#i put as little tags as possible for a reason lala
superbellsubways · 5 months
wanting to draw fanart for games i like but not wanting to gain attention from the communities only bc thats what they'll expect from me afterwards.. sighs loud
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
Weddings and Wrecking Balls
TW: Owen Grant and everything that he entails, implied noncon, fear response to previous abuser,
Vincent Shield and Owen Grant belong to @ashintheairlikesnow
Tag List: @whumptywhumpdump
Vincent’s fingers run idly over the velvet seating of his limousine. Celebrity weddings are almost a yearly obligation of his to attend. Like clockwork, as spring rears its head a pair of camera-cooing stars drink until they forget about the temporary marriage they just created. To his disapproval, Vincent is expected to attend these events. His Publicist tries to get him in every photo, dance, and tabloid on the event as he could.
Today, however, is different.
Vincent looks up at Dmitri who sits across from him. Adorned in a pink suit and black tie that was a result of compromise.
“I’m still wondering how you managed to convince me to let you do that,” Vincent sighs as he takes a sip of water.
Dmitri, looking at Vincent, chuckles, “What? Getting the flamingo pattern for the inner lining of this suit. The only people that are going to see it are me and maybe you. Plus, MawMaw found it charming.”
“You are my plus one to the wedding of a world renowned fashion designer and an actress known for modeling,” Vincent says as he messes with the cuff of his suit jacket, “Please don’t tell anyone that you did that.”
“Oh please Vee, I look good in everything.”
Vincent rolls his eyes. The only reason he was comfortable with bringing him along is that Luis refused to have any paparazzi at the event. Only one of his photographers would be taking photos of the event and she would be glued to the married couple.
“I’m surprised you managed to get on good terms with Mary Anne,” Vincent says as he glances out the window, “In only a few minutes of conversation and she speaks the world of you.”
Dmitri gives Vincent a smile only he can give, “What can I say, people just love me.”
Vincent returns with a shrug and fusses a bit with his vest, “So do I.”
Dmitri smiles, “Calm Down Vee, your suit looks fine. We’re almost there and I doubt anything will go wrong since the love birds shooed off the cameras.”
He adjusts his tie for the fifth time since they left his house, running a finger over the purple and gold fabric. “I know, I wouldn’t have bought you if I wasn't certain.”
Dmitri reaches forward and takes one of Vincent’s hands. Pulling it away from him, Dmitri gives him a small kiss on the knuckles, “It’s gonna be okay Vee.” He squeezes the hand before letting it go.
Vincent nods just as the venue pulls into view. There are not the swarms of cameras that usually sit outside of these places. He puts the invitation in his hand and feels the car roll to a stop.
Dmitri gives Vincent a final smile before stepping out of the limousine. Vincent, throwing on his acting face, follows after.
The venue is relatively small compared to previous weddings he had attended in the past. It had a bit of charm about it that gave the place a welcome feel. Vincent flashes the invite to the doormen and they enter. Purple sashes and soft fairy lights draped from white columns and soft music plays in the background. People are already talking near the doors to the Procession.
“Vincent!” one of his costars and ex (sort of) walks towards them. Estelle, an actress with as much prestige as Vincent, if not more, steps up to them. “It's good to see you, who’s this?”
“Estelle this is Dmitri, Dmitri this is Estelle,” Vincent introduces the two.
“It's good to meet you,” Estelle smiles back.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Dmitri says, “If I may ask, aren’t you two-”
“Publicist reasons,” Estelle and Vincent say in unison, “Nothing personal.”
“Ah,” Dmitri nods, “I assumed as such.”
Estelle shakes her head, “Unless they disguise each other just assume that those breakups were for appessing paparazzi means.”
“That makes sense,” Dmitri says as his eyes scan the crowd.
Vincent looks up at the clock, 4:51. The Procession starts in about 10 minutes thankfully.
“Hey Vincent,” Estelle says, ripping Vincent out of LaLa land, “Were you here for Coriane and Anthony’s wedding last October?”
A laugh bubbles out of Vincent’s throat, “Of course, I had to send him four suits before I got approved for the obnoxious dress code.”
Dmitri chuckles, “Anthony McKay? Didn’t he divorce her within two months of that marriage?”
Estelle nods, “Here’s an interesting trend for you, the stricter the dress code at a celebrity wedding the shorter the marriage will last.”
Vincent shrugs, eyes dashing between the conversation and the door, “That was an explosive divorce.”
Dmitri and Estelle begin to talk and their voices slowly fade as Vincent zones out. His eyes unfocus and the lights seem to sparkle and twirl around in his vision. For a moment, he slinks into the background, enjoying the mindless chatter of those around him.
It’s nice.
“Question Vince,” Estelle stays drawing him back to reality, “How is that new show going? You haven’t committed to a show since you moved to your company now?”
“Oh you know…” Vincent starts as his eyes focus around a terrifyingly familiar tan sport coat, “I- sorry. Just liked the director, worked with him before.”
Estelle says something, but Vincent doesn’t hear it. Blond hair, almost matted in tiny places, combed but barely groomed… bile rises in his throat. He can’t move. Every fiber in his body coils in on itself and dies. The room gets too quiet yet far too loud. Please don’t turn around.
With the same nonchalant throw of his shoulder that he did in every laid-back situation he was ever in, he turns a heel, double-taking when he sees Vincent. A smile so harmlessly venomous that Vincent almost pukes right there and then. Owen Grant raises a hand and sends him a tiny wave.
