#i really love this meme ????? shout out to maddie
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I just watched the 3rd sonic movie and it made me reread your 2020 sonic series... it's still as good as I remembered it to be hehe. You don't shy away from the snaggly bits and bumps in the road, if that makes sense - Sonic isn't flattened down to "cute kid", Tom and Maddie aren't perfect parents who get everything right the first time, and they feel so much more like real people that way.
Did you end up watching sonic 2 and 3? Did you enjoy them? :)
Aw, thank you! I love the Wachowskis so much...!
I have seen 2, haven't gotten around to 3 yet though. Honestly, I'll probably wait for it to be on a streaming service. I'd also really like the Knuckles series to be on something other than Paramount Plus so I can watch that because seriously, I am not buying another service, I don't care how much Idris Elba makes me laugh.
I did enjoy Sonic 2, but not as much as 1. The first Sonic movie, in my opinion, was just a Good Kids Movie. The characters stood on their own, it was adorable, it was fun, it had a lot of heart and that was all it needed.
Sonic 2 was a great Sonic Movie. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, I love Tails, I love that they kept Colleen O'Shaughnessey, I love his relationship with Sonic, I ADORE Idris Elba as Knuckles, I love how they adapted Knuckles' 'heel'-face turn, I... enjoyed the Super Sonic bit, mostly because I really, really appreciated Knuckles being like "careful, he's basically a god now, he's not going to be the person you - oh, okay, he's still Sonic, fine, no respect necessary", even if I think how they did that was a little silly. I really enjoy James Marsden and all the human characters, so I thought the wedding was great.
And GUN. Holy wow, I LOVE GUN in Sonic 2, they're SO RIDICULOUS, it's AMAZING. Operation Catfish is so something they would do, it's hilariously horrifying...!
But I think it leaned into the fandom a tiny bit too much. There were all these shout outs to the franchise, these nods and winks, and I didn't feel it was necessary. There were some sequences where I started playing a game with myself, saying "Ice Cap zone, Hidden Palace zone, that specific frame from this game, oh that sound effect's familiar, where do I know that from, hey, look, it's that meme..."
It took me out of the cute story about friends finding each other and reminded me that I was watching something designed to make money.
There's nothing wrong with that. I just liked the first movie more.
But... when Sonic 3 doesn't cost me $50 to see, I will watch it. I'll probably love Keanu!Shadow. Hopefully it will kick-start me into finishing that series, but I doubt it. We shall have to see!
#it's an ask!#sonic the hedgehog#sonic movies#my unpopular opinion#I think the Sonic franchise suffers when it leans into fandom#it shouldn't need nostalgia to be successful#Sonic is a great character#you shouldn't have to have been a fan for 30 years to enjoy things with him in it#and the first movie did that SO WELL#I adore Sonic Wachowski#I love his messy little family#But they're still a good time and I love that they exist
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I was tagged by @hopeintheashes! Thanks love! This was fun!
First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
They Left A Scar: When he finds Buck, he’s not all that surprised to see him perched on the edge of his bunk.
Eddie Diaz, Terrible Patient: Eddie is a pretty awful patient.
Shout It From The Rooftops: It starts off innocently, giving up his seat for Maddie.
More Than A Jeep: There is glass shattered all over the ground. That’s the first thing he notices.
Dinner Plans: “Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”
Kisses Interrupted: He’s just snapping the lid closed on the last tupperware container when two arms slip around his waist and pull him close.
The Girl on the Ledge: It happens so fast. One second she’s there and the next second she’s … gone. Just gone.
The Cadence of Beating Hearts: The house is quiet as the first light of morning filters in through the curtains.
A Gentle Touch: Everything looks worse in the harsh, bright lights of the bathroom and this is no exception.
Sparks Ignite: Eddie can only stare in shocked disbelief at the crumbling remains of the building in front of him.
Fragile Heart: Stepping back into the firehouse for the first time feels like a small piece of himself is clicking back into place.
Here’s To Everyone (But Mostly Us): The backyard of the Grant-Nash house smells of barbecue and smoke, the murmur of laughter and conversation filling the air.
A Corner of the Galaxy: It’s quiet when he steps in the front door. That’s the first thing he notices.
We’re Still Here: Everything is fine, at first.
Against All Odds: “So, tacos tonight?”
Safe: He feels his body collapsing before the gunshot even rings out.
Brothers till the End: It’s so stupid how it all happens, how their light and easy afternoon turns to the shift from hell in the blink of an eye.
