#i really just said: let me info dump about bt and also about me getting drunk and writing about how everything's holy
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peachcitt · 5 years ago
for the meta writing asks: 20 and 4? ☺️
okay so thank you so much for asking these questions and wanting to know more about how i write and basically im saying ilysm and also that this got really really long SO if you’d like to hear about the stuff i think about/thought about while writing, click the read more!!
warning for: bone tea spoilers (like. spoilers for the end of the fic) and some mention of religion
20. tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
let’s talk about bt! because god knows there’s a whole lot in there that i could talk about for hours BUT let’s talk specifically about gabriel and lila - our two favorite villains. NOW if you haven’t read bt (you can read it here) and don’t mind being hella spoiled for how it ends, gabriel is the father of adrien, one of the main protagonists, and lila is an ex-lover of marinette, the other main protagonist. throughout the whole story, i made it so that the relationships marinette and adrien have with gabriel and lila remain really complicated.
at the start of bt, we know adrien has cut himself off from his father and hasn’t seen him in years. as the story progresses, adrien and gabriel begin to make the steps of re-establishing a father-son relationship, and it’s something that adrien really does seem to feel good about. and then gabriel tells him that he’s hawkmoth, the guy who’s been killing people. so that’s not great.
for marinette, we’re given the sense that she’s been very isolated for a while, at least in the world of magic. when shit hits the fan, lila comes along, and it’s revealed that the relationship marinette and lila had before bt was a very passionate one that ended very badly. when chat confesses to marinette, we learn that in some ways, marinette still hasn’t recovered from the relationship she had with lila. and it turns out, lila joins up with hawkmoth for the sole reason of ruining marinette in any way she possibly can as revenge for breaking her heart. so that’s also not great. 
here’s bits from the final fight scene, aka the scene where both gabriel and lila are defeated:
Within seconds, his body was dropping unceremoniously to the floor, his life buzzing around amongst her teeth, and she was turning around, sparing no glances to the limp form of the man who had killed her friends, killed her other half. 
Marinette’s eyes widened. She and Lila both turned their heads to Adrien, pushing himself up from the floor. There was a determined light in his eyes, and Marinette knew. She knew he was going to do it, and he was going to do it right.
“To worlds far and unreturnable-”
Lila also seemed to know.
She turned her head back to Marinette, desperate, unhinged. She raised her arms, the blood and the silver glinting.
it might be a little hard to tell since these are very small snippets, but here’s what i wanted to point out: in this final fight, marinette is the one to defeat gabriel, and adrien is the one to defeat lila. in a sense, marinette and adrien defeated each other’s antagonist.
in the final scene, they felt that they had literally no other choice; adrien was dead, gabriel offered his life, and marinette knew that was the only viable option for adrien to come back. marinette was pinned down, lila had the upper hand, and adrien knew marinette wouldn’t say the words in time to save herself. this was, to me, the ultimate symbol of adrien and marinette’s partnership and relationship; they always had each other’s backs, they were always balancing each other out.
but, i also felt that i was robbing the both of them the chance to feel closure for the abuse they each suffered. despite everything, adrien loved gabriel (his last words before dying were “i love you” directed toward the entire room - not just marinette, not just emilie, but also to gabriel) and marinette loved lila (even when she was inhabiting another body, marinette could still see lila behind it all - her last words to her, and presumably the last words she thought she would ever say were “i loved you; with everything i had, i loved you”)
SO let’s look at two moments from the final chapter:
After a moment, Adrien took a deep breath, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Is he still here?” he asked, and Marinette nodded. Adrien stared down at the grave, eyebrows furrowed. “Go now, Father,” he said softly, almost gently. “Go.”
Gabriel opened his mouth as if to say something in protest, and then he swallowed, glancing at Marinette and Emilie. He bowed his head, and he faded away, out of sight.
“He’s gone,” Adrien whispered. It wasn’t a question.
She rubbed her thumb over the little fix insignia, and she murmured the spell to wipe the hex away under her breath. When she pulled her hand away, the fox was gone, and so were all the traces of Lila’s magic. “It’s done,” she said, and she resolutely placed the book back into its proper place.
“Done?” Adrien asked, and Marinette nodded.
“Yeah. She’s gone.” And it was like a little weight had lifted off of her shoulders.
again, it might be a little hard to tell in these small snippets, but here’s what happened: at gabriel’s funeral, gabriel’s ghost shows up and adrien is the one to send him away for good. at marinette’s bookshop, marinette finds an old hex that lila left on one of the books from a while back, and she is the one to wipe away the hex.
so, through these small final scenes, i tried to give adrien and marinette the opportunity to say goodbye to the people they both loved and hated on their own terms. it was important for me to show that they saved each other without question in the final fight, but it was just as if not more important for me to give them each the space and peace so that they could come to terms with and turn the page on their past traumas.
dkjdkdskdkd that was basically a whole ass essay im sorry gnjfghjf BUT ive been wanting to ramble about that ever since i finished bt so THANK YOU for letting me do that
(ive also been thinking about maybe doing a bt reread before/after i post the special extra chapters where i reread bt and make comments like this about the thoughts i had while writing so let me know if any of y’all would like to see that!!) anyways next question sjffkj
4. share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
"We are all God's things, all made of the same materials as everything else. There is a piece of Rome here, and there is a piece of here in Rome. The divinity does not lie in the place, but rather in the hands that shaped the place."
"Construction workers and artists that died hundreds of years ago made Rome," Will said, and Hannibal turned his eyes on him. A tumbling sort of feeling fell upon Will's stomach. "The company down the road made this one."
"Aren't the hands of God's people holy? Aren't the thoughts born from their brains pieces of the clay that He shaped, breathed life into?"
this is from my hannigram fic the dark and the stained glass watchers and there’s a couple of reasons why im proud of this, the first being that i was very drunk when i wrote this fic sfkjhsfkj 
literally i got drunk and i was like. hm i think i will write something gay and kind of blasphemous and then i wrote this fic that has a lot of really really good lines in it that i actually genuinely enjoy sober (if you haven’t watched hannibal and are curious about this fic - don’t worry you can read it if you want! it’s an au, so you don’t actually have to know anything about the show to read it)
im also proud of this bit because i have a sort of complicated relationship with religion skfjkfdk i was raised catholic which, as many know, has the ability to do wonders on your psyche in the long run in certain cases, and ive never really felt very connected to church or that strict sort of religion in general. im still not really sure exactly what i believe, to be honest - but i like to believe in the idea of holiness, of divinity. and, in this blasphemous gay hannibal fanfiction i wrote while drunk, i feel like in some ways i was finally able to put words to the things in my head regarding religion and belief in a way that i think is really beautiful. and im lowkey pretty proud of that.
anyway thank you so much for allowing me to ramble on about this stuff i love you and everyone who managed to read through all of this skjfghsfjh y’all are so strong 
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deniigi · 5 years ago
anyways the discord has fucked me up 6 ways to hell.
Have some Sam/Ned/Peter/Johnny/MJ
Because we couldn’t pick a ship and we discovered Sam/Ned, and now we’re all devastated by it.
Title: Anenome’s an Enemy
Summary: The polycule welcomes Sam into its ranks.
Notes: So the polycule consists of Ned, Peter and MJ who are all romantically involved and established. Peter is also in an on/off relationship with Johnny, but Johnny is just friends with Ned and MJ. Oh. And these are Inimitable Verse characters.
It started with Ned and MJ reading the texts from the groupchat in order to psychoanalyze Peter’s teammates.
This was not new.
Peter let them read the bullshit fairly regularly. It was only fair that they got to see what he was giggling about.
What was new was Ned asking who BT was.
Peter had thought that they’d met at Matt and Foggy’s wedding, but Ned couldn’t remember Sam being there, and, to be fair, Peter had noticed that Sam had an extraordinary ability to blend himself into the background when there were multiple people having a conversation.
MJ barely remembered Sam, too, for that reason precisely, so Peter asked Sam if he could send a selfie ‘for the home team to admire.’
Sam said that he wasn’t comfortable with that.
It was super surprising.
Peter apologized for asking and Sam waved it off, saying that he just didn’t know how to take selfies for anyone besides his sister and friends and he just didn’t want to screw it up. Which was code for ‘I am actually really fucking uncomfortable with this whole thing; please don’t ask me why I’m saying no.’
Peter dropped it.
MJ didn’t forget about it, though, and so he had to explain that Blindspot was a little camera shy.
Get it?
Because Blindspot?
Ned told him that it was kind of weird that Sam didn’t want to take a picture for him when he was cool taking them for his other friends; MJ said that it was probably because he didn’t want her and Ned to see his face and Ned relented a little bit.
“We’ve already met him, though?” he pointed out. “Surely that was worse in this scenario?”
Well. In Sam’s world, it was probably better, actually, Peter thought. In real life, he could smile and duck out of sight and stay out of range. A picture was forever.
“He’s probably got a reason,” MJ continued. “Or his folks were probably those ‘put it on the internet and it never goes away’ types.”
“I think,” Peter said quietly, because he didn’t actually know—because Sam never actually said the words out loud—“That he might be undocumented?”
He got two sets of eyes his way immediately.
“Oh,” Ned said. “That’s completely understandable then.”
“Yikes,” MJ said. “Does he need help? I’ve got some stuff saved if he needs legal stuff.”
No. No, Peter thought that Sam probably knew more about his situation than any of them did. He knew what kind of help he needed and he might take offense at links or brochures passed his way, so he shrugged and told the others that Sam probably had the situation under control.
The other two dropped the subject after saying that the next time Sam was in the area, they should all get dinner or something.
Peter extended this invite to Sam and got back a simple ‘thanks 🙂’.