“Vince the procession doors are open,” Estelle chirps, “You two can sit with us.”
“Thank you,” Dmitri says as his gaze wanders back to Vincent, “...Vince?”
Vincent, forcing himself to rip his eyes away from the omen of pain and death across the room, walks behind Estelle, “Coming.”
Dmitri steps up next to him, concern slowly materializing in the crease of his brow and behind his eyes, “You alright?”
“Just a long day.”
Dmitri pierces his lips but, to Vincent’s relief, doesn’t press the matter. They walk through the doors and Estelle sits next to another actress whose name is on the tip of Vincent’s tongue. He and Dmitri sit down next to them.
Vincent is too aware of the hairs rising on the back of his neck. It almost feels like he is existing under his skin, squirming but still simultaneously. His breathing is too loud, it’s almost deafening.
His eyes scan the room, barely glancing at the door. His eyes, for a spiral-inducing second, meet with glazed green. I’m going to puke.
Vincent can feel his presence choke him just as well as he did with his hands. Owen starts to talk and Vincent realizes with increasing horror-
He is sitting less than three feet right behind.
Everyone falls silent as the Procession begins. Vincent stares at the altarpiece and becomes far too apparent of his breathing. The lights are not bright enough anymore and the organ music drowns the sound of him hyperventilating as inconspicuous as possible. Of course, this event was too good to be true. No paparazzi allowed, No wedding crashers. Why wouldn’t he be here?
Time is chained to deadweights in the Procession.
Vincent feels a weight on his shoulder and the smell of a cologne he knew wasn’t Owen’s. His eyes flicker to Dmitri’s face. It’s saturated in concern and he mouths, Are you okay?
Vincent gives him the tiniest of nods and with it the biggest lie he could ever tell.
Dmitri raises an eyebrow. Vincent watches his eyes flick behind him and his face harden by a hair.
Just then, saving a guilty Vincent from Dmitri’s gaze, the doors to the possession room open. Mary Anne, the bride dressed in her gown, begins her walk down the aisle. Vincent spins his head around to watch like the rest of the guests.
Yet, a plague of stale air dries in his lungs when he sees Owen out of the corner of his eye. Not watching the bride. Watching him.
As she makes her way up to the altar, Vincent feels a foot poke at the back of his ankle. I’m not going to look down. The minister begins to speak. The words do not sound like words. Nothing is solid except for the tapping at his ankle.
Vincent’s eyes look down for what feels like years. A single shoe, a shoe he saw so many times thrown to the side when he was tied to the man’s headboard, now rubs at the side of his leg.
Please, Dmitri, don’t notice this. I do not want to explain this.
Vincent falls into the back of his mind, something he hasn’t done in years. The Procession passes like white noise. Nothing feels real to him.
The Procession ends.
Vincent stands.
So does Owen.
“Vince! How have you been? It’s been too long,” Owens asks with a smile that hides a sadistic, vial longing. Vincent freezes, instincts screaming for him to run but his body not knowing where to, “Fine.”
Just as Owen opens his disgusting mouth, Dmitri steps in between them and looks at Vincent, “We need to talk. Now.”
Vincent watches Dmitri’s entire body dwarf Owen in size. Dmitri, a whole ten inches taller and far broader than Owen could ever hope to be, stands like a wall between Vincent and his waking nightmare. Now, with a mountain standing in front of him, Vincent realizes where he is.
“Yeah, sure.”
It is almost to him that his only thought at that moment was Thank you for being mad at me.
Vincent lets Dmitri pull/drag him out of the Procession hall and into a quiet hallway and only then does he let him go.
“Vee, what happened.”
“Nothing happened, it's just nerves.”
Dmitri leans back on a foot and sighs, “There are very few certain things in this life and one of them is that you are a terrible liar.”
“I’m just a little frazzled Dmitri!”
“You were nearly crying!” Dmitri says as he drops his voice to a whisper, “The last time you did that was when you came over to my apartment and we tried to have---”
Vincent slams his hand over Dmitri’s mouth and growls silently, “Shutthefuckup.”
Dmitri pulls the hand off of his face, “If you’re so worked up then we can leave.”
“I can’t leave!” Vincent sputters, despite very much wanting to leave, “You can’t just leave someone’s wedding!”
“Yes you can, the door is less than 100 feet away, we can go if something is freaking you out so much!”
“I don’t---”
“Hey you two,” Estelle says as she whips around the corner, “Dinner’s out in the dining hall.”
Vincent instantly pulls up his acting face and smiles at her, “Just about to go!”
He grabs Dmitri and it’s VIncent’s turn to drag someone. He can’t leave this wedding. He would get ripped apart for it and he’s already done enough tearing at his reputation recently. Just stay near Dmitri and away from Owen.
He immediately regrets that decision
Dinner goes well or as well as it can go with Owen’s back to Vincent and every couple of minutes he looks over his shoulder and smiles at him.
He realizes he should’ve just left.
Toasts go around, the Best Man, the Maid of Honor, a few others. Just as Vincent thinks it’s about to all end, a quiet ringing from someone tapping a crystal glass with a metal knife. The sound vibrates into his head and makes his teeth implants hurt.
Implants that Owen caused him to get.
Owen stands with a smile that curdles Vincent’s blood, “I would like to make a toast to our lovely couple.”
I want to die. Right here. Right now.
