#i really don't like g pen idk why
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tbh i don't want to take his hoodie off but this is funny
#cat addicted cypher#ramble time#i kinda like this brush now#i've been using csp default charcoal brush for literally everything#i like its texture and it's just the matter of making it react to my pen pressure#but tapered pen is more proper for actual lineart i guess#(i define this as lineart btw)#i really don't like g pen idk why#i forgot what i was trying to say so i'll stop now#valorant#omen#valorant omen#kay/o#valorant kay/o#cypher#valorant cypher#my art
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Fun Fact I am affected by heavy synesthesia and decided to document a few silly things! When i read certain words / letters / numbers i see colors and taste things! As well as with listening to music i see visuals and taste things etc Feel free to ask questions i love answering!
Long post but basically i list brain associations so stuff under cut if you care to read
Anyway to the interesting stuff 😋😋
Color Flavors
🔴 - spicy and bitter with some sweetness. Makes my chest hurt
🟠 - Not sweet or sour it's like a uhh a snow cone
🟡 - frostingless sugar cookie
🟢 - butter
🔵 - steak
🟣 - those little mini cake things they have at weddings
⚫ - sweet and crunchy but has a dust residue like a handful sprinkles
⚪ - pineapple gummy bear
💗 - Walmart birthday cake
Colors / shapes i see when listening to artists
Lemon Demon - navy blue trapezoids and red triangles
Tally Hall - yellow circles and white diamonds
Will Wood - green squares and purple spiral circles (?)
Marina - pink bubbles and white sparkles
Lovejoy - light blue arrows facing downward
Penelope Scott - black semicircles
Mitski - slate colored trapezoids
TV Girl - gray rectangle
Weezer - green boing boing dog toy idk how to describe it
TMBG - orange semicircle really stretched
Oingo Boingo - green circles
Letter and Number Color Associations
A🔴 B🔵 C🟡 D🟢 E🟡 F🔴 G🟤 H🟤 I🔵 J🟣 K🟣 L🟣 M🟤 N🔵 O🔵 P🟣 Q⚫ R🔴 S🟡 T🟣 U🟣 V🔵 W🟣 X⚫ Y⚪ Z🔵 0⚪ 1🔵 2🟢 🟡 4🟡 5🔴 6🟢 7🔵 8⚫ 9🔴 10⚫
Day of the week Equations
10 x 0 = Sunday, 100 - 46 = Monday, 25 - 11 = Tuesday, 4 x 4 = Wednesday, 7 x 7 = Thursday, 5 x 5 is Friday, 10 x 5 = Saturday
Day of the Week Colors
Monday is Black Tuesday is dark blue Wednesday is dark green Thursday is dark purple Friday is yellow Saturday is lavender and Sunday is gray I don't make the rules
School Subject Colors
Math is red, Science is green, social studies is blue, literature / English is purple, art is also green
Number Flavors
0 - the chemicals you blow bubbles with when you accidentally get it in your mouth
1 - plain cracker you get in restaurant baskets
2 - gummy worm that's really old
3 - Doritos
4 - hamburger
5 - giant hot apple left in the sun 2 hours
6 - green apple
7 - steak fajita
8 - grape juice
9 - Hot Dog
10 - seat belt
Smells and Tastes regarding Music
Lemon Demon - lavender candle smell, taste like burger
Tally Hall - rusting Metal smell, taste like cold butter just taken out of the fridge
Will Wood - old church carpet smell, tastes like communion wine
Marina - tropical car refreshener smell, taste like putting a pen in your mouth
Lovejoy - smells like sea salt, tastes like sea salt chocolate
Penelope Scott - smells like rotting wood, tastes like Coca Cola
Mitski - smells like soap, tastes like Christmas cookies
TV Girl - smells like perfume drowning out body odor, tastes like ham sandwich that got ketchup on it
Weezer - smells like hamburger, taste like banana
TMBG - smells like antique store, taste like Olive Garden bread
Oingo Boingo - smells like barbecue, tastes like those big ass erasers people would poke with their pencils in elementary school
My Name - smells like vanilla perfume from bed bath and bodyworks, tastes like cheese pizza, is the color gold
Five Nights at Freddys - smells like cigarettes, tastes like burger (WHY DOES EVERYTHING TASTE/SMELL LIKE BURGER), is the color purple
Electric Dreams 1984 - smell like a city in Mississippi i went to 7 years ago, taste like red velvet cake, is the color hot pink
The number 999 tastes like watermelon
Pinterest app smells like nail polish and popcorn
Spotify taste like Gatorade
#.txt#long post#neurodivergent#synesthesia#autism#yum yum yum#can we get some purple 4s in the chat#will add more to this
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For the character meme if you're still doing it...