Hold Me Up: Ana is everything he hoped she wouldn’t be, Buck thinks as he watches her crest the top of the stairs, arm in arm in with Eddie, for the first time.
Atlas: “Why are you telling me this?”
A Good Day to Have a Good Day: You will have a good day and are appreciated.
Bonus Line from current WIP: The impact knocks the breath from his lungs, force of the landing clacking his jaw together and sending reverbs of pain through his head.
Favorite Line: I don’t necessarily have a favorite out of these to be honest. I’m a jump right in the middle of it kinda writer so out of context they all seem pretty odd lol. If we’re talking opening paragraphs, then I would say "Eddie Diaz, Terrible Patient", "A Gentle Touch", and "Shout It From the Rooftops" all really set the stage pretty quickly.
Observations: Like I said, I’m a jump straight in the thick of things kinda of writer. Also, going through this list I just realized that 12 of these stories are told from Eddie’s perspective, or at least half of it is told from his point of view. I never realized that.
Tagging: I'm not sure who has or hasn't done this yet so ... @lovebuck, @indigo2831, @tylerhunklin, and @softsatanhq ... and anyone else who wants to do it. If you see this, consider yourself tagged ;)
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I'm a little late to the party but for the ask meme: Danny Phantom 5, 13, 14, 18, 20 + Trans!Danny headcanons. I know that wasn't on the list but I have a feeling you'll do it for me anyway ;)
MY NEWEST BOY. For this ask meme! Also thisgot long so I made a separate post about trans Danny because I care about it alot byeeeeee.
5) Guilty pleasures
Barring times where he’s being, A, imprisoned, or, B, hunted forfun and profit, Danny actually—really likes the Ghost Zone. It’s soothing in a way that he’s pretty sureis not quite right, in a way that Sam and Tucker and Jazz do not seem toagree with, but he likes it there. Theslow, billowing curls of green drift through the air like nebulae, currents of energyrather than wind that he could drift on like thick water if he wanted, dottedwith doors and islands that orbit whatever passes for gravity wells in a skyscapeof ectoplasm. Almost every touchstone inthe Ghost Zone moves, although most have a predictable pattern—about once everyten months, Danny tries not to use the Fenton portal if he can avoid it, onaccount of how it comes out practically on top of Walker’s prison—and learningthe rhythms of it is sort of like a hobby, at this point. Danny doesn’t have a ton of time to kill, buthe’s figured out that, as long as he’s in ghost form, he can go for a longtime without feeling hungry or thirsty or tired, in the Ghost Zone, so onetime he told Jazz he was going to try his hand at cartography and spent theentirety of his parents’ five day out-of-state conference coasting on ectoplasmand trying to plot the place. It cameout looking kind of like a star map, full of arrows trying to indicate movementdirection and a lot of scribbled notes like Pretty sure Clockwork moved thisand AVOID and Possibly Vlad’s portal, maybe close this.
Danny doesn’t talk about it much, because the Ghost Zone makes hisfriends, his family, jittery. He’s prettysure they’re worried he’ll decide not to come back some day.
13) What gets them flustered
One time a reporter manages to get a camera intoDanny’s face before he can book it after a fight, and she’s smart enough toalready be asking her first question before he realizes what was happening.
She’s also smart enough to start her first questionwith “Excuse me, Inviso-bill–”
“It’s Phantom,” he snaps,looking around in annoyance, and the reporter smothers a triumphant smirk.
“Yes, Phantom. What made you become a hero,Phantom?”
Phantom just hangs there in the air for a moment, gapingat her, and then squeaks, “Excuse me?”
“You’re a ghost,” the reporter says, keeping aprofessionally straight face and a neutral, friendly tone. “Whatmade you decide to be a hero?”
“I–didn’t?” Phantom scratches a hand backthrough his hair, and the reporter silently thanks whatever quirk of ghostlyfunction is bringing a green glow like a blush to his cheeks and throat andears. She’s going to lock down a raise with this interview, even if heflies off right this second–the first person to interview Amity Park’s ownsuperhero. And he’s blushing. “I’mjust keeping things under control, you know?”
The reporter grins. “Well,” she says withfalse nonchalance, “would you mind answering a few questions?”
“Uh,” Phantom says. “I have to–go.”
He turns invisible and makes a break for it,and the reporter’s fifty-second clip of a conversation runs on the local newsfive times in the next seven hours. She gets a reputation for being ableto snag the neighborhood super for a few seconds, sometimes even multipleminutes. She discovers real quick thathe’ll blush pretty reliably the second she drops the H word.
14) Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Danny works hard to seem helpless at school. It kind of makes him crawl the walls, but he workshard, okay? He lets himself getpushed around, he occasionally gets punched in the face, he does his best toconceal it when a year or two of ghost hunting as a full time job starts toshow in his human form, he spends a lot of time and energy projecting a façade oflocal hopeless wallflower. He can’thelp seeming like a delinquent, given that he’s been living the C-average lifestyleby the skin of his teeth and misses about three class periods on a good week,but at least he can seem like a delinquent who would never, ever be a candidatefor competence. He’s protecting a secretidentity out here. Official Team PhantomPolicy, much as everyone might hate it, is that no one intervenes with Danny’scharade. It gives Tucker hives and Samhas a hit list of bullies, but Danny’s always quick to smile off their concernand get on with his life. He has ahealing factor and it’s been years since Dash was actually concerning tohim except as a potential stalker, Danny can stand to bite his tongue and take it.
Aaaaaaand then when he’s sixteen, Dash punchesTucker, instead. Over some pettynothing, something that Tucker doesn’t even remember afterward—refusing to makea fake ID for him? Laughing at Dash forfumbling a catch at the game on Saturday? Joking about how Dash’s grades were even worse than Danny’s? It could’ve been anything. It didn’t really even register with Tucker assomething worth getting punched over, whatever it was, but he guesses thatbullies can have bad days too.
So Tucker says whatever he says, and Dash whipsaround and sucker punches him, a swift hidden jab that only someone alreadywatching would see. And then–
And then Danny dislocates Dash’s shoulder. It’s not on purpose and it’s not subtle. Tucker doesn’t really remember what happened—hewas a little busy gasping for air. Mostly he just remembers the crash of someone being slammed into a locker,and Danny’s voice, deep and un-Danny-like, snarling You don’t touch them,and a shout, a howl of pain and shock. By the time Tucker can stand upright, wheezing and clinging to Sam,every kid in the silent hallway is staring wide-eyed at Danny, skinny weakDanny Fenton who isn’t really so skinny and weak anymore. Danny’s stepping back from Dash, who’sclutching at a shoulder that looks wrong under his letterman jacket, andDanny looks mildly horrified with himself, but he’s still standing betweenTucker and Dash.
When the teachers show up, Danny goes quietly to theprincipal’s office, and gives a plain-spoken explanation of what happened—Dash punchedhis best friend, Danny slammed him into the wall, and somewhere in there hepopped Dash’s shoulder out of place. He getssuspended for two weeks and detention for the next month, which he cooperateswith, and non-negotiable anger management counselling, which he mostly just…doesn’tattend. Danny has decided that he doesn’tdo school counselling anymore, thanks.
After he comes back, Danny slips back into therhythm of things without any change in his behavior, but—it’s hard for everyoneto forget that they watched Dash’s favorite punching bag nearly put the king ofthe school through a wall.
Sam and Tucker enjoy a very peaceful remainder oftheir high school career.
18) Things they’ll never admit
Danny has not and will not talk to anyone about the accident withthe portal. The actual events, yeah. But he’s thought about it, and—they just don’tneed to know. Sam already frettedherself blue over the Lichtenberg figure lacing up Phantom’s left arm to hisheart. They don’t need to know how clearhis memory of being electrocuted is.
(Jazz watches Danny skirt around the Specter Deflector with abouta five foot radius of nervous respect, and she makes some educated guessesabout why, exactly, her brother doesn’t like being shocked. But if he doesn’t want to talk about it, for once,she’s not going to wring it out of him.)
20) What Ifs/Alternate Timelines
I’m sure everyone and their cousin has done this but…I love Jazz and Danny’s relationship.
Jazz has been keeping an eye on herbrother for…ever. This is partly becauseshe’s a worrier by nature and partly because their parents are both brilliantand affectionate and completely hopelessly scatterbrained. Jack and Maddie are fine and all, but alsoJazz is frequently awestruck that she and Danny lived long enough to be able totake care of themselves. Holy shitis she ever going to write a memoir. TheChristmas I Re-killed the Turkey or something. So when their parents are out for the day andshe wanders through the living room into the kitchen to see if the Nilla Wafershave been contaminated yet, and she realizes that she hasn’t seen Danny in fourhours, she starts looking around.
