#i really did think at first ‘yeah she’d think xiv is dumb’ and then was like WAIT. THE DESIRE FOR BELONGING… THE NEED TO BE A PROTAGONIST….
lem-argentum · 5 days
ok so fuuta playing final fantasy online [with you?] how would it go
at first i thought she’d probably think mmos were stupid (she ridicules things she considers wastes of time & money, and they would probably fall into those categories for her) and not engage with them at all.
but THEN i considered…. she really struggles to fit in & find community in real life. so i think the concept of “massive online world where you can play as your ideal fictional self/a beloved hero” would very very much appeal to her. so maybe she’d begrudgingly give it a try, get invested, and then ridicule herself because “dammit how did this happen to me now I’M the stupid mmo player.” it would probably be a secret interest of hers because she’d be embarrassed about it. <3
if he lived IN the xiv universe he would be a dunesfolk lala.fell paladin (i know this because i know this <3.) but PLAYING it….. i think he’d play a x.aela. a x.aela girl specifically, and in his MIND he’d be like “i’m just playing a girl character because i find her attractive .” but in REALITY it’d be because transgender. <333 :) i really wanna say she’d pick h.alone as her patron but the other option would be a.zeyma for the fire… she’s fire…
she would definitely WANT to play a tank class. she wants to be a leader. so she’d probably choose gladiator at the beginning. but then i think she would end up finding it stressful when she gets to actual multiplayer content so she switches to maining a dps class HFNKSND. <3 she LIKES attention but not JUDGMENTAL attention so i could easily see her getting way too nervous about it fknzjfkz. <33
there are some dps classes i’m not suuuper familiar with so i’m not 100% sure what her favorites would be exactly… but she wouldn’t like phys ranged (feels too easy to her). i haven’t touched samurai at all but from what i know it sounds like something she’d like…?? melee, strict rotation, selfish dps, cool sword? yes? sounds like her. i think she’d like red mage too because she’d find the rotation btwn melee/ranged casting engaging, and she’d like having healing/rez skills because it makes her feel important hehe. <3 she would PICK UP black mage because it has the most dps potential and she’d like the idea of that. but then she’d get annoyed at the cast times and drop it HAHA. <33
she wouldn’t like arr because it’s boring and predictable, but also. she does like cool hero moments. she would find some of it cool (r.hitahtyn fight, ultima weapon. she’d hear “the maker’s ruin” and go “…damn this is kind of sick. *adds to playlist*” (<-little does she know this is the moment it would be over for her)). <3
she would like heavens.ward bc that’s when the writing & gameplay starts getting more interesting :) <3 SHE WOULD HAVE A CRUSH ON Y.SAYLE. THANKS. she’d probablyy like storm.blood. she’d think z.enos is cool but also annoying. AND SHE’D LIKE YOTSUYUUU… she’d be entirely into the game at this point but also annoyed at having spent so much time in it HAHA <33
and then ok listen shadow.bringers and end.walker would change her ok. she’s NOT getting out of this unscathed she’s going to have a shb poster on her wall by the end of this HEHEHFKD. okay BECAUSE they’re both like “you’re the cool awesome hero everyone is relying on and you’re very important and everyone is cheering you on. and also you are not alone and everyone is struggling with things as deeply as you are. and people care about you even when you’re not a hero and you’re just yourself and you don’t have to act stronger than you are all the time.” and fnskdDJ I JUST THINK F.UUTA WOULD CONNECT VERY DEEPLY TO THE WOL AND WOULD END UP CARING VERY DEEPLY ABOUT HER CHARACTER AND CONNECT HER TO HERSELF AND. YOU GET IT!!!!??! HERO EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!/!!
ANYWAY trying to think of who her favorite scion would be……. i’m tempted to say es.tinien. because she’d be a heavens.ward fan and she’d think he’s cool. he’d also think y.shtola is really cool esp. in shb/ew (and probably have a crush on her too HFKND) <3. and y’knowww. raha would probably be one of his favorites but he prefers him as the exarch (because he’s embarrassed about liking the silly catboy that much. he liked when he was a mysterious ruler EHFKDN) <33.