MASH: Trapper, BJ, Hawkeye
DW: Ninth doctor, tenth doctor
FMA: Alphonse Elric
Sorry this took so long! Have family in atm so I've only been using mobile lately. Here goes--
First impression: I saw MASH out of order, starting with season 4 (not because of any particular bias, my dad just wanted to introduce us kids to the show and saw the season 4 DVD boxset first at the store), so my first impression of Trapper was the whole "Trapper's gone" sequence between Radar and Hawkeye. I think kid me didn't really fully understand that there were prior seasons of MASH, so I didn't think about Trapper all that much given there's virtually no mentions of him after that episode. Ironically, I probably pictured him in my head looking more like the Elliot Gould version than Wayne Rogers, idk why because as far as I was concerned he was just an entirely offscreen presence.
Impression now: Definitely glad I ended up going back to watch the earlier seasons once I realized they did, in fact, exist because Trapper's easily become a fave. Most of it is just down to Wayne's performance more than anything, plus his chemistry with Alan Alda's Hawkeye is unmatched. I know some people wish that Wayne had stuck around for the later seasons, and in a sense I get that desire in terms of wanting more time with his character, but I also just like what we got with him and kind of worry how the later seasons might've tried to "deconstruct" his character or give him and Hawkeye more conflict or something that would've felt OOC to who we know him as.
Favorite moment: Man, this is hard, but I think I might choose the second-to-last scene of "Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde" where up until the general arrives and goes into the latrine, Trapper's been trying to stop Hawkeye's sleep-deprived shenanigans, but as soon as the general goes in he just steps back and watches it all play out even as Radar's still desperately trying to avert disaster. Trapper's laugh is just so joyful as he watches Hawkeye tow the latrine away with Clayton inside, and I think in some ways it's a moment that says a lot about who Trapper is without necessarily intending to be a statement piece on his character.
Idea for a story: I lowkey want to write an AU where, after the events of "Preventative Medicine", Hawkeye pens a sort of pretend letter to Trapper expressing how alone he sort of feels in his defiance of the army these days with no intent of ever sending it (sort of like Sidney's pretend letter to Freud), only for it to end up getting picked up by Radar or Klinger by accident and sent out. Receiving the letter prompts Trapper to write back, they reconnect... I don't have much of an idea of what happens after that or even if it really works, but it's something I've had turning around in my brain after reading some of @marley-manson's posts on the episode in question.
Unpopular opinion: I guess my unpopular opinion was probably expressed above, which is that I'm not sure Trapper's character would've survived intact with the shift in perspective of the later seasons. It's not that I think Wayne wouldn't have turned in a good performance, I just don't know that it could have been recognizably "Trapper" in a way.
Favorite relationship: I mean if anyone answers anything besides Hawkeye, I'd be shocked. Like I like some of his dynamics with the other characters for sure and wouldn't have minded seeing them explored more, but as far as what's on the screen his relationship with Hawkeye is just kind of the whole point.
Favorite headcanon: I definitely like the ex-Catholic headcanon I think you and some others have, as I especially think it adds an interesting layer to any of his interactions with Mulcahy. I also enjoy the headcanon that he and Charles somehow end up working at the same hospital after the war and realize they know some of the same people (and then Charles' anguish if Hawkeye ever comes for a visit to realize that "Oh God, there's two of them").
First impression: Given I started with s4 and it was all I had access to for a number of years, my impression of BJ was fairly positive. He's kind of just a Good Dude that season, and to a kid he worked well enough as someone for Hawkeye to bounce jokes off of. I sympathized with his being separated from his daughter, and I thought moments like where he tells Radar it's okay to cry were very sweet. I still think those things, actually.
Impression now: Nowadays, I find BJ a very fascinating character to look at from the lens of deconstruction (unlike Trapper). How war peels back the layers of Mr. Right to find a very flawed, very human man underneath, with all the good and ill that entails. It's funny because as I said when I first watched, I thought his and Hawk's double act worked fine, but I feel a little bad for him and Mike Farrell after having watched the early seasons because it just does not compare to the Piercintyre duo. Whereas I could easily see an AU where Hawkeye and Trapper met outside the war and became friends, I don't get that vibe with Hawk and Beej; their relationship exists purely because of the war. I can't say I necessarily like the person BJ became over time at the 4077th, but I still sympathize with what he went through and find him interesting to examine.
Favorite moment: I'm really not sure, honestly, because the later moments that I find interesting about his character aren't necessarily BJ at his best. Honestly, I think it might be that scene with Radar I mentioned above, because I think it shows that he is much more emotionally aware than the popular tumblr depiction of him.
