#i really hope i can handle 40hrs a week
karda · 10 days
update on work thing . im being officially promoted tomorrow ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ they said they know about my vacation and its not a problem, and they already had someone lined up to hire in the meat dept if i said yes. which were 2 of my biggest worries. im definitely still nervous. but this is good!
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vacationcalendar · 3 years
Alright bitch, welcome back. Holy shit I make sitting down to blog look fucking impossible don’t I. Alright alright, let’s keep it pg-13 if we can..
I set an alarm for 10am to go off every day that just says BLOG TIME. I’d preferably like to get banging out words onto the page a little bit BEFORE that. It’s a powerful “awakening” activity in my experience, and I should be using that to my advantage. I also want to take as much time as I can on this project, especially if it’s psuedo-replacing a 40hr/week job. The earlier I get started the less I have to worry about what time it is when I’m done. My procrastination on day 2 has cost me the entirety of a sunny day. Well, it’s 2:30 now; so I imagine by the time I wrap this up I’ll have missed peek sun time. But who’s to say?
I’m starting to get that sense of dread again. That feeling I sometimes get when I can see hard plans lining my calendar far too densely populated for my liking. Big dentist appointment tomorrow. Day after that is a wash as far as I’m concerned. Even if my mouth miraculously heals in time to actually enjoy my Wednesday, I can already guarantee the psychic wounds of enduring an hours long, 600$-ish sit under the drill will take at least a couple extended sets of the fitful rest to recover from. Then I leave on Thursday to begin a full weeklong family vacation. And in that week I’ll have to figure out how to keep fucking blogging, or this thing is gonna stall out on the train tracks 100%. Do I have to explain that to you? I mean you get it; you know I’m right about that. I’m a naturally cowardly, sinful guy. I have to build up inertia on any remotely dutiful or healthy task, or I simply cannot keep it up...
So the next 3 days are all going to test my ability to actually sit here and write something. I’m really not going to want to, even though I want for literally nothing else right now. The only thing I want to do more than this creative process is to simply not exist at all. And it’s all compounded by these blasted plans. Fuck these plans. These are the dastardly plans that just cannot get canceled. They’re too high impact, and “good”(?). So then the fact that these blogs are also a “plan” just piles it up too high for me seemingly. It is quite clearly, objectively, not too much to handle. But I cannot help the fact that I feel claustrophobic. I just do. The strategy can’t be to NOT feel that way, it can’t be preventative. It has to deal with the feeling somehow. Hmmm... it’s tricky. To me, in this moment, as I’m typing this, it feels tricky. I honestly think that by the time I’m finished typing here, it WON’T feel so tricky. I’m certainly hoping that’s the case. 
Ok new track: Part of why I procrastinated so long today was pretty simple. I was hungover. I was hungover and I didn’t know what to talk about. Instead of going to be thinking about my usual faire, I was just thinking I feel like shit; I hope I don’t throw up. So I woke up late, slow, and with zero thoughts bouncing around my head. So I just watched LCS footage and read twitter, and by the time I got up and made coffee (mandatory for the blog. Blogging without coffee sounds insane. What would you ponderously sip between sentences? Water? How would that even work?) and sat down to write, I had squeezed out another full hour of procrastination. Now I won’t be hungover again for a while. This was a special occasion of sorts. Another one of my dreaded “plans.” Fuck’s sake. It was a 2nd meet up of Olivia’s peeps for drinks. It was penciled in after the first hang so that we could include everybody that didn’t make it the first time. Perfectly reasonable idea. And the first time sitting and drinking was so much fun that I sort of figured I was obligated to, pay my dues I suppose, for this second meet-up that sounded significantly less fun. But it was perfectly enjoyable. It had the energy of a hangout that could happen every single week like a sitcom. Very easy, probably more drinking than one could maintain if it were a weekly occurrence, but not too much. I don’t know where I’m going with this. Just record keeping, I guess?