Sam and Tucker’s bags are in hisbedroom, and all three of them have left their jackets by the door. It’s a cool autumn, and Tucker complainsconstantly that he’s not built for the cold, he’s built for indoor rooms fullof computers, so they wouldn’t have gone out. The TV is off. Danny’s room isempty. It’s not dark enough yet forDanny to have dragged them up to the roof for stargazing.
It’s about this point where Jazzstarts to feel like something is about to go horribly wrong.
She passes the door to the lab andhears Sam’s voice echo up the stairs, and then—
“Fine, fine,” Danny says from thebasement. “It doesn’t even work.”
Jazz opens the door, already composinga lecture about not poking around in the lab (for Danny) and a lecture aboutremembering to lock the lab when they’re going to be out all day (for herparents), and starts down the stairs.
The crack-boom of the portalkicking on hits like a thunderclap, and then there’s a scream, someonewailing like they’re being killed.
Jazz never does remember how she gotdown the rest of the stairs, but she makes it just in time to see her brotherstumble out of the glowing green portal and fall straight through Sam’s armsand collapse into a pile of black-clad limbs and shocking white hair.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#jazz fenton#sam manson#tucker foley#ask meme#headcanon meme#starlight writes stuff#i have that adhd hyperfixation thing spinning up HARDCORE about danny phantom so...stay tuned#anyway some further thoughts about that au: it doesn't change a TON in the long term#but it DOES mean that danny has an ally in a) lying to his parents and b) handling vlad right out the gate#but what i'm really specifically interested in is jazz being there when danny comes out of the portal#she obviously cares about him a lot! i strongly headcanon that the fentons are a little...benignly neglectful#not because they don't care but because they're just REALLY not actually that equipped to focus on their kids#so jazz has had a huge hand in danny growing up rather than accidentally eating ectoplasm as a three-year-old and dying#so YEAH what i care about is that girl coming downstairs just in time to see her brother's ghost/dead body/indeterminate energy construct h#i think it takes jazz a second to look around the lab and do the mental math as sam and tucker scream danny's name#and then she FREAKS OUT#so that's some chaos to deal with while she flutters over a dizzy half-conscious danny and tries to call an ambulance#i...legit don't think danny admitted to his parents that he had a bad enough lab accident to go to the hospital#in any universe#i think he hedged and said he just got a little shock and felt fine and didn't need to see a doctor and managed to get out of it#but that's a longer story#anyway yeah jazz gets on the Fuck Vlad Train much faster in this one and there's angst about her worrying about danny#also in this timeline since jazz is in on everything from the jump she starts calling vlad 'vladimir' when he won't drop their full names#a queue we will keep and our honor someday avenge#lathori#asked and answered
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tagged by: my wife @rosecrime ♥♥♥
tagging: @libertinedeath @jedibetrayer @mindaltered @demandpeace @kybersung @viduamor @vrooms @nexusbeing + anyone else who wants to !! just say i tagged you ♥
FIRST NAME: kells. FAVORITE FCS TO PLAY: chloe bennet, jenna coleman, priyanka chopra, margot robbie, madison davenport, meaghan rath, hannah john-kamen, lauren german, adria arjona, phoebe tonkin, jessica parker-kennedy, ksenia solo, poppy drayton, jason momoa, dj cotrona, oscar isaac, camila mendes, emeraude toubia, bob morley, kiersey clemons, mädchen amick, eiza gonzalez, melissa benoist, ruth negga, gugu mbatha-raw. FAVORITE SHIP YOU’VE EVER HAD: tbh i’ve had ??? a lot of good ships. i think my favorite one / fondest memories was of like a fwb to friends to lovers and they both didn’t believe in love and were at risk to run at the drop of a hat and there was angst and fight club nonsense and my character was probably ??? my favorite oc i’ve ever made i lov her angry ass FAVORITE FANDOM YOU’VE BEEN IN: tbh ... all the fandoms have gotten Yikes at one point or another. FAVORITE SONG TO GIVE YOU MUSE: tbh there’s not One Song that gives me muse across the board, and if there is it usually fluctuates in phases, but hozier and bon iver are usually good writing music for me. LEAST FAVORITE FCS TO PLAY/PLAY AGAINST: idk there’s fcs i don’t like but if it’s an oc and it’s someone i can see myself rping with then i usually just look past it ?? like, sure, there are some no-goes but i really .... can’t think of any off the top of my head :/ OH ACTUALLY NICO TORTELLINI. i know that ain’t his last name but i can’t stAND him. LEAST FAVORITE RP EXPERIENCE: that time i helped mod an rpg and people got so angry that they didn’t get accepted that they tried to doxx one of the other admins and created a hate blog to send ‘’callouts‘’ to rphs. that was a Ride. LEAST FAVORITE GENRE OF WRITING: idk like ??? domestic ?? doing like a domestic drabble or short script thread is fine but idk like for me they’re just .... boring ... and that’s not to say it’s Bad like i know that’s some people’s Shit and power to them, i just don’t get any muse from it ??? those kinda threads just bore me p fast. LEAST FAVORITE FANDOM YOU’VE BEEN IN: m.arvel and by extension a.os tbh. LEAST FAVORITE THING PEOPLE ASSUME ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: tbh i haven’t ??? run into too many weird / bad assumptions for daisy i guess ??? i try to stay out of the fandom itself and none of my writing partners have ever assumed anything ... wrongly ??? maybe that she doesn’t have a problem with just jumping into relationships but that hasn’t been like a Big Problem so idk OTHER CHARACTERS YOU’D LIKE TO PLAY: i have a lot of lowkey oc ideas but i haven’t developed them enough to really bring them to indie. :/ i’d like to rp natasha romanova again, ahsoka tano, and this character from a russian movie i watched last night that i’m highkey in love with.