Idea for a story: I floated this thought in the tags of a post I made about him and Frank recently, but I kind of want to know what effect there would be on the characters and relationships had BJ arrived in Korea without the Hawkeye Welcome Wagon there to meet him (like say Hawkeye doesn't arrive back in camp until that night rather than in the morning before Radar leaves to drive to Kimpo). How does this impact BJ's impressions of everybody else, and how long does it take him and Hawkeye to become friends, plus what's that one week under Frank's command look like in this version?
Unpopular opinion: I'm not really sure what counts as an unpopular opinion because the Beejgirls seem to take it as a badge of honor that he can be kind of a bad friend sometimes, but I guess what I'll say is that while Hawkeye was essential to helping BJ make it through the war, I kinda think the opposite is true in reverse. I don't think BJ needed to be some kind of yes man to Hawkeye, but man he really does love to just not be emotionally available for his best friend in the whole world and also gets his jollies out of playing mind games on him semi-regularly. And unlike writer/director Alan Alda, I don't really think Hawk deserved it most of the time.
Favorite relationship: That's a tough one, because I know it's not Hawkeye for me, but I also don't know who it is.
Favorite headcanon: I think he had one of the hardest times readjusting to life back home because he'd built it up so much in his head that any little deviation from the fantasy would be a let-down. I think he'd eventually get over this, but it would be a pretty serious stumbling block.
First impression: the whole sequence with him riding up in the rickshaw and defying Frank's military precision was very funny to child me, and then the scene in the showers immediately shows you that this guy isn't just about the laughs. He has things and people he cares about, and he can be hurt, and he can work really hard to try and get the things he wants. If he doesn't succeed, then he'll just keep working hard to make everything better for the people around him. A+ character introduction, I was hooked, +1 role model and Guy I Like To Project Onto acquired.
Impression now: Honestly? Largely hasn't changed. He's still a great character, and I still aspire to have his quick and sharp wit. Obviously there's a lot to it that child me overlooked, and there's certainly moments where I don't like something he says or does, but that's part of what makes him 3-dimensional, and it's also unavoidable in a show that old.
Favorite moment: This is a frankly impossible question for this character. I can't even pick out a favorite speech. I guess I'll just say the Yankee Doodle Doctor film for managing to capture both extremes of his character in a few short minutes.
Idea for a story: My ideas for Trapper and BJ are also just ideas for Hawkeye, because that's just kind of how MASH works. Even when it's about someone else, it's about Hawkeye.
Unpopular opinion: I prefer the earlier seasons when Hawkeye's rebellions worked and achieved even little victories here and there, where his character was certainly critiqued but it wasn't like a half-hour of self-flagellation, and while the camp could at times find him irritating they also worked with him to pull off the hijinks. They're just more fun (and the satire more biting), and MASH is best when it's a comedy.
Favorite relationship: Early seasons? Trapper. Later seasons? Margaret.
Favorite headcanon: 70s Middle-Aged Vietnam War Protester Hawkeye, My Beloved
Ninth Doctor
First impression: I also watched DW out of order, so I just kind of was vaguely aware of Nine as the guy the new episodes were started with. He seemed kind of broody, wasn't really sure what else to think of him because I had almost no information. The post-series 1 RTD Era kind of almost does their best to make you forget he even was there? Like why does the Doctor-obsessed fan club in series 2 only have photos of Ten?
Impression now: He's a great Doctor, and I really should get around to finishing his series instead of picking and choosing episodes to check out (I'm just struggling to work myself up to watching the farting aliens one, I'm sorry). From what I can tell, Christopher Eccleston was going through a rough patch while making the series and had additional disagreements with the producers that contributed to him leaving early, so while I understand a lot of people wish he'd gotten more time, I also wouldn't have wanted him to keep making it while he was miserable. I'm glad he's getting to do new stories for Big Finish and seemingly enjoying it.
Favorite moment: I mean for me it has to be "Just this once, everybody lives!", Eccleston's joy there is so pure and palpable.
Idea for a story: Honestly don't really have one.
Unpopular opinion: He was the right Doctor for Rose and she the right companion for him, and it all went downhill for that duo after he regenerated. Although idk if that's actually an unpopular opinion amongst Nine fans. Oh, here's an unpopular opinion for those who like Nine: the way he treated Mickey was cruel and there was no real reason for it, and he should have apologized.
Favorite relationship: It kind of has to be Rose by default, right? Although I'm to this day fascinated by whatever he and Jack had going on...
Favorite headcanon: I don't really have one of these, either. Unless we're talking about the AU in my head where everything's the same except he and Rose aren't awful to Mickey for literally no reason...