Anyways, this morning was not the le morning that I can usually anticipate. So circumstances withstanding PLUS the procrastination ended up pushing the writing well past 3pm. These next 3 days (and the next 8 days after that, holy shit) are also going to mesh quite poorly with this sloppy, laissez-faire approach to getting this done. So I’m worried about it. Look, I want to do this, but I absolutely don’t want to have to worry about it. Is that asking too much? And obviously I can do this without worrying about it, in theory.  But I do not believe in myself, ok? I don’t. I’m telling you that right now. I want to cancel everything and just do this when I fucking get around to it. And, well; here’s the kicker. I didn’t mention this yet, and I probably should have. Once I get back from this GD vacation, my hiatus between jobs will officially be past a full month. I can hear the timer ticking in my head. I am in charge of how much sand I put in this particular hourglass. My mother will fully disagree with me there. I mean, I’m about to spend 8 days with someone who ask me every single day “so have you gotten your new job yet?”
You’re thinking, ‘Max, it’s not just impractical to ask a question with such a clear answer more than once without waiting for any circumstances to change, it flat out does not make any sense at all!’ I agree. We are on the exact same page guy. But you are missing the fact that “it doesn’t hurt to think about it. And maybe you can look online on your phone while you’re here trying to enjoy a vacation.”
Parents are weird. This feeling I’m describing is so relatable to some people. And other people just can’t parse it at all. There are a tiny handful of people in your life that will exist in totality literally forever. I mean one of you will die first, but for that person who died, the other people existed THE ENTIRE TIME. Minus like pre-birth and stuff, but that’s semantics. They are inevitable. They can travel all over the spectrum of human emotion vis-a-vi your relationship, but 99.9% of the grades will result in your staying completely still in your relationship to them. He sucks, but he’s my dad. He’s my dad, he’s fine. He’s my dad, I love him My dad’s the best! These father/son relationships all virtually fill up the exact same liminal space as far as I can tell. The way far ends of the bell curve are where it ever seems to yield different results. My dad is my best friend! One day I will kill my father, and I will finally be free of him. Let’s set those aside for this cross-section (vocab?). Every other relationship ship under the bell curve carries this seeming inevitability to it. These relationships seems like they get “finished” in a way. We know the personality of our parents so completely (and they have stopped changing/growing as people at a certain point), that we don’t actually have to go to them to learn about them. You don’t have to ask them questions or inquire about their opinions, because you can successfully deduce the answer using simple math. But THEN, you have to talk to them still, because they are close to you and want to learn about YOU, because you are still an incomplete puzzle. I don’t know, I just think the part of the parent/child dynamic where you have to share info with a parent even though the conversation has already been “solved;” the formality of it. The chore of it. That’s what it is. It’s chores. We know how chores are going to go, but until you actually do them, there’s this disorder. But instead of a dishwasher it’s a human being, that doesn’t “get” CRT. And if I can’t fucking convince my mother that my 28,000$ in savings will be able to tide me over for more than a week while I actually take a legitimate run at feeling fulfilled in my LIFE, convincing her to dismantle the foundation of our nation’s socio-economic structures in order to save our species from annihilation seems, I don’t know, tough.
Ok, I think I’m done. That took about an hour. I don’t think that’s bad at all. Am I still scared about tomorrow’s blog and therefore the rest of my life as I know it? Yes. Of course.
But at least you’ll be there with me when I get there. Take care bud, eat a good dinner tonight.
Love you
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kit757 · 3 years
Nextdoor and all it's Glory
Heads up slightly political.....
So I posted this to Nextdoor and thought it was a pretty good rant and wanted to share. First some back story. Some one inquired as to why a restaurant didn't open that night. The answer was that their food and employees didn't show up. To me this means that they either A. Don't pay their employees enough to show up, or B. They did not pay the food people enough money to bring them food. But alas rural GA did not feel this way, oh no. The reason this happened, is of course because the government is paying people unemployment to sit at home.
The post that started it all.....
