#i really do want this time off 😫 I'm TIRED and I'm glad to have some time to just hang out lmao
autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Got up and started going presyncope, then learned I was being offered extra hours at work and got to actually sit down and say "you know what, I think I'm okay"
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mikachacha · 11 months
Open relationship failure (Bada Lee x Model!Reader)
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Synopsis: After hearing the concept of open relationships, you and Bada decided to try it out since you thought that it was a good idea due to you busy with modeling while she's busy dancing and doing amazing choreography for lots of people. Instead of solving something, it just bothered you both and made each other extremly jealous.
Warnings: jealous Bada, language and steamy fic
(A/N: this idea came from my bestie @sun-nyy ❤ thanks bestie for helping my poor brain out 😫😫🫶🫶)
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You and Bada both agreed to explore an open relationship set up since the both of you are extremely busy due to you being a model and her being a famous dancer and choreographer. You didn't really mind since you're sure about your feelings for Bada and she's the same. It's just that sometimes it gets a little lonely, especially when you have to go overseas for your job.
It didn't pose as a problem at first, everything is going smoothly. You even help each other pick out suitable dates and stuff but then the further you went down the rabbit hole, the more bothered you got. You would often get jealous when Bada's gone out on a date with someone else and she looked like having fun. It didn't sit right with you but you shrugged it off and deciding to enjoy yourself with this set up.
"Fucking hell.. That's the third date this week!?! I swear Y/N is doing this on purpose.." Bada is shaking from how jealous she is as she saw the pictures that you sent to her. You're on your third date that week while she's there, jealous and ready to rip someone's head off. Bada groaned and looked at your side of the bed, which is currently empty as you're working abroad. She's had enough of this situation, she can't stand being constantly jealous and going out with other people that's clearly not her. She'd swear on everything she could swear on that she'll take a break from her work, take you out on dates and shower you with lots of affection so you'll agree to stop this open relationship situation that the both of you agreed on.
When you came back home from your work overseas, you were surprised to see Bada waiting for you at the airport. Normally she'll ask one of her friends to come pick you up or have a cab wait for you. It's a rare occasion for her to come pick you due to her busy schedule but you're not complaining. You think it's so sweet of her to come see you.
"Hi baby.. I didn't expect you to come and pick me up." You smiled and gave her a huge hug which she returned. Bada did miss you a lot and wanted to see you immediately so she decided to clear up her schedule so she can personally pick you up at the airport.
"I just missed you too much, beautiful.. You've been gone for more than a week and I'm dying from sleeping alone on that huge bed." Bada replied, a bit too dramatically which made you laugh and kiss her cheek. You did miss her too and you're glad that you're finally home so you can spend time with her. You already asked your management to give you some break from work so you can focus on yourself and your relationship. They didn't have any problem with it so you're free until you want to accept projects again.
"I have some news for you when we get home and we also need to discuss something." you told her and she nodded her head. She have a feeling that what you're about to discuss is this open relationship situation and she's just hoping that you're gonna ask to put a stop to it.
Bada just ordered your favorite meals when you got home since you looked tired from your flight and she knows that you'd rather cuddle than going out to eat. So she let you change your clothes, grabbed the comfiest blanket you own and put your favorite movie on so you can relax together.
"You mentioned some news to me earlier, love. What is it?" Bada asked as you were snuggled in her arms. You're wearing one of her hoodies paired with pajama shorts which Bada found so adorable. You looked up at her and had that look like you just remembered the best news known to mankind.
"So I asked my agency if I can take a break from modeling for a bit and they agreed. I can go back any time that I want since they said I deserved it." you told her happily and she smiles, placing a kiss on your lips before sighing happily but then she remembered the dilemma she's having about this open relationship set up you had so she looks at you and held your hand before she started talking.
"Baby I know it's my idea in the first place but can we stop this open relationship set up that we have? I know you're having fun and all but it's draving me insane! I get really jealous when you're on a date with someone else.." Bada asked and your eyes widened before you playfully smacked her shoulder with your free hand.
"Ya! About time that you ask! You're not the only one who gets really jealous, you know? Especially when you went out with Howl. Like what the hell, Bada?!" you couldn't help your outburst because of your pent up jealousy, especially when Bada went out with Howl. People likes linking them up together and you did not like that one bit. Bada was shocked at your outburst but then her brows furrowed before squishing your cheeks together.
"Why you adorable little bunny.. You're jealous with Howl but you got me wanting to rip my hair off when you went out with Aiki, then Hachi, then Monika like what the actual fuck??? Miss ma'am, I swore on everything I could swear on that if you go on another date again, I'd personally collect your cute little ass from wherever you are and drag you home." you were equally shocked at Bada's outburst before rolling your eyes and just kissing her on the lips, although a bit aggressively as you're still jealous and upset. Bada didn't seem to mind and kissed you back with the same intensity. You didn't even notice that the movie already ended as you were way too busy making out with Bada.