and, for the bonus round, bold whatever rp-related things appeal to you from the list below!
MUSE PREFERENCES: females / males / canons / ocs / corrupted / good / live action / animated / human / supernatural / other species / hopeless romantic / averse to love / younger (15-25) / older (25+) / easy for you to relate to / hard for you to relate to.
PLOT IDEAS: accidentally married / affairs / age gaps / angst / apocalypse / arranged marriage / boarding school / college roommates / criminals / enemies to lovers / enemies with benefits / exes / fake relationship / fluff / forbidden relationship / friends with benefits / online relationships / pregnancy / prison / professor/student / road trips / rich kids / royalty / smut / supernatural / toxic relationships.
POSSIBLE TRIGGERS IN PLOTS YOU’RE OKAY WITH: abuse / bdsm / daddy kink / drinking / drugs / dub-con / gore / incest / kidnapping / murder / non-con / prostitution / stepcest / stockholm syndrome / torture.
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no but actually i love all of you and thank you for following and putting up with my ridiculous muse. now comes the part where i ramble about people for awhile.
@iincandcscence -- i’m glad we started talking finaLLY AND THAT I GOT OVER THE WEIRD TERROR BC YOU’RE A GOOD BEAN AND RODISPARK IS GOOD STUFF. I love all the ridiculous shenanigans we talk about them getting up to, and I like rambling at you all the time and I’m sorry you gotta put up with that but thank you for doing it. Your Rodimus is wonderful obvs and I love him and you so much please do not do anything different okay.
@rustedservos / @jazz4thearkbeats -- *INCOHERENT RAPTOR SCREECHING* that about sums up my feelings tbh. also ilu and thank you for putting up with me and my tendency to wander off for long periods of time without warning. Ratchet and Jazz are both my dads and Sparky would miss them very much if she couldn’t come and yell at them without warning so I’m glad she can do that.
@radioactivibee -- IT’S YOUR FAULT I’M IN THE TF FANDOM AT ALL thank you for bullying me into watching TFP and into making a Knock Out muse even if I haven’t actually been on his blog properly in ages. You’re also a really good Beeblebee and I love the way you portray him and the way he interacts with Sparky when you have time to reply to things, and throw them at each other. 10/10 would meme again.
@boficionado -- WE HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING IN AWHILE AND WE NEED TO FIX THAT but it is also indirectly your fault that I got into TF bc you introduced me to the kinkshamers and thus to Maddy so really in the end everything’s your fault??? Be proud of yourself Coon friendo. Also please do not ever change bc you are A+ Bean the way you are.
@swordbearing -- honestly I think everything could just about be summed up with “efi;ugbvrougfbroiubg tiufgbhuiotfg gjhgunbk nrugofn” which I’m sure you understand perfectly??? I love you and I love Drift and I enjoy talking to you even if sometimes I ramble for a ridiculous length of time and I’m glad you listen??? Thank. You put a lot of care and effort into Drift even tho I know sometimes you don’t think you do enough but I promise you are doin fine so please stop stressing ok go have a nice christmas and don’t forget your cookies.
@macaddams -- I KNOW YOU HAVEN’T BEEN ON RECENTLY BUT maybe you’ll see it anyway moving on you are great and ilu too and thank you for understanding my ridiculous inability to communicate with people with any sort of consistency at all for random periods of time. 100/10 blurr would not race.
