#i remember i was sad when they couldnt find anything but man do i hope theres more tests
Until I Fall - Part Five
Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader.
Eventual romance but this is a slow burn, definitely angsty and darker. It will also focus a lot on Hange, Erwin and the original scouts. Eren and the 104th training corps will be around but I’m focusing on the older characters in here. Your self insert name is ‘Azeria Becker’ pronouns She/Her/Hers. Using a name because don’t like using ‘y/n’.  
Cannon universe. I wrote this for myself but I hope that you enjoy it, too lol <3
As you stood in front of Levi on that final day, you couldnt help but remember every last moment of your time in the scouts. How had you gone from that scrawny young rookie trying to fight titans to Erwin’s right-hand soldier who overthrew the government and was about to charge to your death? It was never fair, you’d never get enough time together. Standing before him, his eyes full of the sadness of the truth, it hurt too much to say Goodbye, don’t forget me. I’ll love you forever, so instead you said the only word that you could manage to speak; Survive.
cw: imagine literally every awful/gory thing that happens in SNK. Death, violence and gore. Drinking, sex.
You can find all chapters here.
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Year: 845
The training went on like this for weeks. Every morning you would meet and train until breakfast, and then train more with the squads. You trained through the winter, even on the coldest of mornings.
It was exhausting at first, but soon your body could endure it better. Levi wasn't much of a talker but he did seem to divulge some things about himself to you. He grew up in the underground. His mother died when he was young, and he grew up for a time with a man named Kenny. Erwin recruited him. He didn't like dirt. He thought that the Military Police were absolutely incompetent. It wasn't much but you felt this was the closest thing that he could give you to personal information; the man was a wall, a grumpy, sarcastic wall. Every now and them he seemed genuinely happy when you were trining. Not in a beaming smiling way, but he would let out a laugh or make some morbid joke at your expense that amused him. Maybe you were becoming friends. You liked the moments that he did seem happy, and you always tried to bring that out in him.
At times, he got on your nerves a little too much. He was also such an asshole. He would not refer to you by your name, only brat, idiot and loser, and maybe he'd sprinkle in a few curse words. He hardly acknowledged your presence outside of morning training, and sometimes it felt as if he was truly trying to kill you when you fought. "I'm only trying to make you better, you're shit," he would say, but sometimes you didn't believe it.
"Oi brat," He said to you as you walked back to the dining hall from a morning of fighting, "Come find me at lunch. There's someone you need to meet." You were taken back. Levi never invited you to do anything. You searched his face for some answer as to who it was, but he only wore his same cold neutral frown. You'd just have to wait
That lunch, after training with your squad you searched the dining hall for Levi. Finally, you spotted his dark hair and eternally sour face. He was sitting next to Erwin Smith, your heart dropped to your stomach. Erwin was the First Squadron Leader. He was the best of the best. Cunning, brave, skilled. The crowds gathered in the streets to see his fleet. He always rode behind Commander Shadis. What was Levi thinking?
You cleared your throat to get his attention. "Levi," you said, timidly. You stood behind Levi at the bench as he ate his meal. He didn't acknowledge you.
"Azeria Becker," Erwin chimed. You were terribly nervous. "Captain Erwin," You said, saluting. He looked at you with a softened face. He was already much nicer than Levi.
"Please, come sit," he gestured to the corner seat beside him and of course, you obeyed. It was weird to sit with Levi in the dining hall, all you ever saw of him was fighting in the woods. It was so out of place. He continued to look down at his food and ignore your presence.
"Levi tells me that you've been training together," Erwin said, drinking his tea. "Yes, we've been training every morning." Levi told him that? When did he tell him? Levi talks about me?
Erwin nodded in acknowledgement, "He says that you are quite skilled." Hang on. Levi paid you a compliment? That was simply impossible. You blushed a little. You must have. Levi was an asshole, you didn't think you would ever live up to his expectations.
"Oh, uh-thank you," You mustered out, "I've been doing my best to be ready for our next expedition."
He nodded at you, once more. You noticed that despite his softer eyes and kinder face, Erwin was just as unreadable as Levi. "That's good. It's impressive to see such resolve from a recent trainee," he paused, "That's what I am meaning to talk to you about. Our next expedition; I want you to join my squad."
Your eyes opened wide. You couldn't believe it. This was the squad. The best of the best. You had always wanted to fight alongside them, but you never thought it would come this soon. "Captain! I am honoured! I promise I will not let you down!" You were shocked. He smiled. "I am glad to hear it. You start training with us tomorrow. I will inform your squad leader." You watched him as he left the table, a mix of shock, excitement and panic ran through you.
"Levi- I- thank-"
"Don't spoil a good moment, brat," Levi said, finally lifting his face from his plate.
"But you said I was shit," he looked so annoyed with you. You couldn't believe you were going to be fighting alongside him.
"You are shit," He sneered, "I'm just going to use you as titan bait."
You smiled, "I just can't wait to see the look on your face when I kill more titans than you."
"Tch. You wish," He lifted himself from the table and left. You could swear you caught him smiling.
    You were so happy all afternoon. So happy, that your task of cleaning the horse barn didn't seem to bother you much at all. You were going to be in Erwins Squad, riding beside Levi, Hange, Moblit. They were going to be your team.  More importantly, you could finally see it; Levi was your friend. You had finally earned his respect. Perhaps you had it all along and you just didn't know it. In any case, you were elated. This was the beginning of an adventure, and you could feel it.
By the time you got back to the dining hall, everyone in your graduating class knew. They surrounded the table that you sat at.
"Azeria! How could you not tell me you're joining Erwin's squad!" Ilse said, grabbing hold of your arm. You laughed, "I just found out at lunch! I haven't had a chance!"
"I can't believe it! I mean, of course I can, you're one of the best from our class but it's just so fast!" She squealed. It was true, you and her were the top of your class that year. "Don't worry, you'll be joining me soon, I know it." She smacked your arm, "I know it too!"
chapter six
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cagcd · 11 months
Johnny Cage.   What an individual. Raiden had made many new friends since joining the monks and he was certainly one of the most- amusing of them! Still, Fujin couldnt quite ignore the itch in her head every time she saw him by his lonesome.. It almost felt like a natural contradiction! He hadn't- SAID anything was wrong.. but then again Raiden didnt tell her about interdimensional martial arts fighting with lightning and an Actual God but it still happened. Still she didnt want to accidentally be rude if she pried and found nothing- so she opted for the simple approach! That evening as they turned in for the day Fujin made a note to pay Johnny a visit before he went to bed, taping her hand to Johnny's arm twice as a courtesy, letting the man know she was there before she moved again, this time wrapping her arms around him in a gentle but firm embrace. " Thanks for the saves out there, I dunno what we'd do without you! Try and get some sleep, yeah? I'll be up for a few more hours if something keeps you up and you wanna chat, okay? " ( Johnny appreciating Hours! >=3 )
     It's funny,   to think he feels most at home in the presence of dimensional horrors and entities beyond imagination of the human mind,   despite each revelation and new development to catch the star off guard,   it was in fighting that he realised he was at his element,   and he had missed it,   the earlier days when sweat and blood were the sole prize for hard work,   but each loss and victory had a weight of their own that spoke of accomplishments,   not the dazzled and false tokens of an actor's life he had watched their glow fade quicker than a dying flame.   When memory regresses back to the simpler times,   he can't help but think of her,   the one who loved him when he was a nobody,   shared every loss and win with similar emotions as though they were her own.   He remembers the delight on her expression when he had told her about his first acting gig,   cheered him on through every step of the way until that smile became forced and touched by sadness.   He only has himself to blame for what happened,   for losing sight of what's important   &.   worry about his career instead of her.   Their last fight still played in his head on repeat during the quiet moments,   he had hoped to make it right when all of this was done and over with                only to receive a text from her informing him of her wish to divorce,   no closure,   no chance for an apology,   but a greedy lawyer that had encouraged her to suck him dry of his wealth,   it was bitter,   cruel,   it tore him apart.   They were once so in love,   and for half a lifetime together to end in this manner ?   He can't fathom it.
  He never allowed his troubles to show through however,   confidant smile and nonchalant attitude remained as they were on the surface,   [  always the actor,    wether on or off stage.  ]   He had never been one for vulnerability despite his tendency for honesty,   he had never dug deep into that well of emotions,   lest the flood gates open wide and dreaded weaknesses come to show.   He took it silently,   feeling that wave of melancholy wash over him at times when most find peace,   phone in hand,   her last texts read over and over again   ...   he should delete her pictures,   but he hadn't the heart to erase a full life's worth of memories as though they had meant nothing,   they might as well be to her.   The urge to call someone had tugged on his mind on a few occasions,   scrolling through a long list of contacts he finds no sense of closeness to any of them.   His family was out of the question as well,   his brother,   his sister,   non that ever cared or wished him well.   As for his mother,   well,   that was a complicated issue of its own but he intends on apologising properly for never listening to her,   and hope he could salvage that connection at the very least.   With a sigh to himself he had willingly dragged himself out of his mind in attempt to ease the storm that raged within his mind.    Although he doubts he could get a shut eye,   he still followed suit,   intending to lie down at the very least,   this was a growing headache an endless state of dwelling would certainly not fix.   He had scarcely reached the door when a light touch tapped against his arm a couple of times.   Johnny turned,   and saw Fujin standing there.   It was never not pleasant to cross paths with her,   they had on several occasions stayed up until dawn just talking,   first because of a fight she had with Raiden then a habit a need for company.
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       ❛❛   Hey,   what's up ?   ❜❜        he asked,   an easy smile on his expression at the sight of her,   always a refreshing air to him.   The answer comes in the form of an embrace,   firm,   gentle   &.   kind.   Quick wit doesn't qualify him to deal with such instances of spontaneity,   as he found himself nearly frozen at first,   hands stuck in the air as he tried to understand her purpose behind it.   There was none beside the intention to cheer him up,   whether fully intended or not,   he felt the load pressing on his chest lighten a tad,   not realising how much he needed the hug until it came,   and even better when it was from a friend   ...   no,   a sister.   Johnny relaxed then and returned the embrace tightly,   eyes closing momentarily as he allowed himself to take it in,        ❛❛   Mhm,   no promises,   but the offer goes right back to you,                 don't take it as an excuse to pick a fight with Raiden,   'kay ?   ❜❜        he jokes,   giving her a playful squeeze.        ❛❛   ...   Thanks.   ❜❜        I needed it.
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why couldnt u love me :-( i hate u n want u to hurt only so ull be like in a bad enough spot where i am like suddenly on the same level as u again. i want u to be worse so that way im good enough for u again. i wish i was enough i wish we couldve made it work i miss u n i just wish u couldve loved me back we couldve had somethin.. i wish i didnt fuck it up n run u off, but like it wouldnt have worked out anyways u like hated or thot everything i did for fun was cringe. whch sucks cause i always loved hearing abt what u got up to but anytime i told u something abt mee u would be so upset and like offensive. wish i was good enough. i dream abt u still i have nightmares aht u still and i wish i could just get over you already but anytime i am not busy ur there in my head n u can never leave. i dont think ill ever get over u, i hope u didnt block my number but u probably did, i hope ur soin okay i hope u find like love or happiness or somethin man because i just like i wish i was as good as u n im jealous of how like everything u are. u hve friens ur in school ur funnier than me ur smarter than me ur cooler than me ur cuter than me ur funner to hang out with than me ii wish i couldve been with u just so i could see aomeone so much better than me all thw time like exist, why did i have to fuxk it up. i hope u didnt block my number i wanna msg u in a year just so u can block me then n twll me u hate me n twll me ur better than me still and then ill be sad but atleast ill get to talk to u. i wonder if u still stalk my socials any. u peobably dont ur like better than me u probably like have already forgotten abt me. i wish i was dead i wish u could bury me i wish u would do me that one kind favor of killing me off finally, i am a weed in ur garden and i just need to be picked, please talk to me. please think abt me like how i am always thinkin abt u, i want to believe ull remember me but ulllll be better than me again and forget everything one day. i miss when u made me cry, because atleast u were talking to me, i miss when i made myself get no sleep for weeks at a time just to talk to u more even if it was ruining my brain it was nice. please kill me misha. show me that u hate me show me anything i am so starved. i wish i was dead 👋🥰♥️
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cynettic · 3 years
Stay with Me pt.3
Summary - You manage to escape from Scaramouche, if only for a moment before you realize there’s no escape. It only takes until you’re sitting back in your regular spot that you know what you need to do.
Pairings - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warnings - Suggestive content, mentions of death, swearing, slight gore / blood 
A/N - Its really hard to make this depressing while I’m vibing to Rasputin. Like no joke- I have it on one of the 1 hour playlists :D
Here you’ll find -  pt.1 and pt.2
He’d left a key.
Scaramouche didnt make mistakes, not while he had you captive in the vicinity of his bedroom. He didnt have room for mistakes, not when you were watching his every movement while he was in your line of sight. 
Sure, he mightve killed a person or two in front of you, but those were necessary mistakes. There was a sign on the door, it specified not to enter. You’d understand that, right?
Thats what he thought at least, lulling himself into belief after belief that you’d be there waiting for him every time. That you’d welcome him with open arms, even if there were chains ensnaring your wrists. That you’d accept your fate at his hands and submit yourself to him.
The Balladeer was a fool.
He’d kept you there for too long, and while you searched for an easy way to escape, time sent your head spinning. Into a spiral that begged only for the wind against your face, back laying on dirt with the familiar chirping up birds waking you up in the morning.
You wanted to go outside.
And when push comes to shove, you had to risk a little more to make it happen. Lure him into bed with kisses while your hands unbuttoned his vest. But what he believed to be alluring contacts was just your way of finding the keys hidden in the back pocket of his shorts.
It wasnt hard to find the one to your cuffs while he was asleep, cuddled in your chest with both arms around your waist as if to get you to stay put. You took the key, hiding them back in his clothing and hoping he didnt notice.
He didnt say anything the next day.
You werent going to wait any longer.
“Oh for fucks sake, why won't the goddamn door open?”
The room was left in tatters behind you, a little gift for Scaramouche once he got back. Turns out a pair of chains can smash up a lot of things, and rage can be used as a great source of strength when contained for such a long time.
But you’d done more than throw the blankets around, cut up the drawers and smash open the windows. Because your fists had bled red when you punched through the glass, puncturing your skin. Your knuckles were an ugly red, bruising already.
Ah, Scaramouche deserved a much better gift.
Gruesome as it was, you rubbed your knuckles against the pale walls. Till the blood stopped coming, till there was a nice little message for the boy which you held so dearly to your heart.
The first time you’d found out about him being a harbinger he’d told you not to call him by that name. You weren’t someone he associated with by work, you were a treasure to him. That’s why you continued to call him as he pleased, although the temptation always arose.
You were no longer his.
Shoving the door with your hand again, palm fiddling with the handle and groaning when it hardly budged. “Stupid,” you grumbled when the knob began to loosen. Backing up, you charged with your shoulder to the door, full force as the momentum broke the hinges. The door fell down with you along with it.