When you pulled away to breathe, she began attacking your neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin to mark you as hers. You pushed her off and began doing the same, you didn't care if she had to go to work with hickeys all over her neck. Much better in your opinion so everyone knows she's yours and no one elses. Once the both of you calmed down, Bada placed a soft and loving kiss on your lips, a silent agreement on taking the open relationship set up from your relationship.
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I just told my mom I'm autistic/adhd and it was so awkward 😭🙈😫 I already knew she wouldn't be receptive in the way I deep down wish she would be, but she at least didn't say anything rude to my face about it like I was expecting her to so...I guess that's a win? All of this bc I want some noise canceling headphones for my birthday bc I'm suffering and I really think they will help me. I wish I had more loving and accepting parents who didn't just brush off everything I say, act like I'm dumb for being vulnerable enough to bring it up, and then go on to use said thing against me. I knew this when I said it, but I weighed the pros and cons and I would rather risk them using this as ammo against me, in which they might say some hurtful stuff to me sometimes (nothing new), than to continue on suppressing and masking so much in my own home. It is literally painful and it makes everything worse for me. It's not like I'll ever be able to feel safe enough to fully unmask around them, but I also have been unmasking in ways that I can't control and to have to work 3x's as hard to build that mask up and hide who I am in moments when I'm around them (which is quite frequent since I live with them) is way more exhausting and painful than anything else. I'm tired of it. I'm literally burnt out partially bc of that. So, fuck it! They're gonna be abusive assholes no matter what, they already don't like me bc I'm not "normal", why not add another reason to their list of "Why We Hate Kalista", hm? Nothing I haven't heard/experienced before! At least I can wear my headphones and stim and talk to my sister about our neurodivergence in the living area without worrying about them finding out I'm autistic. What a silly waste of time. I'm glad I ripped the bandaid off. Imagine if I continued with that shit for the rest of my life with them? Nah, I'll choose me over you any day. I'm not here to make you comfortable and give in to the fear of your expressed disdain against me. And????🤨 what the fuck is new?! I've accepted that you'll never love me -you aren't capable of it, I get it. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you and I finally understand that now. What you say/do may still hurt me, but it will never rip me to pieces like it used to. I love myself. Unconditionally. That's all that fucking matters.
So good job me for being brave and authentic and vulnerable, no matter how scary or painful it gets. My days of high masking, self-hatred, and suppressing who I truly am are over. I'm looking forward to finding new ways to grow and express myself more authentically -and to getting better at tuning the assholes out! *with my new noise canceling headphones!!!*🥰🤭
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
well, last time i wrote here i said i was going to catch up on all the suff i’ve missed and i am still doing that and you want to know why i’m taking so long? cause your girl caught fucking covid in the meantime😫😫😭😭
so yeah the past week or so has been hell for me, i had every possible symptom ever and i spent days just sleeping, nothing else. for real, everything i did hurt in some way, so yeah it was not fun. but i’m better now, thankfully. can’t wait to be fully okay and full of energy again ugh. now that i’m a bit better my catching up will continue and so be prepared to receive asks about stuff you most likely forgot happened lolol.
also in the meantime the exam results came in and it went well, so i'm super happy and extremely grateful to you and the book club for all the good luck wishes and all the love you guys showed me, that really helped me during the exam. i’m glad to hear that work is good (for the most part) and i hope your coworkers aren't driving you too crazy lately. remember, don’t stress or worry too much, don’t overthink stuff cause in the end it will all be alright. i promise you that. also take your time to recover, breathe, drink a lot of water and nurture your body. you deserve all the love in the world, for real💞💞
also aaaAAAAAAA i wish i could see your pets, i bet they are the most wonderful little creatures ever. just as adorable as their owner ;)🤍
i could never imagine my life without my pet either, it would be too empty, dull and sad🥺😭
i am still catching up but welcome to all the new nonnies out there (santi and vermillionsails and anyone else, i’m so so happy to see you joining our book club, loads of love to you guys!🧡)
also i can’t wait to see all the things you published in the meantime (like i see you posted a couple of the celebration drabbles and i am so so excited to read them and the future ones that'll come!!)🤎
ilysm callieee, i hope you are having a wonderful day and are feeling a bit better. i hope to catch up soon so that i can send in all my crazy thoughts and comments that no one asked for lmao🤭🥵.
it’s good to be back, this blog became my safe spot, my little comfort area so it’s always good to come back and talk a bit💓💓
okay last quick random thing, if you don't mind callie, what is a phobia of yours? and what are your biggest pet peeves?