“We have all seen our fair share of weddings, some more disastrous than others, but I believe I can confidently say this has been the best that I have attended in a long time.”
It’s because I’m here, isn’t it?
“And from just looking at you two I can tell that your marriage will be a long and prosperous one,” Owen moves his gaze to Vincent’s eyes and he beams a sickeningly hopeful simile, “And I hope that mine is just as prosperous as yours.”
No, never, fuck off.
Owen raises his glass and locks his eyes to Vincent’s, “To our prosperous friends.”
Vincent looks down at the table as he raises his glass, trying to ignore the beating eyes eating at his flesh. The wine, as he drinks, tastes like death.
Dmitri pokes him in the leg and leans down to a whisper, “Do you want to head out, you’re still freaking out.”
He is, he can feel his fingers shake around the glass. Vincent’s vision spins under the weight of Owen’s gaze. It’s almost like he can feel the twisted fantasies building behind Owen’s eyes. A dam of thoughts that Vincent knows all too well what happens when they are released.
He, ripping him out of his stewing, feels Dmitri’s hand on his thigh, “When everyone gets up to dance we can disappear, okay?”
Vincent gives him a tiny nod as he takes the first mouthful of cake. His eyes do not leave his plate. His own thoughts begin to seem distant to him as if he was observing them through thick glass.
Nothing feels real.
Is this real?
People begin to trickle out of the room, smiling as they take people and in hand. The newlyweds beaming as they float across the dining hall to the dance floor, taking everyone’s eyes. Vincent stands and leans into Dmitri, “I’m going to head out, you wait a few minutes and then leave so no one suspects anything.”
“Alright,” Dmitri says, flashing a warm smile, “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Vincent stands and skirts the crowd, heading out towards the empty hallways where he can leave. The weight across his shoulders lifts as the door approaches. He can breathe.
“Vince, Wait!”
The weight comes slamming back into his lungs, knocking the air out. His muscles turn to ice as Owen’s footsteps. Instinctually, and to his dismay, he turns around and faces his banshee.
“It’s been ages, I’m so happy i could catch you here.”
“Yeah… it has been a while.” Not long enough.
Owen strides up to Vincent with sheer confidence as a guiltless sibling. He chuckles, “Well he kinda stole you away when we were first talking so I’m glad I caught you alone!”
“Um, I-”
“Since you have been so distant since we last spoke. Time’s really flown hasn’t it with all your success,” Owen interrupts, leaning casually back on a leg.
“Yeah,” Vincent says, his vision blurring, “I need to go Owen.”
As Vincent spins around to leave, Owen steps forward and grabs his shoulder. His nails dig into the suit shoulder and pull back slightly, “Just five minutes.”
“I need to go,” Vincent breathlessly says, beginning to shake, “I don’t have five minutes.”
“Really?” Owen chuckles as he leans over Vincent’s shoulder. He can feel the pressure of Owen trying to pull him back ever so gently. The slight figure of Owen’s face curses Vincent’s periphery.
If Dmitri sees you like this you’ll have a lot of explaining to do.
“No,” Vincent states with as firm of a voice as he can muster, “I don’t.”
He pulls away from Owen’s grip and walks out of the venue, feeling Owen’s gaze fade as he walks through the silent parking lot. The air in his lungs finally has the room to move as the finite particles escape into the cool night air. The limousine is silent as he slides onto the velvet seats. Vincent taps the window to the driver’s section and quietly says, “Drive up to the main doors when Dmitri steps out.”
A nod later and Vincent rolls up the divider between the driver and the guest seats. He throws off his suit jacket onto the chair next to him. He feels the vehicle lurch forward and watches as the light spills inside as Dmitri slides in.
“Are you alright?!” Dmitri says with hushed alarm.
Only then does Vincent realize he’s crying. He reaches up and wipes the droplet of salt and fear from his face and just fades. The world is there yet it’s not, Vincent can’t tell what’s changing around him and time just slips through his fingers.
Everything focuses again when he’s home.
Dmitri had wrapped a quilted blanket over his shoulders and they are now sitting on his couch. Vincent feels Dmitri’s body heat and arms wrapped around his torso. He sits forward a little and stares at the clock, 9:03.
“I’m sorry,” Vincent murmurs, his voice hoarse.
“Don’t apologise Vee,” Dmitri whispers back, “But what happened?”
Vincent stands up, wobbling on his legs for a moment. Seeing his jacket and Dmitri’s tossed onto a chair, he sighs, “It’s- complicated.”
Dmitri sits forward, eyes both tired and concerned. “Vee, you… you clocked out of a solid hour and a half. You don’t do that unless.”
Dmitri falls silent, his loosened tie falling off his broad shoulders. He slowly stands, eyes drooping under the weight of sleepiness, “I need to head back home before it gets too late.”
An air of guilt falls between them and Dmitri walks for the door. A longing bleeds in Vincent's chest, to spit it out and get it over with. Those are not the words that leave his mouth.
“Wait- I- Can you just stay tonight. It's- I’m- just- please.”
Dmitri pauses and nods. The silence loses weight as Dmitri steps back from the front door. As Dmitri starts to pass him for the stairs, Vincent pulls him into a hug. Burying his face in Dmitri’s chest, he tries to use his warmth for even a drop of comfort. Dmitri wraps his arms back around Vincent and the two stand there in the dark living room.
Vincent only hopes that the nightmares that will come are short-winded.