It was expected, you’d been stuck in the room for a long time, and thats considering you’d sat on the ground for decades. Your body was slight numb, muscles sore and unused for so long. 
“You a-arent supposed to leave your room!”
A young man stood in the hallway along with a woman who looked relatively the same age. The two were wearing uniforms, flinching when you stood up from the debris and off the door. “Excuse me?” You asked, voice unnecessarily icy and stern. But you couldnt care less, you were going to get out of this house, damn anyone who stood in your way.
They both continued to shake when you walked towards them, staggering from side to side. The woman stepped up in front of the man, presenting a brave face. “If you leave the mansion, the harbinger will kill us all!”
“Well then I expect you should be on your way then. Actually…” you gestured to the maze of hallways. “You can lead the way.”
Your hand went limp to your side, an exasperated looking momentarily crossing your face before you sighed. “Im not staying trapped in that room, I’m sorry if that ruins your life, but frankly you're not the one stuck in there are you?” You took an extra step just to intimidate them, eyes wide to make the appearance of crazy. “It would be a great help if you showed me where he hid my vision too.”
“We can show you to the door…” The man began, “But the whereabouts of your vision are unknown, he wouldnt tell us something like that.”
A gift bestowed from the gods, a piece to help me thrive with my ambitions and pursue my goals.
You really wished you’d taken to clawing out Scaramouche’s face instead, but you’d take what you got. Right now your main priority was getting out of this place, even if it meant leaving a piece of you behind.
“Door.” Your voice was raspy and there was a terrible feeling that crawled up to your throat, but you didnt have time to be emotional. “Show me where the door is… please.”
The conflict in their eyes dissipates by the time they lead you along, mumbling words between themselves. You didnt bother to try eavesdropping, you were so, so tired. You wanted to go home.
Anywhere. Anywhere but here.
It took a few minutes until you were standing in front of a grand door, almost twice the size of you and just as wide. You then began to notice the decorational plants and furniture that filled the empty space, there wasn't an inch of dust. Even though you could tell none of it was used.
“Hurry,” the man warned when you paused. “I dont know when our master is coming back, but if its soon, we’ll all be screwed.”
You couldnt feel your head as you numbly nodded, hand clenching the knob and flinging the set of doors open. “Thank you,” you merely mumbled, taking your first step out of the house in what felt like forever.
The days after that were a blur, the area around Scaramouche’s house were nothing but void. Empty and filled with forests and vast plains. You knew he didnt like people or socializing in general, but to this extent?
Your only option was to run.
Let your feet take you somewhere, anywhere. It was a constant pattern of running and taking breaks, leaning on a tree and gasping in a few breaths before you were again scurrying through the forest. 
And yet you felt better than you’d felt in past months that you’d been stuck with Scaramouche.
Food became any boar you came across, the claws you’d spent so long hiding with Scaramouche coming to unleash a wrath beyond your comprehension. Till the animal was cut to shreds and no meat was left even to eat. You’d slaughtered it, without intention to eat or benefit for it, you’d killed it just to kill.
“I’m sorry,” you’d sobbed into the ground where you’d buried the harmless animal. Forehead pressed into the dirt as you pleaded for forgiveness to whatever archons would accept it. You couldn't even remember what archons you were supposed to pray to. “Forgive me- forgive me…”
But eventually you found your way around to somewhere you knew. Territory of Inazuma where you could find your way back, back home.
Where was home?
You’d been on the run from the vision hunt decree, abandoning your post for the Kitsune Saiguu for such a thing. Even now that you could return without a vision and as no threat under the decree…
You’d sacrificed everything for your vision.
Where were you to go now…?
Rain patted down, the trees providing only a slight cover as stray drops fell into your matted dirty hair. You didnt mind, it hid the tears that slid down your lifeless face, feet taking you into the far meadows of your hometown. Till you plopped down underneath a tree, knees curled to your chest and arms hugging them close. You were crying.
You were home.
“Awh,” a ginger haired murmured, elbow resting on the cool wood of the tabletop. “Is little Mouchie sad? I heard your kitty cat escaped~”
A death wish, even fatui that idly minded themselves around the bar knew it. Sipping cold drinks and swirling their cups, the soft chatter was nothing but a distraction from the main course of events. That being the smaller Harbinger who sat sulking in his seat, hunched over with a drink in hand. He’d drank far more than what was on the counter, but everytime he finished a glass, he’d smash it on the ground, watching the fragile glass shatter into pieces.
“I dont have a cat,'' was his only response, tone daring Childe to pursue further. To give him a reason to start throwing the glass in his face instead.
And Childe was an idiot when it came to challenging someone.
“No cat?” The rest of the drink in the taller harbinger’s glass was gone when he threw his head back. “Hmmm, I cant think of what else could’ve had you so enraptured in returning home then~!”
Scaramouche didnt respond, uneven bangs shadowing the bags under his eyes. “Stronger,” he said instead, elbow on the counter and hand outstretched for something. When there was no movement from the man managing the wine, the harbinger looked up. “I need something stronger to drink,” he repeated, voice seething.
“Of c-course!”
The glass was nestled in Scaramouche’s palm in no time, fingers curling around the circular form to down it in seconds. The drink merely slid down his throat in one movement, alcohol burning his senses. It didn’t matter, he was numbed by the growing rage inside of him.
Finally, he turned to the ginger haired boy, eyes hazily dancing along the counter till it reached his fingertips. Up his hand and along his arm, till Scaramouche was staring right into Childe’s eyes. “They escaped,” he admitted softly. “But it’s alright, because I sent something that’ll bring them back.”
Childe paused, raising his drink up away from his lips to pose a question. Hesitation danced along his features before he brought the glass back, he’d rather not provoke the shorter male any further. Wasn’t like he could interfere anyway.
“That… that…” 
It was preposterous, having returned to that same spot for a day or two and heading back to the hometown you’d once lived in. The one Scaramouche had lived in. There shouldn’t have been an issue, you were solely gathering supplies for the sake of it, ambition driving you to travel far far away.
Out of Inazuma.
It was your new beginning, convincing yourself that you didn't need a vision. Finding some sort of purpose before Scaramouche shattered the vision and your life along with it. You’d seen how people had reacted when it had been ingrained in the statue, neutralized and broken. They lost hope, purpose and aspirations for anything new.
It’s not like the Raiden Shogun took my vision.
But you’d taken that fact for granted, expecting some sort of new start without Scaramouche. A victory, getting away from him just for a split second and getting out of Inazuma altogether, you’d never see him again.
Until you got his message.
“How the hell…” You crushed the note until it was just crumbled paper in your hand, slowly leaning on the stone wall. “Piece of shit… what kind of person even…” 
Not only did he manage to find you, but without making his presence known, he’d tugged at your one weakness with an ease that had you down on your knees.
You threw the paper to the ground, deliberate as you stared past the alleyway. Pensive as you considered your options. Damn, what options did you even have? You’d been an idiot to underestimate Scaramouche, he wasn’t a child, you knew that… but archons he seemed like one when he was with you. Shown you a vulnerability he wanted only you to see. But maybe that had been part of his plan all along, until all you believed was his soft demeanor.
He may act like a child, but he’s a harbinger.
You stared down at the crumbled piece of paper in disgust.
Not only that, but he has no regard for human life.
Either way, you’d lived decades more than him. You could face him, you would present yourself to him just as he expected you to. Even when everything in you rejected the idea, sobbed at the thought of returning to that house, those chains. Being locked up and confined only for the purpose of coddling a small boy, a selfish boy, a cruel boy. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
You’d figure out a way, and this time you wouldn’t rule out the option of his death.
Oh darling Y/n, how have you been?
I hope this letter reaches you rather soon, we both have much to discuss, no? About me, about you, and much more. You see, I’ve taken up quite a distaste to your little friends. Stone statues in Inazuma as small as Kitsunes truly hold no purpose, what will they do, come back to life? Haha, I should think not. I’ve already arranged to have them demolished, who knows what kind of material they might possess. Ah, and of course I’d show you the finishing product, unless you’re willing to come and have a chat with me once more? Under the Sakura tree like we used to, you’ve waited years, I believe you can wait for me?
I hope this letter reaches you in best interests. I’m always looking out for you after all.
Sincerely, your Balladeer
It was raining.
Beautiful weather as you lay sitting there, feet crossed and tucked in the same you’d often do. After all, there was no need to fear the vision hunt decree or the Raiden Shogun. Let them come, let them take care of you before Scaramouche did.
You werent cold, not when the cold drops dampened your clothing, slipping down the length of your spine and drenching your face. Despite having lived in a luxury residency for such a long time, this was where you were most comfortable, enduring whatever the weather had for you, taking it with a smile. Because you were waiting…
The Kitsune Saiguu was a distant memory.
You were waiting for Scaramouche, the young boy that often bound into the field in lengthy strides, childlike wonder in his eyes. The one who’d cried when the other kids pushed him away, the one that just wanted to be praised. You’d held him in your arms, and now, even knowing the results, you wouldnt have done differently.
He was just a boy.
Just a boy when he joined the fatui, looking for praise that he was given. He created chaos and bellowed orders with a cruelty that was highly looked upon. Told that he was doing well, so he continued to do so.
He’s just a boy.
You wished you’d held him in your arms, if not only for a tad longer. Shield him away from the wrongness of the world, if only for one last time.
Banishing away your hatred for him was hard.
But you found it under the tree, rain soon dimming down to a clouded cold breeze that swept through the meadow. You’d hated him while stuck in the mansion, but you could now see it from a larger point of view. What he did was wrong of course, but you could remember him so vividly now. His small form giggling, tiny arms around your neck. 
“Play with me!”
Was it your fault?
For not holding him tighter? For trying to rectify his bad doings and teach him what was wrong and right? Maybe if your grip was firmer, if you’d spoken to him about the warmth he’d given you that day when playing cards...
“Lazy ass.”
Burying down that pile of worry and insecurities, you took a deep breath in to relax. The edge of your lip perked up, only slightly. “Still terrible with your social skills arent you?”
Slowly securing a dry space under the three with you, Scaramouche sat down. His features were the same ones you’d grown accustomed to at his mansion. Rich clothes, sharp eyes, and the baby face that refused to go away. His movements were soft as he pulled out a deck of cards. The two of you didnt speak as he distributed them between you both. It was tense… no, it felt too much like the warmth form long ago to be tense. You only wished the situation to be different.
“I love you.”
But you could only offer a bitter smile to his words. “I love my vision,” you replied. “I love the Kitsune Saiguu, and I love my friends.”
His touch was gentle when his fingers came to gently cradle your cheek. Holding your face dearly as he peered into your eyes, his were soft. Different from the cruelty he held within, the hatred that burned and destruction that seeked to explode.
You saw a little boy.
Your hand came to press his hand further against your cheek, till you slid his palm to your lips. He appeared so calm when you pressed the first kiss, lips tracing the lines along his palm with all the care in the world.
But you needed to change your view, see him as the man he now was. As the man he had become.
“I love you,” he repeated, and you let go of his hand. It fell limp by his side, cards all but forgotten. There was a much more pressing matter at hand, because you truly needed to see him as he was.
It was necessary if you planned to kill him.
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exfoxforfrogs · 3 years
Help to blame
Diluc x favonius assistant gn!reader
Warnings: solution to an argument
part 1 here
Synopsis: You try to help Diluc lighten his workload, but he turns his stress against you, hurting your feelings with it. You set him straight in anger and storm away. Now he is burried deep in guilt, the question is if he will ever succefully apologize
Notes: whowie, actually a part 2! I honestly didnt expect people liking the first one so much (45 notes is a lot when thats the second thing u ever post, okay?) so today I found the motivation to finish it. Turned from “could be platonic” to “no way this aint romatic”. What can I say, I am a simp for this man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The vineyard bloomed in the fresh spring winds, not caring about its owners heavy heart. If anything, the contrast made Diluc sigh more frequently, reminding him of how unfairly he treated such a sweet person. He didn't care that his workload almost doubled because of it, felt like it was well deserved on his end, but it didn't ease his guilt.
He wanted nothing more than to solve this, to apologize and get back the sunshine person that you were. It felt strange to not get greeted by sparkling eyes whenever he walked into the Favonius headquarters. He missed the conversations at Angel's Share that kept him entertained while dealing with customers. He felt a void crawl at his chest at the realization of how much comfort you actually were in his life and that he needed a petty argument to notice it.
Still, he kept quiet and avoided you like wildfire. He was afraid of you not accepting his apology, his guilt convincing him youd have no reason to do so. Maybe childish of him to think so, but he'd rather hope than get rejected. 
Two weeks went by like this, nothing changed in the eyes of a stranger. Two weeks, when you showed up in Angel's Share. Honestly you hoped youd find Charles behind the counter... no, actually, that wasnt honest, but still, you've seen no attempt, no regret from Diluc, so why cross paths.
"What can I help you with?" his voice was softer, quieter than you remember, but it was enough to make you not flee immediately.
"Just some papers... the new oak barrels ordered... the contract..." you did not look at his face while fumbling with not just the papers you were supposed to hand over. You didn't even do anything wrong, still you couldnt stop your hands from shaking.
"Thank you, Y/N" he put down the vine bottle he was holding. The void screamed at him so loud inside - seeing how the usual cheerfulness was replaced by so much sadness on your face because of him. Couldnt decide if it was worse to see you like this or when you were angry, either way his heart could barely handle it. He reached out to take the contract you slid over on the counter. "Actually wanted to check on this matter today... you always know how to help" those last words were quiet, barely reaching your ears but making you pick your head up and freeze non the less.
"I'm..." what are you supposed to say to that? Was that the apology? At least now it seemed like he was trying to mend things but... that was it? The anger you felt weeks ago started to resurface. 
"Diluc Ragnvindr" his hand whinced back a little at your stern voice. "You are coming with me. Yes, right now" you saw the unasked question in his eyes. "I'm done dancing on fire and I'm sure you don't want to have this conversarion in front of your patrons." Your hands were crossed over your chest and even tho you managed a level head voice, it resulted in such cold demeanor, Diluc barely recognised you behind it. 
"Of course" was all he managed, put the papers under the counter, waved at his workers to show he will be out for a bit and than followed you out. He felt like a scolded child, the weeks of guilt poking at his throat, but he was determined to use this opportunity right.
"So?" you suddenly turned around when you arrived in an alley behind the bar. Maybe he wasnt as prepared as he thought, staing into those eyes he liked to see shine, now furrowed. After long moments of silence he cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from your face. 
"I am... I didn't mean when..." he mentally slapped himself. What a great way to start. The big breath he took made his eyes shut. "I didn't mean what I said that day. I am so sorry for taking your help for granted, I..." he felt a hand squeezing at his arm which stopped him from rambling on and made him look up. His eyes widened with panic at your teary eyes.
