#i put myself thru emotional turmoil writing this
jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
Chapter Two! AKA Wolfwood does not have a fun time. 
A coarse itchy feeling finally managed to get him to come to. 
His face was half pressed into the sand, each grain annoyingly clinging to his skin. The heat was unbearable. His eyes were still weighed down by the gravity of exhaustion, barely managing to open even halfway. His vision blurred as a violent amount of light burned his retinas, and his half-awake mind flinched back. Some form of movement must have carried over, because the weight of his muscles cried out in a deep, sore sort of pain. Nothin' new for him.
He nearly conked out again, a small part of him let out a terribly tired hum. It reverberated like an echo in a cavern, his chest vibrating as the sound bounced around. It finally rang out the mouth as a raspy sigh, eyes near fluttering closed in tandem. 
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rrxnjun · 1 year
ok. i was gonna reply to ur comment but it got a bit too long of a rant HAHAHHA sorry😭
but girl i will never stop raving about ur fics istg like something about the way you write and your characters always seem to hit home for me like i always seem to connect with your characters. you make their emotions and the scenarios they're in so vivid and raw and IBFIWRFO i eat it up😭😭😭
i never used to like reading angst but you execute it so well that i'll literally love it when you do it (e.g. fics like two people, when nobody's watching, potential) IDK MAN it physically hurts my heart I FEEL THE EMOTIONS OF THE CHARACTERS MAN IDK
when nobody's watching: when the reader's looking at renjun thru the years from her perspective when the reader wants to reach out, I WANT TO REACH OUT LIKESJFGOWRG WHEN RENJUN SMASHES THE BOTTLE AT THE PARTY YK????
two people: the way you describe jeno and y/n's suffocating one way relationship, I UNDERSTAND THE READER!!! jeno is perfect, he tries to fix the relationship but IT JUST DOESNT WORK THAT WAY the relationship was way over before he tried to fix it and ITS SO REAL!!!! the inner turmoil the reader went thru and the slow changing feels for mark WAS JUST- UGH *chefs kiss
potential: man. where do i even start with this fic. it's a storyline that i never knew i needed to read in my life. like bar u don't understand, potential had me in despair for the next 4 days. i can understand chenle's pain, y/n's confusion, their complicated love for each other. i don't think words can describe how special this story is to me.
this.... became a lot longer than i anticipated and IM SORRY FOR RAMBLING ON ABOUT THE SAME THREE FICS OVER AND OVER OSBFOWRGO but seriously tho, i genuinely love everything you put out, keep up the hard work💗
(i think this is the longest ask i've ever sent lol)
i treat writing as my therapy session so maybe thats why the characters are always so raw- NO but omg this is such an honor bc i really focus more on the characters than the plot i think and i really try to develop them really well and stuff and i focus a lot on the feelings and emotions so >:((( i am so happy that you like that about my writing !!!
the paradox is that i HATE reading angst. like if its in a long fic where its mixed up i dont mind and i think its important to have angstier parts in a long fic too but if its a drabble and its angsty i just won't read it LMAOOO
when nobody's watching was such a spontaneous fic istg i wrote it in what. two days? at uni LMAO. i got the idea when i was like,, watching this guy from afar and then i realised i ALWAYS DO THIS like i always have those silly crushes on ppl and never tell them bc im scared but i care so deeply for ppl that dont even know i exist 😭😭😭 but also i find that i used to change myself a lot to fit into social circles and even tho uni was really lonely for me at first that i kinda let go of that the same way renjun did so it was definitely cathartic to write :,)
honestly to this day idk how i even managed to write two people. like i think its the only fic i have thats about adult mature ppl LMAO all my other fics are like college aus and shit. like where did all of that pain and angst even come from ???? but i am so glad u liked it, i didnt expect ppl to enjoy that kind of fic >:((
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON POTENTIAL why are my best fics always the most spontaneous. its literally like in my top 5 fav fics ive ever written so i am insanely happy that you like it sm !!! <33 chenle's character in this fic is insanely personal to me also :,) the readers and his dynamic is also one of my favs ive ever written,, idk idk theres just something about this fic...
i am really honored to recieve this in my inbox its so sweet of you and i definitely appreciate it a LOT hope you dont mind me rambling about the fics i just enjoy talking about my writing :,)
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wu-tvng · 10 months
trauma and ptsd.
i don't really like how jarring the font size is for 'title' in the tumblr post so i will put it as a header in the description.
this morning or afternoon. i forgot. i mention how i have a lot to say, but seem to have no space or bandwidth to articulate it (it's tiring to introspect and unpack emotional luggage) but i was reading hot literati and i love how captivating short, simple, but intelligent her writing is. i aspire to write as crispy, fun, and me though as her.
i am learning to be gentle with thyself and i am kind of proud with how fast i learn through copying others and extracting only traits i find attractive and enticing into my own character/asrsenal loll. it kind of reminds me of that guy in food wars who copies ppl to the tee and then + his own cherry on top in the finale. kind of making it his, but not really bc 99 vs 1%
my problem is that i lack life experience and i isolate myself too much that im out of touch with reality. hence y im 24 sitting in front of my mac at almost 1am typing this, unemployed, and still acting like i am shi. im extremely delusional for this, but somehow i have a feeling things will sort itself out and ill be ok like i always wanted.
but the quote of being able to enjoy the moment and finding content and happiness in the daily or mundane keeps cycling back to me in this era. i think the universe is trying to tell me some.
i think i am content. and i am grateful. and i am ok, but not happy. i am v happy that i am ok bc for a long time this year i was not ok. i was actually extremely depressed and bed-ridden for months with occasional hangouts with eric that has secretly save me and directed me for the better. bc human interaction is important no matter how easy it is to be a hermit in the digital age and lock oneself in their corner of the internet (me, currently doing that rn (im a hypocrispy) :())
i no im a different person than before, maybe more lost, maybe more unhinged, def more fat. but i really dont know how much i have changed. howev, this year since i move back home has metamorphiszed me, and im not sure if its for the better bc i was undergoing one of the few intense depressive periods in life. i honestly cant say that it was my most depressing but all the hard ones always happen at home lol. its like a recurring epilepsy i have here. i have many intense depressive episodes that it seems that each new adversity i go thru that triggers this turbulence is easier than the past one. lol its actually crazy and it might explain why im ok even though i think most ppl might be wrecked by the frequent turmoil i have to navigate thou it often times is self-imposed i guess. but also this one was def a butterfly effect influence by years of adversion in treating mental health and not learning to deal with stress and responsiblities and pressure well. but i guess thats y im 24 and alive dealing, feeling, and not quitting:)
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ateezmakemeweep · 3 years
its literally 2am where i am i took so long to read part ten only cause i fken love angst but i needed to re-read every dumb stupid lie choi fucking san was feeding y/n then i contemplated if i should sleep or say something. kim hongjoong ilysm … WHEN i wake up in a few hrs i’ll reread and try attempt to say something nice about choi fken san… btw your writing never misses like seriously the way you played with my emotions tonight i am a mess (not as much as y/n though), i cant wait to see what happens in part 11 hopefully san gets punched hard in the face by wooyoung, yeosang and yunho - 🥥
(2/2) but seriously i loved what you are doing with bty because no fic has ever had me pause and prepare myself for whats about to come then go way over what i expected/thought of. and that goes to all your other fics i reread like richboy!seonghwa, richboy!yeosang, badboy!seonghwa and your secret relationship fic with yeosang… oh and cant forget dilf!seonghwa. its ok to critique your own writing but from the readers perspective your writing is truly moving, you are MAGICAL!! 🤍- 🥥
thank you so much bc u cannot even imagine how much turmoil this stupid fanfic has put me thru JVFDKVKD
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1 thru 35. go crazy.
lksadjlsjdf killing me here. Putting it under the cut because it’s long.
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
4 stars? Idk. I don’t like rating myself.
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
This is a loaded question. I think I started reading fanfiction back when I was in middle school (so 12-13) and I was just blown away by the stories people created with characters I already loved. So I guess I wanted to tell my own stories? Put onto a page what my imagination conjured up. I had hated writing before then lol.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
My initial thought to this was that it doesn’t. 🙈 But um I like angst and I like character development and they tend to go hand in hand.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Oh gosh, so many. I wouldn’t be where I am now or writing what I do without the squad of writers I look up to. To name a few:
@embyrinitalics, @ashleyswrittenwords, and @ghostgirl19posts for general inspiration (and when I need a pep talk). @spicychestnut and @honestground for smut. @glitterfay (milkywayes on AO3) when I want to get lost in metaphors. 