Susan- What happened to Bone Grill? Went there this evening Saturday 5/29 and there’s paper on the doors and parking lot empty ! It’s Memorial Day weekend
Karen- Sadly, businesses can’t survive when our government pays people more to stay at home than to work.
Other Karen- you got that right!!!
Me- With all due respect. That is 100% not true. You know the max unemployment in GA is $365 a week right? The min is $55 a week. No ones getting rich. People are just leaving the hospitality industry and going to other jobs that pay them more and they don’t have to deal with the general public who were awful to them during the pandemic. It has been proven, in multiple studies, that if you pay people a livable wage, you will get employees and still be a profitable restaurant. Sounds like this restaurant just needs to get with the times. It’s their own darn fault if they refuse to pay a livable wage that they can’t get people.
Karen the 3rd- Yeah but with the extra $300 from the pandemic it's $665 to stay home. Thankfully Kemp is putting an end to that.
Me-Dude the average cost of rent in GA is $1,500 a month with no utilities included. So if you are single and living on your own, sure $665 a week is a bare min in order to feed and house yourself. Now picture if this individual has a kid? Not enough money at all. So before you praise Kemp for taking away money that’s not even his, think about that kid that’s now going to be starving while you feel all high and mighty about taking away Federal funds.
Karen the 3rd- If your unemployed then you are getting food stamps. Too many places need employees. Work two jobs if you have to ( I do) not the tax payers responsibility to support all these people who would rather sit home and make over $600 a week.
Me- You don’t automatically get food stamps if you are on unemployment that’s 100% false. Also, why should you have to work 2 jobs? You shouldn’t have to! You should be able, in American, to work 1 job 40hrs a week and make enough money to live and thrive. This “work till you drop” mentality is killing people! This generation living right now is the first that is expected to have a shorter lifespan than the previous ones and it is linked to (well lack of health care but that a whole different rant) but literally having to work yourself to death to live.
Karen the 3rd and I then got into a life expectancy debate that she regrettably won. I was 100% sure I was right on it decreasing for millennials but alas could not find the data to go along with it.
Me-based on that data you are totally right! I miss quoted my facts and I’m sorry. I had heard it on the news and not done any further research and I am glad you proved me false. However, where I think that come from are some additional factual data that the American life expectancy is the lowest in almost all first world nations. It’s due to a lot of awful things but poverty and income inequality is a HUGE reason.
Karen the 3rd- posting research here that would indicate the decrease is due to drug addiction/suicide, not work. Also, despite these factors the life expectancy is significantly higher than prior generations.
Me-Well this says over working causes Suicide. So we can chicken and egg death or just agree it’s all messed up and there should be a solution. :)
Now on to our lovely John. Not quite a Karen but still has some wild posts on other threads.
John-No doubt life can be tough. I hate there are people who can’t live a good life. However, I always am curious as to how much money people think they need monthly? How does the average person want to handle and spend on monthly premiums for their healthcare? Do people think entry level jobs should provide a good lifestyle? What are people willing to sacrifice as they work entry level jobs.. in hopes of attaining a better job and future? Anything? My parents were poor and did not have a high school education. On Thursday nights.. they ate no supper. They saw that I ate Thursday supper. Why? Because my Dad was paid on Friday at the end of the day. They had no money for themselves by Thursday night. I detest a situation where children go without. I’m lucky my parents taught me the value of a $ and taught me to not live beyond my means. I hope everyone who wants to work and to improve their lot in life are successful. I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who work hard. Those who don’t work hard and expect the government to take care of them.. I don’t respect that CHOICE. To all the workers out there.. 🖖Live long and prosper.
And now for what I think is my mike drop moment!
Me-First I am so sorry your family had those struggles with you growing up. In a first world nation (or really anywhere in an ideal world) that should never happen. As for what the min income should be, models can be found online for each state documenting what that should look like. I don’t need to remake the wheel here. :) Some go as low as $33,000 up to $70,000 depending on the area. (GA min wage right now is at $15,080 a year at 40hrs a week) My point is we should strive to be better as a country! When did we start accepting the bare min standard of living with minimal pay and minimal social services? Why can’t we standardize a 40hr well paid work week as the standard? Think of what that would allow people to do and how that would change GA? People able to spend time with their kids and teach them=less crime. People able to take a break for mental and physical health= longer life and less healthcare costs. The benefits wouldn’t end there.