"I thought you didn't care" you admitted while gently holding on to his bicep. You wiped the escaped tears with your free fingers and smiled. Diluc could have swore the sun started to shine brighter. "Im also sorry for blowing up on you" the smile turned sheepish, but the red head still soaked it up with joy, like he was trying to make up for the days missing.
"There is nothing to apologize for you, Y/N" he took your hand off his arm and held onto it longer than he meant to. Why is it so soft? He came back to reality when he heared you chuckle and say probably because you had good skincare routines, voice a tad teasing. In an attempt to hide his embarrassment, he exsused himself and went back to the bar, but even when he walked in the door, his face was still noticeably pink, to the delight of Kaeya, who now had new material to tease his brother with.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Idk if you have heard of aot 2 final battle, and it's great if you do. It will help with my request if you know the ending. Can I request a Jean x reader where he meets her at Marley when he thought reader died? (You can ignore it if you want)
“you’r…you’re alive”
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pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: language, flashbacks italicised, kissing, fluff
word count: 3100+
a/n: this was going to have some nsfw but i just couldnt find a place for it, it felt weird to just have it randomly through the oneshot lmao, also a thank you to @admin-in-residence for having explained the games ending to me
summary:  in which after risking your life to fight the titans, four years later having assumed you died, jean finds you in the most unlikeliest of places
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist 
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Eren’s body laid limp in the cart, the dozens of titans ran closer and closer towards the horses. You saw Jean sitting breathless to the side, his soft eyes looking at the success of having Eren but the failure of bringing about Ymir. You watched the titans bombard through the trees, you would never make it out, you knew it, the people between you and titans getting smaller and smaller each time they killed someone.
You watched; eyes fixated at how close they were. There was little chance of success, you turned to Jean seeing him look with fear at the approaching titans. “I’m sorry, Jean.” At the sound of those two simple words he watched as you leapt out of the cart, using your gear to have a hold onto the trees, the titans that were just about to grab the cart were cut down by you. 
“Y/n, no, Y/n, get back here right now.” He shouted back at you, ready to join you but had seen how you had picked and fiddled with his gear. “For fucks sake Y/n, get back here now.” He watched at how the distance between you both grew. 
“I love you.” It was inaudible, he probably never even heard it, but he saw your mouth move, saw the words flow out of your mouth, tears welling in his eyes.
He sobbed, “Y/n...please.”
They had watched how you jumped out, how you had risked your life for it all, for them. Tears welled up through their eyes but all you could see was titans, their figures getting smaller at how the titans had congregated to you. You would die saving your friends and that was all you truly wanted to do.
“Y/n, wake up.” The sound of Reiner’s hand moved to your shoulder shaking you awake. You sat upright in bed, tears having pricked down your face, you watched the grown man sitting beside your bed, looking down at your smaller frame. 
“Nightmare.” He mutters seeing you wipe the tears away; you give a nod not meeting his gaze. “What was it?”
“About our past.” If all you murmured out, how could you tell him, 4 years later that you were still hung up on Jean. How you missed the boy and the future you two could’ve had, how you hated being in Liberio, how you wish he had left you for dead outside the walls. 
How dare he make the decision to bring you along, his stupid crush of you had gotten in the way? Even Zeke knew that and here you were in his house, where him and his family lived, acting like his lover, acting like you were another Eldian like them. You hated it, Reiner’s emotions got the better of him, you and him both knew that, and seeing the hatred the people outside the walls had for you, made you resent this hell hole. 
“Y/…” Before Reiner could even say anything, his mother’s voice had interrupted.
“Reiner, Y/n, are you both awake?” You hated her, hated her voice, her face, the way she called you all devils, you hated her. You would never grow to love her, you had hoped to have had a fake breakup with the boy, but the realisation you had nobody had dawned on you a couple years back and here you were. Still in his bedroom, sleeping beside him, you hated him even more than you hated his mother.
The disgust that you had at having to be near him, to have to pretend to be in love when all you wanted to do was slit his throat. Slit his family's throat, even his cousin who’s whole purpose stemmed from killing your people. She may have been a child, you knew she was a kid, but sometimes you just wished you could strangle that piece of shit. 
“I’ll wait for you outside.” Reiner muttered, seeing how you barely even looked at him. He remembered the first time meeting you, he, himself knew that he shouldn't have gotten infatuated with you. But at the sight of seeing you lay limply he had to take you home, care for you but all you had for him was aggression. 
You both barely talked now, the years hurting you both, he had gone off straight to the war with the Mid-East, forcing you to come and stay in the military base. He knew you'd hate it, but still you were made to stay. You wished he had just taken you back into the walls, but he was a selfish prick. 
You wore the trousers and shirt, having refused to wear the dresses that had been forced onto you. You didn’t care, the stupid armband around your shoulder that Zeke had gotten for you, it was an ugly thing. 
Reiner had told you about the festival in a couple days, you didn't want to attend, it seemed a bore. I'd much rather go out on your own, but the glare he had given in front of his mother had made you reluctantly agree. 
Stepping outside, Reiner glazed his eyes across your frame, even though he knew he didn't love you. He knew you had no feelings for him, and his teenager crush had made him bring you along when he should've left you to die. He couldn't confess it though, the risk of being found out would make his mother be turned into a titan and left to wander the land of Paradis. He watched you comb your fingers through your hair, a tired sad look on your face. 
“I’ve got to go meet Zeke today…”
“I’m going on a walk.” You mutter not caring about what he did in his day, he would never be the boy you had trained with, the boy you had fought alongside with. He just never would, and he had the exact same feelings towards you.
He nodded looking down, even with the boy of you growing in the years, you both retained some part of you from Paradis. A necklace clinging around your neck that you had refused to take off in these years. The one thing you had from Jean, you remember his face when he saw it and how he bought it with so much ease. How he moved your hair, kissing your shoulder with his tender lips and put it across your neck. 
The feeling of his lips and fingers would never return to you, you'd never see his face again. The face you had been through hell and back with, he would never see you, never know if you survived. Maybe you did regret fighting those titans, but the look and fear Jean had had sent an urge to protect him through you. 
Reiner’s mother gave a smile which you faked back at her, she spoke about her plans for the day and how Gabi had offered to come and help her in her free time from training. You hoped they’d both have an accident falling into the river, giving a nod, you spoke about needing to buy some stuff yourself but on the other side of town. It was easy to get away from the family, easy to walk away with your coat and shoes and leave with a tamed step.
There was always the fear of being caught, fear that you weren't an Eldian or even human. You had had those recurring dreams for the past four years, every day reliving a moment from your past. You wondered about your family, how they were, how your friends were and captain Levi. You wondered about Jean, what he looked like now, if he had become the leader you had praised him for being. 
You kicked a stone walking down the alleyway into the main street, gaining a breath of air. You scoured through the stalls and shop windows, it may be a disgusting place to be in with the humid air and ugly people. But it was a home for these people, a home that you wished to destroy. The sound of Eldians shopping in the district filled the air, you stopped beside a newspaper stand, looking at the new news of the day. Another piece of indoctrination, you smiled at the stall owner, putting on an act as you wanted to light the newspapers on fire.
A cold wash of air hit the back of your neck, you ignored the sensation, moving to the side for the person to get past. “Sorry.” If all the man muttered, you didn't look at his face, instead putting your hair up to stop the heat from attacking you even further. You couldn't see his face even if you had looked, the fedora covering half his face.
He looked down at you, watching as your fingers moved through your hair. He barely caught a glimpse of your face before catching the glint of the silver around your neck. The silver necklace with the rose pendant around it, the flower that he had bought the girl he had lost all those years ago. Trying to meet your eye, he knew it couldn't be you, you died, your body eaten up by the titans, but even then, he followed you as you left. Watching each turn you took, thinking that he was being coy about it all until he heard you stop in front of a boy. 
“Y/n, what are you doing so far out?” The boy spoke to you, Falco was a nice kid, better than Gabi any day but he had the same ideals in him. The same hatred for your people, how could you ever feel bad for him when he never considered your people’s feelings. 
That name, the name of his first love, the name of the woman he lost. But it couldn't be, the man kept at it, watching you converse with Falco before the boy ran off. “Are you going to keep following me then?” You finally spoke directed to the man, you still could barely see his face, but he could see yours now. As clear as day, you were his girl, his first love, his everything.
“You’r...you’re alive.” He stuttered still with caution, still vary of how you were even alive. He removed the fedora, meeting your gaze, you stared up at the man and you just knew you had been saved.
“Jean.” You whispered, he nodded before you ran up to him, his arms out as your body hit his own. Tears welling up in your eyes, as you sobbed to him, the way he soothed you, his hand in your hair. 
“Y/n, it’s really you, right?” He whispered softly, you nodded feeling his own tears prick down his face. “You’re really here?”
“I’m really here, Jean, wh...what are you doing here?” You whisper letting go of him, he had grown, the hairs across his chin were a lot clearer and his hair had grown. 
He met your own gaze, even if you were older, there was no showing it, you looked like the girl who had risked her life to save the scouts. “I...wait.” He met your gaze, “what are you doing here? Ar...are you one of them?”
“God no, Jean, I promise you know who I am, I’m one of you, you’ve met my parents and they weren’t from him, please believe me, I'll explain what happened, we just need to go somewhere safe.” You rambled out; Jean nodded putting his hand out. 
You took it with so much ease, it was unlike the times Reiner had put his hand for you and you reluctantly agreed. This time you were with the man you loved, the man who had finally found you. He led you past the allies and through the streets before arriving at a building, it looked more or less abandoned, but the lights were on and people were inside.
“This is gonna be a shock.” He whispers, you give a smile up to him, he had missed that smile of yours. The cheery grin you always had with your plump lips and soft touch you had with him.
He opened the door, leading to silence. “Jean did you bring the f…” Sasha stopped mid-sentence, all eyes fell onto you, even Hanje and Levi were in shock at you. “Y/n.”
“Sasha.” You whispered.
“You’re alive.” She ran up to you, tears brimming her eyes on her best friend being alive, hugging your frame as you hugged back happily. “But how, what are you doing here?”
She had let you go, allowing for you to breathe, “captain before you say anything, I’m not one of them.” 
You knew the glare Levi had given you, having seen it often all those years ago. But you had to prove your story, Jean led you inside letting you sit in front of both Hanje and Levi. Both having been silent after the interaction, “explain then.” Levi spoke coldly even if Jean was wary, he trusted your word.
“Let me save her, please Zeke.” Reiner’s voice boomed from the outskirts of the wall, you were listening into the conversation, after nearly being eaten by a titan, Reiner having swooped in. Your body leant against him as he tried to persuade Zeke.
Zeke looked cynical, the stupid boy having gotten a crush so easily and now using it against him, “leave her to die.”
“Zeke, for fucks sake, I won't carry out this mission until we keep her safe.” Zeke knew the risk of this, he took a sharp breath before nodding, Bertholdt could barely even look at you. Memories flashing through his head of your past together. All you could remember after that was being placed inside a cart, a blanket placed on top as you fell into a deep slumber.
These gaps in your memory had been a torment for you, the fact even Reiner refused to tell you what happened made you think the failure would fuel your hatred even more.
The sound of waves crashing was the first thing you heard, the sight of the sea. The sea that Armin had rambled out to both you and Jean months ago. “Finally awake.” You squealed your head hurting at the sight of Reiner meeting you, you had been lying against the ship, the salty air engulfing your lungs.
“Reiner, stay away from me.” You shouted ready to fight him, your hands up, but you had nothing to fight with. A one-to-one combat with him would be a sure win for him and he looked tired even. 
“Y/n, sit down, I’ll explain it all.” And that's what he did. He explained his past, Marley’s and the story of the walls. It felt like lies but having seen the sea now you knew it was the truth and after he had finished speaking you felt even more on edge.
“You haven't told her the best part yet?”
You looked up to meet a blonde hair man, his thick blonde beard and glasses encased his eyes. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Zeke Yeager.” That surname, you recognised it, you gave a hostile look as he continued speaking, “Eren’s older brother and the beast titan. Go on tell her then.”
“We...were taking you to Marley.” Your eyes widened.
You pushed him away from you, his arms having moved to comfort you, “You...you could've just let me go, let me stay within the walls, why Reiner? Why?”
“I had to protect you.” He whispered.
“Protect me, bullshit Reiner, i...I’m never going to see Jean again thanks to you.” Reiner’s grip moved to your face; he held your jaw tightly as you squealed at the pain.
“Jean never loved you, I do.” It was an inaccurate statement, but tears had welled up in your eyes before he let go, leaving you on the ground. 
You looked between the disgusted faces of your comrades; the way Jean’s jaw clenched at hearing what Reiner had said to you. How you had had to live with him and his mother, be around these people who hated you. He hated how you had had to share a bed with Reiner, act like you were in love with him. He hated how Reiner had stripped away four years of love for both you and Jean.
“We should’ve looked harder for you.” Hanje muttered lowly, you gave a small smile shaking your head.
“No, I knew what I was getting into when I went to go fight those titans, you guys thought I died. Hell even I thought I had died.” Mikasa puts a hand to your shoulder as you smile up at the girl, they all had changed, and they had realised you had as well. 
“We should explain why we’re here.” She spoke as you nodded all turning to Levi.
Levi looked down at you, he shook his head before speaking, “Eren…” By the end of his explanation you had been caught up to date on everything, knowing about Eren’s will and the letters he had been making Falco send for weeks now. “...this leads me to ask Y/n, are you still a part of the survey corps?”
You stared at your captain, taking a sharp breath, “I better have one of these cool black uniforms.” Sasha and Connie both smiled brightly at your comment, even Levi shook his head, you could almost see his upper lip twitch, but he had stopped himself. 
“One of the spares should fit you Y/n.” Hanje spoke aloud, in a matter of half an hour the plan had been explained and your job to remain normal before leaving just before the speech that would occur at the festival. “Welcome back Y/n.” 
You had gained everything that had been taken away from you, gained happiness and your love back. Jean had been quiet since you're welcome back, walking up to him and grabbing his hand softly as you gestured for him to follow you into an empty room. 
“I missed you Y/n.” You smiled at the boy, moving your body closer to his taller frame.
“I still love you Jean, I never stopped, every night I’d imagine it was you beside me.” You confessed, he looked down at your face. The same pretty eyes that filled with so much love, his hand moving to cup your cheek. On instinct, your face nuzzling into it, he softly brought his face down to meet yours, only a mere inch away from his own.
