#i personally love album redraws I think they’re super fun
emily-mooon · 5 months
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Did an album redraw of Neil as the cover for Get Ready by New Order
(Colour version ↓)
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The original album cover for the curious cats
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kieselsteinn · 1 year
which csh albums to listen to in order in my Opinion umm I wrote this for a friend and I’m not gonna reread it LMAO um there’s probably stuff in there that only caters to her
1. START at teens of denial it’s very cool there’s some long stuff and some short songs it’s a nice introduction to csh and it’s just like a very chill but emotional!! destroyed by hippie powers and drunk drivers / killer whales are the most emotional and in my brain I think they’re short and sweet but no they’re 5 and 6 minutes long ermmm that’s funny!! this is actually the album that kinda launched csh into the mainstream and got them on the tonight show with jimmy fallon along with twin fantasy. nice solid rock album.
2. if you want more emotional stuff, twin fantasy (face to face)!! I FUCKING LOOOOOOVE TWIN FANTASY!!!!! it’s very emotional and the end is fucking fantastic it’s like the telling of a story of teenage love that went oh so terribly wrong!! kind of umm yeah it’s really really good my personal favorites are beach life in death and bodys !! bodys is super electric and such a fun track it is so awesome I fuckin love that song!! beach life in death is so emotional and LONG (13 minutes) This album is actually a like redraw of the mirror to mirror 2011 version of this album (THAT I BOUGHT THE VINYL OF!!) that old version of the album is shorter and has shittier production quality but it has far more raw emotion. becuase that album was made while that shit was happening to will and not just to redo the music
3. teens of style umm if you want more cheerful stuff!! it’s super nice I don’t like it personally as much as like the original songs but it’s still great!! teens of style is like a compilation album of some older car seat tracks from monomania and my back is killing me baby!! my favorites are probably strangers, and something soon!! something soon is probably one of my favorite csh songs of all time I won’t lie I kinda prefer the mbikmb version ermmm you could PROBBALY relate to the lyrics it’s a very very good song!! strangers is also a fun Energic song that’s easy to get stuck in your head 😜😜 it’s also a nice way to introduce (prepare) yourself to some of the songs that are on this next album!
4. MONOMANIA. HOLY FUCKING SHIT MONOMANIA. Ummm well this album is a very sad emotional roller coaster. it’s very electric and experimental music wise. this is basically the continuation of twin fantasy (mirror to mirror) I would actually rlly recommend listening to them back to back!! these songs are absolutely fantastic ohh my god misheard lyrics kinda sucks BUT THE MEANING IS GREAT!! my favorites are los borrachos and Maud gone they r fantastic music wise (the drums on Los borrachos R SOOOO FUCKING GOOD) and I actually know maud gone on guitar teehee!! two tracks on here that are absolutely fucking soul crushing are souls and anchorite. some of the first csh songs I listened to!! Ahaha ohh my god 🙁 yeah they r really really really sad souls is like bodys but HEARTBREAKING!!!
