#i really do wonder what the education system is like in hpa
an1muuarts · 1 month
what was komaeda like during his school years at hpa?
bc there are contradicting stuff in the series
in sdr2, it was because of the stress of the killing game that caused him to be active in causing mayhem, like convincing ppl to kill in ch1 and 2
in island mode, he's pretty harmless, he just says some out of pocket stuff from time to time
but in makoto's secret file, komaeda was "constantly getting into trouble, so much so that it concerned the headmaster"
and idk if he's just being weird, or he just straight up doing criminal stuff in hpa
(if the former was true, i find it ao funny bc in the short story, the board of directors, four old men, shuddered at the mere thought of this guy)
returning back to topic, i wonder what kind of environment hpa actually is. bc it is described as the most peaceful and hopeful time before junko came along. we never actually saw what its actually like inside
if its a really stressful environment, almost matching the stress of the killing games, then it would make sense that komaeda would start shit up; otherwise it doesnt
in the dr3 anime, it really seems like its a very laid back school, where the stress only came from the examinations that come from time to time. other than that, the students just do their own thing in the meantime, i dont think they even hold classes
well, i dont think the dr3 anime is canon, cuz its not written by the dr team nor kodaka
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