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Probably Sehnsucht at the moment.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Writing emotional turmoil. lol.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I’m kind of all over the place as far as theme/tone/genre, but lots and lots of Zelink recently.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
LoZ, currently. Which makes me feel awful about my SnS WIPs.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Unhinged will probably be it if I ever finish it. But I wrote a HaoxOC fic way back when that I’m just kind of like “Ew, no” thinking back on it. Not a fan of OCs in fics usually.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
I love everything.
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
Shippy stuff. Not everyone needs to be involved with someone but I like there to be hints of things at least.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Zelink! And Sorina for romantic.
I write Revali crushing on Zelda a lot but I do love them as brOTPs.
Takumi & Soma for platonic too.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Depends. I think I actually write better without music, but every now and then, I hit a good streak of tracks on Spotify that work well as background music and gets me in the zone. 
Evermore is great fic inspiration, but sometimes I get caught up in the lyrics and end up not writing at all. 
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
Independent ideas mostly because I’m always afraid I won’t do the prompts or challenges justice (like ahhhh what if you requested a prompt and end up hating what I wrote??).
By the way, for everyone who has submitted any requests/prompts, I’ve got them! I just won’t reply to them until I finish writing whatever it is that you requested.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One-shots because I’m terrible at finishing multi-chaptered stuff.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
Tbh I get a bit defensive at first but then I calm down and reflect on them and they’re usually very helpful. So I’m very pro-constructive criticism. I think it’s a great way to learn and improve as a writer (and with everything).
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Writing in first person was outside of my comfort zone and it turned out alright. Great learning experience though!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Not for fics. Evelyn (Eve) and Adelaide are the main characters of the original work I may or may not ever finish. They’re twins! And Blaise is Eve’s goofy best friend that definitely has a crush on her. But both Even and Blaise are great fighters. Adelaide starts off curious and whiny, but grows into a fighter as well when her sister goes missing.
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Demon prince does not care for sacrificial bride.
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Shinsou, kaminari, bakugou 😳
ugh shinsou is too cool for me. i think i’d have a hard time tryna start up conversation and it’d just fall flat and i’d never try to talk to him again lol so... 5/10 👀
i love kaminari like so much and i love writing him, but i don’t know if i’d realistically be able to handle someone as chaotic as him 😭 oh god this hurts so much to say but ima have to put him at like a 7/10 even tho he’s an 11/10 in my heart 🥺
hmm if it’s bakugou in the show then hell no. i will not put myself thru that emotional turmoil. that boy will break my heart into a million pieces and i am NOT here for that. but if he’s more mature and a healthy entj then maybe a 6/10.
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the-lions-mouth · 7 years
my fave merthur fics, all first time/getting together
Come back to the source to reblog as it gets updated occasionally!
Long Canon Era: 
The World I Built For You: 32K, T, If I told you to execute Mordred, would you do it? Merlin wondered, losing himself in the blue of Arthur's eyes. Can I save you like this, even if it damns me? you didn’t think s5 could get any more emotional but u were wrong
Touch My Skin To Make Me Whole: 64K, E, The Kingdom of Essetir has once again fallen under new rule, and Arthur travels to visit its new king, determined to make peace. The new king is treacherous though, and he may have just found the one weakness that will force Arthur’s hand. Note: AU Post Season 4 the ultimate hurt/comfort
Short Canon Era: 
The Coming of Spring: 10K, E, Kings, even new ones, were not supposed to long for their menservants.
Golden Threads: 12K, E, When Arthur drinks enchanted water Merlin does everything that is in his power to save his king, even if it breaks his heart.
Visiting Hunith: 9K, T, Five times Ealdor had visitors.
Beauty in the Ashes of Our Lives: 22K, T, After Merlin is executed for Uther's murder, Arthur's world falls apart.
Apotheosis: 9K, T, magic reveal, love vs destiny
Dying to Return: 20K, T, after Merlin leaves, a mysterious sorcerer comes to Camelot
As a Sea Shell: 13K, T, When Arthur discovers Merlin’s magic, he banishes him from Camelot. But Merlin is destined to serve Arthur until the day he dies. sorry team i’m gonna shameless rec myself
Modern AU:
Serious Eyes, Suddenly Smiles: 11K, E, When you are young everything seems definite. You are either in or out. Finishing up at university or messing up your whole future.
Unsteady: 10K, T, merlin is a private investigator for arthur, who’s dating sophia (a bit dark at points, read tags)
Perfect: 15K, E, infidelity, internalized homophobia
Do Not Go Gentle: 5K, T, “Don’t you understand?” He shakes her. “I cared more about him than I did about his kingdom, more than I ever cared about magic...I didn’t care about Arthur the King of Camelot. I only cared about Arthur the man.” His chest is hurting. He can’t get enough air. “I fucked up, Gwen, and I’m sorry. Do you want that in writing?” 
The Heart You Call Home: 16K, M, Arthur writing about stories he can only barely remember, Merlin, depressed and with major survivors guilt, finds them, much angst
Historical AU (honestly i love historical aus, that’s why there are so many here):
Gaudy: 6K, G, political AU in the 1960s thru 1997, honestly the best characterizations of all time
A West-Country Romance: 91K, E, Poldark AU, the slowburn “Arthur as the lord, Merlin as his servant” historical au you deserve
True Heart of Wexford: 21K, E, Wexford, 1798, Merlin is the Catholic groundskeeper on a manor belonging to Anglo-Irish aristocrat Arthur Pendragon. While Merlin's day job entails looking after Arthur's property, he's also involved with the United Irishmen. Political upheaval is about to plunge the country into turmoil. In the midst of all this stands Arthur Pendragon, who's become Merlin's staunch friend in spite of everything that divides them: faith, class, position, and obligation.
Something Worth Fighting For: 21K, E, Set during World War II. Arthur is sent to the front lines to fight for Britain, while Merlin is left behind, struggling to cope with the absence of his best friend. Seeking to give Arthur some comfort, Merlin begins to send him pieces of a story, which tells of a legendary King and his devoted manservant.Through their letters, Arthur and Merlin grow closer, and perhaps begin to discover feelings that they could not put into words before. 
Yet The Man Would At Once Run Away With Your Heart: 4K, M,  Mordred comes to stay at Avalon Hall and takes a shine to Merlin. Arthur is most unimpressed by this turn of events.
High school/Teenage AU:
Out of Body: 53K, E, Finding out that his best friend is gay shouldn't be a big deal. But then, catching Merlin wanking to gay porn shouldn't turn Arthur on, either. With his plans for uni in shambles and his position on the high school footie team lost to injury, Arthur's determined not to disappoint his father any further. Running away from Merlin seems like the easiest thing to do, but his denial might cost him everything. the teenage au you’ve been dreaming of
Should You Choose to Accept It: 11K, T, so pure, childhood friends to falling out in middle school to falling in love in high school
A Personal History of Midwestern Running: 20K, T, hahah the ending kills me every time, the one where arthur teaches merlin how to run
Beyond the Neon Trees: 56K, M, Falling in love with your best friend is never easy; especially when you’re living in the deadbeat rundown Holly Street Estate in East London.
Canon Era AU:
Gadarene: 77K, E, Arthur is the regent but Agravaine has the power, merlin is sold to arthur, I was dubious of the set up but this is a v satisfying well told story
Merlin’s Place: 3K, bath
Brighter When We Come: 4K, bath
Night Sky Changing Overhead: 5K, bath (there’s a theme here sorry)
What I Want You’ve Got, It Might Be Hard to Handle: 3K, magic made them do it (100% consenual tho)
The Dirty Little Things You Say: 9K, arthur gets so turned on from merlin’s dirty talk
At Our Best When It’s From The Hips: 13K, loss of virginity
Solace: 1K, bath
Love is a Doing Word: 4K, role reversal 
Embrocation: 7K, massage
For Want of Wreckage: 27K, the one where the druids give Arthur a tattoo that makes him wet and horny but highlight is the massage scene
Forgive My Thoughts When I’m Asleep: 4K, angsty huddling for warmth
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news Power Rankings: How high do Seahawks fly? - NFL.com
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Fox news
That became once an inconceivable week of soccer. I mediate this sport has an genuine likelihood to form some status.