Sam didn’t talk to him for the rest of the week.
 At about week two of radio silence in the chat and in personal texts, Peter asked Matt if he’d overstepped.
Matt didn’t answer the question. What he said was that, as far as he could tell, Sam was okay at work and in their training. He noted that Sam went through cycles of being very open and chatty and then withdrawing into himself for days and weeks at a time. He left it at that.
He didn’t say ‘he has been violently reminded about all the shit he can’t do and is protecting himself from you and your ilk.’
He didn’t say that.
But Peter still felt it.
 SM: hey BT, hope you’re okay. Didn’t mean to overstep the other day. Sorry about that. Let me know if you need anything.
BT: I’m okay
BT: I’ll let you know.
BT: ❤
 MJ told Peter that he was blowing things out of proportion.
“If Matt says he goes through cycles, then he goes through cycles, Peter,” She scolded. “Matt can’t lie for shit. Not about people he cares about.”
But what if—
What if—
“I just feel like shit because I don’t know how to make him feel better,” Peter admitted. “I feel like I broke his trust or something.”
“He’s not not talking to you,” MJ said. “He’s just not info-dumping. And you don’t know his life, it might not have been you making him feel bad. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your mistakes, you know.”
Right, right.
Yeah, he knew.
 PP: hey matt did I fuck up?
MM: ?
PP: I think I fucked up. can you tell Sam I’m really really sorry?
MM: Sammy’s fine?
MM: He’s discovered jalapeño Cheetos and he and foggy are making my life hell.
MM: they’re both very cheerful right now.
MM: did something happen?
PP: I think so? I asked him for a picture a while ago for Ned and MJ and he hasn’t spoken to me in 2 weeks. I mean like really spoken. I said sorry but I’m not getting back more than 5 word responses
MM: ah
MM: he’s okay Peter
PP: is he really tho??
MM: lol
MM: yeah buddy he’s okay
PP: what is ‘lol???’
MM: lol
PP: Matt.
MM: I’m a confidante I cannot say. But it is very cute.
PP: ????
PP: Matt I’m spiraling
PP: can you just like tell me I haven’t single handedly ruined our friendship?
MM: no can do. You’ll have to ask him, friend.
PP: god when did you turn into such a dad?
MM: when I got all these fuckin kids I didn’t ask for. Fuck off squirt
PP: I hate you too
MM: ❤
 Johnny held Peter’s face between two palms and told him he was being a dramatic piece of shit and it was Johnny’s turn this month.
Johnny was offended.
Peter made sad sounds at him until he relented and agreed to come sit at the table with MJ to psychoanalyze all Peter’s Bad Friend behaviors.
Johnny did not like to sit at the table with MJ, mostly because MJ kept stabbing him with her eyes, but he came along and gave Ned a big hug in the doorway.
MJ stabbed him with her eyes for that, too.
Johnny paged through the texts Peter had screenshotted and printed out and tossed on the table with a collection of pens and after a while, blinked once and jerked his head up suddenly to stare into MJ’s eyes.
MJ glared at him languidly.
Peter sat on his hands, all highlighters and pen privileges having been revoked after the second guilt spiral two minutes ago, and looked between them, back and forth.
They said nothing to him.
They spoke only in narrowing eyes and squirming eyebrows.
Peter hated when they did shit like this.
“Peter,” MJ finally said after a good three minutes of awkward silence. “When you went back west to stay with Matt and Fogs, where did you stay?”
Well, their house?
“Where in their house?” MJ asked like she already knew the answer. She tangled a hand into her hair in exasperation. Johnny brought both hands up to his face to hide a huge smile.
In the house?
Well, Angel and Louis had taken the couch and Ellie and Wade had been in the guest bedroom, so he’d stayed in Sam’s room with him.
Ned sighed loudly from the couch. His typing slowed down as he slouched lower and lower into the cushions.
Peter didn’t get it.
Why was everyone staring at him?
“Buddy,” Johnny said kindly. “You’re so fucking stupid, you make me look smart.”
“You are smart,” Peter said. “Why am I stupid?”
MJ held out her hand for his phone. He gave it to her without question.
 PP: hey matt its MJ.
PP: does Sam have a crush on Peter?
MM: I don’t know MJ, does he?
 MJ held the phone up to Peter’s face while Johnny shriek-giggled into his palms.
Peter felt a little like jelly.
All wobbly and shit.
“He likes me?” he blurted out.
MJ blinked slowly. Johnny pounded a fist against the table, wheezing.
“He thinks you want a picture for your friends,” he said. “He thinks you’ve friendzoned him. Oh my god. Peter.”
“Give me that,” Peter said, snatching his phone.
 PP: matt this is peter this is not a drill
PP: he likes me??? Like likes-likes? Or just likes?
MM: why do you children keep asking me stupid questions?
MM: ask each other stupid questions
“What do I do?” Peter asked the other two.
Johnny hummed and poked at his chin. MJ leaned over towards the couch with an outstretched hand. Ned took it in a show of moral support.
Once she’d powered back up, MJ turned back to Peter with infinite patience.
“Do you like him too?” she asked.
Did he—did he like Sam?
Well, obviously he liked Sam. Sam was funny and brilliant and always down to get in a bit of trouble. He was sensitive to others and he picked himself back up every time shit hit him.
He was warm.
His energy was warm. And welcoming. And he seemed to constantly be fighting that.
But he was Matt’s. Not in that way.
Like, he was Matt’s apprentice. Functionally, he was Matt’s apprentice, but actually, even back when Peter had just met him, he’d known that Sam was more than that to Matt.
Sam denied it. Matt denied it. But they were very, very close. Closer than Peter had been allowed to be with Matt.
Matt would fight to the death for Peter, Peter knew this; there had been a few close calls over the years. But Matt gave off this weird vibe with Sam.
It was a buzz. Peter felt it low in his neck. Humming.
The Spidey Sense didn’t like Matt being behind him when Peter was with Sam. It thought he was a threat.
And that? That was not normal. Matt had stood behind Peter for more than a decade and never, not once, had the Spidey Sense reacted that way to him.
Peter had told Wade about it and Wade’s eyes had softened. He’d clasped Peter’s shoulder and said that he was ‘touched as hell,’ which Peter didn’t understand at first.
He kind of got it more now.
Sam was Matt’s. What he was exactly wasn’t super clear. But Matt was willing and ready not just to die, but potentially to torture, for Sam and he didn’t fucking like anyone being too close to him—especially not another vigilante.
Sam was off limits.
Touch him and suffer the consequences.
That message was loud and clear.
So even if Peter thought that Sam was warm and brilliant and so easy to sink into, it didn’t matter.
Johnny and MJ and Ned considered this by drumming fingers on noses and chins and making humming sounds.
“Red seems okay with BT having a crush on you, though?” Johnny said. “He’s joking about it, after all. Maybe he just doesn’t want you to make the first move? You do kind of have a track record, Peter.”
That made a lot of sense actually.
“So what, I have to wait for Sam to say something or to get over me?” Peter asked.
“Pretty much,” MJ said. “Unless anyone else has a better idea?”
No one did.
Man, bummer.
 Sam came back into contact a few days later like nothing had happened. He was concerned about definitions of seals. He needed people to help him work through them. Evidently, Matt, Foggy, and Kirsten hadn’t done the job.
Matt said nothing about no one, which was infuriating as always.
And so it went.
 BT: heyyyyyyyyyyyyy peter
SM: lol hey you what’s up?
BT: m drunk
SM: oh word?
BT: Leilani told me no to taext no one butttttt I hate meself so here we are
SM: Leilani?
BT: fremd
SM: dude red said you finish all your girlfriends drinks?
BT: is my scared duty
BT: scared
BT: sacred
SM: sam you’re like 140 pounds
BT: 😘
SM: okay sure I’m proud of you. how many did you chug
BT: hey teach says that you’re a people eater is that true?
SM: people eater? No. I am spider
BT: hello spider I am dog
BT: no like he says that you go through people a lot
SM: I have a lot of exes
BT: oh neat
BT: I have none exes
SM: what?? Really??
BT: rly
SM: have you ever dated someone?
BT: I don’t date
BT: fuck em and leave em
SM: oh
SM: does that work for you?
BT: easy
SM: wow okay
BT: I don’t want to be your ex. Can we just fuck and say notging about it?
BT: nothing
BT: like it doesn’t have to matter
BT: donst have to go anwhere
SM: yeah. I’m down with that, I guess?
BT: !!!!
SM: I mean if you are. Next time we’re in the same area we can do smth
BT: nice
BT: I think Imma puke
SM: uh?? Don’t puke in bed
SM: Sam?
BT: did not we’re good hey thanks
BT: that’s cool of you.
BT: I promise Ima a good lay ❤
SM: you could be more than that too, you know?
BT: Good night!!!
 MJ held her face as Peter straddled her hips with his phone two inches from her nose.  
Ned snickered.
“Help me,” MJ begged of him.
He shook his head. Peter shook his phone.
“Friend,” he said.
“Fuckbuddy,” MJ told him. “Don’t fall in love with him, Peter.”
Too fuckin’ late, babe.
Ned started shaking with laughter.
It happened once.
Kirsten was in New York for reasons. She brought backup in the form of Sam and some of his coworkers. They were on a 3 day mission, then Sam was catching a train to go help Clint out with a case down in Florida on Matt’s request.
Three days was plenty of time to get up to some shenanigans.
And Sam’s sides were tight. Strong.
Weirdly flexible?
“You’re great,” Sam told him immediately after their ‘shenanigans.’ “I’m leaving.”
Woah, woah, woah, there cowboy.
What’s the rush?
Sam, already back in his black hoodie, blinked owlishly and then squinted.