“I love you.” He whispered before capturing your lips on his own, his soft palm holding your face as his lips moved with yours, his tongue gliding inside with so much love and care. It was a happiness that you hadn't felt in years now, a happiness that could only be brought about by the love of your life. You had forgotten what it felt to be loved and now here you were, kissing the man you thought you’d never see again.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: this is kind of an au like what if you were
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i would like to request a seijoh!manager reader who’s a first year and is siblings with ushi and the team’s reaction to finding out that she was supposed to go to shiratorizawa with ushi and their reaction with her getting along with the shiratorizawa volleyball team and maybe the manager is a small cute soft little energetic ball of sunshine 🥺🥺 also hewwo, hope youre doing well! ☺️ -🎷🐛
- Ir seijoh manager series is so gooood. Can we get something where by some weird reason yn-chan is close to ushijima and tendou and the seijoh boys dont know about it and how they'd react to her being so affectionate w them ahahwindkdn
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so this is a what if thing
like what if ushijima was your older brother
you didnt exactly have the best relationship with your mom
you remember when you were younger that she used to yell at your brother for using his left hand and you got angry a lot because you were fiercely protective of your brother
this caused her to yell at you too for being nosy and being involved in something you shouldnt be in
duh we know that ushi’s dad takashi actually supported him for this and protected him too and you were also a papa’s girl so you always ran to him
he understood you both better and while your mother worked, he was at home taking care of you two
then when they mentioned wanting to separate, you were very sad but somewhat relieved
mostly because you hated hearing your parents arguing and you felt bad for your brother as he constantly did whatever to get you out of the house
thats what brought on your love for volleyball
you werent exactly the best player but you were interested in it and often watched matches with him
but you also liked volleyball because your brother liked it
you liked whatever your brother liked
he adored you too and he was a boy who didnt talk much due to your mother but he was always a talker with you
especially when you couldnt sleep, he would sneak you out of your room and you both would run to the kitchen and eat ice cream
even with just a 2 year age difference, he looked as if he was older than you due to his massive height
‘just wait nii-chan! i will drink enough milk to reach your height!’
*insert lenny face*
when they divorced, you thought your father would take both you and ushi
like the lady at the court even asked you where you wanted to go and not a breath of hesitation you chose your father
you weren’t very concerned because you knew your brother was going to choose your dad as you both were closer to him
so imagine your surprise when he said he didnt care and naturally, the mother would get the child
lowkey you felt hella betrayed and when your dad whisked you away overseas, there was this grudge you held against toshi
yall youre like 5
i would be hella mad too if my brother chose the person who yells at him all the time
in california, your father made sure you still remembered your brother and you tried to detach from the japanese lifestyle to your new one but you just couldnt
maybe around 6 years you were already fed up with the hot california heat and you wanted to go back to japan to see toshi again
you got over that grudge years ago but your mother refused to have any contact or anything to do with your father and so that included you too
she refused to let you both video chat and any type of connection
your dad obviously noticed your sad expressions and your obvious longing to go back to your brother again and so he arranged something
you shut the door gently before taking off your shoes by the doorway
the large house was often quiet except for the constant typing of a keyboard in your father’s study
you meekly mumbled but his sense of hearing never wavered so he heard your voice
‘oh? y/n?’
his voice echoed through the hallways and you heard his chair squeak as it was moved back so he could stand
your sock-cladded feet padded against the hard wood floor and you walked towards his study where indeed he was standing there
your father has definitely aged yet his job as a coach made him as fit as he was decades ago
as much as it disgusted you, you could tell what your friends meant when they said your dad was good-looking
they actually said your dad was hot but you refuse to acknowledge that
you and your friends are like 12 tf
you closed the door and sat down on the loveseat at the corner of the room as it was your designated spot
‘hey, papa’
you greeted with a smile and he gave you the same grin
‘i ordered f/f (favorite food) for dinner tonight so try and listen for the bell to ring, okay?’
you nodded
there was bit of small talk and you asked about his team while he asked about school and you both arranged to hang out over the weekend at some ice cream shop
the conversation dragged on until you heard the doorbell and you ran to the door to answer the delivery man
your dad put out the plates on the table and you excitedly dug in
‘also, you remember your grandmother? and her terrible back?’
oh god of course you did
they lived about 30 minutes away from your house in japan and she constantly worried your father bc the woman was approaching 90 and was still picking peppers!
with old coach ukai
‘what did she do now?’
your father chuckled at the exasperation in your voice
‘she misses you. says something about the family’s princess needing to go back to her country or something’
there was a smile in your face
your grandmother was your favorite and she always said you were the princess
she hated your mother because of how insensitive she was so she only acknowledged you as the only other female in the family
obviously your brother was also liked but there was just a special bond between you and your grandmother
‘so when are we going back?’
you asked and it was clear that you were excited at the thought of going back to japan as you havent been back since you moved due to your father’s busy job and your school
takashi swallowed his food before revealing the news
‘actually, if you want, you could finish your schooling there. but only until college first though because your old man needs you over here too’
nah bro you didnt even care about the last part
literally your fork fell to the table and you shrieked 
and thus brought you back to japan
you stayed with your grandmother on your dad’s side and you quickly got accustomed back to japan life
so waka-chan def heard you coming back
your mother was grumbling about it the other day and he was sure he heard your name in there
‘sdkfjkdslfjdkslfj y/n dkfjlsdkfjldkf’
there was a mutual giddiness in there too and he was excited to see you again after many years without contact
there was a bit of fear in there that thought back to when you were younger and his choice of not really having a specific parent despite your pleads to stay together with him
but he was going to make sure your bond was still intact!
he would do anything in his power to do so!
when you arrived
your dad accompanied you back to japan and you both were walking out to the exit of the airport when you saw your grandmother excitedly waving a sign around
in bold sparkly letters, it said ‘USHIJIMA’
okay wait i love grandma usui 
you quickly ran over to her and she grasped you into her arms
you sobbed and she hugged you tightly
‘im so happy youre back home’
your father shook hands with the friend she brought to help drive you guys back home
old man ukai was basically the chauffeur but hes really good friends with your nana so it was okay
the entire ride you guys basically caught up with each other and you couldnt help but laugh whenever your dad would go on a rant about your grandma being too reckless and your nana defending herself
‘oh stop it, takashi. i was only given one life and if it’s over, it’s over. for now, ill live it how i see fit!’
your old family home was exactly as you remember it but you didnt expect the 6′2 boy in the living room
you meekly whispered and he let out a soft smile before opening his big arms
you ran into them and he held you tightly
‘i missed you. so much’
he whispered and you nodded 
it was def such a nice thing to have your brother again
oooo your dad been knew that you would be sticking to waka like you did when you were itty bitty young
so when you practically begged waka to stay at your nana’s house the entire summer, he couldnt refuse you
duh your mom went to see you but you just quietly sat there and smiled at her
polite but distant
due to being around waka so much, you naturally went to his volleyball practices and their training camp
you met his friends and you guys quickly got acquainted especially with tendo bc he was just so fun
and he was your brother’s boyfriend best friend
the others were still kinda distant with you ahem ahem im looking at you shirabu
but they were mostly amazed at how powerful the genetics played in your appearances because wowza you were beautiful
lmao dont let waka hear them say that bc they would be benched all season in a single snap
during training camp, you usually sat at the sides or you would be their stand-in manager
goshiki absolutely LOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
him and you were the same age so there was an easier way of being friends and your energies just matched so well
he would run up to you whenever he got a play right and you would ruffle his hair affectionately
hell even ushi was getting annoyed at goshiki’s constant need for you
tendo would steal you away and he would be giggling to you about how adorable you were and you just giggled along bc wow this beautiful man is really talking to me right now
‘cmere, y/n-chan. i taught toshi this the other day and he was very impressed and wanted me to do it again. okay so it goes in a rhyme, ya ready?’
you nodded along and he shot you a close-eyed smile before starting to draw on the dirt with a stick
‘there once was a man with-’
lets just say
you were definitely your brother’s sister
sometimes though
you would try and go towards the calmer players to get away from the rowdiness from baby daddy tendo and baby goshiki
you would find them at the gym just doing drills and at the sight of you, they would turn red but continue playing
they didnt really mind seeing you there bc youve always been such a positive energy and cheered them on which gave them strength
you were like a cute ball of serotonin >o<
‘wah, of course its expected for you guys to be the top in the prefecture. youre like,,,,, silent but deadly~!’
duh a compliment from a girl?
shirabu’s bangs would get in the way of his vision sometimes yall i will never stop making fun of that ridiculously adorable haircut so you would use a clip and tuck it away for him
this big babie is so awkward that he turns red when you whisper in his ear that you were done
semisemi baby and you got along bc you guys had a similar taste in music and because you lived in california, he was fascinated that you were in the music capital of america
‘did you see celebrities down the street?’
he asked you excitedly one day during lunch
you stopped then smiled softly
‘semisemi-kun, i didnt live at that part of california’
nah to him, america is just filled with celebrities
taichi is a generally quiet guy
like you thought he was actually selectively mute when you first met him
but you gradually got him to talk and you would help him whenever he would want to practice
usually it was during the ungodly hours of the morning
you woke up and went to grab a drink from the common room but you noticed his large build exiting the door so you followed him into the gym
you called out and felt guilty when he jumped 
‘oh, hey’
he aknowledged
you stopped to yawn causing your eyes to close making you miss the brief second of softness that flashed in his eyes
‘what are you doing?’
you tiredly asked
taichi dusted off his trackpants after kneeling down to rummage through his bag and you couldnt help but gawk at his height
‘im training early’
he answered
‘why? is it because you want to keep up with the others?’
you mumbled and he was surprised for a second but reverted back to his stoic expression
‘i have to make sure i am able to reach my seniors level for next year’
taichi turned away to grab a stray ball and you moved to go to the storage room for the ball cart
‘oi, what are you doing? go back to bed’
he said from the other side of the gym but you just looked back at him with a tired grin
‘meh, i want to spend time with you, senpai’
you reasoned
he shook his head before walking over to you then ruffled your hair
‘no wonder youre so tiny. you dont sleep enough and let your body grow’
yep that was the closest youve gotten to taichi joking with you
usually, hes training and when hes in the zone, nothing else has his attention but the ball
maybe thats why the others ahem goshiki has said that he was very scary
his game face was practically a mean face
basically you spent the entire training camp with them and then soon, you were going back to school
duh everyone hmm maybe not shirabu bc he most definitely read the school book of rules thought you would be going to shiratorizawa with them 
but you broke the news to them one afternoon and imagine the tears from both tendo and goshiki
‘why can’t you?’
semi asked and you were about to answer when shirabu beat you to it
‘the school doesnt allow late transfers’
oh right
the american school system was set in a different schedule than a japanese school system
it was considered the summer for them yet school already started a few months ago
since shiratorizawa was a very academically and physically prestigious school, they refused anyone who would potentially be late or behind their curriculum
‘so where ya headed to then, chibi?’
tendou pouted and you leaned against his arm
‘hmm some school named aoba johsai? i dont know its near my grannie’s so that’s all that mattered’
oh dear
they consider seijoh a rival bc theyve played against them practically in every prefecture tournament and they were worried for that infamous setter
‘ne, y/n-chan, promise us that you won’t be swept away by them! especially a guy named oikawa tooru!’
tendou’s warning was kinda ignored bc you ended up being seijoh’s manager
but they weren’t really really shocked tho bc they knew you liked volleyball so you would naturally be in the volleyball team
even as a manager
meanwhile in seijohhh
OooOOOoOoOooooo sEiJOOhHHHH~~~~~~
okay so you were actually registered under your father’s last name usui rather than the ushijima last name
therefore you werent exactly immediately known as HEY! USHIJIMA’S SISTER!
you still became the manager the way you did as mentioned in part 1 
and you still are their adorable baby manager
you were aware of their oikawa’s hatred for wakawaka so you try not to talk about him even though youre literally the closest person to him
was it traitorous? 
but you actually even help them when they practice
duh the boys are like eyebrow raise emoji 
‘wow youre really into volleyball, huh, manager-chan?’
matsukawa commented and you just smiled
‘hmm, my family likes it so ive picked up a thing or two’
little do they know your brother is literally the best volleyball player around and is a member of the under 19 team and your father is a volleyball coach in america and would someday be someone iwaizumi hajime (19) would apprentice under
there was a lot of times you thought you would slip up like your home screen was of you and waka but youve been careful to cover it up
you cant always be sneaky
it was during the first day of the tournament and you were filling up their water bottles I SWEAR WHY IS MANAGER-CHAN ALWAYS FILLING UP WATER BOTTLES when you found a familiar bunch of boys at the end of the hallway just chatting
you havent seen tendou and the boys in so long so you placed the bottles down and rushed over there so quickly
you shouted and the oddly-haired boy turned and he gasped before grabbing you into a large hug
this grabbed tendou’s attention and he cheered then hugged you too
your giggles and happy cheers were so infectous and they just absolutely missed you so much 
these tall boys were at a advantage so someone scooped you up and you were just affectionately being talked to and hugged and LKDSJFSLDFJ SO LUCKY SO LOVED
the plant babies were wondering where the heck you went to 
‘y/n-chan?! where is she?!’
oikawa panicked quickly while iwaizumi hit him to shut up
‘be quiet! you won’t find her if you’re too busy freaking out!’
‘ill find her’
matsukawa volunteered and they nodded, feeling at ease of him being capable to find you if you were in trouble
but when he returned empty-handed and with large eyes, they knew something was up
they ran behind mattsun to stop and copy his shocked expression at the sight in front of them
is that
oh my god
oikawa shouted, being the first to speak
you jumped and your own eyes widened
‘oh. oh no’
you mumbled
the others were so stunned and seijoh itself was so hard to make speechless but they were just shocked
‘what is happening’
iwaizumi mumbled
yea the others were just shocked period
‘hey guys’
you waved and you motioned them closer
‘uhh,,, well,,, um they are my friends’
you smiled uneasily and they could see that
oikawa signalled you to say everything bc he knew it wasnt the whole story
you sighed
‘ushi,,, jima is my brother’
you mumbled the last part
but they heard you
you cringed and the shira boys were about to move to protect you but they saw you glare at them
‘what? what about it? hes my brother? and?’
you babbled
‘but,, why are you,, in seijoh? dont get me wrong! its just,, youd naturally go to shiratorizawa right?’
mattsun waved his hands around and asked the question thats bugging the team
‘i came to the country late’
turns out you havent exactly told them everything about you yet :/
even when youve cleared the air and introduced waka as your brother, seijoh still didnt say anything
they were stuck in this shocked and surprised moment even at the end of the day and when you went straight to the shiratorizawa team,
they watched with wide eyes as you laughed with goshiki and was jumping around with tendou
wow you were actually really beautiful when youre happy
‘i dont think ive seen her this happy with this much energy’
makki said and they nodded
it was true
you were usually calm and collected and was the perfect balance to this chaotic team
so seeing you so free and loose with them was so refreshing, even if it was with damn ushiwaka
you finally went back to the seijoh boys and they all sent glares to the violet team before sending you a smile
‘you ready to go, manager-chan?’
watari ruffled your hair before handing you your bag to start walking to the bus
‘yea. lets go home’
as you all walked, oikawa was already starting his tantrum
‘y/n-chan~! why aren’t you that happy around us? are we not enough for you?’
oikawa whined and pouted
but you just turned to smiled at him and stopped walking to pat his head
‘im not their manager, therefore im not pressured to act like anyone except as a friend and a spectator. but i try to be as professional as i can with you guys to make sure you dont appear bad to others. and you guys are perfectly chaotic enough, adding me into the mix will just about kill coach’
oikawa didnt seem satisfied though
‘but! thats not fair! they get to see you smile and i dont!’
iwaizumi growled at him to be quiet but you beat him to it
you smiled at tooru but your eyes shone maliciously
‘i knew you would act like this, oikawa-san. as punishment, i gave nii-chan your phone number. good luck avoiding him now’
oikawa screamed
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request modern au hcs for Armin?
tysm for requesting !!