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Return to Me - Chapter Two
Chapter Two: Let Them Try
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A/N: Thank you all for the love from chapter one! I’m so glad you’re all liking it. Here’s chapter two! The mission that Leia sent Poe on at the end of the last chapter is the one she sent him on in the Poe Dameron comic (which, god, you should all read) to find Lor San Tekka. Now we’re at the start of The Force Awakens. If you have any questions, let me know! Also, if you want to be tagged, or I missed you somehow, let me know!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,784 Synopsis: After securing the map to Luke Skywalker from Lor San Tekka, Poe is captured by the First Order and tortured for what he knows. Meanwhile, the reader tries to find her place between the Resistance and the world of politics as she returns home to ask for aid to the Resistance.
Tag List: @xeniarocks​, @too-many-baes​, @araceli91103​, @holybatflapexpert​, @themihala​, @idocarealot, @treblebeth​, @treestarrrrrrrr​, @thescarletknight2014​, @charlottie2998​, @ibikus​, @mellow-f1​, @mrsdaamneron​, @trustme3-13​ (Some links didn’t work, if this is you, make sure that your settings allow for you to be tagged by people who don’t follow you, so you can still get the tag.)
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
“I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board,” Kylo Ren said, stepping into the torture chamber Poe was now being held in.
“It has been a few years, but I haven’t aged that horribly,” Poe said, tasting blood from his pooling lip. Ren paced behind him, standing where Poe couldn’t see. “Have you had some work done? It’s alright, you never were that good looking, so a few plastic corrections—" Poe groaned as his metal restraints tightened.
“Not really.”
“I’m impressed with you, Commander. No one has been able to get out of you what you have done with the map.”
“Might want to rethink your technique.” Ren appeared in front of him again, his facial expressions still impossible to read behind the mask, but Poe could sense his anger. He silently raised his hand in front of Poe’s face, and before Poe knew what was happening, Ren began to open his mind. Poe started to struggle, his head smacking into the back of the hard metal chair he was confined to. He was looking for the memory of what he did to the map, but somewhere in his subconscious, Ren took a turn into more personal matters.
Flashes of you began to appear. Sitting together under a tree a few hundred yards from the old base. Climbing up to his X-Wing to give him a kiss. Swimming in the lakes surrounding Naboo. Laying together in bed.
Poe jerked out of his control, breathing heavy. He looked up weakly at Ren. What must have been a laugh registered from his mask, making Poe feel sicker.
“What nice memories.”
“You’re a pathetic waste of life,” Poe spat, lifting his head up to face Kylo Ren just as he Force pushed Poe’s head back against the metal headrest.
“How do you think Y/N would feel knowing that you are giving away all of the deepest, most intimate details of your relationship?”
“I don’t know.” Poe strained as Ren started invading his mind again. “But I bet she still likes me better than you.”
“When I’m done, you won’t have reason to laugh anymore,” he said, opening Poe’s mind again.
“Where is the map?” he asked as Poe’s face began to redden, the pressure of trying to fight him off becoming too much.
“The Resistance will not be intimidated by you.”
Ren put his full effort into his trick, extracting a scream from the pilot as he searched for his needed information.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
After your trip to the Resistance base, returning home felt like returning to a prison cell. You had only been gone for little more than a day, but short lived freedom was still freedom. You arrived back to Naboo early in the day, and all you wanted to do was crawl in bed, but, as always, you had a full schedule.
“Y/N, please keep your head up,” Loré pleaded for the fourth time.
“Sorry,” you said, straightening yourself in your seat, “I’m just tired.”
“Do you want another cup of tea?” Sondé asked.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You looked into the mirror as Loré tied your hair up in an intricate ponytail and fought off the emotions that were threatening to destroy everything you had built up the last two years. The more time you spent away from the Resistance, the further you felt from who you were back then, and you were starting to wonder if you could ever truly get her back.
“Nové, you’re going down to the military base with Zaisa today, right?” you asked.
“Yes, my lady,” she said, glancing at you with worried eyes, sensing your stress.
“And you’re going to make sure—"
“I know my mission,” she said, nodding. Nové was going down to Naboo’s military base with Captain Zaisa in order to scope out any new recruits who would be a good fit for the Resistance. Nové’s commlink buzzed, and she sighed with a frustrated smile. “The Council is ready.”
“Okay,” you said, looking back at her for an understanding to her frustration.
“Along with Count Lin Ral who just got in from Serenno,” she said. You looked back into the mirror and steeled your demeanor.
“I’ll be right along. Loré, will you go announce my presence? I just need to put my earrings on, and I’ll be right down.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Everyone exited, with Nové bringing up the tail. She gave you a parting look, one last look of encouragement. You clipped on the gigantic earrings to compliment your dress and readied yourself for your council meeting. Although you had already transferred personal credits over to the Resistance, there was still a lot more you wanted to do, which could only be made possible with funds and supplies granted by Naboo’s council. Given that the Resistance wasn’t technically in existence, though, this was going to be a difficult task.
As you stepped into the Grand Council Room, everyone stood. The Royal Advisory Council consisted of five people: headed by Lord Sarsa Broden, with members, Lala Jrul, Rickan Gilkpasc, Sarin Sutaton, and the Gungan representative, Jobee Qod.
Occasionally, your father would sit in on these meetings as he was well versed in all things Naboo politics. Thankfully, though, he was off visiting your mother on Hosnian Prime. If he got wind that you were hoping to aid the Resistance, choosing a definitive side in the cold war between the Resistance and the First Order, when the Senate specifically forbade it, he would personally ask for your dethronement.
