#i posted the sasuke and nobody cared so i took it down Rip
youdothetalking · 1 year
looking through my art tag is a form of torture. i used to brag about how i never did a sketch layer before drawing but now that im looking at those drawings again.... girl i think i needed to
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sufferthesea · 7 years
Pink Peonies (Kakashi/Reader) Part 1
Idk how to write short stuff and idk if I’ll continue it but I’ve just been so relieved to write again that I wanted to post this. It was supposed to be for this cool app I found that changes “Y/N” into whatever name you want, but I never got to the Y/N part in this. Also I’ve never written 2nd person fics so bear with me, I’m still learning. xoxoxo
Message me/comment if you want me to write the continuation! 
Word Count: 1.329
Rating: General
Summary: Ino is suspicious when Kakashi buys some flowers from her shop. She enlists the help of Sakura to find out who they’re for. 
Pairing: Future Kakashi/Reader?? Reader hasn’t been introduced yet. 
Ino lounged behind the counter of her family’s flower shop, twirling a broken flower stem around her index finger. It had been dropped and crushed underfoot by a toddler who pulled out half a dozen daffodils from their container and left them strewn across the aisle while his mother did nothing. When they left, the mom muttered how it was “the shop’s girl job to clean up” and toted her child out into the late summer evening; she didn’t even bother to buy anything, which was the really annoying part.
The young kunoichi had managed to salvage most of the flowers, but three of them had their petals ripped off, and a fourth had been broken near the top, making it impossible to sell. She ran her fingernails down the now-flattened stem and green plant matter coated her fingertips. It’d been an unbearably long and boring day and she’d only sold a handful of flowers since the shop opened.
Bells chimed as the door was pushed open and she stood up eagerly, looking past the rows of black containers and earthy-smelling flowers to see who the customer was. By the time she’d looked up, they had already disappeared down an aisle and the door swung shut by itself.
Huh, they move fast. I wonder who it is? Ino dropped the stem on the floor and wiped her hands off on her apron, though it did little to remove the green stain from her fingers. She watched carefully as soft footsteps wandered up and down the aisle before stopping. There were several minutes of silence and then she heard the shuffling of leaves and the dripping of water on the concrete floor.
Well whoever they are, they must’ve found something they like! Ino stood up straight and folded her hands together, waiting for the customer to come to the front. She watched in anticipation as the footsteps picked up again, coming closer. Her shoulders dropped and a puzzled look crossed her face when she saw who it was casually striding around the corner and towards the till.
“Kakashi-sensei?” she asked, her voice rising in surprise. “What are you doing here? I mean - who are the flowers for?”
“Oh, Ino,” the man replied, looking a bit surprised himself. “I didn’t know you were working today. I thought it’d be your mother.” He said nothing about why he was there, but instead set the flowers - six soft pink peonies - on the counter and glanced over his shoulder. “It’s very quiet today.”
“Yeah,” Ino replied, irritated with the lack of customers, “you’ve been pretty much my only customer. Do you want these wrapped?”
“Hm? Oh, yes, please. Thank you.”
The girl grabbed a piece of brown paper from under the counter and laid it flat on the counter, gently arranging the peonies in the center. “So …” she drawled out, throwing a cautionary glance at the teacher who was staring at the flowers. “What do you have planned tonight? Anything fun? I heard there’s a new restaurant opening tonight.”
“Hm. Maybe.”
Ino tied the ribbon a little bit too tightly and felt her eye twitch. Why was it so hard to get an answer out of this man? “I’m sure you must be doing something pretty nice if you need to get such lovely flowers!”
“They are pretty,” he commented, only half-listening.
Ino cleared her throat and Kakashi snapped to, digging through his pockets to find his wallet and handed over a few wrinkled bills. She held the flowers in her arms, subtly holding them hostage until she got the answers she wanted. Deciding that being more direct was a better approach, she gave a sweet smile to the older man and said, “So, who are these for?”
“Oh, aha, they’re for nobody,” Kakashi replied, his hand going up to rub the back of his neck. “Tell your parents I said ‘hi’, okay?”
Before she could even protest, Kakashi had snatched the bouquet out of her hands and was out of the store. Ino gritted her teeth and growled, “Oooh, I’m going to find out one way or another! Nobody buys flowers from my shop and doesn’t tell me what they’re for!”
Unfortunately, there was no way for Ino to leave her post at the counter - even if there were no other customers in the shop. She couldn’t even get permission to close early since both her parents had stepped out for an early dinner and wouldn’t be back until later. So she’d just have to wait.
But as luck would have it, not ten minutes later, Sakura passed by the front of the shop. Ino hightailed it to the front door, flung it open and shouted, “BILLBOARD BROW!”
The pink-haired girl spun on her heels, fist raised, eyes filled with fire. “What do you want Ino-Pig?!”
“Come here!” Ino hissed, waving her over frantically.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” Sakura quickly joined Ino and huddled just inside the flower shop. Ino glanced around to make sure no one was listening in and pulled Sakura away from the door.
“Kakashi-sensei was just here!”
“What? What was he doing here?”
“Don’t say it like that! Our shop has awesome flowers! Anyway - that’s just it! He was buying flowers! Peonies! Pink ones!”
“Well, maybe he needed them for something? Or maybe someone asked him to pick them up?”
“No way!” Ino huffed, crossing her arms. “You weren’t there. I saw the look in his eye! He was buying them for someone! I think —” She paused to lower her voice and leaned in, “I think he’s going on a date.”
“What?!” Sakura sputtered, her eyes wide. “There’s no way sensei is going on a date! I’ve never seen him talk to anyone - and, and, well we would know, wouldn’t we? Naruto, Sasuke and I are his students and we’re around him all the time!”
“Well I’m not his student, and even I know how hard it is to get an answer out of him. He wouldn’t say anything! But if he’s going on a date, then I want to know with who.”
“Why do you care so much? He’s not your teacher.”
“Because,” Ino barked, her hands balled into fists, “he came into my shop and bought my flowers! Nobody gets to do that and refuse to tell me what they’re for! I could care less if Kakashi-sensei is dating somebody! I just gotta know who the flowers are for!”
“Well, then, what do you suppose we do?” Sakura frowned. “Do you know how hard it is to tail Kakashi-sensei? Or to figure out what he’s doing? We’ve tried before and we’ve failed - miserably. He’ll know we’re onto him the moment we start. In fact, he probably already suspects that we’re gonna try to see what he’s doing!”
“I don’t care,” Ino said defiantly. “I’m doing this, with or without you.”
Sakura sighed heavily and looked back towards the front windows. The evening sun glinted off of them, sending a rainbow of colors onto the floor. The smell of water and flowers mingled in the hot air and fertilizer crunched under her sandals. It had been a rather dreary weekend, and this could hone her skills as a ninja. Besides, she too was curious as to why Kakashi was buying flowers. And if they were for someone, she definitely wanted to know who.
“Fine,” she said, turning to face Ino. “I’ll help you. But on one condition!”
“What’s that?”
“If we find out who Kakashi-sensei is taking those flowers to, you have to give me a free dozen daffodils to give to Sasuke!”
Ino felt a headache forming above her right eye and she grumbled, “What’s with this shop and losing daffodils? Ugh! Fine! You have a deal!” Ino stuck out her hand and Sakura took it, shaking it firmly. Then the two hurried off to see if they could catch up to Kakashi before his date was over.
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