Week 10 resulted in about a deep soul-hunting and intense emotional turmoil at some stage within the pecking-divulge route of of the Vitality Rankings, but I'm going to continually place myself thru a psychological ringer if we are in a position to internet games like this a week.
Wait, he's no longer going to make a decision on the Niners at No. 1 after what came about on Monday evening, is he? You're damn factual he is.
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NOTE: The earlier rankings referenced within the lineup under are from the Week 10 Vitality Rankings.
Outdated corrupt: No. 1
The worst aspect about being on the rotten stop of a Monday evening traditional? this will more than seemingly be resurfaced repeatedly on telecasts unless the stop of time. The Niners lost their first sport of the season in crushing style: at house, in top time, to a division rival, within the final second of time previous regulation. If uncomfortable Traipse McLaughlin makes his closing kick, the 49ers are 9-0 and we're all talking about their bottomless wisely of internet to the bottom of. But McLaughlin yacked it, and all of sudden the Niners are in a dogfight with the Seahawks within the NFC West. San Francisco wants to internet wholesome on the offensive aspect of the ball: With George Kittle (knee/ankle) sidelined and Emmanuel Sanders (ribs) knocked out of the sport early, Jimmy Garoppolo became once left with a dearth of honest recommendations ... and it showed. The 49ers tranquil truly feel just like the becoming crew within the NFL thru 10 weeks, but the Seahawks showed us the gap is minimal.
Outdated corrupt: No. 4
Sunday's matchup in opposition to the winless Bengals seemed unfair on paper, and it became once even crueler in motion. Lamar Jackson robbed the Bengals of their company at some stage in a single other inconceivable performance thru which he done with a truly perfect passer ranking and delivered his finest highlight-reel bustle yet in a 49-13 laugher. The Ravens are knocking on the door for the AFC's top seed, and it all starts with the 22-yr-historic under center. " what number of little childhood in this country are going to be wearing No. 8 taking half in quarterback for the following 20 years?" Ravens coach John Harbaugh rhetorically requested Jackson on the sideline Sunday, after telling him: "You changed the sport, man." Harbaugh's factual: Jackson has changed the sport. All the discuss evaluating the second-yr megastar to Michael Vick has been selling Jackson brief this complete time. Jackson is extra healthy than top Vick ... and he's factual getting began.
Outdated corrupt: No. 3
We're coming off a harrowing week for the Patriots and their followers, who no longer most productive had to route of their crew's first loss of the season -- final Sunday evening's lopsided defeat to the Ravens -- but also the painful reality that Contemporary England no longer holds the pinnacle place within the NFL dot com Vitality Rankings. Yes, Patriot Plot became once shaken out of its Pleasantville-like existence, but let's all be aware that hell hath no fury like Invoice Belichick coming off a loss and a bye. Contemporary England is 14-5 in put up-bye games at some stage within the Belichick Dynasty. The Eagles diagram the difficult assignment -- they're the first of four straight opponents with a hit recordsdata to face the defending champions. That is comparatively a alternate from the first half of, when Contemporary England fattened up on one of the essential essential worst teams in soccer.
Outdated corrupt: No. 6
After it became once in all places, Russell Wilson informed ESPN he didn't mediate he'd "ever been piece of a sport that crazy." The Seahawks knocked off the previously undefeated 49ers, 27-24 in OT, in a sport that had extra twists and turns than a daylight cleaning soap opera. That which you would possibly perchance well write a book on the time previous regulation length by myself, as Wilson threw a crushing crimson-zone interception, the Niners overlooked a would-be sport-a hit field aim, then Jason Myers purchased his season attend no longer off target with a sport-winner within the closing seconds of the additional length. Wilson's staunch hand is irreplaceable in stress cookers like this, but the sport ball has to switch to Jadeveon Clowney, who performed like a celebrity. Clowney lived in San Francisco's backfield, created turnovers, scored a touchdown and on the complete ensured he'll soon internet a contract that makes him surely one of the essential highest-paid defenders in soccer. Hello on the region of job for both player and crew.
Outdated corrupt: No. 5
If the Packers tear on to purchase their first Colossal Bowl title in on the subject of a decade, a chubby phase of the eventual DVD season retrospective would possibly perchance be centered on how Sunday's sport ended at snowy Lambeau Enviornment. Christian McCaffrey, the NFL's finest working attend, became once 2 yards from the aim line with the likelihood to place the Panthers in dwelling to tie. And the Green Bay protection rose to the occasion to stuff the Carolina megastar and clinch an limitless purchase. The Packers' protection has been an scenario for weeks: Since Week 4 and coming into Sunday, Mike Pettine's unit ranked 31st in yards allowed per play, 30th in completions of 20 or extra yards allowed and 30th in third-down protection, per The Athletic. The Pack D on the subject of collapsed on Sunday, as wisely: McCaffrey's closing elevate became once the 18th play of an 88-yard Panthers pressure. But Green Bay didn't rupture. It became once a dramatic stand to plot upon.
Outdated corrupt: No. 2
A head-scratching loss by the Saints, who were dominated in all phases by a downtrodden Falcons crew that hadn't shown a pulse in weeks. Drew Brees became once sacked six times -- tied for the most ever in his career -- and became once pressured 18 times by a relentless Atlanta front seven. How delicate became once the defensive surge by the Falcons? They managed seven sacks all season sooner than Sunday. The Saints were wisely under 300 yards of complete offense sooner than they began collecting first downs in a closing garbage-time pressure that also produced zero components. "Put off a scenario, and there would possibly perchance be a staunch likelihood they won that scenario," Saints coach Sean Payton stated after the sport. It became once ... wisely ... as irregular an as we have viewed in this 2019 NFL season, and it begs the quiz: Is this a brand of danger in Contemporary Orleans, or became once it factual a truly irascible day on the region of job?
Outdated corrupt: No. 10
The substantial epic headed into Sunday evening's big matchup in opposition to the Cowboys centered on Kirk Cousins and whether or no longer he would possibly perchance perchance well upward push to the occasion in top time in opposition to a high quality opponent, the form of surroundings that has seemingly tremulous the quarterback within the previous. But then the sport began, Cousins performed with a staunch hand, and we were reminded who the correct megastar of Minnesota's assault truly is. Dalvin Cook delivered one other All-Pro performance in Dallas, finishing with 183 yards from scrimmage and a touchdown in a 28-24 purchase. Cook and Cousins didn't operate it by myself: The Vikings' protection became once in bend-but-operate no longer-rupture mode in opposition to a high-powered Dallas assault, typified by Eric Kendricks' breakup of a circulation supposed for Ezekiel Elliott within the closing minute that ended the Cowboys' closing scoring likelihood. Kendricks has been surely one of the essential becoming duvet linebackers in soccer this season ... Dak Prescott picked the rotten "mismatch."
Outdated corrupt: No. 7
If the Cowboys aimed to present the sphere on Sunday evening they ought to tranquil be considered as legit Colossal Bowl contenders, they didn't operate a truly staunch job of it. Lapses in judgment and failures in execution killed Dallas in a 28-24 loss to the Vikings, which dropped the Cowboys into a tie with the Eagles atop a extinct NFC East. Developed analytics verbalize us that Jason Garrett's crew is surely one of the essential becoming in soccer, but there would possibly perchance be frequently been reality to that ol' Parcellism: You're what your document says which you would possibly perchance well additionally very wisely be. The Cowboys are 5-4, comparatively better than mediocre. Tavon Austin's comely-mediate call on a Vikings punt within the closing minute is emblematic of Dallas' struggles. He informed newshounds after the sport he became once urged to demand a comely mediate to save quite so much of seconds on the clock. Fortune favors the heroic ... and that ain't the Cowboys.
Outdated corrupt: No. 9
For the second consecutive yr, and for the third time within the final four seasons, the Texans have began the season at 6-3. Or no longer it's place to be in, and a substantial piece of Houston's success would possibly perchance perchance even be prove within the trenches. The Texans' offensive line, led by key late-summer season acquisition Laremy Tunsil, has executed a so much better job of keeping Deshaun Watson. And the unit's opening up holes for a working sport that is been surely one of the essential essential productive in soccer. The Carlos Hyde- Duke Johnson tandem has piled up on the subject of 1,000 yards, averaging 4.9 per elevate. The absence of J.J. Watt will seemingly become extra pronounced as the season progresses, but Houston's front seven did handsome work in shutting down Leonard Fournette and Gardner Minshew in Week 9. Houston entered Week 10 having allowed the third-fewest speeding yards per sport (84.1) in soccer.