The human default isn’t to be lazy. And to default to that being everyone’s answer as to why we should cut off unemployment because people don’t want to work in crappy minimum wage service jobs is a disservice to humanity as a whole. People need to have some compassion for other humans, which has been sorely lacking in America recently.
Barry-Food wasn’t good last time we were there, haven’t been back...
You had forgotten how this all started, didn't you! lol
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey guys!Let me preface this post with... it's not for every kind of business or everyone. But many of you can do this and dramatically increase your own income.So the first aha moment I had after years of failing in my own startups was... I cannot do this alone.You see, I would have an idea, write down pages of info on it so it was clear and concise what I wanted to accomplish and needed to do. Then I would set out on it. But after awhile fatigue would set in from having to learn how to use x skill or software... design the website... provide the service... etc.People are going to approach this problem in different ways. Some go and get a business partner... others higher out. Well, in the past I owned an airplane with a business partner and while the benefits of sharing costs certainly have their merits... I wasn't a big fan of sharing ownership. I didn't always get it when I wanted it, etc, etc.So I went the opposite route. I hired employee number one.Now because I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and visit 40+ countries I was able to make the first and best executive decision to date. I hired out of the country. Now, this is a contentious topic for a number of reasons and I'll touch on that in the comments section but for now... Let's stay focused. I specifically targeted people who live in the Philippines. Why?Their English is incredible.They work hard.They work at a fraction of the cost of their equivalent here in the US.For less than $2/hr and 40hr a week I get an employee who will work diligently and intelligently to accomplish a myriad of tasks for my business.Web DesignTechnical WritingSchedulingAccountingPhotoshopVideo EditingThis list goes on and on and on.It also helped me to stay focused on my business because now I was responsible for more than just me.This was great I was getting way more stuff done and things were happening! But then I had a second aha moment...What if I could go faster?Folks in business you gotta move quick. Your competition is global and constantly working day and night to defeat you or as I like to put it... take your family's lunch. Now I don't know about you but nobody is taking my family's lunch so I realized I had to relinquish more 'control' over my business so I could go faster.What this meant for me specifically was that I had to let go of doing the hiring. That included:Posting Job AdsFiltering CandidatesScheduling interviewsInterviewingTestingIf you have ever hired people before you know just how time-consuming and draining this process can be! Well, I wasn't about to let entrepreneur fatigue get the best of me again. I decided this time I would make things work or go broke trying. So I assessed my finances and more specifically my expenditures and found that while one full-time employee cost me 300$/m... I was costing the business 2,500 per month in living/life expenses.There are two options here.Option A: Is to spend lessOption B: Is to spend moreMost people choose option A and rightfully so right? Wrong.Remember what I said about speed? You have to go fast. Learn fast. Fail Fast. Grow Fast. With one person I had more than doubled my business productivity - I'd say I got a 3x on it. But things really started happening when I had my assistant do the hiring.In one month we would go from one employee to 15.Now things are really moving. I have people who specialize in x skill but can also handle xyz task for just about anything you could imagine (everything listed above.)You bet my biz expenditures went up! But with the increased manpower at a relatively low cost, the money did too. I'm not rich yet. I don't even have a million dollars. But I will this year if things continue progressing as they have. Let me know if you're interested in a post like that and I'd be happy to make it after I cross that milestone.So that's it... That's how I scaled fast.Oh yeah, I forgot one thing... I think where a lot of people get hung up with the dirty old word outsourcing, is their inability to hire quality talent. They might do it once and get burned and quit. Then they spend the next 20 years talking about how shitty and bad of an idea outsourcing is - citing xyz failures. I know some of you are laughing to yourselves right now. "Quality talent at 300/m? HAH!" But I told you a lil fib. 300 is the base pay. I believe in actually valuing your employees... Not just saying it to them like so many employers do these days. So I have given each person financial incentive to work harder, more efficiently, and longer to earn more income. Some of them are PURE commission based. That means I don't pay them money unless they earn the business money, their commissions are much higher than standard to help get the business rolling faster than otherwise.Share the wealth.I think a big part of it comes down to is how good of a manager you really are. A lot of people are great engineers, but couldn't lead a team to save their life. This is an area you need to educate yourself and continue educating yourself during the process. I have plenty of experience as an employee and managing a team but I still stand on the shoulders of people who have done this before me by utilizing their knowledge and SYSTEMS to achieve success.I'd also like to make one other thing clear. I am not opposed to hiring talent stateside but I have yet to find a need to. We are in a global economy now and my business is international just like APPL or AMZN. The only difference is they have a massive head start and can afford to get the best talent... I don't need the best yet. For now, I just need great people.I hope this post can help at least one person, I wish you luck.