“Is this not how this works?” he asked.
“Stay,” Peter told him, pulling at his sweater. “Have dinner with me and my partners. They want to meet you.”
Sam smiled at him.
It was a bitter one.
“I’ve gotta jet, Pete,” he said. “For real. Thanks, though. Tell them I said hi.”
When he left Peter felt a little like slamming his hand against the bedside table. But that would shatter the bedside table, so he laid back and let the self-loathing begin.
 Johnny thought that Sam was maybe a little insecure and so Peter should chill the fuck out.
“He’s probably never been with a polyamorous person,” he told Peter. “He might be trying to respect MJ and Ned.”
That made sense.
Too much sense.
“And anyways, your agreement was ‘fuck and leave,’” Johnny said. “If you want more than that you’re gonna have to—”
Don’t say it.
“You’re gonna have to—”
Stop singing.
“You’re gonna have to communicate, boo-bear.”
Fuck off.
No words. Only unrequited feelings and misery.
Johnny laughed.
“You’re a mess,” he said.
 Okay, but once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern, no?
Matt sent a text to Peter that said simply ‘I will end you.’
That was basically proof, right?
That was Matt’s shovel talk, right??
MJ and Ned stared at him in horror.
“I think, Peter,” MJ said, “This is a warning.”
Yeah, a shovel talk. Peter had been through infinite shovel talks.
“Maybe you should talk to BT,” MJ said.
“Rephrasing that,” Ned said. “You should definitely talk to BT.”
Okay, fine.
 SM: hey sam
SM: what are we doing, man?
SM: Matt’s threatening to end me
BT: ignore him he’s got zero right
SM: are you sure?
BT: I thought we weren’t talking about this
SM: I kinda want to talk about it?
BT: 🙂 I don’t
SM: oh
SM: sorry
SM: I thought that maybe there was just something more there?
BT: there isn’t. Sorry Peter.
SM: …are you sure?
BT: yes
SM: you’re kind of not giving me confidence that you’re sure, sam. Not enough emojis.
BT: I don’t want to talk
BT: thanks for trying tho!
BT: it means a lot ❤
SM: is it okay if I talk then?
BT: I will not stop you
SM: okay great because I’m kinda? Falling? For you?
SM: like you’re really cute? And funny? And insanely smart and really nice and super good at everything you do? And you have your ideals and you don’t waver?
SM: and idk if you know anything about me or my people that that’s uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
SM: how to say
SM: my type
BT: I’m not a type 🙂
SM: no, obviously you’re a person. And I just.
SM: I’ve got love disease
BT: don’t say that word
SM: okay?
SM: are you uncomfortable?
BT: yes
BT: profoundly
SM: okay sorry I’ll stop
BT: peter I like you but I can’t be anything more to you
SM: ?? Why not??
BT: why not????
BT: because DD is my teacher, okay?? And you’re his mentee/brother/teammate whatever.
BT: and I’m not ruining what I have with him because I can’t control my fucking emotions.
BT: this is my shot.
BT: I only have one.
BT: and you’re great. You’re amazing. But I can’t throw it away.
SM: oh
SM: no yeah. That’s fair.
SM: sorry I didn’t mean to push
BT: its fine
SM: is that why you don’t date?
BT: I don’t date because no one cares.
SM: sam that’s not true
BT: can we just? Not?
SM: no? On this thing? No? People care about you? And they would be lucky to have you if you wanted them?
BT: I don’t want them
SM: are you aro?
BT: idk what that means
SM: Aromantic? You don’t feel romantic attraction?
BT: I still don’t know what that means
SM: okay well if you are, then that’s totally cool just so you know.
BT: I’m sorry
SM: don’t be sorry, you’re fine. I was the one pushing.
BT: no this is how it always goes. I’m sorry. I’m just gonna step back if that’s okay
SM: ? you don’t have to. Lol. If you think a rejection is the kind of thing to put a dent in my relationships with people, you got another thing coming pal.
BT: I didn’t mean it like that
SM: it’s okay if you did
SM: but sam you also know that it’s okay to be known a little bit, right?
BT: its not.
“Peter,” Ned said. “Bud, look at me.”
Peter did--with maximum misery.
“I love you,” Ned said. “You are cornering this guy.”
“I’m never texting again,” Peter said.
“Bro, chill,” Ned said. “He likes you, okay? He literally said that. And he also said that he doesn’t want to fuck things up with his teacher. We know that Matt’s polyamorous. We know that he gets it. But does BT know that? Have they actually talked about this kind of thing? Hell no. Matt won’t talk to Foggy about romantic shit, why would he talk to BT about it?”
Fffffffffffffffffffffair point.
“Dramatic,” Ned scolded. “Here, let me try.”
Beg your pardon, sir?
“I just want to calm him down,” Ned said. “You know, apologize for my idiot’s pressure.”
Phone’s all yours then.
 PP: hi BT, this is Ned. I’m peter’s bf.
PP: listen man I just want to say that you’re completely fine. Don’t worry about this stuff too much. Me and MJ don’t mind you two hanging out and doing stuff. We’ve already talked through a lot of this for another guy.
PP: but also like, if you like Peter, that’s okay? He’s infuriatingly likeable. I know, I’ve been here since 3rd grade. If that feels weird to you, though, it might help if you talked to Matt about Kirsten and how they came to be.
PP: it’s okay
PP: whatever you decide, I promise: it’s okay. And you seem super nice and you make my partner really happy (fuckin dopey tbh) so if you ever just want to come and chill, that’s totally good. We’d like to meet you at some point, but no pressure if that makes you uncomfortable.
PP: I’ll be honest, BT, I don’t know much about you.
PP: MJ’s started following you on twitter tho and she says youre funny af. So if you want to join the nerdcrowd over here (unless you’re startrek trash) you’ll always be welcome to our place.
PP: anyways sorry that Peter’s Like That™
PP: he never learned how to quit
PP: hope you get a moment to chill and process dude. –Ned
Read 12:24
BT: are you sure?
PP: oh hey. About what?
BT: all of it?
PP: yeah man I’m sure. MJ is too, she’s just on Peter-beating duty rn so she can’t come to the phone
BT: ok
PP: hey are you shy?
BT: what? No. why do you ask?
PP: no reason. you just seem a little shy.
BT: ☹
PP: lol
PP: you okay?
BT: yes
PP: you want to process?
BT: no
PP: have you already processed?
BT: how do you know that?
PP: because you’re shy and I used to be more shy so you probably either talked it out to yourself or you called your mom or bff or something
BT: I don’t have
BT: sry yeah I talked it out with foggy
PP: you don’t have a mom?
BT: …or a bff. But there is foggy. He’s been helpful.
PP: dude how do you not have a bff? You need a bff
BT: I have plenty of friends ☹
PP: but no bff
BT: AND a sister
PP: but no bff
BT: I COULD have a bff. I just choose not to. For style.
PP: lolololol
PP: peter’s right you’re cute. Okay I’ve gotta give him back his phone before he implodes. Nice talking to you.
BT: okay byeee
Peter straddled Ned and held the phone two inches from his face.
This was witchcraft.
Dark magic.
The least he could do was share.
“I literally just took the pressure off, dude, I don’t know what’s hard about this,” Ned said while MJ watched them over the back of the couch like a cat.
“Teach me your ways, sorcerer,” Peter said.
Ned grabbed his elbow.
“You will never attain my power,” he said.
Peter dropped his full weight on top of him.
 Sam came around eventually.
Peter’s heart fucking stopped. Johnny clapped for him when the text came in that said, ‘DD says he doesn’t mind and he’s already doled out threats. So? Do you maybe want to start over?’
Peter screamed.
Johnny took his phone from him and let him scream better.
“I want to seeeee,” Johnny hummed. “Give us a picture, Blindspot. Are you a little hottie?”
“Shortie,” Peter whimpered.
The phone went down and Johnny’s head came up.
“That’s deadly,” he said.
“I know,” Peter told him.
 Sam was…how to say.
Light touch.
Not good with even the slightest bit of pressure.
Peter hadn’t realized how much of a front he put up in front of other people until he tried to get him talking about shit that mattered and only then did he fully realize the extent to which Sam was exactly like Matt.
Trying to steer him towards emotions and negotiation and heartfelt discussion was like telling a fish that it could only swim one direction.
Sam’s reaction in every case was ‘okay that’s fine, let’s never mention this again--also I’m not going to do that; you just do what you want to me and I’ll figure everything else out on my own.’
Mind boggling.
Zero skills in that department.
Ned thought it was absolutely adorable.
MJ thought it was funny as fuck.
“Matt is useless,” Peter told them. “Absolutely useless. He’s done this shit for twenty fucking years and he’s just letting Sam work it out on his own?”
“Maybe that’s his teaching method?” Ned pointed out.
No, it absolutely was his teaching method. But that was the problem.
“Sam,” Peter said on the phone a while later, “Listen, buddy. I recognize that you are allergic to feelings, but this is what we have to do to get what we want.”
Sam hung up.
“Threatened,” Ned said. “Come on. Gimme.”
 Ned accused Peter of not telling him that Sam was Chinese. Peter told him that Sam’s twitter was literally half-written in Chinese.
Ned accused MJ of not telling him that Sam was Chinese and MJ said simply ‘my bad’ and got away with that shit, like she always did.
Johnny asked if Sam was interested in a superhero-sandwich and Peter got to take his aggression out on his pressure points.
Still, though, Peter was kind of glad that Ned was leading the charge on this. Firstly, because Ned so rarely stepped into these things with authority and it was really warming and lovely to see him so interested in bringing another person into their polycule. And secondly because Ned had the lightest touch of them all.