her favorite dungeons……. the aetherochemical research facility (she likes the difficulty spike in the last boss), baelsar’s wall (same reason), ghimlyt dark (it’s cool, some challenging mechs <3), holminster switch (“…damn this is sick *adds “to fire and sword” to playlist*” HAHA <3), amaurot (SHE IS SO INTO THIS), the twinning (probably her favorite to get in high-lvl roulette), lunar subterrane (she would be soooo into g.olbez’s & d.urante’s story are you kidding). <3
SHE’S DEFINITELY UM. THE TYPE OF PERSON TO BE RLLY INTO LEARNING THE MECHS OF CONTENT. AND SHE LIKES EXPLAINING THE CHALLENGING ONES TO FIRST-TIMERS BC IT MAKES HER FEEL COOL AND HELPFUL… she’d jump the gun and be like “lol well everyone always gets this part wrong. i’ll explain it to them before we get there” and when it turns out they all already know she’s like SHIT. HUMILIATING. (source: i do this sometimes)
she’s probably more critical of others’ mistakes at the beginning but mellows out eventually as she learns she just wants to help & is just excited to share info about the game as she starts to really like it :). <3 and maybe she eventually does make friends in-game. good ending. <3 xiv-player f.uuta is a good reality I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I KNOW THIS… <333
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tough-bit-of-fluff · 4 years
Prompt #3 - Muster
“And THAT’s the story of how Turnip, Liv, Kail, and I, stopped the quote unquote bandit attacks on traveling merchants and their chocobos, vanquished a massing army of undead, and secured the supply of feed for all chocobos everywhere but especially ours!” Alyona seized her mug from the bar beside her and took a triumphant swig of cider as she finished her tale. Her pink tail swished happily. A tidy, self-contained story of heroics with neither casualty nor rampant collateral damage was not always so easy to come by.
The woman behind Aly let out a sigh of relief. The petite lalafell was waiting for a blind date at the bar counter, and had gotten caught up in the story in spite of herself. Focused on the exploits of the heroes, she had let her ice melt in her drink, which she now eyed skeptically. It was watery beyond recognition, but she was on a strict budget. She smoothed her dress, telling herself the cost had been worth it, to wear a shade and style so similar to the Sultana. She sipped at her drink, eyed the clock on the wall, and grimaced, though whether more at the late hour or the watery cocktail’s taste could not be said.
The man two seats in front of Aly let out a sigh of relief at the story’s conclusion as well. He was a feline-featured miqo’te, like Alyona, but his ears were folded back beneath his cowl in annoyance, and what little could be seen of his face looked deeply unhappy. “Thank the bloody Twelve,” he muttered, just loud enough to be overheard. “I thought she’d never quit her yammerin.’” 
This tavern patron seemed to be waiting for something as well, though what, other than the cessation of Alyona’s speech, was unclear. He ordered himself another drink, perhaps as a reward for having endured the boisterous bar talk. Although there was ample seating elsewhere, he remained firmly planted on his stool. The scowl, likewise, remained planted on his face.
The man directly in front of Aly was none other than Ramius Raske, an inventor of some notoriety, and her new associate. He chuckled, shaking his head in bemusement at the tale’s resolution, jotting a final note into his leather-bound journal. “And all that in answer to the question, ‘So what do you like to do for fun?’” The story ended, he closed the small tome and replaced it carefully in the depths of the satchel beside him on the bar counter. He had listened gamely and intently all the while, Aly noticed, while still keeping an eye to his surroundings. Aly liked that.
Ramius swept his fingers through his fiery hair, and shrugged a shoulder. “Well, with the whole ‘zombie horde’ element, one certainly couldn’t say that it wasn’t an adventure.”
Alyona nodded. “Right, malevolent animate corpses equals adventure, everyone knows that.”
“That’s just basic monster math,” Ramius agreed, raising his cup slightly as if to indicate “I’ll drink to that,” and then doing so.
Aly broke into a broad grin. “You get it!” she enthused. “This guy gets it,” she announced to the nearby patrons. The lalafellin woman giggled, curls bouncing prettily.
The cowled miqo’te hissed something under his breath about how someone was going to get it. Ramius raised an eyebrow, but Alyona was unbothered, seeming to take no notice.
“So,” said Ramius, “Refresh my memory. Kail is the...captain, of the Four Winds?”
Aly shook her head. “Nope, he’s the Head Pirate for sure, though.”
“An esteemed position, no doubt,” Ramius said, straight-faced.
Aly nodded emphatically. “No doubt! Norah’s right-hand dude! A real go-getter! He’s a Getter of Things. And of injuries!”
The Midlander chuckled again. “I believe I’ve filled that role myself a time or two, unfortunately. The injury part,” he added quickly, seeing Aly’s eyes widen. “Not the ah, Head Pirate aspect.”
He rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. “So, this Norah. She’s the captain? Flies the ship?”