“Your Highness,” Broden said, taking your hands in his. “Naboo is once again blessed with your presence.”
“Thank you, Lord Broden,” you said, taking your seat.
“How went your trip to Bith, Your Highness?” Lala Jrul asked with a kind smile.
“Wonderfully well. We have worked out a trades deal that shall be beneficial to both of our planets.” You took a pause, looking at the rest of your council, trying to sense their reaction before they gave it. “My discussion with Bith gave me another idea as well,” you said carefully.
“An idea?” Jobee Qod asked.
“It has been a long time since the building of our Ion Pulse, since any real threat was attempted to our way of life. We have been lucky, but we are not the only ones in the galaxy. Our trades deal with Bith has given me the idea to draft new legislation.” Sondé stepped forward with your plans and projected them on the Holo table. “With our shared commitment to helping others, I have come up with a plan where we can share resources with endangered people and places all over the galaxy. This program would be run by a group of advisors who would decide what issues most need our help and choose the necessary supplies. We’ll make sure to get students and other bright minds from around Naboo to join the program, creating a group of young leaders ready to make a change.”
“Who would you suggest lead this program?” Broden asked after a moment’s thought.
“I don’t have an initial pick right now, but there are a handful of people I would trust as interim until one can be appointed by our council.”
“What about when we need help?” Rickan Gilkpasc asked.
“Of course, the Naboo are our first and most important priority, but with each and every act, we’d be gaining allies who would help us out if we run into trouble. If we ran into a course of action where we needed to step back, then our advisors would decide to do so.”
“Meesa thinks issa splendid idea,” Jobee said.
“Thank you, Councilor.”
“I second that,” Lala added.
“I agree,” Broden said, smiling at you. With his vote, your program would go into action, and you could help the Resistance.
“Thank you for your confidence, and I hope to earn the rest of yours as well once the time comes,” you said, looking to the other council members who looked less ecstatic about your proposed plan.
“You always do eventually,” Sarin said with a smile.
Each of the councilors had their own proposals to discuss, so your meeting lasted for another two hours. Once finished, you were the first to stand and leave. You went out a side exit and waited for everyone else to leave so you could have a word with Broden.
“Your Highness?” a voice asked, making you jump. You slowly stepped away from the pillar you were hiding behind and found Lin Ral standing in front of you. He bowed, making you reluctantly laugh.
“You’ve found me,” you said.
“What is a queen doing hiding in her own palace?”
“Palaces were made for hiding.”
“Is that so?” he asked as he extended his arm to you. With a nod of your head, you took it and allowed him to lead you away from the council chambers.
“When did you arrive?” you asked.
“This morning. A few hours after you did.”
“Yes, the people of Bith kept me for the night,” you said, lying easily. “How are things in Serenno?”
“Wonderful. I wish you would come see it for yourself.”
“Perhaps someday soon,” you said, making him sigh. “What are you doing back?”
“My family sent me to see if we couldn’t tie up the last few strings of our arrangement.”
“Are you here to ask me to marry you?” you asked, looking up at him.
“I am.” You stopped in the middle of the hallway, looking into his eyes to catch a trace of a lie. “But judging by your face, now wouldn’t be a great time.”
“No, I’m sorry, it wouldn’t. I’ve just proposed a lot of new legislation, I have many trips planned in the coming months, this isn’t the time for an engagement.”
“But if it were . . ."
“If you’re asking for an answer, I don’t have one for you. I’m sorry,” you said, unraveling your arm from his.
“Did you meet someone more charming?” he asked. You laughed and shook your head, continuing your walk down the hallway.
“No. I just . . ."
“Can’t marry someone you don’t love,” he finished. You looked back at him, smiling sadly as you carefully nodded. “I didn’t think I could either, but when duty calls—"
“Please, spare me. I’ve heard this from my parents a million times. I have a duty to my people still. I just started campaigning for my next term, if re-elected I will have two more years as queen.”
“Do you want me to wait that long?”
“I can’t tell you to do that.” He nodded and folded his hands behind his back, steeling his demeanor like you had done many times before.
“You’re a very hard person to crack, Your Highness.”
“Years of practice,” you said with a smirk. He bowed his head softly.
“Well, I’ve kept you from your secret rendezvous long enough.”
“Oh, I—"
“There you are, my lady,” Broden said, coming up the hall. Lin smiled at you once more before turning around. “I thought you wished to speak. Did I interrupt?” he asked, glancing down the hall.
“No,” you said, shaking your head to compose yourself. You turned your eyes from the hall and looked up at Broden. “You don’t think they—”
“Suspect anything? Of course not. And why should they? You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re trying to help the right people.”
“The people I think are right.”
“They are. And so are you. You shouldn’t doubt yourself.”
“I try not to,” you said, breathing in.
“Maybe if you delivered the news in person it would put a breath of fresh air in you,” Broden said simply. You looked into his eyes, a smile spreading across your face slowly.
“I know you were just there, but I think it’d do you some good to go back to the Resistance base. Perhaps for longer than a night. Sondé can step in for another day or two, but that’s the longest you can stay away. And no more secret missions for quite some time.”
“Absolutely,” you said, quickly hugging him. “Thank you.”
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“Fuck,” Poe groaned, coming to in the torture chamber.