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modern armin arlert dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!armin arlert x gn!reader
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- okay so
- i think in a college setting you and armin hit it off really well
- i think you guys wouldve just accidentally kept bumping into each other, whether it be around campus, at some coffee shop, in the library
- it gets so frequent you dont even know if its a coincidence at this point, yet you cant help but hope that you seem him whenever you go out
- after ALWAYS bumping into each other and apologizing before making small talk, armin makes the first move
- mf just says "are you following me ?" to which you reply "are YOU following me ?"
- that night ends in you two exchanging numbers 🤩
- you find out that hes a humanities major, and wants to be a psychologist some day
- you also find out he has a paid internship at a research facility near the university you attend
- hes super sweet but also super humble, so he tries not to keep the subject on himself for very long, just wanting to know more about you
- as you two get closer he gets more touchy (not in a weird way)
- he starts greeting you with hugs now, and likes to have a light grip on your wrist when hes leading you through crowded hallways of the school
- he introduced you to his bestfriends and roommates, mikasa and eren, and they were really accepting !! (they already could tell armin liked you even if he didnt know himself)
- you start developing feelings for him about two months after you exchanged numbers, and you honestly felt really weird
- because this beautiful boy whos so sweet and kind and intelligent is like,, wayyyy out of your league
- armin thinks the exact same thing
- he thinks youre so cool and fun to be around, you always have the best stories to tell and are so welcoming,, its HARD not to fall for someone like you !!
- finally he gets up the courage to ask if you can come to his apartment
- and there he confesses 😳💥‼️
- you sit there shocked for a couple seconds too long because now hes freaking out like "im so sorry i didnt wanna seem creepy i just wanted to tell you how i felt you can leave or i can walk you home- wait you probably wouldnt want that but-"
- you just kind of grab his shoulders and start shaking him. before you tell him you like him too.
- the apples of his cheeks turn pink before he smiles and gives you such a tight hug !!
- hes immediately planning a date with you for when youre both free
- takes you to the local aquarium 🤩 and kisses you in front of the moon jellies (u know those big tanks with the jellyfish that are like glow in the dark ?? and the whole hallway is pitch black except for the lights from the tank ?? yeah ❤️ he kissed you THERE and it was beautiful)
- has chapped lips 😐 sorry i dont make the rules
- has a habit of picking them when hes working or lost in thought
- doesnt mean you stop kissing him tho
- is the kind of guy that will genuinely get worried if you send an "sos" type message. gets out of his own class just to speedwalk (he isnt gonna break the rules and run in the halls 🙄) and come to your class just to see if youre okay
- looks at you like 😐 when you explain you just need him to get you an iced coffee from that shitty coffee place in the cafeteria
- does it anyway even though hes annoyed 😌✨
- will grumble about paying him back for the five dollars he just spent on you while you kiss him over and over again in thanks
- doesnt let you pay him back though smh 🙄
- loves to give back hugs
- will do it while youre working, or while youre doing the dishes
- if youre shorter than him he'll rest his head on your and just smell your hair
- if youre taller than him hes shoving his face inbetween your shoulder blades
- is such a lightweight drunk its not even funny
- none of his friends are tbh 🙄
- the first time you saw him drunk was when eren dragged you guys out to a party their friend was hosting (literally interrupted your cuddle time in armins bed to THROW OFF THE BLANKETS and say "you guys are coming with me 😁👍" and when you two said no he TURNED ON THE LIGHTS and ruined the vibe 😐 fucking asshole)
- anyways you two had to change back into your clothes at 9pm just to go to a shitty party that was gonna get busted by the cops anyways 😔💔
- you couldnt find him through the sea of people, and u got really worried until armin called you
- it was not armin on the other line 😁👍
- he said his name was reiner ?? and he said he was with armin bc he puked while playing beer pong
- the guy tells you where they are and you go to find them. theyre sitting on this couch in a backroom and theres only like,, five people in total there ??
- armin is SOBBING while reiner is trying to get him to drink water
- "reiner you dont get it,,, theyre so beautiful. i cant compete. i dont even think theyd wanna be with me. and you have to see them talk about their major. theyre so smart you dont understand." "okay buddy lets just finish this water okay ?"
- armin is leaning his shoulder on this GIANT of a man just going on about how much he loves you and how amazing he finds you. until you tap his shoulder. and then he realizes youve been listening this entire time. and then he starts crying because he doesnt want you to find him weird. and then you have to explain to him that you two are dating. where he doesnt believe you still.
- eren ends up giving you the keys to his car and saying "ill just call you when i need a ride back" and reiner CARRIES armin to the car 😭😭😭
- hes a real gentleman 😁👍
- that morning armin remembers EVERYTHING and is MORTIFIED
- calls reiner immediately like "did people see me puke ? oh god am i gonna be talked about ?"
- has very vivid dreams and remembers all of them ?? will literally tell you about a dream he had when he was five and WILL NOT forget a detail. its weird
- his family actually doesnt seem like they like you 😳 not because they dont theyre just very,, quiet people...... except for his grandfather
- doesnt even care who you are to armin, will pull you down on the couch with him to tell you about all his research and findings as an archeologist (before he retired)
- if youre ever feeling sad about anything, whether that be stress, family problems, or body image issues, armins taking you to his place 😁👍
- he'll cuddle you and whisper how much he loves you while you two are watching something on his laptop
- has acne scars on his shoulders. dont make fun of him for it pls
- loves getting back scratches though, the tingles make him feel really calm
- if you have like,, makeup brushes and stuff he likes it when you brush his face with them, no product or anything but the tingles he gets from it 🤤
- over time his parents warm up to you quiet a bit, and when his mom shows you baby photos and from him as a kid youre SHOCKED.
- he had this little bob cut from when he was ten to his teens 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- when you two are walking back home or wherever you cant help but go on about how cute he was and how healthy and pretty his hair looked (not that its not healthy or pretty now) and he just giggles before pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek while saying "okay baby, ill grow it out just for you then"
- also loves the petnames baby, angel, and love
- will gladly let you steal his sweaters. has a really nice knit one that his grandma made him before she died. that ones off limits.
- doesnt like to fight, but when he feels like hes in the right he wont hesitate to yell back when youre yelling at him
- just dont yell at him pls, it makes him sad
- it takes him a while (and by a while i mean like 30 minutes at most) before his texting you asking if you guys can talk about it
- its really easy for you two to make up, and immediately hes hugging you and just asking if you wanna do something with him
- also, cuts his own hair ?? and would cut yours if you asked. mikasa vouches for him "yeah he trims my hair all the time. why ?"
- every year on your anniversary hes taking you to the aquarium. and he always kisses you as softly as he did the very first time, in the dark hallway of the moon jellyfish tank ✨
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THATS ITTT !!! thanks again for requesting !! i hope you all enjoyed. remember asks are open !! u dont have to request headcanons either !!! go crazy friends !!
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thatonesadending · 3 years
Power of Words - Chapters 5
Molly is overwhelmed with how much has changed, including his body. Caleb helps him feel a bit more normal.
It could have been minutes, or hours, that Molly sobbed into Caleb’s neck. He didn't have a grip on time, let alone his current reality, so he let himself cry until his voice was hoarse, and his cheeks tight with dried tears. He wasn't sure when he had sunk to the floor, but Caleb had gone with him, holding him close, cradling Molly in his arms as he sobbed his way to exhaustion.
It wasn't that Molly was sad or unhappy really, but he was experiencing a sort of onslaught of grief of his own death. Of all the adventures he missed, the moments he didn’t get to share. Complicating it was that he knew that his friends, people he had grown to love over an impossibly short time, now had images of him hurting them that he didn’t have. Why else had they been scared of him, wary of his return?
And then there was the issue of him. This body. The coat had helped ground him, but it only lasted a short while. Every reflection in the glass that he caught, every flinch when he approached one of the Nien too fast, every time he looked at his own hands and saw the missing rings and golden caps on his fingers … It reminded him of the fact that he had been lost, and someone else had been piloting this body.
The mixture of all the upsetting feelings, with the beauty of all the ways he had been remembered - preserved - created chaos of spilling out feelings that he couldn't help but let out in embarrassing sobs. The only thing that was coxing him back was Caleb’s hand, drawing circles on his back, humming some lullaby he faintly recognized.
There had been a time before, when he had come out empty and hollow from the grave he had been left in, that the only way Yasha had been able to calm him was to sing him a song meant for the Gods. A prayer pressed to melody. Caleb was humming it now, while rubbing his back. When he was able to steady his breathing enough, Molly managed to ask him about the song.
“How do - did Yasha give you the song?” His voice was still quiet, more of a whisper, but the ever preceptive Caleb still heard him.
“Yes, she shared it with me on a particularly hard night, seeing as we both can speak celestial.”
Molly had never thought to ask what language the song had been in, so many languages and things had been forign to him at the time. It didn't surprise him that Caleb had memorized it. He wanted to thank Caleb again, but it wouldn’t have conveyed how actually grateful he was. He stayed there for a few more moments, his cheek pressed to the man's chest, horn resting on his shoulder, and his tail wrapped tightly against his waist. It was only until he felt the ache of tiredness in his own bones, and remembered who he was holding on to, that he let go.
“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“It is alright Mollymauk, I only care that you are okay.”
Caleb didn't let Molly get very far in his self-conscious retreat, clasping him at the elbows and looking him firmly in the eyes. Molly wasn’t okay, but he also wasn’t not. He was caught in between glee at being alive again, and horror that someone else had been living for him in the meantime. And then there was that unspoken dread, the one that he was constantly trying not to think of, because what if Lucien ….
“It is alright to need time. I will do everything in my power to give you all the time you need to be okay.” Caleb’s words were like an incoming tide, slowly washing away at the edges of Molly’s worries.
“I am n- it’s just that…” He struggled find the words to try to express how he was feeling everything too much right now, and he really wanted to feel just like himself. Caleb stayed silent and just waited until Molly could compose himself to try again. “It’s a lot. The whole dying, being possessed by your former self - well a sad sack of a soul that was not me- and then living again to-” Molly gestered the gorgeous window and room that surrounded them. “-and still feel, I don't know, like I am not really here. Like I haven't earned the right to it.” Molly hadn’t really understood the weight of his emotions until he spoke aloud, and then he felt his eyes threatened to spill again. But of course, Caleb came to his rescue once more.
“Ah, I think I understand. I believe I can help, if that is alright?”
How Caleb could do anything more for him was beyond imaginable. He had already brought Molly back from his unconscious prison and a chance of life, given him a not only decadent room but one that represented his life, and most of all - Caleb had offered Molly an incredibly close embrace when he needed to cry out the most. Still, he chose to follow the human when they disentangled, and he had been led to the gorgeous red vanity he had admired before.
Caleb pulled out the overstuffed stool, and motioned for him to sit. He did so, admittedly a tad cautiously, since he didn't know what Caleb wanted from him. Nervous hands pulled out the top long drawer, but Molly couldnt take his eyes away from Caleb’s face, trying to see why the man was suddenly shy. He was used to Caleb being reserved, self-deprecating, humble to a fault, that was until he came back, and he found himself with a wizard that was more self assured and hopeful.
“My memory is not perfect, close, but - um - some things can be misremember, so if you would like any changes or if I got anything wrong …”
He looked down at the drawer as Caleb spoke. It was lined in a lavender velvet that almost perfectly matched his skin. Inside was every single piece of jewelry that he was currently missing, the outlandish bits of glitter and gold that Molly had used to set himself apart. From his earrings, the chains that had been in his horns, to the cuffs he had worn around his tail.
“I am not sure which set you would like. I tried to capture each I could remember.” Caleb was being far too modest. There laid perfect versions of every variation of his jewelry from when they had met in Trostenwald to when they left Hupperdook.
“The last ones.” His voice was still rough from crying, but Caleb ignored it and started to lift the various pieces from its place. Molly had wanted to say ‘Oh the ones that I was wearing when I died.’, but he didn't. He didn't want to taint why these were his favorite. How he had eavesdropped on Jester trying to convince Yasha to tell her which one he would like more, the horn cuff with matching  jade studs, or the crescent at the end of a teardrop earring that had a chain that would connect at the top of his ear. While Yasha had tried to convince her money would be better spent elsewhere, Molly could remember Nott sneaking up and simply pocketing both sets. She later presented them to Molly in front of the other women. “That shop was horrible, nothing worth taking, but they wouldn’t leave … so here.” He knew she hadnt meant it, that she was actually offering friendship, not earrings. He took and cherished them all the same.
Caleb was gentle, fastening the earrings with care, being impossibly soft with his horns while he placed the jewelry. Molly didn't say a word, Caleb knew where every bit went. He hadn’t meant to screw his eyes shut, but it was the only way to prevent more tears, those of anxiety, from falling. It wasn't until he felt a thumb slowly pressing gentle circles at the base of his horns, that he was able to blink his eyes open again. Caleb was kneeling in front of where he sat, hands still massaging this temple.
“Would you like to look?” he asked. Molly nodded, though only after a moment. Caleb pulled out a hand mirror, as though he knew that he couldn't turn to look at himself in the large one hanging above the vanity quiet yet. He took the matching ornate mirror and looked at just his horns, then to his ears, and then to his face. His horns and ears were familiar, grounding him in the memories that he felt were just yesterday. They gave him considerable relief compared to the reflections he had caught earlier, that looked nothing like him, but that of Lucien.
It was when he got to his actual face, did he feel the weight of sorrow again. It was still him, of course, but his hair was long and the curls greasy were uncared for. His lips were wind chapped and cracking. The hallows of his cheeks were more pronounced. It was only then that Molly realized how much weight he had lost, his already slender frame now reduced to just what was necessary. It was obvious that Lucien had not cared for his body, not with good food or consideration for its frame.
Molly tried not to let the disappointment show, because the jewelry really had help, and he appreciated Caleb’s sweetness, but there was still a part of him that was missing, hollow. Try as he might, Caleb apparently had the gods on his side.
“Not enough, ja? That is alright, give me just another moment.”
Molly didn't know how this man knew what was going on in his head, especially when he had only spoken a half a dozen or so sentences since entering this magical room. All the same, Caleb rose from his knees and crossed the room where a thick silk rope hung, and pulled on it twice. He couldn't hear what the other man said, but it was brief, and then Caleb was back his side, opening drawers again.
“I will admit, I do not know your preferences, but these are the cosmetics that Jester prefered, I only altered them to what I thought you might have enjoyed.” Molly chose to ignore the past tense, especially when Caleb pulled out several different vials of hydrating oils, scented balms for blisters, and …. A beautiful array of gold tinted make-up.