i want to get to know you a little more and these are the first questions that came to mind lol
okay that's it for now, loads of love my sweet callie, remember i'm always here for you💕💕💕💕
ahhjdjdj oh no,,, hope you get well and are fully back to your amazing self soon teddy!! covid is brutal ugh but i’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling better! sending you a ton of good vibes, love, and strength ✨
AYE YAAAYYY!!!! congratulations on acing your exams honey 🥳🎉💕 you worked incredibly hard for them and i’m super happy that everything went well! at least you can finally rest and relax, and not worry about school for now :) hehe yeah work has fortunately been alright,,, it’s just tiring, you know? sometimes i wish i can take off a whole week but im saving my vacation days for a trip im planning later this year 😭 but thank you for the lovely reminder, darling! the stress and overthinking is no good at all and im really working on focusing myself for the sake of my mental health ksksks.
weeeeeee take your time catching up! there’s zero rush at all! i’m still taking it slow with writing but i’m crossing my fingers that tonight i’ll be able to work on the next prompt and post tomorrow. i know these drabbles have been sooo delayed i’m pretty sure others forgot about them lolol but i’m excited to write nonetheless. but feel free to send in as many messages as your heart desires haha!! submit one ask or spam me with fifty, it’ll make me smile either way!
okay now for your questions. hMmm… i wouldn’t necessarily call it a phobia but i am scared of heights :((( there was one time i visited this park that had a bridge and i couldn’t even walk through it without my legs shaking and my hands gripping onto my friend for dear life haha. i’m fine on planes tho which is great bc i love traveling. i guess i just have to be in an enclosed space that makes it look like im really not that high up to be okay with it LOLOL.
for pet peeves, i HATE it when im in the middle of talking and someone cuts me off 😤 like pls let me get my thought out first ksdjsjks. i also don’t appreciate it when people borrow my stuff and not return it to the exact place they found it. i go crazy when im trying to look for something and it’s not there ;-; this one mostly applies at work but i don’t like it when my coworkers assume that i’m not busy with my own responsibilities and dump theirs on me thinking i’ll be able to work on them just like that. rude. 🙂
but how about you teddy? what are your phobias and pet peeves, if any? and if you have any more questions, send them :) im pretty much an open book and would also love to get to know you!
ilysm sweetheart and it’s good to have you back! i hope you’re having a wonderful day/night ❤️
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Hiiiiiii! I have been a fan of your blog for long and you seem like a nice and sweet person and i love everything you write especially for Kita, Suna & the Miya twins!♥️ (I super loved that married series about Atsumu 😭). And maybe one day when I am less shy I would love to talk to you off anon hehehe. Also you got me into Sangwo! I didn't know what KS was until you started posting about it and then I realized I actually kind of like Sangwoo and maybe I'm actually secretly psychotic 😂
Umm if your headcanons are still open though can I make a sfw request for Sangwoo? How do you think he reacts to his shy s/o who can sing and hit like super high notes? He comes home one day and just hears something and he never knew. I don't picture him as a hypeman type of bf so I wonder how he is w/ a talented partner 😂
I really really love ur work and thank you so much for your writing!!
Hii!! I’m so glad that you enjoy my content!! Kita is so fun to write for (I have a fic coming for him tomorrow!). Suna is, of course, the love of my life. Oh, ‘Tsumu and ‘Samu 😭 I love writing for Atsumu a smidge more, but writing comfort with ‘Samu is so much fun! The “A Month” series was such a blast to write, I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed it! No worries, you don’t have to go off anon if you don’t want to, this is perfectly fine, it’s just nice to hear from you whenever you message if you do again!
Sangwoo 😏 if only the villains of series didn’t own my heart maybe I wouldn’t always fall for those damn psychopaths, but there’s something about them. Why do they always have to be the hottest characters? 😭💔
So, I hope you enjoy this little headcanon I wrote up for you! Singing is one of my favorite things to do, but I too am insanely shy about it 😫
When he comes home, he’s tired, he wants to eat dinner and just relax. He doesn’t even want to do so much as touch you outside of cuddling and resting his head on your shoulder, but when he walks inside, he’s silent, and when he hears your singing voice, he stops himself from announcing his presence as he always did since you moved in. There was a distinct smell of his favorite food that damn near made him salivate, but as he shut and locked the door behind him, your voice seems to lure him in.
It’s… not bad.
He searches the house, finding you with a duster in your hand as you pause for a moment to really get into the song— it’s one of your favorites, he knows that much, but your high note ends abruptly with a screech when he speaks.