Outdated corrupt: No. 8
Patrick Mahomes returned to motion and looked shut to himself, the finest aspect that will near out of Sunday's matchup with the Titans. But ... what a disastrous elevate out to a sport that the Chiefs controlled for the bulk of four quarters. A brief rundown of the setbacks initiating on the 1: 36 mark within the fourth quarter: 1) A failure to convert on a third-and-brief followed by 2) a botched snap on a field-aim try, which resulted in 3) an intentional grounding call on the holder, which dwelling the stage for 4) a protection-extensive collapse on the Titans' four play, 61-yard tear-ahead touchdown pressure, which became once followed by 5) a blocked field-aim try to complete it. Titans purchase, 35-32. If the Chiefs stop up lacking out on a bye or salvage themselves in a dogfight with the Raiders within the AFC West, be aware what came about in Nashville.
Outdated corrupt: No. 12
One of many finest surprises of the first half of of the season? Scoring components is annoying work for the Eagles. Carson Wentz became once a buzzy MVP opt coming into 2019 (I bow my head in shame), but practically nothing about this offense has been award-well-known up to now. Entering Week 10, Philly ranked 14th in components per sport, 18th in yards per sport, 21st in passing yards per sport and 12th in speeding yards per sport. The Iggles are the textbook definition of a middling offense, and the numbers attend that up. Don't sleep on how grand DeSean Jackson's season-wrecking belly rupture danger this offense -- he became once a playmaker who would possibly perchance perchance well opt defenses factual along with his house-bustle ability. One straightforward vivid place? 2nd-round working attend Miles Sanders, who has 641 scrimmage yards thru 9 weeks. Easiest Raiders standout Josh Jacobs -- the Offensive Rookie of the Year common -- has extra amongst first-yr execs.
Outdated corrupt: No. 17
The Steelers' protection continues to resurrect a seemingly lost season. Mike Tomlin's D held the Rams to a single field aim on offense and compelled four turnovers to command Pittsburgh's fifth purchase in six games. The Steelers, left for pointless after an 0-3 birth, are within the thick of the AFC wild-card lunge with seven weeks to play. Pittsburgh is up to 26 takeaways this season, the most turnovers forced by the crew in its first 9 games of a season because it piled up 28 in that span in 1987. There would possibly perchance be less room for excitement on the offensive aspect of the ball, which managed factual 273 yards and 10 components in opposition to the Rams. Quarterback Mason Rudolph, filling in for Ben Roethlisberger, has been an efficient sport supervisor, for the most piece, but the Steelers will want to examine a leap in his pattern for this to be larger than a truly feel-staunch epic within the AFC.
Outdated corrupt: No. 11
The Colossal Bowl hangover is genuine. The Rams were flummoxed by Invoice Belichick on the first Sunday of February and have not been remotely the similar on offense since. It became once all laid bare on a late Sunday afternoon in Pittsburgh, the place the once-mighty Los Angeles assault managed factual one field aim and 306 yards in a loss that additional jeopardized the playoff hopes of the defending NFC champions. Jared Goff looked helpless looking out to operate performs within the face of a majestic Pittsburgh front seven, and the Rams' working sport remained painfully pedestrian. Todd Gurley became once held under 100 yards for the seventh straight sport, and when requested in a while why the weak All-Pro didn't behold the ball within the fourth quarter, Sean McVay equipped, "That became once factual form of the rotation." That became once factual form of the rotation. Yep, issues have changed so much for the Rams, and no longer for the simpler.
Outdated corrupt: No. 16
Originate you mediate within the Raiders yet? Jon Gruden's crew, taking half in in what would possibly perchance perchance additionally want been the closing top-time sport ever in Oakland, went ahead on a late touchdown pressure, then made a formidable closing stand on protection to stable an limitless 26-24 purchase over the AFC West-rival Chargers. As soon as extra, a serious storyline became once the standout play of Raiders common supervisor Mike Mayock's sterling rookie class. Running attend Josh Jacobs (picked 24th overall) place the Raiders ahead for staunch with an 18-yard ranking, defensive stop Clelin Ferrell (No. 4 overall) had 2.5 sacks and defensive stop Maxx Crosby (picked within the fourth round) capped a substantial evening with a speed and hit on Philip Rivers that resulted in the sport-icing interception by veteran security Karl Joseph. Oakland's protection made lifestyles depressing for Rivers, who threw three picks and had two extra wiped away by penalty. With winnable games ahead in opposition to the Bengals and Jets (who've a blended document of two-16), the Raiders have a legit likelihood to operate the playoffs. Knock on wooden whilst you happen to're with them.
Outdated corrupt: No. 15
Yes, he threw a costly crimson-zone interception, and a center alternate turnover highlighted his ongoing scenario with fumbles, but Kyle Allen performed a damn staunch sport on Sunday in Green Bay. In a hostile street surroundings featuring freezing temperatures and staunch snow, Allen saved the Panthers transferring all afternoon. The eventual 24-16 loss would possibly perchance be remembered for Christian McCaffrey being stuffed on the aim line as time expired, but operate no longer forget Allen led Carolina down the sphere to present CMC that final different. "What he did in opposition to that protection, in opposition to that front pinning their ears attend, shimmering we had to throw the ball ... became once moderately inconceivable," stated Greg Olsen. "I thought what he did tonight overall and that fourth quarter became once as impressive a quarterback show hide as I've ever viewed." A high reward from a guy who went to a Colossal Bowl with league MVP Cam Newton about a years attend.
Outdated corrupt: No. 13
The Payments looked like a center-of-the-pack crew on Sunday in opposition to the Browns, therefore their placement on the Vitality Rankings. We saw a breakdown in three phases in Cleveland: On offense, Josh Allen sailed a pair deep balls previous birth receivers (sound acquainted?), and Buffalo became once held under 20 complete components for the fifth time this season. On protection, the Browns were in a position to march 82 yards on 10 performs for the tear-ahead ranking late within the fourth quarter. On particular teams, kicker Stephen Hauschka overlooked two-field aim attempts, at the side of the 53-yarder that sealed Buffalo's fate within the closing minute. At 6-3, there would possibly perchance be not any want to dread. The schedule stays light, with winnable games in opposition to the Dolphins and Broncos over the following two weeks. Resolve care of commercial there, and a playoff stamp is shut to punched. But can this crew be relied on factual now?
Outdated corrupt: No. 14
The Colts performed without their initiating quarterback and top extensive receiver on Sunday, and it showed in opposition to the Dolphins. With Jacoby Brissett sidelined by the knee rupture suffered in Week 9 in opposition to the Steelers, Brian Hoyer reverted to the worst model of himself. The veteran executed no longer up to half of of his passes and threw three interceptions in his 10th straight loss as a starter. That which you would possibly perchance well operate worse than Hoyer as your backup, but there would possibly perchance be also a cause he became once accessible after Andrew Excellent fortune all of sudden retired in late August. Brissett wants to be on the sphere, especially as the schedule tightens up with three straight games in opposition to AFC South rivals. The substantial quiz around the crew is whether or no longer Adam Vinatieri would possibly perchance be kicking in any of these games. The veteran overlooked yet one other extra point, this one costly in a sport determined by four components. How long can Frank Reich stick along with his guy?
Outdated corrupt: No. 18
Philip Rivers is on the second on the darkish internet looking out to search out thoughts-eraser skills to wipe away a lost Thursday evening in Oakland. The Chargers quarterback threw three interceptions and had two extra picks nullified by penalty in a 26-24 loss to the Raiders that place Los Angeles' playoff hopes in serious doubt. Rivers became once under fixed duress as a consequence of a surprisingly meddlesome Oakland front seven, which had its plan with an L.A. offensive line lacking both initiating tackles. The low point for the Chargers came on a closing possession that went like this: incompletion, incompletion, incompletion, penalty (first down), incompletion, incompletion, incompletion, interception. Like I stated, Philip Rivers is scouring the digital underground hunting for thoughts-eraser hardware. Next up for the Chargers? A showdown in opposition to Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs in Mexico City. Or no longer it's a virtual must-purchase for the Bolts.