@decepticoncoward -- THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY ALL THE TIME RAMBLING, AND MY USING YOU AS A SOUNDBOARD AND FOR READING MY DUMB WRITING AND THANKS TO FULCRUM FOR TAKING CARE OF SPARKY EVEN IF HE REGRETS IT. We haven’t talked long but you are absolutely a gem and I am glad I finally got around to Bothering You and that our muses hit it off so well!
All of Kinkshamers bc there’s a lot of us to name and this is getting long as heckie: I LOVE YOU THANK FOR EXISTING PLEASE DON’T CEASE DOING THAT TBH?
@theredhellion and @thegiltdoom -- Sunny and Sides are both A+ and I love you both on my dash ujbnougbj. Sparkplug loves both of them in her weird bird way, and enjoys dealing with both of them even if Sunny is terrifying and she’s sure he’s going to kill her at some point. I can’t wait to do all the Things We Have Planned and whatever currently unplanned but certain to happen future adventures crop up. Please yell at me more tho bc I enjoy yelling at you!!!
@martyrix @wily-red-and-galeforce-gold @paniicea @soundw @runninwiththebeat @aranea-mechanica @nokusou @crxditcollector
There’s like 80 million more people I wanna yell about but this list is long as heck already so just assume that if I follow you then you are also listed here.
(also special shout out to @wheeliesandfeelies aka Timtam who passed in July bc I love him and miss him a lot.)
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127, 911, 45, 3, and 10787!
~random numbers munday meme~ | @kessaichi
127: What is the most pointless piece of information that you’ve ever written about a character?
THAT HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO TIE HIS SHOES LMAO i think that’s arguably the most pointless headcanon i’ve come up with for him bc it adds nothing lfiogjks okay wait no i take that back bc it adds souta doting on him even further and acting like a true knight helping his tiny prince tie his shoes which is everything /w\
911: What is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to a muse?
you know this bc we did it together but i’ve gotta say it’s having haruka and souta kidnapped by the rogue investigators and making the big guy break haruka’s leg :) fun times :))) i’d say that’s probably the worst thing we’ve done to our boys so far and the worst thing i’ve put haruka through and i love it bc i’m terrible. i’d just love to explore that scenario more in general.
like can you imagine if their kidnappers try to take haruka from souta to “interrogate” him but souta just rips haruka away from them and crushes him in a fierce protective hug and he stares the investigators down looking more furious than he’s ever been in his whole life and growling “don’t touch him” 👀👌🔥💯
45: What is the best rp resource you know of? (Could be a place to find themes, rp memes, faceclaims, etc.)
shout out to our lovely maddie over at @maddiehelps!!! they’ve made such a fantastic rp help blog omg there’s musing stuff and ask memes and music and themes and all that deliciousness. i actually don’t follow that many rp resource blogs lol but maddie’s is great!
3: If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for? (You may NOT wish for more wishes.)
1. z.ary.a from o.verwa.tch becomes a real person and i get to feel the comfort of her strong beefy arms around me
2. i get the willpower to finish/watch every anime/show that i’ve never had the motivation to commit myself to
3. i get the ability to teleport so we can visit each other anytime and just chill and watch movies and eat nachos!!! The Dream™!!!!
10787: Name one thing that you like about yourself.
i think i’ve always been able to take pride in being a loyal friend. i actually feel like a really shitty friend a lot of the time bc i go so long without contacting people and i’m guilty of being super flaky in the past but despite that i do think i’m a really good listener. i’ve always been the friend who much prefers to listen and be here for people rather than talk about my own problems.
that’s still something i need to work on honestly but i genuinely take joy from being able to be here for my friends. like omg lay nothing makes me happier than knowing you feel like you can confide in me and that we can be so comfortable with each other. heck you know stuff about my life that nobody else does and you’re the first person i always go to when i want to talk about something that happened in my day even if it was just a tiny minor thing.
but yeah basically i like that i’ve always been the type to lend an ear and i like to think i’m really laid back and patient bc i never want the people i care about to feel pressured or that there’s expectations to always reply within a certain time frame, they have to apologize for venting/rambling, etc. i want to be the type of friend who people feel truly comfortable being around/talking to and it means so much that you and i are able to be that for each other
#endlling#( about the mun )#2018: the year souta and haruka smooch each other to death!!#also 2018: the year we put our boys through new levels of pain 8^)#lmao we're so terrible to them but it's incredible seeing their love for each other making them survive anything!!#i got so rambly siofhg but basically i love you and you're my fav person to talk to and i'm grateful for you every day#thank you so much for sending these!!