“Norah is the captain, but Argent flies the ship. He’s a teacher you know, an educator, which is very good because I am veeeery new to the fast-paced fun-filled field of navigation as far as I know, and I am looking forward to benefiting from all his years of experience. I will try try try! I’m a Try-er.” Aly beamed happily as she took a drink. She put down her empty tankard and took on a thoughtful expression.
“Norah is...our Must-er, I think.”
“Your...muster?” Ramius propped an elbow on his satchel, rested his chin on his hand. The cowled miqo’te growled, perhaps because of the man’s marginally closer proximity.
“Yeah like...she knows what must be done. Even if it seems difficult it won’t sway her. I bet lots of people said, don’t sell all your stuff and buy an airship! Live a comfy life! And she said, ‘No! Nein! I must! Baby I was born to fly.’” Ramius had never met Norah, but he was already reasonably confident the woman had never said such a thing. He did not interrupt, however. “And I bet other people said to her, don’t kiss a sky pirate on the lips, you don’t know where that’s been! But she knew she must do that sometimes too! And she was right, Ramius, don’t you see? Because under that cool mask-goggle-combo-dealie, Kail is totes kissable-looking, and it’s important for our rag-tag plucky protagonists to appeal also to an older demographic! We should, nay, we MUST!” Alyona slapped her fist into her open palm, as if that was explanation enough.
Behind her, the lalafell began to sniffle, and then to weep. Aly whirled around, flailing her hands in the air, a look of confused panic on her face, as Ramius patted his pockets for a handkerchief.
“I-it’s okay!” Aly babbled. “You can still like the ship even if you’re still young and cute! Or, or does it contradict your head-canon? There’s always fanfiction, it’s as real as you want it to be! Imagine yourself with everybody, I certainly do!” 
Ramius coughed, handing a clean white hankie to the tiny, tear-stained woman.
“I don’t know what any of that means,” she sobbed, accepting the handkerchief. “I just know I’ll never have someone like that, a captain or a sky pirate or a Raubahn to call my own.”
Ramius mouthed, “Raubahn?” to Alyona, wondering what that had to do with anything. Aly shrugged in response, then narrowed her eyes. “Hey! That doesn’t belong to you! That isn’t even a sleight of hand, it’s just a hand! Where it’s not supposed to be!”
Ramius whirled around to see the cowled miqo’te making for the tavern door in a hurry, something tucked under his arm. In the same fluid movement as his turn, Ramius had unholstered his gun and leveled it at the fleeing feline.
“Did you honestly think you were going to get away with that? Drop the journal,” Ramius said in an even, practiced tone. “Who sent you? Harvelle? Blavenhauer? Start talking and I might let you live, instead of bleeding out senselessly on a dirty tavern floor.”
“That got dark fast,” Aly murmured. The lalafell, wide-eyed, could only nod in agreement.
The miqo’te hissed, baring his fangs. “Does everyone think himself a hero anymore? It’s these stupid adventure stories, filling heads with fool ideas that get people killed.” He shifted his robes to reveal a pistol in his own hand. “How about if you drop the gun, and I let you live.”
“How about THIS!” Aly yelled, and the journal thief shifted his gaze just in time to see the hurtling tankard that caught him squarely in the face. “Looks like I wasn’t the one to ‘get it’ after all,” she observed breezily to her staggered target.
In the moment of distraction, Ramius blasted the man with a pulse of energy from his weapon, catching him in the hand, and causing the miqo’te to cry out and drop his gun. The inventor tsked and shook his head, closing the gap between them with a half-dozen quick strides. “You poor sod,” he lamented, kicking the dropped weapon across the floor. “You really went for it literally as soon as I turned my back. This job was above your pay grade.”
“Alsoooo, maybe everyone you try to steal from wouldn’t think they’re heroes if you weren’t dumb enough to steal only from heroes!” Aly piped up, crouching next to the seething, disarmed man with a length of rope she had produced from her own pack. “Hands please! We’ll get some first aid on that as soon as you’re alllll tied up.”
As the authorities questioned the last remaining witnesses in the tavern, Aly hefted a pouch of coin. “Feels like the reward money for his capture should juuuust cover the damages we’re being billed by the bar. Maybe next time we’ll get our drinks to go…”
Just then, the tavern doors swung open. A towering mountain of a roegadyn burst, panting, through, a sheen of exertion shimmering on his copious muscles. Pushing past the Brass Blades who tried ineffectually to stop him, the man made his way purposefully towards the bar.
Ramius groaned. “More trouble?” He got to his feet, ready for another conflict.