Outdated corrupt: No. 23
What an indecent, dramatic and doubtlessly season-saving purchase by the Titans on Sunday in opposition to the Chiefs. In recordsdata that can have tremulous Titans followers into silence about a weeks attend, it became once the offense that rescued the house crew in Nashville. Tennessee's protection, which has been requested to lend a hand the present for years, gave up 530 yards and 32 components to a Kansas City assault that looked as if it'd be on the sphere for the complete afternoon. But the Ryan Tannehill-led Titans offense made the most of its opportunities. That became once never extra apparent than on the four-play, 61-yard touchdown pressure that culminated with Adam Humphries' 23-yard touchdown mediate with 23 seconds to play. The Titans wished factual 58 seconds to realize the stop zone on a pressure that began of their territory and not using a timeouts. This does not happen with Marcus Mariota within the attend of center.
Outdated corrupt: No. 20
Doug Marrone made the anticipated swap to Slash Foles within the bye week, and it's a long way critical to admire the coach's vision. Jaguars followers have rallied around rookie QB Gardner Minshew, both as a player and a shaggy underdog folk hero, so sending the sixth-round opt to the bench took some onions, to borrow a phrase from well-known basketball announcer Invoice Raftery. Now we will behold if Marrone's resolution pays off for a Jags crew that wants a a hit plod. In one plan, it's a no-lose scenario for the Duval trustworthy. If Foles and the Jaguars surge, this can operate for an exhilarating closing seven weeks of the favored season in Jacksonville. If Foles struggles, the Jags tranquil have a promising younger backup waiting within the wings. We're no longer in Bortles-or-bust or Blaine-or-danger territory, the fan a similar of being trapped on a burning boat with a pack of hungry crocodiles circling under.
Outdated corrupt: No. 22
Things purchased extra attention-grabbing than they must have within the closing minutes, but the Bears held on in opposition to a Lions crew lacking Matthew Stafford. The Bears offense managed factual 20 yards complete of their first four possessions, a funk that summoned memories of Week 9, when Chicago managed factual 9 complete get yards within the first half of in opposition to the Eagles. The turning point Sunday came on Chicago's closing possession of the first half of: A 10-play, 80-yard march that ended when Mitchell Trubisky found Ben Braunecker within the stop zone for the tear-ahead ranking. Trubisky threw two extra touchdown passes within the third quarter, taking opt watch over of the sport and releasing the stress valve at Soldier Enviornment. Though the Bears' assault remains The Enviornment in Chicago, which you would possibly perchance well additionally behold about a beams of sunshine breaking thru the clouds within the final two weeks. Can they plot on it?
Outdated corrupt: No. 21
Nicely, right here we're again. The Broncos are out of opponents within the AFC West ... and they also tranquil want a quarterback. Paxton Lynch gave formula to Trevor Siemian, who gave formula to Case Keenum, who gave formula to Joe Flacco, who will finally give formula to ... ??? Brandon Allen, who looked moderately staunch in opposition to the Browns final week? Drew Lock, the second-round opt who on the second resides in parts unknown (but who is returning to have a examine)? A recent college hotshot to be named later? If John Elway is again well-liked to inform this search (a substantial if), operate no longer be taken aback to examine the Broncos dip into the free-agent market for the third straight yr. An unofficial checklist of veteran QBs who would possibly perchance be -- or would possibly perchance perchance additionally very wisely be -- altering teams this offseason: Andy Dalton, Slash Foles, Marcus Mariota, Philip Rivers, Eli Manning, Teddy Bridgewater, Cam Newton, Jameis Winston. Oh, hell, and Tom Brady, too. Howdy, Elway reeled in Peyton Manning in 2012, and that labored out moderately grand.
Outdated corrupt: No. 24
Or no longer it's annoying to command what exactly would possibly perchance perchance even be taken out the Browns' purchase over the Payments. Any victory is a gargantuan victory, especially when it ends a four-sport losing plod, but key deficiencies live for Cleveland. The offense is inconsistent with Baker Mayfield on the controls, and the unit's work within the crimson zone remains awful -- especially with the amount of skill on the sphere. The season would were all but over if the fumble return for a touchdown by Payments defender Jerry Hughes late within the fourth quarter hadn't been overturned by review. But it completely became once, and a Slash Chubb-led offense made the most of its second likelihood, using for the tear-ahead ranking. Following a second overlooked field-aim try by Stephen Hauschka, the Browns were celebrating. Cleveland remains on the exterior attempting in at 3-6, but howdy, the remainder of the AFC wild-card field is never exactly overwhelming -- Buffalo incorporated. A purchase in opposition to the Steelers on Thursday Evening Football, and the Browns have a shot.
Outdated corrupt: No. 19
Right here is a hot exhaust: The Lions truly desire Matthew Stafford. The quarterback, whose iron-man initiating plod ended on Sunday as a consequence of a attend rupture, became once sorely overlooked in a loss to the Bears that place Detroit's playoff hopes on lifestyles enhance. Jeff Driskel stepped in for Stafford and had about a moments -- his finest being a reasonably, 47-yard touchdown circulation to Kenny Golladay that gave the Lions a spark within the fourth quarter -- but this merely is never a balanced sufficient crew to live to scream the tale the absence of its finest player. The veritably overmatched Lions protection began off wisely, keeping the Bears to factual 20 yards on four fruitless drives to birth the sport. But Mitch Trubisky threw touchdown passes within the following three Bears possessions, inserting Detroit in a 20-6 gap that became once merely too deep with Stafford on the sideline. Now we wait to examine how long the quarterback has to place there.
Outdated corrupt: No. 28
Or no longer it's an NFL cliche when a struggling crew hypes up an upcoming matchup in opposition to a rival as "our Colossal Bowl" ... but within the case of Sunday's 26-9 purchase over the Saints on the Superdome, it truly felt like that. The Falcons performed with ardour and precision for four quarters; someone and not using a recordsdata on these rivals would possibly perchance perchance well be tremulous to be taught which crew entered this sport with a 1-7 document and which crew entered it at 7-1. Stunning for Atlanta's Dan Quinn, whose beaming smile on the sideline within the sport's waning minutes informed the epic of a coach who truly wished that. And let's give some love to Quinn's protection, which became once nasty within the season's first half of but legitimately dominant in opposition to a Saints offense that is as deep as any assault in soccer. The Saints' 9 components were the fewest in a condo sport since Sean Payton and Drew Brees came to town. Hand the Falcons their invisible Lombardi Trophy.
Outdated corrupt: No. 25
That is three straight losses for the Cardinals following their three-sport a hit plod. On Sunday, they competed for 60 minutes on the street in opposition to the Bucs, but they were unable to search out one plan (or internet a circulation-interference call on Kyler Murray's closing heave as time expired). Speaking of Murray, the rookie quarterback threw his first interception in six weeks. He went 211 passes between picks, an NFL rookie document. Murray joins Deshaun Watson, Daunte Culpepper and Cam Newton as the most productive avid gamers since 1950 with 2,500 passing yards and 250 speeding yards of their first 10 career starts. We purchased some intrigue on Monday when Cardinals coach Kliff Kingsbury printed that he saved David Johnson on the bench within the closing quarter so they would possibly perchance well opt Kenyan Drake "rolling." Johnson, who led the NFL in touches (373) and scrimmage yards (2,118) in 2016, hasn't been the similar player this yr as he's battled a pair of injuries. Would possibly perchance his time in Arizona be shut to an stop?
Outdated corrupt: No. 29
That is two consecutive wins for the Dolphins, who followed final week's convincing victory over the Jets with a street purchase over a banged-up Colts crew. Ryan Fitzpatrick continues a most modern pattern of taking half in within himself (no longer traditionally his bailiwick), and the Miami protection continues to present a boost to. The Dolphins have forced five takeaways of their final three games after managing factual two heading into Week 8. Or no longer it's all a truly staunch check for first-yr coach Brian Flores, who weathered the storm of his crew's traditionally inept first six games and now has Miami taking half within the role of frisky spoiler within the AFC. That would possibly perchance perchance additionally no longer educate the concept administration had in thoughts over the summer season, but this is why these supposed "tank" setups no longer frequently work. The coaches and avid gamers on the sphere want to prevail. "We're going out to purchase every sport. Duration," Flores stated on Sunday evening. Amen to that.
