#eifher way I hope u enjoy if u read this shit
jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
Chapter Two! AKA Wolfwood does not have a fun time. 
A coarse itchy feeling finally managed to get him to come to. 
His face was half pressed into the sand, each grain annoyingly clinging to his skin. The heat was unbearable. His eyes were still weighed down by the gravity of exhaustion, barely managing to open even halfway. His vision blurred as a violent amount of light burned his retinas, and his half-awake mind flinched back. Some form of movement must have carried over, because the weight of his muscles cried out in a deep, sore sort of pain. Nothin' new for him.
He nearly conked out again, a small part of him let out a terribly tired hum. It reverberated like an echo in a cavern, his chest vibrating as the sound bounced around. It finally rang out the mouth as a raspy sigh, eyes near fluttering closed in tandem. 
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