Tenth Doctor
First impression: Again, because I watched out of order, Ten was my second Doctor (after watching series 5 and 6 with Eleven), but the friend who introduced me to the show did not really care for Rose and had me start on "The Runaway Bride" instead. I then chose to skip to the rest of Donna's episodes since I was aware she became a full-time companion later and had a great time. He was kind of a bit too broody at times for my taste, but Donna was there to keep it from dragging out. He could be hypocritical, but it was an interesting and expected flaw for a character that old and varied, and I'd already grown to expect the Doctor to be deep in the moral ambiguity. He was never my favorite, but I found series 4 enjoyable (until the end, anyway).
Impression now: Hoo boy, is this one a doozy. Well, first off, I still really enjoy Ten and Donna's episodes. But it's all kind of downhill from there. After finishing Donna's episodes and the specials, I went back to series 3 with Martha. And because I love Martha... I can't really stand Ten for that entire series. It's the Mickey problem x3000. And because I knew what an awful person he was going to be to Martha, I couldn't ever get into enjoying him and Rose in series 2 when I went back to watch that knowing what it all was leading to. And also because they were both treating Mickey like crap still during it. I think that Ten is a fascinating character with a lot of depth and darkness to him that the narrative is sorta aware of but doesn't want to explore meaningfully enough until basically the last minute in the specials. There's a lot of cut moments and storylines that could have made this better and at least left me appreciating what RTD was trying to do, but... they're cut. So what we're left with is a guy who's mean to like half of his friends for very little cause (and when that half is made up of two Black characters and one queer character while the other half are all white and straight), and who causes most of his own problems (his and Rose's attitudes leading to Queen Victoria forming Torchwood -> Torchwood finds the breach at Canary Wharf and makes it bigger -> the Doctor and Rose have to intervene and get separated VS. the Doctor deposes Harriet Jones -> the Master steps into the power vacuum caused by Ten changing the timeline -> The Year That Never Was happens and puts Martha, her family, and Jack all through hell Fight!), and who very rarely gets called out on most of this in a way that sticks.
Favorite moment: Can't think of a specific one right now, but it probably involves Donna somehow.
Idea for a story: I wrote a ton of Ten/Donna stories a number of years back and kind of burned myself out on it (plus the general negativity of RTD fans towards the newer eras killed some of my enjoyment of that era in reverse), but maybe I'll get around to writing more for them someday. Or maybe just something where Martha gets to be awesome instead.
Unpopular opinion: He and "Fourteen" are the same guy, and RTD will never convince me otherwise.
Favorite relationship: Donna's the only person I can really tolerate him with, her and Wilf really, so that seems to be my answer. Good thing they're in the upcoming specials! All joking aside, whether you see it as platonic or romantic, he and Donna just had the best dynamic, and in RTD's own words it was the most "equal" partnership the Tenth Doctor had. Which just makes me feel bad for Rose and Martha, honestly, but... it definitely comes across that way in the show to me.
Favorite headcanon: I think he often knows his behavior is in the wrong but is one of those people who refuses to apologize for anything and instead just withdraws from the people he hurt to punish himself... which is again sorta an interesting character choice but unaddressed or uncritiqued just makes me think he kind of deserves to be alone, yeah.
First impression: First read this series in high school, so it was probably "Wow, this guy and his brother are so cool, but their story's so sad! I hope they get their bodies back!"
Impression now: Wow, this guy and his brother are so cool, and they've gone through some really sad stuff! I'm so glad they got their bodies (mostly) back!" For Al specifically, he's so great. Both the nicest but the sassiest mf you will ever meet. His and Ed's brotherhood is Best of All Time, even and especially when he's being a little shit to his big bro.
Favorite moment: Nothing makes me laugh harder when the Elric Bros are telling Mustang to leave the forest where Gluttony is, because you expect it from Ed but Al's just so mean to Roy there, it's hysterical.
Idea for a story: Nothing comes to mind at the moment because I just love the original story so much it's hard to know what I'd add!
Unpopular opinion: I don't like Al/Mei and kinda find Mei's reasons for switching her crush from one brother to the other to be extremely shallow. I'd prefer if they got to know each other better as they grew up but just remained friends.
Favorite relationship: If the answer to this is anything but Ed (and vice versa) it's Wrong.
Favorite headcanon: I think Al both loves and resents Ed for trying to take on so much as the older brother.
So yeah, this one is probably a bit all over the place, and I'm fairly certain we won't see eye-to-eye on everything here, but I hope you find my answers interesting at least!
