Sure." He replied,  you both made your way to the table,  once you got there you grabbed a can of Coke and drank some of it before pouring some whiskey in it.  Dean gave you a 'really? ' look,  and you just said  "what? ",  " I've never seen a girl who likes whiskey. " He replied grabbed a beer a cracking it open.  
"Well I like whiskey. " There it was that same perky voice that you came to loathe.  Megan grab a bottle before chugging at least a fourth of it  you and Dean watched her shocked.  "Woah,  Megan slow down. " You tried coaxing her,  you didn't like her,  but it's only fair you warn her of the side effects.  "Shut up,  (y/n).  I know what I'm doing. " She said setting the bottle down,  before grabbing Dean's face and kissing him.  Hard.  
"I'll leave you guys alone then... " You said picking up your drink and walking towards Jake.  Once you got over there you noticed your friend Sarah was talking to him,  making you smile.  "I see you two are catching up nicely. " You said trying not to be to pushy.  "Yeah,  I missed a lot. " That's when you saw it,  they were holding hands.  Once Jake noticed you saw he blushed rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.  "I get it.  Ill leave you lovebirds alone! " You said over your shoulder walking away.  When you turned around you bumped into a strong frame,  almost spilling your drink everywhere.  "Oh,  shit!  Sorry! " You said trying to move out of their way,  when he lifted your chin with his fingers so he could see your face,  you smiled.  "Hey,  Sam. " 
"Hey,  I would ask if you want to get a drink,  but I see you already have one. " He said pointing to your drink in your hand as you took a sip of it.  "So,  where are you going in such a hurry? " He said now walking with you by your side. "Oh I was actually going to talk to Sheryl. " You said looking down at where you were walking then looking up at him sideways only to see him staring down at you.  "You remember her right?  Sheryl Waters? "
"Oh,  yeah Sherry.  Why do you want to talk to her?  I don't remember you guys being close. " He said stopping at the drink table to grab a beer,  you stopped with him leaning against the table. 
"I think she has a thing for one of my friends,  Dean.  And I just wanted to know if she needed any help with that. " You said maybe a little to depressing like,  because he only replied with a 'hm. '. 
All of a sudden Mark showed up beside you,  "Hey sweet cheeks! " He said while wobbling a bit.  "Wow,  only 5: 30 and your already drunk? " You asked chuckling a bit at the site of him.  He used to be Sam's best friend before he moved. 
"Hey Mark!  Long time no see! " Sam said pulling Mark in for a bro hug,  "Sammy is that you? " Mark asked looking up squinting towards Sam,  "dude,  you need to cut your hair! " Mark said making you nudge him in the arm,  "I think it's fine just the way it is. " You said blushing a bit as Sam sweetly smiled down at you.  Sam was so amazing it hurt your heart to know that he didn't love you enough to stay with you even if he was moving,  but he was right,  it was better to end things in person than over text.  "Well I think I'm going to go find Sherry now. " You told the guys,  Sam reached down to kiss you,  but you moved your head just in time so he would hit your cheek instead,  making him frown slightly. 
After walking for a bit,  you found Sherry,  she was standing in front of the lake gazing out into the beautiful horizon with the sun slowly setting,  "hey Sherry. " You must have scared her because she jumped a little making you chuckle,  "sorry,  for scaring you.  But what are you doing out here all alone?  Why don't we go find Dean? " You asked her walking up next to her.  "He's not interested... " She said looking down while frowning,  even though you really liked Dean and you had no idea why you were helping her with him,  but you felt bad for her.  "What!?  Of course he is!  You saw how he looked at you at the diner. " You said now standing in front of her you drink forgotten on the ground,  holding her upper arms with your hands making her look at you.  "I saw him making out with Megan... " She said looking even more sad now,   it made you also feel terrible,  if Sam doesn't take you home tonight,  your not sure anyone will.  "Well then let's show him what he's missing! " You said stripping out of your dress and shoes,  "(y/n)!  Omg what are y-" She cut herself off once she saw you had a bathing suit on underneath,  "oh... " 
"Well,  come on Sherry!  Don't you have a bathing suit on? " She nodded her head but still kept her arms over her chest.  That's when you realized she was a year younger than you,  therefore a lot...  Smaller than you. "Come on,  no one will judge,  and if they do,  screw them! " You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air,  "yeah,  but he'll still only have eyes for her... " She said still sounding sad,  man this was going to be a hard fight but you will win.  "Sherry, " You said grabbing her hands,  "there are many other guys here,  so screw dean. " Finally she gave in taking off her shorts and tank top,  making some guys catcall her,  making her blush and smile,  "there you go!  Now come on! " You grabbed her hand and started running towards the rope swing.  "Would you like to do the honors miss Sherry?" Bowing in front of her,  she smiled but said "do you mind going first?  I've never really...  Done this. " You stood up and grabbed on to the rope looking around once more,  you saw Sam staring at you,  making you blush,  but then you turned and saw Dean staring at you biting his lip,  which made you feel brave,  after winking at him you swung yourself of the dock and let go of the rope before pencil diving into the water,  for a moment you didn't come up,  scaring Dean,  but after another second you popped out of the water and swam to land,  once you made it,  everybody cat called,  and hollered when you bowed.  Once you were done,  you walked back over to your drink and sat down taking a sip you saw Sherry swimming around with some guy,  making you smile. 
While you were distracted someone came and sat by you.
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