Outdated corrupt: No. 31
Jamal Adams stated the Jets ought to tranquil deem him as an untouchable star whereas expressing his displeasure along with his title constructing sooner than final month's alternate closing date -- and on Sunday, he performed like one. The third-yr security became once a particular person possessed in opposition to the Giants, stuffing the box ranking with 9 tackles, two sacks, two forced fumbles, one fumble recovery, a touchdown and a fourth-down stop. His "gimme six" takeaway from Daniel Jones steadied a Jets crew that seemed in a position to lose opt watch over of one other sport. The Jets ought to tranquil operate all the pieces of their energy to restore their relationship with Adams ... making him the highest-paid security within the NFL would possibly perchance perchance well be a staunch birth. Sam Darnold -- Gang Green's other most important commodity -- also delivered an excellent sport, main the Jets on three touchdown drives and conserving off a turnover for factual the second time this season. Adam Gase wants several extra games like this to bag his "quarterback whisperer" status and rupture a second yr on the sideline in Gotham.
Outdated corrupt: No. 26
The losing plod has reached six after an unpleasant defeat to the crosstown-rival Jets. These losses never tear over wisely internally at Giants headquarters. Saquon Barkley became once held to 1 speeding yard on 13 carries, the offensive line surrendered six sacks and the protection would possibly perchance perchance well not shut down a previously punchless Jets offense that entered Sunday averaging 12.0 components per sport. The Giants would actually like to give Daniel Jones with steadiness as the promising rookie quarterback continues his pattern, but Pat Shurmur goes to have a annoying time surviving this season unless the Giants operate a serious turnaround. Jones became once the sport's finest vivid place, throwing for 308 yards and four touchdowns without an interception. Or no longer it's no longer the first time the Giants have squandered a high-stage Jones performance, and it speaks to how grand work wants to be executed to shut attend this meandering franchise to prominence.
Outdated corrupt: No. 32
The Redskins announced Monday that rookie Dwayne Haskins will birth for the remainder of the season. We are going to behold if the quarterback gets the different to operate a distinction. Haskins attempted factual 22 passes in Week 9's loss to the Payments, whereas Washington has morphed into surely one of the essential essential bustle-heavy teams in soccer since Invoice Callahan took over as length in-between coach. That schematic shift is seemingly linked to the coaching workers's try and offer protection to a rookie passer who would possibly perchance perchance no longer be ready for top time, but c'mon now, whilst you happen to are going to play the child ... then, you know, let the child play. The bustle-heavy Redskins assault is never working a lick, anyway: Washington has gone three straight games with 10 components scored or less, the crew's worst stretch of offensive ineptitude since the John F. Kennedy administration. Ah, yes, these scrappy 1-12-1 Redskins of 1961.
Outdated corrupt: No. 30
That which you would possibly perchance well state it's unfair to fall the Bengals to the bottom of the Vitality Rankings coming off a on the subject of very no longer going assignment in opposition to Lamar Jackson and the surging Ravens, but in the end, in our league (to borrow a grating Aikman-ism), it's a long way critical to purchase a soccer sport. Ryan Finley began his audition to become the Quarterback Of The Future in Cincinnati, a mostly rocky debut that incorporated two turnovers returned for touchdowns. He'll internet the remainder of this season to prove himself as a prospect price constructing, but you imagine the Bengals will fight to circulation on the different to take surely one of the essential pinnacle quarterbacks within the draft within the event that they stop up with the No. 1 opt or something shut to it. On Sunday, they purchased a front-row seat for the Lamar Jackson Existing -- a reminder of how an elite younger skill under center can alternate all the pieces.
Note Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.
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fawnsicles · 4 years
Hi Josie,  Thank you for these questions! Here are my responses, I was lengthy with them as to provide more material and offer a big picture. I was wondering if you could speak about your “passing time during a pandemic” guide. How and why did you decide to include the suggestions you did, and what went into that thought process?  Some of my most successful content is my swipe thru guides (you can find these in my highlight labeled 'GUIDES'), and they feature suggestions and advice from personal experience in a simple style. I used this same format to make the "passing time during the pandemic" guide. The back drop image of this guide is a detail shot of the inside of a cave, as a symbol of the cave-like nature of quarantine at home, and the google images pasted throughout are to add a surreal and playful quality.  I chose to share exercises that I take part in and enjoy that have cleansing and creative undertones, and offered specific directions on how to approach them. For example, instead of just writing "draw a picture", I included directions on how to do a specific drawing exercise that doesn't require skill or any special supplies. Instead of saying "watch movies", I recommended creating a watch list from the favorites of your friends and romantic interests for greater connection & conversation points.  Instead of saying "meditation", I offered a specific visualization meditation.  I also purposely avoided using language that pushed "being productive" or "learning a new skill" but more so language that suggested finding pleasure in small, accessible activities available to us. I believe we are all aware that we can put this time into learning a whole new language or writing a book or running daily, but will we? Emotions and energy are complex, especially in such spooky circumstances, and I think its important to be accepting about all the ways your energy & abilities can possibly show up for you. I wanted my recommendations to be kind and low pressure in this exact way. Also, it was important for me to include options that were entirely free and accessible, but also include a reminder about online shopping for the many still doing so. I wanted to remind everyone who is shopping that small businesses need their money the most right now, and used that slide to uplift a couple of woman-owned, small business brands that I work with.  Additionally, could you speak more broadly about how you’re personally approaching this time at home? I actually put myself through quite a bit or turmoil in the first two weeks of quarantine wondering "who to be" during this time, and essentially which identities to hold onto. I recently realized that the only way I will stay as level-headed as possible is by becoming fully aware of the nature of quarantine, and only indulging behaviors and activities that support this nature. For example, needlessly chatting on dating apps and developing online crushes can be fun, but why create a flurry of romantic or sexual energy that cannot be fulfilled? It turns into frustration and resentment eventually, as well as deep longings for your life before quarantine, and life after it. I am doing my best to lean into exactly what quarantine is, nothing more.  I started a journal today that I am dedicating to only quarantine content - collages, pressing flowers, gratitude lists, journal entries, line drawings, etc. I realized if I can't pull from the spices of life (romance! social experiences! swimming! living!) that I normally do, I'll just have to pull from exactly what is in front of me - this specific situation. Making my quarantine experience my subject. As far as financial stress, economic stress, health stress, and the many unknowns of this situation - I am actively choosing not to indulge them. I am a firm believer in not creating worry in the imagination. I am wearing a mask at the grocery store, I am staying inside constantly, I am checking in with friends, I am following all the directions - but I am actively not placing a layer of terror & doom on top of it. I left my own house & studio (a large shared house of artists) to come stay with my family during quarantine. It is the same apartment I grew up in, a small complex in West Los Angeles, and everything looks pretty much the same since childhood. I don't have my own room here, there is no independent identity or privacy here, no "sighswoon aesthetic", and I am sharing a bed with my sister. But being close to them, having meals together, and the sense of consistency has been extremely healing and safe. I also know that my mom would be constantly worried if I was elsewhere during this time, and giving her that relief makes me happy. I have adapted and feel grateful to have this option. What is the relationship between what you’re doing/feeling/thinking personally and what you’re communicating to your followers? I keep any stresses I feel or news reactions to myself and family/friends. I decided at the very beginning of the pandemic that I wasn't going to repost news stories, express doom, or discuss anything political or economic on my page. The news and twitter is doing that 24/7, as well as most conversations with peers in real life. I wanted to keep the nature of sighswoon consistent to what it has always been - a place of light existential theorizing, aesthetic, and humor. Maintaining a sense of normalcy and consistency in sighswoon not only helps me stay afloat emotionally, but also continues to give my online community exactly what they signed up for. I wanted to continue providing soothing and playful content that addresses quarantine and emotions felt during it. I like the idea of people knowing that they can go to some channels for news and heavy realities, but also enter other virtual worlds for entertainment or general positivity when they need it.  On my Patreon platform, I have been discovering new ways to connect with everyone and create new forms of digital activities. Last week, we had a book club that took place in the "close friends" area where we read Agua Viva by Clarice Lispector over the course of 5 days, and then had a 2 hour LIVE on instagram talking about the book and sharing our favorite quotes. It was SO insightful and exciting, and something I don't think I would have thought of if it wasn't for the circumstances. Quarantine is definitely pushing me to be more creative and offer more. What does it mean to have a large social media following at a time like this?  I believe it means to continue what you were providing but with a much greater awareness and sensitivity, as well as honesty. It requires greater creativity in re-formatting what you offer to fit the circumstances. . The yoga influencers are leading free live classes, 
0 notes
darbiblog-blog · 7 years
Most cancers survivors and supporters acquire at UP's Relay for Lifestyles
New Post has been published on https://darbi.org/most-cancers-survivors-and-supporters-acquire-at-ups-relay-for-lifestyles/
Most cancers survivors and supporters acquire at UP's Relay for Lifestyles
most deadly cancer list
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15 different types of cancer
The crowd inside the Chiles Middle Saturday afternoon became a numerous array of older adults, students, young kids and a corgi. However, the institution of approximately 50 people participating in Relay for Existence was unified as they walked and ran around a direction marked with the aid of crimson streamers by using their shared ardor for preventing Most cancers.
