#i rediscovered songs i forgot about
misc-obeyme · 2 months
Cc what type of music do you listen to?
Oh, anon. I wish I had a simple answer to this question lol.
I actually like pretty much every single type of music. Like there are certainly genres that I tend to listen to more. But I can find songs I enjoy in every genre. I've yet to find something that I dislike in its entirety.
But if we're talking about what I listen to most often, it depends on what I'm doing. If I'm writing, it's all instrumental. So in the evening, when I'm answering asks and working on fics, I'm usually listening to pianists, soundtracks, classic jazz, classical music, lo fi, or instrumental metal. I'll listen to stuff in languages I don't speak. (So everything but English lol.)
When I'm doing other things, like working or doing chores or driving or whatever, then I listen to music with lyrics. I really like folk music, blues, and again classic jazz. I'm also quite fond of rock in all styles.
There are some things that I listen to for specific activities, but generally speaking, these are my preferences. During the day, Spotify suggests things to me that it calls "crunchy" and "van life" while at night it's offerings are often "viking" and "background piano."
Toss in some oldies, kpop, neo soul, 80s, a lil bit of rap and a lil bit of country and that almost covers it.
I tend to get really obsessed with five to ten songs and then rotate to a new five to ten songs. I put the original songs in an ongoing playlist that I sometimes shuffle through to listen to songs I was once listening to every day, but now haven't heard in a while.
Anyway, I hope that kinda answers the question?
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thechildisgone · 10 months
there’s only three* men in my top songs even LOOL
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angelouvre · 7 months
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ignore-tenderness · 3 months
baby, before you
i was bad news
in letting me love you
i think i can get through
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wolfhunter21 · 6 months
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parallelunivrses · 10 months
spotify wrapped, #98?
If I’m Lucky by State Champs!
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jaerie · 1 year
Visiting some old friends
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ashstfu · 10 months
list of things i love – flowers, the sound of rain, waking up with time still left to sleep, pasta, dancing to my favorite songs!!! sunrises, sunsets, fires in the fireplace, christmas time, being so busy i dont check my phone, local bookstores, jazz, clean sheets, long showers, the beach, the mountains, tea, art, reading, driving around aimlessly, the smell of new books, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, having a day dedicated to doing absolutely nothing, naps, laughing, new movies, rediscovering a song i forgot about, good hair days, imagining how my life will be in the future :)🍝🎄☕📚⭐
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cxtlives · 2 years
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greynatomy · 8 months
da da da n da da
Tumblr media
leah williamson x reader
what can she not do?
literally didn’t know what to title this
whenever i hear this song i think of the princess diaries
“Hey, babe!”
“Yeah?” You hear her call out.
“Can you come here for a bit?”
Leah comes into the room, sweat dripping down her face.
“Whats up?”
“I’ve got this song I just came across after how long and honestly I forgot about it.” You grab a guitar from the wall. “Would you like to hear it?”
The team was out and about the training center doing their own thing. Leah, not knowing what to do this on pastime, spotted Jen’s guitar at her cubbie. Carefully picking it up, she sits at a her spot, remembering what you taught her.
You and Leah were sat in your backyard seating, enjoying the fresh air.
“This one right here is a C chord.”
You each had a guitar, Leah asking you to teach her not long after you’d played the song for her for the first time.
“Like this?” She asks, eyes concentrated on her fingers.
“Move your middle finger down a string. There. Now strum one time for me.”
She strums, the sound was a bit choppy, but not bad for the first time.
“Hey! That’s wasn’t bad at all. You’ll be a two instrument playing girl in no time!”
A blush creeps up on her face, the compliment making her feel a bit giddy.
She starts strumming the guitar exactly like how you taught her, stumbling a couple of times.
Da da da n da da, Da da da n da da
Da da da n da da da
You were in your studio, finally recording the song that’s been in the archives for so long. Leah wanted to come along to see the process. Intrigued, Leah asked what it felt like to be in the booth.
“Why don’t you find out yourself?”
Leah comes into the booth with you, helping her put the headphones on and giving her forehead a kiss. Exiting the booth, you take a seat next to your producer.
“Try the intro for me, babe.” You press a button, talking to her through the headphones. Turning to your producer, you talk to him on mute to Leah. “Record this for me, yeah. Might come in handy.”
“Hey, what song is that?”
“Fuckin’ hell Jen! Scared the shit out of me.” Leah flinches, placing a hand on her chest.
“Sorry.” Jen winces. “But what song is that? Never heard of it before.”
“It’s just something the missus wrote.”