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Tagged for the 8 OC Facts meme again by @smartarsedlittlefcker, this time for my dwarf commoner Warden, Magda ‘Maddie’ Brosca.
Here’s what she looks like:

And here are eight facts about her. This was kinda hard, ‘cause most of my ideas so far for Maddie have been talked about in previous posts... I mean, she hasn’t even passed Ostagar yet in-game. XD But let’s see what I got:
1. Maddie is a surprisngly spare eater. Once her initial Warden-hunger has faded, she takes small helpings at most meals. It’s partly because she’s spent her whole life making do on little food, and partly because she doesn’t like to take any more food than she really needs due to her whole internalised I-don’t-deserve-things-I-want issues.
2. That said, she has a sweet tooth. When the team have coin to spare, Leliana likes to buy Maddie little sweetmeats, fancy pastries with honey, chocolate when they can find it, and Maddie loves them. For the rest of her life, she associates sweet things with happiness and positive change, because accepting those little presents from Leliana was a step towards realising that she can have things she likes and it’s a good thing.
3. Many dwarfs are freaked out by the sky on going to the surface, but for Maddie, the sky’s a symbol of one amazing fact: she’s not in Orzammar any more. She associates the sky and all its craziness with her newfound freedom from the caste system. She loves standing in the rain, she loves watching the stars come out (and lying on the grass listening to Leliana tell stories about them), she loves seeing different colours and patterns of clouds. (Though the first time night fell when she was on her way to Orzammar with Duncan, she yelped, tugged at his sleeve and shouted, ‘What’s happening to your sun thing? Is it dying?’)
4. Kinda linked to the above - Maddie loves birds. After a brief moment of shock the first time she saw one (‘Duncan, that animal just fell into the sky and it’s staying up!’) she was absolutely thrilled by the whole concept of them. One of her most treasured possessions is a guide to Fereldan birds, a gift from Wynne. (Because if the Warden showers their party members with trinkets, the party are surely doing the same back, right?)
5. Even though my PC version of Awakening is unplayable (this is my issue if anyone knows a fix, the one suggested there didn’t work for me), I know that Maddie and Sigrun will be best friends. Aside from the obvious parallels of being former casteless turned to crime and then finding freedom with the Wardens, Maddie will be utterly overjoyed by her life story becoming an inspiration to the other casteless. They frequently gush over how much they love the surface together.
6. Maddie does not react well to finding out Alistair’s heritage. (I won’t take him to Redcliffe the first time, and headcanon that he couldn’t summon the courage to tell her then; he was scared of how she’d react because he could already tell she hated nobles.) So it’ll come out when Eamon’s cured. She’ll refuse to speak to Al for days, not entirely sure why she’s so angry - I think at heart, she knows having a king for a dad doesn’t change anything about Al, but she’s scared that her friend, who she’s fought beside and made jokes with, is now going to be above her, and they won’t be able to have the bond of equals they shared before. In the end, though, they’ll sort it out and she’ll make Alistair king, because she reckons it’s much, much better for someone who’s known a commoner’s life to be in power.
7. Maddie’s father, Thanar, is a former member of the Miner Caste. He went into voluntary exile from his caste to live with Kalah Brosca when she gave birth to a daughter, but could never quite get used to living in poverty - and while he loved his daughter, he’d really been hoping for a son, so he could accept him and Kalah into his home. Eventually he left for the surface, intending to make some money there and send for his family to live with him, but instead he got into debt with a stonemason named Voldrik Glavonak. Voldrik agreed to take him on as an apprentice and let him work to pay off his debts... so come Awakening, when the new Warden-Commander arrives at Vigil’s Keep, there will be a reunion.
8. If later games permit me to give them a happy ending, Maddie and Leliana will someday adopt a little Qunari girl, because dwarf and human mums raising a Qunari, come on. Maddie will call her Wren, because a) birds and b) irony.
I’ve tagged everyone for this already, so I won’t inflict it on anyone, unless they want to do it!
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Hello guys, good day and welcome to Lilian’s Blog, thank you for clicking on the link.