The roe’s eyes lit up, and then, dimmed with guilt, as he dropped to his knees directly in front of the lalafell. “It’s ye, right? Th’ pretty lil rose petal Fufelu tol’ me about?”
The lalafell’s eyes widened again. “Fufelu!? Does that mean you’re my-”
“Yer date, aye, an’ about two bells too late by me reckoning. Gorgeous creature like ye deserves better’n’ me busted wagon wheel woes. Ye look just like th’ Sultana, ye do! Can ye ever forgive me?”
His lowered gaze rose abruptly, for the woman had already thrown herself into his arms. “Take me to see the sights, and I’ll think about it! But I must insist on the best seat in the house,” she laughed merrily. The roegadyn laughed too, in relief, and hoisted her effortlessly onto his shoulder.
Aly clasped her hands together in delight. “Looks like you’re a Must-er, too!” She called to her departing newfound friend, who tossed her an eager thumbs-up in response.
Across the room, the miqo’te hissed again as he was taken away into custody. “A Must-er isn’t a thing,” he thought in utter annoyance. But he didn’t mutter or grumble. He had other things to worry about.
@ramius-xiv @norahnightsbane @erstwhile25 @matter-of-a-pinion @argentrenard - thanks for being compelling co-protagonists in our shared stories! <3
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zukadiary · 7 years
All for One ~ Moon Troupe 2017
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This was my first live Tsukigumi since Puck. And really, the only Tsukigumi I’d seen at all since then was Aasa’s A-EN and part of one Arthur stream... so yeah, long time no see, Tsukigumi. I’m not sure anything can beat HOT EYES!! in terms of how far past my expectations it flew... but this is a really close second.
All for One is an original Koike-sensei fantasy involving the Three Musketeers. It’s 2 acts, and I was concerned that it would be presented in a questionable state of doneness and not interesting enough to hold my inevitably sleep-deprived attention. I was very wrong!! The first thing I did after leaving the theater on Tuesday was hunt down a good seat for today, and now I’m kind of desperate for a third chance. This show presses buttons I didn’t know I had (but apparently denim capes and barrel throwing are real turn ons for me). 
The story is very silly even for a comedy, and nearly all the punchlines are pretty groan-worthy. Chapi is not actually Louis XIV but his twin sister; she was supposed to be tossed aside when they were born but they gave away the wrong baby, and raised her as a boy while frantically searching for the real Louis to no avail. So she’s assumed the role of king, and meets d’Artagnan (Tamakichi) when he’s brought in to give her fencing lessons. d’Artagnan gets overexcited and knocks her down, she gets upset (mostly from being compelled to fence in the first place) and orders him to leave the Musketeers. Later, sick and tired of pretending to be a man—especially now that her mother is trying to concoct a plot marry her off to the Queen of Spain (Umino Mitsuki) despite this lie—she puts on a dress and wig and goes out to mingle. She sees d’Artagnan in a bar drowning his sorrows with the other Musketeers, and starts engaging him in conversation in hopes of drawing his feelings toward “the king” out of him. They fall madly in love! Meanwhile, everyone else in the bar starts making fun of Cardinal Mazarin (Itsuki Chihiro), whose nephew Bernard (Tsukishiro Kanato) is the captain of the royal guard. Bernard and some guards walk in just in time to see this, and the Musketeers are ordered to disband as punishment. They find the real Louis while visiting Porthos who has taken another job as an actor, and the rest of the show is just kind of a general hullabaloo of Chapi trying to figure out how to avoid marriage and be with d’Artagnan, and the Musketeers trying to get the real Louis into the palace and their band back together, while Bernard continues trying to ruin everything. Act 1 felt more polished; it has some really big impressive musical numbers (and I’m always wowed by Tsukigumi’s overall vocal level when I see them live). Act 2 felt like Koike ran out of steam a little; it was more generic Takarazuka, and the final chaotic series of fights on the rotating stairs reminded me an awful lot of the end of Kenshin. He’s also clearly still really excited about sword noises (not complaining... so am I).
It’s not the story that I fell in love with as much as the incredible balance this troupe has APPARENTLY DEVELOPED WHILE I WASN’T LOOKING, and I think Koike’s biggest success here was putting every little piece in exactly the right place to maximize that balance. We all joke that Chapi is the real top star of Tsukigumi, but in All for One she essentially was. MiyaRuri and Toshi are so obviously more polished than Tamakichi, but they don’t hold back, and instead of showing her up it highlights her purity. Reiko definitely doesn’t mesh yet, but Bernard is a ridiculous character, so she’s free to be awkward for now and still totally succeed... plus she’s a type that I think really adds something to the troupe. Ari has the challenge of being overly masculine and funny, and she’s still finding her feet but it’s a great time to make her try this. The energy of the troupe overall has gotten so much less competitive and more FUN AND HAPPY since the last time I watched them. I did not think making Tamakichi a premature top star would accomplish that, but it seems it did, and I’m so glad I was wrong... this Tsukigumi is truly a delight, and I hate them a little for making me want to continue throwing them my money. 