A few days later, the team was over at your’s and Leah’s house for a little listening party. You never liked to do the whole extravagant listening parties that most artists do and wanted to keep it intimate with your friends and family. Ever since you met Leah, the Arsenal team became your family too.
“Alright. So this song has been in the back burner for quite some time and recently rediscovered it. So without further ado.” You click play on your laptop.
You have your eyes on Leah the whole time. From the first note, there’s a recognition in her eyes, eyebrows furrowed trying to figure out what it is. She listens to the song intently, as do the others, mouthing the words.
As the song ends, everyone was saying their praises, cheering you on, but Leah, Leah had tears in her eyes.
“Was that- was that me? Did you put me in it?” She stutters, using the sleeve of her jumper to wipe her tears.
“Well, yeah. You’re my muse so why not add my muse to the song.” You shrug, heat creeping up your face.
She gets up from where she sat, grabbing your face to bring you into a kiss.
“Awww- Ow.”
“Kyra don’t ruin the moment.”
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Being a fan of Taylor when she has 10 albums and so many amazing songs, is loving so many songs, that when you hear one of them playing in a store or on a tiktok you think "fuck I forgot how much I actually love this song" and then obsessing over it till you rediscover another one and the cycle of falling in love never ends and I am so not mad about it.
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bambi-kinos · 6 months
Sorry, long ask.
Do you think that Paul really remembers John? Like his John that he fell in love with because John's been dead for more years than he's been alive, they cut ties in the later twenties then like 10 years Paul had new memories and great success with Wings and a family and he didn't play Beatles songs then. But it was more than 40 years ago and Paul at least at some point has said that he doesn't remember the 60's + he seem quite unsure of John and his true feeling about each other, he quite often said like he asking himself if "we hated each other or if it was true" like he's needed to see "McLennon" videos and pictures of themselves to really see, yes it was real. So I'm asking this because I know Paul is a genius and almost super human but he is human and most people actually don't remembers things that long.. So what do you think? I must say I do hope he does.
How much do we remember the people we love after they've passed?
My grandfather died last year. Peacefully, he was surrounded by people who loved him. My memories of him are of taking care of him in his last days. Visiting him, talking to him, telling him we loved him. He was ready to go and we knew that. He was tired and wanted to go on to the next step. So those are my predominant memories of him. He was very worn out. It wasn't until I witnessed the decline that I realized what it means to be a "shadow of yourself."
He wasn't always like that. I knew him when he could get around on his own, before the damage from the polio came back. I knew him when he taught me chess. I knew him when he made popcorn for me and taught me how to tune a radio. I remember hugging him when I wasn't even up to his hip. But those memories are very faded. When my oldest sister lived at home, he came by our house and he hung up her ceiling fan in her bedroom. I remember walking in and seeing the new fan sitting on the floor but I don't remember him being there. My mom had to confirm that for me.
And I wonder, what other things did I do with my grandfather that I don't remember? What all did we do? Where did we go, what was it like? He took us to the ocean once but I only have photos. I don't remember it happening.
But I know he loved us. He was an excellent grandfather, he was so well suited to the part. He liked being with us, he taught us new things, he took care of us. He loved us, he was so proud of us whenever we did anything.
So if you don't remember someone or you rediscover memories you forgot....that doesn't mean you stop loving them. Memory is fallible but love is just as much an act as it is a feeling. Paul reviewing photos, seeing the remastered video, watching John dance his silly dances. It all came back to him. That John loved him, even if Paul doesn't remember every little thing. Paul can love John without needing to remember every little thing. He's made his entire career a monument to loving John.
Paul's uncertainty regarding John is in part a reaction to what everyone around him has been screaming at him for decades and because of John himself. He's been taunted and blamed and told repeatedly, for decades, that John hated him from the moment he saw him and that he was only useful to John as a business partner. John himself created and drove a great deal of this narrative. Hence his dismay that Paul took him seriously when John told him to stop coming around. "I didn't mean it like that." John had to put this out in a media interview because he was so scared of talking to Paul (because he understood his part in the whole thing) that he couldn't call on the phone and tell Paul that he was sorry. Paul wasn't lucky like me, he didn't have more good memories to overwrite the other good memories.
Paul is old and human memory is fallible. His last interactions with John were terrible. How does he square that with Yoko telling him "no, John really did love you" and interviewers saying "he missed you, it was so obvious." It was obvious to everyone but Paul who only get a hostile angry John who wanted hurt him.
But that's why the videos and photos matter. It will happen to all of us someday. That's why we need to take photos, take videos, everything. There needs be a record of love so we can remember love. That's why Paul released Eye of the Storm, so he can remember the time when John loved him. The stage interviews with Conan are an exercise in watching a man wrapping memories around himself like a blanket.
