#i really like the music to this song but my translation is ehhhhh
guillemelgat · 5 years
The fourth song in my translation of the album Junteu-vos by El Diluvi!
Sageta de foc Arrow of fire Hi ha un home a la presó dels qui avançaven There’s a man in prison, one of those who were moving ahead Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2) Treieu-li l’embaràs que li oprimeix les mans Take from him the burden that oppresses his hands Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2)
[ TORNADA: Perquè faci camí (x3) To forge a path (x3) Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2) ]
Un jaç arran de la carretera A place to lie around the highway per als vells i els que cauen for the old people and those who might fall No hi vulgueu saber res You don’t want to know anything que ells mateixos s’aixequen about how they lifted themselves up
Això ja és un camí (x3) This is already a path (x3) Més... si cal governar agafeu una tralla And what’s more, if governance is needed, grab a whip Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2) Us estimaran més i àdhuc obeirà They love you more and even will obey Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2) No vulgueu governar (x3) You don’t want to govern (x3) Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2) Això ja és un camí (x3) This is already a path (x3) Junteu-vos! (bis) Join together! (x2)
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erza-shidae · 7 years
You know what's coming ♫ Alleluia ♫
🎶 Kalafina Song Meme 🎶
Ehhhhh, give me something not alleluia for once hahah
♫ What was your first impression of it?
Fell in love with it the first time I listened to it 💕 I don’t know how or why it resonates to me so much, the ‘feel’ of the song I guess it has this sort of melancholic touch to it yet its full of hope (no I haven’t started learning Japanese so I have no idea what the words are in the beginning)

♫ How do you feel about it now?
Once I used the word love, it continues forever xD still my fave Kalafina song by far, and I doubt that this will ever change, I mean if not for this song I wouldn’t have become their fan (fan in my meaning=purchase CD, attending concerts etc *I like a lot of stuffs but the only ones that I buy = Kalafina, SNSD, Roselia)

♫ Rate the song on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best rate)!
10!! You knew this was coming

♫ Describe the song in one sentence!
One word is enough, ‘heavenly’

♫ How does it make you feel?
Calm, peaceful, hopeful, acceptance of life, the will to keep on living lol

♫ What do you like most about this song?
…Obviously, Keiko’s voice xD okay, and Hikaru’s verse 小さな命をふりしぼって君の未来へ 

♫ What’s your least favourite part about it?
*sometimes* WaHi duo during lives… then again I wasn’t that much of a WaHi part fans(especially Eden), don’t get me wrong, I love them both, and heck I actually prefer to listen to Wakana’s solo in FJC concert >__

♫ Best version of the song?
Hmmm… their string concert last year (the x'mas ver) I’ll just pick this tour in general :P

♫ Favourite lines in the lyrics?
Oops, already put that up there haha
But yeah it really gives me the will to live, mustering up and heading to the future, funny I actually felt this before I even read the translation

♫ Thoughts on the musical arrangement and the use of instruments?
Nothing in particular, I love the song >_

♫ Wakana, Keiko or Hikaru? Whose vocals are most impressive in this song?