#m*a*s*h#doctor who#fma#trapper john mcintyre#hawkeye pierce#b.j. hunnicutt#ninth doctor#uhhh we'll just skip 10's tag lol i don't think his fans want this#alphonse elric#emerson replies
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For the ask game,
1-22 24-39
I am sorry
-Small brain anon
you're forgiven, it's in the past :)
okay before i get into these,,,, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, and 36, 38, have been answered!
that leaves....still quite a few. god damn.
2 : if you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? if you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
i would try, i probably could it just wouldn't be a very long time, even longer than usual. my hand cramps a LOT when i write (which is a new thing idk why) but my stories are still important :D
7 : what is your deepest joy about writing?
i have a few actually! honestly, starting with the most basic joy, it's really rewarding to remind myself that i have the ability to make a world. i can create cool versions of people i absolutely adore and make totally new people too! and i often forget that if i try hard enough i can make people cry with my writing or make one joke have people go feral,,,
another one is the reminder that god damn. almost eight billion people and i had this idea. i have complete freedom over this. i have claimed the coolest idea EVER out of almost eight billion people.
and i guess just the fact that i can write what people want me to write or what people enjoy. i love taking input from others because i know it'll make one person enjoy something! little details that i remember about someone? throw it into a fic and hope they see it and smile
8 : if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
bye bye fucking dialogue. i would love to write something wordless and see how it works out, it just sounds awesome tbh, very moody. one of my non g/t wips is like that for a lot of it and it's just really calm to write! i don't have to worry about balancing things or making accurate dialogue, it's just one person in the universe and the vibe of that can easily get through to me. and in my experience, it'll go pretty good!
13 : what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? what is easy?
ehhh i really hate writing combat or anything fast paced. moving scenes along and changing settings has never been a strong suit of mine imo,,,, like it always feels either really rushed or really choppy imo
and i think mental health is pretty easy for me to write. like that hazy, unhappy mind. it's extremely slow and easy to make long and extravagant descriptions with,,,,
14 : do you lend your books to people? are people scared to borrow books from you? do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? will you ever get them back?
i don't have a large collection of books. i'm never really immersed into actually reading a book which i know is awful as a writer and honestly just a terrible attribute of mine but i'm not a big reader. fanfic tho is my bitch, and in which case i have no experience with any of this :'D
16 : what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
a piece of lined paper i found in the book, so essentially someone else's makeshift bookmark
i am respectfully gonna skip 17 & 18 because i don't have the energy to really explain any of that and all of my wips are so like not worthy of those questions. the best ur gonna get is the minutiae of tiny workers i'll post tomorrow lmao
19 : tell me a story about your writing journey. when did you start? why did you start? were there bumps along the way? where are you now and where are you going?
it's nothing too dramatic, i started when i was in third grade and wrote a nine page story by hand and my teacher mentioned i was a strong writer for my age. i wrote all the time in school, picked up fanfic in like early 2019 (which also conveniently was my first g/t writing)
and uhh i started just because the feeling of writing was really rewarding and freeing. i loved roleplaying on roblox all the time too i would love making long descriptions of things n such :DD
i think i'm on a good track, i have 42 full-fledged wips that i have some ideas for, 3 book ideas and a cool and supportive community to share my growth with :]
21 : could you ever quit writing? do you ever wish you could? why or why not?
honestly, no, i don't think i ever could. even if i change my mind about pursuing it as a career i could never stop it being my hobby. it's so freeing and a great way to unwind, i love the thought of writing all of my life and the thought of what my writing will be like in a few years if i'm writing like this now (which is such an improvement from 6 months ago, let me say. and yeah i'm complimenting my work for once)
i never do wish i could, because i know that regardless of if i take a break or not i'm never going to completely abandon it. i have ideas that i'm too in to be out of,,,
22 : how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps? the cloud?
it depends on my wips, but for the sake of convenience i'll just go off of my aus on here: it is so messy. there is no organization, and if it is there are so many wips of my organization ideas, it's so sad. i have tried so many different ways to organize my thoughts because doing lists and making things look neat and tidy is my favorite, but on the opposite end i get bored countlessly listing out information i already know, so uhh yeah no organization. occasionally i'll jot down like "make sure to add this!" in my notes app or at the end of wtv im working on
24 : how much prep work do you put into your stories? what does that look like for you? do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
i love the thought of prep work, hate actually doing it. i go in head first, usually with a mental map of whatever i want to happen. a lot of the time though i let the story write itself cuz i'm lazy like that :'D
i dislike trying to actually sit myself down to make things all laid out and ready to be written cause..........gagghghhsadskdj
29 : where do you draw your inspiration? dhat do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it depends! some of my ideas are directly from a movie or show i watch, usually taking the idea of an "au" not from the fandom but from that show specifically if that makes sense,, other times my head'll give me some three am ideas or random ideas.
i also really like picking a color and making an inspiration board off of it! it gives me some cool ideas cause imagery can tell a big story sometimes imo
when the well is try i usually either work on other stuff or just wait for it to rain again so there's water to run off of.