“I didn’t know you could sing.” In shock, you ignore his words, hand grasping your chest over your heart as you yell that he almost gave you a heart attack, but he ignores you, too. “Why have I never heard you sing before?” And now you have to explain yourself because you know he isn’t going to lighten up, but you’re expecting nothing more than a soft hum to your words before he moves on and starts to talk about dinner.
“I, uh… I’m just self-conscious.” You say, fiddling with the duster in your hands. Your nervous demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by him, but he only blinks. He wants more, you know he does, so you continue. “I’ve always loved music, but I’ve always been too shy to sing in front of people.” Just as you expected, he gives you a soft hum in acknowledgment, but much to your surprise he speaks again— not about dinner.
“You should do it more often. It wasn’t bad.”
It really wasn’t a compliment, but you can’t help from looking down as your ears burn. By time you peek back up, he’s already in the kitchen, checking on dinner and licking his lips at the thought of eating it. He was hungry, and as if you just knew he was having a shitty day, you made one of his favorites. What would he do without you?
Well, realistically, he was perfectly capable. He was a self-sufficient man, a smart man. He knew how to get along, he had no issue cleaning and cooking for himself, but he doesn’t like it when you leave. Dare he think he gets a little bit lonely when you’re not around.
Later in the night, he really shocks you. He’s laying on your chest, your fingers massaging his scalp while you stare at the ceiling. It’s as clear to him that you’re awake as it is to you that he’s awake, but instead of talking about your day or starting a random conversation he feels like starting, his voice and words both surprise you.
“You should sing something.” He says it so softly you wonder if you mishear. “Just quietly. No crazy high notes.” You can’t help but laugh a little as the man cuddles closer to you. So, you do as he asks. You sing him a song, as soft as you can— a song you know he likes. The mere fact you remember something about him makes him smile a bit. He expects you to, and yet after all of the things he learned about you, he questions sometimes if you remember him like he does you.
By time you finish the song, he’s drifting off to sleep, a soft murmur coming from him to tell you that you have a pretty voice before he falls asleep. It isn’t a boastful compliment, it isn’t a big deal he makes out of it, but it makes your heart pick up in your chest as he falls asleep. It’s just what you want, a small compliment from the man you craved affection from so badly about something that you were so shy about.
Sometimes, he asks you to sing to him, nothing more than a soft kiss to your head while you do. More often than not, he asks you to sing him to sleep. Compliments are rare, but if he’s in a good mood, he’ll occasionally tell you that you have a pretty voice again.
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kamotoshi · 3 years
FRANNY!!!! IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK 😭😭😭 so many of my fav writers have jumped ship from this hellsite (as they should) and I miss every last one of them!! I've been obsessed with genshin impact and I'm juggling two jobs which make me super tired especially since one is retail. But I'm trying to get back into reading again (and maybe writing 👀) and I recently read Iron Widow which is an interesting YA novel involving giant mechas fighting each other, kickass feminism, and a adorable polyamorous relationship! Next up on my list is These Violent Delights and Six Crimson Cranes ( ◜‿◝ )♡ I've also decided to go back to grad school to get my teaching credential. Tbh... I'm still on the fence about it but I do have experience teaching/tutoring. I wanna find something I'm passionate about but also provides me stability but it's really rough out here girl 😫😫😫
But enough about me!! How have you been??? Have you been eating well??? Drinking water?? Any plans for the upcoming holidays??? I hope everything gets better for you, you deserve it!
*hugs* I'm so glad you're back 🥺
-🌻 (maybe I'll get off anon one day hehe)
🌻 ANON!! omg I'm literally soooo happy to see you again what the HECK 🥺 lol I'm still halfway off this ship but shit I just like yall a lil too much 😂 AH retail is exhausting sis I get it but damn idk how you’re out here working all that time so shoot out to you for that but please make sure you take care of yourself okay 🥺 I’m glad you’re trying to find the time to do things that interest you and I hope you can start writing if that’s what you wanna do! and yes I fully support you in your journey to find what you’re passionate about. I wanted to go to grad school overseas next year but didn’t win the scholarship I high key needed so we’re not doing that anymore LMAO (at least not right now bc it’s not a good financial move for me at all) 😅 so believe me I know how rough it is out there. I’m thankful for the job I have but I’m still such a ways away from the career that I’m passionate about. I have faith in us tho for sure and I got your back! 😤
as far as lil old me, nothing much has changed. I’m still me, just with a few more heartbreaks in my repertoire but more bad bitch energy than before 🥺 got a lot going on and things have been literally insane but I'm working on getting my work-life balance down and rediscovering the things that make me happy, which is why I've returned 😂 don’t really have plans for the holidays, just family time!
I'm glad to see you in my inbox again 🥺 I hope that everything works out for you and you know you can talk to me literally whenever, whether you choose to be on or off anon I'm here with hugs ready!! :)
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