Peter, MJ, and Johnny were all helmet heads wielding hammers. The only thing keeping them from self-destruction were all the YIELD signs they’d set around their circle.
Ned typically just waded in between them all to tug Peter and MJ out of the battlezone and into a semblance of humanity.
So it was nice—no, it was cute that Ned was developing a little crush on Sam.
MJ thought so, too.
“I do love fresh meat to tenderize,” she said.
Peter stared.
“That is not the vibe we’re going for,” he reminded her.
MJ waved him off.  
What’d he do now?
Ned held the phone seriously out to him.
“Tell Sam I want a picture of him to put on the wall next to my mirror,” he said.
Peter blinked.
“That’s creepy, dude,” he said.
“It will make him laugh and he’s still not comfortable sharing yet,” Ned said. “But he trusts you more than me.”
Okay sure.
Peter texted.
Sam sent back only eye emojis.
“So,” Peter said while Ned tapped a foot impatiently on the kitchen linoleum. “There’s something you should know.”
Ned cocked his head at him.
 “Dude,” MJ said. “That’s wild.”
Sam’s eyes were, uh, how to say.
Johnny shrieked, took the phone and climbed into Peter’s lap.
“He’s so cute, Peter, bring him home, I’ll be so nice,” he pleaded.
Johnny was not the one who was going to need reminders to be nice.
“How does he see?” Ned asked.
Oh, you know…
Not well.
Johnny lowered the phone.
“He’s blind?” he asked.
“Not blind,” Peter said. “But low vision.”
The room seemed to go quiet for a minute.
“Is Matt his—”
“No,” Peter sighed.
“Are you sure?” MJ asked. “These coincidences are stacking.”
“No,” Peter repeated. “His dad’s Chinese. He was born in Fuzhou, I think.”
“Oh,” MJ said.
“So he can’t see very well,” Ned repeated.
“He does okay in daytime,” Peter said. “And he does best with high contrast. But like, pictures can be hard sometimes if they’re too light or too dark. He doesn’t really ask for much help, but he and Matt kinda puzzle over stuff if you’re not careful. And if you’re extra not careful, they’ll make their own memes and they’ll be full of blind jokes.”
The room held still for another moment.
“Okay, so what do we need to do?” Ned asked.
 The first time the others met Sam, Peter had to chase him down the hall and even then, it was only via Matt’s aid that he was placed back in Peter’s apartment.
Matt pointed a finger at Sam’s eye and told him that he was to stay ‘right fuckin here’ until he was done at the courthouse.
“Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars,” Matt said as Sam tried and failed to bite that finger. “I want an intact paralegal by the end of this trip, and I will not have an intact paralegal if you go around gettin’ noticed by the fuckin’ Irish, yes?”
“I can take ‘em,” Sam said.
Matt sneered.
“I don’t know why I bother,” he said. “Stay. Those are orders.”
“Fuck your orders,” Sam shot back at him, to the horror of everyone else in the room.
“Yeah, yeah, ‘fuck your orders,’ whatever,” Matt said. “Stay put.”
Sam bared his teeth after him.
Only when the door closed, did he finally give notice that other people were in the room. Johnny lit up.
“You’re short and angry,” he said.
Sam rounded on him.
 MJ loved Sam now.
MJ told everyone else to get out, Sam was the only person who mattered.
Johnny thought that Matt needed to come back and take his rabid dog with him. Sam told him to stay out of his face and they wouldn’t have any more problems, but, seeing as Johnny was incapable of not adding fuel to fire, Peter kept him behind himself for the time being.
Ned was probably the person in the most shock of Sam, however.
Peter forgot how Sam came off to other people.
Very unassuming. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. His prosthetics hid his black sclera, and even if he did tend to lift his face towards the light more often than other people, he did it so subtly, you’d think he was nodding along to a tune in his head.
Sam looked like your friend.
Your neighbor. Your classmate. The one with the baby face, you know.
His hair was getting longer, Peter noticed. He pointed it out and Sam softened enough to tell him that he was going for something a little more hipster.
“If I let it keep going, it’ll start swooping,” he told Peter. “The swoop is very in right now, Peter.”
Peter believed him.
He had no idea what that meant. But he believed him.
“You know what’s not in?” Johnny asked. “Friendly fire.”
Sad sneered at him.
“I ain’t know you from Adam,” he snapped.
Ned lifted a fist to his face in a sign that Peter recognized well and it took everything in him not to smirk and start teasing.
“Okay, let’s start over,” Peter said. “Sam, these are my friends, or, uh. Our polycule, if you will.”
He had Sam’s attention now.
“Polycule?” he asked.
“’Cause it’s shaped like a molecule,” MJ said. “And everyone here is also a nerd.”
Sam looked at her.
“You’re MJ,” he said.
“You’re Blindspot,” MJ said. “What makes you blind?”
“The trauma,” Sam said without missing a beat.
Peter waved Johnny off and set his hands on Sam’s shoulders.
“Sam’s made an invisibility suit,” he said.
He had everyone’s attention now.
“You did what?” Ned said.
Sam blinked and then shrugged a shoulder.
“What, like it’s hard?” he asked.
Oh yeah.
He was gonna fit in fine.
163 notes · View notes
ggukcangetit · 5 years ago
Tomorrow: Jungkook x Reader
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff. Grad student au!; grad student! jungkook; grad student! reader; grad student! bts
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Suggestive language, mild kissing. Not much else really.
Summary: At the beginning of your third year of your PhD program, you didn’t expect many changes. Until the new PhD cohort started classes, and Jeon Jungkook became part of your group of friends.
A/N: i just wrote this randomly with zero plot in mind. idk what this ended up becoming but read it and lemme know if you like it? 
“Choi is a madwoman. I swear she makes me do so many lit reviews just to see me suffer.” Park Jimin, 2nd year PhD student, works part time at HopeWorld dance studio, and is currently regretting many of his life choices.
“I told you not to say yes to every single project that came your way.” Min Yoongi, 4th year PhD student, weekend DJ at Club Moonlight, recipient of the university’s most prestigious research grant, currently lives in a posh apartment four streets away from the main research lab.
“We’re older. Which means we have more experience. Which means we tend to be right more often.” Kim Seokjin, another 4th year PhD student, enrolled into the PhD program after realising that the completion of his MBA meant he would have to join the family business, amateur chef with professional sass, and sole reason behind Min Yoongi being able to afford living in a posh apartment four streets away from the main research lab.
“Not when you bet Tae he couldn’t finish grading Kang’s first year Intro class papers in 24 hours.” Jung Hoseok, 3rd year PhD student, simultaneously working on a second Master’s degree, also happens to run HopeWorld dance studio during his oodles of free time.
“Speaking of, weren’t you supposed to treat us if you lost the bet, Seokjin?” Kim Namjoon, 3rd year PhD student, plant dad, head of the graduate student council, and all-around overachiever.
“Tae was supposed to choose the place. Did you decide on which exorbitantly expensive restaurant Seokjin is going to take us to, Tae?” Y/L/N Y/N, 3rd year PhD student, roommates with Namjoon and Hoseok, addicted to bubble tea.
“I have a better plan. The incoming first year PhDs are supposed to have their orientation tomorrow. I think Seokjin should organise a mixer to welcome them.” Kim Taehyung, aforementioned ‘Tae’, 2nd year PhD student, works part time at the local art gallery, roommates with Park Jimin, deceptively fast at grading papers.
“I do not remember agreeing to that,” said Seokjin, with a frown, shutting his laptop with a definitive snap.
“Come on, it’s not like you can’t afford it,” Yoongi remarked, not having looked up from the large stack of papers in front of him. “If you can insist on paying 3/4ths of the ridiculously high rent of our apartment even though we could have moved into the perfectly reasonable priced place 20 minutes away from the lab, you can damn well afford to host a mixer for the incoming cohort.”
“20 minutes by car. It takes 45 minutes to walk there, Yoongi. Or do I need to remind you of the fact that only Y/N and Sooyoung own cars in our department?” scoffed Seokjin.
“Do I hear trouble in paradise? Have Yoongi and Seokjin finally had their first fight after years of marital bliss?” Lim Sooyoung, 4th year PhD student, part-time yoga instructor, full-time reluctant designated driver due to being the only other PhD student in the department with a car. 
“Hilarious,” grumbled Seokjin. “That joke is about as old as the milk carton at the bottom of Namjoon’s fridge.”
“That’s still there?” asked Hoseok, scandalised. “You told me you threw that out 4 months ago!”
“It’s a limited edition Blue Bean milk carton! I couldn’t throw it out, Hobi,” replied Namjoon, sheepishly. The use of Hoseok’s nickname meant that he had run out of logical arguments against throwing out the milk carton that had been purchased three months into their first year of doctoral studies. 
“Have you ever considered emptying out the contents and keeping just the carton?” you asked. This suggestion was met with the raising of an eyebrow and the throwing of an airpod by Namjoon. Unfortunately, this also meant that the airpod didn’t reach its intended target.
“Ow!” exclaimed Hoseok, rubbing the side of his face where the airpod had made contact. “This is why you’ve been through 33 pairs of airpods in the last year, Namjoon! You have dormant violent tendencies and terrible hand-eye coordination.”
“Now back to that mixer,” said Taehyung, turning towards Seokjin. “I’m thinking around 5 pm at the Underground should be good. What do you think?”
“Fine,” sighed Seokjin, reluctantly. “I’ll send a message on Slack. Who’s got the first years’ contact info?”
The next day, you found yourself struggling to find parking outside the Underground, despite it being 4.30 pm on a Tuesday. Namjoon and Hoseok were sitting at the back and discussing ways in which they could watch as many of the student films that were being shown over the weekend, while Taehyung sat shotgun and muttered to himself as he tried to destroy some kind of adversary on that godforsaken game that he always seemed to play. You whipped out your phone and started texting Sooyoung about whether she had found any parking.