6. how to leave town!! not a personal favorite! Really good though! it’s got more electric synth stuff on it and the first track is so fucking long Jesus Christ they did not need to make a SIX MINUTE LONG INTRO?? yeah this album is kinda forgettable but it’s got some real good shit! I really like hey space cadet (who doesn’t it’s absolutely fantastic) and beast monster thing umm itw as hard to choose favoirtes bc I rlly like some of these tracks!! this album is just really relaxing and then all of the sudden you’re sobbing uncontrollably and calling up a therapist dear lord
7. living while starving! kind of like an interlude to the csh albums it’s just a nice short ep with five songs I really like every song on there umm except devil moon and I hate living pls I swear I like them but they’re kinda forgettable !! this album has the best version of oh! starvibg i fucking loove it sm!!!! will’s redone taht song THREE different times but this is the best version I swear 🙏 this ep actually has their second most popular song! it’s only sex! which is really good but im not gonna talk about it 😊😊😊😊
8. nervous young man. THE BEST CSH ALBUM HOOOLY FUCK ITS SO GOOD!!!!!! There is a lot of variety in these tracks and some long ones, some short ones!! My favorites are I wanna sweat and fuck I can’t choose I’m just gonna list off like a ton of songs I like umm so some strange angel, knife in the coffee, big jacket, dreams fall hard, burning man, crows, the gun song (SO GOOD), jerks, and Boxing Day!! the gun Song and Boxing Day are so long (15 minutes each) but oh my god they are so emotional I love them so so so so much umm the reason this album is so far down on the like,, csh path is because IT IS TWOO HOURS LONG!! GOD it’s soo fuvking good though I actually made art based off of I wanna swear and I’m working on a. Dreams fall hard piece it’s soo yum
9. my back is killing me baby!! just a like 47 minute long album of a lot of short and sweet songs this is actually a super old album so the production quality is shitty to say the least! Umm I absolutely love every song off of this one except lawns because it’s soo 😭 unserious hes literally just complaining about picking up garbage?? every song is super upbeat and catchy and always fucking stuck in my head
10. MAKING A DOOR LESS OPEN! this album is really good you just have to be a big csh Fan to like it LMFAO umm it’s very experimental! it’s all electric stuff I really like deadlines hostile and life worth missing! this is very much so. Acquired,, taste but I swear it’s great! deadlines hostile is actually one of the first csh songs I listened to and it’s a great starter I won’t lie
11. twin fantasy (mirror to mirror) umm oops idk why I put this so far down I kinda forgot about it LMAOOO umm well it’s sooo strangles will toledo it’s very soul crushing compared to face to face. face to face feels more hopeful and cheerful but this version is soo sad dude oh my gof!! I actually like these versions of bodys, sober to death and nervous young inhumans more teehee they’re just better! these tracks just feel more personal I guess? like will Toledo is younger and he was making this album because this is what he was feeling at the time, but the newer version is just some really great retellings yk! I love the raw emotion and want to give this album a hug
12. 4 & 3 I put these in their one little group together bc they’re both pretty short and like,, they’re the numbered albums. These aren’t on any streaming services I don’t think besides youtube! And band camp! Soo I recommend 4 before you listen to 3 because 4 is just nice and a. Lot like my back is killing me baby! Some nice catchy stuff my favorite is probably that daniel johnston song idk I haven’t listened to the album in a while,, umm 3 is soo. EIEUGEVATWU that’s one album to cry to! beach funeral and beach fagz are fucjing soul crushing oh my god they are so sad esp the outro parts um don’t look up the lyrics to beach fagz tho and if you do don’t,, don’t ask me idk either man 🙁 3 is my favorite numbered album and I actually listen to it like regularly I fuckin love that album sm
13. BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO 1, 2, AND LITTLE PIECES OF PAPER WITH NO WRITTEN IN THEM LISTEN TO DISJECTA MEMBRA! it’s basically some outtakes of nervous young man and where the outro of the face to face version of famous prophets came from!! the songs on there are really good but I put it so low because it’s so deep in the rabbit hole. this album was only accessible if you bought nervous young man for a certain price on band camp back in 2013, so it’s literally ONLY on YouTube. I really like the song sinner it’s yum and also really sad Ermm DRUNK ON A WORK NIGHT IS ON THIS ALBUM I TJINK THAT SONG IS SOO FUVKING FUNNY!! YOU WERE ON METHBTHE WHOLE NIGHT?,!!,????
14. 1 and 2 these are soo,, what was going on man! um the production is shit because he was recording on a tape recorder LMAOO I like the emotion in these he does an awful lot of screaming. The original version of big jacket from nervous young man actually comes from 1 and that’s pretty cool I guess! I like the song where he goes THE FUCKING COOFFEE HOUSE I don’t remember which one it is umm I need to relistento these,, KID WAR IS ALSO RLLY GOOD
15. little pieces of paper with no written on them. Umm these songs has no written on them for a reason! this album is just basically Will releasing a bunch of experimental tracks he scrapped to the public because they’re still good,, the best song is I CAN TALK WITH MY EYES SHUT and it’s actually,, dare I say one of the best early csh songs DONT TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT THO
16. go to therapy
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