Kylo Ren had collected the information he needed, and once he was done, he pushed Poe’s head one last time against the metal headrest, knocking him out cold. Poe pulled on his restraints, knowing that he needed to warn the Resistance. Ren knew that the map to Luke Skywalker was in BB-8, which meant that everything he had fought for during the last few years was now in jeopardy.
The restraints weren’t budging, and the longer he sat there, the more his mind began to wander. The images that Kylo Ren had managed to salvage from his mind were playing over and over in his mind. He felt like he had betrayed you, showing all of your most intimate moments to that monster.
The doors slid open, taking him from his memories. Poe opened his eyes, unaware he had even shut them, to see another Stormtrooper walk into the room.
“Ren wants the prisoner,” the newcomer instructed. The guard watching over Poe nodded and released him from his restraints. Expecting that he was about to be led to his execution, Poe looked at his guide less than enthusiastically. The new Stormtrooper ripped him down from his shackles, only to handcuff him again
“Come on,” he said, pulling Poe into the hall. He marched him up and down corridors, so much so that Poe couldn’t have found his way back to his cell even if he wanted to. One more twist around a corner and the Stormtrooper commanded him to turn into an abandoned closet.
“Listen carefully. You do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here,” the Stormtrooper said quickly.
“Wh— what?” Poe asked. His mind was still reeling from Ren’s torture, but he thought he just heard the Stormtrooper say that he could help him escape. The Stormtrooper took off his helmet and Poe took him in for a moment.
“This is a rescue. I’m helping you escape. Can you fly a TIE fighter?” he asked.
“Are you with the Resistance?” Poe asked.
“What? No, no, no, I’m breaking you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?” he asked again.
“I can fly anything,” Poe said confidently. “Why— why are you helping me?”
“Because it’s the right thing to do.” Poe fought the urge to roll his eyes.
“You need a pilot.”
“I need a pilot,” the other man conceded. Poe looked into his eyes, seeing that he was genuine and beamed.
“We’re gonna do this.”
They got back into position, the Stormtrooper with his helmet back on, Poe reshackled in his handcuffs. He marched Poe through the halls until reaching the hangar. Stormtroopers were everywhere, but the thought of getting BB-8 back and away from the First Order kept him smooth and steady. His accomplice, however, was anything but relaxed.
“Okay, stay calm, stay calm,” he muttered, glancing around.
“I am calm.”
“I was talking to myself,” the man said. Poe reminded himself that he needed to escape, no matter who with. He readied himself, and at the Stormtrooper’s command, turned to the left and boarded one of the TIE fighters lining the wall.
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You returned to the Resistance base with less decorum than the first time. Sondé was masquerading as you back on Naboo, which meant that you weren’t actually here. You sent Leia a transmission that you were coming, and she met you in the back of the base. There wasn’t a large welcoming committee waiting for you on the base, which was a relief. For the first time in a long time, you weren’t Queen Bhavisama, you were just Y/N.
“Y/N,” Leia said with a smile, taking your hands in hers. She took you in for a moment, your blue dress, and your hair in natural curls down your back.
“Thank you for having me back on such short notice.”
“You don’t need to thank me, this was your home once, too. We’re always glad to have you back. And you’ve come bringing good news, I hope?”
“Yes. The Naboo Royal Advisory Council approved my legislation, which means, through some handiwork of Broden’s, we can transfer credits to the Resistance without anyone taking notice.”
“I don’t know how you managed to pull that off, but all I can say is I’m glad you’re on our side,” Leia said. Smiling, you followed her into the base just as the dark clouds that had threatened to rain all day made good on their promise. You rung out some of the water from your dress and when you looked up, Leia was smiling at you.
“It’s just really good to see you. You know, acting like yourself.”
“Well,” you hummed, “I still don’t feel much like myself. It’s been so long since I’ve been anywhere without a trail of people following behind me. I still feel so strange being back here,” you said with a sigh.
“I might have a way to fix that,” Leia said, opening the door to the main, bustling hallway of the base. You looked around the room and saw a group of orange jumpsuits gathered around a Holo table.
“Leia, I’m not sure I’m ready to—”
“Poe’s off on a mission right now,” she said, smiling back at you. “But I thought it would be good for you to see how your donation will be used in our fight.” She led you over to the table and each of the members of Black Squadron looked at her with admiration, and you with anything but.
“General,” Snap said, nodding his head. “Your H—”
“Uh, just Y/N, Snap,” you said with a smile. “Bhavisama is back on Naboo.” He nodded his understanding and even granted you a small smile.
“What brings you here, Y/N?” he asked.
“She comes bearing gifts,” Leia explained.
“My Royal Advisory Council has approved my program to give aid to lifeforms all around the galaxy. Our first donation will be to help the Resistance.”
“That’s wonderful,” Suralinda said. “Thank you.”
“You’re really welcome.”
“We’re supposed to have a strategy meeting about upcoming missions, why don’t you stick around and hear how your contribution will be put to use,” Leia offered.
“Oh, I shouldn’t.”
“I insist,” Leia said, motioning for you to take a seat.
Her debriefing only lasted for a few minutes. She explained to the group vague, but powerful plans for what to do when the credits and supplies started coming in. She spoke about which planets they would start on, where their strongest enemies were, and everything in between until there was nothing else to cover, except one thing.
“Of course,” Leia said, “This all relies on what information Poe is able to gather on his mission.”