Paul does remember bits and pieces of the 1960s. He remembers writing "Mr. Kite" with John. He remembers tripping with John. It's the mundane stuff that he misses I bet. Age takes those memories away first, the little things.
Paul may only remember bits and pieces of the John he fell in love with, the John who took care of him and loved him back. But he has the photos. He has the videos. Even if he doesn't remember them exactly, he can look at them and he can know that John loved him once. He's holding on to that as tightly as he can.
And like Paul always says: he can feel John's presence. John is with him in one way or another. That in of itself must be very comforting.
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meggiejolly · 6 months
I Don't Want You Like a Best Friend (9-1-1)
Title from "Dress" by Taylor Swift which I feel is a very Buddie song Summary: It was a night like countless others Buck and Eddie had shared. A movie, beers, a flimsy excuse why Buck will spend the night, their normal bedtime routine. Until something in Eddie clicks and he just can't let Buck spend another night on that couch. Wordcount: 1474 Tags: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, getting together, pining, first kiss To be honest, this fic didn't really turn out the way I expected it to. I had the idea for this ages ago and started writing it. Then I sort of forgot about it and when I rediscovered it, I made it a goal to finish it. I struggled a lot with it. I didn't originally intend for them to talk about their feelings, but they insisted.
It was a night like countless others they had shared. Chris had gone to bed hours ago, the credits of the movie Buck and Eddie had watched where rolling and Eddie finished the last bit of his beer and then grabbed Buck’s to do the same. Buck always left the last bit in the bottle, he swore the last sip in any bottle tasted terrible. Eddie was more pragmatic than that, so Buck winced in mock disgust and Eddie rolled his eyes just like they always did. 
Eddie got up to clean up the empty bottles. "You staying?" 
He didn't really need to ask, of course Buck would stay, he always did after nights like this, but asking was part of their routine. As if on cue, Buck nodded. “If you don’t mind, it’s kind of late.” 
“I never mind, you know that.” Eddie smiled at Buck, he always did that. Buck made up some excuse for staying and Eddie went along with it. He enjoyed having Buck here and he knew that Christopher did too, no matter how flimsy Buck’s excuses where. If it was up to them, there would be no need for excuses. 
Just like always Eddie used the bathroom first while Buck unloaded the dishwasher they had turned on after Chris went to bed. When it was Buck’s turn in the bathroom Eddie checked on Christopher one last time and then got Buck’s sheet, pillow and blanket to make up the couch, still following their usual routine. 
For some reason the sight of the couch stopped him dead in his tracks tonight. He looked back and forth between the bedding in his arms, the couch and the door to the bathroom and just couldn’t bring himself to make up Buck’s bed. 
Because it wasn’t a bed. It was a somewhat crappy couch too narrow and short for a someone Buck's size. Buck deserved better and suddenly the idea of Buck spending another night on the couch seemed outlandish.  
Buck should be in Eddie’s bed with him. 
Wanting Buck in his bed, in his live, in his house and in his heart wasn’t new. Eddie was used to pushing those feelings down, but tonight it wasn’t just a want, suddenly it was a need. He couldn’t fathom having Buck sleep anywhere but in Eddie’s bed tonight, or ever again if he had any say in it. 
By the time Buck came back into the living room, Eddie was still standing there, bed sheets in hand, staring at the couch as if it had offended him.
"Everything ok?"
Eddie looked up at Buck, he didn't even think, he just let the words spill out of his mouth, unable to hold them back. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch."
Continue on AO3
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5k-10k Words (9) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight
10x10, a hundred images of loving you | 9k | (ao3) - silentOrator
Summary: Dan and Phil at Christmas through the years.
A Dance With Death | 8k | - botanistlester
Summary: Dan is the God of Death, who helps people to the Underworld when they pass. One day, he randomly pops up at a masquerade ball for Prince Philip's coming of age ceremony. He doesn't know why he is there, but it's hard to focus on his job when the prince asks him to dance.
As He Comes, So I Come | 8k | (ao3) - cloej88
Summary: Dan and Phil have just returned from Chicago, where they finally sorted themselves out. They’ve slept a full ten hours under their own roof, and now they have an uninterrupted afternoon to rediscover one another’s bodies.
The companion piece to As He Goes, So I Go, in which they have proper reunion sex after they haven’t fucked for ~a year. It's basically just smut. I would apologize for the title, but the opportunity was just too good to pass up.