My highlights...
Manaki Reika as Louis XIV/Louise: Completely the star. Every time I see Chapi I think about that 2012 Christmas TV special where she barely knew how to talk, and every bit of growth makes it harder to believe she’s the same person. It’s so fun to see her dance, order people around, do a boy and a girl and both voices (and SING in both voices) all in the same show. I also love that they don’t make her do the standard musumeyaku only-think-of-your-partner thing, and lower herself to raise Tamakichi up; it was so much fun with them both at the center.
Tamaki Ryou as d’Artagnan: I found Tamakichi SO COMPLETELY CHARMING in this, she has the overgrown puppy appeal dialed up to 1000. I just LOVE that they’re aware of her youth and USING IT instead of trying to hide it, and lord I hope that’s not a one-off thing. Having her play the wide-eyed hopeful pure hero/young man IN LOVE (circumstances be damned) worked so well, especially coupled with her very imposing stature—it was adorable. It’s kind of a weird feeling, because she’s definitely not my type, but I still loved watching her so much, just with like... a completely energizing and not life-ruining happiness. IMAGINE THAT.
Miya Rurika as Aramis:
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You know that feeling, when you see that one role, played by someone who you *like* but who isn’t *yours* or anything, and you can’t even say “this was a brilliant portrayal because of xyz,” but you’re like, ok, this is just the trash can where I live now, please forward my mail...
That’s all I’m going to say, lest I risk descending into impurity. 
(RIP the lady she targeted during her solo today, with a last second lunge, several rows back from her usual spot)
((Also, she just seems so much more comfortable with both Kacha and top stardom (?) out of the picture. I guess I don’t know if it’s just 3 years’ growth or if a weight really has left her shoulders, but either way it’s made her lethal x1000))
(((Also, her lips are like a Rococo painting. Who looks like that??)))
Uzuki Hayate as Athos: Not generally being a watcher of Tsukigumi, this is probably the first major thing I’ve ever seen Toshi do (although one time I took an internet quiz and it said she’d be my boyfriend). I do know this was kind of a big deal role for her to land, and I loved her in it very much. Her LOOK is ON POINT, and she really completed the chemistry of the main-4 group as the serious one. I particularly liked the dynamic between her and Ari, when they paired them—”SIGH, don’t drink that,” etc. 
Akatsuki Chisei as Porthos: Ari still has a lot of growing to do, but her youthful exuberance and the fact that she’s a giant person worked really well for big, strong, (perpetually drunk?) Porthos. She also had some of my favorite individual scenes, featuring the hurling of shockingly large objects at her troupe mates. I’m glad she’s getting a role that’s forcing her to stretch herself, and I think more than anyone she’ll get better and better as the show progresses. 
Tsukishiro Kanato as Bernard: Predictably, Reiko is completely Yukigumi... but in her favor, she BROUGHT THAT SHIT TO THE SWORD FIGHTS, dear lord girl. Bernard is a safe stretch for her, if that makes sense... it’s a comedic role, which is not her forte, but he’s ridiculous enough that she can go over the top with it, which I think is easier than finding subtlety. And she looks DAMN GOOD all in black, and consistently flanked by Kizuki Yuuma *swoon* and Chinami Karan, who also look damn good in their dark metallics and wildly colored hair (this show really is looks for days). Reiko has also adopted Chigi’s exact furrowed eyebrow smolder face for finale numbers, which is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and VERY WELL suited to her particular brand of otherworldly beauty. 
Saou Kurama as the Dutchess of Montpensier: I’m here for Lady Koma. She’s in love with Louis and determined to teach him the joys of indulging in women until she figures out what’s really going on. It’s not a huge role and not strictly necessary, but it definitely adds another layer of charm and silliness to the story, and it is what it is specifically because it’s Koma. 
I also particularly enjoyed Touka Yurino as Chapi’s mother. 
I think I could watch this every day until I leave. I’m not even sure why I love it so much... it’s pretty dumb. But I love it. Tsukigumi, this was not our arrangement, you were supposed to leave me alone. 
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