Relay for Lifestyles, a fundraiser for the Yankee Most cancers Society (ACS), is subsidized with the aid of the University of Portland’s bankruptcy of Colleges Against Most cancers. And not simplest does it raise money for Most cancers remedy and prevention, is an opportunity for Most cancers survivors and caretakers of Most cancers sufferers to share their tales and raise awareness.
Olson said her mom spent infinite hours accompanying her on car journeys, treatment visits and overnight remains on the health center for the duration of her struggle with a type of blood Cancer that caused lesions in her again. Olson changed into when she was recognized and says her mom turned into a crucial part of her recuperation system.
Libby Mongue-Wymore, a volunteer for Relay for Lifestyles, began the occasion by way of speak approximately her conflict with Hodgkins-Lymphoma whilst she becomes in college.
Mongue-Wymore, an ACS Cancer Motion Endorse, became completing her sophomore 12 months of the university at Washington Country College whilst she becomes instructed she had Cancer. She acquired remedy through a clinical trial for a brand new chemotherapy drug.
“After finishing remedy, I used to be seeking out a way to provide again,” Mongue-Wymore said. “A manner to remember people who this disorder takes away from us, and I found Relay for Lifestyles. I became worried as a team captain in 2001. I take advantage of to be a pretty shy person, but shyness is going out the window when you listen to a Cancer prognosis, and also you discover a facet of you which you did now not recognize existed.”
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Mongue-Wymore additionally volunteers with the yank Cancer Society’s Most cancers Motion Network (ACS CAN), which fits to empower Cancer patients, caregivers, and researchers. She travels to Washington D.C. And Country capitals to percentage her story with legislators and show the significance of funding Cancer studies.
“I have had possibilities to meet with our flesh pressers and percentage my story with them in individual,” Mongue-Wymore stated. “I’ve now not best become a voice for Cancer research funding, but additionally be a voice for those who’ve misplaced their voices. With ACS CAN, I became knowledgeable at the troubles and discovered how my tale ties in.”
University of Portland’s Relay for Life raised budget for Cancer research and affected person service applications, together with “Look Top, Experience Higher” and ACS CAN.
Environmental science professor Ted Eckmann become in attendance, and stated he hopes that more students and faculty will be a part of the combat In opposition to Cancer.
“Statistically, one in seven American adults will die of Most cancers,” Eckmann stated. “We all recognize a person who will die, or has died of Most cancers … This have to be one of the pinnacle priorities in our u . S . because of the quantity of humans affected.”
Cancer Survivor’s Desires for Long-Time period Care
Most cancers’s prolonged adventure well-known shows the want to broaden Lengthy-Term coping competencies to address lingering annoyances and extended emotional stressors. Though Cancer treatments keep to improve and enlarge lives, the adventure remains complicated and confusing. Coping with Most cancers Lengthy-Term calls for capabilities to manage psychological and physical situations. Numerous variables, aside from Most cancers’s bloodless indifference, effect the individual’s potential to manage. Consternation starts at prognosis; the need to deal with Most cancers perpetuates the warfare.
Cancer remains void of considerations for age, gender, ethnicity, on secular beliefs, social surroundings and extra. Outside forces combined with inner strife make a contribution to defining every journey as being unique. Although Cancer trips are specific, they share similarities, which assist to shape a practical guide to inspire humans to cope Higher in hopes of enhancing their trek.
A patient’s journey can be extended or reduce brief because of diagnosis and available effective treatment plans. sufferers choice extended Lifestyles and nice of Life. How can one start to draw close that what we do with time can be extra massive than the quantity of time? additionally, how does one begin to put together for cease-of-Existence understanding that point is finite? Although the time is restrained keep religion and desire, as humans have beat the percentages and miracles can and do manifest.
How people pick out to put together forgive up-of-Lifestyles is personal with without a doubt no absolute way to prepare. private Cancer stories and studies advocate that once the time is restricted there may be a length of transformation from being scared to a time of introspective exploration and discovery to transition toward an area of peace and serenity. A Kingdom of higher conscientiousness coupled with spirituality on their phrases appears to comfort the development forgive up-of-Lifestyles. Appreciate different’s alternatives and instruction to say good-bye. They may see and Sense things unknowing to us that provide peace and serenity to a lovely Life.
For the ones patients blessed with the possibility for prolonged Existence, the journey becomes a time of endured adaptability and modifications. some patients enjoy nagging and lingering facet effects for years requiring the need for Long-Term coping. Cancer survivors have regarded for decades that survivorship post-treatment extends the mission of coping. For the ones having excessive problem, Lifestyles seems like a time of purgatory. the Yankee Cancer Society currently published a piece of writing revealing conclusions of a have a look at examining Most cancers’s psychological consequences on survivors. “studies supported via the Yankee Most cancers Society has introduced to information the physical and mental outcomes of Cancer on survivors. There stays plenty to examine and extra to do. This is why the society is amassing records approximately the best of Lifestyles of extra than 15,000 Cancer survivors national via the research of Most cancers Survivors surveys. Society researchers desire to discover the Desires of Lengthy-Time period survivors and layout applications and interventions to enhance their pleasant of Existence.” (1) “Despite the fact that survivors have gained the combat Against Cancer, the battle of their bodies may not be over. Survivors cope with myriad acute, continual, and past due outcomes of Most cancers and its remedy, in domains starting from physical to emotional, social, spiritual, and monetary subjects. As many as 75% have fitness deficits from their remedy, and as much as 68% explicit fears about recurrence and situation for the future. Survivors can revel in signs for greater than 10 years following remedy.” (2) additionally, a systematic look at in 2015 showed survivor’s suspicions that they had been now not by myself. (three) Although the adventure’s time can be quite Long, it is a regular time of adapting. With any luck, we Feel a change to something more to manage worry and anxiety to again living Lifestyles.
The best of Life in the course of survivor-deliver, detached to time, is based on sustaining mental stability to combat off attacks from lingering conditions and anxieties. Consequently, Life with Most cancers is ready the journey. Will and determination to live the direction are tested. It is this trek that defines one’s capability to manage and Optimistically to show a using spirit to be our pleasant thru this time of adversity. Lamentably, there exist a phase of survivors who in no way come to phrases with Cancer and the corresponding emotional battle. every journey starts of evolved with a clean canvas. Preferably the evolution of the journey With any luck paints a fulfilling serene tapestry. Want you the exceptional to live Life with a colourful palette.
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Realistically for many survivors the adventure, Sadly, displays the perpetuating toil of dealing with Most cancers. Lingering participants of turmoil are many be it bodily or mental. Survivors have regarded this prolonged battle for decades. research keeps to awareness at the physical components of Most cancers in look for treatments prolonging Existence. Use of the word, exceptional of Life, Although frequently used appears extra responsive to the optics of brief-Time period care than addressing Lengthy-Term care. For something motive attention to Long-Time period Most cancers care maintains to fall short of survivors Needs. Conflicting reasons will be; the patient has finished bodily remedy, the value of care, an issue of sales, Medicare/Medicaid and coverage reimbursements and uncertainty of the marketplace for Long-Term care. It seems from survivor’s views and expectations Most cancers care because of Lengthy-Term bodily facet effects and lingering emotional results deserves the dedication of prolonged care. it is encouraging to look research and studies giving consideration to the overdue subject of Lengthy-Term care. With a bit of luck, those endeavors maintain to induce responsiveness from the health-care industry to extend services to cope with the Lengthy-Time period Desires of the ever expanding survivor pool.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/most-cancers-survivors-and-supporters-acquire-at-ups-relay-for-lifestyles/
Most cancers survivors and supporters acquire at UP's Relay for Lifestyles
The crowd inside the Chiles Middle Saturday afternoon became a numerous array of older adults, students, young kids and a corgi. However, the institution of approximately 50 people participating in Relay for Existence was unified as they walked and ran around a direction marked with the aid of crimson streamers by using their shared ardor for preventing Most cancers.