SY: just parked… sending you the location… its behind the club
SY: is seokjin with you
Y/N: thanks!
Y/N: no i’ve got tae joon n hobi 
SY: ok… wonder how he’s getting here… yoongi’s with me… said seokjin left a while back
Y/N: idk… sure he found something… uber or lyft or whatever… don't worry he won't ditch lol 
Y/N: i found a spot damnnnnn. cya in a bit
SY: lol tae wouldn’t let him live if he ditched
SY: nice :D yoongi and i are in the purple section
The purple section was undoubtedly the best spot in the Underground, as you had discovered almost 2 years ago. Being new to the city, you had basically followed Joon and Hobi wherever they went to socialize or get food. It was around the end of your second month in the program that Seokjin planned a mid-semester gathering, refusing to eat at, in his words, “another cheap taco truck masquerading as kitschy Instagram bait”. That was your first encounter with the Underground as well as your first experience in the purple section. Simply put, it had the best sofas and chairs, an abundance of vintage arcade games, easy access to the bar and food counter, and a separate music setup. It also cost a lot more to sit at the purple section, but Seokjin had never been the type to scrimp when it came to anything. It had become a kind of tradition after that; every time someone had a birthday, Seokjin would reserve the purple section for the evening. Not having grown up surrounded by luxury and riches, it was sometimes difficult for you to understand how Seokjin never thought twice before spending money on things. Then again, you doubted you would’ve been this thoughtful even if you had this kind of money at your disposal. Seokjin might’ve been hard to read at times, but his heart was in the right place.
Speaking of, you spotted Seokjin standing next to a couple of people you didn’t recognise. Deciding that this was probably the best time to get introduced to the first years, you walked over to them with a smile.
“Just deposited Joon, Hobi, and Tae near the bar. I feel sorry for your tab today, Seokjin.”
Seokjin lifted one of his thick arched eyebrows at you and then burst into his signature windshield wiper laugh. “I’ll give them a free pass today. Afterall, it’s the beginning of a new academic year!”
“You’re planning on dumping all of Kang’s data analysis on them, aren’t you?” you asked, trying to suppress a grin.
“Ah, Y/N, you know me so well,” he grinned, his features lighting up mischievously. “By the way, here’s two thirds of the new cohort. Song Yeri and Jeon Jungkook.”
You glanced at the two unfamiliar people and smiled in greeting. Yeri was a petite girl with long black hair who quickly fell into conversation with you. Jungkook, on the other hand, gave you a soft nod and walked over to where Jimin was opening a couple of beers. 
“So is Professor Kang someone we should be worried about?” asked Yeri, not giving you much time to pay much attention to Jungkook. “I wouldn’t want to be unprepared.”
Seokjin laughed at her worried tone. “Straight off the bat, huh?” 
Yeri flushed slightly, tucking her hair behind her ear self-consciously. “Oh no- I mean, it just seemed like that from your conversation!”
“Don’t worry, Yeri,” you assured her. “Seokjin’s a fourth year - not much phases him. He’s doing his PhD under Kang so he has to do tons of data analysis for her projects. Which he sometimes dumps on people who have been bothering him.”
Yeri looked suitably concerned at this new piece of information. She glanced at Seokjin’s handsome profile and smiled uncertainly. You couldn’t help but giggle at her reaction. It really was difficult to get a grasp on everyone’s personalities just by their looks. Each and every guy in the department was strikingly handsome, and Sooyoung, the only other female besides you, looked like she had walked out of a fashion show. It would’ve been extremely intimidating if you hadn’t personally been a witness to how clumsy Namjoon was, how lame Seokjin’s puns were, how scared Yoongi and Hoseok were of anything remotely resembling an insect, how Tae hadn’t managed to cook a single meal without setting off the fire alarm or giving Jimin food poisoning, how Jimin often collided into objects because he was laughing too much, or how Sooyoung had gotten lost multiple times on her way to campus in spite of driving along the same road for more than 3 years. You were sure Yeri, and the other two first years, would definitely get over the initial nerves and intimidation surrounding their colleagues. In fact, if Jungkook’s animated conversation with Jimin was anything to go by, it seemed like he had gotten over that already.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to the others.” You steered Yeri in Sooyoung and Yoongi’s direction.
“Thanksgiving next week! I cannot wait to get away from this blasted Ethics class!” 
You were currently in Seokjin and Yoongi’s shared posh apartment, trying to proof-read a paper before the conference deadline. On the couch next to you sat Seokjin and Namjoon, eyes blinking rapidly in tiredness, while Jimin sat across from you, his silver hair tied into a messy ponytail. 
The door to the apartment swung open at that moment as Jungkook walked in, armed with takeout from at least 4 different places.
“I come bearing sustenance,” he announced, as Jimin jumped up with surprising alacrity and rushed towards him. 
“Your Busan blood runs strong, my friend,” said Jimin, appreciatively, eyeing all the different containers on the table. “I knew I could count on you.”
“That makes zero sense, Jimin,” scoffed Sooyoung. She was buried deep inside Yoongi’s favorite bean bag, having taken it over since the owner was currently not at home. “But li’l Jeon has proven to be a valuable addition to our department.”
“Ugh! Don’t call him that! Li’l Jeon sounds like something else,” you said, scrunching your nose in distaste.
“I agree,” replied Jungkook, rolling up his sleeves as he began opening the containers carefully. “But i can assure you of one thing - there is nothing li’l about this Jeon. In any sense of the word.”
“I’ve lost my appetite,” you declared, throwing a particularly soft pillow over your face. 
Three months into the semester and Jungkook had become an integral part of your group of friends. It had turned out that Jungkook and Jimin knew each other very well, having gone to school together in Busan. It’s not as if you hadn’t become well acquainted with the other two first years - Yeri still consulted you whenever she needed advice on how to deal with grading or professors or classes in general; and Lauren, an international student from France, was very friendly and turned up at all the department hangouts. But Jungkook seemed like he had been part of your group forever - not someone who had met almost everyone for the first time about 3 months ago. As was customary with first year PhD students, they were required to complete a few mandatory courses before being allowed to customize their coursework around their individual research interests. So even though Jungkook had all the same classes with Yeri and Lauren, almost every moment outside of classes was spent with one of you.
“I can’t believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving,” said Jimin, popping an entire dumpling into his mouth. “-ime eeli plyz.”
“Chew your food, you barbarian,” scolded Seokjin, blowing on a particularly large piece of fried chicken before putting the entirety into his mouth. A couple of chews and a large swallow later, Seokjin was ready for a second piece.
“Speak for yourself,” remarked Sooyoung, holding onto her food protectively.
“I remember Yoongi telling us during our orientation,” Namjoon piped up, a can of beer in his hand. “‘In a PhD program, days are slow, but semesters are fast’. I thought he was high at that time, but I realise now that he’s a true genius.”
“I still don’t get why you’re such a Yoongi fanboy,” grumbled Seokjin, settling comfortably into the couch once again. “I’m just as wise, and definitely a lot funnier.”
“Don’t forget about being a drama queen,” said Sooyoung, nudging Seokjin’s knee with her toes. “You’ve got that one over Yoongi as well.”
“Four years and you're still as ungrateful,” sighed Seokjin, looking uncharacteristically cheerful at the teasing. 
“At least I’m consistent,” shrugged Sooyoung. “Gimme some of your kimchi.”
“Consistency is only useful across data samples,” remarked Seokjin, picking up a small amount of kimchi with his chopsticks and feeding Sooyoung. “Not sure how desirable it is in human relationships. Life would be unbearably dull in that case.” 
“They’ve been dancing around each other for as long as I’ve known them. Why can’t they just get together and stop their incessant flirting in front of the rest of us,” you muttered darkly, vigorously pouring chili oil over your ramen. You, Namjoon, and Jungkook were still getting your food from the kitchen, while Jimin had gone ahead and joined the incessantly flirting pair in the living room.
“Y/N is always so bitter about anything to do with romance,” chuckled Namjoon. “Jungkook, do you know how annoyed she was when Hobi started dating last year?”
“No, I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of hearing that story.” Jungkook glanced at you cheekily, while popping open a can of beer.
“She didn’t speak to him for an entire week. Which was particularly inconvenient because the three of us had just started living in the same apartment, and we were all assigned to assist Choi on her year-end department survey. Poor Hobi thought he might have to find a new place to live.” 
“I’m sorry? Were you the one who came back home after extended office hours to find your friend butt-naked and balls-deep inside the barista who works across the street from our lab? I couldn’t get coffee from there for a month because I couldn’t look Sujin in the eye without immediately imagining Hobi in his natural drawers.”
Jungkook, who had chosen this exact moment to take a sip of beer, spat out the amber liquid on an unsuspecting Namjoon. 
“That’s what you get for deriving pleasure from other people’s misfortunes,” you remarked, smugly.
It was around 11.30 in the morning, when you heard a loud knocking on your apartment door. Classes had broken for Thanksgiving yesterday, which meant that today was your day to catch up on all the sleep you had missed over the last three months. But instead, you had been woken up much ahead of your intended 16 hours of sleep schedule. 
“You look awful.”
Jungkook walked into the apartment, looking far too fresh and sprightly for your liking. He was wearing that godforsaken plaid shirt that hung loosely off his body, but would highlight his rather well-defined muscles every time he happened to move in a particular way. You absolutely hated what a tease his shirt was. Fortunately for you, he wasn’t wearing the skin tight black jeans which always looked like they were about to burst at the seams, thanks to Jungkook’s equally well-defined thighs. 