31 : write a short love letter to your readers.
idk about a love letter but honestly y'all are literally so cool. i know my community isn't remotely close to any big publishers' fanbases but damn it feels so overwhelming in the best way possible to get showered with love by the people i can easily recognize whenever i post something! to have over 100 notes on some of my fics and know that every like on my work is an individual person is just baffling. to know i have almost 200 followers in my corner, even if some of them are bots or following me for other content, it's fucking amazing. sweet comments and questions about my work is just fucking exhilarating!! it's so motivating to hear "write more of this" because damn. demanding. people demand i write more. it's SO COOL. joining social media was probably the worst decision i've ever made but tumblr has singlehandedly fixed every doubt i've had about being on the internet :) <3
32 : what is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? how did you find it? what does it mean to you?
ee passerine & rooftops spoilersss down below :]
i will do fanfic bc. yeah wtv. anyway there are a few, i think that if i'm being actually serious and not doing joke ones, i absolutely love the ending off passerine, it's so perfect. i am tearing up thinking abt it ngl which sounds dumb but damn. "he had a life before this, a mother, a father, a home, sisters and brothers, but what he had now was alright too. he stood alone in his bedroom mirror, combing his hair back from his face to braid it for the day, tucking it behind an ear where a sapphire earing hung, catching sunlight. he paused when he saw it, leaning in close to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light, or the lingering traces of a dream. he blinked once, twice, his mortal heart caught in his throat. there, nestled amongst the pink strands, delicate as a bird's wing, was a single, grey hair. if he listened closely, he could hear his brother coming down the hallway, looking for him. but this moment was his alone, half-sobbing, half-laughing, he fell against his chair and closed his eyes against the sudden sting of tears. he could see in his mind, a field of flowers under an open sky, a place for waiting, where all the finished stories went. where he too would go someday. a knock came at his door, and technoblade began to smile." LIKE DUDE. I AM SUCH A SUCKER FOR ENDINGS TO STORIES. it's so dramatic and so domesicated and passerine is such a short story all in all but it's so perfectly written and captures relationships so well. it shows technoblade's acceptance of death so well, and although he'd been wanting of death for a while it still kind of shows how he is eager to pursue the rest of a mortal life.
also from passerine i like "this is what it feels," someone gasped, "to lose everything" I LOVE IT. tommy is their everything and losing him made the story turn so dull,, it went from silver to grey easily. love it.
ALSO. FUCKING ROOFTOPS. it is such an old fic, but it's the second fic i've ever read in the fandom. “youuu aren’t real. nope! noo, no you aren’t. youu’re not reeaal, you'ree inn my head. my head! geoorge is in my head again!” it's just so sad. i love it. the atmosphere of this scene despite it being out of context here is still just so perfect. the vibes of rooftops have never left my head.
and also this absolutely doesn't count but there's a comment on rooftops that said "this is the same story where they went camping" and i have never gone a day without thinking about that LMAO
33 : do you practice any other art besides writing? does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
hghghhhhh not really, no other art. cooking and baking sometimes but i wouldn't call my skill level art LMAO
but it did start a gbbo au and has helped a lot with terminology and stuff!!
34 : thoughts on the oxford comma, go:
i love it in practice but the second i get reminded to use it i go bonkers and start hitting things
37 : if you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
they would think i am weird as hell bro i keep writing about these people SWALLOWING EACH OTHER ALIVE 😭😭😭
i wanted to do a real response to that but a. its 3 am and b. this was funnier <3
39 : what keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
the atmosphere of the thing i am writing. i can be in the most unmotivated mood but the second i start thinking about how a scene or an au feels i am immediately lightened up and want to write it!
god damn it only took about half an hour but i did it!! thanks for these questions, even if they took like 2 weeks to finish and cut me short of what i wanted to do tonight /lh/nmay
#brickquiries#brickquiries games#small brain brickling#sb my beloved :]#cw vore implication/mention#breif but still
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2, 6, 7, 11… and 31 LOL ENJOY
I hope you're happy I've had to turn my music down to concentrate.