Relay for Lifestyles, a fundraiser for the Yankee Most cancers Society (ACS), is subsidized with the aid of the University of Portland’s bankruptcy of Colleges Against Most cancers. And not simplest does it raise money for Most cancers remedy and prevention, is an opportunity for Most cancers survivors and caretakers of Most cancers sufferers to share their tales and raise awareness.
Many college students had been in attendance, inclusive of some who had undergone Most cancers remedy themselves.
“Most cancers affected my Existence while I was a baby,” freshman math important Ruthie Olson stated. “That is my first relay, and it’s a really remarkable way to honor my mom and how she cared for me. There was by no means a time I used to be without her on my journey.”
Olson said her mom spent infinite hours accompanying her on car journeys, treatment visits and overnight remains on the health center for the duration of her struggle with a type of blood Cancer that caused lesions in her again. Olson changed into when she was recognized and says her mom turned into a crucial part of her recuperation system.
“Relay honors survivors, however, it additionally honors caregivers, and I assume that’s sincerely critical. They’re the invisible humans behind all Most cancers survivors,” Olson stated.
Libby Mongue-Wymore, a volunteer for Relay for Lifestyles, began the occasion by way of speak approximately her conflict with Hodgkins-Lymphoma whilst she becomes in college.
“I used to be diagnosed whilst I used to be 20, and in college, so the possibility to come back talk to people who are inside the same age group as me while my analysis befell became an amazing opportunity,” Mongue-Wymore stated.
Mongue-Wymore, an ACS Cancer Motion Endorse, became completing her sophomore 12 months of the university at Washington Country College whilst she becomes instructed she had Cancer. She acquired remedy through a clinical trial for a brand new chemotherapy drug.
After remedy, she became enthusiastic about helping others get right of entry to research chemotherapy and elevating funds for Cancer studies.
“After finishing remedy, I used to be seeking out a way to provide again,” Mongue-Wymore said. “A manner to remember people who this disorder takes away from us, and I found Relay for Lifestyles. I became worried as a team captain in 2001. I take advantage of to be a pretty shy person, but shyness is going out the window when you listen to a Cancer prognosis, and also you discover a facet of you which you did now not recognize existed.”
Mongue-Wymore additionally volunteers with the yank Cancer Society’s Most cancers Motion Network (ACS CAN), which fits to empower Cancer patients, caregivers, and researchers. She travels to Washington D.C. And Country capitals to percentage her story with legislators and show the significance of funding Cancer studies.
“I have had possibilities to meet with our flesh pressers and percentage my story with them in individual,” Mongue-Wymore stated. “I’ve now not best become a voice for Cancer research funding, but additionally be a voice for those who’ve misplaced their voices. With ACS CAN, I became knowledgeable at the troubles and discovered how my tale ties in.”
University of Portland’s Relay for Life raised budget for Cancer research and affected person service applications, together with “Look Top, Experience Higher” and ACS CAN.
Environmental science professor Ted Eckmann become in attendance, and stated he hopes that more students and faculty will be a part of the combat In opposition to Cancer.
“Statistically, one in seven American adults will die of Most cancers,” Eckmann stated. “We all recognize a person who will die, or has died of Most cancers … This have to be one of the pinnacle priorities in our u . S . because of the quantity of humans affected.”
Cancer Survivor’s Desires for Long-Time period Care
Most cancers’s prolonged adventure well-known shows the want to broaden Lengthy-Term coping competencies to address lingering annoyances and extended emotional stressors. Though Cancer treatments keep to improve and enlarge lives, the adventure remains complicated and confusing. Coping with Most cancers Lengthy-Term calls for capabilities to manage psychological and physical situations. Numerous variables, aside from Most cancers’s bloodless indifference, effect the individual’s potential to manage. Consternation starts at prognosis; the need to deal with Most cancers perpetuates the warfare.
Cancer remains void of considerations for age, gender, ethnicity, on secular beliefs, social surroundings and extra. Outside forces combined with inner strife make a contribution to defining every journey as being unique. Although Cancer trips are specific, they share similarities, which assist to shape a practical guide to inspire humans to cope Higher in hopes of enhancing their trek.
A patient’s journey can be extended or reduce brief because of diagnosis and available effective treatment plans. sufferers choice extended Lifestyles and nice of Life. How can one start to draw close that what we do with time can be extra massive than the quantity of time? additionally, how does one begin to put together for cease-of-Existence understanding that point is finite? Although the time is restrained keep religion and desire, as humans have beat the percentages and miracles can and do manifest.
How people pick out to put together forgive up-of-Lifestyles is personal with without a doubt no absolute way to prepare. private Cancer stories and studies advocate that once the time is restricted there may be a length of transformation from being scared to a time of introspective exploration and discovery to transition toward an area of peace and serenity. A Kingdom of higher conscientiousness coupled with spirituality on their phrases appears to comfort the development forgive up-of-Lifestyles. Appreciate different’s alternatives and instruction to say good-bye. They may see and Sense things unknowing to us that provide peace and serenity to a lovely Life.
For the ones patients blessed with the possibility for prolonged Existence, the journey becomes a time of endured adaptability and modifications. some patients enjoy nagging and lingering facet effects for years requiring the need for Long-Term coping. Cancer survivors have regarded for decades that survivorship post-treatment extends the mission of coping. For the ones having excessive problem, Lifestyles seems like a time of purgatory. the Yankee Cancer Society currently published a piece of writing revealing conclusions of a have a look at examining Most cancers’s psychological consequences on survivors. “studies supported via the Yankee Most cancers Society has introduced to information the physical and mental outcomes of Cancer on survivors. There stays plenty to examine and extra to do. This is why the society is amassing records approximately the best of Lifestyles of extra than 15,000 Cancer survivors national via the research of Most cancers Survivors surveys. Society researchers desire to discover the Desires of Lengthy-Time period survivors and layout applications and interventions to enhance their pleasant of Existence.” (1) “Despite the fact that survivors have gained the combat Against Cancer, the battle of their bodies may not be over. Survivors cope with myriad acute, continual, and past due outcomes of Most cancers and its remedy, in domains starting from physical to emotional, social, spiritual, and monetary subjects. As many as 75% have fitness deficits from their remedy, and as much as 68% explicit fears about recurrence and situation for the future. Survivors can revel in signs for greater than 10 years following remedy.” (2) additionally, a systematic look at in 2015 showed survivor’s suspicions that they had been now not by myself. (three) Although the adventure’s time can be quite Long, it is a regular time of adapting. With any luck, we Feel a change to something more to manage worry and anxiety to again living Lifestyles.
The best of Life in the course of survivor-deliver, detached to time, is based on sustaining mental stability to combat off attacks from lingering conditions and anxieties. Consequently, Life with Most cancers is ready the journey. Will and determination to live the direction are tested. It is this trek that defines one’s capability to manage and Optimistically to show a using spirit to be our pleasant thru this time of adversity. Lamentably, there exist a phase of survivors who in no way come to phrases with Cancer and the corresponding emotional battle. every journey starts of evolved with a clean canvas. Preferably the evolution of the journey With any luck paints a fulfilling serene tapestry. Want you the exceptional to live Life with a colourful palette.
Realistically for many survivors the adventure, Sadly, displays the perpetuating toil of dealing with Most cancers. Lingering participants of turmoil are many be it bodily or mental. Survivors have regarded this prolonged battle for decades. research keeps to awareness at the physical components of Most cancers in look for treatments prolonging Existence. Use of the word, exceptional of Life, Although frequently used appears extra responsive to the optics of brief-Time period care than addressing Lengthy-Term care. For something motive attention to Long-Time period Most cancers care maintains to fall short of survivors Needs. Conflicting reasons will be; the patient has finished bodily remedy, the value of care, an issue of sales, Medicare/Medicaid and coverage reimbursements and uncertainty of the marketplace for Long-Term care. It seems from survivor’s views and expectations Most cancers care because of Lengthy-Term bodily facet effects and lingering emotional results deserves the dedication of prolonged care. it is encouraging to look research and studies giving consideration to the overdue subject of Lengthy-Term care. With a bit of luck, those endeavors maintain to induce responsiveness from the health-care industry to extend services to cope with the Lengthy-Time period Desires of the ever expanding survivor pool.
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