“God’s, Caleb! How much did you spend on this?!” Molly couldn’t help admonish while admiring a glistening jar of lavender body oil.
“Nothing but my imagination.” Caleb supplied, as though it was the most natural answer in the world. Catching Molly’s confusion, he continued. “This is actually a demiplane, it only lasts for 24 hours, and you can not take out what you did not bring in other than what you consume.” Caleb looked apologetic, as though that wasn’t work that only Gods should be able to do. “So while you may wear anything you want while you are here, unfortunately if it is made of magic, it won't survive outside of the tower’s walls.” Molly didn’t care, it was grateful just the same for what Caleb was giving him. The wizard handed him a balm for his lips, and opened another drawer and pulled out a delicate-looking comb.
“There is a bath on the other side of the dresser, if you have the energy for that. I am sure Jester would be willing to cut your hair, if you would like. But how about I comb it out first, and you can decide if you want that later?” Caleb’s offer warmed him, so he nodded and let the man comb through the knots of his hair, while Molly took advantage of the balms and lotion. They worked in comfortable silence for several moments. Caleb was careful and calm, relaxing Molly enough that he felt is eyes fall closed again, but this time to just sit and feel the small touches of fingers on his scalp and running through his hair. It wasn’t until he felt a small tap, that he looked and saw a cat he’d never met, somehow holding a bowl of fruits and bread and a large glass of water.
“Ah yes. Thank you.” Caleb took the bowl and set it on the table next to Molly. “If you are hungry. But please, drink this.” The glass of water was pressed into his hands, and Molly readily gulped most of it down. “If you need anything, do not be afraid to ask. The cats will bring you what you need.” How that was possible, was beyond him. But he had also been bitten by a wessel that was also apparently a god, so anything could be possible then.
Molly took a few of the grapes, and let himself relax again as Caleb finished with his hair.
“I am done. Does that feel better?” Caleb asked, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to look again. He did anyways, in the larger mirror on the wall, and was pleasantly surprised. His skin was still a bit pale, but no longer ashy with lack of moisture. He did even mind the longer hair, now that Caleb had worked out the tangles, the longer curls falling past his shoulders. He wondered if Yasha would braid it around his horns. His lips even looked more like his, smoothed and shining from the balm. He pressed his fingers to them and hummed a please affirmative to Caleb.
“Good, would you like me to call fetch Yasha for you?”
Yes. He missed her terribly, it felt like it was just yesterday that he had been terrified about how she was because she had been taken from him by slavers. But he still wasn’t quite ready to confront that.
“In a bit, stay with me?” Molly couldn’t read Caleb’s expression, it was a mixture of surprise and warmth. He didn’t say anything, but followed him to sit on the edge of the ridiculous bed. Caleb seemed to be looking to Molly for clues of what to do, so Molly sat close and rested his cheek on the wizard's shoulder. When he didn't flinch, or stiffen like Molly would have expected, he took it as a sign that this was ok. His tail wrapped lazily around Caleb’s ankle, and he drew little patterns on Molly’s knee. They stayed like that for only gods know how long, in comfortable silence, letting the tiefling clear out his mind from all the clutter and noise the day brought. He was beginning to feel like he could maybe, possibly, start process the day’s emotions.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
I'm happy to see that the sr oneshots continue! I don't know if I'm just overly suspicious of giorno but it seems like he already knew how to dance and only asked reader to help to get some extra time with her. I hope to see more sr posts in the future, I have to say those are my favorite posts of yours!
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i have so many ideas for SR stories and i’m happy to get my motivation to write for them back!! every time i write for it i feel cheered up. i think for a yan giorno that’d definitely be the case htrjkmegrl man is always looking for a way to get closer... but for this giorno, he definitely give it a brief thought, but always prioritizes work above all. 
giorno’s roughly aware of sr reader’s past once he overtakes passione, but didn’t want to pry more than necessary. unlike mista who feels content just blurting out whatever comes to mind. he would’ve found it too embarrassing to potentially ask sr reader for help, but since the offer was extended to him, he gracefully accepted. what a polite boy :’)) 
anon 2 asked: Your sr posts give me life! Also I think I did send a trish post that didn't make it. I was just thinking about how after trish gets her stand, her and reader would make a really good team since trish can make readers ribbons more durable and elastic. They can create bungee rope, trampolines and impromptu slingshots during tough fights.
YES i love that!!! i think that in terms of fantasy classes, if i were to assign scarlet ribbons one, she’d be a support. her synergy with her environment and other stands is her main strongpoint!! bucciarati pointing this out would be so cute... he gave sr reader some guidance at the beginning when she first obtained her stand and that would’ve been something he’d mention. 
which makes sense, since stands are the representation of a user’s soul in a way. sr reader supports and keeps her feral team together <33 
AHHH i love anything that slaps characters into working/living together. makes my heart go soft. 
anon 3 asked: Lol, how betrayed would Narancia feel when he figures out that SR reader could do hip hop? I can imagine the look on his face 😂.
he’d be confused at first! probably saying something like,
“Wait, so you can do it after all?” while tilting his head all confused. 
luckily he’s not one to dwell on things too much, so he’ll be overtaken by his excitement to see sr reader dance in this style he loves so much! and, of course, ask to learn a thing or two. which would help because he needs a few pointers. maybe more than a few, actually. 
anon 3 said: yoooo this is so random but i remembered reading a car sex fic with giorno, and i fuckin loved it so much but couldnt find it for some reason after i finished reading it!!!! it was in my endless pool of likes, so that wasnt any help...but when i popped on to your account again i look to your ao3 and low and behold i find Car Sex with Giorno. hell yeah baby its one of my favorite fics ever. (im kind of a horny bastard ngl...oh well)
i love your work so much. keep it up. ❤️
AHH it’s so sad whenever i can’t find a fanfic that i remember reading hrtjkgem so i’m glad you were able to find it! luckily most of my scenarios are in my ao3 instead or masterlist, so hopefully it won’t be too much of an issue. i’m glad to hear you liked that piece, i certainly enjoyed writing it, don giorno is just <333 i have heart eyes for him... 
anon 4 said: Can you imagine Scarlet Ribbons kissing reader under the mistletoe too🥺👉👈🎀
YOU KNOW SHE WOULD BE GETTING A SMOOCH !! scarlet ribbons is a big softie and has lots of love in her (metaphorical) heart. everyone is getting a kiss. sr probably even wants to wrap presents but doesn’t realize that wouldn’t be the most practical usage of her abilities... 
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Birthday Date Night
Summary: It’s Y/N’s birthday, but Tom faces a slight problem. How does a boyfriend top off an accidental proposal while his girlfriend is working on her birthday...again!
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden?
A/N: Sad to say that Quarantine Series may end real soon with 3 more parts to go 🥺. Also this was inspired by my birthday which just happened fairly recently! Thanks for all the support!!
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“Tom, mate. You’re pacing back and forth is making me dizzy.” Harry warned Tom, as he lied down on his bed, laptop in hand.
“Sorry, but I don’t know what to do! Y/N’s birthday is in a few days and I have absolutely no plan.” Tom reasoned as he plops on the couch across from Harry. “I mean I already blew the proposal which was supposed to be her birthday gift, but thats gone to shit.” He mumbled, biting his thumbnail.
“Just be happy she said yes.” Harry chuckled as he recalled the day. “I mean has she given any hints? You know Y/N, if there’s something she really wants, she’ll tell the whole world.”
“I know, but she hasn’t said a word and everytime I do ask her, she says ‘I dont know.’”, Tom groans as he rubs his temples. “I just want to do something really nice for her.”
Harry rolls his eyes as he continues shopping for his gift for Y/N. He and Y/N always loved to share memes and compete in board games, so it was only fair he’d get her an exclusive edition of Exploding Kittens. The one with a hard cover box, that plays mariachi music when you open it up. To be fair, he also really wanted it too, so imagine all the rounds they could play in a single day. “You always say this every year, but ever year you always deliver. I don’t know what you’re so worried about.”
Tom sits still to ponder on his brother thoughts. “Yeah..Yeah I guess. Maybe I could take her out for a picnic lunch date. I know she’ll love to get out of the house. I’ll ask her to take off on Friday and it’ll be perfect!” He plans excitedly. He stands up, proud of his well thought out plan, already thinking of the perfect place to settle, the blankets to bring, and the smooth moves he’ll plan to swoon her away. It was completely foolproof.
Just two days before, Y/N displays a noticeable frown on her face. Sludging through the house, only made Tom drop his smile twice as fast when he noticed. “Hey, darling is everything all right?” He asked with worry written all over his face. Deep down, Tom prayed, hoping it was just something she liked was sold out or that she found out the ending of Hamiliton or something..anything but...
“My boss needs me to work Friday. Apparently they think it’s a great idea to put me as the President in charge of IT while he’s out.” Y/N says in a disappointing tone. “Im sorry, I know you wanted me to take off and I definitely wanted to for my birthday, but I guess it’s not happening.” Y/N’s heart feels heavy as she sees Tom’s equally disappointed face. “I did ask for Monday off, so whatever it is you planned we can do it then!” She mentioned, trying to cheer him up.
Tom let out a sadden sigh. He knew it wasn’t her fault, but of all days? Right when he was about to leave for Berlin in less than 4 days? Right when he and Y/N could spend another birthday together? At this point Tom felt like a hopeless man, as he stood in front of his girlfriend, who showed remorse and sorrow. Her long hair draped over her shoulders, and lips forming into that adorable pout that he could not resist. It almost made him smile, but only a little. “I know, but its not the same! You’re turning 24 and you have to work? Can’t you make some excuse?” He asks coming closer to her, smiling mischieviously.
Y/N’s brows knit together as she cautiously observes Tom’s behavior. She knew that look, that smile, that little bite lip he was pulling. “Oh no. No. No. No.” she says repeatedly, resisting the charm. “Im not gonna make some excuse.”
Tom comes even closer, his face bending down a little to meet her eye level, smiling as he runs the very tips of fingers on her sides. “C’mon darling, break the rules a little. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” He whispers kissing down her neck. “Please?”
Y/N looks up and away from those deep brown eyes, still resisting. “Tom, you know I can’t, no matter how bad I want to say yes.”
Tom draws a line up to her jawline with the tip of his nose. His breath warm against her soft skin. He hums and smiles, “Is your boss a fan of spiderman? What about his kids? I for sure remember you telling me Zach was a huge fan.”
Y/N laughs as she rolls her eyes, but she found it so endearing. The fact that he even remembered your boss’ kids’ name even though he’s probably caught a glimpse of them once or twice during her zoom meetings. “No. You are most definitely not using your celeb status to get me off from work.”
Tom shrugs his shoulders, as if it weren’t a big deal. He wasn’t one for flaunting his fame, but if it meant he could spend another day with Y/N, he would gladly use it. “Please...” he pleads one more time. “Just wanna spend time with my girl on her special day.”
Y/N thinks about it. She really did want to take off, and Tom’s efforts were quite convincing to say the least. It was only a matter of time before Tom would have to leave for Berlin, and Y/N wanted nothing more than to spend every minute with him. But Y/N also knew that if she didn’t do as she was asked by her company, the higher ups would probably have a bad impression of her or worse...fire her on the spot. Yet she knew her boss was also an understandable and chill guy. It wasn’t like she couldnt take off, just not when he’d be out at the same time, especially when she was asked to be in charge of the entire department.
Then, it hit her. She quickly excused herself out of the room to talk to her boss, and quickly came back to Tom with a smile on her face. Tom loved the way she smiled, and how her one little dimple formed on the right side of her mouth. He knew she was really happy, and he had just an idea of what it was. “You got the day off.” He answered excitedly.
“No.” Y/N responded, “But I did ask for half a day, so I’ll be free after 12.” Y/N continues as she comes closer to Tom, wrapping her hangs around his neck. “Hows that for a compromise? And I’ll do anything you wanna do for the rest of the day.”
“Good because you’re gonna love what I have in store for you.” Tom says, almost ready to brag about his well thought out romantic plan. He was ready to treat her like the queen she was on her birthday. How could anything go wrong?
On that faithful Friday, Tom woke up Y/N to many many birthday kisses. Reciting how beautiful she was, and how he couldn’t wait to celebrate with her. Reluctantly he had to let go, as she padded her way to the bathroom to get ready and head into her makeshift office for the next 5 hours.
Tom was all smiles, excited to take Y/N out. While everything felt like it was going according to plan, his mates had other news. “Ninety percent of thunderstorms?!” Tom exclaimed to his best mates in the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be a major storm out there. Probably the worse that London’s had in a while.” Tuwaine informs as he reads the news on his phone.
Tom became a stuttering mess not sure how to justify or ask how that could be possible when it was beautiful this entire week. “But...But...It’s so nice out now!” He says discouraged. “No, this ruins my entire plan.”
“Hey mate, dont be like that. You can still find a way to celebrate it. Maybe you can do something romantic inside?” Harrison offers. Thats when it clicked. Harrison smiles, knowning the answer to Tom’s problem. “Yeah..make a date night here. We can set up the living room to be all fancy like.”
“Yeah! Tuwaine Harrison and I can be your waiters and make your dinner. Then just leave you two alone to do whatever you want you want.” Harry suggests.
“Just please...don’t mess up the couch.” Tuwaine groans, thinking about the potential possibity. “Im getting grossed out just thinking about it.”
Tom looks at his mates, giving thought into the new back up plan. He smiles at the group saying , “Lads, I think we got a new plan.”
Its exactly three in the afternoon when Y/N logs off from her laptop. She looks up at the window to notice how dark and dreary it was outside. Thunder was booming, and rain droplets came down hard, splashing off the window. It was her favorite kind of stay-in weather, but she hoped it didnt interfere with Tom’s plans if they had anything to do with being outside. As she opened the door, Harry and Tuwaine greeted Y/N with their own gifts and hugs. They made sure, she got dressed up, and led her downstairs. “M’Lady, your fiance will be right out.” Harry says in the most posh accent he could muck up.
Y/N rolls her eyes, and the moment she sees Tom walk into the living room, her heart skipped a beat. He dressed up with a bouquet of flowers and balloons in his hand. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” He says. “You look so beautiful.”
Y/N takes the gifts from his hands, placing them on the table. She runs to Tom, kissing him passionately, savoring the sparks that came and left with every push and pull of their soft lips. “You had plans to go outside for my birthday didn’t you?” She teases.
Tom laughs, as he throws his head back. “Yeah...I was planning a picnic and everything, but thats why I made sure Plan B would just be as romantic.” He takes her hand as they sit down at the candlelit table, eating, drinking , and talking away about anything and everything. When it was sometime Harrison, Harry, and Tuwaine brought out a cake that Y/N had only been fantasizing and drooling about since May.
“No way! How did you guys order it?! I thought they didn’t do international shipping for Milk Bar!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Actually..they didn’t. But the recipe was online and we made it ourselves, with Sam’s help of course.” Harry answered, as he placed the candles in the center.