As the World Caves In | 7k | (ao3) - cosmic_angel_writes
Summary: Dan and Phil vs The Zombie Apocalypse
All I Want for Christmas is You. | 5k | (ao3) - scifi (orphan_account)
Summary: it’s almost christmas and all it takes is a cup of mulled wine for dan to realise he has been in love with phil all along
All Signs Point to Us | 6k | (ao3) - RyRyCaptain
Summary: When the queen and king gives birth to Daniel, they soon learn that their son is deaf. In order to let Dan express his opinions to those who haven't learned sign language, they find him a translator who happens to be the son of the King’s advisor, Phil. Soon enough, Phil starts to realize thAt he fallen in love with the younger boy.
Babylon | 6k | (ao3) - ottertrashpalace
Summary: Just a little story about two boys realizing that they can make their own rules, and even if it's hard, they are worth it.
backstage, baby | 5k | (ao3) - baroquen
Summary: Dan's a theatre kid doing his first show at university, Phil does theatre tech, and they fall in love backstage.
Bear | 5k | (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: As a child, Dan was easily frightened and needed comfort; that was when his Nana first gave him his Pooh Bear plush, as something that could keep him safe. Over the years, the plush became his absolute comfort, even into adulthood. When Phil comes into the picture, he makes Dan even more comfortable; through the good times and bad.
Boys on Fire | 5k | (ao3) - transdimensional_void
Summary: Dan is visiting Phil for the second time ever and a little Buffy viewing session turns into sexy times.
Buffy Movie Nights are Life Changing | 5k | (ao3) - angelbats
Summary: Things get steamy between Dan and Phil during their nighttime Buffy streaming session in 2010; featuring a confident yet bashful Phil and a shy Dan who learns how to drive Phil crazy.
Coffee by Chappell Roan | 9k | (ao3) - danswideslit
Summary: someone on tumblr mentioned needing a dnp fic with the narrative from coffee and I felt inspired because I love that song a whole lot
Dad Wars | 9k | (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Or, 5 times Dan and Phil fought over one dramatic school year, and one final battle that would change them forever. Probably.
Daydreams | 10k | - placingglaciers
Summary: Nothing like a Christmas-in-July party can’t fix for two shy office crushes!
Don’t be scared | 5k | (ao3) - danisnot3131
Summary: Before agreeing to go on Tour for Interactive Introvers, Dan is hit with the realization that he’s been in love with Phil for years.
Don't Blame Me | 9k | (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: When Phil gets a new job at the Tops Only Bar, he's just looking to make ends meet over the holiday period. He doesn't expect how he'll feel about one of the performers or how hard that'll make his job.
Electronics and the Phil’s that break them | 9k | (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: The first time’s an accident, a proper accident— a Phil forgot how to hold his cup and now he’s watching his coffee seep into his keyboard type accident.
Experience is key | 7k | (ao3) - ottertrashpalace
Summary: On a fateful late-night walk, Dan happens across two oddly familiar young men in the park.
Help Taking it Off | 5k | (ao3) - cats_with_no_tails
Summary: I don’t know if Dan helped Phil pick out the phlonde-launch outfit, but I certainly imagine he helped take it off.
Set the day of Phil’s blonde hair announcement - Dan comes home to him in that cunty little midriff and wants to devour him.
Hotel del Luna | 8k | (ao3) - writingfunstories
Summary: A mysterious hotel for ghosts. What can go wrong?
(i'll give you) anything, anything | 5k | (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: It’s just something he’s never really thought about all that much, because it just became one of the things they do over the years. He’ll offer Dan bites of his food most of the time, really, and it does always make something spark a little in his chest when Dan lets him feed him, but it’s– it’s a normal thing, normal couples do it all the time, and he and Dan are. Well. Not normal by any stretch, really, but that’s hardly the point.
(Maybe Phil likes feeding Dan more than he should. Maybe he always has.)
i’m electric, a romantic cliché (me and you were meant to be in love) | 6k | (ao3) - nardfx
Summary: “i really don’t know if i can do this.”
“you can do this.”
“okay, but what happens when everyone’s eyes are on me and they all know all of my secrets?”
dan and phil go to prom
In this moment, you are everything | 9k | - wavydanrises
Summary: Dan was just wasting time on the Internet when he stumbled upon a post that might mean a change of plans for the holidays, for the better.
just a little bit closer | 5k | (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil have a deep conversation, leading to them trying something new together.
(Set during the week Dan spent up north at Phil's house in December 2009.)