This is an interview section I had with a Social Media Influencer Madeleine Ugochi Enyi AKA 9jawitches/baggal_maddie who is popular on NaijaTwitter. She is known for her participation on different topics on Twitter, her clapbacks that also go a long way as to appear on different pages on Instagram, the wonderful act of giving and the help she renders to her followers. She tells us a bit about herself, how the journey started and how it has been so far. So, let’s read what she had to say.
Lilian: Hello Maddie, it’s so good to be having this little interview section with you. My readers already know your name and what you do so please be kind to go further and tell us more about yourself. For example, You hail from what state here in Nigeria?
Maddie: I am from Delta State, Ubulu-uku to be precise.
Lilian: What University do you attend and what course do you study?
Maddie: I am studying Psychology in the University of Lagos. 100L student
Lilian: I would have asked your age, but many females love to keep their ages secret, if you don’t mind, please tell us?
Maddie: Well, I am 20, lol
Lilian: Wow, she isn’t shy at all. A round of applause to you then. Lol. Apart from being a social media influencer is there any other thing you are presently into?
Maddie: Well. Not really, I am a part-time MUA
Lilian: I’ve been wanting to ask if you were a male or female because honestly a lady who takes interest in football is a superwoman, nice work though.
Maddie: Lol! Many people ask me that question. Till now, people still think I am a catfish but well I am not. I just do what I do to make my here on Twitter fun. I just don’t want to be that normal girl, I want to stand out in whatever career I find myself in.
Lilian:Oh that’s cool. If I may ask, when did u start being a Social Media influencer?
Maddie: Well, let’s just say about two months ago. I started using Twitter actively 3 months ago, I used to just have 7k followers, then I was not popular. I was just a normal user. Then when I started making funny memes & participate in social discussion, I started gaining recognition here. So I can say it took me about a month to gain such strength to becoming a social media influencer
Lilian: Are your followers supportive?
Maddie: Yea, my followers are the most supportive. Like, I call them my family. They can be annoying sometimes with their criticism and all but well I think that’s part of the game. I learn from most of them, some I discard because they can be really offensive and not constructive in any way. I owe them a lot cos they expect much from me. I always look forward to making sure this place remains a heaven for we all. Where you pain & frustration can be lifted from daily jokes and clap backs I tweet.
Lilian: Awwwn, that’s really sweet. I’ve seen that you are one badass savage, lol, I’m a fan.
Maddie: Lol! You are? Wow I have a fan? Maddie has a fan? Haha. Thank you
Lilian: You’re welcome dear. So If I decided that I want to become a Social Media influencer, how would you advise me to go on that?
Maddie: Well, the social media influencing game ain’t easy though. It is dominated mostly by men. All I can say is be focus & be creative. Consistency & creativity are the two keys behind my success here as a social media influencer.
Lilian: I agree, that is key. You help people advertise their businesses right?
Maddie: Yes I do, I’m a digital marketer.
Lilian: Okay so, I see you and this other guy are friends on here, uhm Favour Onyeoziri aka Rouvafe
Maddie: Yea, we are. I have learnt a lot from him. He has been helpful to me here. He helped me stand on my feet. He is a nice guy.
Lilian: Awwn, a big shout out to him then. Alright, one more thing, are you presently in any relationship cause I’m pretty sure a lot of niggas are in search for a Superwoman to call their own?
Maddie: No, I don’t want to be distracted by that now. I still got a lot of things to do. Relationship will come later.
Lilian: For the guys interested, hope y’all heard the lady. Well, Maddie it has been sure a pleasure getting to know you. I really appreciate this but before we round up could you tell us, during your time of being popular and all, what has been your most achieved goal.
Maddie: My most achieved goal is hitting 5 million impressions on a tweet.
Lilian: What a wow, that’s really impressive you know.
Maddie: I know right
Lilian: “If I tell you say I love you oh, my body my money na your own oh baby……” finish it
Maddie: Bill gate money for my account ti oh
Lilian: Lol, go girl, you are on point. So what would you like to say to your fans, my readers and Nigeria as a whole?
Maddie: I will like them to focus & be original in whatever they do regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in. Consistency is key.
Lilian: Alright guys, y’all have heard from our one and only Badgal, you can follow her on the following social media platforms.
Maddie: Twitter: @badgalmaddie_ @maddieflows Instagram: badgalmaddie_ Snapchat: badgal_maddie
Lilian: Thank you Madeleine.
Incase you would like an Interview with me, do dm me on any social media platform or send in an Email to [email protected].
Until next time
The Interview With Lilian Hello guys, good day and welcome to Lilian's Blog, thank you for clicking on the link.
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