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thecosydragon · 7 years
My latest blog post from the cosy dragon: Interview with Christopher Slayton
An Interview with Christopher Slayton, author of Chaos Company
Everyone has a ‘first novel’, even if many of them are a rough draft relegated to the bottom and back of your desk drawer (or your external harddrive!). Have you been able to reshape yours, or have you abandoned it for good?
I’m glad you asked! I’ve had a rough draft of my first attempt at book writing still saved in my files and I’m currently finishing it in hopes to have it published this fall! I wrote the first few pages back in 2009 while in college but didn’t feel confident to write a full manuscript for it. The story follows a young man who is forced to become a masked vigilante after his brother, a gun-wielding batman-like hero suddenly dies. I think with the complexity I wanted to put into this story was more than I was able to handle then. I believe that after writing Chaos Company I have what it takes to deliver a complex story within my first manuscript.
Some authors are able to pump out a novel a year and still be filled with inspiration. Is this the case for you, or do you like to let an idea percolate for a couple of years in order to get a beautiful novel?
Well, the truth is I know I have a number of stories from start to finish I can’t wait to get to! I even have a dozen of them outlined! I can’t speak for other writers, but inspiration isn’t a problem for me. I try to find it everywhere, from current events and life experience to traveling. The biggest issue for me is time. Until a year ago I didn’t have the time to write, mostly because after working a 40hr/week job, exercising and being social I didn’t have enough to put my ideas down. But now since I work for myself I have the time needed to put my ideas into writing.
I have heard of writers that could only write in one place – then that cafe closed down and they could no longer write! Where do you find yourself writing most often, and on what medium (pen/paper or digital)?
I often write on my laptop either in my bedroom or the living room. That being said I have written in other places such as the common area of my former college, and even at my old job while I was on break. Heck, I’ve even written when I was on vacation in Spain lol. To me there isn’t really a special place for me to write. There is however a mindset I like to put myself in through music in order to write. For example, if I’m writing a lot of dialogue I like to be listening to alternative rock or instrumental music, and when it comes to me writing action scenes I find it easier to do so while listening to hardrock or EDM.
Before going on to hire an editor, most authors use beta-readers. How do you recruit your beta-readers, and choose an editor? Are you lucky enough to have loving family members who can read and comment on your novel?
Unfortunately I can’t trust my family to read for me because most of them see critiquing me as them being rude. When it comes to beta-readers I have only one. Her name is Tessa. She’s been a friend of mine for seven years now and I can trust her to not only tell me exactly how she feels about my work, but also provide ways on how I can improve on a story. I trusted her taste in storytelling and her suggestions when I had her take a look at Chaos Company, and I know I can trust her going forward.
Now when it comes to hiring an editor I am very picky on whom I choose. I got lucky with Chaos Company. Before being let go with publisher Desert Breeze Publishing they had already edited my book for me and had spent over five months and two editors on the project. But now that I am on my own again I’ve learned to ask various questions before hiring an editor, and have them edit a chapter of my work before hiring them. That way I know what I’ll be getting from when they are working on an entire manuscript.
