#i really just want to help boost my agenda for this march madness thing
mithrilhearts · 2 years
If you’re wanting some MM prompts…I’ve got the best one 👀
“Which one do I hit?!”
Little drabbles with less than 1k words is my goal for these March Madness prompts, and that's hard to do for me! 😂😂😂 So, small snapshots of scenes from various AUs, and this one is from one you can appreciate. (Bookbinder//Songwriter, huehuehuehue)
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Each day was different. A routine had been set and while sometimes that routine needed to be jostled around and tweaked for the unexpected, Bilbo was excited for it. For instance, every Sunday evening was dedicated to cooking together (but more importantly, teaching Thorin how to cook anything at all without burning the place to the ground) and enjoying a movie or catching up on shows. Mondays and Wednesdays were dedicated to band practice, and sometimes Fridays and Saturdays for gigs, and then you had Tuesday for Bilbo’s newfound book club–which Thorin insisted on attending. So that left Thursdays for a little them time.
Or ‘Game Night’ as Bilbo had offered up.
Now, going into the idea of ‘game night’, it didn't revolve around sports, but actual games, whether of the board variety or electronic. Sometimes they had guests over for cards or board games, whether it was Dis and the boys, or some of Thorin’s bandmates. But sometimes it was nice to keep things quiet for just the two of them, and if Thorin or Bilbo were feeling particularly impish…well, playing with one another made something of a game…didn’t it?
Today’s idea of game night had been simple. They’d ordered takeout, plopped onto the sofa, and well, in Bilbo’s case, he was currently watching Thorin struggle with a controller in his hands. The poor guy was hunched over, his fingers moving along the buttons and joysticks with no real idea of what he was doing, and the way his face was scrunched up nearly had Bilbo in a fit of tears.
“Which one do I hit!?” Thorin barked, annoyed from here to kingdom come.
“The one that’s hitting you!” Bilbo shouted with a laugh infiltrating his voice as he pointed to the screen where poor Thorin’s character was being massacred by a giant, a bear, and some lone soldiers along a cobblestone road. “This is why you don’t aggro everything you see–”
“They aggroed me first!”
The sound of a growl from the television had Thorin shrieking, and as Bilbo’s eyes caught a glimpse of the agitation, as well as the panic settling in, his lips kept twitching in amusement. Right until that sound he had heard tonight time and time again rang from the television. There went Thorin’s character sailing into the sky after having been launched by a giant’s club like a very epic game of golf.
Luckily, Bilbo was quick to jut his hands out to clasp over Thorin’s before an expensive controller could be thrown. “Let’s…not do that.”
“I hate this fucking game. I’m no good at it!” Thorin lamented as he let Bilbo take the game controller from him before slouching into the sofa in as dramatic of a display as ever. His hands rubbed at his eyes and an annoyed groan escaped his lips. “When you suggested game night, I thought you meant something like…checkers.”
“Wow, and they say I’m the boring one,” Bilbo sighed with a roll of his eyes. “Just give it some time, you’ll get the hang of it if you really want to.” All it took was practice, just like everything else in life. “If you can learn to play the guitar as well as you do, you can learn to play a few video games, and not suck, I promise.” Leaning back and against Thorin’s side, nuzzling up beneath the dramatic musician’s chin, Bilbo gently plopped that controller onto his boyfriend’s stomach before glancing upward to catch a bit of Thorin out of the corners of his eyes. “We can play a different game? One with less shouting, both in game and on the sofa?”
“No, no, I’m going to get it,” Thorin huffed, partially annoyed, but some of that moodiness about him had been quelled by the close snuggling that came his way. “When do I get to fight a dragon?”
“After you learn basic controls, and stop poking giants…and bears…and random NPCs–” Poked right in the belly, Bilbo gave an involuntary squeak before his eyes flashed somewhat dangerously at Thorin’s cheeky face. “On second thought, go poke all of them and leave me out of this.”
It was Bilbo’s annoyed little sigh that truly sent Thorin chuckling. Sometimes it was easier to tease than to be teased, wasn’t it? Cocking an eyebrow at the glare he was still receiving, he had determined then and there to give this game night thing another try, even if it meant being launched into the virtual sky by an angry giant. “When we’re done here tonight, I’m going to be the greatest Dragonborn to ever live.” After all, who didn’t love the idea of becoming a world-famous dragon slayer? Even if that reality was saved for the virtual world.
“You are very good at shouting.”
“Only when I’m with you, of course,” Thorin teased, a rise and fall of his brows before being smacked in the chest as another exasperated sigh left his boyfriend at the implication, but if he wasn’t mistaken, the corners of Bilbo’s lips were turned upward. Not that he had ever been truly annoyed. “Alright–” sitting forward, shoving another forkful of food into his mouth, Thorin returned to his hunched over state of concentration, “–now, walk me through this again?”
With a little patience (on both of their parts) and determination, game night would become a success. No checkers necessary!
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