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Abso-fuckin-lutely not. My wrist already sounds like a fucking cement mixer. I can't even stand signing my name. (Fun fact, I hate writing by hand so much that when I was a kid and figuring out my handwriting, I created a style that requires the least amount of pen to paper. Basically one stroke for each letter, if the letter permits. Except I cross my Z's. I have no idea why.) Also my writing looks like that of a toddler with a pen stuck in its arse. Thusly:

6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
I worry sometimes that I'll get brain fog and it'll never go away. Or I'll forget how shit works (not that I ever technically knew in the first place). I was relieved when I shook off the rust for Shakin' Off the Rust (see wut I did thar), because it came out pretty well, especially considering it'd been three years. Maybe it was just the catharsis of it? Idk I'm rambling. Brain hornets.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I mean it's probably obvious to anyone who's ever read any of my stories that I love love LOVE taking really fucking unpleasant scenarios and somehow making them palatable. The "Oh shit that really should not have been hot" market has always been my jam.
Also, I'm always gonna be a slut for shoehorning in references that maybe five people will pick up on. If they do they immediately fall into the Good People category.
Also, getting Matthew "Rickety Cricket" Mara laid.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
I don't kill them I simply let them fester while I side-eye them. Then I figure out a way to work them in because goddammit, they're darlings for a reason. You can bet your ass I'm gonna fit in that 50th Buffy reference somewhere.
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
Listen, I love everyone that's taken the time to read, kudos and especially comment on my fics. Even the G*tham stuff for fuck's sake. Moreso anyone who enjoys my Cricket stories because they will always and forevermore be the most fun I've had writing, and they're pretty special to me for that reason. They're the nichest of niche markets and I adore anyone who gives them the time of day. Fun fact: they got an unreasonable amount of love in mid 2020; I'm guessing people were running out of other Sunny ships to read lmao.
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Teen Wolf as things i found in my groupchat
Liam: guyyyyyyys i have to tell u something reeeeeaaaaally important
Stiles, in the same minute: yea
Stiles: i'm here
Stiles: huh
Stiles: wow
Stiles: hello
Stiles: no?
Stiles: ok
Lydia: hey
Allison: hi 🍍
Lydia: nvm
Allison: why 🦘
Lydia: i wanted to ask u something but i remembered the answer to my question while i was typing
Kira: hey do u guys wanna meet up? :))
Lydia: bois
Lydia: boys
Lydia: whatever
Lydia: i'm shopping i can't
Scott: what the fuck
Stiles: bitch i'm cackling
Isaac: wtf is going on
Scott: i got a D- on my chemistry test
Scott: Stiles copied the whole thing off me and got an A
Isaac: now i'm cackling too
Cora: it's period time
Erica: what
Cora: cuz i'm bleeding
Cora: out of my vagina
Erica: does it hurt
Cora: yea
Erica: how much
Liam: [random picture of his feet]
Kira: i really like your socks
Liam: ikr they're awesome
Allison: i'm hungry
Allison: but i just had sumn avocado
Lydia: aw girl now i want sumn avocado too
Malia, two hours later: i wanna eat a horse
Lydia, on vacation: theres a cannabis shop nexx 2 our hotel
Boyd: Are you already on some of that? Your grammar is weird
Lydia: u can buy hookahs hereeeee
Boyd: Lydia i'm sweating please tell me you aren't smoking cannabis
Kira: how du u politely insult someone
Malia: ur a humanly human
Boyd: that's not polite, that's the heaviest insult known to mankind
Lydia: guys i'm going shopping again what should i buy?
Stiles: b a t h b o m b s
Stiles: t o i l e t p a p e r p e r f u m e
Scott: what the heck is toilet paper perfume
Lydia: i need more ideas
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n
Stiles: p e n s
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n p e n s
Scott: Stiles what the FUCK are decoration pens
Stiles: i d k
Stiles: s o u n d s g o o d
Lydia: ok thx babe, please stop doing drugs and sleep instead, have a nice day
Stiles: t h x
Stiles: w i l l d o
Scott: something tells me u won't but alright
Scott: what did you get on your essays guys
Lydia: 98
Scott: what
Scott: how
Scott: Stiles you better have a low grade or else i'll kick u
Stiles: i have 105
Lydia: how in the fuck did you get a 105
Liam: what was your essay about
Lydia: we had to write an instructional essay about a mathematical concept we used this year
Lydia: preferably the quadratic formula
Stiles: i wrote 5 paragraphs on how to add single digit numbers
Stiles: 105 for creativity and accuracy
Lydia: youve gotta b kidding me rn
Stiles: i got the idea off a tumblr post
Lydia: i think im having a stroke
Erica: fuck off i don't wanna do school work in quarantine i've got enough to do already
Cora: wtf u doing we're literally quarantined
Erica: sleeping
Erica: bitch
Stiles at three am: W H AT 'S JE S U S C R IM I N AL R E CO RD
Derek: ffs stiles its 3 am go to sleep
Cora: why does my perfume have more curves than i do
Erica: why does the pineapple have more joy in life than i do
Stiles: why does everybody have more talents better mental health and prettier faces than i do
Liam: Stiles
Liam: are you ok?