“Are you going to tell us where you sent him, yet?” Karé asked. “Or when he’ll be back?”
“No need.” You all turned your head at the sound to see Commander D’Acy walk into the room. “Commander Dameron just returned,” she said. There was a clear look of worry on her face.
“Is he alright?” Suralinda asked, quickly standing. “Can we see him?”
“Of course. He’s in the Medical Wing.” The rest hung around for the rest of the story, but Suralinda took off immediately. As you watched her leave, you felt a twinge of jealousy.
“What happened?” Leia asked.
“He’s fine. Ran into The First Order,” D��Acy replied.
“Did he find the map to Luke?” Leia asked.
“Map to Luke?” you asked in shock. She seemed to remember that you were still here for the first time and immediately stood.
“Y/N, would you excuse us?” she asked, coming over to your side and pulling you up out of your chair.
“What? No. Why? I thought I was supposed to see how my donation was going to help—”
“Yes, but this information is confidential.”
“Are you kidding me? If Poe found information on—”
“Y/N, please understand, now is not the time,” Leia said firmly. You breathed out of your nose, hoping to calm your anger before it boiled over. It felt like you had just been scolded by one of your parents, in front of all of your old friends. You scoffed and looked to them for any needed assistance. They all averted their eyes, frowning sheepishly.
“Fine,” you said, “Let me know when you’d like more than just my money.”
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Leia sat down again after you had stormed out and explained to Black Squadron the mission on which she had sent Poe. They all agreed that with the severity of Poe’s mission, it was best to be careful about who knew what until they could secure the map to Luke.
All eager to see Poe, they went down to the Medical Wing together. As they walked in, they saw Suralinda’s hand wrapped around Poe’s bandaged bicep, smiling at him. He had a few bandages on the rest of his body and lots of cuts on his face and hands, but he had definitely looked worse. When he saw the rest of his friends, he sat forward and beckoned them forward.
“How are you feeling?” Snap asked, touching his shoulder.
“I’ve been worse. Glad to see you’re all worried about me, though.”
“Worried about you?” Snap asked with a grin, “Never.”
“Yeah, we were actually all hoping that Snap would get your job,” Karé said with a smile, wrapping her hands around her husband’s shoulder.
“Well, I’m not gone yet.”
“Not for a long time,” Snap said, taking his hand in a firm grip.
Poe smiled along with his friends until his eyes found Leia’s. For a moment he forgot the monumental fuck-up he had created by losing the map to Luke. He cleared his throat to keep from laughing at something Jessika said and looked at her seriously.
“I’m sorry, General, I don’t have the map to Luke.”
“Lor San Tekka didn’t have it?”
“No, he did, but I stowed the map inside of BB-8 before the First Order captured me.” They all looked anywhere from mildly surprised to downright outraged that he had been taken by the First Order.
“Alright, so let’s go get BB-8,” Jessika said. “Is he still down on Jakku?”
“I don’t know,” Poe said with a sigh. Leia looked at him curiously, sensing that there was something he was hiding. “When the First Order captured me, Kylo Ren took it upon himself to get the map’s location out of me. I wasn’t able to resist him. He used some kind of mind trick—”
“Did the First Order get to the map already?” Leia asked, cutting him off.
“I don’t know. BB-8 wasn’t on Jakku when we crash-landed.”
“Who’s we?” Suralinda asked.
Poe filled them in on his new friend, Finn. He explained what happened when they landed on Jakku, his rescue by Naka Iit and how he got back to base; the entire time, reading Leia’s face to gauge just how disappointed in him she was.
“Well, we must find BB-8 before the First Order does,” Leia said, standing, “Javos, reach out to your contacts in the Outer Rim and have Threepio do so as well. Black Squadron, suit up. Once we have confirmation of BB-8’s location, we’ll need an immediate rescue mission.”
“Yes, General,” they chorused, making their way towards the door. Poe began to sit up, hoping to join them, as Leia put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down.
“Not you,” she said firmly.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re not well, Poe.”
“I’m fine. Quick shower and I’ll be ready to go,” he said, once again trying to get out of bed.
“He was in your mind, Poe. It’s not something you can immediately snap back from.” He thought back to the memories that Ren had extracted from his mind, trying to piece them back together. Leia frowned at him, touching his arm softly.
“I have to do this,” he said softly, looking up at her with wide eyes.
“Because I’m the one who lost the map.” It was difficult for him to admit defeat, especially to his mentor. “He broke me, Leia.”
“Even the strongest person would succumb to his powers.”
“Yeah, not me. It wasn’t supposed to happen to me.”
“You’re not invincible, Poe. No matter what you try to convince yourself. It’s okay to be compromised,” she said. He dropped his head with a sigh. “We can get the map back.”
“I know.”
“Then what’s bothering you?” she asked.
“He didn’t just look for the secrets to the map,” he admitted.
“Y/N?” she asked, already expecting his answer.
“Yeah. He decided to take a detour through our personal memories just to fuck with my mind.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. Poe shook his head, looking across the room at nothing in particular. “It’s not your fault.”
“I shouldn’t have let him in,” he said, looking back at her seriously.
“Well, there’s nothing you can do about that now,” she said with a frown. “Except get the map before he does.”
“I thought you said I couldn’t go—”
“I’m not stupid enough to think that you won’t tag along anyways once I leave this room. So, I might as well tell you what you’ve missed before you dash off to save the day.”
“Alright,” Poe said with a laugh.