♫ Share something creative related to this song
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okay, not so creative, but yupp Cakey in that x’mas live i mentioned above :P
Kalafina Song Meme: Send me an ask with a Kalafina song and I will answer the following questions 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ Tag: #kalafina song meme (Please don’t forget to add this tag or I won’t be able to find all of your replies! I am really curious about them!)Rules: Be honest but please try to be respectful when answering those questions.
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I was tagged by @dippedmoonshadow
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1) Coke or Pepsi? Yikes, neither, they both nasty.
2) Disney or Dreamworks? Eh, either.
3) Coffee or Tea? I’m 48% coffee and 49% spite. Tea can fuck off.
4) Books or Movies? Depends, really. I tend to watch more movies than read books these days, but that’s because I read almost strictly fanfic. So, reading over watching, but movies over books.
5) Windows or Mac? Windows, good god, Mac can choke.
6) DC or Marvel? More of a Marvel fan, tbh.
7) X-Box or Playstation? XBox, I fucking hate tryna work a Playstation, but XBox One is only barely above the Playstation.
8) Dragon Age or Mass Effect? I have played neither, so Skyrim.
9) Night Owl or Early Riser? Night Owl
10) Cards or Chess? I am v bad at chess, so cards, I guess, even though I have zero poker face.
11) Chocolate or Vanilla? Hard to go wrong with vanilla, imo.
12) Vans or Converse? Neither, I prefer tennis shoes.
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? No clue what this means so I ain’t taking risks.
14) Fluff or Angst? I mean, sometimes I’m in the mood for one or the other or both, but I’m pretty much always in the mood for smut.
15) Beach or Forest? I hate sand and salt water so forest.
16) Dogs or Cats? I mean, it’s not one or the other for me, but cats require less effort, so cats. (Also, I love my kitty.)
17) Clear Skies or Rain? I mean, sometimes I just want it to pour, but generally rain comes with cold, so I’ll go with clear skies.
18) Cooking or Eating Out? Going out.
19) Spicy Food or Mild Food? I have the pickiest, whitest palate. I can’t stand any amount of spiciness.
20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? I mean, theoretically, I enjoy Halloween more, but I never get to do anything for it, and at least my mom makes Christmas dinner.
21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Like, no matter what I do? I can’t just live my life all bundled up? Yikes, okay, a little too hot please.
22) If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Changing my appearance at will.
23) Animation or Live Action? Eh, I can dig both. My favorites tend to be live-action though.
24) Paragon or Renegade? Dunno what this means, tbh.
25) Baths or Showers? Showers. Can’t overheat in a shower (or at least it takes effort to.)
26) Team Cap or Team Ironman? Team Cap.
27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi? I love both.
28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they?
“What whiskey and butter will not cure, there’s no cure for” Irish proverb or something
“The bushes don’t rattle if there’s no wind” rough translation of a Hungarian proverb
29) YouTube or Netflix? I don’t see why I have to choose.
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Dude, Percy Jackson, all the way.
31) When do you feel accomplished? I don’t.
32) Star Wars or Star Trek? Grew up on Star Trek. Never had even a passing interest in Star Wars until TFA.
33) Paperback Books or Hardback Books? No preference, I have both.
34) Horror or Rom-Com? Ugh, romcoms are cringey but horror movies freak me out.
35) TV Shows or Movies? Even split, really.
36) Favorite Animal? Ehhhhh, not a fair question. Right now, at this moment? Sugar gliders.
37) Favorite Genre of Music? I don’t really have one. Excluding, like, country and screamo, I like everything except the things that I don’t like.
38) Least Favorite Book? Fifty Shades of Rape and a novel called “Push” that is genuinely traumatizing.
39) Favorite Season? Probably autumn.
40) Song that’s currently stuck in your head? Last song I listened to was “Bad Things” by Camila Cabello
41) What kind of pajamas do you wear? Dude, I wear a mishmash of sweatpants, leggings, tank tops, and various actual pajama sets.
42) How many existential crises do you have on an average day? Averaged out I’d say about 0.7
43) If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? “Dig It” from the Holes soundtrack.
44) Favorite theme song? “Mental Meta Metal” by Jeff Williams.
45) Harry Potter Movies or Books? Books, but as I get older, I get less and less impressed with the writing.
46) You can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. Will you do it? Pfft, are you kidding? I’m in the shipping business for the aesthetics and sloppy makeouts, not the emotional payoff. I’m keeping tumblr, thanks.
47) One thing that annoys you the most? Stupid people. Just, like, completely sincere, self-awareness-of-a-pudding-cup stupidity.
48) Dreamcatchers or Horoscopes? Eh, I’m not really into either.
My question: 49) Web-series or podcasts?
I tag: Dude, I don’t even know 49 people. @loyle-trash @izzybutt @arirashkae @eggshellseas @rospeaks @hawthornsword @foxtricks @yogurt-gun @randomingoftherandomness
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putschki1969 · 8 years
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2017/01/26 Blog post by Wakana 『誕生日♪~太陽の暖かさをより感じたい~』
Translation will follow soon! Arrgghhhh, I was almost done with this translation when I accidentally clicked on something and tumblr opened a new window. All of my translation gone...
『Birthday♪~I wanna feel more of the sun’s warmth~』
The picture was taken this morning (*^^*) Today, we had a cloudless brilliant blue sky in Tokyo, the sunshine filtering through the trees was really beautiful.
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
The temperatures are low but when it is bright outside and the sunshine is illuminating everything, it somehow feels warmer, today was such a day.
Well, the other day we celebrated our 9th Anniversary as Kalafina. ♪ As the other two have mentioned already, we held our concerts at our usual venue, the O-EAST. It was a 2-day live restricted to club members only. It was truly passionate and intense.
During the first half of the setlist, we sang songs from our debut work “Kara no Kyoukai” in order of their release. Singing them like that brought back so many memories from that time, it was like watching a revolving shadow lantern projecting a story to the wall *laughs* Back in the day when we first started our live activities, there was no room to have fun. Seeing all of your smiling faces on these two days made me realise that it was precisely due to these hardships in the past that I am now able to enjoy myself during lives. (^-^)/
There’s something I was personally very impressed by during the first half of our concert...ahhhhh, I always feel this way and on these two days I once again felt the same way...forgive me for bothering you with this little story. Kalafina’s songs are made up of certain parts that consist of so called “coined words”, they will be sung alongside or in the background of the Japanese main part of the melody, we will layer our voices to sing these coined words, we use them so often that they have almost become indispensable. However, those coined words are not included in the lyrics of our CD booklet. A vocal score for the “Kara no Kyoukai” series was never released. And yet, there are so many people who can sing along perfectly to these coined words. “Ehhhhh!?? AMAZING!”, I thought (>_<) Truth is, while I was singing, I kept thinking, “WOW, this is so cool!!”(>_<) I guess it should be expected...It’s truly as one would expect. You guys are amazing! You all pay so much attention to every little detail of Kalafina’s songs. I feel so very loved! I am grateful! Truly, thank you! I was able to reflect upon those past nine years we have walked together; thanks to all the amazing songs we got to sing, thanks to all the amazing people we got to meet we are where we are now.
Really! Truly! THANK YOU so much!
It would make me very happy if this year I could once again fill your lives with overflowing music that will bring you the utmost happiness and make you smile!!!! +゚(*´∀`*)。+゚☆・.★・.☆・.★
Also, Kalafina will appear on a radio show tonight. Here are the details ♪ 1/26 (Thu) 24:00-25:00 Cultural Broadcast Super!A&G+「Takeshi Washizaki’s YORU NIGHT×YORU NIGHT」 Web Site:http://www.joqr.co.jp/yonayona/ Web Site:http://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php
It’s been a while since we have last talked to Washizaki-san. I am looking forward to it! Please everyone, be sure to tune in and listen to it/watch it \(^-^)/ [I guess this confirms that there will also be video footage]
Lastly, the moon (taken on a random day)☆ Well then, see you tonight! See you later~☆(*'▽'*)
Also, Keiko had her nails done again ^_^ So pretty!! <3
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