Stiles: yeah totally anyways guys what are we doing today
Erica, completely out of nowhere: I HATE THIS FUCKING BITCH
Cora: big mood
Kira: hiii guys does anyone want to videochat?? :)
Allison: i have to take a shit later maybe
Kira: oh
Kira: ok
Erica: w h e e z e
Cora: guys i'm feeling down can anyone call me
Kira: yup hun i'm here
Allison: i'm pooping but alas
Cora: no Allison i don't want to talk to you while you're taking a shit
Cora: but thx
Allison: ... you're welcome
Kira: the smolest house in europe is 57 centimetres smol
Stiles: don't know where i'm gonna need this information but i'm pretty sure i will someday so thank u babe
Kira: uwu
Theo: fuck off how does charli damelio have 6 million likes on a tiktok of her drinking a slurpee and i can't even get thirty likes on a text post she's such a stupid whore
Stiles: thats because you're untalented, ugly and unsympathetic as fuck and nobody likes you
Stiles: including me
Stiles: get the fuck off our group chat you heinous jealous slug
Liam: slowclapinthedistance
Kira: guys what do you think of the drama bryce hall got into yesterday
Isaac: nothing
Scott: i'm a potato
Stiles: who the fuck is bryce hall
Kira: the holy trinity
Derek: okay, so we're meeting at my house at two o'clock. possibly/most definitely without scott, because he's not reading or answering any texts.
Stiles, twenty minutes later: i found a wild scott ima drag its ass to dereks now
Theo: idk i don't feel good lately
Theo: like i'm just mentally not alright and i feel down all the time
Stiles: ssshhhh erica
Erica: what
Stiles: do u want crack
Derek: Stiles for fucks sake stop trying to get Erica to do drugs with you
Erica: yes
Derek: wait
Stiles: YES
Derek: NO FUCK
Scott: that's it
Scott: theo ima throw u out of our friend group u are toxic asf
Scott: stiles i'm gonna put you into therapy
Stiles: BITCH
Liam: i'm gonna go to sleep now good night everyone
Theo: have nice dreams
Theo: about murder
Allison: i really want to go shopping anyone down??
Lydia: YES
Lydia: that's the spirit sis
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1, 5, 19!
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? Garamond. 1. because I'm a basic human being and 2. because I just really like how the lowercase g's look and for some reason that's important to me.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? I have a few. I don't know if they all count as superstitions by definition but I don't like uneven numbers when it comes to page or word count and while usually I just let myself suffer because I don't see it as a bad luck thing I have tried to even out my end counts every now and then. I 100% believe that I write better when I'm hungry so I try to schedule my writing times in between meals or I'll skip lunch if I'm having trouble with a chapter. I can't use black pens for outlining. Just gives me academic terror flashbacks so most of my outlines are in colorful glitter pens that I also know believe helps me remember stuff better.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? Idk if I have a very interesting one tbh. I wrote a lot of really silly stories back when I was a child. I would make my own picture books but I didn't actually start writing in any way comparable to now until I was teenager/in high school. Honestly, I don't think I had any reason to start other than I felt it was something I was good at and I didn't have a lot of hobbies or at least I wasn't a part of any clubs so when I got home I just had a lot of free time. It's been pretty steady since then with no big achievements or bumps but I'm gonna self publish in about two years so there's that.
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F, G, H for the fanfic ask game?
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
lmao these questions are so hard because i very rarely remember anything i've written if it's been more than like, three days. but i do remember this from liminal space so i'll use that:
“Nope,” Stiles says, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t start. Your name or a pen name?” Derek gives him his full name and assures him he’s not expecting him to read them, but Stiles just nods, sucking a strawberry into his mouth in a way that almost looks obscene. “No, see, now I have a great icebreaker for all those shitty work events where they make you tell a fun fact about yourself. Derek Hale, world renowned author—”
“I’m really not.”
“—carried me down a mountain—”
“Carried? I barely helped you.”
“—bloody, wounded—”
“I don’t think anyone is going to believe you,” Derek says, and Stiles snorts.
“They will if your author photo is a good representation,” he says.
i just think it's funny? lol idk. i like the idea of them talking over each other--i use it a lot, come to think of it--with stiles exaggerating and derek just being like ... hmm okay. sure.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
start to finish. it's why i whine to @tylerhunklin so often when i get stuck, i just can't move on. skipping all around does nothing but confuse me, and then i write stuff i don't end up using and it drinks me crazy.
H: How would you describe your style?
all over the place with way too many semi-colons and em-dashes
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