Her jaw dropped for a good ten minutes as she looked at the rainbow sprinkled cake, and the fluffy white frosting that sit perfectly in-between the layers. The crumbs on top were surprisingly uniformed and formed a perfect circle border, she was very impressed with them. Harrison lit the candles as all the boys sang along...off key of course with hints of laughter coming off every other note. Tom moved to her side, placing his arm around the back of her chair and leaned in to place a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Make a wish darling.”
Y/N looked up to see her favorite people in the entire world, smiling. “I dont need to. Everything I could possibly want is right here.” Y/N quickly blew the candles out and everyone left with their fair share of the cake. It was just Tom and Y/N left. They quickly changed out of their fancy clothes and back into their sleep wear, ending the night with watching Stardust and cuddles in the dark. Y/N tries to look behind her to see Tom’s face, who in turn looked down at her. She smiled at him whispering, “I love you.”
Tom quickly leaned in to capture her lips before answering, “I love you too. Happy Birthday Y/N.”
@hollanddolanfangirl @parkerspillow @joyleenl @kihyunwifes @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @marvelobsessedteenager @viwihere
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radioactive-synth · 4 years
random oc fact: about Olivia 'Libby' Zander:
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under read more ‘cause its long
- born in 16 march 2019. parents originally from Cyprus, they moved in America before Olivia was born. has a younger sister named Helen. their mother died of an incurable disease when Olivia was 4 yrs old, Helen was 2 yrs old. Theodore, their dad, needed to raise them on his own and work to provide for them
- usually a more lonely wolf, she focused on her studies than to get out in world. during college, she went to a party held on Harvester Day (i guess) and met Ryan Hudson (7-8 yrs older than her) who back then, was a officer in the army and was charming and very kind. they had fun at the party and kept contact. she also met Michael Hudson, Ryan's brother.
- her dad, who was a very kind, but unphased man, was not so glad that her daughter started to date a soldier, or how he called him, military dog. he had a bad feeling towards Ryan, and even asked Olivia if she is sure or even should consider the other Hudson brother (he liked Michael more than Ryan). in the end, he gave up and let them marry, with the condition that Olivia keeps her last name, and any offspring they will have, all will have the last name Zander. Theodore considered that the Hudson name is too american.
- she got married when she was 24 years old, right after she graduated college
- almost 2 yrs before she had her son, Olivia has stepped in to help raise her nephew, Vincent Hudson, as his mother didnt cared at all, and Michael was away on his duty (was an army medic). taking care of Vincent made her wish to have her own child.
- she gave birth to her son, Vaughn Aleksandros Zander, when she was 26 yrs old, on 13 february 2045.
- in the first few years she has raised both boys on her own. her husband and her brother in law were away in their duty, while Vin's mother prefered to hang out with her friends than to take care of her son. when Vaughn was around 5 years old, Olivia took a job as pharmacist on night shift. she also taught both boys how to cook.
- when Vin was around 10 yrs old, his mother left the Hudson family for her boss and took Michael's car and money. he needed to go one more time in the army, then retired to take a postman job, so he can take care of his son. Olivia had expected this thing from her ex sister in law, and felt sorry for Michael. even that her husband disapproved, Olivia had helped Michael with money until he got up on his feet.
- Olivia and Michael are very close, and she stays more with him than with her own (mostly absent) husband. at some point, Michael started to have feelings for her, but never acted on her, as he waited for her first.
- continued her job as pharmacist, even taking extra shifts so she can afford books and everything Vaughn needed for his studies.
- when her nephew was drafted in the army, she was terrified for him, then faked her son's medical documents, making him unfit for drafting. she knew it was illegal and risked prison for doing this, but she couldnt let her son be drafted too.
- she had not knew anything on how her husband treated their son. she noticed that Ryan became cold and distant, but had no idea how he emotionally and physically abused Vaughn. her son didnt said anything about it as he knew that without Ryan's money they couldnt get by, but after 2 yrs when he got a job too, Vaughn said everything. in 2071, just before Ryan left again in his duty, Olivia divorced of him, and even wanted to move out of the flat with her son. a few weeks pass, and they get the news that Ryan was killed in an ambush. Olivia and Vaughn were happy to hear about and that they can keep the flat, but felt bad for Michael. a week pass, and get the news that Vin was also killed on the battlefield, which ruins them. they tried to take care of Michael, but he died of heartattack 2 weeks later. to make things way worst, Vaughn lost his job at the clinic as the army took it under their control.
- Eleanora Foster, who was dating Vaughn since his college years, had helped him with his depression, taking him out more the house. Olivia was heartbroken but continued to work. both her and her son barely could get by with money. Nora's parents worked in administration, and her father managed to get Vaughn a job as family doctor in the Medical Bay Center. in 2074, Vaughn married Nora. her family also bought them the house in Sanctuary and Codsworth.
- she wanted to get her dad and sister to her son's wedding, but they could not afford the tickets, and also her dad was sick. Olivia could not afford either to go visit them, and was heartbroken. she wished her dad and sister would finally meet Vaughn (as they moved out in Cyprus when Olivia married, so they never met Vaughn), but her son told her that as long as he has her, its all that matters.
- in the year 2077, Nora had bought tickets for Vaughn and Olivia so they can visit their family in Cyprus for christmas and new years. the tickets were never used.
- had survived during the bombs, and after being locked in her flat for 3 weeks, she finally made courage to get out. she took a gas mask, a chest combat armor and a laser pistol (the only things from Ryan that she didnt sold) and got out. she was terrified how people were killing each other or barely living. she got in Sanctuary, but found Codsworth that was malfunctioning. she tried to get to the vault, but was stopped. hoping her son and his family are safe, she went back into the house and took any remaining food and supplies. she then went back to her flat and took some things with her: a backpack, clothes, food, medical supplies and photos with her family. she knew she must find a way to survive.
- she found a group of survivors that didnt shot her on sight. with time, they all transformed in ghouls. despite the radiation that changed her body, her eyes remained the same. she lost her hair, but found a wig that she dyed in her natural hair color, and tied in the same manner her son has: ronin bun.
- they became scavengers and traders. Olivia was also a medic and helped people if needed. not many people were used to ghouls yet, so they were marginalised a lot, or in worst cases, being shot at. there were also times when Olivia had ate nothing but drank alcohol to survive.
- she only presents herself as Libby, as it was the nickname that Michael and Vin called her
- she was never interested in any other romantic relationships. years ago, she realised too late that she really felt so close to Michael. she also thinks that she is asexual, as she never felt any interest in sex.
- after a few decades, Olivia split from her group as they were not aggreing that she was giving out free supplies. she was on her own for a few weeks, until she found Nix, a grieving mongrel mother who lost her cubs and was injured. she seen the scattered dead puppies and the crying mongrel and took care of her. Olivia knew what Nix feels, and the dog decided to stay with her. since then, Nix was her only friend.
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- they travelled across America, doing trades, helping out, Olivia also teaching medical stuff to other people, helping children. she also helped new mothers delivering babies, installing new trading routes, and settling down arguments between groups of people.
- she became an excelent sniper, and she and Nix worked efficient in team
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- she always had her family in her thoughts, and especially her son and nephew, and talked about them proudly. at some point, she thought that even Vin was her son, but remembered she gave birth once, and was 3 yrs difference between the boys.
- she also met my other ocs: my Vault Dweller, Nonè Smith, Chosen One Clovers Smith, Tamir (when she was 10 yrs old) and Gabriella Abbey, my Lone Wanderer.
- she also met mayor MacCready, after he nearly shot Nix. Olivia was more impressed by the kid than upset, and decided that she can help them out. she gave them supplies, helped them out, and all she wanted was to trade stories. despite MacCready's constant insults, they were good friends. he never forgot her kindness.
- around 2288, she hears stories about General Zander and how he saved the Commonwealth. she got interested to see who has her last name. she had no hope that it was her son, but one of the descendants.
- first arrived in Goodneighor and met Daisy, and got info on where to find General Zander
- reunited with her son in Sanctuary, and also met Oliver, her grandson, before being introduced to the Sanctuary family. also reunited with MacCready, and was so happy to see him ending up well and with his son Duncan
- she finally retires and becomes the mama and grandma she missed so much. in present, she moved into Vaughn's old house, which she decorated it. she takes care of the kids, spends time with her son and her new family. she loves Nick and Hancock and sees how good are for his son. she also organize their wedding.
- usually a very cheerful person, she has a certain sad look in her eyes at times. yet if she is asked if she is ok, she will smile and say that she is ok.
- shocks her son by drinking alcohol and smoking and even swearing, as she never done these things pre war. but overall, Vaughn still sees her as the mom he knew.
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15x20: Soft Epilogue
Here I go writing fix it fic again. It’s almost 2am and I couldnt sleep until I posted it. I hope its enjoyable. Definitely fluff and a little angst thrown in as well. The soft epilogue with happy endings that Sam and Dean deserved. I didnt get a good place to mention this in the fic, but I believe Sam and Eileen would have rebuilt the American Men of Letters together. :)  _________________
Sunlight glinted against the black impala as she flew down the back country road. It was midday and the air was warm. Turns out when you are fighting for your life, you forget to pay attention to the seasons change. Sam was grateful they could pay attention to that now. 
He checked his phone again. No response yet. Where is she? 
“Hey um... Eileen hasn't called me yet and she's not answering. Do you think she didn't come back?” Sam asked, glancing over at Dean who was tapping his hand on the wheel. 
“Jack wouldn't do that, he would bring her back with everyone else. It's okay Sammy. She'll be there.” Dean assured him, he gave Sam a smirk and looked back at the road. “She probably just doesn't have a phone remember?” 
“Yeah, you're right.” Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair. She has to be there. Dean noticed Sam fidgeting and stepped on the gas.
In the backseat, Miracle barked in approval. 
Before Dean even had the car in park, Sam opened the passenger door and ran up to Eileen's door. Dean chuckled as he watched Sam bound up and the front door opened quickly. Eileen ran out to meet him and the two crashed into each other. Smiles, kisses, laughter. Good Dean thought Sammys happy. For the first time, Dean isn't worried about his little brother anymore. They changed the world, for good, and now Sam has a real chance for a real relationship. Eileen is good for him. 
Eventually Dean got out of the car, Eileen gave him a hug and signed while saying “Thank you.”
Dean looked at Sam, who hadn’t stopped grinning ear to ear, and smirked “Yeah well, now he's your problem.” “Yeah okay” Sam laughed. “I’ll call you later”. Eileen wrapped her arm around Sam’s waist and Dean was confident he wouldn’t be hearing from his brother for a while. 
“Yeah yeah” Dean smiled, “You kids have fun.” 
“I'm 37, Dean.” 
Dean gave them a shit eating grin and slid into the impala “I'm gonna go check on Jody and the girls. Apparently Claire is really pissed she got zapped and missed everything. She keeps texting me.” 
Dean put the car in reverse and he noticed Eileen jump into Sam's arms and kiss him as the car pulled away. Deans phone was laying on the passenger seat and it vibrated with another text from Claire: 
How is Cas? Is he with you? 
The lights flickered on in the bunker as Dean walked in with Miracle at his heels and he shut the heavy door behind them. The emptiness of it felt especially loud as he had spent the last few days sleeping on Jody’s couch in a house full of teenagers. 
He sighed as he remembered telling them about Cas. He couldn't meet Jody’s eye the entire time. He kept it simple, just told them what he had told Sam and Jack: 
Cas summoned the empty. 
Cas saved him. 
Cas was gone.  
Claire especially didn't take it well and the first night she fell asleep leaning on Dean's shoulder in front of the TV. Kaia came downstairs and Dean woke Claire up long enough for her to let Kaia lead her up to their room. 
Poor kid he thought as he picked up the decanter and filled his glass. He had gotten a text from Sam: 
Going on a trip with Eileen actually. We thought some time away might help us find normal again, if that's even possible. Call you later? 
Dean sent a short response telling Sam that was fine and tossed his phone on the library table.
What to do now? 
The whole world was open, skys the limit. For the first time he had no one to protect, no world to save, no monsters to hunt...just his own thoughts in an empty bunker. Well, except for his dog curled up next to his feet. It was terrifying and Dean found himself pounding down whiskey a lot faster than he intended. 
A few glasses in and he started praying. 
“Cas…” he whispered to the silence “Cas..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Dean felt his eyes fill with tears. “Cas...why didn't you tell me before...”
Dean's head shot up. He must have really drank way too much because there was absolutely no way this was real. But there Jack was, standing in front of him with the same white jacket, same innocent smile on his face. 
“Hello” he said, raising his hand. “I'm here for your advice.” 
He said it so sincerely, Dean couldn't help but let out a sad, drunk laugh. His body relaxed a little and he looked up at him. “Man you can't just pop in- I mean you can it's just….Jack, I'm not in the place to be givin’ you advice anymore alright? Besides, I thought you were going to be all hands off?” 
“I am, mostly. I think. I don't really know, I'm still figuring it out. Amara is helping me.” Jack waited patiently while Dean’s intoxicated mind took in this information. 
“Alright” Dean stood up and leaned against the table, his arms crossed. Strangely, talking to Jack as whatever he was, was easier than he thought. He missed this. “What’s going on kid?”  
Jack nodded at Dean’s approval to ask. “I want to take Cas out of the empty but Amara said I should ask you.” 
Dean froze. His mouth went dry. Cas. “So you- you can get him out?”
“Yes, it seems quite possible. Chuck showed me how in his memories. He was able to pull Lucifer out and Amara told me it should work for Cas as well.” 
Dean's head was spinning. “I..um well, why are you asking me then?” 
“You are very important to him Dean.” Jack said with such firm resolve, “If you think this is a bad idea, I will respect that. Amara said it should be up to you.” 
Dean's heart leaped at the thought of seeing Cas again. Panic mixed with pure elation. He was terrified but of course the answer was obvious. “Yeah..” Dean whispered. “Yeah” he repeated louder, clearing his throat “Yeah, Bring him back.” Dean swallowed and looked at the floor. His mind desperately trying to understand that this was happening, this was real. Cas.
Jack smiled “That's what I told her you would say. Thank you Dean. Give me a moment.” and disappeared. The silence was deafening and then Dean heard his phone vibrate. He spun around and almost fell over a chair getting to where it laid abandoned on the table. “...Cas?” 
“No, Dean it's Sam. Are you okay?” “Sammy I um....” Dean couldn't find the words “Jack, he was here.” 
“What? Dean what's going on?” 
“He-...” And then Miracle started barking and Dean let his phone drop to the floor.
“Hello Dean”
He was standing a few feet away, this couldnt be real.  “...Cas I..” Dean started but he lost the ability to speak. He was really there. Rumpled trench coat, crooked tie, tousled hair and bright blue eyes. Dean tried to speak again. Why couldn't he say anything else? Too drunk, too stunned and too afraid to move. Damn it. “Cas...you’re here.”
“Yes” Cas smiled “I'm here.” Dean sensed a nervous caution in his voice. “It's good to see you Dean.” “Cas, what the hell were you thinking?” Dean’s voice was low and Cas furrowed his brow.