I walk past bookshops and am drawn in by the smell of the books – ebooks simply don’t have the same attraction for me. Does this happen to you, and do you have a favourite bookshop? Or perhaps you are an e-reader fan… where do you source most of your material from?
I am an e-reader. My mom got me a device years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. That being said, I am a sucker for having a physical book in my hand from time to time. I usually get my physical copies from amazon and the same for ebooks.
I used to find myself buying books in only one genre (fantasy) before I started writing this blog. What is your favourite genre, and do you have a favourite author who sticks in your mind from:
1. childhood? – Dr. Suess. His work was and still is a great stepping stone for young readers. I could do without the films made from his work though lol
2. adolescence? – R.L. and the Goosebump books. Especially the choose your own adventure stories. I remember when I choose the wrong page and quickly flipping back to the previous page to try again! I also remember reading the Halo series based on the video game because I wasn’t allowed to play those games as a kid so I thought reading the stories was the next best thing.
3. young adult? – The Alex Rider novels by Anthony Horowitz. That series really got me through high school and inspired me to try my hand at writing, which I would later fall in love with. I read somewhere that Mr. Horowitz wrote a James Bond novel and I can’t wait to get to it!
4. adult? – As a fan of The Walking Dead show and Graphic novels I am currently making my way through the tie-in novels for the comics. The novels are written by series creator Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga who both do an excellent job portraying a dreadful and cruel world in these stories. I’m almost done the second book now and am grateful to have 6 more books in the series to go!
All that being said, I am a sucker for a good action novel. If it has anything to do with spies, bad-ass one man armies, super heroes or epic individuals, I am all over it!
Social media is a big thing, much to my disgust! I never have enough time myself to do what I feel is a good job. How do you manage it?
If I’m being honest I don’t spend too much time on social media. I have a facebook and twitter account so that’s about it. And my facebook is used mostly for personal reasons, which only leaves me with twitter to promote myself and my work. I may put 2hrs towards social media a month because I just don’t have the time for it right now. With my schedule the way it is and how many projects I want to release by next year I have to put social media on the back burner. When it comes to twitter I at times feel like I’m just yelling into a void hoping people catch wind of my words. That is why I tend to stay away until I’m ready to promote more material and announce when I will be making appearances. Hopefully when writing is my official full-time job I’ll be able to be more active with social media. But until then I refuse to be a part of something I believe has gotten out of hand when it comes to making it as an artist. A true artist’s work should be based on their artistic merit and vision and not how many followers they have.
Since you don’t use social media to promote your work, what do you do? What do you do instead?
– I work as a driver for Uber/Lyft and do odd jobs through the website Taskrabbit. Both jobs require me to meet so many new people on a daily basis and to me that’s a potential new reader/fan I can introduce my work to. It may seem like a slow way to draw in a fanbase, but I get to have a one on one conversation with potential readers and fans and I believe that is worth more in the long run. But, with this method only time will tell if it works.
Answering interview questions can often take a long time! Tell me, are you ever tempted to recycle your answers from one to the next?
No. Well, at least not yet lol. When people are kind enough to interview me the least I can do is be as authentic as possible when answering them. Now if someone asks me a question I’ve had before then yes there will be a few points I may repeat from a previous interview. But I do not just copy and paste an answer and I will do my best to never do that in an interview. It’s not fair to the people interviewing, or the people who have read previous interviews I’ve been in.
