#i ordered on late on saturday and they shipped yesterday afternoon. please. please i want them now
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camellia-thea · 2 years ago
now i have items coming i am. so eager to receive items. i want them now. i want to start now. i am so impatient
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crimsonblackrose · 6 years ago
I’m a little frustrated. Part of this is my fault but also not my fault. 
So right now I’m in the midst of collecting paperwork. It’s essentially a lot of pain in the butt errands. Some are normal and things I’d have to do whether I was changing schools or not, like medical check ups. Others are new and I should’ve done them earlier because I was warned about them. (like getting another copy of my college transcript, why I need this again I don’t know but apparently I do, though all of my friends who changed jobs did not... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Some of the things had to wait for me to have time to complete them. Like the medical check up, which I couldn’t do until today. Or my recommendations. I asked for a recommendation from my coteacher at least 5 times over the span of months and I still don’t have it. I should have it tomorrow. The agent I’m working with told me to turn everything in by the 10th. (aka today) But I asked her multiple times if she wanted me to wait and send everything at once since she knew I wouldn’t be able to do the medical check up till today and still didn’t have my recommendations. She never responded so I assumed that was a yes. Maybe I shouldn’t have sent what I did have. But.... I figured it’d be for the best to collect everything and send it all at once. 
I was originally, due to all parties concerned (four parties I guess) suppose to sign my new contract on the 28th. But the new school contacted my school and requested that I come ASAP....aka yesterday...aka graduation day and thus skip graduation and go straight there instead of see the kids I’ve taught for four years graduate or my first group of sixth graders graduate middle school (our graduation is a combo for both elementary and middle school and also my second school) So I had to run around requesting from both schools to please let me attend graduation, essentially in tears, because I’d promised all of my kids I’d see them at graduation and it was a big deal to me. I essentially got shuttled back and forth in an “We don’t have a problem with it but you need to ask the other school for permission” due to a bunch of misunderstandings. It was draining...but it meant I had the 28th off and could go home. So I booked tickets home on Saturday the 26th. But only three out of the four parties were aware of this change. The new school made me promise not to tell the agent, that they’d talk to the agent about it later. 
Come yesterday, graduation starts. I’ve packed everything for an overnight trip to stay with a friend because the new school is hella far away and in order to make it there I might miss the end of graduation, but no one knew when graduation was over so I had to make an educated guess and book train tickets. But there was also no way I was going to go all the way there and come all the way back just to sign a contract. I’d just pass out from exhaustion. So I’d planned to run out of graduation, up to my classroom, grab my backpack and work bag (with my copies of the contract in it signed), run to catch the bus in order to catch the fast train I’d booked a ticket for, in order to catch another train in order to make it to the city where I’d have to find a bus and hurry to the school before the school day was over. (Yeah count that at least 4 transfers with a high chance of no time for lunch yikes). But it’d be done and I could mosey my way to my friends place, play with her cat, have dinner and then in the morning get up bright and early to take the fast train to the end of the line (not where I live) in order to do my medical check, wander around that city while waiting on the results that wouldn’t be done until 4:30 and then...finally go home. (and then on Friday go to my school, harass my coteacher one more time for my promised recommendation and drop it and all the other paper work off at the post office and pay for expedited shipping to my agent) Exhausting but by Saturday I’d be done. It’d be over and I’d be adding the finishing touches of my winter vacation plans. 
As graduation began (right after seeing someone I haven’t seen in 3 years and nearly having a mini heart attack...hey there drama that I thought would never be resolved can you not?) I got a phone call and lo and behold after all the panic of the week prior the new school’s principal wasn’t even at school so they had to cancel. Which meant I got to just enjoy the graduation and lug all my stuff back home, go to lunch with all my coworkers, and not worry about running all the way to to the new school. But it also meant...that they expected to revert to the original plan...aka the 28th...aka when I’d planned to be spending time with my California friends before continuing on my mini migration home for my birthday...which meant goodbye money and goodbye flight home. I mean I guess thank god I only booked up to getting home. But still, should’ve paid for flexible flights. Shouldn’t have booked my tickets yet. SoiIn a panicked moment I was like uhhhhh I have Friday off, should I come Friday? And I got a “I’ll ask and get back to you.”
Which brings me to today. I got up early despite having the day off. Took the bus and the train and another bus to the doctors. Did my medical check up. Spent the whole day moseying around town until the results were back because there was no way that I’d come back another day and waste more time. And I spent the day waiting for a response. Should I come Friday or do I need to call the airline and see if I can change my flights? 
And my agent who I’ve asked a couple times and then just told  a couple times that hey I’ll send everything Friday was like 
“Yo when am I getting your paperwork?” 
And I’m like.... 
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So I had to awkwardly re-explain that I had planned to send it all on Friday when I officially had it all. And I’m like...so because you either didn’t read everything I sent you or just ignored half of it or maybe forgot, you just thought I didn’t see the tenth deadline and decided not to send everything? You thought I flaked? Seriously? Come on. 
And I just got an 
Oh. Well send me the tracking code and make sure you send it the quick way.
I know. I READ ALL the e-mails and text messages.
And after finally getting my paperwork from the hospital I headed home and realized that the new school never messaged me about whether I should book it to them tomorrow or not so I messaged the teacher whose contact I have. And her response was I’ll call you tomorrow. Don’t worry we still plan to hire you.
I SHOULD HOPE SO. That’s not my main concern. It’s just I already have like 12 other errands I need to do tomorrow and I need to know whether I can accomplish them or not or whether I need to drop everything to head over 2 hours away to sign some documents or not and how I can factor that into my day. Especially since I don’t know if my coteacher has her recommendation done yet and will have it ready by morning or whether she’s expecting me to come in the afternoon to pick it up. I need to know whether I should get up early and head towards the new school or whether I can sleep in. I need to know whether I need to book the train tickets or not. I need to figure out what time train tickets I can book and what time I need to be ready to leave because of what time the bus which rarely comes will be here. Ideally I could go to school get my recommendation first thing in the morning, hike it to the post office, send it all so it gets to my agent (if I’m lucky the same day) and then head down to the new school. But schools not in session so I doubt my coteacher will arrive early. She’s usually late anyway. I don’t know if she’s even written the recommendation yet or not. I don’t know when she plans to do it, because she, like the other school, plans to call me when she’s ready for me to come pick it up. 
Add on top of all this that somehow I’d like to fit a trip to the bank because tomorrow is the only non weekend day I have off....so that if I have to go sign the contract on the 28th and have to cancel my flights I’ll have enough money in my account to try and correct the situation....ugh
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I honestly think that it’s a couple things: not reading everything I send, not paying attention, not realizing how far away I am, and my not listening to my gut when I was like “well maybe I should buy travel insurance just in case something goes wrong” but I was like nahhhh after all that fuss that I needed to be there Wednesday...
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