“It’s not even noon. Why can’t you call before showing up? Where are your manners, Jeon?” you grumbled, checking to see if your pajamas had any glaring holes in them.
“I need help with the data analysis,” he mumbled sheepishly. “Professor Lee gave me a really tough dataset because I breezed through the first two assignments.”
“Still don’t see why you came over without any notice at this ungodly hour,” you continued, tapping your foot impatiently.
“I also got jjajangmyeon, kimbap, and bubble tea from Kimchi Palace.”
“What kind of bubble tea?” you asked, pushing yourself off the doorframe.
“Strawberry milk tea, half sugar, light ice, with extra strawberry jelly, and no boba.”
“I suppose it isn’t that early.”
A few minutes later, you were explaining principal component analysis to Jungkook, while eating jjajangmyeon and sipping bubble tea. The kimbap was put into the fridge for later, in case Namjoon or Hoseok wanted to have some when they got home at night. 
Jungkook was very intelligent; he picked up new concepts quite easily and was one hundred percent committed to whatever he worked on. He also had a refreshing sense of humor, where he didn’t always crack jokes or stay in the limelight, but his occasional quips were enough to send everyone into fits of laughter. He got along extremely well with each of them. He and Taehyung often walked around the city taking obscure, artsy photographs. Seokjin had basically adopted Jungkook as a younger brother due to his video gaming abilities. Namjoon was glad to finally have someone who enjoyed going on nature hikes with him, while Hoseok had been hugely impressed at Jungkook’s dancing and promptly asked him to help out at his studio. Jimin already knew Jungkook quite well, and Yoongi was more than happy to teach someone else the intricacies of cooking different kinds of meat. Even Sooyoung, who usually remained closed off from new people, had allowed Jungkook to use her car whenever someone needed to be picked up but she was too exhausted to drive. 
“I’m sorry I came by so early. I know you’ve been looking forward to catching up on sleep over the break,” he said softly, looking up from his laptop. That was the other thing that had struck you about Jungkook, he was very perceptive and sensitive to people around him. A rare quality which you appreciated far more than you let on.
“It’s fine. You saved me from having to cook lunch. That itself deserves many prizes from my end. You know how I hate cooking,” you shrugged.
“Speaking of, I’m making dinner for me and Tae tonight. Jimin’s visiting his brother, so it's just the two of us. And since I’d rather not get food poisoning, I’m putting Yoongi’s lamb chop recipe to good use,” he grinned boyishly. “You should come over if you don’t have anything else planned. It’ll save you from cooking another meal.”
“I might take you up on that offer. Let me check if either Joon or Hobi are having dinner at home, otherwise I’ll definitely be there.”
Taehyung and Jimin (and now Jungkook) lived about 10 minutes away from your place. It was a much larger apartment, so three people were more than comfortable there. Jungkook was staying there until he found another place to stay, but judging by how happy Jimin and Taehyung were with him around, he would probably end up staying with them permanently.
“I found parking at your building for the first time today,” you remarked, dropping your bag on the nearest couch. 
“Half the people are visiting family over the weekend. You won’t be so lucky next time.” Taehyung walked over lazily, his thick black hair falling messily over his eyes. He was dressed in his favorite Celine t-shirt and a pair of the loosest pants you had seen till date.
“The perm’s still looking good, Tae,” you grinned at him, taking the soda from his hand. 
“I’m planning on getting it done again once it wears off,” he said happily, settling into the couch. “Catch up on your sleep? Or did Gguk ruin your Thanksgiving plans as well?”
“‘As well’?” you asked, trying to suppress a grin.
“Taking advantage of the nearly empty laundry room and washing all the sheets does not count as ‘ruining’ anyone’s Thanksgiving plans!” yelled Jungkook from inside the kitchen.
“He woke me up at 7 am and stripped the sheets off my bed, emptied all our laundry bags, and locked me out of my room so that I wouldn’t dirty the bare mattress with my grubby clothes.” Taehyung’s grumbling was always extremely funny because he would end up pouting by the end of his rant and no one would take him seriously after that.
“Okay, the bread is in the oven and should be ready in about 15. Lamb chops are almost done as well. We’ll be dining in no time,” said Jungkook, flopping onto the couch beside you.
“That gives me enough time to answer the emails Choi sent me this morning. Jimin was right, she’s a madwoman. Doesn’t understand what ‘a break’ is , apparently,” sighed Taehyung, getting up and walking towards his room. “Lemme know when the food is ready.”
3 years ago, if anyone had told you that you would be more than halfway through your PhD having become close friends with seven of the most handsome guys on campus (or even in the country), you would’ve laughed at them and then silently questioned their sanity. But now, you couldn’t imagine life without them. Even Jungkook, you realised, glancing at the boy next to you. He had also become an extremely important part of your life. He didn’t say much, but his actions made things abundantly clear. He was extremely caring and thoughtful, even if he didn’t always have the right words to express himself. 
“What’re you thinking?” he asked, looking at you sleepily.
“That this soda is almost lukewarm.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not.”
Suddenly, you felt a rough set of fingers poking your ribcage. Slowly, but surely, you were squirming in place as you struggled to not spill your soda while Jungkook continued tickling you mercilessly. 
“I know your weakness, remember?” he managed to say between giggles, his voice turning high-pitched as it usually did when he laughed too hard. 
“Gguk stop! The soda! It’ll spill on the carpet!” you gasped, trying to keep your hand steady.
“Oh shit! Sorry. Yeah, Jimin would freak out if he saw a stain on this carpet.” Jungkook let you go so that you could place the soda can on the nearest table. But as soon as you had freed your hands, you jumped on him and pinned him on the couch.
“I also know your weakness, Gguk,” you grinned, deviously, before tickling him with all your might. 
Needless to say, a scenario with two people in their mid-twenties behaving like 4 year olds, was bound to have certain consequences. In this case, it ended with both you and Jungkook falling off the couch, your faces mere inches away from each other. 
This wasn’t the first time you had been struck by how handsome Jungkook was. In fact, you had noticed the exact number of moles on his face and neck, having stopped yourself from reaching out and touching the one under his lower lip on more than one occasion. His large doe eyes also held a certain innocence and wonder in them, even though he was an extremely bright and capable PhD student with a lot of varied knowledge bases. Not just that, his impressive physique had caught you off guard many times. Particularly because it contrasted so heavily with his boyish face.
None of that mattered at this moment, as you could feel his breath on your face. He was so close… If you reached up a little bit, you would be-
“The oven timer’s been beeping for the last 10 minutes. But you both are too busy eye-fucking each other to notice.”
Taehyung’s deep voice caused you both to spring apart from each other, mortification heating up your face and neck. Jungkook’s ears, you noticed, had turned a very beautiful shade of red as well.
Dinner wasn’t as awkward as you expected because Yoongi dropped by a few minutes after your ‘eye-fucking’ session, extremely hungry and annoyed at Seokjin - who had decided to use this night to slow cook some pork.
“Gguk, this is really good,” said Yoongi, once all of you had finished eating. “Didn’t think you’d be able to get it right on the first go! Y/N, what’d you think? You’ve been awfully quiet the whole time.”
You nodded your head in response, keenly aware of Taehyung’s intense gaze that followed your every move. “It was really good, Gguk. Thanks for a lovely meal.”
“Do you need a ride home, Yoongi?” you asked, once all the dishes had been cleared away. “I’ve got my car.”
“Life-saver. I need to pick up a tin of coffee from the convenience store. I’ll meet you at the parking lot in 10?” said Yoongi slipping on his jacket.
“Wait, I’ll go with you. I need to buy some soda,” said Taehyung, springing up suddenly. Not bothering to change out of his slippers, he rushed out after Yoongi, but not before glancing quickly between you and Jungkook and sending you a rather outrageous wink.
“That was… weird,” you remarked, relieved to see that Jungkook had missed your exchange with Taehyung. “Anyway, thanks again for a great meal. You’re a really good cook, Gguk.”
“Thanks,” he said, not really looking up from his phone. He had also been rather silent throughout the meal.
“I’m heading out then. See you later, Gguk.” You picked up your bag and proceeded to open the door.
“Yeah?” You turned around to find Jungkook standing rather close to you. You could see the mole below his lower lip quite clearly from here.
“You never told me what you were thinking about.” His voice was a lot more husky than usual, and you gulped as you realised you had no clue what to say to him.
Before you could finish your half-formed sentence, Jungkook’s lips were on yours, kissing you slowly. After being frozen for a second or two, your hands made their way into his soft brown curls, relishing in the feeling of having him so close to you. You realised that you had been wanting to do this for a while now. Maybe even since the first day of classes, when he had offered you his cup of coffee after the machine in the department had stopped working. 
“Never mind,” he said, breaking the kiss with a soft ‘chu’. “You can tell me another time. Yoongi’s probably waiting at the parking lot.”
“And Tae might come back any minute now,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, a soft smile on his face. 
“Tomorrow?” It seemed like your brain had short circuited. 
“Yeah.” He dipped down and placed another chaste kiss on your mouth, before displaying his adorable bunny smile. “But even that seems too far away right now.”
You were really grateful that you managed to get both yourself and Yoongi home without crashing the car that night. Once you got home, you checked your phone and found two messages - a text from Jungkook checking if you had reached home safe, and another one from Taehyung.
T: the couch is off limits. don’t even think about it...
please do not repost anywhere. reblog if you enjoyed the story!
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ruffiorocks · 5 years ago
LONG post in regards to whats being said about Lena.
Man, every time the CW post something about Supergirl on Instagram or Twitter people really lose their s**t for literally no reason.  