Lester87 | 10k | - placingglaciers
Summary: In which Dan works as a part-time online fashion stylist to pay for university and he’s determined to get to the bottom as to why his favorite client continually needs first-date outfits.
names of collision in the dark | 7k | (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Of enemy kingdoms, Prince Dan and Prince Phil meet one fateful night, leading to a surprising friendship that evolves into something more. As the looming threat of a major battle grows stronger, both princes grapple with their roles and the burdens of leadership, all while their growing bond forces them to confront their own kingdoms’ expectations and the possibility of peace in the chaos.
(aka the dan and phil royal au fic they wrote for the gaming channel but taken seriously)
"oh great, now im a furry" | 5k | (ao3) - cloej88
Summary: This is a fic about Dan getting off on his giant teddy bear… Yeah. But it’s also a fic about trust and connection and vulnerability!
so I will share this room with you | 5k | (ao3) - jonsaremembers
Summary: Phil hadn't meant to end up here.
an exploration of the aftermath of meeting your soulmate when you're still so impossibly young
some of the most normal pictures | 5k | (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil took many photos of Dan. It was second nature. To capture this life that they shared and this man that he got to share it with. Each moment precious, captured when Dan was his most relaxed and at ease. And they're completely normal. Of course.
SPI: A Dan and Phil Paranormal Investigator AU | 5k | (ao3) - trancelover99
Summary: So I made a TikTok where Dan and Phil were Paranormal Investigators, and I decided to make an AU based on it. (my TikTok is @nothoughts_onlytrance if you wanna check it out!)
the angel in the marble | 6k | (ao3) - ivylakes
Summary: “Can I just say,” Dan says, pulling away to look at Phil. His hand has drifted from Phil’s jaw to his hair again, because of course it has. “I took a risk with the angel thing. I didn’t think you’d like it that much.”
Or, Phil dyes his hair blonde, Dan calls him angel, and neither of them can get any work done.
the only way to make it to ohio | 7k | (ao3) - buskingalbatross
Summary: A coincidental concoction of events catalyzes a series of abnormal dreams for Phil Lester.
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sapphistvampyr · 3 months
tagged by @camellia-thea
favourite colour: Wanna say black but I never know if that counts as a colour. Second to black is red. Love how versatile of a colour it is, from powerful bright red shades to a good moody deep red shade they're all beautiful to me
last song: Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance. Every few months I rediscover how good MCR's music is and go on a binge through their discography. Cemetery Drive is one of my faves by them it feels so very Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and I just adore that album
currently reading: Nothing currently but I need to finish Metamorphosis by Franz Kafta. Started it a bit ago then got distracted and forgot about it
currently watching: House of Dragon. The second season is feeling a bit slow so far but I love the drama and backstabbing in this series
currently craving: Ramen! Really gotta find a place that does good vegetarian ramen. Been eating this one shin kimchi ramen from nongshim for a while but never tried it from a restaurant before.
tea or coffee: Coffee gives me bad anxiety unfortunately so gotta stick to tea
no pressure tagging @sillylittleflower @dakotashorror @starfvckr
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ashethewitch · 1 year
Ok so welcome home was a show in the 70s that was used to recruit people into a cult and used dark magic and witchcraft and hypnosis to do so
The puppets (and according to clown’s website the scripts too??) are “alive” and I assume they were locked away in the studio the show was filmed in
barnaby actually got to sneak into the real world once where he learned the song”beautiful dreamer” by bing Crosby (it’s the song Wally sings in the recording it’s a real song) the themes in this song really fit the ideals of the cult which are happiness and ignoring problems and I’m assuming the puppets were huge believers in the cult this WILL come back later
The show has alot of gay people in it (almost the entire cast) and it was probably allowed because of the hypnosis (supporting lgbt was probably the only good thing about this cult) and I’m assuming barnaby and Wally were in a romantic relationship too cause come on there’s no hetero explanation to that one art in the website
Eventually they executives in the tv channel found out about what the show was doing and cancelled it and when that happened the people behind the show “killed” the puppets (that means releasing the souls out of them) they did that one by one but forgot Wally and home
This is where “beautiful dreamer” comes back before Wally was supposed to die the creators killed barnaby and barnaby was very dear to Wally In his final moments barnaby sang this song to Wally to comfort him and as we see he never got to finish the song because the recording ends with Wally saying “that’s all barnaby taught me” plus this really isn’t the full song there’s another part which you can listen to and analyse by the way
Anyway all these years Wally and home were left alone in the abandoned studio (I think) and went insane from all the loneliness so when these people from the website came to rediscover the show they released a monster which is about to rebuild his neighbourhood and cult again (this part was inspired by a theory I saw on YouTube by the way)
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