#i personally think i’m HILARIOUS
dedskum · 1 year
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a peek of my drafts LMFAOOO
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giyuulatte · 8 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 249 notes - Oct 21 2023
it’s that time where i go through my marked for later on ao3 and see what kinda weird shit i was on
2. 128 notes - Jul 23 2023
my headphones came in today bout to pull a miles and listen to my spiderverse playlist at full blast
3. 76 notes - Oct 9 2023
shang tsung number one culprit of the sassy man apocalypse my gawd he probably caused it hell
4. 74 notes - Oct 31 2023
picturing myself walking down the street and one of them interviewers come ask me what i’m listening too and i say “the rizzness...
5. 70 notes - Nov 14 2023
i’m going back to my marauders phase ahhhh LEAVE ME ALONE
6. 66 notes - Jul 21 2023
can’t take miguel’s theme seriously bc he come out of nowhere with that bass boosted ass song. love-hate relationship with him...
7. 58 notes - Oct 20 2023
new spiderman game solidifies my need to be a spiderperson
8. 57 notes - Jul 21 2023
i saw atsv in theater without watching the first one and my friend was giving me like a play by play in stuff bc i was lowkey...
9. 55 notes - Nov 23 2023
watching scott pilgrim takes off bout to be locked in for the next few hours
10. 50 notes - Sep 7 2023
finally finished the opla and im obsessed the cast, the story EVERYTHING once again a changed woman and it’s time to start the...
Created by TumblrTop10
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transannabeth · 8 months
Are the buttons in ghost trick really ghost and trick /gen
i would never lie to you about the ghost and trick buttons. you ghost or you trick you trick or you ghost
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450 notes · View notes
Wait, girl in red? Are you female??
no i’m a ✨mystery✨
….but actually yes lmaooo
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risingmoonyue · 3 months
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person4924 · 1 month
guys is it funny if i put sprained ankle in my newt playlist
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deep-space-lines · 6 months
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hey queer afab people in my phone yknow when u have an Interaction with your mother that makes u go wow despite claiming she accepts me for who i am she is projecting an imaginary perfect daughter onto me
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 11 months
Imo Jason is “irredeemable” by default because I don’t see what he needs redemption from.
#I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but joining this fandom made me fucking hate the word ‘redemption’#no person I’ve seen who is in love with the concept knows the who what where when why or how it should work in a story#apparently it isn’t just themes and tropes anymore people don’t understand the proper use of the word ‘villain’#kelseethe#also hilarious: Jason should recieve sensitivity training HR style from Bruce ‘I’m the government and children are my cronies’ wayne#if Jasons headstrong/‘answers to no one’ attitude towards vigilantism is what makes people think he's villainous#I hate to be a broken record but the baddie you’re describing is Bruce#nobody thinks he’s a villain for only trusting in his own methods/self and repeatedly isolating himself#and on top of that gaslighting and hurting people around him in attempts to do what HE **thinks** is the right thing#you people always thought *him* heroic not problematic for all these traits#the only difference is Jason isn’t psychologically abusive & controlling#yet he’s still the bad guy just cause he liberally kills folks in the crime business.#l'd argue goth ham war is the b*tman story to remind you of everything that makes Bruce authentically himself#Idk how to tell you that Bruce mentally compromising/crippling his son in a twisted attempt to ‘save him from himself’#is perfectly in line with slitting the same son’s throat because he couldn’t stand to see him avenge his own killer#and yk what a redemption arc could be interesting for someone like Bruce#because he rarely questions or doubts his choices esp wrt Jason. no matter how morally dubious they may be#I think it would be quite fun to witness his extremely restricted worldview be challenged/shattered he deserves that humbling experience
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The current method for treating my various health issues is basically stacking one medicine atop another to combat the side effects of the original treatment like a house of cards, everything works as long as noone breathes too closely to it.
-oh you’ve got ADHD? Here take this, now you have no more racecar brain. Btw your heart beats really fast and you should worry about it. Like, a lot, maybe have a panic attack idk
-oh, you’ve got a high pulse and anxiety from your ADHD-meds? No prob, here have some beta-blockers.
-oh your endometriosis is causing you pain? No biggie, have an IUD. Btw you’re depressed now.
-your IUD is making you depressed?! say hello to your new anti-depressants!
-chronic fatigue from depression and hypermobility? Here these will give you more energy.
-can’t sleep because of your being awake medicine? It’s okay, have some sleepy pills!
In conclusion, my current health status has the same energy as:
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but hey, if it works it works 🤷‍♀️
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timeofjuly · 4 months
I’ve been too scared to reread rtc to work out what needs to happen in chapter 13 because I convinced myself that the whole fic is a flaming pile of cringey flimsy garbage, but ya know what, I finally gathered the courage to (skim) read it and it’s not as bad as I thought lol. My interpretation and understanding of the characters has changed a lot since I started writing it (thank you to all of the extraordinarily talented writers in this fandom whose works have since shaped my characterisation for the better) so if I could go back, I’d make some different choices. But - and this is me putting this into words in an attempt to convince myself of its truth - this is a hobby, not a test. I’m not a failure because I’m not retroactively meeting the standards I have for my writing today with words I wrote six months ago. Are there bits of clumsy writing and mischaracterisation? Yes, absolutely. Does that mean I’m a bad writer and a bad person who should throw their laptop out the window and never write another word again? Probably not lol, even if rereading that mischaracterisation makes me want to do exactly that.
I’m glad I’ve pulled the bandaid off and reread it, a) because I kinda know what I want to happen in the next chapter now and b) because rereading it, despite the Shame and Embarrassment, reminded me that I actually like writing rtc. Even the bits I cringe at now - I remember having fun writing them. And then I looked back at some comments and remembered how much I love the sense of community that comes with putting myself out there, even though being perceived by others is probably my biggest fear. I like writing, and I like sharing my writing. Why am I letting shame ruin this for myself? I want to stop feeling icky and embarrassed about things I worked hard on.
Anyway. All this to say: I like writing rtc, despite the flaws I see in it, so I need to learn to work through my learned response to imperfection, which is to just feel terrible about it lol. I’m going to start messing around with chapter 13 soon. I really do miss playing around in the rtc world and I’m so excited to show you all what I have planned for the characters <3
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lawbreaker13 · 6 months
Happy Purim guys. Guess what I am.
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I’m actually so funny that’s what I am
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
there’s precisely one person (as far as I’m aware) who’s mad about your url because it’s “fake latin” and therefore associated with jkr, as if that makes any sense at all
Well, that’s… interesting. Wait until they find out I’ve never read nor watched any of her work.
Also, Latin is literally the language that scientific names are written in, and it existed long before (and will exist long after) JKR and her little book series. So what does it say about that person if they see Latin and automatically assume it’s about wizard books?
(Also The Dragon Prince uses Latin as the basis of its spells and it’s a much better magic series and you all should watch it btw).
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sexynetra · 9 months
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You all moved on but I stayed here
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vic-does-battlecats · 7 months
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Pov: you’re fireheart and you said something about the kids again
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bookofbonbon · 9 months
chances of you writing a x reader who hasn’t at some point tried to kill coryo? 😅
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also regarding bday mail, in terms of what the traveller knows about alhaitham, alhaitham thinks he’s really suave and that he never namedrops kaveh, even though he’s done it three times, but since they’re his inadvertent big gay musings he couldnt store in his head, he probably assumes no one notices them? So he wouldn’t mention kaveh since he probably thinks he hasn’t done so when the other hasn’t even been present…..
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