People saying that Lena is awful, they wouldn't watch a show with Lena in it, someone went as far to say they would rather die that watch a show with Lena in it??? OK.... Dramatic much? Yet here you are following the Supergirl page and knowing exactly what has been going on in the show because you use it for your arguments. Seriously sort your s**t out!
Also, I may get hate for this and I DO NOT CARE but im totally fine with Lena punching Kara in the face. Personally i think she’s asked for it. You can argue until the end of time that she doesn't deserve the punch for keeping her identity a secret, debatable BUT she absolutely deserves a punch in the face for being an arsehole to Lena and calling her a Luthor and then going to her best friends boyfriend and talking him into betraying her trust! Oh and then letting Lena vent to her about how this meant she would never trust Supergirl again, that was disturbing behavior, played off as an ‘oopsie’ moment. Personally Kara’s Jeckell and Hyde act with Lena has always been a bit disturbing to me, its not always funny. Just like in season 2 when she landed at L Corp with Superman and basically looked her nose down at Lena (re watch it). But a punch in the face is warranted. Punching someone in the face isnt akin to becoming evil!
Also why are people saying ‘I knew she would turn Evil!’ ‘Look what Lena is doing!’ erm... Lena hasnt actually done anything yet. A punch doesn't mean full on evil. Lena said she wants to inflict the same pain on Supergirl that she has caused her, now that’s interesting to me, because Kara hasn't actually inflicted any ‘physical’ pain on Lena and Lena even said she doesn't want to kill Supergirl. Now save for a much deserved punch in the face which looks like it takes place in a virtual world anyway, perhaps Lena is going to go down another route and inflict emotional pain on Kara just like Kara has inflicted it on her. Maybe this is why we saw BTS of Alex and Kara fighting, maybe this world is set up so Kara can experience everyone she loves betraying her in some way? The same way Lena feels she’s been betrayed? Im not saying that’s a healthy way to deal with things but the show would be boring if Lena was like ‘nah its cool’.Plus this is how Lena will see it, something she wouldn't be thinking if Kara had taken the time to explain things to her from the off set. to late now. 
Now i know what people will say ‘Kara has suffered so much and doesn't deserve more pain’ yeah... well Kara should have thought about that before inflicting pain on Lena who has also suffered enough pain in her life to. Kara having suffered doesn't mean she has a free pass to treat others poorly, who haven't actually done anything to hurt her or intended to hurt her at all. If Lena had been a nob and out to get her from day one then fair enough, but Lena has saved Kara’s ass/life many times and has never intended to hurt her, but s3 kara (who i wish i could forget) decided being an ass to Lena was OK. Yes Kara thought she was protecting Lena, but that excuse became null and void the moment she started revealing her identity to every Tom, Dick and Nia that she met! Kara is NOT a space puppy! Sure she has her cute adorkable moments but dont mix fan fic with reality. Kara is actually a very serious person who doesnt have all the answers, and doesn't always have a clear view of things. Remember it was Kara who basically told Jonn that there was no more alien hate anymore because SHE didnt receive it, the blonde haired, blue eyed hero of the city who looks human didnt receive hate so therefore it no longer existed. Now this isnt having a go at Kara, its to show that Kara isnt always right and doesn't always have a clear view of things.
Now, people are saying that Kara’s other friends didnt have a bad reaction to Kara admitting she was Supergirl so how dare Lena? OK, you guys are reaching pretty far now and you’re conveniently forgetting what has happened on the show because you’re too busy hating on Lena, so:
1. Winn didnt hate Kara the moment he learned she was Supergirl. OK, well first off, she wasnt really Supergirl yet, just an alien. Winn thought it was cool and wasnt upset she had lied to him? Well Kara keeping her identity from Winn didnt effect Winn in any way at all. There was no Luthor/Super history involved in Winn and Kara’s friendship.
2. James already knew, Clark took that decision away from Kara because he felt she needed a man to keep an eye on her. But this aside, James already knew Superman and was his best friend, he didnt ‘already’ know Kara. He knew who she was before she knew who he was! Again, him knowing her secret had no Luthor/Super implications.
3. Alex already knew and grew up with her. There was no ‘secret’ identity, she came to the Danvers as an alien and anyway Alex was NOT cool with her to begin with.
4. Mon El was also an alien, he wasnt a massive fan of Kara anymore than she was a fan of him. In fact Kara was the ass to Mon El rather than the other way around. It was Kara who referred to him as a ‘Daxamite’ more than once. Now, you could say they did have a history like the Luthor/Super one. Only it was Kryptonian/Daxamite, but the difference is Kara immediately told Mon El who she was, there was no pretending to be an alien from somewhere else or someone entirely different like she did with Lena. Kara knew Mon El was a Daxamite because of the beacon he sent, he didnt deny being one either. No his lie was being the Prince because he knew Kara would NOT have been OK with that. So he got involved with Kara whilst pretending to be something he wasn't. I seem to remember Kara being pretty miffed when she found out he was actually the Prince, only the end of the world was happening and she didnt really get a chance to deal with those feelings because she had to send him away. But later when he came back Kara had had time to process her thoughts on him, but she still told him EXACTLY what she thought of him. Mon El deceived Kara so he could pursue a relationship with her, Kara deceived Lena so she could pursue a friendship with her. Kara and Lena should have a choice in these scenarios because the respective ‘secret identities’ would have made them take pause. 
5. Jonn. already knew, nothing to argue here. 
6. Nia, Kara told Nia in a moment of solidarity because she to had ‘lost’ her sister, and apparently this was an OK reason to tell the girl you knew for 5 minutes who you are. Do you know who else had ‘lost’ a sibling and Kara has had many a solidarity moment with and who has saved her ass more than once and who she has known for longer than five minutes??? oh yeah LENA!! Anyway.... again, Nia had no reason to be miffed at Kara, she hasnt spent 3 years lying to her or pretending to be someone she wasnt and not fully trusting her. No Luthor/Super family drama or anything. 
7. The Legion already knew
8. Cat, Cat was Kara’s mentor and although Kara absolutely lied and deceived Cat, she NEVER treated her crap (save for the red K thing) like Kara did to Lena. Plus once again no Luthor/Super drama. Plus she wasnt Kara's best friend. 
Lena is completely different, have a think about what would be going through Lena’s head. ‘Supergirl’ suddenly turns up at her office the moment she arrives in National City in disguise? Supergirl using this secret identity keeps coming back to Lena, using Lena to track down Roulette, to try and get info from her about her mother. Lena mean while keeps saving the lives of the aliens of National City (including Supergirl). Mon El leaves and Kara suddenly cuts Lena from her life until she once again needs her for something? Come season 3 and ‘Supergirl’ suddenly turns on her? All for having a substance she wasn't using to hurt her but to protect her friend Sam? Supergirl calls her a ‘Luthor’ and gets pissed at her for GIVING her the Kryptonite? Supergirl starts telling Lena what to do as though she can? Supergirl then uses Lena’s boyfriend to spy on her? Then suddenly  Kara is back and being her best friend again listening to all her vent about Supergirl? Lena goes out of her way to make sure Argo City survives and Supergirl is still later an ass to her because she decided to work with the substance SHE created because Supergirl doesn't approve? Supergirl is an ass to her when they are with Alex and its Alex who puts her in place, but Kara is still coming back to her as her bestie? Kara Joins her in trying to track down Lex and even lets Lena think that she’s been blown up? Lena then has the pleasure of being told by Lex of all people that Kara has been lying since day one and he even has footage?? Lena’s new ‘family’ all knew except for her, doesn't say much for Kara’s trust in Lena. If she hadnt already dumped James’ ass i hope she would now! She would probably be thinking ‘why did James pursue me? Was he sent told to keep an eye on me? Was Kara just sent by Superman to watch me? Did the gang befriend me for the same reason? Keep the Luthor close? This woman has been betrayed and deceived her whole life, not second guessing any of this would be the bizarre thing. 
But anyway, i agree that both Kara and Lena are right to feel the way they do. But i am more on Lena’s side. I get Kara’s reasoning up to a point, to begin with she wanted to protect Lena., but then she should never have become so involved with her if she truly wanted to keep her safe. Her reasons become null and void when she tells people she’s known for 5 minutes who she is without thought to their safety (Nia). She made the decision to be an arsehole to Lena and then use Lena’s relationships against her and called her the only thing she knew would hurt Lena the most. She then kept saying she wanted to tell Lena but allowed others (Mon El, Alex) to keep her from doing so to the point where it was to late. Kara’s reasons started out noble, but they went beyond to far. Especially since Lex and Lillian knew and Kara STILL didnt see a point in telling Lena, Lex got the opportunity to tell Lena because Kara couldn't step up. The moment she knew Lillian knew she should have had Jonn erase her mind or tell Lena herself. Kara doesnt ‘owe’ her identity to anyone, but she should think twice about how much she gets involved with or treats the people close to her that dont know. 
Also, it is a betrayal, the writers have said so and even Melissa has agreed she totally understands it. Not telling Lena her secret isnt the betrayal, its everything that came along with it, everything Kara did along the way. (though she could be talking to Eve)
They say the season is a ‘fight for Lena’s soul’ , personally i think being betrayed by Kara is a poor reason for Lena’s soul to be in danger, it doesn't say much for her. But that very statement implies that Lena hasnt gone full Luthor, Otherwise it would be ‘Lena’s soul is lost’. 
It will be interesting to see how Lena reacts to the rest of the super friends since back in season 3 she understood secrets that weren't hers to tell and to keep people safe. She knew Alex was DEO but kept it to herself and wasnt arsed abut it and she didnt on Sam to keep her safe. But knowing the writers they’ll forget this part of Lena’s personality and make her miffed at everyone. 