“I was protecting you.” 
Dean shook his head like he didn't want to hear it. Like he wouldn't accept that as a reason.
“Dean, BIllie would have killed us. You know that. The world needed you alive Dean. I needed you alive.” Cas paused and met Deans’ gaze again. “It was more important to make sure you were safe.” 
Dean pursed his lips and closed his eyes in frustration. “Im sorry, more important?” Dean looked at Cas again,  “No. You don't get to dip out. You should have told me about that deal! I could have helped you! I could have-... Damn it Cas!” Dean slammed the chair next to him and heard it clatter on the floor. 
“Dean I did what I needed to do. And I don’t regret any of it.” Cas let his voice raise a little in responsive anger but he chose his next words carefully, “I don't regret what I said and I don't regret saving your life.” Despite Dean's outward display of anger, Cas knew Dean was reacting out of love. This anger was misplaced guilt. “You owe me nothing Dean. None of this was your fault.” 
Dean was just drunk enough that he faltered, his voice breaking as he said “Cas, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Cas..I didn't stop you...I couldn't tell you...” 
Cas moved toward him then, reaching a hand to wipe away the tears Dean didn't realize were falling down his face. Dean could feel his heart aching against his ribs. How did he tell him that images of that moment came back to him every night, swallowed up in black? Cas crying, Dean reaching, Cas disappearing. Over and over they haunted him.
Cas lifted his hand away but felt Deans rough fingers stop him, holding his hand in place. “Cas….Tell me again. What you said..please..”
“No I..” Dean breathed out “I need to hear it Cas. Please tell me again.” 
Cas brought his head closer to rest on Dean’s forehead, closing his eyes. Dean lowered their hands, still grasping on in desperation. Cas could feel Dean shaking as he moved closer to him. Dean let his eyes flutter closed when he felt Cas rest against him. After a moment of silence, Cas said in a quiet voice “I love you Dean.” 
Dean wasn't sure if it was the whiskey or the feeling of Cas’s skin, warm and real against his face.Maybe it was just the pure joy that Cas was here or the relief that he would never leave him again. But he needed more, he needed to feel Cas. He needed to touch him. He moved in slowly, brushing their noses together. Cas’s breath staggered as he let Dean make the decision. Dean grazed his lips along the angels mouth and everything felt warm. The kiss was soft and cautious. Dean moved his mouth slowly, carefully and Cas leaned in slightly, letting Dean set the pace. And then, realization. 
Oh. Oh.
The energy changed and Cas felt Dean’s kiss deepen, his hand reaching up to wind fingers into Cas’s hair. And it was then that Cas allowed himself to grab onto Dean, pulling him in by his flannel. He breathed in Dean's scent, pine mixed with bourbon and aftershave and Dean let his other hand up to rest on Cas’s neck. He could feel the angel’s pulse racing as he pulled back to look at him. “This is...okay right?” 
“Yes” Cas breathed, and immediately pulled Dean in again. 
When Sam walked into the bunker he noticed the lights were on and a chair was toppled over in the library. Deans phone on the floor. But he didn't see anyone. “Dean?” 
Eileen followed after him, calling out for Dean. Sam ran to Dean’s room and when Eileen followed, Sam stopped her before she called out for Dean again. He gestured into the room. “Look” he signed to her. 
Dean was sleeping, his head resting on Castiel’s chest. Miracle was curled up at the bottom of the bed, her head resting on Dean's leg. Sam noticed Cas, in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt, calmly placing his fingers on Dean's temple. A pale blue glow kept Dean’s dreams peaceful and Cas ran his fingers through short hair as his hunter slept soundly. 
 “Cas?” Sam whispered, in disbelief that the angel was alive. Cas gently slid out from under Dean and moved to the door, shutting it carefully behind him.
 Sam smiled “It's so good to see you Cas.” He pulled the angel into a hug. “I thought you were in the empty. How are you here?” 
“Jack,” Cas smiled “He brought me back” Cas looked back toward the bedroom.”Dean and I have been...catching up.” 
Sam smiled and let out a short laugh “Yeah I can see that.” 
“I love him Sam” 
“I know you do. I never wanted to push him but I knew.” Sam let out a breathy laugh and ran his hands through his hair. “Wow I cant believe Dean finally figured it out. I can't believe this is really happening. What are you going to do now?” 
“Whatever makes Dean happy.” Cas said, so matter of factly that Sam shook his head in pure amazement and laughed again.
It was a small outdoor ceremony, but Sam and Eileen couldn't have been happier. Dean beamed with pride standing next to Sam, his tux pressed and black shoes shined. They held the reception in Jody's backyard, string lights and cheap alcohol. It was perfect.
Cas walked into the kitchen, slightly intoxicated and saw Claire sitting on the counter rubbing her feet “I hate heels.” 
“They do look very uncomfortable,” Cas replied. “These suits are restricting as well. My neck is very itchy.” 
Claire beckoned Cas over and loosened his bowtie. “You don't really need it all the way on anymore. Ceremony is over.” She smiled, “Your boyfriend took his off hours ago I bet.” 
Cas never will be used to hearing Dean referred to in that way. “Where is he?” 
“I think he’s out front on the porch.” She said, jumping off the counter barefoot and walking back out into the yard to find Kaia for a dance. She popped her head back inside “Oh hey, tell him I can work that Sunday shift he asked about okay?” Cas nodded and Claire spun around and headed to the dance floor. 
Cas walked out onto the porch to find Dean. The night air was cool and crickets chirped loudly in the fields. As Claire had suspected, Dean’s tie was long gone. His dress shirt was unbuttoned enough to reveal the t-shirt underneath, and to see the necklace filled with Castiel’s grace glowing on his chest. He took another drink from his beer and looked up. “Heya Cas.”
“Hello Dean.” He paused and then remembered “Claire said she can work the Sunday shift.” 
“Ah, good. That kid is killing me. That's what I get for owning a bar, I guess. I’m a freakin boss now.” He laughed to himself, “It still feels weird to say it. Like I'm gonna mess it up.” 
“You’ve earned it, and you certainly are not messing it up.” Cas sat down next to him and smiled as Dean wrapped his arm around him, “How are you Dean?” 
“Eh, I'm fine.” Dean looked down, picking at the label of his beer. “Sammy seems happy, huh?”
“Yes, he does.” Cas reached out and pulled Dean’s hand away from his nervous movement, entwining their fingers together. “He's going to be fine.” 
“I know.” Dean says, squeezing Cas’s hand. “I just hate that he doesn't need me anymore.” 
“That's not true, he’ll always need you.” Cas reassured him. Dean leaned over and kissed Cas, gazing at him for a moment before saying “I love you, you know that right?” 
“I know,” Cas replied, “I love you too.” It didn't matter that they had been together for over a year, 6 months since Cas had made the choice to be human, it still made Cas shiver to hear Dean tell him he loved him.  
“You sure you don’t regret giving me this?” He holds up the glowing grace pendant. Cas shakes his head “No, not once.” and Dean pulls him in for another kiss. 
Jack watches from afar, a smile on his face. 
The sounds of the party last long into the night. 
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3mmafr0st · 4 years
Hard to Hate Chapter 14
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Fred Weasley x Reader Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: the usual, if you’ve seen the rest of the series you’ll know!
Taglist: @intpeach, @aria-dne, @allthebestmenarefictional, @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic, @weasleytwinswheezes, @a-disappointing-teen-author, @amorist-3, @222moonss, @carmiml0v3, @lilypad-55449, @losers-club6, @hpbitch, @ohwelliguess​, More in the Reblog. Ask me if you want to be added to the tag list!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 15,
Read the Russian translation Here
The next few weeks were tough on me, with the already intense stress of trying to remember all of the work we had been doing before the break, and the drama of what had happened. 
Draco was mad at me, upset for leaving, as well as whatever Pansy had been whispering in his ear throughout the month. He hadn’t talked to me since christmas and I hate to say it but I missed him. Even though he was quite brainwashed and could be a little shit, I loved him, he was like a little brother to me.
On top of that, Pansy and her gaggle of bitches were harrassing me whenever they could. Ever since they found my room, the fear that I struck in most of the Slytherin house had all but dwindled. At least before they moved out of my way, but now they just look down on me and I hated it. It felt worse than being feared.
Finally there was Fred. Funny, endearing, and absolutely beautiful Fred. Ever since he and the other Weasley’s returned to the school, he has been cold, distant. It was as if the last few months had never happened, that we had never become friends in the first place. George was still talking to me though. That was my only saving grace.
George and I had decided on the library to hang out that day. Melody didn’t want to study that day, instead opting to hang out with Lee by the lake on a date of sorts. 
“I honestly have no clue what’s going on with Fred, but I’m worried.” George told me, his voice nervous.
“Has he been the same with you, he won’t even speak to me.”
“He won’t talk to me about anything, but he’s definitely upset about something. This is the first time that he’s never not told me about what’s going on in his head and I don’t like it.”
“Do you think that he’s really upset with me, I don’t know what I could have done.” I was upset to say the least. I missed Fred so much and yet he wouldn’t even give me the time of day. It was agonizing. I liked him so much, maybe even loved, and yet he pushed me away.
George and I stayed and studied for a while, until the time came where we were to go to our next class, Potions, which we all had together. This was going to be difficult to say the least.
When George and I walked into the classroom, Fred was already there, sitting with Angelina Johnson. George was irritated to say the least, and since I knew Melody would be sitting with Lee, I offered him a seat next to me. I glanced at Fred, and he seemed to be even more grumpy than when we had first walked in. Snape began his lecture, his droaning and nasally voice going on and on. I should be paying attention to the work that we were supposed to be doing, on the lecture at hand. Instead, I was glancing at Fred out of the corner of my eye.
Angelina and Fred were sitting together, laughing and whispering together. I felt something, simmering in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea what the feeling was, but it made me want to tear Angelina apart. I didn’t even know why, I like Angelina! She’s nice and witty and good at quidditch, and well, basically everything I was but better. She was the perfect version of me, one with no baggage, no psychotic family members or racist family history. Who wouldn’t pick her? The burning feeling soon turned to sadness, this lump in my throat that only got worse and worse. George looked at me, and saw as tears began to well in my eyes, fighting to keep them from falling, I couldnt let the other students see me like this, it would push me even farther down the chain of respect and I couldnt have that. George raised his hand, and was called on.
“Professor, Y/N’s not feeling good, do you think I could walk her back to her common room.”
Snape thought for a moment, clearly trying to weigh his biases in his head, before allowing it. As quickly as he could, George walked me out of the classroom, trying to get me a good enough distance from the classroom before my legs gave out under me against the wall, tears falling down my face.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Tell me.”
“I don’t know, just, Angelina, the two of them, ugh, I feel so pathetic.” I laughed at myself through my tears. “I mean, who would even think I have a chance next to her.” George looked me straight in the eyes, both of us on the floor now, putting his hand on my shoulder to try and reassure me.
“Y/N, if he can’t see that you’re the absolute perfect girl for him, then he’s either blind, or just plain stupid, knowing my brother, its probably a bit of both.” His joke made me laugh, and he handed me a tissue from his pocket. 
“Thanks, I just feel so hopeless, yknow? Like, the two of you, and Mel are the only good things right now, and even that's been ruined.”
“Believe me Y/N, I get it more than you know.” His eyes looked far away, kind of wistful and longing. 
“So who’s the girl?”
“If I say, it's only going to make it worse.” I thought through all of the different clues, before coming to the most logical explanation.
“Its Angelina, isnt it?” I folded my hands in front of my chest giving him a knowing look.
“Yeah,” He said. “Now I know that you think I’m just saying that because I want her all for myself, don’t you?” I silently nodded, tears starting to prick at my eyes again.
“Well, that’s not true, I’m being serious. If he’s not going to man up, then he must be an idiot.” I didn’t believe him in the slightest, but I pretended to. “Come on, let's head to lunch early, I dont think you want the others seeing you like this when they leave.”
The two of us headed to the cafeteria, simply working on homework at our respective tables, until the rest of the students began pouring into the large hall. I saw Melody walk in, sitting down next to me.
“You feeling better?”
“Honestly, Mels, it's not that kinda sick. It’s just, Fred, yknow?” She silently nodded. She knew all of the events that had happened, or lackthereof. Although she knew about it, she wasnt as involved as George, I mean, she had her own things to do and I understood. 
George was sitting close to me, in a way, our backs to eachother, so Mel and Lee could continue their conversation from Potions. I heard heavy, angry footsteps behind me, and I took a peek as to who it was. Fred was angry, but for what reason I couldnt understand. I could hear the conversation from behind me.
“George, can we talk outside for a moment.” His voice was trying to mask his rage.
“Fine” George responded, and Fred walked the two of them outside of the cafeteria. 
I tried to stay out of it, I tried to sit there, and eat and talk to Lee and Mel as if nothing had happened, but after 5 minutes, the curiosity got the better of me. What if Fred was finally saying something as to why he was so distant, ignoring me for so long. It was a miserable experience and I just had to know why. 
I told Melody that I was going to the bathroom, and then ran off, looking for the two boys.
I walked down the hall, searching around for them, when I heard yelling, two voices that I knew so well. I looked around for a moment, before finding a door that I had never seen in this hallway before. I put my ear up to the door. The voices were muffled, but I could sort of make out what the boys were saying.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Fred, am I not allowed to have friends?”
“You and I both know that it's not just friends.”
“I’m not lying, it’s not my fault that you’ve been being an asshole and pushing us away!” The yells were immediately silenced, replaced with the sounds of skin coming in contact with skin, yelps of pain and growls of anger.  
“Alohamora” The lock quickly undid, and I pushed the door open as fast as I could. Fred had wrestled George on the ground, punching him into the floor, as George was trying as hard as possible to gain the upper hand. I quickly wracked my brain for something to separate the two without putting myself at risk before finding the perfect incantation “Relashio!”
The two looked at me, then looked at each other, trying to go at it again, but I quickly cast the Colloshoo hex, sticking both boys’ feet firmly on the ground. 
“You too are unbelievable, you know that? You are brothers for Merlin’s sake, what the hell has gotten into you?” George began to speak but I cut him off, I was too angry to listen. “Fred, you need to check yourself this instant, your behavior in the last month has not been that of a friend. Friends are supposed to be kind to each other, supposed to support each other, talk to each other at the very least! Once you’re ready to explain yourself, I'll be in the astronomy tower. George, if he tries anything like that again, you sure as hell better tell me.” 
“Can you at least let us go?” George asked, as I opened the door of the mystery room.
“It’ll wear off in an hour, you two need to talk through some things.” I shut the door behind me. I was angry, confused, and upset, all of those emotions culminating in the only way that my body could understand, once again tears began to run down my face. Luckily classes had ended early today, because if not, I would have had to go to a History of Magic looking like this mess.  The only thing that I could do was go to the astronomy tower, and hope that Fred had gotten over himself enough to come and talk to me, explain why all of a sudden he was acting like this.
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