“Y/N was able to get us the funds we need to keep our fight going.”
“That’s great. Right?” Poe asked, looking at her worried face.
“It is. I just wanted to warn you that she’s here.”
“Here? As in here here?”
“Why?” he asked.
“She wanted to deliver the good news in person.”
“And she misses it here just as much as we miss her. She was just giving Black Squadron the good news when Commander D’Acy said you were back. I sent her away when the discussion turned to Luke.”
“Because Y/N isn’t just a member of the Resistance anymore, she’s the queen of a planet. We won’t always be her top priority. I want you leading Black Squadron when we locate BB-8’s location, but only if you’re up for it. I am worried about you, Poe. You’re only to go on this mission if you’re well enough.”
“I am. I won’t let you down again.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” she said, standing. “You’ll be ready soon?”
“Yes, General.”
“Good.” She smiled as she walked to the door and stopped with her hand on the handle as Poe called her name.
“Leia, is Y/N still here?” he asked.
“For the time being. Why?”
“It’s nothing. I’d just like to apologize,” he said weakly. Leia frowned and walked back to him.
“I’m sure you both have a lot to apologize for, but if you’re going to apologize for what Kylo Ren did, save your breath. Y/N knows the power of his control. She wouldn’t hold it against you.”
“It’s not just that,” he said, taking a deep breath, looking at his bandaged arm.
“Nothing,” he said with a sigh.
“I meant what I said, Poe. I only want you out there if you’re ready.”
“I am ready, General.”
“Good. Get the map.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Poe said with his most charming grin.
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islcreyes · 4 years
[  cindy kimberly  .  twenty  .  cis female  .  she/her  ] just saw ISLA REYES dragging their suitcase up the steps to CABIN 2B  .  good luck living with HER  ,  i hear that that they’re UNORGANIZED , IMPULSIVE  ,  EFFERVESCENT  &  AMICABLE  .  Apparently they’re the WINGER LEFT  .  let’s hope the upcoming season doesn’t affect their JUNIOR year of ART ADMINISTRATION   [  marci,  twenty-one,  she/her,  est  ]
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hi everyone ! i’m marci and i’m super excited to share isla with all of you. i didn’t have enough time to flesh out her character so excuse my limited detail of her. if you like what you see though, like this post or message me so we can plot together !
stats !
FULL NAME ― isla reyes NICKNAMES ― lala, reyes BIRTHDATE ― november 12th, 1999 AGE ― twenty years old ZODIAC ― scorpio GENDER ― cis female  PRONOUNS ― she/her ORIENTATION ― closeted bisexual
background !
isla was born to mateo and amaia reyes on november 12th, 1999. her father is a mechanic at a family owned auto body shop, while her mother worked as a secretary in some law firm the last time they saw her. isla was only two years old when amaia reyes abandoned her family, leaving a crumpled note in her absence explaining why she left. isla’s father was absolutely heartbroken, more so for his young daughter than himself, devastated that isla would lack a maternal figure in her life.
because of this, mateo made a great effort to compensate for his wife’s neglect by dedicating as much time as he could towards isla. with the help of his buddies from the auto shop and their families, isla grew up feeling more love and care towards her than most children do. mateo’s tremendous dedication towards his daughter resulted in the pair growing to become the best of friends. to this day, isla loves and appreciates the relationship she shares with her dad knowing it took a great deal of love and sacrifice to raise her alone. she often admits to him being her first love and places him in the highest of pedestals.
it’s actually because of her dad that isla became such a great soccer player. following his buddies’ advice, mateo signed isla up for a local kids soccer league in order to give her a distraction. isla had a great affinity towards the sport and was a natural at it too. her father noticed this and quickly began to pour all of his energy into making sure isla had everything she needed to become the best player possible. their mutual goal was to get her noticed by recruiters so that she could receive a full ride to college, which they accomplished through hollis university.
extras !
-- isla got into drawing and art in general from spending days at her dad’s shop just doodling away. because he couldn’t afford a babysitter for her, isla often just tagged along with him at work and kept herself busy by drawing. she would often draw the cars that were in the shop and “pimp” them out, until she grew out of it and began to draw the people who were in the shop instead. aside from soccer, drawing is one of isla’s favorite hobbies and the reason she’s majoring in art administration. she often dreams about owning her own art gallery someday. 
-- growing up isla was a bit of a tomboy due to her dad not really knowing what little girls liked. he would try his best to dress her up and do her hair, but eventually gave up when isla saw his struggle and asked him to stop. it wasn’t until she befriended a few girls in high school that isla learned to be a little more feminine. these girls proudly took her under their wing and taught her the ways of being a “girl”. she soon learned how to apply makeup properly and shop for clothes that accentuated her body instead of hiding it. this transformation garnered attention from boys who use to see her as nothing more than their friend and gave teenage isla a tremendous boost of confidence.
-- since being accepted to hollis, isla can at times forget that her position on the team isn’t permanent. although she isn’t a slacker and takes school seriously, isla is extremely unorganized and often makes impulsive decisions regarding her social life that affect her negatively on the field. all the pressure that’s put on the players to succeed this year frustrates isla and leads to her forgetting why she even participates in the sport. if it weren’t for her natural talent, isla would have been benched already; however, if she doesn’t get her shit together soon she’ll lose her starting position.
connections !
click here to find my wanted connections page. please don’t feel limited to these though, we can come up with anything together !
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