Lastly Kara may be the main character but that doesnt mean everything she does is right and she DOESNT have to be your favorite character. 
Anyway thats enough. Dont send hate as always will go unanswered and deleted. 
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niche-bitch · 3 years ago
What are your favourite boy groups and why? Feel free to do super long explanations and info dump😌<3
Okok, so, Txt, Skz, A.C.E and Mcnd.
Txt for starters, is iconic. They were my first group after bts, and I saw them since Crown. The Dream Chapter enchanted me, such a soft sweet sound but the lyrics had meaning. And, the choreography? Looked very intricate and dynamic to me. When I was feeling tired, I put their album and I could concentrate on my homework. Beomgyu and his writing of Maze in the Mirror (which the rest of txt helped) just sealed the deal. What happened with Dream Chapter kept happening with Eternity, Blue Hour and Freeze (and late FoE). It also ended me how Freeze came out on my bday. In general I also like how they are well rounded, how they are starting to write songs and their general comedian personalities, but the most is how relate to them with my youth. It feels special. They give me energy and they give me hope. And they make laugh when I'm down, extra and chaotic Yeonjun, caring and not payed enough for this Soobin, mature smartie pants Taehyun, softie brat Hyuka and noisy sensible brat Beomgyu. Love them.
Stray Kids are also comedians, let's get that out of the way. Memes the lot of them. Having said that, I love them and I love how involved they are, since the start, in the creation of their music. And no matter what, each song, it sounds valuable, like it's not something you can reproach. They try stuff, do stuff to get a dynamic sound that's theirs. And I love how some songs can go chaotic. Screams, sounds that just, hit the right way. Their voices, each is so perfect and beautiful to me and they use each one soso well. They use them like resources to build the song. I love 3racha and I love the rap line and I love the vocal line, they are super talented. I guess I just like how beautiful they are in themselves but how dazzling they are together. Also, shout out to how each song has meaning and how the angsty ones seem like they know me. Jisung really hits hard especially, stop spying on me guys.
A.C.E. I stanned them after Txt, before Skz. The thing that hooked me? The styling. Sparkly, cute, dangerous, and not afraid to break gender roles. Byeongkwan in Undercover, ah. But in general, I like the sound and I was blown away with how they can all sing and so good. That's what did me really, the vocals. It felt like gold, chocolate. And then I found out what sweetie pies they were! With each other and with Choice. The way they interact together, it seems so nice, like there's care in between. And well there's also the fanservice or the "sus" interactions with each other. And It, makes me laugh and gives me joy to see those tidbits of guys being bros. The shipping is something I get into in most of my kpop fandoms, but I liked how freely they did it and how they don't care if it seems gay or fruity. No toxic masculinity here, it's just them playing around being sweet. I just, like how it doesn't seem forced nor like it's a bother to them. There's also the respect and dedication to fans, they care about them, it shows in everything, they say it all the time and it feels real! And how they care about LGBTQIA+ rights, outspokenly, explicitly. They are a safe place to me because of that.
Mcnd. YouTube did this. I was randomly sent to a video on autoplay. And it was so good. The sound was so freaking bouncy!!! Like, hard but at the same time light, vibrant even. On pure talent alone, that was it, on the first listen I thought wow. Then they kept appearing in my recommended, I thought "ok, I'll see this video attentively". Fuck. They were talented, not just vocally, the dance had intensity to me, not too much to be overpowering but rather, just enough to call your attention. It was well executed. And it was consistent in that way in all their videos. I checked all their songs little by little, they never disappointed me. It was all good and mostly, it all sounded like them. Energetic, outgoing, daring and fun. Comforting in all these aspects. I really like their music a lot. They also are really dedicated to their fanbase too. They are all so cute and funny too. Each of their voices has power in such a unique way, it all makes Mcnd who they are. They are all graceful and I feel like each comeback they just keep getting better in such a way that's theirs. I look forward to Mcnd because they sound like Mcnd.
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narika-a · 8 years ago
Shinee as the Mafia + How He Met You
[Monsta X] [BTS] [GOT7] [Seventeen] [Block B] [NCT]
||| Anon asked: Can I request something for shinee like the Monsta x reaction: they’d win the mafia+how they met you? Please and thank you! |||
Onew/Lee Jinki
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Was actually working in the gang till he killed the previous leader declaring himself the boss.
A lot of people didn’t support him so he had to deal with them himself.
Even nowadays he tends to kill the ones that look even a little bit suspicious.
Because of that (and fear) he gained everybody’s respect.
Likes planing and going on the missions himself, much to his men displeasure as the gang would surely fall without him.
Is really good with all types of weapons but prefers not to make a mess.
He was going to kill you after you talked back to him but found your courage amusing. 
“Where did you come from? Don’t you know the rules in this gang?”
“I follow no rules.”
“Is that so?” he asked standing up from his desk and pressing his gun to your forehead.
“Are you trying to scare me? Because it’s not working.”
He fired a shot into the wall near your head. You just closed your eyes and exhaled deeply.
“How about now? Still nothing, huh? How interesting! I’m going to enjoy your company.”
Key/Kim Kibum
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Only the most trusted members have seen his face as he works as a spy for the group.
He doesn’t actually hide but likes to remain in the shadows.
Works quickly, silently and without a trace.
Can infiltrate any building in 5 min or less.
If paid enough would also assassinate anybody, doesn’t matter who - men, women children.
 You were working as a guard for a government building he infiltrated. According to his resources you were not supposed to be there, so he when he landed through the vent on the floor he was surprised to see you there just you were. He quickly grabbed your arm before you could take your gun out and slammed you against the wall.
“Now you’re going to listen to me and not make a single sound or I would have to kill you, that would be unfortunate though seeing how pretty you are, so do you understand?” he asked and you nodded quickly.
“Great.” he smiled. “Considering you work here you must have all the key cards to access guarded areas, right?” he searched your body.
“Everything is accessed by identifying the fingerprints.” you told him.
“Really now? Then I guess we are going to spend some more quality time together.”
Kim Jonghyun
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Unwillingly works as an assassin for the gang.
That’s because he would rather make the people disappear than kill them but as he’s the best shot in the whole gang the leader often asks him to care of business.
Talking about disappearing he’s the one you should come to. 
The people he dealt with would either end up in prison, be sold on the black market or end up in unknown, deserted places in less than 24 hours.
Tends to put on a serious face while on the job but is actually horrible at controlling his emotions which gets him in trouble most of the time.
He met you by accident when he was disposing of a body in a forest you were jogging. You just froze in your tracks out of fear and disbelief.
“Who the fuck goes jogging in these types of forests at this hour?” he thought. Seeing as you were just standing there and not running away he wondered what to do with you. He didn’t want to kill you and he was not afraid if you reported him to the police as most them were bribed. So he just took the body and dumped it in the hole, hoping you will take off. He didn’t expect to see you armed with a stick when he looked up. He just barely avoided your hit.
“Whoa, missy. Calm down.” but you were already swinging the stick in all directions. Annoyed he tried to pull it out of your hand which made you lose your balance and for him to fall on top of you.
“Well this is rather unfortunate for you.” he smirked but when he saw how sacred you were he just got back on his feet, picked you up and threw you into the backseat of his car.
“Maybe Minho will give me some advice on what to do with you.”
Choi Minho
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Right hand of the boss and sometimes even more reliable than him as he their leader tends to be reckless.
Doesn’t take shit from anyone.
Has a really short temper if you get him angry. 
Even though that happens rarely he just whips out his gun and kills whoever annoyed him on the spot.
Takes care of the gangs documents, finances, resources and such.
Likes to plan everything carefully before taking action.
You had nothing to do with the mafia as he often met you in the park, where he came to relax from the stress and tension in work. You would always sit at the same bench at the same time reading (he later calculated everything, so he would be able to see you whenever he came to the park). You could often feel his stare and whenever you looked up he would quickly avert his eyes. After a few weeks of staring you decided to talk to him changing your position every single day to get close to him. When one day you came and he was not there you were quite disappointed. Suddenly strong hands grabbed you and made you sit on the bench. His face was inches from yours and he looked angry.
“Are you trying to seduce me or something to get some info? What’s the deal with you?”
“I, I-” you started.
“You what?” he shouted.
“I just wanted to talk to you that’s all.” you said trembling. Only now did he realized how stupid and suspicious of everything he his.
“Oh fuck, you don’t know anything about me, do you? I’m sorry for scaring you. Could I treat you to coffee or something as an excuse?”
Lee Taemin
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His job is to gather information. 
As much as he enjoys torturing it out of someone he would often use other means to get it.
Is actually a really good thief and manages to snatch the things he needs without trouble.
He also learned from Kibum to sneak in and out without being noticed but that doesn’t always work as he needs more practice.
Dances his way out of trouble when the need arises
Likes small weapons like scalpels and such because they let him inflict more direct and precise pain.
He was about to steal your purse (just for fun) when you unexpectedly turned around and saw what he was going. You gave him a big slap and ran away asking for help. Not wanting to draw any attention to himself he quickly caught up with you and pushed you into an alley. He slammed his hand on the wall near your face, securing you in place.
“Look lady, I didn’t actually want your bag. You were even not supposed to see me but now that you know how I look, it might get dangerous.”
“Please, take whatever you want, just don’t kill me.”
“Whatever I want, huh? Then I guess I will take you.” he said knocking you out and throwing you over his shoulder before you could protest.
A/N: Woah this got longer than expected!! I laughed a lot at my own jokes while writing this, their are not even that funny, their are not even a lot of them here, I think I need more sleep 😂 Anyhow, feel free to request more scenarios, reactions etc, I keep up with a lot of groups both male and female!! 😃
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