from http://ift.tt/2sXEwH7
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey guys!Let me preface this post with... it's not for every kind of business or everyone. But many of you can do this and dramatically increase your own income.So the first aha moment I had after years of failing in my own startups was... I cannot do this alone.You see, I would have an idea, write down pages of info on it so it was clear and concise what I wanted to accomplish and needed to do. Then I would set out on it. But after a while fatigue would set in from having to learn how to use x skill or software... design the website... provide the service... etc.People are going to approach this problem in different ways. Some go and get a business partner... others higher out. Well, in the past I owned an airplane with a business partner and while the benefits of sharing costs certainly have their merits... I wasn't a big fan of sharing ownership. I didn't always get it when I wanted it, etc, etc.​So I went the opposite route. I hired employee number one.​Now because I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and visit 40+ countries I was able to make the first and best executive decision to date. I hired out of the country. Now, this is a contentious topic for a number of reasons but I'll let you guys tear that up in the comment section... Let's stay focused. I specifically targeted people who live in the Philippines. Why?Their English is incredible.They work hard.They work at a fraction of the cost of their equivalent here in the US.​For less than $2/hr and 40hr a week I get an employee who will work diligently and intelligently to accomplish a myriad of tasks for my business.Web DesignTechnical WritingSchedulingAccountingPhotoshopVideo EditingThis list goes on and on and on.It also helped me to stay focused on my business because now I was responsible for more than just me.This was great I was getting way more stuff done and things were happening! But then I had a second aha moment...What if I could go faster?Folks in business you gotta move quick. Your competition is global and constantly working day and night to defeat you or as I like to put it... take your family's lunch. Now I don't know about you but nobody is taking my family's lunch so I realized I had to relinquish more 'control' over my business so I could go faster.What this meant for me specifically was that I had to let go of doing the hiring. That included:Posting Job AdsFiltering CandidatesScheduling interviewsInterviewingTestingIf you have ever hired people before you know just how time-consuming and draining this process can be! Well, I wasn't about to let entrepreneur fatigue get the best of me again. I decided this time I would make things work or go broke trying. So I assessed my finances and more specifically my expenditures and found that while one full-time employee cost me 300$/m... I was costing the business 2,500 per month in living/life expenses.There are two options here.Option A: Is to spend lessOption B: Is to spend moreMost people choose option A and rightfully so right? Wrong.Remember what I said about speed? You have to go fast. Learn fast. Fail Fast. Grow Fast. With one person I had more than doubled my business productivity - I'd say I got a 3x on it. But things really started happening when I had my assistant do the hiring.In one month we would go from one employee to 15.Now things are really moving. I have people who specialize in x skill but can also handle xyz task for just about anything you could imagine (everything listed above.)You bet my biz expenditures went up! But with the increased manpower at a relatively low cost, the money did too. I'm not rich yet. I don't even have a million dollars. But I will this year if things continue progressing as they have. Let me know if you're interested in a post like that and I'd be happy to make it after I cross that milestone.So that's it... That's how I scaled fast.Oh yeah, I forgot one thing... I think where a lot of people get hung up with the dirty old word outsourcing, is their inability to hire quality talent. They might do it once and get burned and quit. Then they spend the next 20 years talking about how shitty and bad of an idea outsourcing is - citing xyz failures. I know some of you are laughing to yourselves right now. "Quality talent at 300/m? HAH!" But I told you a lil fib. 300 is the base pay. I believe in actually valuing your employees... Not just saying it to them like so many employers do these days. So I have given each one of them financial incentives to work harder, more efficiently, and longer to earn more income. Some of them are PURE commission based. That means I don't pay them money unless they earn the business money, their commissions are much higher than standard to help get the business rolling faster than otherwise.Share the wealth.I think a big part of it comes down to is how good of a manager you really are. A lot of people are great engineers, but couldn't lead a team to save their life. This is an area you need to educate yourself and continue educating yourself during the process. I have plenty of experience as an employee and managing a team but I still stand on the shoulders of people who have done this before me by utilizing their knowledge and SYSTEMS to achieve success.​I'd also like to make one other thing clear. I am not opposed to hiring talent stateside but I have yet to find a need to. We are in a global economy now and my business is international just like APPL or AMZN. The only difference is they have a massive head start and can afford to get the best talent... I don't need the best yet. For now, I just need great people.I hope this post can help at least one person, I wish you luck.
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